Thursday, November 18, 2010 1:30 p.m. Agenda Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Streets and Freeways Subcommittee Windsor Conference Room, 15 th Floor 1. Call to Order Action (Bahman Janka) 1 min 2. Approval of Minutes Action (Subcommittee) Attachment 1: Draft October 21, 2010 Minutes Attachment 2: Sign in Sheet/Attendance Sheet Attachment 3: 90-Day Rolling Agenda 1 min 3. Chairperson Report Information (Bahman Janka) 5 min 4. Metro Report Information (Fulgene Asuncion) 10 min 5. Caltrans Report Information (Kirk Cessna) 10 min 6. 2011 Federal and State Legislative Program/Update Information (Michael Turner, 20 min Raffi Hamparian, Marisa Valdez Yeager) 7. CTC Update Information (Patricia Chen) 10 min 8. I-710 South Corridor Project Information (Adrian Alvarez, 15 min Ernesto Chaves)

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Thursday, November 18, 2010 1:30 p.m.


Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Streets and Freeways Subcommittee

Windsor Conference Room, 15th Floor

1. Call to Order Action (Bahman Janka) 1 min 2. Approval of Minutes Action (Subcommittee) Attachment 1: Draft October 21, 2010 Minutes Attachment 2: Sign in Sheet/Attendance Sheet Attachment 3: 90-Day Rolling Agenda 1 min

3. Chairperson Report Information (Bahman Janka) 5 min 4. Metro Report Information (Fulgene Asuncion)

10 min

5. Caltrans Report Information (Kirk Cessna) 10 min

6. 2011 Federal and State Legislative Program/Update Information (Michael Turner,

20 min Raffi Hamparian, Marisa Valdez Yeager)

7. CTC Update Information (Patricia Chen)

10 min 8. I-710 South Corridor Project Information (Adrian Alvarez,

15 min Ernesto Chaves)

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9. I-5 Widening – Orange County Line to I-605 Status Report Information (Jon Grace) 10 min

10. New Business Discussion (Subcommittee) 5 min 11. Adjournment Action (Subcommittee) 1 min The next meeting of the Streets and Freeways Subcommittee will be held on January 20, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. on the 15th Floor, Windsor Conference Room. Please contact Fulgene Asuncion at (213) 922-3025 should you have any questions or comments regarding this or future agendas. Agendas can be accessed online at: http://www.metro.net/about_us/committees/sfs/sfs.htm

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Attachment 1

October 21, 2010 Streets and Freeways Meeting Minutes

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Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes October 21, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010 1:30 PM

Members & Alternates Present: Ramiro Adeva (M), Fulgene Asuncion (M), Kirk Cessna (M), Steve Forster (M), Sumi Gant (M), Pablo Gutierrez (ex-officio), Steve Huang (M), Ken Husting (M), Bahman Janka (Chair), Michelle Mowery (M), Sharon Perlstein (M), Cindy Pontes (M), Nicole Rizzo (M), Fred Zohrehvand (M). 1. Call to Order (Bahman Janka, Chair)

The meeting was called to order at 1:35 PM. 2. Approval of the September 16, 2010 Minutes (Subcommittee)

Sharon Perlstein (League of Cities, Westside Cities) made a motion to approve the September 16, 2010 minutes, which was seconded by Nicole Rizzo (North County Transportation Coalition). The minutes were approved with no abstentions or objections.

3. Chairperson Report (Bahman Janka, Chair) Mr. Janka did not report.

4. Metro Report (Fulgene Asuncion, Metro) Ms. Asuncion reported that during their September 23rd meeting, the Board approved on consent calendar:

o Mayor Villaraigosa’s motion to direct the Metro CEO to increase bicycle funding in the upcoming 2011 Call for Projects (CFP) from 7% to 15%, and report back no later than the December 2010 Board cycle;

o The motion by Supervisor Don Knabe, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Director Diane DuBois to direct the Metro CEO to analyze the Orange County Transportation Authority I-405 Widening High Occupancy Toll (HOT) lanes project and its impacts on LA County, and to report back during the November/December 2010 Board cycle;

o The California Air Resources Board (ARB) staff recommendation regarding the SB-375 final draft greenhouse gas emission (GHGe) reduction target of 8% for 2020 and 13% for 2035;

o Removing the condition that Metro and San Bernardino Associated Governments become members of the High Desert Corridor (HDC) Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors before entering into a Memorandum of Understanding for the HDC Project’s environmental clearance; and

Meeting Minutes Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Streets and Freeways Subcommittee

Windsor Conference Room, 15th Floor

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Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes, October 21, 2010


o Authorized the CEO to award and execute Contract No. PS4603-2582 for professional services to prepare a I-605 “Hot Spots” Feasibility Study to RBF Consulting, for an amount not to exceed $7,162,058.

