.' T- v JV P , k Pitta iBr est j&jks Bmlletiii . N VOL. VII. NO. 990. HONOLULU, H. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. t THE DAILY BULLETINjWM. G. IRWIN & CO. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON RXCRPT SUNDAY BY Till Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd., AT Til OFFICE 326 k 328 Merchant 81., Honolulu, B. I. SUMSUIMPTIOK-B- tx Dollars a Yar. Delivered In Honolulu at Fifty Orntb a Mostii, In advance. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN -- is I'UDMsnn- D- B3VB3R.Y TTJBJSDA"Jr .VI I'ocb Dollars a Ykar to Domestic, nl Kivk Doli.irs to Foreign Subscribers. paab'o In advance. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING HUSK IN StlFKRIOR STtl.K. .WI-H- M HO 1 11 TKI.Kl'HU.NKH W SJO ' i'. 0. MOX HO. Tur. Dwi.r IIullktin Is printed and pub' IMied by tho Dally Mulletin l'ublltliliiK Company, Limited, at Its olllcc, Mor-I'lia- iit street, Honolulu. Hawaiian l. atids. Daniel editor, resides on Alakca street, Honolulu, aforesaid. Address letters for tho paper "Editor liui.i.KTiM," and business letters " Matmuer Dully llulletin I'libllshltiK Company." Using a personal address may cause dcloy i '" atu,non- - Buainosa Oarda. Z.EWERS & OOOKE, llcimilTKIt A KU DmLXRS IK i.UMIICH INtl ' ILL KI.NIM or llUILIIIKII MTKIIIAIJI. Fort Htrcct, Honolulu. U. HAOKFELD & CO., iikMMMk Commission Aoanrs, iofner Fori mid tjueen Streets, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, YlVrll'SKKK INIlllKSKnM, Itl'.INKti, A'IKNT. ' Miihiikona, Kohulii, Hnwnll. . WILLIAM F08TER, Ar(IIHSKT-4T-lA- ir .NI. NllTAMV I'l'HI.IC. i No. I!) ICaahumanu fit., Honolulu. ' TUOS. LINDSAY, iuntWtuuinu jrwKi.an m Watch, uakku. Kukul Jewelry a Particular tt,.tio o of repairs. , .Mulnerny lllock, Fort Street. J. J. WILLIAMS. PHOTOGRAPHER Tim Only CoIIrcIIod of Island Vlnws. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, HTIUM K.MIINKS, Ht'llAR Mll.U. MlllLKIK, ttooi.Kif. ImiN, lliuhh, a.no I, km. Oahtimin, Machinery of Kvery Dekcrlpilnii Made to Order. 1'urtiuiilar attention paid lo bhips' lllueksiiilthlnc. Job Work eiei'iiled ill Hhnri S'oiIi'm tt ss ILANIWAI. AFIIWT-OI.AS- S FAMILY MATH!.Mi at Walkikl. Trauuturs pass the k'Ub. ripuclal arriiiKeniunlH can be !'.ltt,!H. ,or. '''""''Iy I'icnlcs and Kveniim Ibithlni: 1'artloi. fts-t- f Cement Sidewalks &c Gra nite Curbing Laid. Intimates given on all kinds of rVrONK.OUNUUKTK ,t I'LASTKK WOMK t;jV A KI'CI'UI.TV -- 1 JOHN F. BOWLER CHR. GERTZ, iMrOUTKII AM. DRALKR IS Gent's, Ladles' and Children's Boots, Sboes :nJ Slippers . iVo. 103 P'oi't Sti-t3- t CHAS. GIRDLER. - lilllKI T IMI'DIITKR Of KNOI.IHH AND CONTINF.NTAI. 3Dry O-ood- s In li K'hhIiiiiiiniiii ilr""! For Local Ni'ws Fitly ii'(!Kuiiti'i Tuku tlu Hiillutin lOvtM'v time. iHilraiitecl) OFFEK KOK SALF. FERTILIZERS ILEX. CROSS A SONS Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures. We r also prepared to take, orders for Mo9Si'H, N. OHlnndt Ac Oo.'a Vertlllzei'a, lii'iirlni: prompt delivery BOILED LUCOL! t This - it superior I'alllt Oll.eotl- - miMillig IfM tllamellt than Linseed Oil, and kiviiik a nisiiiiK iiriiuancy to color. t'red with drie It Kives a splendid lloor surinee. Lime, Oement, ItKFINKDiWMAISH. HAI.MON. Fatrbank CannlnO Co. S Comod Bool rARArriNK taint cn.'n Compounds, Roofiug & Papers, Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering. Jarboes' Diamond, Enamol k Ever- lasting Paint F.spt'Clall) dejlcniil fur Viiruum rani. FIRE, LIFE and MARINE TWQTTPAWr,I? l0UnAlji. - Hartlord Firo Insurance Co., ln.i. t inn onn tn aoaoio, ai.iuj.oj.iy. ' London k IdncasblTO Firo Ins. Co., aMUII, S4 317 052 . ThnninR.iml . Mnrnnv Marino Inc fin v..u ........, (l.tmlu-d- ) i Assets, 56,124,057. New York Liio Ins. Co., Assots, 8137,499,198.99. C. 0. BERGER General Agent for Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU. Win. G. Irwin & Co. (I.I.M1TKD) Win. II. Irwin. rre.lileni niul Miiimcer rimik lipreckeU, .... iv. .M iiiiiaril, bei'teiar) mill rreaurnr rho .oner Ad.,o, Sugar Factors - AND - Commission Agents. - AOENTS OK TIIK Oceanic Steamship Company, OF HAN FltANl'lHCO, ("AL. C. BREWER & CO. tl.lMlTKD) General Mercantile Commission Ayeuts I'. (' June I'r.'.idi'Ul (I, II, Itiihcrttou. Milium, r K. F. IIUliop. . Hecnitiiry A I'liinunr W. F. Allen . Audlior II. M. Cooke .... .1 II. Wiilitlholliu .. f llllei'tiir C. L. C'urlur JJSX ARRIVED I'F.lt IIAIIK "l I). MMYANT." I h. hN B ABY CARRIAGES or all styles; Carpets, Rugs and Mats In the Patterns, " HOUSEHOLD M Sewing Machines, BAND SEWING MACHINES, AP with III'' Improvement. ILM) ON HAND WESTER.MAYEirS Celebrated Collage Pianos Pallor Organs, Guitars, - M iilllK.l- t- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. - koi: saw: - ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., KIiik Street, opiMi. Catlo A' Cooke. III MOTH TIII.KI'HOXKd Ill III'STACE&CO.' COAL All klndi In any qunullty-fro- m a I '.'iK to n ton. CHARCOAL oxw lm to niiy itinutllty. ... ,..,,, , . ,i , u . ., .. ' Kin- - nii'i .ihmu or npm, from a hair lo any uuiiutllv: aUo I ' WHITE & BLACK SA N 1) u... ,, national IRON WORKS tTT TTITTyr QmnTntnm Bctwc-- u Alakea and RJcliarda Streets. Tin: uniii:iiki(inkii aiie imik. j. ,inri.(1 to lllllkl, n k(,H ()f ,r(( ' '""'-"'"- '. '' mi'i i'i fust- - UlliJ,,, ftliVi;' si'lliiT'rlr'Siifu: ;u,u'.r ".l.'.,''Nl "h"1 MUN.ftc. Maehlnes (r t of I'olle... Ciit,.r Oil. Mean-- . Iliniile, KUal, I'iiieiipplu leaves and 'll'r. Fibrous i'lants and 1'mikt Sl.wk. AImi .Miii'hliii's for Hiareli from tlie .Manioc, Arrow Itoot, etc fla?" .II orders promptly attended In U7IIITP DTrnMAlT e. nn AiTL iz!!l "Sans Souci" Hotel Seaside hVZU.1' tr Resort Waikiki. : : : : Honolulu. I !... r i?. iyt.1. lnmiimtilrtht 'licit tliiiiijt hi liiitlij tcmeru, iiilit, jnr' ,,,, cciu liii uitUr, ijwitl j'ikhI mill lirmriihi iiiwtli loiiui nut lifmr hi c;icn rurfl frrimnj uicr the I'uri-- ' iiml IJirilUliint Iiiiin IliiViniiii', reditu- - f him ciniliiillii In Hi! "tiiHA Sihci." li'MUir i.ncis .s7,:i:a.n,o.v ,' A' S,Ml30J' : Manager. BE AVER SALOON, The Best Lunch in Town. m Tea. a,nci OofTee AT ALL IIOI'HS THE KIN EST IlltAN'US OK Cig-ar- s and Tobacco ALWAYS ON IIAMi :. J. NOLTE, jPropi. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO., v S! KING ST 'VU-- vij: m jZZJjiy Wholesale and Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. Q. J. Wullor, Mnimgor 0ceailic Steamship Co. Australian Mail Service, For San Francisco: The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "MONOWAI" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will Iin.tl1a.lt Ifnnnlnli. fprttw Ht'ilnn.i n.t.l A ....I.. ' land on or about April, 5th, And will leave for tint above port till. Malls and Passenger's" ou or about that date. For Sydnoy and Auckland : The Sew and Finn Al Steel Steamship "MARIPOSA" Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will he due at Honolulu from Ban Frniii'lsco. cm or about April 12th, And trill have prompt destiati'h with Mails ami PusfiigePt for the above furls The undersigned are now prepared to Issue THROUGH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN THE UNITED STATES. IW For further particulars reKanlltii - relght or 1'ussage apply to WM. 0. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., !'" Genera Agenti. OCfiaDJC SteamsWp CO. fe.; TimeJTabls. LOCAL LINE. S. S. AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu Uavc Honolulu from H. F. for K. F. April .21.. . April SJ May III. . . . .. .May '.il June 111 .. June 1 THROUGH LINE. From San FrnneNco From Hydtiey for for Sydney. Ban Francisco. itrrie Honolulu. I.rmi Itimtihiln. J!1Ai?.,,.,1l.,?.V';,r' ': "'N'AI, Apr. . , ..'.:;::.'."' :'"' ij a.i..ijii-.ii.- , .Maya AI.AMKDA, June 7 MAItll'OSA.Mavll MAIJIl'OHA, July MONOM A I, June MONOWAI. Am.'. AI.AMi:DA,July.ii MnjsS MAMII'O-IA.Au- v jlo.Miiv.M.Hept.JO MONOWAI Oct. as AI.AMKDA j nottoe i The PASSENGER department OK TUT OCBailiC SteaillShip GO. IN SAN FHANCIsH'O. Has Imcii llemiived from I'.'T Market btri'et to UJS Mo.NTtJO.MKHY STHKKT, (I'NIIKHOri lllK.NTll llllin.l I aTia" Ptv.iit tli .4 I, it. i .ill I.... lions purlaluiiiK the ti.in Frani'Leo la- - IIiiIir'- - ilioiil.l li Mint to the new Oillec, l.'h MontKoiiiery atreet. WM. G. IRWIU CO., L'D, Oiuieriil AkciiIs, Oceanic i'immhlp To. ui llomilulii, iii im II. LOSK, NoUry Public, Collector and Qenetal Business Agents. Mib-ape- for Sevn-- al of the lli- -l I'llti: I.NHI'ltANt'i; COMIMNILS. Patentee oi Lose'a Chemical Compound lor Clarifying (Jauo Juice. Mutual Ti'lephunti s. '. o. Mux :j.',s. Murcliiiut Klri'i-i- , Hoi "lulu. Dli. (J. W. MOOlilC, I ion Van 'u Ave, S. F., i'al. Elogant Apartmeuls for PaliuntB. KI.Kl'lllll'ITV I.N NKIIVIIM iHKhKn, Dr. Moore ullcru luv.illiU all ili, I'omlortHof honie, wlili iinuint and run'. fill treatment Mider lo II. li. .Mmfiirliiuu. 'Mi If K- - A- - JA'OHson, W.TCI.M.Mii:i: AN'I .Il'.WKI.KK .'10:1 Fort Mint, lliiiiiilulu, II. I. I'. O. Mux '.'ST. Mutual Tele. lo. H. HATAOKA, Japanese Carpenter and Cabinet Maker. Nn. ' Mini i im hnu 1. All Mild-o- f I'aiilmi Mukliiu niul lluilil- - iiiK iiud l!i!iiiriiin i..i..' ill ilrt.ela iimii-hi- t and at ei'oniiiiiii al ratei. tl'.l Im INTEK-ISIiAN- U l'lLOTAOE. WILLI M DAVIUS roi: CiAI'l pa-- l i i Ive j en r In I'liiiiiiiiiiid of inn -- ,. iiiii-- i -- . iilliir III" MTvlt'e a I lli.l l" mi) I'.ri ut liiii.liiu: in tin llauil Hill Mi.'l of lefeieiieu. In.iiiri- at iiiliii- - ol .1. m, Walker, over hpri-1'i.i'l- Hank I '"i i tri'i'i, tii7 if FOll SALE i M Mill. II OF HtYI'or., W li'LII J 1'ifl.- - IT'. ii Uiiiiel Ml (jhIIoii. enelil, I "till Ibii It, In .piuiil ii lo milt, ilnllviri.. mil iiille from tin I'.ul Ulllci' lit T.i i i.lil ' t hud A..l) lo I'. W. MAWI.INH, Willi. I iifiii'.i to I' o itutt. V'hi LP"t r' I., Canadian-Australis- n -- - IN OONMHOTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. THE FAMOUS TOURIST Ticket j per tfK Second C. P. K. are W Class F STEAMSHIP SERVICE MONTHLY. THROUGH TICKETS Usuod from Honolulu lo CANADA, UNITED STATES and EUROPE, also to FIJI md SYDNEY. For Fiji and Sydney: s TEAM Hits s.vil. in. KAfll MoMII. Freight and Passenger AgouU: II. McNICOI.I.. Montreal, Cnnnd,.. M?"u"TkiKII11.m XWmVm" Pacific Hall S.S. Co. -- AND rilK- - Occidental and Qiieotal S. S. Go. rr Yokohama ana BONaMN0 Hleamers of the above Companies Hill call at Honolulu on their way lo the abovu ixiris on or aooui me loiiowiuj; iiaies; Ktmr "t'HINA" .. April HI, l"'M Htnir"(IAi:i.ll'" Jiiiiv .i. I'l Mmr"lll-.I.UIt- Jul , 1111 Miur'THINA" .1, l'i Miur"ori:AMr" ..Oc'lolxT .', Imi Stinr"flllNA". NuveiulHir I.', I"il ,.Di I'liiU-- r II, l'M Slinr'M-lliNA- .liiinlary '.'I, L'.n Mmr'MU'l'.AN'H " I I'briinrj pi, l'iii lmr "l IIIXa" pril .'. i'i For SAN FRANCISCO. Meamer. of the above fompa.ue, will tall at Honolulu m llieir way Irnm llonh-- kunc ntul Yokohama to the iiUivh isirt on or aUit the folbmlii,: dale- - Ktmr 'tiAKI.I- i- Mav n. Ivii Mini "I'll V OF Itlo DC JAN r.IKO" . Julv lo, l.i Htii.r-lti:i.ll- l(" Aiikum -- M, IVU Miur- -i ll'Y o- - I'KKINU" . bi'tom-- l It, I'! - Nov.'inb. r in, l:i Minr'TIIINA" .U. I:il Hliir"ii.KI,-- libriuir lis. l, Minr "PKl.t'" Manfi .".i. !! Mliir li.i:i,-- .. .April , !') RaTKS of PASSAGE AHE AS FOLLOWS: TO YOKO- HAMA ro ihimi- - anMt, l.'ablu l.iO IW -a ... t.'abln, round trip I montlis Ji'i On Cabin, round trip l'.1 muutliN Xti t Mil Kuri)an Htet'rae v'l LSI km ij r rnneiiKers payliiu full fare nlll t allow iil 10 oil rvturn far.- - If reiurti. III): within twelve months For Freluhl and I'iiimh;i' appl) to H. HACKFELD & CO., Ji7tf Agonts. FOR ONE MONTH ONLY CLEARANCE ' SALE OF FURNITURE V1NG FAT & CO.. I'lirni'i uf KIiik and Mt'lliel in -, Oiler ii lirhe A irliiieut of I'll,.- in.l "UliMillitlal FU"L3STITXJR.E ! At I.OWLH I'ltH'KS thiiii hv.'i. It.'... a.l, lliiifiiti-- . Talili., Meat h.ifi, War.iinbei, '. e , Kti I'huiipei tluin 'hi' I hi'apet ever ulb-rc- In HiiiioIiiIii ll2 .'m VINO I'AI .1 i o. Mokuleia Stock Farm, Waiaiua, Jfc H. I. SENATOR STANFORD WILL I'OSLII I'l'.N MAUI-.!- A I $30 33A.OH:. "Sonny Boy" Service, S20. i PINS IIOHM FOB SALR ! TUOS. W. (i.W, '117 .'in t st Miiiiai.'i r. SHEU LUN, . Hn Ml' NI' M S.-- i .iiui Men haul - liai.i. Merchant Tailor Nt;U Goods and Latest Styles ' I'KUKKIT KIT til'AIIANTKKI) IWf I illiiiiier aililltiinnil ull- - will reerlto a le lilellnu ol (.'iiiiid ore - ' duciluii on p4lllt. oJl-di- u Steamship Line ROUTE OF THE WORLD $10 First iAn,it,nnii o iiA class iuauu.o,Lnie - - For Victoria and VailCOUVOr B. C: STK MKIt8 S.Ml. Mm i .n ii. Jult I, July 31. ' tw- - Tor n. k.i .md i.ii..-n- luiornni- - """ a,''',y "' THEO. H. DA VIES & CO., WildaTs SteamsUp Go. .Xt-- , r" fw TIME TABLE. W. C. Wll.l'KH, I'tCS. S. II. Kick. n', Cut J. A. Kim.. I'uri Supt. Stinr. KINAU, I'LAltKE, Cummauiler. Win La Mon.iMiiii.il . .. i... i.i. m ij .Mimena the thev "rr,v",K tho tho lowest deals. .V'"."'- - April lo "'U ipnlai , 'm !" .' lucvVay '.".' .' '" ' ' ''dai . ....'.' j ,',,. I luedu Juiiu iu Kill; .. . '.'"."' -- ' l'ridit, i.J ,',' .J ." Iu "i:i) Jiii. .'i I'll. la . Auk. ' i iicvia i IL Ia '! stpt! "i Fridiij .epi. It I'llU-llll- V i' f rldit) .. "; Ivt! lo i nun) . t! i"o 1'iiomI ov. ii 1 ridii) . ...NuV. n. lueia Niiv. T Dee. T . IJ lit rill in: leavea Hllo. loinhiiit nt l.mi I'l'beeh.K' caiiie .;i) , Kuttitiliuf .. m.; Mil Imumia N. ,., .Wukvlta I l M.; Miuiiaeu '''.l? "..'Xi'l.'i uM.m - ""' 'V,l.,01tt," ' "",''" " i. s, m. We.lne.- - dn)h niul AltUIN K. A I Ilii.Siil.ri.U ..il ill ilit l iiliu'-il.- i) pril is b.iiurila,v . W- .lii"-'l- a .Mil) 1' . Li!ut'dii ."at unlay. W villi, jiini'.to fln.'.a) .Jui) li n.i uniii) Jul) .'1 ".it.ird.i) A nl;. II epi. I " .il iiu.i) lll'.IIU'Ml.l) 'out! "ii .Ida) oei. i;; Wi dini.ilai .net. '.'I Nov. It ;.- - Nov. li Nov. J I We I in- - .1,11 i ,.... naturiiii) Die. I l i .ln.-.'l- in,. I0T No Friichl will In- after IJ mi .tin of .lUliim. Stmr. CAMHItON. Couiuiauilur, net iriiuii' airiNHHi ever) Mlliday F No hreihl mil lie rmvivni aller I I'. M. on tin) of Milling. WaliiKtlikila a I. in Mm..,. V,.ll..v iifreh) t.. u I'm irnm uiu r.iutii, oini'rwiM' inn be inp.i, fiiutid on On iMilioui i.u. li p.riiiUi.,n. J at On l.in oitiee, Supreme .'our' ii!".1;i-,i.- . i...... - i HI 1. . v j ,); .'V iii.i.H.i lin.ni iiuard inn,, are n c:tt:;: uii.i.ih. .iii.-r.M- - ) u I... i iiiniiiir in.l pi.l lor .,,..., ,,.,,,,,1,. ol the Hoard, W ii,Hriior, V'Ar Hut(rllu,CU vtnti nmifi. AMERICAN WHIST CODE. Lnwi of tho Game as Now Revised Information to Student. 'Han Frnnclcfo Chronicle ! What is American Properly it is tho game played by anil accordiug t the code laws fonniilatcd and adopted In tbo Am- erican Whist League. Tho many admitted defects m tho Portland r; :":.:.."". r"i.". "".. L..rr: rZ, 'a," VoV X - -- - "' -, n led to tho institution tho Ameri can Whist League. Tho league is now composed of nearly 100 clubs, scatturod all over tho United States from the Atlantic to tho .Thocommittoo anpointj.d to re- - i.l' iiiv itiiti.tijd v iiiij uimt? iu null. the )ireent duiiiandfl of the Kanm coniited of auch men as X. 11. Henry .lone (C'ateudish), (.'. M. raine, . Harney, is. u. 1'. Ham- - on mid other, ami tho result of their work speaks for itself. ive a as at this time theru "" to bo a domand for ft. TI,E "":- - A nme consists of .,.,! points, 1 he initio the yamu is dulermiii- - (l ,,.(iHCjujf t lit loors' score from eieu. tOHMIMi Till. TUIU:. '2. Tho.o lirt in tho room have the preference. If, by reason of two or mom at tho samo time, more than four aseml)le, the prefer ence the last comers is deter- mined liy cutting, a lower cut giving the preference over all cutting high- er. A complete table consist of mi; the four having tho preference piny. Partners are determined by cutting; tho highest two play the two; the deals and has tho seats and cards. .'I If two players cut intermediate cards of ctial value they cut again; the lower of the now cut with theorigiual lowest. fourth has cut the lowest card, he deal", and tho highest two of the , cut tiro partuors. U- - At the end or a game, if there are mure than four belonging the taiile, a sulllcieul of tho I.iiliuma, .Maai.ua 11. uinl I. If three players cut cards of .iiiue liny . Aiiiinikoiia, Mittiuime i.n.l ,.,pial value, out again. If the llll;!;(T;l,d,l;i',mt,,,' '"' nt fourth Imncut highct card, tiio tho now cut aro part-u:.K- h llwNin.u.r. ,.rM niul the lowest If the Aillv " I'lieMiuy ii'lT I'ui'il.l) lurvia) oi iy lild.i: Pic. Is in ""iiolulii eitiuriliiMi. baltliilii) .ltta -- da) Ju.'!e.V A.iiurii.i) W'.lln-.l- .l) Aiih'!'.".' I'lllH'Vl.l) n.il uiHiti CLAUDINE, wilt llntiiiiiiii, iiinruiliK. pr.i..viit...i iioYD, .v.ii in ::.!;:;'Tr.;:.i!;;;;;?n;'.;,:',,v,';; uli.i. I'l'MMiMls. lloiiolulii. whist? peaking as Pacific Triut, portion, arriving among against lowest lowest choice plays new uuinttor plaverh retire to admit those await- - intr their turn to ulav. In deter- - I' ... - . milling iililcli plavurs remain in, those who liuio played a less iiiiin- - 'M'r ofNl',",,,'l'"iv,, games hnrii the preference over all who have played a greater number; between two or more who have played an equal I "Ui'iber, the preferetico is determiu- - ed by culling, a lower cut giving the preference over all cutting higher. i). lo entitle olio to outer a table he iiiiit declare his intention to do so atij one of the players hits cut for the purpose of commencing a ueu game or of cutting out. ITTIMI. 7. In culling the ace is the low-i- 't card. All must cut from the same pack. If a player exposes inure I linn one cant must cut ' ""'" Drawing cards from the out-.ipi- n spread pack may be reortod to place of cutting. sun, LINO. N ,k'f0rL' ,,VOr' d,,al '"" Cari1'1 uiiirt bo nhullled. Wlieii tiiopacks used the dealer's partner must ,.ect and shullle the cards for tho "nuiug deal and place them at his right hand. In all cjie the dealer mav shullle last. ' '" A 1""'U ,,""t "ol Im "1'idllod ' dining the play a hand, nor so as i to eipoae t lit face oi any card. CL'TIIM TO TIIK llhALEII. 111. '1 he dealer tuut preseut the .... .. ,'i pncK in ins rigiit-iiai- anversary to lie cut; the adierarv must take portion from t lit tup of the pack and place a toward the dealer; at least four cards must be loft in each packet; the dealer must reunite this packet hy placing the one not re- moved in cutting upon the other. II. If, in cutting or in reuniting the separate packets, a card is ox- - w i',i, i im ,ui-- muni im ll'nilllllll.ll the dealer and cut again; if there is any confusion of the card, or doubt as to the olnco where the nack ua" siipauited, there must be a new ciii. I 'J. If the dealer rohiillles the pack after it has been prorly cut lie Iiim'. his deal. . Uij If any card except the is inceil III the pack ,("J if """.'h ,irl,II1, .1.,, Hiiai or .I,,.:,,,. i(lo play the hand, tho pack is 'proved incorrect or imperfect; but v Prior score made with that pack shall stand. ''' ".'biriug the deal, a card is I epiMil, the side not fault may demand new deal, pruvided neither of that side has touched n card. If ! .u take u, eiiiiMi'ii card is not liable to be called. , ,. AV ,,.nUi. , f tr t)r ,.,.i. . ...i. ,.. .v ... .,. . "'" ,,ln 'o"rnrie pacn may ihj l'iml;iiee must lie al Hie liiiiiliiif In . nieivi their 1 an e unl tun hold .. otiraciii.. n,HiiiMiiii iiiiei mu'Ii iriiKht '" hen the pack has lieeu pru-lia- i. been lun.i.-- ,M.r cut niul reunited the dealer While on- (oiiipaux mil ,,,, u,,,. ,iu,. .' distribute tho cards, one at a miu-- i in ti.vu.t tiiiK i.i Cc Miik, wi tune, to each player in regular rota- - toaiiiiit .ui) men i i1( turn, beginning at In. left. The lat, ,,'"'' "' u l.ich is the trump card must bo I In Couipaui will nut lie r'9piiiiitiie for turned up before tin) dealer. Al the Mo i if) or .len.fr) iiule.i. in the ear.- - ind of the hand, or 11 hell the ileal is "' ' "rM'r', lol, the deal passes lo the player ' N"1 l" l''o dealer on his left, and so WAIAKhAKUA NOTICE. , ,,,, j,, tlnl There must bea neii deal by V l'Alflli:s iilMKiM. luiioid ,. i. an- - nbia.u iiiiui i ai.I lur if iriuiii.i.. .h. ll. i llitllil- - it ffOTlUF I.i. 1. i. , a nt)- - in t ui in-1- , ii, ix ir.im iiai an. I iu. I, I.. I in., Il lliioiiliilii lliunl II. "ll iltkid Miify of ' .- of 11. ilt i of ,. of to jni. of j before I ho in are of a bi last of ilt a ? ..i i.. .la.-.-- . I.I. (G'onffntctt mi li iyr.) 3

