Save Worldview Testimonial Compilation 10 September 2019 saveworldview.org

Testimonial Complication, 10 April 2019 · 4/10/2019  · Testimonial Compilation 10 September 2019 ... No other public radio station does this. Worldview belongs to Chicago. Why

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Page 1: Testimonial Complication, 10 April 2019 · 4/10/2019  · Testimonial Compilation 10 September 2019 ... No other public radio station does this. Worldview belongs to Chicago. Why

Save Worldview Testimonial Compilation 10 September 2019 saveworldview.org

Page 2: Testimonial Complication, 10 April 2019 · 4/10/2019  · Testimonial Compilation 10 September 2019 ... No other public radio station does this. Worldview belongs to Chicago. Why

Save Worldview! ✶ Testimonials of Impact

Counting listeners is one thing. Measuring impact is another. It’s impossible to put numbers to Worldview’s unique value, but these testimonials speak to the program’s ongoing power and importance. WBEZ management didn’t have the benefit of this information when first deciding to cancel Worldview. We hope these testimonials will help lead to a different path forward.

“My Worldview interview led to an invitation to curate my first exhibit of indigenous art baskets from Colombia…” My Worldview interview led to an invitation to curate my first exhibit of indigenous art baskets from Colombia. Since then, I’ve curated a different collection of baskets every year throughout the Chicagoland area. This year’s exhibit is on Michigan Ave. at 4th

Presbyterian Church’s Loggia Gallery. Worldview has provided the most accurate and honest reporting of Colombia over the years. No other show on radio or TV at the local or national level compares.

Karen Torres, Tulia’s Artisan Gallery

“Nothing else bridges the global to local divide like WBEZ’s Worldview.” Nothing else bridges the global to local divide like WBEZ’s Worldview. As a listener, I have learned from its long-form interviews and expert analysis, which is then made all the more relevant by tying it to Chicagoland’s people, places, and events. As a local representative of an international non-profit, Worldview has been a place where my colleagues from around the globe can share their stories in a way that is more meaningful to the audience than just another syndicated program. The program stands apart in such a positive way that its planned cancellation is unimaginable.

Adam Olson, Oxfam America

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“That’s how Jerome has always been: open, curious and welcoming, especially to those who rarely get a hearing in mainstream media…”

For more than 20 years, I have been a listener and occasional guest on Worldview with Jerome McDonnell. Many times over the years, I strongly disagreed with some of the voices I heard on the show, and other times I was elated to hear people from my community express their perspectives and experiences in thoughtful in-depth conversations. That’s how Jerome has always been: open, curious and welcoming, especially to those who rarely get a hearing in mainstream media, sadly including NPR. My overwhelming experience is that I have learned so much

about the world — and Chicago’s place in it — from listening to Worldview. I’m so grateful for the education I receive from this vital resource. Ali Abunimah, Electronic Intifada

“…Worldview is the public plaza where all the flags are flown, where we gather to hear each other’s news, where the world’s music is played and we talk about the latest film from the other side of the globe.” Worldview has grown my heart again and again. It has introduced me to fellow listeners/activists who have become dear friends and collaborators. It has opened my eyes to movements and problems and events that I would never have known about otherwise. It maintains rigorous standards

of credibility and often provides information and perspectives that are missing from other mainstream media.

Chicago is an international city, and Worldview is the public plaza where all the flags are flown, where we gather to hear each other’s news, where the world’s music is played and we talk about the latest film from the other side of the globe.

No other public radio station does this. Worldview belongs to Chicago. Why would anyone want to burn down a gathering place for important voices, otherwise unheard voices — our voices?

Ruth Goring, author, artist, activist. Painting of Ms. Goring by Katherine Vincent Lamb

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“It would be a great loss if an invaluable program like Worldview were to be sacrificed on the altar of numbers maximization.” Having served as a regular human rights commentator on Worldview for many years, I can testify that the show has a unique value. As I travel around the country, I

invariably tune in to the local NPR station. Nowhere else have I heard a locally produced international affairs program regularly bridging the gap between “world news” and “local news and insight” — which in Chicago emanate from vibrant activist, immigrant and academic communities generally overlooked by the national press centered in New York and Washington. I have always understood that one of the singular values of NPR and WBEZ is that they are freed from the constraints of Nielsen ratings and are able to narrowcast on issues of public importance. It would be a great loss if an invaluable program like Worldview were to be sacrificed on the altar of numbers maximization. Substituting a general local program which includes some global segments would lose the benefit of the expertise on world affairs and their connections to Chicago which Jerome and his producers have built up over the years, and which future hosts of the program could surely accumulate as well.

The informational value of interviews depends, not only on the answers given by an interviewee, but also on the depth of understanding of the issues by the interviewer, which enables him or her to formulate well-informed questions and pursue insights missed by other media. Even before an interview, Jerome’s knowledge base and contacts add value in the selection of persons to be interviewed and topics to be addressed. Far from cancelling the show, WBEZ should view Worldview as one of its proudest assets and services to the Chicago community.

Doug Cassel, Emeritus Professor, Notre Dame Law School

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“(Worldview) brings attention to cultural nuances and lives of the artist and artisans whose main livelihood is threatened…”

Worldview provided me a significant platform for both my endeavors Terra Klay and Deccan Footprints Studio to highlight the plight faced by talented groups of indigenous communities of rural India. Steve and Jerome care and are committed to bringing their audiences’ dialogues, stories and realities from across the world, places you may not have heard but nevertheless are important as they impact lives of a

people who are invisible to the media and government by large. The arts and crafts of a remote community do not make headlines. They mostly represent statistics and numbers in some obscure report. But Worldview cares! They bring attention to cultural nuances and lives of the artist and artisans whose main livelihood is threatened as they are committed in preserving traditions that are disappearing. I have been on Worldview numerous times to talk about the dilemma of many artisans and the difficulties they face which is common experience across the globe in areas similar to rural India. Nowhere else have I come across a show that wants to understand in depth the issues faced by such marginalized communities in terms of sustainability, ethical sourcing and living wages from knowledgeable individuals who have a perspective and voice that can make a difference. They care! Chicago is richer with the exchange of these dialogues and perspectives. Why would we want to silence a voice that is so powerful in bringing global affairs to its listeners? I care about Worldview and the value it brings. Manvee Vaid, Founder of Tribe of Terra Klay Pottery

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“At a time when no one was reporting on Syria and the Syrian conflict became the forgotten conflict, Worldview continued to be a beacon of light…”

At a time when no one was reporting on Syria and the Syrian conflict became the forgotten conflict, Worldview continued to be a beacon of light for the forgotten conflict, and most importantly the Syrian people. Through Jerome’s thoughtful questions about life, food, culture and the impact of the Syrian conflict on the people, listeners had the opportunity to learn about and to hear a different perspective

than that of CNN or other news outlets. He invited Dr. Zaher Sahloul, co-founder of MedGlobal on several occasions to talk about all of the advocacy efforts happening in Washington DC during the Obama era and locally to bring awareness about the conflict.

In 2015, when the refugee conflict was imploding and everyone in the world was discussing all things related to refugees, Worldview invited Syrian Community Network Executive Director Suzanne Akhras Sahloul to speak about the newly resettled Syrian refugees in Chicago. This gave awareness to what was happening in our city and how people can channel their energy to volunteering locally with refugees. So many times, we received emails saying “We heard you on Worldview, how can we help?” Not only did this help our organization, but most importantly Chicagoans were lining up to help refugees. How beautiful is that! Worldview was the conduit to bringing people together.

No other WBEZ show did what Worldview did – the show helped us learn about the world around us. Please keep Worldview on air!

Dr. Zaher & Suzanne Sahloul of MedGlobal and the Syrian Community Network, respectively.

Photo: Dr. Zaher and Suzanne Sahloul, pictured with U.S. Senator Dick Durbin and members of the Syrian Community Network.

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“In an era that may be defined by a narrowing sense of community, Worldview’s role as a thoughtful bridge to global issues has never been more important.”

As Oxfam’s humanitarian policy lead, I’m responsible for shaping US government policy in support of the rights of people living in crises around the world. I’m fortunate to get a lot of interest from members of the media. They often want the thirty-second, elevator-pitch version of a complex humanitarian emergency. And, to try to pass the bill or change the policy of the moment, I oblige. But I feel a deeper responsibility as well: a responsibility to do my part to foster a sense of global citizenship here in the US. I feel compelled to try to help people express their most deeply held values towards neighbors they have never met. Creating that sense of global community takes a big heart, a keen intellect, and maybe most of all an abiding curiosity, rooted in a faith that our opinions and actions can reverberate half a world away.

WBEZ Worldview stands out in this regard as a global affairs show that brings the world home. Jerome McDonnell asks expert questions and makes my experience more relatable to listeners than I ever could. For instance, when I spoke about the problems Yemenis were facing because civil servants have not been paid in years, Jerome related this to the numerous problems caused by the recent weeks-long U.S. government shutdown. It was an important point that I hadn’t heard made anywhere else, and one that I’ve continued to make in an effort to bring Yemen’s crisis home to Americans.

Following my most recent appearance on Worldview, I have received additional questions and offers to help from Worldview listeners. This speaks volumes to the audience that Jerome has cultivated. In an era that may best be defined by a narrowing sense of community, Worldview’s role as a thoughtful bridge to global issues has never been more important.

Scott Paul, Humanitarian Policy Lead, Oxfam America

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“…I adjust my schedule so I can listen to Worldview.” While I often listen to WBEZ (turning it on when I walk into the kitchen, or start my car engine) Worldview is the only WBEZ program that I consciously, intentionally turn on – the only WBEZ program for which I adjust my schedule so I can listen to Worldview. I always appreciate what I learn, and the various perspectives I hear expressed!

If you do drop Worldview, I may discontinue my financial support of WBEZ.