5. Caltrans Report (Kirk Cessna, Caltrans)

Mr. Cessna reported that Caltrans has released the successful projects list for the Cycle 9 State-Legislated Safe Routes to School (SR2S) program. Caltrans District 7 has a total of 18 successful projects. Agencies with questions regarding application scores or to discuss how to create a more competitive application in future Cycles can contact Mr. Cessna at 213-897-0131 or Dale Benson (Caltrans) at 213-897-2934. Mr. Cessna reported that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) sent a letter to Caltrans requesting the elimination of “No Right-of-Way (ROW)” Certifications on federally assisted projects. In the past, Caltrans has given agencies the option to use a “No ROW” Certification; however, FHWA has reviewed several of these certifications where utility and railroad work was not properly coordinated, and therefore is requesting that Caltrans no longer use the “No ROW” Certification. Mr. Cessna reported that the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) applications are due December 9th. Agencies who missed previous training sessions can contact Mr. Benson with any questions. Due to delivery requirements, applications from agencies that are flagged for non-delivery on a previous project will not be processed.

6. Legislative Update (Michael Turner and Raffi Hamparian, Metro) State

Mr. Turner reported that the State finally produced a budget; however transit funds will still need to be restored for next year (such as Prop 1A, which the Governor line item vetoed). A provision was placed in this year’s budget which allocates $1 billion off the top of the State Highway Account (SHA) for the Doyle Drive project. The project, which is located in San Francisco, receives approximately $30 million annually from the SHA, which equates to about $5 million less for Los Angeles County highway projects.

Federal Mr. Hamparian reported that a number of grants have been announced recently. On October 20th the federal government formally announced a TIGER 2 grant for the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project for $546 million. There have been no individual appropriations bills so far this year, so there will likely be a continuing resolution in the lame duck session this November. The FY 11 Appropriations Bill will likely be set at the FY 10 funding level which will create an enormous amount of discretionary dollars at the disposal of the United States Department of Transportation. Steve Forster (League of Cities, Gateway Cities) asked if the Rescission Bill that was acted on by the House has gone through the Senate. Mr. Hamparian responded that he does not expect the Bill to go through the Senate. There will likely only be a small number of issues acted on in the lame duck session. Regarding transportation, there may be an extension of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFTEA-LU). Ms. Rizzo asked if Metro applied for TIGER 2 funds. Mr. Hamparian responded yes, Metro submitted applications for three projects: the SR-138 Capacity Enhancements

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Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes, October 21, 2010


project, the Exposition Corridor Phase 2 project and the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor project.

7. CTC Update (Patricia Chen, Metro)

Ms. Chen reported that a Working Group meeting will be held to discuss policies that encourage earlier obligation of federal funds. At the September CTC meeting, the point was made that surplus SHA funds stemming from excessive land sales should go back to the SHA and not the General Fund as is required by law. The matter will be brought before the Legislature at a future time. Ms. Rizzo asked what kind of federally funded projects require earlier obligation. Ms. Chen responded that the policies are typically for Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) and Surface Transportation Program (STP) projects.

8. 2011 Call For Projects (CFP) (Rena Lum, Metro)

Ms. Lum reported on the Metro CFP and application development process. She stated that the CFP process started in 1993 and is done biannually – typically in odd numbered years. Each Call has its own unique issues, such as trying to incorporate SB-375 or ‘complete streets’. The CFP is funded through a variety of sources, including local funds (i.e. Prop C 10% and Prop C 25%), state funds (i.e. TEA) and federal funds (i.e. CMAQ). The 2009 Long Range Plan identified the amount of funding available in each future CFP through 2040, and specified the amount for each individual mode. Once a CFP is initiated, Metro staff holds weekly internal meetings and also meets regularly with TAC and each of its Subcommittees. The modal leads take that opportunity to address issues that developed during the previous CFP. For example, for the FY 11 CFP, Goods Movement will be separated from the RSTI mode due to issues with the types of projects applied for in the RSTI mode in previous CFP’s. Metro staff meets with TAC and its Subcommittees to receive their input regarding the CFP and to receive suggestions for the next CFP. For the FY 11 CFP, TAC members voiced their recommendation to incorporate SB-375. As well, the modal leads give high-level previews of the applications including proposed changes, to seek the input from Subcommittee members. Earlier, Tony Jusay (Metro) spoke to Streets & Freeways regarding the bicycle mode and as a result of input received at that meeting, bike paths will now be allowed in the Call and the proposed cap on projects will be raised from $1 million to $2.5 million. Metro staff also holds internal as-needed meetings with planning management. Ms. Lum reported that the application package is a working document only, and is not an official document until approved by the Board. The Board will decide if any changes are warranted – if so, then Metro will issue a Supplemental Draft. Metro endeavors to review all changes and updates with TAC and its Subcommittees on an ongoing basis. At any time during this process, the Board can decide to suspend or cancel the Call due to budget constraints, as it did in 2003. The CFP has been respected throughout the country for its independence and transparency. When the CFP began in 1993, it was considered innovative and other agencies expressed interest in the process. Currently, an internal working draft application is being reviewed. In order to maintain integrity in the process, all 89 jurisdictions need to have access to the application at the same time. Therefore, Metro staff does not provide early copies of the application until it is available to all agencies.

