Elkton, Maryland, Saturday, May 7, 1910 d Cecil 4 Whig <r Fifty Years Ago ELKTON, MD., MAY 5, ißfo. THE .MARKETS. Reported by Henry S. Stites. Red wheat, $1.50; white do., $1.65; -Corn, 72 cents; oats, 40 cents. DIED. Foard. Jn Ibis town, on Satur- day morning last, Mrs. Araminta Foard, in the 41st year of her age. NEW SCHOOL BOARD. The election on Wednesday for School Commissioners, in the ,-:cv- eral districts has resulted, so fat as we have learned, in the choice of the following gentlemen; First ¦ district, George W. Biddle; Sec- ond, John L. Clayton; Third, Francis A. Ellis; Fourth, Caleb C. Brokaw: Fifth, Dr. Charles T. Simpers; Sixth, ; Sev- enth, Jefferson Ramsey ; E'ghtb, Dr. William B. Rowland; Ninth, Nathan Griffith. In the Second and Fourth districts there were •quite animated contests I). I). Pearce. Esq., ran against J. L ¦Clayton, Esq., in the former, and Rev. A. DeWitt against C. C. Bro- kaw in the latter. Mr. Brokaw won by 8 majority out of votes. There was also a contest in the Seventh. J. J. Hecka't Esq., being Mr. Ramsey’s most formilable opponent. GEN. SCOTT ON TRAIN Lieut. General Winfield Scott passed through here on the ears on Tuesday, on his way to Wash- ington, on important business. FATAL JOLT FROM WAGON. Joseph Peeples, fourteen year 01 age. a son of Air. \\ illiam Pec- pies, of Eastland, Lancaster Co., was returning with a heavily load- ed team from Port Deposit, on the 18111 nit. When between Krauss' and West Nottingham lie attempted to gel down trom the wagon while in motion. By a sudden jolt he was thrown into and became fast in a part of the gearing. He was dragged quite a distance and finally the winds passed over him. breaking a leg and otherwise injuring him in a shocking manner. lie died; on Tuesday night hist, at the Rad road Hotel. Harrisville. BUILDING AT MARLEV. Workmen are busily engaged putting in machinery in the new Alariey Paper Mills, which will he fine, when finished, some time in July. There is talk that Mr. Priestley will shortly build a row of stone houses. Mr. James Kellv is building a frame house near the mill. CHERRY HILL N( Ti l'S. Air. Earle of your town, is hav- ing Ihe house on the old FTotm- det s larm thoroughly repaired. Air. Joseph Aiiiler is budding a fine hard on his lot, in the rear of Rev. Joseph J . Brown's dwelling. Air. I. Bordaml has just finished a snug wheelwright shop at But- ton's Corner. I lie old Methodist place of worship has been tom down. The congregation now have a fine brick edifice. AI \ V DAY RAINY. Alay entered with a rain and for three days it continued to fall in large quantities, but it cleared on I hursday. Notwithstanding the rain of Tuesday, we understand quite a large party assembled and enjoyed themselves at the fishing shore of Me\. Wilson, Esq. 11 F.EI I ANSA Y KIvS FIGHT. I he contest between these two "bruisers lor the championship of the world, took place at Farn- borough about lorly-nine mile- from London, on tiie 171 Ii nil. Home and other admirers of Ike- nan contend that lie is entitled to the bell. A passenger on the Van- derbilt. which arrived at Cape Race on Saturday with the earliest news "I the fight, says there were 12 rounds, lasting two hours and twelve minutes. (in the ,V)th found the m1 ib broke into tie ling to save Sayers. 11c wac knocked down 27 times and fell several times to escape pnn-h ment. and at every clinch, sa, a "lie. be was thrown. Ilccnan was never knocked down, came to the scratch every time and showed good hut 'or and an honest lore of the game. The English men said they never saw so gritty a man for bis age. On the last call of lime lleenan came up but the referee left. Sayers was sitting on his second's knee. Heenan said: —| “Give me this fight.” And again. "Give me this fight!” but Sayers made no reply Heenan then drew hack and slapped Sayers in the face with the palm of his hand, knocking him down, when outsid- ers rushed in and ended the fight. Mr. Wilkes called on the Ameri- cans to sec fair play, and they rushed in and cleared the ring of the English in a moment, strik- intr out from the shoulder. Some- hot !