Jliatnriau Volume X LVII FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 N umb er I ANNUAL HOMECOMING TAKES PLACE TODAY Father O'Mahoney Made Provincial At the close of the Annual Retreat "Jf the Cler!cs of St. Viator last June, Community Loses Beloved Priest Father Mulvaney Dies Suddenly the Very Rev. F. M. Roberge, c. s. The Reverend Geo rge P. Mulvan ey, v .. Supe1·ior Gene1·al, announced the C.S.V .. Ph. D., LL.D .. fo,·mer prof es -or .tppcintment of the Very Rev. John P. of phil ophy at St. Viat cr Co llege. :-'Y:\fahoney. c. s. v., to the Pmv:n- di ed August 30 at St. Edward's rectory of the Vlato ri ans in the U nited in Chicago. For the past six yea1·s ;;;tate!-'. Fath er MulvanE'Y has- bee., a member Former of St. Viato 1• Co ll ege of the faculty of In ca rnat e 'Vord Col- HOMECOMING PROGRAM Friday, October 18, 1929. H obo Pa r ade ................................... . Meeting of Al umni Associatio n .. . .. Alumn i Banqu et. ... .... 3:00 P. M. .4: 30 P. M. ..5 :30 P. M. Homecoming Footba ll Game , DePaul U ni versi ty vs. St. Viator Co ll ege ......... .. 8 :00 P. M. Recept i on to A lu mni at the Homecomin g Party .... ! 0:00 P. M. DE PAUL MEETS ST. VIATOR IN NIGHT GAME The a g e- w o n1 ha s lived to dawn upon an o th e- r Ann u al Homecoming, the Fift ee nth in the hiHory cf St. Viato r College. 'J.'h e e ffervescirg hosp't a lity of dear Ol d V:atOI" has becom e- a lure tO her sons, calling them back from var!· ous walh."'S in life, to renew ol d ac- That Father O'Mahoney is capable of lege, San Antonio, Texas, a. nd was pr e- :ulflllng th e duti es of hi& new position paring to r eturn to h: s duties in the R F } Ch R . . p . . } qua.intances' and to live for th is one R the firm conviction of a ll who kn ow South when he was strick en. ecent acu ty anges etirin·g rOVIDCia traditional day in dreams of youth and 1 im. His wor l< as president of St. Death Su dd en Praised for Able vanished j oys of their forme1· coll ege Viator Coll ege whilst yet. in his thirties Al thoug h Father Mulvaney has been Th e Rev. Christophel- Marzano , C. Administration d ays. T oday is a da.y memorable in the rema rkable. Besides bringing in poor h ealt h f or som-e time hi s deat h S. V., was appointed Vi ce-P r esident to hi'sto ry of St. Viator, th e most lm- :he colleg-e lhl·ough the ct'isis of the unl ocked for, and was attribu t ed s ucceed the Rev. E. V. Car din al, C. S. pressive ce r emony of its l dnd that the ire In lOOG, he re -ad justed the cur - to a he art attack. F at h e1· Mulvaney h ad V., who is Univer- F ruther w. J. Surprenant, c. s. v., quaint littl e village of Bourbonnais has ·iculum o! .c::t ud t es to con! orm to the returned from a visit with his mot he1 · this year, working for a Ph . D. in replaced in the o ffi ce of Provincial by seen fo sc me time. Homecom'ng plans nost exacting standards of the various in M!lwaukee late in the e vening of hi story. Father Marzano ha. "' been at Father O'Mah oney, h as served in thi s hc 'l.ve been co mpetent ly and extensively tccrediting boards. August 28. He arose early August 30. the college for the last four years. He capacity d uring the past six years. c onductecl by the various e fficient com- Other Ach ievemen ts. gave comm un ion to the Sisters and came here after obtajning a Ph. D. in During t hi s period important changes mittees unde1· the leaders hip of Presi- Father O'Mahoney 's labors were not I' E •turned to his room, whe1·e he re sted chemi stry at the Cat hol:c University, hav e taken pl ace. Th e Sc holasticate, St. dent ,\.an1 e. ,\.e can 1 >eaclly s ec tha t ·onfln ed within the walls of St. v:a- during the day. Shortly befor e mid- and h as been prof essor of ch emistry BeJ·nn.r(] 1-L :l ll, watS organized on its the i, nvil tations were favorably re ceived 01 , Co ll e.g-e. As a ch al·te r me mber of night Father Cor bett, C.S.V., 1 ·ecto r o f he e si nce. His able qua lit ies as e ,n pres e nt basis , a nd a House of and we happy and delighted to re- he Catholic Education As sociation, St. Ed\Yad's, in ,pa..'tsing his · room, administ rat or inEure Father Magu ir e a gica.l Studies was establish ed at Wash- cognize here and there the familiar lnd late r as SecreUu·y and President hep.-rd him utter the words "J es u SJ, valua. ble ass:stant. ington, D. C; Th e Noviciate ilf1 Cham- f.q,ces of fo1·m e r college clays. ,f that organi:t.ation, he w as instru- :\1ary and Joseph, help.' ' to heflr Th e R e v. Thomas J. Lynch is the berla in, S. D ., was sold and the erec- The Pa rall e a re spons e to his cal l. F a.t11 e Corbett new D ean, e ucceed :ng Father Cardina l tion of th e splen did Fournier In stitute The series of h omecoming eve nts w ill the standal·d of our fOrced the door of the ro om and dis- in this office. Father Lynch is thor- neal· Lemont, Ill., to h ouse the Novices be u s he1·ec1 in with the hobo parade. Attel· as President of St. cove1 t' ed his 'Con f1·ere ly:ng ough ly abreast of the times in matters :1ncl .Tuvenists of th e Province, was w e ll Th E.' S1lucl e nts will leave the coll ege /lat.or's, Fa th er O'MFLhoney was pas· ac 1 ·oss the roo m. F at her O'Ma h oney, the ed u cational, a nd as De:1.n should he lp un der way when he resigned. oo. mpu s on two cha rt ered st r ee t cars, or of St. Viator's Chur ch in Chi cago Pl ·ovincial, a dmini stered l!::xtr eme Unc- raise the standards of the co-ll ege . li'athe r S urpr enant 's . t' and will proceed on f oot from the Ne w or two years, and se nt to h:: , ','_·,h. icllhleto, ,o,al<neyffd ec ut t•·eins Jthuen ep, :'olumbus Coll ege, Chambe rlain, S. D., fully a haJf-hour later. vhere he d'splayed unus ual ability as Georg-e P. Mulvaney was• born in Father Lynch. Father Lowney has al- and th e Pastor ate of Bourbonnais im- ing wi ll be held. The p a ,·acle will start profeRsor In the se minary depart· Oconto, V\'is., March 10, 1885, the so n wa. ys taken interest in foren:Jics at St. posed upon him. He will contin ue to about three o'clock, and the pa.rtlci- nent. Th e t:o ll owlng year h e s ut:fered of Mr. a nd Mrs. Be rnard Mu lvaney. V leaiadtort·I,Ceollege, and is weil qualif:ed to act as Pastor of Maternity Chur ch, P<ll1ts will don the usual garbs worn by . attack of Illness; his co ndi- His father di ed in 1907. He hi s coll ege de bating teams to Bourbonnais. He l eaves the office o f "K ni ghts of the Roaer·. ion was gTave f01· a lm ost. e. year, but pr imary a nd seconela.ry educntion in the championshi p laurels. P1 ·ovincieJ carrying h:m the ad- Tho Banquet The Annua l Alum ni Ban qu et will be vlt h r est and med!<:.a.l att enti on his sch ools of Oconto and aJt th e age of miration which his sple ndid services Se i·vecl in the Coll ege Dining Hall at l<"alth was fin ally resto1·ed. 17 he entered the novitiate of theCler ics Five Brothers Make dw· : ng his administration s:ao P. l'vL It wi ll be a tl·eat for all fo Endows t- he of St. Viator. He wa; orda in ed to the Perpetual Vows He returned to St. Via tor College priesthood by Rt. Rev. Bishop F ox of College Classes Organize for the Coming Year mer s tud ent s not only beca us e of the ·· here he served as treasurer fo1 · four Gree n Bay, \Visconsin in 1909. Through- On th e Feast of th e Ass umption of (.