Life under the Limbo Bar | 2018 Inspiring Minds Consulting Ltd. (www.imind.ca) 1 Stress control secrets that can help you thrive and get back in balance right now! Seminar Overview The limbo game of life can affect us. It is easy to keep things in perspective when the limbo bar is high in the air— life coasting along smoothly and without hazard, not too many decisions to be made, minimal demands, no one agitating or making us crazy. But what happens when the bar gets lower and requires more tactical maneuvering than we’re used to; when our effortless existence and well-laid plans start to go awry? Fortunately, it is when we are standing hip-deep in life crises that we realize we can often bend more than we ever dreamed we could. These defining moments show us how to tap into the resilience we need to maintain our balance as we navigate life’s challenges and scoot below the proverbial limbo bar. When we slow down and relax our standards, we soon find that we have quite a lot of balance and flexibility within us, no matter how low the bar goes. Meet the Facilitator One of the leading language and persuasion mavens, Faith Wood is an award-winning novelist as well as a communication and conflict consultant. Her captivating style of keynotes and workshop trainings have compelled audiences to “wake up and act” for the better part of 13 years. A former Peace Officer, Faith has front line experience with the impact of stress and pressure. Weaving expert story telling with her insights from neuroscience and hypnotic suggestion, her stress management techniques are profoundly powerful. She is a certified professional speaker who has captivated audiences with her pragmatic and entertaining presentation style. She is not to be missed. Faith is back with IIMC by popular request. Visit her at www.faithwood.com or www.imind.ca

Stress control secrets that can help you thrive and get ... under the Limbo Bar | 2018 Inspiring Minds Consulting Ltd. () 1 Stress control secrets that can help you thrive and get

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Life under the Limbo Bar |

2018 Inspiring Minds Consulting Ltd. (www.imind.ca)


Stress control secrets that can help you thrive and get back in balance

right now!

Seminar Overview

The limbo game of life can affect us. It is easy to keep things in perspective when the limbo bar is high in the air—life coasting along smoothly and without hazard, not too many

decisions to be made, minimal demands, no one agitating or making us crazy. But what happens when the bar gets lower and requires more tactical maneuvering than we’re used to; when our effortless existence and well-laid plans start to go awry?

Fortunately, it is when we are standing hip-deep in life crises that we realize we can often

bend more than we ever dreamed we could. These defining moments show us how to tap into the resilience we need to maintain our balance as we navigate life’s challenges and scoot below the proverbial limbo bar. When we slow down and relax our standards, we soon find that we have quite a lot of balance and flexibility within us, no matter how low the bar goes.

Meet the Facilitator

One of the leading language and persuasion mavens, Faith Wood is an award-winning novelist as well as a communication and conflict consultant. Her captivating style of keynotes and workshop trainings have compelled audiences to “wake up and act” for the better part of 13 years. A former Peace Officer, Faith has front line experience with the impact of stress and pressure. Weaving expert story telling with her insights from neuroscience and hypnotic suggestion, her stress management techniques are profoundly powerful. She is a certified professional speaker who has captivated audiences with her pragmatic and entertaining presentation style. She is not to be missed. Faith is back with IIMC by popular request. Visit her at www.faithwood.com or www.imind.ca

Life under the Limbo Bar |

2018 Inspiring Minds Consulting Ltd. (www.imind.ca)


With Perspective in Mind

How you think affects how you feel; and how you feel affects your decisions, actions, and performances. To master your emotions then, you want to master your thinking. Our mind and body are part of the same cybernetic system. Changing your state of mind will lead to changes in your physiology. Changing your physiology will lead to a change in state. It's been wisely said that the trouble with positive thinking is that you have to think about it! You don't want to have to try to be positive; you don't want to have to try to feel confident and relaxed. You want it to be an automatic and unconscious skill you can call upon in an instant! Top 2 tips I want to remember about my nonverbal intelligence:

1. _______________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________

10 Short Term Stress Busters

1. Look at your lifestyle and notice what can be adjusted -- in your work situation, your family situation, or your schedule. Be prepared to be flexible and talk to yourself in positive ways.

2. BREATHE! The more stressed we feel, the more likely we are to take shallow breaths. Make it a habit to check your breathing when you are feeling stressed.

3. MOVE! Stress builds and muscles tighten. So what do we do? We keep right on sitting at our desk working. The best option is to get up, move around. Climb some stairs, go talk to your colleague instead of sending an e-mail, walk to lunch instead of eating at your desk.

4. CHUNK IT DOWN - Tackle one thing at a time and schedule several hours for each project of importance (including your social/play time). Protect each block with equal ferociousness.

5. Work off anger & frustration - Get physically active, shovel snow, dig in the garden, dance, lift weights – you get the idea!

6. SEEK balance instead of perfection. Ask yourself where your priorities are focused right now?

7. Mind your habits of thought – reframe your perspectives and start asking different questions. Make the first move to be confident and friendly (or at least look like you are). Avoid being so competitive and thinking that you must be right!

Life under the Limbo Bar |

2018 Inspiring Minds Consulting Ltd. (www.imind.ca)


8. Put yourself First! Lighten up - have some fun!! Laugh – read a great book – make time for rest.

9. Choose to participate in a supportive community of others. Hang out with positive, happy people.

10. Get Away from it all! Mini-holidays are a perfect chance to reset your life balance scales again. Schedule a retreat for yourself (at minimum) every 90 days.

Additional points I simply didn’t want to forget!

Life under the Limbo Bar |

2018 Inspiring Minds Consulting Ltd. (www.imind.ca)


Time was too short – how can I get more Faithisms!

She talks too fast – I was laughing and missed some of the great stuff that my colleagues are mentioning or I simply fell asleep – now what? Well…. Real change in the world starts with us and sometimes we need more time to consider our options before we leap into a new thought or behavior. Faith has a few options to help you with reframing your perspective with continuous strategies:

1. Free Ezine – delivered to you without spam and without risk of her sharing your email with anyone else. No, she wont send it out more than twice a month (and frankly usually only once). Not a sales letter, but real content – articles written for real publications featured every month on the topic of “Why do people do that?” (or some facsimile thereof) YES YES YES! Send her your Email address. ([email protected])

2. Books, Ebooks and Whitepapers. Visit her online store at: www.imind.ca/store to see the list of her amazing resources.

3. Hire – Recommend- Refer! Altering one’s perspective takes time to master. Support, encouragement and consistency are a big part of that process. Faith provides consulting, coaching and mentoring to help you produce sustainable and measurable results – personally and professionally.

Thank you for being great sports and for allowing Faith Wood to tax and entertain your brains today!

Our business grows from kind referrals, so if you found this presentation even

remotely helpful (or even simply interesting or enjoyable), please send a quick testimonial ([email protected])

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Faith speak? Please share their name and contact information with us so we can contact them or invite them to check us out directly!