1 I I or J FRIPAY DECEMBER 4 1903 u u Nf r c f I j I f THE SUN 1 hurried to the House where h with the President Dr Pablo who was Cuba testimony concerning Woods alleged the court havln If UVM Governor of of criminal of so as t admit ex sub- verting the fundamental law of Cuba r ltl artle Ho testified alBo that Wood arbitrarily ro of ono of thn Hoctlorm of unothe court and a of tho of Instance on thu ground with that tho liar Aeso then an official will official powers protected against this action und UK n the im mombert of the board of of tho anaocla ion Wood abrogate creating the Bar Association nm revoked its charter of Urn trying thn posts cases according to Dr were creature of inn Wood In that they were appointed by him and wore at case they refUKod to hie orders admitting ex evidence obeyed instructions con his a command that e and tho result of Dr Dpflvornonies testlmon out Senator Hanna wh was in the committee room all day It i understood that a number of suggested by Mr Hanna will be called to moot Monday when diaries S Diehl of tho ABHociatid Press retained amcor respondent at Havana OALVAX TO UK ARUITRAtlOR We Hold New Santo UnmlnRo Oovprnnirn to Wo nils Appointment r WASHINGTON Dec to ad- Vices received at the State Department- here is more trouble in Santo Domingo which had apparently entered upon E period of peace after tho overthrow Might of President Wos y Gil by the of former President Jlrainez reference to newspaper report from Santo Domingo that Mr Powell the United States Charg dAffalreH had server notice on the Dominicans that continued revolutionary disturbances were dtstastefu- lo the United States and might bring re consequences to Santo if Mr ho hud done so without any instructions from this Government In to a etatewent the new authorities of the Dominican Republic that they would not consent to who was Minister of Foreign Af- fairs In the Cabinet of the President serve afl the Dominican repre- sentatives on the tribunal the claim of the Improvement Company of New York Secretary or State Hay has Instructed Mr to inform Dominican Government that the United States will hold it to the agree- ment made by the administration of Presi- dent Wos y for tho arbitration of their claim and Its selection of Seiior Gal van arbitrator Tim arbitration tribunal organized to- day at the offices of the Interstate Coiv- meroo Commission with John U CnrllfUi of New York former Secretary of tho Trea- sury as arbitrator of tho United States Galvan as arbitrator of Santo Do- mingo and Judge George Gray of Dela- ware as of Columbia University New as for United States Santo Doming Improvement Contiauy Invited to Luncheon at the Secretarys Residence WASHINGTON Dec 3 At a luncheon this afternoon at the residence of Hay given by Mr Hay to len Reyes the VicePresident of Colombia Dr Herran the Columbian Charge dAffaires here and the members of the Reyes Commission it was disclosed that Gen Reyes bears from President Marroquin of accrediting him as Envoy Plenipotentiary- on an extraordinary mission to the Govern- ment of the United States The letters are addressed to President Roosevelt and it was arranged at the lunch eon that Gen Reyes should be formally received at tho Whlto Houne by the Presi- dent on a date to be fixed later He wilt be introduced by Secretary Hny and speeches usual at the presentation of an Ambassador or Minister will be exchanged Willie in- vested with the of a Minister Plani and un Extraordinary Gen will not Dr Herran as the regular representative of Colombia Washington hb mission being as v- Tno invitation lo Q n and his to hnvo with Secre- tary was tendered with a to affording the Colombians an to in an entirely unotticial manner of their mission to Washington and what they expected to was some conversation on this hut Oen to deter making formal representations in be of his government he had officially President Hooso veil and status as a accredited rnv y of Colombia thereby established The Colombians Mr Hay however that it was uselons to ask Government to recede one step from the position it had assumed regard to Republic COST OF FREE DELIVERY Hut for Tilt IoitM Service Would Have SflrSiisUlnlng WASHINGTON Dec his annual the PostmasterGeneral Third Assistant PostmasterGeneral Madden that if It had not been for the increase In tho appropriations for rural delivery would prac- tically eelfsustnlnlng during the lost thrro The report shows that in IC01 when the increase in for fico rural do livery was 135705S the total deficit was 3981121 In 1B02 when tho Increase in this appropriation was 2220330 the was 2061170 and in 1W2 when tho increase was the dofi cit for tire entire postal service was 4580 077 Admiral Kvunss Cruisers off for llnnolulii WASHINGTON Dec 3 The cruisers Cin cinnatl Raleigh Albany and New Orleans comprising the cruiser of Rear Asiatic fleet from Yokohama for bat- tleships of Rear Admiral Evans the Wisconsin flagship of Roar Ad mimi the follow Secretary Moody today telegraphed to return with to Yokohama n soon as possible after they reached Honolulu rrnldrnl to Deliver Memorial nay Ailclrri at Gettysburg WASHINGTON Dec 3 President Rooso volt today acceptedan Invitation from Pout No 8 G A R Department of Penn- sylvania to deliver an address at Gettys- burg on Memorial next year Eugene F tho Commissioner of Pensions an address on the same occasion IwlRp Siirtnurr critically III WASHINGTON Dee William M Springer i seriously ill with pneumonia at his homo He contracted the dlneaee In Chicago Last hUi was despaired of he Is slightly improved morning i of under Brooko In over the c Ho- Mid on Apr J te and on the lrl1 on aJudge of high r Court fIt I 1 It eaton t ton I Woo pre In the a mis of MOt 1 next I I he Wood I to t I i J t 3According t and r I ad- herent I f f J o- t that had made nn j Lr I f l charge i I J 1 Moor I peal I R S S T I I I i I letter t power m Ir I i an hal tie 3In report- to fro n bale Da War 3Judge but I I t I I Se Flnanoe Oim a Go- ry Rathbono that Ion changed th- aw d InfrInging I Ileved cnirti d i i c1 law I The I len t evldoncc bo admitted wiis practical oarriago in the ewe- I I will questioned len I c I t s Powell such 1 I its ii r I f l ES f I 1 I itoiche IIay op- portunity I t ri 4 tl I s t t total- t 1 l iC 1 I t t i V t f i JJJ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ The GILL Engraving Com- pany at 140 Filth Avenue has the largest and boat photoengraving plant in the world Its halftone uro the standard of quality EDITOR RfRXED IX EFFIGY North Carolina KclllorR Condemn tile Act- or of Trinity CollPRP- WABHINOTON Dec 3 The North Carolina Editorial Association which happened to be in Washington on its when the students of Trinity College of Durham N C burned in effigy yesterday Editor JosophuH Danleln of the Charlotte News and Obserwr for his utterances re- garding the HaMett and ton incident spent all of today In a spirited and at times acrimonious discus- sion as to what official action it should take Some of tho editors favored reso- lutions condemning In no uncertain terms the trustees of tho college who voted tc sustain Prof Hwwett hut between extremists and those who desired no by the association n compromise ww reached on a resolution the of the students In burning Mr Dan effigy The resolutions were HirrfcM the capers of today Inform ue that a brother mtimber of this association Ims born hniiRfd In by the ol Trinity one of the educational Institutions or our for the reason that ho expressed the right of freouor of In paper association Ihlh snld action ns mi attempt to nitride tho freedom of press the lannuaitn contrary to tli spirit of the people The resolutions wore with but three votes of those Will urged nonaction declined however to vote for or against the resolutions The Rassett arose over an artlcl published In the South Mlantie Manthl E Baiwett of histor- jt Trinity College in which he praised th work of that he was the greatest man Robert E 10 that produced in past century wer- ioBsett was Editor Tho trustees TVITB finally forced to take itlou and voted IB to 7 to retain Dr Bas itt tho principal that any thor course 1 against tolerance jf freedom of College is the richest and one of In the South amos A DuUe president of the Tobacco Trust and Duke his brother B N Duke have diy endowed it with buildings B N Dulco Is otin of its trustees nd voted In favor of I r liaKsot- tMKTHODIST WlAXaF8 HERE Ir Uondcll Urfookmtn May quIt The Rev Dr C I for seven of the Methodist Brooklyn has accepted the pas of Calvary Church in Harlem the church in tho New York Conference The present pastor the Rev Dr W P dell has and will become pastor if a church in Philadelphia His loner T IOH gono to Porto Rico as a missionary ha ap roving next April when the Conferenoe fleets The of the Washington Heights Methodist Church the Rev compelled by ill health to retire ind There are reports hat ho will be obliged to give up pas MKFF WAXTS A RECOUNT lleKm rand In Ilallotg In the First A- senibl District In Assistant Corporation Counsel James klcKeon who wits Republican and fusion lomineo for Justice of the Supreme n the Second Judicial Department recent election through his counsel Ira Q- Darrln secured an order from Supreme 7ourt Justice Dickey in Brooklyn yeeter lay the hoard cf Elections Police Commissioner Greene and Capt oonoy of tho Seventyfifth precinct to show cause tomorrow the for Supreme Court Justice In the of tIm First Assembly llbtrlct of Queenft borough not be ecounted are rumors of gross reuldents