Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine Beaver pictures taken by Ali Poulton (with parental permission) On the 27 th June, Fox, Jack and I took 11 of our Beavers to the Beaver Bazzaz. Cont. inside….. Stoneleigh Crescent, Stoneleigh, Epsom, Surrey KT19 0RT Minister: The Revd. Dr. Martine Stemerick 020 8393 2322 www.stoneleighmethodist.church

Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

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Page 1: Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine

Beaver pictures taken by Ali Poulton (with parental permission)

On the 27th June, Fox, Jack and I took 11 of our Beavers to the Beaver Bazzaz. Cont. inside…..

Stoneleigh Crescent, Stoneleigh, Epsom, Surrey KT19 0RT

Minister: The Revd. Dr. Martine Stemerick 020 8393 2322


Page 2: Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

Hi to all Link Readers,

My name is Ali but most kids (and parents) call me Otter. I am the new Beaver leader who has taken over from Mole (Esther). You might have seen me around church – please always say “hi!”. If you aren't sure what Beavers are, we are the youngest section of the 3rd Stoneleigh (Methodist) Scout Group and our children are between 6 and 8 years old.

What is a Beaver Bazzaz? I hear you say. Well, for a bunch of 6-8 year olds, it is pure heaven!

Over at the Cranleigh Showground, a rather large field was taken over by a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of activities all organised by volunteer Scout leaders.

We met up early on the day, all piled in our scout minibus and headed off for the day with a little wave to Mums and Dads if they were lucky. We arrived to find inflatable obstacle courses, helter skelters, miniature steam train, mini golf and so many more activities, all for us.

Those who were brave and big enough took on a high climbing wall where they were strapped up tight and climbed as high as they could.

Whilst they were waiting, others played mini golf.

Unfortunately, we didn't have time to do most things more than once because although we were there all day, there were so many activities to do, we couldn't even get around them all.

Eight Beavers at a time got up on the bouncing ring and the red, inflatable arm swung around and they had to jump over it and avoid being 'wiped out' by it. Some children went flying but they promised me that they weren't at all hurt and loved it!

We enjoyed our picnic lunch sitting on the grass and enjoying the sunshine. Epsom and Ewell District Leaders set up some camp stoves to roast marshmallows as well.

I would love to fill the magazine with the pictures of the fun that we had. I feel privileged to have been able to take them and thank the other Leaders that came with me.

All in all, the children had a really fabulous day. Their words to describe it were 'epic', 'amazing' 'best day ever'. It only happens once every 3 years so these guys are really lucky to have been offered the chance to go. I am already looking forward to Bazzaz 2018!

Ali Poulton, Beaver Leader

Page 3: Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

Reflection from the Minister on Psalm 119 v7

I will thank you with all my heart as I learn your decrees.

Psalm 119:7 Some of you may remember that part of my sabbatical was spent studying Benedictine spirituality. One of our first tasks each day was to spend a few moments meditating on the Psalms. We were taught to follow a lovely, simple meditation technique: memorise the verse, think about what it means for us today, and how we might apply it. For example, Psalm 119:7 says: ‘I will thank you with all my heart as I learn your decrees.’ Reflection: If this verse and psalm are correct, then we are in for a surprise. God, this verse of Psalm 119 implies, is learned. God is not instant in life. The God of life is someone we come to know in stages. But if that’s the case, then its implication for us is just as much of a surprise. The implication is that it’s no disaster to wonder about God or to slip in the approach to God or to doubt sometime about the profit or even the possibility of the search for God. The only disaster is to stop being willing to take the effort it demands to learn it. Too often when things get difficult, or worse, when things seem easy, we stop putting forth the effort that learning God takes. But there’s no way to get the spiritual life for nothing. Most people don’t even get the ABCs without hard work. The point is that as long as I’m working at it, everything is fine. It’s when I stop the hard work of either prayer or study or sacrifice or the self-control that my spiritual life demands, that then I am in trouble. But for the pain of learning I should be thankful.

Page 4: Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

Reflection Questions How am I studying God right now? What efforts have I abandoned that should be begun again? Contemporary Quote “Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek answers that cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.” (Rainer Maria Rilke) Reflection Question Name one life question the answer to which has gotten clearer to you over the years. What did you learn gradually that you could not possibly have understood all at once?

