TUESDAY MOBNING. JULY 16, 18677" LOCAL MATTERS. JOB WOES.-We have now completed our office ?o aa to execute, in the shortest possible time ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK, and we most re- ?pectfully ask the patronage of our friends. Post Office Notice. POST OFFICE, I CHARLESTON, 8. C., Joly 6, 1867. \ After to-day the mails for Northeastern Railroad Will close at 8 o'clock A.M., and to-day and after¬ wards they are expected to reach the Railroad "Station" at 2:30 o'clock P.M., and to be ready for delivery at this office at 3:30 o'clock P.M., except on Sunday, when the hour .will be from 6 P.M. to 7 ' P.M., until further notice. STANLEY G. TROTT, P. M. POSTOFTICS NOTICE.- An evening mail for Augus¬ ta and Savannah, and for distribution beyond thoso offices, will close daily at the Postoffice at half-past 6 o'clock. AcE^owLEDoctfEKT.-Our 'hanks are due the Southern Exprese Company for copies of late Northern papen. LOEB, LIMB.-We direct attention to the adver¬ tisement of Mesan. OLNEY & Co., in another col¬ umn. They offer Lime, Cement, Plaster, Sec., and builders or contraetors will find it to their advan¬ tage to give them a call. A* EX-CHIRLESTONIAN RECEIVES THE CHOSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOB AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION.- Among the Americans who have received the dec¬ oration of the Legion of Honor from the hands of . NAPOLEON, we notice the name of Professor J. LAW¬ RENCE SMITH, Commissioner to the Exposition from Louisvii le, Ky. Professor SMITH is a native of this city, and a graduate of the South Carolina Medical College; he then went to Paris, where he made chemistry his special branch. Soon after his return to this country, he was appointed an Agri¬ cultural Commi suioner to Turkey, for the purposo of teaching the Sublime Porta how to plant rice in Carolina stylo. He was subsequently appointed Professor of Chemistry in the University or Vir¬ ginia, but left that position; to occupy a similar chair in the Kentucky Medical College, where he bas achieved a fine reputation, and wields a large BASE BALL.-Agreeable to announcement, the match game of Baso Ball between tho Palmetto sad Alert Clubs, was played on Saturday after¬ noon, in the presence of a large crowd of spec ta- ion. Notwithstanding the threatening aspect of lbs weather, the players were promptly on the ground, and at half-past two o'clock the game was called, the Alerts getting the bat Five innings wen played, at the expiration of which the Pal¬ metto's wen declared the victors by two runs. It should be stated that a sixth inning was com¬ menced, but owing to the rain, could not be finish¬ ed. The playing throughout the entire game waa excellent, and the contest was maintained with spirit on both sides. We hope that another trial will be made between the nines, at a more favora¬ ble season, when they will better be able to do justice to themselves. We append the score. ALBUS. KONS. oma. PALMETTO'S, HUNS. OUTS. Maguire, LL 1 3 Jones, p. 3 a Blair, SLA 0 3 Tow r, Xb. 2 S Lockwood. I.b. 1 S Warded, s.s. 3 2 Conklin, Xb. 2 2 Stubbs, S.D. 3*1 Moroso, C.f. 4 0 Reed, Lb. 2 1 HesBn. adi Denny, r. L 3 l BAndrard. r.L 2 2 Van Bleak. LL 2 2 Easton, p. 2 2 Barber, ct 1 2 Oorneliaon, &.b 3 o Schachte, o. 8 l Total.19 Total.21 16 Passed Balls-HESLIN 10; SCHACHTE 8. Fly Catches-VAN BLECK 1; TOWEB 1; DENNY 1; KESLIE 4; CONXUN 1; SCHACHTE 1; STUBBS 1, Scorers-H. 8. BRUNS, Palmetto, and C. N. WIN¬ NER Alert, Club. Umpire-H. W. BENTON, Graham Social Club. Time-One hour and forty minutes. MATOB'S CorrET, July 15. ^Emeline Jenkins, a colored girl, with a temper which will hardly im¬ prove with age, ands fluency of bad language that wac remarkable, abused some children to such an extent thai she bsd to be locked up ten days so aa to cool her off- Two men who were barbarous enough to raise »row at eshaving shop ou Saturday night, wore fined $0 each. An individual who had interfered with the police in the matter of a boy swimming in a public pond waa fined $5. Henry Bead, s colored youth in the employ of Ephraim Blake, who had put on s pair of panta¬ loons belonging to one James Rose, another color¬ ed person, thereby leading the said Boee to imagine they had been stolen from him, was looked up "tn days, with the full sanction of bia excellent employer. A white woman who fell upon the highway on tike Sabbath, and there laid until taken off by the polios, paid 19 for her disgraceful frolic. Ellen Carr, a colored girl, who had beaten a little child, was fined 12. A mau who had fired a pistol in the street at the middle of the night, for the purpose of amusing the sTirrormding neighbors, was sent to the Provost Marshal, so that the fun might be con¬ tinued. A woman who had thrown water from a window, waa fined S2. Ihne hoys who wan swimming at the Rutledge elxeet bridge, near Caihour. -trout, on Sunday at 111 o'clock tn the day, wen properly fined $5 each. DsREttrr COURT.-Hon. GEO. W. LOGAN presid¬ ing.-The following Jury wea organised : Isaac M. Wilson, Foremai-W. 8. L anneau, C. T. Puohardson. Alex. B. Wilson, T. Richter. Wil¬ liam Kappe, J. M. Williams, Jno. F. Streckfusa. Supernumeraries-Eugene M. Weet, Wm. G. Issop, Thoa. Power, F. D. C. Kracke, Chas. H. West. The Court then proceeded to the trial of the fol¬ lowing cases : Tba -State es. Beckman McCall-Assault and Battery. A.P. LTNTNO, Esq., for the defenoe. ajruilty. The State vs. Philip Martin, Samuel Gordon and Dave Morrison-Larceny. Guilty as to the three. Tbs Stats vt. Charles Hyman, Amelia Hyman, and Ernestine Green. R. W. SEYMOUR, Esq., for the defenoe, Guilty. The State vs. Samuel Grogin-Larceny. Guilty. TheState OJ. Adolphus B. Steinmeyer. R.S. DCB YEA for the defence. Not guilty. The State vs. Dominick Boyce-Assault and Bat¬ tery. Continued. The State sa. Philip Martin, Samuel Gordon said Dave Morrison-Larceny. Guilty. The State vs. Mena Graber-Assault and Bat¬ tery. Three cases Nol Pros in each of the three. OOCBT OB GENERAL SESSIONS AND COMMON PLEAS-Hon. F. J. MOSES presiding.-The Court met at 10 A. M., and the following juries were or¬ ganized Jury Ko. 1.-J. B. Bissel, Foreman: Jas. Bocke, Dennis Hefferman, F. W. Eggerkin, Jno. Mahony, Sr., W. B. MoKewn, 8. A. Woodside, Geo. Samson, Thoa. F. Fitz jr, H. G. Wannken, J. J. Ballentine, J. J. Small. Jury No. 1-J. L. Honour, Foreman: W. Hume, Jr., Thoa. H. Smith, Jas. Shurbrigbt, J. H. Thiel, W. J. O'Connor, Jno. Burbage, Peter Crawford, W.Shannahan, Mat. Sweegan,!). Jennings, Jr., H. Benson. Supernumeraries,-J'au. Brock, F. J. Rehkopf, J. H. Symons. The different city dockets were sounded, and day* assigned for the trial of the several oases. A number of civil cases, mostly for debt, were tried, but were of no public interest. U. 8. Co ÜBT-Hon. GEO. 8. BBXAN presiding.- Jn admit ally.-PETER LAWLES et al., vs. the steamer Volunteer and owners. A libel for wages. On motion of A. H. BROWN, Esq., the libellante proctor, it was ordered that a monition issue, re¬ turnable on Thursday next, at 12 M. The Grand Jury were called, and in place of Mr. JAS. K. ROBINSON, the late foreman, Mr. JAS. H. MURRELL was appointed, and there being no fur¬ ther business, they were discharged. The United States cs. one still and appurtenan¬ ces, one hogshead of molasses, and six empty bar¬ rels. Informatijh for forfeiture under the Revenue Daws. The Jury returned a^verdict for the United States, and that the articles in the information are for¬ feited. On motion of the District Attorney, it was or¬ dered that the goods, wares and merchandise in t>rie information be condemned and sold by tho Marshal after giving fifteen days notice of the sale, Mad the United Statis Marshal pay over the pro¬ ceeds of the sale.to the clerk of the court to abido further orden. The jury charged with the case of EDWARD DALY creditor of FLAUM ts. JULIUS FLAUM. A petition to become an involuntary bankrupt. WILETNSON and GILCHRIST for crediton, and T. Y. SIMONS and HBNBT BUIST for defendants. Aftsr a charge from the Judge upon the different features of the case, the jury retired and renderedJhe following ver¬ dict. Guilty. MOONLIGHT CONGEST ON THE BATTEST.-Thron the courtesy of the Poet Commander, the ba will perform this evening on the Battery. 1 ptogramme that has been selected will please lovers of melody, and we advise those who wish leave dull care behind, to visit the Battery a oaten to the music of tho band. MOONLIGHT EXCURSION.-Tho present tppei ance of tho weather promises a continuance both suu and moonshine, and those parties w were debarred from taking the excursion trip Saturday, will now have another opportunity DJ sonted to thom. The Mount Pleasant Fei Steamer will go on an excursion trip to-nigl leavi'.g tho Market wharf at 84 P. M. A band music has been engaged, and the excursionif will have every attention paid them. It will be opportunity that is raroly offered, and all who c" Biro to spend a pleasant evening will not neglt the moonlight trip around the harbor. THE Fara.-The announcement that the ent< tainment of the eroning would be varied by promenade concert and by ItáUeovx vivantes, dr< a much larger audience than usual, but the mor sonnd of music and the gay badinage of the bell and their attentive beaux, soon cleared away di care, and tho evening hours moved on goldi wings. Tho lady "managers of the Fair deser great cr.'dit for tho tasteful manner with whit thoy bavo arranged both tho tables and the dec rations, and we trust that they will meet with reward in the liberal donations that will be ma« to the sacred cause of charity. PARENTAL CABE.-For the size of Charlesto we think it has as many vagabond boys, as ai other city in the Union can boast of ; boys that c nothing but loaf about the wharves, the bon district and other places, fearful of work, and pe fectly regardless of every thing by which thc might obtain knowledge. Idle in habits and withoi the little means that a proper industry would gn them, they must resort to an improper mode < living, which commences first with pilfering, an ends in stealing. That this is the oki hiato rv < boys thrown upon the world without paren ti care, we know, and it is on this account that w desire to see some system ea ta bushed-some ù stitution built up, which will save Ukase youth fx om error, and make them worthy men. Genei ally too old to be put in the Orphan House, an there being no House of Befuge, the city is witt out means of caring for them, and numbers c them when brought before His Honor, the Mayoi have to be discharged in conséquence. If the could be placed for a limited time in an establish ment, where they would be compelled to labor, i might give some of them a desire for work, and a least, would keep many from participation ii vicious habits. . . At the present time, it is these idle boys, who with many other nuisances, offend decency, am give much trouble to tho police by bathing in pub lio places at any hour of the day that tide ma; suit, regardless of the appearance of neighbor and passers-by. But it gratifies os to peroeivi tba j the Mayor has severer/ punished three of t Iii; class by a fine of five dollars each. The poverty of the city certainly prevents itt patting up an institution for the benefit of tbii portion of oar community, but we think if propel efforts were made, and activo oxortions were used the Government might be induced to assist in ob taming a building, and to start a House of Befuge which might, in a m oas uro, bo mado self-sustain ing, and which, while it would be highly beneficia to the boys, would be the cause of groat thankful ness from many others. TEE NEW CUSTOM HOUSE.-We are pleased ti learn that tho work will at length be recommencée on this building, and the public will no longei be annoyed by the unsightly appearance presen¬ ted by an unfinished pile. An appropriation ol $35,000 was made at tho last session of Congress, and through the exertions of Dr. A. G. MAOEEI the Collector, tb is has been secured and Ute work¬ men will soon commence operations. The late storm proved very destructive to this building, and the tin roof was torn off and other damage done by the violence of the wind. This necessita¬ ted the early resumption of the work and the la¬ borers have already been engaged, who will soon make the building habitable. It will require a force of about two hundred workmen to make the necessary improvements and repairs. The $35,- 000 will of course be but a drop in tho bucket, bat it is expected at the December Congross anoth¬ er appropriation will be obtained that will enablo the Collector to continuo tho work. Col. E. B. WHITE, the old architect of the Cus¬ tom House, has been engaged to draw tho plans for Ute proposed improvements, and the work will be managed under his supervision. Mr. ALEXAN¬ DER CEOSS will have the superintendence of the carpenter work, and tho workmen will only do such work as is necessary to make tho Custom House habitable. It is designed at present to make tho first floor suitable for offices, and no attention will be paid to the external until tho interior is thor¬ oughly repaired. The building is entirely fire¬ proof, and was constructed with the greatest caro, and when completed will be equal to any public edifice in the South. "There ia a large quantity of building material, marble, Ac, now on the grounds, a large portion of which is in a finished t tate, bat there is also an abundant supply of Ute raw material. Tho neces¬ sity of a Custom House that would be suitable to the business of Ute port has long been felt, and those interested feel convinced that Congress will soon make Ure appropriations requisite to com¬ plete Ute work. It is estimated by partios who are well acquainted with Ute nature of thc work, and, with the amount already completed, that it would not require more than $500,000 to place this Cus¬ tom House in a finished condition. Charleston has fow public build Lng a of ¿any importance, and the Custom House will bo a monument pf Uncle Sam's generosity that will tempt others to commence Ute grand work of reconstruction. THE TBOOJPS rx GENERAL SICKLES'S DISTRICT.