Stability of composite thin-walled beams with shear deformability Vı ´ ctor H. Cortı ´ nez  * , Marcelo T. Piovan Grupo de Ana ´ lisis de Sistemas Meca ´ nicos, Universidad Tecnolo ´  gica Nacional (FRBB) 11 de Abril 461, 8000, Bahı ´ a Blanca, Argentina Received 14 January 2005; accepted 9 February 2006 Abstract In this paper, a theo retic al model is developed for the stability analysis of composite thin-walled beams with open or closed cross- sections. The present model incorporates, in a full form, the shear exibility (bending and non-uniform warping), featured in a consistent way by means of a linearized formulation based on the Reissner’s Variational Principle. The model is developed using a non-linear dis- placement eld, whose rotations are based on the rule of semi-tangential transformation. This model allows to study the buckling and lateral stability of composite thin-walled beam with general cross-section. A nite element with two-nodes and fourteen-degrees-of-free- dom is developed to solve the governing equations. Numerical examples are given to show the importance of the shear exibility on the stability behavior of this type of structures.  2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords:  Thin-walled; Composite-beam; Buckling; Shear exibility; Reissner’s Principle 1. Introduction Sle nde r compos ite structures are increas ing ly used in many applications of aeronautical, mechanical, naval and even civil engineering industries. The composite materials have many advantages that motivate their use in structural applications. The most well-known features of composite mat eria ls are their hig h strength and stine ss to wei ght ratio, good corrosion resistance, enhanced fatigue life and low thermal expansion among others  [1]. Many structural members are constructed in the form of thin-wa lled beams. Accordingly, many research activities have been conducted toward the development of theoretical and computational methods for the analysis of the aforementioned structural members. The structural ana lys is of isotropic thi n-wa lle d open beams is appropriately performed by means of the Vlasov’s theory. This theory incorporates the warping deformation, which is a very important eect in these types of beams  [2] . In the mi ddle 80s, Baul d and Tzeng  [3]  introd uced an extension of the Vlasov’s theory for composite materials. Recently, Ghorbanpoor and Omidvar  [4]  introduced new equivalent moduli of elasticity and rigidity to allow decou- pling (in an approximate form) of Bauld and Tzeng equa- tion s. This simplied approa ch yie lds nea rly the same numerical values obtained with the theory of Bauld and Tzen g. Mas sa and Barb ero  [5]  prop osed a streng th-of- mat eria ls for mul atio n for sta tic analys is of composi te thin-walled beams. A study on the location of shear center was performed by Pollock et al.  [ 6]. Since the middle nineties many authors have focused the ir resear ch eo rts in pro pos ing mat hemati cal mod els to study the instability behavior of composite thin-walled beams. Shearbourne and Kabir  [7]  analyzed the shear eect in connection with the lateral stability of composite I-sec- tion beams. Godoy et al.  [8]  develo ped a mathematical model for I-s ect ion comp osite beams con sidering she ar eects and cross-sectional distortion for interactive buck- ling analysis. Omidvar [9]  analyzed shear exibility associ- ated to bending and introduced new formulae for shear coecients. On the basis of earlier works of Librescu and Song  [10], Bhaskar and Librescu  [11]  introduced a model 0045-7949/$ - see front matter   2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2006.02.017 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +54 291 4555220; fax: +54 291 4555311. E-mail address:  [email protected] (V.H. Cortı ´nez). www.elsevier.com/locate/compstruc Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 978–990

Stability of composite thin-walled beams with shear deformability

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In this paper, a theoretical model is developed for the stability analysis of composite thin-walled beams with open or closed crosssections.

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  • d*,

    a N

    ; a


    dom is developed to solve the governing equations. Numerical examples are given to show the importance of the shear exibility on thestability behavior of this type of structures.

    materials are their high strength and stiness to weightratio, good corrosion resistance, enhanced fatigue life and

    theory. This theory incorporates the warping deformation,which is a very important eect in these types of beams [2].

    Tzeng. Massa and Barbero [5] proposed a strength-of-materials formulation for static analysis of composite

    model for I-section composite beams considering sheareects and cross-sectional distortion for interactive buck-ling analysis. Omidvar [9] analyzed shear exibility associ-ated to bending and introduced new formulae for shearcoecients. On the basis of earlier works of Librescu andSong [10], Bhaskar and Librescu [11] introduced a model

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: +54 291 4555220; fax: +54 291 4555311.E-mail address: [email protected] (V.H. Cortnez).

    Computers and Structures 84low thermal expansion among others [1]. Many structuralmembers are constructed in the form of thin-walled beams.Accordingly, many research activities have been conductedtoward the development of theoretical and computationalmethods for the analysis of the aforementioned structuralmembers.

    The structural analysis of isotropic thin-walled openbeams is appropriately performed by means of the Vlasovs

    thin-walled beams. A study on the location of shear centerwas performed by Pollock et al. [6].

    Since the middle nineties many authors have focusedtheir research eorts in proposing mathematical modelsto study the instability behavior of composite thin-walledbeams. Shearbourne and Kabir [7] analyzed the shear eectin connection with the lateral stability of composite I-sec-tion beams. Godoy et al. [8] developed a mathematical 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Thin-walled; Composite-beam; Buckling; Shear exibility; Reissners Principle

    1. Introduction

    Slender composite structures are increasingly used inmany applications of aeronautical, mechanical, naval andeven civil engineering industries. The composite materialshave many advantages that motivate their use in structuralapplications. The most well-known features of composite

    In the middle 80s, Bauld and Tzeng [3] introduced anextension of the Vlasovs theory for composite materials.Recently, Ghorbanpoor and Omidvar [4] introduced newequivalent moduli of elasticity and rigidity to allow decou-pling (in an approximate form) of Bauld and Tzeng equa-tions. This simplied approach yields nearly the samenumerical values obtained with the theory of Bauld andStability of composite thin-walle

    Vctor H. Cortnez

    Grupo de Analisis de Sistemas Mecanicos, Universidad Tecnologic

    Received 14 January 2005


    In this paper, a theoretical model is developed for the stabilitysections. The present model incorporates, in a full form, the shear way by means of a linearized formulation based on the Reissnersplacement eld, whose rotations are based on the rule of semi-tanlateral stability of composite thin-walled beam with general cross-s0045-7949/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2006.02.017beams with shear deformability

    Marcelo T. Piovan

    acional (FRBB) 11 de Abril 461, 8000, Baha Blanca, Argentina

    ccepted 9 February 2006

    alysis of composite thin-walled beams with open or closed cross-bility (bending and non-uniform warping), featured in a consistentriational Principle. The model is developed using a non-linear dis-tial transformation. This model allows to study the buckling andion. A nite element with two-nodes and fourteen-degrees-of-free-


    (2006) 978990

  • The aforementioned non-linear terms play an importantrole in general buckling problems. In fact, in the context ofisotropic thin-walled beams, Kim et al. [24,25] demon-strated that the omission of these terms may lead to inaccu-rate results of buckling loads for some cases, especiallywhen an o-axis loading is considered.

