Std 7 SSSV 1st Sem SC

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  • 8/12/2019 Std 7 SSSV 1st Sem SC


    Std: 7 CHAPTER5 to 9 SCIENCE SEM1


    Q 1 Fill in the Blanks: - CHAPTER 5 TO 9

    01). ......................................................................... are sour to taste.

    02). Lemon contains .............................................................................. acid, whereas milk has

    .......................................................................... acid.

    03). ............................................................................... acid is used as a preservative in pickles.

    04). Mineral acids are ..................................................................... acids.

    05). ................................................................................................... acid is called the king of chemicals.

    06). ......................................................................................................... is used as an antacid.

    07). Bases that are soluble in water are called .........................................................

    08). ..................................................................................................................... is used in the manufacture of


    09). Phenolphthalein will turn pink in ....................... ............................................. medium.

    10). Phenolphthalein will turn ....................................................... in basic medium.

    11). Red cabbage juice changes to green with .............................................

    12). ......................................................... is a general term used for substances that are formed when

    an acid and a base react with each other.

    13). The reaction between vinegar and baking soda is a/an ................................................................

    14). When a bee stings, it injects a/an ...................................................................... liquid into the skin

    15). Copper sulphate has five molecules of water for each copper sulphate molecule and is

    written as .........................................................................

    16). ................................................................................................. is used in the purification of water.(Potash alum/sodium chloride)

    17). Which one of the following is not a mineral acid? .................................................................

    (A) Hydrochloric acid (B) Tartaric Acid (C) Nitric Acid (D) Sulphuric Acid

    18). Which one of the following is a weak acid?

    (A) Oxalic acid (B) Sulphuric acid (C) Nitric acid (D) Hydrochloric acid

    19). Which one of the following is a base?

    (A) KOH (B) Zn(OH)2 (C) Cu(OH)2 (D) All are bases

    20). Which one of the following is not used as an indicator?(A) Vinegar (B) Litmus (C) Phenolphthalein (D) Methyl Orange

    21). Sodium bicarbonate, which is used in bakeries and medicines, is a/an .............................

    22). Hydrochloric acid, nitric acid and sulphuric acid are called ................................................. acid

    23). Acids are .............................................................. in taste.

    24). The chemical name of washing soda is ......................................................................

    25). The degree of hotness or coldness of a body is called .................................

    26). The term hot and cold are ................................................................... terms.

    27). Fahrenheit scale is indicated by ........................................................

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    28). The thermometer used to measure our body temperature is called a ......................................


    29). The ............................................................ ensure that the mercury in the thermometer does no

    contract before the temperature has been read.

    30). Heat is a form of .

    31). Heat energy is measured in .......32). ................................................................................ mode of heat transfer plays a major role in land

    and sea breeze.

    33). .................................................................. of heat can occur even in vacuum.

    34). Temperature is measured in ........................................................

    35). The SI unit of heat is ...........................................................

    36). The primary mode of heat transfer in liquid is ...................................................

    37). In thermos flask , there is a minimization of heat loss due to ..................................................

    (A) Conduction (B) Convection (C) Radiation (D) All of these

    38). An instrument used to measure temperature ........................................................

    39). The primary mode of heat transfer inside a metal object .......................................

    40). The primary mode of heat transfer in gases ...........................................................

    41). The mode of heat transfer from the sun to the earth ......................................................

    42). The form of energy that flows from a hot body to cold body is called ......................................

    43). The primary mode of heat transfer in solids in which heat is transferred within a body

    or when two bodies are in contact with each other is called ........................ ........................

    44). The method by which heat is transferred via the mass movement of the liquid or gas

    itself is called ...................................................................

    45). The mode of heat transfer that takes place in the form of electromagnetic waves is

    called ......................................................................................

    46). ...................... describes the weather condition over a long period of time

    47). The maximum and minimum temperatures in a day are measure with the help of

    ................................................. thermometer.

    48). ............................................. measures the relative humidity of a place

    49). The amount of rainfall can be measured with an instrument called


    50). The ............. in the Earths axis causes the occurrence of seasons

    51). Generally, if a planet is closer to the sun, it is ........................ than a plane

    away from the sun.

    52). The Earths axis of rotation is an imaginary line that passes through the .....

    53). In the ................................................................................ hemisphere, the longest day of the year is

    around 22ndJune.

    54). Fennec has ................ ears which help in dissipate heat.

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    55). Evaporation of water from the body leaves a ................................. effect.

