Summer Portfolio PDF

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Summer Portfolio PDF

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Noel HagmanSHOE ART

Ar#st& /& Designer& Noel& Hagman& evokes& a&

pragma#c& rela#onship& between& art& and& fashion&

by& fusing& the& two& in& an& origina#ve& vision& of&


By& reAenvisioning& exis#ng& shoes& Noel& creates&

authen#c& designs& that& embody,& express,& and&

embellish&both& the&concept& of& the&shoe&and& the&

individuality& of& the& person& who& wears& or& buys&


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Artist and designer, Noel Hagman, was born and raised in Santa Monica, California, traversing the privileged and surreal world of Hollywood elite (being the granddaughter of Larry Hagman and great-granddaughter of Mary Martin) and two working, upper-middle class households of parents, striving to provide a sturdy foundation. Growing up surrounded by wildly (and just plain wild) creative family and friends – an environment without a doubt lush in artistic influences and ‘life’ experience, exposed Noel to an intensely colorful world which offered, early on, an array of artistry as well a unique perspective into the striving struggles of ambition, indulgence, and passion. Integrating the past with the presently discovered, her own work sensically demonstrates the fusion of opposites – melding creativity and functionality, fashion and art, commercialism and altruism, message and meaning, pain and pleasure, old and new, self and family…

The love affair between her artistic passions and an affection for fashion began when she got the idea to hand-paint flowers on high heels – which, after quickly gaining outside interest, motivated her to more fully commit to the endeavor with even broader creative aspirations. Noel created her first line of mixed-media original Shoe Art in 2008, which has featured in celebrity fashion shoots, fashion editorials, trendy boutiques and contemporary art galleries.

Noel is artistically driven by the concept of ‘Wearable and Functional Art,’ and is generally consumed with the idea of altering the materially mundane pieces of one’s life & style into a practical form of personal expression. Catalyzed by the process of designing one-of-a-kind shoes and an ongoing fascination with personalized fashion via individual artistry, Noel conceptualized an idea for a commercially innovative and novel consumer experience – a recreational store providing fashionable jewelry / accessories and the do-it-yourself creative services to make your own designs.

Presently, Noel is developing and working toward launching the ‘Store’ concept while continuing to expand her custom Shoe Art business. Projects currently under development, including: Wearable Shoe Art series/collections (for women and men); Shoe Art installations & commissions; Special Event

collaborations & exhibits. t


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Shoe A! " ‘Wearable and Functional ’


Couture& pieces& and& original& designs& produced& specifically& for& individual&

clients,& as& well& as& offering& more& readyAtoAwear& collec#ons& and& limitedA


In& addi#on& to& being&wearable,& some& collec#ons& and& commissioned& Shoe&



With&all&of&her& Shoe&Art,&there’s&a&documented&process&referred&to&as& the &“SoleAful& Realiza#on”&–& a& philosophy& behind& the& concept& and& inspira#on,&


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& The&who,0what,0and&where,0from&which&the&idea&was&ini#ally&derived.


& Evolu#on&of&the&ini#al& idea&—&personal& relevancy,&notable&experiences,&reAcrea#ng&a&




&&&& Per#nence& of& chosen&materials& and& explana#on& of& the& ideas,& imagery,& sen#mental&



‘Sole-ful Realization’A Philosophy To Creating The Soul For Each Shoe . . .

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The Sole Sto#es ‘ ’ Conceptually Based On…




a##flee)ng#yet####Meaningful Thought



a###FASHION statement#

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Classic Mirrored Heeled Sandal

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Ruby Red Mosaic

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Color Block Mirrored Mosaic –Julie Shoe

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Tribal Themed Teal

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followed byindividual ‘Sole’ Stories

Noel Hagman

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Brenda StrongActress on ‘DALLAS’

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Black Gold

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Fiercely, flirtatiously,fashionable, yet prepared to

do some ‘sole’ damage!


Well-heeled, walking tall, confident and proud.


An artists exasperations.

