The Complete Cat Your Guide to Cat Care and Training

The Complete CatThe Complete Cat Your Guide to Cat Care and Training . Table of Contents ... If you are considering purchasing or adopting a cat, then there are a few steps you will

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Page 1: The Complete CatThe Complete Cat Your Guide to Cat Care and Training . Table of Contents ... If you are considering purchasing or adopting a cat, then there are a few steps you will

The Complete Cat

Your Guide to Cat Care and Training

Page 2: The Complete CatThe Complete Cat Your Guide to Cat Care and Training . Table of Contents ... If you are considering purchasing or adopting a cat, then there are a few steps you will

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 3

CHAPTER 1...................................................................................................................... 4

CHOOSING A CAT OR KITTEN........................................................................................... 4

Finding the Right Cat.................................................................................................. 4

Cat Breeds................................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER 2.................................................................................................................... 16

BASIC CAT CARE ........................................................................................................... 16

The Stages of Feline Development............................................................................ 16

The Litter Box ........................................................................................................... 17

Cleaning Up Cat Messes........................................................................................... 18

Your Cat’s Diet ......................................................................................................... 20

CHAPTER 3.................................................................................................................... 22

CAT HEALTH ISSUES...................................................................................................... 22

Hacking Up Hairballs............................................................................................... 22

Deworming Your Cat ................................................................................................ 23

Ear Mites................................................................................................................... 24

Fleas.......................................................................................................................... 25

Vaccinations.............................................................................................................. 27

Neutering Your Cat ................................................................................................... 28

Overactive Thyroid ................................................................................................... 29

Diabetes .................................................................................................................... 30

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease........................................................................ 31


Page 3: The Complete CatThe Complete Cat Your Guide to Cat Care and Training . Table of Contents ... If you are considering purchasing or adopting a cat, then there are a few steps you will

Introduction There are dog people and then there are cat people. For those of you have cats,

then you know that there are people cats and not so people cats. Some love

people and others decide on their own when they want to be involved. Cats are

unique and very independent pets. They make great pets because they are very

easy to care for and they will let you know when they need care or attention. If

you don’t have cats then you are in for a whole new world of pet ownership.

If you are considering purchasing or adopting a cat, then there are a few steps

you will want to take to prepare for cat ownership. You will also want to ensure

that you are not allergic to cats, which is the main reason why people have to find

their cats new homes. If you have never spent much time around a cat then it is

a good idea to visit someone who has cats and spend a considerable amount of

time around them. If you don’t have an allergy attack then you’re probably going

to be okay. There are also cat dander tests that you can have done through your

doctor, but you can save yourself the pain and hassle by being around a cat for a


The next thing to consider is your lifestyle. Some cats get along well with dogs,

especially small breeds, but others are not going to want to have anything to do

with them. Cats do need less interaction than dogs, but they can get into even

more mischief if they become bored. It has often been said that a bored cat is a

bad cat. If you work long hours, your cat may need another feline friend.

If your cat will fit into your household then you are going to discover an incredible

new relationship that you have never had with a pet before. Kittens are often the

best way to start because they don’t have the bad habits that older cats may

have. You can also litter box train them yourself and this is where this eBook

helps you out. This book will explain to the different types of cats as well as how

to train and care for your new cat.


Page 4: The Complete CatThe Complete Cat Your Guide to Cat Care and Training . Table of Contents ... If you are considering purchasing or adopting a cat, then there are a few steps you will

Chapter 1

CChhoooossiinngg aa CCaatt oorr KKiitttteenn

Kittens are often the best cats to start out with. With a kitten you are starting with

a clean slate and you will have a friend that will quickly bond with you. Kittens

are excellent because they don’t have any bad habits yet and you can begin

training them your rules right away. Older cats are often best if you are a low

energy person and you don’t have time to constantly be looking after a kitten to

ensure they are not getting in any mischief. Older cats have usually been

spayed or neutered, may be declawed and their maintenance is much easier in

terms of feeding and vaccinations. Ultimately, it will be up to you to determine if

your lifestyle fits a kitten or an older cat.

Finding the Right Cat

There are numerous cat breeds and it is important to choose one that is right for

you and your family.

When choosing a cat the first thing you need to think about is whether you will be

able to deal with a cat that is vocal. Some breeds can be almost noisy. Many

people do not mind this vocalization, as they know that the cat is merely

communicating with them, but it might be a problem if you live in an apartment or

you already have a house of loud kids.

Vocal breeds include:




Quiet cat breeds include:


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Scottish Fold


America Curl

We all know that cats decide who they want to cuddle with and when. This also

means that you can choose a breed that loves to cuddle or, if you’re not the

cuddly type, then you may want a cat that is more aloof. Aloof cats are able to

occupy themselves, while cuddly cats need more attention. Your lifestyle will

also help you decide which type of cat you will want. Remember that cuddly cats

are also best for children.