Jane Lambshead, WBEZ Member Chicago

“Worldview is where I learned about the Rohingya, the political situation in Venezuela and the tech world of India. But I’ve also learned about the Native American people, the water situation in Flint and immigrants in Chicago.” I am a long time WBEZ member. I used to do a lot of car travel with my job and kept my radio set to WBEZ. My radio alarm is set on WBEZ so I wake up to it every morning and my house radio is set on 91.5 so I listen to it while I do my daily chores, cook and clean. Jerome McDonnell is the host of one of the programs I look forward to every day. Having traveled all over the world, it amazes me how little Americans know about other countries. Worldview is where I learned about the Rohingya, the political situation in Venezuela and the tech world of India. But I’ve also learned about the Native American people, the water situation in Flint and immigrants in Chicago. I hope you reconsider cancelling this program. It will be a shame to no longer inform the Chicago community that there is a huge world outside of the city limits. Thank you.

Dickronouhi Nichols, WBEZ Member Chicago

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“Jerome’s reporting shed light on two key people we interviewed for our documentary… one played a crucial role in highlighting the persecution of whistle-blowers.”

Worldview’s reportage significantly contributed to our research efforts in a documentary I co-produced. Jerome and his team have their fingers on the pulse of all the relevant topics of the day; those that are both in the public eye and those stories that need to be brought to the public’s awareness. His reporting shed light on two key people we interviewed for our documentary and one of whom was not only featured in the doc but played a crucial role in highlighting the persecution of whistle-blowers. Had it not been for Worldview, we may not have come across him in our own research. Jerome’s professionalism, commitment to shedding light on today’s political and social

issues around the world is more important now than ever before. Kathy Berger, WBEZ Member Film Maker, including Behind the Blindfold

“Worldview fills a void in the Chicago media-sphere.” “Worldview” fills a void in the Chicago media-sphere. Nowhere else can a WBEZ member/listener turn for factual and authentic reporting on international affairs. One has to subscribe to international media outlets to obtain regular news reports. “WORLDVIEW” is an educational tool that keeps listeners informed of the world outside our locale. Can’t WBEZ leadership find a slot for this program in place of repeating other programs in the weekly line-up in the spirit of supporting diversity? Thank you for reconsidering your decision.

Dr. Geraldine Oberman, WBEZ Member University of Chicago

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“Without the exposure from Worldview, it was unlikely people here in the Midwest would ever hear about this pending international tragedy.”

When America’s attention is turning more insular and ignorance about the world is at an all-time high, journalistic programs like Worldview are needed more than ever.

I would argue we need to expand Worldview and the essential coverage of all things international in Chicago, so imagine my shock to read the program

was being canceled. As a longtime listener and guest on the show, I am a professor and documentary filmmaker who was invited to talk about my documentary Saving Mes Aynak, I can’t imagine a more vital program for today’s US audiences.

The show truly represents the world with international guests talking about issues ranging from breaking international news on issues we don’t hear enough about (or at all) like Syria and Yemen to compelling stories about music, dance, theater and film from international artists we in Chicago would otherwise never hear about.

Like I mentioned, I was on the show to talk about the international fight to save an ancient city in Afghanistan threatened by a copper mine. Without the exposure from Worldview, it was unlikely people here in the Midwest would ever hear about this pending international tragedy. Worldview must be saved and ideally expanded to cover more international stories for a Chicago audience hungry for more.

Brent Huffman, Filmmaker and Associate Professor at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Media, and Integrated Marketing Communications

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“…it is rare for many of us to get attention and credit for what we do.”

My name is Isabella Johnson and I am the Illinois State Lead for US Youth Climate Strike. Youth activists work hard, really hard. Many people do not understand the hours and hours of our time we dedicate to organizing.

Despite this, it is rare for many of us to get attention and credit for what we do. I was checking my organization’s email in the weeks before our strike in March and saw an interview request from WBEZ Worldview. You cannot imagine how

overjoyed I was.

I texted my co-lead and informed her. We were so excited, we were getting attention for all of our hard work. We went into the interview very nervous since we had never been interviewed on the radio before. We arrived and the host of Worldview, Jerome, immediately made us feel welcome there.

We proceeded with the interview and it went amazing! We thanked Jerome and Steve for the amazing opportunity they had given us, but there is no way they could truly understand how much it meant to us. So to Jerome, Steve, and Worldview, thank you for giving us a platform. They listened to our voices when no one else would.

Isabella Johnson, Illinois State Lead, US Youth Climate Strike

“Where else would I learn the details of the mayoral election in Istanbul or the growing Kurdish population in Chicago?” I listen to Worldview almost every day because so many issues are covered in depth, both the serious and the fun. Where else would I learn the details of the mayoral election in Istanbul or the growing Kurdish population in Chicago? In fact, Worldview is the main reason that I became and continue as a member.

Arlene Wagner, WBEZ Member Orland Park

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“I have learned a great deal about those who are working to make the world a better place.” I have been listening to Worldview for many years and have learned a great deal about those who are working to make the world a better place. No other program provides such a forum to inform and connect community members. I think pulling the show is unwise, especially in today’s political climate. I urge you to keep it on the air. Jerome is really great.

Professor Michael Slager Chicago

“…I have recommended Worldview to students in numerous classes, who have, and continue to value, learning the current world context in which our class material operates.” I have been a member of WBEZ since 1984, and Worldview has been an important part of my listening experience. I was listening when Sondra Gair was the host and Jerome was her producer. At first, when Jerome took the helm, his hesitancy and lack of experience was obvious. However, it has been a real pleasure to hear him grow in confidence and competence over the last many years. I have learned, and continue to learn, a great deal about the world thanks to Worldview. As a professor of history at Northeastern Illinois University for the past 30 years, I have recommended Worldview to students in numerous classes, who have, and continue to value, learning the current world context in which our class material operates. Jerome regularly features academics I respect, such as Alfred McCoy, on the world of surveillance, and our own Mateo Farzaneh, who, especially now, provides much needed insight into U.S.-Iranian relations.

Culturally, I would be much the poorer without Worldview. Just one example: Jerome introduced me to the world of Cambodian Psychedelic Rock of the 1960s and 1970s, and I have become a great fan of the band Dengue Fever as a result.

As a High Fidelity member, I feel it would be a great mistake to cancel Worldview. Doing so would certainly lessen the enjoyment I get from WBEZ. Why throw away such a precious gem?

Professor George Gerdow, WBEZ High Fidelity Member

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“I have learned about a local non-profit that delivers books to children in India, about solar ovens in Africa, about immigrant communities in Chicago, and so much more.”

Without fail, “Worldview” delivers exceptionally engaging, insightful, and humane reporting on issues of global concern–usually issues that are not covered elsewhere. Listening to “Worldview,” I have learned about a local non-profit that delivers books to children in India, about solar ovens in Africa, about immigrant communities in Chicago, and so much more. Jerome McDonnell’s intelligent, compassionate, and always illuminating interviews, as well as the inspired selection of guests and topics, make the program truly a treasure. In a time when isolationism, nationalism, and other exclusionary paradigms are ascendant, we need “Worldview” more than ever!!!!

Professor Nancy Arnesen, WBEZ Member North Park University

“…we stretched to become “Leadership Circle” members about 20 years ago mainly because of Worldview.” We have been WBEZ members for at least 25 years but we stretched to become “Leadership Circle” members about 20 years ago mainly because of Worldview. We’ve continued that level of support because there is nothing anywhere like Worldview. Chicago local news is important – looking inward is always good – but how we justify not looking outward?? NPR basic programming does not do it. At all.

Beth Coughlin, WBEZ Leadership Circle Member Lake Bluff, IL

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“Worldview provides perspective on events in the world, particularly on how these events impact us in Chicago communities.” Worldview provides perspective on events in the world, particularly on how these events impact us in Chicago communities. Chicago is a city of communities with specific concerns both for their lives in our city and how the events in the world impact the lives of all of us.

The more I travel, the more I love Chicago, my own city. For Chicago to be a global city, it needs to be part of the world, and not be isolated within its own walls. Closing in on only local issues is unrealistic in the current world environment, which affects us all.

Worldview brings the world to life to each listener, and makes Chicago relevant as a city. I am concerned that the closure of the show will make Chicago more insular and its citizens unaware of issues that affect them, issues that affect them directly, such as environment, health, human interaction, policies, and politics. Please do not close the show.

Marta Farion Vice President, Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art Vice President, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America – Illinois Division

“I was so happy to find Worldview and find it very informative and caring.” Worldview is an extraordinary program. It is especially meaningful to me because I am originally from England and Greece and traveled all my life so I have a world view. When I came to this country I was disappointed that the USA is quite insular. I was so happy to find Worldview and find it very informative and caring. Please keep this unique program on air. So many of us admire and enjoy the program. Thank you. Julia Ryan, WBEZ Member RESULTS to End Global Poverty Oak Park

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“As a first-generation American millennial who was born and raised in Chicago’s Little Village… I hope “Worldview” stays on the air.”

One certainty that I’ve personally learned and experienced, is that we’re living in a globalized world and there’s no going back. As a world, we’re more integrated and diverse

with international institutions, agreements, and cooperation leading the way to a more harmonious society. Threats, wars, and disagreements, as well as false media and misinformation, are also more prevalent, and thus the need for informed international news. And so I’m confused as to why WBEZ (Chicago Public Media), Chicago’s NPR news station is planning on shutting the lights on Worldview, their global affairs news program. Factual news via programs like Worldview are extremely important – now more than ever. As a first-generation American millennial who was born and raised in Chicago’s Little Village – and who has lived in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Mexico, I hope “Worldview” stays on the air.

Miguel A. Blancarte, Jr., Georgetown Washington University and Brown University, hailing from Little Village

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“After the interview, many people who heard the show came to public events we organized to dive deeper into these issues.”

When I hear that visitors from the Middle East are coming to Chicago, I always encourage them to experience some of Chicago’s great treasures: deep

dish pizza and heavy condiment dawgs, our amazing accessible lakefront, views from tall buildings, outstanding live music and theater, and if they are lucky, an interview with WBEZ’s long running program “Worldview”.

Guests from the Middle East do not often experience press interviews where the host is well informed, asks probing but not offensive questions, and allows the guest to tell their story. Supported by a dedicated team of producers, Jerome McDonnell is the exception: he takes the time to know his guests – and makes connections to the issues people care about in Chicago.