- The Army and Navy Journal publishes the fol¬ lowing list of troops serving in the Second Mili¬ tar; District, commanded by General Sickles : NORTH CAROLINA. Post of Morgantown-Brevet Major G. Urban, Captain Fifth Cavalry, Company 1, Fifth United States Cavalry. Morganton, N. C. Post of Salisbury-Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel J. R. Edie, Lieutenant-Colonel Eighth Infantry, Company A, Eighth United States Infantry, Salis¬ bury, N. C. Post of Charlotte-Brevet Major H. M. Lazello, Captain Eighth Infantry, Company H, Eighth United States Infantry, Charlotte, N. C. Post of Greensboro'.-Brevet Major W. 8. Worth, Captain Eighth Infantry, Company B, Eighth U. S. Infantry, Gioensboro', N. C. Post of Raleigh.-Colonel J. V. Bomford, Eighth Infantry, Company E and Headquarters Eighth U. 8. Infantry, Company A, Fifth U. S. Cavalry,, Ra¬ leigh, N. C. Post of Fayetteville.-Brovot Colonel Milton Cogswell, Major Eighth Itfantry, Company K, Eighth U. S. infantry, Fayetteville, N. C. Post of Goldsboro'.-Major C. E. Compton, For¬ tieth Infantry, Companies E, G and H, Fortieth U. S. Infantry, Goldsboro', N. C. Post of Wilmington.-lire vet Lieutenant Colone) R. T. Frank, Captain Eighth Infantry, Company D, Eighth U. S. Infantry; Company A, Fortieth U. 8. Infantry, Wilmington, N. C. Post of Plymouth-Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Bentzoni, Captain Fortieth Infantry, Com¬ pany B, Fortieth U. 8. Infantry, Plymouth, N. C. Post of Newborn.-Brevet Major J. J. Van Horn, Captain Eighth Infantry, Company F, Eighth U. 8. Infantry; Company C, Fortieth U. 8. Infantry, Newbern, N. C. Post Fort Macon.-Captain Charles B. Gas- kill, Fortieth Infantry, Company I, Fortieth U. 8. Infantry, Fort Macon; Brevet Major-General N. A. Miles, Colonel Fortieth Infantry, Headquarters Fortieth Infantry, Raleigh, N. C. SOUTH CAROLINA. Post of Charleston.-Brevet Brigadier-General H. B. Clitz, Lieuteuant-Colonel ¡sixth Infantry, Companies A, B and I, Sixth U. 8. Infantry; Com¬ panies B and H, Twenty-ninth Infantry; Compa¬ nies D and F, Foi tie th U. 8. Infantry, Charleston, 8. C., and vicinity. Post of Hilton Head.-Brevet Lieut. Col. A. C. Wildrick, Captain Third Artillery, Company E, Third U. S. Artillery; Company K, Fort eth U. 8. Infantry, Hilton Head, 8. C. Post of Georgetown.-Brevet Maj. E.W. H. Read, Captain Eighth Iufaatry, Company C, Eighth U. 8. Infantry, Georgetown, 8. C. Post of Aiken.-Brevet Major L. Walker, Captain Fifth Cavalry, Companies H and L, Fifth Cavalry, Aiken, 8. C. . Post of Darlington.-Captain H. 8. Hawkins, 8ixtb Infantry, Company G, Sixth U. 8. Infantry, Darlington, S. C. Post of Columbia.-Brevet Brigadier-General H. S. Burton, Colonel Fifth Artillery, Companies B, and H, Fifth Artillery, Headquarters Colum¬ bia, 8. C. Post of Newberry.-Brevet Major J. McCloary, Captain Sixth Infantry, Company H, Sixth In¬ fantry, Newberry, 8. C. Post of Anderson.-Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel A. T. Smith, Captain Eighth Infantrv, Company I, Eighth U. 8. Infantry, Anderson, 8. C. Post of Unionville.-Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel J. N. Andrews, Captain Eighth Infantry, Company G, Eighth U. 8. Infantrv, Unionville. 8. C. Post of Chester.-Brevet Major D. D. Lynn, Captain Sixth Infantrv, Company K, Sixth Ü. 8. Infantry, Choster, 8. C. II. H. If you want cheap Blank Books; If you want cheap Stationery, Euvelopos, Pa¬ per, Ac; or, MILLERS* Almanac; if you want Printing executed neatly; lt you want Books bound in any style, or Account Books made to ord.jr, with any desired pattern of ruling, go to HIRAM HARRIS, No. 59 Broad street. DISINFECTANTS,-Daring tho Summer season the greatest care should be taken by all persons w ho desire to preserve their health to remove all impurities from their food, drink, and even from the atmosphere. The necessity of this is BO well known that medical men have generally recom¬ mended the use of prophylactics or disinfectants, which act as deodorizers, and destroy all noxious matter that may exist. For this purpose certain fluids have been prepared that have the effect of hurrying orgauic matter ia a state of decomposi¬ tion to the last stage of oxidation. Messrs. MCKAY & CAMPBELL have for sale a supply of BoWEE'S Disinfecting Fluid that will be found'invaluable to every family. It is more portable than chloride of lime, and has no disagreeable smell. As the sickly season is near at hand, we advise all persons to call on Messrs. MCKAY & CAMPBELL and obtain a supply of this fluid. THE MENDENHALL HAND LOOM.-We have al¬ ready adverted to the advantages of this loom, which is now on exhibition in this city, at tho old office of tho National Express office, in Meeting street. Since our Brat notice, Dr. MCCLINTOCK, the agent, has put ap another loom, and is now better prepared to show the particular advantages to bo derived from its use. His object in visiting Charleston is to impress upon the citizens the ne¬ cessity of improving their manufacturing re¬ sources, and the loom which he has on exhibition is so simple that it at once com¬ mends itself to every practical mind. He is desirous of selling the right for this State and North Carolina, and if oar capi¬ talists would only give the matter their attention, they would soon become convinced that it is not a humbug, but aa invention that is destined to do more toward reconstructing and restoring the South to its former status than any effort that may be made by visionaries. Dr. MCCLINTOCK has already disposed of the right of this Loom to Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and other Southern States, and has everywhere received the highest encomiums from the press and from those who have tried the Loom. We are unable, at pre¬ sent, to give' a more extended notice of this in¬ vention, bat will refer co.it at a future day. THE FAIRIES OUTDONE.-The Princess, in the Fairy Tale, dropt pearls from her mouth when she opened it, but whoever uses that talisman of science, SozoDONT, will have a mouthful of pearls that will never drop oat, darken or decay. July 16 tutbB3 ELYSI:S. A new and important remedy for married ladies Circulars can be obtained and the article supplied upon application to the wholesale agents. DOWLE & MOISE, Southe rn Drug House, No. 151 Meeting s tree I. April ll thstu3mo4 BUSINESS NOTICES. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK DONE AT THE DALLE NEWS OFFICE. Auction Sales This Daw. MCKAY A CAMPBELL will seU this day, at 10 o'clock, at their auction sales room. Ne. 196 Meeting street, the contents of a country store; also, horses, harness, Ac. JEFFORDS k Co wUl soil this day, at 10 o'clock, in front ot their atore, No. 30 Vendue Bange, shoulders, H tri i m, lard, Ac T. M. dann wfll seU this day, st three-quarters past 0 o'clock, on BroWu's Wharf, bama, batter, tte. CAMPBELL, KNOX tx Co. will seH thia dav, at 10 o'clock, at their cash auction house. No. 66 Hasel street dress gooda, boots and shoos, Ac. MiLLICJAU A SON will Bell thia day, at 10 o'clock, at Na 33 Vendue Bang», furniture, show cases, mat¬ tresses, kc. LOWNDES A OBIMBALL will sell this day, at ll o'clock, at the old Postoffice, $1300 city ali per coat stock. LADBXT & ALEXANDER will sell thia day, at 10 o'clock in their atoro, No. 137 East Bay, bacon, Ac, For restoring strength and appetite, nse the great Southern Tonic, PANINT*'s HEPAXc BTTTZBS and you will not be disappointed. For sale by aU druggists. tn Never Falling Safte ty and Success.-Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP is a safe and certain remedy for aU diseases with which children are afflicted during tho procesa af teething. It has stood tho test of thirty years. Never known to fail. Gives rest to the mother and reli t to the child. Cures wind colic, and reign lates the bowels. 35 cents a bottle. Be sure and call tor "MBS. WTSSLOW8 SOOTHING SYRUP," Having tho/ac mule of "Cunna k PERKINS" on the out¬ side wrapper. AU others are bose Imitations. DO WIE dc MOISE, No. 161 Meeting street, opposite the Charleston Hotel. Joly 13 stuthS The Time to Advertise In the Country. THE PHOENIX has a largo circulation throughout UM. middle and upper Districts of the State. Advertíame rates as reasonable as the stringency of the money mar¬ ket wfll warrant Merchants and others wishing to use the oollimns or the paper wUl address JULIAN A. PEI,BY, Proprietor, February 33 Columbia, 8. C. Free to Everybody. A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest Importance to the young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely may become boantiful, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved. No young lady or gentleman should tall to aend their address, and receive a copy post-paid, by return mal!. Address P. O. Drawer. 21, March 30 lyr Troy, N. Y. Know thy Destiny. MADAMS E. F. TuonirroN, the great English Astrolo¬ gist, Clairvoyant and Psythomesacian, who has aston¬ ished the scientific classe» of the O lt World, hes now lo¬ cated herself at Hudson, N. Y. Mid ame THORNTON pos¬ sesses such wonderful powers of a j* ond sight as to ena¬ ble her to Impart knowledge of the .realest importance to the single or married of either sex. Whilo lc a «tate of trance, she delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of in¬ tense power, known as tho Psychomotrope, guarantees to produce a Life-like picture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position In Ufe, leading traits of character, Ac. This bi no hum¬ bug, aa thousand of testimoniáis can assert. She will eend, when desired, a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture ia what it purports to be. By enclosing a smaU lock of hair, and lng place of birth, age, disposition and complexion, and enclosing fty cent« and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re¬ ceive the picture and desired information by return mall, AU communications sacredly confidential. Address, In confidence. Madame E. F. THORNTON, P. O. Box 333, Hudson, N. Y ly March 30 I HE DISEASE OF AMERICA. D spepsia is said to be the disease of America, Ita victims may bc found in all stations of life. The poor as weU as the rich are sufferers from ita life-destroying in¬ fluence. The symptoms of this disease vary greatly in the different stages of the complaint It generally com¬ mences with a sensation of fulness after eating, aud a changeable, diminished, or lost appetite. In some in¬ stances the appetite is voracious, and when-in obed! ence to its promptings-a Large portion of food ia taken into the stomach, pain follows in that region, with gene ral distress, nervousness and ñauara Flatulency and heart-burn invariably attend this disease. For aU these symptoms, HOSTETTEB'8 STOMACH BITTERS will be found an invaluable household remedy, as its aL tcrative, corrective and restorative properties are derived exclusively from roots and plants, the virtues of which are acknowledged by pharmaceutics and physicians Separately they have often been prescribed by the pro fession, but were never combined until Dr. HOSTETTEB gave to the world his HEALTH-RESTORING BITTERS, which have proved a sovereign rcmody for dyspepsia and Its attendant evils. 6 July 16 THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPM Office No. 147 Meeting il* t. CONNECTIONS WITH ALL Railroads Throughout THE UNITED STATES. Every attention given to the sate Transmission of Freight, Money, and Valuables. WILL CALL FOR AND DELIVER FREIGHT TO ANY POINT IN TnE CITY FREE OF CHARGE. II. B. PLANT, President, April 10 Augusta. Ga XOTICIfi. OFFICE. THE CAPTAIN OF POLICE, CHAW.ESTON, S. C., May 2d, 1363. J PARAGRAPH IL O ORDINANCE TO REGULATE the "Cleansing of Privies and Vaults," forbids thc use of barrels in oj en carts and wagons, and parties ap¬ plying for license arc required to provide closed carts suitable for tho purpose. AU persons, therefore, who purpose taking jobs of tho kind, aro hereby required to tiring their carts to main guard bouse for inspection be¬ töre applying for license. CH. SIG WALD, May 21 '.mo Captain of Police. TOBACCO, ETC. AND PIPES! MB. L. LORENTZ, OF THE CHEAP SEGAB STORE, in thanking tho public for the liberal patronage bestowed on bim, informs his numerous friends that Mr. C. NORDHAT SEN wih in future havo charge of tho RE¬ TAIL DEPARTMENT, under thc management of Mr. LORENTZ. The rear of thu Storo and a building in the yard has for the present boon arranged for JOBBING, and is weU supplied with a full H took of every article in tho lino. Having the agencv nf different celebrated Brands of TO¬ BACCO, and having conncctimih with the most celebrated manufacturers, he is prepared to offer liberal inducements to the trado everywhere. Orders solicited. July IS_._8__ " Li GRIOLl " SEGAR STORE, CORNERBROAD1VAY A Mi 17 TH STREET, NEW YORK. FTTHE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE PLEASED TO SEE X his Southern friends. Tho choicest HAVANA SE- GARS, of all the leading brands, with a general assort¬ ment of Smokers' Articles always on hand. June i D. OTTOLENGUI, Agent. MACHINE SHOPS. December 15_stut h lyr WILLIAM S.HENEREY. MAMIST ll FOIDER. No. 314 Meeting street, (NEAR LIM:, CHARLESTON, S. C MANUFACTURES STEAM ENGINES. BOILERS and MACHINERY, Saw Mills, Corn Mills', Horse Powers, Vertical and Horizontal 8ugar Mills, Cotton Seed crashers, McCarthy Cotton Obis, and all kinds of Iron and Braes Costings, to order. April 26 thstuCmo IJ. J. »EPEGRELL, No. 37 LINE-STREET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILIP. LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND BUILDING MATERIA!, and P.AINTS, OILS, GLASSES, Ac, constantly on hand at the lowest market prices. June 'it*_ f tul VT JOHN F. TAYLOR. JAMES BARKLEY. Charleston, S. C. JOHN F. TAYLOR & CO. PROPRIETORS, Engineers, Boilermakers, FOUNDERS, ETC., ARE PREPARED TO EXECUTE ALL ORDERS FOR HIGH and LOW PRESSURE, PORTABLE and STATIONERY STEAM ENGINES and BOILERS, RICE THRASHERS (from new patterns, with all the modern improvements), STEAM SAW MILLS, fee., Ac. CAMMS IN IRON AND BRASS Promptly attended to with neatnoss and dispatch. Repairs to Marine anti other Work, Shall receive special attention. FOR SALE-One 12-horso power ¿TEAM ENGINE, near]}- new; several new and second-h nd BOILER j, G to lb-horse power. ALSO, CONSTANTLY IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION, 10,12 