>• called the fight a drawn bat- tle. b"t the Smrit of the Times says I )hn C. Heenan won the belt. Unite For Law And Order Ihe following resolutions were adopted at the Conference of friends of Prohibition held in the Court House at Elkton, April 27; We, citizens <jf Cecil county, icprcsenting the several voting Districts of said county in public meeting assembled in the interests of the maintenance and continu- ance in the County of the No-Li- cense which is now and has been in successful operation in the county for the last eight years, do oin in declaring: 1. I )nr profound satisfaction with the excellence of our present Prohibitory Law, the fidelity, unlit v and vigor with which our public officials charged with the enforcement thereof have per- formed their duty, and the condi- tion of sobriety and good order and morals thence resulting. 2. We congratulate the county upon the strong and wholesome public sentiment on this subject universally prevailing which has so efficiently seconded the efforts of our rcgnlarlv constituted offi- cials and proved its potency as a deterrent to the lawlessly inclined and as a stimulus and encourage- ment to our Juries. Grand and Petit, in the indictment and con- viction of violators of tlie law. ,t. The present condition in the comity as compared with well re- membered conditions under Li- cense should he sufficient and con- clusive motive and inducement to lead every citizen who has at heart Law and (Irder and good morals, business prosperity, the happiness of the home, the safety of the weak brother, am' the safe-guarding of B e children, to vote at the elec- tion in No,ember against License. 4. The friends ami advocates if No-Licensi must beware of the 1 mger of a false security and of taking too much for granted in the appr niching campaign. There is every reason to expect that the county will vote to continue the present law. But that should prove only a greater incentive to its friends to work most earnest!v rout now until election dav to the end that it may receive a large and decisive majority at the po,!s in November, h being ever kept Dr. G.E MORROW DENTIST TUCKER BUILDING, North Street Elkton, Md. Daily from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. |)r. Morrow is un EXPERT IN ALI BRANCHES OF DENTISTRY. Bridge and Crown Work of every deseription. Por- celin crowns and tilling. If you are j wearing artificial teeth and they do not , fit properly do not be discouraged, come | to me, I will guarantee to lit any mouth or no charge, j Parents, have your children’s teeth | straightened. Irregularities of all kinds j —spiints for bfoken jaws, plates for I cleft palates Artificial teeth inserted without plaster—durable and beautiful. Alveolar attachment, they are cemented in the month and are just as good as natural teeth. Teeth Extracted Positively Without Pain. GAS ADMINISTERED. | Prices Reasonable and all work guaranteed 1 to be the very best. Phone No. 1.17 A Clean Man i Outside cleanliness is less than half the battle. A man may scrub himself a dozen times a day, and still be unclean. Good health means cleanliness not only outside, but inside. It meant a clean stomach, clean bowels, clean blood, a clean liver, and new, mean, healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way Sm will look it and act it. He will work with energy and think clean, clear, healthy thoughts. He will never be troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blood disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stem- f-j? h j achs. Blood diseases are found where there is unclean blood. * Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery prevents these diseases. It makes a man’s insides clean and healthy. It cleans the digestive organs, makes pure, clean blood, and clean, healthy flesh. It restores tone to the nervous system, and cures nervous exhaustion and prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pel- lets cure it. They never