SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN For the CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARK Prepared by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc. August 2009 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Date Jeffrey J. Roos, P.E., Minnesota Registration No. 10206


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Page 1: SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN - St. Paul Park917EB38B-D67A-4E8B-… · SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN For the CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARK Prepared by McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc


For the


Prepared by

McCombs Frank Roos Associates, Inc.

August 2009 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Date Jeffrey J. Roos, P.E.,

Minnesota Registration No. 10206

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SECTION I – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................... 1

A. Introduction and Policy Statement.............................................................................................1

B. Purpose.......................................................................................................................................1

C. Regulatory Requirements...........................................................................................................2

D. Water Resource Management Related Agreements ..................................................................2

E. Surface Water Management Plan Content.................................................................................3

F. Recommendations......................................................................................................................5

SECTION II – LAND AND WATER RESOURCE INVENTORY.......................................................... 6

A. Introduction................................................................................................................................6

B. Physical Environment ................................................................................................................6

C. Human Environment................................................................................................................10

D. Surface Water System..............................................................................................................12

E. Groundwater Resource Data ....................................................................................................19

SECTION III – ESTABLISHMENT OF GOALS AND POLICIES ....................................................... 22

A. Water Quantity.........................................................................................................................22

B. Water Quality...........................................................................................................................24

C. Erosion and Sedimentation Control .........................................................................................26

D. Wetlands ..................................................................................................................................27

E. Groundwater ............................................................................................................................29

F. Recreation, Fish and Wildlife ..................................................................................................29

G. Enhancement of Public Participation, Information and Education..........................................30


A. River and Surface Water Quality.............................................................................................32

B. Flooding and Rate Control Issues ............................................................................................33

C. Impacts of Water Quantity or Quality Management Practices on Recreational Opportunities35

D. Impacts of Stormwater Quality on Fish and Wildlife Resources ............................................36

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E. Impacts of Soil Erosion on Water Quality and Quantity .........................................................36

F. General Impact of Land Use Practices, and in Particular, Land Development and Wetland

Alternation on Water Quality and Water Quantity ..................................................................37

G. Adequacy of Existing Regulatory Controls to Manage or Mitigate Adverse Impacts on

Public Waters and Wetlands ....................................................................................................38

H. Adequacy of Programs to Limit Soil Erosion and Water Quality Degradation ......................38

I. Adequacy of Existing Programs to Maintain the Tangible and Intrinsic Values of Natural

Storage and Retention Systems................................................................................................39

J. Adequacy of Capital Improvements Program to Correct Problems Related to Water Quality,

Water Quantity Management, Fish and Wildlife Habitat, Public Waters and Wetland

Management, and Recreational Opportunities.........................................................................39

K. Future Potential Problems Anticipated to Occur Within Next 20 Years Based on Growth

Projections and Planned Urbanization .....................................................................................40

SECTION V – IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM .................................................................................. 42

A. City Regulatory Controls .........................................................................................................42

B. Management Programs ............................................................................................................43

C. Stormwater Design and Performance Standards......................................................................44

D. Capital Improvements Program ...............................................................................................45

E. MS4 Phase II Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program .....................................................46

F. Measures of Success........................................................................................................................ 46


A. Implementation Priorities.........................................................................................................47

B. Financial Considerations..........................................................................................................48

C. Funding Sources.......................................................................................................................49


STANDARDS.............................................................................................................................................. 50

SECTION VIII – AMENDMENT PROCEDURES.................................................................................. 55

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Table 1 – Average Climate Data For Minneapolis and St. Paul............................................................7

Table 2 – Curve Numbers Used for City Model......................................................................................... 16

Table 3 – MDNR Water Appropriation Permits......................................................................................... 20

Table 4 – Implementation Program Priorities ………………………………………………………...47


Figure Following Page

FIGURE 1 – Location Map....................................................................................................................6

FIGURE 2 – 2 Year - 24 Hour Rainfall Amounts .................................................................................7

FIGURE 2A – 10 Year - 24 Hour Rainfall Amounts ............................................................................7

FIGURE 3 – 100 Year – 24 Hour Rainfall Amounts ................................................................................... 7

FIGURE 4 – General Surficial Geology................................................................................................8

FIGURE 5 – Surface Soils Association .................................................................................................8

FIGURE 6 – Land Erosion Succeptibility .............................................................................................9

FIGURE 7 – Scenic Areas Map...........................................................................................................10

FIGURE 8 – Existing Land Use Map..................................................................................................10

FIGURE 9 – Future Land Use Map.....................................................................................................10

FIGURE 10 – Private (ISTS) Sanitary Sewer Locations.....................................................................11

FIGURE 11 – Potential Pollutant Sources...........................................................................................13

FIGURE 12 –NWI Wetland & Protected Water Map .........................................................................12

FIGURE 13 – FEMA Flood Boundary And Floodway Map...............................................................13

FIGURE 14 – Watershed Map.............................................................................................................14

FIGURE 15 – Critical Areas Map .......................................................................................................19

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Appendix A – Significant Natural Features and Potential Pollutant Sources

Appendix B – MDNR Protected Waters and Wetlands Map, United States Fish and Wildlife Service

National Wetlands Inventory Maps and Washington County Hazardous Waste Generators List

Appendix C – Metropolitan Mosquito Control District Map

Appendix D – Cowardin and Circular 39 Wetland Classifications

Appendix E – FEMA – Floodway Maps and Flood Insurance Study

Appendix F – SWWD Stormwater Management Plan Guidelines and Watershed District Rules

Appendix G – Subwatershed and Drainage District Peak Flow Rates and Ponding Elevations, General

Land Use Curve Numbers

Appendix H – River Development District Ordinance

Appendix I – Floodplain District Ordinance

Appendix J – Infiltration Basin Design Guidelines


Map 1 – Storm Water Drainage and Structure Map

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STORMWATER AND SURFACE WATER ACRONYM EXPLANATIONS (website links provided for more information where applicable)

BFE – Base Flood Elevation http://www.fema.gov/plan/prevent/floodplain/nfipkeywords/base_flood_elevation.shtm

BMP – Best Management Practice

BWSR – Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources www.bwsr.state.mn.us

CERCLIS – Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System


CIP – Capital Improvements Program

CN – Curve Number http://directives.sc.egov.usda.gov/17752.wba

DWSMA – Drinking Water Supply Management Area http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/water/swp/whp/index.htm

EPA – Environmental Protection Agency www.epa.gov

FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency www.fema.gov

FIRM – Flood Insurance Rate Map http://www.fema.gov/library/viewRecord.do?id=1480

FIS – Flood Insurance Study http://www.fema.gov/library/viewRecord.do?id=1480

FWS – Fish and Wildlife Service www.fws.gov

GIS – Geographical Information Systems

HEC – RAS-Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System www.hec.usace.army.mil

HSG – Hydrologic Soil Group http://directives.sc.egov.usda.gov/viewerFS.aspx?hid=21422

HWL – High Water Level

IDF – Intensity Duration Frequency

ISTS – Individual Sewage Treatment Systems www.pca.state.mn.us/programs/ists/

LOMR – Letter of Map Revision http://www.fema.gov/library/viewRecord.do?id=1480

LGU – Local Government Unit www.bwsr.state.mn.us/wetlands/wca/index.html

LWMP – Local Water Management Plan (i.e. Surface Water Management Plan)

MCM – Minimum Control Measure www.pca.state.mn.us/water/stormwater/stormwater-ms4.html

MDNR – Minnesota Department of Natural Resources www.dnr.state.mn.us

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MNDOT – Minnesota Department of Transportation www.dot.state.mn.us

MPCA – Minnesota Pollution Control Agency www.pca.state.mn.us

MS4 – Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System www.pca.state.mn.us/water/stormwater/stormwater-ms4.html

MNRRA – Mississippi National River and Recreation Area http://www.nps.gov/miss/

NFRAP – No Further Remedial Action Planned www.pca.state.mn.us/backyard/neighborhood.html

NPDES – National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System http://cfpub.epa.gov/npdes/

NRCS – National Resource Conservation Service www.nrcs.usda.gov

NWI – National Wetland Inventory www.nwi.fws.gov

NWL – Normal Water Level

OHWL – Ordinary High Water Level www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/watermgmt_section/pwpermits/ohw.html

PWI – Protected Waters Inventory www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/watermgmt_section/pwi/index.html

RCRA – Resource Conservation and Recovery Act http://www.epa.gov/epawaste/inforesources/online/index.htm

SCS – Soil Conservation Service (see Natural Resource Conservation Service)

SSTS – Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems (see ISTS)

SWCD – Soil and Water Conservation District www.co.steele.mn.us/ENVSERV/envserv.html

SWPPP – Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan or Program

SWWD – South Washington Watershed District http://www.swwdmn.org/

TR-20 – Technical Release 20 http://www.wsi.nrcs.usda.gov/products/w2q/H&H/docs/other/TR20_user_man.pdf

TMDL – Total Maximum Daily Load www.pca.state.mn.us/water/tmdl/index.html

USCOE – United States Corps of Engineers www.mvp.usace.army.mil

USDA – United States Department of Agriculture (see Natural Resource Conservation Service)

VIC – Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup www.pca.state.mn.us/cleanup/vic.html

WCA – Wetland Conservation Act www.bwsr.state.mn.us/wetlands/wca/index.html

WMO – Watershed Management Organization(s) (see MN State Statute 103B.205)

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SECTION I – EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A. Introduction and Policy Statement

The City of St. Paul Park (City) has prepared this Surface Water Management Plan (SWMP) to provide the

City and its residents with direction concerning the administration and implementation of surface water

management activities within the community. The SWMP inventories City land and water resources and

presents water management policies and goals, which address both known surface water-related problems

and concerns about future development activities. The SWMP also presents the information needed to

comply with the requirements of the federal, state and regional regulatory agencies involved in surface

water management.

Policy Statement: The City of St. Paul Park is committed to a goal of nondegredation and no adverse

impact to area surface waters. To accomplish this goal, the City will demonstrate through this SWMP:

• Performance measures for all proposed stormwater treatment devices;

• Proposed plans that will require stormwater management, rate and volume control, and erosion

control BMP’s protection measures that will require City approval before work can commence;

• Performing proper maintenance for public works activities (i.e. street sweeping, cleanup of City

parks, etc.);

• Public education on water resource management;

• Construction site enforcement of stormwater BMP’s; and

• Providing the necessary funds to implement stormwater management plans, erosion control plans,

public education, and construction site enforcement.

B. Purpose

The general purposes and objectives of the St. Paul Park SWMP are as follows:

• Protect, preserve, and use natural surface and groundwater storage and retention systems;

• Minimize public capital expenditures needed to correct flooding and water quality problems;

• Identify and plan for means to effectively protect and improve surface and groundwater quality;

• Establish uniform local policies and official controls for surface and groundwater management;

• Prevent erosion of soil into surface water systems;

• Promote groundwater recharge;

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• Protect and enhance fish and wildlife habitat and water recreational facilities; and

• Secure the other benefits associated with the proper management of surface and groundwater.

C. Regulatory Requirements

In 1982, the Minnesota Legislature adopted The Metropolitan Surface Water Management Act requiring all

watersheds within the Twin Cities seven county metropolitan area to be incorporated into watershed

management organizations (WMO’s) and the preparation and adoption of watershed management plans by

each of the WMO’s. The Act also requires that Local Governmental Units prepare local surface water

management plans which include the official controls and capital improvements necessary to bring each

local surface water management into conformance with its respective WMO plan.

The City of St. Paul Park is entirely situated within the Mississippi River Watershed. Surface runoff

generally drains from east to west and eventually discharges into the Mississippi River. The South

Washington Watershed District is the WMO that has jurisdictional control over all drainage basins within

the city. The SWMP is intended to meet the requirements of the following regulatory documents:

• Metropolitan Surface Water Management Act - Minnesota Statutes Chapter 103B.

