“Death Nectar” Eat fire, go insane, and burn up in hell. “Near Death” Pastor Jan Marcussen - P.O. Box 68, Thompsonville, IL 62890 - Phone 618-627-2357 - Fax - 618-627-2712 Mid February.Y2K+20 - This is your 740 th letter - My websites are Reg6.com; JansNewsletter.com; & Jansfreemusic.com “Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things. For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself... For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.” Dear SDA friends around the world, Greetings in Jesus’ holy name. Read all the boxes in this letter, then come back here and we’ll talk about what’s happening. Faith: After the above Bible verse says, “Whose end is destruction,” it says, “whose glory is in their shame.” Why would anyone “whose end is destruction” want to “glory in their shame?” And why is their end destruction? Hope: And what do addictions to things like “Death Nector,” “Bone Suckin’ Sauce,” and “Near Death” have to do with people caving in to receive the mark of the beast, and being burned up in hell? And why would anyone be thinking about a Sunday law in our day? Pastor Jan: Are you ready? Here we go -

th end is destruction, · says, “Whose end is destruction,” it ... the appetite. The system feels a craving for something more stimulating.” CD 339. “Children are allowed

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Page 1: th end is destruction, · says, “Whose end is destruction,” it ... the appetite. The system feels a craving for something more stimulating.” CD 339. “Children are allowed

“Death Nectar”

Eat fire, go insane, andburn up in hell.

“Near Death”

Pastor Jan Marcussen - P.O. Box 68, Thompsonville, IL 62890 - Phone 618-627-2357 - Fax - 618-627-2712Mid February.Y2K+20 - This is your 740th letter - My websites are Reg6.com; JansNewsletter.com; & Jansfreemusic.com

“Whoseend is

destruction,whose God istheir belly, andwhose glory is in

their shame, who mindearthly things. For our

conversation is inheaven; from

whence also welook for the

Saviour, the LordJesus Christ: Who

shall change our vile body, that itmay be fashioned like

unto his glorious body, according to theworking whereby he is able even to subdue all

things unto himself... For our light affliction, which is but for a moment,worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; Whilewe look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are

not seen: for the things which are seen aretemporal; but the things which are not seen are


Dear SDA friends around theworld,

Greetings in Jesus’ holy name.Read all the boxes in this letter, thencome back here and we’ll talk aboutwhat’s happening.

Faith: After the above Bible versesays, “Whose end is destruction,” itsays, “whose glory is in their shame.”Why would anyone “whose end isdestruction” want to “glory in their

shame?” And why is their end destruction? Hope: And what do addictions to things like “Death

Nector,” “Bone Suckin’ Sauce,” and “Near Death” have todo with people caving in to receive the mark of the beast,and being burned up in hell? And why would anyone bethinking about a Sunday law in our day? Pastor Jan: Are you ready? Here we go -

Page 2: th end is destruction, · says, “Whose end is destruction,” it ... the appetite. The system feels a craving for something more stimulating.” CD 339. “Children are allowed


“It’s goooood!”

Boil the blood in your brain!Then welcome the demons to

“Saint Vitus Dance.”

The uncontrolled twitching andcontortions of “Saint VitusDance.”

Flamin� Hot

“Whose glory is in their shame.” Phil. 3:19.Charity: What does that mean?Pastor Jan: Here’s a description of it - “I was seated once at the

table with several children under twelve years of age. Meat wasplentifully served, and then a delicate, nervous girl called for pickles.A bottle of Chow Chow, fiery with mustard and pungent withspices, was handed her, from which she helped herself freely. Thechild was proverbial for her nervousness and irritability of temper,and these fiery condiments were well calculated to produce such acondition.” F.E. 150, 151.

“Mustard, pepper, spices, and other things of a like characterirritate the stomach and make the bloodfeverish and impure.” CD 345.

“Soon ordinary food does not satisfythe appetite. The system feels a cravingfor something more stimulating.” CD 339.

“Children are allowed to eat between meals; and by the timethey are twelve or fourteen years ofage, they are often confirmeddyspeptics.” CD 340. [The friendlydrug companies don’t mind becausethey have just the drug you need. Oneof them said, “When you eat too well,demand Di-gel.”