of that have made affidavit that they voted for James McKeen but tho count shows that he 1 votes- n that district aunrnr OT AT THE lULL to Theatre With Fornei Somebody Tom Byrnei Made Police Head Once more Mr Murphy disappointed the nxlous host by failing to appear at Hall yesterday Those In waiting ificu sed a roportthatoxInspootorThomaai- yrnes would lx made Police Commis ioner but none seemed to put great faith n the idea Mr Murphy John J and Presi lent Fames the Board of Aldermen iccupied a box at the Casino last evening toad of entrance he arried it to the box put it on a chair and ept bin hand on it still had it at last ccountH- Tho Tammany captains of the Sixth As a dinner to Big and Little Tim Sullivan at Mike in the of Dec 12 Charles F Murphy WH been also MayorElect MASOX OR MURRAY or President of the Committee Platt and Dunn Leave Town Senator Platt went to Washington yester lay morning Chairman Dunn of the committee departed for Binghamton hose who were bile Alexander T Matson was the man talked of for president of the county Gov Indicated that 10 was not to be chosen Charles 1 Murray they thought was a more likely Section York Out of executive Committee The delegates to the Democratic county sommlttee in Brooklyn met last night n their respective districts and elected ho executive members The only sig ilflcnnt change was in the Eleventh whore Commissioner lien and J York was dropped and Thomas- t Farrell chosen In The who has been the real in tho or several years although an adherent of during f the recent unpleasantness worked earnestly In the the cam aign for thus entire ticket xioiulu Talks of HcrrleK for VlcePrnldrntS- PBINOPIEID Ohio DOC S Assistant ocrcUry of Francis B Loomis who s now in visiting relatives said today I have Ironed much talk of Governor bet Horrick for VicePresident From his econt decisive victory in this State he in- mturallv in an pollti sally Tho party man or and the sentiment drift jg plats thee acton hl I the the of I Danle thou flit and mOM laltn Gel Tear I torte I the M 0 I has bon torte I I I Cur i I I blot est fraud receive GOt Tam- many I FornE care a Tim Invite Ian Count State moL dis- trict later h Stat lo piton lint Merck t stre Students Lu Its adopted Man demanding removal Itu his repeat to Take tahary Church sistant at Calvary Rev wil be queens handbag leWer toward c promises be ¬ ¬ ¬ > > PASSAICS CIVIC PRIDE FEAST ND REJOICE WITH THE AID Ol HERR BAtlXSEXS WINE President Woodrow Wilson WM Onnt o Honor and the City Shown Mains nlmlty by Invlllnc Mayor UlnohllnT of the RIval City Paterion- f PASSAIc N J Dec 3 Tho city of Passat rose in all the beauty of Its civic pride tonight and gave a dinner to itself am President Woodrow Wilson of Prlnoetot University The menu cards noted the tho was given to Dr Wilson by tin Passalo Some of tho member of the dinner committee insisted that affair was given by the Association of Passaic In honor of th citys clvio pride A member of another committee explained the dinner In this way llio memberof the Board of Trade o which Judge William W Watson of the District Court Is the chairman tha such a function would be a tin town and so they got it up But however much those who had any thing to do with the affair might diffe- us to the reason for it they all agreed tha it should properly be called a civic pride banquet Passaic is proud of itself ha for at least six and it don care who knows it Something like six months ago the Bonn of frade planted a hedgerow beside the tracks of tho Erie Railroad for two or three blocks either side of the Passaic The Board of Trade has watched over nurtured hedgerow over since points to an evidence of the city inherent love of beautiful landscapes of its clvio pride Then after the floods descended and the winds blow and boat upon Passaio and its bridges last October the Citizens Pro- tective Association jumped into the breach stopped a grab game on the building ol temporary saved the city about 100000 and lustre to the cltyt civil pride But somehow or other the world didnt seem to hear much about the Passaic variet of civic pride while it knew all the detailf of the pride of Paterson only untieS Of course so many of oertalc kinds of things didnt happen Passalc- is they in Paterson wae of it Still Passaic had its flood this year and t was hurst as good a flood as had Moreover it a flow last and it kiss nad a few fires that were fairly illumina lye From its floods Passaic has rescued itself and from its ashes it has arisen unterrifled and undaunted and it has always been just is independent OH Paterson refusing mtside liiil viiliu iutirBon has bad its horn lublldy exalted and Its daughters drugged aseaio hasnt had so o own civic enterprises by givIng Itself a dinner and to the as its gueuts of honor President Rooso Wilson United Senators John Koan Jr and John F ln former AttcrroyGtrfral Robert H deCanter of thn Supreme Cloy Murphy and just to hat there Is no bttwoen tho Mayor John of Patvr on It seems to lx the general that Harry did more work in arranging he than anybody else losslble W England Lad so Passaic in its civic wants activity of Messrs Meyers and England Mr jt would seem Is something ifa roan in Passaic In tho first dare lies a member of the Passaic Repub ican committee although to tin independence and Ills he was ory in bringing about the election lost fall of A Bergen tUo Democratic candidate for Sheriff front Mr is a law rer brewer coal banker contractor and builder In has what JQ called an airtight cinch on the industries jf Passalc Mr England is regarded as one of the nest and he has automobiled many in the ast week in the Interest of and 0 insure its success Besides Mr Eng and got President Wilson to accept an nvitation to attend thedlnner 1 Both these men have civic pride to burn f the dinner committee real Imonpure aU wool and article as Herr Christian Bnhnsen- eneral superintendent of the Gera Woollen learned the of the dinner he Insisted that he e permitted to show his own particular pride by making o it other 13 for a The dinner committee wax willing and- o Mr Bahnsen announced out of lis stock of rare old claret ho o contribute to the dinner lottlos to bo served with the fish when alt ood claret ought to be It is a to If Herr Jahnsens civic pride Is of the same quality is his claret its the finest to ound in or out of the State of New Jersey Tho dinner was given at the monk Club which to three or four rears ago was the house of of it Johns Protestant Episcopal Church rthero the organ used to wet counter now the guests able was on the stalls used to stand The billiard room turned into a banquet rail was prettily decorated with Virginia from which depended bells whose particular taR not explained Mayor who has been Passaios Mayor five or six presided At ils sat at his aft was Senator Kean Off to the Mayors ight among the shrubbery sat sleet Mayor Hinchliffo sat Mayor Howe and In a of hospitality- lie to a mention name jy President Wilson the greatest applause to any other of at with of that of President ROORO ret which greeted Presidents name the Passaic section af is solid for Roosevelt The President his when Howe after announcing that Senator Dryden ind some be preeent he following letter WASHINGTON Nov 23 1003 My DeAn Mn HOWE I am sorry that it vlll not be possible for me the invitation which you extend to attend the Prssalo banquet on Jec S 1 should be more than to be with rou on that occasion and to listen to the idelress of Dr Wilson on Civic Pntrlotlsn- So have before us wave problems o solve and many Important nut If we are to bo In the solving imlity which wo must to problem nd to deed and without across impossible IK Intense Americanism o be In soul In and n purport I urn sure that this withering of your cltl- icns cannot fall to of ou for the Invitation Sincerely your lion CharlesM Mayor Passaic N J Mayor Howe introduced Senator Kean A tillS speaker He said in substance rIM right and that the rest if United States was getting on swim t an war Some venerable Princeton alumni led Edwin C Moor a Princeton under raduatn who sat at the speakers table ave Dr Wilson tho while others loudly applauded- Dr was when tho lest of tho diners wern madly cheering for how In tho course of his he what ome of tho diners regarded s both a swat the President the short ribs and a iiild boom for Mr Cleveland who is a diner the thought ben month station tat and and bridge awa glad felt Stats Court two clip of doe of the city mil t Rnd so of ot JAr hut the e MiR ant Here stands yare the the 4 and the Aplrl ood Howl the wince the sat the for J Citizens Protectiv out Pr affairs citizens have macst the nembers to- e the doing one absolutely is especially came President iison ilson onsovelt calmly lecturer at Princeton Dr sal inpart- You see the old horses know how t themselves on tho hills and spen themselves on tho levels What we In guiding the affairs of this nation no la horse who knows when to with deliberation and when at top speed Continuing Dr Wilson Is the slncuJnrlty of our that upon a common understanding for It a Intcllltencc a comma morality that each community carries an I the great undertaking of self Kovornmeni o self demoralized self disordered Every risen among us therefore la pu honor to understand sr rv the community In which and the onl true Is that which la local In It rootage community will never awake to It own and developing through abstract motive of u concrete linage of Its own Ill and Interests through a sort of nrclnnt that