Synchronicity Zine #f created at the SfachroniciTeePee Burning Man 2015 O Got Lost Press 2015

Synchronicity Zine #1

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created at the SynchroniciTeepee, Burning Man 2015. Stories of synchronicity on the playa and other original writings. Mental snapshots of burners.

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Page 1: Synchronicity Zine #1

Synchronicity Zine #f

created at the SfachroniciTeePeeBurning Man 2015

O Got Lost Press 2015

Page 2: Synchronicity Zine #1
Page 3: Synchronicity Zine #1

synchronic i ty (noun)- a meaningfuf coincidence, of ten of aDSVchic nature.

The story of SynchroniciTeepee: Over the cour:se of f ive year:s at theBurning Man fesLival T had heard so many magical sror ies ofsyncnronic iEies happening on the playa, I becarne cur ious !o hearmore and flnd oul if these events actually do happen more often inBlack Rock CiLy, or l f people are just Inore open and Euned in lo themthere, or wha! exact ly was gojng on.

s^ hrr i l 'a -eenoo. . "" t lc ^rr far n l : ' / : where mosL ofthe art is focated. Inside was a desk with a typewri ter and paperAh.] fhA d] ]A<t j6h. | |WhAt iq. .^. . " - - : - : ! . ' . l

^r \ /?n AfFAr,,r-rL _! yuu! LfL)/ J-e, j .

l - rmind ^r

Lrr i r in^ ^"1

lhoir <l^r i6c no^nla -^rr

. ] hrhd rh6h rr^ ^r .

. -^ tLasl . t 'o "-re-china .-^ -d t lp fha tFFnae. There wasalso a couch and comfy pi l lows so people could hang out and interact.

T had sweet encounrers wi th people in the teepee throughout LhefesLjval , and so many expressed their appreciat ion for the space, I! . iatched as nore and more writ ing was colnpleted and hung up. By thetime we packed up the teepee on Sunday norning the walls were coveredwith wr i t j -ng! Over 200 people ei ther to ld stor ies or else wrote

^fhFr in-aract ' r l h ' ts ' dF. 'dad f^.^mni le Ehe beSL in loIhic z no f^r h^FA

^a^hla f^ crrJUI \afru, I wdlJ worrLeu Lv

make a z ine, and Ehis one seened to wr i te i tsel f ) I A few Ehemes seernevident throughout the work and I have attempted to create asenrblance of or:der.

ThrhL. rr^,r f^ n.h Mi I l6v f^r h6l^ ind

naking me real i ze Synchronic i leepeesometimes ca] led 1l SerendipiTeepee !

construct the leepee and afsoa cool name after al f ! We also


-Jane Ghot los

Page 4: Synchronicity Zine #1
Page 5: Synchronicity Zine #1

I have : t renchcoat l r i th 11,00 lEDsfar away. ThatSE not why I m. idc i t

on i t that makes mc vis ib le f ronbut i t works to meet peopfe.

l th i le- I was h,alk ing o. the decp pr-aye, a group of 60 pcople canetoward me hunning.. ,at f i rst i t was a 1i t t1e scary. TLen- they envolopedme and gave ne a 6o-person hug.. . i t was the nost inazing mornlnt I t ra ieexper i .nced here in 6 burns. . .Thank you Rurning Man for remindir_g mewhat is i inportant every t ime I cone her:e. . .not technofogy, not dJvicesnot even art . . .people, and how ny art and other people 'a ai t conncctpeople toge ther.

T mi ca r '^r , qr-^ id l

waswa ]k

my tee thlvho didn o t

lng wi th m y f f iend andand then r guy iJalked rrp

le ar th i l t and aslae., Us

.aid "T

1om jng

i f re,d

r"eal lJ

out of

] i ke a

n eed to

lf i e porta

too th biu


porr t le; j


l-4,r' l irst burr I o:: Ljr ' b:. r,ugnr a Wate.antt | ing for the oute. n laya and thenI l i te '&1Ly tr lpped over one of those

sott lewhi leL\ra' er

to dr ink and did i rot haewalking out to the ! t r ,abladder caielback thlngie s.

Page 6: Synchronicity Zine #1

. Last y. . r r ' . rn th is d{y l . , ,as br indinn n. , , f ove outto thc trash fence for i,rhat iras supposed [o -i:e i s-Jrpr:- e

proposa-I , but f rv rs pret ty sure s l tc w r j on to ne beiraasewe hdd been playing the 'I21 co,' lro C guessjng game on thewa;' up. :ach perr:on pi-cks a r ndon worai and says it at thc sametame, and 'h.n the.y do this tgain l r i th a r , /ord that t l re prevloust ivo worals m. ikc then think ol unt i l t l iey converge .One tj ime we startcd i lnd f thought of the !.rord ,,dianond,, ::ndirnmediateiy real ized that f corr ldn; t say i t , so I c iosea rnorne,'dord. iJ"v f iancee t:o be thhn sll{d the lord ,,diaEond,,

f re r i r red three things:I ) l lhe rusi l inow that I am goang !o proDose2) rre *shoufdr h; ve won i.he :,.-aneon th{') f irstwot:.d!t ) I couldn' t tet L her any of th isOn 'redie6daj/ I proiosed :trrd it became clear. th.tt she had noidea that I wes gojng to ask. The diamond" worcl choice wasJust sync hronic i ty,

She said ycs,

we , , . . bs t i l t de--pind dre wir . renarkdlr ,V

he urou d _love a bcer "raght, stopp.d a. j r h i l . ejug of b-^er . i . tdressp.laya providcs . . .

