GUIDELINES FOR CENTRE SUPERINTENDENTS PROFICIENCY TEST, 2011 Central Board of Secondary Education Proficiency Test Unit Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre Preet Vihar, Delhi – 110301


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Central Board of Secondary Education Proficiency Test Unit

Shiksha Kendra, 2, Community Centre Preet Vihar, Delhi – 110301

e-mail : [email protected]

CONTACT PERSONS Shri Vineet Joshi, I AS Chairman OFF : 011-22467263 CBSE, : 011-22023737 “Shiksha Kendra”, 2, Community Centre FAX : 011-22515826 Preet Vihar, Delhi - 110 301 Dr.(Mrs.) Veera Gupta Secretary, CBSE, OFF : 011-22549628 “Shiksha Kendra”, 2, Community Centre : 011-22549627 Preet Vihar, FAX : 011-22549735 Delhi - 110 301 Shri M.C. Sharma Controller of Examinations OFF : 011-22513837 CBSE, : 011-22515828 “Shiksha Kendra”, 2, Community Centre FAX : 011-22057089 Preet Vihar, RES : 011-22570648 Delhi - 110 301 Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj OFF : 011-22059683 Deputy Secretary FAX : 011-22509251 CBSE, MB : 09868202680 “Shiksha Kendra”, 2, Community Centre Preet Vihar, Delhi - 110 301 Shri Ganga Ram, OFF : 011-22019683 Assistant Secretary FAX : 011-22509251 CBSE, “Shiksha Kendra”, 2, Community Centre Preet Vihar, Delhi - 110 301


As a part of on-going examination reforms, the Board has initiated series of measures related to strengthening of school education and aligning the assessment practices with international standards. On such measure relates to conduct of Proficiency Test at the end of Class-X in all the five main subjects. The 1st Proficiency Test would be conducted by Proficiency Test Unit, Central Board of Secondary Education, ‘Shiksha Kendra’, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi as per following schedule:

Day                  Date  


Timings (As per Indian Standard Time) 


Monday           04.07.2011  Mathematics  10.30 A.M. to 01.00 P.M.  100 

Tuesday  05.07.2011  Hindi  10.30 A.M. to 01.00 P.M.  100 

Wednesday  06.07.2011  Science  10.30 A.M. to 01.00 P.M.  100 

Thursday  07.07.2011  Social Science  10.30 A.M. to 01.00 P.M.  100 

Friday  08.07.2011  English  10.30 A.M. to 01.00 P.M.  100 

   The Proficiency Test would be a Paper Pen Test consisting of objective type questions as per the guidelines available on website. In each Paper, questions will be multiple choice type. A student will be required to mark the answers in a given OMR sheet with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only. Negative marks will be awarded for wrong answers in different subjects as per the general guidelines and sample questions for Proficiency Test available on CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in.


The CBSE would send the centre material to each examination centre fixed for the conduct of Proficiency Test. Some of the profomae/stationery used by the centre would also be hosted on CBSE site with a view that in case of additional requirement, the same may be downloaded and utilized by the centre. It may be ensured that instructions given in the Guidelines are followed each day of examination.


The Centre Superintendent is expected to make the following essential arrangements at the examination centre: -

2.1 A well protected room for storage of confidential material.

2.2 (a) A Godrej/other strong almirah with keys in duplicate to be used by the Centre Superintendent for confidential material.

(b) Facsimile Signature stamps of Centre Supdt. in adequate number be got prepared in advance to be put on Test Booklets. These be kept in the safe custody of Centre Supdt. only to avoid any misuse.

2.3 To appoint following staff for conduct of examination as per norms given below:


250 or more candidates - One

Should be from among the Sr. PGTs or Vice Principal of the Centre School

Assistant Superintendent(s)

One for every 24 candidates in a hall and two Assistant Superintendent(s) in every room.

Should be from among the teaching staff of the Centre School or from other recognized schools.

Clerk(s) One for each centre Should be from among the clerical staff of the Centre School.

Class IV Employees Upto 20 candidates - One 21 to 100 candidates - Two 101 to 400 candidates –Three Above 401 candidates - Four

Should be from among the Class IV staff of the Centre School.

The staff should be appointed strictly as per above norms and they should be assigned specific duties. Specific instructions for class IV staff indicating their place of duty for offering drinking water should be given.

Persons whose near relation is appearing at the examination should not be appointed for examination duty.

2.4 The Board is very keen that examination is conducted smoothly and efficiently. The standard of efficiency and precision with which the examinations are conducted will ensure fair and smooth conduct of examination. It may be ensured that in the process of conduct of examination, nothing should be left to chance.

A day before the commencement of examination, the Centre Superintendent may call the Deputy Superintendent(s), a few Assistant Superintendent(s) (not more than 50% of the total requirement), Clerk(s) and Class-IV Staff to prepare seating plan of the examination hall/rooms showing number of seats/ candidates allotted in each room/hall as per Appendix-B. The main objective of the seating plan is that a candidate finds his/her seat without any difficulty and candidate sitting close by does not get the Test Booklet of the same code. The Centre Superintendent shall ensure that arrangement of tables/chairs adequate for the number of the candidates allotted at the centre. He/ She shall particularly see that seating arrangement is comfortable and there is no scope to tempt the candidates to use unfair means during examination. There should be adequate space between seats of two candidates. If the candidates are seated together on a large bench, it may be ensured that they are not given/supplied the Test Booklets bearing the same Code No. For sample seating plan, please refer to Appendix-B.

2.5 The Roll Number of the candidate be marked visibly on the table/desk.

2.6 Roll Number chart be pasted in each room/hall showing the allotment of candidates in that room/hall.

2.7 The Centre Superintendent must display the following information:

(a). A consolidated chart of candidates indicating Roll Numbers From – To and room number in the room of Centre Superintendent and also on inner compound wall of the school.

