Holy Mass Schedule Weekdays 8:00 am Saturdays 8:00 am; 5:00pm (Vigil Mass) Sundays 8:00 and 10:00 am 12:00 and 6:00 pm Liturgical/Sacramental InformaƟon +Sacrament of Marriage: By appointment. Call Rectory at least 6 months ahead. Do not set any specific date without conferring with the Priest. +Christian Funeral: Should be arranged by Family, Church and Mortuary. Normal Christian Burial consists of Vigil Service, Holy Mass and Burial in a Catholic Cemetery. Any other arrangements should FIRST be discussed with Parish 32223CabelloSt.,UnionCity,CA94587 (510)471-7766(510)487-6540(fax) hĴp://www.saintannecatholic.org[email protected](email) ST. ANNE PASTORAL STAFF Fr. Geoffrey Baraan Pastor Benigno Calub Deacon Carlos Rabuy Deacon Jim Soltau Youth Ministry Coordinatro Brandon Akiona Liturgy & Music Coordinator Helen Rojas Children’s Formation Coordinator Christine Suarez Middle School Faith Formation Coordinator Sydney Gargan Office Administrator Zella Yanos Secretary Helen Cabiles Finance Council Chairperson Linda Canlas Pastoral Council Facilitator Thank you! Bishop Michael Barber, S.J.

Thank you! Bishop Michael Barber, S.J.dl.saintannecatholic.org/bulletin/2013/b20130818.pdf · 8/18/2013  · Saturdays 8:00 am; 5:00pm (Vigil Mass) Sundays 8:00 and 10:00 am 12:00

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Page 1: Thank you! Bishop Michael Barber, S.J.dl.saintannecatholic.org/bulletin/2013/b20130818.pdf · 8/18/2013  · Saturdays 8:00 am; 5:00pm (Vigil Mass) Sundays 8:00 and 10:00 am 12:00

Holy Mass Schedule

Weekdays 8:00 am Saturdays 8:00 am; 5:00pm (Vigil Mass) Sundays 8:00 and 10:00 am 12:00 and 6:00 pm

Liturgical/Sacramental InformaƟon

+Sacrament of Marriage: By appointment. Call Rectory at least 6 months ahead. Do not set any specific date without conferring with the Priest. +Christian Funeral: Should be arranged by Family, Church and Mortuary. Normal Christian Burial consists of Vigil Service, Holy Mass and Burial in a Catholic Cemetery. Any other arrangements should FIRST be discussed with Parish

32223 Cabello St., Union City, CA 94587

(510) 471-7766 � (510) 487-6540 (fax)

hĴp://www.saintannecatholic.org � [email protected] (email)


Fr. Geoffrey Baraan Pastor Benigno Calub Deacon Carlos Rabuy Deacon Jim Soltau Youth Ministry Coordinatro Brandon Akiona Liturgy & Music Coordinator Helen Rojas Children’s Formation Coordinator Christine Suarez Middle School Faith Formation Coordinator Sydney Gargan Office Administrator

Zella Yanos Secretary Helen Cabiles Finance Council Chairperson Linda Canlas Pastoral Council Facilitator

Thank you! Bishop Michael Barber, S.J.

Page 2: Thank you! Bishop Michael Barber, S.J.dl.saintannecatholic.org/bulletin/2013/b20130818.pdf · 8/18/2013  · Saturdays 8:00 am; 5:00pm (Vigil Mass) Sundays 8:00 and 10:00 am 12:00