Cuddly cat breeds include:



Maine Coon



Himalayan Persian

Less sociable cats include:

Norwegian Forest Cat


Russian Shorthair

If you want a cat that is not always in mischief or one that needs to be able to

amuse itself, then do not choose:






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British Angora breeds

If you are a homebound person or if you have a lot of free time these breeds can

be excellent for you. If you are not home very often, be prepared to come home

to the unexpected.

While you are looking for the right cat breed, don’t be too caught up in these

personality features. Personalities will differ in the breeds as well and will have a

lot to do with the environment that the cat grew up in or is going to grow up in.

One of the most important features to consider is whether you want a short hair

or a longhaired breed. People who don’t have a lot of time to spend on grooming

will want to go with short. Grooming adult longhaired cats can be time

consuming, although the cats will be beautiful. If you neglect the long hair,

however, it will definitely become a tangled and matted mess. This means that

you may have to have the cat shaven and start all over with their long hair.

Once you have considered these different features and personality traits, then

you can begin looking at the different breeds and begin to search for the one that

sounds like it will fit your style.

Cat Breeds

Abyssinian: These cats are incredibly personable and affectionate. They love to

interact with families as well. The Abyssinian features a graceful tail that is often

as long as their body. They come in many shades from red to lilac. These cats

are also very curious and like to know what is going on around them. If you don’t

provide the cat with any toys, then expect them to want to explore and they will

climb curtains, fences, etc. Also, don’t be surprised if they are able to learn a few

commands as well.


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American Bobtail: These cats are friendly and gain their name from their short

tail. These cats are available as both shorthair and longhair. The shorthaired cat

does not have a smooth coat, however. These cats are somewhat nosy and are

prone to becoming mischievous when bored. They should have toys and things

to keep them out of trouble. The temperament of this cat is great for families.

They often do best with another cat in the house.

American Curl: These cats are interesting, as they do not have ears that curve

back toward the back of their heads. They have varying degrees of curl in their

ears. This cat is known for being quiet and sweet natured. They are also great

for apartments. These cats tend to be on the inactive side and enjoy lounging

most of the day. They are also able to entertain themselves, which means they

are great for people who work long hours.

American Shorthair: These cats come in a variety of colors with tabbies being

among the most common and popular. They are also available with self, tortie

and bicolors. The silver tabby is very popular, as is the calico. These are mild

mannered cats that are fairly quiet. They are also good hunters. These cats will

tolerate children and other pets as long as no one mishandles them. They make

great family pets.

American Wirehair: These cats have a similar body type to the American

Shorthair. These cats are not very vocal, but they can be demanding. The breed

is very sweet and affectionate overall. Their sociable nature makes them very

playful. Be sure to have plenty of toys to keep these cats entertained.

Balinese: These cats are very elegant and fun loving. They are very graceful

and flexible. They are capable of getting into a variety of different places and

they have been considered little magicians. These cats enjoy the company of

people and other cats. They do not tend to be a good choice for people who


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work a lot. If you do, it is wise to have a second Balinese as a playmate. These

cats are highly intelligent and will need toys to keep them occupied.

Birman: These cats are an older cat breed and it is believed that they originated

from the cats that guarded the Burman temples. If you are looking for a cat that

isn’t as demanding for attention, then you are going to like this cat. They are not

too standoffish, but they aren’t needy either. They are playful, affectionate and

curious though. They are laid back and relaxed as well.

Bombay: If you spend a lot of time at home then you are going to like these cats.

They will spend all day with you and curl in any lap. These cats enjoy being with

families, but do not enjoy being home alone. If you are gone a lot, then they will

need a friend to keep them occupied. They also get along with dog breeds that

are tolerable of cats. Children will love them as well.

British Shorthair: If you need a hunter, then you need a British Shorthair. This

cat is a descendent of the British barn and house cats. This cat breed is pretty

laid back, but the do not tend to enjoy cuddling or holding. They hate being

picked up or handle too much. The chances that they will cuddle with you while

you watch television are slim as well. If you want a cat, but you are gone a lot,

then this is the cat for you.

Burmese: If you like the Oriental cat breeds and you want a quieter cat then you

will want to consider the Burmese. This is a friendly and sociable cat that enjoys

being around people. These cats will also do better with another Burmese as

well. This is because they like attention and will need a friend while you are

away. They are laid back and they don’t stress out easily. They like visitors and

they are friendly. They do not tend to be as playful as some of the Oriental

breeds though.


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Chartreux: If you enjoy pets that can learn tricks, then this is the cat for you.

These cats have been likened to dogs as they love people and they don’t like to

be alone. They also don’t care for the company of other cats, so it will be

completely up to you to keep them happy. The breed is on the quiet side, but

they do have a high-pitched meow when it comes out. An interesting fact about

these cats is that they are never named with the letters K, Q, W, X, Y and Z.