·ara. In 1925 he becam e very active out the twenty years of h is p ri e-stly the Blessed Virgin, fi• ve young Viator- "' directing the wo1·k of the Alumni I.b ou rs he h as been stationed at dif - ian bn: thel·s were adm i tted to perpetual Then in the s prin g of fe1·ent times In Illin ois, A rizona, South vows in the Community: Brot hers "quality meal'' pr omised all, but a.Iso because of the fact that the us ual l ong and often tiring alter-dinner speeches will b ed ispensed with this year. T he Nig- ht GHme. he o ut on th e t.l·emenclous Dak ota and Texas. 1 ork of endowing St. Viat or Coll ege, Th e r emains of Fath·e r Mu l vaney l ay Roger Drolet , Paul Hutton, Eugene Th e first function of the val'ious Hom ecoming Games at Viator have in s tate in St. Ed ward's C hUI·ch from McCa1·thy, Raymond Boysen O J'Icl Jo- cla HS M tB.fter the arrival of the : 1- re- oJways bee n a, sou r ce of int e ef-> t, but nd up to date has been most su ccess· the Sunday atter his death unt!l the seph Ryan. Three broth ers. 'Villiam spec tive me mbe rs was th e installation this ye ar th e old "grads" will have the ul In thll'> undel·taklng. !allowing Tuesday, wh en Sol emn Re- Harris. Be rnard Mulvaney and John o! of! !cers to direct theil· d-estini es ptc:u; ur e. of witnes sing fo1· the !irst \V eJI -(tualiri ed (m· Off ice . quiem Ma ss was cele brat ed by Father Staffor-d ma de vows for three y ea rs. durin g th e co ming e choo l year . The time a n' ght football g am e o n Bm·gln F'ather· O'Mahon (>y is well qual!fied J. F. Ryan, C. S. V., In the pr ese nce Th1·ee me mbe rs of th e Community we re Se nior Cla S-"l'·, holding their election last Fi e ld. Flood light s have been in s lall ed lr th!:" ortlce now g-Iven him . His gen- of Rt. Rev. Bernal"d J. Shi e l. D. D. , also pr·omot ed to the Maj orate. the spring, honored Paul Mills with th-e a nd •\ 1. VOI'ably t ested In two r-fce nt rous Pelt-sacri!lce in the cause of gove rn irng body of th e Province: Fa- Pr es!dency, Byron Everd as Vi·c e-Presi - co nt ests, a nd we can as s ur e eve ryone Educn.Uon and hi!<> unqu enc ther Da niel O'Conn o r, Broth er John de nt, James Brown as Sec retary-T 1 ·ea.<; - that It will be a nove lty w e ll worth t the ),!e rmon. The body was removed to K oe- lze and Brother '\Yill :a m Croc k- ur er a nd Da.ni'e l Gord o h, Delegate to !;Pe in g. Th e pep and e nth·md as m that ti.J who know him., a nd es- Oc ont o, 1Yi sco nsi n, wh er e- a Solemn nell. the Ad visory B oa rd of the Co ll f'ge Clu b. bt•c n in stilled Into th e s qu.r.'ld by d b ' l'h e Impressive cHe mon y followed a l_;' p to thi s time th e Juniors h ave held Cl)ac· h Sa m McAll ls t t>r during past Hlally h !. s fl'llow are R C'q u te m :\lass was cele br ate y the 1\Ia..'IH In th e Coll ege Chapel ce le brated no mee tin g, bu t pl an to do in wN•k :w g u n; we ll t:nn l'(•a l h:1ltlc ot h>y n. l nml umn l nt ell de R e v. Francis X. H aze n . C. S. Y ., a otlt 1 n to thC' wl'ltan nf Callwli c ! I'IC> ncl from boyhood Th €\ fu n eral by th e Re vere nd Pro vin cial, F a- the tutur e. Mr . I..::e nn tl1 whf·n Dc P' tt ul s tep s on th e fi (> ](l tonight uuth 'rhu !'lpirittP.l and l nt e- ll ec tu nl sermo n a t Oconto was pt·eached by th e th er 0 ' :?-l ahone y. In th e t ·ece pti o n, Far Clo th ie• r iH th e Pr eside nt for th P co ming n.t 8: 00 P. 1\.f. " 'e are firml y c onvinced V(•ry R e v. J. '\Y. R. Ma g uire, C. S. V., the1· 0 ''.\fa hon ey also presi ded. MSist ed yea r, whll f'- th e office of Vi C'f'- Pn·sld eont th at th e Cr e rn '\·\ ' ave will take De Paul rugrf'-:-s nf th e Co mmuni ty nr e 11 1 hy th e Very Re v. J. W. R. 1\'f .ag ulr e. O JW n , 1- Jt>ca u .. c uf th f- fa ilure of in one o! th e tough (•Ht hold on 1 whill • h 1 !--i- tln n n l'i al nblli- o! St. Viator Co nt er- C' . s. v .. Presi de nt of St. Vi ator Col- ).r,-. Th u ma .. '-1 H ayden to r c•t urn to the h r m e g r id 1ron t hi R J---f'a.<-fo n. cs th e- m:Ht• ri al ot h is m ent t ook pl ace in t he Oco n to Ccm lt gc>. and the Rev. F. 1- :J . Mun sch, C. ech o(; ]. Geo r ge !l y nd s w a.s r·h r_...«,· n ax ' rll fl Fina le t t?-Q'- The serv il ce.c; fn Oconto wel ·e he ld s. Y., Dl rN•tor of St B(Al·na. rd Sc hol· Hohert T uc· k c- r Art l·r· th gam th e C(JIJ I·go (; Jub, In the s.'l m e c hurch fn w hi ch Father ' . and .J r :-Jr• ph L ogan dc-lc>gate to the Ad - uml rthf' INt d rship of w l' oN·h y" \ Yar- Mul vn ney was bapti sed, recei ved his a. · viS<Jry Board or the Co ll e-ge Club . )uperior General Visits at College nt•, wi ll r·ntr·rtflln t hr• Alurunl with a first Holy Communion. was con ! ir med, New Books Recently R eceived in In the· S0p h omorc claH.'-f ;\-frlr ti n 'rno c lan r·r :wei r·c·N· p tkn in th antl Wi.\.9 orda in ed. hlll Is P1·c·!·ddent, Cla r e·ncr· Jt r, m:u·y Vic•f•· T he gym h:u-4 hl·rm cnl'e f ully an d 1-' klll · iR by hi s I the Library !l erbt> r t She:t full y dr·t·orat rl , :tn d t h r· bl·auty wh!c h Shonh· u!t h 1 \\ . lUl t motht·r :O.l r"'!'-· Be r nard thn· .Juhn Cr>ml!-(kPy 'l' reasurf·r and Thoma.'! yuu Mh:ll l gazt· uplm t()nlght Js t h CUI · .. - 4 n 110 a:-. 1 .L-' brothers and two Hi.; nep h ew, Survi v al s and New Arrivals--- lne., the \ cry He\'. F. :\1 . H1 l.lt•r;.:t.• IP.•·rnan.l G. ).l ulvnnev i:-; a Vla tor 'a n H )a ire Belloc. Fox Dt·ll'gate to the Adv:!<lory l:Soard. minatltm of nNu ly l\\-'O labor on Y. l: l• rwrn l of Ch•r-' · ThP Frf·shman c-las.-.; hl·ld lhl·:r- PIN·· thf: part t1 f the s or St VJ:\ t •·r. n r rin· d In :Guurbon· l'>Nthl'r. Citizen and man, teacht· r and Jam es the Se c ond-Hilaire tj(,n on the £-vening o! ()f·t. 7 with an d t he Eotudents. J immy Hu rkt, and his lis ft.lr h is Canonkn.I \ T lt . F atht"r }<';.Hht•r ).f uhan-ct;o)' t' Bello c. Prf'sldent '\ 'arne of the- Club Rhy thm Ktn ge o! J olll·t have h:.:>,\1 rt>ligli·\l> In 111 t C" wo r 0 Within a Buddi ng Grove- j O ·rge in v lcmity nbt.Ul worthy hfc t he re wa!--1- the abound- iaetlng as C_hairman. Phllip ::O.Ja(:kr--y, ot ttJ t:J l ai r with mr·lod lou!i th (' nt'hdtbo ri ng- ing- (>! hi:--t p t'l••stlr ('hai-:1<-tPr l l\1 a r c el Proust. . fll., f'lf·('tNl Pn-sidf'nt, om! r,r1puln r uln- fr r1m 10 o'f·lor·k u nt il IU .s theo c ... .'l. ml nnd Inheritance-. H is lift! was an in · Th e Colden Bough-Sn James \'a llancourt, or: . \l tlwaukl-f·, A. M., to make the aan ct:rs ftJrgPt tu all who km_ ·w him. an• I thn:---t· Geor ge Frazer. \\"Is. a .. '-' '\"kP-PrPsidf>nt. ).f an if-}. \\"f,r- '.·w·rythluv hut thfA rnu !t·, :nlll tfJ w hc·m he wer(" the richer !or News From owhere-Wm. ,.( I ll. tt.'i Sr·t:rNtry, th1· wi'h f(t·V·•·;d (l•:;tur.r· lt wns v 1t here u t hf' n nnounct.,l th(l nppPmtnlt'n t ot t:t new Plvvlnd nl. F n t h '-'r hi"- He in t he Alu mni Morris. ('a sldy r! ). (a <t.'i numbf·T8. It aim anr] wiHh tJ f As!!!od.a t ll)n ot St '\".iator. Colle-g ,:. I The Stream of History-Ceof· and G111 l1 f Bloo· St. \'l:t trJr to ma ke thl.a C\ f s··rrow tng \\ho k ne w frey Parsons. mingtun Ill., as u, ArJ· "hf·y-rla>·'' 1, ( th"' f41!:J..•r, n, a nrJ trJ- h im n fr iend anU counselo r. Tr i vial Breath-Elinor Wylie. vl!'lfJIJ-' Br,a r d. makt· hl·r rr·luf:t;wt trJ