My dear friends in Christ, When I went to the Holy Land for the first time, one of the things that we had to do is to cross the Sea of Galilee. We know that this body of water is the lifeline for the inhabitants of Israel. It is shaped like a heart. According to the gospels, our Lord spent most of the three years of his ministry along the shore of the freshwater lake. It was the center of his earthly ministry. While important events occurred in Jerusalem, here along this body of water he gave more than half of his parables and here he performed most his miracles. So very curious, I asked the boat operator, “Sir, how much is it to cross the Sea of Galilee?” He said to me in reply, “One hun-dred dollars!” That’s when I said, “No wonder why Jesus decided to walk on the water!” You know my friends, after what happened last weekend, I feel like I can walk on the water as well. It was really a “high mo-ment for us!” The coming of our Bishop, to preside at the 5pm Mass to celebrate with us our 40th Anniversary as a parish com-munity, was indeed a beautiful and inspiring moment. The Bishop was so overwhelmed by the reception that he almost broke down in tears. He said to me that “he had never received this kind of welcome in any of his visits.” Whether that was true or not, it was so nice to hear that from him. For those who came for the celebrations, you were part of a wonderful and historical moment. And for those who didn’t have the opportunity to share that moment, I know that you were with us in spirit. I would like to thank the 40th Anniversary Choir under the guidance of Brandon Akiona! Great music! To the environment committee, Beth Florendo, Michael Viernes, Zella Yanos and those who helped them, thank you! To the Knights of Columbus and the Color Guards, thank you! To the reception and entertainment committee, thank you! To Virginia Ruizzorrilla and her crew, thank you! Elegant and great food! To Johnny Veloso and his dancers, thank you! To Linda Canuto and her Fr. Geof-frey’s Angels Dancers, thank you! The bishop was elated and thrilled! Actually, he was “wowed!” To Lorna Veluz and her friends for providing us with dinner music, thank you! To Helen Rojas for putting together collage of historical moments, thank you! To the sacristans, Collins, Brigitte, and Christian and the altar servers, thank you! To the lectors, Jean Agpasan and Melinda Doroteo and the Eucharistic ministers, thank you! And to all who worked so hard to make our celebration possi-ble and the best ever, thank you! To the people of this community, congratulations! We should be proud as a community because our bishop himself is so proud of our community! He saw and experienced a faith community that is active and alive! He was very proud of our children for their stewardship offering. He was equally proud of our ministry banners hanging in the Church. And of course, our bishop was so impressed with our vegetable garden! He couldn’t believe that we have one. He is looking forward to being here on our harvest festival to sample our vegetables. We are staying healthy and alive! Speaking of staying alive, as part of our healthy living awareness penned by the spirit of our medical group, SMART, we start-ed our dance exercise and workout last Tuesday night! About 65 people came! We plan to have this every Tuesday at 8pm and then on every Friday and Sunday at 7:30 pm. Again it is about healthy mind, healthy body and healthy spirit. It is about us hav-ing active feet to dance…. so that we will be fit for our faith! By the way, if you have not read the article in the Catholic Voice about our medical group, S.M.A.R.T., go log in online and type Catholic Voice. Very nice write up on what we have done! On behalf of my Pastoral Staff, Pastoral Council, the Finance Council and the Facilities Committee, I would like to say thank you again and congratulations! Your humble but proud servant, Fr. Geoffrey

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 18, 2013

[Jesus] endured the cross, despising its shame,

and has taken his seat at the right of the throne of God. — Hebrews 12:2

Page 3: Thank you! Bishop Michael Barber, S.J.dl.saintannecatholic.org/bulletin/2013/b20130818.pdf · 8/18/2013  · Saturdays 8:00 am; 5:00pm (Vigil Mass) Sundays 8:00 and 10:00 am 12:00

MASS INTENTIONS August 17, 2013 - August 24, 2013

Saturday, August 17 5:00 pm + Oscar Ammay Sunday, August 18 8:00 am For the People 10:00 am + Florencio Benitez 12:00 pm + Rodolfo Salazar 6:00 pm + Edita Jose Monday, August 19 8:00 am + Jose Palacios Tuesday, August 20 8:00 am + Maximino Reyes Wednesday, August 21 8:00 am Spe.Int. - Ramon & Amy Bonus (Wed.Ann.)

Thursday, August 22 8:00 am + Alberto Atienza Friday, August 23 8:00 am + Bernadette D’Sousa Saturday, August 24 8:00 am + Jaime Pulgo 5:00 pm + Corazon Villasin (Birth Ann.)

