, 19; :::::: ........ <!th:c lfliafnrian Vol ume XLVII FRI DAY, NOVEMBER I , \ 929 Number 2 Homecoming Attracts Many Alu m ni Homecoming Dance a Success Peoria Diocese Loses : Belov ed Bishop The Rt. Rev. Edmun d Dunn e, D. D., Dra ma tic C lub To Be For med At St. Viator TiumOl'..i have i :r€1en ftcating n.roun d St. Viator to Have College Band The devot ees of music at Saint Via- Bishop of Peoria. h as passed away. the campus fo1· th e past three weolcs tor College are about to realize their St. Viat or Los es Game to DePaul Underneath a ceiling of russet leaves, This prelate known th roughout Illinois r elat:ve to the forming of a d ramatic cherished ambition of making- use of Record Crowd A tt en ds n a gy m decked out after the fashion roe his zealo us worlz for the g·ood of Club fot· the CO-llege Students. In fact their tal ents for the b enefit of the of an Indian Summer scene, the the Chur ch and es pecially for the we i- a larwe number hav e- requested that school. Thi s much expr essed desire of Annual Homecoming Party toolc fore of the poor a nd unfortun ate, was the College Club go ah ead and mal{e the studen t body for a band has bE7 Coach Sam McAllister's eleven, :>lace. It had been a for egone conclu - 1 al so a devoted friend of St. Viator Col- plans for such an organlzatl'Cin . come a 1 -eal lty. Through the efforts ot weighed man-for-man and outplayed in :;ion that thi s party would be a su ccess, lege. Many of the p ri ests of the Col- The rumo rs have at last become Father Maguire a directo r has be2 n se- every department of the game except who could resist the temptation to lege h ave labored at various times in a fact an d the College Club shall fot'm c ured and th e organizatio n of the band fighting spirit, \Vas flattened under a ; !ide around such a pretty place, a nd the diocese of Peoria un der Bishop this cl ub at onc e. for the purpose of in- is rapidly. 51 to 0 score by the DePaul Univer- :o dance to the &tra!ns of s uch en- Dunn e, a nd f eel hi s loss k ee nl y. Sev- teres-ting students in th! SJ line of e n- About fifty st udents have enrolled a." sity grid ders at the game pl ayed here r .,. :: banting musi c? B ut the above-men - era! of the priests here were also close deavor. Thi s will certainly be an op- membe-. rs of the band, and f rom the en - Friday, October 18 . .ioned intoxication \vas not s uffi cient to personal f riends of the dead Bisho'}J. portunity for students to diSl)lay their thusiasm shown by the rest of the stu- T he game was played before a record nake this affair so successful. The at - Bishop Dunn e always held St. Viator talent. It is evide.nt that the ir is a dents the pr ospects of a goO<l band is throng of homecomers who sat gloom- of from one hundr ed and fifty College in high esteem, and rec1·uited a sufficiEnt 111.1mber of studentf.l on the assured. ily through the long ni ght. .o two hundred co uples had on ly a la rge number of the priests of his clio- campus \Vho a r e able to produce the Th e band ls under the direction of It might have been WOI'Se. DePaul IELY ninor share in co mpl eting su ccess. cese from among the graduates of the best plays or ot her sort of entertain- Mr. VV. J . Br1.tton, who Is a musician up two ot!'·.er which \11 the credit goes to certain parties College. The Viartorian extends to all ment becaus\e f or the la.st f ew years a of some r epute and is well qua1ifted f or "ere called back by the and .vho labored hard in order to insu re the ·Alumni of St. Viator College in the number of stu dents h ave been taki ng the positio n. Th e musical instruments 1-en:..:lties slappe::l on the in - tgainst failur e. Not that they had a ny Diocese of Peoria the d eep sympathy part !n mu sical an d dramatic plays in have bee n procu red and practice is he ld ::;lt:·,.. additional scure . .:;. One of these ·ight to fear undertaldng 011 · th e loss of their Spiritual leader, Kankakee. r egularly. came i•1 the quane!· \Yhen Bye::·s "!:reel Jlaced in th eir is certain to ri se and joins with them in praying r 01 - the Thris fo rm of ac ti vity can be helpful rau t! ilO yards a nd over the goal tbove expectations under their spon- rep ose of his soul. to the College Club in more ways than Negotiati ons have been opened with ..t.l1 •1 called an.i J>•?:J:1li::Erl 25 - : oring. do n ot wish to embara£S The funera l, held at P eo ri a, was at- one. The proceeds can be utiliZed several firms for the o utfitti ng of the or holdinr-;. - party or parties by mentioning fended by the Provincial. Father very handily by the Club in sp{msori ng members with uni for ms , and a lthou gh Eady bei b t d . t d t . no defi nite style of uniform . has been Th Oh" 1 ked f "d bl r names, u we o m en o gtve O'Mahoney, and by Fathel' Maguire, st udent activ!Ues. In f ormer years , (!greed upon as yet, it is safe to say 'vhene theiycagsotarnutstedoo O"to orrru a e ·redit where cre(lit is due. the college students produced some re- "' ' the field For the past thr ee y-ear-s there has markable plays, which a gr eat that the band w ill pre:::en t a n attrac- to start the game, and it was not long •een one man who has much Father Kinsella Honored deal of praise on the p art of the au- tive appearance. Every studen t who before th ey gave the s pectators an ink- and l abor to the decor at ing of diences. Th eir is an attem pt to have Is musically inclined or who desires to ling of what was coming. Weber kick- be gym, (and this :s no small job.) He Rev. J. A. take charge of the study music IS encou raged to tr y for a led off for Vi ator and theballwasdown - laS always taken pal·ticu lar care to The f ac u tly a nd st udent s of St. Via- dramatic c lub a nd we are sure that the pl ace in the ba.nd. eel on DePaul' s 4- yard lin e. A play rEate new ideas as to how this deco- tor Coll ege re joice in the honor co nf er - venture will be a su ccess. through th e lin e fail-ed and then Har - ILL ating should be done. All o ur dances red upon one of their dear est friends. Description of rmgton passed to Bowler for thirty tave been held in a veritable " fairy- At the request of his Emin ence, Geo. Debate Work to yards. Harrin gton ripped through for - and," thanks to hi s skill iJil this line . Cardinal Mun delein, His H oliness, Pope Gridiron Lights a first down and then Byers skiried year the s upply of ideas had not Piu s XI, named W illiam J . K in se lla, a Begin Soon right end on a long sweeping run that •een exhausted , an d t he deco rations Private Chamberlain and conferred on St. Viator College has falloen in line carried him over the line f or the first him the title of Very R everend Mon- vere in accordance with the color· Monsi"nor Kinsell a has been Th e Debating Teams of St. Viator with the l eading coll eges and univer- of his three touchdowns. The p lace- cheme of the fal l seaso n. The false signor. "" sities of the country, in adopting the kicl\: attempt f ailed and the score was -eili ng was composed of a utumnal in parochLa . Coll ege will soon begin active p repara· n ew fashion of staging f ootball games 6 to 0 with the game not yet five min- with subdued t:ghts peaking dm·:r•:; t!1e pa8t tbiety-f ye:us. As tion for the 'forensic work that i'S a l· at nig h t. So far th e sys tem h as proven uftes old. hrough here and the re. The back- Past::: r of . .Phli:l 1 ·!\"eri churc h ways a spring feature at St. Viator a tremendous success., as was testified Gorman receLved the next kick-off f or the orchestra was entirely :i!nZ, he l:: n.j ve l·y sUC('e . ..;; . .;ful. J.'he College. Fath er Lowney, the new D e-- by the large crowds of peopl e that have fo r St. Viator a nd was downed on his f lattices, coV'et"ecl with l eaves a nd famous Boys' Choir of tha t parish, the bate Coach is looking for n ew men to attended the games this year. A de- 32-yd line. Atter being held wit ho ut a I ,owers. A new n ovelty was introduced n ew Aquinas Hi gh School, and abo·Ye r epl ace the vacancies l eft by the grad- script ion . o-f the St. Viator light illumi· ga in , Furlong was forced to punt to IJ:LX n the form of a fountaln in the cen ter a ll the new church, which is one of the uation last Jun e of J. Allen Nolan, star nating device follows: Twe lve D ePaul 's 45 -yd line. The visitors daz- ;...- f the dance hall, and the. gushing of finest in the country, are te&timonies debater of t hree seasons , Donald Laen-f oot pol es, six on e ither side of the zled the Viatorians with th eir shifty he water was as musical as the or- of his pasto ral zeal. To St. Viator ha rdt a nd John McMahon. He has, pl aying field, have 11e!en erected just plays which were directed thro· ugh the h estra itself . As to the rest of the Coll ege and the Extension Club of the however, six men to fonn the nucl ei of outside the f ence that b orders the line and all aro un d the field. Finally, ecorati ng scheme, words fail u s; all Coll ege, Monsignor Ki nsella has always this year's teams who have participat- :1·on. On top of these poles have been Butcher dodged h is way through a bra- ani 1e can do in return is to doru our hats been a loyal supporter and generous ed in intercollegiate debat es: John plared the twenty Gian t Duplex Ca hill ken field 50 yard·s to a tou chdown and o St. Viator's s uweme inrerior deco- benefactor. Stafford, Raymond Boysen, Lloyd Reflectors that throw a white flood Harrington kicked goal making . the a.tor, Mr. I rvin Matthews, an d his Warne, Charles Murphy, Bernard of li ght all over the fifield. The eight count 13 to O. om rmy ot good-natured workers. c II H p van ey and Raymond No lan. W ith the lofty supports farthest from the fifty - Hamil ton took the next kick-off for Not to be f orgotten in our m:nature 0 ege OnOrS atron eight debates scheduled in the Illinois yard line each have two Df the huge Viator on the 32 _yd line and the in - all of fame on this p articu lar occasion On His Feast Day Debate League, and with the nume r- reftectors on th ern, whereas the four vacl ers were penalized 15 for unneces - 1 Mr. Loyde "Torchy'' Warne , able ous debates th e proposed E aster n •to ur poles near the center of th e field have (Co·ntinued to Page 5). 'resident of thee Coll ege Club. Under wo uld include, it is necessary to have one b eacon e..'lch o n their tops. Eaoh. -------- Is s uperviSion, the business of Monday, October 21 was the Feast of OF f our teams this year. reflector contains two one thom:and Alumnus Makes Gift To College repar ing f or moved along at an in- The quemion for de bate thi s year is: watt e lectric bulbs. An idea of t he r ecli table r ate of sp eed. Thanl{S to the Christian manner with a Solemn High Resolved: That the nations shoul d brilliance of t he li ghting arrangement Mass at th e Coll ege Chapel. Th e Very adopt a pl8.n of complete The Rev. James M. Fitzgerald, pa:s- ee a :usi- Rev. President, Father Maguire was ment exceptin g such fo rces being util:zed when the e ntir e hook-up tor of St. Dominic's church at Wyom- ess-llke way, and we are that Celebrant of the Mass, l·'a,L hcr lYbr- needed for poli ce measures. is lighted. Thi s same system, diff er ing ing, Illinois, a very l oyal alumnus of 1.e faculty and st ud en ts are unani- zano, the Vice-President, was Deacon, -- ----- - in nCJit t he slightest particular, is used St. Viator College, and one of the best lOUs in their praise, and are w illin g to lace several more parties in the ha nd s r such competent l eader s. 'rh'e. music, furnished by Sammy :urke and his Rhythm Kings, was ot kind superior to bhat usually obtained f we are to believe the crit ici sms eard about th e cam pu s, and they and Father Landroche, Director of the Juniorate, was Sub -Deacon . The Ma.s- ter of Ceremonies was Brothet· Crack- nell, the Registrar. Th e choir of St. Bernard Hall furnished the music, choosing from thei r repertoire of Mas- ses the traditional Mass of the Angels, and si nging as an Offertory sel ection ene-rally form the cr:terlon of the the hymn of St. Viator, 'Ecce Viator hole s tude nt thought). It is n eedless Clericus'. , S..'\y that everyone was S.:'l.tisfied, a.nd lis alone- is enough to warrant suc- \Ve sincerely hope that this will ot be the "fin i s'' for su ch events, but lat many more of like kind will be eld during the ensuing year. Don't torget Ooll ege t:lub Ins urance nmtlalgn t'loses November 12. At noon a special dinner was ser ved in the r efectory- a means peculiarly appropr iate to emphasize to boarding sc hool st udents the pre-eminence of a feast day. Since Friday afternoon and Saturday were free days at the Col· lege, the usual holiday in honor of St. Viator was not granted this year. Thank You \Ve take this opportun it y to ex - pr ess our sincere appreciation of the give n us on the oc- casion of ou1· Homecoming, by the various indi viduals and or- ganizat ions in th e city of Kank- akee, among whom we can name.: The American L egio n Drum and Bugle Corps, United Cigar Store, Hotel, Daily Republican, Public Service Co., Morella and Casey, Daily News and other firms who helped make our Homecoming a !"uccess. at th€:! pres'ent time at West Point, at Annapoli s. at the Polo Grounds, an d at Varsity at hl etes that ever att ended the inum:erable other fields ancl stad ia College, has just made a gift to the throughout the country. NE \V BOOHS IN THE LI BRARY. College of a thousand dollars. In ad- clition to this, Father Fitzgerald tens us that he will contin ue to present this amoun t to the College every yea!". The :fund thus accum ul ated will become a A King of Shadows ······· ··--Mar garet Yeo burse Jn honor of Father Fitzgerald's The \Vot·ks of Geber. father and mother. Disraeli and Gladstone.D. C. Somervell Father Fitzgerald's devot edness to Th e Structure of Atoms ......... Dr. Alfred his Alma Mater has always been gen- Stock. e.rous an d unselfi s h. The facu l ty a nd The Spirit of Catholicism ........... Dr Karl students of St. Vlatot· College are very Adam. grateful to him for this latest mark of Chemist ry in Med icine... .. ......... Julius his loyalty to his schoo l he fought for Stieglitz. as a college athlete, and has dearly The Golden Day __ ........ Louis l\iumfo1·d che1ished as an a lumnus.