there In mixed with nil patriotic motive a certain In the a consciousness of hns been and U and H terries for Its distinction us u whole Distrust tire patriotism of H man who I Always upon count dir whon energy not citizen who Is thoughtful of the welfare o country should seek to mulerMnni nearest duty und to do it with all thought- fulness yet without Impatience Patience Is one tIre mos difficult yet ours of the most virtues n our own for thru en space of that polity Is consultation move- ment not or chosen tort l- ithe muss nnd so that in what- ever we think or purpose wo must cnrr masses of men with us PO we need th sort of IH full of hope nm equally full of persistence OVEItlttODVCTtOy H EltK- nrlllih Trade Agent Kay Well Kxpor Surplus Soon t lUdupetl Prices Upttlnl Cable Dtipalch to TImE SUN LONDON Dec 3 The official Board o Trade journal publishes a report from Mi hell British commercial agent in the Unite States warning manufacturers hero that It is inevitable that there will be ovcrpro duction In the United shortly whei the Americans will their surplui production at a reduced price in order t their works running and maintain in the homo market He says that everything points to thi probability of carried out to a tilth- Prto Ho emphasizes tho success of the Ameri ions In obtaining trade in the British seeslona remarking that although the grosi exports from the United States fell of 18 per cent in 1802 tho exports to the Brit Isji colonies incroosnd 176 while the ox ports of Great Brltlan to her colonies in reased only IS per cent Prominence is given the report by tin reform newspapers which print il argument in favor of protec ion QUITS MILKERS CAItlXET- ommtslloner for Mines ll satl ned With Political Pull of NonHesldents- Spfdat Cain Dtivalch lo THE SUN JoiiAKVE3iciui Dw 3 Wilfntl Wyberg ommibsioner tom Mines in Lord Milnor- trblnet has resigned In submitting hU lgnation ho to Sir Arthur Lawley- jieutennittGovcrnor of tim Trtmsvnnl vho is arting Governor In the absence o- lx A that sincu ho accepted mem Ministry he had regarded is second only to the maintenance of Brit sh supremacy tho for freeing h country from the undue political prom nenue of nonrenidont financiers His uxxCtations hud been dlFuppointed political influence with tho neat of the financial interests jreosixl and the country van governed n a manner that wits snore conducive to of powerful flnanclul houses han the interests of the local opulation- fo was connnc d that tire Government nil largely lost touch the people TilE IIEICIISTAG OIEXEH miser ExprrosfH Cratlflcattnn mt llmvlni Met Other liulcr SpecIal Cable Dest ac lo TKK SUN BEHUN jibe H Tho newly elected toiclistag was opened today by Chan cllor von Billow who read tho speech rom the Throne The paragraph drirtss which referred to the commercial elatlons of Jennany and Great Britain ontained a stutoment to tho effect that a ill would be introduced which would con the niobt 1uvored nation treatment o tho products of British subjects Another paragraph in tho address ox road tho gratification of the Etnppro- rvor the fact that during the year he was to exchange personally his Ideas with our exalted allies at Hum and Vienna the friwidly rules of tti Russian Em ire on wliich occasions the wish and hat peace the greatest blessing to icoples welfare might continue to be pre orved from dangerous disturbance were trengthoned anew rES HER FOOTMAN HVSRAXD- ormcr Countrsi Ituwiell Sow Wants a Divorce From llrotvni- ptclal Cubit DespairS lo THE SUN LONDON Dec 3 Mrs William Brown irraerly Countess Mabel Russell has stituted proceedings for a divorce against- or husband charging cruelty and adul iry After she had procured divorce from arl Russell some ago as a sequel to Is alleged bigamous marriage in tho United tatoa to Somerville sho married rown a who at that time was tasqueradlng as Prince Archibald d todena lulls CHILEAN WARSHIPS rest Britain Gets Libert art and Van Rtltnolon for 8O1TSnoofi- prelal Cable Detpntclt lo Tns SUN LONDON Dec 3 It is officially Great Britain has bought the Libertud and Constituclon which wero built at Newcastle for tho Chilean Government but which were not equired after Chiles differences with Ar entlna were settled by arbitration The rice paid was 1875000 inclusive of all xpenses SPANISH CABINET IIESWXS- t Formed In July Last by Marqiilj- Vtllaverdr Iperlal Cable DespairS la SOS MADRID Dec 3 The Cabinet which OH formed In July last by Marquis Villa has resigned The Iluke or Sick Sp fo Cable Deipatch to THE SUN BELFAST Dec 8 Tho Duke of Man hestor who married Miss Zimmerman f Cincinnati in 1BOO is rather seriously 1 at Tanderngoe Castle County Armagh hero is no reason however for alarm Kalsrr Abandons Hunting Trip Special Cable Dttpaleh lo Tarn SUN BRRUN Dec 3 Emperor William has bandoned iris minting at ownig to a fresh attack of ess Ue expects to bo able to go untlng Dec 17 T Oar Cot Ono n y l l TtbleM AU draw roves Hjniluro Is on ctcb sc Atf want o Mi- dI I Inc onKelou You PIt 0 Hbl State kop proc prater tar I Miner The Goer the interests will 0 1 uuo able and hop a Mole an- nounce a verde I i Saxon hoar 1 a Tall flromo the ali no WIlson part run enduring uloe see ke hem poe necessity TiT Manchester moesy if It outs > < < > > DR noonnviiYs SCOURING CART HELP CLEAN VI TIlE DOWER They Spurt Wetter Under Pressure at Hi Pavement Died In Summer to Atphmlt The IoiiNlnoh Snowfall Much of a Job for the Know Contractor Commissioner Woodbury took chance of the water freezing yesterday and usa tome of the scouring carts which ho Intro lUred in metropolitan street cleaning t drive the snow off the streets Tire carts which forcn jets of watt against tim pavement did very good worl in the summer In getting tire gum off tin hot asphalt pavements They squirt water out a 28 to20 with the of compressed air Woodbury on th Bowery in hector and Essex street FO interested in it that he forgot nl about being slated to on mix of a Handling of Id at tho Academy of n 830 o clok In tho Ho reached tin academy nt 015 oclock breathless am anti showed audtonn pictures of the carts ho Iran working nentncd to bo very well with the The fourInch snowfall did no the snow contractor much trouble William who Ihe contrite for removing snow tins as he had year from the Street Department to go to work yesterday morn even it had and despite the thnt tire work kim not altogether In tin matter of procuring men Mr Bradley 3000 men and 100 carts at in the afternoon The de pertinent will not lend any men or cart t nnt iliu uil linn p tho regular department The con- tractor by area cleaned which it was found last year led to much results By night Contractor Bradley hat Broadway from tIm ti Acre Fifth ninth street Columbus avenue to 125U street and 125th street to both rivers 01 well ns a good of the flowery his risen to on the street leading to the ferries Bouton said yesterday streets would be cleaned by tonight providing freeze or snow The street railroad which have an arrangement with the departmon- for streets on which ca the lines was tho snow- fall Commissioner Woodbury was out i of in his new auto- mobile for the recently ap- propriated 1000 superintending snow TAUGHT SISTER TO STEAL TenYearold Girl Proud or Their Feati of Shoplifting Angelina Espaiio a nineteenyearold Italian girl and her tenyearold sister ROSH were arrested in a Sixth avenue store yesterday for tho theft o a fan worth 12450 The child stole the fan and passed It to her sister At tire Tciidcrloin station Ange- lina said sire wits married and lived in Twentyninth street between Second und Third avenue She took her arrost coolly and the child with her didnt to mind either Angelina said her was only 0 old and the youngster any older but tho later declared she was 10 of When vita taken back to a cell questioned Rosa surd then tho of teaching her to steal Rosa Is a and one wore a loose fitting jacket Inside this jacket wero several there said to hold plunder These rxxktts were well filled was arrested Hosu frankly wild that the In the wore stolen from other stores Wiien Angelina was searched she also had stolen property Boris said that her had taken her out on stealing expeditions three other this week to bo proud nf their success and didnt havo any was doing wrong DAMAGES AtiAIXST AUTO MAX Maelilne Frightened Thompsons Horse She Was Injured CiosuKN N Y Dec 3 Wilmot P Thomp on a wholesale feed merchant of this vii age recovered damages through a Sheriffs today from Thotniw H Heck a well odo dealer In automobiles In New York Mr Beck rind his wife were touring in their auto lust summerandr- iioiiiMonB daughter with her horuw and rap snot them on road It is alleged Imt Beck disregarded her signal to and at a terrific speed hat her horse became iluiitfed wildly from the toad Tho young votmin wan lain pluckily hp animal Tire jury gave a verdict of 2000 for ersonal and itlO for damages to and outfit heck had no reprpKeutaI- VB in court EXO EL HO RX RE LEA SED- le Mtdo llcstltullon It Is Nald Iniisurl Action Taken In Ills rasef- ipfdal Cable Despatch lo Tuna SUN LONDON Dec 3 Tho warrant for tire rrest of Louis Engelhorn of New York n a charge of grand larceny has been rlthdrawn Engolhorn was arrested at Southampton on Now 21 on the arrival here of tho American Line steamship t Louis on on ex tradition warrant him with having appropriated to his use some money invested in a KX1 This Is tho second case on record whore inch action has been taken in England n an extradition case H is understood hat