    56). Some animals in the cold areas remain ....................................... during

    the worst part of the winter.

    57). The white fur of the polar bear is a good insulation from ....................

    58). ................................................................................... (bird) are covered upto their feet with feather

    59). The weather of a place over a long period of time is called ................................................60). The climate of a place depends on .............................................

    (A) latitude (B) height above the sea level (C) distance from the sea (D) All of these

    61). The amount of water vapour present in the atmosphere determines the ..............................

    62). The hump of the camel is a reservoir of ..............................................

    63). Which one of following animal possesses blubber under its skin?

    (A) Camel (B) African elephant (C) Fennec (D) Polar bear

    64). An instrument used to measure the relative humidity of a place ...............................................

    65). An instrument to measure the amount of rainfall ..................................................................

    66). Soil formation is fastest in ........................................................................... .

    (hot and moist/ cold and dry) climates.

    67). A vertical section that shows the distinct layers of soil when we cut straight down into

    the soil is called a soil .........

    68). ...................................................................................... weathering does not involve any change in th

    characteristics of the original rock.

    69). Hilly areas generally have a ........................................................ layer of soil. (thick/thin)

    70). O layer, which lies just above the topsoil, is rich in ...............................................................

    71). Chemical weathering is the fastest in .................................................................................... climate.

    72). Which one of the following layers of the soil is characterized by cracks and crevices?

    (A) Topsoil (B) Subsoil (C) Parent Rock (D) Bed Rock

    73). .......................................................................... type of soil dries out quickly after a rain.

    74). Soil pollution is caused by ...............................................................................

    (A) excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers (B) spilling or leakage of chemicals

    (C) acid rain (D) all of these

    75). In ................................................................. weathering, the chemical nature of the rock is altere

    76). .................................................................. is added to soil to lower the pH. (make soil more acidic

    77). ..................................................................... is added to soil to raise the pH.

    78). The method of growing crops on steps in hilly regions is called ................................................


    79). Decayed plant and animal remains. ...................................................

    80). Disintegration of rocks on the Earths surface caused by exposure to natural forces.


    81). Removal of trees on a large scale. .....................................................

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    82). Planting of trees on a large scale on deforested land ............................................................

    83). A type of pesticide that should be used to decrease soil pollution. ............................................

    84). When food is broken down, the reaction produces .......................................................... and


    85). ...................................................................................... is the process of intake of air rich in oxygen.

    (breathing/respiration)86). Enzymes and other catalysts are involved in the process of ......................................................

    87). In animals such as insects, there are several holes called .........................................................

    88). Most aquatic animals such as fish use special organs called .................................................. for


    89). Sugar ..................................................................... + ..................................................................... +....................................................................

    90). The intake of air rich in oxygen takes place during ....................................................

    91). ....................................................................... is a respiratory organ of insects.92). Air is exchanged in which part of the human respiratory system? ..........................................

    93). .................................................................... is the first step in breathing.

    94). Fish absorb oxygen from water through ...................................................

    95). The exchange of gases at the cellular level is called ...................................................

    96). Plants respire through ......................................................

    97). Respiration in the absence of oxygen is ..............................................................

    98). The intake of air rich in oxygen ..........................................................

    99). Process of releasing energy by breakdown of food. .......................................................100). Air holes in insects. ....................................................

    101). Another name for the chests ..........................................................

    102). Dome shaped muscle in the chest cavity ...........................................................

    103). The process of respiration that takes place in the absence of oxygen is called

    ......................................................................................... respiration.

    104). ............................................................. and ................................................ are two units of heat energy

    105). ................................................................................ are certain special characteristics that enable

    animals to live in a particular climate successfully.106). The method of growing crops on steps in hilly regions is called ..............................................


    107). ......................................................... is added to acidic soil to raise the pH.

    108). .................................................................... acid is used for cleaning gold and silver ornaments.

    109). The angle of inclination of the earth is ............................................................

    110). The formula of Sulphuric acid is .............................................................

    111). The formula of Sodium hydroxide is ....................................................................

    112). The formula of Hydrochloric acid is .................................................................

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    01). The degree of hotness or coldness of a body is called .

    02). Heat is a form of .

    03). Heat energy is measured in .

    04). ..... thermometer is used to measure body temperature.

    05). Conduction, convection, and radiation are different modes of

    ......06). In fluids, heat transfer takes place primarily due to ..........

