393 PLANT SCIENCE LETTERS SUBJECT INDEX Volume 20 (1980/81) Acid, orgamc, production m P,sum satwum root nodules as a result of oxygen stress, 115 Alfalfa, diploid, genetic control of bud formation from callus cultures of, 71 --, regeneration from protoplasts of selected regen S clones, 297 4-Alkylammopter~dmes, effects on tobac- co callus growth, 15 1-Ammocyclopropane-l-carboxyhc acid, m soybean leaf d~scs, interference of amino acids with the uptake of, 365 Ammoma, effect on the level of glutamme synthetase activity m Osmunda regahs, 125 Ammonmm, m wheat, regulation of mtrate reductase actlwty by, 305 Amphldlplo~d, production through m wtro culture of anthers and stem mternodes m a self-incompatible mterspec~f]c hydnd between Lycoperswon escu- lentum and L ycopers~con peruv~anum, 157 Apple, embryo, axes, starch statohth involvement m growth and geotrop~c reaction of, 167 Asulam, resistance, m t~ssue cultures of celery, 291 Barley, chloroplast, under water stress, glycohpld changes m, 225 --, leaf, seedhngs, prtmary, hydrolysis of [ ~ 4C ] nbulose-1,5-blsphosphate car- boxylase by an endopeptldase from, 251 Bean, comparison of the nucleotlde sequences of chloroplast tRNAs Phe and tRNA3 Leu from, 57 --, Vw~a faba, identification of multiple forms of glutamme synthetase m, 273 Callus, cultures, of diploid alfalfa, genetic control of bud formation from, 71 , of napier grass, regeneration of plants from, 343 , , of sandalwood, effects of embryo- genesus on trlplold plants from, 63 Carrot, protoplasts, hposome-medlated transfer of DNA to, 347 Celery, leaves, during maturation and senescence effects of salts on, 239 --, t~ssue, culture, Asulam resistance m, 291 Cells, Cosmarmm botryt~s, autoradlo- graphy of penetration of [14 C ] man- mtol into, 371 --, menstem, root, pea, 'stress' protein synthesis m, 141 --, photoautotrophlcally and photomtxo- trophlcally cultured, activities of car- boxylatlon enzymes and products of 14CO2 fL~atlon m, 91 Chlorophyll a, fluorescence transient, an indicator of water potential of leaves, 191 Chloroplast, wheat and barley, under water stress, glycohpld changes m, 225 Clones, regen S, selected, regeneration of alfalfa plants, 297 ~4CO2, hxatlon m photoautotrophlcally cultured cells, actlwtles of carboxyl- atlon enzymes and products of, 91 Coleoptdes, mmze, properties of nucleo- side dlphosphatases m purified mem- brane fractions from, 379 Cotton, resistant to bacterial bhght, role of peroxldase m, 47 Cotyledon, soybean, germinating, purifi- cation and characterization of elon- gation factor-2 from, 19 , , pur]fwat~on and some properties of Phe-tRNA synthetase from, 99 Cryobiology, of shoot tips m the tuber- bearing Solanum species, 315 Cucumber, hypocotyls, on galactose and galactose-contammg ohgosacchandes, growth of callus initiated from, 333

Subject index volume 20(1980/81)

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Page 1: Subject index volume 20(1980/81)




Volume 20 (1980/81)

Acid, orgamc, production m P,sum satwum root nodules as a result of oxygen stress, 115

Alfalfa, diploid, genetic control of bud formation from callus cultures of, 71

--, regeneration from protoplasts of selected regen S clones, 297

4-Alkylammopter~dmes, effects on tobac- co callus growth, 15

1-Ammocyclopropane-l-carboxyhc acid, m soybean leaf d~scs, interference of amino acids with the uptake of, 365

Ammoma, effect on the level of glutamme synthetase activity m Osmunda regahs, 125

Ammonmm, m wheat, regulation of mtrate reductase actlwty by, 305

Amphldlplo~d, production through m wtro culture of anthers and stem mternodes m a self-incompatible mterspec~f]c hydnd between Lycoperswon escu- lentum and L ycopers~con peruv~anum, 157

Apple, embryo, axes, starch statohth involvement m growth and geotrop~c reaction of, 167

Asulam, resistance, m t~ssue cultures of celery, 291

Barley, chloroplast, under water stress, glycohpld changes m, 225

--, leaf, seedhngs, prtmary, hydrolysis of [ ~ 4C ] nbulose-1,5-blsphosphate car- boxylase by an endopeptldase from, 251

Bean, comparison of the nucleotlde sequences of chloroplast tRNAs Phe and tRNA3 Leu from, 57

