St. Andrews On-the-Sound Episcopal Church October 2018 Soundings

Thestandrewsonthesound.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/...*EYC subsidized event 21st: Fundraiser!! Wreath sales before and after all 3 Sunday Services (NO “Regular Programming”)

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Page 1: Thestandrewsonthesound.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/...*EYC subsidized event 21st: Fundraiser!! Wreath sales before and after all 3 Sunday Services (NO “Regular Programming”)

St. Andrew’s On-the-Sound

Episcopal Church October 2018


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But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your Father in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. -Matthew 5:44-45

Once again, a major storm has made a direct hit on

Wilmington. It has been a while. We dodged a bullet with Matthew two years ago, but some nearby communities did not, and, overall, their damage was much worse than ours.

It is not unusual at times like this to ask, “Why did God let this happen to us?” And there is no lack of voices to give us reasons. Usually those reasons have something to do with something which the speaker disapproves of. “God visited this punishment upon us because Joe Smith and people like Joe smoke, drink, chew, and run around with people who do.” One difficulty with this argument is that God’s punishment involves all of Joe’s non-smoking, drinking and chewing neighbors as well as Joe and his ilk.

A more important reason has to do with the way we make meaning. There is something in each of us which wants to come up with a reason after the fact and project it back to before an event so that the event comes to have a transcendent purpose. “God did thus and so to teach me/you/them a very good lesson.” But we see from the Biblical tradition and our own experience that meaning is something we make after the fact, and that it can change with time and other experiences.

Jesus points us this way in the Sermon on the Mount. The sun shines and the rain falls on both the good and the bad. What matters, and what gives meaning to any event is how we respond to it. It is not what we feel or think before the storm is predicted or arrives. It is the quality of our love, how we re-act to what has happened which shows who we are and how meaningful our actions can be.

Almighty and ever living God, we bring our grateful hearts to you in thanksgiving and praise for bringing us through the perils of the storm. Help us to be truly mindful of those who have suffered injury, damage or loss and ask that you would comfort them with your healing love. Guard as well those who yet remain in harm's way. As we continue through this turbulent season, help us always to place our hope, our fears, and our trust in you, for in you alone is life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

The Rectors Reckonings

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Like many of you, I’m sure, I still remember certain hurricanes

and certain storms are still talked about at family and community gatherings as if naming old friends (or familiar foes). Opal brought a few feet of water through the house, Ivan gave us a tree through the roof (and three weeks out of college classes with thousands of trees down on campus), even 4 hours away, Katrina brought the bayou through the yard and 18 months of weekend trips with my dad to rebuild the homes of the Vietnamese community working in the Biloxi casinos.

From Erin—my very first, though otherwise not notable—through to Florence, my experience of hurricanes has seen quite the difference in how communities respond. Some reactions have remained the same—communities bond and bolster and love and hold and muck and saw and share. It is unfortunate that it is disaster that so often yields strength, but certainly a reminder to us of hope in the midst of heartbreak.

But for those first few hurricane seasons, what I remember most was the nighttime quiet. No power, no lights, but stars and laughter and neighbors. Sometime in the last twenty years, generators have become common. And what a gift to those who depend on power for oxygen or refrigerated medicines, for our littlest ones who need milk, for charging phones and staying in touch. But it feels to me as if that familiar drone of generators symbolizes, too, our desire to stay safely in our homes, to maintain a sense of normalcy. And so while we rush to help and volunteer and clean during the day, we can return to the security of our individual sanctuaries, the familiarity of our private lives, tucked safely away from everyone else.

As we seek to return to the normalcy of schedules and shelter, to normal food and regular utilities, may we find ways to remind ourselves that beyond the hum of our electricity and fridge and air conditioning, there are those for whom normal is a long way off. As we take comfort in once again connecting to friends and neighbors and coworkers and family who were scattered or disjointed, may we remember those who still need a shoulder or a hand. May we seek ways to remain plugged in to our brothers and sisters throughout eastern North Carolina, throughout the long journey we now find ourselves a part of.

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If you are interested in Membership and/or Baptism, please call the Church Office at 910-256-3034 to schedule an appointment

to talk to Richard.

The Sanctuary Candles are given in loving memory of Dr.

Christopher Saudek, Founder & Director of John Hopkins Comprehensive Diabetes Center, pioneering the implantable

insulin pump. He was 68, by Pat Patrick.

The Altar Candles are given in grateful thanksgiving

for the Adult Bible study, by Ginny Reabold.

