Synchrony of telomere length among hematopoietic cells Masayuki Kimura a , Yair Gazitt b , Xiaojian Cao a , Xiangru Zhao b , Peter M. Lansdorp c , and Abraham Aviv a a The Centerof Human Development and Aging, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ., USA; b Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Tex., USA; c Terry Fox Laboratory, British Columbia Cancer Agency, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada (Received 10 May 2010; revised 15 June 2010; accepted 16 June 2010) Objective. Little is known about the relationship of telomere length among leukocyte subsets and cells up the hematopoietic hierarchy. This information is relevant because telomere dynamics in granulocytes were postulated to mirror those of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Materials and Methods. In newborn umbilical cord blood (UCB), we examined the relationships of telomere length in hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) (CD34 + CD45 L ) with those in T lymphocytes and granulocytes. In addition, we correlated telomere length in granulocytes with those in whole leukocyte samples of individuals ranging in age from birth to 100 years. Results. In the UCB, we found strong correlations of telomere length in HPCs with telomere length in T lymphocytes (r ranging from 0.882 to 0.935; p ranging from 0.0038 to 0.0007) and in granulocytes (r [ 0.930; p [ 0.0072). At birth, strong correlations were also observed between telomere length in granulocytes and those in all leukocytes (r [ 0.979; p [ 0.0003). Throughout the human lifespan, the relationship between telomere length in granulocytes and that in all leukocytes was r O 0.980 and p ! 0.0001. Conclusions. Robust synchrony exists among leukocyte subsets throughout the human lifespan; individuals with relatively long (or short) telomeres in one leukocyte subset have long (or short) telomeres in other leukocyte subsets. Moreover, telomere length in leukocytes reflects its length in cells up the hematopoietic hierarchy, i.e., HPCs and, by inference, HSCs. Strong links have been found by many studies between leukocyte telomere length and a host of aging-related diseases. Our findings suggest, therefore, that these links might be traced to telomere dynamics in HSCs. Ó 2010 ISEH - Society for Hematology and Stem Cells. Published by Elsevier Inc. With a view to gain insight into the role of telomere dynamics (birth telomere length and its age-dependent shortening afterward) in the biology of human aging, most epidemiolog- ical studies have examined the relationships of leukocyte telomere length (LTL) with a host of aging-related diseases [1,2] and survival [3,4]. However, as telomere length varies among subsets of leukocytes [5], concerns have been raised about whether the mean length of telomeres in all leukocytes, i.e., LTL, might capture less accurately or miss altogether relevant associations of telomere length in leukocyte subsets with features of interest [6]. For instance, lymphocyte subsets display variation in telomere length [7,8] and lymphocytes display a faster rate of age-dependent telomere shortening than granulocytes [5]. Whereas several studies have found that telomere length in hematopoietic precursor cells is longer than in more mature myeloid cells [9,10], a question remains about whether telomere length in any leukocyte subset provides information over and above that of LTL about aging-related diseases. No doubt, leukocyte subsets have central and diverse roles in health and disease, but seeking to understand telo- mere dynamics in one type of cell versus another is insight- ful only in the context of the specific hypothesis that is being tested. For example, if the hypothesis one tests is whether telomere dynamics in CD8 þ CD28 T lymphocytes play a role in the demise of the elderly, then it is only reasonable to examine the relationship between telomere length in CD8 þ CD28 T cells and death in old individuals. Similarly, if one would like to know whether telomere dynamics in monocytes is somehow involved in the patho- genesis of atherosclerosis, then it makes sense to measure Offprint requests to: Abraham Aviv, M.D., The Center of Human Devel- opment and Aging, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Medical School, 185 South Orange Avenue, Newark, NJ 07103; E-mail: [email protected] 0301-472X/$ - see front matter. Copyright Ó 2010 ISEH - Society for Hematology and Stem Cells. Published by Elsevier Inc. doi: 10.1016/j.exphem.2010.06.010 Experimental Hematology 2010;38:854–859

Synchrony of telomere length among hematopoietic cells

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Experimental Hematology 2010;38:854–859

Synchrony of telomere length among hematopoietic cells

Masayuki Kimuraa, Yair Gazittb, Xiaojian Caoa, Xiangru Zhaob,Peter M. Lansdorpc, and Abraham Aviva

aThe Center of Human Development and Aging, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ., USA;bDepartment of Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Tex., USA; cTerry Fox Laboratory, British Columbia Cancer

Agency, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

(Received 10 May 2010; revised 15 June 2010; accepted 16 June 2010)

Offprint requests to

opment and Aging, U

New Jersey Medical

07103; E-mail: avivab

0301-472X/$ - see fro

doi: 10.1016/j.exph

Objective. Little is known about the relationship of telomere length among leukocyte subsetsand cells up the hematopoietic hierarchy. This information is relevant because telomeredynamics in granulocytes were postulated to mirror those of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs).