We have been requested by the Circuit Administration to give the following statement a wide circulation STATIONING

The consultation for the stationing process to invite a presbyter or deacon to a circuit appointment will take place in July and August. Presbyters and Deacons are of equal standing and fully ordained. The Circuit Stewards will undertake this process of consultation with the churches to enable discernment regarding the priorities for ministry in the churches and circuit. All churches could be affected by the decision made. Following this consultation the Circuit Invitation Committee will make a recommendation to the Circuit Meeting on 15th September.

Angela Linton-Smith - for the Circuit Stewards

Page 5: Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

It is with great sadness that we learnt that Angela Mynett passed away in St Helier Hospital on Thursday 9th July.

She will be sorely missed by all her friends

Stewards’ Notes

Since the last issue of the Link our Minister, Rev. Dr. Martine Stemerick, has returned from her Sabbatical refreshed, informed and excited. Over the past few weeks Martine has, little by little, been enthusiastically sharing her wonderful experiences with us.

In the space of a few weeks the Church joined together with family and friends in coming to terms with the loss of Pauline Dunstone and Pat Rock. Both had been unwell, but apparently stable, for a long time. Sadly, in both cases, their deterioration and passing was very sudden. For many years Pat and Pauline had worked tirelessly for both our Church and the Wimbledon Circuit. The Funeral Services celebrating their lives were both led by Rev. Paul Timmis. These sad events had closely followed the passing of another dear friend, Pearl Poole. As I complete these notes I have been advised of the passing of Angela Mynett, our long time organist and wife of the late Neville Mynett (who for many, many years, was one of SMC’s excellent Lay Preachers).

Among the excellent Sunday Services we have enjoyed, was that given to the very full congregation who attended the Parade Service taken by David Eagle. However, in the view of many, the most

important Sunday Church Service held during this period was our Annual Memorial Service on 28 June. Led by Martine, it was a wonderful event where the names, of family and friends whom members wished to have remembered, were read out. Adding to the poignancy of the Service, were the heart-felt eulogies given for Pearl, Pauline and Pat.

HOPE, the annual Churches Together in Ewell (CTE) event held at Bourne Hall, was once again a success and, I am advised, was better attended than in previous years.

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The newly appointed Church of England Minister at Worcester Park is Stephanie Nadarajah. Her ‘Licensing Service’ is to be held on Saturday 19th September at 7.30p.m at Worcester Park, and all are welcome to attend.

The latest offering from the SMC Film Club was ‘PRIDE’. It had an excellent cast and told the story of the role played by the gay activists who supported the coal miners during their lengthy national strike in the 1980s. Every film shown at the film club has been excellent and this was certainly no exception. For these regular viewings, all are welcome (including friends), entry is free, the company is convivial and refreshments are served both before the showing and during an interval. If you haven’t attended, it is an excellent evening out and certainly worth considering.

As most of you are aware, the wonderful time we have enjoyed with Martine as our Minister is to come to an end next year and, in conjunction with Ruxley and the Circuit, the process to identify her successor has already begun. During this process views will be sought (and recorded) from Stewards, Church leaders and a broadly based selection of Church members - together with any other church members who may wish to express opinions.

In an ideal world, based on the profile of Church members, the Stewards would like the new Minister to be a ‘like for like’ replacement for Martine. Someone who is assigned primarily to SMC and Ruxley, and who lives locally in our Manse, is ordained to take Communion Services, able and wishing to make timely and frequent home and hospital visits and, where appropriate, to give communion at such visits.

However, Ministers are Circuit, not Church, appointments. It is a lengthy and complex process, there are many considerations and everybody’s view is equally valued. All concerned, in our Church and the Circuit, are asked to give this very important matter prayerful and careful consideration. Every good wish to you all. Ernie Baker

Page 7: Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

Prayers Submitted by Hazel Eagle

Loving God of all the world, we hold before you all the nations, their needs and their potential. God, who reigns over governments, bring justice where injustice rules. God, who carries a weary world without growing weak, give strength to the struggling and hope to the hopeless. Creative God, who dreamed up our world, grant vision and insight to those with a heart to change things for the better. Compassionate God, heal what is hurting and restore what has been . With grateful hearts we thank our loving God, whose compassion never ceases, whose love for us never runs dry and whose fight against injustice never relents. Amen.

(C)Rebecca Branch, All We Can (formerly MRDF)Methodist Church Purposes

. Beautiful God, whose love is beyond our knowing; Eternal God, whose wisdom is greater than our understanding; Extravagant God, who showers goodness upon us in unimaginable abundance; bless your children. Holy Father and Mother, giver of life, heal us and free us to be truly human as Jesus was truly human. Holy Spirit, come and fill this moment.