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, k Pitta iBr est j&jks Bmlletiii.







Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd.,


326 k 328 Merchant 81., Honolulu, B. I.

SUMSUIMPTIOK-B- tx Dollars a Yar.Delivered In Honolulu at Fifty Orntb aMostii, In advance.


-- is I'UDMsnn- D-

B3VB3R.Y TTJBJSDA"Jr.VI I'ocb Dollars a Ykar to Domestic,nl Kivk Doli.irs to Foreign Subscribers.

paab'o In advance.


.WI-H- M HO 1 11 TKI.Kl'HU.NKH W SJO '

i'. 0. MOX HO.

Tur. Dwi.r IIullktin Is printed and pub'IMied by tho Dally Mulletin l'ublltliliiKCompany, Limited, at Its olllcc, Mor-I'lia- iit

street, Honolulu. Hawaiian l.atids. Daniel editor, resides onAlakca street, Honolulu, aforesaid.

Address letters for tho paper "Editorliui.i.KTiM," and business letters " MatmuerDully llulletin I'libllshltiK Company."Using a personal address may cause dcloy i

'" atu,non- -

Buainosa Oarda.




Fort Htrcct, Honolulu.


iikMMMk Commission Aoanrs,

iofner Fori mid tjueen Streets, Honolulu.


YlVrll'SKKK INIlllKSKnM, Itl'.INKti, A'IKNT. '

Miihiikona, Kohulii, Hnwnll..WILLIAM F08TER,

Ar(IIHSKT-4T-lA- ir .NI. NllTAMV I'l'HI.IC.i

No. I!) ICaahumanu fit., Honolulu. '


iuntWtuuinu jrwKi.an m Watch,uakku.

Kukul Jewelry a Particulartt,.tio o of repairs. ,

.Mulnerny lllock, Fort Street.


PHOTOGRAPHERTim Only CoIIrcIIod of Island Vlnws.


HTIUM K.MIINKS, Ht'llAR Mll.U. MlllLKIK,ttooi.Kif. ImiN, lliuhh, a.no I, km.


Machinery of Kvery Dekcrlpilnii Made toOrder. 1'urtiuiilar attention paid lo bhips'lllueksiiilthlnc. Job Work eiei'iiled illHhnri S'oiIi'm


AFIIWT-OI.AS- S FAMILY MATH!.Miat Walkikl. Trauuturs pass

the k'Ub. ripuclal arriiiKeniunlH can be!'.ltt,!H. ,or. '''""''Iy I'icnlcs and KveniimIbithlni: 1'artloi. fts-t- f

Cement Sidewalks &c Granite Curbing Laid.Intimates given on all kinds of




Gent's, Ladles' and Children's Boots, Sboes

:nJ Slippers

. iVo. 103 P'oi't Sti-t3- t



3Dry O-ood-s

In li K'hhIiiiiiiniiii ilr""!

For Local Ni'wsFitly ii'(!Kuiiti'i

Tuku tluHiillutin

lOvtM'v time.




Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

We r also prepared to take, orders for

Mo9Si'H, N. OHlnndt Ac Oo.'aVertlllzei'a,

lii'iirlni: prompt delivery

BOILED LUCOL!t This - it superior I'alllt Oll.eotl- -

miMillig IfM tllamellt than Linseed Oil, andkiviiik a nisiiiiK iiriiuancy to color.t'red with drie It Kives a splendid lloorsurinee.



Fatrbank CannlnO Co. S Comod Bool

rARArriNK taint cn.'n

Compounds, Roofiug & Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering.

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamol k Ever-

lasting Paint

F.spt'Clall) dejlcniil fur Viiruum rani.


LIFE and



Hartlord Firo Insurance Co.,

ln.i. t inn onn tnaoaoio, ai.iuj.oj.iy.'

London k IdncasblTO Firo Ins. Co.,

aMUII, S4 317 052 .

ThnninR.iml. Mnrnnv Marino Inc finv..u ........,(l.tmlu-d- ) i

Assets, 56,124,057.

New York Liio Ins. Co.,Assots, 8137,499,198.99.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.HONOLULU.

Win. G. Irwin & Co.(I.I.M1TKD)

Win. II. Irwin. rre.lileni niul Miiimcerrimik lipreckeU, ....iv. .M iiiiiaril, bei'teiar) mill rreaurnrrho .oner Ad.,o,

Sugar Factors- AND -

Commission Agents.


Oceanic Steamship Company,




General Mercantile

Commission Ayeuts

I'. (' June I'r.'.idi'Ul(I, II, Itiihcrttou. Milium, rK. F. IIUliop. . Hecnitiiry A I'liinunrW. F. Allen . AudliorII. M. Cooke .... .1II. Wiilitlholliu .. f llllei'tiirC. L. C'urlur




B ABY CARRIAGESor all styles;

Carpets, Rugs and MatsIn the Patterns,



AP with III'' Improvement.



Celebrated Collage Pianos

Pallor Organs, Guitars,

- M iilllK.l- t-


KIiik Street, opiMi. Catlo A' Cooke.



COALAll klndi In any qunullty-fro- m a

I '.'iK to n ton.

CHARCOALoxw lm to niiy itinutllty.