--, Vw~a faba, identification of multiple forms of glutamme synthetase m, 273

Callus, cultures, of diploid alfalfa, genetic control of bud formation from, 71

, of napier grass, regeneration of plants from, 343

, , of sandalwood, effects of embryo- genesus on trlplold plants from, 63

Carrot, protoplasts, hposome-medlated transfer of DNA to, 347

Celery, leaves, during maturation and senescence effects of salts on, 239

--, t~ssue, culture, Asulam resistance m, 291

Cells, Cosmarmm botryt~s, autoradlo- graphy of penetration of [14 C ] man- mtol into, 371

--, menstem, root, pea, 'stress' protein synthesis m, 141

--, photoautotrophlcally and photomtxo- trophlcally cultured, activities of car- boxylatlon enzymes and products of 14CO2 fL~atlon m, 91

Chlorophyll a, fluorescence transient, an indicator of water potential of leaves, 191

Chloroplast, wheat and barley, under water stress, glycohpld changes m, 225

Clones, regen S, selected, regeneration of alfalfa plants, 297

~4CO2, hxat lon m photoautotrophlcally cultured cells, actlwtles of carboxyl- atlon enzymes and products of, 91

Coleoptdes, mmze, properties of nucleo- side dlphosphatases m purified mem- brane fractions from, 379

Cotton, resistant to bacterial bhght, role of peroxldase m, 47

Cotyledon, soybean, germinating, purifi- cation and characterization of elon- gation factor-2 from, 19

, , pur]fwat~on and some properties of Phe-tRNA synthetase from, 99

Cryobiology, of shoot tips m the tuber- bearing Solanum species, 315

Cucumber, hypocotyls, on galactose and galactose-contammg ohgosacchandes, growth of callus initiated from, 333

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Cytokmln, activity, of Y-type bases isolated from phenylalanlne SpeCific tRNA, 387

Dehydrogenase, glucose-6-phosphate, an early marker of floral mduchon m shoot apices of Spmac~a oleracea, 109

--, malate, NADH, activity m celery leaves during maturation and sene- sence, effects of salts on, 239

Dlphosphatase, nucleoside, properties in purified membrane fractions from maize coleoptfies, 379

DNA, ribosomal, changes, mduchon m flax, 213

--, hposome-medlated transfer to carrot protoplasts, 347

Embryo, apple axes, starch statohth in- volvement m growth and geotroplc reaction of, 167

Embryogenesls, effects on, triplold plants from endosperm cultures of sandal- wood by, 63

Endopephdase, from the primary leaf of barley seedlings, hydrolysis of [ ~ 4C ]- rlbulose -1,5 -blsphosphate carboxylase by, 251

Endosperm, callus, cultures, of sandal- wood, effects of embryogenesls on trlplold plants from, 63

Eucalyptus cztr~odora, hook, by tmsue culture, clonal propagahon of mature trees of, 195

Euglena, absence of photo and nutri t ional regulation of two glycolate pathway enzymes m, 133

Flax, reduction of ribosomal DNA changes m, 213

Galactose, growth of callus lmtlated from cucumber hypocotyls on, 333

Glucose-6-phosphate, dehydrogenase, an early marker of floral reduction m shoot apices of Spmac~a oleracea, 109

Glutamme, synthetase Identification m field bean, 273

Grass, napier, Penn~setum purpureum, regeneration of plants from callus cultures of, 343

Haploid, production through m vitro culture of anthers and stem lnternodes

m a self-incompatible mterspeclflc hybrid between L ycoperslcon esculen- turn and Lycoperszcon peruwanum, 157

Hybrid, F~, RNA and protein synthesis during germination process of, 7

Hydrocarbon, sesqulterpene, m vlvo for- matlon m the endoplasmlc retlculum of pine, 79

Indoleacetlc acid, transport, m Scrofular~a arguta and Lycoperslcum esculentum, existence of a fast component of, 355

K ÷, exchange, kinetics m Porphyra pur- purea, 281

--, uptake, m maize root segments, dif- ference between washing- and FC- induced, 175

Leaf, chlorophyll a fluorescence transient as an indicator of water potential of, 191

Leghemoglobm, reduction by a nodule reductase, 1

Lemnapauczcostata, 6612, occurrence and reversal of a condlhon that prevents utilization m, 325

Lycoperswum esculentum, existence of a fast component of IAA transport m, 365

Maize, coleoptlles, properhes of nucleo- side diphosphatases in purified mem- brane fractions from, 379

--, F~, hybrid, RNA and protein synthesis during germination process and paren- tal inbred lines of, 7

--, root, segments, difference between washing- and FC-mduced K + uptake m, 175

Malate, D-inhibition of m VlVO dark anaerobic mtrate reduction by, 219

--, NADH, dehydrogenase, activity m celery leaves during maturation and senescence, effects of salts on, 239

Malonate, inhibition of m vlvo dark anaerobic nitrate reduction by, 219

Manmtol, ~"C, autoradlography and pene- tration into Cosmarmm botryt~s cells and protoplasts, 371

