User Manual TDS3AAM Advanced Analysis Application Module 071-0946-01 *P071094601* 071094601

TDS3AAM Advanced Analysis Application Module User ManualUser Manual TDS3AAM Advanced Analysis Application Module 071-0946-01 071094601

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User Manual


Advanced Analysis

Application Module



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Safety Summary 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

TDS3AAM Overview 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Installing the TDS3AAM Application Module 6. . . . . . . .

Accessing Advanced Analysis Menus 6. . . . . . . . . . . .

Measurement Functions 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

DPO Math Functions 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Advanced Math Functions 14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

XY Cursors 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Safety Summary

To avoid potential hazards, use this product only asspecified. While using this product, you may need toaccess other parts of the system. Read the General SafetySummary in other system manuals for warnings andcautions related to operating the system.

Preventing Electrostatic Damage

CAUTION. Electrostatic discharge (ESD) candamage components in the oscilloscope and itsaccessories. To prevent ESD, observe theseprecautions when directed to do so.

Use a Ground Strap. Wear a grounded antistatic wrist strapto discharge the static voltage from your body whileinstalling or removing sensitive components.

Use a Safe Work Area. Do not use any devices capable ofgenerating or holding a static charge in the work areawhere you install or remove sensitive components.Avoid handling sensitive components in areas that have afloor or benchtop surface capable of generating a staticcharge.

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Handle Components Carefully. Do not slide sensitivecomponents over any surface. Do not touch exposedconnector pins. Handle sensitive components as little aspossible.

Transport and Store Carefully. Transport and store sensitivecomponents in a static-protected bag or container.

Manual Storage

The oscilloscope front cover has a convenient place tostore this manual.

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TDS3AAM Overview

This section provides an overview of the TDS3AAMAdvanced Analysis application module features anddescribes how to access the advanced analysis functions.

You can do the following analysis tasks with theTDS3AAM application module:

� DPO Math.

� Arbitrary math expressions. Allow you to createwaveforms using math operations on active andreference waveforms, waveform measurements, up to2 user-definable variables, and arithmetic expressions.

� Waveform area and cycle area measurements.

� Measurement statistics. Adds min/max ormean/standard deviation readouts to displayedmeasurements.

� XY waveform cursors.

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Installing the TDS3AAM Application Module

Refer to the TDS3000, TDS3000B, and TDS3000CSeries Application Module Installation manual forinstructions on installing and testing the applicationmodule.

Accessing Advanced Analysis Menus

The TDS3AAM Advanced Analysis module adds Area,Cycle Area, and statistical measurement functions to theMeasure menu, and DPO math and Advanced Mathfunctions to the Math menu, and XY cursors to theCursor menu. To access the Advanced Analysis func-tions, use the following table:

Accessing TDS3AAM Functions




Push side menubutton

Area,Cycle Areameasurement

MEASURE SelectMeasrmnt

--More-- button untilyou display Area andCycle Area buttons.See page 8.


MEASURE Statistics To select Min/Max orMean/Standard Devi-ation. See page 9.

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Accessing TDS3AAM Functions (cont.)


Push side menubutton



DPO Math MATH DPO Math To select waveformsources and operator.See page 12.


MATH AdvancedMath

To create a math ex-pression, define avariable value, defineunits, and display themath expression. Seepage 14.

XY Cursors CURSOR Function To select WaveformXY cursor (you mustbe in XY display modeto see this menu). Seepage 21.

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Measurement Functions

The TDS3AAM application module adds Area andCycle Area measurements to the Select Measurementside menu list, and adds a Statistics bottom button to theMeasurement menu. To access these measurement menuitems, push theMEASURE front-panel button.

Area and Cycle Area Measurements

Bottom Side Description


Area Voltage over time measurement.The arithmetic area over the entirewaveform or gated region, mea-sured in vertical unit-seconds (forexample, volt-seconds or amp-se-conds).

Cycle Area Voltage over time measurement.The arithmetic area over the firstcycle in the waveform, or the firstcycle in the gated region, mea-sured in vertical-unit-seconds (forexample, volt-seconds or amp-se-conds).

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Area and Cycle Area Measurements (cont.)

Bottom DescriptionSide

Statistics OFF Disables displaying statisticalinformation with active measure-ments.

Min/Max Displays minimum and maximumreadouts for each active measure-ment readout.


Displays Mean and StandardDeviation readouts for each activemeasurement readout.

n is the number of measurementvalues used to calculate the meanand standard deviation values, andranges from 2 to 1000. Use thegeneral purpose knob to changethe value in increments of 1 (fine)or 10 (coarse). The default value is32.

