Vaccine policies Steve Kirsch Executive Director COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund [email protected] stevekirsch.substack.com Nov 14, 2021 1

Steve Kirsch Executive Director Vaccine policies COVID-19

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Vaccine policies

Steve KirschExecutive DirectorCOVID-19 Early Treatment [email protected] stevekirsch.substack.com Nov 14, 2021


Have you ever wondered why there

are NO debates between experts on

both sides?


Even for $1M just to show up, they will

not debate!


What are they so afraid of?


The Truth


It doesn’t work (UK government data on vaccine efficacy (VE)). It makes things worse.


Vaccine adverse events

Small practice 750 patientsReports in 29 years: 0Reports this year: 25

Large neuro practice20,000 patientsReports in 11 years: 0Reports this year: 2,000



Celine DionGot the vaccine.

Can’t perform anymore.

Maybe for the rest of her life.

Nobody is talking.


THESE ARE ALL IMPOSSIBLE...if the vaccines are perfectly safe.


(i.e., it can’t happen by chance)

About meRetired high-tech serial entrepreneur. Age 65.

Started CETF which funded fluvoxamine, HCQ, camostat, ...studies. Featured on 60 Minutes.

Doubly vaxxed before learning my friends were dead/disabled after vaccination. Driven by data, not “popular opinion.”

Lost most of my friends for opposing the vaccine.

Quit my company to focus 100% on saving lives.

No conflicts of interest. No history of misinformation spreading or conspiracy theories. 13


Then vaccine mandates are pointless

Are COVID vaccines effective and safe?


Latest news that everyone should know


UC Davis/UCSF study and Lancet paper and CDC study

Vaccinated = Unvaccinated viral load. The vaccine is doing nothing for Delta. Mandates are nonsensical.

Aaron Siri hospital study 90% of admissions were vaccinated in an area with 50% vaccination rate. This is stunning because it means that vaccinated people are 9X more likely to be hospitalized than unvaccinated people.

Aaron Siri FOIA request Naturally recovered patients cannot transmit COVID to anyone. Zero cases. This means Aaron Rodgers is the least dangerous person on the team. The vaccinated members can spread COVID. He can’t.

Harvard study “The line goes the wrong way.” The more you vaccinate, the worse off you are.

Latest news that everyone should know


UCSF Professor Aditi Bhargava testimony

Recovered patients cannot transmit the virus. They are highly unlikely to be hospitalized or die if re-infected. This is not true at all for vaccinated patients.

Aaron Siri CDC study CDC study shows vaccinated are more likely to transmit the virus to others. Mandates are nonsensical. If anything, we should mandate people NOT get vaccinated.

Latest news that everyone should know


Fluvoxamine Phase 3 trial results published in Lancet

Fluvoxamine is best drug ever for COVID. 12X reduction in death. Physicians ignore waiting until NIH or WHO say it is OK.

Jessica Rose myocarditis paper

Shows myocarditis isn’t just limited to 16 year old boys. Long tail. Publisher ordered the paper removed “temporarily” for no reason. Unethical practice.

Maddie de Garay permanent paralysis in Phase 3 trial of 12-15 after dose 2.

Clinical trial fraud since reported as “mild abdominal discomfort.” FDA promises to investigate, but did nothing. Fraud is ignored by CDC, Pfizer, the entire medical community, and mainstream media. Nobody wants to confront the fact the vaccines are unsafe as it would destroy the narrative and public trust in the FDA and CDC.

CDC estimates 90% of Americans now have antibodies against COVID

COVID should now be no more dangerous than the flu, but we aren’t acting that way.

Latest news that everyone should know

Damages DNA repair → increases risk of cancer


Another recent child paralysis…

You just never hear about this since not covered by the press. It doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.


Let’s be clear… it’s not about the science


Safety and efficacy


How dangerous are these vaccines? >800 times more deadly than the deadliest vaccine in human history (Smallpox)

Is the spike protein cytotoxic? Yes

Are the vaccines safe? No! Kill>save rate for all ages.

Do we know the amount, distribution, and duration of the spike produced after injection of a known amount of vaccine?

No clue. Never measured. Varies in each person. Uncontrolled.

Is there danger of original antigenic sin, enhanced replication and infectivity, and prion diseases?


Is there danger to the human reproductive system from these vaccines?

Yes. Menstrual issues are elevated by up to 8,800X normal.

Safety: >100x more dangerous



Killed>Saved for all agesThe table shows the Killed by vaccine:Saved from COVID death in 6 months numbers. Units for both columns are per million doses.

You can read this article which details how all these numbers were calculated.

For kids, we kill over 6 kids to save 1 kid from a COVID death. Mandating vaccination for anyone, especially school-age children, is proof of a corrupt society.

Bottom line: It is nonsensical to vaccinate any age group.

Age Killed Saved K:S

20-30 67 11 6.1:1

30-40 121 31 3.9:1

40-50 210 76 2.8:1

50-60 436 185 2.4:1

60-70 1031 450 2.3:1

70-80 2140 1133 1.9:1

80+ 6276 3458 1.8:1



Menstrual issues are highly elevated by up to 8,800X

CDC does not want you to know this


Cardiac failure elevated by 475X

CDC does not want you to know this

Safety and efficacy


Are there more or fewer cases of myocarditis since the vaccines rolled out?

More. There is virtually no risk of this from COVID.

What is the 5-year survival after vaccine induced myocarditis?

Nobody knows.

Are the vaccines effective? Viral loads same. Line slopes wrong way

Are there more cases of serious adverse events on the field in athletes since the vaccines rolled out?