and 20 Horse Power Steam Engines. *3" All Orders Tor REPAIRS or NEW WORK shall re¬ ceive our prompt and armful attention. JOHN F. TAYLOR & CO. May ll 3mc AFFLICTED ! SUFFER NO MORE! When by the use ef DB. JOINVILLE'S ELIXIR you can be cured permanently, and ut a trifling cosL The astonishing success which hos attended this in valuable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness General Debility and Prostration, Lusa of Muscular Ec ergy, Impotency, or any of thc consequences of you th fu. lndlacre.lon, render* it tho most valuable preparation ever discovered. It wiB remove all nervous affections, depression, ex¬ citement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memo¬ ry, confusion, thoughts ot sell destruction, fears of in¬ sanity. &c. It will restore tho appetite, renew the health of those who have destroyed it by sonsual excess or ovil practices. Young Men, be humbugged no more by "Quack Doc¬ tora" and ignorant piactitiouers, but send without delay for the Elixir, and bo at onco restored io health sud hap¬ piness. A perfect Cure ii Guaranteed in every instance. Price 91, or four bottles to ono address an. One bottle ls Bulhcicut lo effect a cure in all ordinary cases. ALSO, DR. JOINVILLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the ?poedy and permanent euro of Gonorrhö», Gleet, Ure¬ thral Dischargee, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections ct tho Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in from »no lo five days. They are prepared from vegetable extracts that aro harmless on tito system, and never nauseate thc stomach or impregnate thu breath. No chaugc ol' diet is necessary while wing them, nor dors their action in any manner lntericrc with business pursidts. Prit e $1 per box. Either of tho abovc-nicutioned articles will be rent to any address, closely sealed, and post-paid, by mail or express on receipt ut pnee. Address all orders Ut BERGER, SHOTTS ic co., Chemists, March 30 l y No. 285 River arnot. Troy, N. V. CATAWBA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. THE PROPRIETORS Ol' THIS CELEBRATED WATERING PLACE, having gone to great expenso since the last season, in changing thu position of and re¬ pairing the COTTAGES, grading tilt; Walks and crccdng new Building', together with many other improvement), will opon THE SPRINGS for thc reception ot visitors on Saturday, Juno 1st, 1HG7. Being situated in the northwestern part of tho State, In a country remarkable for its beautty and healthful¬ ness, these, together with the virtues ot the Waters, make it one of thc most desirable WATERING PLACES in tho country. THE MINERAL WATERS Of THE SPRINGS aro tho White and Blue Sulphur, and Chalybeate, and they possess all t:ie liueat qualities of these waters, and are sovereign remedies for all diseases of the LIVER, BOWELS, STOMACH ¡ind KIDNEYS. THE SPRINGS aro accessible hy any of the roads lead¬ ing to Salisbury, K. C., and at that poiut thc Western North Carolina 'Railroad will convey visitors to Hickory Station, at which placo conveyances are always in attend¬ ance to take them to THE SPRINGS. Dr. WHITE, of thu Medical College of Virginia, will be at THE SPRINGS the entire Scasou, and iuvahdd may rely upon good attention. Having again secured tho services of Mrs. WRENN, end made ample arrangements for keeping a GOOD TABLE, and the best Wines, Liquors and Segara, and having engaged Smith's Baud for .lie Seaton, wo satcly promise to aU every convenience for pleasure, comfort aLd amusement that may be desired. BOARD PER MONTH.SCO 00 BOARD PER WEEK. IS 00 BOARD PER DA Y. 3 00 Children under 7 years of ugo ami Ser¬ vants Half Pi'lce. J. GOLDEN WYATT & CO., PROPRIETORS. May 30 _2mo_ THE LADIES' MUTUAL Aa Ù ASSOCIATION, HAVING ON HAND A LARGE SUPPLY OF READY* MADE 0LOI MINO, suitable tor Gentlemen, La« dies and Children, and being desirous uf diminishing our stock before the season advances loo far, we would eape- dally draw tho attention ol'the public towards the reduc¬ tion which will br maile iii our prices for the next two ur three weeks irotu date. Apply at tito DEPOSITORY, January 2'J Ko. 17 Chalmers street. AGRICULTURAL. CHARLESTON lilllL WARBB0ÜM AND SEED STORE. LITTLE & MARSHALL, No. 140 Meeting Street, (OPPOSITE PAVILION HOTEL,) Dealers In aU kinds of Agricultural Implements, SAW AND ROLLER GINS. COTTON GINS. HENEREY'S MCCARTHY GIN. H. L. EMERY & SON'S SAW GIN AND CON¬ DENSER, for Hand or Horse Power. SOUTHERN COTTON CO.'S GIN. NEW YORK COTTON CO.'S GIN. BROWN'S DOUBLE CYLINDER GIN. BROWN'S HAND GIN. CARVER'S GLN. EAGLE GIN. HORSE POWERS. LITTLE GLIM HORSE POWER. ! THE LITTLE GIANT, THE BEST, MOST COMPLETE ANO CHEAPEST HORSE POWER MANUFACTURED. In introducing this new Power into tho market, wc would state that tho following aro rome of the advan¬ tages possessed by tho "LITTLE GIANT" over all other Horse powers : I. Its great strength on account of being double-geared, which not only doubles tho strength by dividing the strain on twice the number of teeth, but by gearing on both sides of the wheels it equalizes the wear on me shafts, and materially lessens thc friction, enabling the horses to do much moro work than with any other Power. 2. Its compactness and extremo portability, it weighing about one-half as much as other Horse Powers, and occu- pyi ig but one-third the space, it can be packe! in smaB boxes, thus saving much expense. It is so simple that the most ignorant person would havo no difficulty in putting it together. 3. Thc facility with which it con bo adjusted to any kind of machinery at any angle, either on thc ground or ovor head, without moving it from its foundation, will be appreciated by f-tnucrs aud planters as specially adapt¬ ed for driving Cotton Gins. HORACE £,. EMERY'S PATENT ENDLESS RAILWAY HORSE POWERS. NISHWTTZ'S MOWIXG A\D REAPING MAMINE*. WASHING MACHINES. Plows of all descriptions, Cast Iron and Steel. PLOW CASTINGS, in every varioty ; Cultivators ; Hcrso Hoes ; Harrows ; Cast Iron Field and Garden Rol¬ lers ; Fan Mills; Corn Mills; Corn shellcrs; Corn and Cob Crashers ; Hay, Straw and Corn Stalk Cutters ; Planta¬ tion Carts and Wagons ; Canal and Garden Barrows ; Sugar Mills ; Grindstones ; Road Scrapers ; Churns : Shovels ; Spades ; Rakes ; Forks ; Hoes, kc, kc, Gar¬ den Seeds, of all Kinds, warranted puro and Frosh. LITTLE & MARSHALL, No. HO Meeting Street, (OPPOSITE PAVILION HOTEL,) CHARLESTON, S. C. Jane 18 ruths BEARDS' ADMITTED TO BE THE MOST CONVENIENT and tho easiest to uso of any Iron Tio, and equal to anv other in strength anet security. Ibis IRON TTE is in o ye PIECE, and is secured upon tho Cotton bolo in an instant and with one motion. Those who have tried the various kinds of Tie, admit "BEARDS' PATENT" TO BE THE BEST NOW IN USE. Tlic Subscribers are Agents for this State, and will supply them to Sub-Agents at the WHOLESALE PRICE. PLANTERS furnished direct on reasonable terms. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. FACTORS. Juno 27 thstulmo And Iron Hoops, FOR BALING COTTON. THI9 TIE, WITH THE HOOP COMPLETE. WEIGHS no more th n tho usual Rope used In baling Cotton, and renders an allowance for taro unnecessary, the only Tie requiring no slack while putting on, and ls so perfect that thc necessity for heavy hoops to moko up for the deficiencies in the 'Tio is entirely tbviated. Can be sold by Ute pound or ton as cheaply as tho Henry Hoops and less perfect Ties. Each and every Tie is warranted perfect Science and practical uso will havo tho effect of tho Iron Ti" outiroly superseding tho use of rope, its combination of ad vantages, tho preservation of tho Cot¬ ton when baled from rousumptiou by fire, rendering its security to Insurance Companios a mattor for considera¬ tion both while in Warehouse or ou shipboard, and Its si mpHdty of use and economy combined. The inventor nut finding a Tic adapted to the wants pf both planter and compressor hos devised this. For salo, in Urge or small quantities, by WILLIAM ROACH, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, July 12 mtuw Agent for South Carolina. WAILËY'S PATENT SELF-FASTENING WROUGHT 1B0N BUCKLE TIE. FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED AT LOUISIANA STATE FAIR. IT IS AS CHEAP A TIE. AND THE BEST ONE YET invented. It is the IU'Ougcrit Tie, standing by teat a strain of (2U0Ü) two thousand pounds. Thu most cosily adjusted Tie, as it Ls self-fastening. The most simple, requiring only to slip thc baud into tho buckle, and tho elasticity of thc cotton fastens itself, and it cannot be come unfastened. For sale, in large or small quantities, by ROSS, ROBERTS k CO.. Commission Merchants aud General Agents, No. SG Front street, New York City. STREET BRO. k CO., Agents, July 15_ Charleston. S. C. ARROW TIE COTTON BANDS. f A TONS OE THE CELEBRATED "ARROW TIE" OU COTTUN RANDS, for baling Cotton, superior to all others. Just received per "lille dc L'Air, from Liverpool. For sale by R. MURE k CO., July ll C Boyeo k Co.'s Wharf. BEAU T Y.- Auburn, Golden, Flaxen, and Silken CURLS produced by the use of Professor DE- BREUX'S FRISER LE .CHEVEUX. One applica- liou warranted to curl thc most straight and stubborn ha1' of cither sex into wavy ringlets, or heavy massive cu. . Has been used by tho fashionables ol Pails and London, with the most gratifying results. Docs no in¬ jury to thc hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, $1. Descriptive circulars mailed free. Address BERGER, SUUTTS à CO., Chemists. No. 285 River street, Troy, N. Y., Sole Agents for the United States. March 30 _ly_ Tl BEST TONIC NOW IN IE! ELDER tc BROWN, MANUFACTURERS AND PATENT¬ EES ol the celebrated COMBINATION CRADLE AND b%DY TENDER, Pro¬ pelling Horses, and all kinds ol Rock- lug Horses, Iuvalid Chairs, with double aud single wheels, from $25 to ¿46; CM.droii's Jarnagcs, Fancy and Varnished Wagons, fancy Sui its, Invalid Carrlagos, made to order. Fancy Propeller -nd baby Rockors, kc, kc, life-size Horses, made toe der. Depot, >0. 038 BROADWAY. Manufactory, NOP. «9, 460, 461 a d 4S2 WEST STREET, New York. Octohn ja Ihatulyr NOTICE. OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL,-THE FOLLOWING clause of soetion l of an "OnHnanco to Raise Sup¬ plies lor they.-1: 18B7," is published for thc iuiormaliou of persons selling Good* by sample or otherwise, who arr not residents Ol this rite. All such persons are hereby notified to reportai this office. "Three 'lilian o.i every hundred dollars of all goods sold in this eitv by rsoui- not residents, by asmólo oi otherwise." W. H. SMITH, Mareil H Clerk ol CotlUeil AUCTION SALES. French Organdies, Jaconet and Swiss Muslins, lawns, Boots, blioes, Notions, &c, tic. BT CAMPBELL, KNOX dc CO., Cash Auction Bowe, So. 55 Hasel .Street, op. pos'te Fostofflee, Levto McKay dt Campbell. Will sell THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock. DRESS GOODS, PRINTED ORGANDIES, Jaconets, Lawns, Calicoes, Dot Muslin, Ac, kc, Linen Drifts, laney and plain 4-4 Slate Linens, C ieck Linens, Italian Cloth, Holland's Canvas, 7-4 Summer Cloths, White and Slate Drill, Belnap Checks, Shawls, Muslin, Madras and Madder Hankcrchiefs, L. C. and P. B. Handkerchiefs, Mosquito Nets, Quilts, Ac, kc, Hosiery, Gloves, Sus¬ pendere, Belts, Buttons, Braids, Collars, Cologne, Fans, Hair Oil, kc j kc, Ladles' and Gent's Balmorals and Shoes, kc. ALSO, Five pieces CANTON MATTING to close consign¬ ment. _ , Conditions cash. _1_July 10 Shoulden. Strips, Lard, àc. JEFFORDS di CO. Will sell THIS DAY, in front of their store, No. 30 Van- due Range, at 10 o'clock, 400 SHOULDERS 3000 Pounds Strips 80 Tabs Lard 40 Boxes Cheese 26 Boxes P. A. Cheese 10 Tierces Hams _35 Bbls, Flour._ July 16 Counting House Desk, Glass Show Case, Glass- ware, dc. BT JOHN G. MILXOU & CO. TRIS DAY, 16th Inst, at 10 o'clock, will bc sold at our auction sales room, No. 133 Meering street, 1 COUNTING HOUSE DESK, 7>i feet long, with pigeon holes and drawers 1 Mahogany Glass Show Case,' Mahogany What Nota Wire Safes, large Mahogany Book Case or Wardrobe 1 piece Oil Cloth for floor Qlasswore, Tumblers, Dishes, Cruets, Lamp Shades, Chimneys, kc. Conditions cash on de'ivery. AT PRIVATE SALE. Bales low priced BROWN SHIRTINGS, by piece or bale, for cash. July 16 Twelve Small Farns near the Cita,for Sale at Auc¬ tion on easy terms. BT SMITH di MCGILLIVRAY, No. 27 Broad street. On FRIDAY next, 19th inst, at ll o'clock, on the steps of the Old Custom House, East Bay, opposite Broad ftrent, will sold TWELVE FARM TBACT3, of from six to ten acres each. These are good Cotton and Provision Lands, and can be made profitable vegetable farms, lying between five md six miles from the city, on the west side of the Sute Road. i. ii These Lands commence at a point nearly opposite tho Clemente Ferry Road, and run up to tho Dorchester Road. The railroad runs conveniently through the mid¬ dle Plate can be seen at our Office. Tern-s-One-third cash; balance in 1, 2, 3 and 4 years, iccured by bond and mortgage as usual. Purchasers to pay us for papers and stamps._ July 16 Plantation or. Bud's Bay al Auction. BT SMITH dc MCGILLIVRAY. (VU! be sold on FRIDAY, the 19th instant at ll o'clock, at the old Custom House, east end of Broad street All that TRACT OF LAND known as the MURRELL TRACT, situated on Bull's Bay, Christ Church Parish, consisting of 935 0-10 acres, more or less, ono hundred sf which are cleared; bounded on tho north and east by [ands now or late of Peter Maniganlt; south by the marshes of Bull's Bay, and west by lands now or late of Jas. S. Gibbes. These Lands aro' twenty-one miles from Mount Picas- int, and produce first-class Long Cottons. Terms made known on day of salo. Can be treated for at Private Sale ap to hour of auction. Joly 18 PUBLIC SALE. Wi!l bo sold, at Public Auction, on THURSDAY, Joly 26th, 1867, at ll o'clock, A. M., at the United States Quartermaster's Depot, Southern Wharf, Charleston, 8. C., " A LOT OF UNSERVICEABLE CLOTHING AND EQUIP¬ AGE. coNsxrrx o or: COATS, JACKETS, TBOWSEBS, BLANKETS. Drums, Tents, Ac, Acc. Terms cash, in Government funds. The property pur* chased to be removed within two days after tho Sale By order of Brevet Major-Gonoral R. O. TILES, Chief Quartermaster Second Military District ADDISON BARRETT, Captain and Military Storekeeper U. S. Anny. July 16_. _ PUBLIC SALE. Will bo sold at Public Auction, on THURSDAY, July 25th, 18A7, beginning nt 10 o'clock A M., at the United StatT Quartermaster's Department, Southern WLart, Charleston, S. C., A LOT OF SERVICEABLE AWD .UNSERVICEABLE QUARTERMASTER'S STORES, "" CONSISTING, or : WHITE PINE LUMBER. 