VOLUME rv. HO. 463._CHARLESTON, S. C., MONDAY MORNING-, FEBRUARY" ll, 1867~ " mjrr* XITTTT* TELEGRAPHIC. Otu* Cable Dispatches. LONDON, April 4-Noon.-Finances aro un¬ changed. LTVKEPOOL, April 4-Noon.-Cotton very dull, prices tend downward. Sales estimated at 7000. Middling Uplands, 12|d; Orleans 18}d. Bread- stufts quiet.- Corn somewhat finner and slightly advanced. Common Rosin, 8a. Sd.; fine, ICs. Tur¬ pentine, 37a. Sd. Lard advanced Sd. LrvsBPOOX, April 4-2 P. M.-Since noon Cotton has, declined ¿d Middling Uplands, 12Jd Other artioles unchanged. LONDON, April 4-Evening.-Consols 9L Bonds 754. " '-; LIVERPOOL, April 4-Evening.-Cotton closed dull and heavy. Middling Uplands, 12jjd; Orléans. 13d. Sales 8000. ;, Loroos, April 4-Evening.-Iiis annual budget presented a balance in the Exchequer of £2,¡500,000. EHEST, Apiil 4_Tho Ville de Paris has arrived. QUEENSTOWN, 'April 4.-The Oily of Cork touched here. ."'.'"." Washington Kew«. f;*-. WASHINGTON, April 4.-Tho ÜAanaioN-STEvBKs fend is deepening. CAMERON iavors the confirma» rios Démocrate, but gives a preference to" STEVENS' friends. STEVENS is represented as furir ons. It is probable that the Russian Treaty -will be.postponed until the next session. f" : The President's participation in the efforts to bring reconstruction before the Supreme Court, -with, a View1 of-enjoining the District Commanders is authoritatively denied. The whole fctory is re-, j gardod as speculative. ,, .j- lThe majority for Govj ENGLISH in Connecticut, was 979. j It is stated that the Attorney General has ad¬ vised the President that General SHERIDAN exceed¬ ed his powers; in removing, the Louisiana Provi sional officers.- * r L i ¡1 The Badicals claim; tho 2d and 6th sections aa conferring-tho questioned power. General SHERIDAN writes that a faithful enforce¬ ment of the law will necessitate further removals. The Senate did nothing in open session to-day. An official letter received at the Navy Depart--": ment, from tho steamer Jamestovyu, d%ted Panama, Mareb 21, states that twenty-three cases of yellow fever, had occurred, fifteen of! which had been fatal, five:were on the sick list, and two of them dangerously ilL ..-The surgeon says the fever' pre¬ vailed at Panama, though attempts were made to conceal the fact. There is no fever at Aspinwaü. Active measures have been adopted by the Agri¬ cultural Bureau to distribute $50,000 worth of seeds appropriated by Congress for the South. The statement of the public debt shows a de-: crease in interest bearing cirrrenoy of $52,000,000. The increase af «old bearing notes $34,000,000. Consular advices from tho Hague, dated March 16th, say that thc rinderpest nas spread into Bel¬ gium and France; Tho.1 rinderpest statistics of Holland show a loss of 11,000 head from the ISth January to 17th February. Ex-Governor BRADFORD has been confirmed SuT- veyor ot Customs atBaltimore. Ex-Senator NESÍUTH, of Oregon, "has been nomi¬ nated Minister to Austria. The'case of this steamer'*WpL Sagsley and cargo, captured while running,the blockade, is up to-day in the Supreme Court. The amormt involved ia $218,000... She.. was : owned .by Cox, HEUENHEED & Go. One party claims on account of loyalty; others rroïn being pardoned..' The power. a pardon to restore property was fully diset-sised.; ,. Nothing definíto han, transpired regarding the Attorney-General's opinion as to "the legality of-j Gemeral SHEBTDAN'S-action m removmg the officers. It will probably go.to the Cabinet boioro publica¬ tion. ;."...: ."_:-.... ..;..;.->.?;.:.;..mzi~ SeÉator Wilton on his VUgpSzna&é. PETIBSBTJBG-, VA.J Aprfl- 4.-^-Senator WILSON, of Massachusetts, addressed a numerous assembly in front of the Jarret Hotel to-night. Tho colored elemontiargely predominant, and enthusiastic in- their maràfestation of approval and applause. .... .The Senator spoke npraixds of. on© .hour, pw clftirfriug himself a Kadical and entirely committed to Badical principles. He prónouríced slavery to have been the cause of the late war ; and he said .. that neither the North or the South were guiltless in the conflict. -. He said-that the ue|ro.now ia as 'much a citizen of the "United States as thia Presi¬ dent, and ?entitled to all the privileges of the white;* and he~ijrñploreáth¿li.i to thé exercise of the franchise :as¡ freemen.' He disclaimed all in- ". tention bf Congress'and of the North to degrade br -.. humiliate the South', but said tbat the. measures of reconstruction rather aimed to elevate tile lowly and the oppressed! 'Abode Island Elections. PROVIDES tas; B..B, April 4.--The entire Beppbr Jican ticket has been elected., ." ,.' .-.!;; ; Ohio. Lcglslatare. COLUMBUS, April 4.-The House passed the Sen- ate manhood suffrage bill with an amendment dis¬ franchising rebela.and deserters. ....... Capture of^Co*w<OT|eiters. BOCHESTER, N. Y., April 4T-The detectives have made a raid upon the counterfeiters. Thirty-eight. prisoners .were brought/in yesterday and'lodged in jail." :."Tlie priwmiara-ye^ ."-.. i"!-.' '".;*'' BliJUadelphla..' PHXX^DELSIA, April 4.-The Quaker City Oil Works near this1 city have been burned SAMUEL C. MORTON, lately President: af the Board of Trade, and Dr. CASPAR WIST AR, died Elections in St Kania. ST. LOCTS, April 4.-Tho entire Badical ticket bas been elected with the exception of two Council- "men.'-' -'- r. -i .v'.Ti?Marine New*, p NEW YOES. April 4. -Arrived the steamer Florida .trata Charleston. : '?? '-- - Neiv YorkMarixt. NOON DISPATCH. " .' NEW TORE, April 4.-The Stock market active. '62 coupons I09¿al09í. Sight 109|. Gold lSSi. Flour 6c. bettor. Wheat la2c, .better. Cont dull and drooping. Pork dull and nominal. New Mess $23 70. Lard dull-in bbls, 124al3.}. Whis¬ key quiet. Barley dull. Peas d'ulL Cotton dull and lower, at 2SJc. for Middling Uplands. Freights dnlL ---- ~\? KVHN1NO DISPATCH. Cotton b^yy^teçîlned lc-stales .8200, bales at 28c. -Flour active, and advanced 5al0c State $9 75a$12. Southern Ul 30a$17. Wheat active, and advanced laSc. « om heavy, and declined lc- Western $1 19al 22$. Provision*" dull and heavy Mess $28 57. Laid lZalSi- Whiskey quiet..; Gro¬ ceries generally quiet. Sugar advanced Jc. Mus- coyado lOallc. Naval Stores firm and unchanged. Freights firmer. Cottori'to Liveapcol by steam {;.'. by sail j. Grain by steam (te. Sales at auction on Government account, 600 bales of Georgia Cotton, Strictly Low Middling, 23c;. Good Ordinary; 2450 bales, Ordinary, 22j. Stocks active. '82 coupons 950; of '64,107j ; of '65,108; new is ne, 107*: 10-40's, 98;7-30'a, first series, SOS; others 105}: Missouri sixes, 95*. Money 7. Gold lS3JalSS|. [ Baltimore Market. BALTTMORB, April 4.-Cotton quiet ; Middling Uplands 29. Coffee firm. Flour firm ; Extra $12J al8¿ ; Howard street S14al4¿. Wheat steady. Corn active ; advanced Sc.; $113al 15 ; Yellow tt 12al 14; Mixed $1 09al 12. Oats advanced la2c; quoted art 70A7L Provisions finn and active. Mess Pork $24 ; Bulk Shoulders $1 ; Sides 114 ; Bacon steady ; Shoulders lÔjaïO}.; Bibbed Sides 10|. /- ,' Cincinnati Marlcet. CTNCINHATI, April 4--Flour finn; bat -the^de* maud light; quotations unchanged and excited. Whiskey, no soles; held at [email protected] dufi arm nominal to bólásrs. "lu^W^orr" *22 25® $2300. "" .r!\i':-; i Irf>nlsvine"TWarlr-^t.. .i^-^.ii XXJOTSVIIXE, April 4.-Flour closed advanoing; Superime 75®10 25.- Gôïn in the ear Cf-T^b^od ..-r*:.*s*g:*¿í»v«£i Our Washington Letter. [SPECIAL COSHESPONDEUCE Ot THE BAILI NEWS.] THE CAPITAX, March 31. ADIEU TO "THE HUMP." Both Houses of the Fortieth Congress yielded at high noon yesterday, to the agony of a temporary dissolution. After a week's unremitting endeavor to fix this adjourn¬ ment question to the satisfaction of both bod¬ ies, it was not until sun-down on Friday that the die was cast, and then, not with¬ out a good deal of trepidation, on the part of the House, by reason of the vehemence with which Ben. Butler berated his party associates for abandoning the field. Failing, however, in forcing. Congress to. stand fór impeachment at this time, Butler has entered into a league with the Judici- ary Committee, which meets in May next to resume its investigation of. the acts of the j Administration, by which that inquisitorial junto is to expedite, with all possible ener-: < gy, the preparation of an indictment of-the j president. Mr. Butler stipulating on his . part to rTork upon the credulity of constitu- < encies throughout the country as to create a popular demand for the assembling of a full < Congress in July next. If successful in the latter endeavor, the Committee have pledged ] themselves to present, upon the first day of j the midsummer session, the several "counts" ; against Andrew Johnson which are now in process Of incubation. It is evident, also, 3 that Butler, looking beyond these prelimi- j nary matters, is covetous of the distinction .< pf being authorized by the House to lead iu < any prosecution of the impeachment move- ( ment that may finally be preferred to the 1 Senate as empanneHed jury. Judging from ¡¡ the statements of Butler's-own speeches, t made but y. tew- days before adjournment, 1 wherein he quotes from certain evidence -c lately taken by, the Judiciary Committee, j ander bis personal conduct of the< examina- t bion ofthe witnesses examined, there must ( be a collusion between the Committee and 1 Butler to obtain for him the ultimate au¬ thority to prosecute the case when' present- c ad in the other wing ofthe capitol. i Congress having virtually .given up the t ghost for nearly the remainder ofthe year- ] tor. no. one. pretends to believe that a quorum 1 af b^h' Houses can be-mastered in July ¡ àext-^-Washington assumes the' normal as- t peet of a country town not overcome with ^ the excitement of "court term," or the tem- c oorary acquisition of a oircus. The Capi- a al beiàg mainly a city of bearding houses, c ihe housekeepers are lugubrious, and im- a Belled to put down the price of. living, or¿ shut up the,, estabhshmentsi.! Xocalities,- ¿ svhere a month ago the wayfarer. could not g îbtain a placé to rest the head, are now i jpen and solicitous -of the occupancy of \ ill who come. The great majority of mem- c bers haye vacated their lodgings fo rthè" s summer, and such as have maintained man- c lions at their own cost, are endeavoring to j. mb let- them for a half or three-quarters of j ;heyear, The "situation" betokens a .gen- t jral relapse, after the tremendous social and t political reflects that have .been the order of ¡ ;he season just closed. In fact no one ex-T e jects aught of life or activity after the next t thirty-days shall have inaugurated the heat- I v îdiiterHtL;' Within,the interimwillprobably o >e compressed all the events that can possi- e >ly be considèrèd on the tapis. Such¿ for t Dsta.nce aa the trial of Surratt ; release of ( Fefrerpon Davis;-'visit- of Japanese Em¬ bassy, that -sailed yesterday fxonvSan Fran- t ?isco; the Badic^rRey'olüüon hvMaryland; I £ md the election of municipal, authorities c ibrthe District of .Columbia,.,, under the a îiewj aiigpices päpajrtial: 'jstrfirage. t I After aflithis \ has', tráiispir^d, theie is j ibthirig ¡eft tb beguile1 ;"thé °aóg-days" but a he possibility of having a '.'sensation" B trowing out of the Judiciary Committee's \ mpeachment conspiracy at the capitol ; and v ;he shallow promise of seeing .Mi, Seward's p rrand idea brought out in a diplomatic h Congress in Washington of the South rp American Republics and Spain, neither of;J t vhich powers are likely to accept the prnf-Xg bred mediation in their national difficulties, j » -VICTORIA TO PEABODY. hfr The-British: Minister; Sir Fredrick Brace, I tj s now in daily expectancy pf the arrival of c Jueen Victoria's portrait, -which she had c lámtedfor bestowal upoh our ^hUanthrop- j £ st, George Peabody, and has. consigned j E br safejeeeping to. Sir. Frederickjfor trans-1 £ niMohl.T¡It;.is understood that? the paint- j, ng will be allowed to remain a brief time. £ »n exhibition in .one of the galleries of the 0 Capitol; previous to'removal to the superb \t lall Mr. Peabody has had built for its re- c seption in his native town. THE SCHOLASTIC SUMNER. p There is at least one felicitous prospect I s n viéw,'concerning changes' in-the Senate j j personnel, and that is encompassed in -the >rc>babiHty ofCharles Sumner's retirement, £ vithin the next two years. If carried" dut, he retirement of that immaculate Senator J £ rill be one of compulsion, however, much j j, ie may assume to the contrary.. I happen e o knówi personally ';? that the E recent publi- tation of rumors that Sumner was intend- a ng to retke/rom the political arena at the L, ;lo^of- lus- present^ term, . and thereafter I Jj levóte himself to a historical resume of jj slavery "up to the. time of emancipation, U .s a story over which that gentleman " is J i leeply chagrined. The* bare menjtion L of I c leaving the Senate, excites the most yebe- j ment denial-at his hands, heightened, no s ioubt, by the conviction that -i» enforcing j itself upon his mind, that his tennr¿ of of- U See is uncertain, and to the last degree pre- L carious. It is as true as preaching---and a j t good deal more veracious than the gospel J j which Sumner administers--that that New L England god has lost .caste--a prophet with- , ant honor in. his own country, and little to < boast of.outside that pedantic region. ..J j MR. CLERK MCPHERSON AND MR. SPEAKER Are feiends and mutual abiders ia a trust < that, the" country will ultimately See the L propriety of bestowing handsome political ¡ conferment " upon gentlemen exhibiting j} shrewd iéxecut4vé,:^nrlty, as now exhibited li í^'th^ .p^rfprmtóee of their respective func- j tM^¿'>'B^S:íecent Act of Congress, rèîai-11\ ting' to the dispensation of government ad- j ( vertaslin^jtfé C«rk,;cf the House W¿11 haye j-, the u'tóy';áhfi^;80ul of at least one newspaper j j to each" Coögresmpital, District thoroughly, j vader i'jpi-^^»Bg''*^» consideration! of the L patronage he aflbrds its columns. McPherson's fortunes follow.his supe-r rior's.by tacit consent, and Mr. Cblfex- apes ( the Tice Presidency. If not itw much bf ., a bore, let me suggest that in the Badical-L Convention of; 1MB the leading1candidate»'p for the Presidency will "find-. thémsèlyes J.j meeting with tho prbSci, ai every jtufn,/df 1 \ Schuyler. Colfax.antfíhehev^ápeíjínferest ; for a name and power upon tho] second < ji&cé'ôirt&e.eléc^^ -"' 5 S? ';^^''-'V;;--' >r" ^^sm^^-? j / ^T&ejil Charles Sji^iihs' ; weire: reeenily 1 united in matrimony .jto, Jt^ee j disses 1 Smiths at .the -sàmë^^ xesidenee in a Ken- $ trjgliy tOWTl.