They are also named with a specific letter each year. Talk to your breeder about

the name to ensure you follow the tradition, especially if you plan on showing the


Colorpoint Shorthair: These cats are close relatives to the Siamese. These

cats are less likely to cause allergies, which make them a very popular breed.

However, someone with allergy-induced asthma should not own a cat and this

cat is not suitable either. These cats are also very popular because they are

sociable and thrive on attention. If you work long hours, you will want two.

Cornish Rex: These cats are unique and unusual in appearance. They are look

as though they are straight out of Egyptian artwork. This breed loves people and

if you are not home often, they are a bad choice for you. This cat will need

attention and many people get a second cat or a cat friendly dog to keep them

company. These cats are also natural born performers and can be trained tricks

and games. They are also good for families with children. These cats are also

safe for some people with allergy problems.

Devon Rex: These cats are good-natured and have been compared to monkeys

or ornery children. They tend to be very well behaved and placid. However, they

will get into more trouble than your typical household cat if they are left alone for

long periods of time. Their naughty antics usually involve food that is left out on

the counter. They are all about putting up the groceries with you and cooking

meals. Don’t be surprised if they want to ride around on your shoulders either.


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Egyptian Mau: This is a unique cat that is close related to the African Wild Cat.

These cats also have an extra paw that is unique to the breed. You will also

enjoy this cats vocalizations. They feature sounds that are similar to chuckles

rather than mewing. The sound is quiet and pleasant. They also wag their tails

similar to a dog. They are very intelligent and playful. They are often very

devoted to their families as well and will spend a lot of time with you.

European Burmese: These are sweet and loving cats. They enjoy spending

time with you, but they are not overly playful either. The breed is tolerant of

children and pets, and they are not suitable for people who do not spend a lot of

time at home. They love to curl up and doze in the nearest nap. They are also

fond of spending time with other cats, so you may consider two.

Exotic: The Exotic is an ideal cat for the person who loves the Persian, but not

their coat. This cat looks like a Persian, but they have shorter hair. This is a

quiet and gentle cat that is curious by nature. The breed is more active than the

Persian, but they are not obnoxious for attention. They do not crave the

company of other cats and will come for you for attention.

Havana Brown: These cats are closely related to the Siamese and have a

similar appearance. They will spend hours plotting an ambush and don’t be

surprised if they pounce on unsuspecting family members. They are very playful

and very mischievous. They can deal with you being gone for hours, but will do

best with another friend of the same breed around. However, don’t be surprised

if your house isn’t exactly the way you left it. These cats also have a loud purr,

although they are not vocally obnoxious.

Japanese Bobtail: These cats have a short, fluffy bobtail that looks like a

pompom. If you want a quiet cat, then you won’t want this one. These cats are

very vocal and energetic. If you don’t mind constant mewling, then you will like

these cats and their communication skills. They will create their own toys if they


Page 11: The Complete CatThe Complete Cat Your Guide to Cat Care and Training . Table of Contents ... If you are considering purchasing or adopting a cat, then there are a few steps you will

are not supplied with their own, so don’t be surprised if they are playing with your

keys or sunglasses.

Javanese: These cats are very vocal breeds. They will often just try to hold a

conversation with you. They are also truly lap cats and will perch on your lap,

shoulders and even crawl under the covers. They are very smart and can learn

fetch, to walk on a leash and to come when called. They are playful and


Koret: The Koret is well known for its keen senses. They do not care for noisy

environments because of this and they need to be accustomed to noise from a

kitten to be able to handle it. If you want a cat that is undemanding, but still

affectionate then this is not the cat for you. They are known to have attitudes

and be bossy. They demand attention, but only when they want it.

La Perm: This is a cat that just looks like it is having a bad hair day, or off of

someone’s head in the 80s. These cats are very affectionate and playful. They

are great if you have a family or multiple cats. They also love to mouse and run

around outdoors. They do not tend to be very cuddly house cats.

Maine Coon: If you are a dog lover, but want a cat then this is the breed for you.

They are very intelligent and do not have a cat-like personality. They get along

well with other cats, dogs, children and other animals. They are known for their

hunting abilities as well as their great personalities. They are also content being

the only pet in the home. These cats are a bit on the vocal side with their unique

chirps. Although, some people find their unique vocalizations annoying.

Manx: These cats are good for the career-oriented person. They are quiet, but

still playful and sweet. They have a gentle attitude and don’t need the company

of others. These cats are also quiet and good for apartments. They do have the


Page 12: The Complete CatThe Complete Cat Your Guide to Cat Care and Training . Table of Contents ... If you are considering purchasing or adopting a cat, then there are a few steps you will

ability to jump very high and these cats will often perch on top of refrigerators and


Norwegian Forest: These are fairly quiet cats that like to be with the people they

know. They tend to be reserved around strangers. They do like to be around

their family can be energetic as well as entertaining around them. These cats

are great for busy professionals and are ideal in apartments and condos. They

also do not need the companionship of another cat.