gripe. Easy to take as candy. well in mind that the Liquor In- terests will be and are untiring in their efforts to re-establish the saloon in our county. ()nr suc- cess is to he found in ceaseless vigilance, thorough organization and in earnest and well-direclc i individual work. 5. for the better securing of this success, a Campaign Commit- tee is hereby formed <f three members from each district of the county, whose duties shall be the organization and direction of the campaign, the appointment of all necessary committees, the ar- rangement for all meetings and speakers and etc. One Weak Spot Most Elkton People have Weak Part and Too Often Its the Back Everyone has a weak spot. Too often it's a bad hack. I winges follow every sudden twist. Dull aching keeps up, day and night. fells you the kidneys need help for backache is really kidney- ache. A kidney cure is what yon need. Doan's Kidney I’ilis cure sick kidneys. Cure backache and urinary ills. Good proof in the following statement. -Mrs. Amanda Carnog, Choate street, Newark. Del., says: "J had kidney trouble nearly all my life and suffered from a dull, bear- ing down pain through my back, spells of dizziness and intense headaches. 1 seldom felt well and was gradually growing worse. When Doans Kidney 1’ills were brought to my attention. I pro- cured a box and commenced their use. They helped me from the first, and continued use brought the most satisfactory results. 1 can recommend Doan's Kidney I’ilis as an effective remedy fur kidney complaint.” For sale by all dealers Price, 50 cents. Foster- .Millmrn Co., buffalo. X. V., sole agents for the Cubed States. Remember the name--Doan's and take no other Hotel Stryker (Open Night and Day) Meals Served to Order LIVERY ATTACHED First-Class Teams To All Points C. IV. STRYKER, Prop. PERRYVILLE, MD. II dec Mil i Mfghanic II Is a magazine for everybody. #A \\j\ II 1 al "'* c,ec,r,d,y * the MLVV v,,,, i™i coming science, and bow to H AMV% ** ¦ ,|,,e to °ls. Simple, prat- ¦ AND ¦ ti al. full of pictures. Sam- A Ait**...*A\C m, ,e c °P y frcc lf you name wkflrt li hliW M t,lis i* n i >cr - •' OO a >**• IV[n Samp won I*uli. Co. ¦ Ifßeacon St.. Poston, Mass. I f * It of nifru )>|i y H ¦ everybody. AMkhan cIL UI wsss^sssstf ¦ ly prl/e contest*, pi. t" e ¦ fill AT A * ¦ ¦ crUlclsni, questions an I I ¦ swered. Sample opv fiee M M ¦ if you mention Ibis p.-.per. RIX A K I American Photography J I# Iklcuit St., Boston, Mast. | QlfpiiTAMoiiey tu small tnveutlou* rfl Ih NI \bs well as large Mend foi 1 ** 1 ¦ **free booklet. Milo B. Stevens & Co. 881 llt li St , Wash- nqton, D. C Hianeiies. t'iiluago.Cleveland Detroli. Kstab. Ihh gjff HAIR BALSAM ('leaTi*. ¦ und iM unliftct the hair. let a luvirintit growth. Never Fails to Bcstoro Gray tfSTjflPk. Hair to itH Youthful Color. & Inlr f.illmg. WILLIAM PEPPER CONSTABLE, Attornev-at-Law, 700-704 Maryland Trust Building, N. W. Corner Calvert and German sts., Baltimore. CECIL WHIG Mrs. Amelia A. Fulton, of Oak- wood, 84 years of age, has just finished piecing her forty-fourth quilt. She has unimpaired sight ( and has never worn glasses. Scud us your order now for Garden Seeds, Farm Imple- ments, Fer- tilizer, &c. Write for our large CATALOG. It is FREE, and shows the most complete line of Farm and Garden Supplies to he found in any House in the conn'ry. Griffith & Turner Co. 205-215 N- Pace Street 366 N- Gay Street BALTIMORE, MO. W. L. DOUGLAS a 3.00,<>3.50, *4.00 & 05.00^^. SHOES /t Best in the World / e\ union / \ MADE I r 7 v 1 Shoes \ kc, f I $2.00 \ A I $2.50 Fiat Color Eijelets W. L. Douglas shoes are the lowest price, quality considered, in the world.. Their excellent style, easy fitting and long wearing qualities excel those of other makes. If you have been paying high prices for your shoes, the next time you need a pair give W. L. Douglas shoes a trial. You can save money on your footwear and get shoes that are just as good in every way as those that have been costing you higher prices. If you could visit our large factories at Brockton, Mass., and see for yourself how carefully W. L Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than other makes. V\ l’*riO.