Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level

Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level...Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community

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Page 1: Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level...Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community

Taking Jewish Educationto a Whole New Level

Page 2: Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level...Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community

Afikei Torah • Ahavas Torah • Ahava V'achva • Aish haTorah of Cleveland • Aish haTorah of Denver • Aish haTorah of Detroit • Aish haTorah

of Jerusalem • Aish haTorah of mexico • Aish haTorah of NY • Aish haTorah of Philadelphia • Aish haTorah of St Louis • Aish haTorah of

Thornhill • Ateres Yerushalayim • Atlanta Scholars Kollel • AZ Russian Programs • Bais Yaakov of Boston • Bais Yaakov of LA • Bar ilan

University • Batya girls / Torah Links • Bay Shore Jewish Center • Be'er miriam • Belmont Synagogue • Beth Din • Beth Jacob • Beth Jacob

Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community Day

School • Brandywine hills minyan • Calabasas Shul • Camp Bnos Agudah • Chabad at the Beaches • Chabad Chayil • Chabad of howard

Beach • Chabad of Lake Encino • Chabad of Las Cruces & Southern New mexico Chabad of montreal • Chabad of Reston herndon •

Chabad of South Bay • Chabad of TCNJ • Chabad Russian Synagogue • Chai Center of West Bay • Chaye israel • Chochmas Lev • CLYo

Congregation Aish haTorah

Congregation Beth Tikvah •


Congregation Shearith israel - Spanish

Derech Eitz Chaim

• finchley


Jewish Community Day School in mA • Jewish

Jewish Learning Experience •

Kerem B’Yavneh

King David Primary school •

• machon


me'or hatorah • meor

midreshet Rachel v'Chaya College of Jewish Studies for

Ner LeElef

New hendon Shul • North

ohr Samayach •

PricewaterhouseCoopers •

S.E.E.D (UK) • Sdei

Shore Parkway

The Jewish Enrichment Center •

Tiferes high School for girls /

machon Shlomo

me’or haTorah •

me'or hatorah

midreshet Rachel v'Chaya College of Jewish

Naima Primary School •

New hendon Shul •

ohr Samayach


S.E.E.D (UK)

Sharfams • Shore

Parkway Jewsih Center • Shulamith School of Brooklyn • Solomon Taylor Law firm • St. John's Wood Synagogue • The Jewish Enrichment

Center • The Jewish Study Network • The Lauder midrasha (Berlin) • The Seattle Kollel • The White Shul • Tiferes high School for girls

/ Bais Yaakov • Tiferet Avot • Tomer Devorah • Torah Learning Center of Northbrook • Torah Links of middlesex County • Torah Links

of monmouth • Torah meTzion • Torah Umesorah • Toras Emes • Toras Shraga • TRiBE • Tucson hebrew Academy • United Synagoge

Convention • Women of St. Johns Wood • WoW (Kiruv org for young professionals) • Yachad outreach Center • • Yavneh College • Yeshiva

Shaarei Tzion • Yeshiva Toras Chaim Toras Emes Academy of miami • Yeshivas Ahavas Chaim • Yeshivas Beis Zion • Yeshiva gedolah of

LA • YULA • Yeshiva University (YU) • Yeshivas ohr Yaakov • Yesod • Yesodei hatorah Yeshiva • Yisraelink • Young israel Jamaica Estates

• Young israel of Brookline • Young israel of Cherry hill • Young israel of Northridge • Young israel of Phoenix • Young Judaea / fZY Year


impact of Torah Live

organizations that have used Torah Live materials














Page 3: Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level...Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community

BoTTom RoW fRom LEfT To RighT:

mrs. Becky Roth • Rabbi Dan Roth (founder)

Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits (President) • Rabbi Nochum Stilerman (Board member)

mrs. Denah Stilerman (Editor)

ToP RoW fRom LEfT To RighT:

Ariel Bauer (Animator) • Aviv Vana (Videographer) • Rabbi Yitzchak Yudkovski (Lecturer)

Ben Katz (film Director) • gavriel horan (Public Relations) • Rabbi Yisrael Stilerman (Researcher)

David Komer (Programmer) • Eli Veffer (Special fX) • Josh goldberg (Creative Director)

Yossie Weiss (Program manager)

Page 4: Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level...Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community

Letters of recommendation

Page 5: Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level...Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community

Bringing our heritage to Vivid Color

Page 6: Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level...Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community

Rabbi Dan Roth insists that he never wanted to be the star of any show. So why do the popular educational videos produced by his company, Torah Live, often feature Rabbi Roth

going to the ends of the earth, literally, to bring Torah concepts to life for today’s generation? The answer, he says, can be found in a commentary on Pirkei Avos that few people have read

by Yonoson Rosenblum. Photos: Ouria Tadmor, Yitz Russek, Torah Live Archives

mishpacha: feature Article

Jewish Family weekly

Page 7: Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level...Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community

Full article available on www.torahlive.com/blog

Page 8: Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level...Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community

Full article available on www.torahlive.com/blog

Page 9: Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level...Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community

Front Cover Article from Hamodia. Rabbi Dan Roth in the Judean Desert filming

Torah Live’s, “Sukkos:The Ultimate Shelter.”

hamodia: feature Article

Page 10: Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level...Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community

Full article available on www.torahlive.com/blog

Page 11: Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level...Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community

Full article available on www.torahlive.com/blog

Page 12: Taking Jewish Education to a Whole New Level...Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's Jewish Community


“They were awed by the fact that Torah can be presented in such a state of the art, sophisticated manner. It is incredible to be able to teach such a complex area of halacha in a way that both beginners and advanced students grasp something on their level. It’s really bringing the greatness of Torah to the community.”

- Rabbi Yaakov Vann of the Calabasas Shul commenting on Mezuzah presentation


“Torah Live communicates with people in a language they understand and enjoy. A visionary and imaginative presentation which engages young people in an exciting and professional way.”

- Rabbi Anthony Manning of Baer Miriam commenting on Success presentation


“It was amazing to see how powerfully and quickly the material and its mode of presentation captured the hearts and minds of my students.”

- Rabbi Yosef Tropper of Yeshiva Ketana commenting on Mezuzah and Success presentations


“The kids loved it! Torah Live’s cutting edge makes Judaism come alive for students and teachers alike. There are a lot of Torah-tech organizations out there but none that are as comprehensive and user friendly as Torah Live. If only you had more presentations.”

- Ryan Basserabie of Massada school in Sydney commenting on Chanukah presentation

20 Sheshet Hayamim, Jerusalem, 97804 • [email protected] • +972-544-624-093 • www.torahlive.com