To learn more about this vital ministry, please call Donna Hancock at 910-256-8754.

Candle Dedications


Flower Donations Needed!

This is a great way to honor and/or remember that special someone or event. The process is easy. Choose your date, sign–up in the notebook on “The Table”; email the [email protected] or call Barbara in the

Church Office at 910-256-3034; and you will be billed at a later date. It’s that easy! (Cost: $69.55 per arrangement)

Available dates: October 21st, November 18th and 25th!

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October 7th- Abundance Orchard 1st Sunday Program - 10:00am Abundance Orchard this fall will be focused on food and eating in the Old Testament.

The program will help us understand how there are people in our church and community who need help getting enough food to eat. As we learn about people in the Bible and specific meals they ate, we will also learn about how God provides, and will be challenged to live what we learn by serving and helping others in need of food.

Please join us as we learn of Esau and Jacob from the Bible. We will discuss hunger and feeding others, sing songs, have a healthy snack and travel around our Farmer’s market. Bring a donation for Nourish NC and add a fruit to the Giving Tree. Bring a friend!

October 13th Pig Picking - 4:00pm Join us for great food and fun! There will be a fall photo booth and kid’s crafts. Bring a side.

October 14th Christmas Pageant Meeting - 10:00 am

Please attend to discuss the children’s Christmas pageant in December. We will pick the program and discuss volunteer


Children’s Ministry

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Messy Church Meeting - 10:30 am October 24th- Messy Church Dinner – 6:00pm-7:30pm This is for everyone in the church family and in our community! It is an event where all ages are valued and where everyone gains from being in contact with people of other ages. Please let Jennifer Arcuri know if you can attend at [email protected] or call 910-256-3034 x 106

October 28th - 4:00-6:00pm First Sunday Meeting – 10:00am Fall Festival/ Trunk or Treat!


Over the past year we have supported the work of Nourish NC through church-wide and Sunday School collections and through our Vacation Bible School outreach project. This summer, our VBS kids had a blast packing 200 Snack Packs for Nourish NC – 166lbs of healthy food for kids who are food insecure in New Hanover County. The effects of Hurricane Florence mean that Nourish NC’s services will be needed even more in the days and weeks to come. We are currently collecting items to pack additional Snack Packs. Please see below for a list of items (we especially need items from Categories A and C). A blue bin is located under the Table in the church. You may also bring monetary donations to First Sunday or give directly to Nourish NC (https://nourishnc.org/). • Category A: Fruit Squeeze Pouch or Go-Go Squeeze Yogurt (shelf stable) • Category B: Granola Bar, Meat & Cheese Stick, or Sandwich Cracker (shelf stable) • Category C: Raisins, Bag of Dried Fruit, or Fruit snacks ▪ Category D: Juice Box or small water

Children’s Ministry Continues

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Episcopal Youth Community

We had our EYC Kickoff on September 9th . It was so great to see everyone and go through our exciting yearly calendar of events. Due to Hurricane Florence we missed a regular programming and Youth

Reach event. On September 23rd, we had 21 youths that were in town to join us for dinner, fellowship, and fun games. This event was filled with laughter and conversation. Many of our youth have been helping their families, neighbors, and community during this recovery period of the storm.

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”

1 Peter 4:10


6th: 9am-3pm WARM Community outreach project- Location TBA-Youth under 14 years of age will need to be accompanied with a parent. 14th: 6:00-8:00pm Regular Programming

19-21th: High School Youth Conference: Happening#72*, Trinity Center *EYC subsidized event

21st: Fundraiser!! Wreath sales before and after all 3 Sunday Services (NO “Regular Programming”) (Set up outside from 7:30am-12:30pm.)

28th: Fall Festival at Church from 4-6pm, volunteers needed to help ran stations or Wreath sales table.

If you know of any middle or high school young people interested in our ever growing ministry, please feel free to give them the following contact information, the more the merrier! As of right now, we have 30 youths signed up for this year. Stephanie Rieman, [email protected], 910-431-7898.

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St. Andrew’s Preschool News

We’re Baaaaack!

The education wing is once again filled with the sounds

of laughter and learning as we welcomed new and returning students to preschool the week of September 3rd. We also welcomed two new teachers to our hallway. Cathy Fisher is our new 3 year old lead teacher and Catalina Monahan is our new assistant teacher in the 1 and 2 year old classes. We are truly blessed to have them. Cathy and Catalina join our team of loving, devoted teachers: Kristi Jarnagin (4 year old's), Cacky West (4 year old's), Cornel Faddoul (3 year old's), Tracy Hanson (2 year old's), and Tami Buss (1 year old's). Please keep our precious students and wonderful teachers in your prayers throughout the school year.