\ W. 1.. Ihuigliix imitif and pain* Is stnni|)**d mu Hit* Imilloiii Inprolei" lll**\v*H'**r auaiiiKt high price* and Interior sho *. 'l'nke \• tm*. If W. 1.. htnittJas hli •*!!¦•• iioi lor suit* in your vicinity, writ** for Mad Order I’ma log. \V.I- Douglas. lrovlUou,Ma^_ ioß SALE BY John E. Gonce MAIN STREET. ELKTON. MD. Elmer Mayberry & Bro. FARMINGTON. MO. NOTICE The best place in Perryville to buy groceries and Provisions it at A. C. JACKSON’S Checks given with every cash purchase except sugar, whict bring you useful articles for the house. Give me a trial and be convinced vvbat 1 say is right. A. C. JACKSON, Perryville Md. AMERICAN SURETY COMPANY OF NEW YORK Largest Surety Company in the World and Confined Strictly to Surety Business. For a reasonable premium acts as surely on bonds for administHtors, executors, agents, bookkeepers, cash- leis clerks, contractors, guardians, trustees, receivers, bank officials, treasur* rs, salesmen ami other bonds ordinarily required in the conduct of business. Home Office: 100 BROADWAY, N. Y. GEORGE A. BLAKE, Eukton, Md. Attorney for Cecil County, Maryland. Dec 7-1 yr 1 WINDSOR HOTEL I Z W. T. IIKCRAKI'.R. Manager. Z B Midway between Hroad S I Street Station and Reading I S Ttrmiual on Filbert Street, S ¦ European, Si.oo per day and up I V American, 52.50 per day and up 9 p| The only moderate priced hotel of re- VI * ¦¦ nutation and concqucnce in H ¦ PHILADELPHIA ¦ cl n to V ~~ Vill be here before you arc ready. But not before WE arc ready. Our Carefully Selected stock of the Hry Latest*Newest Patterns FOR SUMMER SUITINGS '’V.; ¦ Are now on hand, and we can clothe von Up-to date, in STYLE, QUALITY, WORKMANSHIP and everything that goes to show GOOD TAILORING. Do not delay placing your order, if you want to avoid disappoint ment in getting your SUIT for Summer wear. ____________ C. L. LEWIS, (Snccessor to John Frazer) VIAIN STREET, . ELKTON, MD. FIRE FIRE FIRE . YOUR HOME rFftlPPl YOUR 1 IV lull I YOUR FUTURE Fire Insurance is often all that a man has left, when FIRE COMES DISASTROUSLY UPON HIM I represent the following Companies which are of the highes standing; NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE. PETERSBURG SAVINGS and INSURANCE. Rates furnished on application. Business attended to PROMPTLY. CHARLES E. WARBURTON, Agent ELKTON, MARYLAND BONDING I also represent The United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co., of Bah limore, and am prepared to furnish Bonds of All Kinds— Judicial, Fidelity, Contract, Fraternal Orders, etc. Also BURGLARY INSURANCE. 18 tnoc Elkton Marble and Granite Works (Work set up anywhere, in the county or out) I INVITE YOU TO CALL AND INSPECT MV LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF Monuments, Tombstones, and Cemetery, Enclosures ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY FURMSMLD UPON APPLICATION Secure My Prices Before Goins Elsewhere--Il Will Save You Money J. h. SLOAN, /. Elkton, Md. RAO LUHON’S CARPET RNER WEAVER CHERRY HILL We Buy Carpet Rags CallorAddress, iv. McDowell mav9-tf PILES If you have Piles, we will cure you. Write to-day for FREE BOOKLET & GUARANTEE. Established in 1885, and have never found a case we could not cure. GREEN'S SRECIFIC CO., Broadway 0 Manhattan St., Hr* York. H. V. 27uov 4\v Dr. Chas. R. Biles,Jr. VETERINARIAN Ondualt of the University of Ftnnsylvanik Elkton, Md. Telephone 234 I The Bright Ray./ of the Sun are often painful and decidedly dam agi“K to weak eyes. More people ant fer this way than most others imagln It’s Our Business, as practical opticians, to supply glatstl for such sensitive eyes It’s yonr busi- ness if your eyes come under this list Ito have them attended to. It's dan- gerous to experiment. We supply I glasses for weak eyes and warrant all we sell. Kor safety, kindly remember ani ; patronize us. C. E. Finck (OPPOSITE COURTHOUSE) ELKTON, MD. CECIL WHIG Subscription Price, $1 SO