...,..,,, , . ,i , u . ., .. 'Kin- - nii'i .ihmu or npm,from a hair lo any uuiiutllv: aUo



WHITE & BLACK SA N 1)u... ,,

nationalIRON WORKS

tTT TTITTyr QmnTntnmBctwc-- u Alakea and RJcliarda Streets.

Tin: uniii:iiki(inkii aiie imik.j. ,inri.(1 to lllllkl, n k(,H ()f ,r((' '""'-"'"- '. ' ' mi'i i'i fust- -

UlliJ,,, ftliVi;' si'lliiT'rlr'Siifu:;u,u'.r ".l.'.,''Nl "h"1 MUN.ftc. Maehlnes(r t of I'olle... Ciit,.r Oil.Mean-- . Iliniile, KUal, I'iiieiipplu leaves and'll'r.Fibrous i'lants and 1'mikt Sl.wk.AImi .Miii'hliii's for Hiareli fromtlie .Manioc, Arrow Itoot, etc

fla?" .II orders promptly attended In

U7IIITP DTrnMAlT e. nnAiTL iz!!l

"Sans Souci" Hotel

SeasidehVZU.1'tr Resort

Waikiki. : : : : Honolulu.I !... r i?. iyt.1.

lnmiimtilrtht 'licit tliiiiijthi liiitlij tcmeru, iiilit, jnr' ,,,, cciu liiiuitUr, ijwitl j'ikhI mill lirmriihi iiiwtli loiiuinut lifmr hi c;icn rurfl frrimnj uicr the I'uri-- 'iiml IJirilUliint Iiiiin IliiViniiii', reditu- -

f him ciniliiillii In Hi! "tiiHA Sihci."li'MUir i.ncis .s7,:i:a.n,o.v

,' A' S,Ml30J' : Manager.


The Best Lunch in Town.

mTea. a,nci OofTee



Cig-ar-s and TobaccoALWAYS ON IIAMi

:. J. NOLTE, jPropi.



'VU--vij: mjZZJjiy

Wholesale and Retail Butchers



Q. J. Wullor, Mnimgor

0ceailic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service,

For San Francisco:The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"MONOWAI"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willIin.tl1a.lt Ifnnnlnli. fprttw Ht'ilnn.i n.t.l A ....I.. '

land on or about

April, 5th,And will leave for tint above port till.Malls and Passenger's" ou or about that date.

For Sydnoy and Auckland :

The Sew and Finn Al Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willhe due at Honolulu from Ban Frniii'lsco.cm or about

April 12th,And trill have prompt destiati'h withMails ami PusfiigePt for the above furls

The undersigned are now prepared to Issue



IW For further particulars reKanlltii- relght or 1'ussage apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,

!'" Genera Agenti.

OCfiaDJC SteamsWp CO.




Arrive Honolulu Uavc Honolulufrom H. F. for K. F.April .21.. . April SJMay III. . . . .. .May '.ilJune 111 .. June 1

THROUGH LINE.From San FrnneNco From Hydtiey for

for Sydney. Ban Francisco.

itrrie Honolulu. I.rmi Itimtihiln.

J!1Ai?.,,.,1l.,?.V';,r' ': "'N'AI, Apr. . ,

..'.:;::.'."' :'"' ij a.i..ijii-.ii.- , .MayaAI.AMKDA, June 7 MAItll'OSA.MavllMAIJIl'OHA, July MONOM A I, JuneMONOWAI. Am.'. AI.AMi:DA,July.iiMnjsS MAMII'O-IA.Au- v

jlo.Miiv.M.Hept.JOMONOWAI Oct. as AI.AMKDA j

nottoe i

The PASSENGER departmentOK TUT

OCBailiC SteaillShip GO.IN SAN FHANCIsH'O.

Has Imcii llemiived from I'.'T Marketbtri'et to


aTia" Ptv.iit tli .4 I,it. i .ill I....lions purlaluiiiK the ti.in Frani'Leo la- -

IIiiIir'- - ilioiil.l li Mint to the newOillec, l.'h MontKoiiiery atreet.


Oiuieriil AkciiIs, Oceanic i'immhlp To. uillomilulii, iii im


NoUry Public, Collector and QenetalBusiness Agents.

Mib-ape- for Sevn-- al of the lli- -l I'llti:I.NHI'ltANt'i; COMIMNILS.

Patentee oi Lose'a Chemical Compound lorClarifying (Jauo Juice.

Mutual Ti'lephunti s. '. o. Mux :j.',s.Murcliiiut Klri'i-i- , Hoi "lulu.

Dli. (J. W. MOOlilC,I ion Van 'u Ave, S. F., i'al.

Elogant Apartmeuls for PaliuntB.KI.Kl'lllll'ITV I.N NKIIVIIM iHKhKn,

Dr. Moore ullcru luv.illiU all ili,I'omlortHof honie, wlili iinuint and run'.fill treatment Mider lo II. li. .Mmfiirliiuu.

'Mi If

K- - A- - JA'OHson,

W.TCI.M.Mii:i: AN'I .Il'.WKI.KK

.'10:1 Fort Mint, lliiiiiilulu, II. I.I'. O. Mux '.'ST. Mutual Tele. lo.


Japanese Carpenter and Cabinet Maker.

Nn. ' Mini i im hnu 1.

All Mild-o- f I'aiilmi Mukliiu niul lluilil- -

iiiK iiud l!i!iiiriiin i..i..' ill ilrt.ela iimii-hi- t

and at ei'oniiiiiii al ratei. tl'.l Im


WILLI M DAVIUS roi:CiAI'l pa-- l i i Ive j en r In I'liiiiiiiiiiid ofinn -- ,. iiiii-- i --

. iilliir III" MTvlt'e aI lli.l l" mi) I'.ri ut liiii.liiu: in tinllauil Hill Mi.'l of lefeieiieu.In.iiiri- at iiiliii- - ol .1. m, Walker, overhpri-1'i.i'l- Hank I '"i i tri'i'i, tii7 if


i M Mill. II OF HtYI'or., W li'LIIJ 1'ifl.- - IT'. ii Uiiiiel Ml (jhIIoii. enelil,

I "till Ibii It, In .piuiil ii lo milt, ilnllviri..mil iiille from tin I'.ul Ulllci' lit T.i i i.lil

' t hud A..l) loI'. W. MAWI.INH,

Willi.I iifiii'.i to I' o itutt. V'hi

LP"t r'


Canadian-Australis- n



Ticket j per tfK SecondC. P. K. are W Class F



For Fiji and Sydney:

s TEAM Hits s.vil. in. KAfll MoMII.

Freight and Passenger AgouU:II. McNICOI.I.. Montreal, Cnnnd,..M?"u"TkiKII11.m XWmVm"

Pacific Hall S.S. Co.-- AND rilK- -

Occidental and Qiieotal S. S. Go.

rr Yokohama ana BONaMN0Hleamers of the above Companies Hill

call at Honolulu on their way lo the abovuixiris on or aooui me loiiowiuj; iiaies;

Ktmr "t'HINA" .. April HI, l"'MHtnir"(IAi:i.ll'" Jiiiiv .i. I'lMmr"lll-.I.UIt- Jul , 1111Miur'THINA" .1, l'iMiur"ori:AMr" ..Oc'lolxT .', ImiStinr"flllNA". NuveiulHir I.', I"il

,.Di I'liiU-- r II, l'MSlinr'M-lliNA- .liiinlary '.'I, L'.nMmr'MU'l'.AN'H " I I'briinrj pi, l'iii

lmr "l IIIXa" pril .'. i'iFor SAN FRANCISCO.

Meamer. of the above fompa.ue, willtall at Honolulu m llieir way Irnm llonh--kunc ntul Yokohama to the iiUivh isirt onor aUit the folbmlii,: dale- -

Ktmr 'tiAKI.I- i- Mav n. IviiMini "I'll V OF Itlo DC JAN r.IKO"

. Julv lo, l.iHtii.r-lti:i.ll- l(" Aiikum --M, IVUMiur- -i ll'Y o- - I'KKINU" .

bi'tom-- l It, I'!- Nov.'inb. r in, l:iMinr'TIIINA" .U. I:ilHliir"ii.KI,-- libriuir lis. l,

Minr "PKl.t'" Manfi .".i. !!Mliir li.i:i,-- .. .April , !')



ro ihimi- -anMt,

l.'ablu l.iO IW -a ...t.'abln, round trip I

montlis Ji'i OnCabin, round trip l'.1

muutliN Xti t MilKuri)an Htet'rae v'l LSI km ij

r rnneiiKers payliiu full fare nlll tallow iil 10 oil rvturn far.- - If reiurti.III): within twelve months

For Freluhl and I'iiimh;i' appl) to


Ji7tf Agonts.



V1NG FAT & CO..I'lirni'i uf KIiik and Mt'lliel in -,

Oiler ii lirhe A irliiieut of I'll,.- in.l"UliMillitlal


At I.OWLH I'ltH'KS thiiii hv.'i.

It.'... a.l, lliiifiiti-- . Talili.,Meat h.ifi, War.iinbei, '. e , Kti

I'huiipei tluin 'hi' I hi'apet everulb-rc- In HiiiioIiiIii

ll2 .'m VINO I'AI .1 i o.

Mokuleia Stock Farm,

Waiaiua, Jfc H. I.


$30 33A.OH:.

"Sonny Boy" Service, S20.


TUOS. W. (i.W,'117 .'in t st Miiiiai.'i r.


Hn Ml' NI' MS.-- i .iiui Men haul - liai.i.

Merchant TailorNt;U Goods and Latest Styles '


IWf I illiiiiier aililltiinnil ull- -

will reerlto a le lilellnu ol (.'iiiiid ore-' duciluii on p4lllt. oJl-di- u

Steamship Line


$10 First iAn,it,nnii o iiAclass iuauu.o,Lnie- -

For Victoria and VailCOUVOr B. C:

STK MKIt8 S.Ml. Mm i .n ii. Jult I,July 31. '

tw-- Tor n. k.i .md i.ii..-n- luiornni- -

""" a,''',y "'THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.,

WildaTs SteamsUp Go.

.Xt-- ,r" fw

TIME TABLE.W. C. Wll.l'KH, I'tCS. S. II. Kick. n',Cut J. A. Kim.. I'uri Supt.

Stinr. KINAU,I'LAltKE, Cummauiler.

Win La Mon.iMiiii.il . .. i... i.i. mij .Mimena the

thev"rr,v",K tho tho


.V'"."'- - April lo"'U ipnlai

, 'm !" .'lucvVay '.".' .' '" '

' ''dai . ....'.' j ,',,. Iluedu Juiiu iu

Kill; . .. '.'"."' -- '

l'ridit, i.J ,','.J ."Iu "i:i) Jiii. .'i

I'll. la . Auk. 'i iicviai IL Ia '!

stpt! "iFridiij .epi. ItI'llU-llll- V i'f rldit) .. ";

Ivt! loi nun) . t! i"o1'iiomI ov. ii1 ridii) . ...NuV. n.lueia Niiv. T

Dee. T


I J lit rill in: leavea Hllo. loinhiiit nt l.miI'l'beeh.K' caiiie .;i) , Kuttitiliuf .. m.; MilImumia N. ,., .Wukvlta I l M.; Miuiiaeu'''.l? "..'Xi'l.'i uM.m - ""' 'V,l.,01tt,"' "",''" " i. s, m. We.lne.- -

dn)h niul

AltUIN K. A I Ilii.Siil.ri.U..il ill ilit

l iiliu'-il.- i) pril isb.iiurila,v .W- .lii"-'l- a .Mil) 1'


Li!ut'dii."at unlay.W villi,

jiini'.tofln.'.a) .Jui) li

n.i uniii) Jul) .'1

".it.ird.i) A nl;. II

epi. I

".il iiu.i)

lll'.IIU'Ml.l) 'out! "ii.Ida) oei. i;;

Wi dini.ilai .net. '.'INov. It;.- - Nov. liNov. J I

We I in- - .1,11 i ,....naturiiii) Die. I

l i .ln.-.'l- in,.I0T No Friichl will In- after

IJ mi .tin of .lUliim.

Stmr.CAMHItON. Couiuiauilur,

net iriiuii' airiNHHi ever)Mlliday

F No hreihl mil lie rmvivni allerI I'. M. on tin) of Milling.

WaliiKtlikila a I. in Mm..,. V,.ll..viifreh) t.. u

I'm irnm uiu r.iutii, oini'rwiM' innbe inp.i, fiiutid on

On iMilioui i.u. li p.riiiUi.,n.J

at On l.in oitiee, Supreme .'our'ii!".1;i-,i.- . i...... -

i HI 1. . v j ,);.'V iii.i.H.i lin.ni iiuard inn,, are nc:tt:;:

uii.i.ih. .iii.-r.M- - ) u I...i iiiniiiir

in.l pi.l lor .,,..., ,,.,,,,,1,.ol the

Hoard, W

ii,Hriior,V'Ar Hut(rllu,CU vtnti nmifi.


Lnwi of tho Game as Now RevisedInformation to Student.'Han Frnnclcfo Chronicle !

What is American Properlyit is tho game played by

anil accordiug t the code lawsfonniilatcd and adopted In tbo Am-erican Whist League. Tho manyadmitted defects m tho Portlandr; :":.:.."". r"i.". "".. L..rr:rZ, 'a," VoV X- -- - "' -,nled to tho institution tho American Whist League. Tho league isnow composed of nearly 100 clubs,scatturod all over tho United Statesfrom the Atlantic to tho.Thocommittoo anpointj.d to re- -

i.l' iiiv itiiti.tijd v iiiij uimt? iu null.the )ireent duiiiandfl of the Kanmconiited of auch men as X. 11.

Henry .lone (C'ateudish), (.'. M.raine, . Harney, is. u. 1'. Ham- -

on mid other, ami tho result oftheir work speaks for itself.

ive a as at this time theru"" to bo a domand for ft.

TI,E "":- -

A nme consists of .,.,! points,

1 he initio the yamu is dulermiii- -

(l ,,.(iHCjujf t lit loors' scorefrom eieu.

tOHMIMi Till. TUIU:.'2. Tho.o lirt in tho room have

the preference. If, by reason of twoor mom at tho samo time,more than four aseml)le, the preference the last comers is deter-mined liy cutting, a lower cut givingthe preference over all cutting high-er. A complete table consist ofmi; the four having tho preferencepiny. Partners are determined bycutting; tho highest two play

the two; thedeals and has tho seats andcards.

.'I If two players cut intermediatecards of ctial value they cut again;the lower of the now cut withtheorigiual lowest.

fourth has cut the lowest card, hedeal", and tho highest two of the

, cut tiro partuors.U- - At the end or a game, if there

are mure than four belonging thetaiile, a sulllcieul of tho

I.iiliuma, .Maai.ua 11. uinl I. If three players cut cards of.iiiue liny . Aiiiinikoiia, Mittiuime i.n.l ,.,pial value, out again. If thellll;!;(T;l,d,l;i',mt,,,' '"' nt fourth Imncut highct card,

tiio tho now cut aro part-u:.K- h

llwNin.u.r. ,.rM niul the lowest If the

Aillv "





lild.i:Pic. Is



baltliilii) .ltta-- da) Ju.'!e.V


W'.lln-.l- .l) Aiih'!'.".'





wilt llntiiiiiiii,iiinruiliK.








whist?peaking as






against lowest lowestchoice



uuinttorplaverh retire to admit those await- -

intr their turn to ulav. In deter- -I' ... - .

milling iililcli plavurs remain in,those who liuio played a less iiiiin- -

'M'r ofNl',",,,'l'"iv,, games hnrii thepreference over all who have playeda greater number; between two ormore who have played an equal

I "Ui'iber, the preferetico is determiu- -

ed by culling, a lower cut giving thepreference over all cutting higher.

i). lo entitle olio to outer a tablehe iiiiit declare his intention to doso atij one of the players hitscut for the purpose of commencinga ueu game or of cutting out.

ITTIMI.7. In culling the ace is the low-i- 't

card. All must cut from thesame pack. If a player exposesinure I linn one cant must cut

' ""'" Drawing cards from the out-.ipi- n

spread pack may be reortod toplace of cutting.

sun, LINO.

