The Panergeia Project www.toveje.dk 1 The beginning of the Project By Randi Green, 2012 When you read the following pages it is important to keep in mind that my writings are a process; I tend to have certain perceptions and ideas at first which along the way changes and gets clearer, hence the starting point in understanding of myself and my role in the Panergeia Project is somewhat detached or distant as if I am not one of them. As you will see this changes as I grow in consciousness and gets my true being connected to my mind-field. The first meeting Greetings!This is the first word I felt in my mind and it streamed towards me from a mighty happy fellow, all covered in harmonic and warm light. At first he resembled the front figure of the Asthar command and instinctively I withdrew my energy and focused back to my deva helper and on my heart center. No signals of danger there or anything like that so I dared risking going back to the happy fellow. “No need to be so mistrustful or afraid of me,” he started saying in my mind. As usual they are, he was not alone, using telepathy or streaming consciousness from their mind into my mind accompanied by feelings of energy, visions and all other tangible sensations just not on the outside of my body but all sensed by my mind-field. The sensations are as real as if they really were here, hence the flow of information from those telepathic visits are just as compact and complex as a normal

The Beginning of the Panergeia Project

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Page 1: The Beginning of the Panergeia Project

The Panergeia Project

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The beginning of the Project

By Randi Green, 2012

When you read the following pages it is important to keep in mind that

my writings are a process; I tend to have certain perceptions and ideas

at first which along the way changes and gets clearer, hence the

starting point in understanding of myself and my role in the Panergeia

Project is somewhat detached or distant as if I am not one of them. As

you will see this changes as I grow in consciousness and gets my true

being connected to my mind-field.

The first meeting


This is the first word I felt in my mind and it streamed towards me

from a mighty happy fellow, all covered in harmonic and warm light.

At first he resembled the front figure of the Asthar command and

instinctively I withdrew my energy and focused back to my deva helper

and on my heart center. No signals of danger there or anything like

that so I dared risking going back to the happy fellow.

“No need to be so mistrustful or afraid of me,” he started saying in

my mind.

As usual they are, he was not alone, using telepathy or streaming

consciousness from their mind into my mind accompanied by feelings

of energy, visions and all other tangible sensations just not on the

outside of my body but all sensed by my mind-field. The sensations are

as real as if they really were here, hence the flow of information from

those telepathic visits are just as compact and complex as a normal

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human visit would be. No difference there except from the missing

outer physical appearance.

“I am only using the material at hand in your mind-field,” was the

reply from him after I kind of slipped the question in my mind. A quick

thought and due to my focus, due to the mindstream between us, he

received my thoughts as if I asked the question out loud.

“Later on, when you have developed more suitable mind-patterns

and larger fields of progressive consciousness perhaps then you are

able to see my true appearance, but for now this will suffice. We are

human like you although our physical form is less dense and is

combined into another form of wholeness by different materials and

energies. If I was to show myself directly in your mind, you would not

see or feel me, because of my energetic strangeness and as a result

there would be no images or material for your mind to change the

impression into; my consciousness would pass right through your

mind-field in spite of my best attempt to reach you. It is more or less

similar to the effect gamma rays has on the human mind when the

energies enter your geomagnetic field; no one feels or registers them;

however they are very much a part of your reality.”

“It is a great joy for us to participate in this joint effort to get as

many as you out of the reality field, you have named Earth. The final

chapter in the history of Earth is about to be written for you and us,

and we are most joyful in being co-writers with you.” Another member

had joined our conversation. It was clear to me that she originated

from a far older system which caused her talk in an old-fashioned way.

Her out of the ordinary mind-codes connected with older energies

in the collective field of human consciousness and therefore picked up

an older version of English.

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I got tired; it is not normal for me to communicate with more than

one party at a time or holding the energies of so many in my mind. The

whole group was present and they all wanted to say hello, greet me

and give a few words on the way as my focus reached out to them. I

cannot help run my inner vision over the whole assembly. They were

very pleased with the event and the upcoming association we had

produced today; they were eager to help and contribute to the project:

The Panergeia Project.

Panergeia is Greek and means “all-at-work” or “all energies” and

this is a suitable name for so many reasons: It is a joint project

between diverse reality fields, across multiple timelines and systems,

and the goal is to get each and every one, of those who are ready,

freed from the energetic system of Earth.


I started out with my morning meditation and while connecting to my

higher levels of consciousness one of the 12 came down, emanating

her level of power, which lead to an integration of higher energies and

codes from my true Earth crystal to protect me and make me more

suitable for the task I am about to start.

Interesting enough it did not seem as if the 12 knew about the

Panergeia Project. It seemed more like a surprise to them, as if it was

initiated by my aiding deva – I know now that she belongs to the

Panergeia Project – which actually is kind of a surprise for me as well. I

had the idea that my higher levels of consciousness; my original

outspring, knew my steps and choices. Apparently this is not the way

things work.