St. Viator College Newspaper, 1929-10-18

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The Viatorian, Vol. XLVII, No. 1

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Q!h~ Jliatnriau Volume X LVII FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1929 N umb e r I


Made Provincial

At the close of the Annual Retreat

"Jf the Cler!cs of St. Viator last June,

Community Loses Beloved Priest

Father Mulvaney Dies Suddenly

the Very Rev. F. M. R oberge, c. s. The Reverend George P. Mulvaney , v .. Supe1·ior Gene1·al, announced the C.S.V .. Ph. D., LL.D .. fo,·m er profes -or

.tppcintment of the Very Rev. John P. of phil o£ophy at St. Viatc r Co llege.

:-'Y :\fahoney. c. s. v., to the Pmv:n- died August 30 at St. Edward's rectory

•lal~ hip of the Vlatorians in the U nited in Chicago. For the pas t six yea1·s ;;;tate!-'. Fathe r MulvanE'Y has- bee., a member

Former Pn~sident of St. Viato1• College of the faculty of Inca rnate 'Vord Col­


Friday, October 18, 1929.

H obo Par ade ................................... .

Meeting of A lumni Associatio n .. . ..

Alumn i Banquet. ...

. ... 3:00 P. M.

.4: 30 P. M.

..5 :30 P. M .

Homecoming Football Game, DePaul U niver s i ty

vs. St. Viator Co ll ege ......... .. 8 :00 P. M.

Reception to A lumni at the Homecoming Party .... ! 0:00 P . M.


The a g e-w on1 ~un has lived to dawn upon ano th e-r Ann u al Homecoming, the Fifteenth in the hiHory cf St. Viator College. 'J.'he effervescirg hosp'ta lity of dear Old V:atOI" has becom e- a lure tO her sons , calling them back from var!· ous walh."'S in life, to renew old ac-That Father O'Mahoney is capable of lege, San Antonio, Texas, a.nd was pre-

:ulflllng the duties of hi& new position paring to return to h:s duties in the R F } Ch R . . p . . } qua.intances' and to live for th is one R the firm conviction of a ll who know South when he was strick en. ecent acu ty anges etirin·g rOVIDCia traditional day in dreams of y outh and

1im. His worl< as president of St. Death Sudden Praised for Able vanished joys of their forme1· college

Viator College whilst yet. in hi s thirties A lthough Father Mulvaney has been The Rev. Christophel- Marzano, C. Administration days. T oday is a da.y memorable in the .v::~s mo~'t rema rka ble. Besides bringing in poor health for som-e time his death S. V., was appointed Vice-President to hi'story of St. Viator, th e most lm-:he colleg-e lhl·ough the ct'isis of the wa~<:; unl ocked f or, and was attribu ted s ucceed the Rev. E. V. Cardinal, C. S. pressive ceremony of its ldnd t hat the

ire In lOOG, he r e-ad justed t h e cur- to a heart attack. F athe1· Mulvaney had V., who is at~nding Illino i~ Univer- F ruther w. J. Surprenant, c. s. v., quaint little village of Bourbonnais has ·iculum o! .c::t ud tes to con!orm to the returned from a visit with his mothe 1· si~y this year, working for a Ph. D. in replaced in the offi ce of Provincial by seen fo 1· scm e time. Homecom'ng plans nost exacting standards of the various in M !lwaukee late in the evening of history. Father Marzano ha."' been at Father O'Mah oney, has served in this hc'l.ve been competent ly and extensively tccrediting boards. August 28. He arose early August 30. the college for the last four years . He capac ity during the past six years. conductecl by the various e fficient com-

Other Ach ieve men ts. gave comm union to the Sisters and came here after obtajning a Ph. D. in During t his period important changes mittees unde1· the leaders hip of Presi-Father O'Mahoney 's labors were not I'E•turned to his room, whe1·e he r ested chemis t r y at the Cathol:c University, have taken place. The Scholasticate, St. dent ,\.an1 e. ,\.e can 1>eaclly sec that

·onfln ed within the walls of St. v:a- during the day. Shortly before mid- and has been professor of c hemistry BeJ·nn.r(] 1-L:l ll, watS organized on its the i,nviltations were favorably r eceived

01, Coll e.g-e. As a c hal·te r m ember of night Father Cor bett, C.S.V., 1·ector o f he 1·e si n ce. His able qualit ies as e ,n present basis , a nd a House of Theol~ and we a.~.·e happy and delighted to r e ­he Catholic Education As sociation, St. Ed\YaJ·d's, in ,pa..'tsing his ·room, administrator inEure Father Magu ire a gica.l Studies was establis hed at Wash- cognize he re and there the familiar

lnd late r as SecreUu·y and President hep.-rd him utter the words " J esu SJ, valua.ble ass:stant. ington, D. C; The N oviciate ilf1 Cham- f.q,ces of fo1·m er college clays.

,f that organi:t.ation, h e w as instru- :\1ary and Joseph, help.' ' Fa~ling to heflr The R e v. Thomas J. Lynch is t h e be rl a in, S. D ., was sold and the erec- The P a rall e a r esponse to his cal l. F a.t11 e 1· Corbett new D ean, e ucceed:n g Father Cardinal tion of the splendid Fournier Institute The series of homecoming events w ill

~:~t:t~ll ci:c~:~~~~g t he standal·d of our fOrced the door of t h e room and dis- in this office. Father Lynch is thor- n eal· L emont, Ill., to h ouse t h e Novices be u s he1·ec1 in with the hobo parade.

