r r THE NKV ruKU Ml N wmatonATMrm otTLTTmtOM (Zo'X "toildjng., ef and Bane mm. aad Ho ft toJtaawswof Bk iad IWttuuIn bMmt ray nrrtam - m to Raw TwkOt aal Ttdntor, at nangw Qapta On on vnna mm h ato . . In Beaton t I djM iwriM rwa n w i CSTifc efftAeumm ma. rx I )kAWJUM FPU flu. u. aAtal- l- 1 cum, obdibaat tuna abo olpleaa was no run rm ubitavd TiRUBK mtu Wahted a hand lelto-sU- I tadkw' trnnki. eppl r to W BTBOMQ 1 Wm d. oar of B Hlrv, IfM t BMlf irrT"T fflT TTKLP WaJiTRD-AL- L RKOPBOTABLI XI atrteewt ifwtiiiini aidj nil n't IIMIWnoHtH' Inrtltate. til ilk ere. bet 4th it. That will B d p mm wiener there eAmlkr raBw ftaea. ofTB TON IH1S lilt inst Sewing machines - wastko, la BlaiaCland .Vheel.r 0 WlnM'e Mia meealo uitlM l SIWINQ MACHINES LaDIES TkkirhT a Wamtor Wlum lillMl !( totobln; preettoe "JTV.'Sm ,l-- S tmeal ttrt rl UAWwm nmuM. a TL&jrno saylbub base. Chatham XV ipn, mt WmIkmwt. Men deilr Oil link m to innoc esiednl A i nr MllrWw XI IVTOTICk UNI FOB SAvTNOIt, 0T Mneker etrewc. bead of Crvbj Shane, to Inkf to hi mmod.te n. tnlon. thU Bek li inr ova rrrr day from llo'eldekto 2 reloek. for II ' m to "in and rMdvtnfof aiur lo so frora lie MM! dtiii We'needars ud Saturdays IUIM''' MM lira . tuiiuruvniii iiNN'Knr, fK.lU.tf Seorwtaro. DOU HILL SATLBUB BABE, OOnaAB I biinK mm aha to wxn unind. m earn. Intend eiWel aa eema of tsuo aiad anaar I Daaam iJtaa al baton Jolr lntk, draw Into raw) iraiBD aVIRUt OaVINUS HA.NL. I Acar.THUD ATA ATWaW m- - uhartkubo km I ID RafJ OBR HHHH aUowat aa all laiai ran oat to an tkaoaand dollara. ' QCrUwITB HAUM ON OR riUKDKR WKk 4 JlAai'' WlU" UEAW l'BKU faWat JULY B. .k owaa iatlr rrarn III to I : bn oa Moadar, dfj Wadaialjr and (tobird araui.io li nu It tr. 4 j BfrNOCU AlaRMKM. PrarX. "I aTTFUKJI I. CIIILDA. Mind DlalK oAVlMli DIUI.VLrT., OOKNIU'. Or' V4RICK, dr from 10 toi. troin .' Co I P. M. irei iu QwJTN to t.w)o, mmt v'int Totnraiit al. oad .ai all ioowi of tAK) arid Kit Par oaal o a'inr ariouuta. TK.d BNK Had Kl m) y7IU arias nrtd fit DUrUNU TUB PAUT 90 wjiia run. OaRlllNMRa iKTIM Dw TO I.LT. A PAATMKST3 TO LKT-FH- 05T RO"M XV and wad oom aaoimd ft tor: ball a d ttalri oil. JH il tktrlllT HI ararr amolnn, rani '. M woawaaloa Buifdiatxir, No. It) Narlolk t. ciotju la taa hail. a wSSss APARTafENrS TO LKT 8KTEUAL I A aloa Baartmwia.a'MUtlad of tour roini eanb, vatar in kluann, at )- - Niith it. oatr araaitt 4 I 1m at 10 lUth at, aod in oa'aata it. aaar artntia M B. Raat 7 Mlia Afc ivplf at 10 floroonUaata at, aaar lat in. ItH f ttl A PABTMKHTB TO LET-- IB BROOALTH, 'W Xaba laUawiw aaartaMnla In Na. If VLaa rt. rla. M lat floor. M;Hbw.if, and Ird Baor IIMm Ito Booth aiaa la Ho. ill Vina at. td taar, i to, and tW' Ird Boar H par sooth. Par particular applr to run Marl H0RT0M.IU Paaifri. Naw York. Irt taaa-la- o A i ' A Ft rMKNTS TO LET l'..KA S AN I' Tfl t aaaittaaata ol ro m, bodrooai and kttahaa. la a H aro4 near tba Bowory. rwota $0ti1 90, W Alr 1, E 3 and 4 rooma. In ditfHiaa ptru of tka 7m am inu i. imuir. .r a, m. kanm.no, m I TU LET rum TUAEE gi5 stout kwoaa and atara eor. Bedford aad Da Calk TO LBr-H- fA 14H EAST Urd paaaraal-- Irumadia'a. Par partiaalari aaa IBtwtrr. aVKrVXIMTaSTa WOHDEarUL D WOO VEST arkraatod br a naw trwrawj withaat pal a. toata laaartad. tl aacb. with or wttaoal Nn rtatr. a aal oa rilrar, S. Dooarad with tba aahkcatad boaa AlDaa, wlthant Mranoaa w arras tad. J. JAY vILLBUt A BTIVICIAL BOBTI COB FILUBU ABU XliawaadaUm, aahl u, daaarad or brokaa taath: 111 ka oft, wltkaut aala, on lor of taath warraatM lor SI of Turn, rJAAiri'irui. ajio oaafal. at II aaah. aat da Pan dint, from M kollB: para roll. IIS to W. Taath utraatod aad toolhaoha aafad wlttiaut paun, Taabb 1 lllai rlih aUrar. rold, or aanirut. Bu acuta to ll.al OKAUTirUL BULL UCTTS Of AA L1 unatal ta--th liiiirtol on pan at nr. far At . I TVB. BOTT, DBBTIBT HAS BKMUVED itrtoa wWBtaatp.ta Hf Hwad.ar, I doon abon HPL Mtwj ar taath IIr, low ,. .Pa" on aa aa rlaUna, III IrtifloUl boaa (UUna, VaairtoA wllhrruf Baka) go aat; raid, 50 ata. U IT: llitltl.tOata. All work warranted. r4 daa'Lls A piraOVTClDarre IB OEWriBTRI Taath V Cat roaL aat wutt'battaTSaa' baat 5owf iu!Z rpnE IAKOEST AND CHEAPEST DEN adJ A htl aabakUahjnao In tba 1' .B. OWPUN dt a:, HAD., Banllata, 116 Uraad ', N Y., aad HI Pultoo t. Brack ni. tn aorta fnil or partial lata of taath M tV tbdtr Impravad atmoapharlc uraaront plaira. wltboat JA I utrarllnl tba roata. Oo plattna ar ld, t ulrar "fal. - aa rot tor, 1 10 partial aata (a (old, a pr tlh j a'U -- T f, ilT lite i4ac'lC6 J u I J I A BLKSHINO AUUKE FOUND AT LAAT. to J n: km mi ."J I BHEUMATH ABBIHILATOB rwAXYi gwrra raB axn-ru- hwkst? aadtorla Jaanjl.arba Jl of ihagtaa JJo'lrOl JMBtBPV I IB JtROtJWi BW tof toa bMaaw. aTtnjftoltJMJ aajraawj torRl l la afBIJIwWIaWI MwM atoaaaaw, aawar.awa.ar rrORTO tor 111 II i Hir prjLMWiAXrl ajooajr. aat Otoaaav nmitBovr wavxv ax n tttwtht, afl ai ahawawa fAiRBffo-JfS- if TlKfflrflKi?! On wDBJDOfaDHJ RQGwd BOB AU. OOMTULam ttauiDwATI TW TffJ awaR. au riM'j r nmo M wnrmgot rt, 0 BAAfll.T BO'SIXI BB WTTOCT IT. mo Tamil. y wxouui bb trrrwvwt rt. aa"a'' aaaaTa U.ria ar a kiaitoaaa on Hautamm aCxrAUT ia.ni, r toato an4 .UwiaH aat a Rm aaaal tfataaakai iBMB DBB HRIjnarijv tTXTRACT BUUBTO M awl MWj and dlwat afftt 0B2BAAT OMaB fwatnat Klanad la ALB 0B FwMAUt, tmm irbAtont trtattittoL art mtm BOW UNia RaJCMwVA, rrrSaCJsr arJS Btu MBOUVa RMS B aato aaa ataanrrt ta ktota aad odat. wot I mn Ana la na aatUtv ar?7atJi?fcl''nSl,HT7l rJaTt'clrola ,!ri5 phi dull " ai n Iti air tna' til -- ira.'ta wa itiaMutwai, aaa a in i ar baton. InahBa ma I aawatabia. M T. HBIAIB0UV Atto B tg.ll I. Barjr taffnlatrlhal kafora aaa. to. n tl IBll II IBM, f waaaatajaw, ttBJt, into par Howda, at ato tar BJi aaanrwl M Map wtUaa, aana. loMaXAtatoi. ton at Rxpiaai aatoa, BXTBAOT BWUHV MWMaCaaawafft 'hHualtl H. T. aTaTJaTBOfA nawtMi i nil iniijd li an Ud Roath Taath A balow Cnaakaat, Phlil lllwkla, aU ta.Mn aaaat ka wlra.tot. taaPSTi? u'tolln'oruoat arnalaf arhtol' 'pan"' kattor wrofn aad M wortolwa llaihii thai Ml baj x aaah AaB FOB BBIatBOIaM BXTBAOT BUOBrTJ, VAKB B0 OTafBaVOOBB QOAaABTBBaB aailbriytoaaUwjttoallaagwialMrltaal aDTKJB OBATaB rbbtibi iUHSUMPI ION (TUBED BT TTHATITTaB voaaaa Irataaaal. Than who an aafartai with aop of tiwi irnptoma of aonnaptiaa, aaah ta aoarh tr ralalna of aiattor from tka laura, aitraaaa ar pain la tba chrat, Ada or hack, toliaaJra braatfalna rr duait-ut- af tba baad, iboaid aonaull Dr. O TOflLR, who baa mad., ato trmtavant aal our. af iiwawimpaan kJa aaaalal atudi for raara. aad who nn rafar to ouroar onapatlauta In tba till and nrddhhorhood of Naw York wb"i ha haa aand of ooMtunption. Ia all aurahla nan. raltaf frora aoffartaa hI arantoad hi ib.dt tthmira traataant. Or, af. O. "TtxiLA itoarampttoa FkrwAtan. M Third an. Baa Yarn, a til aaaafllB DKOOUUTT AID PUABMACRI Ti8r-- J. of tba aoraar af Alton aad Stan- ton ata. Nw Vcrk) would mSBmBS Inform tha In- habitant, of Baal BrooaLrn, thai aarln aol 1 oat tba old rtand. lis All at, Snw York, abara, tor tha aat ton nan. ha BMBBl tba boadaaa to tba aaOra attlafaatlon of phnkrlana and tha pablla, and ha rial jnrtAaand th. lutanat af T. Willi' hill) UN In Kr (rul i tor. a. wall aattliHAll In tha faror of tba publico Baat BrookJin, he will aantuaa tba bad. -- aa In tha aarno toration faorntr of blrtto and ' an a i la aranuaal, ririuc it hla pa'aonaj anl onra-auttl- atUnti m, and In art rv war atririai to marlt Irom pnidalAnd aal tat aanlla a liberal annual af aitanBon a In he rlran to tha arrratten and dimtartraiof tiadldnaa at ALL BOUAS of tha DAY and NIGHT, Praon.drlriir of ohtojalna pare and 0ADUI.-TIRATK- MadiciDM, to wail to Int elaaa Tollat Artkm Parfumar v, aa, will da wall to oall prarlon w mAkind tbalr jatrchaeea alarwhen. Anion, tha aianr tcl'.ut aiilclna which he will krp on aala, will be fonud PurmanSi RHBUIfATIO ANNIIH I.A roll, li ennU r tottlo, and Biloat a Ua.-- Ualiral-- ladC.lun.blanlltlk 1)YB V oonu aar hoi. Alao, tha old and wall eatablUhadOBRIBTlxlTH I All B - whi-- n ha jroartaltta bae nat Re tonal In tha mar-ka- t Prtae tfe oanto. lall ttaa' I70B THE PILES tolrtara Jar Pttoa. In mhta. In tha wont ZoTtSui tiSoiS tUirSSi. at S btoof aaloffln. "JlT thiltowMi. 3P0B BEWB bTBB. ml a POLL AID, II H tot to, wltkwat any araa loot know lean, and aura wOTwaDn 1 OO IntW tTOaD fwltoOlltal iPwateM. H. fkB. UOBLEB nVJSTWlCA WILL OeoUaaa practln of hla toofnatoa, aal (in aapaalal at. tontlon to tlpartoln leiaeai. OUaaaai af the Throat, far" md wornaa bafore ar aAar IBAtTlaaa, ta J rltal THE IJHION, BOW AMD FOREVER Ubmp PatautMadiolnaand Vartatp atnr. 44 South eV rand at mat, WIllaiiukur(h whan tha pub-la- c tan rely upon latuni nod and (wuuloa artlctoa at a mooerala prlca. Batmaf Whltt LIIUaa,o r Uto aranplarion. At. SB eta. Dr Irlu1. Couth Kitermlnator. for Cou(ha,4a to B ca riaa, arAkin Lotioa, for Cbapr, ato JO" Paato riorllmC. fa Bardan Inarrt Killer, for Bod Hum, Ac SB Bun Uhol. rlua Kanway, for I Harm.., Ac . . M " piamoud (lloaa or llalr Mannarator SB JUdwarW,R.llrf 11" BrandntJnTnaalniO Itlla 18 llarkai'a and Perry Oarta' Linlmanti H " PaUw'a. gStln and Brrant'a Halvaa 1 " ntrWfii.tow'allontblu Syrap 11" lldlnpre Prepared lloe H " nalon'a Cocdn, lor th. llalr 1 IfowUl'e Clioladta Bain, for Bona. Aa. " Fnmptou'a Botaalcal Compound, or import Blood, Ac oo M Pars Ian Blrut TB " Paw and Afua Ulttora IB - Oilental Baautl Bar, for tba Ladle. IB Fraaoh TaOaw for tha llalr N AntlDiapaptlo Kllilr .... IB - BuipJaJii) TBarbarla, or Uaaliaf Boap 10 B est a ranarrinf ratto, Aa, It Bon Hair Oil a rood BBS H" Funuau', Hhanaattit Annihilate It Triaotbarona f, r the Hair, a road artlato, .... I" tlr.uAacnona Prnala ijto Owtllal, for ail m BoajtAw., .annrTnTr alTu'l..to. f Zi BO A BD - A FEW BEbPAaTTABuE toat aaa ha nnaalitod wtkh ar wHa. DOABO A PBW BBBPEOTABuB III A taa ka aaaaanaadatal a Hk baard at II rTjwthd. OOABOIBO UBE OB TWO tfBOHAB-A- a a an aa wtia tr bap, oa maa Aat a wwTi ktitaiaii inattt nattt : a taaatto at at i Ana 111 ka taton and .eaoHi a tootaarS aar" . tw nana to tot rtoh ar iTa ant kaarw. .! I 41 to,, a I'll ' at U04BDIBO GASTLBMBB AND TIIBIB i ' alrt a r a faw ,ln(i. nt.tl.ntan en bt wet: an aranad.ad with bard ia a aatd loaallao Mar twa eavaa r otto , r oaaa ar a .fu Uhad an" at I Aland rtdtdnM parOavBD BOOUS WITH HOARD FOB ' ' aa rial and ataatl (nllnan Tba InwXlM la nn aad healtuf, . d u t td Ira Hnaa aba a raw ra--i. a l.dl"- - r ,n be urna". dead. 'M Wed Ink at, aar tU an : trial tha bona Iyl4t4artto ROnBD AB0BPBIS4 HJ rHA WuBMaU AI end bum aad room It a aal a... l. I Uafrna l.Tt Pa ailla, altd .1 Una tkaa aa onto keaa ta tba e If. Mica aarlara wMa plaaaa. Watotoaanap all ataht. at 4t LI II a. ltd rt . J Bindaal and aoal H, in-- t fa at- - balnt ttana B la aat aaaatartohto, bat aail and an Bm ran a. net TrlltW't ,OAJUJ OA UVaVB I LAnlrift ,U a. O anananaa and wan, aaa b a aamiiatod wtf aaardat aardaata tenaa bath a d rto In b nna . d tr ronrto .r Mt IHkk and ttoh da a Mm' LPOnJLDLBtt a.1 a THOtaFBUB all Onad board (S M and ft a nana, aaa nana lw naand thdr at aad M aaah. wttb board jCdwygtabaaa, pOU ladlBD WlKUM rw LET tTtrU r koara ar atmiav tar nnaia a toarrna rntl Rto ato, t teat ladlea ntoa hta-de- ri aaeoam. BatoA d n wtravaL nan rn 4-- -. twt dan'' iUBBlShVaVO aOOBVB TO Utl - a ItOR fan tn. faaiiBtoa toa Willi honnraadar ton natto tor dnnia .en Rmn j mat nn jaw twt r...faa t'UBBIBUilD BOOM to tafff a faaaa fniatohaf, aim ar wlthaa. aaard, to a root'aaan and hla ail a, a twt. roaua at. ArniiidtalatoAraan n anooaatal alar umaintl Onhnrd a i i ' HOTEL AOCOntRtOD ttl'U-UO- D D haid wJ aaod claaadoaia rooms ail m rermta i botrd t Mlo $1 p- walk, lenainae ana and iwa ahlUint. par lahL at It Oakd. anrP-ar- T I. T tdarIrl4 LODOIBUS FOB OUAAvrKSr LOlMjr York bed. II (anil a nlrht nln dual, rnau II ta tl caata . a.m. I panaaatr toaar.na , loddlada by tha wok Onto 41 oantaand II. Pariuaaad mat with cok Il to tla waek. M"ala wriallr low, at w.n aklnttonaa. '0t PronklU at. Sif Wtwt Broadwar Pan all niaat. KfHUat n But nvny cat a (to DOILDIBO LOTS OB BKBOKB HILL FOB Daatoi hmntlfuhr latatod on bona railroad roatn: IN autoi from JarwwOMpor H aoamv aaar ahirraa. and tot I IB al Bin in. ITaahawkao, A.tVa150"" fflBSF FAMMS FOB BALE bMaLL UARDKN ealaetaar, onjr II ot'i . irom N, if , oa I Ml la, I v .1. a.l .Old I0 acnta. prtoa tl'V. 00. ill 'aaraa.ll'-- ' oo of 4 arm Ij4T M" II acrai kV onaV aciaa. V atil ona 01 M aerra.ll.tr ,11 looliattt farmlor anr?. DM toa, intio.branaa. . d - I 4 Bt'ana.1 tj- l- IU'1 Placa. lor, tihaaraw, d adaAt - aa 'Ai;S roR iian. ana a.ici. crop av. i to lu.1 a..