N ,k'f0rL' ,,VOr' d,,al '"" Cari1'1uiiirt bo nhullled. Wlieii tiiopacks

used the dealer's partner must,.ect and shullle the cards for tho"nuiug deal and place them at hisright hand. In all cjie the dealermav shullle last.

' '" A 1""'U ,,""t "ol Im "1'idllod' dining the play a hand, nor so asi to eipoae t lit face oi any card.


111. '1 he dealer tuut preseut the.... .. ,'ipncK in ins rigiit-iiai- anversary tolie cut; the adierarv must takeportion from t lit tup of the packand place a toward the dealer; atleast four cards must be loft in eachpacket; the dealer must reunite thispacket hy placing the one not re-

moved in cutting upon the other.II. If, in cutting or in reuniting

the separate packets, a card is ox- -

w i',i, i im ,ui-- muni im ll'nilllllll.llthe dealer and cut again; if there

is any confusion of the card, ordoubt as to the olnco where the nackua" siipauited, there must be a newciii.

I 'J. If the dealer rohiillles thepack after it has been prorly cutlie Iiim'. his deal.


Uij If any card except the isinceil III the pack,("J if """.'h

,irl,II1, .1.,, Hiiai or .I,,.:,,,.i(lo play the hand, tho pack is'proved incorrect or imperfect; but

v Prior score made with that packshall stand.

''' ".'biriug the deal, a card isI epiMil, the side not fault maydemand new deal, pruvided neitherof that side has touched n card. If

! .u take u,eiiiiMi'ii card is not liable to becalled.

, ,. AV ,,.nUi. , f tr t)r,.,.i. . ...i. ,.. .v ... .,. ."'" ,,ln 'o"rnrie pacn may ihj

l'iml;iiee must lie al Hie liiiiiliiif In .

nieivi their 1 an e unl tun hold ..otiraciii.. n,HiiiMiiii iiiiei mu'Ii iriiKht '" hen the pack has lieeu pru-lia- i.

been lun.i.-- ,M.r cut niul reunited the dealerWhile on- (oiiipaux mil ,,,, u,,,. ,iu,. .' distribute tho cards, one at a

miu-- i in ti.vu.t tiiiK i.i Cc Miik, wi tune, to each player in regular rota- -

toaiiiiit .ui) men i i1( turn, beginning at In. left. The lat,,,'"'' "' u l.ich is the trump card must boI In Couipaui will nut lie r'9piiiiitiie for turned up before tin) dealer. Al the

Mo i if) or .len.fr) iiule.i. in the ear.- - ind of the hand, or 11 hell the ileal is"' ' "rM'r', lol, the deal passes lo the player

' N"1 l" l''o dealer on his left, and soWAIAKhAKUA NOTICE. , ,,,, j,, tlnl

There must bea neii deal byV l'Alflli:s iilMKiM. luiioid ,.i.an- - nbia.u

iiiiui iai.I lur if

iriuiii.i...h. ll.

i llitllil- -



I.i. 1. i. , a nt)- -

in t

ui in-1- , ii, ixir.im iiai an. I iu.

I, I.. I in.,Il lliioiiliilii lliunl

II."ll iltkid
























? ..i


.la.-.-- .


(G'onffntctt mi li iyr.)


Page 2: T- Pitta Bmlletiii


I WHAT'S IN 'S PAPER.riiwT rur,

Ainrrl nil Whist Code.second rr.

Ktlltorliil l'arnf!rnli!.The Mortality Ueconl -e-ditorial.The New Const'tntlon editorial.Mortuary ltcort for March, 1NM.

TIIIRh PA II I.Marino News.

and General Hem.Jtullclarv Jotting.Htolu a Feather Helmet.They Sunk the Jul).Decoration Dav.l'lantatlon LnOor.Funsht In a Store.Hooked to Iave.

-- , )lr V. G. Potter, and "" Sn ml,s "enu mnl0 , )an(,8of tho JJmi:TX crayon wa- -. , t, boliot , , !"r;t;v1' vtlf ' vLo i1'.'" i,hju,Vi vlfil' le same, d,rec,t,on .! y?u c?n

-ln ..d that they outline lead- - P1?" ." d th

inir of a draft to be sub-- I Williams. M?. l,,n.,r'a ,k work ol six or eight horses it

rouRTii rAuK.Literature for Art', .Sake.

ZU cDUlUt bulletin."""

l'lrdurd to neither Sect nor Parly,

But Established for the Uenefit of All.


-Wliiot tilnnirt 1111 thnn Ul.ltllU will

appreciate tho publication in our iu V.xwullvo Council,but with a right of veto. Nolo tocolumns of tho now American code. bt, overruled by of the Senate

It begins in this issue and will bo and Assembly iu joint session,completed iu tho next. Lovers or vice piiimiubnt.learners of the game should preserve '

X nt in tho Executive Council,these rules. but to preside over Senate.

- - ExrcmvE COUNCIL.

Thoso six thousand enrolled an-- , Minister of Foreign Affairs,nexationists reported to Mr. Blount ' Minister of Finance,are rather backward iu coming for-- 1 J!uju,r of.Iut,,ori'r

of UBa,lh nmI L,hu'award to'qunlifyns voters. Less than I tiJ2.,nl"lorCvo hundred registered in eight days j Minister of Justice (Attorney,and three nights, at a cost to the ' General).taxpayers of probably two hundred F'v Ministers will asun

is a ridiculously small show-- 1 JJf010 nml roll"vo ot,,l,r ,l"')art-ing- .

It looks doubt fill if thousand The' Executivo Council might Dovoters, such as they are, can be ; iucreaed to seven by dividing thedrummed up before election day. portfolios bet weon Health, Educa- -

- i;;- - r!?r lion and Immigration.Our annexationist contemporaries

aro still ipiarreling ttver the pios- -(

Twnty-fou- r Senators to belion of which of them is guilty of U,0,"l,:V, h l' l'n-.- ,

dent, and Execut vogreater inconsiMency in discuss-- . Couul.i, Vt.0.Presidont to have aing the electoral suffrage. Ho far asoutsiders havo had opportunity oftmltriiwr Kntlt it flliittn lint., nltiiml ntJ""f"-M- I "- - " ...."about tho saun, thing, namely -- how -

to graft actual absolutism on noini-- ;

ual popular government, and to I

blend iu one system the power ofoligarchy with tho principles of..'democracy. Men mid brethren, tho '

feat is impossible, and the couvul- -

sivo contortions of tho necromancersattempting it are becoming tire- -


Ueporting tho first meeting of the,central comuuiteo 01 1110 AmericanUnion party, tho Advert icer says:"The evening was almost villi rely J

given up to discussing ways andmeans of conducting tho comingcampaign. No definite action was


taken, however, although many re--

solutions were introduced. Mr.McStocker, wo aro told further,wauted to have a mass meotiug tonominate delegates to the constitu-tional convention. It mmmiis to beharder work to organize a sided"campaign" than one with an oppos-- 1

ing party in the field. Tho secretof this is that tho American Unionparty is composed of elements thatwill not mix any bettor than oil andwater.

It is iu order for tho editor of theFriend to writo a h'tler to the re-

ligious papers open to him in thoUnited States and explain things totheir thousands of readers who arohis Ho has alreadytold them that tho revolution was amovement iu behalf of Christiancivilization, and its results directedand controlled by tho Christian peo-ple of tho islands. Now let him tellthem how it is that with tho parti-sans of what ho has denounced as"tho heat lien monarchy" completely,for tho time being at least, underfoot he is compelled, In the col-

umns of tho religious paper ho edits,to beg as it were ou his knees for thepreservation of a quiet "Christiansabbath"! It would bo iu order, in

this connection, for Mr. llishop toinform tho friends of foreign mis-

sions iu America how the "mission-ary" Sunday was saved iu tho Legis-

lature of 1890, wherein tho "mission-ary" party was iu a clear minority,to bo menaced with destruction nowthrough a revolution professedly ef-

fected iu tho iutorosts of "Christiancivilization."


Although the mortality in Hono-

lulu fur Murch was less than in theuorroBponilinh' month for thu fourprtivious yoars, tho "ulatihtur of thoinnocoutH" ho oftou doplonxl in tluooolumns is most nrououiiuml in thureturns. Ono-fift- h of tho total iiuui-bu- r

of dt'iitlis wan of infants niulorniiu year. Thn annual (loath ratopur thousand 2.'i.l8 imibt n do- -

uoiniuatfd as high considuring our '

Ijoastedly healthful ulimato. It isliiglior tlian thu large cities of thoL'nitod Status named below withtheir death rates as recoutly pub- -

Imhed: L'hiladelphia, 21.(15; Drook-lyn- ,

1 HI; Chicago, 18.115; St. Loui, '

18.17; lialtimore, 21.10; San Fran- - '

cihco, IH.lil; Cincinnati, HMS7; CloveI iuio. n..ir.l Mia. Iii.i.l '

"V r :''" '. :.""," : ht22112: UoilVlir. 11.01, Olid Millticn- -

HI.'....! St. I'aul-- U,,, rivattwin citU-nlm- oHt tin each oll...r,wliiln bnmkiiiK probably thn worldVr....r.l with U.iitl ami tMJl nSi,.ctivi.- -

y, Honolulu, having sometimes utup n claim ns n situ for a sanitarium,




ap- -


outfht to l.o nearer Denver, thuchief city of wholesome Colorado.than any of the others, instead of

J which it can only rank atuungst t!Te

highest of two dozen Americancities having rates below '2( in the J


Below appear notes on a new con- - I

"'."" " h. '

oliicial liatid. winch have st raved :

mitted to the convention: '


The Government of the Common. '

wealth of tho Hawaiian Islands(short title, "Hawaiian Government"

--drop the word "Provisional").THE tAElTTIVE.

The eecutive nower shall be vest- -ed in the President of tho HawaiianIslands.



casting vote (presumably iu theSenate, not the election of Senatorsjust referred to).

!?..., A 1.1 ... 1... !...,,,' 'fe , dlUKtors. They to elect their ownSpeaker.

When tho names of the Executivo0,",J,i ""J1 So,,alor AmMiilily.

arranged, thou lot,i10 President convene them. Usuim,a proclamation for that purpose.Lot tho joint bodies promulgate aMiiirtltiilloii ami fix tho date for ageneral elect ion.

Mortuary Koport for March, 1804

- - -v 5, --4

u 2 u " s a - s. 2'? I S '? - 7 2.

,i, r s . atz.: 5-


.I iiucr I ifl :i :i ;. 1 11 i

I In :t .' 1 A I-. tu in I

III to JO l 1 I

'.11 in :ei til I; to in --' 1 .

M to Ml J1 1' :i 1 Itu 1)1 -- ; . 1 1 1 1 7 I

mito ; 1 I : I l A I

."'".. -i'.

:.1 I

Jll-.'- l L'7 7 1 l.'i

-l or iii:vtii.A'tliinii 1 lleiiiorrliii'f :iAi niili I liiiinltliiii . . .IIitIImtI . . 1 Iniliii'iun. . :tllroiu.'liltU. . 2 old Am- - ;

'iiiiiiiiiitliiii ' iiliim.. . 1

I'nni'fr I OiiKt ruct Inn olCrmii 'I llou.'N'lllllli0. I riiriiiiiunlii . . I

llrnH,V.. ' . l'nrul.l . .Illiirrlmii 'i Krptli-iifiiiia- . I

iMI.IIIiy . . I T'liiior.. 1

KxImiiMiuti . I HllklKHMI 1

Kivrr.. I K11111I1 1'iixnt (.St. I

iiiMriirivi: muntiii Mnitr i.ity.Mnr., lwi. 71 Mar., IWU. AIMur.. MM. 'tl Mur., IKil l.'iMar., iwrj.

Wiinl... J .1 .1 OiltKlile"

Deiltlii.. . II III I I

At (iiuruiitlne Stutluii

rorri.triiiN KriMT:.Anniitil ileiitli rute per H"i per iiioiitli.'.'.t.lllitwiilnii . ... ist.l.'iAilltll'. N,IHJAll itlier . . . 18.00

('. II. ItKY.MII.IH,A j;tut llonnl of Ih-ult-






H .

r; od

Mi ra HSi


O ssi

WANTED. ...,.,..., u.rT,.a M..vfY v?...?. i" ftr ",ilr:, ihir- -ii" :,"",iZZX, , T

, iiKrhr,.A,:.,B,t ,v ,..jrii.r Miik uml Hut hoi Mm-- ir Vn- -'Oflu lrul. .ip,.... Tl.oi.m, S,,,,ur...

Wl-t- f

Tho AdvertisingOf Hood's Sarsaparilla is alwayswithin tho hounds of reason because

is true; it always appeals to thostbo eommoii sensoof thinking poo-- !y.tlollr: !

ionts which in the financial worldwould bo accepted without a 1110- -

tnent's hesitation. '

1 .iioous rnis euro liver ills, eonsti-- 1

pntliin, biliousness, jaundice, sick I

headache. .miction. i

Socurod His service.

in San Francisco was second tonone. .Samples will be oil exhibitionat our stud In, 1(12 V'ort street.


Wf have just received an-

other cargo of liny and Grainby the "Inngard," pcrsonnllyselected by our manager in

California; and us wc buythe best, a word to the wiseis sullicient. Prompt delivery.

California Feed Co.

Officr: Corner Queenand Niitiaim streets. Both

Telephones 121.V AitKiiocsK : Kinjr street

near O. K. & L. Co.'s Depot.!

Both Telephone oJ. .





PAINT OIL.i;;:0Erkin

iirie prf.-.:ti- ) noii.i ttfi.ii- - of tiv.-n'- )

'""'"'Knniii u clumlilr mnl elilc. not ii liril- -

tie coiitiiiK.

Ueiiiin in. u'lov. lonor iimn nn oilier j

""' I

IIcMmm iho ucllon ol mililii nml iilkulien '

better iimn uny oilier oil.Kimi.frcriviroiiitiieiinii.ii without run. I

niuK mii.i irh sn.With tliiiaililltlon nt Mthnrpt, ylclili it l

imni irnrfme. Hiiiiitiie for iinow. Meiw. etc. i

Mixes rcnillly mIUi iikiiiiiiIii iiromul Inoil in pito fiirnt.

llriliKS out tin1 rrnl linilfi nl tlit rulnrtnml ki'cii them iiiiiiHiti'iI.

Is n polwtit lor tin mint nf tlienuw cnii I tur colore.

AiMpiI to vurulili urcnll) Improve theworkliiKof the viirnU 11.

I)oe not ilnrkeii while Inn I nr sny dell-c.il- o

colon-- .

Has Krenler hoily Ihitn nn other oil.Iti'iitire iiiie-ilil- lcn pigment tlmn

any oilier oil.(tall lie uilcltil to llliseetl nil itiiil il will

Krciitly Improve tho Hiim'UiI,

Van lie thliineil with liirMiitlne.Ily UL'tlllll 10-l- lift- - imtlitsteil Iheliril

llllM-Il- l Oil.

Therefore, I the IhiM pnliil oil ever

Direction for Use.life I.i.'coi, in every rerjiecl in the

Mime muiiiier an you would liimeeiloil, with the Millie exception ihut younmy iiihl fully oue-iiiiurt- more l.r- -

coi. to the biune ipiaiitily of pixuienltime you wuuM of liiieveil. '

I.. ii.... ........ 11;.. r. :........! .1.. In iciu iiiiiii.iiii., v I'lii'imii ii'ii, 1111

ochre, mill other iliy pii'iuontH, itto mix up the paint, at ltiiht

one il.iy before it in to lie iimiI, thenmid 11 lliinl mure l.ivoi. tint I the puiniwill he fniiuil to cover well anil haveu koimI (jlobii.

XKVKlt U.SK .lAl'AN.S.

Where h.ini Mirfueeo Mtieh a. Home,Mop, etc., urn reiiuireil line litlurgconly, never iimi .lupanii.



ami iiKPii-i- their woikiui: nml iiu- -

prove their appearance uiT ruuv, :,u,nl,ti,udZy:'i'ii3r Ll . ... T.m v 1 ie, i or 1

l'"Ui L of fro,,, i ... A of i...vuriiiKlii .1 ..I 1 til 11 - Hi. ir'rVi I. . I

uVnV'lmi m prlvl:;: "'"."k.