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Walking the streets of NYCin sky-high fashion while being

fearlessly stylish.


An ode to nouveau riche Hollywood and sweet

little wrong-doings.


A warm summer night,a cool salsa beat, and a

flirtatious romance!

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Black Gold

Oil - Causing corruption, wars and pollution

around the world, devastating the planet, and scariest of all . . . running out.

Materials: Nails (6mm and 12mm), Gold Leaf

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Black Gold&&&&

& Oil,& (‘Black&Gold’,& in& slang),& is&a&nefarious& commodity& that& also&happens& to& be& one& of& the& single&most& important&

assets&in&making&the&world&run&and&is&valued&as&vital& in&the&history&of&civilization,&industrialization,&and&the&current&


state&of& society&and&a&precarious&future&in&dire&need&of&alternative&energies.&Through&my&eyes,&it&is&also&directly&and&

indirectly& responsible& for& the& suffering&of&millions,& the& vast& disparity& in& socioAeconomic& conditions&of& developing&


& &

& A&year&before&I&made&these&shoes&I&was&at&The&New&School&of&NYC&studying&International&Affairs&with&a&focus&on&the&

Middle& East.& I’ve& had& a& longtime& infatuation& with& that& part& of& the& world&and& in& expanding&my& (unintentionally&

related)& interest& in& –& the& history&behind&and& future& for,& the&world’s&dwindling& resources.& In& addition,&growing&up&

with&J.R.& Ewing&as&my& grandfather& also& provided&a& somewhat& ironic& perspective& which& gave& me& a&unique& insight&


& My&passion&for&all& things&in&the&Middle&and&Far&East&has&always&been&very&present& in&my&studies,&travels,&personal&

and&careerAoriented&life.& It’s& through&the& books& I&read,&the& (real)&news,&art,&media&and&aspects&of& history,&that&my&

inquisitions&into&the&historical&prejudices&of&mankind&and&an&aspiring&potential& for&global&betterment&are&sated&and&

ignited.& Even& my& grandfather,& actor& Larry& Hagman& /& Iconic& Oilman& on& the& TV& series& “Dallas”,& whose& realistic&

environmental& activism& and& efforts&as&a& spokesman& for& solarApower& have& exposed&me& to& productive& actions& and&

helped& in& highlighting& the& small& ways& that& pave& the& road& toward& a& better& future.& However,& all& of& these& various&

inlets&expanded&my&knowledge& until& I& finally& realized& that& there& was& one& reAoccurring& theme& that& I& just& couldn't&

ignore;&the&shocking& role&that&oil& plays& in&our&country.& I&am& struck&repeatedly&by&how& deeply&we&are&embedded& in&

its&web&of& destruction&and& dependence,&and& the& threat& it&potentially& represents& to& the&world&in& the& allAtooAnear&


& I&used&the&Monolo&Blahnik&‘Mary&Janes’&for&their&sleek&and&slightly&scary&design,&which&lent&itself&well&to&the&overall&

feeling&behind&the&concept&of& the&shoe.& I&experimented&with&ways&that&I&could&incorporate&blood&to&symbolize& the&


a& subtler,&metaphoric&way.& The& nails& represented& two& things;& the& pain& that,& like& oil,& they& can& inflict,& and& (once&

covered&in&paint&and&gold&leaf)&I&felt& they&captured&the&aesthetic&feeling&of&oil& rigs,&gritty&machinery,&crusts&of&deep&

dark&earth,&and&the&precious&'Black&Gold'&reservoir&that&is&so&ferociously&pursued. Noel Hagman

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Materials: Rocks, Gesso, Acrylic Paint, Chalkboard Paint, Gel Pen.

A lover’s dilemma — giving in to temptation.

Flooded with emotions and consumed by desires. Moving on or making it work.