(C) Jill Dascombe Vice President of Conference 2014-15. Methodist Purposes.

Page 8: Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

Tuesday Fellowship

Our Local Arrangement Service on Sunday 9th August at 10.30am is adapted from the Women's World Day Of Prayer Order of Service 2015, devised by Christian women of the Bahamas and including a pictorial screen presentation with commentary. Please come and wear bright colours if possible. The Marriage Service of Matthew Timms (Geoff's grandson) and Katie Whatley will be led by Rev Dr Martine Stemerick on Friday 21st August at

1.00pm. All members and friends of SMC will be welcome to attend.


Sep 8th Margaret Adams – Care for Uganda

Sep 15th Pam Goodall – Solo Bike Journey around the whole World (Aged almost 60)

Sep 22nd Cream Tea at Chessington

Sep 29th Our Minister – Rev. Dr Martine Stemerick

If you would like an item to be in

“The Link” please send it to

Vivienne Ridgway [email protected]

Articles for inclusion in the next LINK should be with Vivienne by

Sept 10th 2015

The right to edit or omit articles is reserved to SMC, The Minister and Stewards

The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of SMC as a whole

He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly

with your God. Micah 6: 8

Page 9: Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

Remembering Pauline

P Private, Peaceful, Placid, Practical, Precious

A Aware, Artistic, Adaptable, Adventurous

U Unique, Understanding, Unforgettable,

L Loving, Lively, Lovely.

I Intelligent, Indefatigable, Industrious,

N Nice, Neat, Noteworthy

E Eager, Efficient, Excellent, Exceedingly well loved Helen Quaife

Pauline Dunstone (extracts from Martine’s eulogy)

From the time she was little, Pauline was brought up in church and quietly loved it. As a girl, Pauline was very involved with life at Down Lodge Hall in Wandsworth. As well as attending church services there, Pauline was a member of the youth club, which her mother helped to lead. It was at church that she met Jim and became his first and only girlfriend. Jim was warmly welcomed into Pauline’s family and they were married at St Michael’s, Southfields on 2nd September 1961. Within a few years, Pauline and Jim had moved to Epsom and were very much involved in the life of Stoneleigh Methodist Church. Barbara Airey remembers Pauline having first been invited to join the Young Wives. In the years that followed, Pauline served at different times as Sunday School Secretary, Church Council Secretary and Circuit Minute Secretary, and much later, she became Treasurer for the Tuesday Fellowship. Pauline and Jim also enjoyed the DIY house group, and during the last years, when Pauline found it so difficult to get out and about, the group met at Pauline and Jim’s house, so Pauline could continue to enjoy and be part of the friendship and Bible study.

Page 10: Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

Pauline was a loving, caring mother and grandmother, who always had good advice to offer and who was always willing and able to work through any problems that arose. Later she was a wonderful nanny to Paul, Rachel and Katy. Pauline delighted in sleepovers and days out, reading stories, always delighted to see her grandchildren and very proud of them. Pauline adored Jim and cared for him for over 50 years, a very caring, loving wife. Her friends at church knew Pauline as so friendly, so helpful. She put her heart and soul into everything she did, someone who had firm views but who looked for the best in others. Despite her poor health in later years, Pauline continued to live life as fully as possible - immersing herself in work, church and family life. She continued to enjoy Jim’s cooking, pottering in the garden, her holidays and the annual Scout reunion. As her condition deteriorated, Pauline became confined to a wheelchair and was increasingly reliant on others. Her friends all loved and admired the way Pauline and Jim coped with her health problems over many years, loving each other and living a life demonstrating Christ’s love to others.

“On Visiting the Sick” - Extract from John Wesley’s Sermon 98 (text from the 1872 edition) Paragraph 1:3 “I was sick, and ye visited me." Matthew 25:36 “One great reason why the rich, in general, have so little sympathy for the poor, is because they so seldom visit them. Hence it is, that, according to the common observation, one part of the world does not know what the other suffers. Many of them do not know, because they do not care to know: they keep out of the way of knowing it; and then plead their voluntary ignorances an excuse for their hardness of heart.” submitted by Tom Turner

Page 11: Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

Sadly we learned of the death of our

long-time friend Peter Tolley in Epsom General Hospital

on Saturday 11th July HOPE 2015 The Annual Churches Together in Ewell afternoon – HOPE – was on Sunday afternoon, 21st June. It was a very successful afternoon; it seems it was one of our busiest years. It was so lovely to see families having such a relaxing time mingling with all the stalls. Norma, Catherine and Marian were particularly busy in the SMC craft tent. Generation church/ Eden People operated the ‘prayer tree’ and reported they had several opportunities to pray with people and share Jesus’ love quite directly. There were many prayers hung on the prayer tree; the following is a very concise summary. In your prayers over the summer, please pray for:

Families in Ewell, for new life, for the passing away of loved ones, for God’s love in relationships.

