SUMMER BREEZE READING - thewyrdsisters.com Breeze Sample.pdf · whenever you could. You are now ready for the next phase of your life. Three cards for where you are now.. The three

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Page 1: SUMMER BREEZE READING - thewyrdsisters.com Breeze Sample.pdf · whenever you could. You are now ready for the next phase of your life. Three cards for where you are now.. The three


Page 2: SUMMER BREEZE READING - thewyrdsisters.com Breeze Sample.pdf · whenever you could. You are now ready for the next phase of your life. Three cards for where you are now.. The three


Page 3: SUMMER BREEZE READING - thewyrdsisters.com Breeze Sample.pdf · whenever you could. You are now ready for the next phase of your life. Three cards for where you are now.. The three

Three cards for where you have been..

The Druid, Husbandry, Rebirth

The Druid says you have been given all the lessons you need to move forward to the

future.It shows that there is nothing left to learn, but to use the knowledge you have to show other people that adversity can be overcome, that commonsense;

persistence and integrity always wins out. The message of Husbandry shows that you are the catalyst for change in many people’s lives. They do not always like it, and

there are many who wish they had done the right thing by you, but know that it is too late and because of that their lives have changed for ever, not necessarily in a good

way. In saying that there are those who have listened, who have done the right thing, and their lives have changed for the better. The card of Rebirth shows that you have been through two major rebirth cycles in the past 8 years, and now you are ready to

enter the third. That you have done the work, and put in the hours, cried all the tears that needed to be cried; shouted angry words when they needed to be spoken; whispered words of vengeance that were justified; and smiled; laughed and danced

whenever you could. You are now ready for the next phase of your life.

Three cards for where you are now..

The three messages of Stability, Harmony and Skill are so perfect. Life is stabilising, you will be able to plan, especially financially and you will be able to take the time

to do all the things you want to do with your family. There is nobody that you have to look after, nobody that needs your time and attention other than immediate family – and even then, this is not a chore. It is about the girls, your son, your husband and

weaving the net even closer. Creating a strong family bond.

Harmony shows that right now there is very little to go wrong, and you should enjoy the harmony of life, and make sure that you do not allow other people to intrude.

You have to look at other people’s agenda before you agree to do anything for anyone. If there is no exchange of energy, then don’t do it. If they ask you to do

something that they could do for themselves… tell them to do it. I know you understand what I am talking about here.

Skill is about work, do not worry about your work or your partners work. It will work out. You will both be paid for your skills, and so much better than before. Finances will ease, and those savings can start to be stashed away. There is a sense that your work may change, but don’t worry about that. It is all for good reason, and will work

out perfectly. You will get what you want, but you may not realise you wanted it until it happens.

Page 4: SUMMER BREEZE READING - thewyrdsisters.com Breeze Sample.pdf · whenever you could. You are now ready for the next phase of your life. Three cards for where you are now.. The three

Three cards to where you could be..

Foundation, Nostalgia, High Priest

How very interesting. You could be exactly where you want to be. The foundation is about starting the foundation of something, and this is literally. Laying a foundation for a house. I have a strong sense you will build it, or truck one in. The Foundation is land… that you have the land first, and then the house comes. And this foundation of

course means strength in the family, building not just a physical home, but emotionally and spiritually as well.

Nostalgia is somewhere you love, or something/somewhere from the past; whatever

this is takes you into the future. Wherever you want to be, you will be – and something from the past will make sure that it is achieved. I am not sure what form it

comes in… all I can tell you is it comes.

The High Priest shows that in the future you will be signing legal documents to your advantage and that you will be happy to sign these papers. There is some kind of

clause attached to them that means you will have to perhaps pass this land on to your children, or some kind of trust –again I am not sure. I am not being shown the big

picture. But the message is wherever you want to be, is exactly where you will be.

Three cards how to get there..