WW I1 IDWMV ft PAU 111 II Hi I A' i I illIT ITIiUlt lllll 111 VVUUm

LIMITED,Agents for the Hawaiian Is ands

7a'-- "


I ' .!i.H.,iHi Km! ' !,Vi,' i.:,,,,!:.1

W. Jliiniei. wrmi.l ..lll.ii...lill.i,.iy..l.ii...7.?""!'iV"i.,,rJ"?A'.r"!" "'.viu, p.i.M.nl ll.rKyilJ'Ka;:::

V.rnb'.t1 ,.MH.ll"t,.V ."..Vim'T..' jVlv" t,.!..V

ln, Kuiittiiiimiiii urect, HoimiIuIii.J. W. I.UNIMJ AlBi.m.Uuiltln, Murtb V7, Ul Mi

r--o j iramraay, Mann.SI, IHJ4.

A this is the beginning ofthe close season in grindingcane it becomes the duty of

.the economical managers ofme sugar plantations 10 selectimplements for

.preparing theJld for ,f labor

saving means money gettingi . . . t

means a saving of horse lleshnc w,.11 nc n enviner nf rhp rtmpof the man who handles thestock, the two together means

la saving of money. Fromwhat we know of the HendryDouble Furrow and the Hendry Breaking Plows this savingcan be made through their use.The Double Furrow Plow isthe only one we ever heard ofthat will leave the furrow cleanand ready for planting or irri-

gating. Mr. Conant tells inthe following letter what hisexperience has been with aHendry Breaker. Other man-agers tell us the same goodthings about the Hendry Dou-ble Furrow:Tin: Hawaiian I Iakdwakk Co.,


Mir .S'iVa:I beg herewith to add my

name to your list of testimo- -m,s ,n Pra,sti of your HendryBreaker.

Dl,ring an experienc(. of ,6years in the cultivation of caneon these Islands I can truthfully say, that yours is the onlyplow that I have seen that willturn a furrow completely over,under any conditions

Another point wherein it cx-- j

eels is, the shape of the mouldboard is such that the plowwill clean itself, not continu- -ally, but say every 200 or 300feet, which obviates the neces-sity of stopping the team; thismnlvi'Q ?i vrv fUvnrrildi' clinic.

I ruinain, yours truly,E. Ii. Conam'.

While one portion of thelaborers are tilling the soilothers are repairing..: "l.lold lencesor buildtnp; new ones. In eithercase the Jones Locked Fencematerials are the most econo- -mical to use. One stay andfIve washers cost a triil(. untler,.',.w, ,..,... and .t... take theplace ot a post which costs allthe way from thirteen to nine-teen cents and are double thetrouble and not half so service-able as the Jones method. Ifyou are repairing an old fencewe will sell you the stays andwashers, or if you want tobuild an entire new fence youcan get better rates on Plainor Harbed Galvanized or BlackFence Wire from us than any-where else. When you havemade your fence you will haveone in which the wires do notsag and you will save fifty dollars a mile in building. Readwhat Julian Monsarrat saysabout it:

Kai'ai'ala Ram ii. Kau,Hawaii, March io, 1894. )'

h. R. lli;.Nl)K, Fsn.,Manager Hawaiian Hard

ware Co., Honolulu.Dtar Mr:

I have just completed somethree miles of the "Jones Lock-ed Fence" and must say that 1

am very much pleased with it;in fact, it is the fence for aranch. 1 had about a mile toconstruct over "pahoehoe,"where it was nearly impossibleto get a post down, and loundin this case especially the..1 t- - 1.

' II ilCBS 1 where theohm ai """"?;

'a,ld the slJace between


with sta. There is no to!. ..!:. . ".it, anu 11 is as springy as a wire

,hc ---of!

rlC? Wa4.,U 8reatS:iVMr f labor There are


r..-- i,

.' part of the land, and I

,;L. COH It tMU t VOU canrest ,u,aSSliret tliril

except a,1,m

er' trtllv VOlir.S.'J.




GMWNotice to Consumers!

The new work of the lliunth'itnKlectrfa Co, Irlii 11 noir eomplrlnt,notice is hereby firen that fromand after January loth the Com-

pany prepared supply incan-denee- nt

eln-lri- liihliuii to ens-toine-

In a fe.w duy the Company trillalun be prepared ! furninh rhrlricntolor for pover, and of uhithdue notice trill be niven.

The Company further annauneethat they are prepand recelre

orders for inh-rio- wiring and can

furnish fixture and all fitlinjis in

connection with new service.

I'riutid rules, regulations andCompany's rates can be had on

application to the

Win. G.

tfl-'-- tf Pltr.HIDUNT II. B. CO.



"aikokumauu -Duo - mi or iiinint Mntrli "Mli, intl

wM ln ili.iii'li"il wild M i' uinll'.iwn:,r" f'ir tin- nixivi- -

I'url mi or iiIhhii

-A--FRX 5t.ftf-- fiirlluT ii'trtlt.iilurM pi.i.iir.llin.

l'iiii(;ciunl ItcIkIiI. ll'l'l til


J. J. EGANS 14 ITot't Btrool.,ALWAYS OX IIAXi) Till

Latest Styles in Millinery-- Till: I.ATKVr I- V-

Wbite and Colored Vorslod GoodsTU P. MOhT lO.M I'l.lvTI-- : hTH K OK

DRY: GOODSix Tin: t ity

Dressmaking Done by Mrs. Itenncr.

david dayton,

Agent to Take Acknowledgments

Will 111 icinl in .Miiiim(( iiii'iil nut -- nit-l'niHrt nml 1 ullreiliu In

till il- - lirmii i.f.

Houses and Laud For SaleNortherly riiniiT of Diuiiui nml llirenilitii

MrcetsOkhi-k- : Oiieiluiirlii-lii- Lew U.I. I..v'

Fort hirofi. H7A-- tt



"Soft Soaps" & Tallow

i. kino n:r.i:r.

F. O. BOX 341.UTl-- tf



' """ ".i'-'- 'V''''.X"""' r . ., Z'""" 1",,1" "J '"ilr .


' .,5r.!!:!;;liu!;;,'!,;;:!V::.n,;!;;;:!;:.l,!:,o;,

rffciil.mts nf tm. ..tl...i. UI,.....J

'.'"ess. Iam confidiinttlmtlw'riiSiV-'-Kl'Kf- e

It Will turn anv ordinary Stock "'"""I'. ' thu l.llinir ll.ili. .7-

'1I nat. some two and a liilfl KrOTIOEJ TO' miles more to construct over a ,

country where wild cattle are Visitors. P Clllfi Plll'liPS I.I1RI11;'

.wryMndmm XN,

it has undergone the test there, - , , . ..i ...ri,,. ......

W .

WillItn.iU,inB. lava


it to







- ..i. ..

Stables KincStrpot"iA.ijni.,i.. " .,' i....m.u. Mn,,t: - W&'" l''vl&yxTM

MutUlU Toleplioxio 40Q


Furniture, Glassware.AJSTD





English Wardrubos, Plato Glass Front;MsirblK-o- Wash Stands,

Marblotop Dressing 'rubles,Scotch 01 lost s of Drawers,

Dining Hall and Parlor Chairs,Kattan Suites, Pictures, Etc.

Royal Worcester Vases,Royal Worcester Tea Sets,

Dinner Sets, Tea Sols,Decorated Vases, Tumblers, Glasses,

Glaret Jugs, Lumps, Screens,Iron Bedsteads, Matting,

Etc, Etc, Eto.



The Dmy Uiisinesi ciirried by IIol-list- er

Si Co. has Ix-c- incorporated iiiuIim theHit me of the . . . ...

ollister Drug Co, L'd.

Having tho largest nml most eompletc stoek in

our line, we tire prepared to off jr our eiintoinern

the best goods at the lowest priceK.

i HOLLISTEH DRUG CO.,' ilimitedi

National Cane ShredderI'atkxtkd iixii:it Tin: laws ()! rin: Hawaiian inlands.

mmlh 1

iK.-.-j Z i L&?J

rnilK UNDKKSKINKD IIAVK IIKKN AI'l'OINTKD HOLK AOUNTS FOKthere Miiii:inii'.ith nml me unw prei:ireil to receive nnlur.

Tiie uio.it .iilMiutiiKin In lieilerivnl from iiu iimi of t Iiu National TankSiini:niii;i( are c tun unfitly il.ilili lieii nml iivkimivl ilgnl liy I'liiuleri.Kin 1 ally.

Tho lurui. iiiimli.T .if I'l.inicri. tui.iu ilum in the United State, Oiilm,Xii:i-iiiiii- ltenililic, I'ein, AiiMnili.i miii ulnuwlioru, lie.il wiliii'NH to tliu

liniiMi ennui.. ,

'"'-- ' -.- f the S..,,,.,,,,,.,, very lately ,.,eutM the nnanti.y of cuno"" ""'" .... (25 ... 30 ;), .1 e eMmci.,,, of juice (, t 12.).

V". u ,l,l, """Kll'r"- - "i.iUll- .- kimuu nl once (lie iireMJiice or nny

l"T wl,'"h uM--""" ',' " ""' ,,I,,,WI1 ."'

V";"""""; l" ,,,,""v" -- '"" M'' .. n..iKi n- - tho mill.

1 he Siimu.iu;.,! wry ninly mail... anil fmn. Hi(. inn.iuer ..f it!:;;' - l':;vv '"; ? v ; 'iH.;...ru,.. i..iM.k...,l i..

, .il.il II I n n k-- . II l Mini, v lives nr culler...iu.i. ,.., ,v ,,cui.v ,....1 ...u

"',','1,;,,,,l1,,,,.,r'',,,r';1 '"mill i" ih..r..uhly pichh out tlie juices u:l)out n- -'l'llil. II..- l...i,.e..i eMn. ,.,v, ncec,...., to Kiin.l or crilhll the Whole''"'" "" "s1"-1""--- -- u.i(Mliel..iMl.l..l cue unifoimly ami evenlv I.."'" '"'" r..IU, ami tine, mwiy iviih the neciffity of hiiemiin the lmKiiMV liv!"". u'' " "'.l' '"'"' "l"'"' "H""'l'"n -'" -. No itreuter amonui Il

;i',M:7,?.:.,.,1;,!, "i"- - ......:.. iim..u....w! tin ,tluii learoiih. We fiirilli-- h full worklli);(li.uvin. i..r th. uiiu'i.iti.u, ni ..ur miulhiikiii., uii.ii.iin nii coniieteui en- -


uiiiuwii. siuiuuiikii. .0,

-- v.. face ...ihwry m.i,..,i n,.al-- .. m.:lll limn'" to uoni.n.i

' '" ""'' ""J ,"i.i.lii.l:i u, ilea.--( mini Miiall M"ieleh, Hlmiviiii;If it will turn the stock on At Smith s Bus and Livorv min.ii . .....i wi.1.1, ,.u ...n ..m. ..1.1..1. !?....,



..,,". i." MiiiiMiiiny iiimii .1.11 mii.

'ii ''" '''', "";..,-.- . , ,, ,, , ,.,.,. ,

- '

-,.lli 11,1. it


.ml t,c .1. .1, u.r II luui

im. -- r

lloin... n...

ol l.,i ,.1.,,. Tlw Siiiiii.i.h. .

-- ' ",tZUXT '" '".'I.- -. Mr.,,l..u ,.,, I.e I,,.,! .1,,.yill ,

W 1V1. U". TT?"WT1M Xr UU., Li Q.,w n i .,,.,. .

U. .IIIUO.III ifllllJl.


Page 3: T- Pitta Bmlletiii



Time Table

To Rwa Mill.I). II. A. I).

A.M. r.M. P.M. I'.M.Honolulu.. .8:45 1:45 its 6:10'aridity. . ..:3o 2:30 5:10 5 :.ritlo Mill.. ..:57 2:fi7 0:3i) (1:22

To HuNOLctr.

C II. II. A.A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

iv Kuu Mill... .0:21 10:43 3:43 i:i2l.enve I'carJ I'llv.. .0:fi5 11:15 4:15 (;:I0Arrive lloiiolulii. 7:30 11:55 :55 i:45

A. Hntttritnys only,II. Unlly.0. Kundavs ezrei!pit.U. Siitiinliij!" osrt'iit'Ml.

ulu guihl i UlvtUL

wednesday, april 4, 1891.

m:a.k.ijte news.Arrivals.

Wkdnmuvy. Ajtrll 4.Htnir Jninns Mnkco front KmmlBtmr J A Cummins from Kuolnii

Doparturoi.Wr.MEMiAY, April 4.

Am jehr U M KclloBi lvcron, for Sun1 rutii'lt'o

Am Mile Geneva, Ncllion, for Sun Kruri- -eico

Ntnir Juntos Mnkco for llntiaiiir-nh- i nmlinp.'i:i in i p in

.Stmr l.ikrilku for JItiku Inu nt 4 p in

Cargoes from Island Ports.tftinr V( Hull -- IKiO bag. minr, M linus

enlu-e-, ( !.! own. 2S heml of cuttle..'l Iiiim, 4 ImrMH, ai Rrceti hide, II hill-go- ut

-- kins, Inu i.fcgi iintlrie.ttnr Jiunc Miki'i iVA) li;--iig.-- ir.


AHRIV.M.1.l'rniii Hnvvitllnnil Mmil, ir Mmr V (I

llu II, Ajirll .1 Kritin Volrnno: I)r II V

Uelaml, Tliuiinw Horry, H II Mumfonl, JII Knpe. II Jcriinl"in. WnyiMjrH; lj,MV.'.',01.1'' s). n U"Hi'. ' Ill-h-

Nil l, Mr nml J M Moti-nr-ru- t.M 1) Miiarrat, T Anmlit, K Stonnku,

iiiiil Wiilrck.or.rvnri'nr.

Kor Knnnl. per stmr Iwnlntil, April :t -)-

.rStiirk-y,JiiilK Wl.lciiinim J W illrvln.U (I Irwin, anil luiltek.Kor Kifinl, pmlinr Mlknlmln, April n -huiiil-.c- n, I'A hlic, A II liloi-- , T lionm-l'.mi- t-

nn.l wife. IMpli Wleox, H l).n-muc- h,

Mr. on Kmnk, iitul lOileek....'.'.'r !! I'- -r "'' ''lumlliic. prl' :t -

llilcr Ulttlit, l.inrn IMlr.tn, Mr .Mill- -.Mr-C- M Wultoii, uhlM tin.l --.orrniit, Mr-- .

Intel. vr Noon in. minuter, A Wi'nr-Ii- r.

A llnrnu, Ml- -. M Ijtn.lfur.l, MIm Mk Un.lfnnl, It V Miynr mill win, Mm

llilv.ig.-l- , J.i K l'ong. Mr-- St i' I'll- -mmU ami clillil.

Hhlpplntr NoiPt.Tlitfliiiy Klshtimrkit N -- tiiililcil

with llfliing i rati of nil kIihI- - nml Ui- -.Tlio Mciiincr V. (J. Hull will lonvu on

her imtiul ruutout to o'clock KrMuy morn.

Tho mciiincr .1. A. Ciiiiinilii- - Iminulit iniiti.'tliprtlioii-nii.lliK-ofMip- ir from Wulmmiiilo for tliu lirlttmitlnu tluncvu.

'I Iim Milliner Juines Mnkeu rninc in fromKiip-- thl- - mornliiK hIHi n full loml ofiijur, nml will for the mine

pluoo nt I o'clock thin ntte i noon.The liripuitinc (Iciiuvu, I'lipluin .Wll-oi- i,

--.nihil till- - nfieri for .wlili l.VOi img- - niignr. weighing l,L"ioii .l, nml viiIii il ntfVJ.hl. The xlih.iiuiit uilli the vxri-pt- l if lluilmg- - liv J.r. WutfilioiiKV, wn- - mtiiltj hy W. fi. IfwlnA-- lo.


Chinoso Residnuts Colobrath With uKcast at tho Ooutotorios.

To-dn- April 1th, is ilvcorntioiitlny with tho CliiiioMinntl Is ho boitij,'obMirvtHl ly tho Chitii'so in tho city.Every Chiucno hnck wiih tHiyaoilenrly tltin morning f(r lomlrt to tliounmet cribs nt Mntion, i'atioa nnii.Mnkiki. Tlio I wo former ocmo-lorie- s

aro nlmost uscliiitivuly rnv.ynriii for Chitiosc, and nt tho Instmi'iitiotiotl only tho member of thoChincho Church on Fort street nrohnricil. Very few Chinese went tothe Mnkiki cemetery to-dn- Iiocuiiho,thoy sny, it's n "church" cemetery.

