The Constitution Of Hindu Education Society Kashmir (Regd.) “Minority Kashmiri Hindu Community organization” Place: Jammu (Ammendments approved and adopted in 10 th AGM) Dated: October, 2010 2

The Constitution Hindu Education Society Kashmir (Regd.)

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Page 1: The Constitution Hindu Education Society Kashmir (Regd.)

The Constitution


Hindu Education Society Kashmir (Regd.)

“Minority Kashmiri Hindu Community organization”

Place: Jammu (Ammendments approved and adopted in 10th AGM) Dated: October, 2010


Page 2: The Constitution Hindu Education Society Kashmir (Regd.)

The Hindu Education Society, Kashmir (Regd.)


In the State of Jammu and Kashmir, prior to 1943, there were only three colleges namely Prince of Wales College, now Government Gandhi Memorial Science College, Jammu, S.P.Degree College, Srinagar and Sir Amar Singh College, Srinagar. Due to limited availability of seats in these institutions of higher learning, many of the desirous and even brilliant students were deprived of the benefits of higher education, which then remained broadly confined to elite class of the society especially among the majority community of the state. This problem became matter of concern for the Kashmiri Pandit Community in general which then sprouted in debates and discussions among deprived and the intellectual class of the community. The urgency of an education society, to cater to the academic aspirations of the deserving student population of the state especially from among the kashmiri Hindu population was felt, thus The Hindu Education Society Kashmir (HESK) was constituted, with some prominent citizens, and others as its registered members, comprising the General Council of the Society. The affairs of the society and the institutions started, managed, maintained, controlled, owned by it or affiliated to It, was assigned initially to a Managing Committee of 11 eminent persons as its members, nominated from the General Council of the Society. The list of founder Members of HESK is attached.


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Founder Members of the Managing Committee (HESK) S.No Name Profile Designation1. Pandit Shiv Narayan

Fotedar M.AHon’ble Chairman Legislative Council, Senior vice-president Srinagar Municipality, President Sanatan Dharam Yuavak Sabha, Kashmir,


2. Pandit Bala Kak Dhar Rais-Azam, Illaqadar and Jagirdar, Retired Wazir Wazarat


3. Pandit Jia lal KilamB.A., L.L.B

Hon’ble Judge J&K High Court, Ex-M.LA, Vice President Sanatan Dharam Yuvak Sabha.

Vice President

4 Pandit Amar Nath KakB.A

Advocate High Court, Deputy President Legislative Assembly, Member, His Highness Royal Commission


5. Pandit Janardhan TengM.A.L.L.B.

Advocate High Court, M.L.A, Municipal Commissioner.

General Secretary

6. Pandit Shamboo Nath Dhar, B.A, L.L.B

Advocate High court, Member Board of Food Control, Municipal Commissioner.


7. Pandit Sona Koul Sahib Madan

Leading Hardware Merchant and Financer

General Treasurer

8. Pandit Tara Chand Trisal

Rais and Land Lord, Retired Tehsildar, Municipal Commissioner


9. Pandit Ram Chand Pandita,M.A, B.T

Head of Department of English, Sir Amar Singh Degree College, Srinagar

Member& Educational Advisor

10 Pandit Avtar Krishern Kichloo M.A

Retired Principal S.P. Degree College, Srinagar

Principal & Ex-Officio Member

11 Pandit Prem Nath Sahib Kannae

Editor – in – Chief Daily Martand, Kashmir & Editor , Daily Milap, New Delhi



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Jammu October 2010



Memorandum & Articles of Association

to replace existing Memorandum & Rules & Regulations of The Hindu Education Society, Kashmir (Regd) Approved & Adopted by the General Council of the Society on 17.10.2010

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1.0 The name of the Society

The name of the Society is: - The Hindu Education Society Kashmir (Regd).

1.1 Domicile of the Society

The Domicile of the Society is in the State of Jammu & Kashmir, having registered office at Gandhi Memorial College Srinagar Kashmir. After migration and on existence of Gandhi Memorial College of Education at Raipur Bantalab, Jammu the working registered office came into existence at Raipur Bantalab Jammu.

