S,,...ut I RoSb'f'1&-,.J lSCN I LotJtt, Bm .f . .Jr .dr-L-

S,,ut I RoSb'f'1&-,.J ~rr lSCN I LotJtt , Bm.f . .Jr .dr-L- · tec t1ont Of Choae v1141J IC &ttere4 are&lo I j • I l~ AOOLPtt HCU. C"* }OIDt

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S,,...ut I RoSb'f'1&-,.J ~rr lSCN I

LotJtt, Bm.f . .Jr .dr-L-

. -· s reck. Lone


:iepteiOber 28 , 194).


Aa por our t elophono

oonvoroaeion . ~

d Breli< iliridge Long

"' ,_ ............. --....-

The United Statee Oovernm• n• i e btint r. ok ed •••in to oxte~

ite bel~ to the Jove under tho Jurio~ iction or tho Axi o povere

and to t~ke meaeuree to t ATe thea t roa t urtht r oereeeutton And

troa poooible extorm1notion ,

I n th1 o globPl w•r thio RRC other pr obl•mo of • humRnitar1 nn

natur•e Ae 1t1ell. re ot t- m111t l\rY Pn" po11t1cPl ohl.r l\otel"' reou1rft

&nd receive the constant et tontion of the Oovern~ent of the

United Stete•. We have long been coneoi oue of tho atroeittee

oerpetr•ted 3g•inPt the Jovo <nd our effort• to relieve thea

have been nwa1roue an,~~ IU"e oont1.nu1ng.

The Ooverru<en t of ~e Unite~ St• teo he• tor a&ftl yeare bee n

cognizsnt of the roroecutiono ~tich have been heaped upon thoee

who opposed the v1o1ous t'lct1v1t1e9 of t lua Axle potJ, re and of

tt.r atrooitieo wh i ch have been perpotrated againot thoee who

he,, i ncurred their enmity becnuse of r•oce, r eligion or poll tionl


'!'he United Stateo Ooverncent hAe lor~ reali zed tht.t a..ong

ti>Oee .me •uttered trooa thh tyronn7 the Jew he~ been s1nglod

out tor epec1al peraocu~1on •.md even tor eltu.a~hter·. L1ket:1ae

out• efforts to allevte t o the11· o:ond i t ion nnl1 to :.·eccue ond

provlde r efuge ror them t'fh enever poae1bl e h:we ~oen cont1nuln8

and ln large me~ aurt eucceaaful .

Actin& i n He ti'Atl1t1on:U r ole At a haven or refu.g& tor

thoae o~oreaaed b7 ~eraecut1on on ~e ground or race, rel1g1on,

or poli~leal belief, the United St3teo hP e ~•Jcoge~ i nto ito

r~1dnt ClMY t houeende. o r l"efuge-.s . \ i r hove :reoe1ved til eD no t ae

~emberc or a rel1g1oue group nQr ~a a p~rtlcul~r race , but

a e butDan beins • in diot•·eoe . lie recei ved th•m in Uw. ""1r1t or

A=er1e~, whe~e rre•doa f1~m persecuti on le a e ntd ae the nation

1 taelf. ..e hftv• <lenot.lnccd t.nelr OJ'"\roaeore 111 1 crimi nal e .

' • ha ve oontex-red x-epe~tedl7 ~nd co-operated eont1nuoueJ.y with

other government• in ••ttero affecti ng the velr~e of ~e

peroecut ed peopleo in enoQy-occup1ed territory , Suoh Of theoe

p~pl~·~-----L--~L~ .. ~t?.-


people oo we h~vo t~und outoide tho Juriodi oti on ot the oneay

we hevo helped to locate tocporar117 in plaou ot e11.1'H7, We

bav• Joi ntly i .n1tiate4 ~n interna tional oontoronoe ~t 8ormu4a

o.n4 we have piU'tioipatod in eo tt1ne '.IP on Intersonrncental

Committee which oite a t London tor tho opec1t1o purpoee or oon­

t1nuine tho epocb.l •n<'. p&rt1oular care ot the rotugeu whoa i t

1o pouible to help,

While it hoe boon poee1blo to bring aeeiottnce to thoae wbo

hove eeca~od tho clutcbe a or the v1c1oue lo&der a or tho Axle

group, it hae proven 1mpraot1oable to ~lleviate the autter1ns ot

thooe lObo are oUll wi thin tho •U1tar7 Jur1odict1on or thou

enemtee, except by the Uflle or the overpo~rering Coree whioh we

~e nt present 1n the eot ot exertinv •n~ tnr ~h· ~ueoe ~~tul

continuati on of which it le nocoeaary to have the rull and

OO"l>ltte co-operation or ell ot our ollioa """- all ot the grou;>e

W1 thin th• allied countrioe.