You can also support the St Andrew’s On-the-Sound Preschool ministry by linking your Harris Teeter VIC card to our school (#3136 or by our name). Just ask the cashier the next time you‘re checking out. A portion of your sales will be donated to our school by Harris Teeter. No cost to you!

Thank you for your support. Tracy Hanson, Director

Ms. Cathy during class time Hallie and Ms. Catalina

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Name: Laura Rezac

Family members: My husband, Chris Rezac; our Doberman, Ichabod Crane; and our German shepherd/husky mix, Lilah Mae

Hometown: Hendersonville, North Carolina, but I am enjoying making Wilmington my new home!

Seminary: Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, California. This is the Episcopal Church’s only seminary on the West Coast, and the only seminary with a low-residency M.Div. program for seminarians. “Low-residency” means that I go to Berkeley for classes in June and January, and the rest of the program is conducted online.

Current Studies: This fall, I am taking a class called liturgics, which is about the theology of our sacraments and worship. In the spring, I will take a class in Christian ethics, and one on pastoral care. My time here at St. Andrew’s-On-the-Sound is also considered a class that runs from September to May.

Favorite seminary classes (so far!): I took an amazing class last summer on the book of Exodus.

Workplace: In addition to seminary, I teach middle school science at the Friends School of Wilmington, just down the road. I have taught in many different contexts, from elementary age through university, and feel grateful that I can continue to serve as a teacher while in seminary.

Hobbies: I enjoy sea kayaking, which was how I met my husband. I also really like to cook and bake.

Role at St. Andrew’s-On-the-Sound: I am here to learn from you, and to serve where I can. I am particularly interested in Outreach and Eucharistic Visitation. Richard and Sarah have been generous with allowing me to preach on occasion, and to assist at the altar as well. I am looking forward to worshipping and serving with you all as the year progresses!


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5:30-7:45pm - New Parish Hall

Kelley Kinlaw is working on her senior project that involves nursing and CPR. She wants to offer this class to anyone interested in certification or knowledge about adult/child CPR. We hope you can join us! Instructor Susan Geisler of First Hands CPR Class cap of 15 participants - to register call 910-515-6400 (Kim Kinlaw).

2 options for payment/certification:

1. Full certification including books and class-$55.00-includes Textbook. 2. Friends and Family participation certificate-non certification- $40.00-includes textbook.

BIBLE STUDIES Bible Study - Gospel according to St. John Starts Wednesday, October 3rd - 9:30am Join Richard Wednesday mornings in the conference room in the new Parish Hall (1st room on the right).

The Way of Love Starts Sunday, October 14th - 10am Join Sarah for conversation and reflection on Bishop Curry’s Way of Love. Join in exploring what it means to have a Rule of Life for your life and for your life in community.

Keeping You Informed

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• Thank you HelpHub. What you do for the community is truly a blessing. We are so grateful and appreciate what you are doing.

• Thank you for Helping our family. We can’t wait Until we are on our feet and can give back. Love, the Gilles

• Thank you so much HelpHub! Without your help, I may have very well ended out on the streets. You are a Godsend! Ashley

• My name is Randy Ritchie. The HelpHub has changed my life! They are so wonderful! Thank you

• Thank you so much for the blessing of paying my rent at Salvation Army. I am truly grateful. Have a blessed day. Leigh

• My name is Beatrice Rochelle and I would like to thank the HelpHub for helping me with my light bill. It’s hard out here but it is a blessing to have y’all in our community. Thank you again

Thank you St. Andrew’s for your continued support Contact Katherine Dodd if you would like to learn more about

HelpHub (910-620-3844).


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Our decision to support WARM

follows briefings and meetings with WARM leadership and volunteer coordinators. When we know of the expected number of SA volunteers, the WARM coordinator will assign one or more projects from a long list of homes needing repair. At the work site, volunteers are met by a WARM coordinator who has the needed tools and supplies, and will explain work to be done. Work days are typically from 9-3 PM. Youth of 14 years are welcome, if younger, must be with a parent. This will be a great opportunity for St Andrews to reach out and directly help people in our community. Contact Jack Manock, 431-7337 with questions.

