IAWA Bulletin n.s ., Vol. 11 (4), 1990: 379-391 STRUCTURE OF WOOD AND CAMBIAL VARIANf INTHE STEM OF DALBERGIA PANICULATA ROXB. by M. N. B. Nair and H. Y. Mohan Ram Department of Botany, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007, India. Summary The wood of Dalbergia paniculata is unique as it consists of concentric layers of broad xylem, alternating with bands of nar- row phloem. This anomaly results from the periodic formation of successive cambia in the secondary phloem. Some phloem paren- chyma cells dedifferentiate to form a discon- tinuous ring of cambium. Such parenchyma cells have higher succinate dehydrogenase activity than the neighbouring cells of sec- ondary phloem. The newly differentiated cambial layer functions bidirectionally, and its products give rise to xylem internally and phloem externally. The phloem along with cambium present internal to the newly form- ed xylem becomes included. The wood is diffuse-porous and the inter- vessel pits are vestured. The phloem has well- differentiated sieve tube members and com- panion cells. Key words: Cambial variant, successive bi- directional cambia, vestured pits, included phloem. Introduction Wood produced by over a dozen species of Dalbergia is commercially sold by the gen- eral name rosewood and is highly valuable (Anonymus 1979). However, the wood of Dalbergia paniculata is unfit for use. The plant is widely distributed throughout south- em, central and western India. It also extends northwards to the Siwaliks. The tree is erect and can attain a height of up to 20 m. The bark is smooth and greenish white. Among Dalbergia species the stem structure of D. paniculata is quite unusual. Gamble (1902), Brandis (1906) and Rao and Purkayastha (1972) reported that in this species broad concentric masses of wood alternate with narrow layers of soft tissue. These authors observed that planks cut from the old trees often disintegrate due to separation in the region of soft layers. Hill (1901) examined cross sections of a dried trunk of Dalbergia paniculata and noted that the narrow soft layer in wood was phloem, with well-dif- ferentiated sieve tubes and a certain amount of cambium. He was unable to study the exact mode of development of the anomaly because the material available to him was dry. As far as we are aware, there is no detailed anatomical study of the wood of this species. A few reports (Anonymus 1952; Thothathri 1987) indicate that the wood of D. paniculata is used as firewood, for construction of houses and in the manufacture of musical instruments. However, the latter uses seem most unlikely. Thothathri (1987) is of the opinion that D. paniculata cannot be con- sidered as a separate species. He has merged it with D./anceolaria and has given it the rank of a subspecies. The objective of our work w.as to examine the structure of the wood, trace the function of the cambial variant, production of phloem, and its inclusion in the wood. Materials and Methods Material for study was collected from Dangs forest of Gujarat State, India. Wood samples were taken from branches (1 to 25 cm in diameter) and the main trunk (45 cm in diameter) from different felling sites. They were fixed immediately in FAA (formalin: acetic acid: 50% ethanol; 1: 1 : 9) and sec- tioned on a sliding microtome, stained in 0.05% toluidine blue 0 in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.8 (O'Brien et al. 1964), safra- nin 0 and fast green FCF (Sass 1958). Downloaded from Brill.com03/28/2022 06:56:00PM via free access


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IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 11 (4), 1990: 379-391
M. N. B. Nair and H. Y. Mohan Ram Department of Botany, University of Delhi, Delhi 110 007, India.
Summary The wood of Dalbergia paniculata is
unique as it consists of concentric layers of broad xylem, alternating with bands of nar­ row phloem. This anomaly results from the periodic formation of successive cambia in the secondary phloem. Some phloem paren­ chyma cells dedifferentiate to form a discon­ tinuous ring of cambium. Such parenchyma cells have higher succinate dehydrogenase activity than the neighbouring cells of sec­ ondary phloem. The newly differentiated cambial layer functions bidirectionally, and its products give rise to xylem internally and phloem externally. The phloem along with cambium present internal to the newly form­ ed xylem becomes included.