'I ho hucks which loft for Muttonntid 1'ntton wtiro lontlcd with orient nldainties including ronst pig uncichicken nnd Chinese salmis. TheChinamen snt around tho Kriosnun nto mo tooti. TJioy will returnthisevoniug.

Bookod to Loavo.

The followiu; lift' includes thintmoiih'ers who hnvo hooked toleave on tho S. S. Mouownt up to !1

p. m. to-dn-

Mrs. M. C. Lenvitt, MiH Schtnoele,O. KuiiHt, W. D. Nicholas, MissAnnie Alexander, Miss Keough, l.A. F. Brewster and wife, J. M. uthchild, Mr. nnd Mrs. V. P. Nelson, .1.N. Lenl, Mibs Cttdahy, C. U. Itipley,C. C. Morse and wife, II. Jerusalem,Miss W. Morse, Thos. Uerry, H. K.White, Jr., mid wife.S. 1. Mutnford,Dr. horriui, J. II. Knple, J. IiirchFisher, Dr. II. A. Cleiand, Leigh H.Irvine, N. II. Withee nnd wife.

J. A. Kennedy is clininuan. nnd T.P. Severin secretnry of tho AmericanI uioii party's central commtttee.

Pupils in the puliliu hchnols willhnvo two weeks' play after this week'swork is untied on Friday.

Tho Kuyuiond A; Whitcoml) tour-ists aro hooked to leave on the S. S.Australia on her next trip. Theparty is at the Volcano, and will return on the Kiiiau.

At tho close of this day's sittingof the Hoard, 01!) voters 'had beenregistered fortho constitutional con-vention election. In tint three dayspast 2(H) have been registered.

One Impediment. AmericanYouth: Well, Parkins, do you thinkI shall look preMMitabieat the reccp-li'i-

litis nveuiiig,' Imported Valet:lloverylhing his hall right now, sir,

ion-op- t yuiir gha.itly llninuricnuhaccout -- Unml Xni'H.

Mr. Jerome's paper To-Da- v re-marks that "Had Mr. Luboucherebeen an ancient ,Inv he woulil liaemoved a vote of cenure on Mu.csfor taking nosnsiou of the 'Pro-inido-



Tho P. G. councils will meet to-morrow afternoon.

Only two natives have taken thooath nt Kona, Hawaii.

Diamond Head, 3 p. m. -- Weatherclear, wind fresh northeast.

C. Holto nnd wife will leave onnext S. S. Australia for the Const.

Tho Hnruiony Club will meet ntthe Pacific nt 7:!10 o'clock this even-ing for practice.

Ten natives nnd ono Portuguesesubmitted to nrrest yesterday for

nt of taxes.

Six passengers aro already bookedto leave on tho steamer W. G. Hall

for the Volcano.

Electric lights have been put intotho Judiciary building. An incaudcccnt lamp is hung over tho mainentrance.

Tho goods and chattels of thoTemple of Fashion woro turned overto II. Hackfeld it Co., receivers, thisafternoon. ,

Dr. Trousseau's steam launch,which was recently ollored to theGovernment, is mi tho Marino Hall-way being cleansed.

Particulars of tho dancing clnjosto be conducted by Dan Lyons np-pe- ar

in this paper. The charge Isextremely moderate.

Tho Chinese Protective Union willmeet evening for the purpose of electing ollicers nnd an as-

sisting committee of thirteen.Mnuuaken street near the fish-mark- et

was alive with vegetable andfish venders. Gold nnd black li-- li

about the size of small mullets wereplentiful, and for sale at twenty-liv- e

cents ench.A demented Chinnmnu jumped

overboard from tho steamer V. G.Hall while she was anchored in Ma-nln-

bay. Tho would-b- e suicidewas dragged by his iptcuo from awntery grave.

Government olllcinls are limyto induce natives and

Porlugueiu to take the oath. Oneelderly Portuguee who could barelyM'ratcli his name was rounded uithis morning.

A Chinnmnu war brought overfrom Ivoolnulna yesterday afternoonto be imprisoned' in Oalifi Jail untilhis line of .() was worked out. Hehad been cmivleietl of plnviug diefa in that dNtrict.

Great preparations are being madebv tho ladles who are arranging the

roast of Nations," to occur on Fri-da- y

week. A Japanese kimono tobe worn at the feast, valued at &),was recently rcceivi il from Japan.

Ono of the large Japanese um-brellas wan opened on Hotel street,to show to some rs. ns I lieDai Nippon store wu not largeenough to open it in. It would ac-

commodate iptito a good-si.e- d teaparty.

Dai NipMii, Arlington blick, hasjust received a large invoice of Jnp.i-ue.-- e

goods too utimeiou.. to men-tion. Tho prices are verv rea-o- n-

able indeed, and the goods shouldho seen to bu appreciated. Seeadvertisement.

The Ceylon tea sold by Mr. Sadri,the Cingalese merchautou Nuuanustreet, is of n delicious llavor. Itsuggests the "spicv bree.o." that"blow soft ou Ceylon's isle." Withaltho brow has good "body," and acup of it is full of cheer.

The priucipaln in the pro-po- ol iw.match for tlio bantamweight cham-pionship of the islands met yester-day, and owing to a hitch in thearticles declared the fight olf. Itwas to have been between A. Jack-- ;sou and "Young" Vierra for a purseof $M).

The newspaper known a. the Chi-nese Times has changed hands for '

the second time in throe ycarx of it..exihteuco. Tho lirst crowd who ranthe paper lost several hundred dol-- ilars, and lmvo it uo. The hitlost a few dollars and they followedtheir predecessor.

Tho Friend for April lias muchmatter from the mis-io- n ground ofMicronesia brought by the MorningStar. In an editorial "it opposes theproject of band concerts ou Sunday,claiming thoy would be a breach ofcourtesy to a large number of peo-ple who love a quiet Sunday.

By requi'M of strangers, who ateextremely desirous of hearing theoriginal Hawaiian baud, there willboa coniert by the Hawaiian Na-- ,

tioual baud at the Hotelevening. Tho ovout will ho exceed-ingly welcome lo residents a. wellas visiting friends from abroad.

T. H. Hobrou, agent for the Ha-waiian exhibit at the MidwinterFair, has had some fresh liuln pa umade for the hula girls at (lie fair.They will be unit oer ou the S. S.Mouowai. Tlie hula dancers haecomplained of their present toggerybeing iusutlicieul to keep out tliocold.

A native hackmuu was euiminodby Dr. Cooper ou Monday, and pro-uouiic-

lion compos meiilin. Dis-trict Magistrate Kilioil-o- n touchedby the nppcuN of relatives of theman, gaui huu one week at liberty.If he grew wor-- e, at the end of thattime he would be committed lo theAsylum.

Kahalewai pleaded guiliv to lt

anil battery on All g onMarch 'til in the Di-ni- ct Court inday. and was -- ontomed in pay a lineof.-15-

.Ah Sing wa- - badly u'-e-d up

ami made hiin.-.-- lf an nlj'cl uf bur-co- r

when he appealed in Court,wearing all tlio owdoneo. he couldpreserve of his iiijuiio-- .

The Friend relate a et.iry of Dr.Pea-- e, a mi Miliary in the SnulhSea", being otromf and refusing acrown. 1 1 el tho emu ii boon pinselileil III sumo tangible shape, j.m.ing it a commercial value, it wouldperhaps have b.-o- "thankfully ac-cepted," only lo meet the fate oflCamuulii'a feather huluiul


Twonty-on- e Natives Who Put Patri-otism Abovo Pudding.

Two or three weeks ago WilliamMutch, superintendent of buildingsfor tho Bishop Estate, engagedtwenty-on- o natives to bo employedin the erection of the building for1tho Kauiehaineha Girls' School. Themen engaged were directed to seeTim Murray, pre-ide- nt of the Amor-- 1

lean League. Murray advised thoiiauves iioi. in sign any annexationpaper -- so they say.

A week after the men had gone towork. C. Wilder saw several of themnt the school building and madethem sign some paper. One of thesemen stated to a Billhtiv reporterthis morning tliat he did not knowwhat was in the paper, nor what hewas signing. He wanted to get tohis wirk and get rid of the man.Tho natives then thought that wasthe la- -t of tho "signing" business.

About 'I'M o'clock yesterday after-noon eleven of the men were pickedout by the superintendent and toldlogo to the Judiciary building amiregister. Tho men came into townand assembled at the houo of oneof the number nnd held n meeting,finally they walked to the Judiciarybuilding, and it was evident thoyworo expected, for CotniniiouorKawaiuui welcomed them and askedfor their signatures. Tho men stolid-ly refused and walked out. Mr.Mutch hail previously told themthat he would know when they cameback who had registered and whohad not. This mottling (he elevenmen arrived on the KamchamohaSchool building ground a usunl nndwere met with the question if theyhad taken tho oath. They repliedin the negative and, after a littlepreliminary talk, they were told toquit work. The eleven men walkedaway, the other ten following intheir footsteps. So now there areno unlives at work on the buildingfor the reason, according to theirstatement, "of their not taking theoath opposing monarchy."

Tho following nro the names ofthe loyal Hawaiian: C. B. Mnue.-e- ,Kauckuu, Mo-- e Liwai, Kaui. A pa,Kailie, Akaiuu Niauhoe, Wiiiama,Euieki, loane Kaaua, Opuiiele, Ka-tna- i,

Pine, J no. lokepa, Ketiluilii,Kuhao, Knuihe, Maila, Moke andIvuakiui.


Snrious Charge Against n Dond Mic-sloun-

by tho Atlvortisor

Had the following appeared any.where el-- e but in the Pacific Coin-meici- al

Advertiser, that paper woulddoubt le.--s have st igmati.e(( it as "nfoul slander of the dead." It isprobably the first admission evermade by that paper, under Its pro-se-

direction, that niiv missionarywho ever lived ou llieso islandswould have stolen anything--whethe- r

real estate or personal propertyfrom a benighted kanaka. Theparagraph i from a ofthe Hishop Miimmiiii:

"A feaihor helmet that belongedto Uaumalii, Hi" la- -t chief of Kauai,is another valuable tiling that be-longs to I ho Government. Katitua-H- i

was huiiiiuoueil to appar beforet lie chief of O.iliu, and, Tearing thathe was going to loi-- his life, ho lefthis helmet -- the iiiost valuable treas-ut- e

he possessed with a missionaryfriend of his, to keep for him, inca- - he should escape the deathpenalty. Kautualii was not killed,but, in some way, the missionaryvery conveniently forgot to returnthe helmet to him, and, at herdeath, it was put up at auction andbought by the Government."


Mumuom of tlei Council Will Moot '

UhtuuEo Miirvhants. I

The question of procuring cheap I

labor Tor ililferent sugar plantationsou the islands has boon botheringthe planters considerably. Suirgo-lion- s

have been made bv corn-Mined- -

ontr. to secure Poituguee and Ger-mans fur plantation work, but uoiinlice seems to have been taken ofthese suggest ions, presumably forreasons. The further importing ofCliine-- e laborers under proper re-

strictions lias been recently agitatedwith I he rc-n-lt that the followingiiiembeiK of the Council will conferwith local Chiue.se merchants onSatuulay next, with a view of occuring their opinion as to tint propercourse to be pursued: C. B ('e, D.B. Smith, E D. Tetiitey. J. Eiuiue-hu- h

ami W. C. Wilder.A prominent Chinaman stated to

a Bli.li:tin reporter that he did notthiiili moie t'hine-- o plantation laborciiuld bo got from China. Thelicense bill which came lately beforethe Council has scared the Chiuc-o- ,and mme can be ordered to comehere. tiul-- some protection isgieu.


Two Eluvatwl Nutivos Trespass onVrivato VremUuH.

Two natives slightly under the in-1- 1

nonce of gin entered a (hiiie-- e

fruit store on Maunakea street thisnoon and sipiaied oil' in real pugilis-tic .style. The proprietor protestedagainst the use uf liis stoin fur abattle ring, but he was ignored andthe men fought. The Chinamanwent fur assistance unil fmiud theever-read- y man in blue When theyarriwil at the si me a knock out waswitnessed. One man lay mi thegrnuml with blnd frmu a cut on hishead, the olio r had a . i -- li d. Theman was Iimhi'Iii in I lo Si.u inn. andwhen he reei.iei- - his -- nber -- en-es lieWill llu doubt tell the police who Illsopponent was.

Captain llrice, oniiiuiaudor of (heI'. S. ,s. Adam-- , wa- - pie-ente- d toI'lesi'lelil Dole ill Ills ollioe (goldroom; lo I'uiied .St.ii.- - Miui-te- r

Willi- - I Ins foieiio.'ti 'I'lio captainwas attended i Ln-i- li Vogelgesang and with i In- .Mnu-i- ei was pie-- euteij U Mij i (! '. C Potter, aidto tlio I'ic-ide- i.l I're-ulei- it Dolewas atleuded l. the lliollllloiH of theCabinet ami I J (."I. Li-h- actingcoiniuuudor of the fotces


Tax on Legacies Ice vs. Electricity-- Banning Estate.

In Polapola vs. Maria ami FrankCarr, tho plnintiil has filed a motionto dismiss tl o appeal of defendants.

Judge Cooper yostetday filed adecree in accordance with his recentdecision in tho inaltor of tho Bannitig estate. Tho administrator, W.F. Allen, is decreed not chargeablewilli tho losses on Union Iron Worksand Seattle bonds, and is allowed tocredit himself with ffWJ.'KH commis-sions on his sixth account, nnd

2180.00 on his seventh account,while tho correct balance of princi-pal chargeable to tho administratoron January 10, lS'.l.'l, is found to be$110,7815(8. Mrs. Banning and Kit-dol-

'Banning both appeal fromthe decree.

In the matter of tho estate of A.A. Coruiot, Jtnlgo Whiting has is-

sued an order, appointing HenrySmith, mastery in chancery, nn ap-praiser to appraise tho market valueof real estate at Pnlama. under the,law of 18'J2 to tax legacies, bequestsand inheritances. A hearing uponthe matter and upon the master'sreport is set for Monday, the Minis-to- r

of Finance .to bo notified of the (

hearing.Brown nnd Hatch for defendant

have tiled a brief on their appealfrom Judge Cooper's decision in i

People's Ico and Refrigerating Com- -

pany vs. Hawaiian Electric Com-pany. Tho grounds aro as follow :1, No contract: as long as it wascompetent for tho plaintiff to with-- !draw from tho proposal, it was com- -'

potent for tho defendant to with-draw its oirer. 2. The case being anexchange of interests in laud, sigua- -

lures were required by both parlies,in order to comply with tho statute:whoro there aro mutual promise, i

unless both parlies aro bound j

neither is; the passage of n vote at '

n meeting of plaintilf company can- - ,

not bo n compliance with the statuteof frauds in a case of the sale ofreal estate.

After obtaining medical evidence1ns to the ward's condition, JudgeCooper has declined to grant the!petition o Siuetto McGrew for i

leave to visit her husband, who is i

under guardianship.

I recommend Chatnburlalu's PainB.'lllll for rllnnmntUm Intm. I, ...,!sprains and swellings. There is mi

iciii-- r iiiiiiiiciii inane, i nave soiiiover 100 bottles of it this vearandall were ideated wh.iiwi.il it. .1. I."

Pierson, druggist. South Chicago, '

in. it is lor sale nv all dealers.Benson, Smith A; Co., Agents for theHawaiian Islands.

Krmj tlrvrlpliiiH oJUII I'HIXTtSUiliHir nl Ihr UtilUllii Oilier,


DAN I.YO.N-'liANil.- I'l.AsS Wll. I.channel f out il(. Drill Hlio.l m

Arlnn Mull, Mlilcli he hi- - ronitsl fur TInt. Tliiir-ilu- v iiikI Nitnnliv if iich wck.The Siilurifi,vorj;aiilr.i-.cl.- . for

will in. it nt tin- - Arleii Hull nt .'oVIo. kApil' "th.

On 'fiu-ili- i) evuihic, April tin h. m 7iiMiii-k- , iicl.ii- - will In- - foruil eiMmim,I!ey.