St. Viator College Newspaper, 1929-11-01

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The Viatorian, Vol. XLVII, No. 2

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Page 1: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1929-11-01

l, 19; ;::::::


<!th:c lfliafnrian Volume X LV II FRIDAY, NOVEMBER I , \ 929 Number 2

Homecoming Attracts Many Alumni Homecoming

Dance a Success

Peoria Diocese Loses :Beloved Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Edmund Dunne, D. D.,

Dramatic Club To Be Formed At St . V iator

TiumOl'..i have i:r€1en ftcating n.roun d

St . Viator to Have College Band

The devot ees of music at Saint Via-

Bishop of Peoria. has passed away. the campus fo1· the past three weolcs tor College are about to realize their

St. Viator Loses Game to DePaul

Underneath a ceiling of russet leaves, This prelate known t h roughout Illinois relat:ve to the forming of a d ramatic cherished ambition of making- use of Record Crowd A ttends n a gym decked out after the fashion roe his zealou s worlz for the g·ood of Club fot· the CO-llege Students. In fact their talents for the benefit of the

of an Indian Summer scene, the the Church and especially for the wei- a larwe number hav e- requested that school. This much expressed desire of Annual Homecoming Party toolc fore of the poor a nd unfortun ate, was the College Club go a head and mal{e the studen t body for a band has bE7 Coach Sam McAllister's eleven, out~ :>lace. It had been a foregone conclu- 1 a lso a devoted friend of St. Viator Col- plans for such an organlzatl'Cin . come a 1-eallty. Through t h e efforts ot weighed man-for-man and outplayed in :;ion that this party would be a s u ccess, lege. Many of the p riests of the Col- The rumors have at last become Father Maguire a directo r has be2 n se- every department of the game except ~or who could resist the temptation to lege have labored at various times in a fact and the College Club shall f ot'm cured and the organization of the band fighting spirit, \Vas flattened under a ; !ide around such a pretty place, a nd the diocese of Peoria under Bishop this club at once. for the purpose of in- is progres~ng rapidly. 51 to 0 score by the DePaul Univer-

~ :o dance to the &tra!ns of s uch en- Dunne , a nd feel his loss keenl y. Sev- t eres-ti ng students in th! SJ lin e of en- About fifty students have enrolled a." sity gridders at the game played here

r .,. ::banting music? B ut the above-men- era! of the priests here were also close deavor. This will certainly be an op- m embe-.rs of the band, and f rom the en- Friday, October 18 .

~ .ioned intoxication \vas not s ufficient to personal f riends of t he dead Bisho'}J. portunity for students to diSl)lay their thusiasm shown by the rest of the stu- T he game was played before a record nake this affair so successful. The at- Bishop Dunne always held St. Viator talent. It is evide.nt that their is a dents the prospects of a goO<l band is throng of homecomers who sat gloom-~endance of from one hundred and fifty College in high esteem, and rec1·uited a sufficiEnt 111.1mber of studentf.l o n the assured. ily through the long night. .o two hundred co uples had only a la rge number of the priests of his clio- campus \Vho a re able to produce the The band ls under the direction of It might have been WOI'Se. DePaul

IELY ninor s hare in completing th~s s u ccess. cese from among the graduates of the best plays or other sort of entertain- Mr. VV. J . Br1.tton, who Is a musician hun~ up two ot!'·.er touc/.l(~cwns which \11 the credit goes to certain parties College. The Viartorian extends to all ment becaus\e for the la.st few years a of some r epute and is well qua1 ifted for "ere called back by the of~c!als and .vho labored hard in order to insu re the ·Alumni of St. Viator College in the number of students have been taking the position. The musical instruments 1-en:..:lties slappe::l on the ''i~Ltors in­tgainst failure. Not that they had a ny Diocese of Peoria the d eep sympathy part !n musical and dramatic plays in have been procured and practice is held ::;lt:·,.. ~ (~f additional scure . .:;. One of these ·ight to fear fa.:Iure~a,.ny undertaldng 011· the loss of their Spiritual leader , Kankakee. r egularly. came i•1 the I a~t quane!· \Yhen Bye::·s

"!:reel Jlaced in t heir hands~ is certain to ri se and joins with them in praying r01- the Thris form of acti vity can be helpful raut! ilO yards a nd over the goal lin~ tbove expectations under their spon- r epose of his soul. t o the College Club in more ways than Negotiations have been opened with ..t.l1 •1 "a~ called b~··"- an.i J>•?:J:1li::Erl 25

- :oring. \~le do not wish to embara£S The funeral, held at P eoria, was at- one. The proceeds can be utiliZed several firms for the o utfitti ng of the 'anl~ or holdinr-;. - ~ny party or parties by mentioning fended by the Provincial. Father very handily by the Club in sp{msoring members with uni forms, and a lthoug h ~<'01'" Ead y

bei b t d . t d t . no defi nite style of uniform . has been Th Oh" 1 ked f "d bl r names, u we o m en o gtve O'Mahoney, and by Fat hel' Maguire, student activ!Ues. In former years , (!greed upon as yet, it is safe to say 'vhene theiycagsotarnutstedoo O"to orrru a e

·redit where cre(lit is due. the college students produced some re- "'' the field For the past three y-ear-s there has markable plays, which cau~ a g r eat that the band w ill pre:::en t a n attrac- to start the game, and it was not long

•een one man who has d~oted much Father Kinsella Honored deal of praise on t he part of t he au- tive appearance. Every studen t who before they gave the s pectators an ink-~ught and labor to the decor at ing of diences. Their is an attem pt to have Is musically inclined or who desires to ling of w hat was coming. Weber kick-b e gym, (and this :s no small job. ) He Rev. J. A. \~'illiams take charge of the study music IS encouraged to try for a led off for Viator and theballwasdown-laS always taken pal·ticular care to The facu tly a nd students of St. Via- dramatic club a nd we are sure that the place in the ba.nd . eel on DePaul's 4-yard line. A play rEate new ideas as to how this deco- tor College r ejoice in the honor confer- venture will be a s uccess. through the line fail-ed and then Har-

ILL ating should be done. All o ur dances red upon one of their dearest friends. Description of rmgton passed to Bowler for thirty

tave been held in a veritable " fairy- At the request of his Eminence, Geo. Debate Work to yards. Harrington ripped through for - and," thanks to his skill iJil this line. Cardinal Mundelein, His H oliness, Pope Gridiron Lights a first down and then Byers skiried

_~his year the s upply of ideas had not Pius XI, named W illiam J . K in sella, a Begin Soon right end on a long sweeping run that •een exhausted, and t he decorations Private Chamberlain and conferred on St. Viator College has falloen in line carried him over the line for the first

him t he title of Ver y R everend Mon-vere in accordance with the color· Monsi"nor Kinsella has been The Debating Teams of St. V iator with the leading colleges and univer- of his three touchdowns. The p lace-c heme of the fal l season. The false signor. "" sities of the country, in adopting the kicl\: attempt failed and the score was

Iii~ -eiling was composed of a utumnal eng:~.ged in Chlc<•~o parochLa . wor!~ College will soon begin active p repara· n ew fashion of staging football games 6 to 0 with the game not yet five min­~aves , with subdued t:ghts peaking dm·:r •:; t!1e pa8t tbiety-f ~w· ye:us. As tion for the 'forensic work that i'S a l· at nigh t. So far the system has proven uftes old. hrough here and there. The back- Past::: r of ~t . .Phli:l1 ·!\"eri church -~ih ce ways a spring feature at St. Viator a tremendous s uccess., as was testified Gorman receLved the next kick-off ~ound for the orchestra was entirely :i!nZ, he l:: n.j be<~:\ vel·y sUC('e . ..;; . .;ful. J.'he College. Father Lowney, the new D e-- by the large crowds of people that have fo r St. Viator a nd was downed on his f lattices, coV'et"ecl with leaves a nd famous Boys' Choir of tha t parish, the bate Coach i s looking for new men to attended the games this year. A de- 32-yd lin e. Atter being held without a

I ,owers. A new novelty was introduced n ew Aquinas Hig h School, and abo·Ye r eplace the vacancies left by the grad- script ion .o-f the St. Viator light illumi· gain , Furlong was forced to punt to

IJ:LX n the form of a fountaln in the center a ll the new church, which is one of the uation last June of J. Allen Nolan, star nating device follows: Twelve ~~xty- D ePaul 's 45-yd line. The visitors daz­;...- f the dance hall, and the. gushing of finest in the country, are te&timonies d ebater of t hree seasons, Donald Laen- foot poles, six on e ither side of the zled the V iatorians with their shifty

he water was as musical as the or- of his pastoral zeal. To St. Viator ha rdt a nd John McMahon. He has, playing field, have 11e!en erected just plays which were directed thro·ugh the h estra itself . As to the rest of the College and the Extension Club of the however, six men to fonn the nuclei of outside the fence t hat borders the gr~d- line and all around the field. Finally, ecorating scheme, words fail u s; all Coll ege, Monsignor K insella has always this year's teams who have participat- :1·on. On top of t hese poles have been Butcher dodged h is way through a bra-

ani 1e can do in return is to doru our hats been a loyal supporter and generous ed in intercollegiate deba t es: John plared the twenty Gian t Duplex Cahill ken field 50 yard·s to a touchdown and o St. Viator's s uweme inrerior deco- benefactor. Stafford, Raymond Boysen, Lloyd Reflectors tha t throw a white flood Harrington kicked goal making .the a.tor, Mr . I rvin Matthews, and his Warne, Charles Murphy, Bernard Mul~ of light all over the fifield. The eight count 13 t o O.

om rmy ot good-natured workers. c II H p vaney and Raymond Nolan. W ith the lofty supports farthest from the fifty- Hamilton took the next kick-off for Not to be forgotten in our m:nature 0 ege OnOrS atron eight debates scheduled in the Illinois yard line each have two Df the huge Viator on the 32_yd line and the in-

all of fame on this particular occasion On His Feast Day Debate League, and with the numer- reftectors on thern, whereas the four vaclers were penalized 15 for unneces -1 Mr. Loyde "Torchy'' Warne, able ous debates the proposed E astern •tour poles near t h e center of the field have (Co·ntinued to Page 5). 'resident of thee College Club. Under wo uld include, it is necessary to have one beacon e..'lch on their tops. Eaoh. --------Is dir~t s uperviSion, the business of Monday, October 21 was the Feast of thl~€e OF four teams this year. reflector contains two one thom:and Alumnus Makes Gift

To College reparing f or moved along a t an in- ~,t~e V~a:~r, "~se :~~:::t:: ~~e :ol:~~~: The quemion for debate this year is: watt e lectric bulbs. An idea of t he recli table rate of s peed. Thanl{S to the Christian manner with a Solemn High Resolved: That the nations should brilliance of t he lighting arrangement

:~~~~ coi~itte~, noth!in~ '~a: ~e~ Mass at the Col lege Chapel. The Very adopt a pl8.n of complete di::m:;~ ~~: :~e:tai:~o~~~~enot e~:::r~: ~::.~=~~ The Rev. James M. Fitzgerald, pa:s-

verythi~g co~d:~;~i~resu:h ee a :usi- Rev. President, Father Maguire was ment excepting such forces being util:zed when the entire hook-up tor of St. Dominic's church at Wyom-ess-llke way, and we are ~re that Celebrant of the Mass, l·'a,L hcr lYbr- needed f or police measures. is lighted. This same system, differing ing, Illinois, a very loyal alumnus of 1.e faculty and studen ts are unani- zano, the Vice-President, was Deacon, -- ------ in nCJit t he slightest particular, is used

S t . Viator College, and one of the best lOUs in their praise, and are w illing to lace several more parties in the ha nds r such competent leader s.

'rh'e. music, furnished by Sammy :urke and his Rhythm Kings, was ot kind superior to bhat usually obtained

f we are t o believe the criticisms eard about the cam pu s, and they

and Father Landroche, Director of the Juniorate, was Sub-Deacon. The Ma.s­ter of Ceremonies was Brothet· Crack­nell, the Registrar. The choir of St. Bernard Hall furnished the music,

choosing from thei r repertoire of Mas­ses the traditional Mass of the Angels, and sing in g as a n Offertory selection

ene-rally form the cr:terlon of the the hymn of St. Viator, 'Ecce Viator hole stude nt thought). It is needless Clericus'. , S..'\y that everyone was S.:'l.tisfied, a.nd

lis alone- is enough to warrant suc­~ss. \Ve sincerely hope that this will ot be the "fin is'' for s u ch events, but lat many more of like kind will be eld during the ensuing year.

Don' t torget Oollege t:lub Ins urance nmtlalgn t'loses November 12.

At noon a special dinner was ser ved in the r efectory- a means peculiarly appropr iate to emphasize to boarding school students the pre-eminence of a feast day. Since Friday afternoon and Saturday were free days at the Col· lege, the usual holiday in honor of St. Viator was not granted this year.

Thank You \Ve take this opportun ity to ex­

press our si ncere appreciation of the a...<:>S~stance given us on the oc­casion of ou1· Homecoming, by the various individuals and or­ganizat ions in the city of Kank­akee, among whom we can name.: The American L egion Drum and Bugle Corps, United Cigar Store, K.ankak~e Hotel, Daily Republican, Public Service Co., Morella and Casey, Daily News and other firms who helped make our Homecoming a !"uccess.

at th€:! pres'ent time at West Point, at Annapolis. a t the Polo Grounds, and at Varsity athletes that ever attended the inum:erable other fields ancl stadia College, has just made a gift to the

throughout the country.