The Cecil Whig (Elkton, Md.) 1910-05-07 [p ] · ed team from Port Deposit, on the 18111 nit. When between Krauss' and West Nottingham lie attempted to gel down trom the wagon while

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Page 1: The Cecil Whig (Elkton, Md.) 1910-05-07 [p ] · ed team from Port Deposit, on the 18111 nit. When between Krauss' and West Nottingham lie attempted to gel down trom the wagon while

Elkton, Maryland, Saturday, May 7, 1910

d Cecil 4 Whig <rFifty Years Ago

ELKTON, MD., MAY 5, ißfo.


Reported by Henry S. Stites.Red wheat, $1.50; white do., $1.65;-Corn, 72 cents; oats, 40 cents.


Foard. Jn Ibis town, on Satur-day morning last, Mrs. AramintaFoard, in the 41st year of her age.


The election on Wednesday forSchool Commissioners, in the ,-:cv-

eral districts has resulted, so fatas we have learned, in the choiceof the following gentlemen; First

¦ district, George W. Biddle; Sec-ond, John L. Clayton; Third,Francis A. Ellis; Fourth, CalebC. Brokaw: Fifth, Dr. Charles T.Simpers; Sixth, ; Sev-enth, Jefferson Ramsey ; E'ghtb,Dr. William B. Rowland; Ninth,Nathan Griffith. In the Secondand Fourth districts there were•quite animated contests I). I).

Pearce. Esq., ran against J. L¦Clayton, Esq., in the former, andRev. A. DeWitt against C. C. Bro-kaw in the latter. Mr. Brokawwon by 8 majority out ofvotes. There was also a contestin the Seventh. J. J. Hecka'tEsq., being Mr. Ramsey’s most

formilable opponent.

GEN. SCOTT ON TRAINLieut. General Winfield Scott

passed through here on the earson Tuesday, on his way to Wash-ington, on important business.

FATAL JOLT FROM WAGON.Joseph Peeples, fourteen year

01 age. a son of Air. \\ illiam Pec-pies, of Eastland, Lancaster Co.,was returning with a heavily load-ed team from Port Deposit, onthe 18111 nit. When betweenKrauss' and West Nottingham lieattempted to gel down trom thewagon while in motion. By asudden jolt he was thrown intoand became fast in a part of thegearing. He was dragged quitea distance and finally the windspassed over him. breaking a legand otherwise injuring him in ashocking manner. lie died; onTuesday night hist, at the Rad

road Hotel. Harrisville.


Workmen are busily engagedputting in machinery in the newAlariey Paper Mills, which will hefine, when finished, some time inJuly. There is talk that Mr.Priestley will shortly build a rowof stone houses. Mr. James Kellvis building a frame house near themill.

CHERRY HILL N( Ti l'S.Air. Earle of your town, is hav-

ing Ihe house on the old FTotm-det s larm thoroughly repaired.Air. Joseph Aiiiler is budding afine hard on his lot, in the rear ofRev. Joseph J . Brown's dwelling.Air. I. Bordaml has just finisheda snug wheelwright shop at But-ton's Corner. I lie old Methodistplace of worship has been tomdown. The congregation nowhave a fine brick edifice.

AI \ V DAY RAINY.Alay entered with a rain and for

three days it continued to fall inlarge quantities, but it cleared on

I hursday. Notwithstanding therain of Tuesday, we understandquite a large party assembled andenjoyed themselves at the fishingshore of Me\. Wilson, Esq.