^; ;^'.."¿;^..v'ñr;^ :- \ ^jßmJWfe Eepst» 7--\ ia advertised for sale. .^ .', \'. ^ ailä^OTeatiöa; i-Ató.- j Our îîew York Letter.' LFP.OM OTJB HEGTJLAB TOaBESPONDENT. ] NEW YOEK, April 1- Make money-:-honestly if you can, but uiake money. Such the advice given by a fond father to his well beloved and hopeful son about to set oiit on life's journey. Put money in thy purse, said Iago, make money cry one and all; work;for it, strive for it, make if: by fair means; make it by, foul means; speculate, gamble, cheat, for it if needs must be, but get it- any how, A great excitement on yv all strebt, a general stir around the stock boards, live¬ ly conversation in the hotel reading-rooms, wealthy men who have" a' thousand times been guilty of swindling operations not yet found out, indignantly denouncing the con¬ duct of other wealthy men who have been ïuilty of cheating and have been found out ïfclast.- ..; SPhree of the biggest men in New ïork~àrrestêd on charge of having been mgaged in the biggest kind of swindling irrangtíments-rDaniel. Drew, James Fisk ind William Belden-^-tbe names of the ïreat.Found Out, legion the name of the j rreat undetected. The three big men are marged with fraudulent transactions con¬ nected witlrthe failure bf ¿hé Merchants' National Bank at Washington. Shaks- peare said that all the world's a stage, and ill the- men and women merely players. Moultrie adds that all of Wall1 street. is a Taro bank, and all the men therein are players,, except the dealers, and among the iealers there is such à thing as the stocking >f stocks as :wèiyiàs'»bï cards, and unfair lealing as well as square games. jSwind- iñg is of course dishonorable, and wrong, ind censurable, but it is a disagreeable thing o be poor, to be, as Miss Bella Wilier ernarks in Our Mutual Friend, very poor, ¡ legradingly poor, offensively poor, beastly i )Oor; and so people must make money, and he lords of Fifth Avenue must play their 1 sards as best they can in .the great gamb- ing establishments of Wall street. A physician who calls himself, and is sailed by others, Dr. Thiers, and who could, ] f he chose, write a book that would conT iain matter quite as interesting as the ; listory of the French Revolution by i lis illustrious name-sake', has been ¡xrested on charge of having caused he death of one Mrs. Noble, on Thom he most ignobly attempted, by the ixercise of his surgical skill, to bring about in! abortion. In the endeavor to conceal ' me crime, the physician has been guilty of , mother and a greater one.7 John-G. Heeñán and Joe Coburn had a lifficulty, a short time since,.in a gambling " aloon here, and were on the point of leav- < ng the adair io the arbitrament of the fist, i rhen they.-wisely concluded that if they < lid fight it,would bö' just ashwell to have oinething staked upon the issue of the ontest, wherefore they have agreed -to < ranch each other's heads in the Elysian ( ?ields. in -Hoboken (where the duel be- ' ween Haruilton and. Burr took placé) for he champion belt and tan thousand dol¬ are. When I the punching takes place, I ixpèct to have a reserved seat, as I have j he honor of. being personally acquainted rith a fast young gentleman who. has the i -reater honor of being intárnately acquaint- d with trre~man who was;once, whipped by ^ he Honorable John .Morrissey, member of ( Congress, and "taro.bank proprietor. t When a genäemain takes part in private t heatricals, and allows his better half to do « he same, he should beware of taking a J- haracter in which he is compelled to look j s ugly as possible, and giving thepart of ( he handsome and well dressed lover to ] troprietor of a captivating moustache. An < mateur performancë took, place a few 1 lights ago in Brooklyn, in which-.therèi -J ras an ugly gentleman with a pretty wife ( -ho did hot" take the precaution. TEe'i ilay came off-as announced, and then, as ] Lad not been announced,'the ugly man's * iretty wife went off to parti unknown with 'j be\ b^rhîôm^ lover, whö; .:played fthe óppor t ¡te and-spposite-part:: «--..«^;«: : .'.'--,',.:. -j ¡The Bey.,'.Br. ¿Cheever¡delivered a leer ?<. dre last night 'at the church of the Purl- * ans,-oh :,ithe"rightôf the colored race in 1 onventiom," and the burden of the dis-; ( ourse was'that the people of the North, if ¿ hey value the jewel consistency, should j ot deny the negro the same rights in, ¿he, ree Stat^ (?) that they haye,-given them 1 a the South.- It is certainly; but justice:- ':\ hat. if the negro is to haye a seat in tkém rchestra chairs in -the South,.hejshould^at > sastbe allowed ito .sit in -the pcJitical dress it irele in the free (^States pf-Che; North. The strike for bjgher wages by the car- enters (who want, four dollars per day .in-;, :J tead of three and a half ), dates from^-;' iáy, the first of April, but ü-neyertliíéí^^J y no means an April fool ; arrangeinentj- *; he cafjjenters a-*e in earaest,- but many of hem are half dotorous jm.u^ti<»paâca\.;cif i he stoikers*.failing .ito accomplish the ob- < eçt, desired, and -then being thrown out of mployment. .. .: ..- The Radicals here are disgusted and dis- J ppointed at thë ste 1 ndithe eiztïènie ¿ ci^Étífejthat seems to ex- ¡ st. between the whites", and "the freedmen j ~ ibt'that'theylove 'the^nègrb less, but, that '\ hey love the-Repubttcah party more, -and here is a gnashing of teeta in* the Radical amp as they foresee '- the -'downfall of their >arty, when iPompey and his old* -finaOBa"" batí vote the same ticket.and unite their" nterestS: asit is meet for > them all, and neat for.'.the blácKS1especially- that they ihould. It is the general impression here Í hat by playing np to spades, the Southern jeoplè haye turned a.bad game into a good ", me, and -. that though, for awhile, the (Con- -ressional) honors-may be held by tie radis 5als,'W]ade Hampfoh's line bf play will tie- ¡nit in the scoring bf the odd trick.; ;'_...;.' . The concert given at thè Academy on saturday night for the benefit of thc South- ;rn Relief fund, was a magnificent -pecani*- iry successX rÎ)n .-iiôxt^ Thuréday Booth mil. tppear at the,Acs^ainy aa Hamlet, for the1, lenefit bf. the artiste.and employees of the ^hter Garden. ..Ristori will re-appeár soon:ajtthe French iheatr'e,' remain tere for a couple of weeks, md théh' go on'to Paris. Nine-tenths of ;he acters-and actresses who caq afford ft, ire going'¿ye¿ the.^áter thfesummer to visit, be great French capital and see the Expo- ation^iV., ; ¿ MOULTRIE; irgKBr^Jlie ¡ne-fjrspáper-;ig levere;: in its own family. - Senator Wilson -Jets a^box oú^his-ears' tu^ thià fasrdbh^- .O^large^eaTt^^M^ Wilson, igltt/^resenj'çf Jh§';| li^e tijood of open mhs and" free 'grace 'forthè Sbathern States. He wants nb ' nibire conditions.*' Again- -There. is; very littje enthusiasm in this region -for the R^ubli-sarr :paríy bfo0oin^ a^icut*,K »Öncb mbre^(di)ir.:BÎngria^ of Ohio, seems possessed with. the devils of unbitioriand^jealonay baybhd^ any other member:of Cpagress.'''r Bat worst of all ia |^,:uQ^à<)n&blei -utmniiation of ;the luí ren-mj^: .of-vne^oea^^ Gough was bft'ered $62,400 to go over-to Emgland and lecture bhcê a week for a THE LATE DE. PHIXMPS.?-A corres¬ pondent of the North Carolina Presbyteri¬ an (whom we take to be the distinguished head of tho University), furnishes that pa¬ per an interesting memoir of the late lament¬ ed Prof. Phillips. Among other things, the writer says : "Without entering farther into the de- lméation of his character, which will re- ceive a more elaborate survey than I have at present time or disposition to make, I may mcntioó that .among .numerous testi¬ monials to the value and efficiency of his method of instruction in his own depart ment of science, was a letter from Lieut. Maury, while at the head of the National Observatory. He had successively two of | Dr. Phillips' pupils as assistants, and ap¬ plied to secure a third as instructor for his own .children, stating that he desired them I to have the benefit of the same training [ which rendered -his assistants such ready and accurate mathematicians." The two pnpils! referred to in the forego¬ ing extract were Gen. j. Jonhston Petti¬ grew, perhaps the most remarkable mathe¬ matical genius the University has ever turned, out, and Captain A. W. Lawrence, of this city, also a gentlemen of the finest acquirements in that department of science. [Raleigh Sentinel, April 1. Chicago is just now under the influence of a rhad^-dog spasm. The Methodist Church employ 381 fôr- aien missionaries; ; Hong1 Kong is to be blessed with a lite¬ rary'periodical printed in Chinese. SPECS AL NOTICES. MtsT CONSIGNEES NOTICE.-CONSIGNEES. per brig WEBSTER KELLY, from New York, ore here¬ by nooned that tíhe wül commence discharging cargo This Day, at Boyce's Wharf. AU goods not called for by ronset win be stored at their risk and expense. W. W. SHAOKELFORD, April 6 ' I Agent. OST NOTICE.-MB. _ H. L. P. MCCORMICK, laving disposed of his interest rn tho STEAMER EMI¬ LIE, all claims against har to the 10th ultimo inclusive, most be presented at my office oner before WEDNES¬ DAY, the 10th inst j AH bola after that datemust he pre¬ mired to Mr. W. W. SHACKELFOBD, Boyce's Wharf, tho agent of the new owners. MOTTE A. PRINGLE, Agent Steamer Emilie, April 5 *"-', South AtlanUo Wharf. tg- STEAMBOAT NOTICE.-THE STEAMER 5T. HELENA having beWn detained to [accommodate ihtppers, wfll continue toTscoivn freight until 4 o'clock This Afternoon, and lear*to-night positively. . MOTTE A. PRINGLE, Agent,1 Aprfl 6 ,'l-\v :^.South Atlanüo Wharf. A CARD.-TEE WASHINGTON ETRE 30MFANY return their sincere thanks to Messrs. C. D. Lamms A Co. far rjsfresljmentskindly furnished themat be Tateflre in King street. Ap*ttj61":T7 A. W. STEVENS, Secretary W. P. Co. " jÈrJ*THli~>TOtfNG>' AMÉRICA STEAM FIRE )OMPANY roturo their thanks to Mr. J. SHAW and Mr. IPDEBECK of the Victoria Hotel, for refreshments fur- nshed at late fire on King street, on morning of «th of ipnL .: '.. Wit W. HAST, Aprils 1 Secretary Y. A S.F. E. Company, «r STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TARN- VELL DISTRICT."-TN THE SESSION. SPRING-TERM, S67.-To BU Honor Fraxldia I. Mosts, 'Presiding Judge. -The Grand Jury neg leave to make the following pre- lentmenta ;' They have etamlnnd the Jail and find it clean and well kept Though secure, it is not sufficiently comfortable rhey recommend that it be weather-boarded on the ont- ide, and that >ddT8SnaT unagrplnhalg' be marie,'and hat the staircase be enclosed," and secured by a door on he upper story. All the public offices axe well kept, and ire ni SB good a condition as circumstances permit, and he' Grand' Jury believe that ell the public officers have ilschargad their duty, to the best of their ability, and wye used their utmost efforts to subserve the pnbhc In-. ereat and convenience. The Clommissionors of Publia Buildings have encountered great difficulties in tho dis- ibarge of their duty, and the Grand Jory believe that they lave-acted its efficiently as thé limited means at their oromcl have cnahlod thom to do. They recommend bai a stove fie1 purchased and' placed' in the' temporary Jourt House if the, same ehaR bo practicable. By tho ecorcmendaUon of tho Grandi Jury of the District, the ?oor House bas been discontinued for several years past, md is not, now kept up ;though, several paupers now «Bldè in the old bnildtag. In- consequence of the great negase' in tho number of those who require support hm terrabile, the poor of the District havo not been a comfortably provided for aa in former times, but the Irand Jury believe that they"novo been preserved from ictual suffering, and that tho ConWissloneTS of thrf Poor lave made the best use of tho means at their command. In referenco to tho colored population the Grand Jury mtirely concur with the vievrs' presented by your Honor, jid they believe thatsuch are tie senliments. of tho pee¬ lla of tho District in genere!' The comparative good irder which \~, as been ^preserved among ns, they believe a entirely due to the Justice and humanity which bsa laen shown to this portion ofour population. In cosdoaion. tbh'ftrsnà ^ury^Tieg1 to return their hartes'to your Honor far tho courtesy and consideration ihioh they have received during the present term of hs Court J0B3T S. BBOWN, Aptos .''; " '.;" Toreman, «3- ARTIFICIAL E5OS.