College of a thousand dollars. In ad-clition to this, Father Fitzgerald tens

us that he will continue to present this amount to the College every yea!". The :fund thus accum ulated will become a

A King of Shadows ······· ··--Margaret Yeo burse Jn honor of Father Fitzgerald's The \Vot·ks of Geber. father and mother. Disraeli and Gladstone.D. C. Somervell Father Fitzgerald's devotedness to The Structure of Atoms ......... Dr. Alfred his Alma Mater has always been gen-

Stock. e.rous and unselfi s h. The facul ty a nd The Spirit of Catholicism ........... Dr Karl students of St. Vlatot· College are very

Adam. grateful to him for this latest mark of Chemistry in Med icine... .. ......... Julius his loyalty to his school he fought for

Stieglitz. as a college athlete, and has dearly

The Golden Day __ ........ Louis l\iumfo1·d che1ished as an a lumnus.

Page 2: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1929-11-01

f,.:c~ Tw<>


IM I ()f{IJ WAf{ E 1 w,\rso:

fli .W AHIJ C IULVA f.Y I I h\lA. \ 111 .1-'5 nnd jO:-.LPH LOG c ,, H~\ YMo:,l J .I' FVV~l lf:.. I' A YMO.,f) M BOY ·L

v~r by th

Edotor·!n-Cho~f lanagtng Editor Athleti<: Edotor /\lumno Edotor

Campus Edotors lnq uanng Reporter

\ 'iatoriana

Circulation Hf >HI.H f C. DOYI J


VI. 'U .• r C R,\WLF-.Y j,\:'v!E.S R. HULL

JO~EPH E. CRA. ;-r

Suhouoption R"t~ : $2.00 per Annum Addrr o All "o rrcopondrnce Rrf•rrin ~: Eith.r to Adverti'lng or

Su b~~W" rtpllon to ' fhf" ViatortciO, 8ourbonna1~. Illinois

f.ntrrrd a• Srr()nd (.1.,.. Ml\tter at th~ Po• toffi ce of Bourbonnais. Ill. Undrr thr Act of March 3rd, 18 79.

the c•Tlrtlnl) to ~ ron *'-d f, r lbf"lr

11plendld Wf•rk l;'l U\:8 14rbth. and

~•Pl'CL'l y !· ~ thf'o e-n tlon or t~ be:1

t ful M!l or Qe-'\\ bull


J ranc ~r. hu ghe-n

Lion nnd n pn•misJng ' rf?E'r '' ith lh" Public !'..,.n·in"! c·ompany to .. nt('tr the

\·Jatori.:.ln :-\ovlcla~-l.

\ tlto1· A lurnnl whos~ clllctlnctlons

n••f>•l han11:r ho puhll~hed un• l''nth•'r

Timothy How.tn an•l .JA.y .Jf'romo \\'U­

Ihms. ).lr. \\'llllam~ I~ Editor tl ( the

l'nilcd ~tat••s P:dly, und the 11nthnr •·!

till · ••· ''''''''ulllldttltt•••IJIUIIIIIIIUIJII

Campw Briefs.

"""' kt'f"p r.•m Jn -....,.

.\ nlllllllf'l' o( th•~ ho\',. fil nt lh<' \\1•'k

n•t In t"'hlf. l~o. t r tll• ~ trt'- I, unr·

\\. ~NHl--ir ff m•• tnt! l.J,.. t}u• ~··jtr•

flame llanr"t• 1t th•• ~t••\t'Tl!'l llntf'l

, ···11d I"''PIIL&r t'IYIHliC'tltf'd cnmk "trlJl'A, flow i~ tht"' \\t•.tt •r tlnt!t•rtH \.tlh th

.,,,, n! v. hkh I~ "P.ountl to 'VIn." writ- S l•lf+•r'fl Fldd, "'1Ltm"?

t"n undf'r tht> nonHl~plume o t Alger.

, F·•th' r Howan hn.s o tftciall>' n~umed F.ath•·r t' 1nt nal, la~t Y+'nr'M .\f •l•"'r 1

lht• dutl•·~ on lht• :-411\ll n! Tht> )\o•\\.' tnr n( th•• l~tllh~·· f 'luh \\11~ "~• 11 Ptl th~



l'rnm Indian:l(l(tll~ ('nmt·~ the n('WS

------------------------------- that r:rntht·r .Jumts St·t:~. l'. R. Y., who h:t,.; ht·t·n flt•rinU!-tly Ill with typhoid r••-

llllll+nyf)tlt' n lit-•• lht=oo word•·•! l••<·k ('Jl

', l im.'~·· fan• lat.·ly? l•on'l ft•<tr .,Jd

nan, n ylt· he till your frif'nd TO WHOM DOES FOOTBALL BELONG 7 n·r. has pa!>'<o~+·tl th •TI!'ti,.; an•l 1:-; ""'\

l'hr 1d< ~,, of player. rather than coach contro l o f the actual play- gradually lmproYin~. c'l :\ry'...: sy 111 ·11patt•r· .. nn• prnR"I'•·tcsin~ m g of foo tbnll ga n, es IS gn mm g su c h jmportance in discussions o n ,,.ry rapiclly rtH\\' Th~>:r ,.,.1w<-t tn <1~1 J\m("nf,,n '!port~~ tha t th e Viatorian. in attempt in g to keep up with H+·L .Jn~f'pt:. ~1. Lonl'rg";\n, Cormer 'hi.L;" tim·· 11 t 11 n· · In a Ct•w \\t'+·k".

thC" thou~ht of the timrs, fee l ~ justified in commenting editorially '':utlnnnl C'hapl:lln or tlw .\m<·rkan

on I ht· flUC'~tion. I he New York Eventng Post deems the qu estion I L+·Jo.'"llln, wu.~ n·t·l'ntl:r +'11'\':at•·d tn htP' Tht• ,·ont"ng ~. 'llt•.c•• I' Lnd : .. ,,. ;.In·

o f :-~uch WCI~ht t o RIVe much space t o a se ri es o f ar ticl es by Mr. John I r:lnk of Lit•utt·nant·t'nlnnt·l in tht· Xa- ning trt lw n "huJ.:"-h•·.Jr" t+• tlltf'h "tu· H funr~ tlnnnl Ciua1·d. Fath•·r Loner~an I~ the

J"h • .w h o le di~cus~ion hinges upon the a nsswer to the question: Pastor oC ~t )lary'~ Church, Rocktord. d 1 ntM n~ "Xir~, .,~., nt'' and V+t" h .•

" T o ~ ·1

hon1 Doc~ Footbd!l Belong)'· Football I'"' played today in f·•wu~e It 1" fll~tur·htng tht·rn !rom th('u·

stnd1~\ !-ll'·atmg thou!iands upon thousands of a rdent spectators. ce r- In hi!<~ "(·nnon at the rf'-IIF>cora.tlon ot u f tl·rnnnn nap~. l t will "'~ n•·<·+·~'!:tl}' tt• tlw <"hUI'C'h a! ][nnpP~tnn. Illlnnl!-(, on lin!-(t:tll !'I undJli"C•n! \\:dis fnr tnt• tmnly doc• not belong exclusively to th e players. The spectators , 1,.,.,.y lad•.

pny ad n11 ~sio n s nnd h ave a rig ht ~o get what they want, a game :~<·t~h·~~ 1 :~~,~~a~~~~~~~~ .. ~·t~>·~~~~~~1f~ne;;( 'Hack' r••ports that thr• Homf'<·omlng

pl.\y c-d hy fir~t cla~!i at hl e tes a nd dtrected by the best coach es that thr· P:t-.:;: 1; •• FatiH·l· u: \\"al~h. !Janet• wa~ thu lw~t h+• has PV~>r "('"" monrv ran htre. Thus, t o take th e 1mmediate control of the game ~· -- 1 • 1,,,. ,.,,"'' .. 11,.,,.k. nn I HI f'alnpu~, r out o.f the honds of ~he c?ach is to _fail to sa ti sfy th e mob , who in- Thf• trlend~ ot Eu~cne D. Sa.mmnn, thun:.:ht Y••u 0 .. \·•·r lik '11 dan+·r-s. Why vanably demand sn lt ~ f<l c lt on or th e ir money back. The world of ·z..,., will be tntere~ted in knowinK or th• ~wld••n ('hnJH..;-•·7

footbnll ent hu :-nasls to d ay believes m coaC'h rather th a n player con- hi~ nppulntnwnt to tht• po!-(itinn or Illi· --Hr,.. -·

l1 ol, nnd any moYement towards absol ut e player contro l is unfa ir "'is an11 \\'i~L·on~in n·pn·sr-ntati\1• tor 1 1 )f (• ur~·· th•· lto~:n·y ··c:ang'' \n·r••

to 1h~1n \'i!tion .trie~ may be quite co rrect in advocati n g comple te th•· Klein·"·.,t:-lon Company ,,r ~111\\:lU· w.th 11 ~ 1 ~:ain. \\"hy lwt c.!ll rutun cont1 n l o f !>lay_' and sub•t itutio ns by the captain of the team on th e j

kee. r nt+ rl.d Hnf·nt." Ho~nr.\"lat"r Parth•t.t'! ~ndtron r., thn th~n by the coach on the bench, but with football .:H it 1~ tod c· , one of Amenca's leading industries, such an idea I ~lb.:-; t'atht>rlnt• :SL·hmitlt. who attNtdt•d

w ould wotk ('l nly in sc rub ~an1es behind the g}'ln nasium with the Ht. Yiatnr ('oll£·1.:'e I:L .... t yenr. ha ... jol! ... d

srnall boy~ of th e neigborrhood th e sole on lookers. tht- c .. n~n.~zntlion or ~otre p. 1me, and

Coat"hcs nre suppo:led to be int e lli gent. to be better jud ges of i~ now mnkln~ lwt· nm·ic·bw in ){on· ptop~r piny•. of the proper men to play them and of the time to tn-al. Cun:>.ta.

College Club Holds First Meeting of Year

play tht·m. than the men actua lly on the field. and until this idea , t1uc.~ or l~l~c ,,s it mav be. ts dispelled from that vast conglamora~ tinn of connction nncl prejudice that •s the makeup of the mind of

lr , \,n.,Ke Inn. conch control will no t obtain. Football, as now pl.,yt•d , bt."lontots. d not en tire ly . yet none the less certalnly in some nh .... •l~urt·. to the spectators. and any movement towards absolute pl ,,ycr c·ontrnl of the actual p laying of the games "'~II be but ideaJ­tSIIc· futtlth• until football is etther de-commercialized. or the hard­h(',\.dt~d sp~"ctc.\lors are forced to cast their present views of the game tnto the .>Sh -ean of discarded prejudices.


\ YOUn~ Ill·'"· the age of a college student. "'·as every day seen l'Hl th e:· str('t.·t~ of Lyons ringi n~ a bell to attract attention. \~"hen he h.H~ ,;:.lthc-ted .l f<'W followers, mO$t of whom were children. he t.uo~ht them rdi~ton. for h•• Christiiln life and knowledge o f doc­tlin(' 1n.\d«." hin1 ._\ rt-adv teacher.

rod.,~. I on,: ilft<:~ hos holy dea th in a dreary desert in [gypt. th<' insptr~\ti on of St \ 'iator' s example penetrates the mists of ob­~ ... ~unty th .. lt h~lYc:" engulfed his tin1es. To me.n de,·oted to the cause c>i t..'hns!t.tn Educatwn. h" is a splendid model. But to students '"ptrin~ to becom~ C'hri~ti"n ~entlemen . his influence should be llH."~rt."" ,\ppe!'ahng. f 'lr he." was what w e should be. a v outh learned and ze~'h"\1'. ·

St. \ 1 .. \t~..--.r . o3boYe all. te."'\chcs to n1a.ke u:-.e of opportunity and t,,lent \\ "hen we •e"' h,,w h., labor"'d without the opportunities for le .. \rnin~ \\·e ha:n:!· . ._\_nd desp1te hl:' ter:der vouth, ,.,·e realize ,,·hat a )'t..)Un~ nl..\.n ~.·an d" H1s ex..!..rnple tells us. not to -. .. -aste our time in 1dl<"nC"-'. :lnd dir.,l> us tv th"' tr..te w;sdom. that of a Christian life. \ 1\.."'~"'YC!'r. it sh.1.mes those!' ·who will not spea~ up in defense of their reli~h.ln ~._.,r hdp its cau$<! ,~,·hen able to do sc

, Fin.llly, thou;:h """may not t.oach as St. \ ·iator did. he would hast!' us s.upp\.-...rt our - hool a.nd be ready to ma._-e sacrifices it may .,\s.k '-"'ius 10 then. me of \...hrt:>ti::ln Educa:1on.

\\·flrd reacht!-1 us throu~h [Jf•slio J Hol'h. ·~7. whi 1:-1 now tt<aChin:.:: His--

Many Activities Planned For tbe Coming Year.

tor~; d Enc:-li~h •lt St. :.\f:.LI") ... ~ rnl· The St Y:atr•t' (" PliPg" ( uh hl•lll II

n·rslty nt ~an ..-\.ntonl4>. that D•)Ut:'las ft tH. nH:•f-tlflt:' t thP ·hr•laJJtlc ye1r

.Pc>wers ha..<l replaced th~ d••<"t-.,:u;ed :\lon1la.r +·Vf-nlm.'. S.,.pu-·mt!E'r 23, In rh'" F~;.tht-r :\fulYa.nt'Y, L', S Y., as an In· cluh ro .. ms. Th .. , nf·W l•ffiCI'nJ Lloyd

:-truc-t r 'lt lnc.-..rnat.o· Y\ord CoUt-:;e ot I \\·nrn(". prt::-:ld('nt· Th m.L" I.JOyiP.. 'fc. tha dty pn-,..Jd~nt Byron EvarrJ 8('('rH~Lry· tP!;Il

-- Hay Xolan. trPa: un·r pn:1'1ldmg- at thf'

Thf" aJ'!"ah,.; c·f t.wo prorrH:--•·\t .\.nora tlnst mt'('t nl:. in~t tutlor are in tht'· hand:-: 'A \Tuor s.~v.·ral new !.IC£"' at•P~arNI at thP

.\lumnl. Dr .. \roo:-; P. Tik··. ''· L..: the rl••tting nd !rem all t.J.Ir;o··:..nnr•· .. the-~

JCC't.~,.'"rci mana::e-.r <·C the Springbrook f""')l"fl v.:.,JI ably fill tht· pl.al"M (.>t th~

~1nlurfum. and \\-a.rd Go!-tlin, wh•' at· whc, J:nl.I}U'lted laH Ju':'lf•.