The wood is diffuse-porous and the inter­ vessel pits are vestured. The phloem has well­ differentiated sieve tube members and com­ panion cells. Key words: Cambial variant, successive bi­
directional cambia, vestured pits, included phloem.
Introduction Wood produced by over a dozen species
of Dalbergia is commercially sold by the gen­ eral name rosewood and is highly valuable (Anonymus 1979). However, the wood of Dalbergia paniculata is unfit for use. The plant is widely distributed throughout south­ em, central and western India. It also extends northwards to the Siwaliks. The tree is erect and can attain a height of up to 20 m. The bark is smooth and greenish white. Among Dalbergia species the stem structure of D. paniculata is quite unusual. Gamble (1902), Brandis (1906) and Rao and Purkayastha (1972) reported that in this species broad concentric masses of wood alternate with
narrow layers of soft tissue. These authors observed that planks cut from the old trees often disintegrate due to separation in the region of soft layers. Hill (1901) examined cross sections of a dried trunk of Dalbergia paniculata and noted that the narrow soft layer in wood was phloem, with well-dif­ ferentiated sieve tubes and a certain amount of cambium. He was unable to study the exact mode of development of the anomaly because the material available to him was dry. As far as we are aware, there is no detailed anatomical study of the wood of this species. A few reports (Anonymus 1952; Thothathri 1987) indicate that the wood of D. paniculata is used as firewood, for construction of houses and in the manufacture of musical instruments. However, the latter uses seem most unlikely. Thothathri (1987) is of the opinion that D. paniculata cannot be con­ sidered as a separate species. He has merged it with D./anceolaria and has given it the rank of a subspecies. The objective of our work w.as to examine the structure of the wood, trace the function of the cambial variant, production of phloem, and its inclusion in the wood.
Materials and Methods Material for study was collected from
Dangs forest of Gujarat State, India. Wood samples were taken from branches (1 to 25 cm in diameter) and the main trunk (45 cm in diameter) from different felling sites. They were fixed immediately in FAA (formalin: acetic acid: 50% ethanol; 1: 1 : 9) and sec­ tioned on a sliding microtome, stained in 0.05% toluidine blue 0 in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.8 (O'Brien et al. 1964), safra­ nin 0 and fast green FCF (Sass 1958).
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380 IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 11 (4), 1990
Table 1. Wood characteristics of Dalbergia paniculata.
Vessel member length (11m)
Vessel member diameter <11m)
Thickness of the bark at the time of initiation of first successive cambium 2.83+ 0.30
Distance from the normal cambium where the phloem cells first dedifferentiate into cambium (mm) 0.85+ 0.16
* = mean of 100 readings; + = mean of 25 readings.
A few samples were also fixed in parafor­ maldehyde-glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M caco­ dylate buffer pH 7.1 for one hour at room temperature (20-25°C). The blocks were trimmed to 2 mm 3, gently aspirated and again left in the fresh fixative for 4 hr in a refrigerator (4 ± 1°C). The samples were washed in the same buffer five times at 10 minute intervals. Post-fixation was done in 2% osmium tetroxide in 0.1 M cacodylate buffer pH 7.1 for 10-12 hr at 4 ± 1°C. After five washes in the same buffer, the materials were stained in 2% aqueous uranyl acetate for 30 minutes. After dehydration in acetone series, infiltration and embedding were car­ ried out in Spurr's low viscosity embedding medium (Spurr 1969). Sections of I-211m thickness were cut on a JB4 Dupont micro­ tome using glass knives. The sections were spread on 10% acetone, fixed on the slides by heating to 60-80°C over a hot plate and stained with methylene blue-azur II, basic
fuchsin (Humphrey & Pittmann 1974) and toluidine blue 0 (O'Brien & McCully 1981). Materials were prepared for scanning electron microscopy as described earlier (Nair 1987).