-- a.w- -t nti acrna, iVff actn. Mlf-f-i. In) aeraa dv IV a- - II ararx AltVt. s urn dl'- -l 4 illt.i an, "'it.',,. 1M atraa. it tea lo. town Oal tttUT ptil'on d,abKlv or Plaian.' l AM lrd4acll B. VAIL. IT AIM FOB SALE LB TUB TOWFSU1P ' ' "tlui'tt p ' ' H, ttUaafraaN Yo.k, ronlalolod oo... B.1 aein, 10 of vhlah la (not fttot land, ' rl.ttt. barn. won and .tber oil w. dot,.. -- .tt tt,, ,t. r. with otarati of frail trna, Aa: artra tdjalO. For fall aarttoulan loon t re of n'ARtU.Y. m Hodaoa d, rtow York, or on the tramlito tUMm'ki FARM FOR SALE OB KXt 'II ANi.K FOB Br atklv a dtr p 'opartp. ltd urn af toed farmlnr land, oncler eoltivadoo: bctiiaa, barn., canlare bou-o- , an. Bui din i nnrlp now. Alao bourn 111 tot, modern lmproraaantt t aiabania for varant tot or bouat' natar Pulton l .trry lii .Ir-o- J. L. SHBDBo'Ok, Btliluiaa .treat, aar DrKalb ATtnoa. rtll10 L'AKM KOB8ALE-S,&- 00 FOR A FARM av ol oO arm. near tha chore, IS mlln aa nortb all. ol I, I., .11 aad ar a hiih atat. af caltlratan, with Rood hooar, It n and out b illdlinit, alt. m i and water; al to ona of C acrn. good btilitliu., t.leuty offrun crops (to : price ,.,. X A. Bl NOP., t IKty Hail ruor, cor. (jbanbaia at. lytti'lll HOUSE AND LOT (OR SALE AT on 114.1 itrret, hat wo td aad 4th ana. lt SBilOP, new "mi.' ..... It. two atary attle and a ato mat t. !' lot 1 '.e ttt o.te ball can remain on bnd and m.iltiaaa. Aply to J. I. KBNYi N. td annua, nrotr af llwli at, . I LOT FOB SALE OOBBBB LOT, VEST ott Um corner ot Ualon it. aad Bond at, touth tfrotklyn la atar Ilia ,'rrrloa tl. .troat hu aeawer. Tba n If l. coal and free fr ttn .1 tit, ait ply At fid tBaat at, Nl Y Clip. ml toae'l.tl OFFICIAL A "Nit I,i:UAI SEALFJ) l'ttOP03AU WILL BE Kntairid Bahonl offloan of tla Bib Ward, at th offle ol the Ulark of the Hnrd of Kdncatlon, eor nar of Qrand and Kim it., until Turadar, the 6th day ot Aui. neit, at B o'clock, p. m, for .chool firnl tare loi l'riauu dchool No L lu Baj aid It, In aaid Waid. Plana and apacineatlona of mid furniture are oa Ale and can he inn at thtt citlca ot tka ouneilnUtndttiit of icattol BuitdlnraNo. 14 n. Two rtrpwelble iirottoa, a li an namtta mud acc iui any tit propoaala, f fa ei ni p trfnrmatica of th. eoutractt wul bo n stored Irom th atiroaaafal blndrr. The Bohoel offlr n rna.rve the rlyht to retort any or all of tha aald propaiala, li dotmed for tiii publta Intcrratt ro to do I a ANuiB i.'Riii'BAP- -, Comuinn oa BnQdiaj and UWKNKBNNBY, and l uraltara ol lite Board WA1. TP.R KOCHB, ) ot neh'l outoan. IU Ward. Irtl It lot BAAaaBOaVABl. 1861. 1 HE AT CENTRAL ROl.TB FOB TBI WEST, VIA HUDSON BIVKH RAILROAD AND NEW TORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. XPBRVB TRAIN! I.BAVP. DEPOTS HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD nariT, luKntTt ixormro, 4t roixnwii From Ohamban at, Pram t'Hh d. atatioa. At T.M . ai. At a. PL 11 lt- d- S.fn, B to r.n. lltOa.ii.l.U,BJ0r.n Haatmi and Bufa'o Train wltb adapinp can. 10.1B r.kt. m ar. r M. ant,NTiatJ AV A I.Hi NT wm wlw TOtt OAHTAA1, AAJLLAOA11 ion WjHBNBCTADY, tOMB, and datlooa on Bl KFAI.O, Bornaland Watoitown NIaoaRA (Uilroad, BUIPaNllUM llnillOR, BYRtcmn. 4111' BN. UBrtKVA. OaNANDAIQOA. Train. In oonatattrai tann BUFFALO and SUA PPNSION rla I.AaTBSHOBB.Bl t'FAl.ilandl.ABB pi AON AadUhaAT WkdTrtbN RAlLB'tAl), lot CEOBIK. MADISON PBAIKiR DU CHIP.N.O 1 1, n ma, ni 'ni. prrii. nrm ot R. I'Kt iri a. riiiik m .aWd.MI HIATiNK,H) AJA CI I' Y.lll KI.INO T N. QCINCY, nPHIMIFIBLD, Il.TOI, ST l.ulli, HAl-r- INniAN4POI.I8. i.m: (ffiHn NORTUEBM ROD IE. JTrwaaeUni with Train, at Trap, with TROT BOffTON aud BNd A 8 A HATS HI I Roada, for ra4l'04.HliiTlL4lJa, BMyBjkatoMRf PijlTlaBCaUIA " LOCAL TRAJNB " Lain Maa York aa fellow Prom ChmmbfrM Urttt. from Tktrttdh Urttt. PoiiahkMpakf train. a. !.to a. a , and l.tu And at , and ItX6 ud 1 u 4.B6 rjt, train, I JO a... M ... aat B.uB p.m. aotl 6.10 r.a. Slni Bin. train, 3.40, 4.J0 4.10, 4 06 aud 1001 r.n, aad t.4l p jl tukklU train. I JO r.n. IJB r.a. tba Itoaoaj tai &tiiai im Oimt mtrn a J VilnK ROUTR to tba Wed ooaunaad It ta the no Id. on of toinAtali and nappan for i romp nana and aTnatoh T Vt F. tSfcal SUN. MUMBEK tOfU NEW YORK, MONOAV lULY I 89 1W1 I RICK ONK OKn T THE NKW VQKK li MONDAY ntOBJMNO. 1ULT W IBBl. BantoAR aa tan amabnAh. Much wall dto er nd snRlnra nil bnta ba ttowad apon then was gananfji tha Lata battla, (or Rirln. no Sabhath to tha aoliliera ai tU of mat . Tl7 ware la ro danger if batnp; and thaj naadad rwpon, aftar rjjht and 4aj miiiblnR. lh.y naadad food aad lorlaor-atiu- Had thav waited BBtil Mondlf, RO o I tba Imii wt n!H Kara bam nci 4 Iff. root. Tba atltli.re woild haae hnn froth, aaa! thair wo th! hara hnn raach mora Urrlble. Ih dwaattr onAbt to hAra baan izpactad, in--er ih circacaatencat, and caajht not to be a u'tfto to ait i na Wa ay Urn, tlhilf th tonaj) wlaw of i ha tubjact tha naad of tail for t a 1 tor. Bat th.te U t bifrbar vita noa. tmoa to tba dirlia roanvtnd wkloh partaini to tra'n to wall n IndlTidutli. And that cotoinit d aroTidot aa.ti, And noihiD over will b I oat by oatarrliK It. For oar own part, tbottch It it tmj 4417 ir th. n who dati in n l to bafon tba njantloa, 10 cavrtontirt Um doclrlaa of SabbAth ob. arvaaca, It laaau to at that tan matUr it at pltla At d4jr to idj rrduiAry parotptioi. Do. Ian tha wboU tdaa of Duma coramtxdt It kkraAHv, It b.hont ALL, whath. r la AA ladlrl daal or 1 ctrpotata capar it v to oaaarra the Stbbnth n tha nrloe'p'i aad ia the tplrll dlo-t.i- ai hi tha Lnid Jaasi Ciianr. tfett ' th, BBtpafl mil at id for mm, tmd not atari for the Sabhath " Woat that naaot It nrodl no ihaiiloRiitaR, not anthln( tncra than otrunn lit t, untfarttatd. Aa a i lie 1 to 1'ia itter la hand, II mttai ilaiplj tha. oar mill-ta- rr .u'h .ti"aa era bound by tba la of tha Sabb 'k to 'ildawi from arcry wiorroianl or oncr '. .t 0 tba Sabbath, n tt lap tttl nod aatas-i- i. to ba (Ara canlad thr tnp,h, aad to tak. artry cata and pale a to tffonl to tba tt pi, waari ud worn anoatb in all tlmil of actira tttrln, tba Sabbath tua tiay of rut, ind, 44 Ut id pottlbla, of raliffioai nrrira awtltil by tbaa innly at math at by aay othar claat of awn in oar community. Tf a tboald likt to tta tnr troopt alandin, up for tali rinbt, and wa lalnk tba pabllc tastt will an it feci rati to thata, mortovnr. Why will not tht mortl ind far tat ian nf tha coBmunity m.k. tUalf frit l.y peiitioninj tht proper tathoritlel to a otpt line m k' lift inn! wtltitblt priiclplt In tba futari sondnct of the war. Ihira It nntlinir, tl ba loit, ind iTtrylblnp; tobaftaina.i by tuch lUp. Who will Cart thlt .eliti.tr. t Will tht 'ta' h ' nmllt.ta. or to aa on From whoa It wonlil coma with tiil forot ? In tor from n Han Talaataar. .'....,.fi.f,.i,12f R't mrnt If, I'.ef.nf.l llitrpr't firry, July ttt, 1:I. J" S'nc I laat . .ta t 1, wa han tl na nothliK but tr.val, r.tl 1 tau Afcata you thtt wa hara, l.y thi. it..-- bad tmub of trtv.liap;. Our lgimrrt left Wi 1 irp'on fit Martin ''.mIi on lie Ttl; tf Jaly, iinl iftar two iliyt of r.pld niA c't wa reached thlt plica, and Joinid liat.aral rArrtnAua'a liriKfli. W Una bail M wnk af raat. On Hundty, the U'h, the 'a. with I) 0 aitAT'M hittary, w AA to matt'i upon Wincbtotar, whara, it W4t raportai, than win 47.(0) ttcwiiin tlx opt. Our krlgA la coniuttad of the Naw Vuik 't'i Aid .1 ti, the Mi of Albany, th. Stub of y, md DocitulDAT'l battery num SiricK In all about m thousand mm. Tht 11" day, wa marched mi In, tad halud for thaalRhtit 1 plirt eillad Bmku HU1 Whin oar u.lt an. RB4rd r. ha.l tiiat p'tea, tbiy mat i)ai nj art. aieinn cavalry, wh H,m!-il- ratrtaUd. Our man find a fair aholt, but with what affect wo coaM cut ltarn. Wa ruli.l th.ro t day, lad roc.ir.al lntallikanoi that MoUlbllab'i britda hail takin Wincliaitir. Naxt morning; w tUrtad for Cbtrlettitirn, 4 lecatolon town aboat 17 reilu dlitant from Iliinkar Hill. Wa arrive ! than at 7 P. M , and aban DoiiBLinAt't bit-tir- y rimi up tb.y cut down t lirgt tacitolnn flip;, and nave tbi cit!ani Hi boon in which to Lt.ii'. tht Sun And Strlpn. At Cliarlantown wt ratUd cm day, ind tben maichad lor Uar-pa- r i Farry, ai. ht mtlu .Hat int. A'tar letv-Ln- R Cbtrlaatown, wa hur l thtt t Itioda .1 it! teglmmt btl tit lira to th place, in cona - qUaCCI, tt W4I ttl'ld, of lltriiof I'm' m n btvlPR bnn poltonai tht diy prarloaa. (Thtrlattown, by tbi wty, ta tha plica where John B.owb wai liungt ind tha tcifTold on which hi wia bunK wjs cit ap Into traall plocaa and av.ry cno trko could Kit 1 placa 1 cnra-- l it for pretii v;itlon. Afur mtrcbUip; lit milet titwtrdi Htrptr'i Fm ry, wt 1 mt forward 1 picket Kuird, ah" toon riturnad UrinKioK tlit nawa that Uity had dlicovirid 4 uiitkid bi.tary, tha n m, bowsvtr, biTioK hnn tplkitl with rat-ta- il lilt ikta. Wa then bnlud fjr tbi nigbt ind pit. In I our lenta. Our a' in,- - Brigadiir ;. :il, Col. UuirnariaLD, mtdi at 1 tpneb, in which ha tail thlt nn tht ud of August wi woald bi BiuiUrtd out of tlit nrvict li'.her it tVirl.iuuUu or NtW I Ik. Hi Wit I udly chttrtd. Wi asp't" new tvtry diy to bin 1 battla. I '. It thought that lieu Joumtum It retra.it-- i K thtt wty from Winchntar, ind our brigtda It placed ban to r it t II bit rttrnt. Thar it nothing more ' inttratt to writo it pratint il vi ny ri'ptt tt to ill in thi ofilca. J. J . ('., Ui. W , 12th ltrgimtnt. llnnis Inmdeat. Am on.- thi trophltl bfoap;ht to Puiltdalphla by Col 1'attbbior'I regiment wa 4 cannon raptured by Com pas y B Ctp'. Trompiob, it Clitrititown. It wia 1 tin p .under, and had It nnarly bun used on 1 tbip, bat was in nr-v- ie during thi Mtzlcai war, and wai plantad In front of thi ronrt-hous- it Curltotown ourlng tha Jom Uaown rai l. On itatirlval tt PullAdolphia ytttarday, tht Oo-h- Will En- gine ' nup my kindly tandirad thi uta of tbur borttl to draw It t9 a safe plict of dtpotit, at ,l il wai taken to thalr ongiui bouta, cornar of Broad anil It ttrtat'. Wa art in urmtl that I'tptain M. D. IUf-L-, tf tba Fairfax Cavalry, who wai confined at Pblltde'p'iit at the navy vard lost t lata iliot, and ttlcitod upon tiktng the oath oftllagiance, waa killal by 1 party of Fin Z mirat when tbiy mtrcbed t n Hulls Ban. Tt Ziuath nay thay fell In with hla be'ow tbi Court Uoum ta thav wart loouUng, ind In attatupt-ingtodlttr- him ba ttihitd nci of 'hair party, whirtupon tbiy immtdit'..ly killol hlm. Wt htva not laarnol th tt ha had again juiced Um CjiiiadtrAtil, ' at tht fc'. that aararal of hla company did to, reodo-- i It not Inprobtbll that hi may bat e goni back to his ftnatr comptnlont. During en of tba ehargtiof tba Fin Zm-Av- upon t ha Muni.tippi It til n, a Z )utn And a Mlia' sipplaa ctrae in eonttct on an optn tpaci, Uttb with dircbArgad riilai. 