    A non-locking nite element with fourteen degrees offreedom is developed for analyzing stability under bothaxial and lateral loads. Parametric studies with dierentcross-sections and laminate stacking sequences are carriedout.

    2. Theory

    2.1. Assumptions

    A composite thin-walled beam with an arbitrary cross-section is considered (Fig. 1a and b). The points of thestructural member are referred to the Cartesian co-ordinatesystem {x,y,z} located at the geometric center, where thex-axis is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the beam, while













    uters and Structures 84 (2006) 978990 979for the buckling analysis under axial compression of com-posite box-beam with extension-twisting coupling. In thelast three references, it may be seen an interesting analysisabout the inuence of secondary warping on the mechanicsof composite thin-walled beams. Recently, Lee et al. [1214] developed extended models of the Bauld and Tzengstheory, in order to perform lateral buckling analysis ofcomposite laminated I-section and channel-section beams.

    The above-mentioned papers neglect the shear exibilityor at least do not consider the shear exibility in a fullform, i.e. shear exibility due to bending and shear exibil-ity due to non-uniform warping. It has to be noted that theaforementioned works of Massa and Barbero [5], Pollocket al. [6], Librescu and Song [10], Bhaskar and Librescu[11] and Omidvar [9] consider the shear exibility due tobending, however none of them take into account the shearexibility due to non-uniform warping. These two eectsmay play an important role in the prediction of natural fre-quencies and buckling loads of thin-walled beams (for bothisotropic and composite materials as shown by Cortnezet al. [15,16]).

    According to authors knowledge there are a few papersthat take into account the shear exibility eect in a fullform on the mechanics of composite materials. The rstone is that of Wu and Sun [17], however in their paperthese authors obtained only natural frequencies andemphasis was given in showing the eectiveness of thedeveloped nite element. Recently, Kollar [18] and Sapkasand Kollar [19] explored the buckling behavior of compos-ite columns by means of an analytical study including full-shear exibility. However, in these last works, no generalloading conditions were involved and the governing equa-tions were obtained by means of classical (equilibrium)approaches [20,21].

    Recently, the authors have developed a new model ofcomposite thin-walled beams, based on the use of theHellingerReissner principle, that considers shear exibilityin a full form, general cross-section shapes and symmetricbalanced or especially orthotropic laminates. On the otherhand, it was formulated taking into account the existenceof a uniform distribution of initial axial force and bendingmoments.

    The model was applied for analyzing vibration andbuckling problems.

    This paper introduces a generalization of the aforemen-tioned model in order to consider the existence of an arbi-trary state of initial stresses, including general o-axisloadings.

    To do this, a generalized displacement eld is employedwhich includes non-linear terms based on the rule of semi-tangential rotations introduced by Argyris et al. [22,23].

    This displacement eld enhances the one employed bythe authors in a previous work [16]. In these circumstancesthe functional is extended to account for the new displace-ment terms as well as generalized initial volume forces and

    V.H. Cortnez, M.T. Piovan / Compinitial o-axis forces that were not considered in the previ-ous work.C











    Cross-section branches


    (a)Fig. 1. Geometry of the beam.

  • Nxx Z e=2e=2

    rxx dn; Mxx Z e=2e=2


    Mxs Z e=2e=2

    rxsndn 2a; b; c

    Nxs Z e=2e=2

    rxs dn; Nxn

    Z e=2e=2

    rxn dn 2d; eInitial shell stress resultants are denoted with the super-script 0 and the applied shell stress resultants on theboundaries are denoted as . T x, T s and T n are appliedforces per unit area in x, s and n directions, respectively,

    ters and Structures 84 (2006) 978990y and z are the axes of the cross-section, but not necessarilythe principal ones. The co-ordinates corresponding topoints lying on the middle line are denoted with Y andZ. In addition, a circumferential co-ordinate s and a nor-mal co-ordinate n are introduced on the middle contourof the cross-section.

    The present structural model is based on the followingassumptions: (1) the cross-section contour is rigid in itsown plane; (2) the warping distribution is assumed to begiven by the Saint-Venant function for isotropic beams;(3) shell force (Nss) and moment (Mss) resultants corre-sponding to the circumferential stress rss and the inter-lam-inar force resultant (Nsn) corresponding to inter-laminarstrain cns are neglected; (4) the curvature at any point ofthe shell is neglected; (5) twisting curvature of the shell isexpressed according to the classical plate theory, but bend-ing curvature is expressed according to the rst-order sheardeformation theory; in fact, bending shear strain of thewall is incorporated; (6) the laminate stacking sequence isassumed to be symmetric and balanced, or specially ortho-tropic [1] (the corresponding constitutive equations for theshell stress resultants are given in Appendix I); (7) the dis-placement eld is considered to be represented by a linearcomponent and a second-order component based on thesemi-tangential rotations introduced by Argyris [22,23];(8) higher-order strain components due to second-orderdisplacements are neglected in the GreenLagrange straintensor; (9) higher-order shell stress resultants (i.e. depend-ing on nk, where k > 1) are neglected.

    2.2. Variational formulation

    Taking into account the adopted assumptions, theHellingerReissner principle for a composite shell may bepresented in the following form: [26]:Z Z

    NxxdeLxx MxxdjLxx NxsdcLxs MxsdjLxs NxndcLxn


    Z Z

    N 0xxdeNLxx M0xxdjNLxx N 0xsdcNLxs M0xsdjNLxs N 0xndcNLxn


    Z Z

    T xduLx T sduLs T nduLn


    Z Z Z

    XxduLx X sduLs XnduLn


    Z Z

    T 0xduNLx T 0sduNLs T 0nduNLn


    Z Z Z

    X 0xduNLx X 0sduNLs X 0nduNLn



    NxxdULx Mxxd/xx NxsdULs

    Mxsd/ss NxndULn dsxLx0

    0 1aZ ZeLxx


    dNxx cLxs


    dNxs kLxs




    Z Z

    kLxx MxxD11

    dMxx cLxn



    " #dsdx 0 1b

    980 V.H. Cortnez, M.T. Piovan / Compuwhere Nxx, Nxs,Mxx,Mxs and Nxn are shell stress resultantsdened according to the following expressions:while X x, X s and Xn are forces per unit volume in x, sand n directions, respectively. The strain componentseLxx; c

    Lxs; c

    Lxn; j

    Lxx; j

    Lxs and e

    NLxx ; c

    NLxs ; c

    NLxn ; j

    NLxx ; j

    NLxs are the rst-

    and second-order shell strains which are dened later interms of the shell displacements ULx ;U

    Ls ;U

    Ln and shell rota-

    tions /xx;/ss, see Fig. 2. Finally, uLx ; uLs ; u

    Ln and u

    NLx ; u

    NLs ; u


    are linear and non-linear components of the displacementeld with respect to the contour co-ordinate system. Inthe following pages, superscripts L and NL identiesthe linear and second-order components of the displace-ment eld and shell strains, respectively.

