Dispatmes HEALTH SCIENCES ASSOCIATION OF SASKATCHEWAN NEWSLETTER APRIL 1992 WE'VE MOVED Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan has relocated to #2-3002 Louise Street, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7 J 3L8 Phone: 955-3399 Fax: 955-3399 Although we were content at the 8th Street location, our landlord, the Saskatchewan Lung Association, required the space. As a result of our move we have the following office furniture for sale. Any H.S.A.S. member interested in purchasing same should contact the office as soon as possible. 1 - 4 ft. x 1 O ft. Oak Boardroom Table 1 - 30" X 60" blond desk 1 - student teak veneer desks 1 - typing table 1 - metal coat rack Content Highlites Saskatoon and Regina Health Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 Provincial Negotiations ............... page 5 Labour Relations Board ...... . ....... page 7 H.S.A.S. Grievances ................. page 7 H.S.A.S. Industrial Relations Education Fund Established . ... ... . .... ... .. page 8 Next Education Fund Draw May15,1992 ..................... pages Executive Council Highlites .......... page 9

Dispatches april 1992

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Page 1: Dispatches april 1992


APRIL 1992

WE'VE MOVED Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan

has relocated to #2-3002 Louise Street,

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, S7 J 3L8 Phone: 955-3399 Fax: 955-3399

Although we were content at the 8th Street location, our landlord, the Saskatchewan Lung Association, required the space. As a result of our move we have the following office furniture for sale. Any H.S.A.S. member interested in purchasing same should contact the office as

soon as possible.

1 - 4 ft. x 1 O ft. Oak Boardroom Table 1 - 30" X 60" blond desk 1 - student teak veneer desks 1 - typing table 1 - metal coat rack

Content Highlites Saskatoon and Regina Health

Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 3 Provincial Negotiations ............... page 5 Labour Relations Board ...... . ....... page 7 H.S.A.S. Grievances ................. page 7 H.S.A.S. Industrial Relations Education

Fund Established . ... ... . .... ... .. page 8 Next Education Fund Draw

May15,1992 ..................... pages Executive Council Highlites .......... page 9

Page 2: Dispatches april 1992



The Annual General Meeting of H.S.A.S. was held Saturday, October 19, 1991 at the Saskatoon Inn. In attendance were 53 members from Prince Albert, Saskatoon and Regina, one guest and the Executive Director.

Pat Stuart, S.U.N. President, opened the session with a talk on S.U.N.'s recently completed negotiations. After Ms . Stuart's presentation, the business meeting began with Ed Dewhurst serving as Chairperson.

Following the presentation of the various reports, elections were held to fill the following vacant positions on Executive Council; Occupational Therapists, Pharmacists , Physical Therapists, Radiology/Nuclear Medicine Technologists and Speech Language Pathologists/Orthoptists. The meeting concluded after Val Einarson (Nuclear Medicine Tech· nologist at Royal University Hospital) and Barb Goodsrnan (Laboratory Technologist at Saskatoon City Hospital) were drawn as the winners of the two $100.00 cash prizes.

The social held after the meeting provided members an opportunity to meet and mingle. For those of you who were unable to attend please contact the H.S.A .S. office should you wish to review the various reports that were presented.


Occupational Former Term of Name Group Incumbent office

Sherry Backus Speech Language Lesley Chlopan Oct./91 ·0ct./93 (St. Paul's Pathologists & (Royal University

Hospital) Orthoptists Hospital) Roberta Ekberg Pharmacists Roberta Ekberg Oct./91-0ct./93 (Pasqua Hospital) (Pasqua Hospital) Colleen Hancharuk Occupational Michelle Croshaw Oct./91 ·0ctJ93 (Royal University Therapists (Royal University

Hospital) Hospital) Ted Makeechak Physical Ted Makeechak Oct.191 ·0ct./93 (St. Paul's Therapists (St. Paul's

Hospital) Hospital) Tracy Paulenko Radiology and Ed Dewhurst Oct./91 ·0ct./93 (Royal University Nuclear Medicine (Royal University

Hospital) Technologists Hospital)

Congratulations to our newly elected council and a special thankyou to outgoing members Lesley Chlopan, Michelle Croshaw and Ed Dewhurst for the time and effort they volunteered to serve you, the membership .

Dispatches has requested our newly elected Council Members to tell you a little bit about themselves and here are the results .

Sherry Bockus - Speech Language Pathologists/ Orthoptlsts

I was born and raised in North Battleford and completed both my BA and MSC in Speech Language Pathology at Minot State College .

I have had the chance to work with numerous health teams across the city of Saskatoon including colleagues at Royal University Hospital, Saskatoon City Hospital, St. Paul's Hospital and Parkridge Centre.