(b). Instructions to the effect that:

(i) Candidates should use only Blue/Black Ball Point Pen for filling up the particulars on Test Booklet, Side-1 and Side-2 of the Answer Sheet and Attendance Sheet.

(ii) Candidates should go through the INSTRUCTIONS FOR MARKING on SIDE-2 given on SIDE-1 of the Answer Sheet.

(iii) Candidates should neither fold the Answer Sheet nor make any stray marks on it.

(iv) Candidates are not allowed to carry any textual material, printed or written, bits of papers or any other material except the Admit Card inside the examination hall/room.

(v) Candidates should leave books, notes or any other material that may be used as unfair means outside the premises of the Examination Centre.

(vi) Candidates are not allowed to use correction/white fluid on the Answer Sheet and Attendance Sheet.

(vii) Candidates should sit only in the allotted seats.

(c). List of Deputy Supdt.(s)/ Assistant Superintendent(s) /Clerk(s)/Class IV Staff in the room of Centre Superintendent.

2.8 Centre Superintendent should purchase, prior to the examination, all items such as

cello tape, gum, wax, cloth, needle, thread, bag, luxor pen, etc. to be used on the examination day. These items be kept in the room set apart exclusively for confidential work.

2.9 The Centre Superintendent shall discuss with the Deputy Superintendent(s)/

Assistant Superintendent(s), matters relating to management, mode of obtaining Test Booklet Packets from custodian, seating arrangement of examination, circulation of Attendance Sheets (it may be ensured that while distributing Attendance Sheets, these are not cut into pieces), return of unused Test Booklet envelopes, sealing, collection of Answer Sheets and Attendance Sheets at the end of the examination and location of a room for depositing materials. This should be ensured prior to the examination of each subject.

2.10 The Centre Superintendent shall contact Police Authorities of the area for deputing

policemen in uniform at the Centre to maintain law and order for the smooth and fair conduct of examination.

2.11 The Centre Superintendent shall seal the examination hall/rooms and the rooms meant for confidential work one day before the commencement of examination.

2.12 The Centre Superintendent should make arrangement of toilets for boys and girls

separately. 2.13 After the exam is concluded, the material be dispatched to Deputy Secretary

(Proficiency Test), Central Board of Secondary Education, “Shiksha Kendra”, 2, Community Centre, Delhi-110 301 every day by ensured speed post without any delay. The address slips of the above address in sufficient quantity would be provided to centre. NOTE THAT NOTHING IS TO BE DISPATCHED TO THE REGIONAL OFFICES OF CBSE.

2.14 The Centre Supdt. should not allow any candidate to appear in a subject other than

that shown against his name in the list of candidates. 2.15 Test Booklets are to be issued to Assistant Superintendents on duty in the same

order, i.e., without changing the Test Booklet Code order. 2.16 In case, computerized Attendance Sheets or any other documents sent by the Board

are not received at the examination centre, the same may be utilized after photocopying from the Guidelines.

2.17 Each candidate has been issued the Admit Card by the Board. However, if any

candidate is not having Admit Card but his name is available in the list of candidates then on getting the confirmation from the Principal of the sponsoring school, candidate may be allowed to appear in the examination.

2.18 In case of emergency, Controller of Examinations/Deputy Secretary (Proficiency

Test) may be contacted on the Telephone Number(s) given in the Guidelines. 2.19 DUTIES OF DEPUTY SUPERINTENDENT (S): -

(a). The Centre Superintendent shall allot seniority order to Deputy Superintendent(s) so that in his/her absence the next senior person takes over his/her responsibilities.

(b). The appointment can be withdrawn at any time by the Centre Superintendent or by the Board, if considered necessary in the interest of the examination.

(c). The Deputy Superintendent will assist the Centre Superintendent in all matters pertaining to the arrangements for the efficient, timely, smooth and fair conduct of the examination.

(d). In the absence of the Centre Superintendent, the Deputy Superintendent will exercise all powers of Centre Superintendent and will be fully responsible for the fair and smooth conduct of examination.

(e). In order to ensure that no unfair means practice takes place, the Deputy Superintendent (s) would be deputed to go to each and every examination room/hall personally to ensure that no unfairmeans practices are taking place at the centre.


(a). Assistant Superintendent(s) should be informed about the place of their duties on the day of examination just before its commencement. They should also be instructed that they will not carry their mobile phone in the examination room/Hall. This instruction must be strictly enforced upon.

(b). Assistant Superintendent(s) should receive the Test Booklets from the Centre Superintendent duly placed in the envelope/folder/file cover to be arranged by the centre.

(c). The Assistant Superintendent(s) should announce the following instructions to the candidates in the Examination Room/Hall before the commencement of test: - (i) Candidates should use only Blue/Black Ball Point Pen for filling up the

particulars on the Test-Booklet, Side-1 and Side-2 of the Answer Sheet and Attendance Sheet.

(ii) Candidates should go through INSTRUCTIONS FOR MARKING ON SIDE-2 given on Side-1 of the Answer Sheet.

(iii) Candidates should use only Blue/Black Ball Point Pen on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet for darkening the circle.

(iv) Candidates should neither fold the Answer Sheet nor make any stray marks on it.

(v) Candidates should check carefully that the Test Booklet Code printed on the Answer Sheet is the same as printed on Test Booklet. In case of any discrepancy, the candidate should immediately report the matter to the Assistant Superintendent for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the Answer Sheet.