Attel· ~erving as President of St. cove1t'ed his 'Conf1·ere ly:ng p~JHrale ough ly abreast of the times in matters :1ncl .Tuveni•sts of the Province, was w ell Th E.' S1luclents will leave the college /lat.or's, F a th er O'MFLhoney was pas· ac1·oss the r oom. F ath er O'Mahoney, the ed ucational, a nd as De:1.n should he lp under way when h e resigned. oo.mpus on two c ha rtered st r ee t cars, or of St. Viator's Church in Chi cago P l·ovincial, a dministered l!::xtr eme Unc- raise the standards of the co-llege. li'ather S urprenant 's . t' and will proceed on foot from t he New

or two years, and w~~ th~n sent to ~~~7o;nc1 ::~~he~r ~~·~ve~~c~t~~- e~el!:~~: be~:ec::sv~nJ~;~~a~=w~~e:~h C;ns.P:~e h:: ,','_·,h. icllhleto,,o,al<neyffdecutt•·eins Jthuen ep, rwor:,.:,·nl~c·~,.a:lus,cho;•P~ ~~~~~<ak~:~t:~~l~ er!r:ck;ig:~tic d~):;~~::: :'olumbus College, Chamberlain, S. D., fully a haJf-hour later. vhere he d'splayed unus ual ability as Georg-e P. Mulvaney was• born in Father Lynch. Father L owney has al- and the Pastorate of Bourbonnais im- ing wi ll be he ld. The pa ,·acle will start ~ profeRsor In the s eminary depart· Oconto, V\' is . , March 10, 1885, the son wa.ys taken interest in foren:Jics at St. pos ed upon him. H e will contin u e to about three o'clock, and t h e pa.rtlci­

nent. The t:o ll owlng year h e s ut:fered of Mr. a nd Mrs. B e rnard Mu lvaney. Vleaiadtort·I,Ceollege, and is weil qualif:ed to act as Pastor of Maternity Church, P<ll1ts will don the usual garbs worn by . ~<eve r·e attack of Illness; his condi- His father died in 1907. He ~ecured his college d ebating teams to Bourbonnais. H e leaves the office o f ~II "K ni ghts of the Roaer·.

ion was gTave f01· a lm ost. e. year, but primary a nd seconela.ry educntion in the championship laure ls . P 1·ovincieJ carrying wi~h h :m the ad- T ho Banque t The Annua l A lum ni Banque t will be

vlth rest and med!<:.a.l attention his sch ools of Oconto and aJt th e age of miration which his splendid services Se i·vecl in the College Dining Hall at l<"alth was finally resto1·ed. 17 h e entered the novitiate of theCler ics Five Brothers Make dw·:ng his administration de~erve. s:ao P. l'vL It will be a tl·eat for all for·

Endows t-he Coll e_g~e. of St. Viator. He wa; orda ined to the Perpetual Vows He returned to St. Via tor College priesthood by Rt. Rev. Bishop F ox of College Classes

Organize for the Coming Year

mer s tudents not only beca use of the

··here he served as treasure r fo1· four Green Bay, \Visconsin in 1909. Through- On the Feast of th e Ass umption of

(.·ara. In 1925 he becam e very active out the twenty years of h is p ri e-stly the B lessed Virgin, fi•ve young Viator­

"' directing the wo1·k of the Alumni I.bou rs he has been stationed at dif- i a n bn:thel·s were adm itted to perpetual ~s,.oc:n,tion. Then in the s pring of fe1·ent times In Illin ois, A rizon a , South vows in the Community: Broth e r s

"quality meal'' p r omised all, but a.Iso because of t h e fact that the u s ual long and often tiring alter-dinner speeches will b ed ispensed with this year.

T he Nig-ht GHme. ~12G he ~et. o ut on the t.l·emenclous Dak ota and Texas. 1ork of endowing St. Viator College , Th e remains of Fath·er Mulvaney lay Roger Drolet , Paul Hutton, Eugene The first function of the val'ious Hom ecoming Games at Viator have

in s tate in St. Edward's ChUI·ch from McCa1·thy, Raymond Boyse n OJ'Icl Jo- cla HS M tB.fter the arrival of the: 1- re- oJways been a, sou rce of inte t· ef-> t, but nd up to date has been most s uccess· the Sunday atter his death unt!l the seph Ryan. Three brothe r s . 'Villiam spective m embers was th e installation this year the old "grads" will have the

ul In thll'> undel·taklng. !allowing Tuesday, when Solemn Re- Harris. B ernard Mulva n ey and John o! clas..~ of!!cers to direct theil· d-estinies ptc:u;ure. of witnessing fo1· the !irst \VeJI -(tualiried (m· Office. quiem Mass was celebrated by Father Staffor-d m a de vows for three y ea r s . durin g the coming echool y ear . The time a n 'ght football g am e o n Bm·gln

F'ather· O'Mahon (>y is well qual!fied J. F. Ryan, C. S. V., In the presence Th1·ee m embers of the Community w ere Senior Cla S-"l'·, holding their e lection last Fie ld. Flood lights have bee n in s lalled lr th!:" ortlce now g-Iven him . His gen- of Rt. R ev. Bernal"d J . Shie l. D. D. , a ls o pr·omoted to the Majorate . the spring, honored Paul Mill s with th-e a nd •\1. VOI'ably t ested In two r-fce nt rous Pelt-sacri!lce in the cause of g overn irng body of the Province : Fa- Pres!de ncy, Byron Everd a s Vi·ce-Presi - contests, a nd we can ass ure e veryone

~lthollc Educn.Uon and hi!<> unquen c h· ~~:~:~i:YJ.B~:;;l n~f C~h~~a~--. ~>'::"!~::; the r Da nie l O'Connor, Brother John de nt, James Brown as Secr e ta r y-T 1·ea.<;- that It will be a n ovelty w ell worth

t 0

8;en~i~~:rthl~a~·~e l~~ ~~~:::~:. l~ll~-e ~~~::,i:~ t he ),!e rmon. The bod y was r em oved to K oe-lze r· and Brothe r '\Yill :am Crock - ure r a nd Da.ni'e l Gordoh, D e lega te to !;Peing . The pe p and enth·mdasm that

ti.J Tho~€' who know h im., a nd es - Oconto, 1Yiscon si n, wher e- a Solemn ne ll. the Adv isor y B oard of the Co llf'ge Club. h~._. bt•c n ins till ed Into the s qu.r.'ld by d b 'l'he Impress ive cHemony followed a l_;' p to this t im e the Juniors have held Cl)ac·h Sam McAll ls t t>r during th~ past

Hlally h !.s fl'llow \' in ltl dun ~. are R C'q u tem :\lass was celebra te y t he 1\Ia..'IH In the College Cha pe l ce lebra t ed no c· ln~<; meeting, bu t plan to d o ~0 in wN•k :w g u n; we ll t:n1· n l'(•a l h:1ltl c wart~ ot h ! ~ h >y n. l nml umnlntell de R e v. Francis X. H azen . C. S . Y ., a otlt

1n to thC' wl'ltan nf Callwlic ! I'IC> ncl from boyhood tim e~"- Th €\ fu neral by the V~ry R everend Provincial, F a- t he l m mf>d ~n.te tuture. Mr. I..::enn f· tl1 whf·n D c P'tt ul s teps on the fi (> ](l tonight

uuth 'rhu !'lpirittP.l and lnte-llec tunl sermo n a t Oconto was pt·ea ch ed by the the r 0 ':?-la ho ney. In the t·eception, Far Cloth ie• r iH the Preside nt for thP coming n.t 8:00 P. 1\.f. " 'e a r e firml y convinced V(•ry R e v. J. '\Y. R. Mag uire, C. S. V., the1· 0 ''.\fa honey also presided. MSisted yea r, whll f'- the office of Vi C'f'-Pn·sldeont that the Crern '\·\ ' ave will ta k e D ePaul

rugrf'-:-s nf the Communi t y nre ~nit'! 11 1

hy th e Ver y R ev. J. W . R. 1\'f.agulre . 1 -pm:t l n~ O JW n , 1-Jt>cau .. c uf t h f- fa ilure of in o n e o! the tough (•Ht g-amr·~ hold on 1 hi~ hnmh~ . whill• h 1