During my participation in the Panergeia Project I am bound to

come in contact with many different species and their various types of

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consciousness and energies, hence the need of a higher level of

protection and adaptability in my system. There is really no point in

trying to describe my energetic system in details because we all have

individual systems, but my body is surrounded by a protected field of

energy stemming from a giant crystal seeded true Earth. From this

crystal energy and codes flow into my body and protects it as well as

the energetic field deriving from it. This is my mind-field, i.e. the

surrounding field of higher frequency energies.

It is created by my mind and therefore all energies in it originate

from various thought-patterns and emotional forces, as well as the

atomic discharges from all chemical and electromagnetic processes in

my bioelectromagnetic system; my body or bio-field. By controlling my

thoughts, emotions and my intake of chemical and natural sources of

electromagnetic substances (“food”), I control my mind-field and its

overall BPR (Base Pulse Rhythm), i.e. the summarized state of higher or

lower kinds of energies as well as different levels of consciousness

available to me in this reality field.

Behind or inside my mind-field, as I see it, a spherical pattern or orb

of higher consciousness is positioned which in all true meanings is the

soul. This fractal pattern is my individual part from the overall soul

matrix and constitutes the incarnational unit creating the human body.

Due to my understanding of things I would argue that the so-called

spirit body, which philosophy and various spiritual teachings describe

and perceive as the soul, is not the incarnational unit but the mind-


The incarnational unit is also called the morphogenetic field albeit it

differs from life to life; it contains all source codes and “purposes”

from the overall fractal pattern, the soul matrix. The soul matrix is not

a being or something like that; it is a created sphere. It consists of

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fractal patterns and of consciousness generated by a group of higher

beings and constitutes a reality field or high leveled mind-field. The

fractal patterns are therefore the different layers of consciousness,

codes and energetic patterns which are created by the dynamic

combinations of higher consciousness.

Above the spherical fractal pattern, I have created a crystal cave,

which I visit during my meditation. From here I am able to connect to

my higher levels of consciousness. For now this level of my being

appears for my inner eye as a council of 12 tall divine-like entities even

though I know from previous inner experiences that this is likely to

change when I reach new levels of self-awareness and energetic

consciousness. My mind creates the best images available, stored in

my brain, to convert the energy or consciousness I connect to into

well-known material, I can understand and work with. Regardless of

the images at hand, I am able to connect to this council and from here

draw higher energy and codes as mentioned before. The true Earth

crystal balances my mind-field and the higher council balances my

inner levels of consciousness and higher energy.

Creative imagination is a very important tool in developing and

expanding the mind and generating a proper mind-field. Everything is

energy and the mind interacts with the surrounding energies all the

time. The brain is only able to convert energies and integrate them into

the system of bioelectromagnetic forces, the bio-field, through

recognition and understanding of the surrounding energies as some-

thing known. All energies are integrated through either the brain or

the nervous system. In time the cells in the nervous system learns to

transform and integrate energy directly which is what we normally call

clairvoyance or high levels of empathy.

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The body, via the peripheral nervous system (PNS), registers and

senses energetic information all the time and when this sensing tool is

properly connected to the right hemisphere of the brain, it creates

images out of the sensed energy. If the left hemisphere has learned to

interact with and translate the sensual images from the PNS and the

right hemisphere, then a new level of energetic consciousness arises,

often referred to as “the 3rd eye”.

From here the body, as well as the mind, interacts, translates and

convert every energetic meeting into known and useful information;

building the foundation of higher consciousness. The more energetic

information that is converted into conscious knowledge, the higher

levels of progressive consciousness is able to integrate itself in the


A weak mind-field is not able to hold higher levels of consciousness,

let alone progressive or dynamic consciousness. A strong mind-field,

clean and developed into its highest potentials, is a necessity for the

incarnational unit to be able to activate its deeper connection to the

higher levels of consciousness. The incarnational unit of consciousness

and codes is an intermediary field containing both the codes creating

the human consciousness and the codes that latently awaits the

human mind to rise to its potentials, creating the finest and highest

mind-field available.

Activating this has been somewhat a problem during the last, at

least, 12.500 years of human history but from now on this is possible

once again – not to its full extent – although to some degree usable

enough for us to get out.

The difference between ascension and energetic elevation lies in

the limited integration of the codes from the morphogenetic field. The

codes, initiating the ascension process, are not possible for us to

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activate anymore. What we have to learn is to travel in our mind-field,

connecting this as much as we can to the incarnational unit. For now

two possible ways out are shown in my mind:

1) Through the incarnational unit, when this is drawn back at the

moment of death, although this will require our understanding of how

to detach our mind-field from the body and integrate it into

incarnational unit. This opportunity is controlled from the soul matrix

and we will reenter more or less as we were when we came to Earth

leaving the most of our personality behind (no big loss there).

