T&D Telecom

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  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom




    Training and development have to be a qualitative and quantitative activity, especially for

    those who are employed as Civil engineers; mechanical engineer; technicians; front office,

    accountant, commercial executive etc. Since these are the people who come in contact with the

    clients or his attendant first. They have to be constantly reminded of bedside manners. The

    working knowledge of computers is a pre-requisite that all nurses need to have in order to make

    online entries at all levels and departments in the modern HIS software. On the other hand, the

    middle-level managers need to be exposed to training programmes on themes like leadership

    skills, managerial skills, effective communication, body language, team building, motivation etc.

    Although, it is imperative for everyone to accept the concept of personal development as

    part of his or her career and life approach, Organisation need to be committed to creating an

    environment where the staff is informed, valued and involved. Employee development should

    aim to provide a range of opportunities for horizontal as well as vertical growth of human

    capital. These interventions may include work-based learning, coaching, mentioning, personal

    development courses, open learning, comprehensive induction programme, BCC, NVQs,

    shadowing, job-swap, secondments, sabbaticals, career structures etc. However, not alldevelopment needs can be met in this way and where this is the case, needs may be met through

    the provision of internal and external courses, conferences and longer courses of study including

    e-learning and distance learning, leading to a qualification.

    Why Have Training & Development?

    Poor work performance can result due to many reasons, including task requirements that

    exceed human potential, insufficient infrastructure or equipment, unsatisfactory and frustrating

    work environments, inadequate selection processes, negative or unhealthy work culture,insensitive policies and management, and contradictory performance standards. Training might

    not eradicate these problems, but it can be a powerful force in overcoming those, which result

    from inadequate or poor application of job skills.

    While training and development need to be placed at the core of improving employee

    care, it is important to make sure that the training set-up for the employees. the organization, and

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    the people in it succeed. Planning a training calendar can be a futile activity if training designs,

    methods and materials are not sensitive to the uniqueness of learners. It is therefore essential to

    understand how to design, develop and deliver efficient and cost-effective training.

    The Concept of Performance

    Performance generally refers to the spirit de corps--- A feeling of enthusiasm, &

    confidence in every individual or groups that they will be able to cope up with the task assigned

    to them. A persons enthusiasm for his job reflects his attitude of mind to work, environment his

    employer and his members to strive for the goals set for his by the organization where he is


    Performance as a term means and includes the following:

    1 It is group feeling a group assessment of conditions.

    2 It relates to the individual worker and his own perception of insisting state of well being

    in the organization.

    3 It is an attitude of mind which results from mobilization of energy, interest and initiative.

    4 Courage, confidence and enthusiasm in the performance of job.

    5 Job satisfaction.

    6 Readiness to cooperate warmly in the tasks and purposes of the given organization.


    It is the state of mind and emotions affecting the willingness and attitude to work, which

    in turn, affects achievement of individual and organizational objectives: -


    The extent to which an individual needs are satisfied and the extent to which the

    individual perceives the satisfaction stemming from his total job situations.


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    Performance means the attitude of employees and groups towards their work

    environment and toward voluntary cooperation to the full extent of their ability in the best

    interest of the organization.

    Keith Davis

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    Every organization requires to have well-trained and experienced people to perform the

    organizational activities. If the organization fulfill this requirement, training is not important. But

    when this is not the case, it becomes necessary to impart the training. Training & development is

    a very important function of the personnel management. In this the personnel management

    provides training to the employees for better productivity, low accidents and to meet the

    technological environment.

    In a rapidly changing society, employee training & development is not an activity that is

    desirable but also an activity that an organization must commit resources to if it is to maintain a

    viable & knowledgeable work force. The term trainings used in relation to operativeemployees.


    The term training denotes a systematic procedure for transferring technical know how to the

    employees so as to increase their knowledge and skills for doing particular jobs. In the words of

    Edwin B. Flippo, training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for

    doing a particular job.

    Employees training tries to improve skills, or add to the existing level of knowledge so that the

    employee is better equipped to do his job, or to prepare him for a higher position with increased

    responsibilities. However, individual growth. The concern is for the organizations viability, that

    it should adapt itself changing environment.

    The effective functioning of any organizational requires that employee learn to perform

    their jobs at satisfactory level of proficiency. Thus, training enables the employees to get

    acquainted with their jobs and increase their skills & knowledge.


    The objectives of training may be listed as follows: -

    1) To increase the existing level of knowledge of workers in doing particular jobs.

    2) To imparting new skills in workers, so that they learn very quickly & efficiently.

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    3) To improve the overall work performance of organization.

    4) To reduce number of accidents by giving proper training to employees.

    5) To maintain the level of economy


    To fulfill these objectives the following are the step in the training procedure:

    (A) Organizational objectives and strategies

    (B) Assessment of training needs

    (C) Establishment of training goals

    (D) Devising training goals

    (E) Implementation of training program

    (F) Evaluation of results

    Need for Training

    After employees have been selected for various positions in an organization, training them for

    the specific tasks to which they have been assigned assumes great importance. It is true in many

    organizations that before an employee is fitted into a harmonious working relationship with other

    employees, he is given adequate training. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and

    skills of an employee for performing a particular job. The major outcome of training is learning.

    A trainee learns new habits, refined skills and useful knowledge during the training that helps

    him improve performance. Training enables an employee to do his present job more efficiently

    and prepare himself for a higher-level job. The essential features of training may be stated thus:

    Increases knowledge and skills for doing a particular job; it bridges the gap between job

    needs and employee skills, knowledge and behaviors

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    Focuses attention on the current job; it is job specific and addresses particular

    performance deficits or problems

    Concentrates on individual employees; changing what employees know, how they

    work, their attitudes toward their work or their interactions with their co-workers or


    Tends to be more narrowly focused and oriented toward short-term performance


    Training is needed to serve the following purposes:

    Newly recruited employees require training so as to perform their tasks effectively.

    Instruction, guidance, coaching help them to handle jobs competently, without any


    Training is necessary to prepare existing employees for higher-level jobs


    Existing employees require refresher training so as to keep abreast of the latest

    developments in job operations. In the face of rapid technological changes, this is an

    absolute necessity.

    Training is necessary when a person moves from one job to another (transfer). After

    training, the' employee can change jobs quickly, improve his performance levels and

    achieve career goals comfortably

    Training is necessary to make employees mobile and versatile. They can be placed

    on various jobs depending on organizational needs.

    Training is needed to bridge the gap between what the employee has and what the

    job demands.