2.0 Aims and Objects:

2.1 The Hindu Education Society is a social, non-political body of Minority Kashmiri

Community in the state of Jammu and Kashmir established to promote and propagate the cause of education, learning, research and training and also for Propagating / Promoting Social and cultural activities in the state of Jammu and Kashmir and outside in consonance with the ideas of the Hindu Religion and Culture and to enjoy the benefits and privileges of minority community as enshrined in the constitution of India.

2.2 Establishing, setting up, and maintaining educational institutions (both

Technical & Non Technical). These include Schools, Colleges, Computer technology institutions, Professional Colleges like Medical, Engineering, Law, Polytechnics, Research Centers, Counseling Centers, Distance Education Programmes, Fine Arts & Universities etc.

2.3 Affiliating and entering into agreement with such similar institutions for joint


2.4 Acquiring property whether land / building or any other kind of Immovable property or properties, preparing, constructing, owning, taking on hire or rent, properties of all kinds for the purposes aforesaid.

2.5 Raising and collecting funds and obtaining grants, donations and subscription

for the purpose aforesaid.

2.6 Investing, utilizing and spending incomes from all sources and funds, grants, donations and subscriptions raised/collected or obtained for the purposes


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2.7 Undertaking of all functions that may be needed to carry out the objects as aforesaid and for proper management, upkeep, maintenance and improvement of the Society and institutions started, owned, affiliated and controlled by it and implementing for expansion, development and adding up of new disciplines that may be devised by the Society under expert advice from time to time for the purposes aforesaid.

2.8 To conduct training and research in community development and evaluate community development programs.

3.0 For carrying out the aforesaid objects the Society shall frame and adopt detailed Rules and Regulations of the Society and of the institutions owned and affiliated to it.

4.0 The Society shall make such amendments in this Memorandum and Articles as may be considered necessary from time to time.


1.0.0 Name and objects of the Society.

1.1.0 The Society shall be called


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“THE HINDU EDUCATION SOCIETY, KASHMIR” (Regd).The Domicile of the Society shall be in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

1.2.0 The objects and other clauses for which the Society has been

constituted shall be the same as are given in its Memorandum of Association. The Society shall not alter, extend or abridge its objects and other clauses except as provided in clause 4.0 of the Memorandum of Association.

2.0.1 Registered Office and Branch offices of the Society

The registered office of the Society shall be in Jammu with Branch Offices at such places as may be notified from time to time.

3.0.0 Eligibility, Registration and Removal of Members of the


3.1.0 Any Hindu believing in the aims and objects of the Society shall be eligible to become a Member of the Society.

3.2.0 A person desiring to become a life Member of the Society shall submit

an application to the Executive Body in the form prescribed by the said body and after acceptance of such application by the said body, such person shall sign a declaration prescribed by the said body and pay a sum of Rs. 3,000/- against proper receipt upon which such person shall become a Member of the Society. The Membership thus granted by the Executive Body HESK shall be subject to the confirmation of the General Council.

3.3.0 On becoming a member of the Society, the name of such member

with present and permanent address telephone no. and occupation shall be entered in the register of members of the Society maintained by the General Secretary of the Society. The member shall be issued a membership letter. Such register of members shall be open for inspection of the members on the day of any meeting of the General Council. A member may request for and be provided with a copy of the list of members by depositing Rs. 50/- with the Society.

3.4.0 The name of a member may be removed from the register of members

of the Society, if such member is declared a criminal or of unsound


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mind by a competent court or acts against the aims and objects of the Society. Such decision is to be taken only after the President appoints a three member committee from the General Council and their recommendations are vetted by the Executive Body.

3.5.0 The Executive Body may suspend a member found guilty of moral

turpitude or gross misbehavior or for any other cogent reason from the membership of the Society through a resolution passed by majority, which shall be communicated to such member and such suspension reported to the General Council in its meeting held subsequent thereto for its consideration for cancellation of member ship or for taking any other action against the suspended member as may be deemed necessary.

3.6.0 The Registration of members shall remain closed a month prior to

the holding of the Annual General Meeting and to the holding of Executive Body elections. The General Council, however, reserves the right to allow registration of new member at any time under special circumstances.

3.7.0 An employee who is holding any office of profit or drawing salary from

the society can not become member of the society. However those such members who exist as on date (17.10.2010), shall continue to be the life members of the society.

4.0.0 Constitution of the General Council of the Society, its

Functions and Powers.