Pleyi i r Lh. . : idr-r l .th i rsty. h. ju. t , -ot

1Si,w a | r i t of noopao . ick i t uD and i tr. o .a../ that Cr,e h'a-

of- th,- r l igh t

dono sirying how

oi i to t l t. ' , ; .6 a SCa ld

t r i ] led. the

Page 7: Synchronicity Zine #1

I wore nt 'underrvear in th is teepee and ta.k.d to a rardoe guy inthe tent ahoutho." j i probably shouldnt wei : t r my underre;r I . . w1thlrhe logo so pronoun.ed. ' ,urns out his playa name is, ,gary un derpants, ,

The inc.edible th ing about now i6 that i t keeps happenan8

rGary Underpants,'

f -Laya sk-t rh ing outan ho ur ago i lvas s i t j t i . g on : ,he o ,en

an idea i haC f i . f . :n a. i p iece when i : tot ic l ]d

Dan K1o!

tnrs tepee. i , tatne in i rLn/ : took . in afrcohol_induced naF, then not icedlrhe the e of s-^- , ndipi ty, sni led, . , in d went to the 1, . xr .11:1, nsta l lat io4,alu: : l - f , sLrok-^_wtth the ar- t is t about his pie.e : ind wnar ne woutdqo neat .y.ar. l t turns . ,ut h is ptanned p"; j ; . ; i ; ; next year wouidincor. .or i : te a m(?ch nlsrn v--rJ s i . r j . lar to th r i which T hld just sketcher lout on bhe , , laya a shcrt I r ine ear l ier , f sno,red ni I ihe s(etch andhe agree.l that we shouid work togrrlher ;, ia'-i l ' . , i our inai,ri<1u,rt ar.tpreces could sh:rre our co I faboral iv. l .y Or;" iS;" . , J i i oeverope.t i :necna_l- ]su, (a lbei t for v.ry dj- f ferent iu. .os, ,s/) . i ] .eturnea to th is l le i reero sha.e th is short stor. , . of s^, ndipi ty

"" t f r " - i i .y^. , l ,he del in i t_ion pos+"ed on bhe be.ee rvaLL could " t i -6. ' : j . " " t " , j31 :_)

Black ' ock Bi jou2AL5

_'x t - .x

t<. - i t1.?


. ,x- '+x

Page 8: Synchronicity Zine #1

fF so, ,4^i c - f

l - ima

^^nhA. l_ t^oa + ha-

l -^ f^rn r ,^1rr i^ , ,nn6rr

tLe plry i is r r l afo und you noise ind : ln. ls ; , r i1 rpi l i tspenotrat ing your soul to i ta core

ai l ovcr a11 kinds of energr:es g.n ' : i . , dfs i rnt and overbear ingrnd just i ik-- l - i i^ J/ot1 g. t to choose v/hat you let in. ,

irhrt wil l the iusj-c of t.our l l i-fe be?

1\r l ' ' - r rQ


Page 9: Synchronicity Zine #1

I ih j t Lhc playa dre:r :ed as;r dog. . f i l rh in -r nute: o l l r ' l f jke, i

:a i over a squeek l , . - ' o ' -v b ke, i t was ,rmi.- ing. oh i loy ah boy ohboy

f was te

r\re c:ilJte

the n pW

II i fg -y f r i . rnds : : tor ie j . r

a cr rss thegia11thl in,rnsized

[] t to . " lu,rk . '7oLr ' burn, , ,

ab ut D

typewt- l

,vh:l c h 1

w the Nher night whenOn rhe saaeen was

just l - .een descnibing,

odorf the desert hobbi- t

I was hanging oui in my camp, very hung|y, one nidht and said tomy canpmates that what sour:ded sjo good r igh, now ias a gr j . j . led cheesesandwich with tonato.Thlrty -. iecond.s l-ater, a neighbo! showed up at canp holding a trayof food. "Would you l ike a-gr i t led cfreesi s inawi ih w11rh tomato?,,

l :e l l o" i i i . : / b i ' . - - ; i b, , j s tc i -a l . r 'd i l . . ia --r I htas po, i l t t i

. i l - , , r i ' l9da.( . i l - ' . : r i d. : - l l : . . ' : rJ . r . . |nP a. . :_. . : h ' oc ' '4,

i r , . p- ." : r l l - i , . . ' _) ' :e , r . ,4, . ; r ' i . - r - , . i . r ' t " . : .

Page 10: Synchronicity Zine #1

As l iv i -ng th ings, we are programe. lto eat, shi i , :uck, and die.

tbe fac! , te canbe c.eat ive andlnvent ive,

is Lt-u lyi6 t ru ly a gi f t .

t t r is p lace i i la cr , -at ion f rom beingst i . . l t can put al i h j .ngs aside EtnC focus

o| i pe:rce,enteat j . in:rr_.nt , lov_o,d re.rs, andingenui j ry .what an anazing gi f t i

wh :- t . , rou l .d h, fpen i f t l re whole - ace of hun.rns cor l !d do the sane.

,e1.1 i t t .u ly is a rni l lacle to be al iveno matter who Jrcu a: 'e, i rhere you hai l f rom, how you leel abc+- th is, about you,about me. the s imir le, undei t iable factrenains that YOU ARE AIIVE AND IoU ARE


i f you a:e read ng t) is, sLo . bre t l .e,s ' r i le. re leat.

we . la. . r neve! meet, but i . love you to themother moon and back. you are neverwithout l ove,

I le. l lo you

LI^ ink wir ' .v . r : . ighl b:ainthat. : af f for tod 3y

you are strong

, ou ar ' , conf iCent

i lcve yo,;

{91. ' y l 11 get better1r wr lL passyou a|e atrd wi l . l be I ovedhotq! on to t i f , :

. l ive in the.resent

j , i f e is ; ' ,h:r t yolr 1 l i lke of i t . J lway: has beer, af r . t ,^ wi t 1 be,

l , l i rht yorrr" l i fe on f i r -e ' .nd f ind soneo.e . iho f r n I y, iu l f tA mes.