8HINGLES1 * - ^ Panel Doors, Window Sash, Sash Weights Axle Pulleys, Enameled Wash Basins, Urinals and Sinks Plasterer's Hair, parts of two Saw Mills Old Harness, saddles, Curry Combs and Horse Brushes. ALSO, HORSES, MULES, kc, kc, kc Terms cash in Government, funds. The property pur¬ chased to be removed within five days after the sale. By order R. O. TYLER, Bvt, Major-Ganeral and Chief Quartermaster Second Military District J. D. STUBBS, Bvt Liout-CoL and Assistant Quartermaster. July 9 COMMISSION MERCHANTS^ WILLIAM ll. GILL1LAKD 4 SOS, Real Estate Agents Auctioneers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OFFICE NO. 33 H AYN E STREET. Sen fernher X ,?_^^^^ WILLIS & cniSOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MICTYIS, : « AND SHIPPING AGENTS. .»£..?. H ?> i. y-.. JU i. k vii «. " Vf %f WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE AND SUI1 MENT (to Foreign and Domestic Puru) ol 30TTON. lt 1 CE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston. S. C. E. WILLIS........A- R. CHISOLM October tB JjOOKS, STAT.0NERY, ETC7 SCHOOL BOOKS AT HALF PRICE. ENGLISH. FRENCH. LATIN AND GREEK\ ITALIAN, GERMAN AND SPANISH SCHOOL BOOKS aro be¬ ing Hold at half price. Teachers and parente, if they de¬ sire to save, should avail themselves of tho opportuufty. Jail soon, or you may be too late SAM. HABT. Sr., June 17 Bookseller,' King street. O.T. VOUER, NO. 108 MARKET ST., Books, Ferio ii icals and Stationery. JUST RECEIVED- A lar e supply of STATIONERY PHOTOGRAPHS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS POCKET BOOKS, DIARIES for 1807, Etc. ALSO, fine and large selection of NOVELS, by the most iel irated authors. SONG BOOKS, BOOKS for Home am «emente, kc Ai. the MONTHLY MAGAZINES, WEEKLY PAPERS. DAILIES constantly on hand, and subscriptions re¬ sewed 'or the same. i Orders from the country are respectfully solicited. \ TKHWS TJP.F.RA*.. _November 8 ~ M. M. QUINN, Wholesale & Retail Dealer IN BOOKS, PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS, STATIONERY, ETC. No. 527 KING STREET (Opposite Aim street), Charleston, C. S. Tho LATEST. ISSUES of thc Press always on hand. Subscriptions received and Goods delivered or for¬ warded by Mail or Express. All CASH ORDERS will bo promptly attended to. February 2S ly AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOB THE LIQUIDATION OF THE INTEREST ON THE DEDT OF THE CITY WHICH ACCRUED 30TH DAY OF JUNE LAST. lie it ordained" by the Mayor and Aldermen in Cdy Council tttttmbied. That for tho purpose of liquidating thc interest on thc public debt of thc city, which accrued m tho 30th day ot Juno last, six Per Ceut. Stock, obliga¬ tory on the Corporation of the city of Charleston, shall bc issued, under the direction of thu Mayor, to the per¬ ons holding Stocks or Six Per Cent Bonds of thc city, ind entitled to receive the interest accrued thereon at the time above steted, the said Stock to bear interest i ft er the rate of six per cent per annum, payable quar¬ ters, redeemable in thirty years from date : Provided, that no part of said Stock shall bc issued for my sum less than twenty dolíais, or for any fractional part of a collar, Provided, alto, that all sums for leas than twenty dollars and tor fac¬ tional parts of a dollar shall be paid in city bills. And, Provided further, thut any person bona fide holding Stocks or Six Per Ceut Bonds on said 30th day of June, upon which intercet has accrued, shah have the privilege until thc 1st day of September next of discountli g such interest, or any part thereof, against taxcj duo by him to tho city on said 30th of June, and may receive any bol¬ inee in 1rs favor in city hills or new sto.k, according to ihe amount thereof, iu manner aforesaid. SECTION 2. That thc lorm of certificates and mode of Iransfer of said stock shall be subject to the same regulations as now exist in rclatiou to ether Six Per cut Stocks ot the city. Ratified in City Council this tenth day of July, in the rear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred sud ilxty seven. [L. fl.] P. C. GAILLARD, Mavor. W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council. July 10 Imo WILLIAM BROOKBANKS, STEAM GAS FITTER AND PLUllBKlt, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL CS FIXTURES, G Ab FITTING AND PLUM BING PROMPTLY AT- IBNDKU TO. No.110 KING STURM, August S] Retwr-pii Brana and drei**. NOTICE. OFFICE CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARMENT. ) June 20, 1S07. | FE ATTENTION OF ALL PARTIES ARE HEREBY directed to the foUowlug Ordinance, ratified June >, 1801 : AN ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO FUULIC WELLS. Hf il ordained by Hie Mayor and Alternen, in City Council attembied, That it shall aud moy be lawful for he Board Ol Fire Masters, from time to time, to rojtrain >r to p.-olubi* enürely, the me of any of the Public Wells D ony part nf the city, whenever, in their judgment, tho lublie good shall require such restraint or prohibition; ind au v person who shall violate any order of the said loan! ot Fire Masters in relation to thc Public Wells, in Hirstunce of this Ordinance, after, notice given per- tonally la writiiu:. or duly published lu one of Ute i ity tewspapers, shall be subjected to a penalty of ten dollars or every such Offence. M. H. NATHAN, Juue IV Imo Chid Fire Deporlnient. AUCTION SALES. Bamaqed Corn. ' ii I THIS DAY, at ll o'clock, In Accommodation Wharf atora, will be sold, 250 SACKS WHITE COEN (more or lesa), damaged on board schooner-, on ber voyaze from Baltimore to thia port, and sold for account of Underwriters and au concerned. _ ._ Coud ttlon» cash. _JulyTS Horse», Harness, eic. McKAY 6i CAMPBELL, Cash Auctioneers. Rio. 136 Meeting street, oppoaite Pavilion Hotel, Will sell THIS DAY (Tuesday), 16tb inst, at 10 o'clock, THREE SPLENDID HORSES, suitable for Draft or Saddle. ALSO, i ONE THOUSAND TWO-BUSHEL BAGS. Î", _Terms .ah. _Joly 16 WM. MCKAY. JOHN CAMPBELL. MCKAY & CAMPBELL, WiU sett THIS- DAY (Tuesday), 16tb inst, at 10 o'clock, at their auction salesroom*. No. 136 Meeting street, opposite Pavilion Hot-i, late No.-66 Hasel street, CONTENT« OF A COUNTRY STORE-Piece Gooda, Loincloths, Swiss Muslins. Gingham«, Prints, Lawns, Balmorals, Handkerchiefs, Under hhlrti, Drawers, Cash¬ meres, Ready Made Clo [hine, Cutlery, Shirts, Linen Fronts, Neck Ties and Notions, together with usual assortment of Dry Goods. Terms cash. ^nly IC Positive Sale-Hams and Butter, now landing. BY T. M. CATER. Will be sold THIS DAY, on Brown's Wharf, at three- quarters past 9 o'clock, 600 BAGGED HAMS, now landing 98 firkins and tubs State Butter, now binding 200 Shoulders. Conditions cash. July IC Furniture, Show Vase, Mattresses, Sofas, Dry Goods, Straw Goods, dbe. BY MILLIGAN di SON, No. fi» Vendue Hange. THIS DAY, at 10 O'clock. ALSO, 1 Large IRON 3AFE.. 1 Dray._ ,._ Joly 16 City Stock at Auction. BY LOWNDES di G KIMBALL. THIS DAY, at ll o'clock, at the OM Postofflce, wul be * sold, $1200 CITY SIX PER CENT. STOCK._Joly 16 Bacon, éc. BY LAV KEV &. ALEXANDER. THIS DAY, 16th inst, win be sold in our store. No. 137 East Bay, at 10 o'clock, 7 BARRELS PORK 200 Shoulders 250 Extra Sugar-Cured Hams 10 boxes Champagne Cider 20 boxes Cheese 7500 Segara. Conditions cash. July 16 A Milch Cow and Calf at Auction. BY SMITH & Mc. G IL LIV KA \ . No. -¿7 Broad Street. T0-MÓ3B0W, at jo o'clock, in front of their office. July 16 Boots, Shoes, Balmoral*, Gaiters, &c. BY N. HUNT dc SON. TOMORROW, the 17th instant, at 10 o'clock in oar Sales Boom, No. 142 Meeting street, we will sell.,» > 60 CASES ASSORTED FRESH AND SEASONABLE BOOTS. SHOES, BALMORALS, GAITERS, SUPPERS. Ac, Ac Condition cash. ,_July 16 Two fine horses al sixty days time. BY H. AI. .M'A KS HA LL & BRO., Auct'rs. TO-MORROW, 10 o'clock, at No: 33 Broad street Conditions.-Approved city acceptance at sixty days. July 10 i< Mides, Hoses, Furniture and Sundries. Handsome Brussels Carpel. Window Shades, Cornices, &c. BY H. HT. MARS I- ALL di BBO. Anrtlonwm. On WEDNES AY, 10 o'clock, at No. 83 Bread Btreet. July 16 .. >? " a. BAV.Vr.TT SCHUH. An tlonoer and Comm) «sion Merchant, at N i. SO King street, b< low Broad street» Offers his services for the s tie of MERCHANDISE at day anl night at his store, also for the sale of Stock. Bonds, R-al Estate, Vessels, Hersés and Produce.' Best city refere ces will bo given. Consign ments 'solicitad. Terms moderate and guarantees satisfaction. -, Julyl Imo PRIVATE SALES, ? BY H. M. MARSHALL dr JIRO. J .' \uctloners, No. 33 Broad street. ', At Private Sale- ... ... A BLACK MARE THREE-QUARTERS BRED. . Joly 15 «V MISCELLANEOUS. AT PRIVATE SALE. _ CONCENTRATE © PERMMËTE SALTS, FOR PURIFYING DRINKING WATER,' SICK ROOMS, BILGE WATER, CESSPOOLS, BRAINS. Ac, and for.use In all caaes where a deodorizer or disin¬ fectant ls required. Approved by the Surgeon-Generei, U. S. A., Washington, D C. and for sale In quanlitiö« to suit tho public at No. ISC MEETING STREET. McKAY ti CAMPBELL,. Auction and Commission Merchants. July 16 ..,.g ^taJto.. . TAX SOTICE. MOUNT PLEASANT, ) Jnlv 16, 1867. j rjTHE .UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE THE TAXES JL on Reel Estate and Personal Property to thia town, suchas horses, dogs, vehicles, ¿c., at the residence ot Mrs. SIMONS, Mount Pleasant every Tuesday nd Solu*, day Aflf.rtuHm, lrom i to G o'clock, until thc 1st August next when the books will be closed, and execution* lodged.with the Marshal of the Town or Sheriff of Charleston District Defaulter* are also liable to a double tax. EDWARD HALL, - July 16_f.itnw3_Town Treasurer. ?? Wilvil)! BII1HIÍ! ¡¡Hil)! - THE PETCE REDUCED AGAIN ! THE SUBSCRIBER WILL, FROM THIS DAY, FÜR- NISH A NO. 1 articlo of wed baked BREAD at the fodo wing rates; TO FAMILIES PURCHASING TICKETS, SEVENTEEN LOAVES EU»ONE DOLLAR. .-«' ? ? TO STORES, HOTELS, STEAMBOATS AND BOARDING HOUSES THAT TAKE TWENTY OB M DUE . ula LOAVES PER DAY, TWENTY LOAVES FOR ONE DOLLAR. .¿ DeUvorcd at soy pert ut the city. al J. C. MARSHALL, JulylO No. 60 Tread street. FUN FOR ALL ! FULL INSTRUCTIONS BY WHICH ANY PERSON, male or female, can master thc croat art of Ven¬ triloquism by a few boora' practice, making a world ot' fan, and after becoming experts themselves, can teach others, thereby makin« it a source of income. Full in¬ structions sent by mail for 50 cents. Satisfaction guar¬ anteed. Address P. O. Drawer 21, Troy, N. Y. May 13_ -, lyr PHOTOGRAPHS FOR THE MILLION!!; IWILL SEND, POST-PAID, 50 PHOTOGRAPHS OF the most celebrated Actors for 60 costs; 60 Actresses lor 50 cents; 60 Union Generals for 60 cents; 60 Rebel Generals for 60 cents; 60 Statesmen for 60 cents; 60 boan- tirol young Ladies for 60. cents; ßO fine-looking young Gentlemen for 60 cents; 6 large Photographs of French Dancing Girls, in costóme, beautifully colored, exactly aa they appear, for 60 cents; or far 50 cents, 6 of the m<»t beautiful Ladies of the Parisian Bauet Troupe, aa they appear in the play of the Black Crook, at Niblo's Garden, Now York. Send all orders to P. O. Box 177, V "V, N. Y. May 13_,_lyr_ The Cn ¡versal Verdict of all the. Moat Ex¬ perienced Pastry Cooks and Housekeep' os is th at the zpxonsriEEiR, YEAST P0V7DER! IS THE MOST RELIABLE OF ALL P VKLNG PÓW- DERS, being beautifully white, and free from all in¬ jurions ingredients, besides requiring only two-thirds of tho quantity to have the same effect as other Yeast Towders. lt you wont delightful Pie Crust Biscuit and ( irn Bread, give it a trial "or sale by GRUBER t MARTIN, No. 236 King street HENRY BISCHOFF et CO.. No. lu; East Bay, W. S. CORWIN ii CO., No. 269 King street DOWIE & MOISE, Druggists, No. 151 MEETING S'fRkET, Opposite Charleston Hotel. January 24 thstuCmo "Prevention is Belter than Cure. w DR. RECORD'S Celebrated Preventive Lotion. A PPROVED AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY l\_ tue French Medical Faculty, as the only safe and Intallible autidoto against infection from Special Diseases. This invaluable preparation is suited for either sex, and has proved, from ampio experience, (ho most efficient and reliable Preventive ever discovered, thus effecting a desideratum lout; sought for in the Medical World, lt used according to directions every possibility or danger may be avoided; a single appli .ution will radically neu¬ tralize the venereal virus, expel all impurities from the absorbent vessels, and render contamination impossible. Bc wise in time, and at a very small outlay, save hours of uutold bodily and mental torments. This most rellablo specific, so univcrsaUy adopted ia tho Old World, is now offered for sale for thc first time lu America by F. A. DUPORT A CO., only authorize! Agents for tlie United States. Price $3 per bottle. Largo bottle, double size, $6. Thc usual discount to the trade. Sent, securely I¡aeked, on receipt of price, to any address, with direc¬ tions and pamphlet by addressing to F. A. DUPORT & CO., Solo Agents for Dr. Ricord's P. L., May 22 lyr No. 12 Gold Street New York. CITY TAXES-MONTHLY RETURNS. OFFICE OF THE CITY ASSESSOR. 1 CITY HALL, July 1, 18C7. J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL CONCERNED that tho Monthly Returns for tho month of June past in compliance with thc Tax Ordinance, ratified ou thc 28th day ut December, 18CC, must be made on or be¬ fore the loth Inst. D. C. GIBSON, July 1_15_ City Assessor. TUE MARION STAR, ESTABLISHED NEARLY TWENTY YEARS AGO. IS published at Marion, S. C., in the central portion oi the country, and offers a favorable medium to Mer¬ chants, Druggist«, Machinists, and all classes who desire to oxtend their business in the Pee Dee country. For the benefit of our advertising patrons, wt shall, ia addition to our subscription list which ls constantly rn- creasing, publiali and distribute gratuitously 3000 extrt copies of the STAR, durdu. thu business season thia Fall. Rates of AdvTrtising lib ira!. W. J. McKERALL, November 20 Editor and Proprietor.