Materials and Methods. In newborn umbilical cord blood (UCB), we examined the relationshipsof telomere length in hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) (CD34+CD45L) with those in Tlymphocytes and granulocytes. In addition, we correlated telomere length in granulocyteswith those in whole leukocyte samples of individuals ranging in age from birth to 100 years.

Results. In the UCB, we found strong correlations of telomere length in HPCs with telomerelength in T lymphocytes (r ranging from 0.882 to 0.935; p ranging from 0.0038 to 0.0007) andin granulocytes (r [ 0.930; p [ 0.0072). At birth, strong correlations were also observedbetween telomere length in granulocytes and those in all leukocytes (r [ 0.979; p [ 0.0003).Throughout the human lifespan, the relationship between telomere length in granulocytesand that in all leukocytes was r O 0.980 and p! 0.0001.

Conclusions. Robust synchrony exists among leukocyte subsets throughout the human lifespan;individuals with relatively long (or short) telomeres in one leukocyte subset have long (or short)telomeres in other leukocyte subsets. Moreover, telomere length in leukocytes reflects its lengthin cells up the hematopoietic hierarchy, i.e., HPCs and, by inference, HSCs. Strong links havebeen foundbymany studies between leukocyte telomere lengthandahost of aging-related diseases.Our findings suggest, therefore, that these links might be traced to telomere dynamics inHSCs. � 2010 ISEH - Society for Hematology and Stem Cells. Published by Elsevier Inc.

With a view to gain insight into the role of telomere dynamics(birth telomere length and its age-dependent shorteningafterward) in the biology of human aging, most epidemiolog-ical studies have examined the relationships of leukocytetelomere length (LTL) with a host of aging-related diseases[1,2] and survival [3,4]. However, as telomere length variesamong subsets of leukocytes [5], concerns have been raisedabout whether themean length of telomeres in all leukocytes,i.e., LTL, might capture less accurately or miss altogetherrelevant associations of telomere length in leukocyte subsetswith features of interest [6]. For instance, lymphocyte subsetsdisplay variation in telomere length [7,8] and lymphocytesdisplay a faster rate of age-dependent telomere shortening

: Abraham Aviv, M.D., The Center of Human Devel-

niversity of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey,

School, 185 South Orange Avenue, Newark, NJ


nt matter. Copyright � 2010 ISEH - Society for Hematol


than granulocytes [5]. Whereas several studies have foundthat telomere length in hematopoietic precursor cells islonger than in more mature myeloid cells [9,10], a questionremains about whether telomere length in any leukocytesubset provides information over and above that of LTL aboutaging-related diseases.

No doubt, leukocyte subsets have central and diverseroles in health and disease, but seeking to understand telo-mere dynamics in one type of cell versus another is insight-ful only in the context of the specific hypothesis that isbeing tested. For example, if the hypothesis one tests iswhether telomere dynamics in CD8þCD28� T lymphocytesplay a role in the demise of the elderly, then it is onlyreasonable to examine the relationship between telomerelength in CD8þCD28� T cells and death in old individuals.Similarly, if one would like to know whether telomeredynamics in monocytes is somehow involved in the patho-genesis of atherosclerosis, then it makes sense to measure

ogy and Stem Cells. Published by Elsevier Inc.

855M. Kimura et al./ Experimental Hematology 2010;38:854–859

telomere length in monocytes in individuals with or withoutclinical/subclinical manifestations of the disease.