4.1.0 All the registered Life Members of the Society, shall constitute the General Council of the Society. The strength of such General Council shall not exceed 200 members.

4.2.0 The General Council of the Society shall conduct affairs of the Society

and the institutions owned or affiliated thereto, through its Executive Body.

4.3.0 The General Council shall approve annual budget of the Society

and institutions owned or affiliated to it which shall be a statement of revenues / income likely accruing to it during a financial year, corresponding to the one adopted by the State Government from time to time, and the estimates of expenditure to be met from such revenues / income during the same year both on revenue and capital accounts.


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4.3.1 A meeting of the General Council for approving the annual

budget shall invariably be called in the first week of the month of March every year and the deliberations scheduled in a manner by the President so that final approval to its adoption is available with the onset of the financial year to which it relates. Appropriations (budget allocations) thus, approved by the General Council shall be utilized for the purpose for which these are granted, restricting the expenditure also within the approved ceilings. Re-appropriations of funds shall be made by the Executive Body only in accordance with the prescribed detailed Rules and Regulations.

4.4.0 Any Member who absents from 10 (Ten) Annual General Council

Meetings shall be liable for termination after being served notice.

4.5.0 The General Council shall have powers to acquire, add to and dispose off the properties of the society and shall also have the authority to align and merge its activities with some other similarly established Society whose objects are similar to or substantially the same as that of the Hindu Educational Society, Kashmir.

However, any such resolution shall have to be passed by majority of the General Council, in its extra-ordinary meeting convened for the purpose, on the basis of a self explanatory agenda circulated at least 21 days prior to the date of holding such extra ordinary meeting.

4.6.0 Except as otherwise provided in these Articles, the General Council

shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) on any date to be fixed and notified at least 21 days in advance within a maximum period of three months after close of a financial year to conduct the following business:-

01- To consider and adopt Annual Report of the Executive Body regarding

functioning of the Society in the year previous to that in which the AGM is held, presented through the President.

02- To consider and adopt Income and Expenditure Statement and

Balance Sheet as at the close of the year (s) previous to that in which AGM is held, duly certified by the Auditors of the Society. The Auditors Report shall specially comment upon the behavior of the budget estimates during the year under report.

03- To consider and deliberate upon action taken report on the decisions


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taken by the General Council in its earlier meetings.

04- To consider and approve appointment of the Auditor (s) of the Society.

05- To consider and deliberate upon any other matter as may be placed before the General Council in the AGM by the President of the Executive Body or by any other Registered Member, through the President.

06- To consider removal or for taking any other necessary action in

respect of the suspended member (s).

4.7.0 An Extra Ordinary Meeting of the General Council may be called on requisition of not less than 10 members addressed to the General Secretary giving the reasons for calling of such meeting by a special notice of two weeks to consider any important or grave matter, which may also involve among other things removal of an office bearer of the Society for identified reasons. The resolution in such extra ordinary meeting shall be passed by a majority of 2/3rd Members present & voting.

4.8.0 The notice for conduct of the meeting(s) by the General Council of the

Society shall be issued by the General Secretary in accordance with these Rules alongwith an agenda(s) for such meeting(s), bringing out in sufficient detail the background of the matter(s) and the specific points required to be considered and decided by the General Council. The minutes should be properly recorded.

4.9.0 The minutes of the meeting shall be recorded faithfully by the General

Secretary or any person authorized by him. The minutes thus recorded shall be communicated to the Members within a period of two week’s by the General Secretary. The Members shall be at liberty to propose any suggestions to the minutes circulated as above. Which shall be considered by the General Council in its subsequent meeting. In case however, no such suggestions are received by the General Secretary within a period of one month from the date of their issue, they shall be deemed to be finally confirmed and adopted without any amendments.

4.10.0 Except as otherwise provided in these Rules, the quorum in the

General Council meeting (s) shall be 1/3rd of the total strength of the members listed on the Register of members. It the meeting of the General Council can not be held on the specified date for want of


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quorum the said meeting shall stand automatically postponed to next week same day. In case the next date of meeting is a public holiday it shall be held on the following working day.

5.0.0 The Management of the Society.

5.1.0 As provided for in the Rule 4.2.0, the Management of the affairs of the

Society and the overall control of the institutions started, managed maintained, controlled, owned or affiliated to it, shall rest with the Executive Body of the Society.