For localisation of enzymes, 10 cm long pieces of logs were sealed in polythene bags immediately after cutting and transported in a flask containing ice to the laboratory. Fresh sections were cut on a sliding microtome, and were collected in cold 0.1 M phosphate buffer, pH 7.6 for succinate dehydrogenase (E.C. activity and in 0.1 M acetate buffer pH 4.5 for acid phosphatase (E. C. activity according to the methods suggested by Bancroft (1975). Controls for enzyme reaction were maintained by incubat­ ing the sections after boiling them in distilled water for 5 minutes or by avoiding the sub­ strate in the incubating medium.
Measurements of wood elements were made in the sections as well as from macer­ ated materials. Vulnerability (mean vessel
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Nair & Mohan Ram - Cambial variant in Dalbergia paniculata 381
member diameter divided by mean vessel frequency) and mesomorphy indices (vul­ nerability multiplied with mean vessel length) were calculated according to Carlquist (1977).
Results The wood is pale yellowish white and
heartwood is absent. Broad concentric bands of wood alternate with the narrow layers of soft tissue (Figs. 1, 28d). The dimensions of vessel members and other wood characteris­ tics are given in Table 1. The wood is diffuse­ porous (Figs. 1, 2). Axial parenchyma is paratracheal banded (Figs. 1-3). Rays are uniseriate to multi seriate (Fig. 4), mostly ho­ mocellular and rarely heterocellular (Fig. 5). Vessels are solitary, in radial multiple or rare­ ly in clusters (Figs. 1, 2). The perforation plates are transverse to oblique (Fig. 6) and simple (Fig. 7). There is a negative correla­ tion between vessel member length and ves­ sel member diameter (Fig. 29).
Legends of Figures 1-22:
The inteIVessel pits are bordered, alternate and vestured (Fig. 8). They belong to type 2i recognised by Nair and Mohan Ram (1989). Large vestures are present on the margin of the outer pit apertures, whereas small ves­ tures are seen towards the pit annulus (Fig. 8). Vestures are present in the inner pit aper­ tures also (Fig. 9). However, they are absent in the parenchyma cells and fibres. Occa­ sionally tyloses are obselVed in the vessels (Fig. 11).
The contact cells (parenchyma cells con­ tiguous with vessels) may also have bordered pits on the wall facing the vessel member (Fig. 10). Certain axial parenchyma cells and fibres are chambered and have large crystals in each chamber (Fig. 12).
Anomalous stem structure The wood contains wavy and anastomos­
ing layers of phloem tissue (Figs. 1, 13, 14, 28d). Each ring of phloem is accompanied by
(text continued on page 386)
Fig. 1. Stem portion showing included phloem, x 70. PH = phloem. - Fig. 2. CS of wood, x 70. - Fig. 3. Magnified views of CS of wood, x 130. - Fig. 4. TLS of wood showing uniseriate to multiseriate rays, x 210.
Fig. 5. RLS of wood showing heterocellular rays, x 210. - Fig. 6. TLS showing vessel with extractives, x 110. VL = vessel- Fig. 7. Vessel member with simple perforation plate, x 190. PP = perforation plate. - Fig. 8. SEM showing vestured inteIVessel pits as viewed from outer surface of the vessel, x 2700. - Fig. 9. SEM of inner pit aperture with vestures as viewed from inside the vessel, x 3000. V = vestures. - Fig. 10. Contact cells with half-bordered pits, x 380. - Fig. 11. CS of wood showing tyloses in the vessel, x 210. T = tyloses. - Fig. 12. TLS of wood showing crystals in axial parenchyma and fibre (arrows), x 380.
Fig. 13. CS of stem showing interconnected included phloem layers, x 70. - Fig. 14. CS of stem showing disorganised growth pattern in wood, x 70. - Fig. 15. CS of wood with a portion of included phloem, x 80. - Fig. 16. Cambium associated with the included phloem, x 250. - Fig. 17. CS of phloem showing sieve plate and protein (at arrow), x 510. - PH = phloem; SP = sieve plate.