-ARTIFICIAL HUT. IIAN;£YFâ;:mada,tr^^ Dra. F. ÍAÚCH sid P. GOtTGLEHANN (forrnorly^employed by to&sointsiu; of párísj,-Nó-'%S9. Eroädway'.'Sev York. i^jjàf itv; n.-;>-V-tór'-ísí.r'rtss^yH lyr ááSrWE. ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE i. IL WHITING, Esq., as a' candidate tor Sherm ol ¡ballestón (Judicial) District, ai the next election. September IC sar .BÏA Û T IF U L HAIR.-CHEVALIER'S UFE FOB THE HALE positively restores gray hair tc ts original color and youthful beauty ;- imparta life ano itrength to the weakest hair; stops Its falling out at mee; keeps tho head cleon; is unparalleled as a hali rroasing. Sold by all Druggists and ¿aahloúaola hair- humyis, and at my office. Ho. 1133 Broadway, New M.-p.,,.. ?''I'^'^'T^WIE *.MOISE,-: -- No^lgl ilintrttng Btreet, '.-.r...., ..-."" Opposite Charleston Hotel. 'January i:: ... T. T-'".ÏÏ'^ 6mos ifoBTyft-A'TOBEL OR'S HAIR BTE.-THIS SPLENDID' HATB DYEis 'tho-best lathe world,, TAP july ti^'janaVn^ffaif: P^^Th'arafcss, reliable, instan- ianeonA'^Wo"'' oUssppointiim-jt- No rlo-culous Unto. K/^^P0ac£"br Brown. ' Raroedles the ¡a effects ofBeti Dyes. Invigorates the hair, leaving it soft and beautiful. nie genuine is signed William 4. Batchelor. AU others ut),¿ere imitations, and should be avoided. Soulby afl Druggists and Perfumers. Factory, No. 81 Barcley îtroet. New York. litsT BEWARE^ OF A COUNTERFEIT. ¡pecemoezio .lyr :W*CHltF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE,, j 3ECCOTM3IJ±ARy iHSTEICT" »O. AND BO. CA.- f QHA^^STOS, f^CA¿-*prfl Sd, 1887.-Sealed propos. lùVwm bergetved'at thia office until 12 o'clock M., on tko 16th inst, si which time they wfll be opened, for hvupcrtlng within the City limits ALL THE STORES ter which ^Quartermaster/s Department may be rc- Íturedtó furnish tzansportstian. .-.The contract to ro- gqrp In force for grx months ensuing May 1st, 1867. Bidden wBlstate the price per load for which'ttoyil will furnlah tranaporlatioii. The average dally number of loads hauled tn the last moath,hmbeenons bnndred. lldft deomed ncroaiionablo win be rojoctod. ^Proposals must be addressed to tho undortígned, and endorsed "Proposals fa. farniiiiilng TransportaCon." :? BO. TYLER, Brevt Maj. Gcnl, Daputy Vr M*r Gfnl. Chief Q/r MT 2d Military Dist AprU S ia 49-A YOUNG LADY RETURNING TO HER araatry uooe, after a eojomm of a few months In the áty, waa hardly rooognlrod by her friends. In place of » coarse, rustie, hushed face, she had it soft ruby com jlcxion qt almost* marble smoothness, aaa Wtead of tw nty-threo she really appeared but eighteen. Upon lal ouiry ss to tho causo of so great a chango, she plainly told them that afee used the CTBCA8-IAN BALM, and Mniddered It an iava?ijaol» a/sptalsläcn to s=ylady'a toilet. By its OAC any Lady or Gentlemen can improve tholr per- wnal appearance hundred idd. It Uidmplo in ita xraBtnaüoa, as Natara herself in simple yet unsurpass¬ ed lu its efficacy to drawing impurities from, aba fis*V' lng, cloana+ng and beautifying the skia and cempä. 'Je£. By«adb»ct«cäooo«tbwcuäctoU draws from Usn ¿a Uçprirtnas, Madly healing the same, «nd lecfiM tba SUN tase ss Natu»« h.tended SI should be-dear. soft, smooth.' J rod betaufol Price $1, «rot by Mail orEiprecs, onre- j neiptof anot&ar, by , "t'.:'v^E' " ;"->'V-"-J W. .Í^.CXAÍVC'atOO., Comiste. " Ho. 3 Weat Fayetto Streot, Syracuse, N. Y. Tbs only American Agenis tor the sale ot thc esei«.'; March » ?" * T'iy SPECIAL NOTICES. JW FIFTH QUABTEBEY STATE VEENT OF THE CONDITION or THE FTEST NATIONAL BANK OF CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, ON THE MORNING OF THE FIRST MONDAT OF APRIL, 1867. BESOUBOXS. Notes sud Fuis Discounted.«450.340.06 Indebtedness of Directors. C.650.00 Current Erpensos. Due from National Bank.. 190.566.03 Duo from other Banks and Bank¬ ers.18443.78 486,990.65 6,034.93 United States Bonds deposited with United States Treasurer to secure circulating Notes.:.?. Other United States Securities.... Stock-viz., People's National Bank. Cash on hand In circulating Notes of other Banks........ 116,247.00 Specio...... 10,536.60 Fractional Currency. 681.89 Legal Tender Notes. 130,000.00 Compound Interest Notes. 4,390.00 70,000.00 3.660.00 1,100.00 - 201,844.39 31,013,329.37 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in._...... $255,600.00 Circulating Notes received from Comp- trollcr..".. 63,000.00 Less amount on hand. Amount outstanding..*?..«>. 63,000,00 Surplus Fund.^.," 7,875.86 Duo to National Banks.....'................ 25,459.26 Duo to Individual Depositors...". 618,601.84 Dividend No. 1 (unpaid)....,... .. 18,240.00 Discount.'.. 7,836.83 Exchanges. 13,635.33 Interest. .- 8,892.68 - 33.752,41 Aprils 81,012,329.37 WM. C. BREESE, Cashier. 83~ FIRST QUARTER C Y REPORT OF THE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF CHARLESTON ON THE MORNING OF .THE FIRST .MONDAY OF APRIL, 1807. . BESOUBOES. Notes and BRU Discounted..$640,207.99 Indebtedness of Directors...:..-.. 17,000.09. ', ?? 'j 557,307.97 Current Expenses._...._- 6,007.95 Due from National Bank. 105,808.33 Due from other Banks and Bankers........ 39.66' United States Bonds deposited with tho United States'Treasurer to secure Circu¬ lating Notes.I.....:.. 100,000.00 Other Bonds, Stocks, ka.. 93,330.54 Bank Furniture and Fixings.'.. 2,030.46 Casa. Notes of ytaer National Banka.... 73,468.00 Specie...;..;.. 21,937.1*- Fraotional Currency. 1,060.00 Legal Ter der Notes.".. 150,000.00 Compound Interest Notes. 4,120.00 349,576.14 ' "- - 11413,880.04 Capital Stock,. 300,000.00 drcularlng Notos.. 63,000.00 Duo to"National Banks. : 44,624£3 Due to other Banks and Bankers-_... 66,634.33 Individual Deposits. 609.782.40 Discount Account. 7,434.61 Exchange Account. 7,038.68 Interest Account...-..li A..-..12,977.27 Profit and Loss.........13,437.93 40.938.48 ,ii !'.'.-.' 8X418,880.04 J. G. LOPER, Cashier. STATE OF SOOTH CABOLXSA, I ... , City of Charleston. J f ç: > !. \f Sworn to before mb this fourth'day Of April. 1867. JoHN F. ROBERTS, April 6 1 Notary Public «arNOTICE TO -MAB1NEB&-C APT AIKS AND PILOTS .wishing1 to anchor'tiieir vessels in Ashley River, are requested not to do so anywhere within direct range -cf-the-head* cf jhe- BAYANNAH* BASoBea WHARVES, cn the Charleston and St. Andrew's side of the Ashley River; by which precaution, contact with the Submarine Telegraph Cable wOl be avoided. ¿ c TURNER, H. M. Harbor Haster'e Office, Charleston. February 6,1886. February 7 ., ... ... g 'ta" WEE múüjmQ jeoQjj ANI> HOUSE OF I MERCY.-HOWARD ASSOCIATION REPORTS, for ' Young Men, on the CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and the ERRORS, ABUSES and DISEASES which destroy the manly powers, and create' impedimenta to MARRIAGE, with sure means. of. relief. Sent lil sealed letter en¬ velopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SHTLLTH HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia» Pa. January 15 s 3mo. M3~ BEAUFORT, S. C., 28TH IIAECH, 4867.- By special invitation, the Rev. JOHN Cox; of the Second j african Baptist Church, and the Rev. W. J. CAMPBEEL. of tho First African Baptist Church, both of Savannah, Ga., on the 17th instant visitad tins place for tho purpose of regularly and formally organising the First African Baptist Church here-for fifteen months psst under the pastoral care of the Rev. Ani-mra WADDELL. The ser¬ vices were commenced by the Rev.' W- J- CAMPBELL reading tho 68th Psalm, and ¿preaching an impressive HrWjfir from St. Ha£hew*BGospel, 9 chap. 18 verse, after which tho church waa carted tb order for business.. Rev. W. J. CAMPBELL chosen Moderator.. The minutes of previous meetings were *e>-<3 in reference to the calling of the Rev. Asmen WAOD Elias pafitor of the"church, and also the covenant, cons làiutlon and by-laws of the church were read and unanimously approved. Tho num¬ ber of members received by expedience and baptized by ¿fae prenont pastor are twohundred and three, which waa unanimously acknowledged to be correct. The modera¬ tor made an-oloquent addre«» to the church on-their es¬ tablishment aa a regularly organised body. Themeeung ¡hen adjourned until the afternoon, when' they would or¬ dain four deacons. Tho Rev. JOHH COX preached the or¬ dination sermon, and then foDbwed the solemn duties of the ordination. Everything waa done in perfect order, and to .^'.satisfaction of the church. After the doxology ani beneoicictaon the' meeting' disrnn3sed with great re¬ joicing. The church now cohaista of seven hundred members. v ; J April 1 SHIPPINS. r-rT. FOU IdPFEKJPOOL..-TIIK BRTT- fcñjíC' ISH ship 'SEDBERGH his most of her cargo ?TsSS^readr-' For freight of 200 bales cotton ap- acse&plyto C. T. LOWNDES & CO.. Aprils '"j- ?- HcWO Broad street '.¿ ¿rv FOR' "HtTifli^ PÍRBCT. ^ TOB -ëa*»^FIRST-CLASS AMERICAN CUPPER PACKET .TßPSä»Schooner ROBERT CAIDWELL. John McCor- aáWaaC mack Master, wants' SOO hatea Cotton te AU up and sall with quiet oasratch^For^cn^^non^, ap- V'APTRS ..'??.'?'','.! '/y'.'./'L ..0- ; , --f. ; jFORaVrVKHPOOt^-TIIK üRrrifiK bark NORTON. Captain Isafe G. Entíbw, har- .JErg^iiig a portion of her- cargo engaged/ will meei seaS&wfthdispatch. For-FreágbVengagementsap¬ ply to ... .lV':-.-c* RAVENED A-CO. March28 _? '???????' -?'?-;' ::'. '??' ?K-FTÑ-: FOR 'JáSVÍEBÜÉifMfÉti^'mTBXi -"VUTBl *Q¡2VFast Saffijlg Coppered Packet Ship MARX, OO- jjHBr^DEN. W, iL Coidrey Master,, ia now reedy to «*B~B&recelv1b'Cargp^V:.'.: i i''i !.'.-.".-."? For freight 'engagements, Kpply to"_ W. B. SMITH k CO., '"' March 28 '?. y, '? '. 'Napier** Ranga;?? , .«vc »OÄ FREÎ6HT OR. CHARTER. '-XOS^fhe fin« schooner MOHAWK, Captain Bradley, jjjBJS nearly new. Capacity 470" to 6000 bushels Apply tot^n"' _.'" SCHEVEN & NIESET,' "'! Apiil3 3 Accormnodation Wh*rf, ; Á3ra>4M!IÍB^'nsTÍC^ OIS THES' , -.WiBB DEE HTïTEHv _ THK ldtíHT DRAFT STEAMER J r- OASTAWVGKÍBG» MANSFBSLD, ins NÓTí. BECErmé' FR»GHT-M^.AOOOIOSÚDA» I i TION WHARF, and wiR leave with diapatch. 1 An freight must be prepaid. No frdatt received after | sunset Forfrelghtengagements,appâte,f j .v,. ,?>;.-. FERGUSON tt HOLMES, Agents, Marchao . ;.. AocomnyWlatlnn -Wharf, NEW TORK 'ASD HRBHES V>EAK8K]P THE F1RST-Í1XAS8 ,U, Ó¿1. .MAIIr'HEEAJßHIP wÄ'hto»':'pter: '&%~Mm&tâ . -uwJfOBvSÖüraAMJTO»,*^ , taking. pssaengera to Sauihamrrfon. Xondon, Havre cad: Bremeavlat tfo gold br Its February ST ly ^^f^S^^^i. SHIPPING._ FOE BALTIMORE. THE FAVORITE STEAMSHIP F A L C O IST , E. C. REED COMM AUDER, WTTT, SAIL FOR THE ABOVE POUT, FROM PIER No. 1, Union Wharves, Thin Afternoon. 5th inst, at «K o'clock. For Freight br Passage, having roomy cabin accommo- dations, apply to COURTENAY & TREHHOLM. Agenta. April 6_3_Union Whar\«H5 NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAM¬ SHIP LINE. COMPOSED OF THE ELEGANT SICK WHEEL STEAM¬ SHIPS MANHATTAN AND CHAMPION. FOR NEW YORE*. THE NEW AND POPULAR STEAM- ^SHTP "MANHATTAN," CHAS. COLLINS, commander, will lavo Brown & Co.'s Sooth Wharf on Sunday, the 7th inst., at 8 o'clock A. M. AS- The Ships of thia Line insures FIRST-CLASS. MTS" The Ships rf this Lino have ELEGANT CABIN ACCOMMODATIONS. m3- The MANHATTAN is tho only Sidewheel Steam¬ ship leaving thia week. For Freight or Passage, apply to STREET BBOTHERS & CO., April 6_Mo. 7* East Bay. FOREDISTO FENWICK'S ISLAND AND WAT LANDINGS. 'I'HH STEAMER Q-ZEUST- HOOZEE, CAPTAIN D. BOYLE, VTTTLL LEAVE ATLANTIC WHARF TO-MORROW YT MORNING, 6th inst, at 6 o'clock. AU Freight must be paid tn the Wharf. For Freight or Passage, apply to CHAS. L. GULLLEAUME, April 5_1 North Atlanüo Wharf. RATES REDUCED. CHARLESTON & OE0RGET0W> STEAM PACKET LINE. "WEEKLY.". TOÜCHB G AT SOUTH ISLAM), "WAVTSRLTc" BULLS, AND LANDINGS ON THE WAC- CAIOAW AND BLACK RITERS. THE VERY FAST STEAMER 'Pl LOT BOY," Captain- W. T. MoNstrv. 4 li/ILL LEAVE ACCOMMODATION WHARF EVERY W MONDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock. Bo turning, vrffl leavo Georgetown every WEDNESDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock. Freight received daily, and stored tree of charge. Far Freight or Passage, apply to » FERGUSON & HOLMES, Agents, Charleston, -WALLACE: & PORTER. Agonta, Georgetown. Ni B. All Freights must be prepaid. No Freight re- celved after sunset_March 23 Charleston and Savannah Steam ' Packet Line. ¡ ' VIA BEAUFORT AND HILTON HEAD. Steamer PILOT BOY.Captain W. T. MCNELTV. Steamer ELIZA HANCOX.... Captain J. K. RTCHABDSOH. Steamer FANNIE.