Ocicat: These cats are very people oriented. They will become depressed if

they are left alone for long periods of time, so they are not best for the busy

person who is out of the house a lot. They are very intelligent and will enjoy a

variety of toys. They can also learn simple commands such as come and fetch.

Oriental: These cats are very vocal, just like their Siamese relatives. They do

very well in multiple cat households and should have a friend if you are not home

very often. They may get into twice as much mischief together though. These

cats are very active with a lot of personality.

Persian: These cats are known for their grumpy looking faces and very long hair.

These cats are not very vocal and they are very calm. They are great if you have

more than one cat in the house or if you also have dogs. They rarely fight with

anybody. If they don’t like the other pet, they tend to just stay away. They have

a calm temperament that makes them good family cats. They are very content

just to lie around and doze.

Ragamuffin: These cats love to be a part of your daily routines and enjoy

“helping” you out. They thrive on this attention, so if you are not home much this

breed is not for you. They are very tolerant of children and don’t mind the

occasional dress up party. These cats need to be a part of the family and will do


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anything with the kids, even attend the tea party and ride around in the doll


Ragdoll: This breed is one of the largest cat breeds and is known for their calm

demeanor. They are also known for their dog-like behavior. They will greet you

at the door and follow you through the house. They will also snuggle by you on

the sofa. If you do not believe in de-clawing, but you also do not want your

furniture ruined by claws then this may be the breed for you. These cats do not

mind other cats, but prefer to spend time with the family.

Russian Blue: If you are a busy career person, you will want to consider the

Russian Blue. They are very devoted family pets and will try to comfort you

when you are ill or depressed. They are also very intelligent and can learn to

open doors, come and fetch.

Scottish Fold: This is a gently cat, but not necessarily cuddly. They are

reserved and self-contained, which means they don’t need a whole lot of

attention. You can very well be a busy person and this cat will be fine. They do

enjoy you being around though.

Selkirk Rex: If you are a career type person or just not home very often, this will

be a good cat for you. They also do well in multiple cat households and with

children. They will actually put up with children well and can enjoy being a part of

tea parties and riding around in strollers.

Siamese: These are very affectionate and playful cats. They are not for those

who don’t spend much time at home, as they are often plotting their next

mischievous act. They do best in a pair, which helps keep their loneliness under

control, but not necessarily their mischief. These cats are also very vocal and



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Siberian: These cats are descendents of farm cats, which means that they are

very capable of taking care of themselves. They are great hunters and have a lot

of common sense. They are very agile as well. These cats are often considered

great for people who want a dog, but can’t have one. They love to “help out”

around the house and they enjoy hanging out with you or your kids. They are

very playful and they enjoy a lot of stimulation to be happy. They are also very

good at making their own toys out of paper bags, feathers, empty boxes, etc.

Singapura: These cats have a reputation for being very playful. They slow down

as they mature, but they will continue to romp and pounce. They are great if you

have a multiple cat household. Even un-neutered tomcats tend to get along. If

you have several of this breed, don’t be surprised to find them all hanging out in

a pile. They will also likely snuggle in bed with you each morning – all of them.

Somali: If you like the Abyssinian, but want a longhaired cat then you will love

the Somali. They are playful cats and make toys out of anything available. They

are great for multiple cat families as well. If you are not home much, you will

need to consider having another cat as a friend. They are able to learn to walk

on a leash, fetch toys and even come when called.

Sphynx: These cats do not do well alone, as they really need attention from the

family. These cats will do well with another Sphynx around if you are unable to

be home a lot. They are naturally mischievous, yet fun loving. These cats

produce oil on their skin, as a cat with hair would so you will need to wipe them

down daily with a towel to remove this oil.

Tonkinese: These cats enjoy being with the family, even if that means

succumbing to the dress up party. They need toys to keep them occupied during

the day and will need a friend if you are not home often. They also enjoy sneak

attacks on suspecting family members. These cats are great if you are home to

give them a lot of attention.


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Turkish Angora: These are very intelligent longhaired cats. They are elegant

and graceful, as well as vocal and need attention. They tend to run around the

house trying to pounce an invisible pest. They also love to play with balls. They

will explore their surroundings as well. These cats will require that you kitty proof

your home. They are able to entertain themselves during the day while you are

at work, but they are often happier with the company of another cat.

Turkish Van: this is a cat that loves to play and needs plenty of toys. They are

great alone during the day, but they want attention in the mornings and evenings.

They will also want to curl up in your lap while you watch television.