81 thay ittimatad to draw tbalr lavolitn, nd I 1m Miniiaipplau having lucctadad fafori tha Z taava in drawing bis,tha intUr cria 1 oat, 111, it laiy, Miwltoippl, 1 11 Uk. tit. lilt hot.'' Thi MitaUrippUn lattaatly Aid 10, thi Z utra, than, having trim hit waipon, ditcbargad It at hit foe, plat ling hit bean and instnntly killing hia. Dr. .1. II. Ibwib, lurgaon of tha Stoond WLacttnain Ragltaaat, wai ahnaad by ona of tha Black Horn Ctralry, who Iran whaa ibott t ak. "Sorrondar yon aboil clon aaoaa-dia- l I" Tha ball rraaeal tha taad af Dr. I., whs) at tba asm. titan, wr!a a bi imp late a clamp of wo.'a a vnrar-p- ar mrl aron-- ta Baad Mm off bat bit Cll'l"' tnaaaUma ata aad to load bit tin, aaa whan tha troapar n. 11 ADfanrod abut hla through tha cheat. Ha fall eidwwava. tha nndle tRralRf with hia. aad the flight. ned horn galloped off wick Ito deal ot aonndad rfdar dangling by tha atJrfnfn. On of th aaaay '1 ran try rod op in a wagon onatalnlag a nanaded (nraaa miliar of Cepiala LAaowra-- n a aoaaaar. Sacand Wlaaoaala ragiait, aad, draggta hla aat by tha hair of tha baad . ptarctd hia taring 1 tba b vtr wMIi hit a word, yalltag " I'll taart t- a Mark Aholiitoniiti to c. ma down ban ta ht aa " Tha trooper tbaa iwhad apoa lha dr. tar of tha wagoa, aal, with a back mt of hit rahrn. aaarly r.d lha toan'a berad rmm Ml tody aad hi fall Irfalaaa aaeag hit borna. Tka Kataraaa af tba Oall an Clrl Tha attpoalUon of tha hlitaty of th Knlghtt of th. Oollta Cm la by th Loalstilll Jtmrrud aad th account of III plans tad organisation, rareala tta ayitaricat open' (ona of tha aoath em nbelllon, tad anabln at to aaderitend thi cutol that lad to itl raat and apparently ai daa tBlanaloa. Thlt body, it appaart, hu hnn In opantlon for aaabtr af yaan p baltly rlooa the Mixicaa war aad tktandad Itlilf through tka whole Republic, though it itidin ntra aiclaatraly toathera. Oitwkt My daratad to th arqulnatnt of hf extent tarri tory ind ttaeitaaalon of ilarary than It UtUt loub. tratlti rati obj ct wia d un Ha airoty, tht myrt.r t cotn.rt.il w tb Its opera- tor na, whtah win oaly partially nraalad to tb tnmrtor maouban, aad the day ting rlaiota of oorcjuaet and po war which It OMoatl to tha daring and unbitioni, ill oantrlbutad ta itt 1111111, aad thi 10 calkd Sctrbirn Cjnfad ra- y- which li tht lo.icaI mult of IM maihi-ra'jon- a la a itrot of thi akt'l nd dating of tb taorat chafe of thlt aytUrioos order. Aooording to tha Merit docimtnti of tha Order, tha auUwMticity of whirl It vouched 'or, than an thiatdagnu th First Military, tb Second Financial, ih Third GoTtonmantai. Tba rttoalt an cn'y tnulllgibla by tha aid of ks many nuarical ti jam halng lahtd-tuta- d for worda. Tbi rituit of tha Military Dagroau not of much lmpiinrt. lha two following paragraph an froa tb nbllgatloai taken In th First Daan Um worda ol tb Int balng tpokan by tka Traaaanr, and thoat of thi atoond tty an ofrloar re. led thi Captain : 7Yuurr. OrntUann, wa matt bow tail you ib.t th tint field of onr operation It .'.M .0. 1, hat an hold It to ba or .iify to offrr oitr aerewy j to any Simthern $tate to rtpei tl .Vor(l.rn limy Wa Dop inch contingency ly not occur Hat tba 8na'hra tlatea tacit. 1. titer my achtro having ft r itl nbjtet tht n.fr .oi .ti. n and H.intharnl.ttitn of ? (Maxtoo), so that in either cut our ear, ess will bi cartel!. rApfoan, Under the 1 twt of i (Mixioo) tviry emigrant racairtt froa thi state iithcritlM 1 grant of 'il') ac aa of land. Under a tratty closed with (A a r ti. D.iar.400, Uoraraor of Oaaaejatto) on tha llta ol Fehriery, laS0, wi an iovl'id to cotexiD.a in 2 M lo enable tin but pnpli than to a taoli.h 4 par. mar. .nt goweraBant. Wa agn to latrodaoa a for, of iii men. arml, toip.il, and provided, ind to laki thi Hal I an tr the com mind .f .ttjAM-Ai- DotiLAno, Oovtrnor of (ianntat'"V who agran totnrMth an aiial Bumber of man to bioflcind by K U. C.'a. Tooorir the original eipenn of irtnfngoir than it mortgarad to cur Truttm tht tight to oolttct oni half thi ann nat rem nuts of I (Uuantjaito) until wi an ptld thi ram of s 111,011.1. At 1 l.onai thin it alao ceded 10 mlol.COO aens of land. The pty of tht ' may It tha stmt Mtheragalir irmp of 2 (Mixlc i) .hu It it abjut ona lighth mon tlitq that of thi I 'mted Sti'ee. To if. un thi, there ia nvirtp,igd to ai ill thi public pro- perty of (I In inajuato) tmoinUng in taxtbli vain to .M tk.U.DtM. I tf An- ti. l)i tit 1, ah 1 (iuvtrnor of Qitoifatta) it now tbm making arraogaatantt frr oar nrtpUoR. W thill croatTtrai tot.n at poidlila, if tar our own naUoaal uoublat an settled After thit pirtltl txputnttloa of tht objtcti of thi DagrM, th following instructions n pptetlng th Ritatl orcnr ' CVipfaia I will no gin too tbi sigm, grip, password, indtokairf thi Pint Dagroi of the K U IV lha first gnat tlgn of tbi Order 'if n mala. 7. 'Ian it opto, palat touching and ro.tim- on tit top of tb ho id ; po n'ing npwardi ) Tn intwtr to thbi 11 H p n hands touching ihnaldir when paiiltl'M an worn; slbowt cl.-- to tht tida) Trne in battle fl, Id algni, nl aro not to be and under orClna'y clr 1 ma ran on ib I tmmon sign of rtc tguit'oa Is 3 (right f. r fiogsr tltn acrr si upr Hp notir nun, M if rnli log Tha immr IU, (with ind thumb of lit bund taki hold of lift if.) To ga'n almlttloa tn a Worklni C4tl. or tbi room of iny K U. C, gin " (una OUt uc ta at tba door. Tka Btntinel on duty will tbaa rahrt tht wlckt. ind dt Dimd thi cjantanign, which Is 12 (tel diets, ilwtfi lutund tRBBB) it Cat He il kor ) Ton will tben put thi centre of ih room and give the trie sign of the K. O. C 1 li II (left binl ou heart, ligbt band raieid ) I his will ba iwccgnizad by a I. r from lha Cap'tln. wh-- n yon will it oom taka yoer Ifat, Tha dgn rf itwit Is II (both btatlt up) cf illuant 15 (oni hand up,) lha grip it Hi iprisa with tliunb out I icb ibowa r ml aim kv tha token 17 (Uol.lan Circle ancitng block hindi dose! on scroll tb whole to br-- the size of a dim ) K vi i number Buy wear tba signi of hit aa grai. Tba Inlti tl fci lor tht l int Dr is on dul-Ia- t, for tba Second flve dollars, the I'nird tn tilnra The Ritaal for tti Sicnnd nr Financial Da- grM it soaanba. vnritd from that of tht first, and aa the DagrM il but I f Uttlt imp ri.ti. 0, it may b nmlttat. 1 ho 1 bird or Government a! O der lalnr of moat importinci. tbt Itltial it monaxtind d. Avary candidate matt bate bean In tc in a alive tUti i las 1 ProtMtant ilavt uoldir, or glvt t4Utfactoty evldeuct rtsMcting hit dvvotion to illTory. Tbi luistlons atkil an minute aad Marching, tad after in aith of lacruy and fidelity, tha obligations of thi Order in mon particularly declared. Thata are proacrlntlTi and .xclualve to thi laat degree. Momiort in tworn to laxladi from thi order any ibolitionltt, ngro or fi nigier O'J ind that an cl mil with falont, gimbltrt, idiots and druakirdi. Roman Catholic prints and aorthira taadtort An to ba vttoatt and miptcted. All Roatan Ctthollct and foralgntn an to ba ixclodad froa offlcn of honor or trusLand when tha whole of 2 (Mexi- co) it ecaqieamt, every iffirt It to ba made ta miki it bu (1 iltri ata'a ) All 81 (nunneries, mt merits ind c mvanti)anto be opan to tha utile, and KH (tha Peon syttim) li to be S and H9 (.ptrpatuti lUyery) introdicad in ttl itaad. 1 ha whuie rltntt uafoltfi th plaa of put darlgn, mbracing not only Mexico, bat look- ing to the coaqattt of Cubi and thi wfaoli of Central Aairtct. But ill tbli li aaislfUy only aa ni tnt lot purpoee. Tot real bat object It the overthrow of tba Govern- ment, and with It thi utter destf uc'.lon of inattt utiona. Thi people are to ba Deprived of ail power uf telf lute, and mon. archj llml'id it lint laToduoad. In Um il will ba dupoitc. Here II tb grand pen atillnlt do in era y "The manufacturer In in iriatocrat.wMli thi working nun ti attf. Thi latter claa con ttAntly gotdtd by povarty, nek 1 change they cm not whnt It may lie. Democracy by U7 (Oomattic Slavery) multlplita tb aunufactartng olaaaas iadenoiuiy bat It dibaata thi inatLtnlc. Who ever knew 1 prtv tical abtamiker, ot a maker of ptnhaadl, to hive a at an a imbitkoa Thay own nai '.bar land nor pi. .pott y Atvl Lav bo tl to Um Inttlta loot t.f thi onuntry . Tba Iriahmin emlgrataa, and tbi Frenchman remain t at boaa. Tua ool bain hla country tht other adorn hit. 7A cm Aran it a tlattkaiJor owd a mum, TAt Irishman to a tmrftmi am outcast. Toe Snath It naturally agricultural, and tba fartn.r ttotag act', of tba time In the atdat 1 f hit growing crope hla Bind expantlt be growl proud tad f .all hi amir 1 man Ht calUVatat tha loll and it M4e aaitt thr wdaaa to iurrhan lahor. Ha aaeda and a.kaa 1 cantralifd goveramint, bacaun hit property it at tUki when Anarchy prove Ua." Wi clove with aat Run attract, which avowing tha real object! af th Kuighta of thi aaa d aol properly r.ai - Oaitod Stttnt yr th Jv. af latoat, bat th dapa aro e -r all Aattoioaa entixaaa aad It wmld BOtd be rfftodtoo rndetr Bhalr rdlml tre.li ttont of fYwdoat, aad Uerifart th name of a foreign atata waa and. tb die wain to I., laid weld wbaa M Via. ro longer ainsastry tl the toadn. Hara at tb. W. ialKW ant only far tha IRttawwM af 17 (vaatsyUi Bliverv ) ia I, (Bbxtoo) bat that tn teak to make A3 (a Oorartua.ot) auroag aacogh to prxrUot aad larpataAU II Tb. aaa for ,r e Ing 90 (Limited Maanwcby) are ta 2 (M.rIm ) Wa nqaira vast r sf offlnra How h.lp aa mak. aft (. Oovarna.a ) nd go yon aad nad year am and lat bla tak. ha p'Aoa. ,1 so an na anrpl'iAf w retitiwi to antar lAaa aa mat cdto-aut-o In avoftoaitdi Rrpbbtic. Onssajbaa rwi. Varions hints in given ia thi ttowwptperi and army notraaportUoM how ta camp oat. bp aa to snjr y baaith and nmaia caaafortabl. low of them are alt aaaful to Inax prtartoarJ vnluneaen : A camp la bar nn th a'ope of hiU, oa rising gn end, ibaltered froa th triad tfpcttiMa. A trench iroand tba ttnt will drain Uie ind, and keep it comparative') Iry. Twigi of tha haalock will fhrruth It with a Uxarloai cnaoh e coach which not alone Mparaw hia froa en bole acne contact with th. overt mrth, bat which tl hi prilMI I', rarrourle bla wt- k daliciona odors. With thlt omfor;ab4a medb a mrttroen Mm ind tb wat and. aad a real Mexkiaiw blanket tvar hB, thi Mvawnekar can aleep without detriment tn hit health, pro rid. A ba do, aot bold wlthta hlaealf the neda of diteaaa. Hollow tma make gtod impromp- tu Itcvee for cooking ft o-- l prttevesrVf , an Impor- tant ctaddtTaticn. and cna which thaM ciap-In- g cut should rot overlook. Aral Paate. Tht panic it Cmttivll! la not 1 novilty In waifaro. The bnt dlaclpllrad troopt of Earoe have bnn a.ullty 1 f them fir leaa excuaably than tnr men in Virginia. Bach aat tbi fiBtoni flight of Prinoh and Sird'aitn trooat from Ctntigltor.i to Brvaoii thi day el .er the great battla of S Then tba luccaiful toldiin win retting from the fittgoit of tht tight, aban Ave Anttitaat who had bat bid- den tn tb baibii ctmi out Into tbi cpn laid to isrTaalar themieJv s Intttntly, lb cry ta? ' Thi Aaitriart in coming!" was rilttd. Fran that liaplt mrl lent iroM pan'c. For nvantnn miles all tbt wtr to Brest Ia, lha road waa til lad aith 1 ft Ing rataa of horn and loot ; wagoat and imbalances wan east)'. led of their wounded, and e vara body snmod beaMe li.uia.Ua- - with tenor, ti aa lifnan ih annd mtn win tcgaged In this nintc. and Um loat ol life Irom ll waa vety otniidwablt. A vi 1 .a aih Ai a tea, tb Weeasel.alarur. Tub Richmond papers tell of Fin E"ax art who wit cugbt tad takin to Fiirftx, Wnen a rt t'd bafor It sack ah a an, ba aamfaated Ire contempt for that cbUfuin by puit'ng bit lhamb to his neat and gt rating wlih lilt flng-at- Being ordared under beturn-- about suddenly, kicked a Colocal who itood near in the stomach to hard that hi lit down, knocked tha Canonl who had him In head over heels and invite ! ftgAOBBnAare to "trail on and get limm-d- ,' dicltrlng that ' if b tn. n hive 1 muea hi'd stile." Fm I g Bona or the anrpiind lochtr. on itartei to rnnt klm, ka took to hit bwtli down 1 I in, (favinl sbott wen tl" it Mm wtthi at offset At etrh rnrceeeive diirbarge, ha won d tara to Dike grimarat at hia pnrruett, Cf jump high iu tir 11.I veil as if I'rnt k. Suddenly a Liai-- t neat with a drawn a word ipring la'ora him from an ailjicaut bulldog. 