6.0.0 Composition of the Executive Body

6.1.0 The strength of the Executive Body shall be subject to a total of Nine (9)

members comprising President, General Secretary, Member Finance, Member Education and five other members.

6.2.0 The President, General Secretary, Member Education, Member

Finance shall not hold office for more than two consecutive terms for the same post.

6.3.0 Any member of the Executive Body who remains absent without

intimation / notice of absence for three consecutive meetings, shall be liable for removal from his Executive Body membership after being given chance to be heard.

6.4.0 The vacancy caused in the EB due to reason mentioned at 6.3.0 above

or under any other cognizable circumstances or death or removal from the membership, as mentioned in clause 3.5.0 of Articles of Association because of which the strength of Executive Body is reduced to less than the required number, under rules, may be restored from amongst the life members of the Society, temporarily, till holding of elections for the said purpose or conduct of elections, whichever is earlier. In case of same being referred to General Council, it shall be adopted by majority of members present.

6.5.0 The Executive Body may invite any eminent personality in the field of

Art, Science or Technology, education, social sciences, medicine to participate in any of its meetings, such associated member shall not, however, have right to vote in case the same is required at any given time.


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7.0.0 Functions and Powers of the Executive Body (EB)

7.1.0 All acts essential to carry out the object of the society shall be

undertaken by its Executive Body.

7.2.0 All the expenses required for running and maintenance of the Society including the staff salaries and honorarium, conveyance and other reimbursements to its members, special invites and consultants shall be met out of the funds of the Society.

7.3.0 The Executive Body shall take effective steps to ensure that budget

estimates of the Society for a financial year as approved by its General Council are actualized as far as possible and variations if any suitably explained as and when required. In this regard therefore, all funds, incomes, donation, subscription etc received by the Society shall be authorized to be utilized and spent by the Executive Body on the objects of the Society in accordance with the approved budget of a year and the surplus funds if any, shall be invested into Bank Deposits / P.O Deposits or such other interest bearing securities.

7.4.0 The Executive Body shall oversee functioning of academic,

administrative and financial affairs of the institutions owned or affiliated to the Society. The EB shall also ensure that Grants-in-Aid received by such institutions are utilized for the purpose for which these are received from time to time in accordance with the Rules and Regulations governing such Grant-in-Aid by the Government (s) or other institution (s) or any other organization (s) authorized or desirous to make such grants to the Society. The EB shall further undertake to supervise all development plans for the future growth of its institutions.

7.5.0 The Executive Body shall exercise full powers for undertaking and

performing its functions except to the extent such powers are to be exercised by the General Council.

7.6.0 The Executive Body shall frame detailed Rules and Regulations for

conduct of its business, which will, inter-alia prescribe duties and responsibilities for its functionaries at various levels including modalities for opening and operating upon bank accounts. It will, however be compulsory that the bank accounts is / are operated over signatures of not less than two functionaries to be nominated by the Executive Body. The Rules and Regulations presently in operation in the institutions


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owned or affiliated to the Society shall form part of the detailed Rules and Regulations except to the extent modified for stated reason.

7.7.0 All appointments, dismissals, transfers and terminations etc of the

employees of the Society shall be made by the Executive Body in accordance with the detailed Rules and Regulations of the Society.

7.8.0 The Executive Body of the Society shall nominate & delegate powers

to the Sub- committees, if found necessary and also to the Institutional Management Committee (s) to the extent considered necessary to facilitate the smooth functioning for accomplishing the objective of the Society.

7.9.0 The Executive Body of the Society shall not, however, sub delegate the

authority in respect of the following matters:-

01- Approval of the detailed Rules and Regulations of the Society and the institutions owned or affiliated to it.

02- Appointment of the Heads of the institutions and the Head of the

Departments of the institution (s) owned or affiliated to the Society shall be made by the Executive Body based on the recommendations of the Sub- committee constituted for the purpose, in accordance with the detailed Rules and Regulations.

03- Approval to the appointment of the staff of the Society and the

institutions owned or affiliated to it based on the recommendation of the Staff Selection Committee constituted for the purpose in accordance with the Detailed Rules and Regulations of the Society.

04- Consideration of the annual or perspective Capital and Revenue

Budgets of the Society and the institution (s) and their placement before the General Council, with their recommendations.

