SURAH 2 – AL-BAQARAH - THE COW VERSES 124 - 129 Quran Study Sessions – Session 41 Sep 06, 2020

SURAH 2 AL-BAQARAH - THE COW VERSES 124 - 129 · 9/6/2020  · SURAH 2 –AL-BAQARAH - THE COW VERSES 124 - 129 Quran Study Sessions –Session 41 Sep 06, 2020. Ayah 124-129. Surah

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Page 1: SURAH 2 AL-BAQARAH - THE COW VERSES 124 - 129 · 9/6/2020  · SURAH 2 –AL-BAQARAH - THE COW VERSES 124 - 129 Quran Study Sessions –Session 41 Sep 06, 2020. Ayah 124-129. Surah


VERSES 124 - 129

Quran Study Sessions – Session 41

Sep 06, 2020

Page 2: SURAH 2 AL-BAQARAH - THE COW VERSES 124 - 129 · 9/6/2020  · SURAH 2 –AL-BAQARAH - THE COW VERSES 124 - 129 Quran Study Sessions –Session 41 Sep 06, 2020. Ayah 124-129. Surah

Ayah 124-129

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Surah Al-Baqarah - Big Picture1

Types of People

God Conscious





Summary of Dawah of



Creation of Adam

Disobedience of Shaitan


Address to Children of



Address to Children of



Address to Children of



Address to Children of



Address to Children of



Address to Children of



Address to Children of



Address to Children of



Address to Children of



Address to Children of



Story of Ibrahim AS


Story of Ibrahim AS


Change of Qibla


Change of Qibla19 20 21 22 23 24

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

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❑And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham was tried (i.e. tested) by his Lord with commands and he fulfilled them.

❑[ Allah ] said (to him), "Indeed, I will make you a leader for the people."

❑[Abraham] said, "And of my descendants (will you make leaders)?" [ Allah ] said, "My covenant (of leadership) does not include the wrongdoers (from them."

Verse 124 Basic Meaning

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❑Ibrahim (AS) fulfilled all of Allah’s commands, and for this, he was titled leader (Imam) of the people.

❑Allah is reminding Bani Israel of what actually made them special and favored: their ancestry from Ibrahim (AS).

❑He reminds them that Ibrahim (AS) was made Imam because of his obedience to God in whatever was commanded. And that status only extended to his descendants on the condition that they do the same.

Verse 124 Elaboration

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❑And [mention] when We made the House (the Kaabah) a place of return (which they would come to from every place) for the people and [a place of] security (for all that enter it).

❑And take, [O believers], from the standing place of Abraham (the rock he stood on while building the Kaabah) a place of prayer (such that people pray around it).

❑And We charged (commanded) Abraham and Ishmael, [saying], "Purify My House (from idols) for those who perform Tawaf and those who are staying [there] for worship (in I’tikaaf) and those who bow and prostrate [in prayer]."

Verse 125 Basic Meaning

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❑ Allah mentions the acts that made Ibrahim (AS) an Imam (or leader) to people.

❑He built and purified the Kaabahfor Hajj, and all Muslims to this day follow his example in visiting the Kaabah and doing Hajj.

❑In addition to the status of building the Kaabah, Allah also made the standing place of Ibrahim (AS) a place of prayer.

Verse 125 Elaboration

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❑ Some of the status of Makkah is also mentioned in this verse. The Kaabah is a place of absolute security (a Haram). Meaning that, even in pre-Islamic times, it was severely taboo to harm anyone in the haram. No one would harm the killer of their father if they saw him in the Haram.

❑The same applies today. There are even special rules and protections for the animals and plants of the Haram. The definition of “Haram” is a place where some things are haram which would be halal in other places.

Verse 125 Elaboration

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❑And [mention] when Abraham said, "My Lord, make this (place, Makkah) a secure city (and even today everything is protected in the Haram) and provide its people with fruits (Allah did this through trade like elaborated in Surah Quraish even though Makkah itself does not have much fertile soil) - whoever of them believes in Allah and the Last Day (Ibrahim AS specifies his dua this time to good people unlike before)."

❑[ Allah ] said. "And (also) whoever disbelieves - I will grant him enjoyment (by feeding them) for a little (for this lifetime); then I will force him (on Qiyamah) to the punishment of the Fire, and wretched is the destination."

Verse 126 Basic Meaning

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❑Ibrahim (AS) prays for the residents of Makkah and his descendants living there.

❑In the previous dua, Ibrahim (AS) had asked for his descendants to be Imam along with him. Then, Allah corrected him, and said “My promise does not extend to wrongdoers.”

❑In this dua, learning from before, Ibrahim (AS) specified his dua of Rizq and safety in Makkah to the believers. But, this time, Allah says He will give it to the disbelievers as well.

❑The lesson to learn is that religious status and reward is only for believers in this world and the Hereafter. However, worldly things can be given to both believers and disbelievers. But, the disbelievers will face punishment in the Hereafter.

Verse 126 Elaboration

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❑And [mention] when Abraham was raising the foundations of the House (the Kaabah) and Ishmael (was also doing so), [saying], "Our Lord, accept [this] (work) from us. Indeed You are the Hearing (of words), the Knowing (of actions).

Verse 127 Basic Meaning

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❑Allah mentions the great humility and taqwa of Ibrahim and Ismail (AS) that even while building the Kaabah itself, they were asking Allah to accept from them.

❑We should also develop this humility. Doing actions with complete humility and understanding that our efforts are almost like nothing in front of Allah is true Iman (faith) and true understanding of our place.

❑Allah accepting our actions is itself a mercy, it is not deserved.

Verse 127 Elaboration

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❑Our Lord, and make us Muslims [in submission] to You and from our descendants a Muslim nation [in submission] to You.

❑And show us (teach us) our rites (ritauls of worship and Hajj) and accept our repentance. Indeed, You are the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful.

Verse 128 Basic Meaning

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❑Ibrahim and Ismail (AS) ask Allah for a righteous nation from among their descendants. They didn’t ask for all of their descendants to be righteous because of what already happened in the previous verse.

❑The answer to this dua is the Ummah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

❑They also ask to be shown the rituals of Hajj. And we follow these rituals in the example of Ibrahim (AS) since then.

Verse 128 Elaboration

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❑Our Lord, and send among them (our descendants) a messenger from themselves who will recite to them Your verses and teach them the Book and wisdom and purify them (from Shirk and other sins).

❑Indeed, You are the Exalted in Might, the Wise."

Verse 129 Basic Meaning

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❑They also pray for a messenger in their descendants that would guide them and bring God’s revelation.

❑Their dua was answered with the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and the Quran. There was no messenger in the descendants of Ismail (AS) except him.

❑Through Muhammad (SAW), Allah honored and gave mercy to their descendants specifically and to the whole world generally.

❑This is why the Prophet (SAW) said: “I am the dua of my father Ibrahim (AS)”

Verse 129 Elaboration

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❑In these verses about Ibrahim (AS), Allah accomplishes three purposes:

1. Reminding Bani Israel of why exactly they were chosen and blessed. It was because of Ibrahim (AS) devotion to Allah.

So, to keep their blessing, they have to follow him in being devoted and submissive to Allah.

2. Establishing the basis for the qibla of Islam turning to the Kaabah as will happen in the upcoming section.

Allah mentions the building of the Kaabah by Ibrahim (AS) and its blessings.

3. Establishing why the Prophet (SAW) and this Ummah are also honored like Bani Israel were before them.

Allah mentions the dua of Ibrahim (AS) for the Prophet and the Ummah.


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