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    Training is needed to make employees more productive and useful in the long-run.

    Training is needed for employees to gain acceptance from peers (learning a job quickly and

    being able to pull their own weight is one of the best ways for them to gain acceptance).


    Training offers innumerable benefits to both employees and employers. It makes the employee

    more productive and more useful to an organization. The importance of training can be studied

    under the following heads:

    Benefits to the business:

    Trained workers can work more efficiently. They use machines, tools, and materials in a proper

    way. Wastage is thus eliminated to a large extent.

    There will be fewer accidents. Training improves the knowledge of employees regarding the use

    of machines and equipment. Hence, trained workers need not be put under close supervision, as

    they know how to handle operations properly.

    Trained workers can show superior performance. They can turn out better performance. They

    can turn out better quality goods by putting the materials, tools and equipment to good use.

    Training makes employees more loyal to an organization. They will be less inclined to leave the

    unit where there are growth opportunities

    Benefits to the employees:

    Training makes an employee more useful to a firm. Hence, he will find employment more easily.

    Training makes employees more efficient and effective. By combining materials, tools and

    equipment in a right way, they can produce more with minimum effort.

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    Training enables employees to secure promotions easily. They can realise their career goals


    Training helps an employee to move from one organization to another easily. He can be more

    mobile and pursue career goals actively.

    Employees can avoid mistakes, accidents on the job. They can handle jobs with confidence.

    They will be more satisfied on their jobs. Their morale would be high.

    Thus, training can contribute to higher production, fewer mistakes, greater job satisfaction and

    lower labour turnover. Also, it can enable employees to cope with organizational, social and

    technological change. Effective training is an invaluable investment in the human resources of an


    Learning Principles: The Philosophy of Training

    Training is essential for job success. It can lead to higher production, fewer mistakes, greater job

    satisfaction and lower turnover. These benefits accrue to both the trainee and the organization, if

    managers understand the principles behind the training process. To this end, training efforts must

    invariably follow certain learning-oriented guidelines.


    Modeling is simply copying someone else's behavior. Passive classroom learning does not leave

    any room for modeling. If we want to change people, it would be a good idea to have videotapes

    of people showing the desired behavior. The selected model should provide the right kind of

    behavior to be copied by others. A great deal of human behaviour is learned by modelling others.

    Children learn by modelling parents and older children, they are quite comfortable with the

    process by the time they grow up. As experts put it. "managers tend to manage as they were


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    For learning to take place, intention to learn is important. When the employee is motivated, he

    pays attention to what is being said, done and presented. Motivation to learn is influenced by the

    answers to questions such as: How important is my job to me? How important is the

    information? Will learning help me progress in the company? etc. People learn more quickly

    when the material is important and relevant to them. Learning is usually quicker and long-lasting

    when the learner participates actively. Most people, for example, never forget how to ride a

    bicycle because they took an active part in the learning process.


    If a behavior is rewarded, it probably will be repeated. Positive reinforcement consists of

    rewarding desired behaviors. People avoid certain behaviors that invite criticism and

    punishment. A bank officer would want to do a postgraduate course in finance, if it earns him

    increments and makes him eligible for further promotions. Both the external rewards

    (investments, praise) and the internal rewards (a feeling of pride and achievement) associated

    with desired behaviors compel subjects to learn properly. To be effective, the trainer must reward

    desired behaviors only. If he rewards poor performance, the results may be disastrous: good

    performers may quit in frustration, accidents may go up, and productivity may suffer. The

    reinforcement principle is also based on the premise that punishment is less effective in learning

    than reward. Punishment is a pointer to undesirable behaviors. When administered, it causes pain

    to the employee. He mayor may not repeat the mistakes. The reactions may be mild or wild.

    Action taken to repeal a person from undesirable action is punishment. If administered properly,

    punishment may force the trainee to modify the undesired or incorrect behaviors.

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    People learn best if reinforcement is given as soon as possible after training. Every employee

    wants to know what is expected of him and how well he is doing. If he is off the track, somebody

    must put him back on the rails. The errors in such cases must be rectified immediately. The

    trainee after learning the right behaviour is motivated to do things in a 'right' way and earn the

    associated rewards. Positive feedback (showing the trainee the right way of doing things) is to be

    preferred to negative feedback (telling the trainee that he is not correct) when we want to change


    Spaced Practice

    Learning takes place easily if the practice sessions are spread over a period of time. New

    employees learn better if the orientation programme is spread over a two or three day period,

    instead of covering it all in one day. For memorizing tasks, 'massed' practice is usually more

    effective. Imagine the way schools ask the kids to say the Lord's prayer aloud. Can you

    memorise a long poem by learning only one line per day? You tend to forget the beginning of the

    poem by the time you reach the last stanza. For 'acquiring' skills as stated by Mathis and Jackson,

    spaced practice is usually the best. This incremental approach to skill acquisition minimizes the

    physical fatigue that deters learning.

    Whole Learning

    The concept of whole learning suggests that employees learn better if the job information is

    explained as an entire logical process, so that they can see how the various actions fit together

    into the 'big picture'. A broad overview of what the trainee would be doing on the job should be

    given top priority, if learning has to take place quickly. Research studies have also indicated that

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    it is more efficient to practice a whole task all at once rather than trying to master the various

    components of the task at different intervals.

    Active Practice

    'Practice makes a man perfect': so said Bacon. To be a swimmer, you should plunge into water

    instead of simply reading about swimming or looking at films of the worlds' best swimmers.

    Learning is enhanced when trainees are provided ample opportunities to repeat the task. For

    maximum benefit, practice sessions should be distributed over time.

    Applicability of Training

    Training should be as real as possible so that trainees can successfully transfer the new

    knowledge to their jobs. The training situations should be set up so that trainees can visualise -

    and identify with - the types of situations they can come across on the job.


    Finally, environment plays a major role in training. It is natural that workers who are exposed to

    training in comfortable environments with adequate, well spaced rest periods are more likely to

    learn than employees whose training conditions are less than ideal. Generally speaking, learning

    is very fast at the beginning. Thereafter, the pace of learning slows down as opportunities for

    improvement taper off.

    Areas of Training

    The Areas of Training in which training is offered may be classified into the following



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    Here the trainee learns about a set of rules and regulations about the job, the staff and the

    products or services offered by the company. The aim is to make the new employee fully aware

    of what goes on inside and outside the company.

    Technical Skills

    The employee is taught a specific skill (e.g., operating a machine, handling computer etc.) so that

    he can acquire that skill and contribute meaningfully.