Page 11: Synchronicity Zine #1

, was looking_ for a playt uddy buL to no avai l . Lhenr sropeo looking ard he ralk-d in lo my Lent for . :ome:nntra lea, whatever re h-.ck that is.good reminder to stop looking for t reasrrre and thcmagic of thh playa del iver i t in t re form oiserendipl ty and syncronic i ty.

i - )

I goi on ton ota c.rbe andln- oh gish-- Howanaz ng 3,T;ffi:ii$".;iEspeninir.inthetop andventred

i was having a pret t ,y bad t jne one.di .y on rhe playa, t .ee l ing depresse4?'3,*8"?i{i,.J ;;"u:::S";i:s-i19y:,i tfi.-;p;;"pi;;;';sjr, or .ryttrirg. ruf -i;,;;;r';lii3; #i],:fitli";i3l:; "l:l"l'"A minute later I was walki*:li.:;i:ji;j""i"i"in!,i'f; l"?"liF"fli,!iii&u"3.?3{ N:? ;:'ff"ni"jn"'i*:;16t,m"*",1:.;;i!:x:i'sli;ih*i;.li'*i.it"iilii::ff .i{e have !"emained fr iends and keep in touch to t i is day.

Page 12: Synchronicity Zine #1
Page 13: Synchronicity Zine #1

Last year, I net the love of my l r fe on the playa. l^ le spent al l ! , reektogether. . . our last n ight at Center canp sleeping l rnder a tabfe. WewroLA our s-orr o lh- "ndersrde of the r .b le and 1afr . This year,we returned to the Lotus Ternple and asked for my fortune. I askedabolr t the future of our reLat ionship. T received my proverb

'. . . in h , - . " , r -h i^- heod on Lo

truLy learn any lessons. There was aLso a locat ion (center canpPlaza and 10:15) to f ind ny t rue fortune, I l rent and coufdnrt f indi t , I instead wafked into Center carnp at 10:15. Looked under atabLe. AJ1d found our wr i t ing f rom the year befor:e. I added to ourstory and smifed, ny future perfectLy c lear.

-Wanderfust 2 015

Muft ipLe t imes t t l th one happening just 10 rnins 19: before arr lv lng

n.aa. ' o f r iend movecl f rom SF to PortLand' t r ' ie did not have a chance

to-ruy qooany" to f inaf ize that chapter ' He made pLans to jo in ny

.u*p iot a hippy hour on Wed' br ' l t the hlgh " ' t lnds

thlrar ' ted that

t""" io" . f a i i -not know his camp' J l ls t nor i ' when leaving the

l .*pi . , t heard a man sobbing' I t l tas Ron' cur led up. ln a bal l ' As

fr" iooi"a up, we connected. He needed that monent ' - that hug' that

connect ion. . . at that t ime. T did too' So grateru-L'

Page 14: Synchronicity Zine #1

While, i r { ,as in

", i indo r , , , a l k i ngne was the car

the entry f j nep. r : t nJ carbehind us !

lh is ye r i r jw: .s one of rJr

happereC to Look ou. theboss, S houseratcs.

LLL,/rtcL( u,Lc tlk n ,l



si 1rt

r,uiJ-1- /'\{

{ ' , .



,,,,7a-4 IL/LA t) r

-tL,rr.y 4,,-,1i{) .n, ,y

, l

Page 15: Synchronicity Zine #1
Page 16: Synchronicity Zine #1

I irdswal-ked sooeonegoat pooped on

hang.ing outthat f knowny strge.

1n thc Scrcndipity tcnt when 1nfron thc reaf worfd, because thcir

Ihis ls true.

Ihe rnd.

lke sh*l- "til"s Wili"{& ryI sf^'"/ ; .t/)

,n,'.th "

q ar,*!o,n .,-d

uk- 4^"{"-*1. Ll" "SkJ ftrL ,.^;(r,* t**5l.ot. . , soiJ T6ro,4^,-". PerLps , . .a-d ;d^/ L-eAr {r"'e- 5' h o r"=do/ b^c!1

to n,. -M ^4*^{', . -T'1,, ;s ,s^} oq$ s1nc.on4exc.e?f fo" "( ̂ {r y* a{ies in +A*jritJ

I | ' nn o-u.J i1 o;or- t" {o; ro"*- ', \Q'- J --ll*f"re lNrnirr5 m^n,. o.ft"r li",.g ;^ N{n f.r , ,y"^

)Llt^4ll(i d


Page 17: Synchronicity Zine #1

llul z r osl-_ :Yr:c IutihYl)}q nrv [t-r- ,\l- Purnir'1 r/hgq ,

Lfl^ \turr,0), T wf l<ll'vry tvtTpurYru.r r,t\cr{ h-, ',,1.q,4 fUairl'l cot(g ,,

ffi\ hqn,l/,\nc\ T v;eJ +" sl "lluFrl tUa-

6rn al r,r,t{nrthl|^ ,/r,\uA uoald, i,N4f

.\^r1, 1;tru {Utru Y{'q- $ { u'vder laYr"-- dL v? .+" c\ onrllr t'A lL" A,fl/k

uf l&L (tnvo. oVA W niqht^,nl' att/'t&h/H*^t u l$^\".,1 +l* nur/ fuv lilr< rtta,, ?qr'/

fu, Juft yrorr, D &^id '( [4bJ,l'tt-r+Ve-gfql- iF a 1 a/r cur (oi/t+ by t'rk4

NUl,^ M,a-'e/b sirynY on t'L? $oarh**- t^*tfrn|trettrJ' car (aW- by vs- tn /-/"-n ;4O