'B-i- - -- y what an yar thent a plntln' that thing at mi." Zottivi. ' D 1,1 ytr know yir .nl .hi 1 oat my hnn rew wiiklt?" Doing mt ol it t ) nil and put In a aolitirr sell hi sigail lied bi. tint ovet iag'i lot' gment th'rt by BM in It nn fire. The robots seum to admire t a cool intlicltv of tha chip ind Il'AOBvtiARO laughed hearlllv at hit pracka. Lalzaw' WI d Chaa. The Tt lowing alining place of martUI pot-tr- y wai wtittan by Kabi. Torodorb Kdkb nut, a celabratail German prat, bimttlf nitmbaf of Me it VoaLCTZOw Ulnck II niu-aiir- Ltk ail Uintlationa, tt of cinm loin in lire ind spirit, but Monirh it lift to lmmor tel za its subject. Kiibbbbb wai alto Un an lb, r of UltMltbriUd "Srhutri .dti." ind volume of bis peauni Ins bnn published under the Utl of ' Voi. nd ..' ' "Whei lall thai biama In the iiilghi itin btua, Awl nbosa 1.1 1... . and am.' . And an. e m eala aal In a loag 1 aik Una, An haik how po botca In tha oletouue jnfoi.t-- . To loapreto wub oft 4 I lb bearer. And e whet ainne tht tlarinf m l Tola It L'ltion'a wild ind derpaiatt cUue! "Bee, tkey lureibt farh Wood In alltus tl', Aud from bill to bill irttuei Hying; l.i aaibutk II "11 lit till IkeAtop miblfaU, Ib n itm'lt hear the hot r lit and h 1 Iflo be At d the F eutb wilt oa teutpg aed al"fi Aid uk t wuet a ee'ts ibe't daitof rat ' This lr I.alctn'a ai d aaa dstptrelo Uu, Wheretkt viubuha twine, tbt It liia wivie tnr, Aad tr.. foiildcka Ha wat r a'niil hi-- e hln: Btil we, thay fiatltta ipprt atb tbi int 11, thlp .tap la tbe.aeteaiu, and a vim ptoudty o'er, A'd atond on Ota bank tuetls bin ' And eak ve what tnaane tr.e d.rtog io f Tb la I Ltt'ai.'a wild and dean-- Ibiat, "W j inn In II a villay the ngtng Of bl. Where awcide r,.l and tory 0 li the drlfa of thai deadly ,' e l'.,r Ibe aperk of young Freedom u niwiy alight, A It bitaka luto ManotH ' a' Aad ltk VI nbtt mnpstba derlif not 1 lis Is 1. il. j.'a wtid and aepente ei : Hee yon warrior who Ilea an a gory Iptaj Ftooi life iQiopiiUd to tivt . Yd be ai sr la beer 1 to latueut bit lot, Aud tie 10 il at tta partlag ahall tramuia n 1, SI lci bla 00 ux 11 y naved f'rtvi' 11 y- - wit: a. ai tb and btertt-e- di .1 in Ul r .w a wild aid .Map ret cbaaa', The w Id chaar. and tbi Uerman oUne Agalnet tyranny and p.trria'.oi: Ttt b o nr. wit p m i, loe'd ftienda, at tail lea em bi aaa. Far e on lite tlawL'J on our loved triith- - p.eop, Aol.urdlathl alia" luur Ua B Aatoloul And .nr bi Mid fmm not to nee, Tnli wis l.'t'aia'a wild and dnpereto kaail Wax itoois, (Insulator nil Tboo 4Rh. TUa. It ia not In tha cirdi for Wool to be wonted. Ib Fotokb no volanbter will b auttsrid Into Un nrvlc who la unable to tpeak the English lnngntga. Tela D4LTIMOBR A' iif. I tocmb n pa-pa- aayt tbat.UM ctvilry lorca In Gen. Ubio-niu4Ri- 'a Army matt hare numband 700U. Cou Davii, 3d Pbss. rlsoiMBST returned to 1'hUad.i phlt on i iatcsy. Tbiy in to and re enlist for thi war. It it -a in the rtmovil of Omtral Patteb-so- n wit In rasp- nee to s'rou.r nmnnltrincet Irom Phtladelpbi-i- . from man who 'iiiwtloaid bit loyalty. A Com past or SButnrtftooTBBi for Col IIbBOAb's Beglniat hive b en furn s' ad from Sew Han pehlre. Tkty will ba arms I ind e pilpptd by the atite. TwsBiT Pbomiaii Orm'SBA left Jeri-- City cn Tburadav evening, tor Wa'hiBgton. t Itef Oieif Ml Vices to thi tutiruaul. They are ill gtaduaiM ol Parlilaoi Coll gee. " Divuioti Dbili a by TanMpaT,'' art aleoat to a .r.l.rad, as a ptrt of general ix eiclm, by th CommiocAr la Chief of tha ar- my. A Uki.im t ev or l imii C.im of U. H. lit ire Guari'a, hu bnn raited in 0 a avian and Millar coaatlii, In Misuari, is 1 prottc-tlo- a igiinit thi itbels ia that vicinity. 0 AC Kit RAvs nlxjt received at the Wt'er-tow- Aiaaaal to forwaid at oaca to Withuti-to- ill tha cartiidgaa and other muailloni of war bob on Bird there. Hob. Era it 01 Corsinu UligripSad from WaAbingtOR to AlbAny, on Weiinetdty, Uilt tb Etta won 11 Avaruters reedjrtont bu bun acoapted by tha Government. Tub Fiaw AID Hat oa n ikmaatticu l Vuiaa-tte- n have tandoted thalr aarvton to the gov r amint for thirty dart after tha aaalratloa of aeii m aaanm Tmm Tsarta B.ae Bboiwiwt laft Btotoa BR Tiandey e'tam. a a by late llltaai nbato detAreelead K. IJannltting for W ttllgl B dlratt. Opsioias. rbtbrrb af tha hattk af Bill, til la, oa Che Ka awbA hinr, i - iiisBr eel, end tw. !. at an aat ell of t UltosL BB a a On Hn wanna nana lattavt maaav 14 handthlfth a id inlti IBs fB iMBBntal B1AB ach, toW teroagh ItolBBt III Mt Tib ill 1 BB for th. tai'. Trb Rt i at that lha baan. rib threat an. ftp emeu. e tba beitli la Baadty, Is m- -. or net. the atABdera be anr waa Mllad, hat taa tolora were sd tuwr loot near tAroaa away. Tata I it 11 Onto BaoiaaaT rataraed fvaaB WwtUrn TLrjrixl oa 1 barsdar. tha tatm af BB liitmant barng ipir. . Tla grnr part ra ready tn ro- ruiac far Ub. nar after faay aeeke furl, ogb Pntiur KiAaait of Newark fill BBRb Bra-v- et M.jo- of the Fin. oragnoaa. haa nana Bilpiiier Oenat:. Thi iieiilataeeft rnn aatlr eatl h action to bat nnmn las Dlettt. Tn Naw faRBBT Ihraa aoithi' eeaHm gnt ban nlti rsed bom It la eoppeemd that amy if ihea will naallit. Throe fnil nad . tatat ar aow rate y ta an war uha am call af tht War ltopartaMBte Taut NniH Bautaaar, Liatntaaa Talam-mr- o, waa arrived a Rtckauol, a raw lata. In. e. aa mate for Maa aaa 04 la tail ta haw bien cotoBandid by Col.BlOHaaaNjTAYtAtaa, 4 MB of taa IsU P. l l.t.t l.tioa Taa N a 110 ai Abthrij Aboat t a alia haa-dr- d oom 1 nl I an bare ton nciind by aha romalttae, bat U no htvi ban rilalanl r rt a thi nnmhar taa isl.etkm will ha anaaa. Hum an andergoctg a Boat aqtminatlea. Abmi rot thi Ubiob bu or TaataMia Tha OotetnaeBt II leile triatportlng araa t m owar tha Biltlain east Olio BnilroAd, to B. 'timi.ro, aad thiatt by tbi Nortbarn Caatral, to thi Ur.loa MM mt Kaat TaanvaM. Sbopbd G baj ah Cnroiraan EaoiMwtrr. On MotMiay lut, Gm bIoClai.lab t raaaai tba Qermin Rgient 1'. Oentp Bawd err. to report thennlvM at Ol artel era, Ta withcat delay. Tils swroed ragimeat if OU t inaatt Tiutoai It ipokaa of at I vary tanawatt ludy of maa. nn. I I don't mean lo aay, (.Said Qlllp, 'totber day ) I with Mr. at it. t aii. tba traitor, wwndnnd. Hut than 1 .a live, Bobottv would a riiavt If the lall of hla trig wtrt Affirmed of hit kmmV Tn k 8. 'im if Ed. Law from hWynfraaa, arrived at Meaoiryport, 11aar. oa In lay. She reperta being chafed by a privateer mi latitude .17 25, lotg 70 10 wait, for I boon. I lie prlvi'eer wti fall rigged and frroidm-criptlon- , au; lobe the "feff. Davla.".Tb et in oner being fast tiller, got clear of g a 11. Tm. HOW So nr nana Propi-- abb DitiivTtpx--- A genUtmaa airirel Is Hortbamptoa. Mnat , laat wmk from Mia. He was greatly aa-- ti in had oa reirhing the loyal atatAa, to kaaw that Coagftaa wm iUII In UMlon at WaAaiaag- - ton, ti. tn vailing oplntun at the ,n uth kelaar that the oa' of guvtrnaiant had bnn raaovasl to Cllctgo. llBADlin DPI TUB " COBTRAalltM Tb lavMwho nn away ftna thalr initten hi Virginia ware let to work at once by Qna. Uot t.an. And made to kMp il It a ch to thair tnnnyariii Oct of thm. 1. log bv.a pot t it ratbei Stnaig, ii J: (Jolly, Mum !'.; . a, t'tl nlpsar ntber had tn work in bird batata, guiM till chile ill Moadl OBM mBh! " Lat bit 'aha rar Pswiaoola via Ltott-tlU- rip Of the cap'nr. of a smell alarm by lha itmX Bid Hie arrival of tht Metoartao ea. Tbi icbooair Vigilance wm ttl ted at Hey St. Lcola on thi . oh, charged wltb furniabirg provitlost to thi hlcckadlrg tqaidron. A guard of honor wu put aboard. 1 ha blccknd -- tnglqaadroo at tha aoath uf tha Mununatppi. waa rain forced on the 20th, by the artir ai of t VMteli 1 f wir. Tub Pbiladbltbu Rbpbbbiimbbt Thia Con.mltta will artr be rinm-bere- d by tb hungry toldiera who bar paaatd throngn Philide.phiA, with grate'ul recol o Uott Their Ithora hav ban bwcMUa. SB th. r Uaki an usually pet formed at mldilght wheu tba people aia coatiy tlaipuig la their bei's. Oa Wednesday night and rhunday n on ing two ii imanta of Nit gins' toigad. and laO lrt pors from New York pamad tbrcagb. Tbiy were served nitkail tbwyodald nl. tiiv. Bf cO.ai.i a Atrlva.l in Pltlabarg or eight amidst tbi firing of CM arm, nn wmk a ind other demons' ra- mm of popular sood will. An tmenense ecnoouroe of atipli Otlt him it the depot. He WM etc r' ad by tka flnmen ird ci'ia Bi tu thi M'aotv-- u sbt la 'Home. On reacblrg thi hotel ha waa inttocuoel tn tbt per pie by Judge SuAPWoa, bin ba talarcad hla tl ar.ks by a moot felialt. uut icknowledgmint. Hu remarks win wltb tbi mo.it eithaitiatlc applaus. Hi wit to leiva Tit thi east by tht 12 o'elaok titio. rewen T IAT1C Olr AJiV E RTlEiMBaT" , TRBtan. ciajBR la axiVABXIB I Un. nUhly .1 Mm in of tnr Bnm. In, arted n tonrnton to tha otw B4 tee rnra flUceUtueoni lUms. ,v A Yooso Mas named Haiti li'ander irratt in Cleveland- - Ohio, for broakir g in his mrther'a hull wltb a chair, wbila ki wu intoxkittd. Tnr. Alt UAL SaaitOB tA the State Teachan" Asaociai icn will k held, thlt year, at Watar-tow- n, comamiclng Tutadiy, Lbs 30th iratt. On nosriBko 4BD Finr si wrriraathava taipndexl public! ton within thi last dx wiekt. CBaCtaO I'Ai-i- .peek of the fallen of 8. B. Cartrb, the t.i.i.al dry goodl rcaichnat in tbAt city, ilia iiabilitiM Are heavy. I A OnSAB USADi a touad haart, axd aa optn hand cjnatlial griatneaa. Bbod I siaad ins in alt aiy bo just low tha biggest in tha Unicn, Gio. HoTciiKiai, a er k In tha Haw liana I 'ott Ltuiu.wu aneated or Thursday by a pacta! agent Hoi.iiitoos, for robbing the nulls. A Urge amount of moaiy wit recovered. Tub Fhorth m Mabii-oca- . The Foarth wm mlabritil with gnat eclat la blaripoaa, tJbOO wat approprUtad to defray thnexpiaaar. Mu.iciansr re paid .'o par day la that quarter of tbt wt lid. Mr n i in" rH M HaliMx, or tha 2Sth n tr It WM nprrted thlt Prior Naroi.aoB And nit wi', Ih PrlncMt Cioiiiiim, bad ar- rived at that pert, In tha ittaair Jerome Bo- na parts. Tub Steamboat Kaolbb' Wish, bound ta Providtnee, to go on in excurtlon, took Ira ha tb bay oppoalt Piwtutit, aad wat burned to the witen edge. Th passengers were ill aval. List, I20.UOO; no Inturance. Uk was own n Ntw Bedford. Tub Vbbmdbt DsuocRATir Slata Coaraa-lat- fl met at Moatriallar on Wtdaaattay, and nominated tbe following candidal ei: For Gov-etn- er. Paul Dilliioiiami Fur Lieut. Goiter- - I n.,r Si te Mli LBR; Fjr Treuurar, jAJtaa T. Truhitob. At tbbC jMMRBi'BhniBT axirciau at Union oi ag. It ScheMctAdv, on tht -- OUt, 73 mom- ent of Ih graduating clan received tb degraa of A B. 'Hit Itgna of A M. was aoafairadl .n 11 intimto, gradoatu tf tha Inatita- - ItPBe Tub Cubabd ri xbt is c apcaad of thirty II tmett, hiving a cat ry lag power In the of 4b Uk toon, impelled by afMM .war of 12,040 borne. Tkroe ow it. a man uioa tbwf laaXA. All tha laat exaapt tavta ar bail", Pott. Dr . -". jV mvi that catting tie hear chn t tU.'. Bl, a cua'um wbkB ll now ta , vogue, oaomi the ean wbith attorally lavigo-ral- at tha hair to strike to tbt Wain, thus giv- ing that pecaunrl y of exprMtloa whkh hi ..otkrd in tbom whoM bet.lt htvi bnn filed, A 1.ITH.R DAioursB of Mr. Gobmab, mt DlBTan, Mat., wbo hat wmd.nd awny, waa cans allv and iliaplsg In 1 whaat laid aaar a., after bang ixpomd wltboat feed two algb'a bj d a day. On lha tirat light lb rata fall la toiren'a. A Ladi at CoUatook Ct , ohUa oat rnw-bwryis- g obi day laat waak, wm al a.kad by a black make, tome eight laat In length. Tta bad mm natikt naiad ttaalf aroaid oa of he- ated, at .ltd nnasMtwala tqulrmmw hat rt 1 . . a I t.e a. m iWala

