Supdt Association

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  • 7/28/2019 Supdt Association




    cognised by G OI, M inistry of Finance vide letter F.No. B.12017/10/2006-Ad.IVA, dt. 2-11-2008)No. 9/86/A, Amaravathi Nagar, West Chu rch Com pound, M .R.Palli Road, Tirupati-517502.


    Vigneshwar Raju9849313988S.Chandra Shekhar- 9440089914S. Sundar Raju

    The Commissioner,Customs, Central Excise and Service Tax,Tirupati Commissionerate,Tirupati.

    Date: 9-4-2013Tirupati

    Hon'ble Madam,Sub: Framing of Transfer Policy among the Superintendent &Inspectors for rotation of officers within Vizag Zone calling forsuggestions R eg.Attention is invited to the Commissioner letter C.No. 1/2/1/2010-

    Admn, dt. 2-4-2013 inviting our views/suggestions on the captionedsubject. We submit our views/suggestions as follows.I. Geographical Spread of Vizag Zone:

    As you are kindly aware out of four Commissionerates of VizagZone, two Commissionerates i.e. Tirupati and Guntur are standaloneCommissionerates situated independently and separately away fromeach other with a distance of around 400 Kms. Vizag IIICommissionerates are located separately from each other with most ofthe Divisions situated out side Vishakapatnam City.

    In Guntur Commissionerate, out of four Divisions, only onedivision is located in Guntur and the remaining divisions are located inVijayawada, Nellore and Eluru away from each other. Similarly most ofthe divisions of Vizag-I and Vizag-11 Commissionerates are also locatedoutside Vishakapatnam.

    Further, formations within Divisions of thesehreeCommissionerates i.e. Guntur, Vishakapatnam -I & 11 are scattered atdifferent locations away from the Divisional Head Quarters. As can beseen, all formations right from Ranges to Commissionerate HeadQuarters are located at far away places in different cities/towns includingDistrict Head Quarters.With the kind of geographical spread of all the four CentralExcise Commissionerates of Vizag Zone and the location of all theformations of each Commissionerate at far away places within those

    - 9849046969Secretaries:

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    Commissioncrates, officers are already subjected to hardship by frequenttransfers from one city/town to another city/town within eachCommissionerate resulting in dislocation of their families and consequentfinancial, social and educational disturbances.

    Geographical Spread of Tirupati Commissionerate:All the four divisions i.e. Tirupati, Kurnool, Ananthapur and

    Cuddapah are located in the respective district head quarters. As you arekindly aware, each District Head Quarters is located at more than 300Kms., from each other. Further, Ranges in each Division are alsoscattered within that District at far away places.

    Because of peculiar and unique geographical location of all theformations of Tirupati Commissionerate, officers are already subjected torotation within this Commissionerate forcing them to shift their familiesto different locations/district head quarters thus affecting their financial,social and educational stability and continuity.

    Further, it may kindly be noted that the present working strengthof Tirupati Commissionerate constitutes majority of officers fromHyderabad Zone who have come Hyderabad Zone on promotion and whowill be repatriated back to Hyderabad Zone after completion of theirprescribed tenure in Tirupati Commissionerate. Since majority ofofficers are also dislocated in Zonal transfers and since the other minorityofficers are already rotated and reshuffled within TirupatiCommissionerate in intra-commissionerate transfers, it is submitted thatintroduction of forced transfers of these minority officers outside TirupatiCommissionerate on inter-commissionerate transfers is not warranted.

    Forcible ICT Transfers within Vizag Zone not required:Forcible ICT transfers within Vizag Zone are not warranted for

    the following reasons:( I ) Unique and peculiar geographical spread and location of thisZone and its formations, very different from otherZones/Commissionerate of CBEC, mandates that it is not in

    the interest of the administration nor for the welfare of theofficers to rotate/transfer them to this kind of distant andremote formations as it may result in huge financial andadministrative burden for the department. This kind offorcible transfers may also affect morale of the officers due todislocation of their families and the concomitant stain on theirfinancial position.

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    Officers are already rotated within each Commissionerate bytransfers to all the formations located at far away formations.Since there are already transfers and dislocations within eachCommissionerates to different cities/towns, the purpose of theadministration of not retaining any officer for more than themandated period in any particular station is already served.As such, no further purpose will be served if the officers aresubjected to this kind of forcible ICT transfers.Due to prevalence of local and non-local condition foradmissions of the children into Higher Education as per thePresidential Order,1974, frequent dislocation will result inhardship for the admission of the children into highereducational institutions.Introduction of forcible ICT transfers will result in hugefinancial drain on the government exchequer which can beavoided. Further, administrative work will also increase bymanifold inviting all kinds of external pressure andinfluences.Further, the present administrative set up will undergo totaltransformation after implementation Cadre Review and GSTwhich result in opening of more offices in District HeadQuarters to cater to the needs of increased number ofassesses. . Since the present practice of transfers withinTirupati Commissionerate has withstood all testing times, thistime tested policy need not be disturbed and the continuity isnot disturbed keeping in mind the future requirements andchanges in the administrative set up.

    In view of the above, it is submitted that no forcible ICT transfersare warranted, except on personal requests of the officers, at thisjuncture and the present policy of transfers within each Commissioneratewill hold good even for the future from the administrative and officerspoint of view and as such the status quo may kindly be continued.

    While concluding it is requested that the officers who havealready been forcibly transferred under ICT transfers within Vizag Zonein the recent past may kindly be repatriated back to their parentCommissionerate on their requests.

    Thanking you, Madam,Yours faithfully,

    ( .P.K.Reddy) 1-\-Gen.Secretary.