• Metropolitan Area Local Water Management - Minnesota Rules Chapter 8410.

• Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act of 1991 and subsequent rules and amendments.

• State and Federal laws pertaining to National Pollution Discharge Elimination System

(NPDES) permitting for stormwater outfalls to designated drainage ways.

• Erosion Control Guidelines and Best Management Practices prepared by the Minnesota Pollution

Control Agency.

• Critical Area Executive Order 79-19 for applicable areas within the City.

• South Washington Watershed District (SWWD) Watershed Management Plan, Adopted 2007.

• Met Council 2030 Water Resources Management Policy Plan, Adopted 2005.

• Washington County Groundwater Plan, Adopted 2003.

D. Water Resource Management Related Agreements

The City of St. Paul Park currently has no water resource management related joint powers agreements with

adjacent communities or private parties. The SWWD did obtain jurisdictional watershed control on May

28, 2003.

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E. Surface Water Management Plan Content

The City of St. Paul Park’s SWMP has been developed to meet the needs of the community and address the

management planning requirements of the Metropolitan Surface Water Management Act. The SWMP has

been prepared in general accordance with Minnesota Rules Chapter 8410 and follows the plan outline

identified in the rules.

The following summaries identify the major sections of the SWMP and where information can be located in

the plan document:

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (SECTION I) This section presents an introduction for the local water management plan, and a summary of all the

sections of this Surface Water Management Plan. This section also summarizes strategic

recommendations for consideration by the City in implementing the SWMP.


This section categorizes a wide range of information under the subsections entitled Physical

Environment, Human Environment, Surface Water System, and Groundwater Resource Data. The

subsections provide information and references regarding water resource and physical factors within

the City of St. Paul Park including the following:

• Location

• Precipitation data for hydrologic/hydraulic review and design

• Geologic and topographic information

• Surface soils and groundwater information

• Land Erosion (Runoff) Susceptibility

• Unique features and scenic areas

• Land use and public utility services

• Water-based recreational areas and land ownership

• Potential pollutant sources

• Public waters and wetlands

• Flood Insurance Studies and surface water drainage information

• City subwatersheds and Storm water modeling data, limitations and results

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• Flood problem areas and surface water quality

• Specific City Ordinances pertaining to Storm water management

• Groundwater resource data


This section outlines goals and policies addressing water resource management needs of the City

and their relationship with Regional, State, and Federal goals and programs. Goals and policies

relating to the following issues are presented:

• Water quantity

• Water quality

• Erosion and sedimentation

• Wetlands

• Groundwater

• Recreation, fish and wildlife

• Enhancement of public participation


This section provides an assessment of existing or potential water resource related problems within

the City. This section also describes potential structural, nonstructural and programmatic solutions

on correction actions to the identified problems.


This section identifies the regulatory controls, management programs, storm water design and

performance standards, and capital improvements to be utilized by the City in implementing this




This section presents improvement priorities and financial considerations that can be reasonably

funded and implemented by the City in the near and longer-term future. This section also identifies

the estimated costs and potential funding sources for implementing the proposed regulatory controls

and programs.

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(SECTION VII) This section addresses stormwater management and erosion control standards the City reviews and

enforces when new development or redevelopment occurs. Implementation of these standards will

help minimize the impact of stormwater runoff from the site and to receiving downstream areas.


This section presents the expected longevity of the SWMP (to the year 2019) and the process for

making amendments consistent with the future WMO plan.

F. Recommendations The following recommendations are presented for the City’s consideration based upon the information

compiled for this SWMP:

• The SWMP should be used to guide future water resource management decisions and stormwater

related issues in existing and projected urban growth areas.

• The SWMP should be used as part of the City’s capital improvements planning process to address

and prioritize necessary stormwater related infrastructure needs.

• The City should examine existing and potential funding sources available for implementing

stormwater regulatory controls and improvements. Development of a stormwater area charge

should be considered for newly developing areas to address the off-site impacts of urbanization.

• The City should consider the additional staff time and financial resources required to implement this

SWMP, develop additional revenue sources, and budget accordingly.

• The City should develop a Water Resource Library at City Hall containing this SWMP and other

water resource related information and public educational materials.

• The SWMP should be updated if there are changes to the City’s projected land use and urbanization


• The SWMP provides a general framework for addressing existing and future surface water

management issues within the City. Additional studies may be required when specific development

proposals are prepared. Final high-water levels governing building elevations adjacent to ponding

areas and floodplains should be established as development occurs or when stormwater

management facilities are designed for construction.

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A. Introduction

This section provides a generalized description and summary of land and water resource factors affecting

the water resources within the City of St. Paul Park. The Physical Environment subsection presents local

information on precipitation, geology, topography, soils, fish and wildlife habitat and unique features and

scenic areas. The Human Environment subsection identifies local land use, public utility services, water

based recreational areas and known pollutant sources. The Surface Water Systems subsection presents

information on the City’s drainage patterns, hydrologic systems, public waters and wetlands, floodplain

areas, flood studies, shoreland management and water quality. The Groundwater Resource Data subsection

presents the information necessary for the City to begin addressing groundwater issues.

Much of the information contained within this section was compiled from available governmental sources.

Whenever possible, the location of the information or additional resources have been identified or


B. Physical Environment

1. Location

The City of St. Paul Park occupies approximately 3.1 square miles in southwestern Washington

County as shown in Figure 1. The communities adjacent to St. Paul Park are Newport, Cottage

Grove and Grey Cloud Township. To the west of St. Paul Park lies the Mississippi River. All of St.

Paul Park’s stormwater runoff will eventually drain to the Mississippi River. Additional

information on the City’s water resources is contained in the following sections.

2. Precipitation

The climate of the Minneapolis/St. Paul metropolitan area is a humid continental climate with

moderate precipitation, wide daily temperature variations, warm humid summers and cold winters.

The total average annual precipitation is approximately 33 inches of which approximately 1/3

occurs in the months of June, July and August. The annual snowfall average is about 52 inches and

is equivalent to approximately 5.2 inches of water. The average monthly temperatures,

precipitations, and snowfalls are shown on Table 1.

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Month Temperature (°F) Precipitation (Inches) Snowfall (Inches)January 14.5 1.02 12.2 February 21.4 0.78 7.5 March 32.8 1.92 9.7 April 47.2 2.54 3 May 59.9 3.73 0 June 68.4 4.98 0 July 73 4.41 0

August 70.8 4.37 0 September 61.8 3.2 0

October 49.8 2.51 0.4 November 33.3 2.09 9.3 December 19.5 1.04 10.3

Annual Average 46.00 32.59 52.40 Source: Minnesota State Climatology Office

Figures 2, 2a and 3 show the 24-hour rainfall amounts of the 2-year, 10-year and 100-year storm

events. The following values are to be used in the evaluation and design of all major stormwater

facilities in the City. See SWWD Standards Manual Section 4.1.3 for additional

2-Year 10-Year 100-Year

Rainfall Depth 2.8” 4.2” 6.3”

Probability (1-year) 50% 10% 1%

The SCS Type II distribution is a synthetic storm hyetograph for use in Minnesota for storms of 24-

hours in duration. These storms consist entirely of rainfall. For determination of snowmelt events,

the 100-year 10-day event was used based on information presented in the NRCS TR-60 document.

Additional climatological information for the area can be found in the Minnesota Hydrology Guide

prepared by the NRCS, the U. S. Weather Bureau Technical Papers 40 and 49, and the NRCS

National Engineering Handbook - Hydrology - Section 4.

3. Geology

The general geology of Washington County and the City of St. Paul Park has been compiled by the

Minnesota Geological Survey in a document titled Geologic Atlas of Washington County

Minnesota (L.Swanson and G. Meyer, Editors, 1990).

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The surficial geology in the City is shown in Figure 4. In the east part of the City it consists of

mainly Terrace Deposits such as sand and gravel. The western half of the City consists of similar

Terrace Deposits such as coarse sand and gravel, capped in places by as much as 10 feet of loamy

sand. Bedrock is common within 10 feet of the surface in the western areas. There is a small

pocket of Postglacial Deposits like peat and organic-rich sediment in the southeast part of the City.

Floodplain Alluvium; consisting of stratified silt loam, loam and very fine, sandy loam with minor

interbeds of fine, sandy to clayey sediment and organic matter exists along the Mississippi River.

4. Topography

The City of St. Paul Park topography consists of a generally flat terrain. Surface elevations range

from 800 feet above sea level on the eastern part of the city, to 700 feet above sea level on the

western part. Most of the surface run-off drains west to the Mississippi River, which has an

approximate elevation of 675 feet above sea level.

5. Soils

The USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (formerly the Soil Conservation Service)

prepared the Soil Survey for Washington County in 1980. This reference maps the location of

specific soil types throughout the City of St. Paul Park and provides detailed data on the typical

characteristics of each soil type. The patterns are shown in Figure 5. For the City of St. Paul Park,

the predominant soil types in the city are loam, loamy sand, sandy loam, silt loam and urban land.

A brief narrative of the soil types for the City is found below. The names associated for each soil

type as given by the Soil Survey appear in parenthesis.

a. Copaston-Sparta

Loam (Copaston)

This type of soil will experience average surface drainage. Typical permeability rates would

be in the range of 0.6 to 2.0 inches per hour (above bedrock). Soils will typically have

bedrock formations as high as 1 foot below the soil surface elevation. The soil is generally

unsuitable for septic fields and for infiltration due to shallow depths to bedrock.

Loamy Sand (Hubbard, Mahtomedi, Sparta)

This type of soil will experience excessive surface drainage. Typical permeability rates

would be from 6.0 to 20.0 inches per hour. The high sand content of soils are good for

septic fields provided the fields are built properly. Groundwater contamination is a

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significant concern due to the high drainage and the soils inability to trap pollutants.

Groundwater elevations would generally extend beyond 6 feet below surface. Extra care

will need to be taken if grading occurs because of the high erosion potential.

Sparta is well suited for building sites, however the Copaston soils are limited by the

shallowness of the hard bedrock.

b. Sparta-Dickman-Hubbard

Sandy Loam (Chetek, Dickman)

This type of soil will experience moderately to excessive surface drainage. Typical

permeability rates would be from 2.0 to 20 inches per hour, with higher rates being achieved

approximately 2 feet below the surface. This soil type also experiences a high sand content

and has generally the same properties as the Loamy Sand classes.

Sandy Loam (Hubbard)

This type of soil will experience excessive surface drainage. Typical permeability rates

would be from 6.0 to 20 inches per hour. The risk of pollution of underground water

supplies and nearby lakes and streams is large if septic tank absorption fields or other

sanitary facilities are placed on these soils.

6. Land Erosion (Runoff) Susceptibility

Land that is located on high sloping land, or has been previously been developed has a greater

likelihood of generating more runoff than in areas that has not been developed or are located on

low-sloping areas. Figure 6 shows the areas and their likelihood of generating runoff.

Areas in medium or high susceptible zones have a greater chance of producing runoff with high silt

concentrations and/or urban pollutants. Great caution is needed in high slope areas especially if

grading or constructing is taking place. The disturbed soil has a greater chance of washing or

blowing away due to the high sand and fines content. Establishing or maintaining vegetation on

exposed soil in these medium or high zone areas is critical to keep silt and urban pollutants from

washing into the receiving storm sewer lines and ultimately reaching the Mississippi River. Best

Management Practices (BMPs) for erosion and sediment control are to be a part of all new

development and redevelopment projects in all susceptibility areas.