!--i- tln n n l'i al nblli - Pre~ cl Pnt o! St. Via t or Co e-~e. nte r- C'. s. v .. Preside nt of St. Via tor Col- ).r,-. Thuma .. '-1 H ayden to r c•t urn to the h r m e g r id 1ron t hiR J---f'a.<-fo n. cs ln~un• th e- m:H t• rial RU Cl'l~1'< ot h is m ent took place in t he Ocon to Ccm e· lt gc>. and t he R ev . F . 1-:J . Mun sch, C. ech o(; ]. George !l y nds w a.s r·h r_...«,· n ax 'rll fl Fina le dmlnt~li'Rl 'o n . t t?-Q'- The serv ilce.c; fn Oconto w el·e he ld s . Y., Dl r N•to r of St B(Al·na.rd Schol· ln·a~ u l'f·r. Hohert T uc· k c- r !-'~>(' rf'ta r·y, Art l·r· th r· gam e· the C (JIJ I·go (;Jub,

In the s.'lm e c hurch fn w hich Father ~ tlcnte ' . and .Jr :-Jr• p h L ogan dc-lc>gate to the Ad- uml rq· thf' INtd r· r s h ip of w l'oN·h y" \ Yar -Mul vnn ey was baptised, recei ved his a . · viS<Jry Boa rd or the Coll e-ge Club. )uperior General

Visits at College

nt•, wi ll r·ntr·rtflln t hr• A lu runl w ith a f ir s t H oly Commu nion. was con ! irm ed , New Books Recently R eceived in In the· S0phomorc c laH.'-f ;\-frlr ti n 'rno clan r·r :wei r·c·N· ptkn in t h r· KY tr JmL"~ l.lm. antl Wi.\.9 or da ined. hlll Is P1·c·!·ddent, Cla r e·ncr· Jt r, m:u·y Vic•f•· T he gym h:u-4 hl·rm cnl'efully and 1-' klll ·

F~1tht> r ~f ulvnney iR ~urvived by his I the Library Pn~~lclP n t, !lerbt>r t She:t Secn~tary, full y dr·t·orat r·rl , :tnd t h r· bl·auty wh!ch Shonh· u!t h 1 \\ . lUl I· t motht·r :O.l r"'!'-· Ber nard ~IUI\',tlh-y. thn· .Juhn Cr>ml!-(kPy 'l' reasurf·r and Thoma.'! yuu Mh:ll l gazt· uplm t()nlght Js t h r· CUI· .. -

4 n ~ l· 110 a:-. 1 .L-' brothers and two ~ster~. Hi.; nephew, Surviv als and New Arrivals---

lne., the \ c r y He\'. F . :\1 . H1 l.lt•r;.:t.• IP.•·rnan.l G. ).lulvnnev i:-; a Vla tor 'an H ,· )a ire Belloc. Fox Dt·ll'gate to the Adv:!<lory l:Soard. minatltm of nNuly l\\-'O W~':~.:·ks labor on ~. Y . ~U t><'rillr l : l• rwrnl of tht:>~ Ch•r-' · ThP Frf·shman c-las.-.; hl·ld lhl·: r- PIN·· thf: part t1 f the Def~r·oratlng CIJrnrnltt~e

s or St VJ:\ t •·r. n r rin·d In :Guurbon· l'>Nthl'r. Citizen and man, teacht· r and James the Sec ond-Hilaire tj(,n on the £-vening o! ()f·t. 7 with and t he Eotudents. J immy Hu r kt, and his lis ft.lr h is Canonkn.I \ T lt . F atht"r prlt·~t }<';.Hht•r ).f uhan-ct;o)' l~Xt·mplltitl t' -~ Belloc . Prf'sldent ' \ 'arne of the- Cr,Jh·g~ Club Rhy thm Ktn ge o! J olll· t have r,rr_,inJ~ r!d

h:.:>,\1 rt>ligli·\l> I n 111 t C" wo r -~ 0 Within a Buddin g Grove- j O ·rge ~tayOO in th l~ v lcmity nbt.Ul h·~ worthy h fc t he r e wa!--1- the abound- iaetlng as C_hairman. Phllip ::O.Ja(:kr--y, ot ttJ t:J l t h r~ ai r with mr·lod lou!i ~t....-ulnl!l

th (' nt'hdtbori ng- ing- ,..a,nd~ty (>! hi:--t p t'l••stlr ('hai-:1<-tPr l l\1 a r c el Proust. . (;.:dE·-~·burg_ fl l., wa.·~ f'lf·('tNl Pn-sidf'nt, om! r,r1pu ln r uln- fr r1m 10 o'f·lor·k until I U .s ~~ t theo c ... "~ IUntun lt y .'l. m l 1-'rl'~·dd- nnd Inheritance-. H is lift! was an in · The Colden Bough-Sn James K~>nm•th \'a llancourt, or: .\l tlwaukl-f·, ~· 1 A. M ., to make the aa n ct:rs ftJrgPt

"'ll~r:.Hlnn tu all who km_·w him. an• I thn:---t· Georg e Frazer. \\"Is. a .. '-' '\"kP-PrPsidf>nt. ).fan if-}. \\"f,r- '.·w·rythluv hut thfA rnu !t·, :nlll tfJ ~JtrJUP.r· w hc·m he ~n-e-d wer(" the r iche r !or News From owhere-Wm. d~·n ,.( (;;lll·:o~burg, I ll. tt.'i Sr·t:rNtry, th1· onJ,,,,k,·r~ wi'h f(t·V·•·;d (l•:;tur.r·

lt wns dur i n~ hi~ v 1t h e r e u t hf' nnnounct.,l th(l nppPmtnlt'n t ot t:t new Plvvlnd nl. F n th '-'r () ' .~.L~honey.

hi"- ~rvic~. H e l eave-~. in t he Alu mni Morris. f~r:.nC'I~ ('a sldy r ! Hr.Jyr-k~;>, ).(a • <t.'i numbf·T8. I t I~ th~: aim anr] wiHh tJ f

As!!!od.a t ll)n ot St '\".iator. Colle-g ,:. I The Stream of History-Ceof· Tr~a....,ur,..r and G111 ~f !drJJe-ton, l1 f Bloo· St. \'l:t trJr C(JlJr-g~ to ma k e thl.a th~_; hundrt·U~ C\ f s··rrow tng m~:n \\ho k new frey Parsons. mingtun I ll., as Df·lf-~at~ u, th~~ ArJ· "hf·y-rla>·'' 1, ( th"' r~tll f41!:J..•r, n, a nrJ trJ-

h im a~ n fr iend a n U counselor . Trivial Breath-Elinor Wylie. vl!'lfJIJ-' Br,a r d. makt· hl·r \'ls:to r~ rr·lu f:t;wt trJ lt~ rt VI·

Page Two

.. .. THE VIA TORIAN P ub lished Bi-Weekly Throughout the Scholastic Year by the

Students of St. Viator College

JOH N W. STAFFORD .................. .... ........................ Editor-in-Chief LLOYD 0. W ARNE. ............................................. Managing Editor JARLATH M. WATSON .......................................... Athletic Edito r BERNARD C. MULVANEY............... . ...... A lu m ni Editor H. FAUL MILLS and JOSEP H LOGAN.... ..Campus Editors C. R AYMOND SPRACUE ................................ Inquirin g Reporte r RAYMOND M. BOYSEN .. ................. .. .... Viatoriana

Circulation Deuartment ROBERT C. DOYLE . JAMES R. HULL


Subscription Rate: $2.00 per Annum


I VIATOR LOSES I L__'!o- re -di~tl-nctio-n "--as -giw-n to--'an TO WESLEYAN U.


alumnu~ ot ~l. Yiator C'ollege whPn

l•~ather Fultt n ;..;hE.-en, ' 17 , Ph. D ..

pr'eachetl in Lomlon this summer. 1 II:-'

COUI'F• O( !-t€J"ffi(O~ at \\'el'ltm·n~ter

C':tthedral. anci at St. Patrick'·. C"hurch.

Soho Sq ll:u·e. wer·e well attended, and

London papers pay a ll'ibute to the di· ,·ect and whclesome manner in which

he discu.·!';ed the modern Catholic'::: a t ·

tltude tO\\'u i·d.s life.

Varsity Is Unable to Stop Metho­dists' Attack.