The Charleston daily news.(Charleston, S.C.) 1867-07-16.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026994/1867-07-16/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Easton,p. 2 2 Barber, ct 1 2 ... Philip Martin, Samuel

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LOCAL MATTERS.JOB WOES.-We have now completed our office

?o aa to execute, in the shortest possible timeALL KINDS OF JOB WORK, and we most re-

?pectfully ask the patronage of our friends.

Post Office Notice.POST OFFICE, I

CHARLESTON, 8. C., Joly 6, 1867. \After to-day the mails for Northeastern Railroad

Will close at 8 o'clock A.M., and to-day and after¬wards they are expected to reach the Railroad"Station" at 2:30 o'clock P.M., and to be ready for

delivery at this office at 3:30 o'clock P.M., excepton Sunday, when the hour .will be from 6 P.M. to 7


P.M., until further notice.STANLEY G. TROTT, P. M.

POSTOFTICS NOTICE.-An evening mail for Augus¬ta and Savannah, and for distribution beyond thosooffices, will close daily at the Postoffice at half-past6 o'clock.

AcE^owLEDoctfEKT.-Our 'hanks are due theSouthern Exprese Company for copies of lateNorthern papen.

LOEB, LIMB.-We direct attention to the adver¬tisement of Mesan. OLNEY & Co., in another col¬umn. They offer Lime, Cement, Plaster, Sec., andbuilders or contraetors will find it to their advan¬tage to give them a call.


THE LEGION OF HONOB AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION.-Among the Americans who have received the dec¬oration of the Legion of Honor from the hands of

. NAPOLEON, we notice the name ofProfessor J. LAW¬RENCE SMITH, Commissioner to the Expositionfrom Louisvii le, Ky. Professor SMITH is a nativeof this city, and a graduate of the South CarolinaMedical College; he then went to Paris, where hemade chemistry his special branch. Soon after hisreturn to this country, he was appointed an Agri¬cultural Commi suioner to Turkey, for the purposoof teaching the Sublime Porta how to plant rice inCarolina stylo. He was subsequently appointedProfessor of Chemistry in the University or Vir¬ginia, but left that position; to occupy a similarchair in the Kentucky Medical College, where hebas achieved a fine reputation, and wields a large

BASE BALL.-Agreeable to announcement, thematch game of Baso Ball between tho Palmettosad Alert Clubs, was played on Saturday after¬noon, in the presence of a large crowd of specta-ion. Notwithstanding the threatening aspect oflbs weather, the players were promptly on theground, and at half-past two o'clock the game was

called, the Alerts getting the bat Five inningswen played, at the expiration of which the Pal¬metto's wen declared the victors by two runs.It should be stated that a sixth inning was com¬

menced, but owing to the rain, could not be finish¬ed. The playing throughout the entire game waa

excellent, and the contest was maintained withspirit on both sides. We hope that another trialwill be made between the nines, at a more favora¬ble season, when they will better be able to dojustice to themselves. We append the score.ALBUS. KONS. oma. PALMETTO'S, HUNS. OUTS.

Maguire, LL 1 3 Jones, p. 3 aBlair, SLA 0 3 Tow r, Xb. 2 SLockwood. I.b. 1 S Warded, s.s. 3 2Conklin, Xb. 2 2 Stubbs, S.D. 3*1Moroso, C.f. 4 0 Reed, Lb. 2 1HesBn.adi Denny, r. L 3 lBAndrard. r.L 2 2 Van Bleak. LL 2 2Easton, p. 2 2 Barber, ct 1 2Oorneliaon, &.b 3 o Schachte, o. 8 l

Total.19 1« Total.21 16Passed Balls-HESLIN 10; SCHACHTE 8.Fly Catches-VAN BLECK 1; TOWEB 1; DENNY 1;

KESLIE 4; CONXUN 1; SCHACHTE 1; STUBBS 1,Scorers-H. 8. BRUNS, Palmetto, and C. N. WIN¬

NER Alert, Club.Umpire-H. W. BENTON, Graham Social Club.Time-One hour and forty minutes.

MATOB'S CorrET, July 15.^Emeline Jenkins, a

colored girl, with a temper which will hardly im¬

prove with age, ands fluency of bad language thatwac remarkable, abused some children to such anextent thai shebsd to be locked up ten days soaa to cool her off-Two men who were barbarous enough to raise

»row at eshaving shop ou Saturday night, wore

fined $0 each.An individual who had interfered with the police

in the matter of a boy swimming in a public pondwaa fined $5.Henry Bead, s colored youth in the employ of

Ephraim Blake, who had put on s pair of panta¬loons belonging to one James Rose, another color¬ed person, thereby leading the said Boee toimagine they had been stolen from him, was

looked up "tn days, with the full sanction of biaexcellent employer.A white woman who fell upon the highway on

tike Sabbath, and there laid until taken off by thepolios, paid 19 for her disgraceful frolic.

Ellen Carr, a colored girl, who had beaten a littlechild, was fined 12.A mau who had fired a pistol in the street at the

middle of the night, for the purpose of amusingthe sTirrormding neighbors, was sent to theProvost Marshal, so that the fun might be con¬

tinued.A woman who had thrown water from a window,

waa fined S2.Ihne hoys who wan swimming at the Rutledge

elxeet bridge, near Caihour. -trout, on Sunday at111 o'clock tn the day, wen properly fined $5 each.

DsREttrr COURT.-Hon. GEO. W. LOGAN presid¬ing.-The following Jury wea organised :

Isaac M. Wilson, Foremai-W. 8. Lanneau, C.T. Puohardson. Alex. B. Wilson, T. Richter. Wil¬liam Kappe, J. M. Williams, Jno. F. Streckfusa.Supernumeraries-Eugene M. Weet, Wm. G.

Issop, Thoa. Power, F. D. C. Kracke, Chas. H.West.The Court then proceeded to the trial of the fol¬

lowing cases :

Tba -State es. Beckman McCall-Assault andBattery. A.P. LTNTNO, Esq., for the defenoe.ajruilty.The State vs. Philip Martin, Samuel Gordon and

Dave Morrison-Larceny. Guilty as to the three.Tbs Stats vt. Charles Hyman, Amelia Hyman,

and Ernestine Green. R. W. SEYMOUR, Esq., forthe defenoe, Guilty.The State vs. Samuel Grogin-Larceny. Guilty.TheState OJ. Adolphus B. Steinmeyer. R.S.

DCBYEA for the defence. Not guilty.The State vs. Dominick Boyce-Assault and Bat¬

tery. Continued.The State sa. Philip Martin, Samuel Gordon

said Dave Morrison-Larceny. Guilty.The State vs. Mena Graber-Assault and Bat¬

tery. Three cases Nol Pros in each of the three.

OOCBT OB GENERAL SESSIONS AND COMMONPLEAS-Hon. F. J. MOSES presiding.-The Courtmet at 10 A. M., and the following juries were or¬

ganizedJury Ko. 1.-J. B. Bissel, Foreman: Jas. Bocke,

Dennis Hefferman, F. W. Eggerkin, Jno. Mahony,Sr., W. B. MoKewn, 8. A. Woodside, Geo. Samson,Thoa. F. Fitz jr, H. G. Wannken, J. J. Ballentine,J. J. Small.Jury No. 1-J. L. Honour, Foreman: W. Hume,

Jr., Thoa. H. Smith, Jas. Shurbrigbt, J. H. Thiel,W. J. O'Connor, Jno. Burbage, Peter Crawford,W.Shannahan, Mat. Sweegan,!). Jennings, Jr., H.Benson.

Supernumeraries,-J'au. Brock, F. J. Rehkopf,J. H. Symons.The different city dockets were sounded, and

day* assigned for the trial of the several oases.

A number of civil cases, mostly for debt, were

tried, but were of no public interest.

U. 8. CoÜBT-Hon. GEO. 8. BBXAN presiding.-Jn admitally.-PETER LAWLES et al., vs. thesteamer Volunteer and owners. A libel for wages.On motion of A. H. BROWN, Esq., the libellante

proctor, it was ordered that a monition issue, re¬

turnable on Thursday next, at 12 M.The Grand Jury were called, and in place of Mr.

JAS. K. ROBINSON, the late foreman, Mr. JAS. H.MURRELL was appointed, and there being no fur¬ther business, they were discharged.The United States cs. one still and appurtenan¬

ces, one hogshead of molasses, and six empty bar¬rels. Informatijh for forfeiture under the Revenue

Daws.The Jury returned a^verdict for the United States,

and that the articles in the information are for¬

feited.On motion of the District Attorney, it was or¬

dered that the goods, wares and merchandise in

t>rie information be condemned and sold by tho

Marshal after giving fifteen days notice of the sale,Mad the United Statis Marshal pay over the pro¬ceeds ofthe sale.to the clerk of the court to abido

further orden.The jury charged with the case of EDWARD DALY

creditor ofFLAUM ts. JULIUS FLAUM. A petitionto become an involuntary bankrupt. WILETNSON

and GILCHRIST for crediton, and T. Y. SIMONS and

HBNBT BUIST for defendants. Aftsr a charge from

the Judge upon the different features of the case,

the jury retired and renderedJhe following ver¬

dict. Guilty.

MOONLIGHT CONGEST ON THE BATTEST.-Thronthe courtesy of the Poet Commander, the bawill perform this evening on the Battery. 1ptogramme that has been selected will pleaselovers of melody, and we advise those who wishleave dull care behind, to visit the Battery a

oaten to the music of tho band.

MOONLIGHT EXCURSION.-Tho present tppeiance of tho weather promises a continuanceboth suu and moonshine, and those parties wwere debarred from taking the excursion tripSaturday, will now have another opportunity DJ

sonted to thom. The Mount Pleasant FeiSteamer will go on an excursion trip to-niglleavi'.g tho Market wharf at 84 P. M. A bandmusic has been engaged, and the excursionifwill have every attention paid them. It will be

opportunity that is raroly offered, and all who c"Biro to spend a pleasant evening will not negltthe moonlight trip around the harbor.

THE Fara.-The announcement that the ent<tainment of the eroning would be varied bypromenade concert and by ItáUeovx vivantes, dr<a much larger audience than usual, but the morsonnd of music and the gay badinage of the belland their attentive beaux, soon cleared away dicare, and tho evening hours moved on goldiwings. Tho lady "managers of the Fair desergreat cr.'dit for tho tasteful manner with whitthoy bavo arranged both tho tables and the decrations, and we trust that they will meet withreward in the liberal donations that will be ma«

to the sacred cause of charity.

PARENTAL CABE.-For the size of Charlestowe think it has as many vagabond boys, as ai

other city in the Union can boast of ; boys that c

nothing but loaf about the wharves, the bondistrict and other places, fearful of work, and pefectly regardless of every thing by which thcmight obtain knowledge. Idle in habits and withoithe little means that a proper industry would gnthem, they must resort to an improper mode <

living, which commences first with pilfering, an

ends in stealing. That this is the oki hiatorv <

boys thrown upon the world without paren ti

care, we know, and it is on this account that w

desire to see some system ea tabushed-some ùstitution built up, which will save Ukase youthfxom error, and make them worthy men. Geneially too old to be put in the Orphan House, an

there being no House of Befuge, the city is wittout means of caring for them, and numbers c

them when brought before His Honor, the Mayoihave to be discharged in conséquence. If thecould be placed for a limited time in an establishment, where they would be compelled to labor, i

might give some of them a desire for work, and a

least, would keep many from participation iivicious habits. . .

At the present time, it is these idle boys, whowith many other nuisances, offend decency, amgive much trouble to tho police by bathing in publio places at any hour of the day that tide ma;suit, regardless of the appearance of neighborand passers-by. But it gratifies os to peroeivitba j the Mayor has severer/ punished three of t Iii;class by a fine of five dollars each.The poverty of the city certainly prevents itt

patting up an institution for the benefit of tbiiportion of oar community, but we think if propelefforts were made, and activo oxortions were usedthe Government might be induced to assist in obtaming a building, and to start a House of Befugewhich might, in a moas uro, bo mado self-sustaining, and which, while it would be highly beneficiato the boys, would be the cause of groat thankfulness from many others.