The 3rd Wednesday of Each Month

Our next opportunity for preparing the

evening meal at Good Shepherd Center is Wednesday, October 18th. If you would like to participate in preparing the meal, we'll meet at 4:00pm in the GSC kitchen. If you want to help serve, please meet by 5:30pm. As always, we welcome donations of cash money or donations of ingredients to help defray the meal's cost. To learn more about this ministry, please call Ann Cameron Shuman at 910-256-9659.

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Shop at the Bargain Box, Our Episcopal Sponsored Boutique Thrift Shop (4213 Princess Place Drive)

The Bargain Box is a resale store established to serve the community by offering low cost quality merchandise, providing jobs and training for area residents, utilizing responsible recycling of used goods and providing financial support to nonprofit community organizations trough direct funding and grants. Visit us at: bargainboxofwilmington.com



Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.

In the first room on the right in the new Parish Hall we have a floor to ceiling cabinet packed with our wool, knitting books, needles, etc. If you haven’t

knitted in a few years, or you’d like to learn, we’d be happy to get you started. If you would like to have a prayer shawl to give to a friend or loved one, please contact Alice Schauf at 686-5837 or Billie Royce at 910-256-8278.



Take a break from the busy-ness Yoga and noise of the world and refresh your mind every Wednesday morning at 7:30am as we meditate with Richard for 30 minutes. If evenings work better for you, we have a 7pm Thursday Evening in the Parish Hall.



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Blessing of the Animals Sunday, October 7th at 5pm

Bring your stuffed animals, leashed dogs, crated cats and any other assorted creatures for a special service and

blessing in honor of the Feast Day of St. Francis at 5:00PM in the nave.

Fourth Friday Fellowship Gathering Friday, October 26th from 6:00-8:00pm

Hosted by Skip and Elaine Henson 10 Colonial Drive Wilmington, NC (03) 910-763-8056

FFFG is a Church wide gathering opportunity at St. Andrews regardless of your age or attending status! This is a wonderful venue meant to strengthen friendships with those you may know and make new ones with those you do not. All we ask is that you come casual, with a beverage of choice, a finger food to share. This type of gathering provides us with a relaxed environment to fellowship and to get to know others within our parish. To learn more, please contact Donna Grice at 910-256-3616.

ST. ANDREW’S LIFE SUPPORT GROUP (LSG) Has move from Saturday to Sunday

(same time, same place)

This group is intended to be both a support and a study group. It is designed to meet the needs of people who are experiencing a crisis in their life, as well as for those persons who struggle with putting into practice

the wisdom of Jesus. The LSG uses both scripture and the spiritual principles underlying The Twelve Steps for Christians as a guide. Sundays at 4:00pm in the new Parish Hall (EYC room), Jesus’ Plan for a New World - The Sermon on the Mount, a book by Richard Rohr. All are invited and welcomed to attend.


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Mid-Week and Sunday Services

Monday (7:00am)


Monday-Thursday (8:30am) MORNING PRAYER

is brief service with readings and prayers following a form that has been used daily in the Church for the last 1,500 years.


is a quiet service of Holy Eucharist where there is opportunity for special prayers for healing for ourselves and others.

Wednesday (7:30am)

MEDITATION IN THE MORNING Take a break from the busyness of the world

and quiet your mind through meditation (30 minutes).

Thursday (7:00pm) - Parish Hall CONTEMPLATIVE PRACTICES

Gentle instructed yoga and meditation, free of charge, helps to quiet the soul

SUNDAY SERVICES HOURS 7:45am: - Holy Eucharist and Sermon 9:00am: - Holy Eucharist and Sermon 11:15am: - Holy Eucharist and Sermon

Sunday Evenings (5:30pm) - Parish Hall

A CELTIC EUCHARIST On Saturday evenings, we worship God together with songs and readings rooted in the spirituality of Celtic Christianity. We have adapted resources from The Iona Community, an Ecumenical Christian Community living and worshipping together in Scotland. Though the pattern and structure of our Sunday evening service is quite similar to a traditional Episcopal liturgy, the Celtic heritage of The Iona Community shines through with an emphasis on simple yet beautiful language, time for silent reflection, and an open conversation on the Scripture as opposed to a traditional sermon.