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7. Unique Features and Scenic Areas

The MDNR Natural Heritage and Non-game Research Program has identified several rare plant and

animal species, as well as other significant natural features, within and near the City of St. Paul

Park. According to MDNR records, there are no occurrences of any rare plant or animal species

within the city limits of St. Paul Park. In the southern undeveloped portion of St. Paul Park adjacent

to the Mississippi River, there exists several occurrences of rare species. Those occurrences include

Bald Eagle nesting areas, freshwater mussels species in the Mississippi River, Floodplain Forests,

and River Cliffs. Proper actions are to be taken in conjunction with the MDNR before any land

alteration or grading is scheduled to occur to ensure development will not affect rare plant or animal


The City does not contain any state or federal owned wildlife and waterfowl management areas or

and state or federal owned scientific and natural areas. However, there are areas that have dense

forested cover and those areas are shown in Figure 7. The majority of dense forested cover lies

adjacent to the Mississippi River. Those forested areas have scenic value and care should be taken

to maintain and preserve the forests where feasible.

The area located near the shoreline of the Mississippi is located within the Critical Area Corridor as

established under Executive Order 79-19. The main purpose of establishing the Critical Area

Corridor was to protect the natural resources and preserve the natural, aesthetic, cultural, and

historical value for the public use along the shoreline of the Mississippi. The City governs land use

within this corridor through the River Development (RD) district zoning regulations. The Critical

Area Corridor boundary is shown on Figure 15. Additional information about the RD district can

be found later in this section under River Development and Floodplain Ordinances.

C. Human Environment

1. Land Use

The City’s Comprehensive Plan contains both existing Land Use (which has been updated in 2008),

as shown in Figure 8, and the Proposed Land Use Plan (extending to the year 2030) which is shown

in Figure 9. The City has annexed part of Grey Cloud Island Township. The development area has

the potential to double the residential population of the City of St. Paul Park. Outside of the Grey

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Cloud Island area, 9.3 % of the land in St. Paul Park remains vacant as of 2008. The potential for

re-development does exist and those areas are shown in the Proposed Land Use Plan.

2. Public Utilities Services

The City of St. Paul Park has municipal sanitary sewer and watermain available in all developed

areas. Properties near the Mississippi River (mainly in the southwest) and a few in the northeastern

part of the city are not connected to the public sanitary sewer or water systems; the properties are

serviced by individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS) and by private wells. These private on-site

sewage treatment systems and private wells are designated on Figure 10. New development in the

southern part of the city would include gravity and forcemain wastewater operation to discharge

into the city’s existing sewer system. Water main would be connected to the City’s water system

and may require new wells, pump houses, and a water tower.

The existing public storm sewer system within the City primarily consists of six piping systems.

Four of the systems drain into the Mississippi River while the other two discharge into local ponds.

Drainage ditch systems also exist in the City paralleling the two railroad lines. Future development

would strongly emphasize infiltration as a plan. The sizes of trunk storm sewer mains and slope

information can be found on the overall Storm Sewer Map located on Map 1. Additional

information on storm sewer systems and drainage features are presented later in this SWMP.

3. Public Areas for Water Based Recreation

The only water body used for recreation in St. Paul Park is the Mississippi River, which borders the

City to the west. The river is a regional water resource and has many recreational uses including

fishing, swimming and boating. Public boat access is provided at the City’s Lion’s Park.

4. Potential Pollutant Sources

Various land use practices have the potential to contaminate local surface waters and groundwaters.

There is significant contamination potential at open and closed landfills, dumps, hazardous waste

sites, and underground and aboveground storage tanks. In-place or abandoned wells can allow

contamination of groundwater if not properly constructed or taken out of service. Figure 10

identifies potential sources of surface water and groundwater contamination within the City of St.

Paul Park. Locations in the City that have Hazardous Waste Generator Permits can be found in

Appendix B along with relevant data obtained from Figure 10. The potential pollutant source

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information in the table was obtained from the MPCA, the Minnesota Department of Health

(MDH), and Washington County and is shown on Figure 11.

Within the city of St. Paul Park, the Marathon-Ashland Petroleum Plant has an industrial discharge

NPDES permit. See Section II.D.9 below for additional information including discharge readings.

The city does have private septic systems as mentioned earlier. The ISTS’s may be a pollution

concern due to the presence of sandy soils with high soil transmission rates and/or non-properly

functioning septic tanks. Washington County currently has a program that monitors existing septic

systems and has replacement procedures for failing systems.

D. Surface Water System This section summarizes the available surface water data within the City. Additional information is

included in the Appendices of this SWMP.

1. Public Waters and Wetlands

The MDNR currently lists only one protected water, wetland or watercourse within the City of St.

Paul Park of 2.5 acres or larger (excluding the Mississippi River). Minnesota Chapter 103G

provides specific criteria for protected status and the MDNR Protected Waters and Wetlands (PWI)

map identifies the protected water. In addition to the MDNR PWI Maps, National Wetlands

Inventory (NWI) Maps, prepared by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Mosquito Wetland

Inventory Maps prepared by The Metropolitan Mosquito Control District are included in this

SWMP. Figure 12 is a compilation of protected waters and wetlands from the MDNR maps and the

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Maps. Appendix B shows the full size U.S. Fish and Wildlife Wetland

Inventory Maps and the MDNR Protected Water Map. Appendix C shows the Mosquito Wetland

Inventory Maps.

The various wetland inventories identify and classify wetlands based on two primary systems.

Those classification systems are the Circular 39 and the Cowardin. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife

Service developed their maps using both systems. The MDNR classified their protected waters by

using the Circular 39 system, and the NWI maps were defined by the Cowardin System. The

Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) has prepared a brochure that gives a brief

explanation of the two classification systems including photos of the different types of wetlands. It

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also provides translations between the two systems. The brochure is included in Appendix D. The

classification systems were developed for a wide number of purposes and to assist in meeting

differing water resource management goals. Although not comprehensive, these inventories can all

be utilized in determining whether wetlands are present on a specific property and how land uses

may be affected.

The City of St. Paul Park has no near-term plans to inventory the functional values of wetlands

within the community but will review the functional values of impacted wetlands on a case-by-case

basis in accordance with Minnesota Statue, Section 103B.3355 during City review of individual

project proposals. The City has accepted responsibility as the Local Government Unit under the

Minnesota Wetlands Conservation Act and will review projects impacting wetlands in accordance

with State wetland laws and rules. Section III of this SWMP further defines the Cities review

process for projects affecting wetlands.

2. Flood Insurance Studies

In 1980, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) completed a Flood Insurance Rate

Map (FIRM) and a Floodway Map for the City of St. Paul Park. The FEMA Community Number

for the City of St. Paul Park is 270514. The FIRM identifies areas within the City as being within

Zone A12: 100-year flood plain, Zone B: 100-500 year flood plain, or Zone C: Areas of minimal

flooding. Figure 13 shows the 100-year flood plain as shown in the FIRM. The Floodway Maps

show identical flood areas as those on the FIRM. The Floodway Maps identify cross-sectional areas

that are shown in corresponding Flood Insurance Study Report (FIS).

The FIRM and Floodway maps only depict areas prone to flooding adjacent to the Mississippi

River. The maps do not evaluate areas prone to flooding that are located in the upland areas east of

the Mississippi. The study boundary extends to the current city limits.

The FIS evaluated streamflow records in the Mississippi River from 1889 through 1969. The

riverbank elevations were generated from aerial photographs and topographic maps with four-foot

contour intervals. The 100-year river flow-rate used for this study and used to determine the 100-

year flood elevations was 160,000 cfs through St. Paul Park. The flow-rate location was 300 feet

upstream from the Robert St. Bridge. Since 1969, there has been no flow-rate that has exceeded the

160,000 cfs level. The highest recorded flow-rate at the Robert St. location post-1965 according to

USGS records was 143,000 cfs, which occurred on April 18th, 2001.

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The City currently uses the floodplain information to review development proposals based upon the

real extent of flood plains identified in the FIRM. For determination of specific flow rates and

floodplain elevations, an updated hydrologic/hydraulic analysis may be required utilizing accurate

topographic data and water control structures. The full size FIRM and Floodway Map, and also the

FIS for St. Paul Park are contained in Appendix E. Since the FIRM lacks detailed hydrologic

information, this SWMP provides the specific hydrologic/hydraulic analysis that can be used for

community planning, flooding protection and capital improvements.

3. Surface Water Drainage Information

The surface water drainage system consists primarily of catch basins that collect run-off from

developed areas, then drain into trunk storm sewer lines that outlet to ponds, ditches, or the

Mississippi River. The trunk lines that drain directly to the Mississippi do not have any formal

treatment (sedimentation ponds, separators, etc.) before discharging into the river. The other trunk

lines drain to ponds or ditches primary located along the railroad lines and travel north into Newport

or south into Grey Cloud Island Township.

4. City Subwatershed Districts

The city consists of the following six major subwatershed districts: These districts are Highway

East, Marathon-Ashland, Downtown, City-South, West-Bluff, and Grey Cloud Island. The

subwatershed districts were then further divided into smaller sub-districts. Figure 14 shows the

subwatershed districts and sub-districts delineated for this study. A brief narrative about each of the

6 subwatershed districts is listed below.

Marathon-Ashland Subwatershed (MA)

This district contains the area that is occupied by the Marathon Ashland Refinery. Nearly

half of the site is ponded in depressions around the tanks. These depressions keep water

from discharging to the Downtown District. The overflow from the tank areas does not

enter the city’s storm system and the other refinery areas not draining to the tank depressions

sheet flow directly west to the Mississippi River.

West-Bluff Subwatershed (WB)

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FIGURE 14: Subwatershed Map


No Scale9-14-09

St. Paul Park Surface Water Management Plan

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This district is the area along the western edge of the City adjacent to the Mississippi River.

The stormwater from the subdistrict sheet flows directly without ponding to the Mississippi

River. There are no existing piped collection systems in this district.

Downtown Subwatershed

There are two existing trunk storm sewer lines, one on Broadway Avenue and one on Eighth

Avenue, which serve the majority of this district. The Eighth Avenue truck line passes

through the WB district and outlets into the Mississippi River. The Broadway trunk line

passes through the MA district and also discharges into the Mississippi River. The WB

district may also get additional surface water drainage if storm sewer overflows occur in the

Downtown District.

City-South Subwatershed

There are two trunk storm sewer lines that serve this district, one on Tenth Avenue and one

on Pullman Avenue. If storm sewer overflows occur in the City-South district the WB

district may also get additional surface water drainage.

Grey Cloud Island Subwatershed (GCI)

Runoff from this district enters the Mississippi River via ditches and sheet drainage across

Grey Cloud Island Township or areas annexed into St. Paul Park from Grey Cloud Island

Township. There are some storm sewer ponding areas that intercept and treat the flows

from the piped systems east of the Railroad tracks. There are no lateral storm sewer

structures with catch basin inlets west of the tracks.

Highway-East Subwatershed

Surface water flows in this district are collected in a ditch system paralleling Highway 61-10

and the Soo line railroad. The ditches gradually run in a northwesterly direction continuing

into the City of Newport. This subwatershed district also includes areas in Newport and

Cottage Grove.

5. Storm Water Modeling Information

As part of the SWMP preparation, a limited hydrologic analysis was conducted. The hydrologic

model utilized the Hydro CAD computer program. Hydro CAD is a hydrologic/hydraulics program

based on techniques developed by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS). The computer model is

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similar to the SCS TR-20 program, which simulates single storm events. The results of the Hydro

CAD model provide a probability-statistical determination of runoff flow rates, pond volumes and

water elevations.