In what way then can LTL serve to gain insight into thebiology of human aging and aging-related diseases? Theanswer depends on whether the following model is provenvalid: Over the life course of the individual, LTL dynamicsmirror telomere dynamics in the hematopoietic stem cells(HSCs) [11,12]. If this premise is defensible, then the rela-tionships of LTL with human aging and aging-relateddiseases suggest a role, whether passive or active, of telomeredynamics and telomere-regulating genes in HSCs in thebiology of human aging. However, because HSCs are poorlycharacterized [13] and their estimated numbers in the bonemarrow are exceedingly small [14], it is almost impossibleat present to verify the premise through direct empiricalobservations. These would have required bone marrow aspi-rations in large cohorts and development of methods thatprecisely characterize HSCs and sort them in sufficient quan-tities for themeasurement of telomere length. For this reason,telomere dynamics in granulocytes, which are postmitoticcells with a short biological life, have been used in both hu-mans [15] and nonhuman primates [16] to figure out telomeredynamics inHSCs. Recently, based on extensive simulations,we concluded that LTL dynamics provide information thatclosely corresponds to that of granulocyte telomere dynamicsabout the kinetics HSC replication [11]. Empirical data inboth humans and nonhuman primates support this conceptfor early development [5,17].

The dual question that follows is this: To what extentdoes inter-individual variation in the length of telomeresin circulating leukocytes mirror those in HSCs, and howproximate is LTL to telomere length in granulocytes? WhileHSCs are rare and poorly characterized, hematopoieticprogenitor cells (HPCs) are more abundant, better charac-terized, and in the newborn they can be isolated from theumbilical cord blood (UCB) in sufficient numbers formeasurement of their telomere length. Accordingly, weproceeded in two phases: First, in UCB we examined therelationship of telomere length in HPCs with that in leuko-cyte subsets (T lymphocytes and granulocytes) and the

Figure 1. Relationships of telomere lengths among hematopoietic cells in newbo

cytes vs telomere length in CD34þ cells. (B) Telomere length in granulocytes vs t

in all leukocytes, i.e., leukocyte telomere length (LTL).

relationship of telomere length within leukocyte subsets.Second, we examined the relationship between telomerelength ingranulocytes and that in all leukocytes in twocohorts,one comprising young adults and the other comprisingindividuals throughout most of the human lifespan.

Materials and methods

First phaseSubjects. UCB was obtained from the placenta of eight full-termnormal newborns (six males, two females); one African American;six whites of Hispanic extraction; and one of mixed extraction.

UCB processing. UCB in citric acid/dextrose was obtained fromThe Southwest Blood and Tissue Center, San Antonio, TX. Onemilliliter of bloodwas spun down for 10minutes at 1,500g in a cooledcentrifuge and theBuffy coat layerwas collected and saved at�80�C.

Ficoll separation of mononuclear cells. For Ficoll separation,blood was diluted 1:1 in RPMI-1640 medium containing 10%fetal calf serum (GIBCO, Carlsbad, CA, USA) and 25 mL wereloaded onto a cushion of 25 mL Ficoll (Sigma, St. Louis, MO,USA) in a 50-mL tube and centrifuged using a standard Ficollseparation protocol. The interface containing the mononuclearfraction was collected, washed, counted, and stained for furtheranalysis and cell sorting.

UCB processing for immunofluorescence staining. The FACSAria(Becton Dickinson, Moutain View, CA, USA) cell sorter was usedfor all cell sorting. For determination of percent CD34þCD45�

cells, samples of 5million cellswere stained forCD34þCD45� cellsin a two-color immunofluorescence staining assay against theirmatched control immunoglobulins as described previously [18].

Cells were sorted at 5,000 to 10,000 events/s. A minimum of100,000 CD34þCD45� cells (referred to as CD34þ cells, withpurity of 85�95%) were collected. Sorted cells were pooled andfrozen and kept at �80�C.