(vi) Candidates should check immediately on receipt of the Test Booklet that the Test Booklet bears the facsimile stamp of the Centre Superintendent and contains as many numbers of pages as are written on top of the first page. He / She should not remove any page(s) from the Test-Booklet. If a candidate is found removing any page from the Test Booklet, he/she shall be prosecuted against and will be liable for criminal action.

(vii) Candidates are required to sign twice in the Attendance Sheet firstly at the time of receipt of Test Booklet and secondly, handing over the Answer Sheet to the Assistant Superintendent(s) before leaving the Examination room/hall.

(viii) On completion of the test, candidates must handover the Answer Sheet to the Assistant Superintendent(s) and take away with them only the Test Booklet.

(d). The following instructions/duties of the Assistant Superintendent(s) should be got typed and circulated to Assistant Superintendent(s) by the Centre Superintendent:

(i) The Assistant Superintendent(s) are required to support the Centre Superintendent in the fair and smooth conduct of the examination.

(ii) They should report at the centre at least one hour before the time fixed for the commencement of the examination.

(iii) They should adhere to following time schedule:

(a). Entry in the Examination Hall : 9.45 AM (b). Opening of sealed Test Booklets Parcels : 9.50 AM (c). Checking of Admit Cards by the Asstt Supdt. : 10.00 AM to 10.15 AM (d). Distribution of Test Booklet : 10.15 AM (e). Seal of the Test Booklet to be broken/ opened by the candidates to take out the Answer Sheet : 10.25 AM (f). Test Commences : 10.30 AM (g). Return of unused Test Booklets by the : Immediately after Assistant Superintendent(s) and sealing commencement of by the Centre Superintendent examination (h) Test Concludes : 1.00 PM

(iv) They have to explain to the candidates the instructions about filling up of the particulars on Test-Booklet, Answer-Sheet and Attendance Sheet.

(v) They have to ensure that the candidate has used Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only on Test Booklet, both sides of Answer Sheet and Attendance Sheet.

(vi) The Assistant Superintendent(s) must check and verify that the candidate has written and filled in following particulars neatly and correctly on the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet with Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only: -

Test Booklet: Roll No. Name Centre No. Centre of Examination

Answer Sheet: Side-1 Roll Number Name of the Candidate Father’s Name Centre Number Name of the Examination Centre Signature of candidate (in running hand)

Side-2 Roll No. Test Booklet No.

Centre No.

The Assistant Superintendent(s) must check that the candidate has written following particulars correctly on the Attendance Sheet with Blue/Black Ball point pen only: -

Test Booklet No. Test Booklet Code Answer Sheet No. Candidate’s Signature: * For receipt of Test Booklet ** For handing over the Answer Sheet

(vii) While delivering the Test Booklet bearing facsimile stamp of the Centre Superintendent to a candidate, it has to be ensured that the candidate has simultaneously signed the Attendance Sheet and the same has been verified by him/her. (The candidate will be signing the Attendance Sheet twice firstly, at the time of receipt of Test-Booklet and secondly, at the time of handing over the Answer-Sheet to the Assistant Superintendent(s)).

(viii) The Assistant Superintendent(s) shall ensure that the Answer Sheet has been countersigned by them. He/She will take a round of the seats assigned to him/her immediately after the commencement of the examination and check the Admit Card.

(ix) To ensure that the Test Booklets are distributed as per seating plan (refer Appendix-B) and Test Booklets of the same code are not given to the candidates sitting close by.

(x) To collect Answer Sheets from the candidates and obtain their signatures on the Attendance Sheet as soon as the examination is over and hand over the same to the Centre Superintendent in Roll No. order duly counted.

(xi) The Assistant Superintendent(s) must also sign the Attendance Sheet simultaneously while obtaining the signature of the candidate on the Attendance Sheet at the time of collection of the Answer sheet.

(xii) Assistant Superintendent(s) are under the control of the Centre Superintendent during the period they are on examination duty. They should not leave the examination centre without the permission of the Centre Superintendent.

(xiii) They should act as witnesses when desired by the Centre Superintendent to the opening of the Test Booklets Packet(s) and sealing of the bag/parcels of the unused Test Booklets/Answer Sheets/Attendance Sheets, etc.

(xiv) Board has issued the Scanned Admit Cards to the candidates with the signature of Controller of Examinations. Admit Cards have been dispatched to the sponsoring schools using the courier/speed post services. Some of the Admit Cards are not having the scanned photographs of the candidates. In such cases, two passport size photographs may be procured from the candidate concerned. One photograph may be affixed on the Admit Card which may be attested by the Principal of the school and another may be provided Centre Superintendent for affixing the same on the Attendance Sheet through the candidate concerned.

(xv) The Assistant Superintendent(s) should see that no candidate copies his/her answer with the help of another candidate or notes/books etc. or makes use of any other unfairmeans, at the examination. If an Assistant Superintendent finds a candidate talking or using unfairmeans, he/she should report the matter to the Centre Superintendent and then act according to the instructions given by the Centre Superintendent.

Also the Assistant Superintendent(s) are expected to make a written report to the Centre Superintendent about all such cases and put his/her signature on the required document(s) as per directions of the Centre Superintendent.

(xvi) Assistant Superintendent(s) are responsible for the discipline, order and proper conduct of Examination in the room under their supervision and as such they should constantly be watchful and move about in the room and not indulge in talks or read any book, newspaper or the Test Booklet during the period of examination.

(xvii) All Exits from the Examination Room should be closed immediately before the Examination is due to end. The Assistant Superintendent(s) should then collect Answer Sheets from each and every candidate and obtain their signatures on the Attendance Sheets before allowing a candidate to go out of the Examination Room. The Assistant Superintendent(s) should count the Answer Sheets to ensure that no candidate has left the examination room without handing over the Answer sheet to the Assistant Superintendent(s).