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Chapter 2

BBaassiicc CCaatt CCaarree

Every cat needs a certain level of care. Depending on the breed, they may need

specialized care in terms of grooming as well as any special health provisions.

The Stages of Feline Development

When a kitten is born it’s hard to imagine them growing into full-grown cats.

When kittens are born they are blind and completely dependent on mom. The

first stage of their life involves eating and growing. Once their eyes are open,

however, they will begin to explore the world around them.

By the time a kitten is four weeks old, they will begin romping around with their

siblings. They will begin to learn about the litter box as well as become well

socialized. In the wild, the mother will supplement their diet with prey that she

has caught and killed. This means you should consider providing a soft cat food

or dry food that is softened with a little water.

By six to eight weeks they will begin exploring a little more. They will venture into

other rooms and follow their mother around. They will also begin to develop their

hunting abilities. At eight weeks old they are usually completely weaned and

ready to move to their new home.

For several months after weaning they will continue to grow and will do so rather

quickly. They will need series of vaccinations to ensure that they don’t catch any

diseases. They will also learn how to interact with the family and learn their

boundaries. Your kitten should also learn his name and perhaps a few other

commands. If you have a longhaired cat, you will also need to begin regularly

grooming the cat and get them used to it.


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As adolescents, cats will begin to transition from kittenhood to being a mature

cat. This means they may act like teenagers somewhat and have bad attitudes.

This stage begins around five to six months. This may last until the cat reaches

his first year. He will be playful, but may occasionally get to rough.

Cats should be neutered at six months of age, as they will be old enough to

reproduce. Neutering will also help them transition through their “teenage” stage.

The cat will also begin to fill out and bulk up as it continues to mature.

Older cats will also develop and go through different transitions. For example,

they will also go through a middle age period, just as people do. The good news

is that your cat doesn’t have a credit card or money, so you don’t have to worry

about them running out and buying any expensive toys. The boys might be

interested in a new female companion though.

The Litter Box

One of the biggest drawbacks for some cat owners is the litter box. Not only do

you have to clean it, but you also have to teach your kitten to use it.

It is usually fairly easy to teach your kitten to use a litter box. The most important

thing is that you put it in the place you want it and leave it there. You also need

to keep it clean so that they won’t decide to use the carpet instead. A litter box

should also not be kept near food bowls or water, as cats like to keep these

areas clean.

Once you find the right place for the litter box, you will need to teach the cat what

the litter box is for. Begin by placing the cat in the box and raking your fingers

through the litter. Your cat may quickly decide that they need to use it right

away. If they hop out, play with them a few minutes and then place them back in

the box. Repeat the process several times, but try not to overdo it.


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After your cat eats, you will want to wait for about 10 to 15 minutes and then

place them in the litter box. If they use it, then you will want to praise them. If

your cat is taking a nap, watch the cat and place him in the litter box when he

wakes up.

If your cat has an accident, you don’t want to scold them. They will only become

frustrated or angry. Instead place the litter box in the area the cat tends to have

accidents and encourage the cat to use it. Once they get in the habit, they

should start to use it regularly. If the cat stops, try cleaning it. If it is not dirty,

have the vet check him out for a bladder infection or other health problem.

There are several litter box designs that make it easier to keep the litter box

clean. The hooded type is best for cats that want their privacy. It is also good for

those who kick and make a lot of dust. There are also removable lines that help

you in cleaning the litter box. Simply lift out the whole liner and discard it.

Another popular litter box is the design that is self-cleaning. These are best for

multiple family cats. The litter box automatically cleans itself after each use. You

then empty the container the soiled litter is discarded in.

Cleaning Up Cat Messes

Messes are common when your cat is first learning to use the litter box. If you

don’t get these messes cleaned up as soon as possible, you may be stalked by

lingering odors.

Cat urine is very smelly and it will only get worse the longer that it sits. This is

due to bacteria feeding on the organic waste that is in the urine. Those wastes

are then converted into gases. The longer the urine sits, the more it will soak

through your carpet, pad and even the wood beneath your carpet. This makes it

nearly impossible to remove.


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Begin cleaning by blotting the urine first. Use an old towel to soak up as much as

possible. Follow up with paper towels to remove as much urine as possible and

no moisture can be seen. The area should be diluted next by spraying it heavily

with water and mild white vinegar. Blot after spraying. Continue this process

until the area is clean.

In some cases you may need to neutralize the odor. This is necessary if the

cleaned spot has dried, but the odor is still there. There are several chemical

odor removers such as Febreeze and OdorEater that will neutralize the smell.

If you have old stains, you will want to neutralize the odors as well. Carpets and

padding will often need to be replaced if the odor and urine has sunk all the way

through to the underlying floor. If the scent of urine lingers in a room, but you

can’t find the spot you can use a black light in the room to illuminate it.

If your cat is urinating outside of its litter box and the cat has been using the litter

box regularly, take the cat to the vet to see if the cat has a urinary infection.