Weighed Down By GuiltFall 2009

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& Complications& in& love.& This& shoe& was& made& to& represent& the& inevitable& yet& varied& degrees& of& messiness& and&

‘moments,’& the& clarity& in&discovering&what&you& really&want,& and&the&courage& to& tailor&your& romantic& life& to& those&


& There&was&a&year& in&my&life&when&breakAups,& lover’s&quarrels,&wandering&eyes&and&even&shocking&affairs,&became&a&

sort&of& “theme”& that&was&nearly& impossible& for&me& to& ignore.& It& seemed& that& I& was&being& bombarded&from& every&

which&angle&by& the& existence,&or& at& least& personal& awareness&of& –&divorces,&nonAcommittal& boyfriends,& longAterm&

infidelity,&the& fizzling&out&of& new& love,& and&even&cases&where& friends& turned&to.& .& .&hmmm,&‘experimenting& in& the&

bedroom’& as& the& answer& to& their& loveAlife& woes!&OK.0 So0 some0 of0 the0 stimuli0 in0 this0unwanted0 campaign0 for0 how0‘love0sometimes0hurts’0were0those0 blaring0 from0 the0 covers0of0 the0gossip0magazines0reporting0 celebrity0 splits0and,0evidently,0 a0 shocking0 amount0 of0 ‘sex0 addictions’0 pervading0 Hollywood0 and0 destructing0 otherwise0 “rock0 solid”0relationships!

&& However,& aside& from& the& effects& of& relationship& woes& melodramatized& by& the& media,& there& were& a& surprising&

number& of& people& in&my& life& –& &quite& intimately& and&peripherally,&who&were& coping&with&and/or& confiding& in&me&

about&an&array&of& problems& in&their& loveAlife,&which&curiously& left&me&wondering& less&about&my&own&relationship,&

and&more& about& the&general& struggle& of& two& total& strangers& trying& to&balance& their& individual& self& (primal0 desires0included)&with&the&prospect&of&sharing&a&life&together!&Anyway,&the&Ah–ha!&moment&by&the&time&I&finished&with&the&

process&of&making&this&shoe,&was&that& life& is&unpredictable&and&the&effects&can&be&most&devastating&when&it&comes&

to&love.&So.&.& .&know&what&you&want,&know& that& it’s&possible,&and&take&the& reigns&to&your& own&romantic&endeavors&


& Because& lust&and&choices&were,&at& least&to&me,&such&significant&parts&of& the& issues&I&was&hearing&and&consequently&


The&rocks&represent&the&weight&of& the&guilt&and&the&toll& it&takes&in&the&process.&I&splattered&the&paint&by&blowing&on&

it&through&a& straw& and& letting& it& naturally& take& its&own&course& (as0 things0usually0do0 anyway),& and&chose&the& color&red&to&visually&symbolize&love,&passion,&blood,&the&human&heart,&and&the&pain&that&can&come&with&it.&The&writing&on&


Weighed Down by Guilt

Noel Hagman

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Gold and Diamonds are not only a girl’s best friend but recession proof commodities, and therefore guilt free investments!

Materials: Gold Leaf, Swarovski Crystals

Lavish ForethoughtSpring 2009

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& I&made&this& shoe&in&2008&after& our&economy&had&collapsed&and&the&Stock&Market&was&in&egregiously&precarious&

territory.& & When& the& youAknowAwhat& hits& the& fan,& one& tends& to& revert& back& to& the& basics& where& monetary&

matters& are& concerned.& It& got&me& thinking,&what& are& historically& impervious&ways& to& invest&money?& Most& will&


& Not&only&did&our&Nation&seem& to&be&heading&toward&a&second&Great&Depression,&but&we&were& (are)&embattled&in&

two&controversial&wars,&weighing&the&threat&of& nuclear&potential& in&Iran,&adjusting&to&a&newly&elected&President,&

suffering& from& a& slew& of& significant& Ponzi& schemes,& staving& off& global& disasters& and& pondering& an& allegedly&

imminent&Armageddon.&The& economic&downfall& really&marked&a& tipping&point& for&many.& It&made& a& lot& of& scared&

people& act& in& strange& and& unpredictable& ways.& There& were& noticeably& erratic& effects& on&Wall& Street& and& dire&