“You have perhaps seen a picture ofthe stomach of one who is addicted tostrong drink. A similar condition isproduced under the irritating influence

of fiery spices. There is a craving for something stronger, and stillstronger... Its effect is to cause nervousness and to create thirstwhich water does not quench. [Arlow Weed: “Eat, drink and bemerry, for tomorrow we die.”]

“Our tables should bear only the most wholesome food, freefrom every irritating substance... Food should be prepared in assimple a manner as possible, free from spices, and even from anundue amount of salt.” CD 339. [“Salt is good.” Luke 14:34. Ourbodies need salt “in moderation” to function. But I’ve seen a saltfiend. He’s a nervous wreck.]

“Some have so indulged their taste, that if condiments andspiced foods are placed before them,they make the stomach work by applying this fiery whip...The stomach is fevered, the digestive organs are taxed, and yetthe stomach labors hard to dispose of the load forced upon it.After the stomach has performed its task, it becomesexhausted, which causes faintness. Many are deceived andthink that it is the want of food which produces such feelings,and without giving the stomach time to rest, they take morefood, which for the timeremoves the faintness.But the more the appetiteis indulged, the morewill be its clamors for

gratification.” CD 341. [They don’t know that all thishas anything to do with whether they go to heaven orhell. “Whose god is their belly.” Phil. 3:19. And theydon’t know that these things are breaking God’scommandment which says, “Thou shalt not kill.” Ex.20:13.]

Pastor Jan: When transitioning to a healthy dietthey can expect to have withdrawal symptoms similarto the withdrawal symptoms from alcohol or drugs. Butif they persevere with God’s help, they will happilysucceed! ( How important is it? It’s life or death.

Page 3: th end is destruction, · says, “Whose end is destruction,” it ... the appetite. The system feels a craving for something more stimulating.” CD 339. “Children are allowed


Dear Pastor Jan, Greetings in the name of ourLord. When I went to churchrecently, a young man wasbaptized who gave his testimony. He stated that he is becoming aSeventh-day Adventist because hereceived a “National Sunday Law”book in the mail! This made mefeel so good! God is blessing yourwork. H.C.M.

Dear Jan Marcussen, My sister gave me a copy of“National Sunday Law.” The bookhas put the fear of God into me,and made me not want to receivethe mark of the beast. I knowthat there are already people whowould try to force us to receivethe mark of the beast. Thank youso much. Sincerely, your sisterin Christ, Edith

Charity: Will the devil be ableto trick naked Laodiceans, and poorsouls who worship their bellies toever attempt to enforce the mark ofthe beast? https://www.antiguaobserver.com/lower-house-passes-the-public-holiday-amendment-bill-2019/

Antigua Observer, October 30, 2019

Lower House passes the Public Holiday (Amendment) Bill 2019By Latrishka Thomas

“Sunday is one step closer to being concretized as the 12th public holiday recognized by thelaws of Antigua and Barbuda.

“Yesterday, the Public Holiday Amendment (Bill2019) was passed in the Lower House of Parliament...

“‘Antigua is over 80 percent Christian and what camethrough this discussion Mr. Speaker, is the fact that weunderstood the significance of maintaining Sunday as acommon law holiday. But we went further Mr Speaker...We will make Sunday, for the first time in Antigua andBarbuda, a recognized public holiday,’ he said.

“Minister of Health, Molwyn Joseph, suggestedSunday be called a rest and worship day.

“Prime Minister Gaston Browne then acceded to thatrecommendation saying: ‘They are really rest and worship

days; that’s how it should be reflected... It is really a rest and worship day and, as you said,we captured both the Adventists and the Sunday worshipers.’”

https://www.google.com/search?q=Populists+Want+to+Close+Stores+on+Sundays&oq=Populists+Want+to+Close+Stores+on+Sundays&aqs=chrome..69i57.1693j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8Bloomberg Businessweek, May 1, 2019

Populists Want to Close Stores on SundaysBy Chiara Albanese & Jerrold Colton

“Other than in Germany, which requires the bulk of stores to shut their doors on Sunday,most Europeans can shop every day of the week. But blue laws have considerable resonanceamong the Continent’s new right wing, and two other countries ruled by populists havesought to re-institute bans [on Sunday shopping.]