    07). ....... is a good conductor of heat. (Water/Wood/Copper)

    08). .................................. is a bad conductor of heat. (Wool/Gold/Copper)

    09). .......................... is the primary mode ofheat transfer in a solid.

    10). The method by which heat is transferred by the mass movement of the liquid or gas

    itself is called .......

    11). Substances that conduct heat easily are called ...............

    12). The primary mode of heat transfer in a fluid is ..............

    13). The mode of heat transfer that does not need a medium is called


    14). The two units of heat energy are and ..

    15). The mode of heat transfer from one body to another where it is essential for the two

    bodies to be in contact is

    16). The SI unit of heat is ............. (kilocalorie/joule).

    17). ................. (Convection/Radiation) is the only mode of heat transfer tha

    can take place through vacuum.

    18). 100 degrees is the boiling point of water on the ................

    (Fahrenheit/Celsius) scale.

    19). .................. (Mercury/Alcohol) is the commonly used liquid in

    clinical thermometers.

    20). A kink is present in a .................. (clinical/ laboratory) thermometer.

    21). 113F= .. (45/4.5) C.

    22). The mode of heat transfer responsible for land and sea breeze is


    23). Substances that do not conduct heat very well are called .

    24). Conduction is the primary mode of heat transfer in a

    25). Energy from the sun reaches us through ...........

    26). Mercury melts at ................. C and boils only at ................................. C.

    27). ...................... thermometer has a kink.

    28). .......................................... is a device used to measure temperature.

    29). ...... describes the weather condition over a long period of time

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    30). The maximum and minimum temperatures in a day are measure with the help of

    ......... thermometer.

    31). .......................................... measures the relative humidity of a place.

    32). The amount of rainfall can be measured with an instrument called


    33). The . in the Earths axis causes the occurrence of seasons.34). Generally, if a planet is closer to the sun, it is ...................... than a planet

    away from the sun.

    35). The Earths axis of rotation is an imaginary line that passes through the



    37). Fennec has ................ ears which help in dissipate heat.

    38). Evaporation of water from the body leaves a ............................. effect.

    39). Some animals in the cold areas remain .................... during the wors

    part of the winter.

    40). The white fur of the polar bear is a good insulation from .................

    41). The ......... of a place over a long period of time is called climate.


    43). Seasons occur due to the Earths ............ (movement/tilt) to the plan

    of its orbit around the sun.

    44). The angle of inclination of the Earth is ..

    45). ................ are certain special characteristics that enable animals

    to live in a particular climate successfully.

    46). Animals need modifications to conserve water in ................

    (dry and hot/cold and wet) climates

    47). Many animals in hot tropical climates have very .............. (large/small) ear

    as a distinct feature.

    48). Leaf and stick insects are found in .........................................

    (desert-like/hot tropical and temperate) climates.

    49). In very cold climates, animals adapt in different ways to conserve ..........................................

    (water/body heat).

    50). Mammals such as polar bears have fat deposits called ............................. to kee

    themselves warm.

    51). Humidity is measured by using

    52). Rain gauge is used to measure .

    53). The hump of the camel is a reservoir of

    54). A drier place will have ........................... (lower/higher) humidity.

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    55). In December, it is .................. (Summer/Winter) in the Southern


    56). Places near the equator are generally (warmer/colder) than

    places closer to the poles.

    57). During .. (hibernation/migration), fat stores of the animal body

    get converted to energy.58). Chennai has a moderate climate because it is close to the .

    59). Penguins huddle together to stay .................................. (cool/warm) and fight

    ... (with themselves/their enemies)

    60). Animals that live in very cold places have adaptations to keep their bodies warm by

    ........................ (fat deposits/white fur).

    61). Weather conditions occurring over a long period of time in a given place is called


    62). Amount of moisture in the air is called

    63). The thick layer of fat deposits under the skin of some animals is called


    64). Changes that take place in the atmosphere at a given place and time is called

    65). The climate of the Earth depends on the distance from the sun, ..,

    ........................................, and ....................................

    66). ................................. is the mass movement of birds and animals from

    one place to another in response to a seasonal change.

    67). Polar bears have a thick layer of fat called . under their skins.

    68). A hygrometer measures

    69). Elephants help to keep their bodies cool with the help of large

    70). Ways that make it possible for an animal or plant to live in a particular place are called


    71). Soil formation is a .................... process.

    72). Rocks break up due to ............... weathering.

    73). Micro-organisms break down animal and plants remain to form ....

    74). ............... weathering is a mechanical process.