Figs. 18-20. CS of bark showing dedifferentiation of phloem parenchyma cells into cambium (arrows). - 18: x 140; 19: x 280; 20: x 210. PH = phloem. - Fig. 21. The dedifferentiating cells showing higher SDH activity as compared to neighbouring phloem parenchyma cells (Fig. 22), x 580. - Fig. 22. Phloem parenchyma cells with low SDH activity, x 580.
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384 IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 11 (4), 1990
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386 IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 11 1990
Figs. 23-25. CS of wood showing differentiation of xylem internally and phloem externally, from the cambium developed in the secondary phloem. - 23: x 120; 24: x 130; 25: x 70. PH = phloem; VL = vessels; XY = xylem. -- Fig. 26. CS of wood showing pith flecks, x 110. - Fig. 27. LS of pith flecks in the wood, x 230. - PF = pith flecks.
cambium internally (Figs. 15, 16). The pres­ ence of crushed cells along the periphery of four to six outer rings of included phloem indicate that the cambia accompanying them are active. Concentric rings of sclerenchyma,
interrupted by rays, alternate with the other phloem elements. The phloem consists of well-differentiated sieve elements with sieve plates (Fig. 17) and companion cells. The ini­ tial secondary growth of the vascular tissue
386 IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 11 (4), 1990
Figs. 23-25. CS of wood showing differentiation of xylem internally and phloem externally, from the cambium developed in the secondary phloem. - 23: x 120; 24: x 130; 25: x 70. PH = phloem; VL = vessels; XY = xylem. -- Fig. 26. CS of wood showing pith flecks, x 110. - Fig. 27. LS of pith flecks in the wood, x 230. - PF = pith flecks.
cambium internally (Figs. 15, 16). The pres­ ence of crushed cells along the periphery of four to six outer rings of included phloem indicate that the cambia accompanying them are active. Concentric rings of sclerenchyma,
interrupted by rays, alternate with the other phloem elements. The phloem consists of well-differentiated sieve elements with sieve plates (Fig. 17) and companion cells. The ini­ tial secondary growth of the vascular tissue
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Nair & Mohan Ram - Cambial variant in Dalbergia paniculata 387
in Da/bergia panicu/ata is normal. However, the concentric layers of phloem and xylem are developed by the activity of successive layers of cambium formed in the secondary phloem. The initiation of cambium is first observed at certain loci in the secondary phloem in branches when their diameter reaches 2-3 cm.
Phloem parenchyma cells located about 850 Ilm away from the cambium start divid­ ing periclinally to form files of cells simu­ lating the cambium (Figs. 18-20). These cells show higher succinate dehydrogemise activity (Fig. 21) than the neighbouring secondary phloem cells (Fig. 22). The dedif­ ferentiation of parenchyma cells extends tan­ gentially so that a discontinuous cambial ring is formed (Figs. 20, 28a). This newly form­ ed cambium is bidirectional and produces phloem externally and xylem internally (Figs. 23-25, 28b-d). Thus the phloem present internal to the newly formed xylem becomes included between the xylem layers (Figs. 23-25, 28c, d). The differentiating cambial derivatives indicate a higher acid phospha­ tase activity than the neighbouring phloem parenchyma cells.
Fig. 28. Diagrammatic represen­ tation of initiation and func­ tioning of successive cambia resulting in the formation of con­ centric layers of phloem alter­ nating with xylem. CA = cam­ bium; PH = phloem; X = xylem.
388 IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 11 (4), 1990
lS0--t •
~ • • 100 • • ,
• :.s · , .. • .... SO • • • .8 • • .. .... • • E • .' . • • ... E 60 • • • -'0 r = - 0·5207 • ell
40 - • •• ell II) • e\. • ;.- p (%) = < 0 ·1 . " . •
20 <P = 100 .,. ..
0 I 0 20 40 60 SO 100 120 140 160 180 200
vessel member length in Jlrn
Fig. 29. Scatter diagram showing negative correlation between vessel member length and vessel member diameter.