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Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes, October 21, 2010


Ms. Lum reported that a second draft of the application needs to be reviewed by the Executive Director for Countywide Planning, which is expected to happen the week of October 25th. A pdf file of the draft application is expected to be released online Wednesday, October 27th and the hard copy is expected to be mailed out by November 4th. An applicant workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, November 16th at Metro headquarters, and numerous subregional workshops have been scheduled – most prior to November 16th. The applications are due back to Metro by January 28, 2011; whereupon Metro staff will evaluate the applications internally. Preliminary Metro staff recommendations will be available to the Board in June, and the Rainbow Reports will be released publicly in early July. The information is then presented to TAC and the Subcommittees in mid-July with TAC appeals held in late July. The CFP goes to the Board for adoption in September. Ken Husting (City of Los Angeles) asked if there will be an increase in funding for bikeways. Ms. Lum responded that at this time a decision has not been made, but Metro staff will consider an increase when they finalize funding marks for all of the modes in Spring. Mr. Janka asked how does TAC provide input to the Board without first seeing a copy of the application. Ms. Lum responded that Metro staff provides a summary of information to TAC, similar to the type of presentations that have been given to Streets & Freeways. Mr. Janka stated that while there have been verbal presentations over the past months, no written documentation of any proposed changes has been provided; and therefore it is hard to keep track of what is going on. Mr. Husting stated that he was under the impression that the Subcommittee would see a copy of the draft to make comments on. Michelle Mowery (Bicycle Coordination) asked if TAC will have time to bring up their concerns with the draft application at their November 3rd meeting. Ms. Lum responded yes, the draft application will be presented to the Board for approval on December 9th. Mr. Forster stated that the process does not seem to be very transparent. TAC will have an opportunity to recommend changes at their November 3rd meeting; however, the application will go to the Board in the first part of December before if has a chance to comment on those changes, if any were made.

9. SB-375 Update (Sarah Jepson, Metro) Ms. Jepson did not report. 10. Congestion Reduction Demonstration Project (Kathleen McCune, Metro)

Ms. McCune reported on the four elements of the Congestion Reduction Demonstration Program (CRD): Toll Infrastructure and Freeway/Roadway Improvements Ms. McCune reported that Metro released a Request for Proposal (RFP) in July and has received three proposals to date, which are currently under evaluation. Metro is hoping to have contract award by early December and has received the E-76 for CMAQ funds and a Letter of No Prejudice (LONP) for the State-Local Partnership Program (SLPP) funds in September. The Governor signed AB-1224 (Eng) that allowed Metro to extend tolling authority until January 2015. The FHWA has approved in principle, a 19-month extension which would result in a completion date of August 2012.

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Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes, October 21, 2010


Transit Service Improvements Ms. McCune reported that Metro is adding 59 new buses on both the I-10 and I-110 to enhance service on the Silver Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), which is currently operating as part of the CRD program. In addition, Foothill Transit received a grant to deploy 12 new buses on the I-10. Gardena Transit and Torrance Transit have also received buses to improve commuter bus service on both the I-10 and I-110. Metro also provided $1 million to LADOT to implement Transit Signal Priority on Figueroa Street and Flower Street between Wilshire Boulevard and Adams Boulevard. LADOT has completed design of the 19 intersections and the release of the RFP is expected within the next three months. This element is expected to be completed in August 2011. Metro also provided funding for 400 new vanpools; however this is still in the Program Implementation Plan phase due to the delay of the ExpressLanes. Ms. Rizzo asked what grant did the Transit agencies receive. Ms. McCune responded it was part of the overall FHWA grant for the CRD program. These transit funds were available only to agencies that operate on the I-10 and/or I-110. Transit Facility Improvements Ms. McCune reported that Metro is constructing a new El Monte Transit Center which is expected to be completed by May 2012. Advanced Conceptual Engineering (ACE) for the Patsaouras Plaza Connector project is 90% complete, and the RFP for a design-build contract is expected within the next three months. The project is expected to be completed in January 2012. The Harbor Transitway Improvements include the construction of a Sheriff’s Substation at the Artesia Transit Center and CCTV cameras, lighting upgrades at Park-and-Ride lots, improved signage, relocating the bus stops for lines 108 and 115 so that they are under the Slauson Avenue and Manchester Boulevard Transitway stations, and installing a Noise/Sound Barrier along the 37th Street station as a pilot program to find out how to reduce noise for stations along the freeway. As well, Metro will be adding new bicycle lockers at the Artesia Transit Center. Completion of these improvements are expected by March 2011. Metro also provided funding to Metrolink to improve the Pomona station on the San Bernardino Line. The project consists of new pedestrian access improvements, over 100 new parking spaces and the extension of the platform to accommodate additional rail cars at the Pomona (North) Metrolink Station. Construction is expected to be completed by December 2010. Mr. Janka asked what kind of Sound/Noise Barriers the pilot program will be using. Ms. McCune responded that they will be using a Plexiglass barrier. Because of the grant, Metro is in a position to fund the sound barrier pilot to determine if it will reduce noise. If successful, this could potentially be used for the rest of the transit system that is situated on freeways (such as for the Metro Gold and Green Lines). ExpressPark ExpressPark is a demand-based parking program in downtown Los Angeles. The LADOT will be retrofitting parking meters with technology that will allow them to determine frequency of usage, etc. These new meters will charge demand-based parking rates depending on the time of day and length of stay. Additionally, real-time parking information will be provided for downtown lots so people will know where available parking is. Currently, design is 30% complete, and they expect to release the RFP within the next three months. The program is expected to be completed in July 2011.