11 F.EI I ANSA Y KIvS FIGHT.I he contest between these two

"bruisers lor the championshipof the world, took place at Farn-borough about lorly-nine mile-from London, on tiie 171 Ii nil.Home and other admirers of Ike-nan contend that lie is entitled tothe bell. A passenger on the Van-derbilt. which arrived at Cape Raceon Saturday with the earliest news"I the fight, says there were 12rounds, lasting two hours andtwelve minutes. (in the ,V)thfound the m1 ib broke into tieling to save Sayers. 11c wacknocked down 27 times and fellseveral times to escape pnn-hment. and at every clinch, sa, a"lie. be was thrown. Ilccnan wasnever knocked down, came to thescratch every time and showedgood hut 'or and an honest lore ofthe game. The English men saidthey never saw so gritty a man forbis age. On the last call of limelleenan came up but the refereeleft. Sayers was sitting on his

second's knee. Heenan said: —|“Give me this fight.” And again."Give me this fight!” but Sayersmade no reply Heenan thendrew hack and slapped Sayers inthe face with the palm of his hand,knocking him down, when outsid-ers rushed in and ended the fight.Mr. Wilkes called on the Ameri-cans to sec fair play, and theyrushed in and cleared the ring ofthe English in a moment, strik-intr out from the shoulder. Some-hot !>• called the fight a drawn bat-tle. b"t the Smrit of the Timessays I )hn C. Heenan won the belt.

Unite For Law And OrderIhe following resolutions were

adopted at the Conference offriends of Prohibition held in theCourt House at Elkton, April 27;

We, citizens <jf Cecil county,icprcsenting the several votingDistricts of said county in publicmeeting assembled in the interestsof the maintenance and continu-ance in the County of the No-Li-cense which is now and has beenin successful operation in thecounty for the last eight years, dooin in declaring:

1. I )nr profound satisfactionwith the excellence of our presentProhibitory Law, the fidelity,unlitv and vigor with which ourpublic officials charged with theenforcement thereof have per-formed their duty, and the condi-tion of sobriety and good orderand morals thence resulting.

2. We congratulate the countyupon the strong and wholesomepublic sentiment on this subjectuniversally prevailing which hasso efficiently seconded the effortsof our rcgnlarlv constituted offi-cials and proved its potency as adeterrent to the lawlessly inclinedand as a stimulus and encourage-ment to our Juries. Grand andPetit, in the indictment and con-viction of violators of tlie law.

,t. The present condition in thecomity as compared with well re-membered conditions under Li-cense should he sufficient and con-clusive motive and inducement to

lead every citizen who has at heartLaw and (Irder and good morals,business prosperity, the happinessof the home, the safety of the weakbrother, am' the safe-guarding ofB e children, to vote at the elec-tion in No,ember against License.

4. The friends ami advocatesif No-Licensi must beware of the

1 mger of a false security and oftaking too much for granted inthe appr niching campaign. Thereis every reason to expect that thecounty will vote to continue thepresent law. But that shouldprove only a greater incentive to

its friends to work most earnest!vrout now until election dav to theend that it may receive a largeand decisive majority at the po,!sin November, h being ever kept


TUCKER BUILDING, North StreetElkton, Md.

Daily from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.

|)r. Morrow is un EXPERT IN ALIBRANCHES OF DENTISTRY. Bridge andCrown Work of every deseription. Por-celin crowns and tilling. If you are

j wearing artificial teeth and they do not, fit properly do not be discouraged, come| to me, I will guarantee to lit any mouthor no charge,

j Parents, have your children’s teeth| straightened. Irregularities of all kindsj —spiints for bfoken jaws, plates for

I cleft palates Artificial teeth insertedwithout plaster—durable and beautiful.Alveolar attachment, they are cementedin the month and are just as good asnatural teeth.

Teeth Extracted Positively Without Pain.GAS ADMINISTERED.

| Prices Reasonable and all work guaranteed1 to be the very best.

Phone No. 1.17

A Clean Man iOutside cleanliness is less than half the battle. A man mayscrub himself a dozen times a day, and still be unclean. Goodhealth means cleanliness not only outside, but inside. It meanta clean stomach, clean bowels, clean blood, a clean liver, andnew, mean, healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way Smwill look it and act it. He will work with energy and thinkclean, clear, healthy thoughts.

He will never be troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blooddisorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stem- f-j? h jachs. Blood diseases are found where there is unclean blood.


Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs.

Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discoveryprevents these diseases. It makes a man’s insides cleanand healthy. It cleans the digestive organs, makes pure,clean blood, and clean, healthy flesh.