Waveform Polarity. For area calculation, the waveformarea above ground is positive; the waveform area belowground is negative.

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Waveform Clipping. For best results, make sure that allinput waveforms do not extend beyond the top orbottom graticules of the display (referred to as clippingthe waveform). Using clipped waveforms with measure-ment or math functions can result in incorrect values.

Area. The following equation shows the algorithm forcalculating the waveform area for the entire record orgated region.

If Start = End then return the (interpolated) value atStart. Otherwise,




Cycle Area. The following equation shows the algorithmfor calculating the waveform area for a single cycle inthe record or gated region.

If StartCycle = EndCycle then return the (interpolated)value at StartCycle. Otherwise,




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Min/Max.Min/Max displays a minimum and maximummeasurement readout directly below each active mea-surement. The following is an example of a Min/Maxreadout.

Ch1 Freq15.98 MHzMin: 15.81MHzMax: 16.17MHz

Mean/Standard Deviation.Mean/Standard Deviationdisplays a mean (�) and standard deviation (σ) readoutdirectly below each active measurement. The mean andstandard deviation values are running calculations,which means that the current calculation incorporates theresults of previous calculations. The following is anexample of a Mean/Standard Deviation readout.

Ch1 Freq15.98 MHz�: 15.99MHzσ: 82.92kHz

Screen Readouts. The Min/Max and Mean/StandardDeviation readouts display directly below the waveformmeasurements, in an area normally used for measure-ment qualifier text (such as “Low resolution”). If yoususpect the measurement, turn off statistics to see if theoscilloscope displays any qualifier text.

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DPO Math Functions

The TDS3AAM application module adds the ability toperform dual waveform math on DPO waveforms. Theresulting DPO math waveform contains intensity or grayscale information that, like an analog oscilloscope,increases waveform intensity where the signal traceoccurs most often. This gives you more informationabout signal behavior. To access the DPO math menu,push theMATH front-panel button, and then push theDPOMath bottom button.

DPO Math Menu

Bottom Side Description

DPO Math Set 1st Sourceto

Selects the first source wave-form.

Set Operatorto

Selects the math operator:

+, --, or X

Set 2ndSource to

Selects the second sourcewaveform.

Intensity. Use the WAVEFORM INTENSITY front-panelknob to control the overall waveform intensity as well ashow long the waveform data persists on the screen.

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Acquisition Modes. Changes to the acquisition modeglobally affect all input channel sources except for DPOmath, thereby modifying any math waveforms usingthem. For example, with the acquisition mode set toEnvelope, a Ch1 + Ch2 math waveform will receiveenveloped channel 1 and channel 2 data, which results inan enveloped math waveform.

Clearing Data. Clearing the data in a waveform sourcecauses a null waveform to be delivered to any mathwaveform that includes that source, until the sourcereceives new data.

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Advanced Math Functions

The TDS3AAM application module lets you create acustom math waveform expression that can incorporateactive and reference waveforms, measurements, and/ornumeric constants. To access the Advanced Math menu,push theMATH front-panel button, and then push theAdvanced Math bottom button.

Advanced Math Menu

Bottom Side Description



Displays a screen in which youcan create or edit the expres-sion that defines the mathwaveform. See page 15.

VAR1, VAR2n.nnnnE nn

Assigns numeric values to twovariables. You can use thesevariables as part of an expres-sion. Push the side menu buttonto select between the base(n.nnn) and the exponent (nn)field. Use the general purposeknob to enter values.

Define Units Displays a screen in which youcan enter user-defined unitlabels. These labels replace theunknown “?” readout value.

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Advanced Math Menu (cont.)

Bottom DescriptionSide

AdvancedMath (cont.)


Displays the current advancedmath expression on the grati-cule.

Edit Expression Screen. The Edit Expression screen letsyou create arbitrary math expressions. Refer to page 16for a description of the Edit Expression controls.




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Edit Expression Screen

Menu item Description


Location in expression field where the nextexpression element is entered.


Area that displays the entered expressionelements, up to a maximum of 127 characters.

Expression list The list of available elements. Use the generalpurpose knob to select an element. You canonly select elements that are syntacticallycorrect for the current math expression.Non-selectable elements are grayed out. Referto page 17 for more expression elementinformation.

Edit Expression Controls. The Edit Expression screenprovides controls and menu items to create math expres-sions. The following table describes the Edit Expressioncontrols.

Edit Expression Controls

Control Description

General pur-pose knob

Selects (highlights) an element in the expres-sion list.

Enter Selec-tion button

Adds the selected element to the expressionfield. You can also use the front panel SELECTbutton.