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Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes, October 21, 2010


Mr. Janka asked if the digital displays that were recently added to Gold Line Stations in Pasadena are for real-time train arrival notification. Ms. McCune responded that she does not know, and that it is not part of the CRD program. Mr. Forster requested that Ms. McCune report back to the Subcommittee at the completion of the Noise/Sound Barrier Pilot Project. Ms. McCune responded that she would do that.

11. I-405 Sepulveda Pass Improvements Project (Devon Cichoski, Metro)

Ms. Cichoski reported that the I-405 Sepulveda Pass Improvements project will add a 10-mile northbound High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane on the I-405 freeway from National Boulevard in the south to Greenleaf Street in the north. Completion of the $1 billion project is projected for Spring 2013. In addition to the HOV lane, the project includes rebuilding bridges (including widening & seismic improvements), building new on- and off-ramps with greater capacity, standardized widths on southbound lanes, and improved level of service for neighboring intersections. The project was split into three segments (Segment 1 – Wilshire, Segment 2 – Sunset, Segment 3 – Mulholland). Each segment has its own construction manager and community relations officer. The project utilizes a design-build contract, and the design portion is almost complete, while construction began earlier this year. Some of the completed milestones include: demolition of the southern half of Sunset Bridge (July 2010), pile driving at Wilshire Boulevard loops (July 2010), duct bank relocation along Sepulveda Boulevard (August 2010), dedicated lane added on Sunset Boulevard to southbound I-405 (August 2010), and demolition of the northern half of Skirball Bridge (October 2010). Completed design milestones include the project aesthetics and landscape plan (June 2010) and Cultural Affairs Commission approval of 1720/1730 wall artwork (July 2010). Ms. Cichoski reported that the top five upcoming activities for the Wilshire segment are:

o The Santa Monica Bridge widening; o Southbound I-405 at Wilshire Boulevard abutment forming; o Wall construction north of Wilshire Boulevard; o Ohio Avenue utility relocation and widening; and o Beloit Avenue soundwall demo and reconstruction.

The top five upcoming activities for the Sunset segment are:

o Montana undercrossing partial demolition and reconstruction; o Walls 1720/1730 (Sepulveda/Homedale) construction; o Sunset Bridge reconstruction; o Wall 1746 (north of Sunset) construction; and o Sepulveda Boulevard undercrossing (Getty ramps).

The top five upcoming activities for the Mulholland segment are:

o Skirball Bridge reconstruction; o Mulholland Bridge design work; o Relocated southbound Skirball Center Drive on-ramp construction; o Construction of retaining walls north of the Getty Trail Head to the Skirball

Bridge; and o Construction of retaining and soundwalls north of Mulholland Boulevard Bridge.

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Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes, October 21, 2010


Ms. Cichoski reported that Metro has provided daily updates on social media forums such as Facebook, Twitter, Nixle, etc. The same information has been posted online at www.metro.net/405. Ms. Rizzo asked if Sigalert.com uses the same information. Ms. Cichoski responded yes. Ms. Mowery asked if the project addresses bicycle access to the ramps and interchanges around Skirball Center Drive Bridge. Ms. Cichoski responded that Metro will be meeting next week at Caltrans headquarters with a number of bicycle advocates to discuss the project and concerns related to bicycles.