It restores tone to the nervous system, and cures nervous exhaustion andprostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs.

Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pel-lets cure it. They never gripe. Easy to take as candy.

well in mind that the Liquor In-terests will be and are untiring intheir efforts to re-establish thesaloon in our county. ()nr suc-cess is to he found in ceaselessvigilance, thorough organizationand in earnest and well-direclc iindividual work.

5. for the better securing ofthis success, a Campaign Commit-tee is hereby formed <f threemembers from each district of thecounty, whose duties shall be theorganization and direction of thecampaign, the appointment of allnecessary committees, the ar-rangement for all meetings andspeakers and etc.

One Weak SpotMost Elkton People have Weak

Part and Too Often Itsthe Back

Everyone has a weak spot.Too often it's a bad hack.

I winges follow every suddentwist.

Dull aching keeps up, day andnight.

fells you the kidneys need helpfor backache is really kidney-

ache.A kidney cure is what yon need.Doan's Kidney I’ilis cure sick

kidneys.Cure backache and urinary ills.Good proof in the following

statement.-Mrs. Amanda Carnog, Choate

street, Newark. Del., says: "Jhad kidney trouble nearly all mylife and suffered from a dull, bear-ing down pain through my back,spells of dizziness and intenseheadaches. 1 seldom felt well andwas gradually growing worse.When Doans Kidney 1’ills werebrought to my attention. I pro-cured a box and commenced theiruse. They helped me from thefirst, and continued use broughtthe most satisfactory results. 1can recommend Doan's KidneyI’ilis as an effective remedy furkidney complaint.”

For sale by all dealers Price,50 cents. Foster- .Millmrn Co.,buffalo. X. V., sole agents for theCubed States.

Remember the name--Doan'sand take no other

Hotel Stryker(Open Night and Day)

Meals Served to Order

LIVERY ATTACHEDFirst-Class TeamsTo All Points


II dec Mil

i MfghanicI I Is a magazine for everybody.

#A\\j\II 1 ‘ al "'* c,ec,r,d,y * theMLVVv,,,, i™icoming science, and bow to

H AMV%** ¦ ,|,,e to°ls. Simple, prat-¦ AND ¦ ti al. full of pictures. Sam-

A Ait**...*A\C m, ,e c °Py frcc lf you name

wkflrt lihliWMt,lis i*n i>cr - •' OO a >**•

IV[n Samp won I*uli. Co.¦ Ifßeacon St.. Poston, Mass.

If* It of nifru)>|i y H¦ everybody. AM• khan cIL U I

wsss^sssstf¦ ly prl/e contest*, pi. t" e ¦ ’ fillATA * ¦¦ crUlclsni, questions an I I *¦¦ swered. Sample opv fiee M M¦ if you mention Ibis p.-.per. RIX A KIAmerican Photography JI# Iklcuit St., Boston, Mast. |

QlfpiiTAMoiiey tu small tnveutlou*rfl Ih N I \bs well as large Mend foi1 ** 1 ¦ **free booklet.Milo B. Stevens & Co. 881 lltli St , Wash-nqton, D. C Hianeiies. t'iiluago.ClevelandDetroli. Kstab. Ihh


('leaTi*. ¦ und iMunliftct the hair.let a luvirintit growth.

Never Fails to Bcstoro GraytfSTjflPk. Hair to itH Youthful Color.

& Inlr f.illmg.


700-704 Maryland Trust Building, N.W. Corner Calvert and German sts.,Baltimore.


Mrs. Amelia A. Fulton, of Oak-wood, 84 years of age, has justfinished piecing her forty-fourthquilt. She has unimpaired sight (and has never worn glasses.

Scud us your order now


Garden Seeds,Farm Imple-ments, Fer-tilizer, &c.Write for our large CATALOG.It is FREE, and shows the mostcomplete line of

Farm and Garden Suppliesto he found in any House in theconn'ry.