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October 1 Ryer Barbour October 3 Georgia Mead October 5 Natalie Hanna October 6 Shawn Mikula, Angela MacKinnon October 7 Amy Howard, Amanda Williard, Ashley Bradsley October 8 Ashley Crocker, Joan Pfisterer, Lubov Dunlap, Alan Studebaker, Fred Locke October 9 Patricia Meakin October 11 Becky Butcher, Chris Gangemi October 12 Warren Jones October 13 Sean Heckman, David Mullaney, Sr., Elizabeth McLamb, Anne Eitelman October 14 Bob Remillard, Emma Lewis October 15 Alex Elliott, Olivia Fair October 16 Vincent Rieman October 17 Alicia Rudd, Robin Miller October 18 Donna Grice, Linda Wyatt, Katherine Dodd, Emily Haynes, Westley King October 19 Elizabeth Spruill, Mairead Benson October 20 Wally Schumacher, Emily Barbour, Samuel Friend October 21 Keegan Garrette, George Reabold, Jerre Reeves, Benedict Sass October 22 Bill Biggs October 23 Joe Clem, Virginia Colantuono, Peter Pierson October 24 Nancy Farley, Olivia Davidson October 25 Dawn Spoonhour October 26 Jim Criswell, Casey Errante October 27 Eric Harkcom, Stewart Kinlaw, Michael Levin, Clayton Neblett, Suzanne Reamy

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October 28 Macon Goodwin, Charlotte Robinson, Matthew Williard, Richard Moldin, Elle Pinter October 29 Maggie Guggenheimer, Mary Forsythe, Karli Mikula, David Hursey October 30 Donna Hancock, Barbara Hajek

October 1 Bob and Mary Lou Busch October 4 Jim and Clay Doxey October 5 Stan and Karen Pigman October 8 Scott and Catharine Hedrick October 9 Athos and Anne Rostan Alan and Margaret Collins October 12 Larry and Patty Lisk October 17 John and Donna Hancock October 18 Bob and Gladys Remillard October 19 Richard and Kathryn Murnock, Greg and Charity Delaney October 20 Erin and Jamie Wright October 21 Mark and Jen Arcuri Jason and Katie Ferree October 24 Matthew and Amanda Williard October 25 Walt and Kitsy Lackey October 26 Hannah and Stephanie Holt October 27 Josh and Ginny Morris October 31 Robert and Mary High, Patrick and Dianna McManus, Burl and Emily Haynes


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October 7 October 14

Vestry Persons of the Month: Anna Richardson Smith and Melinda Rider

Lay Readers

7:45 a.m. Sally Vasilevich Alicia Rudd

Elizabeth Woodside Scott Dodd

9:00 a.m. Frances Goodman Bob Remillard

Retha Deaton Natalie Sherwood

Pat Patrick Emily Barbour

11:15 a.m. Val Davidson Chrissy Farrell

Melinda Rider Alison Atkins

Ann Lees


9:00 a.m. Abby Dell Ben Arcuri

Caroline Smith Katelyn Apollonio

Liam Ferree Liam Ferree

Ryleigh Patterson Lane Tompkins

11:15 a.m. Allie Earnhart Mairead Benson

Riley Hubard Maria Hanna

Andrew Hubard Abby Dell

Trinity Chapman Chapel Barnes


7:45 a.m. Margaret Larson Donna Grice

9:00 a.m. Pat Patrick Kathy Laing

11:15 a.m. Barry Farrell


7:45 a.m. Mike Larson Jim Grice

9:00 a.m. Jerry Kinlaw Bill Heckman

Kevin Davidson Mark Arcuri

11:15 a.m. George Myers Hubert Bordeaux

Gail Gilly Billie Royce

Altar Guild Team 1 - Royce/Reabold Team 2 - Fawks

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October 21 October 28

Elizabeth Woodside Mary Thomson

Sally Vasilevich Alicia Rudd

Stephanie Kraybill Bob Royce

Mary Ann Ryder Jim Doxey

Mark Zeigler Mary Mobley Baggett

Cathy Miller Bob Royce

Laura Rezac Cathy Fisher

Mandy Moore Lily Salisbury

Ben Arcuri Ben Arcuri

Sean Heckman Jane Wright

Ladd Barnes Eleanor Wright

Ryleigh Patterson Ryleigh Patterson

Riley Hubard Ellie Farrell

Andrew Hubard Maria Hanna

Kathryn Smith Lilly McLamb

Trinity Chapman Ladd Barnes

Ophelia Hart Katherine Dodd

Karen Bate June Clem

Joan Dolezal

Ron Foster/David Brown Scott Dodd/Bob Thomson

David Mautz Joe Clem

Elizabeth Mautz Skip Henson

Frank Dolezal

Tina Poisson

Team 3 - Shore Team 4 - Thomson

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Sunday Monday Tuesday

1 7:00 AM MSF Group 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:00 AM Preschool 10:00 AM Preschool Chapel 6:00 PM Women’s Walk