Engolhorn paid back tho money He- irobnbly will continue his voyage to Ocr was arrested on complaint of our men who had given J which to stock in a of which Engolhorn was manager alleged that lie to them at which ho bought tim stock mid that he retalnid 3000 300 shares if stock was indicted but he complaint IIUH been withdrawn MR FAIRS ROin RIGID list of Wife IJnip Tmtlmnny Commissioner In IrIs Special Cable Urspatcb la TlIK SUN PARIS Dec 3 Attorney Eisler the omrniHsioncr appointed by the Now York ourts to ascertain whether Charles Fair- r his wife lied first in the automobile accident that both on a French high rny a year or resumed the taking- f testimony today Jules Taupln testified that he hclpud to arry Mr Fairs body Into tire lodge after ho accident The body was rigid oily carried while that of the wife was Imp requiring three to carry it New Children Aid Home The Childrens Societys ew West lido Home for President Hoose ells father organiod and in which the residents hito K nn much Interested was formally opened tat night at 22 Wool Thirtyfifth street Potter John D CrimmlnH loveland I and William Cliuroh Osborne boys in their hoiiBewarmlng TRID WATER tea speak Clt uHteA the hal lat or tact for In It bUrr Baler ton par Probably I bad gang of Rem years Better ut Its all jury cit count h I charR- Ing own stole I I too I hu raton I I 1 led I o aud- I Ail ho DOge ONTIIESNOWMU been borough lest last Las Superintendent lines run yesterday None won mu lOS Miss rringe t horse flatly since his Ilef ore Ii net a I ire J rr rues Urn ciu < ¬ Holiday Handkerchiefs t- At The Linen Store rvi Our Holiday assortment which is now ready includes hundreds of different styles in Lace trimmed Embroidered Initialed and Scalloped Edged goods as well as evory desirnhle kind of Handkerchief for men women nml children many years we have made a specialty of dealing in pure Linen Handkerchiefs anti tho lines now displayed uro of the same character style and attractiveness which havo justly earned for this Department the designation of The Home of the at 25c 50c 75c and 100 which tho most popular aro unusually large this year and wo believe that tho styles are such as to enable us to fully satisfy any person of good tasto while we know that tho values repre- sented are the very best thut can be obtained at these prices We make up especially for gifts boxescontaining one dozen Initial Handkerchiefs Mens 300 450 and 600 Womens 800 400 and 600 a We also have boxes of especially selected Ladies Lace Trimmed und Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 300 600 and 900 per dozen JAMES McCUTCBEON CO 14 West 23d St Hemstitched Hand kerchief are am6nO dozen < ¬ BARTON i Silversmiths and Goldsmiths Sterling Silver rules supreme for Holiday Gifts We show- a complete line of useful An early selection is advised 41 UNION SQUARE nd MAIDEN LANE SCHMITT The substantial elegance of our work is no more dearly shown than In the exquisite Dutch Inlaid Bedroom sat exhibited here Cheval giasf all exhibit great skill In A holiday pr nl Sti WIUoin 40 Cit ltd Strt HELD UP RICH EXCOP McKeown Tells Uie Police of aa Attempt- to Get 8OOO Joseph O MoKeown of 602 East 148th street who used to be n policeman and who now owns a lot of houses in Bronx and is building more reported Tro mont police yesterday that he had been a victim of a savage assault on Wednesday evening- He says that he started from the Mount Morris Bank with about 800 and that on hi Awny tie dropped in at his house at 2339 Lorillard place which ia rented to Mrs William Nelson As ho was going into the hack yard he says a man who had followed him In a trolley car struck him on the head with an axo handle so forcibly that the weapon broko He that ho foil unconscious only to wake while tho assailant was trying- to hi watch from his pocket to pulled his old revolver and the man away lie pulled tire trigger and for the first the gun to ofT Mrs Nelson came to at that tlmo and that scared the They later found tho 00 on the ground feet from spot wlioro McKeown was knocked SInKfHjwn went ncioss the his son John J a sergeant In tho Alexander av Ho didnt timid him in KO hi wont ahead and organixrd a jwrty Tho thug was trot found Got Odell The RepublIcan statesmen In Kings county were Interested yontorclay the rumor that Goy Odell was arranging to pry into their affairs and shake up five or six Assembly district lenders Chairman Jacob Brenner is going to Albany next week to woo Goy no one that tho conference will result in any change in the management of the Kings couny ABtiUT FEAR Often Comrt Krobi tack of Rich Food Napoleon paid thv t the best fed soldiers wero soldiVrs for fear and ner- vousness come quietly when tho stomach is iot nourished fear is a sure sign that tire body p not supplied with the right food A Connecticut lady says For many yearn I have been n from Indiges- tion and heart trouble land in almost con- stant fear of sudden delith the most acute suffering possible Dieting brought on weakness emaciation mud nervous efc und I was n complete wreck and almost n I tried nmny foods bin could not avoid tho terrible nausea followed by vomiting that came after eating un ll I tried Grape Nuts This food agreed with my nnd stomach from the itnrt nbout a year ago Steadily and surely a no nymptoir of dyspepsia can walk 10 rushes a day without being pfitk t l r It n nf medicine wince I began this lisa of Nuts nnd I lo k many years younger than I really am 1 My poor old has made over feel as has been too Life is worth now and I expect lo it for to coors if 1 can keep away Mid foods and have Name by Pos Co Battle Creek Mich Theres a reason Look In each package for a ofl famous little Road to VVeU- vllle i- T REED r I I I B- ureau workmanship TIE The refuse dow flown ware hil ali rUn in or CI UEll t hau toll Ih plate change from now t and fatigued I a drop boy ben t Ih inK lan tOen I s nov- elties 1 L IUfIIERSYajve- aums 15 says 1 herr aunt im- portant Nlrvous sfforer caine until iuavuu takers vrars rum the ¬ < < ¬ ¬ ¬ Tiffany Blue Book 904 Edition The annual holiday issueof the Tiffany Blue Book is now ready Upon request a copy will be sent to intending without The Tiffany Blue Book con- tains NO ILLUSTRATIONSpi- ctures or cuts It is a com- pact little volume of about 450 alphabetical index This makes it a veritable directory of con- venience to Christmas pers replete as it is cise descriotions and with range- of the stock of Silverware Watches Clocks Bronzes Porcelain Glass and other Artistic Merchandise suitable for holiday gifts Tiffany Co UNION SQUARE NEW YORK IUnilCATIOXS Tear me out- I am good for 10 cents HUSINKSS NOTICES Mn Wln low Soothlnc Syrup for ftihlnz ROficiu the gum reduces InflnninnUon- lltys pain dlarrbira Uo olnlle ENGAGED OBninN PBTERS Formal announcfment made of fnffnzcmrnt of Ml Inulo Ieicri daughter of the lalf I iuli 112 Bowrra- t Jersey City Heights to Thomas hrivnciJ- O llrlcn SSSJi Fourth st Jersey Oty N J MARRIED I01LINOSUOHTIIAUIHIlTOn Mondnr XM SO IMi3 In Mew York ti tire llev MartIn Alter Laura daughter of lIes and Mry Albert to pf dclpbla i DIED BROWN At Iris resldrncc 45 West 0 h t n Tuesday aftcrnonn ocr I ICdwairt M a Drown eldfst son of the late IMwardHron- nFuncrl services at All Souls Cliurtn adison- av Friday Heo iat 10A M- EnsON On I 2 Cyrua 1dsan aged 40 year Funeral from St Thomass Church KM strft S I Rrlatlvr and frlemU art Invited tn attend LYO S Wednesday morning Uec Z Jann- I suds eldest an dcntly beloved t victiae F and the late Illpn A Lyons Itiiallves iind friends rispiclfully invited ia attend solemn requiem inau Nativity Cliur- ud av Leiween d sad kl ut PI- ocloch Friday miirnlnj I rc I Interim lirrrnuooil Ctmeter- MAIIONVSuddenly at his residence M W- Itlth t James J Mnhony In hit with yr r Funeral from the Church of thr liars Sauna M and Anutcrdum av Saturday hrs i- USO Kindly umlt towers McCLLLOUOHOn tree 3 Jennie McCiiUoush widow of Hlchard McCullouzn Funeral services at tier Intu resilience 337 W- 27th it tm Saturday at luutlurk AM Inur merit nt Macliprlab- XVIXTEKHOPrOM Of pniMitnnnln nn Moiiil1 Nov 301903 Itachel A lirlnvrd wlf nt llnl- amln V II and Ullllam and France llazlcy Funeral from her late home 191 Sprlns ston Tf lifts Dec 4 at nilnrk flul inrnr tn Church of thi llolj Cumintinlon Wth- Itb 4 where services with be bcldat jOoVloc- iInwrmtal NracU N V I i pur- chasers page wit shop o H ChI r cur wind cole U the Irs tie Mar C 1 a and Seth si nail Ilflriarnlrc n Saturday 1uc ii i M mail son stir lieu t1 0 Itinlomie ruin lou t hi LI ant ¬ ¬ > < < > > > Bonier mont euburl and Sever house dined On Frelir he tolc search for old The at the Count Htartei court Frehr canoe of the was 2 wood The been i and earth Franz j of his batter decom crime hammi and U weapo The Lohn who jr who J Nov known holmi he pi accord by tl one of who abldln break crime I 4 f AN- HAD Fit r U a B oW- S Nov couple began 15dt- olot the pa- edI been terribi Six bdtth- wh nearly away that t- thea ness lag until pear They prom posslb s 1 10008 they ii she di- hi B Eva big Mu 80 90 mEn brou- Itc eza- Bonie the d Sup out so- cire arre- Bupt Bonier the of E- vsnt that have was I 78 and is short rusked- of tho iolice- Sm this we dead fromn amid perso taint to thi found tire t said from eoupl- a Ira had g tine h- rof time On- Rega city to Ast time a mnigh- uehghk to tir had amo atm have ciro- euuns darer Nov aim from and t- of th- hani and I fort had who chair told grea seen cried muj mit- mnur the kno- ahou were lion k ou true >