2) Detach ourselves from the body and travel as our mind-field with

the incarnational unit as it is in this life, attached through the old gate

system of Gaia. Using this opportunity will preserve and include all we

have learned in this, and previous lives on Earth, but is much harder

and more difficult.

None of the opportunities are possible on our own, hence the

Panergeia Project and the many participants ready to teach us, help us

with knowledge and techniques as well as codes, consciousness and


I will not look back in this book or in any way talk about what has

been before in the past of human history. From now on I only look

ahead into the future and the possibilities we are heading towards

because what is in my mind affects my mind-field and its overall BPR

and a low BPR will not get me out of here. Focusing on the job, the

future and the freedom, as well as the possibilities created from the

lifting of the quarantine, are fundamental to what energies I attract in

the open field, we are about to enter after 2012. Building the future is

all about being the future in the now.

The whole idea of the Panergeia Project is to strengthen the

connection between the helping forces in other reality fields and the

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earthly humanity in order to prepare us for the things to come, in

other reality fields when we die. If we cannot hold the consciousness

and recognize the other realities, i.e. connect to the consciousness

there, we are bound to be drawn back into NETE (what we see as

Earth, but I call it NET Earth, hence NETE) through the laws of BPR.

The next life starts now, in this life, and in this reality field.

The council of twelve

Today I got new information regarding the council of 12. I started out

in my meditation, as I always do, by reaching up to my crystal cave and

from here connect to my council of 12 but the door was closed.

When I looked around, the whole area seemed abandoned and

empty. Darkness dwelled all over the place and I retracted my focus

back into my mind-field and incarnational unit. They both appeared

just fine, vibrant and full of light and yet there was something in my

mind-field that did not belong there; a dark object of some metallic

substance. Noticing the object I scolded myself for seeing a stupid

episode of a not worth mentioning series and while remembering my

dreams, I realized I had been bugged by watching the episode.

I know this sounds all twisted and paranoid. The truth is though

that everything on Earth is interacting consciousness and energy.

Every single molecule, atom and cell communicates with other

similar or opposite structured units. The grossness and hardness of the

substances around us is experienced this way, by our senses, i.e. PNS,

due to the similarity in frequencies. The point being here is that in

watching the episode, outplaying a story of a dominating husband, it

activated similar energies in my mind, gathered through induced

material such as movies, books and therapeutic conversations in my

time as a psychotherapist and this material in my mind-field allowed

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the bug to enter. Why this appears now must have something to do

with either a cleansing of old masculine energy in my mind-field, for

some reason, or due to collective currents in NETE´s mind-field. Either

or, I had to look deeper into it. First I smashed the electromagnetic

bug. Of course it is not a real metal bug although it appeared to my

mind as such. It was a devise with electromagnetic properties like

metal albeit it exists and functions on a higher dimension.

NETE consists of 7x7 dimensions connected to two other more or

less similar reality fields; the created parallel Earth and the natural

anti-atomic counterpart called anti-Earth.

All electromagnetic systems tend to create an antiparticle counter-

part when generating the physical material; i.e. all atomic matter starts

out, on the quantum level, as e+ and e-. The parallel Earth is a created

one generated by fallen alliances. That will do for now; as I promised I

am not going to talk about the old and dark history of Earth. For those

details read the MCEO material although they only focus on their point

of view and the way they perceive the history of NETE. This history is

biased by their battles and cosmic wars, which they drew to Earth by

the way, and holds little memories of what was here before they came

and the original purpose of Earth. NETE is a later result of this battle

between MCEO and the fallen forces.

All we need to know is that we have three times 49 dimensions to

avoid in getting out and in our process of developing our mind-field.

On top of this are the incoming and intersecting reality fields from

other malevolent systems; some eager to get their part of the cake

while they can and others are just here on a short visit to claim their

contribution encapsulated in NETE over the last 200.000 years or so.

I am drifting in my story.

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After removing the interdimensional bug, I decided to clean the

whole mind-field of similar energies. The best way to do this was to

envision a fan circulating around my spherical mind-field sweeping up

the dark particles of ancient masculine dominant behavior imbedded

in my cells from the energetic materials in the morphogenetic field.

Quite a lot of our so-called karma stems from the morphogenetic field

in this lifetime. The original morphogenetic fields were created as

cooperation between the incarnational unit and the reality fields

wherein it projects a hologram. From this hologram, and the dynamic

codes of consciousness, material is attracted from the visited reality

field creating a suitable body for that system.

After the visit the incarnational unit dissolves the codes in the

morphogenetic field and the attracted material is released. What was

borrowed for the use of manifesting ourselves in that particular system

is returned when we departure. The material we used in the process is

then added new conscious elements and this is how we share

properties within reality fields. We lend some, in order to evolve our

own system, and we return it with new elements, sometimes

improving the original material and sometimes we tend to contribute

with elements that is damaging for the system. When we grow older

and wiser, i.e. learning to travel “light” (in both meanings of the word)

and using the best material at hand, we only contribute in a

constructive way, trying consciously to co-evolve the visiting system to

its highest potentials.

