< Contact > Support Our Kids Committee/Tel:03-6272-6252 http://support-our-kids.org Facebook:www.facebook.com/jidai.co.jp SUPPORT OUR KIDS CHARITY GALA PARTY With the cooperation of 10 embassies from different countries and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Support Our Kids Project assists children from the affected areas of the Great East Japan Earthquake. We believe that the children will play a big role in the reconstruction of Tohoku, and our aim is to nurture these children into becoming future leaders that will contribute to change, through their overseas experience. We have assisted 404 children so far. Through this program, the children were exposed to the world, history, and many people’s warmth. After, the children returned to Japan and started the project called HABATAKI to return the favor. We have decided to commit and continue this project for 10 years until the year 2020. We would like to help as many children as we can, and we need your continuous support to make this happen. Supporters: Embassy of Ireland, Australian Embassy , Embassy of Canada, Embassy of Switzerland, New Zealand Embassy, Embassy of France Project to Empower Youth Victims of The Great East Japan Earthquake

SUPPORT OUR KIDS CHARITY GALA PARTYsupport-our-kids.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/9... · Floyd Mayweather / Boxing gloves Ronaldinho&Carles Puyol/Barcelona Uniform Derek Jeter

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Page 1: SUPPORT OUR KIDS CHARITY GALA PARTYsupport-our-kids.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/9... · Floyd Mayweather / Boxing gloves Ronaldinho&Carles Puyol/Barcelona Uniform Derek Jeter

< Con t ac t > Suppo r t Ou r K ids Commi t t ee/Te l :03 - 6272-6252h t t p : //suppo r t- ou r- k i ds .o r g Facebook :www. f acebook .com/ j i da i . co . j p


With the cooperation of 10 embassies from different countries and the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs, the Support Our Kids Project assists children from the affected areas

of the Great East Japan Earthquake. We believe that the children will play a big role in

the reconstruction of Tohoku, and our aim is to nurture these children into becoming

future leaders that will contribute to change, through their overseas experience. We

have assisted 404 children so far. Through this program, the children were exposed to

the world, history, and many people’s warmth. After, the children returned to Japan and

started the project called HABATAKI to return the favor. We have decided to commit

and continue this project for 10 years until the year 2020. We would like to help as

many children as we can, and we need your continuous support to make this happen.

Supporters: Embassy of Ireland, Australian Embassy , Embassy of Canada, Embassy of Switzerland, New Zealand Embassy, Embassy of France

Project to Empower Youth Victims of The Great East Japan Ear thquake

Page 2: SUPPORT OUR KIDS CHARITY GALA PARTYsupport-our-kids.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/9... · Floyd Mayweather / Boxing gloves Ronaldinho&Carles Puyol/Barcelona Uniform Derek Jeter


All Blacks / 2018 Member uniform

Richie McCaw's personally-worntraining jersey

Dan Car ter & Richie McCaw / RWC 2015 All Blacks replica uniform with logo Soccer Brazi l nat ional team / Wor ld Cup 2010 member uni form

Lionel Messi / Soccer shoesNeymar/Uniforms of the Brazi l ian representat ivesF loyd Mayweather / Boxing g lovesRonaldinho&Car les Puyol/Barcelona UniformDerek Jeter / Basebal l bat

Ed Sheeran / Acoust ic gui t arTaylor Swif t / Microphone

Raffle t ickets wi l l be avai lable on the day for ¥1,000 each. Wines f rom the host count r ies and other raffle pr izes wi l l be given away.

Pablo Picasso/La Paix RougeStan Lee & Rober t Downey, Jr. / V intage comic (I ron Man)

Limited Collection 2019






*All items with authentic autograph *A total 50 items will be on display for the auction.

Experience Dinner sponsoredby the par t icipating Embassies

Paul McCar tney & Ringo Starr /Fender Electr ic Guitar

About 50 autographed items will be shown in Yahoo

Auction starting February 25 until March 18

Yae (Singer and Songwriter)

Tokiko Kato (Singer and Songwriter)

The second daughter of Tokiko Kato. In 1995, she made her debut i n t he mus ic d r ama “Ko rc z ak ”. S ince 1999 , she w ro te and performed numerous hit songs like “Wakarenokyoku”, “New Aeon”, and “Kazenomichi”. She was appointed as an ambassador of a nature-conservation movement of the Ministry of Environment in 2018. After the Great East Japan Earthquake, she has committed herself to do rehabilitat ion and suppor t activit ies. She and her mother Tokiko Kato wrote a song “Namoshiranu Hananoyouni” to encourage many people.

Exquisite food and dr inks, with the finest ingredients sourced from host countries and from the Tohoku region will be served.

She made her debut as a s inger when she won the 2nd Japan Amateur Chanson Competition while studying at the University of Tokyo. In 1996 she received the Grand Prix award for the song “Akai fuusen”. She sang numerous hit songs like “Hitorineno Komo-riuta”, “Shiretoko Ryojo”, and “Hyakumanbon no Bara”. She has performed concerts all over the world including in the New York Carnegie Hall. In 1992, she was awarded the L’Odre des Arts des Lettres by the Ministry of Culture in France. For non-musical activ-ities, she overtook the late Mr. Toshio Fujimoto in leading Nature Kingdom Kamogawa. She has commit ted herself to protect the global environment and is promoting agricultural living. She has visited Tohoku many times after the Great East Japan Earthquake. She sang the songs “Ima dokoni imasuka” and “Nuchiyui” and continues to give encouragement to the victims in Tohoku.