I Holiday Handkerchiefs - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1903-12-04/ed-1/seq-2.pdfI Holiday Handkerchiefs - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov

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or J FRIPAY DECEMBER 4 1903u u

Nf r c

fI j

I f


hurried to the House where hwith the President

Dr Pablo who was

Cuba testimony concerningWoods alleged the court havln

If UVMGovernor of

of criminal of so as t

admit ex sub-

verting the fundamental law of Cubar ltl

artleHo testified alBo that Wood arbitrarily ro

of ono of thn Hoctlorm of unothecourt and a of tho ofInstance on thu ground

with that tho liar Aesothen an official willofficial powers protected against

this action und UK nthe im mombert

of the board of of tho anaoclaion Wood abrogate

creating the Bar Association nmrevoked its charter

of Urn trying thn postscases according to Dr werecreature of inn Wood In that they wereappointed by him and wore at

case they refUKod to hie

orders admitting ex evidenceobeyed instructions con

his a command that e

and tho result

of Dr Dpflvornonies testlmonout Senator Hanna wh

was in the committee room all day It i

understood that a number ofsuggested by Mr Hanna will be called

to mootMonday when diaries S Diehl

of tho ABHociatid Press

retained amcorrespondent at Havana


We Hold New Santo UnmlnRo Oovprnnirnto Wo nils Appointment

r WASHINGTON Dec to ad-

Vices received at the State Department-here is more trouble in Santo Domingo

which had apparently entered upon E

period of peace after tho overthrowMight of President Wos y Gil by the

of former President Jlrainezreference to newspaper report

from Santo Domingo that Mr Powell theUnited States Charg dAffalreH had servernotice on the Dominicans that continuedrevolutionary disturbances were dtstastefu-lo the United States and might bring re

consequences to Santoif Mr

ho hud done so without any instructionsfrom this Government

In to a etatewent the newauthorities of the Dominican Republic thatthey would not consent to

who was Minister of Foreign Af-

fairs In the Cabinet of thePresident serve afl the Dominican repre-sentatives on the tribunal

the claim of theImprovement Company of New York

Secretaryor State Hay has Instructed Mrto inform Dominican Government thatthe United States will hold it to the agree-ment made by the administration of Presi-dent Wos y for tho arbitration of theirclaim and Its selection of Seiior Gal vanarbitrator

Tim arbitration tribunal organized to-

day at the offices of the Interstate Coiv-

meroo Commission with John U CnrllfUiof New York former Secretary of tho Trea-sury as arbitrator of tho United States

Galvan as arbitrator of Santo Do-

mingo and Judge George Gray of Dela-ware asof Columbia University New

as for United StatesSanto Doming Improvement


Invited to Luncheon at the SecretarysResidence

WASHINGTON Dec 3 At a luncheonthis afternoon at the residence ofHay given by Mr Hay to len Reyes theVicePresident of Colombia Dr Herranthe Columbian Charge dAffaires here andthe members of the Reyes Commission itwas disclosed that Gen Reyes bearsfrom President Marroquin ofaccrediting him as Envoy Plenipotentiary-on an extraordinary mission to the Govern-

ment of the United StatesThe letters are addressed to President

Roosevelt and it was arranged at the luncheon that Gen Reyes should be formallyreceived at tho Whlto Houne by the Presi-

dent on a date to be fixed later He wilt beintroduced by Secretary Hny and speechesusual at the presentation of an Ambassadoror Minister will be exchanged Willie in-

vested with the of a Minister Planiand un Extraordinary

Gen will not Dr Herran asthe regular representative ofColombia Washington hb mission being

as v-

Tno invitation lo Q n and histo hnvo with Secre-

tary was tendered with ato affording the Colombians an

to in an entirelyunotticial manner

of their mission to Washington and whatthey expected to

was some conversation on thishut Oen to deter

making formal representations in beof his government he hadofficially President Hooso

veil and status as a accreditedrnv y of Colombia thereby established

The Colombians Mr Hayhowever that it was uselons to askGovernment to recede one step from theposition it had assumed regard to



Hut for Tilt IoitM Service WouldHave SflrSiisUlnlng

WASHINGTON Dec his annualthe PostmasterGeneral Third Assistant

PostmasterGeneral Madden that ifIt had not been for the increase Intho appropriations for rural delivery

would prac-tically eelfsustnlnlng during the lost thrro

The report shows that in IC01 when theincrease in for fico rural dolivery was 135705S the total deficit was3981121 In 1B02 when tho Increase in

this appropriation was 2220330 thewas 2061170 and in 1W2

when tho increase was the doficit for tire entire postal service was 4580077

Admiral Kvunss Cruisers off for llnnoluliiWASHINGTON Dec 3 The cruisers Cin

cinnatl Raleigh Albany and New Orleanscomprising the cruiser of Rear

Asiatic fleet fromYokohama for bat-tleships of Rear AdmiralEvans the Wisconsin flagship of Roar Admimi the follow

Secretary Moody today telegraphedto return with to

Yokohama n soon as possible after theyreached Honolulu

rrnldrnl to Deliver Memorial nay Ailclrriat Gettysburg

WASHINGTON Dec 3 President Roosovolt today acceptedan Invitation fromPout No 8 G A R Department of Penn-sylvania to deliver an address at Gettys-burg on Memorial next year EugeneF tho Commissioner of Pensions

an address on the same occasion

IwlRp Siirtnurr critically IIIWASHINGTON Dee William M

Springer i seriously ill with pneumonia athis homo He contracted thedlneaee In Chicago Last

hUi was despaired of he Isslightly improved morning


of under Brooko In

over the c Ho-

Mid on Apr


andon the lrl1 on

aJudge of high

r Court fItI 1





Woopre In the

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The GILL Engraving Com-

pany at 140 Filth Avenue

has the largest and boat

photoengraving plant in the

world Its halftone

uro the standard of quality


North Carolina KclllorR Condemn tile Act-

or of Trinity CollPRP-

WABHINOTON Dec 3 The North CarolinaEditorial Association which happened tobe in Washington on itswhen the students of Trinity College ofDurham N C burned in effigy yesterdayEditor JosophuH Danleln of the CharlotteNews and Obserwr for his utterances re-

garding the HaMett andton incident spent all of today In aspirited and at times acrimonious discus-

sion as to what official action it shouldtake Some of tho editors favored reso-

lutions condemning In no uncertain termsthe trustees of tho college who voted tcsustain Prof Hwwett hut betweenextremists and those who desired noby the association n compromise wwreached on a resolution the

of the students In burning Mr Daneffigy The resolutions were

HirrfcM the capers of today Inform uethat a brother mtimber of this associationIms born hniiRfd In by the olTrinity one of the educationalInstitutions or our for thereason that ho expressed the right of freouorof In paper

associationIhlh snld action ns mi attempt to nitridetho freedom of pressthe lannuaitn contrary to tlispirit of the people

The resolutions wore with butthree votes of thoseWill urged nonaction declined howeverto vote for or against the resolutions

The Rassett arose over an artlclpublished In the South Mlantie Manthl

E Baiwett of histor-jt Trinity College in which he praised thwork ofthat he was the greatest man RobertE 10 that produced inpast century wer-

ioBsett was EditorTho trustees TVITB finally forced to take

itlou and voted IB to 7 to retain Dr Basitt tho principal that any

thor course 1 against tolerancejf freedom of

College is the richest and one ofIn the South

amos A DuUe president of the TobaccoTrust and Duke

his brother B N Duke havediy endowed it with buildings

B N Dulco Is otin of its trusteesnd voted In favor of I r liaKsot-


Ir UondcllUrfookmtn May quIt

The Rev Dr C I for sevenof the Methodist

Brooklyn has accepted the pasof Calvary Church in Harlem thechurch in tho New York Conference