12. Bicycle Program Update (Anthony Jusay, Metro)

Mr. Jusay reported that the Metro Bicycle Roundtable program was formed in February 2010. The issues and initiatives that Roundtable participants requested Metro to address were grouped into two themes: Policy & Planning and Implementation & Operations. Two subcommittees have been formed to address those themes. The Bicycle Roundtable has met as a whole three times and each subcommittee has met twice. The two Subcommittees provide a forum for discussion of our activities and the Roundtable is used to report progress. The next Bicycle Roundtable meeting will be held on November 5th at Metro Headquarters from 2-4 pm. Recently, SCAG received a Caltrans Partnership Grant to establish a bicycle clearinghouse, countywide methodology for collecting data and the development of the first phase of a bicycle forecasting tool. As their partner, Metro will be providing in-kind services in support of the grant. Metro is also developing parking standards for Transportation Oriented Development’s (TOD). Metro will also execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with SCAG for their in-kind participation in the Caltrans Partnership Grant. Bicycle parking was originally planned for the Hollywood/Vine station, but due to community input revealing undesirable considerations, the parking is now being planned for a location on Vine St. Other program highlights include holding an informal Inter-Agency Mobility Hub Working Group and developing incentives for implementing a folding bike program. Metro has also been working on improving communications, such as incorporating bicycle information for maps at stations, improving wayfinding, redesigning the website and establishing Facebook and other social network sites. Metro has been working on bus operator training on bicycle and pedestrian safety. Mr. Jusay reported that during “Bike to Work” month, Metro announced they would remove the bikes on trains restrictions. To do this formally, Metro must: make revisions to the rules, designate space for bikes, clarify “How to Ride” guidelines, install signage, identify funding and receive Board direction on revising the Code of Conduct. Metro will be putting together three procurements: bicycle parking for the Hollywood-Vine station bike room, the Bicycle Transportation Strategic Plan update and bicycle locker replacement at stations with older bike lockers. The RFP’s for these procurements are expected to be available by spring 2011. Mr. Jusay reported that Metro will return to the Board in the November/December cycle with a preliminary report in response to the September Board Directive. Mr. Jusay reported that bicycle funding in the FY 11 Call for Projects has been increased to $2.5 million. As well, bicycle path projects will remain eligible in the Call. Ms. Mowery stated that Mayor Villaraigosa’s motion to increase the bicycle funding also included a motion to add triple bicycle racks on buses. She asked for a status report on

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Draft Streets and Freeways Minutes, October 21, 2010


that portion of the motion. Mr. Jusay responded that California Highway Patrol (CHP) authorization was needed and that our facilities maintenance worked on a demonstration test with them. Maintenance reported that the CHP did not find issue with Metro implementing triple racks. Ms. Mowery asked if the racks will be new, or if they will simply retrofit all of the old racks. Mr. Jusay responded that he does not know but will find out.

13. High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Program Update (Brian Lin, Metro)

Mr. Lin provided an update on the implementation of the HOV projects: o I-405 Connector Gap Closure and Auxiliary Lane Projects: Due to the State

funding crises, Metro advanced Prop C 25% funds for the completion of these projects. In June, Metro received a reimbursement of approximately $11 million from Caltrans;

o I-405 HOV from SR-90 to I-10: The Board approved $23 million for Caltrans claims resolution and project completion;

o I-5/SR-14 HOV Direct Connector: The Board approved $14.7 million to mitigate hazardous materials found on the project site. Construction is 69% complete;

o I-5 HOV Soundwall from SR-118 to SR-14: This project has been delayed and construction is not expected to be completed until December 2010;

o I-5 HOV Lanes from SR-134 to SR-118: Groundbreaking was in September, and construction on the first segment of this project is expected soon;

o SR-60 from SR-605 to Brea Canyon: This segment opened last week – one month ahead of schedule;

o I-10 HOV Lanes from SR-605 to SR-57: This project is still under construction and is expected to be open one year from now;

o I-5 Carmenita Interchange Road Construction: This project is still in design and construction is scheduled to begin in May 2011; and

o I-5 from Orange County Line to SR-605: Construction is scheduled to start on the first segment between Coyote Creek to Marquedat Avenue in June 2011.

Mr. Janka asked if there are any pictures or renderings for the I-5/SR-14 Direct Connector to visualize what the completed project will look like. Mr. Lin responded that he would find out if there are any. As a follow up, Mr. Lin provided an engineering drawing to Ms. Asuncion for distribution.

14. I-5 North Capacity Enhancement Project (Brian Lin, Metro)

Mr. Lin reported that the I-5 North Capacity Enhancement project includes a 43-mile truck lane from SR-14 to the Kern County Line, and 12 miles of HOV lanes to Parker Road. The total project cost is approximately $5.3 billion. Funding is being allocated from Measure R, State Highway Operation and Protection Program (SHOPP) and a federal earmark. Mr. Lin reported that the project includes three phases:

o Phase 1: Truck lane from SR-14 to Pico Canyon with an estimated cost of $131 million for design and construction. $75 million of this amount will come from SHOPP funds, and the remaining $56 million from Measure R. Design is 95% complete and should be finalized in December;

o Phase 2: HOV lanes from SR-14 to Parker Road and a second southbound truck lane from SR-14 to Calgrove Boulevard Design for Phase 2 will be initiated during the third quarter of this fiscal year. This Phase has an estimated cost of $412.5

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million. Measure R will contribute $410 million, so Metro is counting on the rest of the funds to come from contingency dollars from the Expenditure plan;

o Phase 3: Parker Road to the Kern County line (mode to be determined).