I suppose my roving nature has been an advantage in expanding my perspective and it is with this background that I now enter my first year as the Executive Council representative for Speech Language Pathologists and Orthoptists.

Thankyou for the opportunity.

Roberta Ekberg - Pharamaclsts

In 1974 I graduated from the U. of S. with a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy and then entered a 12 month Hospital Pharmacy Residency Program at the Regina General Hospital. In May 1975 I went to work as a Staff Pharmacists at the Plains Health Centre. In September 1977, I accepted a position with the provincial government at the Prescription Drug Plan where I provided Drug Utilization Reviews for the Program Evaluation Division .

Since October 1978, I have worked as a Staff Pharmacist at the Pasqua Hospital in Regina. My experience with H.S.A.S. includes a one year term as Vice President and two one year terms as President. I look forward to repre· senting Pharmacists for another two years.

Colleen Hancharuk - Occupational Therapists

I am a 1975 University of Manitoba graduate in Occupation­al Therapy. Upon returning to my home province I began my career at University Hospital, Saskatoon in Rehabili· talion and Psychiatry. From 1977-80 I developed the O.T. program at Regina Community Horne Care. I have since worked as the Senior Occupational Therapist in Rehabilita· lion Outreach Services, lately as a part-time Therapist.

As many others, I juggle a career with being a wife, mother of a 2 yr. old and have outside interests of decorating and farming. I invite input from concerned Therapists and intend to represent you to the best of my ability.

Ted Makeechak- Physical Therapists

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow Physical Therapists for their confidence in permitting me to represent their interests on Executive Council. For those of you who do not know me, I am employed as a Senior Physical Therapist, Respiratory, at St. Paul's Hospital. I continue to look forward to your interest and suggestions to serve our members effectively.

Tracy Pau/enko - Nuclear Medicine and Radiology Technologists

As a member of the Executive Council of the H.S.A.S., I am pleased to represent Radiology and Nuclear Medicine Technologists.

I received my Theoretical training in Nuclear Medicine Technology at Red River Community College, Winnipeg and completed my Clinical training at Royal University Hospital (R.U.H.), Saskatoon.

If you have any issues or concerns, please call me at 966-1797.

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The Regina Health Board has met on one occasion in March with the various unions . H.S.A.S. was represented at that meeting by Roberta Ekberg.

The Board made it clear that they welcome and encourage union input. To date no details are available as to the structure of the decision making process the Regina Health Board will be using.

H.S.A.S. Response to the Regina Health Board

At an H.S.A.S. meeting held on April 21 it was decided that each profession would prepare a brief for submission to the Board . Please get in touch with the following contact persons in order that your views on rationalization of services can be heard:


Pharmacists Pharmacists Dietitians Social Workers Occupational Therapists Physical Therapists



Don Kuntz Robert Clare Chris Arklie Shelley Hoffman Susanne Adamson Yvonne Ounsworth


Plains Health Centre Plains Health Centre Plains Health Centre Plains Health Centre Plains Health Centre Regina General

The Saskatoon Health Board has met with H.S.A.S. on two occasions, March 19 and April 4, 1992. In our meetings and subsequent discussions they made the following points:

1. Their mandate from government is as follows: no shut down of Hospitals rationalization of services should not result in

waiting lists St. Paul's Hospital must have Obstetrics, Pediatrics and Emergency areas must deal with recently announced budget cuts to health care

2. They intend to be consultative and invite union input.

3. The following changes were worked on by the previous Saskatoon Health Services Authority and will be imple­mented :

(a) immediate transfer of Obstetrics from Saskatoon City Hospital to Royal University Hospital and St. Paul's Hospital

(b) transfer of department of Opthamology from Royal University Hospital to Saskatoon City Hospital in 1993

4. The Board currently has responsibility for Sherbrooke Community Centre, Parkridge Centre, Saskatoon Home Care and all acute care services provided by St.Paul's Hospital, Saskatoon City Hospital and Royal University Hospital.


5. Terms of reference for administrative/support reviews:

(a) Mandate

As part of a province-wide challenge to all sectors , health care agencies in Saskatoon have been asked to find ways to manage with reduced funding.

In each of the next two years , savings of between $16M and $20M will have to be found by the three Hospitals, Parkridge and Home Care. To confront this challenge, the Saskatoon Health Board is asking its management team for advice and assistance .

The Board wishes to find at least half of these savings in administrative and support programs. This means that between $8M and $10M will have to be found in 1992-93, and the same again in 1993-94. The reminder will have to be found in clinical programs.

It is clear that savings of this magnitude will require significant operational changes in administration and support programs . The mandate of each Project Team is to recommend to the Board whatever operational and organizational changes are required to achieve the greatest possible improvements in efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Each team will have access to whatever information it requires, and will present its recommendations directly to the Board.