Based on a four-color immunofluorescence assay, memory andnaıve CD4þ and CD8þ cells were characterized as follows:CD4þCD45ROþRA� (referred to asCD4þROcells orCD4þmemorycells), CD4þCD45RO-RAþ (referred to as CD4þRA or CD4þ naıvecells), CD8þCD45ROþRA� (referred to as CD8þRO cells or CD8þ

rns. (A) Telomere length of CD4þ and CD8þ memory and naıve T lympho-

elomere length in CD34þ cells. (C) Telomere length in granulocytes vs that

856 M. Kimura et al./ Experimental Hematology 2010;38:854–859

memory cells), and CD8þCD45RO�RAþ(referred to as CD8þRA orCD8þ naıve cells). Antibodies usedwere anti�CD4-allophycocyanin;anti�CD8-phycoerythrin-cy7; anti�CD45RO-phycoerythrin, andanti�CD45RA-fluorescein isothiocyanate. As a control, we usedisotype and fluorescence-matched immunoglobulins as describedhere. Sorting was performed in a four-way sorting at a speed of10,000 events/s. A minimum of 100,000 cells with a purity range of80% to 95% were collected. Sorted cells were pooled and frozen andkept at �80�C.

Sorting of granulocytes was performed by light scatter usingthe forward scatter and side scatter as parameters for the largegranular cells. Technical reasons precluded telomere lengthmeasurements in two granulocyte samples.

Second phaseSubjects. There were two cohorts in this phase. The first cohort,whose telomere length was measured by Southern blots of theterminal restriction fragments, consisted of 24 healthy males (13African American and 11 white subjects) ranging in age from22 to 34 years. The second cohort, whose telomere length wasmeasured by Flow-fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), con-sisted of 400 healthy white subjects of both sexes with age rangingfrom birth to 100 years [19].

Telomere length measurementsFor the first phase and the smaller cohort of the second phase, themean length of the terminal restriction fragments was measured bySouthern blots as described previously [20]. For the larger cohort






4+ RO



e Le




4+ RA



Figure 2. Relationships of telomere lengths between memory and naıve T lymph

naıve). (B) CD8þ lymphocytes (CD8þRO-memory, CD8þRA-naıve).

of the second phase, the median length of telomeres was measuredby Flow-FISH, as described previously [21].

Informed consentFor the first phase, all UCB units were obtained with all identifiersremoved according to Institutional Review Board�approvedexempt status protocol. For the second phase, all subjects (orparents/guardians) signed Institutional Review Board�approvedinformed consents at the different institutions.


First phaseFigure 1A displays the relationships of telomere length inmemory and naıve CD4þ and CD8þ T cells with CD34þ

cells, which are primarily HPCs. There were strong corre-lations of telomere length in all T-cell subsets with telomerelength in CD34þ cells. Using paired t-test, telomere lengthwas 190 bp shorter in CD4þ memory cells than in CD4þ

naıve cells (Fig. 2A) and 150 bp shorter in CD8þ memorythan CD8þ naıve cells (Fig. 2B). In addition, there werestrong correlations of telomere length between granulocytesand CD34þ cells (Fig. 1B) and between telomere length ingranulocytes and LTL (mean telomere length measured inBuffy coats) (Fig. 1C). Although telomere length was






8+ RO


8+ RA




e Le




ocytes in newborns. (A) CD4þ lymphocytes (CD4þRO-memory, CD4þRA-









e Le




4+ RA







8+ RA




e Le


















e Le




Figure 3. Relationships of CD34þcells with T lymphocytes and granulocytes in newborns. (A) CD34þ and CD4þRA-naıve. (B) CD34þ and CD8þRA-naıve.(C) CD34þ and granulocytes.

857M. Kimura et al./ Experimental Hematology 2010;38:854–859

longer in naıve CD4þ and CD8þ by 1017 bp and 860 bp,respectively, than in CD34þ cells (Fig. 3A, B), telomerelength in granulocytes was significantly shorter (by 270bp) than in CD34þ cells (Fig. 3C).

Second phaseThere were robust relationships between telomere length ingranulocytes and LTL when telomere length was measuredby Southern blot analysis (Fig. 4A) and between the medianlength of telomeres in granulocytes and telomere length ofall leukocytes (total cells), when telomere length was

6 7 8 9 106





LTL (kb)

r=0.983, p<0.0001




s Te




th (k

b) A

Figure 4. Relationships between telomere length in granulocytes and telomere

analysis of the terminal restriction fragments, in young adults aged 22 to 34 ye

Flow-fluorescence in situ hybridization, in individuals aged from birth to 100 ye

measured by Flow-FISH (Fig. 4B). The wider range inthe Flow-FISH sample than in the Southern blot samplereflects the considerably wider age range of the Flow-FISH sample and the much greater number of subjectswhose telomere length was measured by Flow-FISH.