Mr. Lin reported that the next steps are to complete design of the truck lane and initiate the HOV lane design. Metro is hoping to execute the Measure R pre-construction Funding Agreement for Phase 2 with Caltrans by Winter 2010. Mr. Janka asked if Phase 1 is going to coincide with the I-5/SR-14 HOV Direct Connector. Mr. Lin responded that there will be some overlap as the I-5/SR-14 Connector will be complete in July 2012 and Phase 1 construction will begin in 2011.

15. Los Angeles County Traffic Forum Projects Update (Randy Lamm, Metro)

Mr. Lamm reported that earlier in the year an item was presented to the Metro Board regarding prioritizing projects due to the financial crises and potential cash flow problems at Metro. Projects over a certain amount were prioritized in a way that would facilitate the allocation of funds should there become a funding shortage. Some of the 2007 CFP projects were only partially funded during recertification (for the initial design component). At the July 15th Planning and Programming Committee meeting, staff informed the Board that they would provide a status update on the active LA County Traffic Forum projects and the City of Palmdale’s North County Traffic Forum ITS Expansion project, whose construction funding is potentially deferred. Metro Staff is proposing to work with the County on developing realistic delivery schedules and cash flow needs. Recommendations may include making cash flow needs for these projects the first priority for available funding. Staff will be meeting monthly with the County. Ms. Rizzo asked if Metro has been collaborating with the City of Palmdale as well as the County. Mr. Lamm responded that we will be working with the City of Palmdale to keep their project on schedule.

16. New Business (Subcommittee)

Ms. Rizzo asked if the new meeting time will become permanent. Mr. Janka responded that the Subcommittee should continue to meet in the afternoon through January and then take a vote on whether to make the new meeting time permanent.

17. Adjournment (Subcommittee)

The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 PM. The next meeting of the Streets and Freeways Subcommittee will be held on November 18, 2010 at 1:30 PM in the 15th Floor Windsor Conference Room. Please contact Fulgene Asuncion at (213) 922-3025 or by email [email protected] should you have any questions or comments regarding this or future agendas, or wish to place an item on the agenda.

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Attachment 2

Sign in Sheet/Attendance Sheet

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ark Firkins (A


alifornia Highw

ay Patrol



Sgt. C

indy Pontes

California H

ighway P





Paul M

aselbas (Vice-C


ounty of Los Angeles



llan Abram

son (A)

County of Los A






icole Rizzo

League of Cities (N

o. County T

rans Coalition)







Debbie O

' Leary (A)

League of Cities (N

o. County T

rans Coalition)

Steve H

uang League of C

ities (South B

ay Cities C








ictor Rollinger (A

)League of C

ities (South B

ay Cities C




haron Perlstein

League of Cities (W

estside Cities)





Elaine Jeng (A

)League of C

ities (Westside C




red Zohrehvand

League of Cities (A

rroyo Verdugo C






Jano Baghdanian (A

)League of C

ities (Arroyo V

erdugo Cities)


an Janka (Chair)

League of Cities(S

an Gabriel V

alley CO








Craig B

radshaw (A

)League of C

ities(San G

abriel Valley C



teve Forster

League of Cities (G

ateway C

ities/South E








harlie Honeycutt (A

)League of C

ities (Gatew

ay Cities/S

outh East)


iro Adeva

League of Cities (Los V





obert Brager (A

)League of C

ities (Los Virgenes/M


Fulgene A








Alan P

atashnick (A)



arlos Rios (A


ity of Los Angeles



Ken H


ity of Los Angeles





umi G

ant Long B






Mark C

ristoffels (A)

Long Beach

Ken Johnson

Arterial IT


orking Group





Phill W

ray (A)

Arterial IT


orking Group

Michelle M


Bicycle C






onna DiC

amillo (ex-officio)

Goods M



XLupe V

aldez (A) (ex-officio)

Goods M


John Asuncion (ex-officio)









ablo Gutierrez(A

) (ex-officio)S






























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Attachment 3

90 Day Rolling Agenda

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010 PLANNING & PROGRAMMING COMMITTEE


Certify the Final Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Assessment (FEIR/EA) for the Wilshire BRT Project; Adopt Alternative A – Truncated Project Without Jut-Out Removal as the Preferred Alternative; Adopt the Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Consideration and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; Authorize Staff to File a Notice of Determination; Authorize the CEO to enter into contract agreements with the City of Los Angeles for an amount not to exceed $29,541,043 and with the Los Angeles County for an amount not to exceed $1,968,957 to construct peak-period curbside bus lanes along Wilshire Boulevard between Centinela Avenue and South Park View Street (excludes the City of Beverly Hills); Reprogram funds from the Call for Project No. 8050 (Wilshire Boulevard Corridor Improvements Selby to Comstock) as local matching funds for the Wilshire BRT Project; and Approve up to $714,000 in Prop C 25% to be used as local match.