Chicago is home to the largest Palestinian-American community in the U.S. We also have vibrant Jewish, Muslim, Christian and secular communities who yearn for analysis that goes beyond the headlines and public relations efforts of government officials. We have communities that want to learn how to support efforts in diplomacy and nonviolent resistance, rather than perpetual conflicts and endless war. They can hear that context and analysis when they tune into Worldview.

Just this winter, I brought Ahmed Abu Artema, the visionary Palestinian writer in Gaza who inspired the Great March of Return to speak on Worldview. Ahmed spoke with my colleague Jehad Abu Salim (also from Gaza) about why Palestinians are marching to the boundary fence with Israel each week, attempting to remind the world of the cruelty of the 12-year blockade and the decades long desire for freedom. After the interview, many people who heard the show came to public events we organized to dive deeper into these issues.

Worldview understands the importance of amplifying the voices from popular movement leaders from around the globe (and in our great city of Chicago) in a way most mainstream news programing does not. Like other listeners of WBEZ who are mobilized to save Worldview, I hope we can convince the management of WBEZ to keep this Chicago treasure.

Jennifer Bing, American Friends Service Committee

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“Worldview avoids rhetoricians and polarized arguments; instead it demonstrates how global issues are relevant to Chicagoans…” The work that Jerome McDonnell, Steven Bynum and Julian Hayda do for Worldview on WBEZ is unparalleled. Jerome is a remarkable interviewer and his questions draw answers from guests that give us a greater understanding of issues typically not covered in other programs. Worldview avoids rhetoricians

and polarized arguments; instead it demonstrates how global issues are relevant to Chicagoans and how Chicago activists, volunteers—our neighbors—can impact global communities. Gordon Quinn Kartemquin Films

“…when you ask Chicago civic and business leaders about what WBEZ does that is truly special and great, you’ll almost always hear about Worldview…”

I don’t know the ratings numbers or all of the inside scoop. I do know that when you ask Chicago civic and business leaders about what WBEZ does that is truly special and great, you’ll almost always hear about Worldview and Jerome McDonnell. Ditto from national colleagues.

This is a nationally unique show. It’s an influential show that is a “face” of WBEZ in many parts of the Chicago community –

downtown and neighborhoods – because of the ways that Jerome has pitched issues and positioned the show.

Worldview is a gem, a crown jewel for WBEZ in many people’s eyes. Hopefully, that can be factored in to how Chicago Public Radio measures and values success, and that Worldview can, indeed, be saved as many people are publicly urging.

Howard Learner, Executive Director, Environmental Law and Policy Center

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“A great global city needs links between its local community and the global realities in which it operates.” A great global city needs links between its local community and the global realities in which it operates. In Chicago, Worldview serves that role by creating a unique and dedicated space that connects the local and the global. Worldview provides my organization an opportunity to connect with a large local audience, share in what we are doing, and connect with audiences that care about our mission. We are thankful for and supportive of Worldview.

Rachel Bronson, PhD President & Chief Executive Officer Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

“I now understand myself as a world citizen.” I am not extraordinary in any way, except that I have listened to this program and its predecessor, Midday, for many decades. I am such a faithful listener because these two programs have educated everyday people, such as myself, into a world perspective that I would not otherwise have. I now understand myself as a world citizen. I understand the interrelatedness of MY well-being and the need to educate young people in Uganda (Molly McCready’s CROSO scholarships); I look for ways I can participate in local environmental initiatives because Jerome has reached out to organizations such as The Union of Concerned Scientists to present

in-depth programming that documents climate change and how it relates to our ability to live on this, our only planet/home. Your mission is to serve this community. Airing Worldview does exactly that, honestly and thoroughly. This program is unique. It always has been.

Barbara Blough, WBEZ Member Chicago

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“Jerome McDonnell and Worldview are an example of excellence in journalism.” Jerome McDonnell and Worldview are an example of excellence in journalism. His intelligence and enthusiasm, educate, inspire and excite the listeners awareness and interest. His guests whether from a far away country or an ethnic Chicago neighborhood represent divergence of thoughts, information and opinions. Without Jerome and Worldview, WBEZ may entertain but lose it’s present focus, and no longer educate, excite and inform: a terrible loss to the station, the listeners and the larger Chicago community will occur.

Lynn Besser, WBEZ Member Highland Park

“I implore that you keep true international journalism alive by keeping Worldview on the air; it is vital for the democratization of information and knowledge” I am an immigrant who came fleeing from violence, corruption and a dictatorial regime in Honduras. One result of the dictatorship in Honduras is the prohibition of freedom of expression; over 70 journalists have been killed in the last 10 years since the coup d’etat.

Worldview gives voice to those who have historically been silenced. For my part, I thank Worldview for informing and creating debate on matters of interest for Latin America, but above all the space to reflect on the role of the United States in the development of exclusionary economic policies that have resulted in a tremendous concentration of power among corrupt individuals, especially in Honduras. Worldview is one of the few news outlets in the US that covers the hard reality of Central America.

As a listener for and contributor to WBEZ, I implore that you keep true international journalism alive by keeping Worldview on the air; it is vital for the democratization of information and knowledge.

Jose Sanchez WBEZ Member Chicago

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Letter from Congresswoman Schakowsky

The office of U.S. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky has shared a letter written to Chicago Public Media CEO Goli Sheikholesalami concerning Worldview. It is published here with permission. As the Congresswoman writes, “Worldview’s focus on global matters and their local impact is more important now than ever.”

July 17, 2019

Goli Sheikholeslami, CEO Chicago Public Media 848 E Grand Ave. Chicago, IL 60611

Dear Ms. Sheikholeslami:

I am writing regarding WBEZ’s show Worldview with host Jerome McDonnell. Worldview is an important show that provides expert analysis on international issues, highlights the good work being done by activists to create positive change, and connects those issues to our everyday lives. I and many of my constituents were very disappointed to hear that the show is being cancelled.

Worldview’s focus on global matters and their local impact is more important now than ever. The show also highlights activists working to make positive changes across the globe and locally, which shines a light on work that often doesn’t get the attention that it deserves and engages listeners to get involved. And Worldview spotlights art and artists from around the world, often featuring international musicians and visual artists, and analysis of foreign films.

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On Worldview we learn about many important issues, including climate change, war-torn countries and peace efforts, refugees and immigrants, safe drinking water, voting rights, and international trade issues. We hear about what’s happening around the world, and about important federal, state and local legislation and policies. McDonnell and his team cover it all, in-depth and with expert analysis.

Worldview is an invaluable show and has built a community of globally engaged listeners. Sincerely, Jan Schakowsky Member of Congress

Provided by the office of U.S. Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky. Shared with permission.

“I implore that you keep true international journalism alive by keeping Worldview on the air; it is vital for the democratization of information and knowledge” I am an immigrant who came fleeing from violence, corruption and a dictatorial regime in Honduras. One result of the dictatorship in Honduras is the prohibition of freedom of expression; over 70 journalists have been killed in the last 10 years since the coup d’etat.

Worldview gives voice to those who have historically been silenced. For my part, I thank Worldview for informing and creating debate on matters of interest for Latin America, but above all the space to reflect on the role of the United States in the development of exclusionary economic policies that have resulted in a tremendous concentration of power among corrupt individuals, especially in Honduras. Worldview is one of the few news outlets in the US that covers the hard reality of Central America.

As a listener for and contributor to WBEZ, I implore that you keep true international journalism alive by keeping Worldview on the air; it is vital for the democratization of information and knowledge.

Jose Sanchez WBEZ Member Chicago

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“We are not just losing a great radio show in losing Worldview, we are losing the power to give voice to those who need to be heard” In October of this year I will be hosting two Chiefs of the Amazonian, Paiter Suiri tribe to speak at The Chicago Responsible Jewelry Conference. The Chief’s are leaving their community for the first time to share their story and garner support in their struggles to save their forest and their culture. I assumed that Jerome McDonald and Worldview would be there

to help amplify the voice of the Paiter-Suiri. If not Worldview then who can speak to the important global issues that come through our Chicago community?

We are not just losing a great radio show in losing Worldview, we are losing the power to give voice to those that need to be heard.

Susan Wheeler Founder of The Chicago Responsible Jewelry Conference

“Jerome’s gift is drawing out what brings each person to the issues on which they work so passionately, and why we should know and care about these subjects, too.”

I know it’s a joy to catch WorldView on public radio in your own home or office or, as I often do riding around the city. I’ve had the good fortune to bring guests to Jerome McDonnell’s show on several occasions and there also is an amazing gift that comes with being in the studio and watching Jerome, Steve, and the WorldView team put his guests at ease and get ready for air. They came to talk about difficult challenging subjects: a few years ago with Sahar Francis, Executive Director of Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights – telling the world about

children in prison inside occupied Palestine and in Israel; and more recently with Reverend Alex Awad – a Nakba survivor – sharing his views on Gaza and Liberation Theology in Palestine.

Jerome does his homework – reading up on his guests and the subjects that they are going to cover. But clearly Jerome does a lot more: he delivers his interviews in a personable and confidence-inspiring manner that effortlessly helps guide the interviewee to get to the heart of

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the matter, always with room for their personal connections to their work. Jerome’s gift is drawing out what brings each person to the issues on which they work so passionately, and why we should know and care about these subjects, too.

As Alex and I prepared to leave the studio, I told Steve Bynum how grateful I am to Worldview for giving us the chance to have Rev. Awad reach a larger audience during his Chicago tour. And we knew, that’s what Jerome and Steve do so well, bring stories about world events to the front line here in Chicago. There are many more folks to interview with captivating life stories. The challenge is whether NPR will give Jerome and the amazing WorldView team the opportunity to continue to inspire, educate, and inform their listeners about world events that impact our lives here in Chicago and the local events here that reach beyond our borders to people around the world.