    75). .................... Horizon or .. is the uppermost layer of soil.

    76). ....................... Horizon contains partly weathered pieces of rock.

    77). ........................ Horizon is rich in mineral and other materials, which seep down alon

    with water.

    78). ........................ is rich in humus. (Topsoil/Subsoil)

    79). ................................ Horizon or . is the lowermost layer and mainly

    consists of the parent rock.

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    80). From .............................. layer of soil, plants get their nutrients.

    81). ........................................... layer of soil determines the type of soil.

    82). ................................... is made up of decayed plants and animals.

    83). .................................. soil has the maximum water absorption tendency.

    84). .......................... soil retains moisture and becomes very sticky when wet

    85). .............................. soil has high humus content.86). ............................ soil is good for cultivation of crops.

    87). .. (Soil/Humus) is formed by the continuous weathering of rock

    88). In ......................... (physical/chemical) weathering, the chemical

    nature of the rock is not altered.

    89). The difference in particle size of the soil constituents determines its


    90). .......................................... is added to acidic soils to raise the pH.

    91). The method of growing crops on steps in hilly regions is called

    ............................... farming.

    92). Reduction or prevention of soil erosion is called soil .............................

    93). The removal of trees on large scale is known as ..............................

    94). ........................................ (Chemical/Organic) pesticides should be

    used to decrease soil pollution.

    95). If the soil particles are dark and crumbly and not gritty or smooth then it is

    ............................... (loamy/clayey) soil.

    96). ............................................. (Dams/Embankments)should be constructed

    around hill slopes or fields to stop the flow of water.

    97). Soil formation is fastest in . (hot and moist/ cold and dry) climate

    98). The soil in the .... (A/B/C) Horizon is rich in humus and darker in colou

    99). The water absorption of more than . (clay/sand)

    100). Soil with a ............ (poor/good) percolation of water is harmfu

    for plants.

    101). ............................... is added to soil to raise the pH.

    102). The uppermost layer of the Earths surface made up of tiny particles of sand, mud, and

    rock and humus is called ............................................

    103). A dark-coloured layer of the soil formed of dead and decayed plant and animal remain

    is called .........................................

    104). A vertical section that shows the distinct layers of soil when we cut straight down into

    the soil is known as the .......................

    105). The disintegration of rocks on the Earths surface caused by exposure to natural force

    such as wind, water, frost, roots of plants, etc. is called

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    106). Huge pieces of parent rock begin to break up near the surface due to


    107). .................. weathering is the process in which rocks are broken

    down into smaller pieces.

    108). ........................ farming should be adopted in hilly areas.

    109). ........................................ is added to basic soil to lower the pH.110). ....................................... is added to acidic soil to raise the pH.

    111). .................. weathering is the process in which existing minerals

    are broken down into new mineral components.

    112). In ........................... process of weathering, the chemical nature of the

    rock gets changed.

    113). The removal of soil by running water and wind is known as ...............

    114). ...................... are added to soil having low mineral content.

    115). ................................ is one of the main agents of chemical weathering.

    116). Formation of soil depends on several factors such as ..........,

    .., and the

    117). Soil formation is .. (slowest/fastest) in hot and moist climate

    118). is the first step of breathing.

    119). In fish, oxygen is absorbed from water through

    120). The exchange of gases at the cellular level is called ..

    121). Plants respire through ....

    122). Respiration in the absence of oxygen is called ..

    123). When food is broken down, ...... (oxygen/carbon dioxide

    and water are formed.

    124). Earthworms breathe through their ..............................................

    125). Insects have air holes called ....................... that take in air.

    126). . are the breathing organs of plants.

    127). Anaerobic respiration results in the formation of carbon dioxide and


    128). Energy from food is released by the process of ....................

    129). The dome-shaped muscle beneath the lungs is called ..........................

    130). The site for exchange of gases in human beings is the ...............................

    131). The process of inhalation and exhalation is known as ..............................

    132). Pores found in leaves which help plants to respire are called


    133). Process of respiration that takes place in the presence of oxygen is called

    ............................. respiration.

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    134). Process of respiration that takes place in the absence of oxygen is called

    ...................... respiration.

    135). ................................. is the process of releasing energy from the

    breakdown of food.

    136). Animals such as frogs and snakes respire through their ..............................

    137). ..................................... is an essential step for respiration.138). The ............................ is a muscular organ that helps in

    inhalation and exhalation.

    139). Each cell in a living body needs . (oxygen/carbon dioxide) to

    break down food and gets energy.