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Edit Expression Controls (cont.)

Control Description

Back Spacebutton

Erases the last-entered element from theexpression field.

Clear button Clears (erases) the entire expression field.

OK Acceptbutton

Closes the Edit Expression screen anddisplays the math expression waveform.

MENU OFFbutton

Closes the Edit Expression screen and returnsto the previous menu without changing themath expression.

Expression List. The following gives more information onthe expression list items.

Expression List

Menu item Description


Specifies a waveform data source.

FFT(, Intg(,Diff(

Executes a Fast Fourier Transform, integra-tion, or differentiation operation on theexpression that follows. The FFT operatormust be the first (left-most) operator in anexpression. All these operations must end witha right parenthesis.

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Expression List (cont.)

Menu item Description


Executes the selected measurement operationon the waveform (active or reference) thatfollows. All these operations must end with aright parenthesis.

Var1, Var2 Adds the user-defined variable to the expres-sion.

+, --, ¢, ­ Executes an addition, subtraction, multiplica-tion, or division operation on the followingexpression. + and -- are also unary; use -- tonegate the expression that follows.

( ) , Parentheses provide a way to controlevaluation order in an expression. The commais used to separate the “from” and “to”waveforms in Delay and Phase measurementoperations.

1-0, ., E Specifies a numeric value in (optional)scientific notation.

User-Defined Variables. This feature lets you define twovariables, such as math constants, that you can then useas part of a math expression. The side menu buttontoggles between selecting the numeric field and selectingthe scientific notation field (E). Use the general purposeknob to enter values in either field. Push the COARSEfront panel button to quickly enter larger numbers in thenumeric field.

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Edit Math Units Controls. The Edit Math Units screenprovides controls and menu items to create custom unitsfor math waveforms. Whenever the oscilloscope cannotdetermine the horizontal or vertical units for a measure-ment, it displays the undefined unit character (?). Theuser-defined units function replaces the undefinedhorizontal or vertical unit character with the user-definedvertical or horizontal unit for math waveforms only.

The following table describes the Edit Math Unitscontrols.

Edit Math Units Controls

Control Description

General pur-pose knob

Selects (highlights) a character in the label list.

Up Arrow,Down Arrow

Selects the Vertical or Horizontal label in theunit label field.

OK Acceptbutton

Closes the Edit Math Units screen anddisplays the math menu.

Enter Charac-ter button

Adds the selected character at the cursorposition in the unit field.

Left Arrow,Right Arrow

Moves the unit label field cursor to the left orright.

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Edit Math Units Controls (cont.)

Control Description

Back Spacebutton

Erases the character to the left of the cursorposition.

Delete button Deletes the character at the cursor position inthe unit label field.

Clear button Clears (erases) all characters in the currentunit field (Horizontal or Vertical).

MENU OFFbutton

Closes the Edit Math Units screen and returnsto the previous menu without applying theuser-defined units.

Math Expression Example.

The following expression calculates the energy in awaveform, where Ch1 is in volts and Ch2 is in amps:

Intg (Ch1×Ch2)

Taking an Area measurement on the resulting waveformdisplays the waveform power value.

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XY Cursors

The TDS3AAM application module adds XY and XYZwaveform measurement cursors. These cursor functionsare part of the Cursor menu. You must display an XYwaveform (DISPLAY > XY Display > Triggered XY(orGated XYZ)) in order to access the XY cursor menuitems.

The following figure shows XY cursors in Waveformmode with polar readouts.

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XY Cursor Menu

Bottom Side Description

Function Off Turns XY cursors off.Function

Waveform Turns waveform or graticule cursormodes on. Use the front-panelSELECT button to select which


SELECT button to select whichcursor to move (the active cursor).Use the general purpose knob tomove the active cursor.

Mode Independent Sets cursors to move independently.Mode

Tracking Sets cursors to move together whenthe reference cursor is selected.

Readout Rectangular Displays values at and between thecursor positions as X and Y read-outs.

Polar Displays values at and between thecursor positions as radius and anglereadouts.

Product Displays product values of the activecursor and the difference vector ofthe two cursors.

Ratio Displays ratio values of the activecursor and the difference vector ofthe two cursors.

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0, 0 Origin. The XY waveform origin is the 0 volt point ofeach source waveform. Positioning both source wave-form 0 volt points on the vertical center graticule placesthe origin in the center of the screen. All actual (@)measurements are referenced to the XY waveform’s 0, 0origin, and show the value of the active cursor.