The newly formed cambial cylinder may be discontinuous because contiguous second­ ary phloem cells do not invariably become meristematic. Consequently the inner and outer phloem layers become connected by patches of secondary phloem (Fig. 13). In such regions reorientation and readjustments of cells occur during the increase in stem girth (Fig. 14). Irregular patches of paren­ chyma generally known as pith flecks are also found in the wood (Figs. 26, 27).
Discussion Several modes of cambial variants (ano­
malous secondary thickenings) have been reported in dicotyledonous stems and roots (Solereder 1908; Davis 1961; Balfour 1965; Philipson & Ward 1965; Studholme & Phi­ lipson 1966; Basson & Bierhorst 1967; Esau & Cheadle 1969; Dobbins 1971, 1981; Wheat 1977; Mikesell 1979; Zamski 1979; Bailey 1980. Carlquist 1988). The origin and func­ tion of cambial variants (anomalous cam-
bium) have been shown to vary in different species. Esau and Cheadle (1969) traced the anomalous secondary growth in Bougain­ villea to bidirectionally active cambium pro­ duced from the oldest phloem cells. Cambial variants are frequently reported in lianas (Met­ calfe & Chalk 1983; Wheeler et al. 1989). The term 'anomalous' is considered as a mis­ nomer as the included phloem and other cam­ bial variants are of regular occurrence in the taxa in which they are found (Wheeler et al. 1989). Carlquist (1988) has recognised three major types of cambial variants: 1) successive cambia; 2) a single cambium which produces interxylary phloem and xylem internally; 3) "cambia that begin as single (or in a few cases, multiple and simultaneous) nor­ mal cambia that produce phloem externally and xylem internally and have or develop a conformation other than cylindrical."
The alternating layers of xylem and phloem produced by successive cambia have been referred to as concentric type of 'included
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Nair & Mohan Ram - Cambial variant in Dalbergia paniculata 389
phloem' or 'interxylary phloem' (Esau 1979; Metcalfe & Chalk 1983; Wheeler et al. 1989). Mikesell and Popham (1976) and Carlquist (1988) suggested to restrict these terms (in­ cluded phloem and interxylary phloem) to those situations in which a single (normal) cambium alternately produces xylem and phloem internally. We have used the term 'included phloem' in the present study with reservation as each phloem layer is included between the cambium from which it is pro­ duced and the xylem formed from the next cambium. The classification of cambial vari­ ants is debatable as it is generally based on topography rather than ontogeny.
Generally in plants characterised by the presence of successive cambia, the primary thickening meristem is formed from cortical parenchyma (Carlquist 1988). The further development of cambia is from the unligni­ fied parenchyma produced externally by the primary thickening meristem (Carlquist 1988). In the Papilionoideae the anomalous cambium is generally produced from the un­ lignified cortical parenchyma and pericycle (Solereder 1908). The successive cambia in Dalbergia paniculata are formed by dediffer­ entiation of phloem parenchyma cells and not from the cortical parenchyma. Each cambium functions normally, producing phloem exter­ nally and xylem internally.
Cambial variants may have arisen at dif­ ferent stages in evolution for attaining woodi­ ness (Metcalfe & Chalk 1983). Usually spe­ cies with winged or grooved stems produce cortical vascular bundles. The interxylary phloem in Strychnos is believed to have orig­ inated from ancestors with successive cambia (Joshi 1931). Joshi (1937) proposed that the occurrence of secondary thickening by suc­ cessive cambia in the Amaranthaceae and Chenopodiaceae is an ancestral character but that this feature has been lost in some species. Carlquist (1988) has suggested that succes­ sive cambia and interxylary phloem have originated independently.