    140). In unicellular animals gases are exchanged from the body surface by the process of

    ...................... (osmosis/diffusion).

    141). Gills are like slits made of very thread-like structures called

    (capillaries/ filaments).

    142). . (Diaphragm/Thorax) is a thin dome-shaped muscl

    found under the lungs.

    143). Carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol is released in .

    (aerobic/anaerobic) respiration.

    144). The process of respiration that takes place in the presence of oxygen is called


    145). .......................................... is a physical process. (Breathing/Respiration)

    146). ..................... is the process of inhalation and exhalation.

    147). ............................................ takes place inside the cells. (Breathing/Respiration)

    148). Energy is released during the process of .......................


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    149). The thick muscular organ of the circulatory system in man is called


    150). A normal heart beats about . times a minute.

    151). The .. ventricle pumps oxygenated blood to all parts of the body.152). Plants transport water inside its body through .

    153). The process by which prepared food is sent to all plant parts is called

    154). In animals, carbon dioxide is excreted in the form of .. (inhaled/exhaled)


    155). Blood has a red pigment called .

    156). . connect arteries to the veins.

    157). Blood in the right side of the heart is completely separated from the left side with the

    help of (valves/veins).

    158). The right opens into the right ventricle.

    159). Blood cells that help to stop bleeding in human beings are ..

    160). The functional unit of a kidney is

    161). The (bladder/kidneys) storeurine.

    162). Water is being constantly lost by plants through


    163). (Xylem/Phloem) carries water from the roots to the leaves

    for photosynthesis.

    164). The . (Aorta/Pulmonary) is the only artery that carries

    deoxygenated blood.

    165). The (left/right) ventricle has thick walls because it has to pump blood to larger


    166). .. (Carbon/Nitrogen) wastes of the body are removed by the

    kidneys in the form of urine.

    167). The largest artery of the body is ..

    168). The process by which food is sent to all parts of a plant body is called

    169). The process of removal of wastes from the body is known as


    170). Blood consists of several cells floating in a straw coloured liquid called


    171). Waste substances present in the blood are removed with the help

    of (kidney/heart).

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    172). . tissue in plants takes water and minerals up the stem.

    173). Chamber of the heart with thick walls, and pumps blood away from the heart is called


    174). Straw-coloured fluid that consists of suspended blood cells is called

    175). Process by which plants transport prepared food to all parts of the body is called..

    176). Chamber of the heart with thinner walls, and pumps blood within the heart is called

    177). .. tissue carries prepared food to all parts of the plant body.

    178). . is a fluid that flows in the blood vessels.

    179). There are no valves inside .. (arteries/veins).

    180). The right ... (auricle/ventricle) gets deoxygenated blood from all

    parts of the body through veins.

    181). Translocation of food materials takes place through

    182). Blood constitutes about % of the body weight.

    183). ... is a method for removing toxic substances from the blood with

    the help of a machine when the kidneys are unable to do so.

    184). Formation of urine takes place inside the

    185). A pair of reddish, bean-shaped organs called .

    186). is the process by which seeds are scattered from the parent


    187). In .. (sexual/asexual) reproduction, a new plant body is formed

    from a single parent.

    188). A small bulb-like outgrowth in yeast is called a .

    189). The spherical reproductive cells found in ferns and mosses are called

    .. (spores/gametes).

    190). In an onion, .. (roots/scales) serve as sites of food storage.

    191). . (Tubers/Stalk) are underground stem that swell up due to

    food stored in them.

    192). In (vegetative/sexual) reproduction, plants multiply with

    the help of their roots, stems, leaf, etc.

    193). A rose plant can easily multiply by the process of


    194). In grafting there is a (bud/stock/stock and scion).

    195). (Stamen/pistil) contains anthers that have pollen grains.

    196). Wind, water, and insects are agents of

    197). Formation of new plants through a single parent is called

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    198). The transfer of pollen grains from the stamen of one flower to the stigma of another

    flower is called .

    199). The process of fusion of male and female gametes is called


    200). The process of scattering of seeds away from the mother plant

    ........................................................... 201). The process of producing young ones from their parents is known as


    202). The formation of new plants through the fusion of male and female gametes is called

    . reproduction.

    203). Male organ of a flower which have anthers that contain pollen grains is called


    204). Female organ of a flower that contains the ovary with the ovules is called a

    205). After fertilization of the egg, the ovary becomes a .... and ovules become