Martha Welborne

Approve the 2011 Call for Projects Application Package Martha Welborne

OCTA I-405 Widening Project Doug Failing

Receive and file report on I-5 South Ground Breaking, Widening and HOV Improvement Between I-605 and Orange County Line

Doug Failing

Receive oral update on Regional Rail Matters Paul Taylor

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 FINANCE & BUDGET COMMITTEE


Receive and File Year End Budget Report Paul Taylor

Receive monthly oral report from the Chief Financial Services Officer Terry Matsumoto

Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

90-DAY ROLLING AGENDA: November 2010 through January 2011

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Increase the Life of Project Budget (LOP) by $48.3 million to $112.5 million for CP210120 - I-10 & I-110 HOT Lanes/Express Lanes; and Amend the FY 11 Budget of CP210120 by $2,000,000 of Proposition C 40

Doug Failing

OCTA I-405 Widening Project Doug Failing

Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to award and execute Sole Source Contract No. PS ________, for design support during construction for the I-10 and I-110 Express Lanes to PB Americas, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $2,000,000.

Doug Failing

Receive and file 2015 HOT Lanes Feasibility Study Doug Failing

Receive and file the draft ExpressLanes Privacy Statement Doug Failing

Receive and file Los Angeles County Congestion Reduction Demonstration Project Status Report

Doug Failing



Authorize the leasing of office space to provide office space for an Integrated Project Management Office (IPMO) to support the Westside Subway Extension and Regional Connector Transit Corridor Projects. Approval of this item is contingent upon Board approval of related items for consultant services to perform Advanced conceptual Engineering and Preliminary Engineering for both the Westside Subway Extension and Regional Connector Transit Corridor Projects

K.N. Murthy

Approve recommendations: Crenshaw/LAX Transit Corridor Project Definition Martha Welborne

Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to: Increase the I-710 Corridor Project budget in an amount not to exceed $ __; with the additional funds coming from Measure R I-710 South and/or Early Action Projects; Execute Contract Modification No. 7 to Contract No. PS4340-1939 with URS Corporation to incorporate project changes and revaluate project alternatives in an amount not to exceed ___, and a contract extension of 15 months; Execute Contract Modification No. 3 to Contract No. PS4340-1940 with Moore Iacafano Goltsman for the facilitation of community participation in an amount not to exceed ____, and a contract extension of 15 months; and Approve a Limited Notice to Proceed. (Continued on next page)

Doug Failing

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ACTION/RECOMMENDATION (Continued from previous page)


Receive and file list of issues, options and costs to complete the study regarding initial review of West Hollywood Rail Transit Corridor to San Pedro/Long Beach

Martha Welborne

Receive and file status report on I-5 Widening - Orange County Line to I-605 Doug Failing

Receive and file update of Measure R 3% local contribution guidelines development

Martha Welborne

Receive oral report on status of Measure R Implementation K.N. Murthy


LEAD Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to enter into a two-year Cost Sharing

Agreement with the Hollywood Historic Trust for a public-private partnership to carry out repairs to the Hollywood Walk of Fame

Roger Moliere

Amend the Federal Fiscal Year 2010 (FFY10) Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Overall Goal to ______% for Federal Fiscal Years 2010 – 2012

Michelle Caldwell

Receive and File report on future fare structure alternatives Matt Raymond

Receive Federal and State Legislative Update Art Leahy

Receive and file the first quarter report of Management Audit Services (Management Audit) for the period ending September 30, 2010

Ruthe Holden

Receive and file actions being taken to respond to the September Board directive on our Bicycle Policies and Programs

Martha Welborne

Receive oral report of the Chief Communications Officer Matt Raymond

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LEAD Authorize the Chief Executive Office to execute Change Order No. TBD to

Contract No. C0882 with Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. for the I-405 Sepulveda Pass Widening Project for design

K.N. Murthy

Approve a unified process and policy for the management and minimization of project costs of the Measure R transit projects, including a requirement for the prompt development and consideration of lower-cost project alternatives that address the cost-control policy actions of the Board of Directors to date; Receive and file response, to the Antonovich/Najarian motion from July 2010 that stated, in part, that the CEO should present: “A comprehensive, integrated, “cradle-to-grave” strategy for using the funding marks contained in the proposed FY 2011 budget to implement MTA’s LRTP projects on both the LRTP schedule and the potential 30/10 schedule.”