However , we hove docl~red we Vill hold in~1v14uall7

reepone1bl.e .tho•e repreeentattvea ot Na.z1 terrorism reapone1ble

tor theoe crimea and brine down on t heir he~da tho fullest

c eaoure or pun1ehlllent. Connrael:r thoee wUhln die orbie or

Uar.1 influence who t\b&ta1n from p erpetr11t1on ot the s e crimea,

who protect these unfortunates end who hinder the execution or

plana to moltat ~d dootroy the~ will f 1n1 f~vor 1n our eyoe

wnen punilhmont 1e odm1n1ator ed. to tho guilty.

The Oo•ernoont or tho Uni;cd Stfttee ia elao eonaoiouo or

the h'rdah1pa, the or1v8t1ona And the ~ereecution• of the Polea .

~~ hOYt ado public reports or the barbaro\la troelaent 1ntl1oted

by tht Uat1o upon the r oaidenta of ltrge d1e tricta of Polen:! and

the btatial methode eaplo7ed b7 tb.. i n their errorto to


J •

L 1-

,.__, ............ ·-----~

ext•raln.tt the populatl~ne i n vbole are4a 1n order t o open

thoae regl.ona to e~t tle~eent 'b)' ltsz1e.

The GoYilrn.ent or the United Stlltta re,ll&ea tul.l \'ell the

esd t r te ot tnoe e •1ll1ona 1n a.~~n·oocupitd territory, eutterera

1n their own hooe l :rnde 1nteate4 Y1 Ul Agenta ot t he OeatA;>o a.n4

vl.n41ot1YI!: exeGutl onet.•c ot NA&1 mllitary po-.er. 'l'h17 h.t!•e our

dPep a)'QpAth)' an4 aro encouraged to tnduro , wh.Ue longer p«nd1ng

the da7 ot final llbtreUon. The t" te ot t.lt )!toi)leo ot lt.oae

ooeu,1o4 countr1eo ~nd the aerloua a enaurea to be t~en 1n their

behal t •~• becoal.ng 1ncreae1nt l7 6~psrent .

Our own prieonera in the ru '£t' •tJ our tJ·!.~m\a in the

Ph111pp1nec and. the o'ther subuerged ptoplee l n the Far £.pat

Wlder tht~ b.flr'bar1c heel ot Ja.!)an ero being or> n•etae4 an4 venaetul

ectlon it betne t~en in r e!ptot to them. They are aufferlns

1~=•••urabl7 Croa ~r1•at1on nnd froa ex~tlo puntshoent 1nt11et~

by the &ttenUlttd t ent,ol ee ot bsrbarlo nol1oy,

Etch of theee 11 the tr341c reeult of the overwt&n1ng

(L •• tc.1l.1on of a few wllll'\11 men ~o ht>ve r eaortef5. to the uae ot

Coree 1n an ~tt~w?t to ~xten~ th&lr control over the wo~ld.

In the broad etretchea or tbe Atlan:lc, ln the north ot

At·rlce, 1n t.~e oort1n~nt or C:W"ope ltAel f. ln t.h.e t:a"r S~!'et, the

Psr S~et , And th• lalrndo ~r the Fao1t1c Ooe,.n, ~. r~ed t~rces

or the Unlt.ed 8t.otee r·re rtrht1n.s atte b:t e lde ttlth our v&l11l.nt

Ul l e e 1n o rrupreoe eCtor·t, troe outcoue ot whlflh 1a not 1n

~oubt, l.o overthrQw thtee mnl1en ~nea1P~ ot h~~anlty ~nd to

r eewre the VOl"ld to • po1l t 1on or p t ace and order un~er l«w.