(xviii) It would be the personal responsibility of the Assistant Superintendent(s) to ensure collection of Answer Sheet from each and every candidate.

(xix) No candidate suffering from any infectious disease like small-pox, flue, mumps etc. should be allowed to sit in the room, with other candidates. If such a case is suspected it should be reported to the Centre Superintendent immediately so that his/her seating arrangements could be made in a separate place.

(xx) One of the Assistant Superintendent(s) should always accompany a candidate wishing to make use of toilet while the examination is going on. It should be ensured that there is no copying material in the toilets and the candidates return to their respective places within normal time.

(xxi) Cases not covered under the above rules should be referred to the Centre Superintendent for obtaining his/her guidance and necessary instructions.


While collecting the material, the Assistant Superintendent(s) must check specifically that the candidate has written his/her Roll Number and Centre Number both on Side-1 and Side-2 of the Answer Sheet and also put his/her signature on Side I of the Answer Sheet and the same has been countersigned and handed over to the Assistant Superintendent(s). Please note that the candidate should not take away the Answer Sheet outside the examination hall.


Examinations are to be conducted as per Indian Standard time. If the commencement of examination is delayed due to some unforeseen circumstances, time lost should be compensated to the candidates. Any such decision must be duly recorded and signed by Centre Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, two Assistant Superintendent(s) and four candidates (from different rooms) and be communicated in writing to the Board immediately.


3.1 Distribution and custody of Test Booklets:

a. Sealed packets containing Test Booklets shall be supplied by the Controller of Examinations of the Board to the Nationalized Bank/Treasury Officers or any other Officer designated by him as the case may be who shall be responsible for the safe keeping from the time of taking of delivery of the packets till they are delivered to the Centre Superintendent concerned on each day. After taking the delivery of the sealed packets (with seal intact) containing Test Booklets, these must remain in personal safe custody of the Centre Superintendent and shall not be opened by any person other than the Centre Superintendent unless authorized by the Controller of Examinations of the Board. The packets should be opened at the specified time and day in the presence of four witnesses. The packets of Test Booklets with seals intact are liable to be examined any time by the Inspector deputed by the Board.

b. After receipt of the parcel of Test Booklet packets in the Nationalized Bank or Treasury or as the case may be, the Principal/Centre Superintendent should check the total number of Test Booklets shown on the packets with the statements of subject wise figures of his centre as per the duties and responsibilities or the Bank Manager/Treasury Officers/Principals and Centre Superintendents for handling of Test Booklet packets of the Board in order to make sure that appropriate number of Test Booklets have been supplied for the number of candidates appearing at the centre. Any shortage/discrepancy which comes to light should be reported immediately to the Controller of Examinations/Deputy Secretary (Proficiency Test) using any mode of faster communication..


The Centre Supdt. should ensure THAT HE/SHE OPENS ONLY THAT/THOSE PACKET(S) OF TEST BOOKLETS WHICH IS/ARE MEANT FOR THAT PARTICULAR DAY/SESSION. Sealed parcels containing Test Booklets should be opened by the Centre Superintendent in the confidential room, 35 minutes before the time fixed for the examination, on the said date. He/She shall do so in the presence of at least four Assistant Superintendents as witnesses. The witnesses will carefully see that: (a) The seals on the cloth parcel and Test Booklet packets are intact. (b) Each packet contains as many Test Booklets as are shown on its top. A

certificate to this effect as per Appendix-F be signed and sent along with the Attendance Sheet to the Deputy Secretary (Proficiency Test), “Shiksha Kendra”, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110 301.

(c) Each Test Booklet is serially numbered. These numbers are indicated on each envelope as well as on each cloth parcel.

(d) Test Booklets be distributed in serial order to the Assistant Superintendent(s)

after putting the facsimile signature stamp of the Centre Supdt. on each Test Booklet and placing them in the envelope/folder/file cover to be arranged by the Centre.

3.3 The sealed parcels containing Test Booklet should be opened by cutting one edge of

the parcel/packet with a scissor or a sharp knife in such a way that all Test Booklets remain intact.

3.4 Assistant Superintendent should distribute the Test Booklets to the candidates

fifteen minutes before the commencement of the examination. The Assistant Superintendent should also read the instructions given at the back page of Test Booklet.

3.5 Test Booklet should be given to the candidates in serial order with strict instructions

that they should not open it until instructed by the Assistant Superintendent

3.6 Assistant Superintendent will ensure that candidates have written the required particulars on the cover page of the Test Booklet before the commencement of the examination.

3.7 Five minutes before the commencement of examination, Assistant Superintendent

will direct the candidates to break the paper seal to take out the Answer Sheet from the Test-Booklet. The Assistant Superintendent will ensure that the candidates have filled in the required particulars on Side-1 and Side-2 of the Answer Sheet. The Assistant Superintendents will then ask the candidate to commence answering the questions.

3.8 The examination will start exactly at the specified time i.e. at 10.30 am. The centres

fixed outside India would start the examination as per Indian Standard time. Unused Test Booklets should be returned to the Centre Superintendent by the Assistant Superintendent immediately after the commencement of the Examination who would seal these Booklets. Sealed unused Test booklets be kept under Lock & Key by the Centre Superintendent to avoid any unfair use of these booklets. If any misprint or other ambiguity is noticed in Test Booklet, it should be brought to the notice of the Deputy Secretary (Proficiency Test), CBSE, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110301.