05- Issuance of the Guidelines for investment of the surplus funds of the


06- Approval of the raising of loans from the financial / other institutions/ Banks for setting up of new institutions, expansion and development of existing institutions etc and arranging guarantees as may be necessary for the purpose.


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07- Authorizing opening and operation of the Bank Accounts of the Society and the institution (s) owned and affiliated to it.

08- Fixing of norms for reservation of seats for the Target Groups.

09- Mortgaging / sale of the assets, both fixed and current of the Society or

institution (s) owned or affiliated to it.

10- Adopting of academic plans for the institutions owned or affiliated to the Society.

11- Maintenance and operation of the Community Development Fund for

community development programmes in accordance with the rule made for the purpose.

8.0.0 Meetings of the Executive Body

8.1.0 The meeting of the Executive Body shall be held whenever necessary

but at least once in every month by giving a written notice to the members, seven days in advance with detailed agenda explaining and giving required data of various items to be brought under discussion and decisions.

8.2.0 The venue of the meeting shall be the Registered Office of the Society

or its any other official premises. 8.3.0 The Executive Body meetings shall be chaired by the President or in his

absence by any other member nominated by the President or as may be decided by members present.

8.4.0 The General Secretary of the Society shall be the Convener of the

meetings or in his absence any other member of the EB nominated by the President shall discharge the duties of General Secretary for that particular meeting. The agenda of the meeting shall be circulated among the members by Convener at least 7 days prior to holding of the EB meeting. The minutes of the meeting shall be recorded faithfully by the Convener or on his behalf by any other nominated person. The Convener shall circulate the minutes of the meeting so recorded to all the members of the Executive Body. The members within 15 days of the receipt of such minutes shall send their suggestions if any to the Convener for consideration / discussion. In case nothing is received


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from any member the same should be taken as accepted. The minutes for adoption shall be recorded in bound register maintained for the purpose and pages of such register should be numbered.

8.5.0 The Quorum of the meeting of the Executive Body shall be 50%

of its members. If a meeting can not be conducted because of lack of quorum such meeting shall automatically stand postponed to next week same day, time and place. In case that day is a public holiday it shall be held on the following working day.

8.6.0 The Executive Body shall debate upon and decide all issues placed

before it by a majority of vote. The President and in his / her absence, the chair person of the meeting for the day shall exercise his / her vote in case of a tie.

8.7.0 All the decisions passed by the Executive Body shall necessarily be

followed by appropriate orders issued by the General Secretary.

9.0.0 Institutions Managing Committee, its Composition and Functions:

9.1.0 In order to ensure smooth and efficient functioning of the

institutions owned or affiliated to the Society, each of such institutions shall have a separate Institutional Management Committee to be constituted by the Executive Body keeping in view the Rules and Regulations governing payment of Grant-in-Aid to the educational institutions followed by the State Government or any other such institution (s) desirous of making such grants. Accordingly it shall comprise:-

01- The President of Society shall be chairman of the Institutional

Managing Committee.

02- The Principal / Head of the institution shall be the ex-officio Secretary of the Committee.

03- Two members elected by the staff shall be their representatives.

04- One members nominated by the affiliating University.

05- Four Members nominated form the Executive Body of the Society


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including invariably General Secretary, Member Finance and Member Education.

9.2.0 The Institutional Managing Committee shall be reconstituted on expiry of

every three (3) years.

9.3.0 Nominated Member (s) shall be a member (S) of the Institutional Management Committee, till such members hold his / their office. Similarly, the Members nominated by the Executive Body shall cease to be such members once they are removed from the Register of Members of the Society.

9.4.0 Should any nominated Member cease to be a member of the

Institutional Management Committee because of any reason whatsoever, the successor of such member shall be nominated within one week by the Executive Body of the Society or as early as possible.

9.5.0 The functions, duties and responsibilities of every Institutional

Management Committee shall be as laid down by the Executive Body from time to time.

9.6.0 The Institutional Management Committee shall execute programmes /

schemes provided for in the Annual Budget of the Society and relating to the respective Institutions within the financial / Physical ceilings prescribed therein. Deviations if any, required to be made in such programmes shall be done with the prior approval of the Executive Body of the Society.

9.7.0 The Institutional Management Committee and other

functionaries of the institutions shall exercise the same powers as are delegated to them by the Executive Body of the Society from time to time.