The present pastor the Rev Dr W Pdell has and will become pastor

if a church in Philadelphia His lonerT

IOH gono to Porto Rico as a missionaryha aproving next April when the Conferenoefleets

The of the Washington HeightsMethodist Church the Rev

compelled by ill health to retireind There are reportshat ho will be obliged to give up pas


lleKm rand In Ilallotg In the First A-

senibl District In

Assistant Corporation Counsel JamesklcKeon who wits Republican and fusionlomineo for Justice of the Supremen the Second Judicial Departmentrecent election through his counsel Ira Q-

Darrln secured an order from Supreme7ourt Justice Dickey in Brooklyn yeeterlay the hoard cf ElectionsPolice Commissioner Greene and Captoonoy of tho Seventyfifth precinct to

show cause tomorrow thefor Supreme Court Justice In the

of tIm First Assemblyllbtrlct of Queenft borough not beecounted are rumors of gross

reuldents of thathave made affidavit that they

voted for James McKeen but thocount shows that he 1 votes-n that district

aunrnr OT AT THE lULLto Theatre With Fornei Somebody

Tom Byrnei Made Police Head

Once more Mr Murphy disappointed thenxlous host by failing to appear at

Hall yesterday Those In waitingificu sed a roportthatoxInspootorThomaai-yrnes would lx made Police Commis

ioner but none seemed to put great faithn the idea

Mr Murphy John J and Presilent Fames the Board of Aldermeniccupied a box at the Casino last evening

toad of entrance hearried it to the box put it on a chair andept bin hand on it still had it at lastccountH-Tho Tammany captains of the Sixth As

a dinner to Bigand Little Tim Sullivan at Mike

in the of Dec 12 Charles F MurphyWH been also MayorElect


or President of the CommitteePlatt and Dunn Leave Town

Senator Platt went to Washington yesterlay morning Chairman Dunn of the

committee departed for Binghamtonhose who werebile Alexander T Matson was the man

talked of for president of the countyGov Indicated that

10 was not to be chosen Charles1 Murray they thought was a more likelySection

York Out of executive CommitteeThe delegates to the Democratic county

sommlttee in Brooklyn met last nightn their respective districts and electedho executive members The only sigilflcnnt change was in the Eleventh

whore Commissioner lienand J York was dropped and Thomas-t Farrell chosen In The

who has been the real in thoor several years although an adherent of

duringf the recent unpleasantness workedearnestly In the the camaign for thus entire ticket

xioiulu Talks of HcrrleK for VlcePrnldrntS-PBINOPIEID Ohio DOC S Assistant

ocrcUry of Francis B Loomis whos now in visiting relatives saidtoday

I have Ironed much talk of Governorbet Horrick for VicePresident From hisecont decisive victory in this State he in-

mturallv in an polltisally Tho party manor and the sentiment drift







the ofIDanle





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FornE care a











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demanding removal



to Take tahary Church

sistant at Calvary Rev

wil be




toward c promises be









President Woodrow Wilson WM Onnt oHonor and the City Shown Mainsnlmlty by Invlllnc Mayor UlnohllnTof the RIval City Paterion-

f PASSAIc N J Dec 3 Tho city of Passatrose in all the beauty of Its civic pridetonight and gave a dinner to itself amPresident Woodrow Wilson of PrlnoetotUniversity The menu cards noted thetho was given to Dr Wilson by tin

Passalo Some of tho memberof the dinner committee insisted thataffair was given by theAssociation of Passaic In honor of thcitys clvio pride A member of anothercommittee explained the dinner In thisway

llio memberof the Board of Trade o

which Judge William W Watson of theDistrict Court Is the chairman thasuch a function would be a tintown and so they got it up

But however much those who had anything to do with the affair might diffe-

us to the reason for it they all agreed thait should properly be called a civic pridebanquet Passaic is proud of itself ha

for at least six and it doncare who knows it

Something like six months ago the Bonnof frade planted a hedgerow beside the

tracks of tho Erie Railroad for two or threeblocks either side of the PassaicThe Board of Trade has watched overnurtured hedgerow over sincepoints to an evidence of the cityinherent love of beautiful landscapesof its clvio pride

Then after the floods descended andthe winds blow and boat upon Passaio andits bridges last October the Citizens Pro-tective Association jumped into the breachstopped a grab game on the building ol

temporary saved the city about100000 and lustre to the cltytcivil pride

But somehow or other the world didntseem to hear much about the Passaic varietof civic pride while it knew all the detailfof the pride of Paterson onlyuntieS Of course so many of oertalckinds of things didnt happen Passalc-is they in Paterson wae

of itStill Passaic had its flood this year and

t was hurst as good a flood as hadMoreover it a flow last and it kissnad a few fires that were fairly illuminalye

From its floods Passaic has rescued itselfand from its ashes it has arisen unterrifledand undaunted and it has always been justis independent OH Paterson refusingmtside

liiil viiliu iutirBon has bad its hornlublldy exalted and Its daughters druggedaseaio hasnt had soo own civic enterprises bygivIng Itself a dinner and to the

as its gueuts of honor President RoosoWilson United

Senators John Koan Jr and John Fln former AttcrroyGtrfral Robert HdeCanter of thn Supreme

Cloy Murphy and just tohat there Is no bttwoen tho

Mayor John of Patvron

It seems to lx the general thatHarry did more work in arranginghe than anybody elselosslble W EnglandLad so Passaic in its civic wantsactivity of Messrs Meyers and England

Mr jt would seem Is somethingifa roan in Passaic In tho firstdare lies a member of the Passaic Repubican committee although totin independence and Ills he wasory in bringing

about the election lost fall of ABergen tUo Democratic candidate for Sheriff

front Mr is a lawrer brewer coal banker contractorand builder In has whatJQ called an airtight cinch on the industriesjf Passalc

Mr England is regarded as one of thenestand he has automobiled many in theast week in the Interest of and0 insure its success Besides Mr Eng

and got President Wilson to accept annvitation to attend thedlnner1

Both these men have civic pride to burn

f the dinner committee realImonpure aU wool and articleas Herr Christian Bnhnsen-eneral superintendent of the Gera Woollen

learned theof the dinner he Insisted that he

e permitted to show his own particularpride by making

o it other 13 for aThe dinner committee wax willing and-

o Mr Bahnsen announced out oflis stock of rare old claret hoo contribute to the dinnerlottlos to bo served with the fish when altood claret ought to beIt is a to If Herr

Jahnsens civic pride Is of the same qualityis his claret its the finest toound in or out of the State of New Jersey

Tho dinner was given at themonk Club which to three or fourrears ago was the house of ofit Johns Protestant Episcopal Churchrthero the organ used to wet

counter now the guestsable was on thestalls used to stand

The billiard room turned into a banquetrail was prettily decorated withVirginia from which depended

bells whose particulartaR not explained

Mayor who has been PassaiosMayor five or six presided Atils sat at hisaft was Senator Kean Off to the Mayorsight among the shrubbery satsleet

Mayor Hinchliffo satMayor Howe and In a of hospitality-lie to a mention namejy President Wilson the greatest applause

to any other of atwith of that of President ROORO

ret which greetedPresidents name the Passaic section

af is solid for RooseveltThe President his when Howe

after announcing that Senator Drydenind some be preeenthe following letter

WASHINGTON Nov 23 1003My DeAn Mn HOWE I am sorry that it

vlll not be possible for me theinvitation which you extend

to attend the Prssalo banquet onJec S

1 should be more than to be withrou on that occasion and to listen to theidelress of Dr Wilson on Civic Pntrlotlsn-

So have before us wave problemso solve and many Important

nut If we are to bo In the solving

imlity which wo must to problemnd to deed and withoutacross impossible IK Intense Americanismo be In soul In andn purport

I urn sure that this withering of your cltl-icns cannot fall to ofou for the Invitation Sincerely yourlion CharlesM Mayor Passaic N JMayor Howe introduced Senator Kean

A tillS speaker He said in substancerIM right and that the restif United States was getting on swim


an warSome venerable Princeton alumni led

Edwin C Moor a Princeton underraduatn who sat at the speakers tableave Dr Wilson tho while

others loudly applauded-Dr was when tho

lest of tho diners wern madly cheering for

howIn tho course of his he what

ome of tho diners regarded s both a swatthe President the short ribs and a

iiild boom for Mr Cleveland who is a



ben month


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of the citymilt

Rnd so of ot JAr

hut thee







and the




the wince


sat the



Citizens Protectiv





have macst the nembers



the doing one absolutely


especiallycame President iison


onsovelt calmly

lecturer at Princeton Dr salinpart-

You see the old horses know how t

themselves on tho hills and spenthemselves on tho levels What weIn guiding the affairs of this nation nola horse who knows when towith deliberation and when at top speed