Cat spray is perhaps the worst smell in the world. It can definitely take your

breath away so be prepared when cleaning these messes. A cat that sprays can

be a real nuisance. The best way to clean cat spray is to catch it as quickly as

you can. It is also best to stop the spray behavior so you don’t have to deal with

these messes. Many cats will stop spraying if you neuter them. This doesn’t

always work though. You can also prevent the spray through a pheromone

based training product. This product mimics the pheromones that are natural to

cats and the cat loses its impulse to mark its territory.

Cats are also notorious for vomiting, whether it is a hairball or just food. Cat

vomit can be very difficult to remove, especially if the cat is eating a food that has

red dye in it. In this instance, you will probably have to call a steam cleaning

company to clean your carpets. For vomiting, and diarrhea as well, you will need


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paper towels and a small stiff-bristled brush. You will also need a water and

detergent mixture and an odor neutralizer. The area will need to be blotted,

diluted, blotted, diluted and blotted until it is sufficiently clean. You will then need

to use your neutralizing product.

Your Cat’s Diet

Kittens will need a kitten food to ensure that they are receiving all of the nutrients

they need to grow. When it comes to feeding your cat there are many options.

There’s dry and there’s canned. There’s kitten and cat. In general cats need

only four main nutrients. They require a meat based protein, taurine, water and

various vitamins and minerals. Kitten food includes all of these just more to give

the kitty the necessary energy to grow and be healthy and this is the main

difference between cat and kitten food.

For the first five weeks, the kitten will be nursing from its mother. At week five

the kittens can start to be weaned. They may continue to nurse until they are

eight to ten weeks old. Pet owners should feed the mother a kitten food to

ensure that she is receiving all the necessary nutrients that she needs for herself

and her kittens. All animals have a higher nutrient requirement when they are

pregnant. At week five, the kitten can begin to eat canned kitten food with its

mother. The first ingredient on the package should be either chicken, beef or


Kittens will need kitten food for their first year. At six weeks of age, the kittens

should be receiving four small meals per day. At twelve weeks, they can have

more food divided into three meals. At one, the kittens may be switched to adult

food and fed twice daily. Cats are capable of knowing when they are full, so you

can leave a bowl out of dry food throughout the day.


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The biggest debate amongst cat owners is whether or not they should use wet,

canned or dry food. The answer is both. Kittens and cats need wet food

because it contains water. They may not drink enough on a regular basis and

the wet food ensures they stay hydrated. The dry food ensures they have

something to eat whenever they are hungry. It also helps to scrape the teeth and

keep them clean, which prevents dental diseases.

The kitten’s diet should consist mostly of canned food, as it is more nutritious.

Keep track of whether the kitten is on track by weighing the cat on a regular

basis. You also do not want to allow them to get into the habit of overeating or

eating table scraps. Table scraps are high in fat and it also throws off their

balanced diet that they receive through their regular food.

Do not feed your cat these foods:


Green tomatoes

Raw potatoes



Root vegetables




These foods can be toxic and harmful to your cat.


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Chapter 3

CCaatt HHeeaalltthh IIssssuueess

All pets have health issues that are innate to them and the cat is no different.

They have a variety of special diseases and problems that can develop in

addition to the traditional fleas, ticks and, of course, hairballs.

Hacking Up Hairballs

Cats are precocious and they love to leave you little presents, such as dead mice

and birds. One present you don’t like to find, however, is the hairball. Hairballs,

or trichobezoars, are really balls of hair. Hair is not digestible and since your cat

spends a good amount of time licking and grooming itself, it also spends a lot of

time hacking up hairballs. The hair does not pass through the digestive system,

so the cat has to hack it up.

The cat has a serrated tongue that easily captures their hair as they groom. Cats

with long hair are more likely to develop hairballs. Cats with shorthair will too, but

not nearly as badly. If your cat is unable to get up a hairball, it can cause

digestive blockage and will need to be treated by a veterinarian. Usually a cat

will require surgery to remove those hairballs. There are several preventative

steps that you can take to do your best to keep the hairball problem down to a


Prevention Tip #1 Regularly brush your cat. The more you groom the cat, the less hair it will

swallow on its own. Brushing helps to get rid of the dead hair before the cats

licks and grooms itself. You can also wipe your cat down with a moist towel to

capture stray dead hairs.


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Prevention Tip #2 At your local pet shop you should be able to find special hairball treats. These

are edible treats that help to breakdown hairballs. Many of these also contain

mineral oil. Some cat food has also been developed to aid hairball prone cats.

Prevention Tip #3 If hairballs are a constant problem you can use a special lubricant that is

designed to help your cat pass hairballs. Products that contain petroleum are

best. These are also available in several flavors so that your cat will readily

consume them.