(b) Team Membership

There are 16 teams, arranged in four groups. Each group is chaired by a Chief Executive Officer from one of the agencies. Each team within the groups is led by a Project Manager, and comprises the managers of the relevant program divisions from each agency .

(c) Role of the Group Leader

The role of the Group Leader is to give overall manage­ment guidance and policy direction .

The Group Leader will select the Project Manager for each team, and will attend team meetings as often as required to provide guidance and help shape the final outcome .

(d) Role of the Project Manager

The Project Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the team . He/she will select the team members in consultation with the Group Leader , and will assign work to team members . The Project Manager is responsible for meeting all time schedules set for the team, and in conjunction with the Group Leader, for achieving whatever savings target is set for the team .

(e) Role of Team Members

Team members have been selected to contribute man­agement advice and expertise to the Board . In fulfilling their duties on the team, members are asked to advise the Board to the best of their ability, from a city-wide

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perspective. Team members may offer any advice they consider in the best interests of health care delivery in Saskatoon, and may count on the full support of the Board in expressing any point of view they wish to bring to the Board's attention.

(f) Timeframe

Each team is asked to submit a written project report in two weeks. This should comment on the feasibility of achieving the objectives set for the team, on the earliest timeframe for beginning implementation if immediate implementation is not possible, and on the feasibility of achieving the savings target.

(g) Savings Target

Overall, the Board has set a savings target for the Administrative/Support Reviews of $8M-$10M in 1992-93. this target must be met.

To assist teams, individual targets have been assigned to each Project. The Group Leaders, in conjunction with the Project Managers , are responsible for assessing the feasibility of achieving the targets in each area. However the Group Leader is responsible for presenting propos­als from his/her group as a whole which meet the combined target amounts within the group . In other words, if a target is deemed impractical in one project, the shortfall must be made up in one or more of the other projects within the group.

(g) Union/Staff Involvement

An important component of this process is lo find creative ways to obtain staff and union input prior to the Saskatoon Health Board making decisions. Extensive consultation with the three major unions has occurred to date lo develop meaningful involvement. Mechanisms are in the process of being finalized which will incor­porate staff and union involvemen t while recognizing the differences of each union. This involvement will play an important part in the Board's final decision-making.

(i) Objectives

Planning groups will propose reorgan ization and restruc­turing of the delivery of the administrative and clinical support services within the Saskatoon health system by achieving the following specific objectives:

to maximize system-wide efficiency and effect ive­ness in each service area.

to review current activit ies, make comparisons and identify productivity measurements wherever possible.

to reduce duplication and recommend organizational restructuring and consolidation where appropriate. In the se cases specific recommendations regarding locations should be provided .

to establish priorities for service within each area.

to review organizational policies and procedures and, if necessary , to make recommendations for


change where such policies unduly restrict the operation of the organization.

to critically review current provincial and national standa rds and guidelines established by professional groups and agencies considering the feasibility of the ir application under the current circumstances.

to develop a draft implementation plan to achieve the targeted savings within each area. The implementa­tion plans should include identification of major tasks, responsiblities and timeframes for change. Plans for cost reduction should be designed to be implemented as quickly as possible. Strategies of a longer-term nature should be indicated along with specific targeted implementation dates.

to identify any significant negative impacts with regard to human resources, service quality, educa­tion and research.

G) Review Groups

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Mr. Tony Dagnone Mr. Elmer Schwartz Mr. Walter Podiluk Ms. Shan Landry Group Leader Group Leader Group Leader Group Leader

' Financial Services • Information • Laboratory ' Therapies & Business Office Services

• Diagnostic Imaging • Laundry

' Purchasing 'SPD

• Pharmacy ' Social Work • Human Resources/

Staff Development • Medical Remuneration ' Housekeeping • Dietary • Operations and

Maintenance • Health Records/ Admitting

Diagnostic Imaging

Bob Miller Co-Project Ldr. (SCH)

Dr. Tim Kudel Co-Project Ldr. (SPH)

Dr. Don Fraser (SCH) Darrell Wingerak (SPH) Dr. S. Tchang (RUH) Nestor Shinkewski (RUH) Cliff Erikson (SCH)


Yvonne Pinder Project Ldr. (PC)

Marlene Lawby (SCH) Patti Smith (SPH) Dr. Joan Smith (RUH) Roberta Gallagher (PC) Ed Marieau (SB)



S.C.H. S.P.H.