·nd<'d :"':.. YL.tnr'.. tn I'(" ent \' \ • llr \'arne- spok·· br f'ny on the JJ n11

r·f tl:'o c· -~ for tbeo ( m .. ns;- yf-a..r Pe I" int":-Q Jn.n :lfl hew!f ,.haJrtn<'ln (.,(

:\Jr 1.nd ~Irs. F nkJin T. ).lay C•C t e "DC :at e me- tf"E' E Jgf'ne- Hotrmar

~UlkakPe ar.nounj the blnh c.·C a .,_.unnan (}! th"' Ins -:ance con:;mltt~ ~ n, Patdck ::3.Uc:hael. )..[r. and :Y~ d J r:~ H yd.r-n h..llrman 4J.! the R-r

harl"'"' 0.. nnt>U, ">oout r. thE. Ball!~ \I e comm tt·P

ho:!Or. but "-.lr t1 .\lr-:-:. \Vrl~'ll !".;-­

' of t 1r .a. "'"e ;::l'd, to tr...!vnn .1.5 that th .: b:lby f~ a ;:;irl. Jean ){a.M.-e.

.-\cade-my ath.!-et_-c:::; here r.:-:- the past 4

yea .. ~. b now Athledc Di.rect.G"!" o! the

F r.. ~·a:rne Ca~!x.llc ~ttn!ty Cen-

Fath r hta Er'Gwu, C" S. Y c~

~.n::p" o Y!nr.~ 't'f!!.:.ed !. the ~.oi·

-e- O't'et" H~~ and S!.. \Jat r·s Day



C mplin nt


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omplete Lin' of ~ moken;' rl1· lt

Fountain & Lunch~on

Trade at

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Rea<:h, Wrig ht and Dit.or


129 E. Court St. Kanluokt



The College Boys' Favorite Place to E:..t.

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TETRAULT & SOl' Garage


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Bourbonnau, 111.


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No Charge for Extra.s.

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We Supply St. ViatOt'

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Arseneau's Uniform BREAD


G. ARSE..'i"E.AU BAKERY Boar bonnais, m

Page 3: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1929-11-01

Friday, November I, 1929

Exchange Column being, docs doubt. ObviMH'l l y the uni ­

versality of hi l':l douhtln g- ha llH before Lhis C'{>rtaln and cv'clcnl rae t that he

doubt~ . So "Ne~clo quid ce rte est'',

(1'h 's column JWOPONeS~ to Jll'c :-cnt ob- besides beJng bl.llll Latin, 1::~ Incom plete:

servations and commt:'nt~ on the va.- J)raeterquam quod clublto shou ld be

rJous college publications that £>xchage added. And it would be a bette1- text with thC' Vlntc-.rlan. 'l~he edLto1· o f t his too. f'<C r it. Is ea~ i e 1 • to 1-hymc.

~~lu~,~~ti:~~~ ~~~!u==~~~~-,-e1~~~~·~tl i~n~lu~h!~ T he g-e ntlema n h lmMcl f condescend!'-:


Jubilee Poem

Page Three

The Decay Of ~omr• mr·n In Nt.r·h agp; thcn•forf' gr;,nt­lng- thn.t ~·kotus' Hubtlf~ty w:tH not ftc-

s h l tltlou•; hut that hr· rNiily ~JW wh:t.t h~

C 0 asticism lhnu"hl h<· did. he Hilf>Uid neverlheJe-. (Th e f oll ow in-g- poem wn~:J w 1·~tten fo 1• ,have· kr•pt It all tr_, hlms€'1f. since no one

the Very Revet·end ,J. P. O'Mahoney, el$11(.' c·ould (J(·I·Ivto anyth ing tJut con-

C. S. V .. o n the occn..<:~ l on of hiH Snce,·do· ('hange IH on(> or the ·worl<l'a most ~~~~~~tl~~n t~t~o~r~:t_ ~n~:~et~f:u~f :~ ~~

his name he with-held. Although he to t ell us of so m ething- he seem!'l will no doubt write just about what he rathe1· ce,·taln of: hh~ "Ego ~hauls de· t thinks of the ExC'hanges he reads, h e nanC"€'". St t·on g wonls the);;e al'e to an-

~ has reC'eivf'd ln:'ltt·uctk·ns not lo in- ply to a phan ta"m. Evidently he can

volve himself in any !:'ult f01· libel. It be ce t·tain his ''Ego" ~x~~ts IC It is able

ta l .Jubilee In.st Spring. Th e wrLter Is a. evident fn c t R. PoetR have Hun g of the down fall or Sc·hoiH HtiC'IHm then , becauHE· p1·ie ~ t w ell JolOwn to the f 1·Jend<~ of St. den th of the ftow er!-9 In lfh.(' autumn. h e: lntrc,auc·cd clemf'nts Into It which to Vlatol' Co llege who has won for him · and mm·cr- thnn one g t·ent man ha~ futu1·e genE!ratlon R brought only con­self t he t ~ lle: Tl1e Poet-pr ies t of Sol.lllh wrllten · beautifu ll y of "'J'he Second fw· i r.. n. ll n.d th en• heen more Scot us's.

Dal<ot.a .. LasJt y ear ll e. wn.s De::ln o f the Spr in ,L( '. Masters In hwnel t ell us that ~phee naff~~~ t~::,ui~ ~~;etoco~e :e~s:~~~~? Department of English rut Columbu s clea.th IR a law of llfe, and that youth Not ]JOH-~-JtJv( ·J y, PE:rh ft.ps, hut ~,till, jf h e

College, Siot1x Falls, s. D., but t his a ncl v"gor SPI'Ing f01·th from d ecay. had not be<"n so blam~d s ubt Le, .the vlg­

yeat· he Is In our mldsl agaaln a.':l pro- Tho student then, glancing back ~~mo: s~~f'ntsc~~o~~: n'~~u lcl not have be· o s cut defiance, even at the poor

Inte-r-collegiate dh<"ussicn and help prophets-. Again, ''Vlhen I'm lht-ough

~ ls hoped his column will stimulate t h

fe~o t• o f English n.hd Hl.s.to r-y. Editor's tht·ough the> cl'm corridor s of the ag~s.

rnise the standa rd or College publ'ca- with doubti ng·· is Indicative or the ces­

tions. Comment!> on anything publish- sation or a n acllvity tthat must ce rta in - GOD'S GENTLEMAN

ed here a t·e inv:ted both fr.:lm the stu- ly exist In ordet· to cease. Ditto f or \\'hat "'shes shall I ~end yo u

dent body of St. v:ator Ccllege, a nd the the next: "At last lie down to rest". On th~ YOUI' f estal day?

;~~~::.-~dit~:-~7n-6:~~~>"ian In other In the following line beh old a queet· The thoughts thnt ~lng within my heart

Note.) must not think It unus u;JI to find de-

cay, degene1·atlon and eve n death, as

well a!,! the glamo t· and g l or·y, the colc r

a n.d the life of times Lhat are no more

Thought may be of the mind, may be

a. PI'OduC't o f an !mortal, imperishable

~ou l: It I~ also as t 1·uly dependent upon

the chn nging r ealities 1Jf ma.tte-1· and

tlme. Th ought endures, but thinkers

J)a~~ . and w hen the thinkers are gone,

Phil osphy .slumheJ·s. To d eny that

ph'lo~mhy does not pass through vic!~-.

tudes and trials Is to make It divine,

and t o sny· it chnnges not ar:~ men and

manners ohange Is to m a k e it uselese.

F'rom Scout~ tranr-Hion Is made to t he Sc tw-.·'s. 'l'he:y, not being so dis­tingul~hcd as their father-in-subtlety, are not to be honored with so long or so wori:Jy n paragraph as he. They are not ev£: n to get a paragraph t o themselves, nor even a ~entence, for both they a nd the HomiM.s can be in one sEnte nce accu~ed, found guilty, and sentenced for their c:r:me against t hou ght. These two sch ool s con tribu­ted to the decay or scholasticism by sE:eking m ore to Hultify the -ether school than to attack seriously the bt1rning problems of the <lay, and con· sequent ly a r e very deserving of the ob­l oquy In which th ey are most certainly h eW .

r contt·adiction :ndeed: "\¥ill what's left M y wot·ds can not convey;

...._ o f m 'E:" sti ll murmur." If there will be Yet I wi sh my anxious ton g ue could tell ·-- .\ Sl{cptic in :\n Obsel·vat.O I';\' - hi 1 In a. thousrmd differ ent ways

In the mail the othe!· m orning cn.n1e ~O~l1~l bng eft of rne, there must cer- The fame and tr:umphs that a r e :\o. 4 of the Augu~tana Obsenrer f!·om a.m Y e wmeth ing to me now. If I yours Augu~tana College, Rock Island, Illi- wonder about the mu 1·mu!'ing.s of On thi s yom· day of dnys.

nois. I r e.'l.cl It through eager!~' for "what's left of me'', I must, there fore,

there :s alwnys !'<omethlng in The Ob- :::.~!i~~w-and of this at l ea.s't, I am Llkei~: b~he: ~::,~l~ol~ost~e;:od, servet· that ~ti l'S my mind and urges A 1

l me to give expr•ess. ion to the r eas) ns Skeptics of a ll men, an d in particu lar ncl t 10ugh oft filled wlth hea1·taches

tor my d "s turbnn ce. The S~parl< that the sk eptic under analysis now, shoulcl You'd not c ha n ge ill If you could; beware of echoi ng the musi ngs that You've had your ow.n Gethsemane,

set me afire the other da y was• a ditty prophets have chanted, not only about You've .trod the Dolorous VVay,

on a text of one of Ame t·lca's legitimate the Gods. but also about a future life. But now you stand transfigured

if muddle-headed p oets. Cabell. The a nd it is an odd sk ept'c that doubts On Tabor's heights today.

text is: :"iescio quid certe est. The evet·ything and yet que....<:<t.ions whethet·

But no one denies that phi losophi cal

systE m s a.r i :o-e and pass: the problem i R

t·otten: why doe.<:J phllcsophy decay?

The answer sugge!::ted is about u lt· -

mate. and about the only one too,

namely,-it i~ human. lts objec· t, w th

the t Xception of that part or its object

the ~d·cy consl<let·s, a nd the subjec t mat­

te, - c f the sludy of the huma n so ul and

the a ngel s, is im orta l and changing.

The agents, so to speak, of philosophy, th f' m en who study i t, ex pound and

develop it, a t·e human. a nd fallibl e, a nd

There a r e certain causes of scholas­ticism 's debacl e that .le'Veryone who will r eact this paper knows; m ere mention then will be made of them: llhe insis­tence upon dialectic as a thing in itself: the recrudescence of Averroi ~rn; the making of A1istotle, St. Thomas and Scotus Criter ia of truth; negleat. of the study of nature and history; the intro­duction of a cumbersQiffie, artificial and barbarous t erminology; the over-simpli­fication of Durandus, \Yhich procureil simplicity at the ex pen se of thot·ough­ness a ncl e\'en intelligibility. All these rea::;ons are pll!·ely intet·nal. and have been ana lyzed and ex panded repeatedly with the result t hat Scholasticism is thought to ha\'e decayed so-lely because of interna l conditions, to have died a natlwai death to make way for the New Thought.



ditty. a credo of a Fl<eptic, is as foll ;:w s: "what's l eft IOf him" afte,- c~eath will Oft clouds seem ed dark and threatening

still murmur. whatever that "what's About your weary head, 1Yhy do m en say this thing is w~ rst? left" might be. Sl<ep<t..iclsm if i.t would But 1today each silve1· lining Or call some other be~st?

\1;'hat matter all this l€arned lore?

"Nescio qu'd certe est.··

The proJ)hets chant their musings

And with Gods their words invest,

But my Ego shouts deftance:

"Nesci o quid certe est."

\1;'hen I'm through with d~ubting.

At last lie down to rest,

\1;<ill what's left ot: m e sti ll murmur,

"Nescio quid certe est."

be consistent. of a.ll systems should n ot Smiles down on you ln .. c.-t.ead:

postulate. as is don e her e, that there God bless you, bless you, b less you,

is oomethi n g that wil l be left to mur- " ' hat more oa,n I expr ess.,

m,ur when life is done. Of all e n ·ors For in God's loVe and blessings

inconsistency ~s n ormally the most ir- Lie s-uccess and happiness.

rational-but perha pS! a skeptic, like many another a vagary, by some Vlhat wishes shall I send you

strange pat·adox approaches closest to On this your Festal day? reason w h.en he becomes most inconsis- The thoughts that sing wlthl·n my h eart

tent with himself. This Is the case in My words QCWlnot convey; the Jines I quote. Through sunshine and thr ough sh adow

ve1·y o ft en unable to solve the prob­

lems befo1·e them, and it is for th e&~

reas n~ that philo~ophy know~ decline as w ell as g r andeur. But the tl·uth is not this exactly.