There is no cure for the hairball problem, but these are just a few preventative

steps that should make your cat’s life a little easier.

Deworming Your Cat

Just about all kittens are born with some type of worm infection. These worms

are often transmitted through the mother’s milk while the kittens are still in the

womb. It takes a lot to keep all cats worm free, so you will definitely need to work

with your cat to keep worms down. There are several clues that your cat might

have worms:

1. If you find a stray cat, don’t assume that the cat is healthy. Automatically

take it to the vet to be dewormed as well as have its health checked

overall. Also, if your cat prowls outside and is prone to hunting, they are

more susceptible to worms.

2. Even if your cat is predominantly an indoor cat, they will still be able to

develop worms. If your cat has a heaving or retching problem that does

not end in a hairball, there is a good chance that the cat has worms. They

may also vomit up worms or they may also be present in feces.


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3. Not all veterinarian tests will show that cats have worms. Even feces tests

do not always indicate worms as they worms can lie dormant in the


4. if your cat’s appetite changes or if the cat develops diarrhea, you should

have the cat dewormed. Some cats will also have dull fur or a potbelly.

These are typically signs of worms.

There are a variety of different worms and they affect the body in different way.

There are several over the counter worm medications that you can give to your

cat in its food or as a pill. Worm your cat on an “as needed” basis or whenever

you see your cat getting in a wormy situation.

Ear Mites

Ear mites affect many household pets. Ear mites are like little crabs that infest

the ears. Those cats that are outdoors are more prone to these. Cats that are

affect by ear mites tend to become uncomfortable and itchy. A cat that has ear

mites will have a black, dirt-like substance in their ears. The parasites live on the

surface of the ear canal and feed on the tissue in the ear.

If you notice that your cat is scratching its ears or shaking its head then there is a

good chance that the cat has ear mites. It is very important that your cat is

treated for these right away. If they are left untreated, the ear will become

infected and the eardrum may rupture. They also cause bacteria and yeast

infections as well.

The best prevention for ear mites is to keep your cat indoors and keep the cat

treated for fleas. There are several flea treatments that will also aid in the

prevention of ear mites. These treatments are usually given to your cat once a

month. You may also need to treat your home and, in particular, your cat’s



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When you go to the vet for ear mites, they will probably give you an eardrop that

kills ear mites. This is given to the cat three times per day for several days.

Before you begin treatment you will need to clean the cat’s ears. Your vet may

also provide you with a solution to use to clean the ears. Prescription eardrops

may also be necessary and should prevent a second outbreak. Some cats may

also be given an injection.

Ivermectin is another treatment that has been used for ear mites in cats. This is

not officially approved by the FDA, but many veterinarians are using it. This is a

medicine that is used to treat dogs for heartworms as well as worms in horses.

Your vet should tell you that it is not an officially approved medication before

giving it to your cat.


If your cat is allowed outside, chances are it’s going to bring fleas into your home.

Most indoor cats will not have this problem.

Your first course of action should be to treat your yard. Bring in all pets and

spray the yard with an insecticide to kill fleas, flea larvae and ticks. Next, you will

need to treat your carpet and your furniture. Fleas will burrow into carpet as well

as your seat cushions, slipcovers and bedding.

Begin by vacuuming your carpet and your furniture. Be sure to get all cracks,

crevices and corners of the room. You will also want to use a powder, spray or

fogger in your home as well. Powders are used on carpet and you simply shake

and vacuum them back up. They can penetrate down into the matting to kill the



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Sprays are short-term flea control. They kill adult fleas, but not the eggs.

Foggers can be difficult to use because you have to leave your home for several

hours and keep your pets out as well. You also have to be sure that they don’t

get on food or appliances used to cook and prepare food.

After your home flea free, you will want to prevent any further infestations.

Preventing is a lot easier than getting rid of fleas and you can begin by using

these products:

Flea Baths & Dips: Flea baths use a medicated shampoo

that is used to treat fleas. These are good for short-term, but

they wear off quickly. Flea dips are more effective and last for

several weeks. Flea dips should be a last resort as they often

contain heavy chemicals.

Flea Powder and Spray Treatments: Flea powders and

sprays are also a short-term defense. These treatments only

affect adult fleas.

Flea Collars: Flea collars are also popular. These exude a

gas that fleas do not like and is absorbed into the skin of the

animal. They tend to only work in the vicinity of the neck.

Flea Medications: These are a pill that keeps eggs from

hatching and reproducing on the cat. These do not kill adult

fleas, but stop the reproduction process.

Absorbable Medications: This is a spot medication that is

applied between the shoulder blades of the cat. They spread

across their skin and kills fleas for about a month. They also

halt the reproduction process.

Flea Combs: This is a good method to use on kittens and

you don’t want to give her any unnecessary treatments. This is

a fine comb that you use to pull the fleas off of the hair and then

you have to kill the fleas by dousing them in soapy water.