I am so sorry. Apparently my meditation and its energetic work had

several layers to it and in writing the visions down those layers unfolds

themselves, hence the jumping in timelines, stories and information.

Where was I? Oh yes; sweeping my field from negative particles and

after having done this I tried to create an energetic line to the council

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of 12. It was still impossible to reach them. What then? I felt a need to

explore whatever was to the right of my inner field of perception.

Instead of forcing my way up I turned right and traveled along the line

of light which was created from my incarnational unit (the spherical

fractional pattern). At the end of the line I was met with devastation; it

is really quite depressing around NETE; so many old worlds have been

destroyed in the battle between the fallen and other factions. I only

stayed because I assumed there was something I had to collect, get or

learn there. At the end of my beam of light (just making a little joke

here), I saw another council of 12 although they were not all clear and

reachable as the 12 above my crystal cave.

I connected to them and followed their instructions. On a deeper

level of the planet, or reality field, I found some crystal caves. All

planets have an inner core consisting of living crystals which are

nothing like the crystals we have on the surface of Earth.

Living crystals are very old beings, some of the first to manifest

their consciousness as quasi-solid material, that is having the

properties of both liquid and solid state, and they evolve in groups

creating a shell of energy around them. Those old higher beings are the

creators of planets. The shell (reality field) of energy and their

consciousness are what we perceive as the collective mind (Anima

Mundus; the spirit of a planet) of Earth, or Venus, or Mercury etc. and

it is from their energy and consciousness that we are able to manifest

ourselves as manifest beings wherever we choose to evolve our


Usually there are a large group of helpers (sub-beings emanating

from the crystals) connected to the living crystals. On Earth those

helpers are what we perceive as devas, angels, elves, fairies; their

beings go by many names and most of them do not at all look like the

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ones in fairytales. Their appearance actually resembles our human

form quite a lot, considering that they are the true inventors of this

form, we use now a days. Living crystals and their helpers are a class of

their own and travel on other timelines than the ones humans use.

They have no interest in humans and tend to hide from us unless we

have a lineage of their energy in our system. Many of them have been

misused during the last centuries and caught in between the battles

that were imposed on true Earth because of the fall of lower Tara.

Draining them of energy, capturing some of the inner crystal beings

and implanting various infected dark energy into their midst, were one

of the strategies that coursed Atlantis to fall on lower Tara.

Anyway, in my meditation I traveled into the core of the place I had

entered and found a shattered cave of crystals. They were all dead and

had been drained of their energies. My attention was directed towards

a tiny hole in the wall and here I found a crystal key, a scroll of paper

and a large book. I did not open the book or looked at the scroll but

took it all with me back and handed it over to the council. In return

they gave me a small sphere of light. I placed the sphere in my 3rd eye

and it opened and spread its energy into my mind-field and from here

into the codes that controls my physical DNA.

I immediately felt an expansion of codes in my mind-field as if they

were completed in some way and now unfolded themselves into little

stars consisting of 12 arms radiating with light. In my mind I

understood that the codes in my morphogenetic field, when my bio-

field was created, had been dismantled and cut into two halves in

order to create my female body. The original human body carries both

male and female codes in their mind-field and can change in between

sexes if it is appropriate but mostly the humans in other reality fields

prefer one or the other type of exterior so to speak.

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Returning to my body I once more tried to reach out to my council

of 12 but they were gone. I focused back on the other council of 12,

from my past I recon, and they told me that they were a projection of

my true DNA configuration and in seeing them as beings, from whom I

learned more as well as integrated energy and consciousness, I was

able to handle the energy provided to me from my truest inner nature.

Most of my true DNA is still dormant and placed somewhere out of

reach. I mean; I cannot integrate it directly into my physical being. The

only way I can connect to my true DNA is by envision it as higher

beings, projecting my mind-field to wherever my true nature is hidden,

i.e. the mind-travels and different tasks to solve there. The inner

travels and adventures reintegrate my true nature and evolve my

mind-field. This form, my physical form, has no connection to my true

nature and all I can do is travel along the inner lines of consciousness

to regain and integrate my original nature and codes into my mind-

field, my unified field of consciousness. As I have said before; the

original ascensionproces is unattainable however we still have to

collect as much true DNA (progressive or dynamic consciousness) as

possible and integrate it into our mind-field. Our mind-field is the best

option we have to get out and if we can get that much out of NETE, our

helpers on the other side are able to recreate our manifest form from

our incarnational unit or from our mind-field, e.g. the two options

mentioned in chapter two.

It was time to go back to the real deal coming from the teachers of

the Panergeia group.

The soul matrix

They came early today. There were two or three of them although only

one of them was going to tutor me on the subject of the soul matrix.