“BOTTOM LINE - Most Europeans can shop every day of the week, but blue laws aregaining traction among right-wing parties, with some populist governments reinstitutingbans.”


Nyandarua bans Sundays as market daysJames Munyeki April 9, 2019

“The Nyandarua county government has banned Sundaymarket days... Governor Francis Kimemia yesterday saidthe day should instead be dedicated for church services.

“Sundays should be dedicated to thanking God and notfor trade.Personally, I seeit as ungodly forsome people totake theadvantage of theday not to go to church but to the market. Myadministration will not encourage this,” he said.

“He claimed that this could be one of the reasonsthe county was lagging behind in development.

‘Maybe God is angry with us for notdedicating the day to thank him. From nowhenceforth, we want to put God first and itstarts with dedicating Sundays as the day toattend church,’ he said.”

Page 4: th end is destruction, · says, “Whose end is destruction,” it ... the appetite. The system feels a craving for something more stimulating.” CD 339. “Children are allowed


Here they are - - the family of God. What do you see? Who do yousee? Where are the wolves going? You’ll know more in a minute.

Here are the five organized family divisions. Notice thatthey leave a space between them. In the first division arethe old, the weak, and the sick. Why are they put first?The family doesn’t move any faster than they move. Ifthey were put last they would lag behind, and eventuallythey would die. But now they are the most honored onesin all the church. The other members joyfully give themreverence and respect. It touches our hearts to see themhighly honored. These weaker and experienced ones arein the lead here, but even they are guided by someoneelse. In a minute, you’ll understand.

Dear Jan Marcussen, I have read the book “NationalSunday Law” and it was such arevelation that I almost fell flat onmy back. I*m still amazed at theenormity of it all. I believeeverything written in this bookbecause it is 100% backed byscripture, and I am convinced of itin my heart. I have such a greatdesire to help our fellow brothersand sisters with this astoundingtruth. I pray, “Thank you Father forthou has shown me great lovethrough the death of thy SonJesus Christ in my place, and havegiven me a second chance.” I planto get more copies of “NationalSunday Law” so I can continuewhat God has instilled upon mylife. Jesus is coming very soon. Idon*t want the mark of the beast. Ichoose to keep God’s Sabbath dayholy. Your loving brother in JesusChrist, T.F.S.

David’s “mighty men.” I Kings 1:8.

Here Comes theFamily of God

Where is the family of Godcoming from?

They’re fleeing from “thewrath to come” I Thess. 1:10, andfrom “The city of destruction.” Isa.19:18.

Where is the family going?“For our conversation is in

heaven; from whence also we lookfor the Saviour, the Lord JesusChrist. Phil. 3:20,21. Praise God!

Who is in the second division,and what do they do?

They are David’s “mighty men.”They protect the old, the weak, andthe sick, and they also protect theirloved ones in the third division -the main body of the church behindthem. Many times, some of themembers who have low IQs getinto fights to see “whose thegreatest.” But the mighty men dotheir duty of love. They would dieto protect their brothers, sisters,and the little ones. “Greater lovehath no man than this, that a manlay down his life for his friends.”John 15:13. Dear Jesus said that!From before and behind, the mainbody is surrounded with the strongand tender protection of love.“God is love.” Both the seconddivision - in front of the body; and the fourth division - at the rear of the body, are David’s“mighty men” to protect them all.

Who are David’s “mighty men?”David was ordained by Samuel as the king of

Israel. Saul was also ordained as the king of Israel.David and his mighty men {more “lower class”}were chased and hunted by king Saul and his army{more “higherclass”} to putthem to death. Alarger wolf packmay attack asmaller one forthe same reason.A similardivision hasbeen seen

throughout history with Israel {more worldly} and Judah{more godly}. The same division in God’s world-wide churchwas seen in the more godly Millerites and less godly apostateProtestantism; etc. The prophet said, “There are only twoparties upon this earth—those who stand under thebloodstained banner of Jesus Christ and those who stand underthe black banner of rebellion.” 7BC 974. You can guess which“party” is God’s church “written in heaven.” Heb. 12:23.David’s faithful “mighty men” are in that “party.”