¿....Captain D. B- VINCENT. LEAVE ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON, and fh»-<-M»tT, Wharf, Savannah, Monday, Wednes¬ day, Friday and Saturday mornings, at 7 o'clock. The PILOT BOY leaves Charleston every Friday, and Savannah every Saturday. The HANCOX leaves Charleston every Wedues- day and Saturday, and Savannah every Monday and Fri- day. The FANNIE leaves Charleston every Monday, and Savannah every Wednesday, touching at Bluffton going and returning. , Freight received daily and stored free of charge. Freight to aU points except Savannah must be prepaid. No Freight received after sunset ' For Freight or Passage, apply to FERGUSON & HOLMES, Agunta, I.;..:..-. ..:>.-':.? Charleston, H. C. CLAGHORN tt OUNDtGHAM. Agents; \'-1 Savannah, Ga. - N. B_-The Steamers of thia Line connect at Charleston with Northeastern and South Carolina Railroads," and at Savannah with Central and Albany and GtUfRailroads and Florida steamer»._. _ March 22 FOR NEW YORK. t FABE REDUCED-CABIN PASSAGE" TEN DOLLARS. REGULAR UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. ONE OF THE FAVORITE ANDÄLE- .' GANT STEAMSHIPS- QUAKER CITY, I SARAGOSSA, - I GRANADA, WTÜ leave AdgBr*B South Wharf every Saturday. 'THE STEAMSHIP !" CAPTAIN CROWEIXi "ÏMTELI. LEAVE: ADGER'S WHARF ON SATURDAY. W April 6, at 4 o'clock P. M. Shippers are requested to hand la Bills of Lading by 1 o'clock on that day. Aprill_ RAVENEL st CO. FOR FLORIDA, VIA. SAVANNAH, BKUHSWIO'K, ST MARVE, FERNANDINA JACKSONVILLE, AND ALI 'THE LANDINGS OK TTTK St. JOHN'S RIVER A FAR AS PALATKA." » j""'' ;, KATI!9 CAPTAIN T. J, LOCKWOOD» WILL LEAVE NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF OK evtry Wednesday Morning, ats o'clock, precisely SSTFrei-n 1 received dally and stored freo of Charge. For Freight or Passage apply on board, or at the ot. fleo of JOHN MAHONEY, lu., ¿8 East Ray. November 13 Above Craig, TuomeY & Co's. J ; FOR PALATKA, FLA;, FERNANDINA. JACKSONVILLE, AND ALL TB* * » LANDINGS ON THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER. -.2 3: VIA : rr... -.. SAVANNAH, OA., ii'tv THE NEW AND SPLENDID STEAMSHIP 33 X Ö T .A.T O 1000 TONS BURDEN, CAPTAIN LOUIS M. C0SÜETTER.. ON AND AFTER THE 26TH OCTOBER, THIS FlNh SHIP will sail from Middle Atlantic Wharf, eve?} Friday Nigkt, ss 10' o'clock, Ar the Ibove g AU freight must bo paid hore by tiljpper Gangs ot -egroes wll bs t:ken tothe obo-a' points OE fae et. John's Elver at SS each. Ghfkfcvn traoer tpj. please diseonitaue their notices sad send account to thc Fe* Freight or Passage apply on boardj er iota* Agency. B-.nth Atlaittc WUT. January IS ?>:G'Â2&tâ-tX'ï': 1'MÍ.'"-'CO'r'KT.TÍBf^,:.-,1,'.-' ar Tj rtdgbt of PáánMTOs tppiyofi bo&rd. ar to office ci .- .^? ^»^«Ä^A^^ OFFICIAL. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Postofflco at Chaileston. for the we-k ending APRIL 4, 1867, and ordered to be printed In THE DATT.V NEWS, agreeably to tho following section ol tho new Postónico Law, as the newspaper 'having the largest circulation in the City of Charleston : SECTIOS 6. And be it further enacted. That lists of let¬ ters remaining uncalled for in any Postofllcc in any city town or village, where a newspaper shall be printed, shall hereafter be published once only in tho newspaper which, being published weekly or oftener, shall have th» largest circulation within range of delivery of the sa d office. 85- Persons calling Tor Letters Advertised, should stato that they are "Advertised." 3S" Office hours from 8 A. M. to 0 P. M. On Sundays, from 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock A. M. STANLEY G. TBOTT, Acting Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Aiken, Louise Grean, Mrs Purse, Mrs MAE Alexandeir, Miss Green, Mies P Pritchard, Mrs S II Price. Mrs E M Aleeny, Mrs M Harder, Miss L Pritchard, Mrs L Alley, Mrs A Harris, Mollie C- Alender, Mrs A P Hargrave, Mrs H Porcher, Mrs T F Alexander, Mrs L Harvey, Mrs P Porcher, Nancy Anderson, Faunie Hasten, Miss H Pinkney, Ann Appleton, Miss J Harken, Mrs C Phillips. Miss E A F Harris. Emma Peurifoy. Mrs VM Artson, Rebecca Heidghtman, Ie- Perry, Martha It na Peoples, Julia Barnwell. Dasy Heyward, Annie Parry, Mary Jane Barre, Mrs LG C Patterson, Mrs M Barría ton. Miss Henderson, Ella M Barnett, Miss B Hewson, Sarah C Parker, Mrs C A A Heidt, Ellen M Oy Bare, Fannie Honnitt, Mrs N Quinn, Katy Bacr, Elizia Hills, Mrs N E Quigly.Jono Bernard, Mary D Hobans, Nancy It Behling, Miss M Hosegood, Mrs R Bellly. Martha F Hoffatetter, Mrs Badr -y, Mary Bennett, Mrs C J Reaves. Miss M Benton, Emily Hooker, Mary Reid, Mrs J M Boney, Julia Hollon, Mary S Rice, Mrs E Baader, Mrs L Hunt, Miss A Rich, Lizzie Bird, Mrs P Hohnes, Emily Kobuison, Anne Brown, Miss D Homes, Misa M Rodolph, Mrs L Black, Ema CA J Bowe, Miss S Blankenship, Sus- James, Mrs P I Robinson. Miss B an Jenkins, Mrs C Robbertson, Sha- Boon, Mrs J BF Jeffords, Mrs M HI gor Cranford, Miss J Jones. Sarah I Ryan, Ann Branch, Kate Jones, Eva G Ryan, Mrs J A Brodie, Mrs S Jones, Sarah S OBraanor, Sarah Johnson, Annet Saunders, Letitia Burns, Martha Johnson, Neille A Burns, Sarah Ann Johnson, Bell Sage, Miss E , BulL Mrs E Johnson, Charlot! .schmidt, Miss G C Johnson, TET"TT»I>. K Callans, Miss C RT. Seabrook, Miss M Cammer, Mrs Kohnke, Mrs C L Seright, Mrs M Caloway. Sarah Knox, Isabella Sewell,'Mrs . Ann Klein, Jane Scott, Mary Chandler, Sarah King, Mrs E A Scanlon, Mary M Keenan,-Mrs Sheehan, Mrs Clarke, Mrs W Kairson, Miss S Singleton, Sarah Clark, Mrs T Ker, Sarah Jane Cleary,' Miss B E> Spark, Miss L Clifeers, Fauna Lee, Sally Hmeyle, Miss A Collins, Mary Ann Lee, Sarah Spark, Betsy Cooper, Lizzie Legan, Susan Spencer. Margret Coates, Mary Lousimore, Ann Sxrobhart, Maria Commonford, Ann C Stires. Jane Corinth, Sarah Lockwood, Ann Sumter, Miss V Jane Long, Miss H SvoorMrs H Cooper, Ann Linch, Mrs C bmrci, Kate Carr, Miss B Legare, Mrs HE Smîtli, Laura Il Lesesno, Anna O Smite, Mrs E W David, Mary L. arv. Annie Smith, Mrs RS Davis, Mrs D Legare, Mrs H E Simmons, Elizia Dahnu, An Meta Lennon, Mary J Simmons, Mrs C Davis, Susan AB Laws, Mary Jane R Debarbarlena, Jes- JLarranaga, Louise Simmons, Char¬ rie Learbouger, Euzla lott Dennis, Mrs S C. Langan, Misa.C .X Drawbridge, Sarah Laverne, Anne Trescot, Harriott Du Bose. Mrs M C Lorn, Mrs E Trltiaoe, Mrs M E E M Townsend, Miss O EasterUng, Miss M Matheson, Mrs E Titean, Sarah A F L Toomer.MissE Edwards, Hattie Man, Mary C "W Elliott, Jane Moore, Miss M E Walls, Miss 8* Enson, Susan Mezock, Charlot! Wagner, Julia E F Merkhart, Cathe- Wallace, Kate Fair, Mrs Dr rino Wau, Mrs C P Fleming, At»n Michel, T^rnTYia Webb, Mrs E B 43 Millings, Emma Wells, Mrs M Gafe, Rosey Morris, Mrs A T Welch. Eiizia W Gaillard. Miss E Mood, Mrs M K Wethers, Mollie Gage, Mrs Capt H Moore, Mrs 8 Williamson, Ella Gardner, Mary Moony, EUzebeth Woodson, Zarate. Gadsden, Mrs J Morn, Lucy ra M Mury, Jane Wright, Jane D Gaddard, Mrs E Miahton, Misa B Ward, Mary Jane C Martin, i*n»j* Ward, Annie Geary, Jane 91c Ward, Miss E H Gilson, Miss L McMakin, Mrs M Williams, Susan Gibbs, Sarah R wolson. Sarah Gifford, Mrs L McMillan, Amelia Walker; Fannie Gibbs, Sarah M Walker, Mrs A D Qom, winnall fi Williams, Mrs M Gouthcr, Miss M Nelson, Ellen M Williams, Mary D' O wakenson, Mary Galena. Mrs H Owens, Mrs J Ann Grant, Mary _Osborne, Mrs E A Y Gray, Elsey O'Neil, Miso F Young;'Mrs W E Gradicke. Carrie O'Gormen, Mrs 0 Young, Mary An Guinand, Mary A'. MEN'S LIST... A. G P Acharo, Capt Wm Glover, Robert Panzerbeiter, Cap W (col'd) ChasiA Adkins &O"Neale Gould, Austin Paurs, .Edward Adkins, James Greenwooa, Sam! Parrie, WB ambrosio, Sr ri Griffens, Henry Patterson, James '. Albora, H Grant, Cap OB W Allston, Charles P Bf Parley,' Peter 'Auen, SA Haley, John M Percy, Joseph Anderson, Alfred Hancock, James Perry. Robert A Harken, Jonann Peiineyfeather, Andrews, Bottom Hart, Joshua. L Antony Apprentice's Xl- Hastedt. Herman. Phillips, Cap Kin* teary' Hatcher. Isaac die " Avaia. Antonio Harrison, James Potter, Jae D Austin, Chas Hermanan, Abram Porcher, E L B Heger, John H [Frailer, Francia .Bailey, David Heyer, John Hen- !B Badgerup L .. red ; Reeves, 8L Bautzmand, Rich- Hetzler, Bernhard Reid, G P aro: H. Hifferman, Dermis Remy F K Bailey, Clarence Heger. J Remson, Charles Backus, Rev John Hayward, Geo c P C Ricka, Ned Bomrugtoa, Alfred Barden, Patrick HiD. Dani (col'd) .(-v.D.. J- Barnett, Henry E Hicks, Wm .-, Reid, Andrew Betts, Wm Hoffman,'BD Mocka;Gerhard Beckman, H Howard Riobard- Kboafls, Wm G Bee, Paul Hooks, CE Beeves, Mr Beaston, Albert Halnncker, Albert Ripley, J C Behrmann, Hin- Hagan, Henry -. ?-- Rogers, C H rich Hoon. Br D Guner- Booinsan, Hamil. Bee, Ishmael mo ton (col'd) Hyams; Solomon Howey's H Billow, Henry A Hyman, Isaao St Rutledge- James BoTan, Patrick Co j.. 8 Barnwell, Anthe- 'X '. Sandford, Albert ny Irvin. Charles B Sumter. Lt p E BCWÎC David (col'd) Schroder, ? F Boyd, Bernard J Schelling, Mr Broomer, Henry Jaaksn, John ai: Schals», Johan Bredeman, WU- Jennison. R W, Jr IWilhem helm Johnson, William Schrod-r, N H Brookman. W S M --.. Simmons, C Gads- Bryant, Jack Johnson, Gibby, -..den í Burns, James Johnson, Petter Shriller, E Butler. Morris Johnson, Maj .' Sheridan;PU Byrne, M Louis E Shappes A Sou- Buggel, Johan Joyz, John 'nog' Butler, E K Smith. Cap Angus Bürgerte. Fredr Kean, Wm S Smith, G w Byrne,.I olin Kennedy, Nelson Smith, T Augus- C SS ,-toaya - Calhoun, D S Kearney. John Smith»-Robert T Oannady, James King, X Bernard Small, Charles Carver, A Oscar Kline. K & Bro Suomud iE Fraslcg CaaateWM : Knoblooh, Jacob Spojaa., ctophen Chapman,LC Kuck» H Standley, Thadde- Cherriel, Edward Knapp, John H St us W Clisse, Capt John Co Stevens, Dr Wm P staggers, Lonzer Chichester Sc Car- Lawrance, Bros Sc Stavenhagen, Ed ter. Co Stroutj Goo Cfleapor,CE Larieey, Seabrook SummerraH, Wm eleanor. Charles E Lawless, Peter '«." " H" '. Clark,WW LePage,Robt-. ¡ Ssdstoi.EA Coleby, Wm Leverott, Esq Swain. David T -firnigfin,Xanrèàcè fjgnthàriS *~ ?Colman, Simon all Taylor, James M Collins, Thos Unstedt, A ,, ,'c Taylor, Frank E Cordes, Thos F Lipp, Actam Tailor; George Craig A Tobin Long, J F í (col'd) D Logg» H D r. Tayior,JD Dack, Dorris A' Lunsfurd, John Talbot, Thomas G Day, Edwd Lustgnan, C A Tibberta, William Dawson, DS M L Dagna, Chas Maxwell. Dr J P Thomas, Chas B Dawson, Jos Manar, W tc Co Thees, Henry David, N .. Mackey, Sr Cnaa, riedsroan, Henry Day, Wm Haxyck. Edward W _t Dee Vernes, Fran. Meiners, John' Thompson, J Gr eis C Myers, Darid. loommer, Joetin« Tubble, AC Meyer, Geo W Toomer.FHan Doty, W B Meyer, rirtts Tooth, Wm G Duke, John S Heyer, Fritz H ; , ,-,,..> V. Damn, Sarai A Miller, Jesse F, Venntag, Capt Duncan, Sam Mflls, Jacob EUab Saunders Mishaw. Tho rsa Vanning, W L Moore,Dr. S-P Yenniug^E Eason, Cap Thoa MorriB,' Thomae ~p'".-t >(F Edwards, Jame» Morgan,Isaao Ward.Wm H .Eua, Wm T " .. Morony^E , Waja<a. Cap Thc- Elliott, Dr John B Mooney, Csp Ham- V maa Ems, Ti..- ry '.:.- WavsVJobn nvsns, William B Mnrrill, Mr WC Evans, Rufus N Mahler, H Walden, John F." Sie J' .'.. West, Preston Fildner, FhiSip UcCanta, L A e Welberhorn, P Henry McDonald, Mc Webster, DP Feuds, John McDonald, Csp W Webbi George FilEpatrick, Pat- » : , (oot'd) rick ..... McGuire, Wm Wettelton, Sandy Finley,ClausB MeKuaker,DC Wed;'Wm , Fisher, Jacob ' McQuirk, A - WeSotd, Geo T Fleishman. Kr Moüajnara, John Wilson, Daao B Fletcher, John 8 B Whtloy, John B Fowlex. C McPherson, John Wheelock, Thoa F'wler,Henry M . B;?. Forrest, Benj Netta. Henry iffiest Joshua (ool'd) Newbould, ibo» WJegsjer, Berm Fontane. Pat» S.' M _ W0|6nc.JNr ...-" o . O Winiama, Col Geo Gadsden, James' Oberg, S F ' ¿Í^.t-iL_ Garlaua, Joseph Oerjau. Herman. Wolf, Victor Gaillard W D Ooberg. Ludwig Wcrahsm,8P Geddings. J F M, O Meale, Thorm« Wrede, Johsnnia ' 1ÍH" S ;?- Z ._ GiR, John P P Zlmnjerman, Vic- Gkteaith, Bobäri PaoMtot^tC^J^oa^ ^¿ .aa» Persona deoosiang lettgra ,in Om Postofflee wül olease to place the stamp near Wt» upper rtglit hand coe» £erof tho envelope, and thor wiB «iao please toremom- ber that without the stamp a lutter cannot be maOed. but arnot bo sent to tho Dead LeCcr C~ce- >.-- ..'Aprü* " "-' ' " >"?*?"? "?. ?'.".} »J , maeaS'iJttAsu-'ro :-Í^Í ¡ i MAYORALTY OF CHARXESTON.l OTT Han, November 8,188d, I A Td. PERBON8 DESIROUS OF Ili^UILDlNO IN T 22 Ü. Burnt. Districts and Wewe Piad» ol ILe Uty. un¬ der "An Act ot the General Asaambly. gtvTig aatuonty to the City Council of Chafleawn to prooeeJ itt toe mat¬ te* of a Ftre Loar, with, a-view to aid in buUdinaup th« City ar.ew." are hereby notified that the fcfcm of anil, cau^ for loan» can bs obsaiuM at tba cs%n «f the Clark of Council, between the tours of 3 A. M. ead J P. M. AU appUoaaons must .ba Aled in the above wsjfrttoned e^^^i^pciaamiM^mmt sud fmatag tc» con. K<a«Jsr of thá.aíayur 1.., ^ .^-W»*K¿SMITH. NoveaabarlO * ~ ''~,C^»Osonca, '.' -;-..-.'-'.'. y -4^ytr\~-:r