The ~t. Yint ,,. enlle-g-e football a1{gn•· ~at ion m ntond to BIO''nlington, Sat·

urday. Oct. 5th rt nd acC('Jlted a de·

cisiq• 3:::! to 6 flefeat at the- hflncls of \\"ith Rt. Rev. Edmund i\L Dunne,

\\"eslcyan l-ni\'erslty. It very often D. D .. BL·hop of Peor·a, officiati·ng. the dedic~Ltion of St. Dominic's Church happt>nP that the ~COPE' in a dr::tw foo t

Ad<:lress Al l Correspondence Referring Ei ther to A d vertisi ng Subscription to The Via torian, Bourbonnais, Illinoi s

o r n. t \\'yoming, Illinol ~ . tool< place Ju ne ball game g-ive~ little ind'catinn cf •th e

25. Rev . .James l\.L Fitzgera ld, '15, the r a l amount of fig-ht ng and interesting pa.Hor . wh 1 sang the Sc.lem n High playing that occu rs dur'ng the sixty

Er: te r ed as Second C lass Matter a t the Pos t o ffi ce of Bourbonn:ais, Ill. Mass. is to be ccmmended on t he beau· min ute~ that the two teams face each -----

Under the Act of Marc h 3rd, 1879. t ' [ul edifice his 1 ~1 bors have erected. ther. Fathe1· Magui1·e, P1·esident of St. Via· Suc h wns the ca,~e on Sa tUJ·day at to r College. preached a successful mis- t;l oomlngton. Str<:1nge as it may seem, sian at this par ~~ h the second weel< of from the overbalanced and cH::asterou!'··

October. ound ing !::!Core. the two e levens f c-ught

At Dixon, Ill inois, t he dedication of St. Anne'~ Churc h on July 28th was at tended by m-any alumni. The Solemn High Maes was su ng in the presence of the Rt. Rev. Edward Hoban. D. D .. Bishop of Rockford. by the Rev. \ Vi i ·

on even terms almost hn.lf the length of th t> game. before the breaks began to favC'r the VVesleyan outfit and they so aclmirably took advantage of them.

St. Viator kicked off to Wesleyan nnd the Method i st::~ stat·ted a march towards t he Ir ish goal that m ade the

liam J . Donovan, who was assisted by bacl(ler~ of the green most un easy, to the Rev. Franc:s Keen~, Rev. Francis say the least. On the Viator 30-yard A. Cleary, and Rev. D udley Day. Among

line \ Vesleyan was held for downs a nd the a lumni presen t were Rev. John t he ba ll we nt over to the Irish. Fur-

HOMECOIViiNG. Fla nagan, Rev. Emmett Murphy, Rev. long go t off a. pretty punt lo take the H o mecoming is primarily th e holiday of th e Alumni. Now no Thomas VValsh, Rev. \ Villiflm Clear y, ball out of the da nge-rous zone. VVith

h f Rev. Thomas K elly, Mr. Lowell Law· s inister re feren ces are m a de to a ny recentt .a ttempts on t e part o son, Mr. Andrew Bracken, Father l>oth teams fighting fc1· the adva ntage the facu lty to e mphasize, at our expen se, that this is so; as the so ld - O'Mahoney, the Provincial, who gave a nd each waiting for the break that iers in Tennyson c harged blindly into the mou t h of h e ll w ith o ut a s-k- the blessing at the ba.nquet. and t he would th t·ow the tide in their favor, ing the reason why, so do we the same in go ing to class o n H ome- Rt. R ev. John P. McG uire, who preach· the first quarter ended with the score coming morning, ques tion ing n ot, though perhaps thinking a 'n d feel- ed the sermon. tied o to o. in g a great d ea l. Bu t satis s-it, f o r what is m e)rely de!ferred is lost Th e first break came s hortly a fter

not, an d tomorrow, th e cong e. Fot·mer students of St. Viator Col· the ~econd qua r tet· opened, a nd it did Yes, we a ll know Homecoming is the day of th e old s tudents, lege who entered se-mi naries this fa ll much to crack the fighting morale of

but w e d on t begrudge them their privileg e, but r a ther wish .them are Roger Drolet, c .S. v., '29 , E. J. the Viator sqmtd. "'Wesleyan had work· j oy a nd welcome .. They are our bi g b ro thers, si n ce we are a ll McCarthy. c. s. v., '28, and Paul Hut- ed the ba ll down the fie ld to within chi ldren of a common A lma Mater, and we want t o s h ow them on ton, c. s. v. , '28. at the V'~a,torian striking distance of the goal line only their retur,n h ome the kindness and h ospita lity we know they right- Seminary a t \ \ 'ashington, D. C.: Law· to be rE·pulsed by a hard-fighti·ng,

full y deserve. 1·ence O'Shea and Edward O'Neill at green-jersey-clad line. Twice they held A lumni, we, Viatior's strip ling s, welcome you b ack today. We St. Thomas Sern.in.a.ry, Denver; Dennis t he heavier team for four downs on the

s incerely hope that you fee l at hom e once more on the campus. We l'v[u1·phy and John Smi.th. '29, Kenrick. l·yarct line-the ball going over to St. a r e a very approachahl e student-b o dy, a nd will ass is t you in a n y w a y Joseph Drolet, C. S. V., '29, is teachi ng Viator in each instance. The' second possible to m ake you g la d this day. Introduce your self to any English at one of the Viatcr:an Hig h time this happened, Furlong, in a t· stud ent on th e campus if you want anything; h e will d eem it a n Schools in Montreal. Canada. temp ting to punt f 1·om behind his own holn or to serve you. Ask q u estions of whatever boy you meet ; he gear line was hurr:ecl into boot:ng the will enjoy tellin g you h ow things h ave changed. Remember that it ClericaJ changes during the summer ball ~traig-ht int~ the air and it de· is your day; remember th a t the aim of a ll is to make you happy were: Father John Flanagan. pa..c:tor of scencled into the outstretched arms of once n1ore amid the scenes and companions of so many h a ppy days St. James Pt"'O·Cathedra.l, Rockford, was a surpl"ised \'i'esleyan player, just two of y ears ago. made pa~tur of St. Anthony's, Reck· feet inside the Viator goal. Two more

TO THE FRESHMEN. ford; Rev. John Barreett was made as· touchdowns were :-corell before the sistant at St. Pat1·ick's. Blocmtngton; half entlerl. the fleetness of Cat;l. Pro·

sie, \\'illiamson. and Miller ac(:ounting­for niost of the !l!ethodist~· ya rdage.

A rejuvenated Viator eleven to k the field after the re !Sft period and be· gan a.n onslaught tlnr cou ld not he lle·

Friday, October 18, I 9

Compliments of



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At this la te date, a ll Freshmen on the campus should feel at h ome. Various h ave been the modes of making them feel that they have become an integra l part of co llege life h ere, from the strange maneuvers they have been put through on the Second Corridor to the strikingly familiar way they have been abused 1and loaded with work by the professors. The Freshmen have been m ade welcome in the Cul lege Club, on the a thl etic field, a nd in various o the r depart­ments of stud ent life. Some sort of special welcome, however, is appropriate fro m the officia l college journ-al. The V iatorian ex­tend s this welcome, a welcome sincere an d hearty, without being th e puerile back-sla pping of the Americanos of the Noon-day Luncheon Clubs. Neither is it m erely the suave, cou teous "bien-venu" of the poli te F rar.ca is. A lthoug h we do open our hearts and our co llege in th e manner of the nation whose descendents our villagers deviously are, yet it is a welcome tha t is a lso strangely after the manner of the American Indian. We know tha t when C hief Rainbow-Round­

Rev. M . .J. Hoare was ma de fir.st ass·is· tant .at St. Jame~ Pro·Catheclt·al, Rock· fo rd; Rev. Edmund O'Connor was sent to the Nev,rman Foundation at the U ni· versity of Illinois. Rev. Edward Far· rell to Rock bland, and Hev. l\I. A. Kissane to St. Mary's , Rockford.

denied. Altennating betw~n off-tackle L-------'------­smashes and short but successftii P }lS·

S€'S, the Green \Yave swe pt across the VVe ~ve re recently h cnored with the goal wHh their first touchdown. A pass

visit of a distingu:shed and zealous Gonnnn to Gibbons, took the ball a lumnus, Monsignor Dermody of Aber · across the \Veslf"yan goal line. Evard's

deen. s. D. ldck for extra point fell s hort of its

Mr. and l\Irs. 1\l. C. l\Ja~cadno r~n·

nounce the. birth of a baby boy. ~\1aur·

Ice Francis.

mark. The tremendous amount of ef· fort expended in the tiring drive. down the field seemed to spell Viator's doom, their strength seemed wasted, The

My-Shoulder used to visit at th e w igwam of Chief Big Shot, and ;-----------------: help the latter eat the broiled canine prepared so daintily by his Groceries Confectionary

flash was short Jived and from then on it was Wesleyan's game. The 4th period was something of a night-mare for the Green, with the game ending­\Ves leyan, 32-St. Viator, 6.

squaw, Big Shot wou ld think that the scales of he world 's justi ce were unbalanc e d until h e was requited by a feast in the wigwam o f Rainb ow-Round-My-Shoulder. You give m e and I give you: this was their ethics and th e ir e tique tte : 1 w e lcome you if you do some­thin g for m e.