Please pray for the sick… Ester Acda, Alex Aison, Johnny Ang, Susana Aquino, Rachel Austria, Cecilia Barrera, Francisco Barrera, Lolita Bascones, Bianca Arbilo Victoria Bantugan, Epifania Bundang, Franklin Calub, Jr. Chrissy Cardo-na, Cathleen Conley, Virginia Cuadras, Bonnie Dayao, Teody Dayao, Bert Dimaano, Theresa Diola, Alice De Loyola, Willy Demingoy, Cezar Domingo, Elpidio Dorotheo, Emerita Dragulan, Edilberta En-riquez, Juanita Estrellas, Ana Feliciano, Mina Fernan-do, Emerita Fulinar, Leticia Garces, Fr. Patrick Good-win, Jesus Gutierrez, Linda Hernandez, Rosario Hi-dalgo, Rosario Ilustre, Erlinda Kasilag, Tessie La-candazon, Mori Lacson, Arthur Macapagal, Ruth Marquez, Theresa Martinez, Janet McCulley, Con-rado Nunez, Annette Padojino, Esperanza Paz, Sofia Pena, Oliver Peralta, Orlando & Marlen Peralta, Cora Ragasa, Lita Raposas, Elaine Resurreccion, Leo Reyes, Felix & Marcie Rivas, Eufenia Rivera, Francis-co Salazar, Anita Sacdalan, Fe Segundo, Virginia Sosongco, Len Len Tan, Malou Tan, Joseph Thomp-son, Leonard Torres, Deity Trocino, Pio Verdan, Lyd-ia Villacorta, Delfin Villaflor, Julio Worrell, Patsy Yagi, Joe Yumang, Milad Zayat.

*Please call the parish office @510-471-7766, if you have someone to add to the Sick List.

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — They took Jeremiah and threw him into the cistern (Jeremiah 38:4-6, 8-10). Psalm — Lord, come to my aid! (Psalm 40). Second Reading — Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith (Hebrews 12:1-4). Gospel — I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing (Luke 12:49-53). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Jgs 2:11-19; Ps 106:34-37, 39-40, 43ab, 44; Mt 19:16-22 Tuesday: Jgs 6:11-24a; Ps 85:9, 11-14; Mt 19:23-30 Wednesday: Jgs 9:6-15; Ps 21:2-7; Mt 20:1-16 Thursday: Jgs 11:29-39a; Ps 40:5, 7-10; Mt 22:1-14 Friday: Ru 1:1, 3-6, 14b-16, 22; Ps 146:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 Saturday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51 Sunday: Is 66:18-21; Ps 117:1-2; Heb 12:5-7, 11-13; Lk 13:22-30

Interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith?

Are you an adult who… is interested in being baptized Catholic?

�� was baptized in another Christian tradition and would like to explore what being Catholic is all about?

�� was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not cele-brated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eu-charist?

If you answered yes to any of the above, please con-sider joining our ongoing Inquiry sessions for chance to ask questions, learn more about us and about the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the process by which adults join the Church. No commitment re-quired. For more information, call the parish office at 510-471-7766 or email:

[email protected]

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. John Eudes Tuesday: St. Bernard Wednesday: St. Pius X Thursday: The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary Friday: St. Rose of Lima Saturday: St. Bartholomew

Page 4: Thank you! Bishop Michael Barber, S.J.dl.saintannecatholic.org/bulletin/2013/b20130818.pdf · 8/18/2013  · Saturdays 8:00 am; 5:00pm (Vigil Mass) Sundays 8:00 and 10:00 am 12:00