There are 45 species of Dalbergia in Bang­ ladesh, Burma, China, India, Malaysia, Paki­ stan, Sri Lanka and Vietnam (Thothathri 1987). Wood structure of nine trees and five climbers/shrubs have been described by Gamble (1902). The structure of wood has
been described in six timber species by Pear­ son and Brown (1932). But only Gamble (1902) and Rao and Purkayastha (1972) noted anomalous structure in Dalbergia paniculata. Hill (1901) proposed that D. paniculata might have evolved from a liana and consequently inherited and retained the anomaly. It is necessary to investigate the stem structure of all the Dalbergia species to understand the precise affinities of the species and to draw phylogenetic conclu­ sions.
Fahn and Shchori (1967) have suggested that successive anastomosing layers of xylem and included phloem are of adaptive value in perennial desert plants. Dobbins and Fisher (1986) have suggested that the living tissue within the xylem is advantageous to lianas because it helps rapid and vigorous regener­ ation following wounding and girdling. Ano­ malies such as multiple vascular cylinders, convoluted or disjunct cambia, supernumer­ ary cambia, wide rays, and abundant xylem parenchyma provide a structurally efficient system for wound healing as the stems of lianas are under high risk to bark injury, vas­ cular interruption and girdling.
Carlquist (1988) has attempted to correlate cambial anomalies with habit and ecology. He has suggested that the products of succes­ sive cambia may provide channels for supply of photosynthates to storage structures. In the family Onagraceae a few species that have interxylary phloem show sudden flowering events (Carlquist 1988). It is presumed that to aid rapid formation of flowers and fruits interxylary phloem provides many distribu­ tion channels for efficient transport of photo­ synthates. It is also advantageous to plants if the vascular tissues remain functional over a period of years (Carlquist 1988). In Dalber­ gia paniculata alternating layers of phloem produced by successive cambia remain func­ tional as the cambium accompanying them also retains its activity.
Carlquist (1977, 1980, 1985, 1988) has proposed that low vulnerability and meso­ morphy values indicate xeromorphic wood with a capacity to resist water stress in the vessels. In Dalbergia paniculata these values are very high (see Table 1), suggesting their mesomorphic habitat. The relative importance
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of negative correlation between vessel mem­ ber length and vessel member diameter in the conduction of water remains to be assessed cri ticall y.
Dalbergia paniculata has been treated as a distinct species in Indian and Burmese floras. In his recent taxonomic revision of the tribe Dalbergieae of the Indian subcontinent, Tho­ thathri (1987) has concluded that D. panicu­ lata cannot stand as a distinct species on ac­ count of its similarity with D. lanceolaria. He considers D. paniculata as a subspecies of D. lanceolaria. Thothathri (1987) has also stated that D. nigrescens described from Burma is con specific with D. paniculata and hence a synonym of D. paniculata.
Anomalous structure is always of diag­ nostic value because of its restricted occur­ rence (Metcalfe & Chalk 1983). Several ex­ amples have been cited by Carlquist (1988) to indicate that the presence of successive cambia is a significant criterion in systemat­ ics. Absence of successive cambia was one of the reasons for separating Bataceae from the Chenopodiaceae (Carlquist 1978, 1988). Occurrence of successive cambia lead to the removal of Simmondsia from the Buxaceae (Bailey 1980; Cariquist 1982) and Avicennia from the Verbenaceae (Studholme & Philip­ son 1966; Zamski 1979).
The stem structure is markedly different in D. paniculata and D. lanceolaria. Dalbergia paniculata is characterised by concentric rings of 'included phloem' in the wood, whereas D. lanceolaria does not show this feature. According to Gamble (1902) the wood of D. nigrescens has normal structure.
In our view an important character such as anomalous stem structure should be taken into consideration for taxonomic delimitation. We therefore propose that D. paniculata be retained as a separate species and not be merged with D.lanceolaria.
Acknowledgements This study was supported by the Univer­
sity Grants Commission, New Delhi. The access to the scanning electron microscope provided by the Regional Electron Micro­ scope Facility, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, is gratefully acknowl­ edged.
IAWA Bulletin n.s., Vol. 11 1990
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