Paula Roderick Employment Discrimination Attorney

“Worldview’s programming achieves real community impact. Canceling Worldview would leave a giant hole in WBEZ’s public purpose”

There is no other program on public radio that is highlighting grassroots perspectives on international issues like Worldview. The often unheard voices that are featured in Jerome’s interviews help to uncover the sometimes-unseen complexities of global social realities, illuminate practical possibilities for social change and facilitate networks that bridge civil society organizations, universities, think tanks and movement-based solidarity groups at the local and international levels. Worldview’s programming achieves real community impact. Canceling Worldview would leave a giant hole in

WBEZ’s public purpose. Patrick Eccles WBEZ Member

“Over the years, Jerome McDonnell has interviewed a number of torture survivors, giving them an important platform to share their difficult stories, and helping them to take action and to heal.”

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Worldview gives its listeners a global perspective like no other program. It shows people here that our world doesn’t stop at the borders, but extends beyond. It humanizes global issues like no other program. This is so important in a city comprised of so many immigrants and refugees.

Over the years, Jerome McDonnell has interviewed a number of torture survivors, giving them an important platform to share their difficult stories, helping them to take action and heal. He is the utmost professional, always respectful and comforting while carrying out this delicate task. His years of experience give him a vision and understanding that is irreplaceable. Cancelling Worldivew would be a huge loss for Chicago.

Mario Gonzalez Senior Director of Marjorie Kovler Center, a treatment center for survivors of politically-sanctioned torture.

“They are the signal beneath the noise, providing insights into the challenges we’re facing, pointing to solutions, and inspiring us to action” I can count on Worldview to always provide a fresh perspective on the forces behind the headlines. Jerome McDonnell brings the world to our doorstep and elevates the voices of scholars, organization leaders and advocates who deserve our attention. They are the signal beneath the noise, providing insights into the challenges we’re facing, pointing to solutions, and inspiring us to action. And Jerome is a master at bringing their stories to life.

Pam Todd West Cook Wild Ones

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“Worldview has truly been ‘window to the world’ for many immigrants and diverse communities who have made Chicago our home.”

I am Vice President of the Board of India Development Service (IDS), a Chicago based non profit organization working to support grass roots socio-economic projects in India for last 45 years.

Jerome and Steve always go the extra step, showing a genuine interest in learning the complex nature of socio-economic development that goes far beyond the textbooks. We know of only one program that does this: Worldview.

Through their Global Activism series, Steve and Jerome have welcomed and interviewed Indian activists IDS has brought to Chicago for 22 years. In 2015, Steve and Jerome travelled with us to India, visiting IDS projects including a girls’ empowerment project, youth barefoot researchers, water conservation efforts, a microcredit program, and more. Check out their podcasts and video clips.

Worldview has truly been “window to the world” for many immigrants and diverse communities who have made Chicago our home. Listening to Worldview makes our communities feel connected to our roots and gives us an opportunity to grow by learning what’s happening not only in our homeland, but in other parts of the world. Taking Worldview off the air would be stripping our communities of our identities, our voice, and our heritage. With the prevalent undercurrents of racism and bigotry spreading throughout the world, we need programs like Worldview to provide us a balanced view and to maintain our sanity. Please do not steal this away from us!

Nilesh Kothari India Development Service

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“I implore WBEZ to reconsider their plans to silence this vital platform, which so enhances our global city” Jerome McDonnell and the team at WBEZ’s Worldview are the embodiment of Chicago as a global city. Other media highlight international news headlines, but only Worldview, with grace, intelligence and research, digs into the underlying issues to bring perspectives from those on the ground in regions that otherwise receive little or no attention. These insights, always provided with context to educate the listener, are critical to understanding global issues from conflict to trade to development to culture. The weekly global activism segment showcases how Chicagoans are connected to the world through inspiring projects and travel. I implore WBEZ to reconsider their plans to silence this vital platform, which so enhances our global city.

April K. Donnellan Executive Director, Global Philanthropy Partnership

“…if WBEZ proceeds with this cancellation, Chicago will be less for the loss…” I moved to Chicago in 1998, a couple of years after Worldview started…Jerome McDonald still had a beard. As a third culture American, I immediately felt an affinity not only with Jerome, but with the care, foresight, and insight with which the Worldview team shared world news and information. I always share some nugget of insight, a new voice, an unknown perspective, with my network of global citizens…I am deeply saddened by the news of Worldview’s cancellation and I hope that WBEZ reconsiders this decision, thinks of ways to preserve this important resource and treasure for Chicago, maybe make it a weekly program, partner with another network to co-produce it, whatever the case, if WBEZ proceeds with this cancellation, Chicago will be less for the loss and my sojourn here in this city I love will be less rich, less connected to my third culture self, and less connected to the issues that shape our times.

Chipo Nyambuya Virgil, Inc.

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“Jerome and Worldview make tangible improvements in Chicago that benefit all of us.”

My introduction to Worldview and Jerome McDonnell goes back to 2009, when I one day I started getting emails from colleagues, friends and family, excited about a mention of our successful effort convincing the Museum’s Corner Bakery restaurant to switch all of its coffee sourcing to Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance Certified beans. Jerome’s interview of Nancy Jones, Director of Fair Trade Chicago, was inspiring, and we heard that our effort was helpful in Fair Trade Chicago’s successful effort (and epic accomplishment) to get the City Council to declare Chicago a Fair Trade City. I feel like the honor bestowed upon me as CFT’s original Changemaker Award recipient really belongs to all of the Museum staff who supported the effort in so many ways, but I hope the takeaway is that Jerome and Worldview make tangible improvements in Chicago that benefit all of us. Carter O’Brien

Field Museum’s Sustainability Officer

“I had always thought that Worldview was a feather in WBEZ’s cap. It would be a shame for it to disappear” Worldview was always my go-to show back when I lived in Chicago a decade ago. I was a photojournalist for the Chicago Tribune, and Worldview was a key way in which I kept up with world events. Jerome has a way of taking events and issues from half a world away, and making it feel relevant to Chicagoans. I had always thought that Worldview was a feather in WBEZ’s cap. It would be a shame for it to disappear.

John Lee John Lee Pictures

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“Worldview is one program that differentiates WBEZ from other National Public Radio stations” Worldview is one program that differentiates WBEZ from other National Public Radio stations.

It demonstrates that the heartland of America is just as interested in international affairs as the coasts. Jerome does a wonderful job of inviting many different voices and perspectives to his on-air program, keeping timely and relevant in our sped up news cycles, and insuring that our local citizenry is informed from primary sources. Please keep him on. This is news everyone needs. Thank you.

Julie Stagliano Board Member, Womens Global Education Project Co-Chair Casablanca Committee, Chicago Sister Cities International Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, Senegal Member Presidents Circle, Chicago Council on Global Affairs

“Jerome and his crew at Worldview are shining a light on both the dark parts of our world and the people helping to make them better” Jerome and his crew at Worldview are shining a light on both the dark parts of our world and the people helping to make them better. If anything, we need more, not less, programs like Worldview that bring hope to so many people.

Immigration Attorney Mary O’Leary 2015 recipient of the American Immigration Lawyers Association Chicago Chapter’s Joseph Minsky Beacon of Light Award.

“Worldview stands out as a bulwark of speaking truth to power. Today it’s needed more than ever.” At a moment when the art of journalism is still bleeding in light of embedded journalists, Twitter-obsessed presidents, and shallow, character-constrained reporting, Worldview stands out as a bulwark of speaking truth to power. Today it’s needed more than ever. WBEZ management is urged to reconsider its decision and, instead, double-down on making WBEZ even better than it has always been. As we enter a presidential election season, Worldview is needed to put the US back on a common-sense track!

Sam Bahour Chairman, Americans for a Viable Palestinian Economy

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“Because of Worldview… our eyes were opened to the plight of indigenous South American artisans, we’ve contributed to strengthening a market which helps them keep their cultural traditions alive, [and] we get to enjoy their beautiful baskets…” Here’s my story of how Worldview made a personal, positive, cross-cultural, multi-cultural, fair-trade-supporting (and cross-our-Chicagoland-area) impact on me and on hundreds: In Sept., 2016, while listening to Worldview, I heard Jerome McDonnell interviewing Karen Torres, curator of Tulia’s Artisan Gallery, which supports the work of indigenous, internally-displaced, Colombian, Wounaan artisans. Impressed by her inspirational story, I got in touch with her through her website which she mentioned on air.

A first gen. Colombiana, born, raised and continuously living in Chicago, though thriving here in the US, she also felt saddened to be losing touch with her cultural roots. She found that in creating Tulia’s Artisan Gallery, she’s now able to enjoy more of her cultural heritage and share it with her children and with the larger Chicago area. I invited Karen to visit our multicultural church (St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Glen Ellyn, IL.) and bring samples of the Wounaan work. Delighted, we invited her to curate an art show at St. Mark’s, in 2017: Wounaan Art Baskets (poster attached) which was wildly successful.

Because of Worldview, and Jerome’s fabulous interviewing skills and choice of who to interview, our eyes were opened to the plight of indigenous South American artisans, we’ve contributed to strengthening a market which helps them keep their cultural traditions alive, we get to enjoy their beautiful baskets, and many first gen., Latinx parishioners received inspiration getting to know Karen, and seeing this beautiful South American artwork displayed, loved, and valued on the walls of their church. I am regularly inspired by, challenged by, and informed by Worldview, and listen at least 3 times every week. Please don’t take Worldview off the air. I enjoy listening to WBEZ; thank you for listening to me!

“Worldview has been the biggest and most important microphone to amplify first-voice, community-based culture in Chicago.”

Worldview has been the biggest and most important microphone to amplify first-voice, community-based culture in Chicago and it’s importance to the region. It platforms important voices not always heard, and discussion vital to our democracy. It connects us together, as citizens in Chicago, and of the world. Emily Reusswig Executive Director, Chicago Cultural Alliance

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“Worldview…gives me a perspective on an amazing variety of news stories I simply never get anywhere else” I strongly support Worldview because it gives me a perspective on an amazing variety of news stories I simply never get anywhere else, including on all of the other wonderful WBEZ shows. I am an an avid listener to the station all day and love all the programs, but Worldview has a unique take on current events and I love Jerome McDonnell’s interviewing style and the probing questions he asks. If the content of Worldview was incorporated into another show, it would become diluted, and the depth we are accustomed to would be lost. After listening to Worldview, I always come away with how the content relates to me personally since it is covered in such a thorough way, so I would deeply miss this. Please keep Worldview on the air in its current format. Thank you.