Continuing Dr WilsonIs the slncuJnrlty of our thatupon a common understanding for It

a Intcllltencc a commamorality that each community carries an


the great undertaking of self Kovornmenio

self demoralized self disorderedEvery risen among us therefore la pu

honor to understand sr rvthe community In which and the onltrue Is that which la local In Itrootage

community will never awake to Itown and developingthrough abstract motive of

u concrete linage of Its own Illand Interests through a sort of nrclnnt

that there In mixed with nil patriotic motivea certain In thea consciousness of hns been and Uand H terries for Its distinction us u whole

Distrust tire patriotism of H man who I

Always upon count dirwhon energy not

citizen who Is thoughtful of the welfare ocountry should seek to mulerMnni

nearest duty und to do it with all thought-fulness yet without Impatience

Patience Is one tIre mosdifficult yet ours of the mostvirtues n our own for thru enspace of that polity Is consultation move-ment not or chosen tort l-

ithe muss nnd so that in what-ever we think or purpose wo must cnrrmasses of men with us PO we need thsort of IH full of hope nmequally full of persistence


nrlllih Trade Agent Kay Well KxporSurplus Soon t lUdupetl Prices

Upttlnl Cable Dtipalch to TImE SUN

LONDON Dec 3 The official Board oTrade journal publishes a report from Mihell British commercial agent in the UniteStates warning manufacturers hero thatIt is inevitable that there will be ovcrproduction In the United shortly wheithe Americans will their surpluiproduction at a reduced price in order t

their works running and maintainin the homo market

He says that everything points to thiprobability ofcarried out to a tilth-

PrtoHo emphasizes tho success of the Ameri

ions In obtaining trade in the Britishseeslona remarking that although the grosiexports from the United States fell of

18 per cent in 1802 tho exports to the BritIsji colonies incroosnd 176 while the oxports of Great Brltlan to her colonies inreased only IS per cent

Prominence is given the report by tinreform newspapers which print il

argument in favor of protecion


ommtslloner for Mines ll satl ned With

Political Pull of NonHesldents-Spfdat Cain Dtivalch lo THE SUN

JoiiAKVE3iciui Dw 3 Wilfntl Wybergommibsioner tom Mines in Lord Milnor-

trblnet has resigned In submitting hU

lgnation ho to Sir Arthur Lawley-jieutennittGovcrnor of tim Trtmsvnnl

vho is arting Governor In the absence o-

lx A that sincu ho accepted memMinistry he had regarded

is second only to the maintenance of Britsh supremacy tho for freeingh country from the undue political promnenue of nonrenidont financiers

His uxxCtations hud been dlFuppointedpolitical influence with tho

neat of the financial interestsjreosixl and the country van governedn a manner that wits snore conducive to

of powerful flnanclul houseshan the interests of the local opulation-fo was connnc d that tire Government

nil largely lost touch the people


miser ExprrosfH Cratlflcattnn mt llmvlniMet Other liulcr

SpecIal Cable Dest ac lo TKK SUN

BEHUN jibe H Tho newly electedtoiclistag was opened today by Chancllor von Billow who read tho speechrom the Throne The paragraphdrirtss which referred to the commercialelatlons of Jennany and Great Britainontained a stutoment to tho effect that aill would be introduced which would con

the niobt 1uvored nation treatmento tho products of British subjects

Another paragraph in tho address ox

road tho gratification of the Etnppro-rvor the fact that during the year he was

to exchange personally his Ideas withour exalted allies at Hum and Vienna

the friwidly rules of tti Russian Emire on wliich occasions the wish andhat peace the greatest blessing toicoples welfare might continue to be preorved from dangerous disturbance weretrengthoned anew


ormcr Countrsi Ituwiell Sow Wants aDivorce From llrotvni-

ptclal Cubit DespairS lo THE SUN

LONDON Dec 3 Mrs William Brownirraerly Countess Mabel Russell has

stituted proceedings for a divorce against-or husband charging cruelty and aduliryAfter she had procured divorce fromarl Russell some ago as a sequel toIs alleged bigamous marriage in tho Unitedtatoa to Somerville sho marriedrown a who at that time wastasqueradlng as Prince Archibald d


rest Britain Gets Libert art and VanRtltnolon for 8O1TSnoofi-

prelal Cable Detpntclt lo Tns SUN

LONDON Dec 3 It is officiallyGreat Britain has bought the

Libertud and Constituclonwhich wero built at Newcastle for thoChilean Government but which were notequired after Chiles differences with Arentlna were settled by arbitration Therice paid was 1875000 inclusive of allxpenses


t Formed In July Last by Marqiilj-Vtllaverdr

Iperlal Cable DespairS la SOS

MADRID Dec 3 The Cabinet whichOH formed In July last by Marquis Villa

has resigned

The Iluke or SickSp fo Cable Deipatch to THE SUN

BELFAST Dec 8 Tho Duke of Manhestor who married Miss Zimmerman

f Cincinnati in 1BOO is rather seriously1 at Tanderngoe Castle County Armaghhero is no reason however for alarm

Kalsrr Abandons Hunting TripSpecial Cable Dttpaleh lo Tarn SUN

BRRUN Dec 3 Emperor William hasbandoned iris minting at

ownig to a fresh attack ofess Ue expects to bo able to gountlng Dec 17

T Oar Cot Ono n y

l l TtbleM AU drawroves Hjniluro Is on ctcb sc Atf




dI I

InconKelou You

PIt 0








The Goer

the interests


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i Saxon hoar


Tall flromothe ali no





uloe see







moesy if It outs







They Spurt Wetter Under Pressure at Hi

Pavement Died In Summer toAtphmlt The IoiiNlnoh SnowfallMuch of a Job for the Know Contractor

Commissioner Woodbury took chanceof the water freezing yesterday and usatome of the scouring carts which ho IntrolUred in metropolitan street cleaning t

drive the snow off the streetsTire carts which forcn jets of watt

against tim pavement did very good worl

in the summer In getting tire gum off tin

hot asphalt pavements They squirt waterout a 28 to20with the of compressed air

Woodbury on thBowery in hector and Essex street

FO interested in it that he forgot nl

about being slated to onmix of a Handling of Id

at tho Academy of n

830 o clok In tho Ho reached tinacademy nt 015 oclock breathless am

anti showed audtonnpictures of the carts ho Iran working

nentncd to bo very wellwith the

The fourInch snowfall did nothe snow contractor much trouble

William who Ihe contritefor removing snow tins as he hadyear from the StreetDepartment to go to work yesterday morn

even it hadand despite the thnt tire work kimnot altogether In tinmatter of procuring menMr Bradley 3000 men and 100carts at in the afternoon The depertinent will not lend any men or cart

t nntiliu uil linn p

tho regular department The con-

tractor by area cleaned whichit was found last year led to muchresults

By night Contractor Bradley hatBroadway from tIm ti

Acre Fifthninth street Columbus avenue to 125U

street and 125th street to both rivers 01

well ns a good of the floweryhis risen to on the street

leading to the ferriesBouton said yesterday

streets wouldbe cleaned by tonight providingfreeze or snow

The street railroad whichhave an arrangement with the departmon-for streets on which ca

the lines was tho snow-fall Commissioner Woodbury was out i

of in his new auto-mobile for the recently ap-

propriated 1000 superintendingsnow


TenYearold Girl Proud or Their Featiof Shoplifting

Angelina Espaiio a nineteenyearoldItalian girl and her tenyearold sisterROSH were arrested in a Sixth avenuestore yesterday for tho theft o a fan worth12450 The child stole the fan and passedIt to her sister

At tire Tciidcrloin station Ange-

lina said sire wits married and livedin Twentyninth street between Secondund Third avenue She took her arrostcoolly and the child with her didntto mind either Angelina said herwas only 0 old and the youngster

any older but tho laterdeclared she was 10 of

When vita taken back to a cellquestioned Rosa surd then

tho of teaching herto steal Rosa Is a andone wore a loose fitting jacket Inside thisjacket wero several there

said to hold plunder Theserxxktts were well filled wasarrested Hosu frankly wild that the

In the wore stolen fromother stores Wiien Angelina was searchedshe also had stolen property

Boris said that her had taken herout on stealing expeditions three otherthis week to bo proudnf their success and didnt havo any

was doing wrong


Maelilne Frightened ThompsonsHorse She Was Injured

CiosuKN N Y Dec 3 Wilmot P Thompon a wholesale feed merchant of this viiage recovered damages through a Sheriffs

today from Thotniw H Heck a wellodo dealer In automobiles In New York

Mr Beck rind his wife were touringin their auto lust summerandr-

iioiiiMonB daughter with her horuw andrap snot them on road It is allegedImt Beck disregarded her signal to

and at a terrific speedhat her horse becameiluiitfed wildly from the toad Tho youngvotmin wan lain pluckilyhp animal