After the family of God is “shaken” by the attack of themonster “beast” of Rev. 13, to enforce its “mark,” the

Page 5: th end is destruction, · says, “Whose end is destruction,” it ... the appetite. The system feels a craving for something more stimulating.” CD 339. “Children are allowed


“Hope thou in God, for on Calvary's cross a completesacrifice was offered for you... Eternal joy—a life ofundimmed happiness—awaits the one who surrenders allto Christ.” HP 262. “When at the foot of the cross thesinner looks up to the One who died to save him, he mayrejoice with fulness of joy; for his sins are pardoned.” SD222. Praise God friend! Praise God!

In the dimdistance

Dear Pastor Jan, A Seventh-day Adventist gave mea book entitled “National SundayLaw.” I threw it into the trash. OneSaturday afternoon a man came upto me and said “I have somethingfor you.” He handed me a bookentitled “National Sunday Law.” Iwas shocked! I was angry that thisthing wouldn’t leave me alone. Idetermined to sit down with myBible and let the Holy Spirit showme everything wrong with keepingthe Sabbath. After 12 hours ofstudying your book, and comparing everything with the Bible, I wasconverted and am now a Seventh-day Adventist! Praise the Lord! A.C.

prayer of dear Jesus in John 17 will beanswered!

In the picture, the second divisionrepresents God’s faithful church inancient times. The fourth divisionrepresents God’s faithful church inmodern times - God’s mighty 144,000 who prepare the way for the majesticOne in the fifth division.

In the picture below, we see in thefifth division only One Figure! ThereHe is! He is alone! Why is Heoverseeing, and guiding, and protecting

and saving His dearfamily alone? He said - “Ihave trodden thewinepress alone; and ofthe people there was nonewith me... And I looked,and there was none to help; [He fell on His face in the dirt and the heavycross came down on top of His back] and I wondered that there was noneto uphold: therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me; and my

fury, it upheld me... I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the LORD, and the praisesof the LORD... In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the angel of His presencesaved them: in His love and in His pity he redeemed them; and He bare them, and

carried them all the days of old.” Isa. 63:3-9. PraiseGod!

He is The Alpha Male. We see Him in the dimdistance! He guides the weak ones with His Sprit. Heleads the mighty men with His power. He shields theflock with His love. He controls the movements of allwith His might. He’s The MAN! There He is! He’sThe MAN!

We see Him now only by faith But from “the landthat is very far off” He guides and protects the wholeflock with His love. He saves them by His blood.

“Thine eyes shall see the King in his beauty: theyshall behold the land that is very far off.” Isa. 33:17.It won’t be long now!!! Praise God! He’s The Man!

“Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried oursorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten ofGod, and afflicted. But he was wounded for ourtransgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the

chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. [PraiseGod!] All we like sheep have gone astray; we haveturned every one to his own way; and the LORD hathlaid on him the iniquity of us all... Yet it pleased theLORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief:when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin...He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall besatisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteousservant justify many; for He shall bear theiriniquities.” Isa. 53:4-11. Praise God!

“The angel who unites in the proclamation of thethird angel’s message is to lighten the whole earthwith his glory. [Praise the Lord!] A work ofworld-wide extent and unwonted power is hereforetold. [Praise God!] The advent movement of

Dear Pastor Marcussen, You don’t know me but myname is Mike. One day I saw thebook “National Sunday Law”lying on a bench. I think tomyself, “An angel wants me tohave it.” So I took it and read it. Iread the whole thing and couldnot believe my eyes! I wasamazed! I asked my friend if shebelieved in Saturday as God’sSabbath. She told me thatSunday was the sabbath. Butafter reading your book. I knowthe truth of the matter. Now Iknow that Saturday, the 7th day isthe Sabbath of the Bible. I guessyou could say that an angel ledme to your book and to Jesus. Iwould like to help get thesebooks out to the people! I havegiven up everything for our LordJesus. Your friend in Christ Mike.