Karen Campbell, WBEZ Member Bolingbrook

“Please keep Jerome. I hope he never retires.” I remember the first time I heard this program. My life was enlarged. I especially enjoy the Thursday broadcast which is usually about activism. It gives me hope that although I can’t carry out bold mission plans in the world, I can help others do so. This program is the highlight of my day and my favorite program except possibly Science Friday. Please keep Jerome. I hope he never retires. Linda Wallin Poet, Educator, and WBEZ Member Palatine, IL

“Worldview has provided that critical window to the voices and issues that better informs our minds.” At a time when our world is so polarized and insulated from the issues of the world, Worldview has provided that critical window to the voices and issues that better informs our minds.

Suzanne Franklin Board of Directors, Chicago Cultural Alliance

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“Worldview is a show like none other on air, on WBEZ or beyond.” Worldview is a show like none other on air, on WBEZ or beyond. Its investigation into the world, its politics, and its culture from its implicitly Chicagoan vantage point is of immeasurable value. No other show on WBEZ’s diminishing selection of locally produced options represents the arts (and theatre in particular) in Chicago the way Nari Safavi’s World Passport does, and the timing of this cancellation is made all the more tragic by being on the heels of the death of Milos Stehlik. Fans of this show – and we do exist – are already in mourning. Please don’t add insult to injury by cancelling this cultural touchstone.

Margo Chervony, Chicago

“We rely on Jerome and Steve Bynum to bring in guests from every imaginable civic group that is trying to make the world better” I understand you are planning to cancel Worldview in October of this year. Apparently, you don’t realize the following Worldview has. We rely on Jerome and Steve Bynum to bring in guests from every imaginable civic group that is trying to make the world better. They also bring in analysts from so many different parts of the world I can’t begin to list them…they discuss major conflicts in the world and what is behind it. Often, our U.S. foreign policy is taking a direction that supports the powerful and weathy. Worldview brings in views on why they don’t serve everyone from trusted analysts whose views are not present in other radio or TV programs.

WBEZ without Worldview is probably not worth supporting. I can get the same news from NPR or Morning Edition or Chicago Tonight. Worldview provides MORE than NPR or Morning Edition or Chicago Tonight. Everything, from encouraging environmental health by riding a bike to work and reducing our reliance on packaged food from grocery stores and restaurant take-home orders, to what’s behind immigration from Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala. I rely on Worldview to help me understand the issues. It is one program where the PUBLIC can get its voice heard! Isn’t that your mission?

I beg you to reconsider. This would be catastrophic for WBEZ. Thank you.

Pauline Coffman Retired College Administrator and Professor

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“I had direct experience of the value of Worldview’s ability to make connections between real people doing similar things in diverse locations” Earlier this year (2019) I had direct experience of the value of Worldview’s ability to make connections between real people doing similar things in diverse locations. The result was the Feb. 7, 2019 segment Global Activism: Sustainable Sharing with Guatemala, about an Evanston-based nonprofit (SSG, Julie Siegel) who’s gone to Guatemala annually for 25 years to help dislocated indigenous people grow food, save water, etc. The issue is climate change–a global, worldwide issue.

In Feb. Julie brought a Guatemalan colleague to Chicago; Jerome interviewed both. Edited seamlessly (including the translation).

We are all connected!

Debbie Hillman FoodFarmsDemocracy.net

“Empowering and inspiring environmental activism and engagement among “ordinary” citizens through knowledge, determination, conviction”

Worldview is exactly the type of programing Trump would like to end. Empowering and inspiring environmental activism and engagement among “ordinary” citizens through knowledge, determination, conviction, hope and necessity. With knowledge, comes a duty of responsible action. I am convinced we must all step up in some way– with a global mindset. Timid by nature, I evolved into a lioness to protect people and the environment the best I

know how. Photo includes me (on the far left) in the Canary Island press conference with officials regarding light pollution. I co-organized a conference with participants from around the world. Audrey Fischer WBEZ Member

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“Worldview has become part of the culture for those searching for principled journalism around hot-button topics from around the world” I feel connected to Worldview, Jerome McDonnell, and Steve Bynum in so many ways. As executive director of the Arab American Action Network (AAAN), and co-founder of the U.S. Palestinian Community Network (USPCN), I’ve had the privilege of both being on the show and hearing my closest colleagues interviewed. Steve produced a beautiful video of Palestinian Rasmea Odeh for a Chicago Cultural Alliance awards banquet where she was honored, and then booked her attorneys on Worldview a year later to discuss the politically charged legal attack that ultimately led to her deportation from the U.S. And Jerome once graced us with his words at a farewell event for Mona Khalidi, the AAAN’s past board president.

Many Arabs and Palestinians are regular listeners, as Worldview has become part of the culture for those searching for principled journalism around hot-button topics from around the world, especially the Arab World. Our issues do not get regular coverage in mainstream media, but Steve and Jerome have given us real time to discuss political repression in the U.S. against Palestinians specifically, as well as racial profiling against Arabs and Muslims more generally.

Most recently, USPCN spoke on Worldview, with Jewish Voice for Peace, about U.S. Zionist support for hate groups that attack Palestinian activists and organizations, while AAAN’s Lead Organizer Muhammad Sankari was on a few months later to discuss our campaign to shut down the racist, anti-Arab, anti-Muslim Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) program. Steve and Jerome also regularly offer the Worldview mic to our friends from the most important social justice movements in Chicagoland, including immigrant rights, Movement for Black Lives, police accountability, women’s rights, peace and justice, and more.

These grassroots voices must be heard, and we need Steve, Jerome, and Worldview to continue broadcasting them! Hatem Abudayyeh Arab American Action Network

“Worldview is an essential part of life in a global city like Chicago” Worldview is an essential part of life in a global city like Chicago. It connects us to the world and the world to us. It also celebrates and highlights the incredible diversity that vibrates through every neighborhood in Chicago. Worldview makes it possible for understand and participate in the many cultures that make up our city and gives us both a context and an invitation to explore them. I am a donor to WBEZ because of programs like Worldview that showcase the crucial role of WBEZ in the life of the city of Chicago.

Patrizia Acerra International Voices Project

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“Worldview is the reason I became a member of WBEZ…” “Worldview” is the reason I became a member of WBEZ upon moving back here from Alaska in 2001. McDonnell’s broad scope, endless list of international and U.S guests which include heads of state, experts in their fields, authors, musicians, politicians, economists, as well as activists who are trying to make the world a better place, make this program unique! It educates us like none other. We need it to remain on the air.

Mary Erkins Go Green Oak Park, RESULTS, and WBEZ Member

“I was stunned to hear that WBEZ was planning to cancel what many consider to be its finest program.” I was stunned to hear that WBEZ was planning to cancel what many consider to be its finest program. Where else will I find interviews of John Mearsheimer, Rashid Khalidi, Alice Rothchild, to name a few? What program will cover the work being done on social justice issues both here and abroad-example Worldview’s coverage of members of Chicago’s Syrian community reaching out to provide much needed medical care in war torn Syria? Please review your decision.

Colleen Jersild, WBEZ Member

“Worldview opens our eyes to important topics that are often missed in the news landscape…” Worldview opens our eyes to important topics that are often missed in a news landscape that too easily focuses on more immediate concerns. A global context is ever more important to understand what’s going on around us. Worldview’s calm and in-depth approach gives this to us via local and national voices. It is unique and would be greatly missed.

Phyllis Ellin, WBEZ Member

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“Worldview is one of the most sophisticated and thoughtful radio programs in the country.”

WORLDVIEW is one of the most sophisticated and thoughtful radio programs in the country. I had the privilege of being interviewed by Jerome McDonnell about my book on the damaging effect of global tourism. Not a big issue on WORLDVIEW. Yet his questions were sharp, humane and invigorating. I’ve been lucky to be interviewed on many public radio stations. WORLDVIEW is one of the very best. Elizabeth Becker Author, former New York Times correspondent, and former NPR Senior Foreign Editor

“We hope WBEZ reconsiders its decision and keeps this vital program on the air”

Worldview and Jerome McDonnell keep listeners informed on important issues involving science and policy. We at the Union of Concerned Scientists were pleased to participate in Worldview’s recent exploration of climate change and clean energy. The segment showed how federal and state policies connect to the science of global warming and to clean air, affordable energy, and young people demanding action for a safer, healthier plant. We hope WBEZ reconsiders its decision and keeps this vital program on the air. James Gignac, Union of Concerned Scientists

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“Driveway moments” Jerome McDonnell nicely fills the shoes of Sondra Gair! It was Sondra’s reporting that made me a member of WBEZ. As with Jerome McDonnell, it provides me with information that I cannot receive elsewhere on such a wide range of topics that effect my daily life. “Driveway moments,” to use a WBEZ term.

I pledge every drive at usually $500 per pledge. Please give me the impetus to continue to do so.

Les Beste, WBEZ Member since the 1980s Chicago Heights

“…if WBEZ better promoted Worldview, we would be surprised at the increased listenership.” With the right wing media’s basic take over of the air waves, Worldview is one of the last bastions of truthful unadulterated local views on other countries from around the world. You can listen to BBC or French TV, but having people from our universities and testimonials and experiences from many Chicago based information sources is really important. I think if WBEZ better promoted Worldview, we would be surprised at the increased listenership.

Ray Sanders, WBEZ Member Chicago

“Worldview brings to the consciousness of listeners, how people around the world think and experience the world.” Worldview brings to the consciousness of listeners, how people around the world THINK and EXPERIENCE the world. It brings the voices of people as they tell us how the situation in which THEY live can be better understood. AS a former Peace Corps Volunteer, I know how deeply the actual PLACE can only be understood by people THERE, and how valuable sharing that LIVING perspective is to decision makers in the US. One of the particularly interesting segments Worldview provides is the part about Chicago individuals working abroad, to help make lives easier for people around the world. These stories make WBEZ a uniquely valuable station; if you remove this program, you are reducing our sources of international understanding.