TEE NEW CUSTOM HOUSE.-We are pleased tilearn that tho work will at length be recommencéeon this building, and the public will no longeibe annoyed by the unsightly appearance presen¬ted by an unfinished pile. An appropriation ol$35,000 was made at tho last session of Congress,and through the exertions of Dr. A. G. MAOEEIthe Collector, tb is has been secured and Ute work¬men will soon commence operations. The latestorm proved very destructive to this building,and the tin roof was torn off and other damagedone by the violence of the wind. This necessita¬ted the early resumption of the work and the la¬borers have already been engaged, who will soon

make the building habitable. It will require a

force of about two hundred workmen to make thenecessary improvements and repairs. The $35,-000 will of course be but a drop in tho bucket,bat it is expected at the December Congross anoth¬er appropriation will be obtained that will enablothe Collector to continuo tho work.

Col. E. B. WHITE, the old architect of the Cus¬tom House, has been engaged to draw tho plansfor Ute proposed improvements, and the work willbe managed under his supervision. Mr. ALEXAN¬DER CEOSS will have the superintendence of thecarpenter work, and tho workmen will only do suchwork as is necessary to make tho Custom Househabitable. It is designed at present to make thofirst floor suitable for offices, and no attention willbe paid to the external until tho interior is thor¬oughly repaired. The building is entirely fire¬proof, and was constructed with the greatest caro,and when completed will be equal to any publicedifice in the South."There ia a large quantity of building material,

marble, Ac, now on the grounds, a large portionof which is in a finished t tate, bat there is also an

abundant supply of Ute raw material. Tho neces¬

sity of a Custom House that would be suitable tothe business of Ute port has long been felt, andthose interested feel convinced that Congress willsoon make Ure appropriations requisite to com¬plete Ute work. It is estimated by partios who are

well acquainted with Ute nature of thc work, and,with the amount already completed, that it wouldnot require more than $500,000 to place this Cus¬tom House in a finished condition. Charleston hasfow public buildLnga of¿any importance, and theCustom House will bo a monument pf Uncle Sam'sgenerosity that will tempt others to commence Utegrand work of reconstruction.

THE TBOOJPS rx GENERAL SICKLES'S DISTRICT.-The Army and Navy Journal publishes the fol¬lowing list of troops serving in the Second Mili¬tar; District, commanded by General Sickles :

NORTH CAROLINA.Post of Morgantown-Brevet Major G. Urban,

Captain Fifth Cavalry, Company 1, Fifth UnitedStates Cavalry. Morganton, N. C.Post of Salisbury-Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel

J. R. Edie, Lieutenant-Colonel Eighth Infantry,Company A, Eighth United States Infantry, Salis¬bury, N. C.Post of Charlotte-Brevet Major H. M. Lazello,

Captain Eighth Infantry, Company H, EighthUnited States Infantry, Charlotte, N. C.Post of Greensboro'.-Brevet Major W. 8. Worth,

Captain Eighth Infantry, Company B, Eighth U.S. Infantry, Gioensboro', N. C.Post of Raleigh.-Colonel J. V. Bomford, Eighth

Infantry, Company E and Headquarters Eighth U.8. Infantry, Company A, Fifth U. S. Cavalry,, Ra¬leigh, N. C.Post of Fayetteville.-Brovot Colonel Milton

Cogswell, Major Eighth Itfantry, Company K,Eighth U. S. infantry, Fayetteville, N. C.Post of Goldsboro'.-Major C. E. Compton, For¬

tieth Infantry, Companies E, G and H, Fortieth U.S. Infantry, Goldsboro', N. C.Post of Wilmington.-lirevet Lieutenant Colone)

R. T. Frank, Captain Eighth Infantry, Company D,Eighth U. S. Infantry; Company A, Fortieth U. 8.Infantry, Wilmington, N. C.Post of Plymouth-Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel

Charles Bentzoni, Captain Fortieth Infantry, Com¬pany B, Fortieth U. 8. Infantry, Plymouth, N. C.Post of Newborn.-Brevet Major J. J. Van Horn,

Captain Eighth Infantry, Company F, Eighth U.8. Infantry; Company C, Fortieth U. 8. Infantry,Newbern, N. C.Post oí Fort Macon.-Captain Charles B. Gas-

kill, Fortieth Infantry, Company I, Fortieth U. 8.Infantry, Fort Macon; Brevet Major-General N. A.Miles, Colonel Fortieth Infantry, HeadquartersFortieth Infantry, Raleigh, N. C.

SOUTH CAROLINA.Post of Charleston.-Brevet Brigadier-General

H. B. Clitz, Lieuteuant-Colonel ¡sixth Infantry,Companies A, B and I, Sixth U. 8. Infantry; Com¬panies B and H, Twenty-ninth Infantry; Compa¬nies D and F, Foi tieth U. 8. Infantry, Charleston,8. C., and vicinity.Post of Hilton Head.-Brevet Lieut. Col. A. C.

Wildrick, Captain Third Artillery, Company E,Third U. S. Artillery; Company K, Fort eth U. 8.Infantry, Hilton Head, 8. C.Post of Georgetown.-Brevet Maj. E.W. H. Read,

Captain Eighth Iufaatry, Company C, Eighth U. 8.Infantry, Georgetown, 8. C.Post of Aiken.-Brevet Major L. Walker, Captain

Fifth Cavalry, Companies H and L, Fifth Cavalry,Aiken, 8. C. .

Post of Darlington.-Captain H. 8. Hawkins,8ixtb Infantry, Company G, Sixth U. 8. Infantry,Darlington, S. C.Post of Columbia.-Brevet Brigadier-General

H. S. Burton, Colonel Fifth Artillery, CompaniesB, and H, Fifth Artillery, Headquarters Colum¬bia, 8. C.Post of Newberry.-Brevet Major J. McCloary,

Captain Sixth Infantry, Company H, Sixth In¬fantry, Newberry, 8. C.Post of Anderson.-Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel

A. T. Smith, Captain Eighth Infantrv, Company I,Eighth U. 8. Infantry, Anderson, 8. C.Post of Unionville.-Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel

J. N. Andrews, Captain Eighth Infantry, CompanyG, Eighth U. 8. Infantrv, Unionville. 8. C.Post of Chester.-Brevet Major D. D. Lynn,

Captain Sixth Infantrv, Company K, Sixth Ü. 8.Infantry, Choster, 8. C.

II. H.

If you want cheap Blank Books;If you want cheap Stationery, Euvelopos, Pa¬

per, Ac; or, MILLERS* Almanac;if you want Printing executed neatly;lt you want Books bound in any style, or Account

Books made to ord.jr, with any desired pattern of

ruling, go to HIRAM HARRIS, No. 59 Broad street.

DISINFECTANTS,-Daring tho Summer seasonthe greatest care should be taken by all personsw ho desire to preserve their health to remove allimpurities from their food, drink, and even fromthe atmosphere. The necessity of this is BO wellknown that medical men have generally recom¬mended the use of prophylactics or disinfectants,which act as deodorizers, and destroy all noxiousmatter that may exist. For this purpose certainfluids have been prepared that have the effect ofhurrying orgauic matter ia a state of decomposi¬tion to the last stage of oxidation. Messrs. MCKAY& CAMPBELL have for sale a supply of BoWEE'SDisinfecting Fluid that will be found'invaluable toevery family. It is more portable than chloride oflime, and has no disagreeable smell. As the sicklyseason is near at hand, we advise all persons tocall on Messrs. MCKAY & CAMPBELL and obtain a

supply of this fluid.

THE MENDENHALL HAND LOOM.-We have al¬ready adverted to the advantages of this loom,which is now on exhibition in this city, at tho oldoffice of tho National Express office, in Meetingstreet. Since our Brat notice, Dr. MCCLINTOCK,the agent, has put ap another loom, and is nowbetter prepared to show the particular advantagesto bo derived from its use. His object in visitingCharleston is to impress upon the citizens the ne¬

cessity of improving their manufacturing re¬

sources, and the loom which he has on exhibitionis so simple that it at once com¬

mends itself to every practical mind. Heis desirous of selling the right for thisState and North Carolina, and if oar capi¬talists would only give the matter their attention,they would soon become convinced that it is not a

humbug, but aa invention that is destined to domore toward reconstructing and restoring theSouth to its former status than any effort thatmaybe made by visionaries. Dr. MCCLINTOCK hasalready disposed of the right of this Loom toGeorgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and otherSouthern States, and has everywhere received thehighest encomiums from the press and from thosewho have tried the Loom. We are unable, at pre¬sent, to give' a more extended notice of this in¬vention, bat will refer co.it at a future day.

THE FAIRIES OUTDONE.-The Princess, in theFairy Tale, dropt pearls from her mouth when she

opened it, but whoever uses that talisman ofscience, SozoDONT, will have a mouthful of pearlsthat will never drop oat, darken or decay.July 16 tutbB3

ELYSI:S.A new and important remedy for married ladies

Circulars can be obtained and the article suppliedupon application to the wholesale agents.

DOWLE & MOISE,Southern Drug House, No. 151 Meeting s tree I.

April ll thstu3mo4




Auction Sales This Daw.MCKAY A CAMPBELL will seU this day, at 10 o'clock,

at their auction sales room. Ne. 196 Meeting street, thecontents of a country store; also, horses, harness, Ac.JEFFORDS k Co wUl soil this day, at 10 o'clock, in

front ot their atore, No. 30 Vendue Bange, shoulders,H tri im, lard, AcT. M. dann wfll seU this day, st three-quarters past 0

o'clock, on BroWu's Wharf, bama, batter, tte.

CAMPBELL, KNOX tx Co. will seH thia dav, at 10 o'clock,at their cash auction house. No. 66 Hasel street dressgooda, boots and shoos, Ac.

MiLLICJAU A SON will Bell thia day, at 10 o'clock,at Na 33 Vendue Bang», furniture, show cases, mat¬

tresses, kc.LOWNDES A OBIMBALL will sell this day, at ll o'clock,

at the old Postoffice, $1300 city ali per coat stock.

LADBXT & ALEXANDER will sell thia day, at 10 o'clockin their atoro, No. 137 East Bay, bacon, Ac,

For restoring strength and appetite, nse the greatSouthern Tonic, PANINT*'s HEPAXc BTTTZBS and youwill not be disappointed. For sale by aU druggists. tn

Never Falling Saftety and Success.-Mrs.WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP is a safe and certainremedy for aU diseases with which children are afflictedduring tho procesa af teething. It has stood tho test of

thirty years. Never known to fail. Gives rest to themother and reli t to the child. Cures wind colic, andreignlates the bowels. 35 cents a bottle.Be sure and call tor

"MBS. WTSSLOW8 SOOTHING SYRUP,"Having tho/ac mule of "Cunna k PERKINS" on the out¬side wrapper. AU others are bose Imitations.

DOWIE dc MOISE,No. 161 Meeting street, opposite the Charleston Hotel.Joly13 stuthS

The Time to Advertise In the Country.THE PHOENIX has a largo circulation throughout UM.

middle and upper Districts of the State. Advertíamerates as reasonable as the stringency of the money mar¬

ket wfll warrant Merchants and others wishing to usethe oollimns or the paper wUl address

JULIAN A. PEI,BY, Proprietor,February33 Columbia, 8. C.

Free to Everybody.A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the

greatest Importance to the young of both sexes.

It teaches how the homely may become boantiful, thedespised respected, and the forsaken loved.No young lady or gentleman should tall to aend their

address, and receive a copy post-paid, by return mal!.Address P. O. Drawer. 21,

March30 lyr Troy, N. Y.

Know thy Destiny.MADAMS E. F. TuonirroN, the great English Astrolo¬

gist, Clairvoyant and Psythomesacian, who has aston¬ished the scientific classe» of the O lt World, hes now lo¬cated herself at Hudson, N. Y. Midame THORNTON pos¬sesses such wonderful powers of a j* ond sight as to ena¬

ble her to Impart knowledge of the .realest importanceto the single or married of either sex. Whilo lc a «tateof trance, she delineates the very features of the personyou are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of in¬tense power, known as tho Psychomotrope, guarantees to

produce a Life-like picture of the future husband or wifeof the applicant, together with date of marriage, positionIn Ufe, leading traits of character, Ac. This bi no hum¬bug, aa thousand of testimoniáis can assert. She willeend, when desired, a certified certificate, or writtenguarantee, that the picture ia what it purports to be. Byenclosing a smaU lock of hair, and lng place of birth,age, disposition and complexion, and enclosing fty cent«

and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will re¬

ceive the picture and desired information by return mall,AU communications sacredly confidential. Address, Inconfidence. Madame E. F. THORNTON, P. O. Box 333,Hudson, N.Y ly March 30

I HE DISEASE OF AMERICA.D spepsia is said to be the disease of America, Ita

victims may bc found in all stations of life. The poor as

weU as the rich are sufferers from ita life-destroying in¬

fluence. The symptoms of this disease vary greatly in

the different stages of the complaint It generally com¬

mences with a sensation of fulness after eating, aud a

changeable, diminished, or lost appetite. In some in¬stances the appetite is voracious, and when-in obed!

ence to its promptings-a Large portion of food ia takeninto the stomach, pain follows in that region, with general distress, nervousness and ñauara Flatulency and

heart-burn invariably attend this disease. For aU these


will be found an invaluable household remedy, as its aLtcrative, corrective and restorative properties are derivedexclusively from roots and plants, the virtues of whichare acknowledged by pharmaceutics and physiciansSeparately they have often been prescribed by the profession, but were never combined until Dr. HOSTETTEB

gave to the world hisHEALTH-RESTORING BITTERS,

which have proved a sovereign rcmody for dyspepsia andIts attendant evils. 6July 16


SOUTHERN EXPRESS COMPMOffice No. 147 Meeting il* t.