    It should be noted that, in Eqs. (1), the stress resultantsand the displacements are variationally independent quan-tities. Expressions (1a) and (1b) represent the variationalforms of the equilibrium and compatibility equations,respectively.

    2.3. Kinematic expressions

    The displacement eld, compatible with assumptions(1), (2) and (7), is adopted in the form [27]:

    uLx x; t uxcx; t yhzx; t zhyx; t xhxx; t 3auLy x; t uycx; t z/xx; t 3buLz x; t uzcx; t y/xx; t 3cuNLx x; t


    2z/xx; thzx; t y/xx; thyx; t 3d

    uNLy x; t y2

    /xx; t 2 hzx; t2h i

    z2hzx; thyx; t

    3euNLz x; t


    /xx; t 2 hyx; t 2h i y

    2hzx; thyx; t
















    Fig. 2. Displacements dened with respect to the wall co-ordinate system.

  • uterwhere

    ys; n Y s ndZds

    ; zs; n Zs n dYds


    In expressions (3), uxc, uyc, uzc are the displacements of thecentroid, /x is the torsional rotation, hy and hz are thebending rotations. The variable hx measures the warpingintensity. When the non-linear components (3d)(3f) areneglected, the displacement eld is equivalent to that pro-posed in reference [16].

    The warping function can be written in the followingform:

    xs; n xps xss; n 5where xp and xs are the contour warping function and thethickness warping function, respectively. They are denedin the form [27]:

    xps 1SZ S0

    Z ss0

    rs ws ds


    Z ss0

    rs ws ds

    xss; n nls6a;b


    rs Zs dYds

    Y s dZds


    ls Y s dYds

    Zs dZds

    7a; b

    In expression (6a), w is the shear strain in the middle line,obtained by means of the Saint-Venant theory of pure tor-sion, and normalized with respect to d/x/dx, as can be seenin reference [27] for composite beams or in Krenk andGunneskov [28] for isotropic beams. For the case of opensections, it can be proved that w = 0.

    The displacements with respect to the curvilinear systemare obtained by means of the following geometrictransformation:

    ULx uLx x; s; 0;UNLx uNLx x; s; 0 8a; b

    ULs uLy x; s; 0dYds

    uLz x; s; 0dZds


    UNLs uNLy x; s; 0dYds

    uNLz x; s; 0dZds

    8c; d

    ULn uLy x; s; 0dZds

    uLz x; s; 0dYds


    UNLn uNLy x; s; 0dZds

    uNLz x; s; 0dYds

    8e; d

    /xx ouxcon ; /ss oon



    8f ; g

    By introducing the displacements (8) into the denitions ofstrain components [16], and taking into account hypotheses(1)(9), one can obtain the following expressions for the

    V.H. Cortnez, M.T. Piovan / Comprst (exx,cxs,cxn) and second (gxx,gxs,gxn) order straincomponents:exx eLxx njLxx; cxs cLxs njLxs; cxn cLxn 9a; b; cgxx eNLxx njNLxx ; gxs cNLxs njNLxs ; gxn cNLxn

    9d; e; fwhere

    eLxx u0xc Y sh0z Zsh0y xP sh0x;

    jLxx h0zdZds


    h0xls 10a;b

    cLxs u0yc hzdYds

    u0zc hydZds

    /0x hxrw/0xw;jLxs 2/0z 10c;d

    cLxn u0yc hzdZds

    u0zc hydYds

    /0x hxls 10e

    eNLxx 1

    2u02yc u02yc /02ycY 2Z2n

    Z2/0xu0yc /xhz 0 Y 2/0xu0zc /xhy 0h io 10f

    jNLxx 1

    2/xhy 0 dZ

    ds /xhz 0


    2/0x u0ycdYds




    cNLxs 1

    2/x hz


    hy dYds

    rs h0yhz h0zhy

    2 rw hx h0zY h0yZ

    /x u0zcdYds


    u0xc xph0x


    hz dYds

    hx rw


    cNLxn 1

    2/x hy



    ls h0yhz h0zhy

    2lshx h0zY h0yZ

    /x u0zcdZds


    u0xc xph0x


    hy dYds



    jNLxs h0yhz h0zhy

    rw hx h0ydYds



    lsh0x hydZds



    In the above expressions () 0 denotes derivation with re-spect to the x variable.

    The rst and second terms in expressions (10c) and (10e)may be regarded as the shear strains associated to bending,the third terms correspond to the shear strain due to non-uniform warping and the last term in expression (10c) is theSaint-Venant (or pure torsion) shear strain.

    2.4. Equations of motion

    Substituting expressions (9) and (10) into Eq. (1a) andintegrating with respect to variable s, one can obtain theexpression for the virtual work equation given by

    s and Structures 84 (2006) 978990 981LK LKG1 LKG2 LP 0 11

  • is the total torsional moment. QX ;QY ;MZ ;B;QZ ;MY ;MX


    LK ZL

    QXdu0xc MY dh0y MZdh0z Bdh0x T SV d/0x

    h idx


    QY d u0yc hz

    QZd u0zc hy

    T W d /0x hx h idx12a

    LKG1 ZL


    d u02zc u02yc


    2d /02x M 0Z

    2d 2u0zc/

    0x /xhy 0h i( )



    M 0Y2

    d 2u0yc/0x /xhz 0h i(


    2d h0zhy h0yhz

    T 0W d u0xchx )



    Q0Y d u0zc/x u0xchz


    Q0Z d/xhz2

    u0xchy /xu0yc



    Q0YW d h0xhz

    Q0ZW d h0xhy T 0WW d h0xhx n

    T 0WZd h0yhx

    T 0WY d h0zhx o

    dx 12bLKG2


    X 03 dhz X 05 dhy X 06 d/xh i


    T 03 dhz T 05 dhy T 06 d/xh ixL


    LP ZL

    q1x; tduxc q3x; tdhz q5x; tdhy q7x; tdhx



    q2x; tduyc q4x; tduzc q6x; td/x


    QXduxc QY duyc MZdhz Bdhx

    QZduzc MY dhy MXd/xxLx0 12d

    In the previous equations the following denitions, for thebeam forces have been made:

    QX ZSNxx ds; B


    Nxxxps Mxxls

    ds 13a; b

    QY ZS


    Nxn dZds


    QZ ZS


    Nxn dYds

    ds 13c; d

    MY ZS

    NxxZs Mxx dYds


    MZ ZS

    NxxY s Mxx dZds

    ds 13e; f

    TW ZS

    Nxs rs ws Nxnlsf gds;

    T SV ZSNxsws 2Mxs ds 13g; h

    982 V.H. Cortnez, M.T. Piovan / CompuMX T SV TW 13icorrespond to external generalized forces acting at theends.

    The functions qi(x, t), i = 1, . . . , 7, are the generalizedapplied forces per unit length. X 03 ;X

    05 ;X

    06 and

    T 03 ; T05 ; T

    06 are functions which condense the initial vol-

    ume and surface (at the ends) forces, respectively. Q0X ;

    Q0Y ;Q0Z ;M

    0X ;M

    0Y ;M

    0Z ; T

    0W and T

    0WW ; T

    0WY ; T

    0WZ ;Q

    0YW ;Q


    are initial beam stress resultants and generalized beamstress resultants, respectively. All these entities are exten-sively described in Appendix II.