463. CHARLESTON, 1867~ TELEGRAPHIC. · 2017-12-16 · Otu*Cable Dispatches. ... SAMUEL C. MORTON, lately President: af the BoardofTrade,andDr. CASPARWISTAR, died Elections in StKania

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Page 1: 463. CHARLESTON, 1867~ TELEGRAPHIC. · 2017-12-16 · Otu*Cable Dispatches. ... SAMUEL C. MORTON, lately President: af the BoardofTrade,andDr. CASPARWISTAR, died Elections in StKania


mjrr* XITTTT*

TELEGRAPHIC.Otu* Cable Dispatches.

LONDON, April 4-Noon.-Finances aro un¬changed.LTVKEPOOL, April 4-Noon.-Cotton very dull,

prices tend downward. Sales estimated at 7000.Middling Uplands, 12|d; Orleans 18}d. Bread-stufts quiet.- Corn somewhat finner and slightlyadvanced. Common Rosin, 8a. Sd.; fine, ICs. Tur¬pentine, 37a. Sd. Lard advanced Sd.LrvsBPOOX, April 4-2 P. M.-Since noon Cotton

has, declined ¿d Middling Uplands, 12Jd Otherartioles unchanged.LONDON, April 4-Evening.-Consols 9L Bonds

754. " '-;LIVERPOOL, April 4-Evening.-Cotton closed

dull and heavy. Middling Uplands, 12jjd; Orléans.13d. Sales 8000. ;,Loroos,April 4-Evening.-Iiis annual budget

presented a balance in the Exchequerof £2,¡500,000.EHEST, Apiil 4_Tho Ville de Paris has arrived.QUEENSTOWN, 'April 4.-The Oily of Cork

touched here. ."'.'"."

Washington Kew«. f;*-.WASHINGTON, April 4.-Tho ÜAanaioN-STEvBKs

fend is deepening. CAMERON iavors the confirma»rios oí Démocrate, but gives a preference to"STEVENS' friends. STEVENS is represented as furirons. It is probable that the Russian Treaty -willbe.postponed until the next session. f" :The President's participation in the efforts to

bring reconstruction before the Supreme Court,-with, a View1 of-enjoining the District Commandersis authoritatively denied. The whole fctory is re-,

j gardod as speculative. ,, .j-lThe majority for Govj ENGLISH in Connecticut,was 979. jIt is stated that the Attorney General has ad¬vised the President that General SHERIDAN exceed¬ed his powers; in removing, the Louisiana Provisional officers.- * r L i

¡1 The Badicals claim; tho 2d and 6th sections aaconferring-tho questioned power.General SHERIDAN writes that a faithful enforce¬

ment of the law will necessitate further removals.The Senate did nothing in open session to-day.An official letter received at the Navy Depart--":

ment, from tho steamer Jamestovyu, d%ted Panama,Mareb 21, states that twenty-three cases of yellowfever, had occurred, fifteen of! which had beenfatal, five:were on the sick list, and two of themdangerously ilL ..-The surgeon says the fever' pre¬vailed at Panama, though attempts were made toconceal the fact. There is no fever at Aspinwaü.Active measures have been adopted by the Agri¬

cultural Bureau to distribute $50,000 worth ofseeds appropriated by Congress for the South.The statement of the public debt shows a de-:

crease in interest bearing cirrrenoy of $52,000,000.The increase af «old bearing notes $34,000,000.

Consular advices from tho Hague, dated March16th, say that thc rinderpest nas spread into Bel¬gium and France; Tho.1 rinderpest statistics ofHolland show a loss of 11,000 head from the ISthJanuary to 17th February.Ex-Governor BRADFORD has been confirmed SuT-

veyor ot Customs atBaltimore.Ex-Senator NESÍUTH, of Oregon, "has been nomi¬

nated Minister to Austria.The'case of this steamer'*WpL Sagsley and cargo,

captured while running,the blockade, is up to-dayin the Supreme Court. The amormt involved ia$218,000... She.. was : owned .by Cox, HEUENHEED &Go. One party claims on accountof loyalty; othersrroïn being pardoned..' The power. oí a pardon torestore property was fully diset-sised.; ,.

Nothing definíto han, transpired regarding theAttorney-General's opinion as to "the legality of-jGemeral SHEBTDAN'S-actionm removmg the officers.It will probably go.to the Cabinet boioro publica¬tion. ;."...: ."_:-.... ..;..;.->.?;.:.;..mzi~

SeÉator Wilton on his VUgpSzna&é.PETIBSBTJBG-, VA.J Aprfl- 4.-^-Senator WILSON, of

Massachusetts, addressed a numerous assembly infront of the Jarret Hotel to-night. Tho coloredelemontiargely predominant, and enthusiastic in-their maràfestation of approval and applause.

.... .The Senator spoke npraixds of. on© .hour, pwclftirfriug himself a Kadical and entirely committedto Badical principles. He prónouríced slavery tohave been the cause of the late war ; and he said

.. that neither the North or the South were guiltlessin the conflict. -. He said-that the ue|ro.now ia as'much a citizen of the "United States as thia Presi¬dent, and ?entitled to all the privileges ofthe white;* and he~ijrñploreáth¿li.i to thé exerciseof the franchise :as¡ freemen.' He disclaimed all in-

". tention bf Congress'and of the North to degrade br-.. humiliate the South', but said tbat the. measures ofreconstruction rather aimed to elevate tile lowlyand the oppressed!

'Abode Island Elections.PROVIDES tas; B..B, April 4.--The entire Beppbr

Jican ticket has been elected., ." ,.' .-.!;; ;

Ohio. Lcglslatare.COLUMBUS, April 4.-The House passed the Sen-

ate manhood suffrage bill withan amendment dis¬franchising rebela.and deserters. .......

Capture of^Co*w<OT|eiters.BOCHESTER, N. Y., April 4T-The detectives have

made a raid upon the counterfeiters. Thirty-eight.prisoners .were brought/in yesterday and'lodged injail." :."Tlie priwmiara-ye^

."-.. i"!-.' '".;*'' BliJUadelphla..'PHXX^DELSIA, April 4.-The Quaker City Oil

Works near this1 city have been burnedSAMUEL C. MORTON, lately President: af the

Board of Trade, and Dr. CASPAR WISTAR, died

Elections in St Kania.ST. LOCTS, April 4.-Tho entire Badical ticket

basbeen elected with the exception of two Council-"men.'-' -'-

r. -i

.v'.Ti?Marine New*,p NEW YOES. April 4.-Arrived the steamer Florida.trata Charleston. : '?? '--


Neiv YorkMarixt.NOON DISPATCH. " .'

NEW TORE, April 4.-The Stock market active.'62 coupons I09¿al09í. Sight 109|. Gold lSSi.Flour 6c. bettor. Wheat la2c, .better. Cont dulland drooping. Pork dull and nominal. NewMess $23 70. Lard dull-in bbls, 124al3.}. Whis¬key quiet. Barley dull. Peas d'ulL Cotton dulland lower, at 2SJc. for Middling Uplands. FreightsdnlL ---- ~\?

KVHN1NO DISPATCH.Cotton b^yy^teçîlned lc-stales .8200, bales at

28c. -Flour active, and advanced 5al0c State$9 75a$12. Southern Ul 30a$17. Wheat active,and advanced laSc. « om heavy, and declined lc-Western $1 19al 22$. Provision*" dull and heavyMess $28 57. Laid lZalSi- Whiskey quiet..; Gro¬ceries generally quiet. Sugar advanced Jc. Mus-coyado lOallc. Naval Stores firm andunchanged.Freights firmer. Cottori'to Liveapcol by steam {;.'.by sail j. Grain by steam (te. Sales at auction onGovernment account, 600 bales of Georgia Cotton,Strictly Low Middling, 23c;. Good Ordinary; 2450bales, Ordinary, 22j. Stocks active. '82 coupons950; of '64,107j ; of '65,108;new is ne, 107*: 10-40's,98;7-30'a, first series, SOS; others 105}: Missourisixes, 95*. Money 7. Gold lS3JalSS|. [

Baltimore Market.BALTTMORB, April 4.-Cotton quiet ; Middling

Uplands 29. Coffee firm. Flour firm ; Extra $12Jal8¿ ; Howard street S14al4¿. Wheat steady. Cornactive ; advanced Sc.; $113al 15 ; Yellow tt 12al 14;Mixed $1 09al 12. Oats advanced la2c; quoted art70A7L Provisions finn and active. Mess Pork$24 ; Bulk Shoulders $1 ; Sides 114 ; Bacon steady ;Shoulders lÔjaïO}.; Bibbed Sides 10|. /-

,' Cincinnati Marlcet.CTNCINHATI, April 4--Flour finn; bat -the^de*

maud light; quotations unchanged and excited.Whiskey, no soles; held at [email protected] arm nominal to bólásrs. "lu^W^orr" *22 25®$2300. "" .r!\i':-; i

Irf>nlsvine"TWarlr-^t.. .i^-^.iiXXJOTSVIIXE, April 4.-Flour closed advanoing;Superime $»75®10 25.- Gôïn in the ear Cf-T^b^od




Both Houses of the Fortieth Congressyielded at high noon yesterday, to the agonyof a temporary dissolution. After a week'sunremitting endeavor to fix this adjourn¬ment question to the satisfaction ofboth bod¬ies, it was not until sun-down on Fridaythat the die was cast, and then, not with¬out a good deal of trepidation, onthe part ofthe House, by reason of the vehemencewith which Ben. Butler berated his partyassociates for abandoning the field.

Failing, however, in forcing. Congress to.stand fór impeachment at this time, Butlerhas entered into a league with the Judici-ary Committee, which meets in May next toresume its investigation of. the acts of the jAdministration, by which that inquisitorialjunto is to expedite, with all possible ener-: <gy, the preparation ofan indictment of-the jpresident. Mr. Butler stipulating on his .

part to rTork upon the credulity of constitu- <

enciesthroughout the country as to create a

popular demand for the assembling of a full <Congress in July next. Ifsuccessful in thelatter endeavor, the Committee have pledged ]themselves to present, upon the first day of jthe midsummer session, the several "counts" ;against Andrew Johnson which are now inprocess Of incubation. It is evident, also, 3that Butler, looking beyond these prelimi- jnary matters, is covetous of the distinction .<pfbeing authorized by the House to lead iu <any prosecution of the impeachment move- (ment that may finally be preferred to the 1Senate as empanneHed jury. Judging from ¡¡the statements of Butler's-own speeches, tmade but y. tew- days before adjournment, 1wherein he quotes from certain evidence -clately taken by, the Judiciary Committee, jander bis personal conduct of the< examina- tbion ofthe witnesses examined, there must (be a collusion between the Committee and 1Butler to obtain for him the ultimate au¬thority to prosecute the case when' present- cad in the other wing ofthe capitol. iCongress having virtually .given up the tghost for nearly the remainder oftheyear- ]tor. no. one. pretends tobelieve that a quorum 1af b^h' Houses can be-mastered in July ¡àext-^-Washington assumes the' normal as- tpeet of a country town not overcome with ^the excitement of "court term," or the tem- coorary acquisition of a oircus. The Capi- aal beiàg mainly a city of bearding houses, cihe housekeepers are lugubrious, and im- aBelled to put down the price of. living, or¿shut up the,, estabhshmentsi.! Xocalities,- ¿svhere a month ago the wayfarer. could not gîbtain a placé to rest the head, are now ijpen and solicitous -of the occupancy of \illwho come. The great majority of mem- cbers haye vacated their lodgings fo rthè" ssummer, and such ashave maintained man- clions at their own cost, are endeavoring to j.mb let- them for a half or three-quarters of j;heyear, The "situation" betokens a .gen- tjral relapse, after the tremendous social and tpolitical reflects that have .been the order of ¡;he season just closed. In fact no one ex-T ejects aught of life oractivity afterthe next tthirty-days shall have inaugurated the heat- I vîdiiterHtL;' Within,the interimwillprobably o>e compressed all the events that can possi- e>ly be considèrèd on the tapis. Such¿ for tDsta.nce aa the trial of Surratt ; release of (Fefrerpon Davis;-'visit- of Japanese Em¬bassy, that-sailedyesterday fxonvSan Fran- t?isco; the Badic^rRey'olüüon hvMaryland; I £md the election of municipal, authorities cibrthe District of.Columbia,.,,under the aîiewj aiigpices oß päpajrtial: 'jstrfirage. tI After aflithis \ has', tráiispir^d, theie is jibthirig ¡eft tb beguile1 ;"thé °aóg-days" but ahe possibility of having a '.'sensation" Btrowing out of the Judiciary Committee's \mpeachment conspiracyat the capitol ; and v;he shallow promise of seeing .Mi, Seward's prrand idea brought out in a diplomatic hCongress in Washington of the South rpAmerican Republics and Spain, neither of;J tvhich powers are likely to accept the prnf-Xgbred mediation in their national difficulties, j »

-VICTORIA TO PEABODY. hfrThe-British: Minister; Sir Fredrick Brace, I tjs now in daily expectancy pf the arrival of cJueen Victoria's portrait, -which she had clámtedfor bestowal upoh our ^hUanthrop- j £st, George Peabody, and has. consigned j Ebr safejeeeping to. Sir. Frederickjfor trans-1 £niMohl.T¡It;.is understood that? the paint- j,ng will be allowed to remain a brief time. £»n exhibition in .one of the galleries ofthe 0Capitol; previous to'removal to the superb \tlall Mr. Peabody has had built for its re- cseption in his native town.