2 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:00 AM Preschool 10:45 AM Healing Service

7 7:45 AM HE at St. Andrew’s 9:00 AM HE at St. Andrew’s 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:15 AM HE at St. Andrew’s 4:00 PM Life Support Group 5:00 PM Blessing of the Animals 5:30 PM HE in Parish Hall

8 7:00 AM MSF Group 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:00 AM Preschool 10:00 AM Preschool Chapel 6:00 PM Women’s Walk

9 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:00 AM Preschool 10:45 AM Healing Service

14 7:45 AM HE at St. Andrew’s 9:00 AM HE at St. Andrew’s 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:15 AM HE at St. Andrew’s 4:00 PM Life Support Group 5:30 PM HE in Parish Hall 6:00 PM Episcopal Youth Comm.

15 7:00 AM MSF Group 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:00 AM Preschool 10:00 AM Preschool Chapel 6:00 PM Women’s Walk

16 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:00 AM Preschool 10:45 AM Healing Service 6:00 PM Vestry Meeting

21 WREATH SALES All 3 Services 7:45 AM HE at St. Andrew’s 9:00 AM HE at St. Andrew’s 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:15 AM HE at St. Andrew’s 12:00 PM Daughters of the King 4:00 PM Life Support Group 5:30 PM HE in Parish Hall

22 7:00 AM MSF Group 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:00 AM Preschool 10:00 AM Preschool Chapel 4:00 PM Girl Scouts 6:00 PM Women’s Walk

23 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:00 AM Preschool 10:45 AM Healing Service

28 7:45 AM HE at St. Andrew’s 9:00 AM HE at St. Andrew’s 10:00 AM Sunday School 11:15 AM HE at St. Andrew’s 4:00 PM Life Support Group 4:00 PM Fall Festival 5:30 PM HE in Parish Hall

29 7:00 AM MSF Group 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:00 AM Preschool 10:00 AM Preschool Chapel 5:30 PM CPR Training 6:00 PM Women’s Walk

30 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:00 AM Preschool 10:45 AM Healing Service

Happening #72 10/19-21

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Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

3 7:30 AM Meditation Group 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Gospel - St. John 11:00 AM Knit Wits 12:00 PM Women’s AA Mtg.

4 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Al-Anon 10:30 Al Anon - Step 6 PM Stewardship Mtg. 7 PM Meditation/Yoga

5 Sabbath day for the Rector/ Curate 8:00 PM AA

6 8:30 AM Men’s AA Group

10 7:30 AM Meditation Group 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Gospel - St. John 11:00 AM Knit Wits 12:00 PM Women’s AA Mtg.

11 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Al-Anon 10:30 Al Anon - Step 7 PM Meditation/Yoga

12 Sabbath day for the Rector/ Curate 8:00 PM AA

13 8:30 AM Men’s AA Group 9:00 AAUW 4:00 PM Annual BBQ

17 7:30 AM Meditation Group 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Gospel - St. John 11:00 AM Knit Wits 12:00 PM Women’s AA Mtg. 4 PM Good Shepherd Ministry

18 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Al-Anon 10:30 Al Anon - Step 7 PM Meditation/Yoga

19 Sabbath day for the Rector/Curate 8:00 PM AA

20 8:30 AM Men’s AA Group

24 7:30 AM Meditation Group 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Gospel - St. John 11:00 AM Knit Wits 12:00 PM Women’s AA Mtg. 6PM Family Dinner/Messy Church

25 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 9:30 AM Al-Anon 10:30 Al Anon - Step 7 PM Meditation/Yoga

26 Sabbath day for the Rector/Curate

8:00 PM AA

27 8:30 AM Men’s AA Group

31 7:30 AM Meditation Group 8:30 AM Morning Prayer 11:00 AM Knit Wits 12:00 PM Women’s AA Mtg.

DOK: Daughters of the King, open to all women ECW: Episcopal Church Women, open to all women EYC: Episcopal Youth Community, grades 6-12 FFFG: 4th Friday Fellowship Gathering, open to

everyone MSF: Men’s Spiritual Formation, open to all men CAST: Open to those under 50 years old

Happening #72 10/19-21

Page 24: Thestandrewsonthesound.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/...*EYC subsidized event 21st: Fundraiser!! Wreath sales before and after all 3 Sunday Services (NO “Regular Programming”)

St. A


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