~ 60X normal

Can these vaccines make things worse for people by making infection easier or impairing their immune systems?

Yes, absolutely.

Do vaccines work against RNA viruses like COVID? Nope. It was wishful thinking. We still haven’t cracked the code on RNA vaccines. Not safe or effective.


How do you explain these?


See anything wrong? CDC says “nothing to see here, move along …”


OpenVAERS“Red box” summaries

Multiply by at least 41 to get actual # of events

Note: Two dose calc: 1000000/((5.2+71.5)*41)=317 (note 41 is the URF even though the FDA and CDC refuse to calculate the value). See calculation here.

Reference: John Su, Safety update for COVID-19 vaccines: VAERS

1 in 317 boys (16-17) will get myocarditis from the vaccine

(in order to save ~1 in a million kids from dying from COVID)


What does the VAERS data show?


Are there more adverse events reported this year than all events ever combined (70+ vaccines, >30 years)?


Can you determine causality via Bradford-Hill? Yes. Dose and temporal signals.

What is the underreporting factor (URF)? 41 calculated per CDC methodology

Any chance that this is just “over reporting?” No. Unrelated events reported at same rate. Fingerprint is different.

How many Americans have died from these vaccines? > 150K

How many Americans have been permanently disabled from these vaccines?

> 200K

How many kids 5-11 will we sacrifice for every kid saved? 117

What does the VAERS data show?


Is the only serious side effect myocarditis? No. The CDC missed every serious adverse event. There are hundreds.

What are the four biggest categories? Reproductive (esp female), immunological, cardiovascular, neurological.

Top causes of death? Cardiac arrest, PE, intracranial hemorrhage.

Are the vaccines suitable some ages such as old w/comorbidities?

No. Kill > Saved.

Were any of the deaths in VAERS for kids 12-17 ever explained?


Is this the most dangerous vaccine ever invented? Yes. 800X more deadly than smallpox.

Vaccine mandates


COVID vaccine mandates are necessary because the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected.

Considering a mandate? Take 10 minutes to read this remarkable speech


“I have no doubt that COVID-19 is the greatest threat to humanity we have ever faced; not because of a virus; … but because of our response to it.”

Mitigation strategies


Are mandates required or desirable? It’s endemic. Everyone is going to get it. Mitigation is unnecessary. Mandates Vaccinated = unvaccinated.

Are vaccinated people more likely to be infected? Yes according to UK government data, after a brief “honeymoon” period

Are masks suddenly effective against respiratory viruses? No, not at all. The laws of physics haven’t changed. 47 studies show they don’t work.

Mitigation strategies


Are mitigation techniques needed? (lockdowns, social distancing, mask requirements, frequent testing, vaccinated-only restrictions)


Is vaccination with a non-sterilizing vaccine in the middle of a pandemic a good idea?

No. It’s the worst thing you can do.

Can you get COVID from someone who has already had COVID? No. SURPRISE!

Are rapid tests effective? PCR tests? If symptoms, confirm with rapid test.

Can someone who is asymptomatic spread COVID? Yes, but it’s minimal risk.

Biggest risk? Symptomatic super-spreaders

Is it necessary to segregate vaccinated from unvaccinated? Have separate policies? Identifying bracelets or arm bands?

Nonsensical. Not science-based.


How do we know masking, vaccination, testing are useless?Because people who ignore the rules don’t do worse.

Early treatments


What is the best way to get to zero COVID? Early treatment

What have other countries used to get to zero COVID? Early treatment

Do early treatments work? Vitamin D, FLV, IVM, HCQ, ... Yes

What kind of risk reduction do early treatment cocktails provide in practice?


Are there any risks of death or disability with early treatments? No.

When were early treatments first available? March 2020

Is recovered immunity better than vaccine immunity? Yes. Much better.

What do all patients hospitalized for COVID have in common? They didn’t get treated early.

Does early treatment prevent long-haul COVID? Nearly 100%.



Is censorship of dissenting views needed? No

How should we stop misinformation? Open debate

Why is the public only hearing one side of the narrative? Truth must be suppressed

Is science being corrupted by politics? Yes

How come doctors aren’t prescribing fluvoxamine and it isn’t added to practice guidelines?

NIH hasn’t added it since would compete with vaccine

Political rhetoric


Is the CDC trustable? No

Will the CDC reveal their VAERS URF calculation? Never. Too embarrassing.

Can you compute a risk-benefit analysis without knowing the URF?


Is vaccination the best way out? No

Are unvaccinated people a danger to society? No

Is this a “pandemic of the unvaccinated?” No. >90% admissions are vaccinated in some areas.

Should the vaccines be halted? Yes. Immediately.

Will anyone debate you on any of this? Never. Crickets.




SUMMARY1. The vaccines kill more people than they save. 2. Vaccination makes cases worse (Harvard study)3. The vaccinated are as dangerous as the unvaccinated.4. Mask wearing is completely ineffective. It’s never worked for

respiratory viruses.5. Mandates are nonsensical.6. Vaccination with a non-sterilizing vaccine in the middle of a

pandemic is dangerous; the worst possible solution.7. If you get COVID, treat with an early treatment protocol.8. Mitigation measures make sense only if a person is symptomatic.

Nobody will debate us because they can’t defend their positions when faced with the facts. Nobody can rationalize the VAERS data. Nobody.

Early treatment is the only way to get to zero COVID. It is better on every metric. Fareed-Tyson protocol is 99.76% effective. No death or disability risk!

The one thing every hospitalized COVID patient has in common: they didn’t use a proven early treatment protocol. 49

FOR MORE INFOSee the Vaccine article on skirsch.io

It has links to everything, including this presentation.