    Social Skills

    The employee is made to learn about himself and others, and to develop a right mental attitude

    towards the job, colleagues and the company. The principal focus is on teaching the employee

    how to be a team member and get ahead.


    This involves the application of knowledge and skill to various on-the-job situations.

    In addition to improving the skills and knowledge of employees, training aims at moulding

    employee attitudes: When administered properly, a training programme will go a long way in

    obt8ining employee loyalty, support and commitment to company activities.

    Types of Training

    There are many approaches to training. We focus here on the types of training that are commonly

    employed in present-day organisations.

    Skills training:This type of training is most common in organisations. The process here is fairly

    simple. The need for training in basic skills (such as reading, writing, computing, speaking,

    listening, problem solving, managing oneself, knowing how to learn, working as part of a team,

    leading others) is identified through assessment. Specific training objectives are set and training

    content is developed to meet those objectives. Several methods are available for imparting these

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    basic skills in modern organisations (such as lectures, apprenticeship, on-the-job, coaching etc.).

    Before employing these methods, managers should:

    explain how the training will help the trainees in their jobs.

    relate the training to the trainees' goals.

    respect and consider participant responses and use these as a resource.

    encourage trainees to learn by doing.

    give feedback on progress toward meeting learning objectives.

    Refresher training: Rapid changes in technology may force companies to go in for

    this kind of training. By organising short-term courses which incorporate the latest

    developments in a particular field, the company may keep its employees up-to-date

    and ready to take on emerging challenges.

    It is conducted at regular intervals by taking the help of outside consultants who

    specialise in a particular descriptive.

    Cross-functional Training: Cross-functional Training involves training

    employees to perform operations in areas other than their assigned job. There are

    many approaches to cross functional training. Job rotation can be used to provide a

    manager in one functional area with a broader perspective than he would otherwise

    have. Departments can exchange personnel for a certain period so that each

    employee understands how other departments are functioning. High performing

    workers can act as peer trainers and help employees develop skills in another area of

    operation. Cross functional training provides the following benefits to an

    organisation (and the workers as well) (1) Workers gain rich experience in handling

    diverse jobs; they become more adaptable and versatile (2) they can better engineer

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    their own career paths (3) they not only know their job well but also understand how

    others are able to perform under a different set of constraints (4) A broader

    perspective increases workers' understanding of the business and reduces the need

    for supervision (5) when workers can fill in for other workers who are absent, it is

    easier to use flexible scheduling, which is increasingly in demand as more

    employees want to spend more time with their families. Eli Lilly and Company

    (India), for example, encourages cross-functional movements to make the

    organisation equally attractive to both specialists and generalists.

    Team Training: Team training generally covers two areas; content tasks and

    group processes. Content tasks specify the team's goals such as cost control and

    problem solving. Group processes reflect the way members function as a team - for

    example how they interact with each other, how they sort out differences, how they

    participate etc. Companies are investing heavy amounts, nowadays, in training new

    employees to listen to each other and to cooperate. They are using outdoor

    experiential training techniques to develop teamwork and team spirit among their

    employees (such as scaling a mountain, preparing recipes for colleagues at a

    restaurant, sailing through uncharted waters, crossing a jungle etc.). The training

    basically throws light on (i) how members should communicate with each other (ii)

    how they have to cooperate and get ahead (iii) how they should deal with conflict-

    full situations (iv) how they should find their way, using collective wisdom and

    experience to good advantage.

    Diversity Training:Diversity training considers all of the diverse dimensions in

    the workplace race, gender, age, disabilities, lifestyles, culture, education, ideas and

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    backgrounds - while designing a training programme. It aims to create better cross-

    cultural sensitivity with the aim of fostering more harmonious and fruitful working

    relationships among a firm's employees.

    The programme covers two things: (i) awareness building, which helps employees

    appreciate the key benefits of diversity, and (ii) skill building, which offers the

    knowledge, skills and abilities required for working with people having varied


    Literacy Training: Inability to write, speak and work well with others could

    often come in the way of discharging duties, especially at the lower levels. Workers,

    in such situations, may fail to understand safety messages, appreciate the

    importance of sticking to rules, and commit avoidable mistakes. Functional

    illiteracy (low skill level in a particular content area) may be a serious impediment

    to a firm's productivity and competitiveness. Functional literacy programmes focus

    on the basic skills required to perform a job adequately and capitalise on most

    workers' motivation to get help in a particular area. Tutorial programmes, home

    assignments, reading and writing exercises, simple mathematical tests, etc., are

    generally used in all company in-house programmes meant to improve the literacy

    levels of employees with weak reading, writing or arithmetic skills.

    Training Methods

    Training methods are usually classified by the location of instruction. On the job training is

    provided when the workers are taught relevant knowledge, skills and abilities at the actual

    workplace; off-the-job training, on the other hand, requires that trainees learn at a location other

    than the real work spot. Some of the widely used training methods are listed below.

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    1. Job Instruction Training (JlT)

    The JIT method (developed during World War II) is a four-step instructional process involving

    preparation, presentation, performance try out and follow up. It is used primarily to teach

    workers how to do their current jobs. A trainer, supervisor or co-worker acts as the coach. The

    four steps followed in the JIT methods are:

    1. The trainee receives an overview of the job, its purpose and its desired

    outcomes, with a clear focus on the relevance of training.

    2. The trainer demonstrates the job in order to give the employee a model to

    copy. The trainer shows a right way to handle the job.

    3. Next, the employee is permitted to copy the trainer's way. Demonstrations

    by the trainer and practice by the trainee are repeated until the trainee

    masters the right way to handle the job.

    4. Finally, the employee does the job independently without supervision.


    Trainee learns fast through practice and observation.

    It is economical as it does not require any special settings. Also, mistakes can be corrected


    The trainee gains confidence quickly as he does the work himself in actual setting with help

    from supervisor.

    It is most suitable for unskilled and semi-skilled jobs where the job operations are simple; easy

    to explain and demonstrate within a short span of time.


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    The trainee should be as good as the trainer if the trainer is not good, transference of

    knowledge and skills will be poor.

    While learning, trainee may damage equipment, waste materials, cause accidents frequently,

    Experienced workers cannot use the machinery while it is being used for training.

    2. Coaching:

    Coaching is a kind of daily training and feedback given to employees by immediate supervisors.