Dr. Bruce Murray Co-Project Ldr. (SCH)

Ian Sutherland Co-Project Ldr. (RUH)

Bertha Carnegie (SCH) Dr. Padmanabh (SPH) Dr. J. Kalra (RUH)


James Murtagh Project Ldr. (SPH)

Mike Gaucher (SPH) Betty Riddell (RUH) Esther Grant (PC) Fitz Gerald (SB) Rick Jones (SCH)


Home Care Parkridge Centre


Bonny Carr Co-Project Ldr. (HC)

Brian Spooner Co-Project Ldr. (RUH)

Lorna Clarke (SPH) Marilyn McPherson (RUH) Darcy Campbell (RUH) Cameron Allen (RUH) Dave Gibson (PC) Marilyn Viekle (SB) Lynn Kuttner (SCH)

Social Work

James Murtagh Project Ldr. (SPH)

Paul Benson (SPH) Don Ebert (RUH) Dave Gibson (PC) Suellen Archibald (SB) Bob Neufeld (SCH)

Royal University Hospital Sherbrook Community Centre Saskatoon City Hospital St. Paul's Hospital

Page 5: Dispatches april 1992


6. The Board has asked H.S.A.S. whether we would like involvement with the project teams on either a direct or parallel basis . Direct involvement would mean H.S.A.S. representation on the team whereas a parallel process would mean no H.S.A.S. representation but involvement on a parallel basis which to date is undefined.

H.S.A.S . Response to the Saskatoon Health Board

After our first meeting with the Board on March 19 , 1992 it was decided that H.S.A.S. should take a pro-active approach in the rationalization process . As a result we have:

1. Requested direct involvement on the project teams. Unfortunately as of April 13, 1992 the Board has informed us that they would prefer union involvement on a parallel basis .

2. Decided to submit a document to the Board on or about the end of April, 1992 comprised of briefs from each profession. It is our belief that the people who actually do the work should be heard so please get in touch with the following contact persons in order that your views on rationalization can be heard .

H.S.A.S. Con t act Persons For Parallel Project Teams and Preparation of Briefs


Dietitians Laboratory Technologists Nuclear Medicine Technologists Occupational Therapists Orthoptisls Pharmacists Physical Therapists Psychologists Radiology Technologists Speech Language Pathologists Social Workers

Prince Albert


Val Irvine Karen Giesbrecht Tracy Paulenko Colleen Hancharuk Ronna Hjertaas Ron Currie Ted Makeechak Nahid Ahmad Ed Dewhurst Sherry Bockus Carol Cohen


Royal University Hospital Royal University Hospital Royal University Hospital Royal University Hospital Royal University Hospital Royal University Hospital St. Paul's Hospital Royal University Hospital Royal University Hospital St. Paul's Hospital Saskatoon City Hospital

We have heard rumors that a Health Board similar to what exists in Saskatoon and Regina will soon be established to oversee health care facilities in Prince Albert.

EDITORS NOTE: The prospect of a merger or transfer of services raises several complications and issues.

Meetings were held on April 21 and 22 in Regina and Saskatoon to provide members an opportunity to hear what these are and to discuss them .



1. Essential Services Plan

Meetings were held in each Hospital during the month of November 1991 to provide representatives from each Department an opportunity to discuss the draft Essential Services Plan . As a result of these meetings several amendments were incorporated into the draft. At its February 19, 1992 meeting Executive Council approved the revised draft and suggested it be discussed with the membership in meetings that will be held during the course of negotiations. Copies of this revised Plan will be distri­buted to members prior to any meeting that is held .

2. Collective Bargaining

(a) Common Table Bargaining

As you've heard the government is requiring public sector employers with direct linkage to the government to participate at the Common Table with the following unions representing 30,000 employees; Canadian Union of Public Employees, Communication and Electrical Workers of Canada, Office and Professional Employees International Union and Saskatchewan Government Employees Union . In the case of employers who are one step removed from government, such as Hospitals, participation is on a voluntary basis.

However, we have recently been informed by the S.H .A. that they have decided to participate directly in common table bargaining and that what is decided in this centralized format w ill be applied to our negotiations . Regretably, we have not been provided an opportunity to participate as either an observer or an active participant in this process. It is our understanding that the common table will bargain over wage, benefit and job security issues.

The Saskatchewan Trade Union Act imposes a duty on the S.H.A . to bargain collectively on matters relating to the terms and conditions of employment affecting our members . Not being provided an opportunity to bargain over these issues would seen to constitute an unfair labour practice .

In an effort to become part of the common table we have written to Hospital C.E.O.s, the Minister of Labour, the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour and the S.H.A . requesting participation as either an observer or as a direct participan

(b) H.S.A.S. Provincial Negotiations

Your Bargaining Team (Ron Currie, Roberta Ekberg , Karen Giesbrecht, Lorraine Marquis , Yvonne Ounsworth and Tim Slattery) will be meeting with the S.H.A . on May 11 and 12, 1992 to exchange and discuss proposals .