& Anyway,&I& decided&to& look&on&the&bright,&and&arguably&safe& side,&and& concluded& that& –&when& in&doubt,&go&with&

what& you& can& count& on,& right?& Gold& and& Diamonds!& Unless,& of& course& we’re& doomed& for& an& environmental&

meltdown& and& planetary& collapse,& in& which& case& all& things& traditionally& of& value& cease& to& exist& and& the& only&


& Although& I& would& have& preferred& gold& and& diamonds,& in& this& case& I& chose& to& use& Swarovski& Crystals,&


Lavish Forethought

Noel Hagman

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An homage to an inspiring and talented friend

whose work is admirable and life-style is enviable.

Materials: Ribbon Bowtie, Buttons, Swarovski Jewels, Movie Script

Red CarpetSpring 2009

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& A& friend&of&mine&is&shoe&crazy&like&me,&intuitive&and&extremely&creative.&She's&also&a&talented&Writer/Director&and&

Actor,&whose&work&and&mission&in& life& I& adore,&so&with&her& in&mind& I&decided&to&make&this&shoe.& I&knew& that& she&

had& a& few& upcoming&movie& premiers&to&attend& around&the& time& this& idea& was&conceptualized&so& in& addition& to&

being&a&sentimental&homage&to&my&friend,&I&decided&to&have&the&actual& 'red&carpet'& be&the&aesthetic&focus&for&the&


& While&honing&her& craft& in&school&and&actively&pursuing&an&acting&career&in&New&York&City,&she& 'found’&herself&and&


didn't& come& easy& and& included& rebelling& against& her& family& (again),& a& fake& conversion& to& Islam,& and& three&


her& the&legal&freedom& to&get&in&and&out&of&Saudi&Arabia&on&her&own!&My&friend’s&journey&was&already&full&and&yet&


& In& addition& to& her& courage,& physically& she& also& has& the& enviable& quality& of& being& strikingly& beautiful,& yet&


jewels&and&a&tuxedo.&I&also&had&one&of&her&sensational& scripts0(from0a0soonGtoGbe0released0film)0on&hand&so&I&used&it&to&cover&the&insole&as&a&more&intimate&way&to&make&my&friend&a&part&of&the&shoe.&

Red Carpet

Noel Hagman

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A life lived among the new yet on the treasures of the old,

in the propinquity of this purlieu, one’s creativity is surely tantamount to more than just making do…

Materials: Mosaic Grout, Broken Mirror and Colored Glass, Shells, Sand

Venice VagabondSummer 2009

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& When& I&made& this& shoe& I& was& spending&a& lot& of& time& in&my& old& neighborhood& in&Venice& Beach,& CA& and& getting&

nostalgic& for& all& the& wonderful& characteristics& that& the& truly& eccentric& beach& town& has& managed& to& maintain.&

Venice&is&an&undeniably&anomalous&community,&one&of& the&most&notable& reasons,&is&because& it&is&home&to&some&

seriously& talented,&eclectic& individuals&who,& let’s& say,& adhere& to&a&more& unstructured&and&bohemian&philosophy&

of& life& –& some& by& choice,& others& by& personal& wrongdoings,& and& those& simply& riding& out& unfortunate&

circumstances.&Regardless,&there& is&a&noticeable&presence&of& people&with&a&more& ‘transient0nature’& in&the& beach&towns&of&CA&and&it’s&a&cultural&idiosyncrasy&that&I&really&loved&about&living&on&that&coast!&


& I&witnessed&million&dollar&houses&going&up,&yet&little&old&beach&shacks&remained.&Corporate&coffee&chains&riddled&

the& streets,& but& mom& and& pop,& locallyAowned& organic& coffee& shops& competed& and& thrived.&Naturally& there& are&


