NOVEL TECHNOLOGIES AS CHALLENGES FOR THE POSITIONING OF TOURIST DESTINATIONS TOURIST DESTINATIONS THE BUCOVINA A NEW TOURIST DESTINATION IN A GLOBALISED WORLD Heike Bähre (Berlin), Ulrike Fergen (Schwerin), Annika Kessler (Schwerin) Content Content 2 1. Novel information technologies as marketing instruments 1 1 The destination marketing process and novel technologies 1.1 The destination marketing process and novel technologies 1.2 Mobile travel in tourism 2 Th i d i i “B i 2. The tourist destination “Bucovina2.1 Offer 2 2 Demand 2.2 Demand 2.3 SWOT Analysis- The destination marketing of the Bucovina region 3. Conclusion Bibliography Bibliography 1. Novel information technologies as marketing instruments 3 To demonstrate the possibilities of mobile travel offers T fi d t h t tt t i t ti l t it T o find out how to attract more international tourists To test the hypothesis that mobile travel provides a chance d to improve destination management 1.1 The destination marketing process and novel technologies technologies -The destination marketing process- 4 External environment & competitors Government policy & budget NTOs DMOs Budget decision Budget decision NTO promotional mix & Marketing facilitation mix Commercial marketing mix [Following: Middleton 2009, p.347]

THE BUCOVINA TOURIST DESTINATIONS AS CHALLENGES FOR … · novel technologies as challenges for the positioning of tourist destinations the bucovina – a new tourist destination

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Heike Bähre (Berlin), Ulrike Fergen (Schwerin), Annika Kessler (Schwerin)



1. Novel information technologies as marketing instruments1 1 The destination marketing process and novel technologies1.1 The destination marketing process and novel technologies1.2 Mobile travel in tourism

2 Th i d i i “B i ”2. The tourist destination “Bucovina”2.1 Offer2 2 Demand2.2 Demand2.3 SWOT Analysis- The destination marketing of the Bucovina region

3. Conclusion


1. Novel information technologies as marketing instruments


To demonstrate the possibilities of mobile travel offersT fi d t h t tt t i t ti l t i tTo find out how to attract more international touristsTo test the hypothesis that mobile travel provides a chance

dto improve destination management

1.1 The destination marketing process and novel technologiestechnologies

-The destination marketing process-4

External environment & competitors

Government policy & budget


Budget decision Budget decision

NTO promotional mix & Marketing facilitation mix

Commercial marketingmix

[Following: Middleton 2009, p.347]

1.1 The destination marketing process and noveltechnologies


technologies- Novel technologies and the destination management system-

TIS= Tourist Information System, CRM= Customer Relationship Management

[S P l 2010 133 d d ith i i f BVG I t t][Source: Palmer 2010, p.133, reproduced with permission of BVG Internet]

1.2 Mobile travel in tourism-Use of applications before, during and after the trip on Smartphones


Process phasea)information

Result phasea)communication

and Tablet PCs I/II-6



a)informationb)travellingc)communicationd)cost control

a)communicationb)cost controlc)accounting




PCservation d)cost control


Destination a)b) -


a)b) -


c)d) -e) -

c) -

a) a) a)



a)b) -c)d) -)

a)b) -c)





a) -b)c)

a)b) -c) -Transport )

d)e) -



a) -b)



b) b)c)d) -e) -

b) -c) -

1.2 Mobile travel in tourism-Use of applications before during and after the trip on Smartphones -Use of applications before, during and after the trip on Smartphones

and Tablet PCs II/II-7

Location based services

a) -b) -


a)b) -c) -

d) -e)

a)b) -


a)b) -

Maps&Navigation c)d) -e) -

c) -

a) a) a)

Travel guides


a)b)c) -d) -)

a)b) -c) -


e) -

Travel magazines

a)b) -


a)b) -c) -


Travel magazines )d) -e) -






Travel safetyb) - b)

c) -d) -e) -

b) -c) -

2 The tourist destination “Bucovina”2. The tourist destination Bucovina8

Map of tourism regions in Romania

[Source: http://www.renaud-investments.ro (last reviewed: 03/05/2012)]

2.1 Offer- Tourism products in the Bucovina -


cultural tourism

rural tourismrural tourism

treatment and health tourism

business tourism

active, mountain and nature tourism

main tourist products nature and culture

T OTour Operators10

What is mainly offered?

individual round trips

active bike trips

l l d llcultural round trips, especially

moldova monasteries

nature trips

hiking tours


Capacity of accommodations in October 2011



10,60%Tourist boarding houses

52,10%16,20% agrotouristic boarding 




h dother accommodations

[Source: statistical survey Suceava County, graphic our own]

2 2 D d2.2 Demand12

Country of origin of international visitors

25%30% 28,3%


9,4% 8,9%



4,8% 4,2% 3,9% 3,7%


[Source: statistical survey Suceava County, provided by Chasovschi 2012]

The destination life c cleThe destination life cycle13

destination management has to classify the status of its region/products in product life cycle

cycle consists of six stagescyc e co s s s o s s ages

a multi-stage evolution:g

ExplorationInvolvementDevelopmentConsolidationStagnationDecline or Rejuvenation

Destination life cycle


y(Hypothetical evolution of a tourist area)

[Source: Butler 2006, p.52]

2.3 SWOT Analysis I/II- The Bucovina’s destination marketing -


Strenghts Weaknesses

Beginning realisation of vision mission Less marketing knowledge of DMOsBeginning realisation of vision, missionand strategies

Less marketing knowledge of DMOs

Marketing of Romania by Romanian No use of marketing analysisNational Tourist Office

Marketing of the Bucovina by regional No use of mobile travelMarketing of the Bucovina by regional and local DMOs

No use of mobile travel

Marketing and distribution of touristproducts by tour operators

No common marketing of DMOs

No cooperations with NTO, CC and RTO

Lack of professional management

2.3 SWOT Analysis II/II- The Bucovina’s destination marketing -


Opportunities Threats

Cooperation and networking Creation of separate applications byservice providers

More international marketing Limited use in the marketing facilitationimix

Extension of the commercial marketingmix

Necessarily IT knowledge for DMOs

Marketing of the subdestinations‘ USPs

Improvement of the destination image Damage of the destination image

Competitiveness with price transparency Lack of competitiveness by pricetransparency

Marketing of the destination as a unity

3 C l i3. Conclusion17

Authorisation of the Bucovina Tourism Association as coordinator of tourist information centers (steady communication and network tourist information centers (steady communication and network between all levels)

R li i f bil l li i il j i Realisation of mobile travel applications as a pilot project in a preferred destination (University city of Suceava)

Development of other applications (QR codes, location based services, travel media, travel guides, maps)

Creation of seminars and workshops to exchange ideas and marketing knowledge

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