Moss, development from isolated and regenerated protoplasts, 183

NADH, malate, dehydrogenase, activity

Page 3: Subject index volume 20(1980/81)

m celery leaves during maturat ion and senescence, effects of salts on, 239

Nwot~ana sylvestns, haploid and diploid, evaluahon of parameters affecting the mitmtlon of dlwsion of protoplasts of, 35

NIcotmna tabacum, haploid and diploid, evaluation of parameters affecting the initiation of dlvlSlOn of protoplasts of, 35

Nitrate, reductase, activity by ammonmm in wheat, regulation of, 305

Nitrate, utflmatlon, m Lemna pauc~costata 6612, occurrence and reversal of a condit ion of inhibition, 325

Oc~mum tenuzflorum, germinationn of photoblastic seeds of, 263

Ohgosaccharldes, galactose-contalnmg, growth of, callus Initiated from cu- cumber hypocotyls on, 333

Osmunda regalls, effect of ammonia and light/dark transitions on the level of glutamme synthetase activity m, 125

Oxygen, stress, production of organic acids m P~sum satwum root nodules as a result of, 115

Pea, root, merlstem cells, 'stress' protein synthesis In, 141

Perox~dase, role in cotton resistant to bacterml bhght, 47

Phe-tRNA, synthetase, from soybean cotyledon, purlficahon and some properties of, 99

Pine, in VlVO formation of sesqmterpene hydrocarbons m the endoplasmlc retl- culum of, 79

Ptsum satwum, roots, nodules, as a result of oxygen stress, production of orgamc acids in, 115

Protein, synthesm, stress, m pea root mermtem cells, 141

Porphyrapurpurea, kinetics of Rb + and K + exchange m, 281

Protein, synthesis, during germination process of FI hybrid and its parental inbred lines of maize, 7

Protoplasts, autoradiography of penetra- tion of [~4C]manmtol into, 371

--, carrot, hposome-medmted transfer of DNA to, 347

--, haploid and diploid, Nlcot~ana sylves-


trls, and Nwottana tabacum, evaluahon of parameters affecting the mitmtlon of dlvmlon of, 35

--, molated and regenerated development of moss plants from, 183

--, of selected regen S clones, regenerahon of alfalfa plants from, 297

Rb ~, exchange, kmehcs m Porphyra purpurea, 281

Reductase, nodule, leghemoglobln reduc- tion by, i

Retlculum, endoplasmlc, of pine, m VlVO formation of sesqulterpene hydrocar- bons in, 79

Rlbulose-l,5-bmphosphate, carboxylase, ~4C, hydrolysm by an endopeptldase from the prlmary leaf of barley seed- hngs, 251

Rice, haplold, plantlets Induction by ovary culture, 231

RNA, synthems, during germination pro- cess of F~ hybrid and its parental inbred lines of maize, 7

Saccharum, cells, suspenslon, effect of cell mampulatlons of transport studies with, 203

Sandalwood, effects of embryogenesls on triplold plants from endosperm cultures of, 63

ScrofularIa arguta, existence of a fast component of IAA transport In, 355

Sesquiterpene, hydrocarbons, in VlVO formation m the endoplasmlc retwulum of pine, 79

Solanum etuberosum, tuber-bearing, a model for studying the cryobiology of shoot-tips m, 315

Soybean, cotyledon, germinating, purifi- cation and characterization of elonga- t ion factor-2 from, 19

, , purification and some properhes of Phe-tRNA synthetase from, 99

--, leaf, discs, interference of amino acids with the uptake of 1-amlnocyclopro- pane-l-carboxyhc acid m, 365

Spinach, comparison of the nucleotide sequences of chloroplast tRNAs Phe and tRNA Leu from, 57

Sp~nacta oleracea, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase as an early marker of floral induction in shoot apices of, 109

Succlnate, inhibition of in VlVO dark

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anaerobic nitrate reduchon by, 219 Synthetese, glutamme, activity m Osmun-

da regahs, effect of ammoma and hght/ dark transit ions on the level of, 125

Synthetase, glutamine, identif icat ion m field bean, 273

Tissue, culture, celery Asulam resmtance m, 291

Tissue, culture, clonal propagat ion of mature trees of Eucalyptus c~trzodora hook by, 195

Tobacco, callus growth, effects of 4- a lkylaminoptendines on, 15

Tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum and

Lycoperswon peruwanum, plant re- generahon from m vitro cultures of anthers and stem mternodas m an mterspeclflc hybrid in, 157

tRNAL3 eu , chloroplast , from spinach and bean, comparison of the nucleotlde sequences of, 57

tRNAs Phe, chloroplast , from spinach and bean, comparison of the nucleotide sequences of, 57

Wheat, chloroplast, under water stress, glycolipid changes m, 225

- , regulahon of mtra te reductase achvlty by ammonium in, 305