& &

& The& 'Venice& Vagabonds'& are&a&uniquely& integrated&part&of& the& community,&seen&on&a&daily&basis,&known&by&most&

everyone&but&whom& a& few,&like&me,&got&to&know&on&a& fairly&personal& level.&They&all& had&stories,&quite& a& few&had&

very& apparent& but& nonAthreatening& psychiatric....er,& issues.& &While& others&had& an&enormously& full& and& riveting&


from,&and/or&needed&one.&As&these&relationships&developed,&I&noticed&that&many&of& these&friends&harbored&some&

serious&creative& talents&and&artistic&abilities.&They&were&resourceful& in& their& creations.&Simple,&yet&profound&and&

created&beautiful& things&they&would&craft&with&preAloved&and&mundane&objects.& The&beauty&of& the&beach&and&of&

this& community& were& used& both& literally& and& as& inspiration& for& the& art& of& its& wandering& people;& those& who&



& I&wanted& to&make& a& shoe& with&things& that& remind&me&of& Venice,& but& that&are& also&easily& found,& used,& recycled,&



come&to&mind&when&I& reflect&on&the&theme&of& this&story,&I&decided&that&using&my&found&materials&in&a&mosaic&on&

the& shoe& (using&a&seaAblue& colored&grout)&would&best&convey& the&essence&of&my& inspiration.&I&applied&an&old&Los&

Angeles&Times&on& the& inner& sole& using&papierAmache& paste&because& truthfully,& I& think&newspapers&are& the&most&




Venice Vagabond

Noel Hagman

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Naughty Little School Girl —

Detention and other after-school ‘activities’ with Professor So-and-So…Materials: Plaid Skirt, Lace Ribbon, Chalkboard Paint, Chalk, Safety Pins

LolitaSpring 2009

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& There&are&many&personal& truths&to&the&story&behind&the&concept&of& this&shoe.&It's&no&secret&to&those&who&know&


same&now&as& I&did&when& I&was&15.&Being&in&school,&especially&when&I&was&younger,&provided&me&with&a&captive&&

(I0know,0bad0choice0of0words)& sample&of&older&men&in&the&guise&of&teachers.&I&would&have&to&say&that&for&various&


& Anyway,& let's&just& say&that&my& ‘curiosity’& in&older&men&didn't&exactly& subside& as& I&got& older& and&as& I& started& to&

hone&my&awareness&of& sexual&chemistry&out&in&the&'real'&world&with&more...Hmmm,&potentially,&tangible&men.&It&

also&didn't&help&that&as&I&got&older,&looking&more& ‘mature’&than&my&age,&and&attended&a&very&liberal& and&socially&

progressive&school,&the&teachers&also&seemed&to&be&getting&younger!&Oh,&so&dangerous!& &Alas,&lines&were& never&


& This& shoe& is&meant& to&portray&a& sense& of& sex& and& the& forbidden.& I& just& loved& the& imagery& of& a& 'private& school&

uniform'.& The& little& plaid&skirt,& lace& undies& and&white& kneeAhighs,& in&my&mind&all& fit& perfectly& on& the&heel& of& a&



Westwood's& clothes.& With& that& in& mind,& I& wanted& to& invoke& aspects& of& Vivienne& Westwood’s& recognizable&



Noel Hagman

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Mirror, Mirror on the wall . . . Who’s the prettiest of them all?

Materials: Glass, Paint, Printed Mirror Caption, Newspaper Text

Pieces of VanityWinter 2009

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& Ah&yes,&Snow&White.&That&was&the&first&image&that&came&to&mind&when&I&realized&'Vanity'&was&the&concept&behind&


& &

& I&created&this&shoe&because&the&concept&of& 'Vanity'& is,&horribly&enough,&something&I&often&think&about.&Maybe&it's&

an& inevitable& consequence& of& my&constant& traveling& and& all& of& the& "profound"& people&watching& I& do.&However&

realized,& there&became&a&point& where& I&was&more& aware&of&my&relationship&with&vanity&and& its&presence& in&my&