    One may notice that LK, LKG1, LKG2 and LP in Eqs. (12)represent the virtual work contributions due to incremen-tal, initial and external forces respectively. It has to bepointed out that the virtual work due to initial externalforces, LKG2, would have no meaning if the displacementeld were reduced to the linear form. However, this contri-bution is fundamental in order to solve stability problemswith o-axis loadings or general loadings.

    It is important to point out that in Eq. (12b) the termcorresponding to the initial torsional moment M 0X , wasobtained naturally without amending the functionalexpression, as it was performed in other works (for exam-ple in reference [29]). This fact is due to the adoption ofan enhanced displacement eld in connection with a morecomprehensive strain eld, in order to describe the virtualwork contribution of initial stresses and forces (see refer-ence [27] for a detailed discussion of this subject, in the con-text of composite beams).

    2.5. Constitutive equations for the beam stress resultants

    The shell stress resultants can be derived with a similarapproach to the one employed previously by Cortnezand Piovan [16], where the reference axes were parallel tothe principal ones and two-poles where employed. How-ever, with the aim to generalize that conception (remember,in this article the axes are located at the geometric centerbut not necessarily parallel to the principal ones), it isimportant to use matrix representation for the strain andstress components, in order to avoid excessive algebraicmanipulation. Accordingly, the eld of shell stress resul-tants can be assumed in the following way:

    Nxx eCTN1 JN 1

    QN ; Mxx e3

    12CTN2 J


    1QN 14a; b

    Nxs eCTN3 JT 1

    QT ; Nxn e3

    12CTN2 J


    1QT ;In the above expressions the integration is carried out overthe middle contour perimeter. QX is the axial force,MY andMZ are the bending moments, B is the bimoment, QY andQZ are the shear forces, TW is the exural torsional mo-ment, TSV is the Saint-Venant torsional moment and MX

    s and Structures 84 (2006) 978990Mxs e3

    12CTN5 J


    1QT 14c; d; e

  • In case of using a principal-axes and two-pole referencesystem, expressions (14) can be reduced to simplied forms(see Appendix III). The shell strains can be expressed in thefollowing form:

    eLxx CTN1eN ; jLxx CTN2eN 15a; b

    cLxn CTN2eT ; cLxs CTN4eT ; jLxs CTN5eT 15c; d; e

    In expressions (14) and (15) the following vectors andmatrices are introduced:

    QN QX ;MY ;MZ ;Bh i ;

    J ij eZS

    gai gaj

    ds e




    gdi gdj

    ds 17a

    ky Z s0

    Zsds aS

    IdsZ s0

    Zsds 17b

    kz Z s0

    Y sds aS

    IdsZ s0

    Y sds 17c

    kx Z s0

    xP sds aSI

    dsZ s0

    xP sds 17d


    ga 1; Zs; Y s;xP s;wsh i;

    gd 0; dYds

    ; dZds

    ; ls; 2


    In expressions (17b)(17d) the coecient a can have thevalue 0 or 1 depending on whether the cross-section con-tour is open or closed, respectively. S denotes the contourperimeter.

    The selected eld of shell stress resultants (14) veriesexpressions (13) in addition to the following shell equilib-rium equations:

    Table 2Comparison of buckling loads for a pinnedpinned closed section beam

    Sequence Model Method h/L

    0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20

    0/0/0/0 No shearexible

    FEM 5.23 20.86 46.96 81.45Analytic 5.21 20.84 46.89 81.36

    Shear FEM 4.41 12.00 17.59 21.02

    V.H. Cortnez, M.T. Piovan / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 978990 983QT T SV ;QZ ;QY ; TWh iT 16a; b

    eN u0xc;h0y ;h0z;h0xD ET


    eT /0x; u0zc hy

    ; u0yc hz

    ; /0x hx D ET 16c; d

    CN1 1; Zs; Y s;xP sh iT;

    CN2 0; dYds

    ; dZds

    ; ls T

    16e; f

    CN3 w;ky ;kz;kx T


    CN4 w; dZds


    ; r w T


    CN5 2; 0; 0; 0h iT 16g; h; i


    J 11 0 0 0

    0 J 22 J 23 J 24

    0 J 23 J 33 J 34

    0 J 24 J 34 J 44




    J 55 0 0 0

    0 J 22 J 23 J 24

    0 J 23 J 33 J 34

    0 J 24 J 34 J 44


    377775 16j; k

    where the following denitions are employed:

    Table 1Convergence of the element for buckling and lateral buckling loads ofclampedfree closed section beam

    Number ofelements

    Axial bucklingload QX [N]

    Lateral bucklingload QZ [N]

    1 454,890 243,9222 444,268 186,9785 441,634 165,99810 441,271 163,47315 441,204 162,996T20 441,181 162,82430 441,164 162,700exible Analytic 4.39 11.98 17.54 20.97

    0/90/90/0 No shearexible

    FEM 2.81 11.27 25.20 44.43Analytic 2.79 11.17 25.14 44.39


    FEM 2.57 8.06 13.33 17.30Analytic 2.54 7.99 13.25 17.23

    45/45/45/45 No shearexible

    FEM 0.55 2.17 4.85 8.58Analytic 0.54 2.17 4.88 8.59


    FEM 0.54 2.16 4.77 8.30Analytic 0.54 2.15 4.77 8.30Fig. 3. Cross-sections analyzed. (a) b = h = 0.1 m, (b) b = h = 0.1 m,(c) b = h/2 = 0.1 m. The thickness is e = 0.01 m in the three cases.

  • oNxxox


    0 19a



    Nxn 0 19b

    Substituting expressions (14) and (15) into (1b), integratingwith respect to variable s and taking variations with re-spect to QX,MY,MZ, B, TSV, QZ, QY and TW one obtains,after some algebraic manipulation, the following constitu-tive equations for the beam stress resultants:

    QN EJN eN 20aQT G JT

    TCQ 1

    JT eT GSeT 20bwhere S is the shear stiness matrix and

    CQ CN3CTN3 e4A66144AH55




    TN5 21

    and E*, G* and G** are expressed in the form:

    E A11e

    ; G A66e

    22a; b

    G G for closed sections12D66e3

    for open sections


    The constitutive form (20) is a generalization of that ob-tained by Cortnez and Piovan [16]. The present beammodel is governed by expressions (12) and (20) along withcorresponding boundary conditions.