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Before I fell asleep yesterday they asked me whether I was ready to

give up on all that I have learned and be able to have an open mind to

the teachings they were to give me. Of course this pose no problem to

me, being all used to deconstruct every thought pattern or teachings in

my mind and I was quite excited to hear what they were going to say

to me today.

The teacher leaned towards me and touched my forehead with his

finger as if to prepare my mind for new information. Quite a lot of

energy passed through his finger and my whole body started to buzz. I

had to take some deep breaths to integrate the energy and I felt him

working on my mind-field.

“Open your mind to me,” was the first thing he said in my mind and

having said this he placed his hands on both sides of my head and my

mind opened up to a panoramic scenery of the Universe.

“This is an initiation,” was the next things he uttered to me.

“Open your mind to the Universe; see and feel it in your mind-field.

Be one with it and sense the energy in it; around you and in you. This,

my friend, is the soul matrix.” Now I was confused. Was the Universe

the same thing as the soul matrix? Do all humans share the same

matrix or what? How many incarnational units are there?

“Hold it; stop thinking. Follow my energy,” was all he responded to

my flow of questions.

Breathe. I needed to breathe and new sensations of buzzing arose

in my body and fingers. It was quite difficult to be so buzzed with

energy and write at the same time.

“Expand your mind-field to the borders, the outermost edges, of

the Universe,” he said.

Borders? The Universe has no edges? Or?

I had to breathe deeply and my heart pounded hard in my chest.

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At that moment he placed an energetic finger on my chest, right

above my heart and I felt an opening and expansion of the true heart

center into the belonging field of consciousness as if it was searching

for something new. Reaching out. I became all light in both my mind

and true heart and my mind-field started to vibrate and elevate into

something, but what?

“You are transforming the lower levels of your mind-field to higher

transformative sections of your consciousness. The mind-field holds

several layers of consciousness; some more solid than others and right

now I am helping you to reach the level of the transformative layer; i.e.

the layer which is able to connect to any thought and pattern of

consciousness. This is the layer we are using in our contact with you.

Through this layer all kinds of communication is possible. Now relax

and breathe,” was his final comment for now.

Feeling the energy flowing into my body, I realized that the true

heart was the key organ for the transformative section of the mind-


“Exactly; all the training and opening your heart towards others,

using empathy et al. is the beginner’s level of adapting to energy and

higher thought patterns. This is the minimum required tool in higher

dimensional visitations and journeying.”

I felt the energy in my true heart continuing to go inwards. Deeper

and deeper and suddenly I realized that there was a reality within this

area of my chest: the true heart was a doorway to a whole new inner


This needs some explanation; when I communicate with other

human beings in new reality fields, they kind of feels like being on the

outside of my mind-field. The perception and feeling is the same as if I

talked to normal people although they have no physical presence.

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The mind-field works that way but now I was going deeper and

deeper into myself and I got all confused. My mind could not picture or

sense it, being drawn all inside out, so to speak. It was really weird and

yet it was so familiar that tears appeared in my eyes, feeling all

sorrowful and all.

The true heart has its own field of consciousness and I knew that he

was guiding my mind into my core and even deeper than that. As well

as the Universe has an outwards expanding quality to it, the same

expanding energy was now expanding inwards in my body, through my

true heart, my core. My mind reaches out and my true heart reaches

in. It did not feel like a horizontal movement and I had to focus on

following the “inspanding” (a created word) sensation; not backwards

albeit going in all centered in my true heart like going from the

perimeter of a circle and into the central point of it. Whereas the

sensation of the Universe was a feeling of getting bigger and bigger

(evolution) in my mind while expanding, the sensation of getting

smaller and smaller (involution) was what happened in my mind and


“Now you have the two opposite sensations of reality in your mind;

the biggest and the smallest,” softly and as if he had to be careful, he

placed the words in my mind.

“Go and take care of the laundry,” he said, being al practical and


While hanging the wet clothes on the drying rack he returned with

some explanation to the little exercise we had done together.

“The outer Universe and the inner core are the contours of your

mind; the perimeter of the human mind. You had similar experiences

of being all big and small when you were a child and the sensations

came from your mind-field because it had to adjust to the human

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mind. You are far from human and yet you have adapted to the body

very well. Actually you adapted so well that you totally forgot your

origin and where you came from entering the little body called Randi.”

“Please stop. This is not for real; it is like a bad movie where the

chosen one discovers her foreign origin and stellar powers. Do not do

that to me,” I was mad and sad at the same time, wondering whether

he was real or just a projection of my deepest dreams and hopes; you

know being all special and godlike.

“You need to know,” was all he had to say to my statement.

I was not sure I wanted to hear the rest. While my mind was racing,

pondering on all sorts of logical explanations, I got sad. My heart ached

and I felt sorrow coming from deep within me.

All I could do was to breathe deeply and clear my mind. “Okay. Hit

me with the news,” I said. During my many years of writing, I had tried

to figure out my connection to Earth and humanity and I had had many

similar thoughts and ideas.