3.9 Assistant Superintendent will take the signature of the candidate on the prescribed

Attendance Sheet while delivering the Test Booklet to the candidate before the commencement of Examination. The subject wise Attendance Sheet will be supplied by the Board as per format given in Appendix-D. The candidate will write Test Booklet No., Test Booklet Code and Answer Sheet No. and put signature for his/her presence on the Attendance Sheet. (In case the Computerised Attendance Sheets are not received by the Centre Superintendent in time, he/she will see that sufficient copies of the same as per Appendix-D are kept ready to be used by the Assistant Superintendent (s) on duty.

3.10 After taking signature, Assistant Superintendent will also write the Roll Number(s) of absentee(s). In the seating plan for each room, the Roll No. of a candidate who is absent be encircled with red ink indicating absent. A copy of the complete seating plan be sent to Board’s office. Please ensure that each Test Booklet bears the facsimile stamp of the Centre Superintendent.

3.11 Immediately after the announcement ‘Stop Writing’ the Assistant Superintendent will

collect the Answer Sheets from the candidates.

3.12 Signatures of the candidates will be obtained for the second time indicating that Answer Sheets have been delivered to Assistant Superintendent on duty. The Assistant Superintendent should count the Answer Sheets and tally with the number of candidates present and ensure that no candidate leaves room without handing over the Answer Sheet and putting signature on the Attendance Sheet.

3.13 Assistant Superintendent will bring their respective Answer Sheets to the room of the

Centre Superintendent. They will serialize the Answer Sheets separately in order of Roll Number and tally them with the Attendance Sheets. These will be deposited by the Assistant Superintendent with the Incharge person(s) designated by the Centre Superintendent for this purpose. The person collecting the Answer Sheet from the Assistant Superintendent will count and obtain the signature of the Assistant Superintendent concerned on a format as per Appendix-H.

3.14 The Answer Sheets collected from different rooms be arranged Roll Number wise

and counted. It should be ensured that the total number of Answer Sheets received plus number of absentees should tally with the number of candidates registered.

3.15 It should be ensured that Answer Sheets are handled with clean hands and

adequate precautions taken to avoid any stray marks on the Answer Sheets. It should be ensured that the Answer Sheets are not folded either by the candidate or by the Assistant Superintendent.


(a) Answer Sheet(s) of unfairmeans case(s), if any, be packed in a separate

envelope on which UNFAIRMEANS may be returned clearly with the details of the candidate.

(b) Duly checked, serialized and counted Answer Sheets be put in polythene zip

bags supplied by the Board in Centurial order (Roll No. 0000001-100 and so on) and polythene zip bags be stapled/locked properly.

(c) Polythene zip bags after stapled/locked should be packed in yellow

envelopes and yellow envelopes should be sealed with cello tape after signing and putting facsimile stamp of the Centre Superintendent. The certificate of packing the Answer Sheets as given in Appendix-I be filled up. It should be ensured that columns provided on the yellow envelopes are filled in properly.

(d) In case, in one subject, if more than one yellow envelope is required for

packing of answer sheets, say five yellow envelopes, envelope number should be mentioned as 1/5, 2/5, 3/5,4/5 & 5/5.

(e) All yellow envelopes should be placed between the two brown pulp boards provided by the Board and then tied with strong thread in such a manner that the edges of the yellow envelopes are not damaged by the thread.

(f) This packet and envelope of unfairmeans should be packed in a cloth packet

and be sealed and challan summary of the material packed as per Appendix-J be prepared and attached.

Please Note: Attendance Sheets and Absentee Statement Proforma should not

be placed in the bundle of Answer Sheets, but packed separately in the envelope(s) provided for this purpose.

3.17 MAT

ERIAL TO BE PACKED, SEALED AND SENT TO DEPUTY SECRETARY (PROFICIENCY TEST), CBSE, DELHI: Each day after the conduct of examination packing and sealing of the material be made in the following manner: -

● (a) Envelopes containing Answer Sheets One Packet (b) Envelope containing Answer Sheet(s) of Unfairmeans, if any

● Attendance Sheet (Appendix-D) and One Packet Absentee Statement Proforma (Appendix-E)

● (a) Room wise Seating Plan (Appendix-B) (b) Certificate for opening sealed Test Booklets Parcels (Appendix-F) (e) Certificate of packing of Unused Test Booklets (Appendix-G) One Packet (f) Room wise receipt of Answer Sheets (Appendix-H)

(g) Certificate of Packing the Answer Sheets (Appendix-I) (h) Sample impression of seal used in packing

According to above details, each day three envelopes would be available with the centre for CBSE. Details of material packed in each envelope should be mentioned on the concerned envelope as well as the Centre Name and No. may also be written in the clear words. All these three envelopes may be tied with thread/sutli and thereafter a parcel may be prepared with the help of the cloth. DISPATCH OF PARCEL BY THE CENTRES OUTSIDE DELHI The centres outside Delhi would dispatch the parcels to D eputy Secretary (Proficiency Test), “Shiksha Kendra”, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110 301 by insured Speed Post. DISPATCH OF PARCEL BY THE CENTRES IN DELHI The centres in Delhi would send the parcel through messenger to Deputy Secretary (Proficiency Test), “Shiksha Kendra”, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110 301.


During the course of examination, a candidate indulging in any of the following activities shall be deemed to have used unfairmeans: 4.1 Writing name, Roll No. putting signature at any place other than the space provided

for or any other mark in the Answer Sheet which may disclose the identity of the candidate.

4.2 Being in possession of books, notes papers or any other material connected or not

connected with the examination (including electronic devices such as Cell Phones, Calculators, Cameras etc.).

4.3 Receiving or giving assistance to the fellow candidates directly or indirectly or

involved in copying in any form during the course of examination.