Griffith&Turner Co.205-215 N- Pace Street366 N- Gay Street


W. L. DOUGLASa3.00,<>3.50, *4.00& 05.00^^.SHOES /tBest in the World / e\

union / \MADE I r 7 v


Shoes \ kc, f I$2.00 \ A I

$2.50Fiat Color Eijelets

W. L. Douglas shoes are the lowestprice, quality considered, in the world..Their excellent style, easy fitting andlong wearing qualities excel those ofother makes. If you have been payinghigh prices for your shoes, the next timeyou need a pair give W. L. Douglas shoesa trial. You can save money on yourfootwear and get shoes that are just asgood in every way as those that havebeen costing you higher prices.

If you could visit our large factoriesat Brockton, Mass., and see for yourselfhow carefully W. L Douglas shoes aremade, you would then understand whythey hold their shape, fit better andwear longer than other makes.V\l’*riO.\ W. 1.. Ihuigliix imitif and pain* Isstnni|)**d mu Hit* Imilloiii Inprolei" lll**\v*H'**rauaiiiKthigh price* and Interior sho *. 'l'nke \•

tm*. If W. 1.. htnittJas hli •*!!¦•• iioilor suit* in yourvicinity, writ**for Mad Order I’ma log. \V.I- Douglas.lrovlUou,Ma^_ ioß SALE BY


Elmer Mayberry & Bro.FARMINGTON. MO.

NOTICEThe best place in Perryville to

buy groceries and Provisions it


A. C. JACKSON’SChecks given with every cashpurchase except sugar, whictbring you useful articles for thehouse. Give me a trial and beconvinced vvbat 1 say is right.

A. C. JACKSON,Perryville Md.


Largest Surety Company in the World

and Confined Strictly to SuretyBusiness.

For a reasonable premium acts as

surely on bonds for administHtors,executors, agents, bookkeepers, cash-leis clerks, contractors, guardians,trustees, receivers, bank officials,treasur* rs, salesmen ami other bondsordinarily required in the conduct ofbusiness.

Home Office: 100 BROADWAY, N. Y.GEORGE A. BLAKE,

Eukton, Md.Attorney for Cecil County, Maryland.

Dec 7-1 yr

1 WINDSOR HOTEL IZ W. T. IIKCRAKI'.R. Manager. ZB Midway between Hroad SI Street Station and Reading IS Ttrmiual on Filbert Street, S¦ European, Si.oo per day and up IV American, 52.50 per day and up 9

p| The only moderate priced hotel of re- VI* ¦¦ nutation and concqucnce in H¦ PHILADELPHIA ¦

cl n toV~~

Vill be here before you arc ready.But not before WE arc ready.

Our Carefully Selected stock of the

Hry Latest*Newest PatternsFOR


Are now on hand, and we can clothe von Up-to date, in


and everything that goes to show

GOOD TAILORING.Do not delay placing your order, if you want to avoid disappoint •

ment in getting your SUIT for Summer wear.____________

C. L. LEWIS,(Snccessor to John Frazer)




Fire Insurance is often all that a man has left, when

FIRE COMES DISASTROUSLY UPON HIMI represent the following Companies which are of the highes



Rates furnished on application. Business attended toPROMPTLY.


BONDINGI also represent The United States Fidelity and Guaranty Co., of Bah

limore, and am prepared to furnish Bonds of All Kinds— Judicial,Fidelity, Contract, Fraternal Orders, etc. Also BURGLARY INSURANCE.

18 tnoc

Elkton Marble and Granite Works(Work set up anywhere, in the county or out)


Monuments, Tombstones,and Cemetery, Enclosures


Secure My Prices Before Goins Elsewhere--Il Will Save You Money

J. h. SLOAN, /. Elkton, Md.




We Buy Carpet Rags

CallorAddress, iv. McDowellmav9-tf

PILESIf you have Piles, we will cure you.

Write to-day for

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Dr. Chas. R. Biles,Jr.VETERINARIAN

Ondualt of the University of Ftnnsylvanik

Elkton, Md.Telephone 234

I The Bright Ray./

of the Sunare often painful and decidedly damagi“K to weak eyes. More people antfer this way than most others imagln

It’s Our Business,as practical opticians, to supply glatstlfor such sensitive eyes It’s yonr busi-ness if your eyes come under this list

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Kor safety, kindly remember ani; patronize us.



CECIL WHIGSubscription Price, $1 SO