Martha Welborne

Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute Change Order No. TBD to Contract No. C0882 with Kiewit Infrastructure West Co. for the I-405 Sepulveda Pass Widening Project, for design and construction revisions to retaining walls 1720 and 1730 and street improvement to widen Sepulveda Boulevard between Montana Avenue and Church Lane (Stations 1719+75 to 1756+50), in an amount not to exceed $TBD, increasing the total contract value from $721,632,000 to $TBD

K.N. Murthy

Approve Funding Agreement term sheet and Master Cooperative Agreement term sheet to allow MTA to finalize agreements with the Exposition Metro Line Construction Authority (“Construction Authority”) for construction of the Exposition Light Rail Transit (Expo LRT) Phase 2 project from its current terminus at Venice/Robertson in Culver City to Colorado/4th in Santa Monica; Transfer the sponsorship and associated local match of the Exposition-West Bikeway- Centinela Extension (F3514) from the City of Los Angeles to the Construction Authority; and Authorize the CEO to concurrently execute Funding and Master Cooperative Agreements with the Construction Authority predicated upon the conditions set forth in the Board approved Funding Agreement and Master Cooperative Agreement term sheets

K.N. Murthy

Authorize the leasing of office space to provide an integrated project management office; Authorize the CEO to execute a lease agreement for a term of 8 years with two one year options; and Increase the FY11 budget

K.N. Murthy

Receive and file status report on the implementation of four-quadrant gates along the Metro Gold Line Eastside Extension (MGLEE) alignment.

Martha Welborne

Receive Chief Capital Management Officer Report. K.N. Murthy

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LEAD Establish LOP and Exercise Option for 45' Compo Buses. Lonnie Mitchell

Receive and file the Metrolink quarterly report Paul Taylor

Receive Transit Operations Report. Lonnie Mitchell


LEAD Receive oral report on the development of a planning framework to guide,

assess, and align MTA's plans, programs and projects with the regional and subregional Sustainable Communities Strategies

Martha Welborne

Receive and file status report on the Land Use and Sustainability Policies/Principles section of the 2011 Call for Projects

Martha Welborne

Receive oral report from the Southern California Association of Governments on the implementation of Senate Bill (SB) 375, the regional greenhouse gas reduction targets, and the process for developing the regional Sustainable Communities Strategy

Martha Welborne

Receive and file report on the countywide partnership and program developed to apply for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Fiscal Year 2010 Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program

Martha Welborne

Receive oral report from the Gateway Cities Council of Governments on their process for developing their subregional Sustainable Communities Strategy pursuant to Senate Bill (SB) 375.

Martha Welborne

Receive oral report on a study released by UBS Wealth Management Research (WMR) arguing that resource scarcities can have adverse environmental and social consequences for emerging markets and act as a drag on their growth

Martha Welborne

Receive update on Metro Sustainability Project Implementation. K.N. Murthy

Thursday, December 9, 2010 REGULAR BOARD MEETING


Approve the changes proposed by Planning & Programming Committee to the Receive and File status report on the acceleration of schedules and project costs for the 2009 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) incorporated the 30/10 initiative.

Martha Welborne

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Approve Express Lane Violation Policy Doug Failing

Receive and file Express Lanes Business Rules Doug Failing

Receive and file Los Angeles County Congestion Reduction DemonstrationProject Status Report

Doug Failing



Receive and file status report on the SR 138 Capacity Enhancement Project Doug Failing

Receive and file status report on the implementation of the Measure R Subregional Operational Improvement projects

Doug Failing

Receive and file status report on the implementation of the Post 1989 Soundwall Program

Doug Failing

Receive and file update on the High Desert Corridor project Doug Failing

Receive and File report on the Screening of Alternatives to be carried forward in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Report (DEIS/R) for South Bay Metro Green Line Extension

Martha Welborne

Receive oral report on status of Measure R Implementation K.N. Murthy


LEAD Receive Federal and State Legislative Update Art Leahy

Receive oral report of the Chief Communications Officer Matt Raymond

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LEAD Proposed change order to SEMA construction, Contract No. CO942, to

construct spread footings in lieu of CIDH piles for soundwalls along the 210 freeway in Arcadia and Monrovia. This change in foundations is due to the presence of boulders and large amount of clustered cobbles that created a differing site condition preventing the pile installation

K.N. Murthy

Receive Chief Capital Management Officer Report. K.N. Murthy


LEAD Approve changes to Transit Service Policy Lonnie Mitchell

Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to award a five-year firm fixed unit rate Contract No. OP3344-2544 to Specialty Doors & Automation, Inc., the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, to provide roll-up doors repairs and installation service for MTA transit facilities in an amount not to exceed $1,337,750, inclusive of two option periods, effective July 1, 2010

Lonnie Mitchell

Receive and file report on Bus/Rail Interfacing (Director Antonovich Request at 7/27/10 Board of Directors Meeting)

Lonnie Mitchell

Receive and file report on Load Factors Lonnie Mitchell

Receive Transit Operations Report Lonnie Mitchell

