Summary of offline Detectors review

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Summary of offline Detectors review. Summary Table. ACORDE. Implement full survey misalignment Step size not important because no energy loss is measured Simulation  to be checked Raw data ok till next electronics changes - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Summary Table














Material Budget

Simulation ?? * *

Raw Data

OCDB Parameter








QA ??

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Implement full survey misalignmentStep size not important because no energy loss is measuredSimulation to be checkedRaw data ok till next electronics changesOCDB parameters now missing, but are needed (e.g. different gain factors in scintillators)Reco Param to be implementedOffline calibration – not neededTrigger: need to store the info, to simulate CTP input, to be doneTime scale to complete everything: required by June 09Main problem for the detector: low efficiency (hardware problem)QA: not done so far

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Naming convention defined but still not in use in AliRoot; new meeting planned to discuss thisConfiguration file correctly sent to DAQ logbook and retrieved by the GRP preprocessorCTP inputs to be propagated to ESD/AOD?Handling of the errors when writing xcounters file to be doneXcounters needed for analysis? If yes, they should be treated properlyL2A counters information to DAQ logbookInteraction record size to be carefully evaluated and limited, according to usefulnessTime between interaction and L0 could be provided with a precision of some bunch crossings (critical for TPC, for example)Beam structure info from LHC still missingTrigger preprocessor: task assignment to be defined

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Geometry not 100% ready because detector not yet installedMaterial budget not an issue because no detector on top of themTime in digits is simulated in an optimistic wayEvent merging done with sdigits that don’t reproduce the shape of the signal pile-up could cause overflow (???)Track ref to be doneEmbedding: Raw2Sdigits method to be implementedDiscrepancy between simulated data and real data (from test beam) not understoodRaw Data ok, not sure if L1trigger is there. To be modified when changes in the RCU will be implementedReco Params to be finalizedReconstruction still needs some work also for PIDCalibration tasks not completed since no detector in placeSome notions about the trigger, but nothing done so farQA for hits and ESDs, but much still to do

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Geometry not finalized at all – physical issues involved to be resolved, related to ITS as wellMaterial Budget issue not investigated. Thought to be ok, anyway, but needs to be checkedMemory consumption not testedPileup could be testedEvent merging and embedding never taken into accountRaw data must be switched to the next ALTRO versionSecond order offline calibration well underwayNothing to be stored as far as the trigger is concernedQA to be clarified

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Time of the hits to be stored both in hits and digitsMemory & CPU & time consumption not completely under control – the use of Minuit makes it delicateEvent merging and embedding okCsI QE map to be added to the OCDBReco Params to be implementedQA: event species to be specified, reference data from real data to be produced

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Some detailed description for the geometry still neededStill some overlaps in case of misalignmentStep propagation to be changed (too small) according to changes in the track propagation code (curved tracks will be handled properly) Time taken into account in the hits but not in the digitsMemory and CPU consumption almost under controlEvent merging not testedEvent embedding tested some time ago by Andreas Morsch so merging should be okRaw data size could be reducedGRP to be consideredNo new objects foreseen for the OCDB, only one open issue for the RespSDD object about the Time0Reco Params implemented but to be checkedV0 still missing smth task to be given to V0 expertsPID performance to be studied

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One SPD DA to be finalizedNew DA for SDDProblems with the memory for the online SDD QAChecks to be added for Rec and Sim for SDD QASimulation of SPD trigger to be started, but main lines defined

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Time in hits/digits to be fixedMC labels to be propagated to reconstructed objects, but there for the restEmbedding tested but not mergingOCDB gain data there, but not usedReco Params: only one type at present storedGRP under considerationGMS DA still under testAlignment procedures to be finalized New object needed for offline calibration HV+Current of the MTRQA: event species to be defined, not working properly

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Geometry to be changed in simulationMaterial budget in front of PHOS to be evaluatedIdealistic pulse shape simulated in the raw dataTrack references to be implementedEvent merging and embedding seem to work fineRaw data not finalized – new RCU to be updated; TRU information to be addedDecalibration needs to be put backReco Parameters to be implementedNot all the DAs ready (only 2 out of 4 completed)No DPsOffline calibration strategy to be defined – needs to run on ESDs or AODs as a TaskTrigger procedures have to be defined; in simulation the configuration parameters have to be added

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Changes in the geometry (detector only ½ installed)Survey to be redoneTime to be added in hits/sdigits/digits/reco infoTrack ref to be implementedEvent merging ok, not embeddingReco Params missingNew calib objects needed (hot channels + n. of events)QA to be done

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Track Ref to be storedEvent merging and embedding not consideredRaw Data format likely to changeReco Params not needed, so not thereMaybe some new DPsTrigger simulation needs to be done, no configuration parameters now set; should work with raw dataQA to be done

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Event merging / embedding to be checked (*)Time window value in simulation to be checked (*)New parameter for Reco Param objectsMaybe new calib object for HV to be used in reco (now stored in Reference data)Trigger parameters to be defined and implementedQA reference histo to be provided for a more detailed check (by module?)

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Small corrections in simulation of the geometryFull misalignment to be checkedMissing LHC clock phase in simulationTrigger time offset neededSome track references to be addedMerging and embedding discussed only for the first time, still unclearALTRO trailer missing in Raw Data, and some configuration parameters to be addedRCU data format is going to be changed New data member to be added in OCDB objectReco Param obj to be checked and maybe updated

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Shift in pT not yet investigated

PID studies to be finalized (dependence on tg(φ), tg(θ), PID at high pT, efficiency at relativistic rise)

Memory consumption to be checkedQA: event species to be implemented, no ref data. Output to be taken out of OCDBMeeting about calibration issues foreseen

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Geometry to be slightly improved for services and supports Total weight to be kept under controlFull/survey misaligment is still under studyTime correctly handled in simulationEmbedding not checked (*)Legacy code in Raw Data to be cleaned upRaw data volume to be checkedTrigger procedures outlined but to be implementedTrigger simulation to be finalized, but in very good shapeQA reference data still missing

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Track references to be addedEvent merging and embedding to be checkedNew calibration object to be implemented for PbPb runsUse of Reco Params to be implemented, different sets for different run types needed – only default implemented so farBasic ideas for trigger defined, but procedures to be implementedQA: no sophisticated check implemented so far, to be added considering the event types as well, as soon as reference data will be ready

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Beam pipe description missingTime info to be added already done?Some information still missing in the raw data, but to be fixed soonL0 trigger in raw data not possible, L1 not there, but can be easily addedGains not directly used, but energy calibration factors used insteadSome DAs still not used at P2Offline calibration to be implemented – main design outlined alreadyTrigger procedures to be implemented, but already oulinedTrigger to be properly simulatedQA: event species not implemented

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Common Issues

Event merging + Event embeddingLHC parameters to be stored in GRPTriggerQA

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Time Info Handling

ACORDE: not knownEMCAL: time simulated in digits in an optimistic way (optimistic detector time resolution)FMD: readyHMPID: not readyITS: not ready for digits, only in hitsMUON: not readyPHOS: time is there in hits and digits, but pulse shape not realistic in raw dataPMD: not readyT0: time there, Alla hopes it is correct TOF: readyTPC: readyTRD: ready V0: readyZDC: not ready (but maybe now yes)