Page 6: th end is destruction, · says, “Whose end is destruction,” it ... the appetite. The system feels a craving for something more stimulating.” CD 339. “Children are allowed


1) You may make color copies of thisletter for others. 2) And you may download them frommy website and email them to as manyas you wish. 3) We now have 20% of what weneed to reach another million souls inthe Capital cities of Oregon, Alaska,Virginia, North Carolina, and SouthCarolina in the great 100 Million ManMarch. If our kind Father impressesyou to help us reach this goal, mark itbelow. 4) I will still give all 16 CCA DVDsfree to all who get 1000 NSL preachersto help save souls for a donation of49¢ each with free shipping in the U.S. 5) “Come join our happy crew. We’rebound for Canaan’s shore. TheCaptain says there’s room for you! -and room for millions more.”

Dear A. Jan Marcussen, I’ve been a backsliddenChristian, but I was blownaway at reading your book“National Sunday Law!” Itwoke me up and I haveasked God to forgive meand help me to obey Him byHis Holy Spirit. I will sharethis new knowledge with allthat I come in contact with!It will be an honor to beblessed with yourpublications. Yours inChrist, Ron Alden, NY

Mark the things you wantfree because you are gettingNSL preachers for soul-winning. Please send me oneof the DVD series on “The144,000” __, or the little book,Two Months to Live ___,because I’m getting 100 NSLsfor soul-winning for adonation of 59¢ each with freeshipping in the U.S. __. Please send me all 16 CCADVDs - free {exposing howRome is attacking God’s SDAchurch} ___, because I’mgetting 1000 NSL preachersfor a donation of 49¢ each,with free shipping in the U.S.

1840-44 was a glorious manifestation of the power ofGod; the first angel’s message was carried to everymissionary station in the world... but these are to beexceeded by the mighty movement under the lastwarning of the third angel. [Praise God!] ‘Be gladthen, ye children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lordyour God: for He hath given you the former rainmoderately, and He will cause to come down for youthe rain, the former rain, and the latter rain.’ Joel2:23.

“Servants of God, with their faces lighted up andshining with holy consecration, will hasten fromplace to place to proclaim the message from heaven.By thousands of voices, all over the earth, thewarning will be given. Miracles will be wrought, thesick will be healed, and signs and wonders willfollow the believers. Satan also works, with lyingwonders, even bringing down fire from heaven in the sight of men. Revelation 13:13. Thusthe inhabitants of the earth will be brought to take their stand.

“The message will be carried not so much by argument asby the deep conviction of the Spirit of God. The argumentshave been presented. The seed has been sown, and now it willspring up and bear fruit. The publications distributed bymissionary workers have exerted their influence... Now therays of light penetrate everywhere, the truth isseen in its clearness, and the honest childrenof God sever the bands which have heldthem. Truth is more precious than all

besides. Notwithstanding the agenciescombined against the truth, a large

number take their stand upon the Lord’s side.” GC

604-612. Praise God friend! Praise God!

Your friend in Christ, Pastor Jan

Please send me 1000 NSL preachers to help save souls for adonation of 49¢ each, with free shipping in the U.S.__. Please sendme a box of 100 NSL preachers __ for a donation of 59¢ each, withfree shipping in the U.S.__. Please send me number ___ {1 - 16} of theCCA DVD series for a donation of $10 per DVD __, or all 16 for adonation of $120 ___. Please send me the list of Pastor Jan’s DVDs &CDs ___. Send me Pastor Jan’s song CD entitled, “Songs that TouchYour Heart” __ for a donation of $10 each. For my donation of $15each, please send me one of Pastor Jan’s DVDs on the life of Jesus __,or one going through the book of Revelation__. Enclosed is mydonation to help bulk mail NSL preachers to reach another millionsouls in the capital cities of Oregon, Alaska, Virginia, NorthCarolina, & South Carolina, in the great 100 Million Man March

_____. Number of books ____, DVDs ___. Amount of donation




City ______________________________State____ Zip ______Make donations to Amazing Truth - P. O. Box 68, Thompsonville, Il. 62890 2.5.20