    It involves a continuous process of learning by doing. It may be defined as an informal,

    unplanned training and development activity provided by supervisors and peers. In coaching, the

    supervisor explains things and answers questions; he throws light on why things are done the

    way they are; he offers a model for trainees to copy; conducts lot of decision making meetings

    with trainees; procedures are agreed upon and the trainee is given enough authority to make

    divisions and even commit mistakes. Of course, coaching can be a taxing job in that the coach

    may not possess requisite skills to guide the learner in a systematic way. Sometimes, doing a full

    day's work may be more important than putting the learner on track.

    When to use coaching usefully?Coaching could be put to good use when:

    an employee demonstrates a new competency

    an employee expresses interest in a different job within the organisation

    an employee seeks feedback

    an employee is expressing low morale, violating company policies or practices

    or having performance problems

    an employee needs help with a new skill following a formal training programme.

    Effective working, obviously, requires patience and communication skills. It involves:

    explaining appropriate ways of doing things

    making clear why actions were taken

    stating observations accurately

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    offering possible alternatives / suggestions

    following up

    3. Mentoring :

    Mentoring is a relationship in which a senior manager in an organisation assumes the

    responsibility for grooming a junior person. Technical, interpersonal and political skills are

    generally conveyed in such a relationship from the more experienced person. A mentor is a

    teacher, spouse, counsellor, developerr of skills and intellect, host, guide, exemplar, and most

    importantly, supporter and facilitator in the realisation of the vision the young person (protege)

    has about the kind of 1ife he wants as an adult.

    The main objective is to he1p an employee attain psychological maturity and effectiveness and

    get integrated with the organisation. In a work situation, such mentoring can take place at both

    formal and informal levels, depending on the prevailing work culture and the commitment from

    the top management. Formal mentoring can be very fruitful, if management invests time and

    money in such relationship building exercises.

    Career functions: Career functions are those aspects of the relationship that

    enhance career advancement. These include:

    1. Sponsorship: Where mentors actively nominate a junior person (called

    'mentee') for promotions or desirable positions.

    2. Exposure and visibility: Where mentors offer opportunities for mentees to

    interact with senior executives, demonstrate their abilities and exploit their


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    3. Coaching:Mentors help mentees to analyse how they are doing their work

    and to define their aspirations. Here mentors offer practical advice on how to

    accomplish objectives and gain recognition from others.

    4. Protection:Mentors shield the junior person from harmful situations/seniors.

    5. Challenging assignments: Mentors help mentees develop necessary

    competencies through challenging job assignments and appropriate feedback.

    Mentors create opportunities clients to prove their worth to demonstrate clearly

    what they have to offer.

    Psychological functions:

    Psychological functions are those aspects that

    enhance the mentees sense of competence, and identify effectiveness in a

    professional role. These include:

    6. Role modeling:Mentors offer mentees a pattern of values and behaviours to


    7. Acceptance and confirmation: mentors offer support, guidance and

    encouragement to mentees so that they can solve the problems independently

    and gain confidence in course of time. Mentors also help people to learn about

    the organisation's culture and understand why things are done in certain ways.

    8. Counseling:Mentors help mentees work out their personal problems,

    learn about what to do and what not to do, offer advice on what works and

    what doesn't, and do everything to demonstrate improved performance and

    prepare themselves for greater responsibility.

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    9. Friendship:Mentors offer practical help and support to mentees so that they can

    indulge in mutually satisfying social interactions (with peers, subordinates,

    bosses and customers)

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    by Radha Shivakumar, Manager - Talent Acquisition, Tejas Networks India Pvt. Ltd.

    If we trace back the history of business environment, in the early years, trading patterns and

    markets were stable, technology was static, customers were passive, speed in getting to market

    was secondary, competition was limited to sectors and regions, and hierarchies were generally

    accepted in all walks of life. No more, since 1960s, America and much of the rest of the world

    has been almost continually buffeted by change. Customers demand that businesses do it better,

    faster, cheaper; employees want to control more than the Stop button on the assembly line

    In this research researcher find that training is must for the fresher employees in the IT

    industry and the technology for the training should be upgraded time to time.


    y To study the training procedure of employee.

    y To study the employee welfare and motivational schemes of employee.

    y To give suggestions regarding these.

    y To conduct survey on employees performance by Addressing the issues of staff

    Turnover, Absenteeism, Safety and Grievances.

    y To study the impact of training and Development in bettering employees performance.

    y To study the impact of Training and Development to providing Expert Knowledge,

    Influencing the people favorable and sweetening the employer-employee relations.

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    The first Experimental Electric Telegraph Line was started between Calcutta and Diamond





    The Line completed and opened for East India Companys traffic.


    Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)

    The TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) Act allows the body to set telecom

    tariffs and fix terms and conditions under which operators can interconnect with other. It also

    requires the government to seek recommendations from TRAI before issuing a licence. A new

    appellate authority - separate from TRAI - has been set up to decide on disputes between thegovernment and private operators. Broadly, the new act enhances TRAI's recommendatory

    powers, strengthens those powers relating to tariffs and interconnection but reduces the body's

    judicial powers. The new act continues to allow the TRAI to set tariffs.

    Department of Telecom (DoT)

    The Department of Telecom (DoT) is a Government of India Department under the aegis of

    Ministry of Communications. It has its role in policy making, licensing and coordination matters

    relating to telegraphs, telephones, wireless, data, fascimile and telematic services and other like

    forms of communications. In addition, DoT is responsible for frequency management in the field

    of radio communication in close coordination with international bodies. It also enforces wireless

    regulatory measures for wireless transmission by users in the country. DoT aims to provide the

    latest in telecommunications technology and the best of services to its customers.

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    Association of Basic Telecom Operators (ABTO)

    The Association of Basic Telecom Operators (ABTO) is the nodal representative body

    for all the licensed basic telecom operators.

    Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI)

    The Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) was instituted in 1995 as a

    registered, non-profit, non-governmental society dedicated to the advancement of

    communication - in particular of modern communication through Cellular Mobile Telephone

    Services. Its seeks to establish and sustain a world-class cellular infrastructure and deliver the

    benefits of affordable mobile communication services to the people of India.

    The main objective of the COAI is to protect, promote and upgrade mobile cellular

    operations in India and also to look after the common and collective interests of its members.

    COAI has emerged as the official voice for the Indian cellular industry and interacts directly with

    concerned Ministries, Department of Telecommunications (DoT), Department of Telecom

    Services (DTS), Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), Financial Institutions (ICICI,

    IDBI, etc.), Bureau of Industrial Costs & Prices (BICP), Wireless Planning & Coordination

    Wing (WPC), Indian Chambers of Commerce, Inter-nation Telecommunication Union (ITU),

    CTIA, etc.