Railroads ThroughoutTHE


Every attention given to the sate

Transmission of Freight, Money,and Valuables.WILL CALL FOR AND DELIVER FREIGHT


II. B. PLANT, President,April 10 Augusta. Ga


CHAW.ESTON, S. C., May 2d, 1363. J

PARAGRAPH IL O ORDINANCE TO REGULATEthe "Cleansing of Privies and Vaults," forbids thc

use of barrels in oj en carts and wagons, and parties ap¬plying for license arc required to provide closed cartssuitable for tho purpose. AU persons, therefore, whopurpose taking jobs of tho kind, aro hereby required totiring their carts to main guard bouse for inspection be¬töre applying for license. CH. SIGWALD,May 21 '.mo Captain of Police.




in thanking tho public for the liberal patronagebestowed on bim, informs his numerous friends that Mr.C. NORDHAT SEN wih in future havo charge of tho RE¬TAIL DEPARTMENT, under thc management of Mr.LORENTZ.The rear of thu Storo and a building in the yard has

for the present boon arranged for JOBBING, and is weUsupplied with a full Htook of every article in tho lino.Having the agencv nf different celebrated Brands of TO¬BACCO, and having conncctimih with the most celebratedmanufacturers, he is prepared to offer liberal inducementsto the trado everywhere. Orders solicited.July IS_._8__

" Li GRIOLl "


NEW YORK.FTTHE UNDERSIGNED WILL BE PLEASED TO SEEX his Southern friends. Tho choicest HAVANA SE-GARS, of all the leading brands, with a general assort¬ment of Smokers' Articles always on hand.June i D. OTTOLENGUI, Agent.


December15_stut h lyr


No. 314 Meeting street,(NEAR LIM:,



Powers, Vertical and Horizontal 8ugar Mills, CottonSeed crashers, McCarthy Cotton Obis, and all kinds ofIron and Braes Costings, to order.

April 26 thstuCmo




constantly on hand at the lowest market prices.June 'it*_ f tul VT


Charleston, S. C.


Engineers, Boilermakers,FOUNDERS, ETC.,


STATIONERY STEAM ENGINES and BOILERS, RICETHRASHERS (from new patterns, with all the modernimprovements), STEAM SAW MILLS, fee., Ac.

CAMMS IN IRON AND BRASSPromptly attended to with neatnoss and dispatch.

Repairs to Marine anti other Work,Shall receive special attention.

FOR SALE-One 12-horso power ¿TEAM ENGINE,near]}- new; several new and second-h nd BOILER j, Gto lb-horse power.


10,12 and 20 Horse Power SteamEngines.

*3" All Orders Tor REPAIRS or NEW WORK shall re¬

ceive our prompt and armful attention.

JOHN F. TAYLOR & CO.May ll 3mc


can be cured permanently, and ut a trifling cosLThe astonishing success which hos attended this in

valuable medicine for Physical and Nervous WeaknessGeneral Debility and Prostration, Lusa of Muscular Ecergy, Impotency, or any of thc consequences of you th fu.lndlacre.lon, render* it tho most valuable preparationever discovered.

It wiB remove all nervous affections, depression, ex¬

citement, incapacity to study or business, loss of memo¬

ry, confusion, thoughts ot sell destruction, fears of in¬sanity. &c. It will restore tho appetite, renew the healthof those who have destroyed it by sonsual excess or ovilpractices.Young Men, be humbugged no more by "Quack Doc¬

tora" and ignorant piactitiouers, but send without delayfor the Elixir, and bo at onco restored io health sud hap¬piness. A perfect Cure ii Guaranteed in every instance.Price 91, or four bottles to ono address an.One bottle ls Bulhcicut lo effect a cure in all ordinary


?poedy and permanent euro of Gonorrhö», Gleet, Ure¬thral Dischargee, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections cttho Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in from »no lofive days. They are prepared from vegetable extractsthat aro harmless on tito system, and never nauseate thcstomach or impregnate thu breath. No chaugc ol' dietis necessary while wing them, nor dors their action inany manner lntericrc with business pursidts. Prit e $1perbox.

Either of tho abovc-nicutioned articles will be rent toany address, closely sealed, and post-paid, by mail or

express on receipt ut pnee. Address all orders UtBERGER, SHOTTS ic co., Chemists,

March 30 l y No. 285 River arnot. Troy, N. V.



since the last season, in changing thu position of and re¬

pairing the COTTAGES, grading tilt; Walks and crccdngnew Building', together with many other improvement),will opon THE SPRINGS for thc reception ot visitors on

Saturday, Juno 1st, 1HG7.Being situated in the northwestern part of tho State,

In a country remarkable for its beautty and healthful¬ness, these, together with the virtues ot the Waters, makeit one of thc most desirable WATERING PLACES in thocountry.

THE MINERAL WATERSOf THE SPRINGS aro tho White and Blue Sulphur, andChalybeate, and they possess all t:ie liueat qualities ofthese waters, and are sovereign remedies for all diseasesof the LIVER, BOWELS, STOMACH ¡ind KIDNEYS.THE SPRINGS aro accessible hy any of the roads lead¬

ing to Salisbury, K. C., and at that poiut thc WesternNorth Carolina 'Railroad will convey visitors to HickoryStation, at which placo conveyances are always in attend¬ance to take them to THE SPRINGS.Dr. WHITE, of thu Medical College of Virginia, will be

at THE SPRINGS the entire Scasou, and iuvahdd mayrely upon good attention.Having again secured tho services of Mrs. WRENN,

end made ample arrangements for keeping a GOODTABLE, and the best Wines, Liquors and Segara, andhaving engaged Smith's Baud for .lie Seaton, wo satclypromise to aU every convenience for pleasure, comfortaLd amusement that may be desired.


Children under 7 years of ugo ami Ser¬vants Half Pi'lce.


May 30 _2mo_THE LADIES'


MADE 0LOIMINO, suitable tor Gentlemen, La«dies andChildren, and being desirousufdiminishing ourstock before the season advances loo far, we would eape-dally draw tho attention ol'the public towards the reduc¬tion which will br maile iii our prices for the next twour three weeks irotu date.

Apply attito DEPOSITORY,January2'J Ko. 17 Chalmers street.




No. 140 Meeting Street,(OPPOSITE PAVILION HOTEL,)

Dealers In aU kinds of

Agricultural Implements,SAW AND ROLLER GINS.COTTON GINS.





In introducing this new Power into tho market, wcwould state that tho following aro rome of the advan¬tages possessed by tho "LITTLE GIANT" over all otherHorse powers :

I. Its great strength on account of being double-geared,which not only doubles tho strength by dividing thestrain on twice the number of teeth, but by gearing onboth sides of the wheels it equalizes the wear on meshafts, and materially lessens thc friction, enabling thehorses to do much moro work than with any otherPower.

2. Its compactness and extremo portability, it weighingabout one-half as much as other Horse Powers, and occu-pyi ig but one-third the space, it can be packe! in smaBboxes, thus saving much expense. It is so simple thatthe most ignorant person would havo no difficulty inputting it together.

3. Thc facility with which it con bo adjusted to anykind of machinery at any angle, either on thc ground orovor head, without moving it from its foundation, willbe appreciated by f-tnucrs aud planters as specially adapt¬ed for driving Cotton Gins.





Plows of all descriptions, Cast Ironand Steel.

PLOW CASTINGS, in every varioty ; Cultivators ;Hcrso Hoes ; Harrows ; Cast Iron Field and Garden Rol¬lers ; Fan Mills; Corn Mills; Corn shellcrs; Corn and CobCrashers ; Hay, Straw and Corn Stalk Cutters ; Planta¬tion Carts and Wagons ; Canal and Garden Barrows ;Sugar Mills ; Grindstones ; Road Scrapers ; Churns :Shovels ; Spades ; Rakes ; Forks ; Hoes, kc, kc, Gar¬den Seeds, of all Kinds, warranted puro and Frosh.

LITTLE & MARSHALL,No. HO Meeting Street,


Jane 18 ruths


ADMITTED TO BE THE MOST CONVENIENTand tho easiest to uso of any Iron Tio, and

equal to anv other in strength anet security.Ibis IRON TTE is in oye PIECE, and is secured

upon tho Cotton bolo in an instant and with onemotion.Those who have tried the various kinds of Tie,



Tlic Subscribers are Agents forthis State, and will supply them toSub-Agents at the WHOLESALEPRICE.PLANTERS furnished direct on

reasonable terms.


Juno 27 thstulmo


no more th n tho usual Rope used In baling Cotton,and renders an allowance for taro unnecessary, theonly Tie requiring no slack while putting on, and ls soperfect that thc necessity for heavy hoops to moko up forthe deficiencies in the 'Tio is entirely tbviated. Can besold by Ute pound or ton as cheaply as tho Henry Hoopsand less perfect Ties. Each and every Tie is warrantedperfect Science and practical uso will havo tho effect oftho Iron Ti" outiroly superseding tho use of rope, itscombination of ad vantages, tho preservation of tho Cot¬ton when baled from rousumptiou by fire, rendering itssecurity to Insurance Companios a mattor for considera¬tion both while in Warehouse or ou shipboard, and ItssimpHdty of use and economy combined. The inventornut finding a Tic adapted to the wants pf both planterand compressor hos devised this. For salo, in Urge or

small quantities, byWILLIAM ROACH,

SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT,July 12 mtuw Agent for South Carolina.




IT IS AS CHEAP A TIE. AND THE BEST ONE YETinvented. It is the IU'Ougcrit Tie, standing by teat a

strain of (2U0Ü) two thousand pounds. Thu most cosilyadjusted Tie, as it Ls self-fastening. The most simple,requiring only to slip thc baud into tho buckle, and thoelasticity of thc cotton fastens itself, and it cannot become unfastened.For sale, in large or small quantities, by

ROSS, ROBERTS k CO..Commission Merchants aud General Agents,

No. SG Front street, New York City.STREET BRO. k CO., Agents,

July 15_ Charleston. S. C.

ARROW TIE COTTON BANDS.fA TONS OE THE CELEBRATED "ARROW TIE"OU COTTUN RANDS, for baling Cotton, superior toall others. Just received per "lille dc L'Air, fromLiverpool. For sale by R. MURE k CO.,July llC Boyeo k Co.'s Wharf.

BEAU T Y.- Auburn,Golden, Flaxen, and

Silken CURLS produced bythe use of Professor DE-BREUX'S FRISER LE.CHEVEUX. One applica-liou warranted to curl thcmost straight and stubborn

ha1' of cither sex into wavy ringlets, or heavy massivecu. . Has been used by tho fashionables ol Pails andLondon, with the most gratifying results. Docs no in¬jury to thc hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, $1.Descriptive circulars mailed free. Address BERGER,SUUTTS à CO., Chemists. No. 285 River street, Troy, N.Y., Sole Agents for the United States.March 30 _ly_Tl BEST TONIC NOW IN IE!


EES ol the celebrated COMBINATIONCRADLE AND b%DY TENDER, Pro¬pelling Horses, and all kinds ol Rock-lug Horses, Iuvalid Chairs, with doubleaud single wheels, from $25 to ¿46;

CM.droii's Jarnagcs, Fancy and Varnished Wagons,fancy Sui its, Invalid Carrlagos, made to order. FancyPropeller -nd baby Rockors, kc, kc, life-size Horses,made toe der.Depot, >0. 038 BROADWAY. Manufactory, NOP. «9,

460, 461 a d 4S2 WEST STREET, New York.Octohn ja Ihatulyr


OFFICE CLERK OF COUNCIL,-THE FOLLOWINGclause of soetion l of an "OnHnanco to Raise Sup¬

plies lor they.-1: 18B7," is published for thc iuiormaliouofpersons selling Good* by sample or otherwise, who arr

not residents Ol this rite. All such persons are herebynotified to reportai this office."Three 'lilian o.i every hundred dollars of all goods

sold in this eitv by rsoui- not residents, by asmólo oi

otherwise." W. H. SMITH,Mareil H Clerk ol CotlUeil

AUCTION SALES.French Organdies, Jaconet and Swiss Muslins,

lawns, Boots, blioes, Notions, &c, tic.BT CAMPBELL, KNOX dc CO.,

Cash Auction Bowe, So. 55 Hasel .Street, op.pos'te Fostofflee,

Levto McKay dt Campbell.Will sell THIS DAY, at 10 o'clock.DRESS GOODS, PRINTED ORGANDIES, Jaconets,

Lawns, Calicoes, Dot Muslin, Ac, kc, Linen Drifts,laney and plain 4-4 Slate Linens, C ieck Linens, ItalianCloth, Holland's Canvas, 7-4 Summer Cloths, White andSlate Drill, Belnap Checks, Shawls, Muslin, Madras andMadder Hankcrchiefs, L. C. and P. B. Handkerchiefs,Mosquito Nets, Quilts, Ac, kc, Hosiery, Gloves, Sus¬

pendere, Belts, Buttons, Braids, Collars, Cologne, Fans,Hair Oil, kc j kc, Ladles' and Gent's Balmorals andShoes, kc.

ALSO,Five pieces CANTON MATTING to close consign¬

ment. _ ,

Conditions cash. _1_July 10

Shoulden. Strips, Lard, àc.JEFFORDS di CO.

Will sell THIS DAY, in front of their store, No. 30 Van-due Range, at 10 o'clock,

400 SHOULDERS3000 Pounds Strips80 Tabs Lard40 Boxes Cheese26 Boxes P. A. Cheese10 Tierces Hams

_35 Bbls, Flour._ July 16

Counting House Desk, Glass Show Case, Glass-ware, dc.

BT JOHN G. MILXOU & CO.TRIS DAY, 16th Inst, at 10 o'clock, will bc sold at our

auction sales room, No. 133 Meering street,1 COUNTING HOUSE DESK, 7>i feet long, with pigeon

holes and drawers1 Mahogany Glass Show Case,' Mahogany What NotaWire Safes, large Mahogany Book Case or Wardrobe1 piece Oil Cloth for floorQlasswore, Tumblers, Dishes, Cruets, Lamp Shades,

Chimneys, kc.Conditions cash on de'ivery.

AT PRIVATE SALE.Bales low priced BROWN SHIRTINGS, by piece or bale,

for cash. July 16

Twelve Small Farns near the Cita,for Sale at Auc¬tion on easy terms.

BT SMITH di MCGILLIVRAY,No. 27 Broad street.

On FRIDAY next, 19th inst, at ll o'clock, on the stepsof the Old Custom House, East Bay, opposite Broadftrent, will b© soldTWELVE FARM TBACT3, of from six to ten acres

each.These are good Cotton and Provision Lands, and can

be made profitable vegetable farms, lying between fivemd six miles from the city, on the west side of the SuteRoad. i. iiThese Lands commence at a point nearly opposite tho

Clemente Ferry Road, and run up to tho DorchesterRoad. The railroad runs conveniently through the mid¬dlePlate can be seen at our Office.Tern-s-One-third cash; balance in 1, 2, 3 and 4 years,

iccured by bond and mortgage as usual. Purchasers topay us for papers and stamps._ July 16

Plantation or. Bud's Bay al Auction.BT SMITH dc MCGILLIVRAY.