4.4 Smuggling Test Booklet or Answer Sheet out of the examination hall, tearing leaf/leaves from the Test Booklet/Answer Sheet or tampering with them in any way.

4.5 Using abusive or obscence language in the Test Booklet/Answer Sheet or at the

examination centre.

4.6 Communicating either directly or indirectly with any person connected with the conduct of the examination, evaluation of Answer Sheet and declaration of results with the object of influencing him/her for better score in any way.

4.7 Impersonating by sending some other person to take the examination in place of


4.8 Any other type of misconduct or arrangement to cheat in the examination.


4.9.1 A candidate found using any unfairmeans will not be supplied a fresh test

Booklet or Answer Sheet but continue to write his/her answers on the same Answer Sheet. However, the Centre Superintendent will prepare a report of the unfairmeans reported to by the candidate with his/her statement and statement of Assistant Superintendents and mention the time when the candidate was found using unfairmeans in his/her report. If the candidate refuses to give statement, he/she should not be forced to do so. The fact of his/her refusal should be recorded by the Assistant Superintendent (s) on duty at the time of the occurrence and attested by the Centre Superintendent. Nothing should be written on the Answer Sheet of the candidate in this regard. However, this Answer Sheet will be packed separately in the envelope for sending to the Board. The Answer Sheets of unfairmeans cases should not be kept/ packed with other Answer Sheets but be kept in a separate sealed cover.

4.9.2 The statement of the Assistant Superintendent /Centre Superintendent who

detects unfairmeans material in the possession of a candidate shall cover:

(i) Time when material was detected,

(ii) Where was it detected from?

(iii) Signature of the person who detected unfairmeans material,

(iv) Counter signature of the Centre Superintendent at each paper,



In case a candidate has smuggled out the Answer Sheet, the Centre Superintendent should call for the student directly or through his school or any source and try to procure the Answer Sheet. If the efforts fail, the matter should be reported to the police and copy of the FIR be sent to the office of the Board alongwith the statement of the Assistant Superintendents present in the room and also of the candidate. The statement of the Peon/Police constable etc. if any, should also be forwarded.

The statement should contain:

(i) time of incident.

(ii) details of the case as to how the candidate took away the Answer Sheet, and

(iii) efforts made to recover the Answer Sheet alongwith the Test Booklet.

4.11 In case of impersonation, the Centre Superintendent should send to the Board the statement of the person found to be impersonating, the Assistant Superintendent (s) and that of the real candidate, if possible. The Centre Superintendent must invariably report the matter to the Police and file a FIR.

4.12 In case of misconduct of a serious nature, the matter should be reported to the

Police, if necessary. Statement of the Assistant Superintendent(s) and that of the Peon/Policemen concerned may be obtained and sent to the office of the Board for further action.


Duties and Responsibilities of the Custodian, i.e., Bank Managers, Treasure Officers, Principals, Centre Superintendents for handing of Confidential packets of Test Booklets of the Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi

1. Each Bank Manager/Treasury Officer will personally receive insured parcel(s) sent by

the Central Board of Secondary Education and acknowledge receipt telegraphically to Mr. M.C. Sharma CARE CENBOSEC, DELHI Q.P. PACKET(S) FOR SECONDARY/SENIOR SECONDARY RECEIVED INTACT.

2. After receipt of the confidential parcel, the Bank Manager/Treasury Officer will contact the Principal of the School allotted to his Branch to ask him to come to the Bank/Treasury. He will open the insured parcel in the presence of the Principal.

3. The Principal/Centre Superintendent will submit his identity to the Bank Manager/Treasury Officer meeting his requirement before opening the sealed packet(s) containing Test Booklets.

4. Both the Bank Manager/Treasury Officer as well as the Principal/Vice-Principal of the Centre will then verify the sealed packet(s) and certify the statement which has been placed in the packets in triplicate saying that the No. of packet(s) have been received according to the statement and seal of each and every packet has been found intact. Two copies of the statements may be given to the Principal/Centre Superintendent out of three statements. After checking out of the two copies one copy duly signed by the Principal be sent to the Board by name to Mr. M.C. Sharma Controller of Examinations, CBSE, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110301.

5. The Principal should tally the number of Test Booklets indicated on the packets with the receipt of subject-wise figures of his school/centre in order to make sure that sufficient number of Test Booklets have been received for the number of candidates appearing at his school/centre. Any shortage/discrepancy which comes to light should be reported immediately to Mr. M.C. Sharma, Controller of Examinations.

6. Date and time of each paper as given in the date sheet for the examination should be written in Block Letters by the Principal himself carefully on all the packets and checked by the Bank Manager/Treasury Officer and be kept in the bank custody duly arranged date-wise with seals intact.

7. On each day of the examination, the Centre Superintendent of the authorized person will collect the Test Booklet packets at least 45 minutes before the commencement of the examination for the day. In case the Centre is located at a distant place, he may adjust the time in consultation with the Principal or Centre Superintendent. While issuing the Test Booklet packets for the day of the examination, the Manager will kindly ensure that the correct Test Booklet packet(s) is/are being issued to the Centre Superintendent as per the date sheet.

8. While issuing Test Booklet packets for the day, the Bank Manager/Treasury Officer will obtain a receipt from the Centre Superintendent and at the end of the examination he will forward the said receipts to the Board by name to Mr. M.C. Sharma Controller of Examinations, Central Board of Secondary Education, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110 301.

9. The Principal/Superintendent while taking delivery of the Test Booklet envelopes will cent percent ensure with the help of the date sheet that he/she collects the correct Test Booklet packet(s) for the day of the examination. Under no circumstances, any other Test Booklet packet(s) should be collected by him/her from the Bank/Treasury.