On Thiir-ilu.- v iittrriionii, ut :t o'clock.Alirll (Jill. II KtlCI-lll- I I'l'lt. ulll - l..r,.....

(i!u,,,,,,, "1)11 till. hInivi1 iIhv. Mr. I.inn ciin I...

Men ut the Hull from li to 1.' h.hiii irit) If

"DAI NIPPON"Hottl Street (Arllonton Block i

The nlhure Store h' reeilveil unotlii-- r

Spleuilid leviilee of

JdpaniwSilk Fanr (iinhIs

Per S. S. China."


Beautiful Silk and GrapeDr. s. IIimiiK in all e, iHii nml


rii-lilo- Tallin I'd ,

llisl Cover- -, leetii-- .I'hiniUe- - .slinwU,

Silk Grape Rainbow Suits,

All ( uliirs I iiney I Irji (.cries.

Embroidered Handkerchiefslliillli ., Scurf-- , SiiKhe- -,

.liiel.el-- , C.ijj- -, ;to , I'.te.

NOVKLTIKS:The I'rlee- - of tln-.- e rii.iiil- - Mill

veil, Inelll HllK'

Hull 'miiiic I iKiiri-tl.- I'lise- -,

I'mSll . I'eil I'u-ii- -,

Large and Small Japanese Rugs

Hilk I'lnlirclh- - hulit Inn iirt.iiiiI'lnlri-uiltlli- - f I.

I'.'iiiihon IIIiimI- -. ll'O.I with .u lev.Silk linii Miuih -- . new st.vle.

Japauusa ScrcaiK, from S3 Up.

Large Japanese Umbrellas

t& I un Iim .set th l'i.e in theiriouml, ii f .r 1'iei, . or I, nude . i.min ii er- - llli-- eiltl lie . ! nut HI 'I nla u It nt.


Elegant Silk Kimooos!

"tTTi 1. i. .iliu ih - mIiiIIv Inv.leil.

Mrs. J. P. P. Gollaco, Proprietress.

tint, Mtry V. OTtttlonof riiia, O , fT il, r ,r.

Iiljn- - nro A. Ui.i.l,D.l look it Itt Ilk Mil

Rafesd froiiij'jo Dead

Long and Tonihlo IHnosafrom Blood PoisoningCompletely Cured by ITood'B

SrirmiHirtlln.Mrs. Marr r. OTnlion, n very Intolllscnt

lady of riiui, OMo, was pol'oncd wMlo as-sisting pliy.lcl.iti. at un nutup.y C years ntfo,soil soon Irrrltile iitrrro titoke out on herIieait, srnn, tnngito ami tti-i- Her tnlr Allcarao out. She wrljliccl but 7fl lb.., nmt sawno rrop?t of help. At la- -t s!io bejan totako llooil'i 8ir.np.irllla ami nt onco lm.proTCctj eout.t oc:i prt out nt bed an J wftlk.BIio says t " I became perfectly curc.l by

Hood's Scrsaparillaimlnm now a well woman. I weigh 1281b...eat welt and ito tho work for n larco family.My eao seems a wonderful recovery andptiy'l-h- n. Iomk nt no In p.'ntiMcnrnt. sualii'OSt Hup nnc tnlrtl front Hie lenil."

HOOD'3 PlLLO sliotiM M In tr.rf fjmtlflacliclb tbttl. enctuird.lwy, tfrrtd.

IlllllltOS'. NKWMAN .V CO..Agent, tor Minuiiiim


" "53- --v 2" 2 S

H f. 1 m 1 f4 - eHi z2 5 3 ' --3

r S I K i s

o ? ---

g I

w z A

K J S &


T I--I lfl

Cleveland Bicycle Club

' Will Imve It- - I'ir-- l llMWIli.' un

A.F"FtITi 1 , 1 884,il" oxi.y r.'.si vor

I0 A .MONTHTo ' in Hue with other "l''"'""" K,"r

-"- ",Join Now. a Vw Chances Left !

Ai.uiuiftu;a ni pi- -s LLAM)

H. E. WALKER.ril-t- f Vpllt. HeiiKliihi. II. I.

C. B. RIPiEY 8

AROHITKOT3,Olllii: NlV sf,. p,.,M,. I'. 1,1,111,,;,

Tort -- irei.i, llniiiiliihi, H. I.

I'lilll- -, Sicllle.ii,- - iin,I Inerilltetel-ene- e

pyil l.il K.Veij llu eriitloli i f II, ill, .Illk'. Dill llllil'l!lll. liel.,,..c'ImI iitul Ktiiuriic.l. ), -- i ;i f,',r Inieiiurllienrit.iin- - Mm- - or .Meeliuiile.il lr.i.-- i

rr.ieliiutii Ithie I'riiiliin;. eini,.;fei llnnk or Newi,i, er

Ring Up Bell Telephone 122

Bag-gag-- e Express,bl.uiil ut Hoiliniii rV M, leiii-so-

Jneeii trui, in hi 1'i.rt.

"s H .lAMI.s I'liLLOi'li.


'I'lll. Ito Mill in-- I.AHY M N vol.lisI il tin- - U ipinl .1,1 Muii riiiivllii- - nii irtiiu" v ini'l in.- - in'-- of ex

ten linn lii, ii . t,c. ic fiiink- - it, nil unitfVervelie Him kin iVe lleir in, I II ,

li luvv ml- - tin- - Inu le lii li Mi ,

.'II, ,ii n i nriiiii (uii.U fur tlieulmvei IIM II till- - 'II

I'ei I Me II I i M.reh M r...i.;.s i: H I I Ml ,

'.lis t I'i II - , ret ,rOKYI.ON TiSA. AHHJEWJihllY,

I iu;i. in iM'niiM Tin: n u. hI I lull I till I ne I in Mi.ie .,, ,,Niiiiuini -- in i nllli lii,i Miimil , ti i i

.h'Aeir) ret vv itli I! ilu, , .i.,li n.-.- , . ,,,..,ei , .lilrt r ei He. I Mime ' ne I i , Inn ' , ntr Il AN 1. Ii.vMii II iiiil-n- '. ule I ne,..All III - t ii n( luv -- Iim'U - i.li, i,, ,.

. J. .Sl II lis,t'.'il tl Sn lei Niiiiiiiiii fr, , i


rl. ll--i VI. A I'i n V II II Mi: i, I.

II II ! In, .III -- ie II ,i ill ,.H ,1 ,, , ,

I ii.ii. luiin it liuln U,i e. Iein.,li- - ut;.,,v.iMllie-- , Juili

K (nil It A A io.Ilulilllulu Aiil '.', IftUI, A.'-l- t

Headquarters for White Goods


3ST. S. S-A.OH-S'

orao jcort atroet, Honolulu.o

Immense Assortment ! Lowest Prices I

NAINSOOKS In Plain, Mrlp.il, fl k- - nml 1'laM- -.

Persian Lawns, Victoria Lawns, Linen LawnsIN AM. UKlUFs AND IMIU'E".

Il.lirll In Mrirf-.I- , rhirk-- , I'liilil- - nml Hair Line,INDIA LINONS. HATISTK AND COTTON CHAPES.


WHITE .--.


vv kndi.is v.i:ti:rv ok

LAGES AND EMBROIDERIES!KMII0II);I:Y I.DMlNuSlii .. Vn,,. ,v m H;,ml..ir lii

AM Wi.ltlu with In rtliiK to Match.

All-uv- er Etnbroldory, Embroidory Floaaces and Demi Flounces.Laces of Every Description in All Widths.

mJL viJSia--. m to, LEVY5ltf l.obiiisoii Block, Hotel Street.


Stock Must be Sold on May 1st.I Wll.l. sKI.I. oil MY hSTilll' iioi K t ..SSIM No ok

Dry and Gent's Furnishing Goods,

SHOES, --E3..A.TS,

Mens and Boys Suits, Etc., Etc."t--

S t if iniHissil)i. r,. u. to tiioiitioii all the Artiok'tiami Prices!

- salk cd.mmkncks on

Monday, March 19.I'LKASK G1VK ME A CALLS

Stock lust fcs Sold on May 1st.

NOTICE.I liiivt- - hcfii iiistniftcil hy Mu. .1. M. in-- : S. k Sii.va,

IMopiiotorof f II.WAIIANlAPAM:si:HA.AAIt, Hotel Htl'L'Ot,to m-I- I his ht,K.k ,,-


.lAI'AMOSIU (J()())S. Alwi, n bigof .lAI'AXliSK PAPKK NAI'KIXS will bo hoI.J

i.i:s tii.w tiivp.

Clearance SaleOK

GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS!ii. vimi iiiNiitiii.ii to i i.osi-- : oir mis i.inkui-' I'- - ! AN III Y TIII.M . 'ltCr..s


ti:i.ki.,..m ., ,(HAS. IILSTACK,


ttRGCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR and FEED.rrosli Calilomia Roll Butter and Island Butter


Hew Giods Itecelved by Every Steamer from San Francisco.

'Huiel.i'vuheu'; U""M "" ?""''"''""" niW IM.....I o,.,er

LiMot.s HuirK, KiNfi Sim.fc-r-. IH:r. and Ai.akka .Stukktu

iioth Tl'.l.i.i iio.M .'in .



I' o iiox a;& CO.,


Importers, Wholesale i Ketail (iiwrsProvision Dealers & Naval Supplies

Fr-s- b Goods by Evory California Steamer.H'K - IIMI'SK . (jooi)S - A - SIKCJIAlrV.

Islvmi- - (),.,,i:,;sS,,,,n,,, 3 gsf StTwrAiTiiix Opabantkki,.

II. I r.l'IIUSI. I.'I'. u HON no

II. K. .Mc-LM'YU- & IJIK).,Ilirillll.l.!i mi HK.VLKIIS IN

Groceries, - Provisions - and - FeedS" - ' 4""" '' ' I'eKel fre.ulhe U.teri. Mulu-- :,0h..

MM.MI (ALII l)l. . I'Konm. MY . KVHKY STKAMKHV " '' '"' 'I';; '" I to ue, I Hoot. f,v, r,., l(, '"'I I lee I il, Kl.l..

Isl.AM, (),,,.,., S..I u ,ru,. SATUrAOTlOX OVAIUNIKICU.HAS iOUM.li AM) KlNu BTIlKl.Te.


Page 4: T- Pitta Bmlletiii

tfggggggMMJMMWqy--T".T).Kt.- r



New-Yor- k Life Insurance Co.

JOHN A. McCAXL. President.



Premium Income $ '27,ISS,057Interest, Runts, etc 0,371,980.61

Total Income 33,803,0-lO.Of- i

Dentil ClaimsKmlowmcnts and Annuities 'J, 11)1,5)02 90Dividends, PurehaseJl Insurance, etc 1,1 03,-ir:- ? .Sl

Total to Policy Holder $ ir,0:iS,ir0. 27

Number of New Policies Issued 8.",1 1 1

Amount of New Insurance Written .f'2'28,417,1 M 00


A sift.-- til 8,700,781 .20Liabilities, 1 per cent Standard I HI ,075,1 ft 1 .OilSurplus I7,025,0.')0.18Number of Policies in Force 25:1,870Amount of Insurance in Korea 770,150,078 00

progress ix mm.Increase in Benefits to Policy Holders 1,0I.'1,1:17.8IIncrease in Assets 11,201,582.22Increase in Surplus 220,082.08Increase in Insurance Written 51,81 2,01-- .00Increase in Insurance, in Force 80,008,015). 00Increase in Number of Policies in Force .17,5)08Increase in Number of Policies Written in I85t:i

over 1M2 18,852lncieac in New Premiums Income over that of

I .: 1,082,008 12

In tti following respects tho Now York Lifo, In 1803, has BROKEN ALLRECORDS over mado by Horsolf or any other Company.

Fiust Numbct of policies applied for in 1893 05.500

Skconmi Number of new policies actually written in 181):


Tuiitn Amount of new ce issued in 180:5 . . . $22.'!,8O(),O0O

ForitTH .Number of new policio-actuall- y paid for in 180:?


Firm Net pain in new limine-- - over the previous yearf" 1,81 2,000

Sixth Net increase in number of policies in force .'17,008

Skvkxtii Net i;aiii in insurance in force 811,008,0151

O. O. BERO-EFt- ,

V.t-l- m ur.N'Klt.Vl. AUKNT. HAWAIIAN Itfl.ASI'.S.









H. I.

Electric Printing Office,

Merchant Street,






Notice to Consumers I

The new work of the lluuaiiunEhctric Co. heiny now completed,

notice in hereby fliven that fromand after January loth the Com-pan- y

in prepared to tupply incan-deree- nt,


electric lijililiui to en,turner. '

In ii few dayn the Company ivill

aha he prepared to furnih electric

motor for power, and of which

dm-- notice will he liven.

The Company further announce

that they are prepared to receive

ordfru for interior wirinii and can

furninh future and all fiitinn in

connection with new eerrice.

I'rintcd rule, reputation andCompany's rate can he had on

application i the Superintendent.





U UKOKU MARU"Due here tm or uhnut Mmeh '.'"itli, mill

will Ik with Millie amiI'liiKcngurs for the hImivi.

Port on or nhout

APRIL Btll.Kor further niirtleiihiri. ri'isiirilltii!

I'lingi' nml apply to


iivi-i- Atll'.NTS.

J. J. EGANS14 Fort Street.AI.WAYri tlS HAM) TIIK

Latest Styles in Millinery-- TIIK I.ATK.ST IN -

White- - and Colored Worstod GoodsTin: moki" roMri.r.TKrn'ot'K ok

DRY : (JOODSin thi: city

Dressmaking Done by Mrs. Renner.


Agent to Take Acknowledgments

Will attend to Minini'iiH'iil and Nileof l'roKTt mill i iillii'tli In

nil flu hrmiehe.

Houses and Land For SaleSnrtherl.i eorner of Kuimii ami lh retmila


itniir: oiifiloor lci l.eui. J. I.evev,Kort Htrii-l- . !i7." tf



11 Soft Soaps" & Tallow

i. kino siiti;i:i.

F. O. BOX 341.tiii-- tf


I.IIIIIAUY OK rti'lKNTKam dim oi.i-- ovorv TIM'.BDAY.

uml HATUUIIAY, fromI o'liliii-- I. m.. him'oiiiI lluor of lo

ur llloi'l;, NmiaiHi ntro t; I'liirancc on tlnlane luuiliii); to 1'iiiiiiilr.

(V Hooks Imit out to r'i'inllilr pur-ill- 's

in Honolulu, mxl wi.un irnutlcalili', toreniilnti of tlin other lnhiniU.

Klt'inrntMrv Olast in Tlifooonhx nvurvWKDNKhlJAY hVKNINU, ul 7s.".0 oVIockxliurp, In tho l.llirnry Hull U7l flW

3STOTIOE TOVisitors, Picnic Parties, Luaas

General Fulolio !

At Smith's Btis and Livery-Stables-,

King Street,Adjoining Mini Market;

h t'lii'Unt ihii'i in Iovmi you en "tllii'.-i- i, WnvoiK'lti". ItU'fKh". uml r.iniuI lor-i'-- . It will pay ou in fall mul ccheforc jou try t'lauulu te,

UUtUHl Telophono 4QB.

(Continued from lt Page.)

stopped before the tramp card isturned, after which tho deal is valid

' and the packs if changed so remain.MIMKALIS'0.

17. It is a misdeal:(a) If tho dealer omits to have the

pack cut and his adversaries dis-

cover tho error boforo tho trampcard is turned nud before looking atany of their cards.

(I)) If he deals a card incorrectlyand fails to correct the error boforodealing another.

(c) If he counts the cards on thotablo or lu the remainder of thopack.

(d) If, having a perfect pack, hedoes not doil to each player thoproper number of cards qnd thoerror is discovered boforo all haveplayed to tho first trick.

(e) If ho looks at tho trump cardbefore tho deal is completed.

(f) If ho places tho trump cardfaco downward upon his own orany othor player's cards.

A misdeal loses tho doal, unless,during tho doal, either of tho adver-saries touohos a card or iu anyother manner interrupts the dealor.

(Cowhuinn next iue.)Literature for Art's Sake.