    Tele Communication Systems, Inc. (TCS) produces wireless data communications

    technology solutions that require proven high levels of reliability. TCS provides wireless and

    VoIP E9-1-1 network-based services, secure deployable communication systems and engineered

    satellite-based services, and commercial location applications, like traffic and navigation, using

    the precise location of a wireless device. Customers include leading wireless and VoIP carriers

    around the world, and agencies of the U.S. Departments of Defense, State, and Homeland


    This announcement contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section

    27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities and Exchange

    Act of 1934, as amended. These statements are based upon TCS' current expectations and

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    assumptions that are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that would cause actual

    results to differ materially from those anticipated. Existing and prospective investors are

    cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as

    of the date hereof. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise the information in

    this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events or circumstances, or


    The variety of media included under the umbrella of "telecommunications" has expanded

    since the early twentieth century. The term was adopted in 1932 by the Convention

    Internationale des Telecommunications held in Madrid (OED). At this point, the telegraph, the

    telephone, and the radio were the only widely used telecommunications media. The United

    States, the point of origin for only one of these three (Bell's telephone), soon came to dominatethe telecommunications industries. The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) was created in

    1919, three years before Britain's British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). By 1950, the

    American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T) provided the best telephone service in

    the world. American television led the way after World War II (19391945). Then, in the early

    1980s, a new device was introduced: the personal computer. Although not intended as a tool for

    telecommunications, the personal computer became in the 1990s the most powerful means of

    two-way individual electronic communication, thanks to a network that goes far beyond any

    "grand system" dreamed of by Bell. The network we now call the Internet gives a person with a

    computer and an Internet connection the ability to send not only words, but graphs, charts, audio

    signals, and pictures, both still and moving, throughout the world.

    Most telecommunications networks were created for specific purposes by groups with

    vested interests. The telegraph network was created to make scheduling trains possible.

    Telephones were first primarily for business use. The grandfather of the Internet, ARPANET,

    was commissioned by the Department of Defense in 1969 to develop a military communication

    network that could withstand a nuclear attack.

    In general, the U.S. Congress has chosen to allow these networks to remain under private

    control with a modicum of regulation, in contrast to governments in Europe and Britain, which

    have turned these networks into public utilities. In the case of the Internet, we see the control

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    moving from the military to the private sector, and Congress grappling with how to regulate

    "objectionable" communications such as pornography.




    "As we spread wings to expand our capabilities and explore new horizons, the

    fundamental focus remains unchanged: seek out the best technology in the world and put it at the

    service of our ultimate user: our customer."

    Sunil Bharti Mittal (Chairman and Group Managing Director)

    Bharti Tele-Ventures Limited was incorporated on July 7, 1995 for promoting investments in

    telecommunications services. Its subsidiaries operate telecom services across India. Bharti

    Tele-Ventures is India's leading private sector provider of telecommunications services based

    on a strong customer base consisting of approximately 11.50 million total customers which

    constitute, approximately 10.66 million mobile and approximately 836,000 fixed line

    customers, as of January 31, 2005.

    Telecom giant Bharti Airtel is the flagship company of Bharti Enterprises. The BhartiGroup, has a diverse business portfolio and has created global brands in the telecommunication

    sector. Bharti has recently forayed into retail business as Bharti Retail Pvt. Ltd. under a MoU

    with Wal-Mart for the cash & carry business. It has successfully launched an international

    venture with EL Rothschild Group to export fresh agri products exclusively to markets in

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    Europe and USA and has launched Bharti AXA Life Insurance Company Ltd under a joint

    venture with AXA, world leader in financial protection and wealth management.

    Airtel comes to you from Bharti Airtel Limited, Indias largest integrated and the first

    private telecom services provider with a footprint in all the 23 telecom circles.

    Bharti Airtel since its inception has been at the forefront of technology and has steered

    the course of the telecom sector in the country with its world class products and services. The

    businesses at Bharti Airtel have been structured into three individual strategic business units

    (SBUs) - Mobile Services, Airtel Telemedia Services & Enterprise Services. The mobile

    business provides mobile & fixed wireless services using GSM technology across 23 telecom

    circles while the Airtel Telemedia Services business offers broadband & telephone services in

    94 cities. The Enterprise services provide end-to-end telecom solutions to corporate customers

    and national & international long distance services to carriers. All these services are provided

    under the Airtel brand.

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    Business Strategy

    Bharti Tele-Ventures' strategic objective is: -

    To capitalise on the growth opportunities that the Company believes are available in the

    Indian telecommunications market and consolidate its position to be the leading integrated

    telecommunications services provider in key markets in India, with a focus on providing mobile


    The Company has developed the following strategies to achieve its strategic objective:

    Focus on maximising revenues and margins;

    y Capture maximum telecommunications revenue potential with minimum geographical


    y Offer multiple telecommunications services to provide customers with a "one-stop shop"


    y Position itself to tap data transmission opportunities and offer advanced mobile data


    y Focus on satisfying and retaining customers by ensuring high level of customer


    y Leverage strengths of its strategic and financial partners; and

    y Emphasize on human resource development to achieve operational efficiencies.

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    Bharti Tele-Ventures current businesses include -

    Mobile services


    National and international long distance services

    VSAT, Internet services and network solutions

    Competitive Strengths

    Bharti Tele-Ventures believes that the following elements will contribute to the

    Company's success as an integrated telecommunication services provider in India and will

    provide the Company with a solid foundation to execute its business strategy:

    Nationwide Footprint - As of February 28, 2005, approximately 99% of India's total mobile

    subscribers resided in the Company's twenty one mobile circles. These 21 circles collectively

    accounted for approximately 56% of India's landmass.

    Focus on telecommunications to enable the Company to better anticipate industry trends

    and capitalise on new telecommunications-related business opportunities;

    The strong brand name recognition and a reputation for offering high quality service to its

    customers;Quality management team with vision and proven execution skills; and

    The Company's strong relationships with international strategic and financial investors

    such as SingTel, Warburg Pincus, International Finance Corporation, Asian Infrastructure Fund

    Group and New York Life Insurance.