(loyq t^4'rlt [ylo qnnty ,n,L! , n,fuTl"r,nn Val 6q)r Qr syt11l2 nlctf Ctt rd2 Q'

of" //L

Page 18: Synchronicity Zine #1

How c.cn 7 S.:r" 6sp5 Jo,. s i l-1a.ke- to cbonle < t,5ht b..r I

JJ s t- o,re/ "", th +h e_ he I p c'f" . t "r k l , { ' t iLr<f 1. , s 1_

Intppened 1o 5s there. whenwe- J,Jn i kno- how we_. Jce.\ch +he_ +op of tl., efe-ege,r- to insl o. l l ( \ . scla.aIl qnr I


Tha tun rora, .nd i " wr. dood" ' i - r : ; i . . ih. r . " , ,p . , { ; ih ore ro, p 9l ' r i end!,oun : lnoth- _ Sroup lo l 'a ancl foL:

" r l r1]

At the tenp1l ' I ta i4 SonCtry ' t r ' - r l ' r : , "nd' ' ia ' I wrobe

arothcr notc a l r . rd/ th, !J ' . v. i . i er i ! r "Gr;ndrr" . w11.n I war done,

quv s t - - 'ng n 'dL !o t ' h. w' ' ' t ' n ib ' W': ' . . " s- I . . r |nol ler

]o i t th. i r '

ib n.x i , Lo

I iaa l ized thrt th.r k"d rbo. th. nol

A1zh. i i r . ' '5 , r ' /c hOd 6 good cry toPj . ihor. rbout lhe' exp'r ' l -nce' . .Th' n '

cr : ts,L. l : l , r t " l , iepe ! , l iy ' . j j ' - ' i l ' ' d) t : r - i - : t ; ' l . l ed i i l ): ; - ' , . ; ; . - ; ; u i rp i t r ' , . " hc r l r i rnd-crr o, t tear.v-eJ/ed' \ l ' atr t ' l; ; ik i ; , . ina s le is in tht xao t p lac ' I n ' : r . in wh'n r was;i;:;; i ir,-;-p;inlu- r conr,rsing lo,:L1y plt: ' . r: ti 'rka .. l ir '{) -iJ'r. t . i "n i .c. r .1f the tc iutna en<l tht herr l t c tuscd' She is rJ '; ." i : ; ; ; ; .-- i r l i r t i to-r-r i" . i r ," hav" soneon' ' I i i 9i :- : l : l l i - 1b

r: i l i ; ' ; ; : l "a 'r ' i i i " r . ' i ' " in gi" ' i "" suppo't th ' t sh. ' derpe' t" ti lecds.

Page 19: Synchronicity Zine #1

but i love Jou .ny way,r/oure doing it rong

hea r t cooze

. , " rn the ptaya'.trs easy t.o knor.t/orr.e dDi^J it rightthe hard p art isto aeDefiber-


fn the. real wcr ld , - -DR\GirT." .

first burn. . . idon,t kno. , /hat i ,m le:1in8, l ike my typin8' ever:ything

is b l ured,l^u5c r . ^ , , iar c^ 'nF^ f ,^m lh^ , i t l rF^rc cv rv l .h ins s i l ,s t in Lhe

honors lh- hour, hono's Lhe feel ings, hono- s Lhe playa.

burn . rs f , rstgo ni th i t .

QUrn. tr:y1n3dont f : et the

l io make thel i t t 1-a shl t .

l i i , t le th innwe aren' is

go away. j ustavinE! babies h ere.

Page 20: Synchronicity Zine #1
Page 21: Synchronicity Zine #1

AY L\p,..\,* c.\ l^esus."[ { "r\-^. f."r,- 1.*J,.,^ ?4",ry ry\o r+.\l * * Q,.,..-f SL *"^[Jr<-\.-.rz aS c- U.,J. H"-+atkJ hn < {-. I.J ,LL-.^


L,, ^1UJz


( 'k.,\


L f 0

\( !u? c-l)L"e

a5fr =g ar\\ 'J*\Gc \

o ̂ {.


d..t/ ,



*r ' l


- Mi 1 esaon for this daythe templc ls that loos occursgl ten lovc so ebundant ly. . now

of our loss! ! ! !

as I leave the prcsence ofonly rfter having becncorlmcsurate to ,.he d--bth

^\K"l hn- t't-{"-- {-.-,,1(e.

.u d$- E"- , J r.,1"-{ ; $ b,,rl s

o-J {" ".N +L. G^\,-<t!,"r

"\l\^rc o\ {-t^< f z ,' ( | a\ l lTYc=) '

Sy^. [nno"Aly /ugror

'Lr* 1.^ yL, -L.*. Lt',- J l./. ", ',r..- o^J.t

Jq*P' t l q0)I

e'ue/-l v,na'-^wl\



Page 22: Synchronicity Zine #1

: , : r ' I i - . -

' ' - r : ; - . ' ,uor_ f i asr aay uion the 3ar- t :

when i l -ype i ;moshr I iee1. not the tcr lpor ' . ry glow of -^1'c ronsenei 'g ized io: an instrnt but the tact i le ' the physical ' the real 'l ike the playa' iat te i t , l ive l t , knon' i ' t and tak. back t i ie present ' -leave behind- tl ie ghostlt glo', of tcchnologt that reloves ua f 'o' ourselveand . f |on othere.

|ead onca tha 1:. ,^ spi te t r av. inginsi( l . f a s i l - .P

sonc .- ' i the 1]ost sadantr l rYto cor l ] . . t ' l .s . ] 'o ' tsr th. i r ' I

, j r , r , " 'onD{l ,^d bY saa.

tom- iFs i - r i rk o.- 1 iv 's a . rloJ e ]ik. thes-' sainors than , '/- ' think

Page 23: Synchronicity Zine #1


\a 'v<r.-1 3 ra-a

r^. /r^-

J"L\t I

[ura '1

-+;\ r i t i ; t " t

.t" 1-z- l" '-.+-<--r{ /


l^^-(-t- c \

i ;k , - +L r'.- , . ) r

' )

s * <a,f,z'trL2

r t-.(-/r"

1o c 'i' ',

( . r , \ ) ' I .