The analysis was limited to areas within the St. Paul Park vicinity and included drainage ultimately

received by the Mississippi River. The analysis included map and plan review, sub watershed

delineation from Dakota County topography and field reconnaissance, limited storm sewer surveys,

and development of a hydrologic model. The analysis determined hydrologic conditions, and peak

discharge rates for the 5-year and 100-year, 24-hour storm events and the 100-year, 10-day runoff


To determine runoff volumes and flow-rates for each sub watershed, runoff curve numbers (CN)

were used as part of the Hydro CAD (SCS TR-20) program. The CN’s are dependent on land use

and can range from 25 for wooded areas to 98 for impervious surfaces. The CN’s vary based on the

type of soil, cover type or vegetation, and the amount of impervious surfaces in each watershed.

For the 100-year, 10-day snowmelt condition, all areas were given a CN of 98 which approximates

frozen ground conditions.

Due to the presence of sandy soils with good infiltration within the city, the runoff volumes for

developed areas were separated based on direct impervious and indirect impervious areas. Direct

impervious areas do not allow water to pond in grassy or open areas and will travel directly from a

rooftop to the street and then into a catch basin. The indirect impervious areas are able to travel

through open areas before reaching either a pond or catch basin and will generate little runoff. In

accordance with SWWD, CN values listed under hydrologic soil group A will generally not be

accepted where developed conditions are modeled. CN values must not exceed a value of 62.

Table 2 defines the direct impervious content, and curve numbers based on land use.

Table 2. Curve Numbers Used for City Model

Land Use Direct Impervious (fraction per acre)

Direct Impervious


Indirect Impervious/

Open Areas CN Single Family Residential (2-6 housing units per acre) 0.20 98 49

High Density (Multi-Family) Residential >6 units per acre including Apartments/Town homes/Manufactured Homes

0.35 98 49

Commercial/Industrial/Retail 0.60 98 49

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School 0.50 98 49

Open/Undeveloped/Woods/Parkland (Excluding open water surfaces) 0.0 N/A 39

Highway Right Of Way/Major Highway 0.20 98 49

Agricultural 0.0 N/A 55

Water Surfaces 0.0 N/A 98

Snowmelt/Frozen Ground N/A 98 98

Other Varies

6. Modeling Limitations

The modeling was based on assumed rain events and does not use or contain any calibrated data.

The analysis does not attempt to model the Mississippi River due to the body of water extending

well beyond the City Limits and due to the limitations of the program. This model does not attempt

to establish official 100-year HWL elevations of waterbodies or ponding areas. However, the

analysis does provide a technical tool to address risk and a mechanism to consider various

stormwater-related alternatives. The City should in the future compare the modeling results and

adjust the model if significant rain events (i.e. 5 or 100 year) or snowmelt event (100 year) were to


The Marathon-Ashland subwatershed was not modeled in the SWMP due to the storm runoff being

entirely contained within the subwatershed. The model will need to be updated if a significant

change to the Marathon-Ashland property is made in the future.

7. Modeling Results

Appendix G provides pertinent hydrologic data for each of the sub districts analyzed in this study.

The analysis results for peak discharge rates, types of flow routing (i.e. pond, storm line, etc.) 100-

year HWL elevations, and ultimate overflow elevations are given. The analysis evaluated existing

conditions. The results also include 5-year and 100-year peak flow rates and approximate flooding

elevations for the current land uses. The model will need to be updated if a substantial (i.e. 5 acres)

land use change occurs that increases the amount of direct impervious area and/or if there are

significant improvements made to the city storm sewer system. Documentation on the Hydro CAD

model and complete input parameters and results are available for review at the City’s Water

Resource Library or contained in the City offices.

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The areas that are shown to flood for the 5 and 100-year events are indicated on Map 1. Any HWL

that exceeded the Drainage District’s overflow elevation is also indicated on the map. The HWL’s

for the 5 and 100-year events were generally confined to depressed or low-lying areas as determined

by the city’s topography. Upland areas located above the HWL’s may experience some temporary

flooding due to the limited capacity of the collection system. The depth of temporary surface water

in these areas is typically one foot or less.

8. Flood Problem Areas

There are limited number of areas located within the city that may flood based on Hydro CAD

modeling. The modeling shows these areas experience inconvenience flooding (i.e. non life-

threatening) and are not within FEMA 100-year flood plains. The areas shown to flood based on

the HydroCAD model should be monitored by City staff and appropriate measures should be taken

if inconvenience flooding does occur.

9. Surface Water Quality Data

The MPCA has established surface water quality monitoring sites throughout the city. The sites are

all located on the Mississippi River. There is also a monitoring site on the Mississippi River for

industrial discharge, which is taken from the Marathon-Ashland Petroleum plant.

The surface water quality information is also available online through the MPCA’s interactive

website. Also included at the MPCD website are explanations of the water quality measurements

used for each site evaluation. The information can be accessed via the web at:


There are two other sources that can or will provide surface water quality monitoring. Those

sources include The Metropolitan Council (Met Council) and Washington Conservation District

(WCD). Currently, the Met Council does not have surface water monitoring locations in or near the

vicinity of St. Paul Park. The WCD provides monitoring on a volunteer basis. The SWWD is

operating an automated stormwater monitoring site in stormwater C manhole on the west end of 10th

Street. Flow measurements are recorded every 15 minutes and grab and/or composite water quality

samples are collected during snowmelt, baseflow and stormflow to characterize nutrient, sediment

and pollutant loading. The data from that manhole is available from the SWWD or WCD.

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10. River Development and Flood Plain Ordinances

River Development Zoning District

The City of St. Paul Park has identified lands that lie within its boundaries along the Mississippi

River as Critical Areas. Lands within those areas fall under the City’s River Development District

Zoning Regulations. Any development that will occur within this zone must first receive approvals

from the MDNR before any development can take place. A map showing the Critical Area

boundary is shown in Figure 15.

The River Development District Zone identifies allowable uses, lot areas, and setbacks for

properties that fall within its boundary. In addition, the ordinance identifies other development

criteria including allowable lowest floor elevations, shoreland alterations, building heights, island

preservation, bluff impact zones and permitted use standards. The River Development District

Ordinance is contained in Appendix H.

Floodplain Zoning District

To maintain St. Paul Park’s eligibility in the National Flood Insurance program and to minimize

potential losses due to periodic flooding, the City has prepared and adopted a Floodplain Zoning

District. The flood plain zoning district is an overlay zoning district to existing land use regulations

of the city. The ordinance provides protection for designated areas that will become inundated

during a “regional flood.” A regional flood is defined according to standards set by the MDNR.

The Floodplain District Zoning Ordinance is contained in Appendix I.

E. Groundwater Resource Data

1. Groundwater and Surface Water Appropriations

The City of St. Paul Park’s municipal water supply system is served by four different wells. The

wells are located in the Prairie du Chien-Jordan Aquifer. As required by the well permits, the City

completes and submits to the MDNR the Annual Report for water use. The Annual Report is

available for review at City Hall and the MDNR. Additional information on the City’s municipal

water supply system is contained in the City’s Water Supply Plan available in the City’s Water

Resource Library.

Table 3 identifies the permitted city appropriations, flow rates, and reported pumpage volumes.

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Table 3, MDNR Water Appropriation Permits

Permittee Appropriation Type-Source

Pumprate (m3/day)

Pumpage (Million

Gal/Year) City of St. Paul Park-Well 1 Groundwater Well 0 0

City of St. Paul Park-Well 2 Groundwater Well 604 58,206,000

City of St. Paul Park-Well 3 Groundwater Well 820 79,065,000

City of St. Paul Park-Well 4 Groundwater Well 570 54,957,000 Source: MDNR

2. Wellhead Protection Plan

This report documents the delineation of the wellhead protection areas and drinking water supply

management areas for the drinking water supply wells operated by the City of St. Paul Park,

PWSID No. 1820018. The delineation was performed in accordance with rules (Minnesota

Rules 4720.5100 to 4720.5580) for preparing and implementing wellhead protection measures for

public water supply wells. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) administers the rules for

the Wellhead Protection Plans. Key documentation relative to St. Paul Park's wellhead protection

effort is included in this report. Background data including City well pumping records, DNR

appropriations and pumping records for community and non community wells, water chemistry and

tritium analysis, well logs and geologic data were collected and reviewed prior to beginning the

modeling portion of the Wellhead Protection Plan.

Some of the recommendations within the Wellhead Protection Plan are: conducting an in depth

contaminant source inventory for the high vulnerability DWSMA (Drinking Water Supply

Management Area), reviewing the land uses and detailing a well inventory within the entire

DWSMA, additional pump testing on municipal wells 3 and 4 to determine presence of faults and

fractured bedrock, updating the City Water Supply Plan, and developing sound policies for source

water protection within the DWSMA.

3. Groundwater Plan

Washington County has adopted their Groundwater Plan effective from 2003-2013 which includes

the City. The plan represents a variety of information on groundwater-related issues including an

inventory of groundwater resources, potential contaminant sources, management of the resource,

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and local groundwater protection strategies. Many of the recommended protection strategies and

actions are directed towards local levels of government (i.e., Cities and Townships). The SWMP

includes goals and polices which are consistent with the Groundwater Plan.

Another source of groundwater data and information is the 1990 Washington County Geologic

Atlas prepared by the Minnesota Geologic Survey. The atlas provides information on bedrock

geology, surficial geology, depth to bedrock, bedrock topography, hydrogeology, bedrock

hydrogeology, sensitivity of the Prairie du Chien-Jordan Aquifer to pollution, and well construction.

The Washington County Groundwater Plan and the Geologic Atlas are available for review at the

WCD office. The Washington County Groundwater Plan is also available online at:


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SECTION III – ESTABLISHMENT OF GOALS AND POLICIES The City of St. Paul Park has developed the goals and policies contained in this section to conform with the

water resource purposes specified in Minnesota Statute Section 103B.201. They have been developed to

avoid conflict with existing State, Regional, and County goals and policies. The general purposes of the

goals and policies are as follows:

• Protect, preserve, and use natural surface and groundwater storage and retention systems;

• Minimize public capital expenditures needed to correct flooding and water quality problems;

• Identify and plan for means to effectively protect and improve surface and groundwater


• Establish uniform local policies and official controls for surface and groundwater


• Prevent erosion of soil into surface water systems;

• Promote groundwater recharge;

• Protect and enhance fish and wildlife habitat and water recreational facilities;

• Secure the other benefits associated with the proper management of surface and


The goals and policies developed by the City address water quality, water quantity, erosion and sediment

control, wetlands, groundwater, recreation, fish and wildlife, and enhancement of public participation.

Outlined below are the goals and policies developed for each of the above topics.

A. Water Quantity

Goal: To limit public capital expenditures necessary to control excessive volumes and rates

of runoff.


1. The city will require that proposed stormwater discharges as a result of development be

consistent with the subwatershed and subdistrict discharge limits and water levels identified

in this SWMP. Proposed projects must not exceed the existing runoff rates for the 2, 10, and

100 year 24 hour duration rainfall event and must maintain the annual average

predevelopment infiltration capacity of the site.

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2. The City will require on-site stormwater facilities for land development projects to maintain

pre-development hydrology. The existing regional stormwater facilities will be utilized for

the existing runoff of previous development.. For large land development projects, the City

will determine whether regional stormwater facilities can be utilized and the level of City

participation in planning and construction.

3. The City will review downstream stormwater-related impacts (within the community) of

development proposals and proactively address water resource-related concerns.

4. The design of new stormwater storage facilities and trunk lines will accommodate the 100-

year storm event. Additional information on stormwater design standards is contained in

Sections V and VII.

5. Stormwater facilities receiving discharges from adjacent communities will be designed to

accommodate those existing runoff rates and anticipated volumes.

6. Peak stormwater rates discharging from the City into an adjacent community will not

exceed pre-development discharge rates without notifying and obtaining approval from the

adjacent community or communities.