THE SCHOLASTIC SUMNER. pThere is at least one felicitous prospect I sn viéw,'concerning changes' in-the Senate j jpersonnel, and that is encompassed in -the \¡>rc>babiHty ofCharles Sumner's retirement, £vithin the next two years. If carried" dut, .£he retirement of that immaculate Senator J £rill be one of compulsion, however, much j j,ie may assume to the contrary.. I happen eo knówipersonally ';? that the Erecent publi-tation of rumors that Sumner was intend- ang to retke/rom the political arena at the L,;lo^of- lus- present^ term, . and thereafter I Jjlevóte himself to a historical resume of jjslavery "up to the. time of emancipation, U.s a story over which that gentleman "is J ileeply chagrined. The* bare menjtion L of I cleaving the Senate, excites the most yebe- jment denial-at his hands, heightened, no sioubt, by the conviction that -i» enforcing jitself upon his mind,that his tennr¿ of of- USee is uncertain, and to the last degree pre- Lcarious. It is as true as preaching---and a j tgood deal more veracious than the gospel J jwhich Sumner administers--that that New LEngland god has lost.caste--a prophet with- ,

ant honor in. his own country, and little to <boast of.outside that pedantic region. ..J jMR. CLERK MCPHERSON AND MR. SPEAKER

Are feiends and mutual abiders ia a trust <that, the" country will ultimately See the Lpropriety of bestowing handsome political ¡conferment "

upon gentlemen exhibiting j}shrewd iéxecut4vé,:^nrlty, as now exhibited lií^'th^ .p^rfprmtóee of their respective func- jtM^¿'>'B^S:íecent Act of Congress, rèîai-11\ting' to the dispensation of government ad- j (vertaslin^jtfé C«rk,;cf the House W¿11 haye j-,the u'tóy';áhfi^;80ul of at least one newspaper j jto each" Coögresmpital, District thoroughly, jvader i'jpi-^^»Bg''*^» consideration! of the Lpatronage he aflbrds its columns.

McPherson's fortunes follow.his supe-rrior's.by tacit consent, and Mr. Cblfex- apes (the Tice Presidency. If not itw much bf .,a bore, let me suggest that in the Badical-LConvention of; 1MB the leading1candidate»'pfor the Presidency will "find-. thémsèlyes J.jmeeting with tho prbSci, ai every jtufn,/df1 \Schuyler. Colfax.antfíhehev^ápeíjínferest ;for a name and power upon tho] second <

ji&cé'ôirt&e.eléc^-̂"' 5

S? ';^^''-'V;;--' >r" ^^sm^^-? j

/ ^T&ejil Charles Sji^iihs' ; weire: reeenily 1united in matrimony .jto, Jt^ee j disses 1Smiths at .the -sàmë^^ xesidenee in a Ken- $trjgliy tOWTl.^; ;^'.."¿;^..v'ñr;^ :- \^jßmJWfe Eepst» 7--\ia advertised for sale. .^ .', \'.^ ailä^OTeatiöa; i-Ató.- j


NEW YOEK, April 1-Make money-:-honestly if you can, but

uiake money. Such the advice given by afond father to his well beloved and hopefulson about to set oiit on life's journey. Putmoney in thy purse, said Iago, make moneycry one and all; work;for it, strive for it,make if: by fair means; make it by,foul means; speculate, gamble, cheat,for it if needs must be, but get it- anyhow, A great excitement on yv all strebt,a general stir around the stock boards, live¬ly conversation in the hotel reading-rooms,wealthy men who have" a' thousand timesbeen guilty of swindling operations not yetfound out, indignantly denouncing the con¬duct of other wealthy men who have beenïuilty of cheating and have been found outïfclast.- ..; SPhree of the biggest men in Newïork~àrrestêd on charge of having beenmgaged in the biggest kind of swindlingirrangtíments-rDaniel. Drew, James Fiskind William Belden-^-tbe names of theïreat.Found Out, legion the name of the jrreat undetected. The three big men aremarged with fraudulent transactions con¬nected witlrthe failure bf ¿hé Merchants'National Bank at Washington. Shaks-peare said that all the world's a stage, andill the- men and women merely players.Moultrie adds that all of Wall1 street. is aTaro bank, and all the men therein areplayers,, except the dealers, and among theiealers there is such à thing as the stocking>f stocks as :wèiyiàs'»bï cards, and unfairlealing as well as square games. jSwind-iñg is of course dishonorable, and wrong,ind censurable,butit is a disagreeable thingo be poor, to be, as Miss Bella Wilierernarks in Our Mutual Friend, very poor, ¡legradingly poor, offensively poor, beastly i)Oor; and so people must make money, andhe lords of Fifth Avenue must play their 1

sards as best they can in .the great gamb-ing establishments of Wall street.A physician who calls himself, and is

sailed by others, Dr. Thiers,and who could, ]f he chose, write a book that would conTiain matter quite as interesting as the ;listory of the French Revolution by ilis illustrious name-sake', has been¡xrested on charge of having causedhe death of one Mrs. Noble, onThom he most ignobly attempted, by theixercise of his surgical skill, to bring aboutin! abortion. In the endeavor to conceal 'me crime, the physician has been guilty of ,

mother and a greater one.7John-G. Heeñán and Joe Coburn had a

lifficulty, a short time since,.in a gambling "

aloon here, and were on the point of leav- <ng the adair io the arbitrament of the fist, irhen they.-wisely concluded that if they <lid fight it,would bö' just ashwell to haveoinething staked upon the issue of theontest, wherefore they have agreed -to <ranch each other's heads in the Elysian (?ields. in -Hoboken (where the duel be- '

ween Haruilton and. Burr took placé) forhe champion belt and tan thousand dol¬are. When I the punching takes place, Iixpèctto have a reserved seat, as I have jhe honor of. being personally acquaintedrith a fast young gentleman who. has the i-reater honor of being intárnately acquaint-d with trre~man who was;once, whipped by ^he Honorable John .Morrissey, member of

(Congress, and "taro.bank proprietor. tWhen a genäemain takes part in private theatricals, and allows his better half to do «he same, he should beware of taking a J-haracter in which he is compelled to look js ugly as possible, and giving thepart of (he handsome and well dressed lover to ]troprietor of a captivating moustache. An <mateur performancë took, place a few 1

lights ago in Brooklyn, in which-.therèi -Jras an ugly gentleman with a pretty wife (-ho did hot" take the precaution. TEe'iilay came off-as announced, and then, as ]Lad not been announced,'the ugly man's *

iretty wife went off to parti unknown with 'jbe\ b^rhîôm^ lover, whö; .:played fthe óppor t¡teand-spposite-part:: «--..«^;«: : .'.'--,',.:. -j¡The Bey.,'.Br. ¿Cheever¡delivered a leer ?<.dre last night 'at the church of the Purl- *

ans,-oh :,ithe"rightôf the colored race in 1onventiom," and the burden of the dis-; (ourse was'that the people of the North, if ¿hey value the jewel consistency, should jot deny the negro the same rights in, ¿he, ;«ree Stat^ (?) thatthey haye,-given them 1a the South.- It is certainly; but justice:- ':\hat. if the negro is to haye a seat in tkémrchestra chairs in -the South,.hejshould^at >sastbe allowed ito .sit in -the pcJitical dress itirele in the free (^States pf-Che; North.The strike for bjgher wages by the car-enters (who want, four dollars per day .in-;, :Jtead of three and a half ), dates from^-;'iáy, the first of April, but ü-neyertliíéí^^Jy no means an April fool ; arrangeinentj- *;he cafjjenters a-*e in earaest,- but many ofhem are half dotorous jm.u^ti<»paâca\.;cif ihe stoikers*.failing .ito accomplish the ob- <

eçt, desired, and -then being thrown out ofmployment. .. .: ..-The Radicals here are disgusted and dis- Jppointed atthë ste 1ndithe eiztïènie ¿ ci^Étífejthat seems to ex- ¡st. between the whites", and "the freedmenj ~

ibt'that'theylove 'the^nègrb less, but, that '\hey love the-Repubttcah party more, -andhere is a gnashing of teeta in* the Radicalamp as they foresee '- the-'downfall of their>arty, when iPompey and his old* -finaOBa""batí vote the same ticket.and unite their"nterestS: asit is meet for > them all, andneat for.'.the blácKS1especially- that theyihould. It is the general impression here Íhat by playing np to spades, the Southernjeoplè haye turned a.bad game into a good ",me, and -. that though, for awhile, the (Con--ressional) honors-may be held by tie radis5als,'W]ade Hampfoh's line bf play will tie-¡nit in the scoring bf the odd trick.; ;'_...;.'. The concert given at thè Academy onsaturday night for the benefit of thc South-;rn Relief fund, was a magnificent -pecani*-iry successX rÎ)n .-iiôxt^ Thuréday Booth mil.tppear at the,Acs^ainy aa Hamlet, for the1,lenefit bf. the artiste.and employees of the^hter Garden...Ristori will re-appeár soon:ajtthe French

iheatr'e,' remain tere for a couple of weeks,md théh' go on'to Paris. Nine-tenths of;he acters-and actresses who caq afford ft,ire going'¿ye¿the.^áter thfesummer to visit,be great French capital and see the Expo-ation^iV., ; ¿ MOULTRIE;

irgKBr^Jlie ¡ne-fjrspáper-;iglevere;: in its own family. - Senator Wilson-Jets a^box oú^his-ears' tu^ thià fasrdbh^-.O^large^eaTt^^M^ Wilson,igltt/^resenj'çf Jh§';| li^e tijood of openmhs and" free'grace'forthè Sbathern States.He wants nb ' nibire conditions.*' Again--There. is; very littje enthusiasm in thisregion -for the R^ubli-sarr :paríy bfo0oin^a^icut*,K »Öncb mbre^(di)ir.:BÎngria^ ofOhio, seems possessed with. the devils ofunbitioriand^jealonay baybhd^ any othermember:of Cpagress.'''rBat worst of all ia|^,:uQ^à<)n&blei -utmniiation of ;the luíren-mj^: .of-vne^oea^^

Gough was bft'ered $62,400 to go over-toEmgland and lecture bhcê a week for a

THE LATE DE. PHIXMPS.?-A corres¬pondent of the North Carolina Presbyteri¬an (whom we take to be the distinguishedhead of tho University), furnishes that pa¬per an interesting memoir of the late lament¬ed Prof. Phillips. Among other things, thewriter says :"Without entering farther into the de-lméation of his character, which will re-ceive a more elaborate survey than I have

at present time or disposition to make, Imay mcntioó that .among .numerous testi¬monials to the value and efficiency of hismethod of instruction in his own department of science, was a letter from Lieut.Maury, while at the head of the NationalObservatory. He had successively two of |Dr. Phillips' pupils as assistants, and ap¬plied to secure a third as instructor for hisown .children, stating that he desired them Ito have the benefit of the same training [which rendered -his assistants such readyand accurate mathematicians."The two pnpils! referred to in the forego¬ing extract were Gen. j. Jonhston Petti¬

grew, perhaps the most remarkable mathe¬matical genius the University has everturned, out, and Captain A. W. Lawrence,of this city, also a gentlemen of the finestacquirements in that department ofscience.

[Raleigh Sentinel, April 1.

Chicago is just now under the influenceof a rhad^-dog spasm.The Methodist Church employ 381 fôr-

aien missionaries; ;

Hong1 Kong is to be blessed with a lite¬rary'periodical printed in Chinese.


per brig WEBSTER KELLY, from New York, ore here¬bynooned that tíhe wül commence discharging cargoThis Day, at Boyce's Wharf. AU goods not called for byronset winbe stored at their risk and expense.




_H. L. P. MCCORMICK,laving disposed of his interest rn tho STEAMER EMI¬

LIE, all claims against har to the 10th ultimo inclusive,most be presented at my office oner before WEDNES¬DAY, the 10th inst j AH bola after that datemusthe pre¬mired to Mr. W. W. SHACKELFOBD, Boyce's Wharf,tho agent of the new owners.

MOTTE A. PRINGLE,Agent Steamer Emilie,

April 5 *"-', South AtlanUo Wharf.tg- STEAMBOAT NOTICE.-THE STEAMER5T. HELENA having beWn detained to [accommodateihtppers, wfll continue toTscoivn freight until 4 o'clock

This Afternoon, and lear*to-night positively.. MOTTE A. PRINGLE, Agent,1Aprfl 6 ,'l-\v :^.South Atlanüo Wharf.

