Steps Towards Development

Steps Towards Development. Building Govt What issues do you think African nations faced when creating new govt’s? Problems – Lack of unity – Ethnic and

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Steps Towards Development

Building Govt

• What issues do you think African nations faced when creating new govt’s?

• Problems– Lack of unity– Ethnic and economic



• Civil Wars– Ethnic and economic– Created from boarders based on Europe’s colonies• Regions have their own goals

– Economic, political, and their own leaders

• 1 party rule– 1 party controls all elections can have mult.

Candidates but from the same party

Govt Cont.

• Military Rule– Removed corrupt

leaders– Restore order– Mix success

• Stability– Strong econ. Help– Democratization

• Moved to multi-party systems

Economic Systems

• Socialism– Gov’t owns and operates major businesses• Will supply the basic needs: food, shelter, healthcare

• Mixed economies– Majority of the continent – Build their own factories and goods• Help from Multinational corporations

– Invested in mining and agricultural areas– Most profits leave the country

Econ. Choices & Challenges

• Developing Agriculture– Some govt’s don’t help

out– Focus is on cash crops

• Food prices low—hurts farmers

– Pop. Explosion and weather

• Dependence – Rely on one cash crop– Limit imports

Population Explosion

• Population is a major issue– About 922 million– Quickly rising • Book:1.5 billion by 2025

– Actually on pace for 1.7

• City Growth– Major city growth within the last 50 years– Why do you think people are moving to the cities?

Effects of Urbanization Positive

• Est. a new urban elite– $, education, power

• New jobs • A new culture

Negative• Small middle class• Majority of the population

– Lower class

• Past culture is lost– Cities=Nuclear family

•Westernization•Youth welcomes technology as older gen. oppose it


• Still strong ties to the tribes

• Communication barriers• Religion – Diviner: mediator

between god and the tribe

• All of these impacted by urbanization

Lives of Women

• Contributed to the economic well being of the family

• Status varied widely

Bride Wealth

• Women married at age 14 or 15.• Man would have to give a valuable gift to the

women’s family…sometimes didn’t have enough money until the age of 30.

• What does this reveal about the status of women?

Women’s Rights

• Times are changing– Women are gaining more rights. Ex. Inherit land• Ivory Coast has banned polygamy

• Programs– Education and job training

• While some improve– Some areas women still have very little rights


• All African Gov’ts support programs – Do you think everyone gets this though?

• Issues– Costs are to high: training teachers and building

schools– Drop out after a few years• What are some reasons why they might drop out?

• From elem. schools to colleges Lack of $$$$