, ! ,Lt ,_\1, ;1. , 1,-l a i ,: ' , L, ,-: j

Page 24: Synchronicity Zine #1
Page 25: Synchronicity Zine #1

\ f-t.*1 \^"5.r{,z

\ r",.')

lwlqv. I X* F-0 t

w*\.--r d."\ $^'"' D^'t^)^"/14

*+ '6'.^.S S \tlc ^x"+*\^VO*y \'J-U UL VM, S), &

9a* fiI \^" l,.L y^v-,il-e 1 &'-{-{\,t "A \ qLc.,1-'-Le- \' dvu- of 4u bY'

h$& hkk r \ \*4*.tr \Ir- hP @ #^

ktS-a dr \ ..,,-, \t"+7 \ L't"Jq-no*- *t Sh.,tJ,r o^-l.- \"rt ]^it^/ TU'l

D/\ ..^.*,'L \ &r{t \fL \\ Wb fl't

oV Vryyf ue'l FcceP \."t-u I q \o

\^'"t U (/ \" ffS* otr uy*^^fue- \t.u \.^t" \"1^ \-4d tn^{ /L

Lvr** J tol"'r

Page 26: Synchronicity Zine #1

i r ras having Cinne- " i 'h nJ canpn aes or hrun ! .y a+ t l .^ a i .po- ' , wh^n d b^a.rr . i Iu.. ronan came to v is l t oneof ny f . ' - ie i r lsthe.e. rn l l f r iend tu.ned to me an. l

conmented that she was i iL ip ino just l ike-^/-^^. . - : - -' ' ' ' - 6 o 1 ' w^-16' kn^v el 'h

othe. '??)

af ter chst t ing xe fo,rnd she l ives i r ne, / york,a.d i l ive in cal l for 3. bu' r , rh?a she glew up

in th,- lh l I she l ived in oeblr . i ient ionedr las only in the : 'h i L once, an., ; i wenl to

Cebri l : . v is i t my auni who was , te.r4irea af id nunat sacred heart . sh-- SaiC she also . ,er- l t :herel

i sald i \ . /as naneC aftea herran, i her nane vrasBisten rosa. j .o. she gasped and iookeC ne r ight intoeyes an- l recognized anal a lmost sta. ted cry ing.

she went on 1ro say thal l s ister aosar io hiasher ldr 'or i te teachec, her m^nlo- ' and !Jq^ oe-sonwho tnade her \, , /ho she was toda:/. . .

tweeks i ao :L ' r i ' r |d t I - 'dto r j lee trr arc r, lood

They bec, ' rne the .ormdtracklo ny Rul ' l l! ae i rera t i on.L.r s i i niEhtI d is.ol t -^.ed thea PaYrng ona.d r lanceC I j !L dawn'

the i laya

Page 27: Synchronicity Zine #1


v t.1/


Page 28: Synchronicity Zine #1
Page 29: Synchronicity Zine #1

I cn-10 o- fi. dyt a/1 *1.

s1hcl""r"g f lo^,. e/ft,;e".no( ;^ /L P,+t./

,fu 6r.nt, lnrl,rJi,y, /uot / ryal lu,. i^ 4<

y'rsr p/or<. ,-/urt ,oa tDrn.6t'Le o^tgde (hrs {eeyne

!c:|ieJ out "cf"e's ahlowL lo" asTriia ^n ory/(';/y ' '

1 [;t.a n/h< -t-. L't" a' I ^auk! 4o c"^<n '<io(

6y^7 a'J s^''J "/ J"' / f*"'l- *n/"d 't "{

cu,-21. L*t ca2, r1 oL^ nA-L I gr^ts: 'y' *ar7/' lnt'

I hor. Sa.rrl a',c< /"^) /t"9

$qt ar,J tZe cr<aaa ',.7h( 'zo'o'

Sfuyu-t,o,.,n aa(fuJ u7'h L^r Ofr"7 t'krL ,<noJa 4-,74a-7s a-)o. / aske4

S 61'1/\-a 6 L,.c- t" ^

/Lr-( .9

,Ji/ k t Louu

Oul t't<tnu74, /qkr

popr;uto, tsy L"ay *d,J /'-t"hr^1 z

Sr a rwasc^X. c'irl o-'/' SubY- aal

4 ^". o^J s*^,+.J n4ars a7?r3

fl*^ hurl-rJ, 'n^.r, cr/( Uy 4 pnortJes,_->'Tl* pla-y

Page 30: Synchronicity Zine #1

f-r iL 7w,i.k,: l.L Jpou ,r,.,J etevtry 4,

,/:rr:l::,t 4- /.'*n I , i ,"sp) "e a- ,! /aue (a t 1"7/1.a

V* plrTo r( , t , , r . t . !s LLt / hr" , 71u Luo, /c!

/ ta l (y i ' , i , , . , ,1-( , , ' , / l 6ut ' ,Dc' ,u, ' f i^* ' " 16 "$ ' ' ' '^ --J

4L",. ; 's ' \ ' !a6r 'e 1ove, )-Lt"yl l ' *""d iae21'a'fu'-

* f<nL 7/,*.7L /L '{t'if u'ccs ,/"y "'*!^7'

h u-L ",-i / t"" .'(r', b t- rJ , @ S,/ats ( .ar^t t s/ t ran

I / u,. l"u '/-'"u/ (/ a-' /ou P

Qoc,t st l {/J


2g pk"<u;7

Page 31: Synchronicity Zine #1

do you want to know my favor i te th ing about th is year at burning man?That I feLt so much more comfortabfe speaking with you aboutimportant th lngs.