If you haven't all ready done so please ensure that the Membership Data Update and Video Display Terminal Use Forms are comp leted and sent to our off ice immed iately. Given the possibility of lay-oils it is also important that member s complete the Overt ime Record Form as requested for the months of March, Apr il and May 1992 .

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H.S.A.S. is currently undertaking a review of its classification system. If you are interested in providing input please contact one of the following as we would like a rough draft of new classification system by June 30, 1992:

Name Profession Hospira/

Nahid Ahmad Psychologists Royal University Hospital Sherry Bockus Speech Language Pathologists St. Paul's Hospital Carol Cohen Social Workers Royal University Hospital Terry Akister Laboratory Technologists Royal University Hospital Edna Blum Laboratory Technologists Royal University Hospital Annamae Corsmeier Laboratory Technologists Royal University Hospital Karen Giesbrecht Laboratory Technologists Royal University Hospital Renate Olesko Laboratory Technologists Saskatoon City Hospital Ed Dewhurst Radiology Technologists Royal University Hospital Tracy Paulenko Nuclear Medicine Technologists Royal University Hospital Colleen Hancharuk Occupationat Therapists Royal University Hospital Susanne Adamson Occupational Therapists Plains Health Centre Linda Klassen Pharmacists Saskatoon City Hospital Andrew Pedersen Pharmacists Plains Health Centre Ronna Hjertaas Orthoptists Royal University Hospital Lisa Gardner Dietitians St. Paul's Hospital Ted Makeechak Physical Therapists St. Paul's Hospital

(c) Negotiations In Western Canada

(i) Manitoba Association of Health Care Professionals

Most of their collective agreements expired March 31 , 1992. The union is currently negotiating with the Manitoba Health Organization which represents the various Hospitals.

(ii) Health Sciences Association of Alberta

Their collective agreements expired March 31, 1991. On December 5, 1991 the Alberta Health Care Association representing Hospitals signed a memorandum of agree­ment with H.S.A.A. providing the following monetary increases:


April 1, 1991 November 1, 1991

April 1, 1992

5% to all classifications add 8 th. increment to pay grades 6 to 1 = 3.5% 1% to pay grades 3 & 5 4.5% to all classifications except pay grades 3 & 5 which receive 5%

Comparison of wage rates between H.S.A.A. and H.S.A.S. as of April 1, 1992

Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Laboratory Technologist I

H.S.A.A. H.S.A.S .


April 1, 1991 November 1, 1991

Step 1

$17.19 14.93

Step 7

$18 .08

5% to all classifications add 8 th. increment to all groups = 3.5%

Step 8


April 1, 1992 1 % to pay grades 2,3,5,6,7 and 8 4.5% to all classifications


Comparison of wage rates between H.S.A.A. and H.S.A.S. as of April , 1992

Step 1 Step 6 Step 8

Speech Language Pathologist (MA) H.S.A.A. $21.03 H.S.A.S. 18.98 $23.07

Orthoptist (staff) H.S.A.A. H.S.A.S.

18.67 15.22 18.10

Occupational & Physical Therapist (staff degree) H.S.A .A. 18.67 H.S.A.S. 16.68 20.33

Pharmacist (staff) H.S.A.A. 21.03 H.S.A.S. 19.16 23.29

Social Worker (MSW) H.S.A.A. 21.03 H.S.A.S. 17.99 22 .28

Dietitian (staff) H.S.A.A. 19.14 H.S.A.S. 16.62 19.74







Step 1 Step 5 Step 8

Psychologist (PHO) H.S.A.A. H.S.A .S.

25.38 26.05 29.55

(iii) Health Sciences Association of British Columbia


Their collective agreement covering wages expired March 31, 1991. To date their negotiations with the Health Labour Relations Association of British Columbia has not resulted in an agreement.

~ ' - '----. ~-


H.S.A.S. Bargaining Team beginning at the far left: Lorraine Marquis, Roberta Ekberg, Tim Slattery, Karen Giesbrecht and Yvonne Ounsworth. Missing is Ron Currie.

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Re: Carve out of various health care professionals from the S.E.I.U. bargaining unit at Royal University Hospital

On August 8, 1991 the Chairperson of the Labour Relations Board, Mr. Hornung, informed us that he was temporarily suspending our hearings over this matter. He explained that the Labour Relations Board has decided to address the issue of rational bargaining units in the Province's health care industry through the process of mediation. All of the parties involved in the health care industry would be invited to participate. The mediator appointed by the Board was Mr. Dan lsh.

On January 7, 1992 we were notified that Mr. lsh was unable to effect an agreement among the various interested parties. As a result Mr. Hornung informed us that arrange­ments would be made to reconvene the hearing at some future date.