9.8.0 The Institutional Management Committee shall meet as and when

required but at least once in a period of three months.

9.9.0 The meetings of the Institutional Management Committee shall be called by concerned Ex- Officio Secretary by issue of a notice seven days prior to the holding of such meeting. Agenda for the meeting giving details of the matter (s) to be discussed shall form part of such a notice alongwith an Action taken report on the earlier decisions of the Institutional Management Committee.


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9.10.0 The quorum for holding of the meeting of Institutional Managing Committee shall be fifty percent of its strength.

9.11.0 It shall be responsibility of the Ex-officio Secretary of the Institutional

Management Committee to record minutes to be confirmed in the subsequent meeting. A copy of the minutes alongwith the agenda brought under consideration in a meeting shall be submitted to the General Secretary of the Society to be placed before the Executive Body in their next meeting.

9.12.0 The Executive Body will have a right to refer back any decision taken by

the Institutional Management Committee for its re-consideration if it is not found to meet the objectives of the Society or goes contrary to the Detailed Rules and Regulations of the Society.

10.0.0 Elections of the Executive Body of the society:

10.1.0 The term of the Executive Body of the Society shall expire on the

completion of a period of three (3) years from the date after taking over charge, which may be extended for a maximum period of 6 months, by resolution passed by majority Registered Members present in an extra ordinary Meeting of the General Council called by a special notice of three weeks issued to all members listed in the Register of Members maintained by the Society.

10.2.0 The date of holding of the election to the Executive Body shall be

announced by the General council in its Annual General Meeting when the period of office of the Executive Body has expired or is likely to expire within a period of two months.

10.3.0 Such Annual General Meeting of the General Council shall appoint an

Election Authority who shall be responsible to fix the modalities for smooth and orderly conduct of the elections to the Executive Body of the Society. The election authority shall be elected from out of panel of eminent persons outside the General Council suggested by any of its members, and approved by the General Council.

10.4.0 On appointment of the Election Authority, it shall be his responsibility

to fix the modalities for conduct of elections of President, General Secretary, Member Finance, Member Education and other 5 (five) members of the Executive Body.


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10.5.0 The Election Authority shall have the authority to select his own team for conducting such election and to incur expenditure for conduct of the elections as may be found necessary which shall be borne by the Society.

10.6.0 All the members listed on the Membership register of the Society shall

constitute the Electoral college of the Society to be notified by the Election officer atleast 15 days prior to the date of holding of elections.

10.7.0 The list of the Members whose nominations have been finally accepted

for contesting the elections as aforementioned shall be notified by giving wide publicity to such notification by the Election Authority at least ten days prior to the date of conduct of elections.

10.8.0 The elections shall be held through secret ballot, every Registered

Member having one single non-transferable vote. 10.9.0 On completion of the election the Election Officer, shall list out and

announce the names of the elected members forthwith. 10.10.0 The office of the Election Officer shall cease to function after the election

process is complete. 10.11.0 On declaring the results of the elections the Members elected to the

Executive Body shall take the oath of allegiance to the cause and objects of the Society and shall sign a declaration to abide by the constitution and detailed Rules and Regulations of the Society and such oath of the office shall be administered by the outgoing President of the Society before they assume the office which shall be done within a maximum period of seven days from the date of declaration of election results.

11.0.0 Maintenance of the Official Records of the Society, Executive Body and the institutions owned and affiliated to it.

11.1.0 The minutes of the meetings of the General Council and the Executives

Body and other records pertaining to the activities of the General Council and the Executive Body shall remain in the custody of the General Secretary excepting Accounting records which shall remain in the custody of the Member Finance. The General Secretary and Member Finance shall be assisted by employees of the Society nominated for the purpose.


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11.2.0 The minutes of the meeting of the Institutional Management Committee

and other relevant files, records and records of other sub-committees etc. shall remain in the custody of the heads of such committees which will include the accounting records etc to be assisted by employees of the institution nominated for the purpose.

11.3.0 The 11 copies of the amended constitution should invariably be signed

by members of the constitution amendment committee besides it should bear the signatures of President and General Secretary.

11.4.0 The copies of the constitution should be printed and one copy sent to all

Life Members

11.5.0 The copies of the updated constitution should be submitted to the registrar of Societies under proper covering letter signed by the General secretary and receipt taken thereof. All such records should be in the safe custody of the General Secretary.