Epsom Street Pastors, that they will be given resources to do God’s work in Epsom

For those who are caring for others, at work and at home

For those looking for work. Vivienne Ridgway

Page 12: Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

Remembering Pat Rock

Pat was born in 1932, a spina bifida baby. She told me that as a result she had many operations as a child, leaving her with one leg shorter than the other. In her own words, she had to wear ‘an iron on one leg’. Fortunately, she had very sensible parents, who brought her up to regard her disability as a challenge not a handicap. For the most part she did everything that other children did. The first time I met her, she was cycling across the playground at Nonsuch School on a bicycle specially adapted by her father. He was one of the founder members of Stoneleigh Methodist Church in 1937 and Pat was one of the first members of the Sunday School. I met her again when I first married and came to SMC: she was one of the first to welcome me. I soon discovered how gifted she was. She had a beautiful contralto voice and took a leading part in the City of London choir. She was also a very competent pianist. After we retired, Pat and I used to play duets. I found this a bit scary at times, because Pat was a perfectionist, so every semi-quaver had to be correct... For some time, she and I played for the Sunday services on piano and organ respectively. Pat loved to go out and visit well-known places. She taught herself to drive in a specially adapted car and spent many happy days touring with friends. I think the Lake District was her special favourite. I believe that when she left school at 16 after she matriculated, she did a secretarial course. She worked in Leatherhead in this capacity for many years, her main interest being in figures, so it was not surprise when she became Circuit Treasurer, an office she held for many years. There was nothing she liked better than working on her computer upstairs in her ‘office’. At Stoneleigh Methodist Church, she was a keen worker for ‘Action for Children’ and also organised the envelopes for gifts to the church. Everything she did was done

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meticulously down to the last detail. She was not one to suffer fools gladly and often told me off for playing the hymns too slowly or incorrectly, but somehow, knowing Pat, I never minded this. As time went on, things became impossible and eventually even Pat had to admit defeat. Reluctantly, she had to agree to go and live in Priory Court. She had got to the point where she couldn’t drive, couldn’t even do the beautiful embroidery which she had so much enjoyed. We were all amazed at how quietly she settled down in her new home and it was a great shock to hear soon after of her being ill in hospital. On Easter Sunday, both she and Pauline Dunston were in church for the last time. I still look from the organ expecting to see her in her usual place, joining in the hymns with enthusiasm, holding on the last note for its correct duration and beginning the next verse at the correct moment. Pat will be greatly missed.

Hilda Bristow.

The church has been greatly blessed by the embroidery that Pat Rock gave us when she moved. It is on the left hand corner, behind the communion rail. (ed)

Extract from an email received by SMC from Tony Belk

“I have just heard of the passing of Pat, a friend of mine for over 60 years I was a member of the Stoneleigh Methodist Youth Club in the late 1940’s with Pat.. She was an inspiration to all of us who knew her by the way she lived a near normal life under conditions of severe disability………. .a quite remarkable lady “

Page 14: Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

June Church Cleaning

Ryan had a great time and kept asking all the men what they were doing and telling them to get a move on! He

helped me with table cleaning. Shows age is no barrier as Brenda reminded us a few

weeks ago!

More Beaver Bazzaz Here's Luke getting a hole in one! Well done Luke

Picture by Jeananne Holtorp

There was dancing and singing and of course a Conga!

Isabel is on the right and Evie

with her back to us both scaling heights!

Page 15: Stoneleigh Methodist Church Magazine · a sea of Beavers and some fabulous ways to keep them entertained. Several hundred little people all having a great day doing a huge range of

If you can believe it, there are three of our Beavers inside those 'Zorb' balls, bashing into each other and rolling around and upside down inside the inflatable balls. I wasn't sure if they were going to enjoy it, but most came out laughing and desperate to go back in

The children chose the 'wipe out' game as their favourite.

Here's Liliana concentrating on

her jump!

Our last ride of the day was a miniature steam engine which they all thought was fabulous