    3. Finite element analysis

    In order to obtain the buckling loads of the thin-walledshear deformable beams, a nite element is formulatedbased on the present theory. The element has two nodeswith seven degrees of freedom in each one, and constitutesan extension of the element developed by Cortnez andRossi [15] for isotropic materials.

    Table 3Buckling loads (QX [N]) for a U-section beam with dierent stacking sequences, slenderness ratios and boundary conditions

    Boundary conditions Stacking sequence Model h/L = 0.05 h/L = 0.10 h/L = 0.15 h/L = 0.20

    SSSS 0/0/0/0 [I] 2.674(XZ) 9.501(XZ) 20.828(XZ) 36.588(XZ)[II] 2.491(XZ) 7.323(XZ) 12.451(XZ) 16.655(XZ)[III] 6.833 22.925 40.219 54.480

    0/90/90/0 [I] 1.635(XZ) 5.370(XZ) 11.559(XZ) 20.169(XZ)[II] 1.572(XZ) 4.625(XZ) 8.468(XZ) 12.223(XZ)[III] 3.835 13.881 26.742 39.398

    45/45/45/45 [I] 1.235(Y) 2.750(XZ) 4.129(XZ) 5.843(XZ)[II] 1.232(Y) 2.736(XZ) 4.097(XZ) 5.770(XZ)[III] 0.197 0.526 0.795 1.249

    CC 0/0/0/0 [I] 9.503(XZ) 36.595(XZ) 81.028(XZ) 141.769(XZ)[II] 7.453(XZ) 16.891(XZ) 22.237(XZ) 25.004(XZ)[III] 21.572 53.844 72.557 82.363

    0/90/90/0 [I] 5.371(XZ) 20.173(XZ) 44.444(XZ) 77.619(XZ)[II] 4.704(XZ) 12.429(XZ) 18.348(XZ) 22.048(XZ)[III] 12.426 38.388 58.717 71.595




    984 V.H. Cortnez, M.T. Piovan / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 97899045/45/45/45 [I][II][III]

    CSS 0/0/0/0 [I][II][III] 1

    0/90/90/0 [I][II][III] 1

    45/45/45/45 [I][II][III]

    CF 0/0/0/0 [I][II][III]

    0/90/90/0 [I][II][III]

    45/45/45/45 [I][II][III][I] Model neglecting shear exibility. [II] Model allowing for shear exibility. [I(C) clamped, (F) free.0(XZ) 5.844(XZ) 10.512(XZ) 16.832(XZ)5(XZ) 5.828(XZ) 10.367(XZ) 16.291(XZ)7 0.269 1.376 3.215

    8(XZ) 18.982(XZ) 41.995(XZ) 73.819(XZ)9(XZ) 11.436(XZ) 16.858(XZ) 20.314(XZ)7 39.753 59.857 72.4811(XZ) 10.551(XZ) 23.123(XZ) 40.506(XZ)3(XZ) 7.312(XZ) 12.508(XZ) 16.729(XZ)9 30.694 45.905 58.6995(XZ) 3.920(XZ) 6.418(XZ) 9.759(XZ)7(XZ) 3.900(XZ) 6.347(XZ) 9.550(XZ)6 0.535 1.106 2.145

    7(XZ) 2.674(XZ) 5.522(XZ) 9.501(XZ)6(XZ) 2.481(XZ) 4.715(XZ) 7.291(XZ)6 7.206 14.620 23.2610(XZ) 1.635(XZ) 3.195(XZ) 5.370(XZ)8(XZ) 1.572(XZ) 2.893(XZ) 4.654(XZ)0 3.827 9.463 13.3359(Y) 1.234(XZ) 2.100(XZ) 2.750(XZ)9(Y) 1.232(XZ) 2.090(XZ) 2.733(XZ)0 0.165 0.485 0.621II] Percentage dierence: 100(QX[II] QX[I])/QX[II]. (SS) Simply supported,

  • The generalized nodal displacements may be written as

    w uxc1 ; uyc1 ; hz1 ; uzc1 ; hy1 ;/x1 ; hx1 ; uxc2 ; uyc2 ; hz2 ; uzc2 ; hy2 ;/x2 ; hx2 T

    23while the displacement eld in the element is interpolated inthe form:

    uxc a0 a1~x; uyc b0 b1~x b2~x2 b3~x3;

    hz b1 b1b32

    2b2~x 3b3~x2 24a;b; cuzc c0 c1~x c2~x2 c3~x3; hy c1 b2c3

    2 2c2~x 3c3~x2

    24d; e/x d0 d1~x d2~x2 d3~x3; hx d1


    2d2~x 3d3~x2

    24f ;gwhere the coecients ais , bis , cis and dis are indeterminateconstants whereas

    ~x xle

    ; b1 12EJ 22GS22l


    ; b2 12EJ 33GS33l


    ; b1 12EJ 44GS44l


    25a; b; c; dIt must be noted that this interpolation yields:


    hz b1b32


    hy b2c32



    hx b3d32

    26a; b; c; d

    It may be easily seen that when the coecients bi (i =1,2,3) are very small (i.e. slender beams), expressions (26)become zero. Therefore this element avoids the shear-lock-ing phenomenon. On the other hand it is possible to use thepresent element as a Vlasov-type beam element, which maybe obtained from the present one as a limiting case, by tak-ing large values to the shear coecient (G*Sii) in the ele-ment stiness matrix, in order to neglect the shear eect.

    Table 4Buckling loads (QX [N]) for a I-section beam with dierent stacking sequences, slenderness ratios and boundary conditions

    Boundary conditions Stacking sequence Model h/L = 0.05 h/L = 0.10 h/L = 0.15 h/L = 0.20

    SSSS 0/0/0/0 [I] 5.943(Y) 23.474(Y) 52.910(Y) 93.179(Y)[II] 5.548(Y) 18.454(Y) 32.438(Y) 36.811(Z)[III] 6.651 21.385 38.692 60.494

    0/90/90/0 [I] 3.197(Y) 12.734(Y) 28.470(Y) 50.114(Y)[II] 3.098(Y) 11.008(Y) 21.552(Y) 30.890(Y)[III] 3.082 13.553 24.299 38.361

    45/45/45/45 [I] 0.620(Y) 2.468(Y) 5.515(Y) 9.713(Y)[II] 0.619(Y) 2.458(Y) 5.468(Y) 9.569(Y)[III] 0.098 0.387 0.855 1.484

    CC 0/0/0/0 [I] 23.681(Y) 93.198(Y) 204.215(Y) 350.235(Y)[II] 18.537(Y) 36.900(Z) 39.270(Z) 40.177(Z)[III] 21.721 60.407 80.770 88.529

    0/90/90/0 [I] 12.736(Y) 50.125(Y) 109.834(Y) 188.369(Y)[II] 11.156(Y) 31.156(Y) 35.087(Z) 38.152(Z)

    12.110.413. 22.841 45.298 63.6431.21.20.2 6.684 13.831 22.1350.

    V.H. Cortnez, M.T. Piovan / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 978990 985[III]45/45/45/45 [I]


    CSS 0/0/0/0 [I][II][III]

    0/90/90/0 [I][II][III]

    45/45/45/45 [I][II][III]

    CF 0/0/0/0 [I][II][III]

    0/90/90/0 [I][II][III]

    45/45/45/45 [I][II][III][I] Model neglecting shear exibility. [II] Model allowing for shear exibility. [I(C) clamped, (F) free.00(Y) 3.196(Y) 7.180(Y) 12.734(Y)91(Y) 3.057(Y) 6.512(Y) 10.777(Y)33 4.371 9.301 15.36655(Y) 0.619(Y) 1.391(Y) 2.468(Y)55(Y) 0.619(Y) 1.388(Y) 2.458(Y)00 0.000 0.221 0.39066(Y) 5.020(Y) 11.141(Y) 19.435(Y)63(Y) 4.978(Y) 10.936(Y) 18.829(Y)18 0.851 1.845 3.119

    87(Y) 5.943(Y) 13.349(Y) 23.676(Y)61(Y) 5.546(Y) 11.503(Y) 18.435(Y)08 37.843 68.055 79.74668(Y) 9.715(Y) 21.287(Y) 36.509(Y)59(Y) 9.574(Y) 20.639(Y) 34.702(Y)78 1.449 3.044 4.950

    42(Y) 48.163(Y) 106.883(Y) 186.445(Y)71(Y) 29.578(Y) 34.487(Z) 37.534(Z)59 38.587 67.734 79.86930(Y) 25.904(Y) 57.486(Y) 100.277(Y)57(Y) 19.987(Y) 31.446(Z) 36.458(Z)II] Percentage dierence: 100 (QX[II] QX[I])/QX[II]. (SS) Simply supported,

  • Table 5Buckling loads (QX [N]) for a closed-section beam with dierent stacking sequences, slenderness ratios and boundary conditions

    Boundary conditions Stacking sequence Model h/L = 0.05 h/L = 0.10 h/L = 0.15 h/L = 0.20

    SSSS 0/0/0/0 [I] 5.235(Y) 20.863(Y) 46.664(Y) 81.446(X)[II] 4.651(Y) 13.912(Y) 22.041(Y) 27.708(Y)[III] 11.148 33.318 52.766 65.980

    0/90/90/0 [I] 2.810(Y) 11.267(Y) 25.201(Y) 44.432(X)[II] 2.681(Y) 9.152(Y) 15.142(Y) 19.285(Y)[III] 4.591 18.773 39.915 56.597

    45/45/45/45 [I] 0.546(Y) 2.175(Y) 4.854(Y) 8.576(Y)[II] 0.544(Y) 2.156(Y) 4.774(Y) 8.301(Y)[III] 0.213 0.846 1.659 3.211

    CC 0/0/0/0 [I] 20.867(Y) 81.448(X) 88.478(X) 98.284(X)[II] 13.988(Y) 27.858(Y) 34.066(Y) 36.934(Y)[III] 32.967 65.796 61.498 62.421

    0/90/90/0 [I] 11.270(Y) 44.411(Y) 82.877(X) 88.348(X)[II] 9.152(Y) 18.875(Y) 24.821(Y) 27.365(Y)[III] 18.790 57.499 70.051 69.026

    45/45/45/45 [I] 2.175(Y) 8.578(Y) 18.857(Y) 32.477(Y)[II] 2.157(Y) 8.309(Y) 17.627(Y) 29.071(Y)[III] 0.825 3.138 6.523 10.489

    CSS 0/0/0/0 [I] 10.696(Y) 42.471(Y) 82.295(X) 87.329(X)[II] 8.356(Y) 20.118(Y) 27.301(Y) 31.360(Y)[III] 21.874 52.631 66.826 64.090

    0/90/90/0 [I] 5.776(Y) 22.936(Y) 50.987(Y) 82.235(X)[II] 4.972(Y) 14.250(Y) 19.874(Y) 26.125(Y)[III] 13.923 37.872 61.022 68.231

    45/45/45/45 [I] 1.115(Y) 4.427(Y) 9.842(Y) 17.207(Y)[II] 1.110(Y) 4.345(Y) 9.450(Y) 16.060(Y)[III] 0.475 1.850 3.980 6.665

    CF 0/0/0/0 [I] 1.310(Y) 5.234(Y) 11.760(Y) 20.863(Y)[II] 1.269(Y) 4.648(Y) 9.168(Y) 13.893(Y)[III] 3.115 11.204 22.041 33.408

    0/90/90/0 [I] 0.707(Y) 2.827(Y) 6.351(Y) 11.297(Y)[II] 0.695(Y) 2.684(Y) 5.359(Y) 8.984(Y)[III] 1.747 5.055 15.620 20.474

    45/45/45/45 [I] 0.137(Y) 0.546(Y) 1.226(Y) 2.175(Y)[II] 0.136(Y) 0.544(Y) 1.220(Y) 2.156(Y)[III] 0.051 0.216 0.482 0.850

    [I] Model neglecting shear exibility. [II] Model allowing for shear exibility. [III] Percentage dierence: 100 (QX[II] QX[I])/QX[II]. (SS) Simply supported,(C) clamped, (F) free.

    Fig. 5. Lateral buckling loads of a composite clampedclamped I-beamwith stacking sequence {0/90/90/0}. Comparison of models neglecting andallowing shear exibility.

    Fig. 4. Variation of lateral buckling load with respect to slenderness ratio,for a composite clampedclamped I-beam with stacking sequence {0/90/90/0}.

    986 V.H. Cortnez, M.T. Piovan / Computers and Structures 84 (2006) 978990

  • exibility is performed. It is possible to see a strong inu-ence of shear eects in the prediction of lateral bucklingloads, especially at large slenderness ratios (i.e. h/L). Theaforementioned gures were obtained with models of 30nite elements.

    4.4. Comparisons

    In order to check the eciency of the introduced theory,in the present section comparisons with the theories of Leeand Kim [12], Sherbourne and Kabir [7] and with shellmodels of COSMOS/M are performed. In these compari-sons, models with 30 nite elements of the present beamtheory are employed.

    The model of Lee and Kim [12] is compared with thepresent theory neglecting the shear exibility in theFig. 6. This Figure shows buckling loads due to compres-

    uterSubstituting (23) into the governing variational Eq. (11)and assembling in the usual way, one arrives to

    K kKGW 0 27

    where K, KG, and W* are the global stiness, global geo-metric stiness matrices and the global displacement vectorrespectively. In order to calculate the eigenvalues, it is nec-essary to obtain the prebuckling state by solving the self-equilibrating system of initial stresses and, initial volumeand surface forces (see references [24,25,27]).

    4. Numerical examples and discussion

    In order to evaluate the shear eect on the stabilitybehavior of the analyzed structural members, numericalcomparisons are performed among the present model pre-dictions and results obtained by neglecting the shear defor-mability (Ghorbanpoor and Omidvar, [9], and Lee et al.[1214]). Dierent cross-sectional shapes, laminate schemesand slenderness ratios are considered. The analyzed mate-rial is graphite-epoxy (AS4/3501) whose properties areE1 = 144 GPa, E2 = 9.65 GPa, G12 = 4.14 GPa, G13 =4.14 GPa, G23 = 3.45 GPa, m12 = 0.3, m13 = 0.3, m23 = 0.5,q = 1389 kg/m3. The considered laminate schemes are: (a){0/0/0/0}, (b) {0/90/90/0} and (c) {45/45/45/45}. Theanalyzed cross-sections are shown in Fig. 3.

    4.1. Convergence analysis and comparisons

    In Table 1, it is presented a convergence analysis forbuckling and lateral buckling of a clampedfree beam witha closed rectangular section, with h/L = 0.1, {h,b,e} ={0.1,0.5,0.01} m, and stacking sequence of {0/0/0/0}. Onthe other hand, in Table 2 a comparison with analyticalresults [16] of buckling loads for a pinnedpinned beamwith closed section is shown. Dierent stacking sequencesand slenderness ratios were considered. In Table 2 modelswith 30 nite elements were employed. From these tables, itis possible to note a fast convergence as well as good agree-ment with analytical results.

    4.2. Buckling problems

    In Tables 35, comparisons of buckling loads, of shearexible and non-shear exible models for U-section, I-sec-tion and closed section are presented. In these tables, theeigenvalues (buckling loads) are normalized with respectto 105 and the capital letters (Y), (Z), (X) and (XZ) areemployed, in order to indicate the corresponding bucklingmode. In this way, (Y), (Z), (X) and (XZ) stand for exuralmode in y-direction, exural mode in z-direction, tor-sional mode and exural torsional mode (characteristic ofmonosymmetric cross-sections), respectively.

    In Tables 35, it is possible to see the strong inuence of

    V.H. Cortnez, M.T. Piovan / Compshear exibility in laminates {0/0/0/0} and {0/90/90/0},which increases with the slenderness ratio h/L. In this sensethe percentage dierences can reach 88.529% for clampedclamped I-beams with a {0/0/0/0} stacking sequence (seeTable 4, h/L = 0.20). Also, it is possible to note that buck-ling modes are dominant exural torsional in the U-beamsand dominant exural in y-direction, for beams with theother two types of cross-section. The inuence of shear ex-ibility is also observed in the change of the buckling modeshape, as it can be seen, for example, in Table 5, in the caseof a clampedclamped boundary condition, laminates{0/0/0/0} or {0/90/90/0} with h/L = 0.15 or higher. Thesetables were obtained with models of 30 nite elements.

    4.3. Lateral buckling problems

    In Fig. 4, the variation of the lateral buckling load withrespect to the slenderness ratio is depicted. This case, per-formed with the shear exible model, corresponds to aclampedclamped I-beam with stacking sequence {0/90/90/0}, carrying a point load at the middle of the beam.On the other hand, in Fig. 5, a comparison of lateral buck-ling loads between models allowing and neglecting shear

    0 15 30 45 60 75 90




    105 NQX

    Authors Shear NeglectedLee and Kim [12]


    Fig. 6. Buckling loads of a composite simply supported I-beam withstacking sequence {a/a/a/a}. Comparison of the present model (reducedneglecting shear exibility) with other models.

    s and Structures 84 (2006) 978990 987sive loads (applied at both ends) for a simple supportedcomposite I-beam with stacking sequence {a/a/a/a} in

  • As one can see in Table 6, the reduced model of the authors

    and orthotropic cantilever I-beam. The materials are steel

    terTable 7Comparisons of buckling loads (QX) and lateral buckling loads (QZ) of a

    Table 6Lateral buckling loads (concentrated load QZ [kN] in x = L/2, applied atthe centroid) for a simply supported composite I-beam (angesber-angle a = 0, web lamination {a/a/a/a})Web berangle, a

    Allowing shearexibility

    Neglecting shear exibility

    [I] [II] [III] [I] [II] [III]

    0 82.1 83.4 1.57 88.4 89.2 0.9610 84.1 85.5 1.66 90.3 91.3 1.0720 89.0 90.4 1.63 95.2 96.4 1.1730 93.3 94.4 1.15 100.2 101.5 1.3640 96.2 95.1 1.22 103.2 102.2 0.9845 96.5 95.0 1.49 103.4 102.1 1.20

    [I] Model of Sherbourne and Kabir [30]. [II] Authors model. [III] Per-centage dierence: 100jQZ[I] QZ[II]j/QZ[I].

    988 V.H. Cortnez, M.T. Piovan / Compuboth the web and anges. The beam has the followingdimensions: length 800 cm, web height 20 cm, ange width10 cm and thickness 1 cm. The composite material is agraphite-epoxy with E11 = 133.4 GPa, E22 = 8.78 GPa,G12 = 3.67 GPa and m12 = 0.26. As one can see, the presenttheory can be reduced to the Lee and Kim [12] model.

    Sherbourne and Kabir, in their theory, considered onlythe shear exibility due to bending, whereas they neglectedthe shear exibility due to non-uniform torsion warping.Also the virtual work terms due to o-axis forces werenot taken into account by Sherbourne and Kabir. In thiscontext, the authors model can be reduced to the Sher-bourne and Kabir model, by neglecting the aforementionedcomponents.

    Table 6 oers the critical loads for the lateral buckling ofa simply supported I-beam, whose anges have a berorientation a = 0 and the web has the stacking sequence{a/a/a/a}. The loading scheme is composed by a pointload applied in the web direction and located at themidspan in the cross-sectional centroid, i.e. {x,y,z} =

    cantilever I-beam, obtained with the present shear deformable beamtheory and nite element shell models of COSMOS/M

    Type ofload

    Material Type of model Value[N]

    QZ Steel Beam theory 85,045Shell8T (COSMOS/M) 81,643Dierence [%] 4.16%

    QX Steel Beam theory 112,082Shell8T (COSMOS/M) 109,840Dierence [%] 2.04%

    QX AS4/3501-6{0/90/90/0}

    Beam theory 41,861Shell8T (COSMOS/M) 40,698Dierence [%] 2.85%

    QX AS4/3501-6{45/45/45/45}

    Beam theory 8012Shell8T (COSMOS/M) 7958Dierence [%] 0.68%

    The dierence [%] is taken with respect to the load values of the shellmodels.thin-walled composite beams has been presented in thispaper. This model constitutes a generalization of that pro-posed by the authors in Ref. [16].

    The generalization consists in the adoption of anenhanced displacement eld with non-linear terms basedon the rule of semi-tangential rotations. On the other hand,the model takes into account an arbitrary state of initialstresses.

    In order to solve the governing variational equation, anon-locking nite element with fourteen degrees of free-dom was employed. The numerical results demonstratethat the shear exibility has a remarkable eect on the crit-ical loads, especially when one of the material axes coin-cides with the longitudinal axis of the beam.


    The present study was sponsored by Secretara de Cien-cia y Tecnologa de Universidad Tecnologica Nacional,Research Project 25/B008 and by CONICET (NationalCouncil of Scientic and Technological Research).

    Appendix I

    The constitutive equations of symmetric balanced lami-(E = 210 GPa, G = 80.76 GPa) and Graphite-Epoxy AS4/3501-6 (E11 = 144 GPa, E22 = 9.68 GPa, G12 = 4.14 GPa,G23 = 3.45 GPa, m12 = 0.3, m23 = 0.48). The beam has thefollowing dimensions: length 100 cm, web height 10 cm,anges width 5 cm and overall thickness 1 cm. Two typesof loads are considered. The rst is a lateral load QZapplied in the cross-sectional center at the free end in theweb direction. The second is a compressive load QX appliedin the cross-sectional center at the free end. For this com-parison models with more than 12000 shell elements(SHELL8T) were employed to calculate the buckling loadsin COSMOS/M. In Table 7 one can see a good agreementof buckling loads obtained with the present theory andwith nite element shell models.

    5. Conclusions

    A new model for general stability analysis of shearableagrees well (with less that 1.70%) with the model of Sher-bourne and Kabir, both, allowing or neglecting the shearexibility components.

    Finally Table 7 shows a comparison of the presentshear deformable beam theory with shell models ofthe nite element program COSMOS/M for an isotropic{L/2,0,0}. The cross-section dimensions are {h,b,e} ={20.32,10.16,0.953} cm., the beam has a length L = 12h,and the material properties can be found in Reference [7].

    s and Structures 84 (2006) 978990nates may be expressed in terms of shell stress resultants inthe following form [1]:

  • NN








    wheraccor[1, chcause

    A:II:90 0 0

    n o Z n o


    3 B y 2 2





    Appendix II

    The initial forces expressions due to initial volume forcesand initial surface forces, which were introduced in (12c),are now dened extensively in the following form:

    (1) Volume initial forces:

    X 03 N 01 hz N 03 N 04

    2hy N


    2/x A:II:1

    X 05 N 03 N 04

    2hz N 02 hy

    N 052

    /x A:II:2

    X 06 N 062

    hz N05

    2hy N 01 N 02

    /x A:II:3


    N 01 ;N02 ;N


    n oZA

    yX 0y ; zX0z ; yX


    n odsdn

    A:II:4N 04 ;N

    05 ;N


    n oZA

    zX 0y ; yX0x ; zX


    n odsdn

    A:II:5(2) Surface initial forces:

    T 03 H 01 hz H 03 H 04

    2hy H


    2/x A:II:6

    T 05 H 03 H 04

    2hz H 02 hy

    H 052

    /x A:II:70 0A:I:1

    A11 A212

    A22; A66 A66 A



    AH55 AH45 2AH44

    A:I:2:a; b; c

    D11 D212

    D22; D66 D66 D


    D22A:I:2:d; e

    e Aij, Dij and AHij are plate stiness coecients dened

    ding to the lamination theory presented in referenceapter 6]. The coecient D16 has been neglected, be-of its low value for the considered laminate stackingMxs: ;

    0 0 0 0 D66 jLxs: ;xx





    A11 0 0 0 0

    0 A66 0 0 0

    0 0 AH55 0 0

    0 0 0 D11 0









    V.H. Cortnez, M.T. Piovan / CompT 06 H 62

    hz H 52

    hy H 01 H 02

    /x A:II:8 (16)tantsT 0WW ZS

    N 0xsdxds

    N 0xndxdn

    xpsds A:II:19

    ndix III

    hen the cross-section axes are assumed to be the prin-ones and a two-pole reference is employed, the formsT 0WY ZS

    N 0xsdxds

    N 0xndxdn

    Y sds A:II:17

    T 0WZ ZS

    N 0xsdxds

    N 0xndxdn

    Zsds A:II:18T 5 2 hz zBF z hy 2 /x


    T 06 zBF 0x2

    hz yBF0x

    2hy yBF 0y zBF 0z


    A:II:14The generalized beam stress resultants can be denedin terms of the shell stress resultants introduced in(A.I.1) by means of the following expressions:

    Q0YW ZS

    N 0xsdYds

    N 0xndZds

    xp ds A:II:15

    Q0ZW ZS

    N 0xsdZds

    N 0xndYds

    xp ds A:II:16A:II:12

    0 zBF0y yBF 0z 0 yBF 0x4 5 6A

    y x x

    A:II:10Consider an initial point-load F 0 F 0x ; F 0y ; F 0z

    n o,

    applied at an o-axis point B(xB,yB,zB), as it is shownin the Fig. 1b. Now, applying DeltaKronecker mul-tipliers at the point B, the virtual work term for theo-axis forces can be expressed as

    LKG22 T 03 dhz T 05 dhy T 06 d/xh i



    T 0 y F 0hz zBF 0y yBF 0z hy zBF

    0x /xH ;H ;H zT 0; yT 0; zT 0 dsdnwith

    H 01 ;H02 ;H


    n oZA

    yT 0y ; zT0z ; yT


    n odsdn

    s and Structures 84 (2006) 978990 989can be simplied and the eld of the shell stress resul-can assumed to be of the form:

  • Nxx e NJ 11 MyJ 22

    Z MzJ 33

    Y BJ 44



    Mxx e3


    MyJ 22


    MzJ 33


    BJ 44



    Mxs e3

    6J 55T SV A:III:3

    Nxs e QzJ 22 kys QyJ 33

    kzs T wJ 44 kws

    ewJ 55

    T SV


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    Stability of composite thin-walled beams with shear deformabilityIntroductionTheoryAssumptionsVariational formulationKinematic expressionsEquations of motionConstitutive equations for the beam stress resultants

    Finite element analysisNumerical examples and discussionConvergence analysis and comparisonsBuckling problemsLateral buckling problemsComparisons

    ConclusionsAcknowledgementsAppendix IAppendix IIAppendix IIIReferences