\Vith this muc h gas l et out regarding Scholasticism did not die a natural vague gene1·a.J1ties, the real objec t cf death. but a violent one. True, her this papet· may next be attacked. powers of 1·es istance were weakened

Finally, I f ear that if ever a .skeptic You've smiled and seen it through. \\'hat w e1·e the peculiar r easons why a nd she didn't fight as hard as she doe>S lie down to 1·est pe1·,c:ceve dng in his So Fr!end of Mine, Cht·ist's holy Priest, t he vast system of philosophy call d ~ hould ha\'e fo t· life. but h er downfall

My first thougllt \'•as ho~• tha t second doubts. he will :n truth be mighty soon God's Gen1t1 em an-Here's to you! Schola~ticism decl :n ed and almost dis came quite as much from e.xternal

" R J A '''' II" appert.~·ecl '? A minute study of the vi e C'luses as .tlrom external decay. And


Canto Could l)e l)ubllshe(l l·n the offici·al through with d oubting. and "what's - ev. ames . 1 :am s · ::. t·iumph, and f a ll of the philosophy 0f yet it must be admitted •that the phil -

organ of a. school directed by a Ch tis- l eft of him" will be mighty soon certain the sc hools would certainly l'evca.l osophy o f the school s would have tri-that h e doubt~ no Ionge1· Lecture Gt.Ven

1·n numbet· of t·easons contributing to th ~ t unl.phed o\'er he1· external foes, had the

1 tian denominat'on . l\•ry second thought . . phil osophy's decline. Yet a minute, or scholmen themselves have been less in·

:·~:~h~~ f~:f~~1':e.of ~; 1:1~~~-~ \\~~1~1~g~: ::;)a a 6 6 "'? College Club Room ~~~':;e ~-e~~)~:fi~~~~~Ic~t~~nt"0t0d~,~~t, a?lf ca~~~l efir;~a:~~~~~d~·e:~n1a;\~ill men-

- was that this same principle ·would Book Reviews. mpot·ta nt fac t as the determining lion is the Humanistic Revival. Some L allow me to expt·ese my own r eactions cau se of the tragedy, and would group men's nUnds may d elight in sublim e

j Th fi t 1 t f th 1.1! the othe1· t·easons a nd influence' speculation into the realms of higher

to the ditty. ~ e rs ec ul·e 0 e year was :u ound t.his centra l fact. Tha ~ fact .-~ thought whet·e language is become al-A sense of contempt t or the absu d g iv-€4n r ecently in the College Clu the absence of men capable and w'llin~· m c.s t a hindrance, and \Vords almost

and me.aningJe c.s com pels m e to lear H aJ.f \Vay t.o ~·oon , by Carl G. Doney. room s. Mr. J. \V. Gt·iest spoke on the to save Scholasticism. It i s with this unneces.~a ry. But even thP t. ::w that

~he first canto ~n well-deserved oblivio:~ (The Abingdon Pt·ess, SL 50.) tOJ)iC, "Selling One's Self.'' Mr. Griest :n mind that the question should be can do this descend again an(l live be-

Cantos two and three recall the Credo 'I'hi·'. hook 1.6

a collection o• C'o!O.Jl'l h ad been conducting a R et a il Trode ap ])I'Oac hed, a.nd since ';should'' is im- low for a t\"it:le. Mo~t m en. who ure .... L ,. pe1·ative in this paper. it is the v."ew- inte-rested at all in things of the mind,

of a philosopher, and he was part t:dks .Je :iv~red before the -~'acuity a n .l I nst!tute for t..he Kankakee Chamber of point which this paper tal<es. dC>sire 1 hE-ir intellect \Ia; food dre~se(] 11rophet too, possessed of learned l ore stucl e.nts o f \ •V illamctte Univ~r:-;itv . Commerce that week ln Kankakee, and John Duns Scotus, Doctor Lubtil·s with J l~a~a nt lang uagf' ~u when i.ho wihch d'd tt th.! th very gene1·ously accepted a n inv'tation brill iant son of Oxfot·d and St. F 1·nn: Rena is~nncc came, with tile r eturn of ''Q 1

ma er some ·ng - e Salem, Oreg-'" 11 ))y th" Presiden ' of the to speak at the College. The J.ecture ciP. is notwithstanding all the prestige favo t· o f cl assical J....a.tin u.nd G1·eek, a uod sl fallOt·, sum" of August:ne. of Un:versity. Jt Is hoped the talks w ere was unusua lly w ell atten ded by the his t·eally great name commands, the reaction was inevitable, fir-st of all

Hippo. "Nescio quid certe est" is not meant to be r ellgiour:; at all, for if students of th e College Depa!·tment. fit·st personage- , in order of tim e, t ag-ainst the Latin of th "3 Schools. and stark ®k:epticism; "Quod si fallor, SJU.m" the-y inculcate r elig ion, It is indisting- Mr. Griest is a very pleasing and in- contribute t o the downfaH of Sclwl· as a conseq u ent, against the c ·1 ntent

is at least the beginning of knowledge. uishable fr cm Benjamin Franklin te•·est<'ng ' Jleake•· " Ild Sticceeded ,·n ast'cism. Of l a t er Schoolmen it mav of that Latin, Scholastic Philosophy. I d ~ "' be sn.id that they were too lazy to sav~ The Modern Scientific Reviv~tl a l so 0

not wish to impose upon anyone Utilitarianism. The author i s well sat:sfying one of those exact in g and the tntditio nal philosophy, and that if was a blow too severe for the impover-

~:: t aqu~i~:ri~~~~1~1~u~~:~in:n~~~ei :~:~ c•·eoandsi·daenrda!)a! eppaeandrs tvoa •·•·ebcel cptol~tst~l~.ed of almost hyper-critical audiences a lee- t.hey had empl oyed al'ight the m enta! ished Sch olastic ism. The r evo lutioro "' He turer always encounters a t St. Viator powet·s they ce t·ta inly possC.!"-'.!:'C<I. t lle lha~t was taking place in the scie n tific

might be in danget· of be~ ng intoxicated

Into the delirium of F"l<e tlUclsm by the

lines I have quoted, fo llow the r eason­

ing of this man as applied to these lines.

"Quod si fallor, sum": F or if I am drcelvecl, I exist''. ~ow if I am n ot

deceived in my belief that I exist, then

:t Is ce'r k'lln thnt I €xist, and absolute

~·keptlcism Is fooL sh. But if I could

hoo som e. ver y orthodox op!nlons on College. ~~~lto~s01~~~t '~~~~~oth~:e 5~~7:'\~:\~~~~- w~! ~:.~;·~~~~~~- ~: :~~)~~~~=n{ifi~h~:~~1 ~~~ ~~1~ numerous vital problem s that h:t l'a.S".:> not of omission, but of commisE'ion: !iCientiftc w orld-was simply incompre the world t o-day. Yet his Is n et a pt·o- =============== not of unwilling ness to save Sch ol- hen$ible to all but a f ew br:lliant found mind.: he does not pernetrate asticism. but a sin that is not a s· n at minds. It W8.1S not only the Scholas· deeply at all into the rea.l itles of life, f ellow m en. It is almoSt a blasphemy a ll. the sin of inability. I ndeed. humble tic::; t hat contemn ed science during the

and his m ethod of using inane a nd al- t :) slight the God in Christ and God's ~~~tnu~s~: 1~,:~ee~ti~el~ur~)~~:.cl~~~:rc~- ~~~1'~:~~!~ ~~ c~h~f~~n:l~ :n~,~~~~s,I~~! m ort silly illustrations fo t· texts to ~is t•ights in r elig ion as !s practicall y done ing f onvard the argum ent that the man n·ue the ma.c;;ses snapped out of their tall<s indicates a none too c ri g innl in- in this book . Some very illuminating had one of the greatest and most lH·ejudice eve n before m ost of the tellE!C t. His s t y le '~ vet·y t'E.adabl e, un- statistics ar~ presented r elative to the subtle minds of a ll time. The epithet schoC' lmen . and even the masses began usual in books of this type. He has gt·owth of the study of the Bible and g r eatest i s far to com m on to me.:'ln to look with sus picion on Scholastl·

POSSibly be deceived In this b elief, then a happy f acu lty for ep igr ams, a lthough Re.l'gion in our American colleges and

it is Sit. ill necessal'y that I ·exist, :CQ.r the he strl ves occas:onally a ~ittle too con- universities. Yet we excla im, "Quo

!net of the deception pre-supposes sciously for language effects. The Vad~s". as indeed does the author

anythin g nowadays., !:10 tha.t answ er i~ cism. Scholasticism became out-dated passed over in silent contempt; the an de~plsed because of the Scientific othe1· epithet "subtest'' ·is simply a Revival, and could not hope to survive boomerang, or as a n inter esting man witJhou t a nothet·i St. Thomas in t.u?

someone de-ceived, a.nd that som eone

must exist. That some<:lne Is myself

So Whichever horn is taken. I must

believe I ex~st, I am certain that I ex­

ist-which mak es unlvtr~n.l skept icism itnpossible.

Now apply this to the lines above.

Does the autJ.h:or of these lilies say that

he may be deceived? He says h e

doubts everything. which means h e i s

deceived about ev er ything. H e tells

U.S man must be deoeived about eve,·y­

thlng, $'!nee It !so impos~ibl e to know

\YhHher anything Is certain. Now If

~lit noet doubts eve,·ything, h e is at

le<l$t cet·tnin of on e thing-, na.m..ely of

the fact that he, rt ('CI'I a inl y existent

book conta'ns many good maxims fot· himself. F or he is at l east inco n sistent called it, an "01·ang-outang". Fo1· his field. k een, p enetrating , cl'itical intellect del - Th en the political and r eligi :Ju s co:l ­vecl into evet·y probl em of the clay, diUons of th e times operate<l unfavor ­pulled it apat·t a nd attempted to solve ably on the u·uditlonal philosophy.

college students, and, discountt..ing its enough, aft er lavishing upon the Prot­

r elig ious and his to1·ic vagaries, would e::::tant Revolt all the advancement

be read with some m od icum of profit made. in e- vet·ything since the Sixteenth it, a t th e same time attack in g most !\l en becam e more national and, by all who have elected hig h er edu ca- Century, to say that the greatest evil unmercifully the solutions of everyone strangely but in truth. they los t the!~·

that cou ld inflict Chr-Istianity Is the else, a nd o ffering as his own answe1·s taste fot· speculation. Political uphe:-.v­t ion.

p t·esent disunio n and clivis ~on of the

Cha r acter Build i ng in Co UeJ!es, hy 1\'. sects. The style of the stat istica l

A. Harpn. chapters Is impossible, and that of

(The Abingdon Press. $1.50.) several Olher chapters is not much

This book was written for Protestant better. But th€\ last three c hnptet·s. al­

chUl'Ch schools. Its thesis is the de- though they contain some hopel essly

conglamorations o f d i.st. inct"on and al.s and r eligious laxity and skeptic ism subtlety that few co uld ever hope t o lessened t·esl)<'c t for the Chui'Ch and the understand. Scotus was too subtle, and Schoolman. according to most authorities, saw Lastly, t he peculiar· habitat of Schol­disti nctions wher e n on e ex isted. It asticism, t.he gre-at Medieval Univer si­m ay be tt·ue that the distlnct !ons did ties. became conupt and lax. \\'hen a exist and he ntone was capable of de· philosophy must 1·eslde In unintellec­tecting them, in fact most pl'Oba.bly tual h om es. has lo~t Its g 1·ea.test thlnk­

velopment in our colleges of what the puerlle thought, are a t least written in this wa.s the case, but the attempted er~. Is opposed IJy such formidable ene· autho r cons~ders Christian m en and a style that Is, if n ot distinguished, at explanation of these distinct ' on~ and mies as the Stien linc Movement and wom e-n. A Chri.Sttlan n!"l t:k\fined here least quit€\ readable. The book shou ld the frightful ~ ubtl ety he introduced In- tho nena.li•sanc-e, und he-eause or i n-

is m er ely a philanthr opist who Imitates be of some. use In the schools f o1· wh'ch ~)~i!;~~o~~r-;~fl~~~~s ~~n~~~~1~~l fr~~ ag~ :~~:l c~:~~i;e:-~~t~no1~ 1~~11<: !~~~~dsw:~~~ a ccJ·ta ln Man in his dealings with his I t was written. to age must at least be intelligible to save ft.

Page 4: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1929-11-01

Pa~r Four

The Viatoriana Takes Pleasure in Presenting for Your Approval the Musings of the Comic Spirit

THE \'IATORIA:\ Friday. ''ovember I. 1Q2<l

College Club Make ., I St. Viator College PI F C · Evanow lvanitch

ans or ommg Extension Club

I School year Tl e \"'''nan ~'"""'" .. tn "' n•nt!-' Elects Offz'cers ·s tn ··xntk •rna nee or tho da~- roun.

~\t the !-!Prnn•l m~ ·t ns::. ,,f thP rnlle~t ll)E'ing 1 ~tlhi:r ~>! the n~ctrnn of the 1 luh man~· lhln~ ·•f lffiP~rl nee con- l:u~:otinu tt·tnp••r.nnwrt tn thE> tnfluf'

("Prning ~h•• ('nmlng ~:o:.>ar \HTe di!'CUH· 1.( .\m•·ril"!!n !-!porting lit I~' •I :\lr • "oln.n. tht• dub tr•·a~nn•r

<"11.\PTEH. I.

