12 March 2020 Edition #3 Kookaburra Chronicles TA3s Technology and Travel Learning Journey

TA3 s Technology and Travel Learning Journey

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12 March 2020 Edition #3

Kookaburra Chronicles

TA3’s Technology and Travel Learning Journey

Page 2: TA3 s Technology and Travel Learning Journey

Kookaburra Chronicles

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Dear parents and caregivers,

Swimming Carnival

Today we are holding our annual swimming carnival having held our trials two weeks ago. We’re so fortunate to have staff such as Sue Wiener who are prepared to put in the extra work to hold events such as this. Also a big thank you to our par-ent helpers for all of their work at the swimming trials and thanks in advance to all of our helpers on the big day. With swimming, the fact is that without parent volunteers the event would not be feasible and as such, I thank all involved in what I know will be, based on what we saw at the trials, an amazing day.

Board Meeting

Yesterday the board met for the first time this year and elected Amanda Burgess as the new Chairperson. The board now consists of Amanda as Chair, Amanda Duckworth, Alexandra Krebs, Kelsie Prabawa, Mark Barnett, Sumaya Race and Jill Ridout. I also sit on the board and act as the Board’s Executive Officer. Yesterday the Board ratified the 2020 Terms of Reference as well as the 2019 Annual Report. We also discussed 2020 staffing issues, financial issues and leadership roles and responsibilities. Should you wish to raise an issue at the board level, please contact one of the board members and they can do so on your behalf.

Distributed Leadership

A big part of working on and publishing our school’s leadership roles and responsibilities is to focus on distributing leadership across the board as opposed to me holding onto everything centrally. I think we’ve done this well and have published the document on the app as a guide for our school community to use when dealing with the school. While there can still be a mind-set that going to me straight away will solve all problems more effectively, the opposite is true with me functioning more effectively with a less hectic work schedule, allowing me to focus on issues more directly related to our students.

Les Smith

It was great to welcome Les Smith back on Monday following a brief retirement. Les will make a valuable addition to the team, teaching in TA8 on a Monday as well as relief throughout the school, focusing on the upper grades.

Student Leadership

Every student in Year 6 who wants a leadership role has this opportunity to lead in some way, all coordinated by Miss Donnelly. A very special part of this leadership is having selected Year 6 students filling the Peace Ranger role, whereby they patrol the playgrounds and mediate and resolve all low level playground disputes between our younger students. This practice is beneficial to students of all ages and this year’s crop of Peace Rangers are doing a particularly fine job.

Assistive Technologies

In Early Childhood Education children learn to read. After this, children read to learn. But what about the children who don’t/can’t learn to read in the set time. Do they have to stop learning? That’s where assistive technologies come into play. Having said that, we never give up trying to teach the child to read – it’s our core business item #2 after protective behaviours. But for content areas Maths, HAAS, Science etc. the use of assistive technologies such as the C-Pen Reader are a god send as they allow these children to keep learning the prescribed curriculum content while they are still learning to read. The school has a good supply of these devices and use them to good effect.

David Knox



The next assembly will be held Friday 27 March and will be conducted by our Year 1

students. The assembly will commence at 8:45 am in the undercover area.

Parents of the children are invited to morning tea with Miss Peters & Mrs Nowers and the

Principal in the Staff Room immediately after the assembly.

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Merit Certificates

Congratulations to the following students

who received merit awards at our assembly

on Friday 28 February

PP1: Max Pearton

Mila White

Lachlan Stanley

PP2: Cody Bates

Bianca Hook

TA1: Lachlan Woods

Chloe Brewster

TA2: Alli-May McNamara

Holly Horsfall

TA3: Lacey Le Noury

Ahana Patel

TA4: Georgia Burns

Dean Sturman

Aislin Morrow

TA6: Tahlia Keenan

Billy Wilson

Daisy Goodwin

Luke Salinovich

TA7: Grace Erkelens

Violet Guttinger

Jacob Mills

TA9: Luke Perrie

Harry Byers

Mia Wilson

Nalani Hegarty

Sam McLay

TA12: Penny Tatum

TA13: Amelie McGrath

Mason Harding

TA10: Tom Bury

TA11: Max Mason

Lucy Crockett

Indonesian: Kai Liddelow

Billy Tomkinson

Kookaburra Chronicles

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Harmony Day

We invite you to bring a picnic lunch to

school next Thursday 19 March, to

share with your children from 12:15-


We hope you will wear something


Once the siren goes to signal the end of lunch at

12:55pm we ask that parents and carers depart

as this can be distracting particularly for younger

students and would greatly assist teachers to

resettle students for the afternoon sessions of

continued learning.