    The key demographics of Bharti Tele-Ventures' mobile circles are set forth below. :-

    All India

    Bharti Circles

    Bharti as % of All India

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    Number of circles





    Bharti as % of All


    Number of circles 22 16 73%

    Area of the circles (in '000 sq km)(1) 3,278 1,848 56%

    Population in the licensed areas (in Mn)(2 1,027 593 58%

    Market Mobile subscribers in the licensed areas

    (in Mn) (3)41.03 41.03 100%

    Market DELs in the licensed area (in Mn) (4) 37.7 30.7 81%

    Number of vehicles in the licensed areas (in


    36,132 29,025 80%

    1. Area estimates are from National Census, 2001.

    2. Population estimates for all the circles other than the metropolitan areas are as per

    National Census, 2001 and are as of March 1, 2001. Population estimates for the Uttar

    Pradesh (West) circle is 37% of the total population of the state of Uttar Pradesh.

    3. Based on data released by the COAI on the total number of mobile subscribers in the

    circles as of March 31, 2005.

    4. DELs as on March 31, 2002. Based on data released in Parliament questions and

    Government statistics as per The Financial Express dated June 10, 2002.

    5. Vehicles comprise four-wheeler and two wheeler non-commercial vehicles and are

    derived from data released by the Motor Transport Statistics of India as of March 31,

    1997 in its most recent report.

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    Airtel Express Yourself-Site Map

    Bharti Tele-Ventures vision for its mobile business is To make mobile communications

    a way of life and be the customers first choice.

    The mission is to meet the mobile communication needs of the customer through 1) error

    free service 2) Innovative products and services and 3) cost efficiency. The Companys strategic

    objective is to consolidate its leadership position amongst the mobile service providers in India.

    The Indian mobile market, according to the COAI, has increased from approximately 1.2

    million subscribers as of March 31, 1999 to approximately 41.03 million subscribers as of March

    31, 2005.

    Despite this rapid growth, the mobile penetration rate in India, at approximately 3.9% as

    of March 31, 2005, is significantly lower than the average mobile penetration rate in other Asian

    and international markets.

    The number of mobile subscribers in India is expected to show rapid growth over the

    next four years. By 2006 it is projected at 50 million by COAI and 44 million by Gartner.

    Bharti Tele-Ventures believes that the demand for mobile services in India will continue to

    grow rapidly as a result of the following factors:

    lower tariffs and handset prices over time;

    growth in pre-paid customer category;

    greater economic growth and continued development of India's economy;

    higher quality mobile networks and services; and

    greater variety and usage of value added services.

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    Bharti Tele-Ventures, through its subsidiary has the licenses to provide GSM services in

    all the twenty-three telecom circles in India. It proposes to consolidate all its subsidiaries

    providing mobile services under Bharti Cellular Limited.

    As of March 31, 2005, 100% of India's total mobile subscriber market resided in the

    Company's twenty three mobile circles, which collectively 100% of India's land mass.


    The map below depicts the location of, and provides certain information for, Bharti Tele-

    Ventures' existing mobile circles in India:

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    1. Population estimates are as per National Census, 2001 and are as of March 1, 2001. The

    population for Uttar Pradesh (West) circle is approximately 37% of the total population

    for the state of Uttar Pradesh.

    2. Wireless subscriber statistics are as of March 31, 2005 and are based on data released by

    COAI. Wireless market size comprises the total number of wireless subscribers of all the

    service providers in a circle.

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    3. Demographics of Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu do not include demographics of state

    capitals (metros) Mumbai and Chennai respectively.

    4. Demographics of Haryana does not include Faridabad & Gurgaon as they are included in

    Delhi & NCR. Similarly demographics of Uttar Pradesh (West) & Uttaranchal does not

    include Noida & Ghaziabad as they are included in Delhi NCR.

    The significant growth in the Company's mobile business has been through a

    combination of organic growth and acquisitions of additional licenses and has been summarized

    below. The information given below is for the total market and is not representative of our

    market share or network coverage.

    As of March 31,

    As of Mar 31,


    1999(1)2000(2)2001(3) 2005(4)

    Number of Mobile licenses held by us 2 4 5 23

    Total mobile subscribers in India (in millions) 1.12 1.88 3.58 41.03

    Market mobile subscribers in our license areas(5) (in

    millions)0.21 0.57 1.28 41.03

    Percentage of market mobile subscribers to total mobile

    subscribers in India18% 30% 36% 100%

    1) Comprises the circles of Delhi and Himachal Pradesh.

    2) Comprises the circles of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

    3) Comprises the circles of Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and


    4) Comprises the twenty one operational circles of Bharti Tele-Ventures.

    5) Based on data released by the COAI on the total number of persons subscribing to mobile

    services in our licensed areas.

    Mobile Strategy

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    y Capture maximum telecommunications revenue potential with minimum geographical

    coverage to maximise its revenues and margins.

    y Build high quality mobile networks by deploying state-of-the-art technology to offer

    superior services

    y Use the experience it has gained from operating its existing mobile networks to develop

    and operate other mobile networks in India and to share the expertise across all of its

    existing and new circles.

    y Attract and retain high revenue generating customers by providing competitive tariffs,

    offering high quality customer support, proactive retention programs and roaming

    packages across all of its mobile circles.

    y Provide affordable tariff plans to suit each segment of the market with a view to expand

    the reach, thereby increasing the mobile customer base rapidly.


    Bharti Tele-Ventures through its subsidiary Bharti Telenet Limited (BTNL) holds the

    right to establish, maintain and operate a fixed-line telephone network in Haryana through a

    licence valid for 20 years from October 8, 2001.

    BTNL provides fixed-line services to approximately 114,400 customers as of March 31,

    2005 under the brand Airtel. BSNL also operates a fixed-line telephone service within the same

    geographical area.

    AIRTEL - Express Yourself: Haryana Prepaid Tarrif

    Airtel Prepaid Ready Cellular Card and Recharge Cards are available, all over the city at

    our retail outlets including 24hour outlets.

    Airtel Basic Pack

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    Pulse Rate 60 Sec

    Price of Pack 250

    Free Airtime on Pack Rs. 25 valid for 30 days

    Incoming Calls(Rs.) FREE

    To Airtel To GSM To Fixed/WLL

    LOCAL RATES Rs. 1/ min Rs. 2.25 / min Rs. 2.25 / min


    50 - 200 KM Rs. 2 / min Rs. 2.9

    0/ min Rs. 2.9

    0/ min

    200 - 500 KM Rs. 2 / min Rs. 2.90/ min Rs. 2.90/ min

    500+ KM Rs. 2 / min Rs. 2.90/ min Rs. 2.90/ min


    America, Europe, Asia,Oceania &

    SAARC countries(Rs.)