10. While taking delivery of the Test Booklet packets for the day, the Centre Superintendent/Principal or the authorized person will give a receipt in the proforma which is available with the Bank Manager. If the Centre Superintendent is unable to reach the Centre on account of certain unavoidable circumstances, he will depute his deputy with a proper authority letter to collect the packets. If there is some delay in collection of the Test Booklet packets due to some unavoidable circumstances, he will

ask the examinees to sit in the examination hall and allow extra time to the examinees for the time so lost. Under no circumstances the examination will be postponed on account of delay.

11. In case a seal impression of any envelope gets mutilated in transit, the same may be recorded on the envelope duly signed by the joint custodian of the Bank and the Principal/Centre Superintendent and the same may also be made note of in the receipt to be sent to CBSE.

12. The confidential packets will be kept strictly in the joint custody of the Manager and the joint custodian in the Strong Room so that they are not exposed to any other unauthorized person(s) working in the Bank/Treasury.

13. In the event of any lock out or strike, the Manager or the Joint Custodian or any other responsible Officer/Treasury Officer will ensure that the delivery of the Test Booklet is not disrupted and the distribution of Test Booklets takes place every day according to the date sheet. Perfect safety of Test Booklets should be ensured.






Assignment Remuneration per day (Rs.)

Conveyance per day (Rs.)

Remuneration per day (Rs.)

Conveyance per day (Rs.)

Centre Supdt. 120/- 60/- 240/- 120/- Dy. Centre Supdt. 80/- 60/- 160/- 120/- Asstt. Supdt.((Invigilator)

60/- - 120/- -

For Class IV staff 30/- - 60/- - Collection of question papers by teacher

50/- 50/- 100/- 100/-

Furniture Maintenance Allowance

2.50 - 5.00 -

Seating Arrangement

0.50 Paise per desk for whole exam.

- Rs.1.00 per desk for whole exam.


Lab Assistant & Clerk

45/- - 90/- -

Other Charges: Postal Charges Actual charges on production of receipts Note:

1. Staff for the conduct of examination be employed strictly as per prescribed norms. 2. A copy of the seating plan should be attached with the Centre charges bill. 3. A few Assistant Superintendents (not more than 50% of the total requirement) be

called for attending the Centre one day before the examination. 4. Necessary clerical and class IV staff may be summoned one day before the





Centre No. : _________________________________________________________ Centre Name : _________________________________________________________ Date : ______________ Day _______________ Subject _______________ Room No. : _________________________________________________________ The seating plan for each room/hall should be prepared in such a way that each vertical line (i.e. each column) should have provision for seating 6, 10, 14, 18, 22 ………. candidates. An example of the seating plan for 24 candidates alongwith the method of distribution of Test Booklets is given below:

Roll No. Test

Booklet Code

Roll No. Test Booklet Code

Roll No. Test Booklet Code

Roll No. Test Booklet Code

1 A 7 C 13 A 19 C 2 B 8 D 14 B 20 D 3 C 9 A 15 C 21 A 4 D 10 B 16 D 22 B 5 A 11 C 17 A 23 C 6 B 12 D 18 B 24 D No. of candidates in the room:Total :__________ Present : _________ Absent : _________ Assistant Superintendent -1 Assistant Superintendent -2 Signature _____________________


Name _____________________


Designation _____________________


Address _____________________ _____________________

_____________________ _____________________

Telephone No. _____________________



Date: July, 2011. Signature of Centre Superintendent (With Rubber Stamp)

The Assistant Superintendents should distribute the Test Booklets to the candidates as per the example given above. If a candidate is absent, the Test Booklet of that candidate should be put on the desk allotted to the candidate.






Roll No. : 8100001 Candidate’s Name : AKASH REDDY KAKULARAM



Centre of Examination :

Subject Date of Examination

School :

Timings : 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM

Signature of the Principal Controller of Examinations

Signautre of Candi



1. For dates and time of examination, please see the date sheet available on the web site www.cbse.nic.in 2. Candidates must preserve the Admit Card. The candidate must keep the Admit Card at the time of examination and present on deman

Superintendent of Center or any other person authorized. 3. Candidate will be allowed to appear in the subject, indicated in the Admit Card. 4. Candidate shall be present at the Examination Center, 45 minutes before the commencement of the examination. 5. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the Examination Hall before the conclusion of the test and without handing over the Answer Shee

Invigilator concerned. 6. Candidate should check and ensure that the Test Booklet contains as many number of pages as are written on top of the cover page of Test B7. Candidate should bring good quality blue/black ball point pen for the examination and use the same pen only to write the particulars on th

page of Test Booklet, Answer Sheet and darkening the circles of responses. 8. Calculator/Log Books/Calculating Device/Mobile Phone and other communication devices etc. are not allowed in the Examination Hall. 9. On completion of the test, the candidate must hand over the Answer Sheet to the Invigilator and take away with him/her only the Test Book10. Candidate should sit on the allotted seat only.



PROFICIENCY TEST – 2011                                                             ATTENDANCE SHEET                  Subject…………………

Centre No. & Name : xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx

Test Booklet No.

Test Booklet Code

Answer Sheet No.

Candidate’s Signature

* **

Invigilator’s Sign. 1.

Roll No. : 8100001




Invigilator’s Sign. 2.

Test Booklet No.

Test Booklet Code

Answer Sheet No.

Candidate’s Signature

* **

Invigilator’s Sign. 1.

Roll No. : Candidate’s Name : Mother’s Name : Father’s Name :

Invigilator’s Sign. 2.

Test Booklet No.

Test Booklet Code

Answer Sheet No.

Candidate’s Signature

* **

Invigilator’s Sign. 1.