Tho Writer, lleiton, lfi!., ,1

In nn article tinon Geonro Mlclioltho palntor of Muntninrtro, in tlioContiirv for Novombor, 18U3, Vlr- -uinln vnti(bnii snya: "To a tnoro do- -

liuurnto itUL'Ik'cttial artist each nowwork in an ovont. tho record of astop which brings him noaror to hisgoal, of which ho novor loses sight."

T!ii. it souins to mo, would makoa good motto for all writers whooariifstly (Ivsiro solMmprovornontand tho uplifting of our national

' literature. Atuonca has not yet at-

tained a high nlaco in letters. Possi-bly she is still too young to bo ad-

mitted to tho elderly company oftho Hast, but a close obsorvor mayfind other causes for this than ten-derness of ago. How many of ourwritors aro working lor art a sakoTIt needs little tnoro than a glance atcurrent American litoraturo to de-tect thoabsencoof tho"high serious-ness'' which makes classics. Do ourwriters set up a goal a lofty stand-ard of oxcellouco and mako eachnow elfort a serious stop toward itsattainment? Do wo not rather havein view the ophomoral fitness of anarticle or a story for tho pages ofcertain well-payin- g publications!There are few Grays these times tolabor three years on "An Elegy,''and there aro few poems writtenwhich are not their own epitaphs.Oliver Wendell Holmes is, indeed,"Tho Lat Leaf" of a literary sum-mer when an American litoraturo al-

most bloomed.The competition of business has

invaded letters. The magazines viowit li eacli oilier in announcing attractive lists of contributors for onsuing volumes; and thohave captured illustrious namesadvertise "Utir new S10.UX) storvColumns of literary notes aro pub-lished, exciting literary aspirantswith stories of tho amounts whichhave been nrtid for nonular talesand enumerating tho editions intowhich they have run. Hut whenhave wo coon it heralded that a storyor a poem has appeared that will

, entitle America to a place in litera-ture, and that bears the certain ovi-- Ideuce of unselfish love for art and ofbeing a distinct stride toward a

! KITlu this spirit of mercantilism, we

are iu too great haste to print. WoI seem not to look beyond tho glory, of print and a remunerative strip of

paper. Shall some future critichave just occasion to write that ourcharacteristic impatience was whatprevented tho inakinir of a nationaliiteraturwT It does renuiro Job-lik- e

patience, sublime self-denia- l, andI courage to labor upon one article, j

or story, or poom, selected, possibly' from a wealth of ideas, as leading

most directly to a high goal, while i

the writings of others aro being,printed, and talked about, and paidfor, all for uuro lovo of tho art.

lu these days of making litoraturoa profession one is compelled tothe forego of doing

i the best for art's sake. Wo seem to beforced to write according to the de-mand. How many aro honestly striv-ing to elevate tho standard of thissupposed demand? Surely there arol hemes of paramount iutorest, pow-erful emotions pulsating Americanlife, which are ready for tho effort ofl he true artist for art's sake, andwhich, if treated iu a true literarymail nor, not tho affected, tradf--tioual souse of literature, but in abroad, progressive, earnest, artisticmanner, would mako us a nationalliterature.

There is no reason why the writerwho does his work from pure lovo ofhis art should bo a droumor. Ho can

. toil on iu as practical a way as inany other pursuit. The most usefulinventions have been mado onlythrough joarH of experimeut, andoften of sacrifice. A novel, a poem,or a play that will become au Amer-ican classic cannot bo dashed off andhustled into print, any moro than asewing maciiinu or a locomotive canbo devised iu a day. Shall it bo saidthat in all our broad laud there areno disinterested lovers of tho mostonduring of all arts? Possibly insouiu luxurious library or some

attic thoro is a "mute, in-glorious .Milton," and a generouspublic is waiting for him to bursttho bonds of his obscurity. And ifhis work have tho undying quality,tho startling discovery will be madethat the demand has been adaptingitself to the supply, rather than therovorso. J. M. Hoke.

Hnrrisburg. Penn.

IIooU's and Only Hood's.

Hood's Sarsanarilla is carefullyprepared fmui Sanaparilla, Daude-lion- ,

.Mandrake, Dock, Pipsissewa,.Juniper berries ami other wellknown remedies, by a peculiar com-bination, proportion and process,giving to Hood's Saivapaillla ctiratio powers

. not possessed by other1.71 ll'llll'.l. 1L (tiroots rutllltrltlllllouriih wlimi ntlior iironaratloiiH fall.

llooill h I'llls euro billoiunoi.

Golden Role Bazaar.

W. F. ReymMs, : Prop.

unti', tlicdlliiwiit ofIlu-c- h m vi? withtin1 Aint'rlrw iioorli", hnvo con-- ,nitfrrd tho lilgiii't nwiinl in evnry mrtli'it-i.it- n

htr, Mhli'h hud to'oliiiiihlmi Jury. The hlitlit1(, nwnnl glvnn hy the willho Ih'IIit uii'tctjtoiMl It know u

illir.'rHiit r tho An

II V dn nut no in foe ijrindiuij outSpectacle ami liijciflanae, hut we ranfit yon at prices in accordance with the








Needles & Fittings!

m if.litliilirtou ll'lOil 111' I )

Tin- - Klii of All r,vi'rlliT.

Purses and Card Cases,

Rackets and Supplies

Croquel and Baseball Goods,

Full Supply of Fine Stationery,

Mourning Stationery,

OlUce Stationery,

Guitars from $4.00 Up.

Music and Books ordered by

Every Steamer.

Alld don't torui'l CASH l theIm-U- of our liu-li- u mul It iilwuvi lulkK.


;iLoml Talking PIioiia, D'l'.'lllllI I


J. A. Victor's Phonograph Parlor

Corner Hotel and llilhil -- trirt-.

Vutl will lltld nil of tint l.atect Selection).In I'.niterii .MuhIo-.'-'im- llnii llnnd-- ,

Cornut mid Xylophone Solo Wealto niiike n nK'Uiiilty of .Native Mu'eNew Records Received by Steamer,


nf llon't forget tli ilm Vn toii'r;"in ir the price, null .leeutoeiieh M'ltetlou.

Vi :iin

KAXEOHE RANCH(IimhI l'nliiriigu hv the iiiuutli orymr. All

Ilor-e- n will l) nfleruml kept in paddoekh.


4' asrut ca-R- , ov e,"Iti'vord J::iJ In llonolulii,

Will nuikoihe M'nou tit till- - Ihineh iiulllJul) I, IKU. TIJU.M.S, f m.

I)j-- t uii'iioM Kimled km I, hlo'id lui), IUImiiiU high uml weielit ct) puuieU.

l'r.iii.iu.K: Ily "(lro.viiur." hvhi lllvk, Hmiilltoui.iii

lu." Dniii hv "Niitwoud," rteord "J:!.for fiirtluir partleulur upply to

.1.1' MKS'IIONUA Kuueohe. or,(.'. IIOl.Ti:. lloiiohilu.

U.V1 Iiu


ft-- 1'o i.rr on iir.m:.T tmda -- tru'l iieur Miller Hlreet. t'H tf


'pwo nicki.v rtit- -

L tiiHlieil Itooiii!-- for(litiitleiiien ut No. i liurdeiiI.llllf. Mi.' tf


7 VAI.lTAlll.K I'IKCIIm UK ttI improved 1'ropurtv, lueated jtV'!,'j'?:In tllll'ruiit 1'urtb of tlio t in .if i&ff&ijlloiuilillu, Imm.iIiiH. Applv "4for full imrtli'iiliirH to .dW.IllltlCi: A A. J. CAItTWIIKlllT.


ON TIIK it or a run t ,, "v.a Cot in i net ii VJ'.JVH.

Htreet. nuir Veriilliellt fcSl.lioiItiiildliiKiiiulre ul

c. ii;ur.'i sum; bToltK.Hi lu


TO l.l.T UN .,-,,-. -- ..

J Klliailktnnt, onehlik Ar!lrSZ.-l,- tfrom liorru cur, all niodmiiliiiproveiiicnt, uImi IIiiiii, i"Uia2S.Hliilile uml Si rvuiitV honiu. ,ppl u

N h. s rlih.00TM f I'mt


rnin: ii;riiu.in.i; i'ito- -

JL Ji.Tt) klioilll II" the tl.MtS."I'll!)' I'rtliilii," KllU'lli'd 4UWAon Nuiiiiiiu A vi nil", uei Ziiiiljoliiliix the rouliii e ! Mr K I' inhull 1 he ll'iUM' he nu lu M .ru.A nm- -

' lallisKlx ,ii rue lledr'Oiu. I'urlur-- , lliliiardllooill, Kitelitm With Hi' l l.'iiti.' I'uiuri,eii) , mul I tn lit. .in no eui'h ilu.ir 'l'li"fii-tlr- e

h. His' i. lliti'd with lutiilelti Tin'ii. i ..... i....... i ...' ....-- t.".MIHI'I" HII' IIHf" ll'l I r"lllllll III III ll- -' Itimof Slillduillid Irilil I'mio l.iuile.'r- -

ll" l'fjl"'fiy i" he in at ureaniinuhlu rental. Kiiqiilin of

I". V. .MACI'AUI.ANK.I trW-l- ia Unltii ld Cu.'. willc.

The Prize

AWdFCled !

Anhouser-Busc- h Brewing Co.

Wins tho Prize at tho

World's Fair with their"EAGLE" Brand Beer.

Sr. Loum, Oct. '&, iwm., Mwm.. Mai mrmnf. .t Co., 1,'n.,

Honolulu, II. I.Dtnr Sir: We liavo mulled you n copy

of tlic (iMic-leihiicri-it iiiinouuolntt thunrcntvietotv won hv tllU AMIM'PKR-IIUM'- ll AmO"I'lArioN Willi" tlit-i- r "KAUI.K" llriind ofUciT.



(ifyrcm leiitch In (llohfl)einneml.)WoriiiV Fmii, Ciiicmio, III., Oct. an. j

Nonwnnl Ims over licon nimlo m gratifyingto St. IoiiIi i.miIo nml so Jtiftly inrrlti'dns the one gfvuti v by the t oliiiuliiati

tho World'" Knlr. conitltigof run- -ni)f-cu- r' ninl clicuilM- - of thulilghrtrmik, I

to tlio AnluMipr-lliir- li lln-win- Aooln- - i

lion. Ily iiicImhIs of iilirlrn'lcit Imi1ih's- -I'litrriirlir. titnl liy uttiig the bet ninterlnl I

liroiliti't'il In Anu'rlt'ii mid hiirujx", rxulitd- -Inif corn mul elliur alilllcrntit- - or inrro- - i

kinds Iho Aulii'in-or- - .

lici'r I lii'i'iitiii' tho fiivoritcsmid now

ho con-ldi-r- hy thechnnu-te- r of

Juroriwlirn U that

tlm I pxlilhliml hv









-- inel.



' t"V',m


iiril-i- T llu-c- ii Itri'wtni; hnd toi'iniiftp with liuiidrnUof the mint e.xci'l- -

lent ill"iln of otluT hii'wcr. Tim fncttliat nn othi'r roiicnrn lin rix'rlved soiiiiinj iMiInt- - fur tho vnrloiM iiuil-Ith'- of

giHnl kit (onliriii1 uni'W the llriu'ri'i'iit 'tl'Ui ii th" Ir'ulcr of nil Atncrli'miIicitx. nml Mr. Ailolihtn llu-r- h run feelproud over till" result utlv niTllfl.


1--"T I ft'. vKj V "i:

rrr Tlic above Is a or tbe

Label ol the "CAGLE" Brand utilcb. took

the Prize.

u lie "tire touk lor tl r.AOl.i:" Itrand.

Macfarlaue & Co., L'd,M tt .hrn( fir lliimiiiiin ttlnmln

ON APRIL 1, 1894,


Will (like I'll'.irve nf the Store knownMAII.K" witli n


Dress Goods,DRY (iOOUS,


i.aiii:v .t ciiii.iiiti;v


Fuinisliiiig Goods,

Sho?s, Notions, Etc., Etc., Etc.'.WJ-- tf

WM. DAVIES,Rigger and Stevedore,


A I.I. KIN lis Ul' WOltK.

Tliu Schr. "MAIIIM.V11I"Will run reituliirl,! Iieluien lliU port umlWiiluluii, KiiMiiihiip.il, Mukiili'lii, Keuwe-n- ul

aii'l i'liulki on the of Ihilui.1'or l''ril;ht, nc, upply to the Uupiulii,

Vttb- - lliUlre nt ollleu of J ri. Wulker,over hiii'i'kelV Hunk, Tort htieiit, Ki7-- tf


'PHi: I'AltlM-.ltSlll- l' IIKUK'IOl'iHtK1 I'xlntniK hiitwien I'reiierieU lliirrihim

mid Arthur lliini-oi- i under the llrm mimeol 'lliin llrot.," it- - eoinrui'loi midhiindi'iK. Iin lui ii hi iiiuiutil fdii-m- it

uml all p.nti'e uiiiiij; ai llrm uioheri.lii uotitii'il lli. ii piiimeut of tlmniii-- t ho in, nli' in I'u duilek lliirri-ol- i, whoi iuilh..rli'il tu Miitln Miid )- Mtiliilithilli diilr Hum d He.

1 UKI'KUICK ll.i:i:ill)N,Aitriii'it ii iti:iM).s,

lliiiiululii, 11. I , Miueh .'7, I -- ill.IH.I lw

In tho Uircuit Court of tho I'tvit Cir-

cuit, Uiiwuiiaii Iblamia.

IN llll M VI I'KIt OK TIIK lNK.i' iu. i iii mmiii I. urn ii ii. I

of (he Mil I It uiliriipt are herein' liolillu i lofume ill uml prul'ii Iheir ilelitt hefole tileI in nil I uiirl of ilm lil-- t t'lnuil, n tliei ii, in Id inn nf n, I'.iuit, ill liiiiiuliilil,null, I, mi MoMi.V V, tin. lui, liny i April,Kll, lint . I'll the liuilr. nf tU 'efoek III til"fiiH'in.iiii uml iiiiuii nf the niiid ilii),iilnleleel nn A -- u . in A.'j;llri', ut the Mill)lliiiikiupt' Kt ilo.

Ii) lliu Couil:lii:o l.l'CV.o. t lerk.

Honolulu, April I, Wi. 'Ji-i-'-


i . jr vrn&Hlfr"


Are Itccclvlng Now Invoices of





Wlicre they tiro fully prcpitrcd to do allkinds of work lu tlm latest style, at

the shortest notice and at lliouiol Itcitenuuhlu Kutes.

Fiiid Job Work iu Colors a Specially



Kxi'cutcd In tliu Motl Atliui'tlveMtmncr.




Ui'itil tliu folliiwIiiL' pattlul lint of fii'v- -lllltk'n llllll Ut tllullULLKTIN'b IllifCS III)- -foro pha-lnt- ; your otdcrs. Ily ho doingyou will buve liotli time mid money.

I.tttir lleculh,NotO lil'illlrl,

Bill Hl'lllln,Miiiuoiituiluiiiti,

llillu ol Luilint;,HtlltLllll'lltM,


AniocniciilB,iSIii jli ti Ciuitriiutb,

(Jlu.'ck liiiokh,J.uj;iil Ulunks,

(JiiluiiilurM,WliIiIiii Uiirtln,

Vlnitiuj; CiinlH,lillrilllCtiti (Jiu ils,

Kiinuiul Curiln,Atlinihhion C.inls,

FriltUlllill Cltlllr.,Tintii C:iril,

.Milk Tinkuln,.Moul TiekotH,

Tlumtri) 'lickuiH,Stilitlurcliii

Uorporalioti Curtiliuati-H- ,

.Miirriuge Oerlilii'utih,Uei'i'iptb of all kiuilN,

l'lllllttltioil Ullll'le,l'roiuiory N iti-h- ,


J'io;iiiiniiit'ri,h.ilmls nl I'Vcry variety,

i'etitiiiiii, in,my language,Kiieliilii'f it Letter Uircularc,

Sjiurliiig Huorcj A. Heeurilh,I'tuputitiil W .lolling Liblb,

(iniuinil II o k Work,Kit:.. Klc, Kte., Kti!

I'l'lllli'il uml lllocked when ileflieil,

fetf No.loh U allowed to leave Ilia ol-ll- cc

until It kIM4 ittufiiutiou,