Tire jury gave a verdict of 2000 forersonal and itlO for damages to

and outfit heck had no reprpKeutaI-VB in court


le Mtdo llcstltullon It Is Nald IniisurlAction Taken In Ills rasef-

ipfdal Cable Despatch lo Tuna SUN

LONDON Dec 3 Tho warrant for tirerrest of Louis Engelhorn of New Yorkn a charge of grand larceny has beenrlthdrawn Engolhorn was arrested atSouthampton on Now 21 on the arrivalhere of tho American Line steamshipt Louis on on extradition warrant

him with having appropriated to hisuse some money invested in a


This Is tho second case on record whoreinch action has been taken in Englandn an extradition case H is understoodhat Engolhorn paid back tho money He-

irobnbly will continue his voyage to Ocr

was arrested on complaint ofour men who had given J

which to stock in aof which Engolhorn was manager

alleged that lie tothem at which ho bought tim stockmid that he retalnid 3000 300 sharesif stock was indicted buthe complaint IIUH been withdrawn


list of Wife IJnip TmtlmnnyCommissioner In IrIs

Special Cable Urspatcb la TlIK SUN

PARIS Dec 3 Attorney Eisler theomrniHsioncr appointed by the Now Yorkourts to ascertain whether Charles Fair-r his wife lied first in the automobile

accident that both on a French highrny a year or resumed the taking-f testimony todayJules Taupln testified that he hclpud to

arry Mr Fairs body Into tire lodge afterho accident The body was rigidoily carried while that of the wife was

Imp requiring three to carry it

New Children Aid HomeThe Childrens Societys ew West

lido Home for President Hooseells father organiod and in which theresidents hito K

nn much Interested was formally openedtat night at 22 Wool Thirtyfifth street

Potter John D CrimmlnH lovelandI and William Cliuroh Osborne

boys in their hoiiBewarmlng






hal lator


for In It





bad gang of










charR-Ingown stole



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borough lest




lines run yesterday None


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his Ilef ore

Ii net a I ire J rr rues Urn ciu



HolidayHandkerchiefs t-

At The Linen Store rviOur Holiday assortment which is now ready includes

hundreds of different styles in Lace trimmed EmbroideredInitialed and Scalloped Edged goods as well as evory desirnhle

kind of Handkerchief for men women nml childrenmany years we have made a specialty of dealing in

pure Linen Handkerchiefs anti tho lines now displayed uro of

the same character style and attractiveness which havo justlyearned for this Department the designation of The Home of the

at 25c 50c 75c and 100 which

tho most popular aro unusually large this year and wo believe

that tho styles are such as to enable us to fully satisfy anyperson of good tasto while we know that tho values repre-

sented are the very best thut can be obtained at these pricesWe make up especially for gifts boxescontaining one

dozen Initial Handkerchiefs Mens 300 450 and 600Womens 800 400 and 600 a

We also have boxes of especially selected Ladies LaceTrimmed und Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 300 600 and900 per dozen



Hand kerchiefare am6nO




BARTONi Silversmiths


Sterling Silver rules supremefor Holiday Gifts We show-

a complete line of usefulAn early selection is




The substantial elegance of ourwork is no more dearly shownthan In the exquisite Dutch InlaidBedroom sat exhibited here

Cheval giasfall exhibit great skill In

A holiday pr nl

Sti WIUoin 40 Cit ltd Strt


McKeown Tells Uie Police of aa Attempt-to Get 8OOO

Joseph O MoKeown of 602 East 148th

street who used to be n policeman andwho now owns a lot of houses in Bronxand is building more reported Tromont police yesterday that he had been avictim of a savage assault on Wednesdayevening-

He says that he started from the MountMorris Bank with about 800 and that onhi Awny tie dropped in at his house at 2339

Lorillard place which ia rented to MrsWilliam Nelson

As ho was going into the hack yard hesays a man who had followed him In atrolley car struck him on the head with anaxo handle so forcibly that the weaponbroko He that ho foil unconsciousonly to wake while tho assailant was trying-to hi watch from his pocket

to pulledhis old revolver and the manaway lie pulled tire trigger and for thefirst the gunto ofT Mrs Nelson came toat that tlmo and that scared theThey later found tho 00 on the ground

feet from spotwlioro McKeown was knocked

SInKfHjwn went ncioss thehis son John J a sergeant Intho Alexander avHo didnt timid him in KO hi wont ahead andorganixrd a jwrty Tho thugwas trot found

Got OdellThe RepublIcan statesmen In Kings

county were Interested yontorclay therumor that Goy Odell was arranging topry into their affairs and shake up five orsix Assembly district lenders ChairmanJacob Brenner is going to Albany nextweek to woo Goy no onethat tho conference will result in any

change in the management ofthe Kings couny


Often Comrt Krobi tack of Rich Food

Napoleon paid thv t the best fed soldierswero soldiVrs for fear and ner-vousness come quietly when tho stomachis iot nourished fear is a suresign that tire body p not supplied withthe right food

A Connecticut lady says For manyyearn I have been n from Indiges-tion and heart trouble land in almost con-

stant fear of sudden delith the most acutesuffering possible Dieting brought onweakness emaciation mud nervous efc

und I was n complete wreckand almost n

I tried nmny foods bin could not avoidtho terrible nausea followed by vomitingthat came after eating un ll I tried GrapeNuts This food agreed with mynnd stomach from the itnrtnbout a year ago Steadily and surely a

no nymptoir of dyspepsiacan walk 10 rushes a day without being

pfitk t l r It n

nf medicine wince I began this lisa ofNuts nnd I lo k many yearsyounger than I really am 1

My poor old has madeover feel as hasbeen too Life is worth now and Iexpect lo it for to coorsif 1 can keep away Mid foods andhave Name by Pos

Co Battle Creek MichTheres a reasonLook In each package for a ofl

famous little Road to VVeU-vllle i-













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fatigued I a drop

boy bentIh inK





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IUfIIERSYajve-aums 15


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TiffanyBlue Book

904 Edition

The annual holiday issueof theTiffany Blue Book is nowready Upon request a copywill be sent to intending


The Tiffany Blue Book con-



ctures or cuts It is a com-pact little volume of about 450

alphabetical indexThis makes it a

veritable directory of con-venience to Christmaspers replete as it iscise descriotions and with range-of the stock ofSilverware Watches ClocksBronzes Porcelain Glass andother Artistic Merchandisesuitable for holiday gifts



Tear me out-I am good for 10 cents


Mn Wln low Soothlnc Syrup forftihlnz ROficiu the gum reduces InflnninnUon-lltys pain dlarrbira Uo olnlle

ENGAGEDOBninN PBTERS Formal announcfment

made of fnffnzcmrnt of Ml Inulo Ieicridaughter of the lalf I iuli 112 Bowrra-

t Jersey City Heights to Thomas hrivnciJ-

O llrlcn SSSJi Fourth st Jersey Oty N J


SO IMi3 In Mew York ti tire llev MartIn AlterLaura daughter of lIes and Mry

Albert to pfdclpbla i

DIEDBROWN At Iris resldrncc 45 West 0 h t n

Tuesday aftcrnonn ocr I ICdwairt M aDrown eldfst son of the late IMwardHron-

nFuncrl services at All Souls Cliurtn adison-

av Friday Heo iat 10A M-

EnsON On I 2 Cyrua 1dsan aged 40 yearFuneral from St Thomass Church KM strft


Rrlatlvr and frlemU art Invited tn attendLYO S Wednesday morning Uec Z Jann-

I suds eldest an dcntly beloved t

victiae F and the late Illpn A LyonsItiiallves iind friends rispiclfully invited ia

attend solemn requiem inau Nativity Cliur-ud av Leiween d sad kl ut PI-

ocloch Friday miirnlnj I rc I Interimlirrrnuooil Ctmeter-

MAIIONVSuddenly at his residence M W-

Itlth t James J Mnhony In hit with yr r

Funeral from the Church of thr liars SaunaM and Anutcrdum av Saturday hrs i-

USO Kindly umlt towers

McCLLLOUOHOn tree 3 Jennie McCiiUoush

widow of Hlchard McCullouznFuneral services at tier Intu resilience 337 W-

27th it tm Saturday at luutlurk AM Inurmerit nt Macliprlab-

XVIXTEKHOPrOM Of pniMitnnnln nn Moiiil1Nov 301903 Itachel A lirlnvrd wlf nt llnl-

amln V II andUllllam and France llazlcy

Funeral from her late home 191 Sprlns ston Tflifts Dec 4 at nilnrk flul inrnr tnChurch of thi llolj Cumintinlon Wth-

Itb 4 where services with be bcldat jOoVloc-

iInwrmtal NracU N V




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