Suddenly I became worried: Could I trust this guy? Was he a fallen

entity? They always activate our innermost longings and dreams in

order to use the emotions to steer our minds into doing stupid things.

By activating our desires and emotional baggage it is so easy to direct

us to voluntarily do selfish and energetic things that turns on negative

energies, thought patterns and the collective counterparts of fallen

human behavior. They cannot force us to do these things but by

activating our longings and desires we do them all by ourselves and no

rules are violated. Despite the dark agendas control, there are still

some rules to follow and they have become masters in bending the

original laws for the earthly humanity.

So what, I thought to myself. Perhaps I have some sort of soul

contract or something like that. Perhaps I voluntarily and freely chose

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to incarnate on NETE and has done whatever to get to my destination

ever since. Perhaps this is true. It certainly would explain a lot about

my life, my training and whatever I have experienced in my life.

“There are no such things as soul contracts, nor is there a thing

called the soul matrix,” was his comment to all my thoughts.

Unexpectedly I got a headache and grew all weary. My reply was

somewhat angry and resentful.

“I am so f…. tired of all your games and of your withholding of


“We do not hold anything back from you. It is you who do not want

to know the truth,” was his reply. He continued.

“You only seek the truth that is convenient and matches your

perception of the true reality and colors it with your own fears and

dreams of what it might or could be. Humanity imprisons themselves

as much as outer forces do. Calm down. There is no need to get upset

and angry. Breathe and relax,” he could feel how I went from anger to

sadness again.

He went on.

“The concept of soul contracts are a make-belive concept created

to explain the hardness of your lives, because inside of you, all of you,

the truth wants to break free and enlighten your minds. From deep

within the freedom awaits your courage to embrace it, nurture it and

let it grow. The freedom or the truth, which will set you free, as you

put it, has nothing to do with the concept of soul, divine spark or

anything like that. The truth is that you already are perfect beings,

ready to go and ready to evolve out of Earth any time you might


He carefully chose his words.

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“But, because there is a major but, things are not that easy. The

whole life you and your fellow peers, i.e. humans like yourself, have

used and circulated the fallen energy and consciousness and there-fore

it is no longer enough to will the freedom or to activate it in your

hearts. You have narrowed and minimized your mind-field in order to

participate in this reality field.”

I had to ask a question.

“You make it sound like as if this life is the only life and that all of us

enters into this reality field anew for each life. As if NETE is an ongoing

play or scenery we enter into and leave again after one life? That all we

perceive as history, ancient timelines and archeological evidence are

made up or a kind of manuscript placed within NETE?”

“No, this is not the case. If it was that simple, it would be easy to

get you out. No, reality is far more complex than you can imagine. Let

me try to explain. You are vibration. Let us not use the word energy or

consciousness because this will activate too many prefabricated

thought patterns in your mind. You are standing vibration with


He continued his explanation.

“Within those boundaries your vibration creates certain patterns.

Those patterns have different nodal points which connect to specific

timelines, or vectors in the time-space continuum. You are not a free

person; strapped in as you are within the cords of timelines and

boundaries. The timelines that lead to your true heart create certain

bonds to other reality fields and dimensions and entangle your overall

energy. You are more or less captured like a fly in a spider’s web using

all your power to get out of it while you slowly runs out of and loses

energy leading to a fall into lower and lower frequencies and their

reality fields. The timelines transfer energy and consciousness into

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your true heart, your mind-field and hence the physical body. This

pattern of timelines and cords are what you have perceived as fractal

pattern or spherical orb, your “soul”.”

Finally. Now I was intrigued again and all ears.

“The central point of all those timelines is in your true heart,

connected to your physical heart and the energy created here. The

beating of heart is an echo vibration from the “web” and all you can

feel in your present down-sized state. Understanding this, it is not hard

to grasp that life itself comes from the heart and not the mind. As long

as the heart beats, there is life in the human body because all the

timelines, holding the true consciousness, are still attached to the body

through the true heart. When a person is declared brain dead and the

heart is still beating that person is not dead from our perspective. In

such cases it is the brain that has stopped working, i.e. processing

energy, but the true being, the standing vibration, is not dead or has

left the body. For this to be true the heart has to stop beating. Then

and first then the true being has left the body, retracted all the cords

and repositioned itself in another reality field.”

Hearing this I understood the consequences of organ harvesting on

a brain dead person and it horrified me. Without the willed

detachment from the body, all cords of energy were still manifested in

the body and hence all the different timelines of consciousness.

It was like cutting up the spherical pattern and dividing it into tiny

bits and parts and implanting them into another living organism,

confusing both the old vibrational system and the new one by crossing

timelines and consciousness in the receiving body. It reminded me of

some visions I had a while ago of how the Draconian people captured

higher beings and intentionally cut up their prisoners in order to create

new beings containing the higher energy and consciousness from their

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prisoners. This was a very primitive form of hybridization and was

abandoned in favor of other lesser violent methods, and now we were

doing the exact same thing.