Abdandonment, Grounding, Ace of Cups

How to get there… well there is not a lot to do as physically and financially it will happen in its time (and in the not too distant future) and how it is meant to happen. But emotionally and spiritually you could prepare yourself for this next little while. Abandon anyone or anything that gets in the way of your family; I know you do that anyway, and there is nothing to say that anyone will… but just carrying that energy

puts out the vibe that people should not even try. Also abandon negative memories of the past, embrace the future, remember the good things…. But do not let bad

memories curl the edges.

Stay grounded, as you always do. Feet on the ground, head in the clouds dreaming and centre flowing free. You are one of the few people that can do this. It is hard to dream and be practical – but you can do it. The thing is you make dreams come true…

for everyone else. Now make them come true for yourself.

Ace of Cups, empty your life of anything negative and let the positive flow, this is the cup of happiness. Be happy in every day – and again I know you do this anyway, but small reminder that you need to be conscious of it. Create time in each day to sit by

yourself, have a few moments to yourself, and a few moments with memories of those who have passed. Appreciate the silence, let your soul catch up.

Page 5: SUMMER BREEZE READING - thewyrdsisters.com Breeze Sample.pdf · whenever you could. You are now ready for the next phase of your life. Three cards for where you are now.. The three


Q1 Will we be financial secure soon.

Fluctuation, Dedication, Adventure

Although things are fluctuating at the moment they are going to improve. This is usually a short term card, a matter of weeks, rather than long term. So you can look forward to things settling down and become normal… well as normal as your life can be. The best thing being

that you will have the money to be not normal!

Dedication is the dedication you put into your financial affairs. You always have dedicated yourself to moving ahead, and of course there have been backward steps, and times when you just could not move forward. Not this time. This is the Rebirth period – as the previous layout said… and now whatever moves you make forward – will stay forward. No more two

steps forward, one step back. It is two steps forward, then three, then four forward. Yes you will have financial security.

The adventure care is twofold – you will have the money for family holidays and adventures, and you will have money and make money from an adventure or venture in the future. This is a couple of years away. What the cards are saying is that you abundance and prosperity is not

always going to come from working for someone else. Your own business is in the future.

Page 6: SUMMER BREEZE READING - thewyrdsisters.com Breeze Sample.pdf · whenever you could. You are now ready for the next phase of your life. Three cards for where you are now.. The three

Q2 will I take my children to new Zealand next year

Opposition, Death, The World

Any opposition to you taking the children out of the country will be gone. Nothing will stand in your way whatsoever…

Death is just that, death of the old, start of the new. Whatever was holding you back from

taking them overseas is gone, and a new and bright energy replaces it.

The World Tree is the card of overseas travel. This question’s answer is very short and to the point. Simply because it is short. Any opposition is eliminated, and you travel to NZ and

beyond. There are other places to go, and you will travel freely.

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Q3 Will we buy our dream home .

Illumination, Success, Abundance

Well I could not have dealt better cards if I had hand picked them out of the deck… which of course I did not!

Queen of Wands – or Illumination is you, it is about you knowing what your dream is, and spending the time and energy making the dream come true and not wasting precious time

and energy on people who can do well enough for themselves.

Success- YES! The thing is that because you make the effort the Goddess drops a huge gift or surprise in the mix, something is going to happen that brings land to you – I don’t understand

it – and not being shown how or why or where only that you will be delighted.

Abundance and prosperity brings you your dream home. It is going to happen, and much sooner than you think.

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A Little Dreaming

Caring * Nurturing * Creating

Generating is bringing forth into theworld new life from the Source. Powerful in its effects, we are always attracted to its energy. For having broken free from the womb

we seek continually to reconnect to that great lifeline for renewal and substance. Receive the power to enhance life when it comes, giving where you are invited, and

receiving where you must.

Your task is to both give and receive energy in equal proportion. To do one and not the other creates imbalance and need.

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Four Weeks Overview Tarot & Aurasoma

Week commencing Monday 4th November

Have patience this week, things are happening but you are not seeing them, it is all behind the scenes, and when everything is in place, suddenly you will see that everything is working out exactly as it should, but perhaps not quite how you

perceived. Trust yourself, remember that your instincts are perfect and never wrong. There is something you will be drawn to do, and it will feel crazy crazy, but by doing

it something quite magical happens. Be guided, know that someone, in fact two someone’s are guiding you, so when the path opens up, go down it!