Re: Carve out of health care professionals from the S.E.I.U. bargaining unit at St. Paul's Hospital

In November 1991 we made application to the Labour Relations Board to represent the following groups who are currently represented by S.E.1.U.:

X-ray Technologists and X-ray Technologist students Laboratory Technologists and Laboratory Technologist students Respiratory Therapists E.C.G. Technologists and E.C.G. Technologist Trainees Orthopedic Technologist

No date has been established by the Board to hear our application.

Re: S.E.I.U. Applications before the Labour Relations Board

In November 1991 S.E.1.U. made application to the Board to represent the fol1owing groups who are currently repre­sented by H.S.A.S.:

Laboratory Technologists· Saskatoon City Hospital

Laboratory Technologists - Royal University Hospital

Radiology Technologists· Royal University Hospital

Nuclear Medicine Technologists • Royal University Hospital

It is our understanding that S.E.1.U. has made these appli· cations without any evidence of support. No date has been established by the Board to hear these matters.



Hospital Area Nature of Grievance Status

Royal University Laboratory Improper classification Our grievance was heard of Technologist and before an Arbitration Board failure on part of the comprised of the Chairperson Hospital to negotiate a - Francine Chad-Smith, new Technologist H.S.A.S. nominee - Fran classification. Eldridge from S.U.N. and Article 16.01 Hospital nominee - Jacques

Pelletier from Plains Health Centre. The hearing was conducted in Saskatoon on Dec. 11\h and 12th, 1991 and on Jan. 20th and 21st, 1992. Ms. Alice Robert presented H.S.A.S.'s case and Mr. Glen Hilton presented the case on behalf of the Hospital. To date, no decision has been rendered by the Board.

Royal University Laboratory Failure to abide by Resolved prior to posting provisions. Arbitration when Hospital Article 16.09. agreed to remove performance Unreasonably negative appraisal from member's performance appraisal. personnel file.

Royal University Laboratory Improper lay-off. Resolved prior to arbitration Articles 20 and 25. when Hospital agreed to

grandmother grievor.

Royal University Laboratory Improper lay-off and Although an offer of settle-discrimination on the ment was received from the basis of race or color. Hospital, to date it has not Articles 5.01, 20 and 25. been accepted.

Royal University Nuclear Improper calculation Resolved when Hospital Medicine of wages. agreed to a retroactive pay


Royal University Rehabilita- Although grievor Resolved when Hospital tion worked regular part agreed grievor was entitled Outreach time hours she was to the benefit requested. Services classified as a casual

resulting in the denial of benefits.

Royal University Orthoptics Improper calculation A compromise settlement of retroactive pay. between the Hospital and the

union resolved the matter.

Royal University Dietetics Failure to negotiate :i Policy grievance at the Chief new classification. Executive Officer level of the Article 16.01. grievance procedure.


Grievance Workshop for District Council Chairpersons and Grievance Committee Members. Date and location to be announced .

Meetings to discuss: (a) H.S.A .S. involvement with various Health Boards and (b) H.S.A.S. approach to the merger/transfer of services . Dates and locations to be announced.

Meetings to discuss negotiat ions and the H.S .A .S . Essential Services Plan. Dates and locations to be announced .

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"I think they're going to stall negotiations. I noticed they have a year's supply of carry-out pizza coupons."


At it's February 19 , 1992 meeting Executive Council approved the establishment of an Industrial Relations Education Fund.

For your information here are the application guidelines

1. The purpose of this Fund is to encourage H.S.A.S. members to increase their know ledge of indus t rial relations; therefore, the course being applied for must relate directly to this subject area.

2. Only members of H.S .A.S . are eligible to apply . Employees must be H.S.A .S. members of at least one days standing as of the day the course commences.

3 . Members must submit a completed application form along with a photocopy of the course outline, fee sched­ule and original registration/tuition and book receipt to the H.S.A.S. office within thirty (30) days after the last day of the course. With respect to correspondence courses the thirty (30) days will be from the date the exam is written or thirty (30) days from submission of the last assignment. If any part of the application is incom­plete or illegible or if the course outline, fee schedule or original receipt(s) is not supplied, the application will automatically be rejected.

4. Photocopies of the original registration receipt, credit card receipts or cancelled cheques are not acceptable. If a member requires the return of an o riginal receipt, a note indicating the amount contributed by H.S.A.S . to the registration or tuition fee will be affixed to the receipt which will then be returned to the member.

5. For courses longer than two weeks in duration, proof of course completion must also be submitted before funds will be released. A photocopy of a transcript , diploma or other proof of course completion will be accepted. This do cumentation must be submitted within 60 days of writing the exam.


6. Only expenses for registration/tuition fees or books are eligible. Course length is not relevant, but only courses with a registration fee of $25.00 or mo re will be con­sidered.