T Vt F. SUN. - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1861-07-29/ed-1/seq-1.pdfinr ova rrrr day from llo'eldekto 2 reloek. for II' mMM!to"in anddtiiirMdvtnfof

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Page 1: T Vt F. SUN. - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1861-07-29/ed-1/seq-1.pdfinr ova rrrr day from llo'eldekto 2 reloek. for II' mMM!to"in anddtiiirMdvtnfof




wmatonATMrm otTLTTmtOM (Zo'X "toildjng.,ef and Bane mm. aad Ho fttoJtaawswof Bk iad

IWttuuIn bMmt ray nrrtam - m

to Raw TwkOt aal Ttdntor, at

nangw Qapta On onvnna mm h ato . . In Beaton t

I djM iwriM rwa n w i

CSTifc efftAeumm ma. rx

I )kAWJUM FPU flu. u. aAtal- l-

1 cum, obdibaat tuna abo

olpleaa was no run rm ubitavd

TiRUBK mtu Wahted a handlelto-sU- I tadkw' trnnki. eppl r to W

BTBOMQ 1 Wm d. oar of B Hlrv, IfM tBMlf irrT"T fflT

TTKLP WaJiTRD-AL- L RKOPBOTABLIXI atrteewt ifwtiiiini aidj nil n'tIIMIWnoHtH' Inrtltate. til ilk ere. bet 4th

it. That will B d p mm wiener thereeAmlkr raBw ftaea. ofTB TON IH1Slilt inst

Sewing machines - wastko,la BlaiaCland .Vheel.r

0 WlnM'e Mia meealo uitlM l

SIWINQ MACHINES LaDIES TkkirhTa Wamtor Wlum lillMl!( totobln; preettoe "JTV.'Sm ,l-- S

tmeal ttrt rlUAWwm nmuM.

a TL&jrno saylbub base. ChathamXV ipn, mt WmIkmwt. Men deilr Oil linkm to innoc esiednl A i nr MllrWw


UNI FOB SAvTNOIt,0T Mneker etrewc. bead of Crvbj Shane,

to Inkf to hi mmod.te n. tnlon. thU Bek liinr ova rrrr day from llo'eldekto 2 reloek. for

II' m to "in and rMdvtnfof aiur lo so frora lieMM! dtiii We'needars ud Saturdays

IUIM''' MM lira .

tuiiuruvniii iiNN'Knr,fK.lU.tf Seorwtaro.


I biinK mm aha to wxn unind. mearn. Intend eiWel aa eema of tsuo aiad anaar

I Daaam iJtaa al baton Jolr lntk, draw Into raw)


m-- uhartkubo kmI ID RafJ OBR HHHH aUowat aa all laiairan oat to an tkaoaand dollara.


4 JlAai'' WlU" UEAW l'BKU faWat JULYB. .k owaa iatlr rrarn III to I : bn oa Moadar,

dfj Wadaialjr and (tobird araui.io li nu It tr. 4j BfrNOCU AlaRMKM. PrarX.


DIUI.VLrT., OOKNIU'. Or' V4RICK,dr from 10 toi. troin .' Co I P. M.

irei iu QwJTN to t.w)o, mmtv'int Totnraiit al. oad .ai all ioowi of tAK)

arid Kit Par oaal o a'inr ariouuta.TK.d BNK Had Kl m)y7IU arias nrtd fit DUrUNU TUB PAUT 90

wjiia run.OaRlllNMRa iKTIM Dw


XV and wad oom aaoimd ft tor: ball a d ttalri oil.JH il tktrlllT HI ararr amolnn, rani '. M woawaaloa

Buifdiatxir, No. It) Narlolk t. ciotju la taa hail.a wSSssAPARTafENrS TO LKT 8KTEUALI A aloa Baartmwia.a'MUtlad of tour roini eanb,

vatar in kluann, at )- - Niith it. oatr araaitt 4 I1m at 10 lUth at, aod in oa'aata it. aaar artntia

M B. Raat 7 Mlia Afc ivplf at 10 floroonUaataat, aaar lat in. ItH f ttl

A PABTMKHTB TO LET-- IB BROOALTH,'W Xaba laUawiw aaartaMnla In Na. If VLaa rt. rla.M lat floor. M;Hbw.if, and Ird Baor IIMmIto Booth aiaa la Ho. ill Vina at. td taar, i to, andtW' Ird Boar H par sooth. Par particular applr to

run Marl H0RT0M.IU Paaifri. Naw York.Irt taaa-la-o

A i ' A Ft rMKNTS TO LET l'..KA S AN I'Tfl t aaaittaaata ol ro m, bodrooai and kttahaa. la aH aro4 near tba Bowory. rwota $0ti1 90,W Alr 1, E 3 and 4 rooma. In ditfHiaa ptru of tka

7m am inu i. imuir. .r a, m. kanm.no, mI TU LET rum TUAEE


kwoaa and atara eor. Bedford aad Da Calk

TO LBr-H- fA 14H EAST Urdpaaaraal-- Irumadia'a. Par partiaalari aaa


WOHDEarUL D WOO VESTarkraatod br a naw trwrawj withaat pal a.toata laaartad. tl aacb. with or wttaoalNn rtatr. a aal oa rilrar, S. Dooaradwith tba aahkcatad boaa AlDaa, wlthantMranoaa w arras tad. J. JAY vILLBUt

A BTIVICIAL BOBTI COB FILUBU ABUXliawaadaUm, aahl u, daaarad or brokaa taath: 111ka oft, wltkaut aala, on lor of taath warraatM lor

SI of Turn, rJAAiri'irui. ajiooaafal. at II aaah. aat da Pan dint, from M

kollB: para roll. IIS to W. Taath utraatodaad toolhaoha aafad wlttiaut paun, Taabb

1 lllai rlih aUrar. rold, or aanirut. Bu acuta to ll.al

OKAUTirUL BULL UCTTS Of AAL1 unatal ta--th liiiirtol on pan at nr. far At


itrtoa wWBtaatp.ta Hf Hwad.ar, I doon abonHPL Mtwj ar taath IIr, low,. .Pa" on aa aarlaUna, III IrtifloUl boaa (UUna,VaairtoA wllhrruf Baka) go aat; raid, 50 ata. U IT:

llitltl.tOata. All work warranted. r4 daa'LlsA

piraOVTClDarre IB OEWriBTRI Taath

V Cat roaL aat wutt'battaTSaa' baat 5owf iu!Z

rpnE IAKOEST AND CHEAPEST DENadJ A htl aabakUahjnao In tba 1' .B. OWPUN dta:, HAD., Banllata, 116 Uraad ', N Y., aad HI Pultoo

t. Brack ni. tn aorta fnil or partial lata of taath MtV tbdtr Impravad atmoapharlc uraaront plaira. wltboatJA I utrarllnl tba roata. Oo plattna ar ld, t ulrar

"fal. - aa rot tor, 1 10 partial aata (a (old, a pr tlh j a'U-- T f, ilT lite i4ac'lC6 J



rwAXYi gwrra raB axn-ru-

hwkst?aadtorla Jaanjl.arbaJl of ihagtaa


IB JtROtJWi BW tof toa bMaaw.

aTtnjftoltJMJ aajraawj torRl l laafBIJIwWIaWI MwM atoaaaaw,

aawar.awa.ar rrORTO tor 111 II i Hir

prjLMWiAXrl ajooajr. aat Otoaaav

nmitBovr wavxv ax n tttwtht,

afl ai ahawawa

fAiRBffo-JfS- if

TlKfflrflKi?!On wDBJDOfaDHJ RQGwd BOB

AU. OOMTULam ttauiDwATI TW TffJ awaR.

au riM'j r nmo M wnrmgot rt,0 BAAfll.T BO'SIXI BB WTTOCT IT.

mo Tamil. y wxouui bb trrrwvwt rt.aa"a'' aaaaTaU.ria ar a kiaitoaaa

on Hautamm aCxrAUT ia.ni, rtoato an4 .UwiaH aat a Rm aaaal tfataaakai iBMB

DBB HRIjnarijv tTXTRACT BUUBTO M awlMWj and dlwat afftt0B2BAAT OMaB

fwatnat Klanad la


tmm irbAtont trtattittoL art mtm


rrrSaCJsr arJSBtu MBOUVa RMS B aato aaa ataanrrt ta

ktota aad odat. wot I mn Ana la na aatUtv

ar?7atJi?fcl''nSl,HT7l rJaTt'clrola ,!ri5phi dull " ai n Iti air tna' til -- ira.'ta wa

itiaMutwai, aaa a in i ar baton. InahBama I aawatabia.M T. HBIAIB0UV Atto B tg.ll I.

Barjr taffnlatrlhal kafora aaa. to. ntl IBll II IBM,

f waaaatajaw, ttBJt,

into par Howda, at ato tar BJi aaanrwl M MapwtUaa, aana. loMaXAtatoi. ton at Rxpiaai aatoa,



'hHualtl H. T. aTaTJaTBOfAnawtMi i nil iniijd li an

Ud Roath Taath A balow Cnaakaat, Phlil lllwkla,aU ta.Mn aaaat ka wlra.tot.

taaPSTi? u'tolln'oruoat arnalaf arhtol' 'pan"'kattor wrofn aad M wortolwa llaihii thai Ml bajx aaah




aDTKJB OBATaBrbbtibi

iUHSUMPI ION (TUBED BT TTHATITTaBvoaaaa Irataaaal. Than who an aafartai with aopof tiwi irnptoma of aonnaptiaa, aaah ta aoarh trralalna of aiattor from tka laura, aitraaaa ar pain latba chrat, Ada or hack, toliaaJra braatfalna rr duait-ut-

af tba baad, iboaid aonaull Dr. O TOflLR, whobaa mad., ato trmtavant aal our. af iiwawimpaan kJaaaaalal atudi for raara. aad who nn rafar to ouroaronapatlauta In tba till and nrddhhorhood of NawYork wb"i ha haa aand of ooMtunption. Ia allaurahla nan. raltaf frora aoffartaa h I arantoad hiib.dt tthmira traataant. Or, af. O. "TtxiLAitoarampttoa FkrwAtan. M Third an. Baa Yarn, atil aaaafllB

DKOOUUTT AID PUABMACRI Ti8r-- J.of tba aoraar af Alton aad Stan-

ton ata. Nw Vcrk) would mSBmBS Inform tha In-

habitant, of Baal BrooaLrn, thai aarln aol 1 oat tbaold rtand. lis All at, Snw York, abara, tor thaaat ton nan. ha BMBBl tba boadaaa to tba aaOra

attlafaatlon of phnkrlana and tha pablla, and ha rialjnrtAaand th. lutanat af T. Willi' hill) UN InKr(rul i tor. a. wall aattliHAll In tha faror of tba

publico Baat BrookJin, he will aantuaa tba bad.--aa In tha aarno toration faorntr of blrtto and' an a i la aranuaal, ririuc it hla pa'aonaj anl onra-auttl-

atUnti m, and In art rv war atririai to marltIrom pnidalAnd aal tat aanlla a liberal annual af

aitanBon a In he rlran to tha arrrattenand dimtartraiof tiadldnaa at ALL BOUAS of thaDAY and NIGHT,

Praon.drlriir of ohtojalna pare and 0ADUI.-TIRATK-

MadiciDM, to wail to Int elaaa TollatArtkm Parfumar v, aa, will da wall to oall prarlonw mAkind tbalr jatrchaeea alarwhen. Anion, thaaianr tcl'.ut aiilclna which he will krp on aala,will be fonud PurmanSi RHBUIfATIO ANNIIH I.Aroll, li ennU r tottlo, and Biloat a Ua.-- Ualiral--ladC.lun.blanlltlk 1)YB V oonu aar hoi. Alao,tha old and wall eatablUhadOBRIBTlxlTH I All B- whi-- n ha jroartaltta bae nat Re tonal In tha mar-ka- t

Prtae tfe oanto. lall ttaa'


tolrtara Jar Pttoa. In mhta. In tha wont

ZoTtSui tiSoiS tUirSSi. at S btoofaaloffln. "JlT thiltowMi.


II H tot to, wltkwat any araa loot know lean, and aura

wOTwaDn 1 OO IntW tTOaD fwltoOlltal iPwateM. H.

fkB. UOBLEB nVJSTWlCA WILL OeoUaaapractln of hla toofnatoa, aal (in aapaalal at.

tontlon to tlpartoln leiaeai. OUaaaai af the Throat,

far" md wornaa bafore ar aAar IBAtTlaaa, ta J rltal

THE IJHION, BOW AMD FOREVERUbmp PatautMadiolnaand Vartatp atnr. 44

South eV rand at mat, WIllaiiukur(h whan tha pub-la- c

tan rely upon latuni nod and (wuuloa artlctoa ata mooerala prlca.Batmaf Whltt LIIUaa,o r Uto aranplarion. At. SB eta.Dr Irlu1. Couth Kitermlnator. for Cou(ha,4a to B

ca riaa, arAkin Lotioa, for Cbapr, ato JO"Paato riorllmC. fa

Bardan Inarrt Killer, for Bod Hum, Ac SB

Bun Uhol. rlua Kanway, for IHarm.., Ac . . M "piamoud (lloaa or llalr Mannarator SB

JUdwarW,R.llrf 11"BrandntJnTnaalniO Itlla 18llarkai'a and Perry Oarta' Linlmanti H "PaUw'a. gStln and Brrant'a Halvaa 1 "ntrWfii.tow'allontblu Syrap 11"lldlnpre Prepared lloe H "

nalon'a Cocdn, lor th. llalr 1IfowUl'e Clioladta Bain, for Bona. Aa. "Fnmptou'a Botaalcal Compound, or import

Blood, Ac oo M

Pars Ian Blrut TB "Paw and Afua Ulttora IB -Oilental Baautl Bar, for tba Ladle. IBFraaoh TaOaw for tha llalr NAntlDiapaptlo Kllilr .... IB -BuipJaJii) TBarbarla, or Uaaliaf Boap 10 B

est a ranarrinf ratto, Aa, ItBon Hair Oil a rood BBS H "Funuau', Hhanaattit Annihilate ItTriaotbarona f, r the Hair, a road artlato, .... I "tlr.uAacnona Prnala ijto Owtllal, for ail


BoajtAw., .annrTnTr alTu'l..to. f Zi

BO A BD - A FEW BEbPAaTTABuEtoat aaa ha nnaalitod wtkh ar wHa.