Out or the turmoil whloh hAt ~een crented by our anlloloue

t oea have arleen =~n7 pol1t1otl and hum~n1tar1~n rue atl~ne end

core f're bound t:o arlee. Alt.'lOU('b lt l c dl ftlcult to COiile to •n,. c~nortte And oo.11pl ete tolut1on of thtee c uoatlone t\U!•l nc the

etr&ln 'l t WAr, the Government or a. Unltrd StAtee 11 ne•erthelete



..-... --... -.-~

tn4t&TOI'1DI to prepare tht W&7 tor ta1r Md Jt.&et tt ttlestnte

•nd to 4o vbate•t r aar be J)Oee1blt e.n4 praotiosblt ~harlng tbt

Vtr to bring eoce ot th .. lnto a etatt ot control.

Anothe r tuu:la:n1tar1an ltD4 poll t l oal probl ro 1~latee ~

Palett1nt, the queet1on ot • hocttl~tnd t or the Jeve -.nd !)l,.,ote tor

~~elr etttle~nt. Kotw1~~ etand1ng that ~rt lt eoat d1Y1e1on i n

tho oouno1le ot t.l t Jewe on th1t aueet1on, t.h.t Go•erntllent ot the

United Statet bA a 81•en an4 1e oont1nu1ng to p1ve ltt aerl ou e

oone1dtrllt1on to t hlt proble.m. Though not A J)&rty to t he original

AuthorltT under ~h1ob the aan4att 11 exerclttd o•er tb8t terri­

tory by ~ oo-bell1Sor~nt power, the Government ot the United

&tatee .--opl"Qaohee c·11 tubJeot ln thAt brotld ep1rlt which hae

nlw•y• oher&oter1£t4 lte attitude tove~~ troubled and pereeeuted

ptopltt .nd 1ntendt to continue 1te c~nvertstlone with otfitr

tOvern&~nte ln the ~xoeetatlon that When clrou~et&ncee permit A

talr end equ1t~ble eettlecent or tha t problea ~· be made, o.a well

•• or other probleme or A poll tical o.l'\4 huoan1 t~1•n n3ture .

The Govtr~ent ot the Onlted Ststee W'lll continue ltl etrortt

to settle e~tletactorlly theP.e and all the other polltlc&l problema

vhloh 41eturb the pt~ce or the vorld aa vell Rathe humanl~i«n

probltae vh1oh a.._optal to th• eontclence or o•nklnd, 1nclud1ng

thoee in Europe , 1n Ae14 and ln the Itlnnda ot the Pao1t1o.

Coni'.S.dent or ~t oo-.plete eucceet which Jue'tlot, our e~tuae

~ the might of our nrmed tor oe1 assure, the United Stdtet

toge ther with 1te fll.11EI v111 bring at rap1417 aa poeei'bll an

enduring relief to thoae who eurrer, oeny ot Whom ~re our own

o1t1~tne 1n prleon oempe and other eraons ~o are nelpl•••

under the 70ke ot the enemy toroet vh1'3h et111 oooupy luge

tect1ont Of Choae v1141J IC&ttere4 are&lo


j • I l~

AOOLPtt HCU. C"*­}OIDt< B.ulaH, ~

Jewish Labor Committee 175 EAST BROADWAY

NEW YOU:. N. Y. ~ ..

DA YID Dllalssr:Y, T rUJMrl

)MDa PAT, btd:.tiu$4nd1Jr7 N. CHANIN', a.:r....,

Washington D. c . September 24, 1943


• Vk..ch.h•n

J. OAtlSLAW N.OtAHIN M. COHil:N I. FIINbllt.G ~f. flt:NSTONC B. GUU'iftl.

l•lGou>ePG P. L GoulwA."f lt. GU:SION } . H0oo<A.'< L Hol.l...\SDO B.J ... ..,.,. Q, KAPLAN



J. Roaun }. SOl........., s.-

Roo. Oerdell Hull, Secretary o! State, State Department, Washington, D. c. Dear Sir:

Adolf Hitler baa solemnly warned t he civilized world that should the Nazi hordes taoe defeat , they wi l l no t l eave a single Jew alive in their r etreat. The eame dietua o! terror baa been ll&de by Dr. Joseph O.ebbela, the voioe or Hitler, and by Robert Ley, hie henchll&n in the deetruotion ot the tree German labor movement .

Today Hi tler stands on the brink ot defeat. Italy hae surrender ed unconditionally; on the Eastern Front t he Nazie are crumbling; the German legione are in retreat everywhere.