7. The existing 100-year flood elevation of local water resources will be maintained. Filling or

development in identified critical storage areas is not allowed.

8. Surface elevations for new buildings will be a minimum of 3 feet above projected 100-year

flood levels and the MDNR established OHWL’s.

9. The City will develop positive outlets for landlocked areas to control water levels on the site

or areas adjacent to the developing property. The outlets shall incorporate storm water

volume controls where feasible and shall not significantly impact downstream flooding.

10. The City will utilize of natural ponding areas and wetlands for stormwater storage and

treatment if not in conflict with the classifications and management strategies of this

SWMP, and the recommendations for Protect, Manage 1, Manage 2, and Urban

Management Wetlands set by the SWWD.

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11. The City will minimize the amount of direct impervious surface planned for any

development. The city will use of natural drainage ways for conveying stormwater,

provided the drainage ways can properly channel the stormwater flows and volumes before

ultimately reaching an existing or proposed storm sewer line.

12. Enhanced filtration practices will be used in areas where the present or future land use does

not have a significant potential to contaminate either stormwater runoff flows or

groundwater infiltration.

13. Public stormwater facilities will be regularly inspected and maintained as necessary for

adequate operations. For private stormwater facilities, the City will require a maintenance

agreement, which identifies adequate inspection and maintenance methods for stormwater

facilities as a part of the development documents.

14. Wetlands within the City will be protected to assure that the wetland’s values for providing

water quantity benefits will not be significantly impacted.

B. Water Quality

Goal: To maintain or improve water quality of City waterbodies and wetlands.


1. In the design and construction of new stormwater conveyance systems, or modification of

existing systems, pretreatment of stormwater runoff will be required prior to discharge to a

City waterbody or wetland. Pretreatment methods shall Best Management Practices

identified in the current MPCA Minnesota Stormwater Manual or equivalent performance

standards. Additional information on design standards are found in Sections V and VII.

2. Ponding areas constructed for water quality improvements shall include a skimmer, if

feasible, at the pond outlet to remove oil and other floating materials in stormwater runoff.

3. The City will develop a maintenance program to regularly inspect and maintain public

stormwater management facilities to assure their effectiveness per NPDES Phase II

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Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Requirements. The City will require the

owner of private stormwater facilities to execute a maintenance agreement with the City for

regular inspection and maintenance of private ponding systems.

4. The City will continue to sweep paved public streets within the community at least one time

per year. Areas with direct discharge into wetlands, and rivers will be given first priority. In

addition, for future purchase or rental of street sweeping equipment, the City will give

consideration to utilizing street sweepers that are highly effective at removing nutrients from

the street.

5. The City will require that the allowable total phosphorus discharged to the Mississippi is

0.22 pounds/acre/year.

6. The City will develop and implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) at City public

works facilities and City owned lands to retain and prevent pollutants in stormwater runoff

from leaving the site.

7. The City will require individual sewage treatment systems to be in conformance with the

Washington County Individual Sewage Treatment Systems Regulations.

8. The City will eliminate known illicit (illegal) connections to the City’s Storm Water System.

The city will also cooperate on illicit connection removal efforts with Washington County.

9. The City will require the implementation of erosion and sediment control plans and best

management practices for construction and land development activities in accordance with

the developer’s Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for construction activity

requirements as required by the MPCA.

10. For proposed land development adjacent to lakes and wetlands, the City will require native

plantings in vegetative buffer strips adjacent to the lake or wetland. The strips should be

planted with legumes or other perennial grasses as a means to limit erosion and nutrient

transport to the waterbody.

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11. The City will protect wetlands within the community to assure that the wetland functions are

maintained and that the wetlands value in providing water quality benefits will not be

significantly impacted.

12. The City will continue implementation of the public education program to foster responsible

water quality management practices by City residents and businesses. The public

information will include proper lawn fertilizing and other lawn chemical use, disposal of

lawn waste, and disposal of solid, liquid, and household hazardous waste products. The city

will work to accomplish these tasks through partnerships with other organizations such as

WMO’s, City businesses, and private citizen groups.

13. The City will coordinate with the SWWD and Metropolitan Council on water quality

monitoring programs proposed within the community. In addition, the City will work with

the SWWD on taking the appropriate corrective action to existing and future water quality


C. Erosion and Sedimentation Control

Goal: To prevent erosion and sedimentation to the maximum reasonable extent.


1. The City will require implementation of erosion and sediment control plans and best

management practices for construction and land development activities in accordance with

the developer’s approved SWPPP for construction activity requirements as required by the

MPCA. The City may obtain financial surety from the proposed project to assure


2. The City will enforce the erosion and sediment control plan and best management practices

on construction sites to control erosion, soil loss, and sedimentation. Areas adjacent to

waterbodies and wetlands, or to have known high erosion potential will receive highest


3. Where new or increased discharges are proposed to open channels, the City will require that

the project design comply with the channel stability standards set be the SWWD.

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4. The City will incorporate with State and Federal requirements for stormwater permits on

land alteration activities.

5. The City may prohibit work in areas having steep slopes and/or high erosion potential when

the impacts of significant erosion cannot be controlled or mitigated. A minimum buffer

width of 60 feet is required for new development along areas defined as a bluff or ravine

(slopes generally exceeding 15% along a watercourse). In addition, as part of the

development proposal, the City may require restrictive or preservation easements on areas

having steep slopes or high erosion potential.

6. The City will sweep paved streets within the community at least one-time per year. Areas

with direct discharge into wetlands and rivers will be given first priority.

7. The City will determine the feasibility and effectiveness of developing a nuisance ordinance

for controlling excessive erosion on construction sites and agricultural lands.

D. Wetlands

Goal: To protect wetlands in conformance with the requirements of the Minnesota Wetlands

Conservation Act and rules, and other State, Federal and Regional regulations.


1. The City has accepted the Local Governmental Unit (LGU) responsibility for wetland

management and will manage these wetlands in conformance with the Minnesota Wetlands

Conservation Act (WCA) of 1991, its amendments and rules (MN Rules Chapter 8420).

2. The City will notify parties proposing land disturbing activities (i.e.: altering, dredging,

filling, and draining) in wetlands of possible permit requirements from the MDNR, MPCA,

US Army Corps of Engineers (COE) and South Washington Watershed District (SWWD).

3. The City will cooperate with the permitting programs of the MDNR, MPCA, USCOE and

SWWD for proposed activities within the jurisdictional wetlands.

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4. The City will utilize available wetlands inventory information developed by the U.S. Fish

and Wildlife Service, the MDNR, the Metropolitan Mosquito Control District and the

SWWD to preliminarily identify the location of wetlands on properties where land alteration

is proposed.

5. The City will require a wetlands report identifying jurisdictional wetlands as part of the City

approval process for land development. If wetland encroachments are proposed with the

development, wetland values and impacts will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in

accordance with the requirements of the WCA and rules. Wetland area replacement ratios

will comply with tests established in SWWD Wetland Plan.

6. The City will require pretreatment of stormwater runoff prior to discharge to a City

waterbody or wetland. Pretreatment methods shall include Best Management Practices

identified in the current MPCA Minnesota Stormwater Manual or equivalent performance

standards. The pretreatment standards for phosphorus shall be in accordance with those

established by the SWWD in its WMP.

7. The City will cooperate with interested private or governmental parties on wetland

restoration projects and may participate in the State’s wetland banking program if the City’s

interests are benefited.

8. The City will require placement of native, unmaintained buffer strips adjacent to wetlands to

limit erosion and nutrient transportation to the wetlands. The minimum buffer widths will

comply with the SWWD Wetland Buffer Standards. Buffer areas shall be identified by

permanent manholes, a minimum of one per lot or for each 300 feet of wetland edge.

9. Excavations in wetlands for purposes other than wildlife habitat improvement will comply

with sequencing requirements of the WCA.

10. The SWWD has synthesized and simplified its Draft Wetland Management Plan and

developed wetland standards in the SWWD WMP. The City hereby incorporates those this


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11. The city will require the submittal of a report which identifies waters quantity plans into

wetlands and limit those flows to the standards set in the SWWD WMP.

E. Groundwater

Goal: To protect groundwaters by prudent management of surface waters.


1. The City will cooperate with County and State agencies to inventory and seal abandoned

wells and notify its residents of State standards on well abandonment.

2. The City will require individual sewage treatment systems to be in conformance with

Washington County’s Individual Sewage Treatment System Regulations.

3. The City will include the significance of sensitive geologic areas, including karst features,

when making land use decisions, when reviewing development proposals, or when

proposing construction of stormwater facilities. Any activities that may have contamination

potential to these areas and features will be required to include protection measures.

4. The City will include the use of infiltration methods to promote groundwater recharge where

groundwater will not be significantly impacted by the land use or stormwater runoff.

5. The City will develop a spill response program for containment, neutralization and disposal

of spilled materials illegally discharged onto the ground or into stormwater facilities.

6. The City will adhere to policies established by the City’s Wellhead Protection Plan and

Washington County Groundwater Plan.

7. The City will eliminate known illicit (illegal) connections to the City’s Storm Water System.

The city will also cooperate with the illicit connection removal efforts of Washington


F. Recreation, Fish and Wildlife

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Goal: To protect and enhance recreational facilities, and fish and wildlife habitat.


1. The City will support the efforts of Local, State, and Federal agencies promoting public

enjoyment, and the protection of fish, wildlife, and recreational resource values in the City.

2. The City will protect wetlands in accordance with the goals and policies of this plan.

3. The City will require native buffer zones around wetlands and ponding areas in new

developments and restrictive easements for areas adjacent to the City waterbodies and


4. The City will create natural habitat buffer zones adjacent to the waterbodies, wetlands, and

streams in City property and parks, where feasible.

5. The City will encourage its residents to retain existing wetlands, vegetation buffers, and

open spaces for the benefit of wildlife habitat.

6. The City will guide future land planning activities and encourage community development

actions to include agricultural preserves and to protect existing wooded areas.

G. Enhancement of Public Participation, Information and Education

Goal: To educate and inform the public on water resources management issues, and to

increase public participation in water management activities.


1. The City will continue the current public education program to foster public participation in

responsible water quality management practices by residents and businesses. The public

education topics include: fertilizer use and the restrictions on phosphorus as per MN Statute

18C.60; lawn care and lawn chemical use; solid, liquid and household hazardous waste

disposal; and natural water resource systems and protection methods.

2. The City will coordinate public information and education programs with information and

activities from State and Federal agencies and the SWWD.

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3. The City currently distributes water resource and water quality related information to

residents at least once annually. The City will also have water resource protection

information available at City Hall for review by its residents.

4. The City will have available for public review water resource and water quality information

at City Hall. The library will contain resources referenced in this SWMP, public

information on water quality practices and activities, The St. Paul Park MS4 Storm Water

Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), and other water resource-related documents and


5. The City will consider forming an Environmental Commission, or Advisory Committee to

address water resource-related public education and information, solicit public concerns and

issues, and develop further water resource management strategies as issues arise.

6. The City will utilize best management practices in the management of City lands,

recreational areas, and open space areas and public works facilities.

7. The City will require lawn care companies operating in the community to have phosphorus-

free fertilizer available for lawn applications and prohibit phosphorus to be used as fertilizer

unless if allowed under Minnesota Statute 18C.60.

8. The City will utilize the programs developed by the SWWD and WCD into local education

programs, including notifying residents and officials of educational opportunities, arising

programs on local cable television and distributing informational pamphlets.

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SECTION IV – ASSESSMENT OF PROBLEMS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS This section contains an assessment of existing and potential water resource related problems presently

known within the City and a description of structural, non-structural, or programmatic solutions that could

be used to address or correct the problems. The problems and concerns have been identified by MFRA as

part of the land and water resource data collected in the preparation of this SWMP. Additional problems

and concerns may be included in this SWMP by City Staff at a later date. Some of the topics discussed

herein are repetitive because they are presented according to the State rules and outline for local

management plan preparation.