DOABO A PBW BBBPEOTABuB IIIA taa ka aaaaanaadatal a Hk baard at II rTjwthd.


a an aa wtia tr bap, oa maa Aat awwTi ktitaiaii inattt nattt : a taaatto at at i

Ana 111 ka taton and .eaoHi a tootaarS aar" . twnana to tot rtoh ar iTa ant kaarw. .! I 41to,, a I'll ' atU04BDIBO GASTLBMBB AND TIIBIBi ' alrt a r a faw ,ln(i. nt.tl.ntan en bt wet: anaranad.ad with bard ia a aatd loaallao Mar twaeavaa r otto , r oaaa ar a .fu Uhad

an" at I Aland rtdtdnM

parOavBD BOOUS WITH HOARD FOB' ' aa rial and ataatl (nllnan Tba InwXlM lann aad healtuf, . d u t td Ira

Hnaa aba a raw ra--i. a l.dl"- - r ,n be urna".dead. 'M Wed Ink at, aar tU an : trial thabona Iyl4t4artto

ROnBD AB0BPBIS4 HJ rHA WuBMaUAI end bum aad room It a aal a... l.I Uafrna l.Tt Pa ailla, altd .1 Una tkaa aaonto keaa ta tba e If. Mica aarlara wMa plaaaa.Watotoaanap all ataht. at 4t LI II a. ltd rt . JBindaal and aoal H, in-- t fa at- - balntttana Bla aat aaaatartohto, bat aail and an Bmran a. net TrlltW't,OAJUJ OA UVaVB I LAnlrift ,U a.O anananaa and wan, aaa b a aamiiatod wtfaaardat aardaata tenaa bath a d rto In b nna .

d tr ronrto .r Mt IHkk and ttoh da a Mm'LPOnJLDLBtt a.1 a THOtaFBUB allOnad board (S M and ft a nana, aaa nana lwnaand thdr at aad M aaah. wttb boardjCdwygtabaaa,pOU ladlBD WlKUM rw LET tTtrUr koara ar atmiav tar nnaia a toarrna rntl

Rto ato, t teat ladlea ntoa hta-de- ri aaeoam.BatoA d n wtravaL nan rn 4-- -. twt dan''iUBBlShVaVO aOOBVB TO Utl - a ItOR

fan tn. faaiiBtoa toa

Willi honnraadar ton natto tor dnnia .enRmn j mat nn jaw twt r...faa

t'UBBIBUilD BOOM to tafff a faaaafniatohaf, aim ar wlthaa.

aaard, to a root'aaan and hla ail a, a twt. roauaat. ArniiidtalatoAraan n anooaatal alar

umaintl Onhnrd a i i 'HOTEL AOCOntRtOD ttl'U-UO- D D

haid wJ aaod claaadoaia roomsail m rermta i botrd t Mlo $1 p-

walk, lenainae ana and iwa ahlUint. par lahL at ItOakd. anrP-ar- T I. T tdarIrl4

LODOIBUS FOB OUAAvrKSr LOlMjrYork bed. II (anil a

nlrht nln dual, rnau II ta tl caata . a.m. Ipanaaatr toaar.na , loddlada by tha wok Onto 41

oantaand II. Pariuaaad mat with cokIl to tla waek. M"ala wriallr low, at w.naklnttonaa. '0t PronklU at. Sif Wtwt BroadwarPan all niaat. KfHUat n

Butnvny cat a (toDOILDIBO LOTS OB BKBOKB HILL FOBDaatoi hmntlfuhr latatod on bona railroad roatn:IN autoi from JarwwOMpor H aoamv aaar ahirraa.and tot I IB al Bin in. ITaahawkao,


ealaetaar, onjr II ot'i . irom N, if , oaI Ml la, I v .1. a.l .Old I 0 acnta. prtoa tl'V. 00. ill'aaraa.ll'-- ' oo of 4 arm Ij4T M" II acrai

kV onaV aciaa. V atil ona 01 M aerra.ll.tr,11 looliattt farmlor anr?. DM toa, intio.branaa.. d - I 4 Bt'ana.1 tj- l- IU'1 Placa.lor, tihaaraw, d adaAt - aa

'Ai;S roR iian. anaa.ici. crop av. i to lu.1 a..-- a.w- -t nti acrna,

iVff actn. Mlf-f-i. In) aeraa dv IV a- -II ararx AltVt. s urn dl'- -l 4 illt.ian, "'it.',,. 1M atraa. it tea lo. town Oal

tttUT ptil'on d,abKlv or Plaian.' l AMlrd4acll B. VAIL.

IT AIM FOB SALE LB TUB TOWFSU1P' ' "tlui'tt p ' ' H, ttUaafraaNYo.k, ronlalolod oo... B.1 aein, 10 of vhlah la (notfttot land, ' rl.ttt. barn. won and .tber oilw. dot,.. --.tt tt,, ,t. r. with otarati of frailtrna, Aa: artra tdjalO. For fall aarttoulan loon t reof n'ARtU.Y. m Hodaoa d, rtow York, or on thetramlito tUMm'ki

FARM FOR SALE OB KXt 'II ANi.K FOBBr atklv a dtr p 'opartp. ltd urn

af toed farmlnr land, oncler eoltivadoo: bctiiaa, barn.,canlare bou-o- , an. Bui din i nnrlp now. Alaobourn 111 tot, modern lmproraaantt t aiabaniafor varant tot or bouat' natar Pulton l .trry lii .Ir-o-

J. L. SHBDBo'Ok, Btliluiaa .treat, aar DrKalbATtnoa. rtll10

L'AKM KOB8ALE-S,&- 00 FOR A FARMav ol oO arm. near tha chore, IS mlln aa nortball. ol I, I., .11 aad ar a hiih atat. af caltlratan,with Rood hooar, It n and out b illdlinit, alt. m iand water; al to ona of C acrn. good btilitliu., t.leutyoffrun crops (to : price ,.,. X A. Bl NOP., t IKtyHail ruor, cor. (jbanbaia at. lytti'lll

HOUSE AND LOT (OR SALE ATon 114.1 itrret, hat wo td aad 4th ana.lt SBilOP, new "mi.' ..... It. two atary attle

and a ato mat t. !' lot 1 '.e ttt o.te ball can remainon bnd and m.iltiaaa. Aply to J. I. KBNYi N. tdannua, nrotr af llwli at, . I

LOT FOB SALE OOBBBB LOT, VESTott Um corner ot Ualon it. aad Bond at,

touth tfrotklyn la atar Ilia ,'rrrloa tl. .troat huaeawer. Tba n If l. coal and free fr ttn .1 tit, aitply At fid tBaat at, Nl Y Clip. ml toae'l.tl


SEALFJ) l'ttOP03AU WILL BE KntairidBahonl offloan of tla Bib Ward, at th

offle ol the Ulark of the Hnrd of Kdncatlon, eornar of Qrand and Kim it., until Turadar, the 6thday ot Aui. neit, at B o'clock, p. m, for .chool firnltare loi l'riauu dchool No L lu Baj aid It, In aaidWaid.

Plana and apacineatlona of mid furniture are oa Aleand can he inn at thtt citlca ot tka ouneilnUtndttiit oficattol BuitdlnraNo. 14 n. Two rtrpwelbleiirottoa, a li an namtta mud acc iui any tit propoaala,

f fa ei ni p trfnrmatica of th. eoutractt wul bo nstored Irom th atiroaaafal blndrr.

The Bohoel offlr n rna.rve the rlyht to retort anyor all of tha aald propaiala, li dotmed for tiii publtaIntcrratt ro to doI a ANuiB i.'Riii'BAP--, Comuinn oa BnQdiaj andUWKNKBNNBY, and l uraltara ol lite BoardWA1.TP.R KOCHB, ) ot neh'l outoan. IU Ward.

Irtl It lot








nariT, luKntTt ixormro, 4t roixnwiiFrom Ohamban at, Pram t'Hh d. atatioa.At T.M . ai. At a. PL

11 lt- d- S.fn, B to r.n. lltOa.ii.l.U,BJ0r.nHaatmi and Bufa'o Train wltb

adapinp can. 10.1B r.kt. m ar. r M.

ant,NTiatJ AV A I.Hi NT wm wlw TOtt OAHTAA1,

AAJLLAOA11 ionWjHBNBCTADY,tOMB, and datlooa on Bl KFAI.O,

Bornaland Watoitown NIaoaRA(Uilroad, BUIPaNllUM llnillOR,


Train. In oonatattrai tann BUFFALO and SUAPPNSION rla I.AaTBSHOBB.Bl t'FAl.ilandl.ABBpi AON AadUhaAT WkdTrtbN RAlLB'tAl), lot

CEOBIK. MADISON PBAIKiR DU CHIP.N.O 1 1, nma, ni 'ni. prrii. nrm ot R. I'Kt iri a. riiiik m.aWd.MI HIATiNK,H) AJA CI I' Y.lll KI.INO T N.

QCINCY, nPHIMIFIBLD, Il.TOI, ST l.ulli,HAl-r- INniAN4POI.I8. i.m:


JTrwaaeUni with Train, at Trap, with TROTBOffTON aud BNd A 8 A HATS HI I Roada, forra4l'04.HliiTlL4lJa, BMyBjkatoMRfPijlTlaBCaUIA

" LOCAL TRAJNB" Lain Maa York aa fellow

Prom ChmmbfrM Urttt. from Tktrttdh Urttt.PoiiahkMpakf train. a. !.to a. a , and l.tu And

at , and ItX6 ud 1 u 4.B6 rjt,train, I JO a... M ... aat B.uB p.m.

aotl 6.10 r.a.Slni Bin. train, 3.40, 4.J0 4.10, 4 06 aud 1001 r.n,

aad t.4l pjltukklU train. IJO r.n. IJB r.a.

tba Itoaoaj tai &tiiai im Oimt mtrn a J

VilnK ROUTR to tba Wed ooaunaad It ta the noId.on of toinAtali and nappan for i romp nanaand aTnatoh



BantoAR aa tan amabnAh.Much wall dto ernd snRlnra nil bnta ba

ttowad apon then was gananfji tha Lata battla,(or Rirln. no Sabhath to tha aoliliera ai tUof mat . Tl7 ware la ro danger if batnp;

and thaj naadad rwpon, aftar rjjht and4aj miiiblnR. lh.y naadad food aad lorlaor-atiu-

Had thav waited BBtil Mondlf, RO

o I tba Imii wt n!H Kara bam nci 4 Iff. root.Tba atltli.re woild haae hnn froth, aaa! thair

wo th! hara hnn raach mora Urrlble.Ih dwaattr onAbt to hAra baan izpactad, in--er

ih circacaatencat, and caajht not to be au'tfto to ait i na Wa ay Urn, tlhilf th

tonaj) wlaw of i ha tubjact tha naad of tail fort a 1 tor. Bat th.te U t bifrbar vita noa.tmoa to tba dirlia roanvtnd wkloh partainito tra'n to wall n IndlTidutli. And thatcotoinit d aroTidot aa.ti, And noihiD over willb I oat by oatarrliK It.

For oar own part, tbottch It it tmj 4417 irth. n who dati in n l to bafon tba njantloa,10 cavrtontirt Um doclrlaa of SabbAth ob.arvaaca, It laaau to at that tan matUr it at

pltla At d4jr to idj rrduiAry parotptioi. Do.Ian tha wboU tdaa of Duma coramtxdt ItkkraAHv, It b.hont ALL, whath. r la AA ladlrldaal or 1 ctrpotata capar it v to oaaarra theStbbnth n tha nrloe'p'i aad ia the tplrll dlo-t.i- ai

hi tha Lnid Jaasi Ciianr. tfett ' th,BBtpafl mil at id for mm, tmd not atari forthe Sabhath " Woat that naaot It nrodl noihaiiloRiitaR, not anthln( tncra thanotrunn lit t, untfarttatd. Aa a i lie 1 to 1'ia

itter la hand, II mttai ilaiplj tha. oar mill-ta- rr

.u'h .ti"aa era bound by tba la of thaSabb ' k to 'ildawi from arcry wiorroianl or oncr

'. .t 0 tba Sabbath, n tt lap tttl nod aatas-i- i.

to ba (Ara canlad thr tnp,h, aad to tak.artry cata and pale a to tffonl to tba tt pi,waari ud worn anoatb in all tlmil of actiratttrln, tba Sabbath tua tiay of rut, ind, 44Ut id pottlbla, of raliffioai nrrira awtltil bytbaa innly at math at by aay othar claat ofawn in oar community. Tf a tboald likt to ttatnr troopt alandin, up for tali rinbt, and wa

lalnk tba pabllc tastt will an it feci rati tothata, mortovnr. Why will not tht mortl ind

far tat ian nf tha coBmunity m.k. tUalffrit l.y peiitioninj tht proper tathoritlel toa otpt line m k' lift inn! wtltitblt priiclplt Intba futari sondnct of the war.

Ihira It nntlinir, tl ba loit, ind iTtrylblnp;tobaftaina.i by tuch lUp. Who will Cartthlt .eliti.tr. t Will tht 'ta' h ' nmllt.ta.or to aa on From whoa It wonlil coma withtiil forot ?

In tor from n Han Talaataar..'....,.fi.f,.i,12f R't mrnt If, I'.ef.nf.l

llitrpr't firry, July ttt, 1:I. J"

S'nc I laat . .ta t 1, wa han tl na nothliKbut tr.val, r.tl 1 tau Afcata you thtt wa hara,l.y thi. it..-- bad tmub of trtv.liap;. Ourlgimrrt left Wi 1 irp'on fit Martin ''.mIion lie Ttl; tf Jaly, iinl iftar two iliyt ofr.pld niA c't wa reached thlt plica, and Joinidliat.aral rArrtnAua'a liriKfli. W Una bail

M wnk af raat. On Hundty, the U'h, the'a. with I) 0 aitAT'M hittary, w AA

to matt'i upon Wincbtotar, whara, itW4t raportai, than win 47.(0) ttcwiiintlx opt.

Our krlgA la coniuttad of the Naw Vuik 't'iAid .1 ti, the Mi of Albany, th. Stub of y,

md DocitulDAT'l battery numSiricK In all about m thousand mm. Tht11" day, wa marched mi In, tad halud forthaalRhtit 1 plirt eillad Bmku HU1

Whin oar u.lt an. RB4rd r. ha.l tiiat p'tea,tbiy mat i)ai nj art. aieinn cavalry, wh H,m!-il-

ratrtaUd. Our man find a fair aholt,but with what affect wo coaM cut ltarn.Wa ruli.l th.ro t day, lad roc.ir.allntallikanoi that MoUlbllab'i britda hailtakin Wincliaitir. Naxt morning; w tUrtadfor Cbtrlettitirn, 4 lecatolon town aboat 17

reilu dlitant from Iliinkar Hill. Wa arrive !

than at 7 P. M , and aban DoiiBLinAt't bit-tir- y

rimi up tb.y cut down t lirgt tacitolnnflip;, and nave tbi cit!ani Hi boon in whichto Lt.ii'. tht Sun And Strlpn. At Cliarlantownwt ratUd cm day, ind tben maichad lor Uar-pa- r

i Farry, ai. ht mtlu .Hat int. A'tar letv-Ln- R

Cbtrlaatown, wa hur l thtt t Itioda .1 it!teglmmt btl tit lira to th place, in cona -

qUaCCI, tt W4I ttl'ld, of lltriiof I'm' m n

btvlPR bnn poltonai tht diy prarloaa.(Thtrlattown, by tbi wty, ta tha plica whereJohn B.owb wai liungt ind tha tcifTold onwhich hi wia bunK wjs cit ap Into traallplocaa and av.ry cno trko could Kit 1 placa1 cnra-- l it for pretii v;itlon.

Afur mtrcbUip; lit milet titwtrdi Htrptr'iFm ry, wt 1 mt forward 1 picket Kuird, ah"toon riturnad UrinKioK tlit nawa that Uityhad dlicovirid 4 uiitkid bi.tary, tha n m,bowsvtr, biTioK hnn tplkitl with rat-ta- il lilt

ikta. Wa then bnlud fjr tbi nigbt indpit. In I our lenta. Our a' in,- - Brigadiir ;.:il, Col. UuirnariaLD, mtdi at 1 tpneb, in

which ha tail thlt nn tht ud of August wiwoald bi BiuiUrtd out of tlit nrvict li'.her ittVirl.iuuUu or NtW I Ik. Hi Wit I udlychttrtd.

Wi asp't" new tvtry diy to bin 1 battla.I '. It thought that lieu Joumtum It retra.it-- i

K thtt wty from Winchntar, ind our brigtdaIt placed ban to r it t II bit rttrnt. Thar itnothing more ' inttratt to writo it pratintil vi n y ri'ptt tt to ill in thi ofilca. J. J . ('.,Ui. W , 12th ltrgimtnt.

llnnis Inmdeat.Am on.- thi trophltl bfoap;ht to Puiltdalphla

by Col 1'attbbior'I regiment wa 4 cannonraptured by Com pas y B Ctp'. Trompiob, itClitrititown. It wia 1 tin p .under, and hadIt nnarly bun used on 1 tbip, bat was in nr-v- ie

during thi Mtzlcai war, and wai plantadIn front of thi ronrt-hous- it Curltotownourlng tha Jom Uaown rai l. On itatirlvaltt PullAdolphia ytttarday, tht Oo-h- Will En-

gine ' nup my kindly tandirad thi uta of tburborttl to draw It t9 a safe plict of dtpotit,at ,l il wai taken to thalr ongiui bouta, cornarof Broad anil It ttrtat'.