~Jn, ~· n r ·t a .. Jn.1 r .. r tl. nl>lh1 1

ol thr 1·:'-h'll:-tinn \~h1h t•( ::-;. t \' -Hor' l,1lle~t--. \\t'n' pl'l~t·nt 1111 th l .. lnlJUs

oln Fdtlay. tkt!thd· 1~. ll•l1l\l't'tl11llng, a meoe-t,ng \\,1:--~ ht:•ltl ur 11w duh ... \t 4:30

m tde hi~ n·port o( lh4J homecomln~ I dann·. F;l:ltinlr that thp nfTair wa;.; n .1 1 ~llfTI'c"'~, financially a_.o; Wt'll a~ soc· I )<'~._,r twn rlt·t·arl":-a .\nwrka'~ lt.>nnb ~u th1• tt\••mhN·!-l 1n t in tlw t,llllt'F:t' rhJh

iall\". PinnA were ul!'IO m:ul•• !or the Jrt·macy hn~ rt·l1l:tinr·d \'lrtu.::ally un- r·~:lm:-;

re.-.,~~anlzatinn nt thr- .)Jnno~rarn Club.l"h:dh·nt!E'd A hrllliant ,;:lla:q:. ot '':~:'h;h::r .. ~!:tl::;:rp•;!'it;~(l;:~,~~~ ~\\~'('t!':~ Thil-l club IH to provide l-l!l('cln.l aclivi·IHemtlllatinl:! ~·t:•r~ rt'ndl'rt•d ht•r po~Jtlon ,,,.ll A. l..o\\\.!>lun, \'k('ool'n·~llknt t'! thf"­tfes for thr> lA~tter ~! 1•n of the Coltege n the ~un !'ln ~weun' that nnly a. ~age. natt·\\dY SN·t:dt~ ~ 'pmp.ln,Y. \\:l!ll ft>.­

in recn~nltlnn nf thciJ· ~pn•ict•s in the Vt'l'!-it•d in thP •·C'C'Ult ~l' t•nt.·e nt tht> d d~.,l em lht• Hnunl uC Tnu"t«·~ (t•r prl"tf·t·natunli. ml~-:"ht have divinecl tht· ont• YNll' ~\lr .I . \ Hnl~t·r, t•f tht

---::---- t·arlou~ sports. ~>clip~e to Cull ow. Big Bilious Tllden rt·al nH:tlt• firm t•t Swt·vnt•y llllll t:nlgN • Wh I I d' - . h d .\II· \\'arn'· also annnuncr·<l tha.t a stt·idln~ likP ,., c-olos~us over the pros· wal-l al~o n:·t·l ':tt·U nn lht~ Board uC

i e cont c mp atin g men you may 1sce r '1 a ~p int over ea · Oramatl<' f'luh wnul<l be formed under Di..l't•dm~ (p,· one n·.u· 1'ht• Vt•ry a~, . It h as the sage's brow. And the sunny malice of the faun lu rks a t th(> au~p)('e£.; or the (',JJlPge Club. Far· tratt form~ r·C thC' a...,pir:llll~ of nthC'r John P . (.)'~Lthmwy, c.$. v., tht~ H,,.,. th e co rn ers of the half~c1osed lips. M e n' s futur e On earth does not thf·r \\'illlam!-1 hu .. t:. been asked to be nathln~. nlom~ "a"' .t\\.l.lt> ot tht~ lm· ~·~~LI\'t' \~''L~~\:.~-t~~l'.:'.~t'~lh 1;0 1!~~::· l~Pn~:j ;,~ attract it ; their h o n esty ar d shapeliness in the present does; and ~l odenltor of this. "'lub. se,·et·a! o!l nilwnt l',tt.tsl!"oplw Fetlln~ hi"~ uth

I ~· a 1Wl'iod oC thn·t· Yt'<ll~. ~t1·. ,Jo hn H,

whenever it sees th e m se lf-deceived, driftin g into va niti es, congre- the students voiced their approval in 'UHI gcntu!:l !illpnlng !tom h m nnd not O'Cnnnot·, H.l·nl J ·:~tHtt•, .Mr. 1.'. 1 ..~. \\"1\t··

ga tin g in abs urditi es, running riot in id o la tri es ; when ever they wax


fnvnr ot the club. I ng "!th ;\ J)pl·ehen~ion the dearth or ner, ~t'l'n.·t;_u·y or the \\'tu·nec Cun~trU('· out o f proportion, a ffe c ted , bombasti ca l and pretentious; w hen p Other thln.t.."S or Importance takt'n up compett• nt t:th•nt to t~~l<e his pla<'e, h(' lion l..'nmpllny nnd 1Jr. Vlnct·nt Z\l'lr.

h ff d 'd f · · t' . - f 1 · h Tt I might Wt II hfl\'f' r·xclalnwd with Lou!~ zano, .\1. U., Wt'l't' t"t'·elt'<.'lt•d Cut· on1• eve r t cy o en so u n reaso n or a 1r JU S ICe, arc a se In um1 I Y at the meHinJ.:" wpn• the coil(·cting of


yt·<u·. l•'rand~ l', 1 inng.\'\tt• rrt•r, H.t~tl or mined with co n ce it; the Spirit overhead w ill look humane ly rn a- tho lnRumm·e and obtaining a better Qun.t•,.·ze: "A pre< m oi le deluge". The J>"t;Ll<·. was '"'"'" o' l<'<' l l'cl 1., ""' B<ktnl li g n a nd cas t an ob liqu e li g ht on them, foll owed by vo ll eys of s ilp atendanc~ at the club meetings. fll'iu~(· iiH I (·omt• and wh~·n 1t (';ImP it fot· ''"{' yt•a t·, .:'111', ll u.nJ.,~lt•l'fc t· tak1·~ v~ry laughter-t h a t is the Comi c Spirit."-Gcorge Meredith. l\Ir. Andrew Bracken gave a short fwas (~ (•momllzm~ , \,~era·a·s df'<'t't'!Jit thf' plth't' on thl' Uonnl Jell by Fatlwr

Hum or is said t o be hum orous Except w ith vo lu mi n o u s.

The sou l of it is bri e f, "' in wit. Too-it is ca tchy a nd iree. And th o u g h The En g lis h may love a joke when they're W e love to laugh t h e moment we're told.

Co n sequently-


Turning to po liti cs we note that the Republicans a re soundin g the b est brains in the country for presidential timber. The g reat qu estion perp lexing them is : Can they a fford to run Henry Ford for four years-Some say h e has the makings of a n oth er Lincoln­And bes id es h e has carried half of the country a lrea dy. Chevrolet will li ke ly be hi s running partner. In his youth h e was an expert barber-so h e s h o uld h ave them a ll beat whe n it comes to head



D ea r Students: Before continuing this co lumn we woulld like to announce that there will be a lecture n ext week in the co ll ege club room on "Hell". We sincerely hop e that you a ll will be there. The co llect ion is to b e t a k e n for th e coa l bill and new h eating system.


The Campus Punster Again.

First Little Pig-H am I h ot. I n ever sausage hea t. Second Littl e Pig-Yep , I'm nearly bacon.

Our First Scotch Joke

1·hamplfln.s .sank lnglor:ou.sly bt fore tht• E .. \1. Kl•lly, ~ •. ti. \'. talk concerning .tho ipsura.nce. He withe1·in,:.: attack d F'rnncE'':-~ young A f~atu1·e or the mcL•llng wu. .... ttw bwught out how Important the endow·~ blond. Tht- ,·olati.IE', lneprE'SSihiE' Boro· rC'afiin~ or lht• flnandal I"('JWrt tl r lhP ment was to thl;! St. Viator College of l a t l hi i .

1 L: C j t'Xtt·nl-ltoll (•lull h•,- Father O'MRhnncy

the fu ture. He also stated that the en· r · w J) t~,;mat c. t•mg-mat c a oste. In this reJ)Ill't \\~lt." t'l·Vcllll'<l the vcr): dowme-nt was nnw not any longer a the peorless Cochet-~uch men as these (~X('I• ll ent work that h• lw lng dont• bv

· rmed thu nudC'U~ or Fmnct•'.s attack. lh(' Extt·n~·inn Club undl·r the dlrectlo~ r~nam, but a reality. ThesP three imp(•rturhable muskete:E'rB of 1.-'nthl'l' ()',\ Jahoney towu..rd::J the m.Ls·

~·;Jde rou~hl'lhod O\'C I' nll opposition and ing o f thl' Endowment l''und fu t· ~t. VI· llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ator <'nl!t•g<•. Tho !lnunclal t'OIJ(>t't In



ha ndl ed with contem pt t he national dl'tall iH not r·cady yt'l t 01. pubil.catl{ln, :1 PN:! sent to o ppos( them. In vnln did but Ji'at h~r O'Mahoney w11 ~ ablo to t~ll American sportHmcn comb the country th e- nwmber s or liH.~ Ext ens ion Cluh

In a fr ·e nziecl att<'mpt to unearth hidden ~:~l.~ot~ n<l~,~~u~·~~~~~~~ -1 :-; a totn.l o r $1 12,·

llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllll' l lll ll talent. Publ'c mu·k• were t o·an• fot·med The flt·st meeting- of the Hol y Name i n to c la y co urts. 'l'hc• scic·nce of le nni~

Soc ;ety thi~ schola~tic yea1• is to be i·c· placed catechi~m at thE' Sunday thcught E\'an Xnt a had dl!>!ll'lrt tor lwld in the ncar future. The Solemn sc·hools; cvet·y publk ga the l'in g- wound gang-~tcr !-1 to lnhuhit. Killing 1~ ton enroll ment o f n t::t\' members will also up with a toUt·nament; nnd !:'till no re· good for those !ellowH, he mused. they

ipf cam~. The future looked black ought to gl't a klc·k In th t- pantH. It take p lace soon . A one-·hundred per cent en rollmt'nt of a ll Catholi c students without even a glimme1·ing or hope. wa~ ju:--t at thi::~ ju nC'tUI'e that a .stranA"t' at the colle~c is anticipated. The Jun· \\'he re In this va~t realm was a. deli v· look In~ llttlP ft lluw lwga n c·yt"lng- him

I'CI' t o he found-an nnninted prophet C1·om across the HtreN. tm· and Senio1· branches of t he Society on the campus are to be separate, each who would lead his people ut.ot ot the faC't•d thought E\'tln, If h(· wc-r(• hP eN

having its own business. The mem- ('')llntt·y of Cachet (be cnrefu l how you tainly Wfluldn't lw w~·(u·ing th e om· he

bership o f the Junior Branch is made p r· nounce it). away r1·om the noisome ha:-;. ] il' isn't a ho ld up.,.l•lther. H t> he

up o f students of the Hig h School D e· 1.tm osphe n;~ o f Ia Cas:;1, and in to the having :l lo t of u·nuble boWing up hl.o~ p:trtmen t; whcJ·eas, college students promised Iancl of H elen \VIlls. A. seer pant~ as i t i!-4. He's too thin for a

comprise t h e membership of the Sen· mig-ht hHvc fo t·etolcl that deliverance hobo. .J udging f1·om tiH.• bulge in his

lot· Bran ch. Due to gradua tion last was to come-not from America's hlp pockN. a nd the c-oi(H· or hiH nost>, J une, the office~ of Vice-President and crowded tshoroughfan~s nor f1~om her he mu::-"1. be a Sootchman. Th(' man's

Mal·shal in the Senior bra nch have :c.·nile ha 1·vest lands, hut rather from nosE" really waR t.·xtnwrdinary. lt fHlf'd

been made vacant. Elections of men the rugged Steppes of i\I yste1·ious Rus· Bardolph's to a T, a n(] ran so fast that via-Russia with its crazy tempera· it was a truE' " mo me nto" or the John~~

There was a bad accident reported o n the corn er of Court and to fill these vacandes together \Yith ments, its wayward ge niu s, its en ig· town flood." E\·an dec·idecl to bru!-!h by

Schuyler last nig ht when two taxi cabs collid e d and seventeen se\'eml othel· importan t matters will llatic politics and incomparable fi c tion. thi:-~ strange chfu·ar:le i·. But th~ little

Scotchn1en were hurt. be taken up at the first meeting. Offi · s~ me men are born great: others fellow thought dlff~rently. JJa.qhing cers of the Junior Branch are to be elcctetl at the fii·st meeting of that haw' genius con!ened upon them. aero:.;~ the street he cal lPd out C'heer· group, too. It i~ l) lanned ~0 to estab· F~vanow l\'anitch ·was of that knd who fully, ' '\\'hat ar(> you doing, training

It is said th a t ox~ta il soup dates back to th e days of the Ptole- !ish the H oly Name Society at St. Via- win greatness by the power or theil· for a racC"?'' "::-.fo jw·-rt. mclng ((Jr a

mies, over five thousand years ago-whi c h of course is g oing pretty tor that it shal l become a pei·manent ')Wn personali ty. As he lig htl y stepped train'', Evnn I'ejoined. " H it's a. far buck for soup. organization here. ~,·om the spacious snlo n of the Gen11an Scotch race'', counter·Nl the llttle fel·

It is not a new :~C> ppel i n Tru 2U, it ·was ea~y to see that low, ··:t ought to he :t close one!" "w hat

Our Deepest Joke

And Our Stalest-

Bread I Oh. Bread I the heroin e cried. down with a rolL

organization on the campus, since :le ·was not or the common run or men. I want to know'', he continued. "Is It

thei·e was a branch here several years Thel·e was somethi ng of nobility in his yo u will g ive me a. dime !or a cup of

ago. Bpt• in tel·est waived and the em·· mie-n. Geni us flashed from his eyes: coffee". Let me aee the coffee first", A nd the c urtain came 1·ent en·ort is a kind of resuscitation, to And his every gesture por·trayed a calm w as Evan's Ironical reply.

make ag"nin the society a living body and well ordered mind. \Vith the Cor· At this rem;u-k the little Cellow bPgan

At the Greek Restaurant.

Do you wan zoup, kid? Do I have to take zoup? Zoup to you.

on the campus. This movement is in inthian£'1 one m!ght say: The Gods have laughing; ami the more he thought ot accord with that which exists at most come down upon us in the forms of it the more he laughed until flnally hP

of our Catholic Colleges to organize t he men.'' For a moment he stood . lightly rolled (JVer on th!· ground in uncon· students into a concentrated ef!o11: to poised upon the running board at the trollablc mirth. "Let's SE:(• the corte~ do .romething worth while in religious Grar Zeppelin while photographers first'', he'd scream and then bnak otr organization. A few yeai'S ago the .::;napped him and Commander Eckener into another volley or laughter. )>!f-an·

Chicago District Catholic Student Con· ·n a hearty handshake. Then, as the while a curit)US change carne over th"'

H eadline in Chicago Tribune-Convicts kill seven-Defy troops. ference on Religious Activities was es· -:·lock struck ttvelve at the Airport a via· man. His voice r·hang(•d its tom·. The Whic h , of course, isn't a bad number after all. tablished; and, since its establishment t:on grounds, he put his toot tot· the red ha'r !-!lipp~d Mr his head and the


Divorcee-A w o man who t a kes a m a n' s name in vain.