Now Freshmen of St. Viator Coll ege, we welcome you indeed, but we expect something of you in return . This is what it is. Im­bibe the Viator spirit. If you don't know what that is by now, you had just as well board the Bourbonnais Limited for home today. Be a Viator man, behind everything on the campus. If you possess athleti c talent, don't hide it, but le t us a ll benefit by it. If you can direc t or assis t in directing social activities, come forward a nd h e lp . If you have the g ift of tongues and can fit into a Tuxedo, don't for­get that we have debating teams that might use you. The Viator­ian is in need , how badly our pride won't a llow us to say, of ab le penman who can think and express their thoug hts w ith some measure of distinction. So if you can write, write for your co ll ege paper. But in everything, a t least, b e loyal, and put your w h ole self in to everything for good undertaken on t he campus. Welcome, fresh­men, we give you. Accept that welcome, but accept as cheerfully its implications a nd its consequences.

Amedee J. Lamarre

Bourbonn.Us, f!L

Cigars Notions !.,_ _________ _

Reliable Cleaners Kankakee, III.

Cleaning, Pressing, R epairing.

Prompt and Efficient Service through our agent-


Room 219 Roy Hall

\Yesle:van- St. Viator Oltz LE ................... Toohil Siegert Rhea


LT ................ Matthews LG ............... Logan

C .................. O'Malley

Ahkonis ....... .. .. RG .............. Veoskey

Brown .......... -... RT ......... _ ... Hoog CmJ g .. ....... RE ..... Gibbons Dickerson ...... Q ........... - ........... T odd Miller . RH. _ ...... Evard Prosise, Capt. LH ... Clothier VVilliamson FB ................ ... Furlong

The lineup:

Substitutions: Mooney for Mathews, Carroll fol' Hoog, Gorman !or Furlong, Hamilton for Todd, Cassidy for Cloth·

ie1·. Anderson for Vero~key. Shea for Gibbons. Hunt tor Logan and Karr tor CM$icly.



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Arseneau's Uniform BREAD


G. ARSENEAU BAKERY Bourbonnais, Ill.

friday, October 18, 1929




Irish Weaken in Fourth Quarter

and Allow Teachers to Score

U St. Ylatr r c:ollege and Illinois State then Eva r·d ran end for 15 more, taking

F--.!. ~r.rrrr.'JI ot Bloomington gave the fans the ball to m:dfield. A pas~. Todd to St. Y:ator opened its football season

1,Jr-nty of thrills la..<tt Friday night at Evarcl. wa!!l grr:unded but allo\ved by Friday night, Sept. 2i with Southern

BourtJQnna.!'l: when they waded through thf' nfficials becau~e of interference. Illinois Normal "Gniversity of Carbon­

tour quart~jo< In a dtduge of rain to a Another pa~.a. Todd to Furlong brought dale. The result was far from favorable

,re-IH~S tlf De!-1):te the handicap Lf the ball to Xormal"s 15-yd. line but for St. Yiator: the final ~ore was 6-0

hP w~'>athf>r, there was a large crowd IY1ator's march was halted as the ltn favor of the \IS tor-.: The game pr~"l'l"'nt whiC'h "'tuck It out to the finish \\ h,!-.-t)e for the half blew "'Jth the score ''as an epoch makmg event tn the his-

With that ''die for dear rid Stwash'' still 0 to 0 tory of the Ltttle ~meteen Conference

I S ·end H · If smce 1t marked the first encounter of plr t. ' ec a two Little :-; .neteen schools under the 'fh VlatorianH con!'l'i~tently outplayed The ram sta1·ted m earnest when the huge reflectors.

Amedee T. Betourne


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119 Court St., Kankakee, Ill.

Einbeck' s Studio Our photographs are in expen·

sive, yet treasured for their worth as living portraits.

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Page Three


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e'r rival!-!: and de!>.er·ved to win. but fleconcl half opened but the fans The Carbondale team has a slight L---------------' 1\:.-\NI\:Al\EE

mbles and the breaks of the game !-'tuck it out. Furlong again kicked off advantage in weight. but the aggres-

IJPO!Ied theh· opportunities whenever and .\'l ooney m~de a nice r eturn to his siveness of the Idsh outfiit kept the

Bobbitt's Cafeteria

360 E. COURT ST.

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they camP in the shadows of the goal -10-yd. line. :'-l01·ma! completed a 15-yd. game evenly balanced f or over three

fiOi<t~. McAU:ster's gang chalked up pass and then Viator took the ball on qua1·ters of the sixty minute stretch.

::Wout five first downs to every one I down::;. Evard gained n:ne and Cl othier In fact. 1t he balance see·med to we:gh

madP. by the invader·~- They also ex· mo.de It first down. Viator tumbled on in f avor of the St. Viator team until

celh:·d fn punting, pas~lng, end runs-- Normal's -15-yd. marker. The visitors the latter part or •the f ourth quarter

In fact In every department of the were penalized five and finally punted when the teacher&, with a sudden spurt,

[{arne. Furlong got good dlstsance on to Evard .on the latter's 45-yd. line. neared the Viator goal line. Then a

mot't of hl!t kickl-1, and Gibbons, a Furlong plunged fo1· eight and Clothle·r ritteen yard pass, G. Mol"ton to Capt.

'ff)f•edr end, was down' en most of them made fi1·~t down. Evard made eight Newton, scored the deciding six points.

~t, IJ::tll the- receiver· in his tracks. and Furlong made first down. Fur· Co·Capt. Lutz fa'led to add the extra L--------------1'-''----------------­long rar·ried the ball to Normal's 20-yd. point with an attempted drop kick.

First Half l'n e- and then Viator was again penaliz - The Southe1·ners were kept in the

Furlong kicked orr to staN the game ed fifteen. A pass was Incomplete and h ole throughout most of the first half

:\'Qrmal':- -10-yd. line. The vis!L r.s Todd punted cut or bounds on Normal's by the ve1·y excellent punting of Fur·

£>rP held a.nd punted to Evard who lO-yd. l'ne. The kick was r eturned and l ong and Todd. EvaJ"Cl'$ fine exhibi ­

Y NI'Ul downed on h ls 25-yd. streak. Fur· C lothier made a ftJ·:-·t clown as the third t'on of r eturning Punts h elped much ng cau~ht the vls'itors na})p\ng when to keep h-is team in t h e running

1& punted on second down and the quat·tet· ended. Throughout the game the rough edges

II rollt d to ~ormai'J-~ 20-yd. line. Nor- XoJ·ma.l took the ba1l on downs to which usualaly cha1·aclerize an early

nnl tumhlPd Hnd It was VIator's ball on sta•·t the final pel'iod and then Mooney ~eason contest cropped up at every

I' 30-yd. line. :F'ur·long made It first ran fol' 30 yards. The visitors were stage. The brightly lighted field seem·

'"'" a!tt•r three nlre ~alns by Evarcl. penalized ftve and punted to Viator '& ed to €mlphas.ize each small error on

Vlll'd madP another fil'st down and aO-yd. l'ne. T-wo Viator fumble.s lost the part of both teams.