Pree American labor, which !eela a kinship Vitb the victims ot Nazi terrort baa been horror-atriolten by the slaughter being carr1ea on against ~he Jews. J. Wa.~aDG

W. WDNSTUN ltl. Zl.arrsxY 01. Zl............ We, tbere!ore, take t his occa sion to urge the

• government or the Un1ted States to warn -- through short-LAo••"·""'""' wave radio and all other available means or comtllunieation H QLlGJiJl, Phlt.delphi• J. OBIHSTfiN, lkttolo -- all thOSe guilty Of Siding t he Nazi loader& in their M.O<•u•.a.; .. ,. inhwaan o~~~~paign or exterminating the de!en .. l ess Jewish J. OLuw•. o..... population or Europe that t hey w111 be held aooount able s.C.rLAH,Bollimoft ae war orill1nals, and will be pun1shed tor every innocent 8. CO.<IH,S..Lou;. l ite t hey have taken. A. 1V.KA~.~ A KrtZNa, T010010 J Lavrn ..... ......, In t he years of hie rule, Hitler bas deatroyed L.Lirn ..... Aa.od<s mill i ons of Poles, Ruseiaoa, Serbs, Cze9he1 Frenohllen, T wmm...w..~oo and Oreelte, and baa laid waste o1t1es and ~ovne . But, S. OSI•Y.Piu.bu•ob tor tha Jews or Europe, the Nazi s have prepared a apeo1al M llUIIIN>TI!IN.Moo-..J doom: total exter011nation. D SICANI. Moarrul J. SIDGIU., Ol.ita&O l I. TUIUC:, &hlMor~ ) . WtU!It!ltC. ClrvWnd

Time and agai n the desperat e cry ot the J ews languishing in the ghettoe, death-chaabore, and concen­tration oampa baa reaohed ue here. Time and again t he Preaident or t he United Statesi the Secretary ot State, a nd Amer1cane or all wallta or ite, ot all areede and



colora, ha•e declared t heir re•ulalon a t the &bollln&ble criMe per­

petra ted by the Nazia upon a detenael eaa people. But to no &Y&il.

The United 8tat ea, ther etere, muet warn the German people

that the United Nat~ haYe decided to eatabliah the identi ty ot /

tho" Oerune who a.re reeponeible t or the aote ot e&Yqery qainat the Java and other peoplee; that aa eaoh ot theee oriminaJ. deede ia

committe&, it ie being inveetigated, a nd evidence ie relentlessly being piled up tor the purpoeee ot Juatioe.

Amerioan labor aeeka no maaa repr1eale qainat the enel&Yed / people ot Germany. But the murderer• ot our fe llow human beinga, the ring-leadore and their aida1_muat be named, apprehended, and tried in aooordance with the J~oial prooeaa ot or iainal law. We

a ppeal to our governaent to warn the German people t o r etuae openly

t o be identit i ad with the orueltiea perpetrated by t heir leadere and member• at their armed t oroes, againat tbe J ava, and to expoae I all t hoae guilty ot these ori • ee , l eet the German people t hemsel Yea

be regarded ae part ner• ot the Nazi orillllnale .

Only tllue, will Oerun honor be eave d .

At the aame tille we a ppeal to the Go•arnment or the Unuad

Stataa to do all that ie ~umanly possible, and consiatent wi th our

eucceaetul pereeoution or the war to bring i mmediate aid and auc­cor to t he Jewa in the Nazi-aooupied oountr1ea . The Jews i n the ghett oe can no longer be regarded a s civilians . Tbtjare priaonera

ot war, and ahould be l egally r egarded aa suoh. Waya and meana must be tound to r eed tbe hungry men, women, and chlldren who are doomed tea death ·ot etarvation. Ve alao appeal to eur governaent and to the goverNDenta ot t be Uni ted Nations, to adll1t to all t er­rltorlea under tbeir control , J ewi sh r etugeee who may euooeed i n eeoaping trom the Na~i bell. llow ia t he time to aalY&ga theae Jewish people Vbo are atill &live and Vbo oan atill be aaYed ,

America n l abor , on ita part, in answer to the mass horror that ie be ing inflicted on our brother& in Europe , pledges again, to uee a l l lta ettorta in the future, aa lt baa done in the paat , t or the comple te deatruotion ot the ene mlea ot deaooraoy and ita l eglone ot death, We eaall tight on unti l our enem1ee ha•e aur­rendered unconditionally.