Once th e re was an a b sent-minded professor at our co llege. He was walking serenely d own the street with one foot on the sidewalk and the other in the gutter. I woke him out o f his revery with a courteous salutation. "And how is your health this morninu Pro­fessor . .. I inquired. "Not bad at a lL " he said, "Only I devel~·ped a limp in o ne leg just a short d istance back ...


it has constantly been gaining impetus. Xotifications hm·e been received by lo­

cal officers of the Holy Name Society that this conference is now planning for the regular Ali·Saints Day Conven· tion which i.s to be held in Chicago on Friday, ::\"n,·ember 1. Last year St.

\ "iator College had the distinction of

first time upon American soil. Strictly CreaklFh race he ha.d sported, ~Upped

.;:peaking it was not American soil, be- round to the back of hiR neck. TM ir.g so near Cicero, but we'll let it go effect was ludicrous. \.\'hlle his real at that. El·anow checked his baggage phy~iognomy was bu rled In hi!{ knPe::: to the Black-mail HMel., shook oCt the the Cal!'le one Pf.-4'·red out with consum· reporters who inquired Cor his name mate unconcern. Evan ha.ull!d the !F-1· and history, and set out at a brisk low to his CF-et. "'\'hy, tho:- di!'lguiJ~~oe"',

"tricle for the highlights ot the "·indy he qu~rif'od, "You're rather two 1actd bt'ing elected to the office or Treas· City. It was a goo(l hundred and fifty aCter all, arr~n·t }'('Ju·'. Th.,. Jittlr- t~JlC>W'

ure-r in the Student Conference. bloek walk, but !or the man who had had now rF>covere(J from hLq hystPria.


kept Paa\'0 Xunni company, it 1.'\"as a ITh~ gam~·~ up he thou~ht. I'll ha\'~ w matter of an hour's !Jmber:ng up. tt-H the lad a st(Jry or tv.·!?·

And we close with a little song entitled "I Like the French Cake Library B est Because It H olds l\lore Coffee."

')p('n from After the confinement or the air \·oyage ITo ~ Contlnu.,.,1n.

:i.:OO A. )L-1~:3u Evan ('raved exercise and h~ l"a." d~· 1:311 P. )f.-;):3fi terminPd to get !t. Con!'lf:quently he ;----------------;

---: :---

\Ve also request some talented student to send of the senior in his cap and go\vn so tha t everyo n e ""hnt "the sn1art young man .. \vill 1.1,rear this year.

On S u ntl.::n· from in a caricature I -may know just

';:-!5 P. J.I.-9:(/1) k€'pt up a bri~k trot until he reached

10:00 A. :.\L-1~:00 the J>£"nny arcadf" ·dl!-~trict (..! State and 1:00 P. )1.-S:on Congres~. Hen· he slowpd d•1Wn to a 7:-!5 P. J.f.-9: walk and began to take notir:e or h:S

The library closes n.t noon on Saturday. surroundings . ''Prett3-· tough district''



Page 5: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1929-11-01

Friday, November I , 1929


ll DEP AUL YlATO R GA~IE (Continued From Page 1).

-sarY r oughness, but Viator lost t he baJ\

on a rumble in mid·fiel cl . The rest of

Kankakee Drum and Bugle Corps Play at

Homecoming Game the first q uarter was a s-eries of first ---


Eight UndJefeated T ;;ms Are Left m

State Conference

" LI TTLE 19" STANDINGS. downs by the hard-hitting DePaul Wonderful Display Between backs w h ich put the ba ll near the goal Halves. Team. Won Lost Tied Pet.

Il linois V\'esleyan ..... 2 0 0 1.000

Amedee T. Betourne


Cut Rate D rugs

P age Five

Baird -Swann ell

Everything in Sport­mg Goods

Un~~ the third p lay to star t the second ---- K nox ...................................... 3 ° 0 l,OO O I St. Viator College was ve1·y fort w1ate Monmout h .................... 2 0 0 l,OOO

quarter Byers ca1·r ied t he ball O>ver for to have t he D1·un1 and Bugle Corps of :i\>Iillikin .................. ........ ...... Z 0 0 l,OOO '--------- -------..!

119 Court St., Kankakee, IlL Kankakee's Largest Stock


his second touchdown. T he kick was Kankakee Amet·ican L egion display Bradley ..................... ..... ..... 1 0 0 1.000 blocked and ·t he score was 19 to 0. Vi- thei1· talen ts before the Homecoming Lombard ................. 1 0 0 l,OOO

~ I ator took t he kJck-off a n d resorted to crowd between the h a lves of the game. Del{alb Teachers ........... .. . 2 O. 1 1,000 a pass w hich was intercepted o n V ia- T h is organizat ion is na tiona lly known Nor th Central .... ...... .......... 1 0 1 l.OOO

l i

tor's 35-yd line. DeP a ul made a first because of the wonderfu l dri ll s and Eureka .................................. 2 1 o .6 67

down a n d: then a touchdown was m usic t hey display each year a t the Carbondale Teachers ...... 2 1 0 .667

recalled and a penal ty inflicted on the American Legion conventions. Charleston Teachers ........ 2 1 0 .667

visitors. They made t his up when H ar- Just before t he ha lf ended, t he D r um Macomb Teachers .......... .... 1 2 0 .333 rlngton , who a lRo cha lked up t h ree and B ugle Corps form ed a line act~ss Augustana ............... .... 1 2 0 .333 touchdow ns in t he con tes t , broke loose the entire nor t h end of Bergin field . St. Viator ..... 0 2 1 .000

tor his first counter . The kick was \Yhen the whistle was heard, they Carthage ........................ 0 1 0

wide of the posts and t he score was 25 started to come clown t he gridiron . T he McKendree ........................ 0 1 0 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

to 0. entire crowd remained in t heir seats State Not·mai ..................... 0 2 1

Via-to•· S t>urts and weJ·e struck w it h amaz-ement a t Illinois College ........... 0 1 0

It was not until late in the sec<>nd the wonderful harmony and beauty of Wh·eaton ................. 0 2 0 quarter that Viatot· made a first down . their dl'ill s . At t he end of each drill , Elmhu rst ......... 0 1 0

Evard tool< the kick-ofi on his 20-yard the people resp<>ncled heat·tily, and as Lake Forest ... 0 1 0 marker a nd made eigh t on a lateral the Drum and Bugle Corps marched off Shurtleff ... ... . 0 2 0 pa.ss. R omary p lunged for t he ini tial the fie ld , the Hom ecomers cheered in Mt. :Morris · · ............. .. O 2 0

fi rst down as a faint cheer arose f rom appreciat ion.

the stands. Viator got another first ===== =========== \VEE J{END CONFERE~CE SCORES down after two DePaul penalties for ST. YJATOR DEPAUL Millik in, 45; Eureka, 6. :.fT-side. Evard made five and Todd Toohill •LE.. Lyons Knox, 25; Augustana, o.


Verosl<ie \ •\'eber ..

LT .. LG .

c ............ .

Far ley Upto n


was na iled for a n eig h t.yard loss a n d then punted to DePaul's 32 -yd line f rom where Harringto n ran to Viator's 15-yd !Jne, a gain of 55 yards. A moment la- McCla ne . er t his same gent crashed through cen - Canoll RT . Crowley

Logan RG ...

ter and over the goal. He followed G"bbons .................... RE ... .. ......... Bowler

C'trbondale, 6· Norm al, 0. DeKalb, 26; Mt. Morris, 0.

Macomb, 12: Shurtle.ff, 0.

North Central, 45; Wheaton, 0 .

M ill ikin a nd Knox con tinued their

.his up by making t he k ick a nd the H am ilton ·-------- QB .. :!ount was 32 to 0. No f urther scc.ring }nsued in t he first half.

Evard . · ·-------- 'RH. Gorman

Furlong --... LH .. FB . .

Harr ington powet·ful drives for t he " Littl-e Nine­Byers tee n ' ' footbal l championship the last

Butcher week- e.nd b y sweeping Eureka, one of Hartman the undefeated codfe rence teams, and

. Mor e Sco•;ng Su bstitu t ions: St. Viator-Matt hews Augustana f r om their paths.

Via tor s howed m or e power in 't: he 2nd The Decatur gridders flas hed a for-Jalt, a lthough t h P. only eff·~ct ive :l.!H.l fo r Hoog, Hunt for Veroskie, O'Malley midabte attacl.: i n their 45 to 6 victory ~on~tstent ground gainer w:ts the d!- for \Veber, Anderson for Logan, T odd over Eureka, but the Eurel<ans put u p

11inulive Captain Evard. AftP.:· get - for Hamil t on, Clothie r f o-r Gorman, Ro· a more formidable defense than the if'lg thP hall on t he k ick-off. EYar tl mary for Furlong. DePaul-Morse fo r score indicates. Crush ing t he light nade a nice r etu r n to h i-s 40-:vJ saeak. Upton, L.:tmson for McClane, I-cings- Aug u stana line, the Knox backs had L'wo s hort passes, Gorman to F u rlong, land for Harr ington , McGivern for By - l!ttle difficulty in pi li ng u p 25 points. •ach resulted in first do\vns. T he ers. DPa fo r McGivern , Steffen for But- North Central and DeKalb, the two

cher. ·all y ended when Gorman was t h rown northern Illinois team.s that battled to 'or a big loss and DePaul intercepted Touchdowns: Byers 3, Har rington 3, a 6 to 6 U€1 earlier in the season, were

mother pass on the 50-ycl line. DePaul McGivern, Butcher. both vict orious. T he Macom b Teach·

hen took the ball straig h t clown t he Points after touchdown: P"...arring- ers celebrated their home-coming in a lcld on a series of first down s and H ar- ton 3. royal fashion, setting back Shur tleff. 12

·ington scored after a ten yard run Referee---F red Young, Illn.ois; Wes- to 0. Lround right end. T he kick was block.r teyan; Umpire-Otto Engle, Michigan; I n non-confere nce tilts, the little •d. Score 38 to 0. Headlinesm a n-Bro.Wn, Armour I nsti- Nineteen teams did not fare so well.

" 'eber then kicked off to the DePaul tute. Lombard \vas beaten by VVest~rn State :0-yd line and on the first play :Me- Teachers of Kalamazoo, Mich., 14 to 6.

;Ivern ran 70 yards t o a touchdown. ·Ia1"rington kicked goal. Score 45 to 0.

Before the third q uarter ended But­:her, who did to the Viator tackles a ll ~11 that his name implies, got off a ser­es tl f long and spectacular gains and lnally put the oval onViator's 12-yard

Groceries Confec tionary

Amedee J. Lamarre

lne as the period e nded. He went over Bourbonnais. 01. or a touchdovm on t h ree p lays a f ter he star t o! t he last quarter. T he k ick ailed and the scoring stopped at 51. C igars Notions

Summary of the game:

NOTRE DAME CONVENT Accredited to Dlinois University

A Select Boarding Sch ool for Gir ls a nd Young Ladies. T h is ins titut ion is cond ucted by the Sisters of Notre D a me, and offers

Cl'ery oppor t u n ity t o you n g- la d ies for a th oroug h Ch ristia n and secular t>ducation . Prices r eas ona ble. F or Cahd ogue, address

SI STER SUP E RIOR, Notr·e D a m e Convent


GOOD CLOTHES FOR EVERY MAN We have cloth es fo r young men, mature men, university m en­

in short we're now showing

~ Plant·Kerqer Co.

" Nationally Known M en ' s Wear."

St. Viat or was trounced by DePaul. 51 to 0 in Viator's Homecoming game. and Bradley defeated St. AmbrOS'e of Dav­en por t, 45 to 0, in the first n ight gam e ever played in Peoria .


Welcome Y our Banking Business

C or. Court St. a nd Schuyler Ave nue


A. C. C.

New Kankakee Hotel

Barber Shop ]. Lamb, Proprietor


We Solicit the College Men"• P a tronage.

I ~ l~

Einbeck' s Studio Our p h o tol>"r,aphs a re in expen ­

sive, yet treasured for th eir w orth as living portrai ts.

153 North Schuyler Ave.

Phone 407 Kankakee, IlL

Bobbitt's Cafeteria

360 E. COURT ST.

" Always Glad to See You"

Edwin Pratt Sons Co. " Inc."

i\Ja.n ufac t ure rs or everything in " ' ire a nd Iron \ Vorl<, F ir e Escapes, \ Vit·e a nd Iron F ences, S tor e Fronts, Sta r· Rai lings, Steel S ta irways, Vent Guards, S t r uctura l St eel \ Vod <.


W hen in Kanl<a kee You Are A lways W elcome at th e

Merchants' Cafe Pullman Booths, Soda F oun­

ta in . M a jestic R adio W hil e You Wtait.

~----------------------------J I L-P_h_o_n_• ___ 95_4 _______ J. __ B_e_r_eo_l_o_s. __ ~_lg_r_ . ..!



Students Are Especially W elcome

In Rear of Arcade Bldg .

HOTEL KANKAKEE Sidney Herbst, Pres. -and G eneral Manager


A hearty w elcome awaits th e student and: friends o f St. Via tor College





252 South East Avenue



fociel!J !Brand Clothes

WILLIAM P. CANNON, M. D. A ttending Surgeon to Students a nd Faculty o f St. Via tor College

Office Hours : 2. t o 4 p . m. . 7 to 8 p . m.

Phone Office, M ain 33 7 P h one H om e, M a in 3073

320-322 A rcad e Bldg. Kanka k ee, IlL

Leading Purveyors to the Institutional Table

F orty- two years experi ence in supplying Q uality F ood Products fo r institut ional a nd restaurant requi rements has perfected our

service and o ur va lues b eyond ordi nary compa rison.

Our Edelweis Tra d e Ma rk has b ecome the symbol o f fine q uality food s economically packed. Wherever close and inte ll igent

buying prevai ls our Ca ta log is of in terest.