7. A maximum of $1,200.00 per fiscal year will be distributed to H.S .A.S . members.

8. H.S.A.S . members will be able to apply for more than one grant per fiscal yea r (October 1 to September 30) to a maximum of $400.00. The completion date of the course will determine which fiscal year the application will be charged against.

9. Funds will be awarded on a first come first served basis. In order to be considered, application forms must be properly completed and have the following attachments; course outline, fee schedule and original receipt(s)

Application forms can be obtained by contacting the H.S.A.S. office .


At the October, 1990 Annual General meeting an Education Fund was established. The purpose of this Fund is to assist H.S.A.S . members in covering costs associated with taking an educational event that is directly related to their current position. Since its inception a total of $4,266.80 has been awarded.

A lottery system is used to select applicants with five (5) names drawn on October 1 st. and five (5) names on May 15 of each year. Successful applicants a re eligible for a maximum of $500.00.

To be eligible for the next draw, completed application fo rms along with the required documents must be in the H.S.A.S. office on or before May 15, 1992.

Application forms can be obtained from Executive Council Members, District Council Chairpersons or the H.S.A.S. office .

NOTE: It is the position of H.S.A.S. that the responsibility for assuming costs associated with continuing job related education resides with the employer.

To ensure our Fund is not treated as a primary funding source the Education Fund Committee requests members to apply to their employers or other sources prior to making application to the H.S.A.S. Education Fund.


The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that unions may spend the dues of all those they represen t , whether or not they are members , for political and othe r non-collective bargaining purposes without violating the Charter of Rights. The judgment provides judicial recognition of labour's legiti­mate role in the social and political life of Canada.

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Equal Pay For Equal Work

Equal pay for equal work laws have been around in Canada for the past twenty years. In Saskatchewan see Part Ill of the Labour Standards Act requires employers to pay men and women the same rate of pay when they are doing the same or similar work under similar working conditions which require similar skills, effort and responsiblity.

The problem with Equal Pay For Equal Work legislation is that even though it has been around for some time the wage gap between men and women has not significantly decreased (Women working full time earn approximately 65% of full time male wages).

Equal Pay For Work of Equal Value

This approach means paying equal wages for men and women for work which is of equal value. Legislation in this area attempts to redress the under valuation of women's work and the under payment of jobs where women tend to dominate. There is no such legislation in Saskatchewan. Equal pay for work of equal value laws place the emphasis on the value of work rather than the type of work itself and attempt to compensate for the deficiencies of equal pay for equal work legislation.


October 19, 1991

- Roberta Ekberg, Contract Committee Chairperson , reported that the Negotiating skills workshop held on October 7, 8 and 9th, 1991 in Saskatoon was attended by the following:

District Council Chairpersons Hospital Yvonne Dunsworth Regina General Andrew Pedersen Plains Health Centre Bonnie Reed Victoria Union Renate Olesko Saskatoon City

Board of Governors Ron Currie

Executive Council Roberta Ekberg Karen Giesbrecht Ed Dewhurst Ted Makeechak Nahid Ahmad Carol Cohen

Hospital Royal University

Hospital Pasqua Royal University Royal University St. Paul's Royal University Saskatoon City

Members at Large Hospital Lorraine Marquis Royal University Colleen Hancharuk Royal University

Executive Director - Tim Slattery


The workshop was conducted by Dick Lemmex of Lemmex and Associates from Ottawa. All who attended felt their negotiating knowledge and skills benefited .

- Tim Slattery reported that a meeting was held on October 4, 1991 in the H.S.A.S . office with mediator Dan lsh. H.S .A.S . was represented by Ron Currie, Ed Dewhurst, Tim Slattery and legal counsel Tom Molloy and Kevin Wilson. The purpose of the meeting was to provide Mr. lsh with H .S.A.S.'s view on rational bargaining units in the health care industry.

November 28, 1991

- Executive Council elected the following Executive Officers to a one year term October 1991-0ctober 1992:

Presjdent - Ted Makeechak

First Vice-President - Carol Cohen

Second Vice-President Secretary!Treasurer - Karen Giesbrecht

- Executive Council elected Ed Dewhurst to the Board of Governors. Pursuant to the H.S.A.S. By-Laws Ed's term will be for seven (7) years.

- In response to a request for funding from the Psycho­social Rehabilitation Program at Royal University Hospital Council passed a motion to donate $50.00.

- Tim Slattery reported that Holly Hudson from Royal Uni­versity has resigned as the representative for Dietitians on Executive council and Julia Punga from the Plains Health Centre will replace her for the remainder of her term which expires October 1992.