He caught my attention again and continued.

“The soul matrix, as you have learned about, as a major system of

multiple incarnational units placed on different timelines and in

various reality fields, is not the true energetic system for all of you.

This is a model used to direct specific ideas into a created reality as

to specify the intention behind the incarnational unit as a part of a

greater whole. The greater whole is the group in which you place your

allegiance and choose to evolve your consciousness through. As for

you, my friend, being an independent being, travelling and joining

minor groups without grand plans of war, contribution to creating life

or anything in that scale, you have no soul matrix in that sense or any

soul contract; you are not bound to a group or a hierarchy of forces.”

“You entered this body directly and were able to do this because

you had travelled so many areas of fallen energy that your whole being

was steered in that direction. Your overall BPR had decreased and you

were drawn to NETE and that specific body you have right now.

Eventually we all end up in some sort of fallen system and eventually

we all get out of them again; it is a natural element in the great

scheme of things going to the outmost outskirts of “creation” in order

to return to the center again, just like I showed you.”

A lot of what he said resembled what I had heard before and just

when I reached a point in his teachings, which I felt was no news to

me, he turned the information a little bit adding new layers to what I

already had learned.

“To summarize: you, being a part of a different group, do not

belong to a collection of incarnational units creating a so-called soul

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matrix. You do not incarnate again and again into specific systems like

those beings do and you do not belong to a grand scheme of anything

in a collective manner.

What you do belong to is a minor group of independent travelers,

sojourning the different reality fields, expanding your consciousness

and energetic abilities by giving support to others in various ways. You

are not alone in your diverse constitution because quite a lot of the

human race originates from different timelines and reality fields. They

have, like you, reached the end station in NETE and they are ready to

get out.

Consequently, what you need to understand is that souls can evolve

as individuals or in major groups attached to a soul matrix. The soul

matrix is in turn subjected to a larger group of higher evolved beings

(or lesser evolved). It is all up to the individual being which path it

chooses. The main point in this is though that the teachings of the

individuals tend to be lost in the midst of the larger groups and their

teachings. You can, at any time, join a larger group and leave it again

just like you have done in other timelines and reality fields.

You and your incarnational units are all there is to your energetic

system; you are a whole being as you are, in your bio-field, and nothing

is forgotten, hidden or have been “outsourced” into other reality fields

or planes of existence by malevolent beings.

Whatever you see or feel as a memory from NETE, as a part of the

history of Earth, are memories from your own timelines in different

fallen systems you still are connected to or have traveled through on

your way to Earth.

The hard thing to comprehend is that your incarnational unit is not

just you, on Earth, but all the timelines connected to different reality

fields where pieces of you are incarnated the same way like you are

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now. This means that some parts of you are not incarnated into a

human form, i.e. other parts or timelines are participating in higher

evolved systems and have a lighter form of manifestation. The earthly

part of your overall consciousness is for the present imbedded in your

body, quite a gross way of existence, and we, your helpers are in some

way parts of your own overall system and yet we are not.

Some of us are actually you in another form, on another timeline

and reality field, and some have joined your other parts because they

want to experience how the “rescue” of imbedded parts in fallen

systems works, hence my two helpers. They are able to join due to

shared timelines and energetic similarity in incarnational units placed

in other regressive systems or progressive systems.

A timeline is a stream of consciousness forwarded and projected,

from an individual or groups of beings, into specific reality fields or

templates of gathered consciousness generating a variety of forces and

energies to experience and to master.

What you needed to learn was that the collection of incarnational

units, which are all you in different forms, shapes and sizes in various

timeframes and reality fields, is not something outside of yourself or

something else than you. It is not a group of consciousness different

from you, higher than you or anything like that. You do not make

contracts with anybody other than yourself.

The collection of incarnational units generates a matrix or overall

pattern hence the name soul matrix but you are the matrix in each and

every aspect of it. It is the symbol of what gigantic proportions your

multiple consciousnesses really have. You really ARE present in every

corner of every reality field and therefore we all are one, considering

that I and other of my fellow peers are present in every corner of every

reality field. We ARE one and we ARE all that exist.

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When you focus your mind on something, you actually create a

timeline. You create your own web by repeatedly focusing on

something, directing your consciousness towards something and over

time this “directing-your-consciousness-towards-something” creates

individual incarnational units around specific nodal points in your true

and overall consciousness, which by the way is what you perceive as

“God” or the omniscient deity in all religions. You are the God, or the

idea of a God, you seek,” and then he left my mind-field.