Confirmation 2013-2014 We are in the last week of accepting registrations for the 2013-2014 second year Confirmation pro-gram. This program is for second year students who were previously enrolled in Youth Ministry. If you have not signed up and would like to be a part of the journey towards Confirmation, please call the Youth Ministry Office at 471-7766 ext. 22 or email to: [email protected]. Second year Confirmation classes will begin on Sunday, September 8th at 3:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall…Parents and Confirmation candidates are ex-pected to attend. Youth Mass will follow at 6:00 p.m. St. Anne Youth Ministry We are still EAGERLY accepting registrations for the coming 2013-2014 St. Anne Youth Ministry pro-gram. Youth Ministry is open to ALL high school students. We meet on Monday night’s at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Youth Ministry is also the way to begin your Confirmation journey…as it is the first year of the two year program. The overall theme for Youth Ministry this 2013-2014 school year will be: “Building a Better Relationship With God.” If you would like to find out more about Youth Ministry, please call the YM Office at 471-7766 ext. 22 or email at [email protected]. Registra-tion forms and a brochure explaining Youth Minis-try, Confirmation, EMMAUS Peer Ministry and our Youth Liturgies can easily be emailed to you for your convenience…just ask! Youth Ministry will begin on Monday, September 9 at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall.


2013-2014 FAITH FORMATION CLASSES FIRST COMMUNION & CCD Grades 1 to 8 NEW students (grades 1-8 First Year of Formation) RETURNING students (grades 2-8 previously enrolled in CCD and students preparing for First Communion)


SEPTEMBER 9 - 10 - 11 - 12

The Faith Formation office is accepting registration for 2013-2014 CCD and First Communion Program. Registration Packet is available at the Parish website or Parish office. You may mail, fax, email or drop-off your completed form to the Faith Formation Office or Parish Office. If you have any questions, please call the Faith Formation Office at 471-7766 ext. 20-21 or email: [email protected].

OUR PARISH BULLETIN Our Sunday bulletin is an important way for us to communicate with you. Producing it every week could be very costly, but through our arrangement with the J. S. Paluch Company the parish does not pay for the printing, saving thousands of dollars each year. The Paluch Company arranges for the bulletin to be supported through the generosity of the businesses that you see advertised on the back cover. Most of these advertisers are members of our local community, and many belong to our parish. During these difficult economic times, I urge you to support these advertisers with your patron-age. Tell the business owners that you appreciate their support of our parish through their advertise-ments in the bulletin. This is one small way that we can work within our own community to weather the challenges that we face. A strong and vibrant parish is good for our community and a thriving business community is good for our parish. Fr. Geoffrey

St Anne Directory Next photo sessions will be Aug 14-18 and Aug 21-25. in St Anne Classroom 105 and September 24-27 in Classroom 106. All ONLINE appointments are automatically con-firmed. You will only hear from me if your not listed in the parish directory for your mailing address. If I scheduled your appointment, your also confirmed. I am primarily referring to those who signed up on paper earlier for scheduling and have not made contact with me. There is NO fee to have your picture taken for the di-rectory, however, for showing up for the photo session, you will get a FREE 8x10 picture and a copy of the di-rectory upon completion of the book. Father Geoffrey invites everyone to participate in this historical collection of parishioners. POC: Lou Castro, 510-396-1162, Email: [email protected]


Feliza A.J.: Donated $.25¢ and helped my Mom wash the car.

Leilani Segarra: Treasure giving $1.00.

Ailinh: I watered my neighbor’s l awn and donated $.25¢.

Precious Anne& Inah: Treasure giving $1.00

Nicholas Aquino: Donated $.25¢. Annelise Adion: I put my clothes away. Iverson: I have been praying a lot more.