12.0.0 Accounts and Audit:

12.1.0 The following time schedule shall be followed for drawing and auditing of

the final accounts of the Society for a financial year.

01- The head of every institution owned or affiliated to the Society shall draw the final accounts in respect of his / her institution for a financial year (April-March) within a maximum period of one month after close of said year i.e. by end of April of the following year and submit the same to the Member Finance of the Executive Body to be received by the said Member by or before 15th day of May, every year.

02- The Member Finance shall arrange to compile final accounts of

the Society as a whole in a manner that while reflecting over all position of financial transactions under prescribed heads of account, it shall also depict similarly the final accounts position of the year under report in respect of every individual institution owned or affiliated to the Society.

03- The final accounts thus compiled shall be placed before the

Executive Body for their consideration and referring these to the Auditors.


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12.2.0 The Auditors of the Society as well as the institutions shall submit their

Audit Report to the president of the Society with a copy each to the Head of the institution to be placed before the General Council in its Annual General Meeting for their consideration and adoption.

12.3.0 The final consolidated authenticated balance sheet should be published

at least in two daily local newspapers.

12.4.0 Financial year shall be from 1st April to 31 March of the following year.

13.0.0 Legal Jurisdiction

13.1.0 All disputes on whatsoever issue with regard to the Society shall be subject to the jurisdiction of Courts of the place where its registered office is situated.

14.0.0 Initial Constitution of the Society

14.1.0 The Society under the name and style “The Hindu Education Society,

Kashmir stands registered under Act No. VI of Samvat 1998 (an Act to provide for the registration of literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies) in the year 1945. A photocopy of the Registration Certificate bearing No. 5 issued over the seal and signature of Registrar Joint stock companies on 10.10.2001 (Samvat) at Jammu appears as Annexure – 01.

14.2.0 The institutions maintained, controlled and managed by the Society

registered in 1945 are given in Annexure-02. Present names of institutions are also indicated against their original names.

14.3.0 A copy of the constitution of the Society with which it stands registered

aforesaid is reproduced in Annexure-03.

Annexure – 02

Memorandum & Articles of Association of HESKList of institutions owned, controlled and managed by the


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Society when registered in 1994.

S.No Name as at the time of Present name

Registration of the Society 1. Hindu College Srinagar Gandhi Memorial College Srinagar / Jammu 2. Hindu High School Srinagar Hindu High School Sheetal Nath, Srinagar 3. Hindu Primary School Malyar Closed 4. Hindu Middle School Purshiyar Hindu High School Purshiyar, Srinagar


Personnel of the Managing CommitteeThe Hindu Education Society Kashmir


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1. Pt. Shive Narayan Fottedar, M.A, Member Legislative Assembly,

Senior Vice President Srinagar,Municipality President Sanatan

Dharma Yuvak Sabha, Kashmir President 2. Pt. Bala Kak Dhar, Rais Aizam,

Illaqadar and Jagirdar Retired Wazir Wazarat Member

3. Pt. Jia Lal Kilam, B.A, L.L.B,

Advocate High Curt, Ex- MLA,Vice President Sanatan

Dharma Yuvak Sabha, Vice President 4. Pt. Amar Nath Kak, B.A Advocate

High Court, Deputy President, Legislative Assembly, MemberHis Highness Royal Commission Member

5. Pt. Janardhan Teng, MA LLB

Advocate High Court, MLA &Muncipal Commissioner General Secretary

6. Pt. Shambhu Nath Dhar, BA

LLB, Advocate High Court,Member Board of Food ControlMunicipal Commissioner Secretary

7. Pt. Sona Koul Sahib Madan

Leading Hardware Merchant and Financier General Treasurer

8. Pt. Tara Chand Trisal, Rais and Land Lord Retired Tehsildar

Municipal Commissioner Member


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9. Pt. Ram Chand Pandita MA, BT,

Head of the Department of English,Sir Amar Singh Degree CollegeSrinagar. Member & Educational

Advisor 10. Pt. Avtar Krishan Kichloo MA

Retired Principal of the S.P Degree College Srinagar Principal & Ex- Officio

Member 11. Pt. Prem Nath Sahib Kanaw,

Editor-in-Chief Daily MartandKashmir Member