& BottomAline,&I&believe&we're&all& vain&in&one&way&or&another.& Some&more& than&others,&all&with&uniquely&good&and&

bad& aspects.&What's& interesting& is& that& vanity& isn't& a& trait& with& homogeneous& elements& –& the& causal& emotional&

baggage& and&its&consequential&manifestation& in&society& is&different& for&everyone.& &To&me,& 'Vanity'& has&become&a&

facade& for& the& more& deep& rooted& personal& struggles& lingering& in& us& all,& which& is& something& I& think,& is& worth&


& &

& I&was&intent&on&having&a&whole&shoe&of&broken&glass&to&simulate&the&complexity&inherent&in&vanity,&and&in&us,&the&

strange& social& creatures&who&fall& victim& to&these& sort& of& quasi& artificial,& socially& superficial& concepts.& I& chose& to&


viewer&that& I&was&hoping&to&convey.& Incorporating&the,&albeit&Disney& installed,&imagery&of&"Mirror,0Mirror0on0 the0Wall0 .0.0."& in&the&aesthetic&of& this&shoe&was&important&to&me&because&I&thought&it&was&a&good&juxtaposition&to&the&


Pieces of Vanity

Noel Hagman

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Vivienne Westwood Photo Shoot

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CoCo EcoMagazine

Photo ShootBriPany0Flickinger0–0Winner0



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Noel HagmanBiography

& Ar#st& and&designer,&Noel& Hagman,&was&born&and&raised&in&Santa&Monica,&California,& traversing& the& privileged&and&surreal&

world&of& Hollywood&elite0 (being0 the0 granddaughter0of0 Larry0Hagman0 and0 greatGgranddaughter0of0Mary0Mar[n)& and&two&working,& upperAmiddle& class&households&of& parents,& striving& to&provide&a& sturdy&founda#on.& &Growing& up&surrounded&by&


experience,& exposed& Noel& to& an& intensely& colorful& world&which& offered,& early& on,& an& array& of& ar#stry& as&well& a& unique&

perspec#ve& into& the& striving& struggles& of& ambi#on,& indulgence,& and& passion.& Integra#ng& the& past& with& the& presently&

discovered,&her&own&work& intui#vely&demonstrates& the& fusion&of& opposites&–&melding&crea#vity&and& func#onality,&fashion&





& The& love& affair& between&her&ar#s#c&passions&and&an&affec#on&for& shoes&began&when&she&

got& the& idea& to&handApaint& flowers&on&high& heels& –&which,&ater&quickly& gaining& outside&






& Ar#s#cally,&Noel&is&driven&by&the&concept&of&‘Wearable0and0Func[onal0Art,’&and&is&generally&consumed&by&the&idea&of&altering&materially&mundane&pieces&in&effort&to&turn&the&prac#cal&






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Noel HagmanBiography

& Ar#st& and&designer,&Noel& Hagman,&was&born&and&raised&in&Santa&Monica,&California,& traversing& the& privileged&and&surreal&

world&of& Hollywood&elite0 (being0 the0 granddaughter0of0 Larry0Hagman0 and0 greatGgranddaughter0of0Mary0Mar[n)& and&two&working,& upperAmiddle& class&households&of& parents,& striving& to&provide&a& sturdy&founda#on.& &Growing& up&surrounded&by&


experience,& exposed& Noel& to& an& intensely& colorful& world&which& offered,& early& on,& an& array& of& ar#stry& as&well& a& unique&

perspec#ve& into& the& striving& struggles& of& ambi#on,& indulgence,& and& passion.& Integra#ng& the& past& with& the& presently&

discovered,&her&own&work& intui#vely&demonstrates& the& fusion&of& opposites&–&melding&crea#vity&and& func#onality,&fashion&





& The& love&affair&between&her&ar#s#c&passions&and&an&affec#on&for&shoes&began&when&she&

got& the& idea& to& handApaint& flowers& on&high&heels&–& which,& ater& quickly& gaining& outside&






& Ar#s#cally,& Noel& is& driven& by& the& concept& of& ‘Wearable0 and0 Func[onal0 Art,’& and& is&generally&consumed&by&the&idea&of&altering&materially&mundane&pieces&in&effort&to&turn&the&






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