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One of the most important things for you to do is ensure that your cat receives all

of the necessary vaccinations. These will protect your cat from several common


Kittens should be vaccinated when they are six to eight weeks old. Before this

time the kitten has been protected by the antibodies they receive from their

mother’s milk. Once the kitten is weaned, they need vaccinations to protect them

from diseases and to allow it to build their own antibodies.

When you first go to the veterinarian, the vet will give the cat a physical

examination. They will do a fecal exam to check for worms and a blood test to

ensure the cat does not have Feline Leukemia. They may also test for Feline

Infectious Peritonitis. The tests are quick and preliminary results are available

within minutes. If your kitten does not have these diseases, they will be

vaccinated against them. A cat that never goes outside may not need them, but

it is recommended that they do receive these vaccinations. A kitten should also

receive their first FVRCPC vaccine.

Your kitten should visit your veterinarian again in another two to four weeks and

again at eight to twelve. At this time they should receive another FVRPC and a

second FIP and Feline Leukemia vaccine. They may also be wormed again.

Kittens who are outside at eight to twelve weeks will also receive a Rabies


The third visit to the veterinarian should occur at ten to sixteen weeks. The kitten

will then receive its third set of FVRCPC and the kitten should not need a Rabies

or FVRCPC. Your Rabies vaccine will be good for three years. Your cat will


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need an annual FVRCPC vaccine. If your cat received FIP and Feline Leukemia

vaccinations, it will need boosters when it is one year of age.

Vaccines are safe, although some do have side effects. Feline Leukemia may

cause cancer at the injection site. For this reason, the vet does not give the

vaccination to cats that are not at risk. Other vaccinations may cause tumors or

cysts at injection sites as well.

Neutering Your Cat

There are a large number of homeless and feral cats in the world. This fact has

begun to impress upon people the importance of neutering.

Feral cats are unaltered pets that may have been released into the wild. Some

are cats that were born and never handled by people so they are wild and

uncatchable. Feral cats can spread diseases to other pets because they will raid

trashcans, fight and can become infected with diseases and parasites easily.

Another good reason to have your cat sterilized is because of the racket that

occurs when a cat is in heat. When females are in heat they attract males who

will sit outside, yowl and fight with other males all night. She will literally attract

every tomcat in the neighborhood. Tomcats will also mark their territory inside

and outside your house.

Intact cats are also prone to certain types of cancer. They may develop cancers

of the reproductive organs. These cancers are rare in cats that are sterilized by

one year of age. They may also develop contagious reproductive diseases.

Cats can be sterilized at a young age. Most humane societies will do this at eight

weeks. Veterinarians agree that is best to do this at five to six months unless

they are feral kittens.


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Neutering is harder on females as the surgery is more invasive. If you have both

male and female cats, it is often best to neuter males first and then wait until

females are six months of age to spay.

These surgeries are very easy and typical, however cats are prone to infection in

their incisions. This is because they tend to lick and chew at the stitches. If this

is the case you may have to use a plastic surgery collar to keep your cat from

licking the stitches. Females will also need to stay indoors for three to five days

after the surgery.

Overactive Thyroid

An overactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism, is a condition where the thyroid gland

produces excess thyroid hormone and becomes enlarged. The condition is

usually provoked by a benign tumor on either side of the thyroid gland.

Symptoms of this condition include:

Increased appetite

Increased thirst

Weight loss

Muscle mass loss



Frequent vomiting


Ungroomed looking coat

Your vet will do a CBC blood panel and do a thyroid specific test if they suspect

that they cat has a thyroid problem. There are three treatments including:

Anti-thyroid medication



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Radioiodine treatment


Feline diabetes may affect cats of any age. This condition is most common in

older cats. Obese, males tend to develop diabetes more often. Cats are also

affected by either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. Type 1 means that the cat is

unable to produce enough insulin, while Type 2 means that the cat cannot handle

insulin sufficiently. Symptoms include:




Loss of appetite

Increased thirst

Increased urination

Weight loss

Breathing problems

Ungroomed looking coat

Your vet will test for blood sugar levels in the urine. Diabetes is usually treated

with five methods including:

Diet and weight control

Insulin injections

Oral medications

Monitoring glucose and insulin levels

Nutrient and botanical supplements


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Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

This disease is a painful inflammation of the lower urinary tract infection. This

disease has the potential to be fatal. It can be caused by a number of issues

such as:

Decreased water intake

Difficult urination

Inappropriate urinations

Appetite loss

Blood in urine


Frequent licking of genitals

Urine retention due to:

• Viruses

• Bacteria

• Diet

Treatment includes a catheterization, fluid therapy, antibiotics and, in rare cases,

surgery. Cat owners are encouraged to change the diet of the cat as well ensure

that the cat drinks plenty of water.