The incarnational unit

I am totally exhausted today. The four hours it took yesterday, writing

and receiving his teaching, have taken their toll on me. I want to know,

evolve and learn but every time it costs me most of my energy and a

lot of time. Today I dream of having a normal life although it only lasts

a couple of days, then I am back in the game doing what needs to be


Anyway, I did my usual meditation. There was really no contact

inwardly and at first I blamed my low energy but after a while I kind of

remembered what he had said yesterday. Two things entered my


1) My physical heart as being connected to the central point – the

true heart - of my incarnational unit, and the exercise he showed me.

2) My ability to only wanting to see what was convenient to me. I

have heard this before from many other helpers and that I voluntarily

had projected most of my consciousness outside of myself.

Quite a lot of our so-called helpers are in reality our consciousness

displaced in the mind-field or bio-field and are as such experienced as

beings different from us.

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So with this in mind I found the energy and projected my mind up

and into my council of 12. I looked at it and in my mind I invited them

to fully enter my system. At first no one reacted however after a little

while one of the 12 turned his head toward me and hissed. Yes, he

hissed like an angry cat and I could not figure out why even though I

remembered that if my ego is really not ready to integrate my

projected consciousness it often appears to me as hostile beings, so I

soothed it and he entered my true heart/physical heart.

The only effect was some buzzing in my 3rd eye, i.e. the real 3rd eye

created by the energetic bridge between the pineal gland, the Alta

major (a very old grid of nerves in the cerebellum) and the pituitary

gland. When they are activated correctly they emit a higher energetic

substance that generates a triangle of blue-white light and out of this

triangle a new center in the midbrain is formed. This is the true 3rd eye.

Instead I decided to repeat the energetic exercise he had shown me

and I focused my attention in my true heart and in the real heart. At

first I thought about how those teachers always starts with saying

something I do not expect and after a while then more or less builds

further on the things I already know. I think the pedagogical method of

first denying what I know, gets me up on my toes and creates full

attention in me. If they just started where I would expect them to

start, my mind would not be just as alert as when I know I am about to

learn something new.

After this minor drifting in my focus I returned to my true heart and

did the narrowing of my mind into the core of it. Deeper and deeper

into the core of it until I could not become smaller in my mind and

here, in the smallest state of my mind, I felt a little snap in the center

of the true heart and a light started to grow out of it. The light grew

larger and larger. I wanted to take control over it with my mind and

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help it to enlarge itself into my mind-field but it was impossible. I just

had to let it grow in its own pace and feel the energy expanding very

slowly from my heart into my body and beyond.

After this opening I got the idea to integrate the rest of the 12 and

now there was no resistance or obstacles. Getting all started with

integrating my projected consciousness I felt the need to withdraw my

vision of the incarnational unit as well and I drew it all into my true and

then successively the physical heart. This in turn ignited a turquoise

spark of light in my true heart and it grew from the core and out. Yet

more lights were activated, one by one, and all of them grew from the

core and out until I felt how my 3rd eye followed and my Tan Tien as

well (the true chi centre). My mind, the energy in my body and life

itself grew out of my body like 12 ligaments or cords of consciousness

into three spherical patterns of light in different colors.

The sensation was totally new and resembled nothing I had felt

before. I felt heavy and grounded in a whole new way, as if I finally had

withdrawn all my suppressed energy and consciousness back into my

being. I felt locked into this reality and into my body. No usual escaping

by mind projecting myself into other realities or worlds. All I was and

could be was now connected into my heart and my body; no council of

12, no crystal cave and no spherical pattern behind or above me. It is

all gathered in my physical body and emanated from within the

deepest levels of my being. It felt and feels like having long crystals or

icicles sticking out of me in all directions.

Sitting there being al heavy and locked in I understood that the

sphere of light, I gathered the other day and placed in my 3rd eye, was

to be integrated into my true heart. Subsequent to this I felt the

heaviness and the feeling of being stuck easing a bit and I could move

my legs and arms again. As a child I had similar sensations of both

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being extremely large and infinitely small and then totally heavy or

light as if my body-mass suddenly had changed atomic properties.

I still feel the energy cords sticking out of me and my body is

encapsulated in a globe of energy, in which the most beautiful patterns

outplays themselves for my inner eye. I can touch them as well if I

reach out.

Being all embedded in this energetic grid, I have the feeling of being

connected fully to my incarnational unit. I remember coming to NETE

in a similar globe or sphere of consciousness in which I, or the feeling

of I, was centered in the core of it. When I integrated my being into

this body I left most of the capsule behind or outside of my bio-field

and not knowing how to reconnect to it, my mind created all sorts of

beings that could contact me and wake me up from my slumber. I feel

reconnected to the capsule just like I felt being one with it in my vision,

being in my capsule, of coming to Earth and integrating myself into this


I guess I am finally about to get my own story right and become

what I am and I cannot help thinking about others that came to Earth

on their own and integrated themselves like I did. Perhaps now, in

time, I can get the answers I need from myself and not from other

beings, helpful as they may be.

(The day after this exercise I wrote About the Panergeia Project)