Roll No. : Candidate’s Name : Mother’s Name : Father’s Name :

Invigilator’s Sign. 2.

Test Booklet No.

Test Booklet Code

Answer Sheet No.

Candidate’s Signature

* **

Invigilator’s Sign. 1.

Roll No. : Candidate’s Name : Mother’s Name : Father’s Name :

Invigilator’s Sign. 2.

Test Booklet No.

Test Booklet Code

Answer Sheet No.

Candidate’s Signature

* **

Invigilator’s Sign. 1.

Roll No. : Candidate’s Name : Mother’s Name : Father’s Name :

Invigilator’s Sign. 2.

Test Booklet No.

Test Booklet Code

Answer Sheet No.

Candidate’s Signature

* **

Invigilator’s Sign. 1.

Roll No. : Candidate’s Name : Mother’s Name : Father’s Name :

Invigilator’s Sign. 2.

Roll No. ABSENT (PLEASE MARK THE ABSENTEE IN RED INK) * For receipt of Test Booklet by the candidate

** For handing over of ANSWER SHEET to the invigilator

Sign. & Seal of Cent




Centre No. : _______________________________________________________________ Centre Name : _______________________________________________________________ Date : ______________ Day _______________ Subject _____________________ NOTE: Please write ‘AB’ in the Remark Box against those absent ROLL NO. Remark ROLL NO. Remark ROLL NO. Remark


Date: July, 2011. Signature of Centre Superintendent

(With Rubber Stamp)




CENTRE NO : ___________________________________________________ CENTRE NAME : ___________________________________________________ Date : ______________ Day _____________ Subject ___________

Certified that duly sealed parcels(s) No(s). ………………containing Test Booklets pertaining to Proficiency Test have been examined by us and found to be in proper condition with all seals intact. The parcels have been opened in our presence on ….July 2011 at ……… AM The number of Test Booklets found inside the parcels were………….

Name with designation and address of the witnesses


1 ………………………………..

1 ………………………………

2 ………………………………..

2 ………………………………

3 ………………………………..

3 ………………………………

4 ………………………………..

4 ………………………………

Signature of Centre Supdt. ……..……………. with rubber stamp Name……………………………………….… Date: July, 2011




Centre No. :_____________________________________________________ Centre Name :_____________________________________________________ Date : ______________ Day ___________ Subject _______________

1. No. of Test Booklets received :_______________________________________ 2. No. of Test Booklets used :_______________________________________ 3. Sl. No. of unused Test Booklets :_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 4. Total No. of unused Test Booklets :_______________________________________ 5. Total no. of envelopes containing unused test booklets _______________________________________ 6. Time of packing of unused Test Booklets : ….July,2011 at __________ AM ________________________

Signature of Centre Superintendent (With Rubber Stamp) Date : July, 2011. Note: a) It should be ensured that the number of Test Booklets used plus number of Test

Booklets unused should tally with the no. of Test Booklets received. b) Sl. Nos. of Test Booklets unused should tally with the total number of unused Test





CENTRE NO : _________________________________________________________ CENTRE NAME : _________________________________________________________ Date : ______________ Day _______________ Subject _______________

No of candidates

Room No.

Alloted Absent Present

No. of Answer Sheets received

Signature of Assistant Superintendent

Signature of Centre Supdt. Or designated official

Total ________________________

Signature of Centre Superintendent (With Rubber Stamp) Date : July, 2011.

Note : No. of candidates present should tally with no. of Answer Sheets received.




a) Centre No. : ………………………………………..

b) Centre Name : ………………………………………..

c) Name of the Examination : Proficiency Test, 2011 d) Date of Examination :: July, 2011 Day…………….Subject…………………. e) No. of candidates : Registered : ……………Absent:………………Appeared: …………..

f) No. of Test Booklets : Received :..……………Unused:……………..Used:..………………..

g) Total No. of Yellow Envelopes packed :………………………………………..

h) Details of each Yellow Envelope packed :

Note: It should be ensured that the number of Answer Sheets packed should tally with the number of candidates appeared. Also the number of used Test Booklets plus unused Test Booklets should tally with the number of Test Booklets received.

S.No. of Yellow Envelope

Roll No.

From To

No. of Answer Sheets packed

No. of candidates absent

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Total

Asst. Superintendent-1 Asst. Superintendent-2 Centre Superintendent




Signature of Centre Superintendent

Date: July, 2011. (With Rubber Stamp)


IMPORTANT INFORMATION AT A GLANCE 1. Time Schedule (a) Entry in the Examination Hall : 9.45 AM (b) Opening of sealed Test Booklet Parcels : 9.50 AM (c) Checking of Admit Cards by the Assistant

Superintendent : 10.00 AM to 10.15 AM (d) Distribution of Test Booklet to candidates : 10.15 AM (e) Seal of the Test Booklet to be broken/ : 10.25 AM opened by the candidate to take out the Answer Sheet (f) Test Commences : 10.30 AM (g) Test Concludes : 1.00 PM

3. Rough Work : All rough work is to be done

in the Test Booklet only. The candidate will NOT do any rough work or put stray mark on the machine gradable Answer Sheet of the Final Examination.

4. Use of Ball Point Pen only for

(i) Writing of particulars on the Test Booklet : Roll Number, Name, Centre

Number, Centre of Examination

(ii) Writing of particulars and marking responses : on the Answer Sheet

5. On completion of the test, candidates must handover the Answer Sheet to the Assistant

Superintendent in the room/hall and take away with them only the Test Booklet. Note: Use of White/Correcting Fluid is not permissible on the Answer Sheet and Attendance


Roll Number, Name, Father’sName, Centre Number, Centreof Examination, Test BookletNumber, Signature andResponses.