(VU! be sold on FRIDAY, the 19th instant at ll o'clock,at the old Custom House, east end of Broad streetAll that TRACT OF LAND known as the MURRELL

TRACT, situated on Bull's Bay, Christ Church Parish,consisting of 935 0-10 acres, more or less, ono hundredsf which are cleared; bounded on tho north and east by[ands now or late of Peter Maniganlt; south by themarshes of Bull's Bay, and west by lands now or late ofJas. S. Gibbes.These Lands aro' twenty-one miles from Mount Picas-

int, and produce first-class Long Cottons. Terms madeknown on day of salo. Can be treated for at Private Saleap to hour of auction. Joly 18

PUBLIC SALE.Wi!l bo sold, at Public Auction, on THURSDAY, Joly26th, 1867, at ll o'clock, A. M., at the United StatesQuartermaster's Depot, Southern Wharf, Charleston,8. C., "


coNsxrrx o or:COATS, JACKETS, TBOWSEBS, BLANKETS.Drums, Tents, Ac, Acc.

Terms cash, in Government funds. The property pur*chased to be removed within two days after tho SaleBy order of Brevet Major-Gonoral R. O. TILES, ChiefQuartermaster Second Military District

ADDISON BARRETT,Captain and Military Storekeeper U. S. Anny.

July 16_._PUBLIC SALE.

Will bo sold at Public Auction, on THURSDAY, July25th, 18A7, beginning nt 10 o'clock A M., at the UnitedStatT Quartermaster's Department, Southern WLart,Charleston, S. C.,



Panel Doors, Window Sash, Sash WeightsAxle Pulleys, Enameled Wash Basins, Urinals and

SinksPlasterer's Hair, parts of two Saw MillsOld Harness, saddles, Curry Combs and Horse


HORSES, MULES, kc, kc, kcTerms cash in Government, funds. Theproperty pur¬

chased to be removed within five days after the sale.By order R. O. TYLER, Bvt, Major-Ganeral and Chief

Quartermaster Second Military DistrictJ. D. STUBBS,

Bvt Liout-CoL and Assistant Quartermaster.July 9




Sen fernher X ,?_^^^^


: « AND

SHIPPING AGENTS..»£..?. H ?> i. y-.. JU i. k vii «. " Vf %f

WILL ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE ANDSUI1 MENT (to Foreign and Domestic Puru) ol


E. WILLIS........A- R. CHISOLMOctober tB




ing Hold at half price. Teachers and parente, if they de¬sire to save, should avail themselves of tho opportuufty.Jail soon, or you may be too late

SAM. HABT. Sr.,June 17 Bookseller,' King street.


Books, Ferio iiicals and Stationery.JUST RECEIVED-



fine and large selection of NOVELS, by the mostiel irated authors. SONG BOOKS, BOOKS for Homeam «emente, kcAi. the MONTHLY MAGAZINES, WEEKLY PAPERS.DAILIES constantly on hand, and subscriptions re¬

sewed 'or the same. iOrders from the country are respectfully solicited. \TKHWS TJP.F.RA*.. _November 8 ~

M. M. QUINN,Wholesale & Retail Dealer



No. 527 KING STREET(Opposite Aim street),

Charleston, C. S.Tho LATEST. ISSUES of thc Press always on hand.Subscriptions received and Goods delivered or for¬

warded by Mail or Express.All CASH ORDERS will bo promptly attended to.February 2S ly


Council tttttmbied. That for tho purpose of liquidatingthc interest on thc public debt of thc city, which accruedm tho 30th day ot Juno last, six Per Ceut. Stock, obliga¬tory on the Corporation of the city of Charleston, shallbc issued, under the direction of thu Mayor, to the per¬ons holding Stocks or Six Per Cent Bonds of thc city,ind entitled to receive the interest accrued thereon atthe time above steted, the said Stock to bear interesti fter the rate of six per cent per annum, payable quar¬ters, redeemable in thirty years from date : Provided,that no part of said Stock shall bc issued formy sum less than twenty dolíais, or for anyfractional part of a collar, Provided, alto,that all sums for leas than twenty dollars and tor fac¬tional parts of a dollar shall be paid in city bills. And,Provided further, thut any person bona fide holdingStocks or Six Per Ceut Bonds on said 30th day of June,upon which intercet has accrued, shah have the privilegeuntil thc 1st day of September next of discountli g suchinterest, or any part thereof, against taxcj duo by him totho city on said 30th of June, and may receive any bol¬inee in 1rs favor in city hills or new sto.k, according toihe amount thereof, iu manner aforesaid.SECTION 2. That thc lorm of certificates and mode of

Iransfer of said stock shall be subject to the sameregulations as now exist in rclatiou to ether Six Percut Stocks ot the city.Ratified in City Council this tenth day of July, in the

rear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred sudilxty seven.

[L. fl.] P. C. GAILLARD, Mavor.W. H. SMITH, Clerk of Council.July 10 Imo




IBNDKU TO. No.110 KING STURM,August S] Retwr-pii Brana and drei**.


June 20, 1S07. |

FE ATTENTION OF ALL PARTIES ARE HEREBYdirected to the foUowlug Ordinance, ratified June


IN RELATION TO FUULIC WELLS.Hf il ordained by Hie Mayor and Alternen, in City

Council attembied, That it shall aud moy be lawful forhe Board Ol Fire Masters, from time to time, to rojtrain>r to p.-olubi* enürely, the me ofany of the Public WellsD ony part nf the city, whenever, in their judgment, tholublie good shall require such restraint or prohibition;ind au v person who shall violate any order of the saidloan! ot Fire Masters in relation to thc Public Wells, inHirstunce of this Ordinance, after, notice given per-tonally la writiiu:. or duly published lu one of Ute i itytewspapers, shall be subjected to a penalty of ten dollarsor every such Offence. M. H. NATHAN,Juue IV Imo Chid Fire Deporlnient.

AUCTION SALES.Bamaqed Corn. ' ii I

THIS DAY, at ll o'clock, In Accommodation Wharfatora, will be sold,

250 SACKS WHITE COEN (more or lesa), damaged on

board schooner-, on ber voyaze from Baltimore to

thia port, and sold for account of Underwriters and auconcerned. _ . _

Coud ttlon» cash. _JulyTSHorse», Harness, eic.

McKAY 6i CAMPBELL,Cash Auctioneers. Rio. 136 Meeting street,

oppoaite Pavilion Hotel,Will sell THIS DAY (Tuesday), 16tb inst, at 10 o'clock,THREE SPLENDID HORSES, suitable for Draft or

Saddle.ALSO, i



MCKAY & CAMPBELL,WiU sett THIS- DAY (Tuesday), 16tb inst, at 10 o'clock,

at their auction salesroom*. No. 136 Meeting street,opposite Pavilion Hot-i, late No.-66 Hasel street,CONTENT« OF A COUNTRY STORE-Piece Gooda,

Loincloths, Swiss Muslins. Gingham«, Prints, Lawns,Balmorals, Handkerchiefs, Under hhlrti, Drawers, Cash¬meres, Ready Made Clo [hine, Cutlery, Shirts, LinenFronts, Neck Ties and Notions, together with usualassortment of Dry Goods.Terms cash. ^nly IC

Positive Sale-Hams and Butter, now landing.BY T. M. CATER.

Will be sold THIS DAY, on Brown's Wharf, at three-quarters past 9 o'clock,

600 BAGGED HAMS, now landing98 firkins and tubs State Butter, now binding

200 Shoulders.Conditions cash. July IC

Furniture, Show Vase, Mattresses, Sofas, DryGoods, Straw Goods, dbe.BY MILLIGAN di SON,

No. fi» Vendue Hange.THIS DAY, at 10 O'clock.

ALSO,1 Large IRON 3AFE..1 Dray._ ,._ Joly 16

City Stock at Auction.BY LOWNDES di GKIMBALL.

THIS DAY, at ll o'clock, at the OM Postofflce, wul be* sold,



THIS DAY, 16th inst, win be sold in our store. No. 137East Bay, at 10 o'clock,

7 BARRELS PORK200 Shoulders250 Extra Sugar-Cured Hams10 boxes Champagne Cider20 boxes Cheese

7500 Segara.Conditions cash. July 16

A Milch Cow and Calf at Auction.BY SMITH & Mc.G ILLIVKA \ .

No. -¿7 Broad Street.T0-MÓ3B0W, at jo o'clock, in front of their office.July 16

Boots, Shoes, Balmoral*, Gaiters, &c.BY N. HUNT dc SON.

TOMORROW, the 17th instant, at 10 o'clock in oar SalesBoom, No. 142 Meeting street, we will sell.,» >


Twofine horses al sixty days time.BY H. AI. .M'A KSHA LL & BRO., Auct'rs.TO-MORROW, 10 o'clock, at No: 33 Broad street

Conditions.-Approved city acceptance at sixty days.July 10


Mides, Hoses, Furniture and Sundries. HandsomeBrussels Carpel. Window Shades, Cornices, &c.

BY H. HT. MARS I- ALL di BBO. Anrtlonwm.On WEDNES AY, 10 o'clock, at No. 83 Bread Btreet.July 16 ..

>?" a.

BAV.Vr.TT SCHUH.An tlonoer and Comm) «sion Merchant, atN i. SO King street, b< low Broad street»Offers his services for the s tie of MERCHANDISE at

day anl night at his store, also for the sale of Stock.Bonds, R-al Estate, Vessels, Hersés and Produce.' Bestcity refere ces will bo given. Consignments 'solicitad.Terms moderate and guarantees satisfaction. -,Julyl Imo

PRIVATE SALES, ?BY H. M. MARSHALL dr JIRO. J .'\uctloners, No. 33 Broad street. ',

At Private Sale- ... ...


Joly 15 «V





Ac, and for.use In all caaes where a deodorizer or disin¬fectant ls required. Approved by the Surgeon-Generei,U. S. A., Washington, D C. and for sale In quanlitiö« tosuit tho public at No. ISC MEETING STREET.

McKAY ti CAMPBELL,.Auction and Commission Merchants.

July 16 ..,.g ^taJto.. .


Jnlv 16, 1867. jrjTHE .UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE THE TAXESJL on Reel Estate and Personal Property to thia town,suchas horses, dogs, vehicles, ¿c., at the residence otMrs. SIMONS, Mount Pleasant every Tuesdaynd Solu*,day Aflf.rtuHm, lrom i to G o'clock, until thc 1st Augustnext when the books will be closed, and execution*lodged.with the Marshal of the Town or Sheriff ofCharleston District -»

Defaulter* are also liable to a double tax.EDWARD HALL, -

July16_f.itnw3_Town Treasurer. ??

Wilvil)! BII1HIÍ! ¡¡Hil)!-


THE SUBSCRIBER WILL, FROM THIS DAY, FÜR-NISH A NO. 1 articlo of wed baked BREAD at the





DeUvorcd at soy pert ut the city. alJ. C. MARSHALL,

JulylO No. 60 Tread street.


male or female, can master thc croat art of Ven¬triloquism by a few boora' practice, making a world ot'fan, and after becoming experts themselves, can teachothers, thereby makin« it a source of income. Full in¬structions sent by mail for 50 cents. Satisfaction guar¬anteed.Address P. O. Drawer 21, Troy, N. Y.May 13_ -, lyr


the most celebrated Actors for 60 costs; 60 Actresseslor 50 cents; 60 Union Generals for 60 cents; 60 RebelGenerals for 60 cents; 60 Statesmen for 60 cents; 60 boan-tirol young Ladies for 60. cents; ßO fine-looking youngGentlemen for 60 cents; 6 large Photographs of FrenchDancing Girls, in costóme, beautifully colored, exactly aa

they appear, for 60 cents; or far 50 cents, 6 of the m<»tbeautiful Ladies of the Parisian Bauet Troupe, aa theyappear in the play of the Black Crook, at Niblo's Garden,Now York.Send all orders to P. O. Box 177,V "V, N. Y.May 13_,_lyr_

The Cn ¡versal Verdict of all the. Moat Ex¬perienced Pastry Cooks and Housekeep'

os is th at the



DERS, being beautifully white, and free from all in¬jurions ingredients, besides requiring only two-thirds oftho quantity to have the same effect as other YeastTowders. lt you wont delightful Pie Crust Biscuit and( irn Bread, give it a trial"or sale by GRUBER t MARTIN,

No. 236 King streetHENRY BISCHOFF et CO..

No. lu; East Bay,W. S. CORWIN ii CO.,

No. 269 King streetDOWIE & MOISE, Druggists,

No. 151 MEETING S'fRkET,Opposite Charleston Hotel.

January24 thstuCmo

"Prevention is Belter than Cure. w

DR. RECORD'SCelebrated Preventive Lotion.

A PPROVED AND HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BYl\_ tue French Medical Faculty, as the only safe andIntallible autidoto against infection from Special Diseases.This invaluable preparation is suited for either sex, andhas proved, from ampio experience, (ho most efficientand reliable Preventive ever discovered, thus effecting adesideratum lout; sought for in the Medical World, ltused according to directions every possibility or dangermay be avoided; a single appli .ution will radically neu¬tralize the venereal virus, expel all impurities from theabsorbent vessels, and render contamination impossible.Bc wise in time, and at a very small outlay, save hours ofuutold bodily and mental torments.This most rellablo specific, so univcrsaUy adopted ia

tho Old World, is now offered for sale for thc first time luAmerica by F. A. DUPORT A CO., only authorize!Agents for tlie United States.Price $3 per bottle. Largo bottle, double size, $6.Thc usual discount to the trade. Sent, securely

I¡aeked, on receipt of price, to any address, with direc¬tions and pamphlet by addressing to

F. A. DUPORT & CO.,Solo Agents for Dr. Ricord's P. L.,

May 22 lyr No. 12 Gold Street New York.CITY TAXES-MONTHLY RETURNS.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL CONCERNEDthat tho Monthly Returns for tho month of June

past in compliance with thc Tax Ordinance, ratified outhc 28th day ut December, 18CC, must be made on or be¬fore the loth Inst. D. C. GIBSON,

July1_15_ City Assessor.


published at Marion, S. C., in the central portionoi the country, and offers a favorable medium to Mer¬chants, Druggist«, Machinists, and all classes who desireto oxtend their business in the Pee Dee country.For the benefit of our advertising patrons, wt shall, ia

addition to our subscription list which ls constantly rn-creasing, publiali and distribute gratuitously 3000 extrtcopies of the STAR, durdu. thu business season thiaFall.

Rates of AdvTrtising lib ira!.W. J. McKERALL,

November 20 Editor and Proprietor.