Suppor t Our Kids is also using Yahoo! Net Donation. In addit ion to credit cards, T-points

(TSUTAYA) can be converted and used for donations. 1 T-point is equivalent to 1 yen. Thank

you for your support.



Project to Empower Youth Victims of The Great East Japan Earthquake

Organized By: Support Our K ids Committee

Co-Hosted By: HAPPO-EN

Date: Tuesday, March 12, 2019

     Open 5:30pm     Start 6:30pm

  Close 9:30pm

Venue: Jour 1st floor Happo-en (1-1-1 Shirokanedai, Minato-ku, Tokyo) Capacity: 400 pax

Tickets: ¥20,000 / per head

    ¥250,000 / table (good for 10 seats)     *P ro c e ed s w i l l b e u s e d f o r S uppo r t Ou r K i d s a c t i v i t i e s e xc l u d i n g n e c e s s a r y e x p en s e s .

For appl icat ions, please register in the official home page.

PROGRAMS: □Welcome Remarks (Paul Kavanagh, Ambassador of Ireland. Chairman, Support Our Kids Committee)

□ Introduction of Ambassadors/ Embassies of host countries

   □Presentat ion by Reconstruction Ambassadors (Tohoku students)

   □Presentat ion of “Tohoku now: 8 years after the earthquake” (Tohoku students)

   □Support Our Kids Special Dinner   □Charity Auction   □Yae Charity l ive with Tokiko Kato

Dress code : Informal

Support Our Kids Special dinner

Presentat ion by Tohoku Students

検 索SOK ホームステイhttp: //support-our-kids.org*Tickets are sold on a first-come first-served basis

【 】

Page 3: SUPPORT OUR KIDS CHARITY GALA PARTYsupport-our-kids.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/9... · Floyd Mayweather / Boxing gloves Ronaldinho&Carles Puyol/Barcelona Uniform Derek Jeter

I write in the first instance to thank you very much for your generosity and continual support for the youths who were victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake. My name is Paul Kavanagh, and I am Ambassador of Ireland to Japan. It is my privilege to have been designated the new Chairman of the Support Our Kids Committee.

The Support Our Kids Committee cordially invites you to attend "the 9th Support Our Kids Charity Gala Party", for the benefit of youth victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake. The event will take place on Tuesday, 12 March in the 1F JOUR at Happo-en, Tokyo. It will begin at 18:30.

We would like to boost the Support Our Kids overseas homestay programs in 2019. Ireland, New Zealand (Mr. Stephen Payton / Ambassador), Australia (Mr. Richard Fairfax Court / Ambassador), Canada (Mr. Ian Burney / Ambassador), Switzerland (Mr. Jean-Francois Paroz / Ambassador), France (Mr. Laurent Pic / Ambassador) are hosting Tohoku youth and children in homestays. In the current year we hope to increase the number of participants of each country.

It's been almost 8 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake. At the time of the disaster, the destruction and loss of life – almost 16,000 people - caused by the massive earthquake and tsunami led on the news around the world, including in Ireland. The images of those days shocked the world. The thoughts of everyone were with the people of Tohoku. 

For my own part, I arrived in Japan last summer and soon discovered that even after seven and half a years, there remain roughly 56,000 people in temporary housing, while many are still dealing with the traumatic experiences of those days. It is because of these ongoing effects that Support Our Kids believes support for those affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake remains necessary.

In November, I attended the reconstruction conference "REUNION" in Sendai and I saw a silver lining. The students who had participated in the homestay programs in 2018 spoke with passion about their experience in the various host countries. They met peers from many other countries. They learned a great deal, beyond their regular home environment. They were in a position to build up further their own dreams and future plans for the reconstruction of Tohoku. Past participants of the SOK homestay programs offered presentations about issues they are now addressing such issues as the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), universal design, the Self-Defense Forces, world peace and helping people in need.

Support Our Kids believes that such "Glocal-orientated” actions will contribute to the reconstruction in their areas and to advancing the SDGs (UN's Sustainable Development Goals).

I was deeply impressed by those students. I feel that the inspiring Support Our Kids project continues to play an important role, both for the Tohoku region and more widely.

Ambassadors and Representatives of the Embassies, as well as the students from Tohoku, are looking forward to welcom-ing you at Happo-en on 12 March. During the event, the participants of the homestay program 2018 will give presentations about their experience, their learning, and their future dreams, and some will talk about their activities and achievements following their overseas homestay.

Exquisite food and drinks, with the finest ingredients sourced from all the host countries of 2018 and from the Tohoku region will be served at Happo-en. Additionally, there will be live performances representing some of the supporting countries. 

Support Our Kids, its Committee and I personally will appreciate it very much if you could complete the RSVP overleaf and return it.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in order for us to continue and develop the Support Our Kids project.

Thank you very much.

Paul KavanaghAmbassador of Ireland

Chairman of the Support Our Kids Committee