Wa art in urmtl that I'tptain M. D. IUf-L-,t f tba Fairfax Cavalry, who wai confined atPblltde'p'iit at the navy vard lost t lata iliot,and ttlcitod upon tiktng the oath oftllagiance,waa killal by 1 party of Fin Z mirat whentbiy mtrcbed t n Hulls Ban. Tt Ziuathnay thay fell In with hla be'ow tbi CourtUoum ta thav wart loouUng, ind In attatupt-ingtodlttr-

him ba ttihitd nci of 'hairparty, whirtupon tbiy immtdit'..ly killolhlm. Wt htva not laarnol th tt ha had againjuiced Um CjiiiadtrAtil, ' at tht fc'. thataararal of hla company did to, reodo-- i It notInprobtbll that hi may bat e goni back to his

ftnatr comptnlont.During en of tba ehargtiof tba Fin Zm-Av-

upon t ha Muni.tippi It til n, a Z )utn Anda Mlia' sipplaa ctrae in eonttct on an optntpaci, Uttb with dircbArgad riilai. 81

thay ittimatad to draw tbalr lavolitn,nd I 1m Miniiaipplau having lucctadad fafori

tha Z taava in drawing bis,tha intUr cria 1 oat,111, it laiy, Miwltoippl, 1 11 Uk. tit. lilt

hot.'' Thi MitaUrippUn lattaatly Aid 10,thi Z utra, than, having trim hit waipon,ditcbargad It at hit foe, plat ling hit beanand instnntly killing hia.

Dr. .1. II. Ibwib, lurgaon of tha StoondWLacttnain Ragltaaat, wai ahnaad by ona oftha Black Horn Ctralry, who Iran whaa

ibott t ak. "Sorrondar yon aboil clon aaoaa-dia- lI" Tha ball rraaeal tha taad af Dr. I.,

whs) at tba asm. titan, wr!a a bi imp late aclamp of wo.'a a vnrar-p- ar mrl aron-- taBaad Mm off bat bit Cll'l"' tnaaaUma ataaad to load bit tin, aaa whan tha troaparn. 11 ADfanrod abut hla through tha cheat.Ha fall eidwwava. tha nndle tRralRf withhia. aad the flight. ned horn galloped offwick Ito deal ot aonndad rfdar dangling bytha atJrfnfn.

On of th aaaay '1 ran try rod op in awagon onatalnlag a nanaded (nraaa miliarof Cepiala LAaowra-- n a aoaaaar. SacandWlaaoaala ragiait, aad, draggta hla aat bytha hair of tha baad . ptarctd hia taring 1 tbab vtr wMIi hit a word, yalltag " I'll taart t- aMark Aholiitoniiti to c. ma down ban ta htaa " Tha trooper tbaa iwhad apoa lha dr.tar of tha wagoa, aal, with a back mt ofhit rahrn. aaarly r.d lha toan'a berad rmmMl tody aad hi fall Irfalaaa aaeag hit borna.

Tka Kataraaa af tba Oall an ClrlTha attpoalUon of tha hlitaty of th Knlghtt

of th. Oollta Cm la by th Loalstilll Jtmrrudaad th account of III plans tad organisation,rareala tta ayitaricat open' (ona of tha aoath

em nbelllon, tad anabln at to aaderitend thicutol that lad to itl raat and apparently aidaa tBlanaloa. Thlt body, it appaart, huhnn In opantlon for aaabtr af yaan pbaltly rlooa the Mixicaa war aad tktandadItlilf through tka whole Republic, though ititidin ntra aiclaatraly toathera. Oitwkt Mydaratad to th arqulnatnt of hf extent tarritory ind ttaeitaaalon of ilarary than It UtUtloub. tratlti rati obj ct wia d un Haairoty, tht myrt.r t cotn.rt.il w tb Its opera-tor na, whtah win oaly partially nraalad totb tnmrtor maouban, aad the day ting rlaiotaof oorcjuaet and po war which It OMoatl to thadaring and unbitioni, ill oantrlbutad ta itt1111111, aad thi 10 calkd Sctrbirn Cjnfadra-y- which li tht lo.icaI mult of IM maihi-ra'jon- a

la a itrot of thi akt'l nd dating oftb taorat chafe of thlt aytUrioos order.

Aooording to tha Merit docimtnti of thaOrder, tha auUwMticity of whirl It vouched'or, than an thiatdagnu th First Military,tb Second Financial, ih Third GoTtonmantai.

Tba rttoalt an cn'y tnulllgibla by tha aidof ks many nuarical ti jam halng lahtd-tuta- d

for worda. Tbi rituit of tha MilitaryDagroau not of much lmpiinrt. lha twofollowing paragraph an froa tb nbllgatloaitaken In th First Daan Um worda ol tb Intbalng tpokan by tka Traaaanr, and thoat of thiatoond tty an ofrloar re. led thi Captain :

7Yuurr. OrntUann, wa matt bow tailyou ib.t th tint field of onr operation It.'.M .0. 1, hat an hold It to ba or .iify tooffrr oitr aerewy j to any Simthern $tate to rtpei tl.Vor(l.rn limy Wa Dop inch contingency

ly not occur Hat tba 8na'hra tlatea tacit.1. titer my achtro having ft r itl nbjtet tht

n.fr .oi .ti. n and H.intharnl.ttitn of ?(Maxtoo), so that in either cut our ear, esswill bi cartel!.

rApfoan, Under the 1 twt of i (Mixioo) tviryemigrant racairtt froa thi state iithcritlM 1grant of 'il') ac aa of land. Under a trattyclosed with (A a r ti. D.iar.400, Uoraraor ofOaaaejatto) on tha llta ol Fehriery, laS0,wi an iovl'id to cotexiD.a in 2 M loenable tin but pnpli than to a taoli.h 4 par.mar. .nt goweraBant. Wa agn to latrodaoaa for, of iii men. arml, toip.il, andprovided, ind to laki thi Hal I an tr the commind .f .ttjAM-Ai- DotiLAno, Oovtrnor of(ianntat'"V who agran totnrMth an aiialBumber of man to bioflcind by K U. C.'a.Tooorir the original eipenn of irtnfngoir

than it mortgarad to cur Truttm thttight to oolttct oni half thi ann nat rem nutsof I (Uuantjaito) until wi an ptld thi ramof s 111,011.1. At 1 l.onai thin it alao ceded10 mlol.COO aens of land. The pty of tht

' may It tha stmt Mtheragalir irmp of 2(Mixlc i) .hu It it abjut ona lighth mon tlitqthat of thi I 'mted Sti'ee. To if. un thi,there ia nvirtp,igd to ai ill thi public pro-perty of (I In inajuato) tmoinUng in taxtblivain to .M tk.U.DtM. I tf An- ti. l)i tit 1, ah 1

(iuvtrnor of Qitoifatta) it now tbm makingarraogaatantt frr oar nrtpUoR. W thillcroatTtrai tot.n at poidlila, if tar our ownnaUoaal uoublat an settled

After thit pirtltl txputnttloa of tht objtctiof thi DagrM, th following instructions npptetlng th Ritatl orcnr '

CVipfaia I will no gin too tbi sigm,grip, password, indtokairf thi Pint Dagroiof the K U IV lha first gnat tlgn of tbiOrder 'if n mala. 7. 'Ian it opto, palattouching and ro.tim- on tit top of tb ho id ;

po n'ing npwardi ) Tn intwtr to thbi11 H p n hands touching ihnaldir whenpaiiltl'M an worn; slbowt cl.-- to tht

tida) Trne in battle fl, Id algni, nl aro notto be and under orClna'y clr 1 ma ran onib I tmmon sign of rtc tguit'oa Is 3 (rightf. r fiogsr tltn acrr si upr Hp notir nun,M if rnli log Tha immr IU, (with

ind thumb of lit bund taki hold oflift if.) To ga'n almlttloa tn a WorklniC4tl. or tbi room of iny K U. C, gin "(una OUt uc ta at tba door. Tka Btntinelon duty will tbaa rahrt tht wlckt. ind dtDimd thi cjantanign, which Is 12 (teldiets, ilwtfi lutund tRBBB) it CatHe il kor ) Ton will tben put thi centre ofih room and give the trie sign of the K. O. C1 li II (left binl ou heart, ligbt bandraieid ) I his will ba iwccgnizad by a I. rfrom lha Cap'tln. wh-- n yon will it oomtaka yoer Ifat, Tha dgn rf itwit Is II(both btatlt up) cf illuant 15 (oni handup,) lha grip it Hi iprisa with tliunb outI icb ibowa rml aim kv tha token 17(Uol.lan Circle ancitng block hindi dose! onscroll tb whole to br-- the size of a dim )K vi i number Buy wear tba signi of hit aagrai.

Tba Inlti tl fci lor tht l int Dr is on dul-Ia- t,

for tba Second flve dollars, the I'nirdtn tilnra

The Ritaal for tti Sicnnd nr Financial Da-

grM it soaanba. vnritd from that of tht first,and aa the DagrM il but I f Uttlt imp ri.ti. 0, itmay b nmlttat.

1 ho 1 bird or Government a! O der lalnr ofmoat importinci. tbt Itltial it monaxtind d.Avary candidate matt bate bean In tc in a alivetUti i las 1 ProtMtant ilavt uoldir, or glvtt4Utfactoty evldeuct rtsMcting hit dvvotion toillTory. Tbi luistlons atkil an minute aadMarching, tad after in aith of lacruy andfidelity, tha obligations of thi Order in monparticularly declared.

Thata are proacrlntlTi and .xclualve to thilaat degree. Momiort in tworn to laxladifrom thi order any ibolitionltt, ngro orfi nigier O'J ind that an cl mil with falont,gimbltrt, idiots and druakirdi. RomanCatholic prints and aorthira taadtort An toba vttoatt and miptcted. All Roatan Ctthollctand foralgntn an to ba ixclodad froa offlcnof honor or trusLand when tha whole of 2 (Mexi-co) it ecaqieamt, every iffirt It to ba made tamiki it bu (1 iltri ata'a ) All 81 (nunneries,mt merits ind c mvanti)anto be opan to tha

utile, and KH (tha Peon syttim) li to beS and H9 (.ptrpatuti lUyery) introdicad inttl itaad.

1 ha whuie rltntt uafoltfi th plaa of putdarlgn, mbracing not only Mexico, bat look-ing to the coaqattt of Cubi and thi wfaoli ofCentral Aairtct. But ill tbli li aaislfUyonly aa ni tnt lot purpoee. Tot real bat

object It the overthrow of tba Govern-ment, and with It thi utter destf uc'.lon of

inattt utiona. Thi people are to baDeprived of ail power uf telf lute, and mon.archj llml'id it lint laToduoad. In Umil will ba dupoitc. Here II tb grand penatillnlt do in era y

"The manufacturer In in iriatocrat.wMli thiworking nun ti attf. Thi latter claa conttAntly gotdtd by povarty, nek 1 changethey cm not whnt It may lie. Democracy

by U7 (Oomattic Slavery) multlplitatb aunufactartng olaaaas iadenoiuiy bat Itdibaata thi inatLtnlc. Who ever knew 1 prtvtical abtamiker, ot a maker of ptnhaadl, tohive a at an a imbitkoa Thay own nai '.bar landnor pi. .pott y Atvl Lav bo tl to Um Inttlta loott.f thi onuntry . Tba Iriahmin emlgrataa, andtbi Frenchman remain t at boaa. Tua oolbain hla country tht other adorn hit. 7A

cm Aran it a tlattkaiJor owd a mum, TAtIrishman to a tmrftmi am outcast. Toe SnathIt naturally agricultural, and tba fartn.r ttotagact', of tba time In the atdat 1 f hit growingcrope hla Bind expantlt be growl proud tadf .all hi amir 1 man Ht calUVatat tha loll andit M4e aaitt thr wdaaa to iurrhan lahor.Ha aaeda and a.kaa 1 cantralifd goveramint,bacaun hit property it at tUki when Anarchyprove Ua."

Wi clove with aat Run attract, whichavowing tha real object! af th Kuighta of thi

aaa d aol properly r.ai - Oaitod Stttnt yrth Jv. af latoat, bat th dapa

aro e -r all Aattoioaa entixaaa aad It wmldBOtd be rfftodtoo rndetr Bhalr rdlml tre.littont of fYwdoat, aad Uerifart thname of a foreign atata waa and. tb diewain to I., laid weld wbaa M Via. rolonger ainsastry tl the toadn. Hara at tb.

W. ialKW ant only far tha IRttawwM af 17(vaatsyUi Bliverv) ia I, (Bbxtoo) bat that tnteak to make A3 (a Oorartua.ot) auroagaacogh to prxrUot aad larpataAU II Tb.

aaa for ,r e Ing 90 (Limited Maanwcby)are ta 2 (M.rIm ) Wa nqaira vast

r sf offlnra How h.lp aa mak.aft (. Oovarna.a ) nd go yon aad nad yearam and lat bla tak. ha p'Aoa. ,1 so an naanrpl'iAf w retitiwi to antar lAaa aa mat cdto-aut-o

In avoftoaitdi Rrpbbtic.

Onssajbaa rwi.Varions hints in given ia thi ttowwptperi

and army notraaportUoM how ta camp oat. bpaa to snjr y baaith and nmaia caaafortabl.low of them are alt aaaful to Inax prtartoarJvnluneaen : A camp la bar nn th a'ope ofhiU, oa rising gn end, ibaltered froa th triadtfpcttiMa. A trench iroand tba ttnt will drainUie ind, and keep it comparative') Iry. Twigiof tha haalock will fhrruth It with a Uxarloaicnaoh e coach which not alone Mparaw hiafroa en bole acne contact with th. overt mrth,bat which tl hi prilMI I', rarrourle bla wt- kdaliciona odors. With thlt omfor;ab4a medba mrttroen Mm ind tb wat and. aad a real

Mexkiaiw blanket tvar hB, thi Mvawnekarcan aleep without detriment tn hit health, prorid. A ba do, aot bold wlthta hlaealf the nedaof diteaaa. Hollow tma make gtod impromp-tu Itcvee for cooking ft o--l prttevesrVf , an Impor-tant ctaddtTaticn. and cna which thaM ciap-In- g

cut should rot overlook.

Aral Paate.Tht panic it Cmttivll! la not 1 novilty In

waifaro. The bnt dlaclpllrad troopt of Earoehave bnn a.ullty 1 f them fir leaa excuaablythan tnr men in Virginia. Bach aat tbifiBtoni flight of Prinoh and Sird'aitn trooatfrom Ctntigltor.i to Brvaoii thi day el .er thegreat battla of S Then tba luccaifultoldiin win retting from the fittgoit of thttight, aban Ave Anttitaat who had bat bid-

den tn tb baibii ctmi out Into tbi cpn laidto isrTaalar themieJv s Intttntly, lb cry ta?

' Thi Aaitriart in coming!" was rilttd.Fran that liaplt mrl lent iroM pan'c. Fornvantnn miles all tbt wtr to Brest Ia, lharoad waa til lad aith 1 ft Ing rataa of horn andloot ; wagoat and imbalances wan east)'. led oftheir wounded, and evara body snmod beaMeli.uia.Ua- - with tenor, ti aa lifnan ih annd

mtn win tcgaged In this nintc. and Um loat ollife Irom ll waa vety otniidwablt.

A vi 1 .a aih Ai atea, tb Weeasel.alarur.

Tub Richmond papers tell of Fin E"axartwho wit cugbt tad takin to Fiirftx, Wnen

a rt t'd bafor It sack ah a an, ba aamfaated Irecontempt for that cbUfuin by puit'ng bitlhamb to his neat and gt rating wlih lilt flng-at-

Being ordared under beturn--about suddenly, kicked a Colocal who itood

near in the stomach to hard that hi lit down,knocked tha Canonl who had him Inhead over heels and invite ! ftgAOBBnAare to"trail on and get limm-d- ,' dicltrlng that' if b tn. n hive 1 muea hi'd stile." Fm I

g Bona or the anrpiind lochtr. on itartei tornnt klm, ka took to hit bwtli down 1 I in,(favinl sbott wen tl" it Mm wtthi at offsetAt etrh rnrceeeive diirbarge, ha won d tara toDike grimarat at hia pnrruett, Cf jump highiu tir 11.I veil as if I'rnt k. Suddenly a Liai-- t

neat with a drawn a word ipring la'ora himfrom an ailjicaut bulldog. 'B-i- - --y whatan yar thent a plntln' that thing at mi."

