the ambition of the life

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1. Hold fast to dreams for if dreams go, life is a barren field covered with snow. .Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly. Your destiny also depends on the quality of your physical, mental and emotional health, as well as your attitude toward life and your lifestyle. Life is so confusing, what we want we don't get, what we get we are not satisfied with, what we expect never happens and what we hate generally repeats! Every moment of life is a challenge to choose. Some win, some lose. We choose every day, our attitude towards our surroundings, people and situations. What we accept and include into our inner space shows to ourselves who and what we want to have in our life. This is part of what defines us and ultimately make our own life. Your cheerful smile on your face is true reflection of your holy soul and if you smile despite of your pain then you can attract more happiness in the highway of your life. Your state of mind today will be your state of life tomorrow. Trust in a brighter future and it will come your way. When at war with yourself, you're more likely to start a war with others. Create peace within yourself to make peace with those around you. The pessimist says opportunities are NO WHERE. The optimist says opportunities are NOW HERE. Both see the same words, but read it differently. That's Life! Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing.