Print ID: 1059JUL11 Product Code: ANR05 ISBN 13: 978-61661-190-3 Printed in China SPANISH EDITION LEAD DEVELOPER & WRITER C ARLOS B. G ARCÍA A PARÍCIO ADDITIONAL DESIGN SERGIO ALMAGRO TORRECILLAS EDITING GUILLERMO HERAS J AVIER CRUZ AGUILAR GRAPHIC DESIGN SERGIO ALMAGRO TORRECILLAS CARLOS B. GARCÍA APARICIO COVER ILLUSTRATION WEN YU LI INTERIOR ILLUSTRATIONS WEN YU LI SALVADOR ESPÍN LUIS NCT SERGIO MELERO PUBLISHER J OSÉ M. REY THANKS TO Ángeles and Cristobal, because without them my dream could not continue, and to all those fans who every day with their imagination make Gaïa a grander place. ENGLISH EDITION PRODUCER MARK O’CONNOR EDITING BEN LURIE MARK O’CONNOR ENGLISH TRANSLATION BEN LURIE PRODUCTION MANAGER ERIC KNIGHT EXECUTIVE PRODUCER MICHAEL HURLEY PUBLISHER CHRISTIAN T. PETERSEN STAFF THOSE WHO WALKED AMONGST US Anima: Beyond Fantasy is © 2006–2011 by Anima Project Studio and Edge Entertainment, all artwork is © 2001–2011 by their original creators, all rights reserved. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Fantasy Flight Games is located at 1975 W. County Road B2, Suite 1, Roseville, MN 55113, and can be reached by telephone at 651-639-1905. Retain this information for your records. All rights reserved. No page or fragment of this book can be reproduced without permission of the publisher. WWW.ANIMARPG.COM anima project STUDIO WWW.ANIMARPG.COM WWW.FANTASYFLIGHTGAMES.COM FANTASY FLIGHT GAMES Sample file

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Print ID: 1059JUL11Product Code: ANR05

ISBN 13: 978-61661-190 -3Printed in China













THANKS TOÁngeles and Cristobal, because without them my dream could not continue, and to all those fans who every day with

their imagination make Gaïa a grander place.










Anima: Beyond Fantasy is © 2006–2011 by Anima Project Studio and Edge Entertainment, all artwork is © 2001–2011 by their original creators, all rights reserved. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Fantasy Flight Games is located at 1975 W. County Road B2, Suite 1, Roseville,

MN 55113, and can be reached by telephone at 651-639-1905. Retain this information for your records.All rights reserved. No page or fragment of this book can be reproduced without permission of the publisher.


anima projectSTUDIO







Chapter 1: Children of Gaïa 4Game Terms 4Abomination 6Alius 8High Elder Elementals 10

Agni 10Arias Vayu 12Chthon 14Varuna 15

Archchimera 19Arhiman 20Animated Armor 21Balzak 23

Warrior 23Priest 23

Banshee 25Behemoth 26Belphe 28Spectral Beast 29Blatoddea 30Void Knight 31Soul Scavenger 33Cath Flidais 34Hunter (Type-012) 35Chichusei 37Demons 38

First Hierarchy 39Second Hierarchy 39Third Hierarchy 39Fourth Hierarchy 39Fifth Hierarchy 39Ignis 41Cerberus 42 Baroque 44Stribog 46 Manfeitor 47 Infernal Duke 48

Djinn 50Al-Djinn 50Yinnun 52

Ice Maiden 53C’iel Dragon 56Gaira Dragon 58Dullahan 62Emeth 64Sphinx 66Skeleton 67Etrien Gnosos 68Ghost 70

Minor 70

Major 70Arcane 70

Ginnungaus 72Gurmah-Gharus 73Worms of the Depths 75Gwyllgi 76Hamadryad 77Sigma Hecatondies 80Gnidium Helleborum 83Child of Baal 85Red Ant 86

Worker 87Warrior 87

Huldra 88Humbaba 89Nature’s Wrath 91The Machine 93

Drone 94Technocrat 95Carrier 97

Lesser Carrier 97Greater Carrier 97

Praetorian 99Lapsia 101Shadow Master 102Nyx 104Manticore 105Marionette 106

Lesser 106Greater 106

Medusa 109Meragrifo 110Minotaur 112Necrogolem (Type-042) 113Spectral Observer 116Omega 117

The Shadow of Omega 117Lucifer 117The Lord of Inif inity 118

Ashura Oni 123Lesser 123Major 123

Lesser Oni 125Infinite Orb 128Arctic Chimera 130Globe Frog 132Raziel Archetypum (Type-100) 133Raziel NK-X Ver. 1.0 (Type-666) 134Bone Collector 137Blood Rose 138




Rudraskha 140Fiery Salamander 144Dementia, Lord of Nightmares 145Seraphim Potestas 147Lord of the Dead 149Shinigami 150

Lesser Shinigami 150Greater Shinigami 150

Degenerate Serpent 152Lesser 152Greater 153

Symbiosis 154Dark Side 154Bright Side 154Tongue and Maw 154

Succubus 156Daugther of Lilith 156Daughter of Abrael 156

Type-005 158Valkyrie 160Zaqqun 163Zopo 164

Chapter 2: The Lost Races 166 Level Modif ier 166Devah 166 Nephilim 167Vetala 168 Nephilim 169Tuan Dalyr 170

Chapter 3: Abilities and Powers 172 Constructs 172 About Gnosis Values 172 Creating New Powers 172 Metamorphosis and Life Points 172Essential Abilities 173Combat Powers 173 Independent Attack 173 Delayed Attack 173 Camouf laged Attack 173 Maintained Attack 174 Unstoppable 174 Ref lect Attacks 174 Ranged Natural Weapon 174 Impact 174 Conditional Automatic Attack 175 Breakage Bonus 175

Automatic Critical 175 Accumulation Attack 175 Variable Additional Attacks 175 Natural Charger 176 Damage Reduction 176 Defensive Style 176 Shield 176 Improved Special Attack 176Miscellaneous Powers 177 Special Senses 177 Gliding 177 Permanent Effect 177 Transformation / Evolution 177Magical and Psychic Powers 178 Master of the Supernatural 178 Natural Magic 178 Systematic Mind 178Divine Powers 178 Critical Immunity 178 Compact Existence 178 Closed World 178 Spiritual Barrier 179 Spiritual Damage 179

Chapter 4: Alternative Combat Systems 180Dramatic Combat 180 Turns in Dramatic Combat 180 Limitations and Recommendations 180Mass Combat 181 Masses of Enemies 181

Life Points 181Attack Ability 181Type of Attack Damage 181Defensive Ability and Armor 181Initiative 181

Fighting Against a Mass of Enemies 182 Area Attacks, Damage, and Number of Adversaries 182 Resistances, Spells, and Effects 182 Use of Special Powers 183 Multiple Attacks 183 Spells, Psychic Powers, and Ki Techniques 183 Exclusive Maneuvers 183 Disorganization 183 Masses Against Masses 183 Limitations and Recommendations 183

Appendix I Comparative Sizes 184Appendix II Levels and Seals of Invocation 186Index 187




Children of Gaïa C 1




Thousands of years I waited… Locked…

Chained in darkness

from the moment I was born…

But in my nightmares, I can see. The world.

So bright… So alive… So loud…

Even from here, I can hear their laughter.

Laughing… mocking my works.

Soon, my bonds will yield.

Soon, I’ll be free to walk again.

And then, on a tower of corpses,

destroy the heavens.


Welcome to Those Who Walked Amongst Us. You have in your hands the first volume of the compilation of creatures for Anima: Beyond Fantasy, a volume which lists nearly a hundred unique beings that inhabit the world of Gaïa…and much more. New combat systems, plenty of ideas for campaigns, miraculous powers, and supernatural races are only part of what awaits you here.

To be completely honest, when we wrote these pages, our goal was not simply to make a list of monsters. Aspiring to more, we wanted to tell amazing stories, to compose a work that any fan of fantasy might enjoy reading. Therefore, each creature that appears in this book is meant to be much more than a simple enemy to fight. Each is a fragment of a unique setting in which we put all our soul.

Naturally, only you can decide if we succeeded or not. But as we always say, do not forget that the sole purpose of this book is to inspire. What we present is not intended as an exhaustive guide to the powers and abilities of creatures. Each of them can be special in its own way and therefore have different abilities than those listed here if you prefer.

Now get ready. Those Who Walked Amongst Us is already here…

GAME TERMSIn the following section, the terms that appear in each creature entry

are detailed. All the weaknesses or disadvantages of the creatures are shown in italics, differentiating them from their other powers. If a creature does not have any abilities or special characteristics in one specific field, that field does not appear in the creature entry.

Level: Defines the level of the creature.Category: Indicates what type it is and, depending on the case,

whether it is an elemental or undead. Next to this note there is a value that states how much Gnosis it possesses.

Life Points: These are its LP. If it uses Damage Resistance, it will also be indicated here.

Class: Specifies what class it belongs to.Characteristics: Indicates the normal value of the physical and

spiritual Characteristics of the creature.

Resistance: This is the Resistance value that the creature possesses (PhR, MR, PsR, VR, and DR).

Initiative: This is used to calculate its Initiative. This can have other values, depending on the type of attack that it uses.

Attack Ability: Indicates the offensive ability of the being, making use of its different types of attacks. In some instances,

certain creatures have the capability to carry out more than one attack per combat turn. In these cases, the Ability that they use

to do this appears with a “+” symbol after the principal one.Defense Ability: Reflects the value that it uses to block or

dodge attacks. If the words Damage Resistance are shown, this indicates that the being defends itself by Damage Resistance.Damage: It is the Base Damage that its attacks produce.

After each one of them, the Primary and Secondary Attack Type that they use is indicated.

AT: The armor with which the creature protects itself. If the word Natural appears followed by a numeric value, it uses the same one against all types of attack, even Energy.

MA: The Magic Accumulation of the creature.Zeon: The maximum value that its magic points can have.Magic Projection: The ability with which it directs spells.

In some cases, it can be differentiated between Offensive and Defensive Ability.

Level of Magic: The Paths that it normally knows, as well as its level in those Paths.

Psychic Potential: The potential that is added to its psychic checks.

Free PP: The amount of free Psychic Points that it possesses.

Psychic Disciplines: Indicates its Psychic Disciplines.Psychic Powers: Indicates its Psychic Powers. If one

of them is strengthened, its value can be found reflected next to it.

Innate Slots: The number of Innate Psychic Powers that the creature can maintain.

Psychic Projection: Its Offensive and Defensive Ability using Psychic Powers.

Ki: It indicates the different Ki point values of each Characteristic and, after them, the total number of Ki points.

Ki Accumulation: The different Ki Accumulations of the creature.

Ki Abilities: The Ki Abilities normally possessed by this type of creature.

Ki Techniques: The Ki Techniques normally known by this type of creature.

Natural Abilities: Indicates the combat maneuvers or weapons modules it possesses.

Essential Abilities: Indicates the Essential Abilities that each creature possesses. In the great majority of cases, they already appear reflected in its attributes and statistics, granting them the abilities the exact same way as described in Chapter 26 of Anima: Beyond Fantasy. If one of them requires some kind of clarification, as with invulnerabilities or weaknesses, it is listed next to the ability.

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Powers: This is the list of powers and special qualities that are explained carefully after the explanation of the creature’s Modus Operandi. Keep in mind that not all the powers need to be described. If, for example, a being has the special power to See the Supernatural, this means it possesses the gift to distinguish spirits, magic, and psychic matrices as explained in Chapter 26 of Anima: Beyond Fantasy.

Size: Reflects the physical dimensions of the being.Regeneration: Its level of Regeneration.Movement Value: Its movement speed.Fatigue: Its Fatigue Points. If the word “Tireless” appears, the

creature never gets fatigued, but it also cannot spend points to better its physical abilities.

Secondary Abilities: The most common Secondary Abilities it possesses. If one of them appears in italics, this means that it has some type of special modifier due to its nature or condition.






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Level: 8 Category: Between Worlds 25Life Points: 3,000 (Special)Class: WarriorStr: 15 Dex: 6 Agi: 4 Con: 15 Pow: 12 Int: 4 Wp: 10 Per: 10PhR 95 MR 85 PsR 80 VR 95 DR 95

Initiative: 60 NaturalAttack Ability: 175 Tentacles (Special), 200 Empty MindDefense Ability: Damage ResistanceDamage: 130 Tentacles (Impact)AT: Natural 6

Essential Abilities: Supernatural Physical Characteristics, Zen, Without Unconsciousness, Unbreakable Will (Psychological Immunity)Powers: Natural Weapons: Tentacles (Damage Energy, Two Additional Attacks at –30, PhR 180, Drain Life), Empty Mind (Innate Psychic Power, Psychic Death, PsR 140, Without Limits, 2 Turns of Preparation), Superior Regeneration, Eyes of the Abomination, Aberrant Mutation