    Gulf countries & Africa(Rs.) 18.24

    Other countries(Rs.) 40.00


    Local 1

    National 2

    International 5

    Value Added Services(Rs.) 3

    AIRTEL - Express Yourself Voucher Rates

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    Service tax




    55 19.91 30 5.09 1 90

    110 34.82 65 10.18 2 90

    220 99.64 100 20.36 14 90

    350 167.6 150 32.4 30 90

    365 181.22 150 33.78 30 90

    399 262.07 100 36.93 30 90

    450 100 308.89 41.65 30 90

    550 349.09 150 50.91 30 90

    551 200 300.81 51 30 90

    1100 848.19 150 101.81 60 90

    3300 2794.55 200 305.44 365 90

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    The Reliance Group, founded by Dhirubhai H. Ambani (1932-2002), is India's largest

    private sector enterprise, with businesses in the energy and materials value chain. Group's annual

    revenues are in excess of US$ 25 billion. The flagship company, Reliance Industries Limited, is

    a Fortune Global 500 company and is the largest private sector company in India.

    Reliance Infocomm is the outcome of the late visionary Dhirubhai Ambani's (1932-2002)

    dream to herald a digital revolution in India by bringing affordable means of information and

    communication to the doorsteps of India's vast population.

    "Make the tools of infocomm available to people at an affordable cost, they will

    overcome the handicaps of illiteracy and lack of mobility", Dhirubhai Ambani charted out the

    mission for Reliance Infocomm in late 1999. He saw in the potential of information and

    communication technology a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for India to leapfrog over its

    historical legacy of backwardness and underdevelopment.

    Working at breakneck speed, from late 1999 to 2002 Reliance Infocomm built the

    backbone for a digital India - 60,000 kilometres of fibre optic backbone, crisscrossing the entire

    country. The Reliance Infocomm pan-India network was commissioned on December 28, 2002,

  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    the 70th - birth anniversary of Dhirubhai. This day also marked his first birth anniversary after

    his demise July - 6, 2002.

    R e l i a n c e I n f o c o m m

    n e t w o r k i s a p a n I n d i a ,h i g h c a p a c i t y ,

    i n t e g r a t e d ( w i r e l e s s

    a n d w i r e l i n e ) a n d

    c o n v e r g e n t ( v o i c e , d a t a

    a n d v i d e o ) d i g i t a l

    n e t w o r k , d e s i g n e d t o

    o f f e r s e r v i c e s t h a t s p a n

    t h e e n t i r e I n f o c o m m

    v a l u e c h a i n -

    i n f r a s t r u c t u r e , s e r v i c e s

    f o r e n t e r p r i s e s a n d

    i n d i v i d u a l s ,

    a p p l i c a t i o n s a n d

    c o n s u l t i n g . T h e n e t w o r k

    i s d e s i g n e d t o d e l i v e r

    s e r v i c e s t h a t w i l l

    f o s t e r a n e w w a y o f l i f e

    f o r a N e w I n d i a .

    Launch ofReliance Infocomm

    The Reliance Group, India's largest private sector enterprise and one of the 500 largest

    enterprises in the world, will launch Reliance Infocomm Limited on December 28, 2002.

    Reliance Infocomm will usher a digital revolution in India and herald a New Way of Life for a

    New India.

    The date of the launch commemorates the birthday of late Dhirubhai Ambani, the Founder

    Chairman of the Reliance Group. His dream of harnessing the power of information technology

    and communications to build a New India is the seedling that has grown into Reliance


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    The Network

    To make this dream a reality, Reliance Infocomm, under the leadership of Mukesh

    Ambani, has created an overarching digital infrastructure using state-of-the-art technology on the

    strength of a 60,000 kilometers terabit capacity optic fiber network covering over 600 cities.

    Commenting on the network, Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director,

    Reliance Industries Limited, said, "The architecture and functionality of this network is

    dynamic to keep pace with the evolution of technology in the future"

    The goal of Reliance Infocomm is to progressively expand its optic fiber network

    and eventually cover 116,000 km, with the ability to seamlessly connect every individual,

    home, and office in all 640,000 villages and 2,500 towns and cities of India.

    PAN India network and town coverage.

    y 60,000 kms of optic fibre backbone that connects over90% of India's population

    y Wireless network covering over 1100 cities/towns; to expand to over 5000 cities by the

    end of 2004-2005.

    y 3350 Base Transceiver Stations (BTSs) across the country, to increase to nearly 8000 by

    the end of 2004-2005.

    y Network with superior reliability

    y All this managed from our state-of-the-art national network operations centre in Mumbai.

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    y Andhra Pradesh

    y Bihar

    y Delhi

    y Gujarat

    y Haryana


    Himachal Pradesh

    y Karnataka

    y Kerala

    y Madhya Pradesh

    y Maharashtra

    y Orissa

    y Punjab

    y Rajasthan

    y Tamilnadu

    y Uttar Pradesh (East)

  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    y Uttar Pradesh (West)

    y West Bengal

    Union Territories:

    y Pondicherry

    y Chandigarh


    Prepaid-Prepaid Tariffs

    y Latest B/W data enabled handsets at Rs. 2499/

    y Advanced, colour multimedia handsets with speaker at Rs. 4999/-

    y Talk at just 99 paise per minute. With the Reliance family having crossed 1 crore people,

    there'll be plenty of talking to do.


    Roam at home tariff rates and at zero rentals.

    y Enjoy advanced data services with R World and R Connect.


    1 The greatest limitation of the study was the time constraint. The survey was made within

    limited time, which hinders the progress of study. Each element of population is

    important for the project but due to limited time. It was not possible to reach each of


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    1. Do you think impact of training & development performance of employee to help less

    safety, grievances, Staff turnover?

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    40 5 5

    Conclusion: - According to this study that agree impact of training & development performance

    of employee programmes to help less safety, grievances, staff turnover & in this table show that

    80% is agree & 10% is disagree and 10 % is indifferent. .







  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    2 Impact of training & development performance of employee create a new skill in the


    Yes No

    43 7

    Conclusion: - According to this study that agree impact of training & development

    performance of employee programmes creates a new skill in the employees in this table show

    that 86% is agree & 14% is disagree.





  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    3 Impact of training & development performance employee programme opens a door to

    opportunities in all things.