Page 5: Thank you! Bishop Michael Barber, S.J.dl.saintannecatholic.org/bulletin/2013/b20130818.pdf · 8/18/2013  · Saturdays 8:00 am; 5:00pm (Vigil Mass) Sundays 8:00 and 10:00 am 12:00

Sunday, August 18, 2013 THIS WEEK AT ST. ANNE

CH:CHURCH, SH:SOCIAL HALL, CR:CLASSROOMS, PO:PARISH OFFICE, LR: LITURGY ROOM Monday, August 19 8:00 am - Mass 9:30 am - Legion of Mary, CR #103 6:00 pm - Faith Formation, CR #103 7:30 pm - Lectors, CH Tuesday, August 20 8:00 am - Mass, CH 6:00 pm - CYO, CR #103 6:30 pm - RCIA, CR #102 7:30 pm - Fit Club, SH Wednesday, August 21 8:00 am & 7:00 pm - Mass, CH 1:00 pm - Picture Taking, CR #105 6:00 pm - CYO, CR #103 7:00 pm - Perpetual Help, CH 7:30 pm - Young Adult Choir, CR #105 Thursday, August 22 8:00 am & 7:30 pm - Mass, CH 1:00 pm - Picture Taking, CR #105 6:00 pm - Faith Formation, CR #104 7:30 pm - Lopez Choir, CH 7:30 pm - Unity Choir, CR #106 Friday, August 23 8:00 am - Mass, CH 1:00 pm - Picture Taking, CR #105 6:00 pm - Legion of Mary, CR #103 7:00 pm - Divine Mercy, CR #104 7:30 pm - Grief Ministry, CR #102 Saturday, August 24 8:00 am & 5:00 pm Mass, CH 8:00 am - Picture Taking, CR #105 9:00 am - Individual User, SH 1:00 pm - Individual User, CH 2:30 pm - Individual User, SH 6:15 pm - Charismatics, CR #104 Sunday, August 25 8:00,10:00 am, 12:00, 6:00 pm- MASS, CH 8:00 am - 9:00 am - Picture Taking, CR #105 9:00 am - Squire Choir, CR #102 11:00 am - Indonesian Community, CR #102 1:00 pm - Children’s Choir, CR #103 1:30 pm - Polish Community, CH 7:30 pm - Divine Mercy, CH

FINANCE CORNER Weekly Collection Goals Sunday, August 10, 2013 $11,562.05 Budget $15,000.00 Over (Under) ($ 3,437.95)

Boys Basketball CYO Registration - Registration forms are available on the St. Anne website. Completed registration packets may be submitted during open registration August 20th & 21, in classroom #103. All forms need to be turned in with all photocopies and payment attached to be considered complete. For more information, please contact Ron Tria at: [email protected].

TINY BART TICKETS Do you ever wonder what to do with BART tickets that only have a small amount left on them? Once again, St. Vincent de Paul will collect these tickets (drop off in the Sunday collection baskets or the parish office) and use the funds to help serve peo-ple in need. Thank you for your generosity.

CYO Cross Country Season is here! Cross Country registrations were held this past week but we are till accepting registrations. Please contact Muriel Irwin at (510) 304-6869 or via email at [email protected] if your child is interested in participating in this great program. Registration forms are available to download from the parish website at www.saintannecatholic.org/ Please have the following registration materials ready: *** Completed registration forms *** Necessary documents listed on the website (utility bill & copy of birth certificate) *** $45 registration fee ($35 for each sibling) A mandatory parent meeting will be held prior to be-ginning of practices (date is TBA) Practices will begin in late August/beginning Septem-ber and meets are on Fridays beginning end of Sep-tember. All meets are held Friday evenings at 5:00pm at vari-ous locations in the East Bay (locations TBA). Practices are scheduled to begin in late August and will be held at Logan High School as a starting point and we may also utilize the Alameda trails or Quarry Lakes as well. Our St. Anne Track & Field Distance coach, Arun Vatturi, will be spearheading this program with my support. Please spread the word if you know of any-one in the Union City area who would be interested in joining our Cross Country team either as an athlete or coach.

Page 6: Thank you! Bishop Michael Barber, S.J.dl.saintannecatholic.org/bulletin/2013/b20130818.pdf · 8/18/2013  · Saturdays 8:00 am; 5:00pm (Vigil Mass) Sundays 8:00 and 10:00 am 12:00

Bishop’s Visit

Aug. 10, 2013