A CARD.-TEE WASHINGTON ETRE30MFANY return their sincere thanks to Messrs. C. D.Lamms A Co. far rjsfresljmentskindly furnishedthematbe Tateflre in King street.Ap*ttj61":T7 A. W. STEVENS, Secretary W. P. Co." jÈrJ*THli~>TOtfNG>' AMÉRICA STEAM FIRE)OMPANY roturo their thanks to Mr. J. SHAW and Mr.IPDEBECK of the Victoria Hotel, for refreshments fur-nshed at late fire on King street, on morning of «th ofipnL .: '.. Wit W. HAST,Aprils 1 Secretary Y. A S.F. E. Company,«r STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, TARN-

VELL DISTRICT."-TN THE SESSION. SPRING-TERM,S67.-ToBUHonor Fraxldia I. Mosts, 'Presiding Judge.-The Grand Jury neg leave to make the following pre-lentmenta ;'They have etamlnnd the Jailand find it clean and well

kept Though secure, it is not sufficiently comfortablerhey recommend that it be weather-boarded on the ont-ide, and that >ddT8SnaT unagrplnhalg' be marie,'andhat the staircase be enclosed," and secured by a door onhe upper story. All the public offices axe well kept, andire ni SB good a condition as circumstances permit, andhe' Grand' Jury believe that ell the public officers haveilschargad their duty, to the best of their ability, andwye used their utmost efforts to subserve the pnbhc In-.ereat and convenience. The Clommissionors of PubliaBuildings have encountered great difficulties in tho dis-ibarge of their duty, and the Grand Jory believe thattheylave-acted its efficiently as thé limited means at theiroromcl have cnahlod thom to do. They recommendbai a stove fie1 purchased and' placed' in the' temporaryJourt House if the, same ehaR bo practicable. By thoecorcmendaUon of tho Grandi Jury of the District, the?oor House bas been discontinued for several years past,md is not, now kept up ;though, several paupers now«Bldè inthe old bnildtag. In- consequence of the greatnegase' in tho number of those who require supporthm terrabile, the poor of the District havo not beena comfortably provided for aa in former times, but theIrand Jury believe that they"novo been preserved fromictual suffering, and that tho ConWissloneTS of thrf Poorlave made the best use of tho means at their command.In referenco to tho colored population the Grand Jurymtirely concur with the vievrs'presented byyour Honor,jid they believe thatsuch are tie senliments. of tho pee¬lla of tho District in genere!' The comparative goodirder which \~, as been ^preserved among ns, they believea entirely due to the Justice and humanity which bsalaen shown to this portion ofourpopulation.In cosdoaion. tbh'ftrsnà ^ury^Tieg1 to return their

hartes'to your Honor far tho courtesy andconsiderationihioh they have received during the present term ofhsCourt J0B3T S. BBOWN,Aptos .''; " '.;"Toreman,

«3- ARTIFICIAL E5OS.-ARTIFICIAL HUT.IIAN;£YFâ;:mada,tr^ D̂ra. F.ÍAÚCH sid P. GOtTGLEHANN (forrnorly^employed byto&sointsiu; of párísj,-Nó-'%S9. Eroädway'.'Sev York.i^jjàf itv; n.-;>-V-tór'-ísí.r'rtss^yH lyrááSrWE. ARE AUTHORIZED TO ANNOUNCE

i. IL WHITING, Esq., as a' candidate tor Sherm ol¡ballestón (Judicial) District, ai the next election.September ICsar.BÏA Û TIF UL HAIR.-CHEVALIER'S

UFE FOB THE HALE positively restores gray hair tcts original color and youthful beauty ;- imparta life anoitrength to the weakest hair; stops Its falling out atmee; keeps tho head cleon; is unparalleled as a halirroasing. Sold by all Druggists and ¿aahloúaola hair-humyis, and at my office. Ho. 1133 Broadway, New

M.-p.,,..?''I'^'^'T^WIE *.MOISE,-:-- No^lgl ilintrttng Btreet,

'.-.r...., ..-."" Opposite Charleston Hotel.'January i:: ... T. T-'".ÏÏ'^ 6mos

ifoBTyft-A'TOBEL OR'S HAIR BTE.-THISSPLENDID'HATB DYEis 'tho-best lathe world,, TAPjuly ti^'janaVn^ffaif: P^^Th'arafcss, reliable, instan-ianeonA'^Wo"'' oUssppointiim-jt- No rlo-culous Unto.K/^^P0ac£"brBrown. ' Raroedles the ¡a effects ofBetiDyes. Invigorates the hair, leaving it soft and beautiful.nie genuine is signed William 4. Batchelor. AU othersut),¿ere imitations, and shouldbe avoided. Soulby aflDruggists and Perfumers. Factory, No. 81 Barcleyîtroet. New York.litsT BEWARE^OF A COUNTERFEIT.¡pecemoezio .lyr:W*CHltF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE,, j3ECCOTM3IJ±ARy iHSTEICT" »O. AND BO. CA.- fQHA^^STOS, f^CA¿-*prfl Sd, 1887.-Sealed propos.lùVwm bergetved'at thia office until 12 o'clock M., ontko 16th inst, si which time they wfll be opened, forhvupcrtlng withinthe City limits ALL THE STORESter which ^Quartermaster/s Department may be rc-Íturedtó furnish tzansportstian. .-.The contract to ro-gqrp In force for grxmonths ensuingMay 1st, 1867.Bidden wBlstate the price per load for which'ttoyil

will furnlah tranaporlatioii. The average dally numberof loads hauled tn thelastmoath,hmbeenonsbnndred.lld ft deomed ncroaiionablo win be rojoctod. ^Proposals

must be addressed to tho undortígned, and endorsed"Proposals fa. farniiiiilng TransportaCon."

:? BO. TYLER,Brevt Maj. Gcnl, DaputyVr M*r Gfnl.

Chief Q/r MT 2d Military DistAprU S ia49-A YOUNG LADY RETURNING TO HER

araatry uooe, after a eojomm of a few months In theáty, waa hardly rooognlrod by her friends. In place of» coarse, rustie, hushed face, she had it soft ruby comjlcxion qt almost*marble smoothness, aaa Wtead oftw nty-threo she really appearedbut eighteen. Upon lalouiry ss to tho causo of so great a chango, she plainlytold them that afee used the CTBCA8-IAN BALM, andMniddered It an iava?ijaol» a/sptalsläcn tos=ylady'a toilet.By its OAC any Lady or Gentlemen can improve tholr per-wnal appearance hundred idd. It Uidmplo in itaxraBtnaüoa, as Natara herself in simple yet unsurpass¬ed lu its efficacy to drawing impurities from, aba fis*V'lng, cloana+ng and beautifying the skia and cempä. 'Je£.By«adb»ct«cäooo«tbwcuäctoU draws from Usn ¿aUçprirtnas, Madly healing the same, «ndlecfiM tba SUNtasess Natu»« h.tended SI should be-dear. soft, smooth.' Jrod betaufol Price $1, «rot by Mail orEiprecs, onre- jneiptof anot&ar, by , "t'.:'v^E'" ;"->'V-"-J W. .Í^.CXAÍVC'atOO., Comiste."

Ho. 3 Weat Fayetto Streot, Syracuse, N. Y.Tbs only American Agenis tor the sale ot thc esei«.';March» ?" * T'iy



BESOUBOXS.Notes sud Fuis Discounted.«450.340.06Indebtedness of Directors. C.650.00

Current Erpensos.Due from NationalBank.. 190.566.03Duo from other Banks and Bank¬



United States Bonds deposited with UnitedStates Treasurer to secure circulatingNotes.:.?.

Other United States Securities....Stock-viz., People's NationalBank.Cash on hand In circulating Notes of other

Banks........ 116,247.00Specio...... 10,536.60Fractional Currency. 681.89Legal Tender Notes. 130,000.00Compound Interest Notes. 4,390.00


- 201,844.39


Capital Stock paidin._...... $255,600.00Circulating Notes received from Comp-trollcr..".. 63,000.00

Less amount on hand.Amount outstanding..*?..«>. 63,000,00SurplusFund.^.," 7,875.86Duo to National Banks.....'................ 25,459.26Duo to Individual Depositors...". 618,601.84Dividend No. 1 (unpaid)....,..... 18,240.00Discount.'.. 7,836.83Exchanges. 13,635.33Interest. .- 8,892.68

- 33.752,41




BESOUBOES.Notes and BRU Discounted..$640,207.99Indebtedness of Directors...:..-.. 17,000.09.

', ?? 'j 557,307.97CurrentExpenses._...._- 6,007.95Due from NationalBank. 105,808.33Due from other Banks and Bankers........ 39.66'United States Bonds deposited with tho

United States'Treasurer to secure Circu¬latingNotes.I.....:.. 100,000.00

Other Bonds, Stocks, ka.. 93,330.54Bank Furniture andFixings.'.. 2,030.46Casa.

Notes of ytaer National Banka.... 73,468.00Specie...;..;.. 21,937.1*-Fraotional Currency. 1,060.00Legal TerderNotes.".. 150,000.00Compound Interest Notes. 4,120.00

349,576.14' "- - 11413,880.04

Capital Stock,. 300,000.00drcularlngNotos.. 63,000.00Duo to"National Banks. : 44,624£3Due to other Banks and Bankers-_... 66,634.33IndividualDeposits. 609.782.40DiscountAccount. 7,434.61Exchange Account. 7,038.68Interest Account...-..li A..-..12,977.27Profit and Loss.........13,437.93


,ii !'.'.-.' 8X418,880.04J. G. LOPER, Cashier.

STATE OF SOOTH CABOLXSA, I... , City of Charleston. J f ç: > !. \fSworn to before mb this fourth'day Of April. 1867.


AND PILOTS .wishing1 to anchor'tiieir vessels in AshleyRiver, are requested not to do so anywhere within directrange -cf-the-head* cf jhe- BAYANNAH* BASoBeaWHARVES, cn the Charleston and St. Andrew's side ofthe Ashley River ; by which precaution, contact with theSubmarine Telegraph Cable wOl be avoided.

¿ c TURNER, H. M.Harbor Haster'e Office, Charleston. February 6,1886.February 7

., ... ...



Young Men, on the CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and theERRORS, ABUSES and DISEASES which destroy themanly powers, and create' impedimenta to MARRIAGE,with sure means. of. relief. Sent lil sealed letter en¬velopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SHTLLTHHOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia» Pa.January 15

s 3mo.M3~ BEAUFORT, S. C., 28TH IIAECH, 4867.-

By special invitation, the Rev. JOHN Cox; of the Second jafrican Baptist Church, and the Rev. W. J. CAMPBEEL.of tho First African Baptist Church, both of Savannah,Ga., on the 17th instant visitad tins place for tho purposeof regularly and formally organising the First AfricanBaptist Church here-for fifteen months psstunder thepastoral care of the Rev. Ani-mra WADDELL. The ser¬vices were commenced by the Rev.' W- J- CAMPBELLreading tho 68th Psalm, and ¿preachingan impressiveHrWjfir from St. Ha£hew*BGospel, 9 chap. 18 verse, afterwhich tho church waa carted tb order for business.. Rev.W. J. CAMPBELL chosen Moderator.. The minutes ofprevious meetings were *e>-<3 in reference to the callingof the Rev. Asmen WAOD Elias pafitor of the"church,and also the covenant, conslàiutlon and by-laws of thechurch were read and unanimously approved. Tho num¬ber of members received by expedience and baptized by¿fae prenont pastor are twohundred and three, which waaunanimously acknowledged to be correct. The modera¬tor made an-oloquent addre«» to the church on-their es¬tablishment aa a regularly organised body. Themeeung¡hen adjourned until the afternoon, when' theywould or¬dain four deacons. Tho Rev. JOHH COX preached the or¬dination sermon, and then foDbwed the solemn duties ofthe ordination. Everything waa done in perfect order,and to .^'.satisfaction of the church. After the doxologyani beneoicictaon the' meeting'disrnn3sed with great re¬joicing. The church now cohaista of seven hundredmembers. v ; 6» J April 1

SHIPPINS.r-rT. FOU IdPFEKJPOOL..-TIIK BRTT-fcñjíC'ISH ship 'SEDBERGH his most of her cargo?TsSS^readr-' For freight of 200 bales cotton ap-acse&plyto C. T. LOWNDES & CO..Aprils '"j- ?- HcWO Broad street

'.¿ ¿rv FOR' "HtTifli^ PÍRBCT.^TOB-ëa*»^FIRST-CLASS AMERICAN CUPPERPACKET.TßPSä»Schooner ROBERT CAIDWELL. John McCor-aáWaaC mack Master, wants'SOO hatea Cotton te AUup and sall with quiet oasratch^For^cn^^non^, ap-V'APTRS ..'??.'?'','.! '/y'.'./'L ..0- ;, --f. ; jFORaVrVKHPOOt^-TIIK üRrrifiKbark NORTON. Captain Isafe G. Entíbw, har-.JErg^iiig a portion of her- cargo engaged/ will meeiseaS&wfthdispatch. For-FreágbVengagementsap¬ply to ... .lV':-.-c* RAVENED A-CO.March28 _? '???????' -?'?-;' ::'. '??'

?K-FTÑ-: FOR 'JáSVÍEBÜÉifMfÉti^'mTBXi -"VUTBl*Q¡2VFast Saffijlg Coppered Packet Ship MARX, OO-jjHBr^DEN. W, iL Coidrey Master,, ia now reedy to«*B~B&recelv1b'Cargp^V:.'.: i i''i !.'.-.".-."?For freight 'engagements, Kpply to"_W. B. SMITH k CO., '"'

March 28 '?. y, '? '. 'Napier** Ranga;?? ,

.«vc »OÄ FREÎ6HT OR.CHARTER.'-XOS^fhe fin« schooner MOHAWK, Captain Bradley,jjjBJS nearly new. Capacity 470" to 6000 bushelsApplytot^n"' _.'" SCHEVEN & NIESET,' "'!Apiil33 Accormnodation Wh*rf, ;




r- OASTAWVGKÍBG» MANSFBSLD,ins NÓTí. BECErmé' FR»GHT-M^.AOOOIOSÚDA» Ii TION WHARF, and wiR leave with diapatch. 1An freight must be prepaid. No frdatt received after |sunset Forfrelghtengagements,appâte,f j .v,. ,?>;.-.FERGUSON tt HOLMES, Agents,Marchao . ;.. AocomnyWlatlnn -Wharf,NEW TORK 'ASD HRBHES V>EAK8K]P


wÄ'hto»':'pter: '&%~Mm&tâ.

-uwJfOBvSÖüraAMJTO»,*,̂taking. pssaengera to Sauihamrrfon. Xondon, Havre cad:Bremeavlat tfo gold br Its

February ST ly ^^f^S^^^i.




WTTT, SAIL FOR THE ABOVE POUT, FROM PIERNo. 1, Union Wharves, Thin Afternoon. 5th inst,at«K o'clock.For Freight br Passage, having roomy cabin accommo-dations, apply to




FOR NEW YORE*.THE NEW AND POPULAR STEAM-^SHTP "MANHATTAN," CHAS. COLLINS,commander, will lavo Brown & Co.'sSooth Wharf on Sunday, the 7th inst.,at 8 o'clock A. M.

AS- The Ships of thia Line insures FIRST-CLASS.MTS" The Ships rf this Lino have ELEGANT CABINACCOMMODATIONS.m3- The MANHATTAN is tho only Sidewheel Steam¬ship leaving thia week.For Freight or Passage, apply to

STREET BBOTHERS & CO.,April 6_Mo. 7* East Bay.




VTTTLL LEAVE ATLANTIC WHARF TO-MORROWYT MORNING, 6th inst, at 6 o'clock.AU Freight must be paid tn the Wharf.For Freight or Passage, apply to

CHAS. L.GULLLEAUME,April 5_1 North Atlanüo Wharf.





'Pl LOT BOY,"Captain-W. T. MoNstrv.

4 li/ILL LEAVE ACCOMMODATION WHARF EVERYW MONDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock.Boturning, vrffl leavo Georgetown every WEDNESDAYMORNING, at 7 o'clock.Freight received daily, and stored tree of charge.Far Freight or Passage, apply to »


Agonta, Georgetown.Ni B. All Freights must be prepaid. No Freight re-celved after sunset_March 23

Charleston and Savannah Steam'


Steamer PILOT BOY.Captain W. T. MCNELTV.Steamer ELIZA HANCOX.... Captain J. K. RTCHABDSOH.Steamer FANNIE.¿....Captain D. B- VINCENT.

LEAVE ACCOMMODATION WHARF, CHARLESTON,and fh»-<-M»tT, Wharf, Savannah, Monday, Wednes¬day, Friday and Saturday mornings, at 7 o'clock.The PILOT BOY leaves Charleston every Friday, andSavannah every Saturday.The HANCOX leaves Charleston every Wedues-dayand Saturday, and Savannah every Monday and Fri-day.The FANNIE leaves Charleston every Monday, andSavannah every Wednesday, touching at Bluffton goingand returning. ,Freight received daily and stored free of charge.Freight to aU points except Savannah must be prepaid.No Freight received after sunset 'For Freight or Passage, apply to

FERGUSON & HOLMES, Agunta,I.;..:..-. ..:>.-':.? Charleston, H. C.CLAGHORN tt OUNDtGHAM. Agents;\'-1 Savannah, Ga.