I bel ieve that we are synchronized already? but we rareLy payattent ion to oursefves. I 'n gLad we are l is tentng here and now'

?his i r j n;r ) rd ye ^. : t ' l re . r iyr , rnd wl t t l . a l r t , r i l t . ! b,- .n. . .I lost . ] l 4 tLr .s on my crrom ny tr ip h.re, but st i l l rhow m.. le i , t .Now I an cov.r .C in Cu:: t , rnd conpletely hlppy!

f ts good ' .o b-. hor. .

Love tr-- is pfa ce surpr i se' i that these old

f lngers intul t how trne lypew' i ter works ar]d f ind the coorect posi t ion'

nost of the t lme

Bee n looking for you al ' l th is is a perfect p lace to neet ny new partner

Love You I

i^nf t , !h i9^hgx a top a t ,a-1ock. lat iorm ats u set . , rhut fun worr ld atY " " * l is s lo| in Lr i .ec-ae? i ho.- , / i t f aL r) ' f i i fh i

thd{. ' r iusee hia: gain. heres ior ing the playa Iods are taking .eiuests . )

Page 32: Synchronicity Zine #1

',rar.nth is biltfron the heat of consur!)Dlt onyour rr | i tocl , n r ja used to be Lh; i r o l rn Cel lstheJ have given you this warrnlh as a pc; ; ; ; ;qLssarpojnt , therq at vo,rr own pel i lyou woouldn' t want to dissappoint them. ,oufd vou?they have sacr i f i^ed so n,uch- o" yo, io 'u" -" ; ; "" . - ; ; , ,lnd y: , g, .p . iusl lvasr ing thaL gi i f i ryrn; i ; -b; ; ; -you snoutd give up and beeco'ra a doc or oi lawyer oran accountant, or , barr ing that, na, , - ry onealso.yo(r shouLd caI l l your niCoclordrr ia ever-y oncea wn-Lre tJ.aJ mlss you and warL to kn ow wha.-as going on in your Li fe. yol . l never cal lfor shame , for shame

In the b eginning, wer€ not so prepos sessed,. in the beginning, fcoulonrt help nysel f .As t jme went on, so did . re.But there was nothing to be don e.I

hELpthere is not nuch ti[E

there is_p l entJ,- of t ime

there is nr_.thing wrong with me there is nothing wrong witlr youGod

sojdgodsodgodsoggqg.qd g ̂ ggqg,lgsodogogododsodnope openope ope ope OpElropij NOpENOrEnope notrmoplove is a l ie i love you

1 rois6 u is smel li don t nlnd the sun sone tines

cal eal lcal l cal l your nother

al l of the senses are touchTou ch ne.

Tou ch neI aro touch ed

I an touch

Page 33: Synchronicity Zine #1

himy ralre is daddy,

i net a g if l named tyga ;:nd r.re both vere tag A(ut,rs to bufning mEnrre r0et 6t srn. ise an.1 hr ing out ; r l l . ]ay, we slept in the al iennedi tat ior , ar t th ing in t re dee. .1qya, i t was an a -aaing expeienaei h:- .vent .een her .gain.

thar)kyou k

Y .ng oaLlo]- cor l ; n 'gn

,e al l t fucked out for Eugene and Melamicts t {edding 3t ' the Treed

after the c. , .e. . ony Lve were fragging bi(rycl i5ts i ro elp wi-h

the champagne and weddang cake' i gave tuie saeet lady sotn e '

of the kentucky butl 'er cake an'l she a::keC why we chose the

9p(.r .1 for the weddj ng ' the Treed is a 'enor la l for her f iancee

i t turns oxl t i th ink ,e r /orr ld h ve l iked ihe Ted of the Treed'

but are glad to lav- ' l ro 'Jght s^ne - love to the s.pol ' r - - - - . rnorr l

;::t; ';"";"t;u ttt "'-. ' '-"' i 'nd ror once the Br:it or plqva iinalrv

lef t rny eyes alone for a minute' wt jL l miss Tcd'

the noon rose sLowlY over the dustas the cvening sank into darkness.,we . rhare ol olrr se Lvesas " , /e search for curselves.

hor izon igni tes ' r i th co lors tan ^x: . .n iv. a l l - re . l .ading . \per ience.

tenloi arY, ./ '-o t Permanenl:r bt ip n our 0pt"- fBc- ives

@.lpca ch

Page 34: Synchronicity Zine #1

ff'{It* *nt\ i, {*,

Caru..."* {o Inn'e,h.\"* ̂ tr*-fual 5rn;i


rtl t lh, {t \-__--.----\


P\1^ or-f ?ud^^{lLvere bet

at singingyou?rnayDe rlrhd it

h j - there, me ne^i l rher.nlce teepee. cool t yperr . i ter . wash il : l y i lh rords. what are.you good h, i th? nel? yes. im goodirnd a suplose i r ike to LiStenn. im ar quiet otsef .ver :ype.sing. im shy, dance. i ju. t d id ior an hour. but r r ]hnmmm.couro s]ng . :omet l ing in f innish. you probably worr ldnt know

meOns. unless you Speak f innish i guess.

pfata synchronic i ty. ch, at t ing here. now.