Februa,y 19, 1992

- Council passed a motion to participate along with other unions in the implementation of an employment equity program at Royal University Hospital. Dr. Linda Carroll , Psychologist at Royal University Hospital , expressed an interest in serving as the H.S.A.S . representative on an Employment Equity Advisory Committee .

- Council approved a recommendation by the Emergency Fund Committee to assist an H.S.A.S . member .

- Tim Slattery reported that an agreement has been reached with the Plains Health Centre over the transfer of the current Senior Social Worker (MSW) position in the Department of Social Work to the Family Medicine Unit. The posit ion will be re-titled Medical Education Coordinator and pegged at the Senior Social Worker (MSW) salary range .

Page 10: Dispatches april 1992



EXECUTIVE COUNCIL The Executive Council is the governing body that conducts the business of the Association between Annual General Meetings. The current Council members are:

Executive Group Name Position Represented

Ted Makeechak President Physical Therapists St. Paul's Hospital

Carol Cohen First Vice Social Workers Saskatoon City Hospital President

Karen Giesbrecht Vice-President Laboratory Technologists Royal University Hospital Sec. Treasurer

Roberta Ekberg Council Member Pharmacists Pasqua Hospital

Colleen Hancharuk Council Member Occupational Therapists Royal University Hospital

Sherry Bockus Council Member Speech Language St. Paul's Hospital Pathologists &


Nahid Ahmad Council Member Psychologists Royal University Hospital

Julia Punga Council Member Dietitians Plains Health Centre

Tracy Paulenko Council Member Radiology and Nuclear Royal University Hospital Medicine Technologists


To ensure an H.S.A.S. physical presence in all Hospitals, the Association provides for District Council Chairpersons who serve as liasons between members of the District Council and the Executive Council and Executive Director.

District Council Chairpersons and Co-Chairpersons

Prince Albert: Victoria Union Hospital Bonnie Reed Physical Therapist

Saskatoon: St. Paul's Hospital Ted Makeechak Physical Therapist Saskatoon City Hospital Shannon Wilde Physical Therapist

Renate Olesko Laboratory Technologist Royal University Hospital Terry Akister Laboratory Technologist

Regina: Plains & Pasqua Hospitals Don Kuntz Pharmacist (Plains)

Andrew Pedersen Pharmacist (Plains) Regina General Hospital Yvonne Ounsworth Physical Therapist


The Board of Governors provide guidance and counsel to the Executive Council on all matters within the adminis­tration of the Association. Any member having served more than one full term of two years on the Executive Council, and having held either the office of President, First Vice President or Secretary!Treasurer for at least one full term of two years in such office elected by the Executive Council shall be eligible for election to the Board of Governors for a term of seven years .

The current Governors are: Ron Currie and Ed Dewhurst.



Tim Slattery Lynn Regier

Executive Director Office Assistant



Prince Albert: Victoria Union Hospita

Saskatoon: St. Paul's Hospital Saskatoon City Hospital Royal University Hospital

Regina: Pasqua Hospital Plains Health Centre Regina General Hospital

Bonnie Reed

Ted Makeechak Donna Lee Kutney Iris Natyshak Ron Currie

Physical Therapist

Physical Therapist Pharmacist Laboratory Technologist Pharmacist

No H.S.A.S. Representative Shelly Hoffman Social Worker Yvonne Ounsworth Physical Therapist

Please make your health and safety concerns known to your Occupational Health Committee Representative.


Finance: Karen Giesbrecht - Chairperson Ed Dewhurst Ted Makeechak Tim Slattery

Communication: Tim Slattery - Editor Terry Akister Lesley Chlopan Colleen Hancharuk Ted Makeechak

Education Fund: Nahid Ahmad Terry Akister Carol Cohen Tim Slattery

Negotiating Committee: Ron Currie Roberta Ekberg - Chairperson Karen Giesbrecht Lorraine Marquis Yvonne Ounsworth Tim Slattery

Grievance: Ed Dewhurst Roberta Ekberg Barbara Fergusson Ted Makeechak Tracy Paulenko Joanne Walker Tim Slattery

Emergency Fund: Nahid Ahmad - Chairperson Ted Makeechak Tim Slattery

Long Service Award: Nahid Ahmad Carol Cohen

Provincial Job Action Steering Committee: Nahid Ahmad Carol Cohen Ed Dewhurst Ted Makeechak Julia Punga Tracy Paulenko

NOTE - Should you wish to participate on any of the above noted committees, please contact the H.S.A.S. office.

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If undelivered please return to: Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan #2-3002 Louise Street Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J 3L8 Phone : 955-3399




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. We would like to provide space in future editions of Dispatches for members' comments. If you have something you would like to see printed, please write to:

Tim Slattery H.S.A.S. #2-3002 Louise Street Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7J 3L8

Dispatches is published for the information of members of the Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan, a union of health care professionals.

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