A. River and Surface Water Quality

1. Assessment:

a. The Mississippi River is listed as “Impaired” based on exceeding Turbidity standards for

aquatic life according to MPCA’s 2008 TMDL Report. The stretch of the Mississippi River

that is impaired includes land adjacent to the City.

b. There may be potential failing on-site sewage treatment systems adjacent to city wetlands,

waterbodies, bedrock layers, and streams.

c. The quality of surface water discharge is reduced due to erosion and sedimentation build-up

in stormwater quality ponds.

d. Run-off waters containing sediments are being discharged directly into lakes and City

waterbodies from roadway areas and storm sewer outfall pipes without prior pretreatment.

2. Corrective Action:

a. The City shall cooperate with the MPCA if an approved TMDL load allocation is

determined for the City; stringently uphold surface water quality and erosion/sediment

control standards for development within subwatersheds; consider joint preparation of a

Mississippi River water quality diagnostic feasibility study with the adjacent communities of

Newport and Inver Grove Heights.

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b. The City shall continue to enforce on-site sewage system maintenance programs and

necessary upgrades with property ownership changes.

c. The city shall develop and implement a stormwater facility inspection and maintenance


d. The City shall stringently uphold erosion control standards for land development and house

building activities; prioritize or increase frequency of street sweeping for areas draining

directly into City waterbodies; require new storm sewer outfalls to incorporate stormwater

treatment prior to discharge where feasible; incorporate stormwater treatment in system

upgrade projects where feasible; regularly maintain and clean storm sewer ponding and

piping facilities; dredge and dispose of sediment debris at storm sewer outlets; construct

natural or structural sediment control buffers at the end of roadways draining into

waterbodies; encourage design of new impervious surfaces to channel through pervious

surfaces before reaching a catch basin, or other storm sewer inlet.

B. Flooding and Rate Control Issues 1. Assessment:

a. Based on 100-year 24-hour storm event modeling, there are several areas located within the

Downtown and City-South Subwatersheds (DT-4,5,6, CS-3,4,8,9) that are shown to pond

water due to the storm sewer lines backing up. In the event stormwater does back up in

those areas, there would be potential for property damage due to flooding.

b. In the southern part of the city, there are currently no storm sewer lines to serve the general

area that runs south of 14th Avenue from 2nd to 7th Streets. During significant rain events,

this area will flood at the low points and it may take days for the floodwaters to subside.

There are several homes in the area that may be damaged as a result of flooding.

c. In the northeast part of the city, there is a potential flooding problem in the area of Hastings

Avenue where it intersects the Burlington Northern railroad line. Several businesses located

near the area may be at risk due to flooding or washed out roads.

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d. There may be flooding caused by the receiving storm sewer inlet either being plugged by

debris, or the outlets hydraulic grade line being at or near the receiving inlet’s opening


e. Landlocked drainage districts that contain ponding areas without structural outlets are

shown to pond to elevations higher than shown for the 100-year 24-hour storm event. Some

drainage districts are shown to have the 100-year, 10-day HWL's cover a large portion of the


f. In addition to all corrective actions stated, the City will work with the SWWD on taking the

appropriate corrective action to existing and future water quality problems.

2. Corrective Action:

a. The City shall insure that any new construction that takes place in upstream sub districts

conforms to existing flow-rates or lower. The City will provide overflow outlets on the

trunk line as the line approaches the open ditches adjacent to the railroad and then use the

ditches for flow-relief. Consult with homeowners and businesses where on-site runoff

drains to these lines and investigate possible methods on reducing direct runoff into the

storm system (i.e. rain barrels, rainwater gardens, grassed swales, etc.). The City will make

improvements to the trunk line whenever reconstruction is taking place in the affected

drainage districts.

b. The City shall insure that any new construction taking place shall conform to existing flow-

rates or lower. Any new impervious surfaces created shall first travel through grassed

surfaces before reaching the streets, particularly if the street is shown to drain at or near the

low areas. The City shall consider adding storm sewer to serve this area if improvements to

the sewer and/or street systems are planned. Consult with homeowners and businesses

where on-site runoff drains to these lines and investigate possible methods on reducing

direct runoff into the storm system (i.e. rain barrels, rainwater gardens, grassed swales, etc.).

c. The City shall maintain the ditch located along the Soo Line Railroad free from

obstructions. Ensure the culvert that crosses the Soo Line Railroad and eventually drains to

Hastings Avenue has a defined flow-path and does not encroach any adjacent buildings. If

any improvements are made to Hastings Avenue, the wetland area may need to be dredged

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to provide more flood storage and the overflow may need to be lowered to ensure that

ponding of water will not encroach the roadway. Upstream development shall be limited to

pre-development rates or lower.

d. The City will verify that all storm sewer inlets are free from obstructions on a yearly basis.

The City should further investigate the developed model and determine additional areas

where overland flooding may be a concern for exiting building openings.

e. The City will provide positive outlets for the landlocked areas where structures are or are

shown be impacted by snowmelt or large runoff events. The outlets shall be designed so

downstream properties will not be significantly impacted. If development is scheduled to

occur in any portion of the landlocked district, volume controls shall be considered. The

volume of runoff in the development must be shown not to increase if receiving area

downstream is landlocked and not capable of accommodating the increased volume of

runoff. If structural outlets can not be feasibly constructed within the development, a

calculation shall be evaluated to show lowest building openings built at least 1.5 feet above

the 100-year, 10-day runoff HWL elevation.

f. In addition to all corrective actions stated, the City will work with the SWWD on taking the

appropriate corrective action to existing and future flooding problems.

C. Impacts of Water Quantity or Quality Management Practices on Recreational

Opportunities 1. Assessment:

a. Existing land use activities and land development within the City may adversely impact

water related recreational activities in City waterbodies.

2. Corrective Action:

a. Water related recreational activities will be considered in land use decisions and in

reviewing land development proposals.

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b. Future park and trails will retain the natural character of waterbodies and watercourses

within the community and trails will be designed to encourage water related recreational


c. The City’s stormwater management practices and the implementation of erosion and

sediment control practices will maintain and improve water quality in the City’s waterbodies

increasing their value as recreational resources.

D. Impacts of Stormwater Quality on Fish and Wildlife Resources 1. Assessment:

a. Sediment, nutrients and urban pollutants in untreated stormwater discharges adversely

impacts water quality and fish and wildlife resources.

b. Manicured lawns immediately adjacent to lakes and wetlands allow lawn chemicals to

runoff directly into waterbodies and also encourages habitation of lawns by Canada geese

with the resulting deposition of waterfowl waste.

2. Corrective Action:

a. Stormwater discharges will be pre-treated prior to release into City waterbodies and

wetlands, where feasible.

b. A natural, unmaintained buffer zone will be required around natural or constructed

waterbodies as part of future development proposals and buffer zones will be encouraged

around all waterbodies, wetlands and watercourses.

c. In addition to all corrective actions stated, the City will work with the SWWD on taking the

appropriate corrective action to existing and future natural resource problems.

E. Impacts of Soil Erosion on Water Quality and Quantity 1. Assessment:

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a. Construction-related soil erosion can occur on small and large-scale construction projects.

Sediment can be discharged off-site or into City waterbodies by direct runoff or by

construction equipment tracking sediment off-site.

b. Erosion of steep slopes due to natural causes or construction activities can adversely impact

waterbodies or watercourses.

2. Corrective Actions:

a. Erosion and sediment control plans will be prepared, implemented, and enforced on

construction projects to prevent erosion, sedimentation and adverse water quality impacts.

b. Existing eroded steep slopes will be addressed and corrected as part of development

proposals. Development within steep slopes will be discouraged unless adverse impacts can

be property mitigated.

F. General Impact of Land Use Practices, and in Particular, Land Development and Wetland Alternation on Water Quality and Water Quantity

1. Assessment: a. Land use practices, land development and wetland alterations may have a significant

impact on water quality and water quantity. Impervious surfaces are often the receiving

source of urban pollutants and contribute more runoff volume than natural land and

vegetation. Increased development in the City has the potential to increase downstream

flooding and degrade water quality.

b. Land development in adjacent communities has increased the flooding potential within the

City and future land development in St. Paul Park, without proper planning, may increase

the flooding potential in neighboring communities.

2. Corrective Actions:

a. Implementation of the stormwater management practices within this SWMP will address

potential negative impacts of land development. The City will work with new development

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proposals to remedy existing drainage problems, where feasible. Implementation and

enforcement of erosion control best management practices will protect the quality of surface

waters. In addition, the City will also continue to monitor lot coverage amounts for newly

developing areas.

b. Better communications and cooperation with adjacent communities and the WMO’s will

reduce unanticipated impacts of land development impacting other communities and

improve joint water resource planning and improvement efforts.

G. Adequacy of Existing Regulatory Controls to Manage or Mitigate Adverse Impacts on Public Waters and Wetlands 1. Assessment:

a. Public waters and wetlands are currently regulated by programs administered by the

USCOE, MDNR and by Minnesota’s Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). The City has

accepted the responsibility of the Local Government Unit (LGU) and currently administers

the WCA requirements.

2. Corrective Action:

a. It is the City’s position that the existing regulatory programs and the implementation of this

SWMP will adequately manage or mitigate adverse impacts on public waters and wetlands.

H. Adequacy of Programs to Limit Soil Erosion and Water Quality Degradation 1. Assessment:

a. As part of the land development or alteration, the City requires the qualified preparation of

stormwater management plans which include erosion and sediment control plans to address

temporary and permanent water quantity and quality issues and erosion concerns.

Sometimes, stormwater management facilities are not fully constructed. In other cases,

erosion control practices are not implemented or maintained. These shortcomings result in

the project potentially not meeting design standards and soil erosion standards. This may

result in the degradation of water quality.

2. Corrective Action:

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a. The City will improve its current enforcement program and require verification that

permanent stormwater management facilities have been constructed in accordance with the

approved plans. The City will also consider preparation of a soil erosion nuisance ordinance

with enforcement and penalty clauses.

I. Adequacy of Existing Programs to Maintain the Tangible and Intrinsic Values of Natural Storage and Retention Systems

1. Assessment:

a. There is a varied and diverse wildlife in City waterbodies. Land use activities and future

land development have the potential to reduce recreational and wildlife opportunities and the

natural values of the City waterbodies.

2. Corrective Action:

a. It is the City’s position that the existing State, Federal and Local regulatory controls will

maintain the tangible and intrinsic values of City waterbodies.

The City will maintain flood storage volumes below 100-year flood plain elevations on all

waterbodies, obtain easements, where feasible, below floodplain elevations for the

protection and maintenance of the waterbodies and require natural buffer zones adjacent to

City waterbodies on future development proposals.

The City may consider future water quality analysis or diagnostic feasibility studies of City

ponds to further determine conditions of the waterbodies, potential expanded uses, and long-

term impacts of existing or future land activities.

J. Adequacy of Capital Improvements Program to Correct Problems Related to Water Quality, Water Quantity Management, Fish and Wildlife Habitat, Public Waters and Wetland Management, and Recreational Opportunities.

1. Assessment:

a. In the near future, the city will be updating its Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) to further

identify and prioritize capital improvements needed within the community. The CIP will

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also likely identify funding sources for the improvements. Currently the City has a

stormwater utility fund, which generates revenues to fund stormwater management projects,

and programs deemed by the City to be in the public’s best interest. The CIP will likely

identify a higher number of stormwater-related than can be funded through the current

stormwater utility fund.