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B5 - Sunrise-Sunset

Top: Yellow Lower: Red

Chakra: Root

Shakes Together As: Scarlet Tarot Card: The Heirophant I Ching Sign: # 5, "Waiting/Nourishment" Water above, Heaven below

Main Theme: Represents our vast reservoirs (red) of energy , and the wisdom to use it


Dominant Characteristics: Possesses a lot of energy, and is able to express this energy. Is dynamic and charismatic. Manages the material side of life very well. Radiates an atmosphere of joy in which people feel good. May reflect the qualities to teach.

Spiritual Level: Helps to distinguish "good and bad" and to develop a spiritual generosity. Enables the user to recognize that spiritual awakening is also possible through joy (one’s

own and that which is transmitted to others).

Mental Level: The energy to assimilate knowledge and ground it. Can be supportive in the process of learning. Helps give structure to concepts.

Emotional Level: Brings suppressed emotions to the surface, together with the reason for

its origin. In some cases it seems to have cleared the way to find joy, security, and profound relationships.

Affirmation: I open myself to the joy in my life.

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Week commencing Monday 11th November

A little stress, not in a bad way really, just juggling some times; preparing things, getting things ready. Knowing that once this week is over then everything can settle

down. You can see an end to the chaos, and that is what helps you to get things organised. Friends are offering to help – let them. You need a few hours

uninterrupted to get some last minute things done. Dreams are starting to come true, this is exciting. The end of the week sees a huge

sigh of relief, and a glass of wine watching the sunset. Its all good.

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B57 - Pallas Athena & Aeolus

Top: Pale Pink Lower: Pale Blue

Chakra: Throat & Crown

Shakes Together As: Pale Violet (Lilac) Tarot Card: Eight of Swords I Ching Sign: # 57, "The Gentle" Wind/Wood above, Wind/Wood below

Main Theme: To release the patterns of the past

Dominant Characteristics: A person who does the right things at the right time. Has access to great strength because of a great balance within. Is aware of his/her own

limitations. Is peaceful and accepting, understands the material world and is able to live in it. Knows that life is a about quality, not quantity.

Spiritual Level: Establishes access to ancient knowledge, to creative inspiration from a

deep (soul) level and to a balance the different personality aspects. Shows where on the spiritual path the user is at the moment. Enables the individual to reduce dogmatic

behavior and to communicate spiritual information in a human, understandable way.

Mental Level: Stimulates love of life, thereby instilling inner peace. Enables the person to get in "the flow". Encourages a positive view of the material side of life and of life in


Emotional Level: Harmonizes the emotional and mental level. Can bring freshness into relationships.

Affirmation: I let go and trust.

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Week commencing Monday 18th November

You are very conscious that things are changing, and that is good! In fact it is amazing, and you finally can relax and know that the energies are flowing how they should. You do not need to compare life how it was then with how it is now, although you catch yourself doing it, and yes life was tough, and not the easiest in those dark times, but nothing can compare with the life you have created today – so no more

comparing. A child will try and lay a guilt trip on you, and they will learn that this is not what they should do. And you may have to be a little tougher than you normally would… an example has to be made so the other children understand the boundaries.

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B16 - The Violet Robe

Top: Violet

Lower: Violet Chakra: Crown

Shakes Together As: Violet Tarot Card: The Tower I Ching Sign: # 16, "Enthusiasm" Thunder above, Earth below

Main Theme: Spiritual surrender. A general awakening to service and to the true self.

Dominant Characteristics: Is in accord with the Divine plan and lives life based on this

concept - to be aware of ones purpose and mission. Is in touch with the transformative process and can help others with their transformation. Gifted with respect to the service

to others on the many levels.

Spiritual Level: Opens up the user to the idea that one has to give everything in order to receive that which is truly needed , that things which are not in harmony with the true calling are really senseless and useless. Establishes contact with the true self and the

recognition of the user’s own life purpose and mission.