Linda Groetzinger, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer and WBEZ Member Chicago

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“Chicago’s boosters often loudly proclaim that ours is “a world class city,” whatever that means.”

Chicago’s boosters often loudly proclaim that ours is “a world class city,” whatever that means. One thing we can be sure that it DOESN’T mean is a parochial city that loses its sole international news program at the same time as its two major newspapers rely almost exclusively on wire copy and out of town papers to “cover” news outside of the U.S. Andy Thayer Chicago

“I am proud to be a contributing member of WBEZ, and Worldview, in my opinion, is one of the most important programs being presented on NPR.” Worldview with Jerome McDonnell is an invaluable educational resource, and presents insider viewpoints from those involved in the international news of the day that is not covered in any other media that I have been able to find. I am proud to be a contributing member of WBEZ, and Worldview, in my opinion, is one of the most important programs being presented on NPR. Please reconsider removing it from your programming. Thank you.

Kathleen Williams, RN, WBEZ Member Tinley Park

“The scope and people the program covers and interviews is without parallel anywhere in media.” Worldview is one of the main reasons I listen to WBEZ. The scope and people the program covers and interviews is without parallel anywhere in media. It is one of the best, most important programs anywhere. It covers world and domestic events in a direct, professional manner. I’m a long time supporter. I implore you to re-consider this terrible programming move.

Lorenzo Monno, WBEZ Member Harwood Heights

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“Worldview for years has been among the very best radio programs in the US on world affairs.” Worldview for years has been among the very best radio programs in the US on world affairs. I’ve had the chance to appear on it a number of times, but more important, whenever I visit Chicago, I come in contact with people who rely on it week in, week out. It is a treasure, and it should be saved.

Paul Goble Former Special Advisor to the U.S. Secretary of State Staunton, Virginia

“Worldview makes my life richer, keeps me aware and inspired!” My mother who was disabled and unable to travel the world LOVED Worldview as it kept her connected and knowledgeable. Now I am a listener as I travel the city for my job. Makes my life richer, keeps me aware and inspired!

Katey Feit, WBEZ Member Chicago

“Losing this will create such a void.” Thank you, Jerome, for another great show. Andy Thayer has an excellent vocabulary on how not only the LGBT rights, but all recent movements, have worked for and created excellent, necessary change to make the world a livable place! Losing this will create such a void.

Crystal Fencke, WBEZ Member Edgewater

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“I ask WBEZ to reconsider their plans to silence this vital platform which so enhances our global city.”

Jerome McDonnell and WBEZ’s Worldview team are the embodiment of Chicago as a global city. Other media highlight international news headlines, but only Worldview, with grace, intelligence and research, digs into the underlying issues to bring perspectives from those on the ground in regions that otherwise receive little or no attention. These insights, always provided with context to educate the listener, are critical to understanding global issues from conflict to trade, development to culture. The weekly global activism segment showcases how Chicagoans are connected to the world through inspiring projects and travel. I ask WBEZ to reconsider their plans to silence this vital platform which so enhances our global city.

Adele Simmons President, Global Philanthropy Partnership Former President, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

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“I rely on it to keep up with what is happening globally and to be inspired by world-changing initiatives.”

Worldview is more relevant and important than ever! I rely on it to keep up with what is happening globally and to be inspired by world-changing initiatives. What I learn helps me in my leadership role at my large community college. It would be a tragic to lose what I consider the most important programming on WBEZ. Worldview is unique and irreplaceable. Please continue to invest in it. Professor Sandra Martins Dean of Liberal Arts, College of DuPage

“Worldview is one of the only exceptions: an independent, sophisticated presentation every weekday of important issues in international affairs.” I have appeared on Worldview since the mid-1990s, and I listen to it all the time. It is the best international affairs program west of the Hudson River. Having lived 10 years in Seattle and 32 years in Chicago, I can attest that a vast proportion of the American continent is completely provincialized in regard to international affairs, compared to all forms of media running from Washington DC through New York to Cambridge and Boston. That Bosh-Wash corridor

contains nearly all our foreign affairs commentators–but they often are part of the same narrow consensus on world affairs. Worldview is one of the only exceptions: an independent, sophisticated presentation every weekday of important issues in international affairs. It is a crime to take it off the air. I have given much of my time free of charge and some occasional monetary contributions to WBEZ, but if Worldview is gone that won’t happen again.

Professor Bruce Cumings University of Chicago

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“…Worldview doesn’t shy away from exposing U.S. government injustice.”

Very few radio shows in the U.S. discuss the ever-present scandal of the prison at Guantanamo Bay, and the need for it to be shut down for good. However, Jerome McDonnell and Worldview don’t shy away from exposing U.S. government injustice. Jerome and I have spoken about Guantanamo on several occasions, and I have always found him to be a very well-informed host. Andy Worthington Journalist, activist and author of “The Guantanamo Files”, London

“As a mayor who believes in acting locally while thinking globally, I wish all cities had the benefit of the type of dedicated programming that Worldview represents.” Earlier this year, I made a point to visit Chicago in part because of the opportunity to be interviewed by WBEZ’s Worldview about my book, Less Oil or More Caskets. It was a special opportunity to have a real conversation with an expert in global affairs, which is

a breath of fresh air compared to short segments that often deny listeners the context that defines quality journalism. As a mayor who believes in acting locally while thinking globally, I wish all cities had the benefit of the type of dedicated programming that Worldview represents. WBEZ management can be proud of the show’s impact, note that other communities envy it, and find a way to continue Worldview. Gregory Ballard Former Mayor of Indianapolis, 2008-2015 Lt. Col, U.S. Marines (Ret.)

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“My dad is a human rights lawyer. Many people consider his profession the stuff of dreamers, idealists. Jerome McDonnell did not.” My dad is a human rights lawyer. Many people consider his profession the stuff of dreamers, idealists. Jerome McDonnell did not. For years, through Worldview, he gave my dad space to tell us about human rights abuses and violations of human dignity worldwide— inspiring many people to denounce those abuses and take action to stop them. Worldview was, and remains, critical to getting the word out about so much that happens on our earth that is outside of our immediate vision here in Chicago. Cancelling Worldview would be a tremendous loss.

Jennifer Cassel Daughter of Douglass Cassel and member of WBEZ

“Worldview has always had an ambitious goal, and it has always delivered.”

For well over two decades, Worldview has delivered focused attention on international issues and their direct impact on Chicago’s vibrant global community in two critical ways.

First, our city is one of the most internationally diverse in the country with strong ethnic populations that continue to be deeply involved in their former homelands and geographical regions.

Second, the show serves the general listenership, which includes the business, professional, and everyday listener by providing them unparalleled insight into the world around us, how it impacts us, and how we impact it.

This twofold mission is becoming more, and not less important, in our ever-shrinking world. The show brings us everything from cultural treasures, music, insight into conflict zones, economic development, the environment and countless other topics on a scale like no other. Worldview has always had an ambitious goal, and it has always delivered. Please save Worldview.

Conrad C. Nowak, Esq. Former Chair, Polish American Association Co-Chair, Chicago-Warsaw Committee, Sister Cities International Chairman of the Board, Field Ready, International Humanitarian NGO (Recipients of Champions of Change Award from President Obama, 2016) Former Non-Commissioned Officer, U. S. Army

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“My sincere hope is that Worldview actually grows more.” Worldview program provides a timely and very balanced coverage of our global issues, be it in politics, environment, arts and culture or activists and organizations across several disciplines. It is hard to think of any program that covers such wide variety of subjects in an interesting one to one conversation. Listening to it, we realize that we are truly living in an interdependent world and that what ever affects any one of us, can affect every one of us. The program opens our hearts and minds to understand our common humanity and how to work together for a better world. It will be a shame to see this program go away. My sincere hope is that Worldview actually grows more.

Nila Vora, Naperville India Development Service WBEZ Member

“This letter is written with sad heart but full of hope.” Ladies and Gentlemen of the Board of Directors: This letter is written with sad heart but full of hope.

It seems impossible that at a time when we have a growing dessert in our news arena, that you are planning to close Worldview. Worldview is a gem, providing the listeners a priceless delivery of news background and other informational programs.

Please consider its worth over financial or other petty interests. Keep Worldview in place. It is irreplaceable!

Nicholas Kotcherha Buffalo Grove

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“Programs like Worldview reach audiences far beyond the travelers who stay with us and the community programming we’re able to achieve.”

I work for Hostelling International USA, a non-profit organization that works to inspire a genuine understanding of people, places and cultures for a more tolerant world. I believe the work we do is essential to promote peace in the world through knowledge and intercultural understanding. Programs like Worldview reach audiences far beyond the travelers who stay with us and the community programming we’re able to achieve. It takes a village to educate and inform diverse audiences about the world and its people, and Worldview provides a powerful voice and mechanism for reaching curious individuals. Megan Arlow Hostelling International Chicago

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“The educational value of this show for Chicago should be obvious to the programmers.” I have been listening to and learning from Worldview for more than a quarter of a century. When I am a guest of the program I drive to the Navy Pier from my home, which is fifty miles away. It is a fair exchange. I share what I know about one area of

the world and in return learn about the rest of the world from experts interviewed at the program. Jerome is a superb host. His questions are probing and direct and his curiosity in genuine. The educational value of this show for Chicago should be obvious to the programmers.

I can’t fathom why the show is on the chopping block, as it has a loyal audience who depend on it for their education and edification. It is not for everyone, of course. I don’t really care about local news. But that doesn’t mean I wish such programs should be discontinued. At this pivotal time in our nation and the world, cancelling this informative show would be disservice to Chicago.

