The Benefits of Dairy The Brilliant Bovines. About Dairy Dairy is a part of many people’s diet, however this isn’t a bad thing, in fact, dairy products

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  • The Benefits of Dairy The Brilliant Bovines
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  • About Dairy Dairy is a part of many peoples diet, however this isnt a bad thing, in fact, dairy products such as cheese, milk, yoghurt and more contribute majorly to our daily health and wellbeing. Throughout this presentation you will learn about all the health benefits of dairy and why.
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  • Calcium Dairy products are renowned for their high amount of calcium, this is vital for both your bones and teeth. Nutritionists recommend three intakes of dairy a day to keep everything good and strong. Studies have proven that calcium contributes to two per cent of your body weight. Also in dairy products there are a few other good things that play similar roles as calcium such as, Vitamin D and Phosphorus.
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  • Protein Protein is a source of energy, a source of energy that helps build muscles, without strong muscles you would have difficulty moving. Protein is the most abundant substance found in your body. The majority of cells and tissue is made up of protein. Although protein is greatly known to be in meat, it is also in dairy products as well.
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  • Potassium Potassium is key to keeping a stable blood pressure, steering clear of strokes and bone health. Potassium also helps with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, also known as Crohns Disease. Low potassium levels contribute to this disease occurring. Doctors use potassium to treat low potassiumm levels (Hypokalemia).
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  • Niacin Niacin is good for preventing cardiovascular disease, it also helps arthritis, acne, diabetes and other mental disorders. Niacin is mainly found in meats and vegetables but is also found in milk. According to nutritionists, men need an average of 16mg per day and women need 14mg. Niacin also improves your metabolism.
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  • Vitamin A To stay away from nasty colds vitamin A is key, it helps the immune system. Vitamin A maintains a good vision and provides you with silky, smooth skin. Too much vitamin A can be toxic, however there is only small amounts in milk.
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  • Other Vitamins Other vitamins found in dairy products are, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, riboflavin and folate.
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  • Milk is Important To.. Milk and all dairy products are most important to, women of older age, as they are prone to suffer from osteoporosis, weakening of the bones resulting in fractures. Growing children also need dairy in their diet to contribute to bone health and a strong immune system, elderly people also need it for the same reasons as kids. Milk, and calcium all together are important for a pregnant woman and her baby, as the baby needs to grow strong and healthy.
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  • Tips When Buying Dairy - Try and buy organic. Organic milk is milk from cows that havent been given antibiotics for pain relief. It is proven that this is much healthier and has more nutrients. - Buy pasteurised. Many think that pasteurisation is just more nasty chemicals, however its not. If you buy non pasteurised milk or dairy products, you are drinking raw milk. This isnt very healthy as it can carry all sorts of nasty things and can lead to serious illness.
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  • Tips - If heartburn is a problem for you, try and drink more milk and it naturally relieves the pain and reduces the acidity levels in your stomach. - Although it is known that reducing food contributes to weight loss, exercise does too. You wont get all the benefits if you dont mix exercise with it. - Milk also helps with weight loss. - Dont put milk in tea. Putting milk in tea just kills the nutrients of tea, instead of putting it in tea, put it in coffee. - Drinking milk gives you healthy teeth.
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  • Thanks For Watching Next time youre at the shops, make sure to buy some dairy.