.-h6II6?" 'he- l lo wor ld

he l,1o worldhel lo wor ldhe1]o wor ldhel1r wor ldhe llto worldbi-envenue la nondesalaam u alaikum duni-yahel l -o wor ldoIa i londu

hel lo. . . .hel Io ? '?

burr and be free

you give many green o pen fucks

bur ' raway,. jughlos, burn awaybal1s deep in the house

Page 35: Synchronicity Zine #1

I i raC ai t i : :az i r j : ' jha ' : l , s a'.a. : nt l ' ,e1j si i .C,, or-t i t . -, i . f c- . l :anE j n6. ;o €loddamn goodi jvrry l rne I at . ,nexrcan fooC I t - . . i .d to gei a"r1ish wi th t l t , r redsi i { rce On i l . Recause o. f langua.a bar l j_6rs Nslral ! . . r , : } .e s: , r -vc-nevel ' kr , .w ar; i -1. . ras 1 ras l_oor{ 'ng for . Tt rever. haC ihe r iEhNflavu i ?"q:" i . 'Le p; ." , , """ on ihe nenu r ,ever exact l "v nat6heAine act a l . ' : rsh, so r hat , rasnl i , c h help, i f l ,er or-d. . : . in$ ever: , ) :t r rn i , - - - iEno|e i , l :at , t t . ,e!{r j tea er: t :oa l rou kno,, . r } t r r . . r . .s., \ r ]yr t . . - ' i1f l ,arrn* . .v.r , . , . d ish, co! .bo of d is les,e.rer" .y, of i nenu mexicanfoo. I co, , r , l i r rk of , , ta. , .€ , r . an{ i acct , f l ,ed t r . ia T wor i ld neve-rasfe t r rs 's-acj l l 1as: I 'eranber-ed so f i ,d l j r . " ,asi j week, I walkedto a : rexi{an iood restarrrant,r i th my ] ' ion. S\e orCered a h!-r i to.

Tt had the aause on i t . Oh ny god al l th ldt lme i t ,had baen, id ing on top of a br j r r i t . ) . I ju-s l -never suspecteda bLrrr1tn i /ouLd i ,av. sauce on l t , I had had so nany that cone l . / i thoutsauce.


en [a v iJ i , Dasa por c rsual idadf i3 t?086"tEtad 8s8rP?Ea6oure p ieo raedes camblar o nas bien escr ib i r tus

3l'9lFBt[*gag"gaisaIpg"?suf; t&i$"lE' 3li"lgntS a"FEFlSntH"ui l€tngHa quiu"'"

8 lpu



: n6 ' l .3Jl , / '

dd' to b. opl i - is . icbul i iL! a f ra id i t , wi l ln 'ver happ-.n,

i chann. l serendipi tJr but ncvcr seen bobe at 1,he r ight p lace at 'h. r iSht i ine,

-" i t is bad IbckL,rvut! '


to be sub.r6+. i . ious . . no r-ar ly, th ink

in other nevrs yor l cannot dr ink al l ' 'ay 'unless y u s(artL in 'h. to ning,

playing cerries rix rnd ran into herrhlre dt ] ;he scrcndipi t l /ccpee. thank you!o ruch for.his a .at g i f t .

THANK YUO!] I . . . I MEAN YOU! ! ! !

Page 36: Synchronicity Zine #1

Hi Thrre

Tr: :_t :^r{- :g"onCtime in p,13y.. T f inat lJ can - ,pp: .eci . r ,e i t now.r met so nany chinese sDeakers y.sterday. , f ; r t ' != ' t l : -o. t t I An notonger fce r i rg 1. ,nely.U1^91:: , : r jo. . ,ed Bi ,dcl isrr ceremony tast - , i - t [ : . I t . , , , . r js hs-] d by a!-ea lr .p in.6 'e monk . f o noon, t . , :^" : , . is jn r i .e. 'n ' . j . ;

n ' i meor!ate. lvynoLewas Lrned in hi . ry.ng rrre.

:# ' lg.* ] seei . r raz. f ro a tot d,ropie bur i t € t ie no:r t n:r t . rc pl .ace thiLt

Enjoy yoursel f and 1et i t go.

he 1o sandd'v i .n-

- - , ,types of j rk and sl teI Is

conlr ived ' , r i i l t habi tatsmug consclence and v ast scbisminl inate rer, f , - , : int monetar:y ' l in i tslevel of ef fe r te xpec tat ionspercie 'ed e. f f or tare you frustaa ted ?two weeks of strugl fewhal, can yo r actual ly do?enJoy t f ie processsmefls Like saint woodbad or good energ y f l ies in the windyouthful l lness nai \ re

s hernann son

Page 37: Synchronicity Zine #1

nJ b oyf r;cr,d a,',d : ' ./an t to make love

.Je , ,ant to rnake .Lovg bu I cannot here 'there ar 'a j so many ways l /ccould f ind

1,o nake lov.i

but r , ,a: I t what is lov- ' lJright nowis b e i n I h e r e

i an s.,:) in lov e

so lhe scren dipi t Y ie s inflnding a place wh'r re i can share

to love an d al l the t h lngs i t br ings,

2 Con.epts:

quartun m.rchanics states th t a part ic le do^s not t ru ly exlst unt i l weobserve i t .

in game dr.velopnent and sl :u lat ion we do not rendeJ' an object unfess i twi l l be seen bJ' ; , . p1ay,^r . th is is to ' save on cpu cycles.the que st ion :

are we just in a simulation thai j-s saving cPu cycles unti l h'e observewhat is going on around us?