Size: 30 Giant Regeneration: 16Movement Value: 6 Fatigue: 15

Secondary Abilities: Notice 75, Search 150, Feats of Strength 215

Probably no name defines these monstrosities better than “Primeval Abomination.” These are the seeds of the thousand-times cursed Primeval gods, parasites that fell from their corrupted bodies and were confined to the Range of the Winds. These amorphous and bloated nightmares are covered in tentacles, eyes, and mouths that do nothing but mutate. Rotting flesh and oozing pus make up most of their bodies, which exude a vomit-inducing stench. They normally range from 30 to 50 feet around, but can grow up to five times that size as they feed on the vital energy of their victims. Like the Primevals, the Abominations are currently locked in the depths of the earth. Most are kept in the Range of the Winds, but there are more than a hundred of them scattered throughout other parts of world. On each of their dens is engraved an ancient Sylvain seal preventing the creature’s release. These are usually camouflaged within local churches and monuments so they are not destroyed by religious fanatics unaware of their true function.

Abominations have no purpose beyond devouring whatever they find in their path, exterminating all life, and leaving behind little more than blood and ashes. In fact, they have nothing even close to a mind; their thoughts are folly and greed incarnate. If one were to wake up, it would simply ascend slowly to the surface and begin its symphony of destruction.

MODUS OPERANDIAs parasites capable of feeding on the Primevals, Abominations

are monstrosities of great destructive power easily capable of killing whole battalions of soldiers. Furthermore, since their powers increase as they absorb life, they become more dangerous the more they kill, until they are nearly as strong as a miniature Primeval. Because they are amorphous masses, they have no known vulnerable points.

Unbreakable Will: An Abomination does not have a mind as such. It is filled with little more than an inordinate desire to devour all that stands in its way. Therefore it is unaffected by telepathic Psychic Powers, and no supernatural ability can control its mind.

Superior Regeneration: An Abomination recovers 150 Life Points each turn, unless the damage was dealt by weapons that are blessed or charged with unholy force.

Tentacles: Not only do an Abomination’s appendages strike with terrifying force, but they also possess the ability to devour the essence of everything they touch. On contact with a living being, the tentacles begin to suck out its life force, which the creature then uses to grow and generate new limbs. Whenever the Abomination causes damage or traps a living being with its tentacles (through a Trapping maneuver that achieves a result of at least Partially Immobilized), the being must pass a PhR 180 check or suffer damage equivalent to the level of failure.

Empty Mind: By focusing its will, an Abomination can produce a wrenching psychic blast that destroys the minds of those around it. To use this ability, the creature must concentrate for two complete turns, causing it to apply a penalty of –50 to all attacks using its tentacles. After two turns, it unleashes the power, which is equivalent to the Psychic Death Power from the Telepathy Discipline with a final Potential Calculation score of 180 points. Anyone within 300 feet of the creature must pass a Psychic Resistance 140 check or lose 1 point of Willpower and Intelligence, plus another of each for every 10 points the check is failed by. In the event that either Characteristic reaches 0, the character’s mind breaks down and he dies.

Eyes of the Abomination: Abominations are covered with dozens of eyes that can see into both the material and spiritual worlds. Consequently, they can see in a 360 degree radius, so they do not suffer penalties as a result of blind spots or positioning. They also have the See the Supernatural ability.

Aberrant Mutation: Anyone who dies from the tentacles’ attacks has his life force immediately devoured by the Abomination. Consequently, whenever it kills a natural being with a Gnosis greater than 0, multiply that value by the being’s base Presence to determine the points of life force devoured. Depending on the total points of life force the Abomination has eaten, the Abomination gains different powers as follows:

FROM 100 TO 250: It grows enough tentacles to make a second attack per turn at its full Attack Ability.

FROM 251 TO 1,000: Its Life Points increase to a maximum of 5,000 (this effect does not give the Abomination more LP by itself; it only increases the creature’s maximum). The Base Damage of the creature’s tentacles increases to 150.

FROM 1,001 TO 5,000: It grows enough tentacles to make a third attack per turn at its full Attack Ability.

From 5,001 to 25,000: Its Life Points increase to a maximum of 7,000 and it regenerates 250 Life Points whenever a tentacle attack hits.

MORE THAN 25,000: It grows enough tentacles to gain a fourth attack per turn at its full Attack Ability. The Base Damage of its tentacles increases to 180. Additionally, it gets a +20 bonus to all actions, and Empty Mind increases to a difficulty of PsR 180 and affects a radius of 800 feet.