Waveform Mode. The Waveform mode uses cursors tomeasure the actual waveform data to determine X and Yvalues and units. While in Waveform mode, the XYcursors always lock onto the XY waveform, and cannotbe positioned off the XY waveform.

Graticule Mode. The Graticule function does not connectscreen cursor position to waveform data. Instead, thedisplay is like a piece of graph paper, where the values ofthe divisions are set by each channel’s vertical scale. Thegraticule cursor readouts display the XY value of thescreen, not the waveform data. Because graticule cursorsare not associated with waveform data, the cursors arenot locked to the XY waveform and can be positionedanywhere on the graticule.

All readout types (Polar, Rectangular, Product, andRatio) are available in both Waveform and Graticulecursor modes. However, no time readouts are displayedin Graticule mode because the cursors are not measuringthe waveform record.

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Turning XY Cursors Off. To turn off the XY cursors, pushthe front panel CURSOR button, and then push theCursor Function Off side menu button.

Reference and Delta Cursors. Both Waveform and Grati-cule modes use two XY cursors: a reference cursor ( ),and a delta cursor (�). All difference (�) measurementsare measured from the reference cursor to the deltacursor.

Switching Between XY and YT Display. You can switchbetween XY and YT display mode to see the location ofthe Waveform cursors in the YT waveform. The wave-form record icon at the top of the graticule also showsthe relative cursor positions of the Waveform cursors inthe waveform record.

Waveform Sources. You can use XY cursors on activeacquisitions, single sequence acquisitions, and referencewaveforms. You must store both XY source waveformsin order to recreate an XY waveform. The X axis wave-form must be stored in Ref1.

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Rectangular Readouts. The Rectangular readouts displaythe following information:

�X,�Y The X and Y difference from the reference cursor tothe delta cursor. A negative X value means that thedelta cursor is to the left of the reference cursor onthe X axis. A negative Y value means that the deltacursor is below the reference cursor on the Y axis

@X, @Y The actual X and Y values of the active (selected)cursor.


The time from the reference cursor to the deltacursor. A negative value means that the deltacursor is earlier in the waveform record than thereference cursor.


The time from the trigger point to the active cursor.A negative value means that the active cursor isearlier in the waveform record than the trigger point.

The following is an example of Rectangular readouts inWaveform mode:

�X:1.43V @X:-140mV�Y:2.14V @Y:480mV�t:-660ns @t:1.61�s

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Polar Readouts. The Polar readout displays the followinginformation:

�r,�θThe radius and angle from the reference cursor tothe delta cursor.

@r, @θ The radius and angle from the XY waveform originto the active (selected) cursor.


The time from the reference cursor to the deltacursor. A negative value means that the deltacursor is earlier in the waveform record than thereference cursor.


The time from the trigger point to the active cursor.A negative value means that the active cursor isearlier in the waveform record than the trigger point.

The following is an example of Polar readouts in Wave-form mode:

�r:2.90V @r:1.27V�θ:32.6° @θ:179°�t:-4.20�s @t:8.36�s

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The following figure shows an example of how theoscilloscope calculates the difference vector from theradius and angle values of the two cursors.

@ r = 3.17V@ θ = 45.0°


@ r = 1.41V@ θ = --45.0°

�r = 3.47V

�θ = --111°

The following figure shows how the oscilloscopedetermines polar angle values.



XY origin (or reference cursor

for� measurements)

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Product Readouts. The Product readouts displays thefollowing information:

�X¢�Y The product of the difference vector’s X componentmultiplied by the difference vector’s Y component.

@X¢@Y The product of the active cursor’s X value multipliedby the active cursor’s Y value.


The time from the reference cursor to the deltacursor. A negative value means that the deltacursor is earlier in the waveform record than thereference cursor.


The time from the trigger point to the active cursor.A negative value means that the active cursor isearlier in the waveform record than the trigger point.

The following is an example of Product readouts inWaveform mode:

�X¢�Y: 7.16VV@X¢@Y: 1.72VV�t:-4.68�s @t:8.84�s

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Ratio Readouts. The Ratio readouts displays the follow-ing information:

�X÷�Y The ratio of the difference vector’s Y componentdivided by the difference vector’s X component.

@X÷@Y The ratio of the active cursor’s Y value divided bythe active cursor’s X value.


The time from the reference cursor to the deltacursor. A negative value means that the deltacursor is earlier in the waveform record than thereference cursor.


The time from the trigger point to the active cursor.A negative value means that the active cursor isearlier in the waveform record than the trigger point.

The following is an example of Ratio readouts in Wave-form mode:

�Y÷�X:1.22VV@Y÷@X:1.10VV�t:-4.68ms @t:8.84ms