2. Corrective Action:

a. The City will identify and prioritize stormwater-related improvements in the CIP and

additional methods of project financing. In addition, the City will need to address a variety

of water quality and quantity issues in conjunction with land development proposals or City

street improvement projects, when feasible.

K. Future Potential Problems Anticipated to Occur Within Next 20 Years Based on Growth Projections and Planned Urbanization 1. Assessment:

The 2008 Comprehensive Plan identifies staged growth areas within the City to the year 2030.

Projected urbanization is mainly in the vicinity of West Bluff and Grey Cloud Island

Subwatersheds, and along the western edge of the Downtown and City-South Subwatersheds. The

following are potential stormwater related problems and issues anticipated to occur from


a. General – Urbanization with added areas of impervious surfaces has the potential to

decrease water quality and increase flooding potential both during construction and after

development is complete. During construction, erosion and sedimentation can degrade

water quality and in the longer-term, additional phosphorus and other pollutants may be

discharged to waterbodies due to urbanization.

b. Roadways – Public or private roads in the City have the potential to degrade water quality

by roadway erosion, insufficient culvert size or length, and road encroachment into


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c. Pond and Stormwater Maintenance – Urbanization will increase the number of public and

private stormwater ponding and drainage facilities. For the facilities to adequately and

effectively function, routine inspection and maintenance will be required. City and private

funds will need to be expended for stormwater-related inspections and maintenance.

d. Minor Storm Sewer and Water Quality Improvements – It is anticipated that there will be

increased public pressure to address minor storm sewer or drainage problems and water

quality issues within the City. The projects are often difficult to fund and to obtain wide

community support due to perceived limited benefit.

2. Corrective Action:

a. General – To maintain water quality and protect against flooding, urbanization will follow

an orderly process of site evaluation, design and project construction. Construction

activities will need to include erosion control practices and site development will need to

incorporate proper stormwater ponding and storm drainage facilities for the control of

surface waters.

b. Roadways – Public or private road maintenance and improvement projects will address

stormwater quantity and quality issues such as wetland protection, slope stabilization,

culvert capacity, erosion and pretreatment of stormwater, where feasible.

c. Pond and Storm Sewer Maintenance – A city-wide pond and storm sewer maintenance

program is implemented (per MS4 Phase II requirements) and funded to regularly inspect,

clean, and maintain public stormwater facilities. For private stormwater facilities,

maintenance agreements should be established identifying maintenance programs,

responsible parties, and consequences for non-compliance.

d. Minor Storm Sewer and Water Quality Improvements – Minor stormwater-related

improvements should be identified and prioritized. A funding method should be established

and a process determined for implementing these projects.

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SECTION V – IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM This section identifies the various methods, programs and official controls available to the City for the

implementation of this SWMP. Many of these items are already in place, and currently utilized by the City.

A. City Regulatory Controls The City has various regulatory controls to manage and protect water resources and reduce stormwater-

related impacts in the community. The following presents each of the official controls:

River District Ordinance

The City has adopted an ordinance for areas located adjacent to the Mississippi River Shoreland in

the Critical Area as defined by Executive Order 79-19.

Floodplain District Ordinance

The City has adopted a Floodplain District Ordinance.

Wetland Regulation

The City has accepted the responsibility of the Local Governmental Unit (LGU) under the

Minnesota Wetlands Conservation Act and will review wetland impacts in accordance with the

State wetland law and rules.

Subdivision Ordinance

The City has adopted a Subdivision Ordinance controlling the land use and development of property

within the community. In addition to other items, the ordinance addresses City project review and

approvals, development of steep slopes, the necessity of erosion and sediment control plans, design

standards for stormwater facilities and required flowage and drainage easements.

Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Plans

The City will assume responsibility for this permitting and require development and land activities

to comply with City standards that meet or exceed MPCA and NPDES requirements and are

consistent with SWWD rules.

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Floodplain Alteration

The City will assume responsibility for this permitting and require development and land activities

to comply with the adopted Floodplain District Ordinance.

Wetland Protection

The City has previously accepted the responsibility as the Local Governmental Unit under the

Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) and will continue as the permitting authority for

wetlands protection in conformance with the State WCA laws and rules.


The City will not assume responsibility for permitting this activity. The permitting responsibility

will be retained by State and Federal agencies.

Shoreland and Streambank Improvements

The City will not assume responsibility for permitting this activity. The permitting responsibility

will be retained by the State and Federal agencies.

B. Management Programs The City will implement the following water resource-related management protection programs.

Buffer Requirements

The City will require natural, unmaintained wetland buffers around lakes, wetlands and waterways

in development proposals. In addition, the City will begin the placement of natural buffers around

all City waterbodies.

Best Management Practices

The City will sweep paved public streets at least one-time per year with highest priority given to

streets draining directly to waterbodies.

1. The City currently implements a public stormwater facility inspections and maintenance

plan per NPDES MS4 requirements and will require similar plans for private stormwater


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Public Education

The City will prepare and implement a public education program to foster sound water resource

protection practices within the community and to develop additional strategies necessary to protect

the City’s water related amenities.

Water Quality Monitoring

The City will support efforts of the Metropolitan Council, Washington Conservation District,

SWWD, and other agencies collecting water samples in the City.

C. Stormwater Design and Performance Standards The following design and performance standards will assist in proper stormwater management, reduce

flooding impacts and help in the planning for urban development.

Maximum Flowrates

1. General Standards - Maximum stormwater discharge rates will be controlled on a

subwatershed district basis and subdistrict basis to not exceed the existing runoff rates for

the 2, 10 and 100 year 24-duration rainfall event and the predevelopment infiltration

capacity of the site must be maintained.

2. Exception - Subwatershed district or subdistrict discharges may exceed existing conditions

provided the stormwater conveyance system in the downstream district is adequate to

convey the additional discharges.

3. Roadway culverts - During roadway maintenance operations or improvements, subdistrict

outlet culverts will be sized to accommodate identified discharge flowrates and be at least

18-inches in diameter.

Ponding Facilities

If stormwater ponding facilities are proposed, all facilities shall be designed and constructed to meet

water quantity and water quality requirements of this SWMP. Detention ponds shall be designed

for the 100-year critical storm event with multi-staged outlets to control the 5-year and 100-year

storm events. Private water quality ponds shall meet the MPCA’s recommendations or equivalent

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performance standards. Storm water ponds shall include a skimmer, where feasible, to remove oils

and other floating pollutants. Additional pond design standards are provided in Section VII.

Stormwater Conveyance Systems

Trunk storm sewer and conveyance systems downstream of ponds or other stormwater storage areas

shall be capable of conveying the 100-year storm event discharge from the storage facility. Lateral

storm sewers within site developments shall be designed for the 5-year storm event. Roadways

culverts shall be designed to convey the 25-year storm event with a minimum of 1-feet of freeboard

between the street and surcharged culvert high water level. Natural drainage ways used for trunk or

lateral storm drainage shall be bio-engineered or structurally armored to prevent erosion.

Floodplain Standards and Minimum Building Floor Elevations

Storage volumes below flood plains and projected 100-year high water levels shall be maintained.

Fill which displaces storage volumes below flood plains, if allowed, shall be mitigated elsewhere on

the same waterbody. Fill and excavated areas below the floodplain shall be protected against

erosion. Buildings adjacent to waterbodies shall be constructed with a minimum floor elevation of

3 feet above the projected high water level or MDNR established OHW, whichever elevation is

highest. The City may allow a minimum separation of 2-feet between the lowest building elevation

and high-water level if the high-water elevation is well established.

Incorporation of Additional Stormwater Best Management Practices

The city will use alternative BMP’s in place of, or in addition to, stormwater ponds where feasible.

The BMP’s will be based on MPCA design standards and will be subject to the same flood-

protection requirements as stormwater ponds. Additional alternative BMP design standards are

presented in Section VII.

D. Capital Improvements Program The City has reviewed its Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) to identify and prioritize necessary

improvements within the community. Currently the CIP is funded by the general fund and through the City

Storm Water Utility. Future capital improvements funded by the City will be at the direction of the City

and based upon project feasibility, City priority, and availability of financial resources. Privately installed

improvements will be consistent with the management strategies identified in this section.

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The SWWD is in the process of developing a Coordinated Capital Improvement Program that will be used

to provide funding assistance to cities. The City will work with the SWWD in the process.

E. MS4 Phase II Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program The MPCA has issued permit coverage to the City to discharge stormwater as defined in the MS4 Phase II

SWPPP permit (MN040000). The intent of the NPDES Phase II Program is to get municipalities to reduce

or control the amount of storm water runoff, both in the form of water quality, rate control. Another key

component is to educate businesses and public about proper stormwater management. The program is

comprised of six minimum control measures (MCM’s). Those measures are:

• Public education and outreach

• Public participation/involvement

• Illicit discharge, detection, and elimination

• Construction site runoff control

• Post-construction site runoff control

• Pollution prevention/good housekeeping

To obtain the MS4 permit coverage, the city has generated a stormwater pollution prevention plan

(SWPPP) that contains best management practices (BMP’s) for each MCM. These MCM’S must have

attainable goals for each BMP. BMP’s are defined by the MPCA as “schedules of activities, prohibition of

practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the state.” The current Phase II permit (MN R

040000) is available online to view and is located on the MPCA website. The web address is

www.pca.state.mn.us/water/stormwater/stormwater-ms4.html. The website also contains additional

information on the MS4 Phase II program including guidance and further explanations.

The City has submitted yearly annual reports showing compliance to permit requirements. The current

permit will be in effect until 2011. At that time, the MPCA will re-issue the permit for a period of five

years. The City SWPPP is available for review at the City offices.

F. Measures of Success

The City will incorporate SWWD’s Annual evaluation tool for District activities (Table 5.3, Pg. 88) as a

success measure to strengthen cooperation between the City and SWWD.

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SECTION VI – IMPLEMENTATION PRIORITIES AND FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS A. Implementation Priorities This SWMP has presented an implementation program identifying those various regulatory controls,

management programs and potential capital improvements that are necessary to address City surface water

resource related needs and funding capabilities. Table 4 below prioritizes the implementation program. It

is the City’s position that regulatory controls and management programs will be effective once this SWMP

is adopted by the City Council. Capital improvements will need to be implemented and funded by private

parties or the City based upon City growth, demand and available resources.

Table 4. Implementation Program Priorities Ranking Implementation Program Description

1 Adequate planning and engineering review of all new development or redevelopment sites and roadway improvements for conformance with goals, policies and management objectives of this SWMP.

2 Inspection and enforcement of erosion control measures for site development

and agricultural land uses. 3 Inspection of stormwater facilities and providing adequate maintenance as

required. 4 Acquire easements for ponding areas, stormwater facilities, and for access to

outlet control structures. 5 Continued implementation of the public information and education plan. 6 Construct or require construction of capital improvements to address those

stormwater related problems anticipated due to future City growth and urbanization.

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B. Financial Considerations Implementing this SWMP will have financial impacts on the City. The paragraphs below describe the

implementation item and the anticipated cost of the associated regulatory control or management program.

These are not necessarily new costs to be budgeted by the City since many of these costs are already being

charged back to developments or included within current City programs. The anticipated costs of capital

improvements are included in this SWMP. The subsection to follow identifies estimated funding the City

requires to implement these programs and future capital improvements.

1. The City will review site plans and other proposed projects for conformance with this

SWMP. The estimated cost for this item is $5,000-10,000 per year. These costs will

generally be recouped from new developments.

2. The City will inspect and enforce erosion control measures identified in this SWMP. The

estimated cost for inspection is $15,000-20,000 per year. Permit fees associated with

building activities will recover portions of these costs.

3. The City will inspect municipal stormwater basins, ponds and outfalls every other year at a

minimum. The City will also inspect all structural pollution control devices every year.