Ahmad Sadri Professor of Sociology Lake Forest College

“…Jerome has piqued my interest in topics that never would have crossed my mind.” Worldview is unique. We have nothing like it on the air in Chicago. From the evolution of the shipping container, to in-depth research into propaganda, to covering conflicts all over the globe, Jerome has piqued my interest in topics that never would have crossed my mind. Jerome is perfectly suited to present Worldview through his thoroughness, sense of humor, and true interest in the subject matter and his guests. Keeping Worldview & Jerome on the air would benefit all of us tremendously.

Christine Stiak, WBEZ Member Chicago

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“Worldview listeners have supported our project, enabling us to print additional books in Guatemala.”

I want Worldview to stay on the air because it provides an opportunity for Chicagoans to share their global projects with the larger community. I, together with another Chicagoan, Allison Havens, have been involved with a book project that works to support Maya communities in Guatemala in their efforts to preserve Maya culture through the revitalization of their indigenous languages. Allison and I appeared on Worldview to share our efforts to distribute a children’s book “El Bosque de Don Margarito” (The Forest of Don Margarito), a bilingual book in Spanish and K’iche.

The Worldview listeners have supported our project, enabling us to print additional books. Keep this program that strengthens Chicagoans links to people around the globe.

Dr. Andy Carter, WBEZ Member Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Roosevelt University

“It is the only program on WBEZ where such a diverse group of voices, especially those working for change, can be heard.”

I listen to Worldview every day on my lunch hour. It is the only program on WBEZ where such a diverse group of voices, especially those working for change, can be heard. The interviews and guests have led me to groups, movies, music, and events which I would have never known existed. The show provides an invaluable service by informing the audience of the world outside the corporate or elite institutions, whose stories and activities are rarely heard.

Matthew Gaines, WBEZ Monthly Donor

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“Worldview also boosts my morale because it shows me that there is so much warmth, creativity and love here in my Chicago home.”

I travel back and forth between Chicago and Greece, where I teach music in refugee camps. Worldview is vitally important to me because it keeps me informed of the global voices around Chicago. Worldview also boosts my morale because it shows me that there is so much warmth, creativity and love here in my Chicago home. It is too easy to get caught up in believing the worst of humanity or fearing that which is different. In today’s climate, World View is detrimental to showcasing the best of

humanity and the beauty of learning something new. Please, keep Worldview. Jennifer Sherrill, WBEZ Member Chicago

“I rely on Worldview several times a week for news and interviews – so well done by Jerome – about topics both local and global that I don’t hear anywhere else.” I rely on Worldview several times a week for news and interviews – so well done by Jerome – about topics both local and global that I don’t hear anywhere else. Jerome’s in depth interviews with experts and people with profound personal experience on his topics are mind-expanding. I am in the Chicago area environmental community, and his shows on environmental issues in our region and beyond are unbeatable. Don’t switch off Worldview!

Susanne Masi, WBEZ Member Algonquin

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“I specifically remember a program about the conflict between feminist ideals and women CEOs within the arms trade business.” Worldview is an excellent program!! I have been listening consistently for 2 years and am always impressed by the variety of relevant topics, excellent guests, and important perspectives. I specifically remember a program about the conflict between feminist ideals and women CEOs within the arms trade business. This is a nuanced conversation and one that I don’t hear on any of the other shows hosted on WBEZ.

Worldview is one of the only shows on WBEZ that consistently interests me and covers material with guests from affected communities. He covers important local cultural events as well and places them in a national and global context. I will have less and less reason to tune into WBEZ if you cut Worldview.

I have generally been dismayed by the direction WBEZ has gone in the last several years, giving more and more lip service to conservative, non evidence based perspectives. We need to save the few programs that remain that focus on important issues and air perspectives from under represented communities. Worldview is now more important than ever!

We need to continue to honor and uplift the diversity of voices from under represented communities. We need to maintain and focus on the our place in the world and avoid the insular thinking that can result if we get rid of these types of dedicated programs.

Dr. Nicole Baltrushes Hughes, M.D. Chicago

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“It’s not too late for WBEZ to show that ‘public’ matters in Public Radio and that it can be responsive to its listeners and reverse this decision to cancel Worldview.”

Being a global city isn’t just a tagline promoted by some Chicago politician. Chicagoans embrace their international relationships and Worldview is a program that makes the connections between global and local. During my ten years working at Chicago Fair Trade, I saw these connections supported through the sharing of these global stories on Worldview.

So I’m perplexed by WBEZ management being unwilling to revisit their decision to cancel the program. “Listener supported”-that is a phrase we hear constantly when we are listening to WBEZ. “We’re different from other radio stations” we are told by the pledge drive commentators. Well, here is a moment where WBEZ can show that it can listen to its listeners who have spoken so eloquently over the past few weeks about the significance of Worldview for our city and region. It doesn’t have to remain locked into a questionable decision

when new evidence of broad support for a program is demonstrated. It’s not too late for WBEZ to show that “public” matters in Public Radio and that it can be responsive to its listeners and reverse this decision to cancel Worldview.

Nancy Jones Founder and former Executive Director, Chicago Fair Trade

“Eliminating Worldview from WBEZ’s programming would be an unforgiving act of treason to its loyal audience.”

It is unthinkable… but the threat seems real and that would be the confirmation that WBEZ is endorsing the unwritten policy of Chicago mass media, which historically has treated Chicago as a provincial town, depriving its people of news and happenings from around the world.

Over the years, Worldview has placed Chicago on the world map and we have enjoyed news and commentary of world events, both cultural and political. Worldview has encouraged us to open our eyes and look beyond the short limits created and perpetuated by the media. Thanks to Worldview we see, embrace and appreciate other cultures.

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Eliminating Worldview from WBEZ’s programming would be an unforgiving act of treason to its loyal audience.

Pepe Vargas Founder and Executive Director, International Latino Cultural Center of Chicago

“Worldview is a tireless champion of local Chicagoans who are making an impact globally, creating a platform for amplifying their work. It is a big loss for our community.” Global stories with local impact. Local stories with

global impact. You learn so much tuning in to Worldview, and no one else is covering the stories they do. Losing such a program is devastating. The show has been a vessel that transports the listeners of Chicago to places near and far, in personal ways. Worldview is a tireless champion of local Chicagoans who are making an impact globally, creating a platform for amplifying their work. It is a big loss for our community. Please sign the petition to save the show! Jonit Bookheim, Co-owner, Mata Traders Fair Trade Federation Board Member

“McDonnell has gradually built that program to what I think of as a marriage between high-quality guests and programs married to community activism. Who else does that?”

I am incredibly distressed to hear that Worldview is being cancelled. There is absolutely NOTHING LIKE IT on radio. I have heard: • Amazing interviews on political situations in various parts of the world • Stories of social justice activism (and some are people who are once removed from me) • A quirky story on the different kinds of bitters in Italy (I had occasion to refer to it in a recent conversation and this program probably aired over a year ago!) • Interesting conversations on recycling. • Musical groups from around the world perform and explain their music and instruments. • Conversations on weekend events with an international flavor.

McDonnell has gradually built that program to what I think of as a marriage between high-quality guests and programs married to community activism. WHO ELSE DOES THAT???

His social justice activism Thursdays have brought together people who now work together. I have attended an event at UIC for the sale of fair trade products.

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McDonnell has gradually built that program to what I think of as a marriage between high-quality guests and programs married to community activism. WHO ELSE DOES THAT???

His social justice activism Thursdays have brought together people who now work together. I have attended an event at UIC for the sale of fair trade products.

While I’m delighted he will still have a job at WBEZ and will no doubt do it well, a show on environmental issues will not supplant the program that he so beautifully constructed.


Jacqueline (Jackie) Kirley Past President, Working Women’s History Project

“I know that there is nothing like Worldview anywhere — it is truly unique.” I taught government for 30 years at Harold Washington College. I had my students listen to Worldview as often as they could. We all learned so much from it. Traveling around the country I always find my public radio station. I know that there is nothing like Worldview anywhere — it is truly unique. We mustn’t lose this wonderful resource.

Dr. Gloria Carrig, Professor of Political Science (ret.) City Colleges of Chicago.

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“Worldview is almost miraculous in its consistent production of high quality interviews on essential issues.”

Of all the programs on the air, including WCPT programming, Worldview is the one I am most inclined to listen to. Radio is a perfect venue for Jerome McDonnell and his gifted management of a very good array of issues with a minimum of program distractions. Also I understand the Worldview supports only 3 people, so I wonder how the heck the quality stays superior and the subjects and issues so universal. If you ever sit through the credits in even the most shoestring movie and marveled at how many people it takes to produce media, you know that Worldview is almost miraculous in its consistent production of high quality interviews on essential issues. And these issues are essential. Nobody covers how government decisions affect the human condition like Mr. McDonnell does.

Jan Boudart Nuclear Energy Information Service

“Worldview should be syndicated to other stations in the country, rather than shut down!”

WORLDVIEW is a vital source of information and connection for those involved in issues of social justice in the Chicago area. It is the best place in Chicago where the voices of those who are left out, pushed out and marginalized by the mainstream news can be heard, Worldview should be syndicated to other stations in the country, rather than shut down!

Martha Pierce, Board Member, Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America; Interfaith Community for Detained Immigrants

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“Jerome is an amazing interviewer and breaks down complicated issues so that you get a greater understanding of the issues.”

Worldview is one of the few places you can go to hear about international issues straight from the sources. Jerome brings on experts and people in the field that implement the work not just talk about it and he does not have an agenda or message but really lets the listener learn about the issues and facts. Jerome is an amazing interviewer and breaks down complicated issues so that you get a greater understanding of the issues. I also learn about things on such a variety of topics, things I would not know otherwise. He has also had me on his show several times,

increasing our donor base and reach which has helped us to do more programming of getting more girls into school! It is an important show and one that should not be lost. Amy Maglio Women’s Global Education Project, Founder and Executive Director

“This is the best program on radio concerning foreign policy, racial matters, and many other issues.” I listen to Worldview every noon and have since McDonald first took over that time slot (and even before his time). This is the best program on radio concerning foreign policy, racial matters, and many other issues. McDonald has had a wide variety of guests, many the top in their fields. It would be a crime to take the show off the air!