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    35 4 11

    Conclusion: - The study show that agree employee impact of training & development

    performance of employee programmes opens a door to opportunities in all thing in this table

    show that 70% is agree & 8% is disagree and 22 % is indifferent.



    indifferent22% Agree



  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    4 Impact of training & development performance of employee programme create a

    ability in the employees.

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    30 10 10

    Conclusion: - According to survey impact of training & development performance of

    employee programme create a ability in employee that 60% agree and 20%disagree and 20%








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    5 Impact of training & development performance of employee programme help in

    familiar with organization .

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    40 5 5

    Conclusion: - According to research impact of training & development performance of

    employee programme help in familiar with organization 80% agree 10% disagree and 10%

    employee indifferent.







  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    6 Impact of training & development performance programme in OMAXE Ltd. in

    increasing the experience of the employees.

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    25 5 20

    Conclusion: - According to instrument impact of training & development performance

    of employee programme help in increasing the experience of the employees. 50% agree and 10%

    disagree, 40% indifferent.







  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    7 Impact of training & development performance of employee programme OMAXE

    LTD. in changing the technology in organization.

    Yes No Sometime

    42 2 6

    Conclusion: - According to response impact of training & development performance of

    employee programme help in changing the technology in organization 65% agree and 22%

    disagree and 13% sometime.







  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    8 Impact of training & development performance training & development performance

    employee programme improve the employees over all performance.

    Yes No

    40 10

    Conclusion: - According to Training & development performance of employee

    programme improve the employee over all performance 80% agree and 20% disagree.













    YES NO


  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    9 Impact of training & development performance of employee programmes help in

    reduction of accident.

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    20 10 20

    Conclusion: - According this study impact of training & development performance of

    employee programme help in reduction of the accident 40% agree and 20% disagree and 40 %








  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    10 Impact of training & development performance of employee programme help in

    removing the stress/ working condition among employees .

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    38 5 7

    Conclusion: - According to this study impact of training & development performance of

    employee programme help in removing the stress/working condition among employee. 76%

    agree and 10% disagree, 14% indifferent.






  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    11 Impact of training & development performance of employee help the organisation to

    understand the employees personal life and interest .

    Yes No

    45 5

    Conclusion: - According the finding study impact of training & development

    performance of employee programme help the organization to understand the employee personal

    like and interest. 90% agree and 10% disagree.













    YES NO


  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    12 Impact of training & development performance training & development performance

    of employee help employees with responsibility and empowerment.

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    42 4 4

    Conclusion: - According the analysis impact of training & development performance of

    employee programme help employee with responsibility and empowerment agree 84% and 8%

    disagree, 8% indifferent








  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    13 Impact of training & development performance of employee help in less supervision

    in the organization.

    Yes No Never

    40 5 5

    Conclusion: - According to study reveals that impact of training & development

    performance of employee programme help in less supervision in the organization 80% agree and

    10% disagree, 10% never.







  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    14 Impact of training & development performance of employee help in reducing the

    overall cost of the organisation by reducing replacement cost.

    Agree Disagree Never

    43 6 1

    Conculsion: - According this nature impact of training & development performance of employee

    programme help in reducing the overall cost of the organization by reducing replacement cost

    86% agree and 12% disagree and 2% never.






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    Following are the suggestion drawn from the analysis of questionnaire records and

    observations made during the research: -

    1 Training& Development programmes help in creating a match between employees skill

    and job and provides adequate opportunity for advancement and growth.

    2 Training& Development attempts to enrich skill and knowledge of employees and

    develops sense of belongingness and co-ordination among them.

    3 Training& Development help in a improving the attitudes and personality of the

    employee because training is a continuous process.

  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom



    The project was performed taking into considerations of the all the factors, which could

    effect the result of the report. After analyzing the training& Development programme of the

    Organisation. I came to know about the measures of the Organisation are as follows: -

    1 As we know that we have entered in the world of globalization, so, according to those

    world, they have to train the employees in such a way that those would better be able to

    compete with such situations.

    2 They should provide them such a training& Development by which employees

    performance will be much better that is the employee will be able to maintain such

    conditions around their by which they will easily able to satisfy their customers.

    3 They should made such a training & Development programme which is really be

    understandable to the employees means, the employees should be aware of this that

    why this training& Development is provided to them, and how that training will assists

    them in future.

    4 The training& Development should be based on the requirements of the coming world.

    Where in comparison, the present training& Development programme is not capable of

    giving them the useful information. So, for such problems, they should provide then the

    training which would be based on the new technology, i.e. they could use internet, and

    other such media which would assets them to know better about this that what is the exact

    situation, they are going to enter in.

  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom



    1. Do you think impact of training and development performance of employee to help less

    safety, grievances, staff turnover?

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    2. Do you think that Impact of training & development performance of employee create a

    new skill in the employee?

    Yes No

    3. Do you think that impact of training & development performance of employee

    programme opens a door to opportunities in all things?

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    4. Do you think that impact of training & development performance of employee

    programme create a ability in the employees?

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    5. Do you think that impact of training & development performance of employee

    programme help in familiar with organisation?

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    6. Do you think that impact of training & development performance of employee

    programme helping in increasing the experience of employees?

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    7. Do you think that impact of training & development performance of employee

    programme help in changing the echnology in organization?

    Yes No Sometime

    8. Do you think that impact of training & development performance of employee

    programme improve the employees over all performance?

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    9. Can impact of training& development performance of employee programmes help in

    reduction of accident?

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    10.Can impact of training& development performance of employee programmes help in

    removing the stress/ working conditiong among employees?

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom


    1 Can impact of training &development performance of employee help organization to

    understand the employees personal life and interest?

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    2 Can impact of training &development performance of employee provide employees with

    responsibility and empowerment?

    Yes No

    3 Can impact of training& development performance of employee help in less supervision

    in the organization?

    Agree Disagree Indifferent

    4 Can impact of training& development performance of employee help in reducing the

    overall cost of the organization by reducing replacement cost?

    Yes No Never

    5 Can impact of training& development performance of employee help in reducing the

    overall cost of the organization by reducing replacement cost?

    Agree Disagree Never

  • 8/8/2019 T&D Telecom



    BOOKS: -

    Kothari C.R., Research Methodology, New Age International Publication, New Delhi,

    2nd Edition (2004).

    Gupta Dr. C.B, Human Resource Development, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi,

    2004 Edition.

    Tanenbaum Andrew S., Computer Networks, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New

    Delhi, 3rd Edition (2000).

    Sinha P. K., Computer Fundamentals, BPB Publication, New Delhi, 3rd Edition.

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