SEVEN PILLARS OF BUSINESS BUILDING Beginning of Section 2 of Four Parts

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  • 1. SEVEN PILLARS OFBUSINESS BUILDING Beginning of Section 2 of Four Parts

2. Pillar #1The importance of Good People and Good Ideas Hans Roslings 200 years in 4 minutesYou Tube Healthy Wealthy Corner Country Foundation: 1. Fundamental respect for human life 2. People were encouraged to self determine buildtheir own vision for what their life will be Government did NOT tell their people what to do. 3. People were protected in pursing their dreams 4. People enjoyed the majority of the fruits of theirlabors 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 3. Pillar #1The importance of Good People and Good Ideas Hans Roslings 200 years in 4 minutesYou Tube Healthy Wealthy Corner People Foundation: 1. Fundamental respect for human life 2. Faith based 3. Family centered 4. Hard working 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 4. 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 5. Important Disciplines We Certify Dispute Resolution is Important Certify Lawyers Maintaining Health is Important Certify Physicians Cars on Freeway are Important Certify Mechanics 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 6. Important Disciplines We Certify Dispute Resolution is Important Certify Lawyers Maintaining Health is Important Certify Physicians Cars on Freeway are Important Certify MechanicsAs important as Entrepreneurism is, where does society, by education and training, certify entrepreneurs?Interestingly, in countries were entrepreneurism is not prevalent, other certifications do NOT exist.In 2011, the capstone certification of Entrepreneurism is missing! 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 7. Pillar #2 MentorOne of the most importantthings that can happen for ANYentrepreneur is to link up with anexperienced and talented mentor as soon as possible. 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 8. Pillar #3 The Optimal Path and Energy 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 9. Pillar #3 - Continued and Energy 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 10. Pillar #3 - Continuedand Energy 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 11. Pillar #3 - ConclusionsThe optimal path does existThere are common elements to thedevelopment of every ideaEntrepreneurs MUST be counseled andadvised to know how to stay as close to theoptimal path as possibleAny deviation off the path consumes preciousTIME, MONEY, and ENERGY 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 12. Pillar #4 Each Optimal Path is UniquePriority of variables that make each path unique:1. Sphere of Influence2. Education3. Experience4. Level of Preliminary Funding5. Industry of the Idea NAICS6. Product or Service or Product and Service7. Country where the idea will be developed8. State or province of idea developmentThese are some of the top elements of uniqueness 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 13. Pillar #5: Education and Experience Matrix 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 14. Pillar #5 - Continued 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 15. Pillar #5 - Continued 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 16. Pillar #5 - ConclusionExperience can be addressed by bringing a subsetof the right people forward at the right timeThere is NO substitute for core things that theentrepreneur MUST understand (education)Entrepreneurs do not know what they do notknow; many of them they think they know it alland this can be a HUGE barrier to success 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 17. Pillar #6 Entrepreneur Life Cycle 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 18. Pillar #6 - Continued 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 19. Pillar #6 - ContinuedIdeaCreation Point of MeritProven Point 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 20. Pillar #6 - Continued 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 21. Pillar #6 - ConclusionsWhere are you currently in the entrepreneur life cycle?It is important to understand key elements of this life cycleand where critical Power Levers applyWhat revenue potential exists under the curve (total revenue generation potential)?There are several powerful overlays and much more thatcan be learned from the ELP (note: future presentation)How can an entrepreneur reinvent their idea for long termsustainability (skunk works)? 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 22. Pillar #7 Power LeversDo you remember the science lessons on Leverage?Three essential things:1. Need the right lever for the right job2. Need to use the right fulcrum3. Need to place the lever and the fulcrum in the correct position to obtain optimal results 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 23. Pillar #7 Power Levers - ContinuedPriority List of Levers1.Mentor2.Document your idea3.Determine if you have a good idea (50,000 foot view)4.Are you willing to make the sacrifice?5.Merit plan Preliminary funding plan6.Market Research Business model development7.Product/Service Development8.Marketing Plan9.Sales Plan10. Accounting11. Legal12. Administration13. Business Operations14. Business Plan15. Launch and Monitor 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 24. 83 Power Levers in the DooBizz.com Tree 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 25. DooBizz.comIs your absolutely FREE High-Power entrepreneur tool!At doobizz.com entrepreneurs are taughteverything that they need to know and needto do to be successful.Leverage! Use the Power Levers to youradvantage! 2011, Berkeley L. Geddes - All Rights Reserved 26. End of Section 2 of Four Parts