It is noteworthy that the Flow-FISH results treat eachleukocyte as a unit, so that the median accounts for thedistributions of telomere length in the leukocyte popula-tions. The Southern blot analysis, however, lumps DNAfrom all leukocytes in the sample into one parameter anddetermines the distribution of this entity, which reflects

3 6 9 12 153





Total Cells Telomere Length (kb)

r=0.993, p<0.0001




s Te




th (k

b) B

length in all leukocytes. (A) Telomere length, measured by Southern blot

ars (leukocyte telomere length [LTL]). (B) Telomere length, measured by


858 M. Kimura et al./ Experimental Hematology 2010;38:854–859

the distributions of telomere length of the leukocyte popu-lations and within each leukocyte (i.e., telomere length indifferent p and q arms of the 46 chromosomes).

DiscussionThe main findings of the study are as follows: at birth, telo-mere length in T cells and granulocytes are strongly corre-lated with telomere length in HPCs; in both newborns andadults, telomere length in granulocytes is highly correlatedwith LTL. These findings extend the concept of synchrony(equivalence) observed within tissues and organs of thenewborn [20] and the fetus [22] to HPCs and leukocytesubsets in the newborn. They also show that adults withlong (or short) LTL display long (or short) telomeres intheir granulocytes. The synchrony within tissues, organs,and hematopoietic cells of the fetus, newborn, and adultis not absolute, as shown in this work and previously[20,22,23], but clearly the magnitude of the inter-individual variation in telomere length far exceeds that ofthe variation in telomere length among cell types withinthe individual. In this context, the inter-individual variationin leukocyte telomere length among newborns of this studyis considerably smaller than those in previous reports[20,24]. This is expected, considering the small numberof newborns in the present study, as the larger the samplethe larger the variation.

Of interest are the findings that in newborns telomerelength in both memory and naıve CD4þ and CD8þ T cellswere considerably longer than in CD34þ cells, perhaps dueto telomeres lengthening during maturation of T cells in thethymus, which has robust telomerase activity in macaques[23] and in humans [7]. As the thymus progressively invo-lutes after birth in all vertebrates, including humans [25],the longer length of telomeres in T lymphocytes than inCD34þ cells might be a phenomenon that is characteristicof early development.

It is noteworthy that even in the newborn, as shown inadults [26], memory T cells displayed shorter telomerelength than naıve cells, although the difference in telomerelength between the two subsets was small compared to thatobserved in later life. The wider gap in telomere lengthbetween memory and naıve T cells in adults than innewborns probably stems from the duration of immunolog-ical memory, which is maintained by clonal expansion tosustain the memory T-cell pool [5,27].

The robust associations of telomere length of granulo-cytes with that in CD34þ cells in newborns and with LTLin both newborns and adults support the premise that LTLclosely, although not perfectly, mirrors telomere length inHSCs [11,15]. Viewed through the prism of HSC dynamics,inter-individual variation in LTL and its age-dependentshortening reflect interindividual variation in HSC telomeredynamics, a phenomenon observed in the first year of life inthe nonhuman primate [17].

None of this means that deciphering the factors that deter-mine telomere dynamics in subsets of leukocytes is not impor-tant for understanding a host of human diseases. That said,because LTL is highly heritable [5,28–31], the premise thatLTL dynamics mirror HSC telomere dynamics leads to thefollowing prediction: Telomere-regulating genes mightexplain inter-individual variation in LTL in the general popu-lation because such variation far surpasses variation amongleukocyte subsets within the individual. Recent genome-wide association analyses of LTL have borne out this predic-tion [32,33], providing powerful conceptual proof that LTL,and by inferenceHSC telomere length, is an index of telomerelength in all leukocytes, despite some variation in telomerelength among leukocyte subsets.

AcknowledgmentsResearch reported in this article was supported by National Heart,Lung and Blood Institute (Bethesda, MD, USA) grantsR01AG21593 and R01AG20132 and grants from the CanadianInstitutes of Health Research (Ottawa, ON, Canada) (MOP38075and GMH79042) and the National Cancer Institute of Canada(with support from the Terry Fox Run; Vancouver, BC, Canada).

Conflict of Interest DisclosureThere are no financial conflicts of interest for any of the authors.

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