- N. B_-The Steamers of thia Line connect at Charlestonwith Northeastern and South Carolina Railroads," and atSavannah with Central and Albany and GtUfRailroads andFlorida steamer»._. _March 22





- I GRANADA,WTÜ leave AdgBr*B South Wharfevery Saturday.'THE STEAMSHIP

!" CAPTAIN CROWEIXi"ÏMTELI. LEAVE: ADGER'S WHARFON SATURDAY.W April 6, at 4 o'clock P. M.Shippers are requested to hand la Bills of Lading by1 o'clock on that day.Aprill_ RAVENEL st CO.



WILL LEAVE NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF OKevtry Wednesday Morning, ats o'clock, preciselySSTFrei-n 1 received dally and stored freo of Charge.For Freight or Passage apply on board, or at the ot.fleo of JOHN MAHONEY, lu., ¿8 East Ray.November 13 Above Craig, TuomeY & Co's.





ON AND AFTER THE 26TH OCTOBER, THIS FlNhSHIP will sail from Middle Atlantic Wharf, eve?}Friday Nigkt, ss 10' o'clock, Ar the Ibove g

AU freight must bo paid hore by tiljpperGangs ot -egroes wll bs t:ken tothe obo-a' points OEfae et. John's Elver at SS each. Ghfkfcvn traoer tpj.

please diseonitaue their notices sad send account to thcFe* Freight or Passage apply on boardj er iota*Agency. B-.nth Atlaittc WUT. January IS

?>:G'Â2&tâ-tX'ï': 1'MÍ.'"-'CO'r'KT.TÍBf^,:.-,1,'.-'ar Tjrtdgbt of PáánMTOs tppiyofi bo&rd. ar to office ci.- .^? ^»^«Ä^A^^


LIST OF LETTERSRemaining in the Postofflco at Chaileston. for the we-k

ending APRIL 4, 1867, and ordered to be printedIn THE DATT.V NEWS, agreeably to tho following section oltho new Postónico Law, as the newspaper 'having thelargest circulation in the City of Charleston :SECTIOS 6. And be it further enacted. That lists of let¬ters remaining uncalled for in any Postofllcc in any citytown or village, where a newspaper shall be printed,shall hereafter be published once only in tho newspaperwhich, being published weekly or oftener, shall have th»largest circulation within range of delivery of the sa doffice.85- Persons calling Tor Letters Advertised, should

stato that they are "Advertised."3S" Office hours from 8 A. M. to 0 P. M. On Sundays,from 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock A. M.

STANLEY G. TBOTT, Acting Postmaster.


Aiken, Louise Grean, Mrs Purse, Mrs MAEAlexandeir, Miss Green, Mies P Pritchard, MrsSII Price. Mrs E MAleeny, Mrs M Harder, Miss L Pritchard, Mrs LAlley, Mrs A Harris, Mollie C-Alender, Mrs A P Hargrave, Mrs H Porcher, Mrs T FAlexander, Mrs L Harvey, Mrs P Porcher, NancyAnderson, Faunie Hasten, Miss H Pinkney, AnnAppleton, Miss J Harken, Mrs C Phillips. Miss E AF Harris. Emma Peurifoy. MrsVMArtson, Rebecca Heidghtman, Ie- Perry, MarthaItna Peoples, JuliaBarnwell. Dasy Heyward, Annie Parry, Mary JaneBarre, MrsLG C Patterson, Mrs MBarría ton. Miss Henderson, Ella MBarnett, Miss B Hewson, Sarah C Parker, Mrs C AAHeidt, EllenMOyBare, Fannie Honnitt, Mrs N Quinn, KatyBacr, Elizia Hills, MrsN E Quigly.JonoBernard, Mary D Hobans, Nancy ItBehling, Miss M Hosegood, Mrs R Bellly. MarthaF Hoffatetter, Mrs Badr -y, MaryBennett, Mrs C J Reaves. MissMBenton, Emily Hooker, Mary Reid, Mrs JMBoney, Julia Hollon, Mary S Rice, Mrs EBaader, Mrs L Hunt, Miss A Rich, LizzieBird, Mrs P Hohnes, Emily Kobuison, AnneBrown, Miss D Homes, Misa M Rodolph, Mrs LBlack, Ema CA J Bowe, Miss SBlankenship, Sus- James, Mrs P IRobinson. Miss Ban Jenkins, Mrs C Robbertson, Sha-Boon, Mrs J B F Jeffords, Mrs M HI gorCranford, Miss J Jones. Sarah I Ryan, AnnBranch, Kate Jones, Eva G Ryan, Mrs J ABrodie, Mrs S Jones, Sarah SOBraanor, Sarah Johnson, Annet Saunders, LetitiaBurns, Martha Johnson, Neille ABurns, Sarah Ann Johnson, Bell Sage, Miss E ,BulL Mrs E Johnson, Charlot! .schmidt, Miss GCJohnson, TET"TT»I>. KCallans, Miss C RT. Seabrook, Miss MCammer, Mrs Kohnke, Mrs C L Seright, Mrs MCaloway. Sarah Knox, Isabella Sewell,'Mrs .

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rie Learbouger, Euzla lottDennis, Mrs S C. Langan, Misa.C .XDrawbridge, Sarah Laverne, Anne Trescot, HarriottDu Bose. Mrs M C Lorn, Mrs E Trltiaoe, Mrs M E

EM Townsend, Miss OEasterUng, MissM Matheson, Mrs E Titean, Sarah AF LToomer.MissEEdwards, Hattie Man, Mary C "WElliott, Jane Moore, Miss M E Walls, Miss 8*Enson, Susan Mezock, Charlot! Wagner, Julia EF Merkhart, Cathe- Wallace, KateFair, Mrs Dr rino Wau, Mrs C PFleming, At»n Michel, T^rnTYia Webb, Mrs E B43 Millings, Emma Wells, Mrs MGafe, Rosey Morris, Mrs A T Welch. EiiziaWGaillard. Miss E Mood, MrsM K Wethers, MollieGage, Mrs Capt H Moore, Mrs 8 Williamson, EllaGardner, Mary Moony, EUzebeth Woodson, Zarate.Gadsden, Mrs J Morn, Lucy ra

MMury, Jane Wright, Jane DGaddard, Mrs E Miahton, Misa B Ward, Mary JaneC Martin, i*n»j* Ward, AnnieGeary,Jane 91c Ward, Miss E HGilson, MissL McMakin, MrsM Williams, SusanGibbs, Sarah R wolson. SarahGifford, Mrs L McMillan, Amelia Walker; FannieGibbs, Sarah M Walker, MrsADQom, winnall fi Williams, MrsMGouthcr, Miss M Nelson, Ellen M Williams, MaryD' O wakenson, MaryGalena. Mrs H Owens, Mrs J AnnGrant, Mary _Osborne, Mrs E A YGray, Elsey O'Neil, Miso F Young;'MrsWEGradicke. Carrie O'Gormen, Mrs 0 Young, Mary AnGuinand, Mary A'.


Acharo, Capt Wm Glover, Robert Panzerbeiter, CapW(col'd) ChasiAAdkins & O"Neale Gould, Austin Paurs, .EdwardAdkins, James Greenwooa, Sam! Parrie, WBambrosio, Sr ri Griffens, Henry Patterson, James '.

Albora, H Grant, Cap OB WAllston, Charles P Bf Parley,' Peter'Auen, SA Haley, John M Percy, JosephAnderson, Alfred Hancock, James Perry. Robert

A Harken, Jonann Peiineyfeather,Andrews, Bottom Hart, Joshua. L AntonyApprentice's Xl- Hastedt. Herman. Phillips, Cap Kin*teary' Hatcher. Isaac die "

Avaia. Antonio Harrison,James Potter, JaeDAustin, Chas Hermanan, Abram Porcher, ELB Heger, John H [Frailer, Francia.Bailey, David Heyer, John Hen- !BBadgerup L .. red ; Reeves, 8LBautzmand, Rich- Hetzler, Bernhard Reid, G P

aro:H. Hifferman, Dermis RemyF KBailey, Clarence Heger. J Remson, CharlesBackus, Rev John Hayward, Geo c PC Ricka, Ned Bomrugtoa, AlfredBarden, Patrick HiD. Dani (col'd) .(-v.D.. J-Barnett, Henry E Hicks,Wm .-, Reid, AndrewBetts, Wm Hoffman,'BD Mocka;GerhardBeckman, H Howard Riobard- Kboafls, Wm GBee, Paul Hooks, CE Beeves, MrBeaston, Albert Halnncker, Albert Ripley, J C

Behrmann, Hin- Hagan, Henry -. ?-- Rogers, CHrich Hoon. BrD Guner- Booinsan, Hamil.Bee, Ishmael moton(col'd) Hyams; Solomon Howey'sHBillow, HenryA Hyman, Isaao St Rutledge- JamesBoTan, Patrick Co j.. 8

Barnwell, Anthe- 'X '. Sandford, Albertny Irvin. Charles B Sumter. Lt p E

BCWÎC David (col'd) Schroder, ? FBoyd, Bernard J Schelling, MrBroomer, Henry Jaaksn, John ai: Schals», JohanBredeman, WU- Jennison. R W, Jr IWilhemhelm Johnson, William Schrod-r, N HBrookman. W S M --.. Simmons, C Gads-

Bryant, Jack Johnson, Gibby, -..den íBurns, James Johnson, Petter Shriller, EButler. Morris Johnson, Maj .' Sheridan;PUByrne, M Louis E Shappes A Sou-Buggel, Johan Joyz, John 'nog'Butler, E K Smith. Cap AngusBürgerte. Fredr Kean,Wm S Smith,G wByrne,.I olin Kennedy, Nelson Smith,T Augus-CSS ,-toaya -

Calhoun, D S Kearney. John Smith»-RobertTOannady, James King, X Bernard Small, CharlesCarver, A Oscar Kline. K & Bro Suomud iE FraslcgCaaateWM : Knoblooh, Jacob Spojaa., ctophenChapman,LC Kuck» H Standley, Thadde-Cherriel, Edward Knapp, John H St us WClisse, Capt John Co Stevens, DrWmPI« staggers, LonzerChichester Sc Car- Lawrance, Bros Sc Stavenhagen, Edter.Co Stroutj GooCfleapor,CE Larieey, Seabrook SummerraH,Wmeleanor. CharlesE Lawless, Peter '«." " H" '.

Clark,WW LePage,Robt-. ¡ Ssdstoi.EAColeby, Wm Leverott, Esq Swain. David T-firnigfin,Xanrèàcè fjgnthàriS *~?Colman, Simon all Taylor, James MCollins, Thos Unstedt, A ,, ,'c Taylor, Frank ECordes, ThosF Lipp, Actam Tailor; GeorgeCraig A Tobin Long, J F í (col'd)D Logg» H D r. Tayior,JDDack, Dorris A' Lunsfurd, John Talbot, Thomas GDay, Edwd Lustgnan, C A Tibberta, WilliamDawson, DS MLDagna, Chas Maxwell. Dr J P Thomas, Chas BDawson, Jos Manar, W tc Co Thees, HenryDavid, N .. Mackey,Sr Cnaa, riedsroan, HenryDay, Wm Haxyck. Edward W

_tDee Vernes, Fran. Meiners, John' Thompson, J Greis C Myers, Darid. loommer, Joetin«Tubble, AC Meyer, Geo W Toomer.FHanDoty, W B Meyer, rirtts Tooth, Wm GDuke, John S Heyer, Fritz H ; , ,-,,..> V.

Damn, Sarai A Miller, Jesse F, Venntag, CaptDuncan, Sam Mflls, Jacob EUabSaunders Mishaw. Tho rsa Vanning,W L

1£ Moore,Dr. S-P Yenniug^EEason, Cap Thoa MorriB,'Thomae ~p'".-t >(FEdwards, Jame» Morgan,Isaao Ward.WmH.Eua,Wm T " .. Morony^E , Waja<a. Cap Thc-Elliott, Dr John B Mooney, Csp Ham- V maaEms,Ti..- ry '.:.- WavsVJobnnvsns, William B Mnrrill, Mr WCEvans, Rufus N Mahler, H Walden, JohnF." Sie J' .'.. West, PrestonFildner, FhiSip UcCanta, LA e Welberhorn, PHenry McDonald, Mc Webster, D PFeuds, John McDonald, Csp W Webbi GeorgeFilEpatrick, Pat- » : , (oot'd)rick ..... McGuire, Wm Wettelton, SandyFinley,ClausB MeKuaker,DC Wed;'Wm ,Fisher, Jacob ' McQuirk,A - WeSotd, GeoTFleishman. Kr Moüajnara, John Wilson, Daao BFletcher, John 8 B Whtloy, John BFowlex. C McPherson, John Wheelock, ThoaF'wler,Henry M

. B;?.Forrest, Benj Netta. Henry iffiest Joshua(ool'd) Newbould, ibo» WJegsjer, BermFontane. Pat» S.' M

_ W0|6nc.JNr...-" o .O Winiama, Col GeoGadsden, James' Oberg, S F ' ¿Í^.t-iL_Garlaua, Joseph Oerjau. Herman. Wolf, VictorGaillard W D Ooberg. Ludwig Wcrahsm,8PGeddings. JF M, O Meale, Thorm« Wrede, Johsnnia' 1ÍH" S ;?- Z ._GiR, John P P Zlmnjerman, Vic-Gkteaith, Bobäri PaoMtot^tC^J^oa^^¿.aa» Persona deoosiang lettgra ,in Om Postofflee wül

olease to place the stamp near Wt» upper rtglithand coe»£erof tho envelope, and thor wiB «iao please toremom-ber that without the stamp a lutter cannot be maOed. butarnot bo sent to tho Dead LeCcr C~ce- >.--..'Aprü* " "-' ' " >"?*?"? "?. ?'.".} »J ,

maeaS'iJttAsu-'ro :-Í^Í¡ i MAYORALTY OF CHARXESTON.lOTT Han, November 8,188d, I

A Td. PERBON8DESIROUS OF Ili^UILDlNO IN T 22Ü. Burnt. Districts and Wewe Piad» ol ILe Uty. un¬der "An Act ot the General Asaambly. gtvTig aatuontyto the City Council of Chafleawn to prooeeJ itt toe mat¬te* of a Ftre Loar, with, a-view to aid inbuUdinaup th«City ar.ew." are hereby notified that the fcfcm of anil,cau^ for loan» can bs obsaiuM at tba cs%n «f the Clarkof Council, between the tours of 3 A. M. ead J P. M.AUappUoaaons must.ba Aled in the above wsjfrttonede^^^i^pciaamiM^mmt sudfmatag tc» con.K<a«Jsr of thá.aíayur 1.., ^ .^-W»*K¿SMITH.NoveaabarlO * ~ ''~,C^»Osonca,'.' -;-..-.'-'.'. y -4^ytr\~-:r