Dr. Ronald Cohen Emeritus Professor of of History, Indiana University Northwest

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“…we need local shows like Worldview to help us explore the issues and to understand what the news means for our city and our own lives.”

I have been honored to be a guest on Worldview. Chicago is a global city and this show helps link us to the international world. In a global community that is changing rapidly, we need local shows like Worldview to help us explore the issues and to understand what the news means for our city and our own lives.

Craig Klugman Professor, DePaul University

“Its coverage of events important to everyday people is unparalleled.”

Worldview has provided some of the best coverage in the media on international as well national issues. Its coverage of events important to everyday people is unparalleled. I teach global social movements and rely on Worldview to keep abreast of important developments and popular struggles. I know NW Indiana listens because when I have been a guest I get calls from many people who had been listening. It is a unique resource in the Chicago area.

Ruth Needleman Professor Emerita, Indiana University Visiting Faculty. SAIC

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“..save this show, or WBEZ will lose its soul.” We appreciate Worldview, that it would give a ballance view and the many sides to big issues. Jerome has had good discussions on energy, and Thorium molten salt technology, and we appreciate the wide range of information he shares. There is nothing like it in the nation. WBEZ should be ashamed at the limited amount of local programming compared to KCRW and WNYC and even WNIJ in Dekalb(!) – save this show, or WBEZ will lose its soul.

John Kutsch Executive Director, Thorium Energy Alliance

“As someone who has worked internationally for over 20 years I know the importance of Worldview, a program that does in-depth exploration of subjects that get very little coverage anywhere in the U.S.”

A Global City Needs a Worldview

The first time I met Jerome McDonnell, host of Worldview, WBEZ’s international affairs program, was in 1999. It was one year after I founded the Chiapas Media Project (CMP).

Our award-winning bi-national organization was providing video equipment and training to the indigenous Zapatista communities in Mexico’s Chiapas state.

In the 1990s the Zapatistas galvanized worldwide attention announcing their uprising via the internet, focusing attention on the plight of indigenous people in Mexico. CMP was part of the global response to their call for international solidarity and support.

At the time, I was living between Chiapas and Chicago, trying to figure out how to generate media interest in our work. I found one Chicago outlet that took an interest in our story: Worldview.

With me in that first interview was Paco Vazquez, a 25-year-old photographer from Milpa Alta, an indigenous Nahua community on the outskirts of Mexico City. Paco helped me start CMP.

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Talking recently, Paco and I recalled how comfortable we felt: We had been nervous about our very first radio interview. But Jerome knew what to ask and how to ask it.

I say this because there is an art to good radio, now having been interviewed by many different people. The interviewer needs to know the subject matter well but more importantly, they need to be sensitive to who they are interviewing.

They must pay attention to where the individual is coming from and be willing to have a conversation, not a confrontation.

Jerome made us feel like he was truly invested in what we had to say, and that is a gift.

In 2011 we had a booth at the Global Activism Expo. Jerome interviewed me and bought several DVDs of short documentaries by TV Serrana, a Cuban community media organization based in the Sierra Maestra Mountains.

That year, I started working with filmmakers in Cuba through the newly founded Americas Media Initiative.

The U.S. tour I organized for TV Serrana included a stop at Worldview for me and the organization’s Carlos Rodriguez. Jerome had watched their films and facilitated a great conversation about Cuba, filmmaking and community media.

This year I have been on Worldview four times with Cuban guests who are part of the year-long film series, Cuban Visions at the Athenaeum Theatre in Chicago.

Topics the series covers include LGBTQ rights, inequity and class, and the Cuban economy— all complicated and sensitive subjects for Cubans who live in Cuba. Jerome handled all of these interviews with ease, making everyone feel comfortable. His questions aimed to expand the audience’s understanding and helped us get many more people to the screenings.

In June, I heard WBEZ was cancelling Worldview at the beginning of October and my heart broke.

As someone who has worked internationally for over 20 years I know the importance of Worldview, a program that does in-depth exploration of subjects that get very little coverage anywhere in the U.S.

I recently moved back to Chicago after living out of state for a number of years. Since my return I’ve heard a lot of language framing Chicago as a “global city.”

Our recent experience with Cuban Visions provides a good litmus test of how little interest traditional Chicago media has in covering international affairs even in their own backyard. Worldview is the exception.

Canceling Worldview would be a true loss to our city and I hope WBEZ will reconsider. Chicagoans rely on Worldview to engage with each other and with the world, and that is what a truly global city needs.

Alexandra Halkin, Guggenheim and Fulbright Fellow, Founder of the Chiapas Media Project and currently Director of Americas Media Initiative.

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“This is the type of program that is vital to a diverse and democratic society, particularly for a society that is too often very insular.”

This is the type of program that is vital to a diverse and democratic society, particularly for a society that is too often very insular. We can see this in our reluctance and arrogance about learning languages and our tendency to use our politics and society as a model. We need to question our assumptions and way of life. We really can learn something by engaging with the larger world.

It’s one way to learn about the world that we live in. This really is a wall that we should tear down.

Charles Helm, Former Professor at Western Illinois University

“Worldview is essential to my classroom and essential to hundreds of teachers like me.” Worldview is essential to radio listeners in Chicago. It is a vital resource that I rely on regularly. It allows me to bring the world to my classroom. It allows me to connect students to individuals whose stories are too often under-reported. Worldview is essential to my classroom and essential to hundreds of other teacher like me. Anne-Michele Boyle Whitney Young High School, AP World History & Global Issues/Global Citizenship; Students Together; Assisting Refugees; Girl Up; Chicago Council on Global Affairs; United Nations Association-Chicago.

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“It is one reason I did a chunk of my doctoral studies at Loyola University in Globalization.”

I am heartbroken to hear WBEZ could even dream of canceling Worldview. it is the one WBEZ show to which I religiously listen. Where American media is so parochial and inward-oriented, I count on Worldview as the only program that tune me into global issues. It is one reason I did a chunk of my doctoral studies at Loyola University in Globalization. Please reconsider dropping Worldview. It is a vital nutrient of the mind. Dr Margaretta Swigert-Gacheru Chicago

“…ratings should not be the only driving factor.” Worldview is a unique program among the available radio offerings concerned with international news. It has a more in-depth approach, it conveys voices that are not usually heard – from community organisers to academics who really know what they are talking about, from people who are involved in institutions that shape our world to those who are the victims of those policies. It provides a critical voice that is not simplistic and ideologically driven. WBEZ already got rid of “The World”. World news and analysis have never been as important as they are in this globalised age. I used to be a member. I stopped after another program I supported was eliminated. I was considering becoming a member again. This decision saddens me and makes me question the direction fo the station. Ratings are important. May be the noon to 1:00 segment is not the best time for Worldview. But ratings should not be the only driving factor.

Helene Bellour Oak Park

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“It fulfills an educational and intellectual gap unlike almost any other show in the country….. I hope management will reconsider.”

I am a long time fan of WBEZ’s Worldview, and was even a guest on the show one time. The fact that it is possibly going off the air does not make sense and is simply depressing. It fulfills an educational and intellectual gap unlike almost any other show in the country. It’s smart, the host is superb, and it covers important topics that are both timely and deserve more attention. It has a loyal following and really raises the profile of WBEZ. I hope management will reconsider.

Steve Striffler Director, Labor Resource Center, UMass Boston

“He has also had me on his show several times, increasing our donor base and reach which has helped us to do more programming of getting more girls into school!” Worldview is one of the few places you can go to hear about international issues straight from the sources. Jerome brings on experts and people in the field that implement the work not just talk about it and he does not have an agenda or message but really lets the listener learn about the issues and facts. Jerome is an

amazing interviewer and breaks down complicated issues so that you get a greater understanding of the issues. I also learn about things on such a variety of topics, things I would not know otherwise. He has also had me on his show several times, increasing our donor base and reach which has helped us to do more programming of getting more girls into school! It is an important show and one that should not be lost. Amy Maglio Oak Park Founder and Executive Director, Women’s Global

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“Cancelling such a treasured program at this time is a mistake. I urge Chicago Public media to truly listen and hear their public.”

Worldview is beyond a radio program; it continually connects people and organizations and spurs action. Jerome McDonnell and Steve Bynum’s deep understanding and connection to social movements both locally and globally is unique and invaluable. Its audience is WBEZ’s core base and is the stations heart and soul. Cancelling such a treasured program at this time it is a mistake. I urge Chicago Public media to truly listen and hear their public. Katherine Bissell Cordova Executive Director, Chicago Fair Trade

“Public radio exists exactly for excellent programs like Worldview.”

I am Dr. Mario F. Venegas, born in Chile and a US citizen. I am a scientist, but also a human rights and social justice activist. Worldview has given a voice to so many guests, many of whom you will hear nowhere else: academics, scientists, activists, artists, political leaders, people on the ground sharing their experiences and expertise on critical breaking situations. Who else offers this?

Public radio exists exactly for excellent programs like Worldview.

WBEZ: I urge you not take it off the air. Chicago, an international city, deserves and needs Worldview.

Dr. Mario Venegas Kovler Center for the Treatment of Torture Survivor, Clients Advisory Council Chicago Torture Justice Memorials, Advisory Board Member Chicago Religious Leadership Network On Latin America, Board Member Chicago Torture Justice Center, Board Member Amnesty International-USA

Page 61: Testimonial Complication, 10 April 2019 · 4/10/2019  · Testimonial Compilation 10 September 2019 ... No other public radio station does this. Worldview belongs to Chicago. Why

“It’s clear that Worldview are serving their community by tying the local with the international.”

I was interviewed alongside Sarah Hunaidi on Worldview in August about a Foreign Policy article we published related to the deportation of Syrian refugees from Turkey.

In addition to firmly believing in strong public radio and media that shares a strong relationship with the communities they serve, I felt the questions and comments during the interview were thoughtful and well-researched.

It’s clear that Worldview are serving their community by tying the local with the international. It’s crucial that they keep going.

Kareem Chehayeb Independent Journalist and Human Rights Researcher