+h6 ^fLor ^rrAci : i ^n

are we players or the th ing being studied?

hi 1an extrenlY

and don' t f or'8e t

happy io l lee You !

thet everY Person

please be informed LhaL Yor

l ,ovED l l r l l lo i i

- [ """ is t r / ing Lo f jnd

i t ink You aie gr.at !M

Page 38: Synchronicity Zine #1

f,rfgfq c' rh zzns il 4:tvi e\blas(i savr$f {fr gai*"&t'*;ilue it is ohc} it

l,{*'e*"" "tcro''.T': ; viJYt'ol

$*-'ilt'**7' + nt t,i' n -{lnt

-Wqy,.#"?$f;""'.'HRCnUeOt t*e


Page 39: Synchronicity Zine #1

1as di lerentes e4ociones que e,per imenlanosa 1o la! .go r le un dia, una semana, un nes o un

a;o , son fas responsables de lo que seremos endiez a;os. , .en te@ria. . . peeero olvrdery.s la

teor:a. . .sonos 1o que sonos, to ddeidi ' ros seg,taas segundo, tenenos derecho i canbi r deSust os , preferenc i : is y tener niedo r .or no ;abe

io que vendra con eLfas. . .

so-os Unico. y he-mosOs en es6ncja y espir i tu

so-ros mas L/- - )a ler ia orq,r ica,seEtJim^s,

a-amos, lecjdi-os. , .d.c i l ,nos er la easi

mejor veas:on de noso.-ao. misnos, para no- ioLr

de adentro hacia afuera. . ,

exper imentos algo nuevo cada dia. , . .a i less. . .

j ;adore, . . Yessica, . . Bes'a Wishes

: ] :st ,?nC ioremost brnedogg I .or t i . fe() / ?+t. oaJ, roLtz run deep.bcacklsh wat_ar .uns FhrLrugh ny bonesoay ro nay Liv ing on a sunplse:9.1:"q Lhe srars show yorr Lne wayorean deep and let the dust take youaway. l i-fe is but a d.renr

fr ooa 5Liae

Page 40: Synchronicity Zine #1

cracks o-f b lackmatched with crevaces ofny p 1i8ht

tonightfi hd + h6 c^l dah

-ar+oFin your che strest

in iha ahaFo\r ^f

v^r , r e^rr l

o1ddearest f r iend

Irhere is no endonly c i rc les

cyc leswinding

spira I ingSuiding

this is the manner of ,:ranguidance

si lencethe answers aae in

thank youvou- you

iha nl idht

You Lr e r iShtthe night revaea 1s

the fee I ingfreedon fron f :.te

l iberatenind from bind

you are hereyou are here


the inner void


oo oo99 9;66?6-( '88oooono88

there is naqic hererat{ wi Ld heaited nagicl . t your Pussies , ' -oar wi th tur th

fet your f i r e outthe ',rorldis ar,rai t ing Your flame

Page 41: Synchronicity Zine #1

I Arc r1*l '.-"1 '{ "-.',

ir /.^ ltr-., r ;^ ^ 1ler.- l;L

L ^l'u^ i4 y,* ue oyca ,Atlr r;ll bL y.,, u.7.

Jt t r .

14 y,"Y,^ .^-

.{r"r. Lrv *l-r^-.- r--+ u.1- |

,^..-"-r r.^lt1

L^'t:t ;^7..4^-l .

!^J "A\, . Ut.l ;l 1+{-+.t : | *_ J.,*7

4. .f^ k*4L I

t L:+ +r^mlc J,r".7 -,..|sw * "i,1'L\-lr.- ? /t

-fr-" J.,--/ \: t n .7^,

I h". l"tl ptl aat.t-) L-n --l l*'. 14 r >,, $ct 4*^,, I I t , t1

I f*l l;Vt | ,r"'^r c f -t' t'1 1-*1tc {.r ^ fn --7 .

t t4 4\ {. '^^ r.- -? -''t *"'*

-r d*J, A.tfn

h) I an Lt1y L "r.4- 'l+,2 rLor ! a^r+^.tt", tny L.t.,a2 lL!- arf'. rl * J *\' I L"'"'s b- + | ,, .-I 1-

.*rr^a- ; ), ^- l a*7..t''^ ''2 r'"../ir.\ L.< l-J 'L,,^

u,-J + !,.r A l"// , lo ,t^1 , bl. I ^ tl.r*, *t <_ aa+lr*.

tn-, l--.^ t \ 4;ltt^1 (, A.o I l.-l ,U* l,ll*.l- "--+

rrrle- Jc.- 1t..-, /.^ r- r*a (i;l .*--r'1 .-1 1rr.

-,. ...,u. c,, ttu^ 1\- tl.t^' I l-'t l;l* I tL-l al lna"< 4^'tt *t r

sr- Ll :4; t r nlz. Ar l c lv. t c ' - / ;b a 7t c '<7 *o

te-*r A.',.. I b t^.1/ t1..r'

t5^'*;h ln- t'f ''r1--* /,- (.. 11, n' "('(n'

+- tf"*''?q\- ' I

Page 42: Synchronicity Zine #1

p laya. th is iswri ter . i wish

._ ' . h i s teepeelr lre second story inla. , , ' ref f what do you

i l l l .k .s ny fsvor ice rhing on rhewrr l Lng loday, f inst ona on a Lypervish, /?have fun out thel :e l l !

th i g taepee, is the best L\'! j-ng cn the t) i a.. ' .(, D n; in", / ! . r r_, , 'n1, . . , -a i lcnis here.thank you

Findlng this place dur j .ng a dust storn was awesome - th i ,nk youfor building my sanctu.ary I

I l r , i t i f loot ng for mine.. .

t\'hc-*tt: .f--616 {'{u cqsis iq L[a

C\ogef\ 't --''hs-^{t' '-\-){ c'clu'\ c6u1\cl""q\al-4 c-t'^'cl- \

l2r.-1r!. -

$ c'i tl $'{*' ur':crvj-c'r€c,\ (t{oPk

vU( L-rce!r{ t"\<14. t.^ck rr''t^-o'r-t k-t s -e<luckc't

o0a Lt*\-yS,

S u'".u'.*' (- \Cen

Page 43: Synchronicity Zine #1