Strategic Thinking Mark A. Ewer MSW RSW

Strategic Thinking by Mark Ewer March 2005

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Page 1: Strategic Thinking by Mark Ewer March 2005

Strategic Thinking

Mark A. Ewer MSW RSW

Page 2: Strategic Thinking by Mark Ewer March 2005

1. Strategic Thinking (skillful planning and managing)

a) Relevance do our activities continue to make sense in terms of the

conditions, needs or problems to which they are intended to respond (think of Mission, Vision, Values)?

b) Management Direction do we operate in a way that mitigates risks to the

organization? does everyone know what they are doing (and why)?

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1. Strategic Thinking

c) Appropriateness what choices have been made between alternative

means used to respond to the conditions, needs or problems of those served?

are the investments in people, programs, technology, facilities in the right balance, under the circumstances

d) Achievement of Intended Results what are our results, against performance standards, for

the whole organization? (an approximate estimate of an accurate indicator is better than an accurate estimation of an irrelevant one!)

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1. Strategic Thinking

e) Acceptance do we have an acceptable level of public or

customer/client respect, loyalty, recognition and trust (market share) ?

f) Secondary Impacts what unintended impacts (positive and negative) are

occurring as a result of our work (health and safety, environment, community) and should this cause reconsideration in any areas of operation?

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1. Strategic Thinking

g) Cost and Productivity are we using our resources to their best advantage? should there be current or planned future

“investments” that will have a longer term benefit?

h) Responsiveness How well are we anticipating and responding to

change? Have we planned for the future in terms of leadership,

staffing. product/service development and crisis management?

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1. Strategic Thinking

i) Financial Results How good are our financial results in terms of

matching costs with revenues with budget and financial assets with anticipated obligations?

j) Working Environment Is there a happy, healthy and constructive working

environment where staff are motivated to work together, adapt to change, and to develop their skills? Is it safe and in keeping with statutory regulations?

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1. Strategic Thinking

k) Protection of Assets do protect our most valuable assets and ensure that they

will be available in the future to contribute to future results this includes intellectual property as well as human and

physical resources

l) Monitoring and Reporting does management have the information it needs to support

its decision-making and accountability, and is it used appropriately? Is it “real time” and reliable?

are we meeting applicable standards and regulations adequately? How do we know this?

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2. Putting Planning in its Place! (Stephen R. Covey)

a) Understanding “Quadrant II … the Quadrant of Quality”

(increasing the “ability to do”, reduces time spent on crises and reactive activities of Quadrant 1)

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2. Putting Planning in its Place! (Stephen R. Covey)

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2. Putting Planning in its Place! (Stephen R. Covey)

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2, Putting Planning in its Place! (Stephen R. Covey)

b) Keeping the Production/Production Capability (P/PC) Balance

The trick is ensuring that each day, you contribute to “capability improvement”. If you do not plan for the future, you will never know when you get there … and you will certainly not be ready when it arrives!

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3. Questions

Planning isn’t as much having the correct answers as it is knowing the correct questions to ask!