Zottivi. ' D 1,1 ytr know yir .nl .hi1 oat my hnn rew wiiklt?" Doing mt ol

it t ) nil and put In a aolitirr sell hi sigaillied bi. tint ovet iag'i lot' gment th'rt by BMin It nn fire. The robots seum to admire t a

cool intlicltv of tha chip ind Il'AOBvtiAROlaughed hearlllv at hit pracka.

Lalzaw' WI d Chaa.The Tt lowing alining place of martUI pot-tr- y

wai wtittan by Kabi. Torodorb Kdkbnut, a celabratail German prat, bimttlfnitmbaf of Me it VoaLCTZOw Ulnck II niu-aiir-

Ltk ail Uintlationa, tt of cinm loinin lire ind spirit, but Monirh it lift to lmmortel za its subject. Kiibbbbb wai alto Unan lb, r of UltMltbriUd "Srhutri .dti." indvolume of bis peauni Ins bnn published underthe Utl of ' Voi. nd ..' '

"Whei lall thai biama In the iiilghi itin btua,Awl nbosa 1.1 1... . and am.' .

And an. e m eala aal In a loag 1 aik Una,An haik how po botca In tha oletouue jnfoi.t-- .

To loapreto wub oft 4 I lb bearer.And e whet ainne tht tlarinf m lTola It L'ltion'a wild ind derpaiatt cUue!

"Bee, tkey lureibt farh Wood In alltus tl',Aud from bill to bill irttuei Hying;

l.i aaibutk II "11 lit till IkeAtop miblfaU,Ib n itm'lt hear the hot r lit and h 1 Iflo be

At d the F eutb wilt oa teutpg aed al"fiAid uk t wuet a ee'ts ibe't daitof rat '

This lr I.alctn'a ai d aaa dstptrelo Uu,

Wheretkt viubuha twine, tbt It liia wivietnr,

Aad tr.. foiildcka Ha wat r a'niil hi-- e hln:Btil we, thay fiatltta ipprt atb tbi int 11,

thlp .tap la tbe.aeteaiu, and a vim ptoudtyo'er,

A'd atond on Ota bank tuetls bin 'And eak ve what tnaane tr.e d.rtog io fTb la I Ltt'ai.'a wild and dean-- Ibiat,"W j inn In II a villay the ngtng Of bl.

Where awcide r,.l and tory0 li the drlfa of thai deadly ,' e

l'.,r Ibe aperk of young Freedom u niwiy alight,A It bitaka luto ManotH ' a'

Aad ltk VI nbtt mnpstba derlif not1 lis Is 1. il. j.'a wtid and aepente ei :

Hee yon warrior who Ilea an a gory IptajFtooi life iQiopiiUd to tivt .

Yd be ai sr la beer 1 to latueut bit lot,Aud tie 10 il at tta partlag ahall tramuia n 1,

SI lci bla 00 ux 11 y naved f'rtvi'11 y- - wit: a. ai tb and btertt-e-

di .1 in Ul r .w a wild aid .Map ret cbaaa',

The w Id chaar. and tbi Uerman oUneAgalnet tyranny and p.trria'.oi:

Ttt b o nr. wit p m i, loe'd ftienda, at tail lea embi aaa.

Far e on lite tlawL'J on our loved triith- -

p.eop,Aol.urdlathl alia" luur Ua B Aatoloul

And .nr bi Mid fmm not to nee,Tnli wis l.'t'aia'a wild and dnpereto kaail

Wax itoois,

(Insulator nil Tboo 4Rh. TUa. It ia notIn tha cirdi for Wool to be wonted.

Ib Fotokb no volanbter will b auttsridInto Un nrvlc who la unable to tpeak theEnglish lnngntga.

Tela D4LTIMOBR A' iif. I tocmb n pa-pa-

aayt tbat.UM ctvilry lorca In Gen. Ubio-niu4Ri- 'a

Army matt hare numband 700U.

Cou Davii, 3d Pbss. rlsoiMBST returnedto 1'hUad.i phlt on i iatcsy. Tbiy in to

and re enlist for thi war.

It it - a in the rtmovil of Omtral Patteb-so- n

wit In rasp- nee to s'rou.r nmnnltrincetIrom Phtladelpbi-i- . from man who 'iiiwtloaidbit loyalty.

A Com past or SButnrtftooTBBi for ColIIbBOAb's Beglniat hive b en furn s' ad fromSew Han pehlre. Tkty will ba arms I inde pilpptd by the atite.

TwsBiT Pbomiaii Orm'SBA left Jeri--

City cn Tburadav evening, tor Wa'hiBgton. tItef Oieif Ml Vices to thi tutiruaul. They

are ill gtaduaiM ol Parlilaoi Coll gee.

" Divuioti Dbili a by TanMpaT,'' artaleoat to a .r.l.rad, as a ptrt of general ixeiclm, by th CommiocAr la Chief of tha ar-

my.A Uki.im t ev or l imii C.im of U.

H. lit ire Guari'a, hu bnn raited in 0 a avianand Millar coaatlii, In Misuari, is 1 prottc-tlo- a

igiinit thi itbels ia that vicinity.0AC Kit RAvs nlxjt received at the Wt'er-tow-

Aiaaaal to forwaid at oaca to Withuti-to-ill tha cartiidgaa and other muailloni of

war bob on Bird there.Hob. Era it01 Corsinu UligripSad from

WaAbingtOR to AlbAny, on Weiinetdty, Uilttb Etta won 11 Avaruters reedjrtont bu bunacoapted by tha Government.

Tub Fiaw AID Hat oa n ikmaatticu l Vuiaa-tte- n

have tandoted thalr aarvton to the govr amint for thirty dart after tha aaalratloa of

aeii m aaanmTmm Tsarta B.ae Bboiwiwt laft Btotoa

BR Tiandey e'tam. a a by late llltaai nbatodetAreelead K. IJannltting for W ttllgl Bdlratt.

Opsioias. rbtbrrb af tha hattk af Bill,til la, oa Che Ka awbA hinr, i - iiisBreel, end tw. !. at an aat ell of t UltosL BBa a

On Hn wanna nana lattavt maaav 14handthlfth a id inlti IBs fB iMBBntal B1ABach, toW teroagh ItolBBt III Mt Tib ill

1 BB for th. tai'.Trb Rt i at that lha baan. rib threat

an. ftp emeu. e tba beitli la Baadty, Is m- -.or net. the atABdera be anr waa Mllad, hat taa

tolora were sd tuwr loot near tAroaa away.Tata I it 11 Onto BaoiaaaT rataraed fvaaB

WwtUrn TLrjrixl oa 1 barsdar. tha tatm af BBliitmant barng ipir. . Tla grnr partra ready tn ro- ruiac far Ub. nar after faay

aeeke furl, ogbPntiur KiAaait of Newark fill BBRb Bra-v- et

M.jo- of the Fin. oragnoaa. haa nanaBilpiiier Oenat:. Thi iieiilataeeft

rnn aatlr eatl h action to bat nnmn lasDlettt.

Tn Naw faRBBT Ihraa aoithi' eeaHmgnt ban nlti rsed bom It la eoppeemd thatamy if ihea will naallit. Throe fnil nad .

tatat ar aow rate y ta an war uha am call aftht War ltopartaMBte

Taut NniH Bautaaar, Liatntaaa Talam-mr- o,

waa arrived a Rtckauol, a raw lata.In. e. aa mate for Maa aaa 04 la tail ta haw

bien cotoBandid by Col.BlOHaaaNjTAYtAtaa, 4MB of taa IsU P. l l.t.t l.tioa

Taa N a 110 ai Abthrij Aboat t a alia haa-dr- d

oom 1 nl I an bare ton nciind by aharomalttae, bat U no htvi ban rilalanlr rt a thi nnmhar taa isl.etkm will ha anaaa.Hum an andergoctg a Boat aqtminatlea.

Abmi rot thi Ubiob bu or TaataMiaTha OotetnaeBt II leile triatportlng araa

t m owar tha Biltlain eastOlio BnilroAd, to B. 'timi.ro, aad thiatt bytbi Nortbarn Caatral, to thi Ur.loa MM mtKaat TaanvaM.

Sbopbd G baj ah Cnroiraan EaoiMwtrr.On MotMiay lut, Gm bIoClai.lab t raaaaitba Qermin Rgient 1'. Oentp Bawderr. to report thennlvM at Ol artel era, Tawithcat delay. Tils swroed ragimeat if OUt inaatt Tiutoai It ipokaa of at I vary tanawattludy of maa.

nn. II don't mean lo aay,(.Said Qlllp, 'totber day )

I with Mr. at it. t aii. tba traitor, wwndnnd.Hut than 1 .a live,Bobottv would a riiavt

If the lall of hla trig wtrt Affirmed of hit kmmVTn k 8. 'im if Ed. Law from hWynfraaa,

arrived at Meaoiryport, 11aar. oa In lay.She reperta being chafed by a privateer milatitude .17 25, lotg 70 10 wait, for I boon.I lie prlvi'eer wti fall rigged and frroidm-criptlon- ,

au; lobe the "feff. Davla.".Tbet in oner being fast tiller, got clear of g

a 11. Tm.HOW So nrnana Propi-- abb DitiivTtpx--- A

genUtmaa airirel Is Hortbamptoa. Mnat ,laat wmk from Mia. He was greatly aa-- ti

in had oa reirhing the loyal atatAa, to kaawthat Coagftaa wm iUII In UMlon at WaAaiaag- -ton, ti. tnvailing oplntun at the ,n uth kelaarthat the oa' of guvtrnaiant had bnn raaovaslto Cllctgo.

llBADlin DPI TUB " COBTRAalltM TblavMwho nn away ftna thalr initten hi

Virginia ware let to work at once by Qna.Uot t.an. And made to kMp il It a ch to thairtnnnyariii Oct of thm. 1. log bv.a pot tit ratbei Stnaig, ii J: (Jolly, Mum !'.; . a,t'tl nlpsar ntber had tn work in bird batata,guiM till chile ill Moadl OBM mBh! "

Lat bit 'aha rar Pswiaoola via Ltott-tlU-

rip Of the cap'nr. of a smell alarm bylha itmX Bid Hie arrival of tht Metoartao ea.Tbi icbooair Vigilance wm ttl ted at Hey St.Lcola on thi . oh, charged wltb furniabirgprovitlost to thi hlcckadlrg tqaidron. Aguard of honor wu put aboard. 1 ha blccknd --

tnglqaadroo at tha aoath uf tha Mununatppi.waa rain forced on the 20th, by the artir ai of tVMteli 1 f wir.

Tub Pbiladbltbu RbpbbbiimbbtThia Con.mltta will artr be rinm-bere- d

by tb hungry toldiera who bar paaatdthrongn Philide.phiA, with grate'ul recol oUott Their Ithora hav ban bwcMUa. SB

th. r Uaki an usually pet formed at mldilghtwheu tba people aia coatiy tlaipuig la theirbei's. Oa Wednesday night and rhundayn on ing two ii imanta of Nit gins' toigad.and laO lrt pors from New York pamadtbrcagb. Tbiy were served nitkail tbwyodaldnl.

tiiv. Bf cO.ai.i a Atrlva.l in Pltlabarg oreight amidst tbi firing of CM arm,

nn wmk a ind other demons' ra- mm of popularsood will. An tmenense ecnoouroe of atipliOtlt him it the depot. He WM etc r' ad by tka

flnmen ird ci'ia Bi tu thi M'aotv-- u

sbt la 'Home. On reacblrg thi hotel ha waainttocuoel tn tbt per pie by Judge SuAPWoa,

bin ba talarcad hla tl ar.ks by a moot felialt.uut icknowledgmint. Hu remarks win

wltb tbi mo.it eithaitiatlc applaus.Hi wit to leiva Tit thi east by tht 12 o'elaoktitio.



IAT1C Olr AJiV ERTlEiMBaT" ,TRBtan. ciajBR la axiVABXIB I

Un. nUhly .1 Mm in of tnr Bnm. In,arted n tonrnton to tha otw B4 tee rnra

flUceUtueoni lUms. ,vA Yooso Mas named Haiti li'ander irratt

in Cleveland- - Ohio, for broakir g in his mrther'ahull wltb a chair, wbila ki wu intoxkittd.

Tnr. Alt UAL SaaitOB tA the State Teachan"Asaociai icn will k held, thlt year, at Watar-tow- n,

comamiclng Tutadiy, Lbs 30th iratt.

On nosriBko 4BD Finr si wrriraathavataipndexl public! ton within thi last dxwiekt.

CBaCtaO I'Ai-i- .peek of the fallen of8. B. Cartrb, the t.i.i.al dry goodl rcaichnatin tbAt city, ilia iiabilitiM Are heavy.

I A OnSAB USADi a touad haart, axd aaoptn hand cjnatlial griatneaa. Bbod I siaad

ins in alt aiy bo just low thabiggest in tha Unicn,

Gio. HoTciiKiai, a er k In tha Haw lianaI 'ott Ltuiu.wu aneated or Thursday by apacta!agent Hoi.iiitoos, for robbing the nulls. AUrge amount of moaiy wit recovered.

Tub Fhorth m Mabii-oca- . The Foarthwm mlabritil with gnat eclat la blaripoaa,tJbOO wat approprUtad to defray thnexpiaaar.Mu.iciansr re paid .'o par day la that quarterof tbt wt lid.

Mr n i in" rH M HaliMx, or tha 2Sthn tr It WM nprrted thlt Prior Naroi.aoB

And nit wi', Ih PrlncMt Cioiiiiim, bad ar-rived at that pert, In tha ittaair Jerome Bo-

naparts.Tub Steamboat Kaolbb' Wish, bound ta

Providtnee, to go on in excurtlon, took Ira hatb bay oppoalt Piwtutit, aad wat burned tothe witen edge. Th passengers were ill aval.List, I20.UOO; no Inturance. Uk was ownn Ntw Bedford.Tub Vbbmdbt DsuocRATir Slata Coaraa-lat- fl

met at Moatriallar on Wtdaaattay, andnominated tbe following candidal ei: For Gov-etn- er.

Paul Dilliioiiami Fur Lieut. Goiter- - I

n.,r Si te Mli LBR; Fjr Treuurar, jAJtaaT. Truhitob.

At tbbC jMMRBi'BhniBT axirciau at Unionoi ag. It ScheMctAdv, on tht -- OUt, 73 mom-ent of Ih graduating clan received tb degraa

of A B. 'Hit Itgna of A M. was aoafairadl.n 11 intimto, gradoatu tf tha Inatita--ItPBe

Tub Cubabd ri xbt is c apcaad of thirtyII tmett, hiving a cat ry lag power In the

of 4b Uk toon, impelled by afMM.war of 12,040 borne. Tkroe ow it. a man

uioa tbwf laaXA. All tha laat exaapt tavtaar bail", Pott.

Dr . -". jV mvi that catting tie hearchn t tU.'. Bl, a cua'um wbkB ll now ta ,vogue, oaomi the ean wbith attorally lavigo-ral- at

tha hair to strike to tbt Wain, thus giv-

ing that pecaunrl y of exprMtloa whkh hi..otkrd in tbom whoM bet.lt htvi bnn filed,

A 1.ITH.R DAioursB of Mr. Gobmab, mtDlBTan, Mat., wbo hat wmd.nd awny, waacans allv and iliaplsg In 1 whaat laid aaar

a., after bang ixpomd wltboat feed twoalgb'a bj d a day. On lha tirat light lb ratafall la toiren'a.

A Ladi at CoUatook Ct , ohUa oat rnw-bwryis- g

obi day laat waak, wm al a.kad bya black make, tome eight laat In length. Ttabad mm natikt naiad ttaalf aroaid oa of he-ated, at .ltd nnasMtwala tqulrmmw hat rt

1 . . a I t.e a. m iWala