Mental Level: Aids in releasing old patterns and behaviors, as well as self-destructive tendencies.

Emotional Level: Can support a person overcome grief and the desire to not be here. Allows for the realization of the positive aspects of separation. Can bring emotional


Affirmation: The more I realize my purpose, the brighter my life will be.


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Week commencing Monday 25th November

Getting creative! Perhaps redecorating, planting a garden, knitting a jumper! How creative are you? It can be as simple as colouring and drawing with your children.

Just get into colour, texture, music. Be aware of opportunity, something that looks so small will be a major advantage. Participate in being with people, from social outings with kids and families, to meetings at work. You may not have to go, but you should. You will learn important things, and see (as you usually do) what other people cannot

see… and that is an advantage.

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B59 - Lady Portia

Top: Pale Yellow Lower: Pale Pink

Chakra: 2nd

Shakes Together As: Pale Yellow Tarot Card: Six of Swords I Ching Sign: # 59, Dispersion" Wind above, Water below

Main Theme: Justice and discernment

Dominant Characteristics: A person with great discernment and a sense of justice, who

has a feeling for balance. Knows about the structures of the past. Acts selflessly and with clarity because this person has found love within. Is kind and at the same time possesses

leadership qualities. This person’s sense of humor and joy is transmitted to the people around. Is in the process of awakening and enjoys this search. Is thankful for what life has

to offer. Is able to tell others what they need to hear.

Spiritual Level: Establishes contact with the user’s own truth. Brings spiritual discrimination, generosity, and gratitude. Encourages the individual to stop judging and

condemning the self and others constantly.

Mental Level: Breaks up old patterns and leads to a new understanding, also to a new self-understanding. Helps to give up exaggerated analytical thinking.

Emotional Level: Assists in understanding that some things in life cannot be attained. Can help in cleansing the emotional area very gently. Brings joy and helps overcome irritations.

Affirmation: I understand the laws of life, and I grow.

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* Please seek competent medical or psychological assistance from a qualified healthcare professional if you have a disease, illness or disorder. * Please seek competent financial assistance from a banker, broker or financial consultant before you make any financial transactions. * Please seek competent legal assistance from a qualified lawyer at law if you have any legal problems. * I recommend every person act according to his or her own conscience for the greater good of all concerned. * I will strive at all times to give you the very best reading of which I am capable. * Tarot cards are neither good nor bad though they may be used to encourage, give hope and identify options for the future. *Tarot gives a road map of what is ahead, different paths you can take; at the end of the day – you make the final decision, you are in charge of your own destiny. * I do not read for those under 18 years of age. A Tarot reading is designed to provide guidance and support and to help you contact your own inner knowing. These readings are for guidance only - how you respond and react to them is up to you. Listen to your heart and remember that at a deep level you already know what is best for you. You have free will and are in full control of your own destiny.

Gwirionedd Gyferbyn Cyfanfyd

Truth Against the World

Jackie Pope

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www.mytarotworld.com www.tarotcardreader.co.nz

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 64 27 871 7877

Weekly Horoscope Columnist for

New Zealand Womans Weekly (5 years)

Bi Monthly Horoscope Columnist for

The Cove, Sanctuary Cove Lifestyle Magazine

Past Columnist and Guest Editor for

Insight Magazine

Past Psychic Talkback Radio Host for

Past Psychic Show George FM, Auckland, New Zealand (3 years)

Past Psychic Talkback RadioLive, Auckland, New Zealand (4 years)

Page 19: SUMMER BREEZE READING - thewyrdsisters.com Breeze Sample.pdf · whenever you could. You are now ready for the next phase of your life. Three cards for where you are now.. The three
Page 20: SUMMER BREEZE READING - thewyrdsisters.com Breeze Sample.pdf · whenever you could. You are now ready for the next phase of your life. Three cards for where you are now.. The three
Page 21: SUMMER BREEZE READING - thewyrdsisters.com Breeze Sample.pdf · whenever you could. You are now ready for the next phase of your life. Three cards for where you are now.. The three