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20 weeks to Year 6 camp may sound a long way away, but the way this year is flying by it will be here before we know it. To avoid the financial strain of paying the total for camp in one hit you may wish to take up the option of making regular payments. Camp has been booked for Week 3 of Term 4. The final cost is still to be calculated, however you may begin payments via our QKR by Mastercard App or by Direct Deposit .

If you choose to pay by Direct Deposit, you could set up a payment scheme plan up to $400 that suits you via your Netbank.

The school account

Please reference your child

Kookaburra Chronicles

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Easter Hat Parade

Our annual Easter Hat Parade will be held on the very last day of term, Thursday 9

April at 9am in the undercover area, parents/carers are welcome to come and watch.

Kindy to Year 3 Students are invited to make and wear an Easter hat, Years 4-6 have the option of also wearing a hat and may also like to present their Eggorama creation.

As it is not the attendance day of Kindy A, they are very welcome to participate,

provided they are supervised by an adult at all times.


Duncraig Senior High School Tours

Duncraig Senior High School run tours throughout the year for prospective students. This may be of interest to families of our current Year 6 students for 2021.

Please click on the link below to make a booking.

Sweetheart Day - 27 February 2020

Thank you to everyone who wore RED & donated money on SweetHeart Day!

We loved seeing the sea of red & lots of happy faces. Thank you everyone for your fantastic support, we raised an amazing $561.55 for HeartKids WA.

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* Warwick S.H.S. Info Sheet

* Scholastic Bookclub

Contact Information: 56 Warburton Avenue PADBURY WA 6025 Phone: 08 9307 5833 Email: [email protected] www.southpadburyprimaryschool.wa.edu.au Police Communications: 131 444 Education Security: 9264 4771 or 9264 4632

Dates to put in your diary….

Friday 13 March School councillor fundraiser - money chain for ‘Lions Club Children’s Big Day Out

Monday 16 March Incursion—Stamp Out Bullying

Thursday 19 March Harmony Day

Thursday 26 March AFL Girls Dockers Cup

Friday 27 March Joint Year 1 Assembly TA1&TA2

P&C Report

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CANTEEN CO-ORDINATOR POSITION NOW FILLED A huge “Thank you” to Kristel Wilson, who is our new Canteen Co-Ordinator. Thanks to Kristel for taking on this role, of which you have already done so seamlessly for the past 2 weeks. CANTEEN DUTY ROSTER Class Reps, please keep an eye out for an email from Kristel, for the Canteen Duty rostered on day for your Class. Thank you again to all of our volunteers, who give up their time to help out in the Canteen with distributing lunch orders and with icy pole sales. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. NEXT P&C MEETING Our next P&C Meeting will be on Wednesday 1

April at 7pm, located in the Staff Room.

Everyone from the School Community is welcome to attend. By becoming a Financial Member and paying the $1 fee, it will give you voting rights, so you can have your say on what you’d like to see happen with your P&C. P&C ENQUIRES Please direct all P&C enquiries to [email protected] and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible with a response. Leona Liddelow - P&C President.

Student Update Forms

We have had a fantastic response to our student update forms and thank all families who have checked, signed and returned their forms. If you have more than one child at school, you will need to update, sign and return a form for each child. If you have misplaced your update, please call into the office and we can reprint a replacement. It is vital that we have current emergency contact and medical details for your child.

Even if you do not have any changes to make on the form, you will still need to sign the form and return it the front office at your earliest convenience.

If any information changes during the year please contact the front office by app, email or in person to update student information.

Details for school payments via bank transfer

Bankwest BSB 306-104 Account 4187254,

Please reference your child’s name and what

the payment is for.