Structural Devices include trap manholes, sump manholes, floatable skimmers and traps,

and separators. The estimated cost for this task is $5,000-7,000 per year.

4. Acquisition of easements around ponding areas, stormwater facilities or for access to outlet

control structures will be identified during the City project review process. Some easements

can potentially be obtained during the project review process. The additional cost for this

item will vary greatly based on project approval conditions and the value and use of

property within the easement areas.

5. Funding needed to provide the public information and education plan. The plan is part of

NPDES Phase II requirements. The estimated cost to provide education mailings is $1,000

to $5,000 per year. The City will work to share educational resources with other concerned

parties such as the Washington Conservation District, watershed districts and other parties

concerned with storm water management.

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6. Construction of capital improvements addressing known surface water resource problem

areas or anticipated problems due to urbanization and growth will require detailed

engineering feasibility studies, construction documents and property easements. The

specific improvements will need to be determined based on need, cost and availability of


C. Funding Sources The City currently uses general tax revenues, special assessments and the Storm Water Utility fee to fund

program and capital improvements identified in this SWMP. While general tax revenues and the Storm

Water Utility can likely fund the regulatory and management programs, special assessments will generally

be required to fund the larger capital improvements projects.

Several other revenue sources available to the City including the establishment of a watershed management

tax district under Minnesota Statute 103B.245. The watershed management tax may arrive by authority of

the SWWD. The City will need to review each of these potential funding sources and determine the most

appropriate and acceptable course of action for each program or project.

In addition to the local sources, the SWWD is developing a Coordinated Capital Improvement Program that

will include funding assistance to help cities implement local CIPs.

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SECTION VII – STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN AND EROSION CONTROL STANDARDS All new construction or redevelopment projects with land disruption over 1.0 acres will be required to

prepare and submit for City review a stormwater management plan and erosion control plan meeting the

following standards. All construction sites regardless of size will be required to provide and maintain

minimum erosion control measures during construction.

Stormwater Management Plan Standards:

1. The rate of runoff from the developed or redeveloped site shall not exceed existing runoff rates for

the 2, 10 and 100 year 24-hour rainfall events. The predevelopment infiltration capacity of the site

must be maintained.

If post development discharges from sites are being compared to the peak direct discharges

identified in this SWMP, the NRCS (formerly SCS) Curve Numbers used for the site’s drainage

analysis shall reference the chart entitled “General Land Use Curve Numbers for Developed Sites”

(see Table 2)as provided in Appendix G. Predevelopment CNs shall not be greater than 62 when


2. All proposed stormwater best management practices (BMP’s) shall be required to maintain or

improve stormwater quality prior to discharge from the site. BMP’s shall be designed in

accordance with MPCA Permanent Storm Water Management System standards or equivalent

performance standards. The maximum expected benefits for BMPs should conform to the standards

shown in Table 2.4 of the SWWD Standards Manual (Pg. 27). The overall stormwater management

plan shall be designed to remove 80% total suspended solids (TSS) in the stormwater discharge on

an average annual basis. The City will require that the allowable total phosphorus discharged to the

Mississippi is 0.22 pounds/acre/year. The Walker P8 model is the preferred model to demonstrate

TSS and TP removals.

3. All ponding facilities (wet detention basins, dry ponds, infiltration basins) shall provide easement

areas for future access, vegetative buffers and prevention of future encroachments or filling.

Ponding outlets shall include skimmer devices (wet detention basins only), where feasible, to

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remove oils and other pollutants. Skimmer device inlets must be placed at least 1 foot below the

treatment pond’s established NWL.

4. The volume of site runoff may not increase due to the proposed project when the receiving area

downstream is landlocked and not capable of accommodating the increased volume of runoff. In

landlocked areas, the City will encourage construction of a stormwater outlet system and will

require easements around ponded water areas and the downstream conveyance systems. A 100-

year, 10-day runoff event (7.2 in.) shall be used to determine flood impact to any landlocked area

when no outlet can feasibly be provided.

5. Runoff draining onto a site must be accommodated in the analysis and design of new stormwater

management facilities.

6. Downstream stormwater impacts due to development shall be addressed with development

proposals. Impacts due to water quantity (flow rates and volumes) and water quality shall be

identified and appropriate mitigation measures incorporated.

7. The lowest floor of new buildings shall be constructed a minimum of 3 feet above the projected

100-year high-water elevation or MDNR OHW (whichever is higher) of nearby surface waterbodies

or stormwater ponds. The City will consider allowing a minimum of 2 feet separation where high-

water conditions are well established. Emergency overflows shall be at least 1.5 feet below any

adjacent building openings in other low areas (i.e. street low points, backyard low points) that do

not have an established 100-year high-water elevation, or in low points served by storm sewer that

is normally dry after storm events. Emergency overflows shall be provided and identified on plans

to protect structures against flooding.

8. There shall be no encroachment upon the floodway (main flowage channel) of the FEMA

established 100-year floodplain. Encroachment into a 100-year floodplain is discouraged but will

be allowed if compensatory floodplain storage is provided in the same waterbody or drainage

district and the filled area and excavated areas are properly protected against erosion.

9. Stormwater design analysis shall utilize an industry standard hydrograph, routing method and time

of concentration determination. Storm sewer lateral systems for individual sites shall be analyzed

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utilizing the rational method. Stormwater ponding areas and downstream conveyance systems shall

be designed for the 100-year, 24-hour storm event with a multi-staged outlet to control the 5 and

100-year events to pre-development levels. Lateral storm sewers shall be designed to accommodate

the 5-year storm event. Runoff “C” values and IDF curves used for the rational method shall be in

accordance with MNDOT Drainage Manual Dated September 27, 2005 as revised herein.

10. If “infiltration basins” are intended to be used as a BMP, the owner or developer shall conform to

the Infiltration Basin Evaluation Guidelines as shown in Appendix J for each basin. The basin or

basins will be required to comply to all MPCA and SWWD standards regarding

infiltration/filtration and will be subject to approval by the City Engineer. BMP’s considered

“infiltration basins” include:

• infiltration basins • rainwater gardens • sand filters

• organic filters • bioretention areas • enhanced swales

• dry storage ponds

with underdrain


• off-line retention


• natural


When plans are approved, the developer owner must provide a maintenance agreement for each

basin constructed. The City will not maintain private infiltration basins.

11. Alternative stormwater best management practices will be allowed where practicable and feasible.

Each individual BMP downstream conveyance system shall be designed for the 100-year, 24-hour

storm event and at the point of ultimate discharge, the flow-rates must be below existing conditions

for the 5 and 100-year events. The alternative BMP’s must also have emergency overflows

provided. The BMP or the series of BMP’s must show treatment levels that meet or exceed MPCA

standards, provide 80%TSS and 50%TP removal on an average annual basis and must use

acceptable engineering methods. Once approved by the City, the developer must provide a copy of

the MPCA Storm Water Permit pertaining to the Permanent Storm Water Management System

before construction can begin.

12. The City recommends the use of the Metropolitan Council’s “Minnesota Urban Small Sites BMP

Manual” and the MPCA ”Minnesota Stormwater Manual” as sources for selecting and designing

the applicable management practice or practices.

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13. Redevelopment projects requiring MPCA Construction Permit (MNR100001) coverage are required

to remove 80% on an average annual basis for the additional impervious surfaces when compared to

existing conditions for the affected parcel(s). The City will require that the allowable total

phosphorus discharged to the Mississippi is 0.22 pounds/acre/year.

Erosion Control Standards

1. Proposed erosion control plans shall show location and type of all temporary and permanent erosion

control BMP’s on the plan. Detail plates shall be provided for all structural BMP’s that are used for

either temporary or permanent erosion control.

2. The plan shall show proposed methods of retaining waterborne sediments on-site during the

construction period and proposed restoration, covering or re-vegetation after construction.

3. The plan shall show locations of any temporary sediment basin(s). Temporary Sedimentation

Basins shall be designed in accordance with Part III.B of the MPCA “Storm Water Discharge

associated with Construction Activity” (MN R100001) permit.

4. Sites with high erosion potential characterized by steep slopes or erodible soil will be required to

provide site-specific construction recommendations by a Soils Engineer for City review. Steep

slopes shall be defined as areas of 12% or more slope. In addition, a financial surety may be

required to ensure performance.

5. If work is being done inside the “Critical Areas” as defined by the MNRRA, the plan shall show no

proposed grading in areas equal to or greater than 18% slope.

6. If “infiltration basins” are proposed for the construction site, a note must appear on the plan stating;

“The infiltration basin area(s) cannot be used to treat construction site runoff, and shall not be

constructed to final grade until the contributing drainage area achieves final stabilization and

approved by the City Engineer or the City Engineer’s authorized designee.” In addition, the

following statement shall also appear; “The proposed infiltration basins shall be roped off as not to

allow heavy construction site traffic to enter any basin and the basins shall be staked off before any

construction can begin.”

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7. If any disturbed soil is located within 200 lineal feet of a “surface water” as defined by the MPCA,

and the area has a continual positive slope to the “surface water”, the exposed area must provide

temporary erosion protection, or permanent cover according to Part IV.B.3 of the MPCA MN

R100001 Permit. Those areas requiring temporary erosion protection or permanent cover shall be

identified on the plans.

8. All sediment control practices shall be installed according to Part IV.C of the MPCA MN R100001


9. The erosion control plan shall provide rock construction entrances for all entrances where heavy

construction traffic will enter. Those entrances must be clearly identified on the plan.

10. Proposed design, suggested location and phased implementation of effective, practicable erosion

control measures for plans shall be designed, engineered and implemented to achieve the following


a. Prevent gully and bank erosion: and,

b. Limit total off-site permissible annual aggregate soil loss for exposed areas resulting from

sheet and rill erosion to an annual, cumulative soil loss rate not to exceed 7.5 tons per acre


11. The City shall receive documentation that the NPDES General Storm Water Permit for Construction

Activity application has been approved from the MPCA, as well as any other approved applications,

as required, for the construction site, such as the Subdivision Registration form, Permit

Transfer/Modification form, and the Notice of Termination form.

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SECTION VIII – AMENDMENT PROCEDURES It is the City’s intention to have this SWMP reviewed and approved by the Met Council in accordance with

Minnesota Statutes, Section 103B.235. After approval, it will be adopted by the City Council and

incorporated into the City’s Water Resource Library.

This SWMP has been prepared to extend through the year 2019. The SWMP may need to be updated to

conform with the SWWD watershed plan and this SWMP may need to be updated for conformance with

the Washington County Groundwater Plan.

If the City proposes changes to this SWMP before year 2020, the changes and their impacts will be

determined by the City as either a “minor” change or a “major” change. The general descriptions of minor

or major changes and the associated reviewal and approval requirements are presented as follows:

Minor Changes would include small adjustments to subwatershed district or subdistrict boundaries or other

minor changes that would not significantly affect the rate or quality of stormwater runoff discharged across

the municipal boundary or significantly affect high-water levels within the City. Minor changes also

include revisions made to the stormwater related Capital Improvements Program to best meet the City’s

water resource needs and financial considerations. For proposed minor changes, the City will prepare a

document, which defines the change and includes information on the scope and impacts of the change. The

document will be forwarded to SWWD for their records. The minor change will be implemented after the

document is adopted by the City Council.

Major Changes are those that could have significant impacts on the rates, volumes, water qualities and

water levels of stormwater runoff within the City or across its municipal boundaries. For proposed major

changes, the City will prepare a document, which defines the change and includes information on the scope

and impacts of the change. The document will be forwarded to SWWD for their review and approval.

SWWD shall have 60 days to comment on the proposed revisions. Failure to respond within 60 days will

constitute approval. After SWWD approval, the City will adopt the amendment as part of the SWMP.