Manufacturing W h olesale G r ocers Chicago

Page 6: St. Viator College Newspaper, 1929-11-01

=~=;:)0<==~.,.==-... ·==-=oc:= Novitiate at St. The Inquiring Reporter Bernard Hall

t ,,.raJ weel


Obituary. ________ ,; The \ .ator: n ex t.uu ~::Jmpath)" 1

1 •••• ,fill ~t t ....,. ""na· ~. (' ~ \ ... who was l· t'ldd nt c;f the to P.."'V T J Rlct- t. ~ \ ~ ~he 1

fVtl ty wr..rUlrJ ,.,,u 1 k~" to Pt<t n.~ ltut~d 1 )Urn t\\"o 7~".arw a,;, OJ)€'nM ,.,,. ~orl ll ,. ot a i..l!lln, .llr Jam~ .ll Cov, ,f

on 'h'· ,am: tla.te t r tt:n Am~ricaf1 Provine,. r.t the .Jot~. 111. Father Rice :vu.: :-=:ot~m!:" ( 1PrfOJ f St Yla~or In an urO<'Cupi•~l High H uf~Tl" .llus fur th*" Cun.-ral

• rt \ '( f "i r, , r \t.,'-, JJ)\, ·:u. \\"hf'n ,,.<1r of S H rrard JIL The llO\'Ir-t"S sen·J •·N~ at )Tnnhllttnn.

J Unt ta r f" IJei:P 1 II 6> h~r but r:at In the faculty dlnlno:: 1 ~ 1 • '' turo rl Jl u • JlltJ H1,m· echn,-'11 hn1 r.t th1• • ollr gr. Th,. Xovl!latf'r wa"t f'on•lol•·nN.'fl 1rt nl~• -extr-ndf"•l to E:il·

waY nut t , n In ttlfJ v. rl•• open l!l(,at"e.f' r•irm~> ly localf•d &t f'hamt.»E"rla.n ~ D., " •I . \ rend. whu attendc·d H -h ~~boot

lmt UJ,._JOO rLrrlvln" at tho In urfun m)· an•J Jo""lther f:hearns WID~ likPWI..~I! :\fa.- here ",.'lf'ra' 1·e rM l~O. UJ~n the I·"~

1m111t l••nfll r·•·c•l\'f.t) t ReVI·rA j,,Jt.-·ff(}r tt·r r.t .;..'"ovfroea th,..re hE!nr~ lx·lng mad~ r,t hi~ mothf:'r, who dlf"'l on Friday,

thr gur.•h On rny wny h•· r- h)' frtt. n, Prmlilftlf'nl t.• ! St. Yf:1tor COl ege Th.- nrtol r 1~.

J ~-.. ulrl pi• tur•1 a lllrnr·h ,,( "i-;)11.'4" • 'ovitlat•· will TPma1n 1it Ht. u,·_·rnanl

rn,ttlng nr01Jnd ., ram,,us thar \\1\.'111 VI Jfn.11 until thr• complethm or the llf,]Pn· FO I·D I ER r.;T l n t-.; ' T O F ..., T . \ '1 \ T OH

~. 1.

Fnd f, , ovemb r I, 19~ r

IDEAL S\\ EETS CO. Manufacturers of

IDEAL ''That Good lee Cream"

Wholesale Confectionery and Fountain upplics

: '

l.t,rtY'TI IV. n ,\h Nlf·hu dl3 roc:·k 'IUt~rrr. (llrl IW\\.' 1 ·,,mhlnatlnn ~ovitlaU• nml .Tu· ('Q) l ES R\ PL \' R J:'OH 1

1 pll'lllr"rl lh•• hulltlin~H R.K fl'mHJI tf("·hr.,...d· nJr,mt.r- that 1~ nr.v .. - hdn~ t>ll'f'tf"fl nf~'1.r 110.\I F. ( 0'11 :\"( ;, !.._----- - --- - -------------------h•lll~.lt ~otP•IIJINl In h hunrh Ilk" ant IA'mrmt, Jlllnrd~.

hfliN. /:ut wh•·n r nrriVt rl llf'J'f' •·v•·ry lhlng VIII)!:

.\I K \.1( \ :\ B I~II OP H:O.IT~


Our Homr>("'•min~or w I!-. mndt fl11)N" Jm

Jll" f'~Si\'f> hy the Vi!'Cit or Fahlan Lnrt·au,

who clrnpJ_.t.-1 out n f thf• !<ky !n hL"~ rw11rdru: nrounrl llu· r·umpnH \\f·r•• rnur·h

••ifl•·r '"''" HIYitf' lf , un.-1 uppr·.trt·d to 1,.-• \ \ 'o.C'o pur!'!ult p lanP to land on nur t v•·ry ,J··~-, nt rTrHnl. Thu (·arnpuM, ~l.Yintor (;()llPKf' wa. ho.non•d recent· 1thlettr ftf'lrl afljnln in~ tlw ha.<~t·hall mud1 In rn}• IIIUrpd!-1•·. Jr,••kl'fl 11:-t lhiiUJ.:"h ly hy lhr.> d~it n f A rchbishop Gonzalez tllamnnd. J-;veryonf> \\as r•·rta nly MUr·

It hd••n~on·tl to ~orn" w•·althr , 2-'tutf· and n r Dura.nJ.C"o, :\I('x/co. Ills Grace has prl ~ed to !'lee the Hm iling- L a r·pnu In th ~· WUH ""t ju,.t a n·hor.J ratnJIII~'~ 'l'hl• hr•cn T('!-<ldlng at DePaul UnlvE-r.~lty In role or an aviator. Thl~ wa.<~ thC' tlrst

!nntd lrtJllr··~lw• thlnlo( \\"IIJII ,,, f. • 1' lhf> ( 'hlc:-a~:o Mlnr•p hil-l exlh· rrnm hi~ See time In the hi~tory or ::it. Ylntor that

,~ f ·I·Jll rur willow~ In rrnnt o f thr- Adm'n- rlup to tlw re\h:;-louR JY·r!=tecutlnn o r the a n aJrp lane lan<.lt>cl o n our ground~. hHrnllnll llullclln ~ Tht·w· ll'f''':o! !-IUT{' 1{0\'('l'nment. He accompanied Father nnd thf! h o nor or t>l'; tahll shlng It gOt>N t o

nn• HOJnt •1hl n~ to tw )}I'IIUfl o r . M y Idea. 1 ~\'(10, PrcRident or D ePau l Unh·er· Lareau, a t e rm er ~tudf'nt or St. Vlntnr·

f, ( f(HI·\njl n hunr·h o r lltt11 HC'hool- Idly. to Boorbo nnaL.q to St'e the Home- ACc.1.demy.

hom1 ·1-1 hllnC'Iwd toJ{I'thl'r' C'Crtnlnl y was coming- game between DePn.u l and St.

ml"h·orllmc rur \"'h+·n I flaw all the Viator. LIST OF E X CHA..''\GES.


Printing, Engraving, O ffice Supp lies, Loose Leaf

Forms, Binde rs, Etc.

264 East Merchant Street

Telephone 406 Kankakee, !IL

RIEL Y & RIEL Y ~ hutldlni{K 1 ju~t ullout 1<1"(·\ed oV('I' with _ -= ~ HUI'Jli·IKH tc> think th1tt a 1->(' hool or W11A thin~ c;u·rlt.•rl out t o promote m o r·e

Th~ Vlator lan ackn owledg-es the re· CHAS. C. RIEL Y DONALD M. RIEL Y f Ki1:(' r·olllcl hliV"ft HUC'h wondt•r!ul cqU' J)· ~plrlt , hut I do not know at p r·esent CE" Ipt o r the f ollowing Ex('lhangt"~ :

\\'1 1 1 11 The Bradley T ech Bradley; Peoria , II I. nwnt. wn got a r'ollrl ( to f.I('C' o. ju!-lt whnt to f;Uggest. I would ltke t o The Or acle .... !\1on m outh : M onm c. uth , I ll. th• •l-lt' thlnJ.CK I "mid to m yH<• Ir. "Gee, I !'lt't' n. llttl~ m OtX' Roclrd activity o n the Hun· will f•njoy l{ol n,l( t o 'thi R' S<'hool." rn mpm:i such as a dance o f t e n er. I d o . The \\'a t c h Towe r ... M a •·ygrove: D e trolt

J\ H far IU4 t-rtllo{'KC'-"'-tlnl{ an rlc tl vlty tor how«;>vf"r, think bhnt ther e is much need St. Bede R ecor cls ....... St. Bede; P eru , Il l.

the <·ampuH IH <'O n C"i rnt•d, I h nvp not ror 8ome m(•O.n8 to CJ'l'Qte m ore sp i r it. ~~: ~~~::tuer.l-~~---~- ~~~i:"l~~~~ ~:C'r~~~·: ~~ : : ~'ltl~";ll~~~~·~:,~ ~~::·~'-~ntc:l~ \:~~1-r;:~ lo:~m~ tor a rte •· all, ther·o will be llttle activity The H our Glass .. St. ~I ary's; St. Ma ry's,

If thc-•·e I~ no spirit t o 8tar t Jt. Kam~as. wi ll Hny, thoug h , thnt In thl' En:o~t It hi tht' t' U~t nm In nil <'O ilC'!-."'t~ t o hrtV<" a IV . The Augustana Observer .. Augustana;

Hdwdul(l or lntnvmura l games clra w n H EN (T JNY) YAI L I A:\' CO l ' R rr, '33. Roc k I sland, 111.

up. 11.

O I L I. ;\ llD ULE T0:\1, '33. M y op·

lntn\.-mural would have no trouble ftndlng plt>nty

~t'lwtl uh.) ~l w ol'l<t'd vut t hnt each stu - o r );1)0<1 lltet·ary talent to n ublish a

dt:o nt would obtain '-'Uft'lclent J!Ymnru:-·tic Year Book that we would all be proud

work t o kl'1·'1l him In tht:' ht~~t or phy~- ot. ·1~he Year Book s h oulcl be a. trad i·

leal t'tlndltlo n throughout the year. tlon at any shcool o! promin-ence. ~Ud\ ;\n umt ... ~rtnktn~ woultl not cause \". :\ny ~n·at t'XIh'll~ to the ~chot1l nor .). HT":"il))[.\ -:'\", '3 3 .. I was very much

wuuld it <':1U:-<e nny troul.,le. lmpl't-"Ssed by the OlliWrtunities otrered

Ill. the ~t udent body to ltve the Clu·· .. l.fan l' Hl t. ) I \ ('1\ E Y. '33. )l y first im- life God ha~ intendi'.d tor u-.. to JIYe.

JH't':-:~h~n, llr 8t \'Into•·'::: wt:ort'" ~omt:'· Athletlcs are an as..~et t() any college. wh:lt \1!:;-appointing-, f 1r I had a picture


Barber Shop

Agent for Down-Town Clean­ing, Pressing and Repairing


BOURBONNAIS, ILL. y-et they lose their g reatest value

for·ml'\1 tl! :-;omt•thin~ t"nth·ely di~.&'\.'nt. when participat~ in by only a !e,.w

1 ~ly di&WI'<'Intnwnt "''" du,, somewhnt "tud•nts. There should I><> >orne !orm ,--------------,

,,, th• limit<d 1\llll\lWr or bulldln~> and o! phys:col :tcti\"ity at·ai!able to all Reliable Cleaners tlw :-rna11 l'ampU$ ::::p..:.t~t'. But ntlW I students at all seasons d the :-chool Kankakee, Ill. h:\Y\' hl$l tht~ t\rst lmpt"'s~ton and t.;:.~l Y€>.:.11'. Thtc-y should be :--c!M!dult-d tor the :-:.,lt.:-;t\t'-\t r~'l' tht> prc-~~nt !ot· I h<\Ve- a lc-onn•nience or those students who do C leaning, P ressing, Repairing. a.:.·t"-'win~ intt:ot~::::t t'"a.:h day. This in- ntlt h:l\"e the necess.1.ry tre-e time to Prompt a nd Effic ient Service te-r\·~t i::> dul• in l.\r~"~ n"f"'O.:.;UI"o: to the tl..'lrtit.•ipate- in nu-sit:r athl~tiC'$. E,·erv through o ur agent-lilw ('1"-'Wd t."\! !t.•Hl\W~ nnd the :St'dabil- ::otUdt•nt ~hould and will take part i~ lt,y tht.'Y slww phy~ka.l t'ntert.atnment if It Is ~ch~dul- MR. SE]';NJ GER

b tnr a.:-; ~-:su:.:~t"$lln~ an at'thity is t:'d_ ~t.> that he may become a partici· Room 219 Roy Hall t"-llh'\..~rtw·d. 1 "t.lUltl like- lt' ~""-' st'n~ pant instead o! an on locker.

Fashion Believes in G. G. G. Weaves


JAFfE~SONS - li i:S S~

--~rm~ __ :::::,..

Leave Your LaiiDdry and Dry Cleaning With


Dry Cleaners Rug Cleaners


Electricians for St. Viator College

Telephone 995 362 East Court S~ {

~-------------------------------- ~

D. J. O'LOUGHLIN, M. D. Practice Limited to


Bell Telephone 25 3

602 City National Bank Bldg. KANkAKEE, ILL

Milk and Cream Bulgarious Butter Milk 396 SOUTH SCHUYLER AVE-

Always Drink Pasteurized Milk. Our Wagons Pass Your Door Every Morning Before You Have Breakfast

Both Phones 45 DRINK MILK

McBroom's Cafe First Class Restaurant Established 1908

Meals, Short O rders, Specials and Confect ions Private Dining Room for Banquets and Parties



Insurance, Loans and Bonds

605-606 Volkman Bldg.

Compliments of


I Hotel Bldg. Kanl.-a.kee, Ill I KANKAKEE, ILL '1 Bourbonnais, Illinois

------------------------' '~--------------------------I