!tu-rh·ll th•· hall to the 5-yd. line where 15 yarclo~ nnd a had punt gave the Capt. Newton won the toss and chose

hl· V!ator n.tlttck was h:1lted and Nor- visitor!'! the ball on Viatot·'s 15~yd. line. to defend the north goal. Viator kicked

nl took the- hrlll on clowns. The r·est The play wa~ rec~liled and Normal off to !\!eArth and thC' hall was down-

th" nr ·t C(u::u·tpr wu~ a punting penalized five tor off-side. Normal was ed on the Carbonda..le forty yard Jlne.

tut•l nntl <'lnthler ma.de H OJ·st down a~ the-n penalized 1fi !or stnlling. Another Hudgens fumbled but recovered -and ,. Ju•rlorl I"!Hlc•d. cxC'hnnf,:"e of klck~ hrought the ball to then G. Martin hit center for tive

( 'Jothlt•r IJJJf•nPd th<.• HN·ond qwu·ter by :.'\"o1·mal's 15-yd, l ine. A flock of passes yards. G. Ma1·tin then kicked to Viator' !':

!ding throug-h for· a llt·st down a. ((•W wct·e tl'ied hy both te1ms, l)ut none thirty-five yarcl line and Evard return·

miH !rom tht• gun.!. trlwn Viator's W('l'(• ('Ompll't('d hec·aust: or the slip- ed ten yaniK The Irish fnilecl to gain J)Prirwl'l-s of th(' oval. Ylator blocked a r:nd Evnnl l<icked to the Teachers'

t:tnt·~·~ to ~c·on• Wt'l't' l·mhmerg-ed when punt on Normal's 15-y(.), linf" as tho fifteen yard line. G. Martin kicked on

the fir~t down and the Idsh promptly




Students Are Especially Welcome

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HOTEL KANKAKEE Sidney Herbst, Pres. a nd General Manager


A hearty welcome awa its th e student and fri ends of St. Via tor Co liege

NORTHEAST CORNER SCHUY:LER AT MERCHANT u-y Wt.·n· IM ndN1 two lf•·yd. pc>nnlt!('s gumt· t•ntlNl.

ut Tndt! lnHt tt·n \\ ht n h,• sl IJ!ll:d in it The. hn€'ups

wt I'Udcllu nrtt•l rtttt•rn]'l ng- to gtnh a I returned the kick-the ball rolling to '------------------------------.....!

l'c!'-'. Normal the- two yanl line. •ur JMR S !r<•m c•t•ntt 1', putLing- the ball t:'t \"J,Unl·

I llw roll \tl. lilw Fud ng- tht•n punt- o·~lalh \ Ito XtJtn I'~ :!0-\tl. linf An•.th<•l· l'X .. \nth•t"•Hn

(' Drumm Tlw hn·ak which <'at·bondal£• took ~------------------------------

· Hunt 1:\flgH or JlUilt~ and th('n Furlong hit ).!attht•Ws

t«" lint~ r,.r f>l• vt·n yanl: and a tln;t I Carroll ·Wn, FurlnliK plunl-) .. d to1· five more Toohlll

ul Ev;trd ach.h•tl Ht'\'t•n fur llrst clown. Clhb(tfl~

&«.tor wa~ Jll'llllli?.t>tl ll\'~ and thf·n :\'or- 1-!"Jm!Jt, n

lllJ intt•ri'f'Jitf"il a pa.·., (Ill the;r -HI-yd. t'luthlt-'1'

lu• :-..:urmal mudto It~ inlti!tl tlr~.t E\"al'll

l\\1\ \\'hl•n ~[OOllt'Y !-IC'm,lt.'d e-nd for 1~ Furlung-




.. T E E QD Ill!



Bryan acl\'antfLKl' of and which won tlw gnme

Thomas came l~tf' in the fourth quartE'r E,·ard T .... 'lmance a.ttl•mpti•tl n punt from his own twenty·

H. ~[OOl'E' e:vc, yartl line- just altCI" Lutz had got­

'l'nlughb~r I tC'n away a r-;lxty yat·cl hoot. 11 ug-hes . \Yhite broke through and partially bl()(·kC'd lhe

T. :Moore ·ffort. Tlw ball hnlllHlNl away to one

:'-.lcFadden ~ide and Bradham grabbed tht• 1£-""..tther

~looney and sf't ~all tor the go:d line. lie was

Brumme-tt f(H'C'E'd out on the twelve yacd line.

~rd!t. but w 1-1-4 l:ttl'l" lwld and punt~d 1 ~:v.uct un hl.-4 tfi·ytl. lhw. A Jon,({ pas ...

(lfrldals. H.t·t't•n·e-Mrllugh: tlmpire-- <';u·bondalt• £·s~ayN1 onP play and fumbl·

Toont•y ht·atlllnC'~mnn-Brown. Nl and Viator rh·OVl'rNL Evard's kick

'" rU tu l·'urlonJ;. Wt\!-1 good t'OI' 15 Yiatm· :-'Uh!'ltltul\ons: JToo~ for l\lat· wn ... ~ hurr!Pd and ,.,ho1·t.

lr'll-1. ~tll'llln.l W;\~ JH·Jtal!z,·d 1ln' and thpws. Todd for Ilamllton.


Carhonda\P cnmplt>U•d n paYS for a

fii·M down. They then rammed the ends





cavt. ~ ewton


• Hughes





252 South East Avenue



fo-cie/jj !Brano CLo-thes

WILLIAM P. CANNON, M. D. Attending Surgeon to Students and Faculty of St. Viator College

Office Hours: 2. to 4 p. m. . 7 to 8 p. m.

Phone Office, Main 3 3 7 Phone Home, Main 30 73

320-322 Arcade Bldg. Kankakee, IlL

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CONSTITUTION AND I •nl M (.,r nny rea•''" unatM tn po>r·l I fnrm h1" funr-tlr•n!'.

BY-LAWS Section 3. The dut!,... or tho !'••en-

AftTI< 'I.E \'II

~f·ctfr,n 1 Th(· n·rwlar mN!'tlOC"' of

h , .. ,,J:f',::t• 11uh ~h:, I t ke pl.;.~ twiC(' I I tar}' 11h:tll ht> tr) kH·p th~'> mlnUT"~ r, f ml)nth rlurinc thf' '"Chf•la!:'tic p~r on

( (H #Lf-... (,p; ( Ll H OF YJ' . VI \TOR tn m,_·tlnJ:."', to pr,.J:~a .. f' ocl ma1 t. m •lav,.: tl) """' 1 1H~mnned t-ach year by 1 (JJ,f , p;(; f; , "" "reur .. t• ll"t ,,r nil thr m<·mll"r.

1 m.~jnr1t}' ,.,,,., o! the mo·otin~ at which

ITh•· r·•• tr1rn h:t :.rl~•·n r,f print n~ 1 ()( thf· ('r.Jf,:gf~ (."Jub. :n call thf' rol.- th,.. pP·manf nt of!lr·t·r~ ~h:lll he ei('Cle<l

, Vl•ry )'''•lr In thr• rln~l l!Uillf• r.( Thr• v.;ht·n thr• ,.·Iva '\.'O('f• \'Otr~ Is required. Sf·cti••n ~ Sp~o?C'Ial ffif•t"tin"s o( th•~

v ~, 1 r,rlan '" r·hpy nf thr· ('r,n.<= ltutir1n ,,, amw.- .. r <~II v.ritt~n communic.':l.tion~ ('ollt·;:.,::(> ("Jub m:~y be called 3 t any

1,( thr· ,.,,li,·J.:''' l'luh 11 ( Ht. V~ator c: .J ·tft~>r c·on!lultation with the Pru-lident, timf· by the Prf'sitl+·nt. He "'hall alway~

1,.K1' , Thf· N•JI~' fnlltfWfC tr'$:"' thr•r with an1l t .. r 1·atl :Ill (·nrnmunk<t..tion~ rr·c~iv- call a special m('+·ting- wh~n requested 11'1 run( 11 t)mf·nlf'. f l j~ 'UJ.!"Io{l·"1.~d thnt Nl tn thr· fir!oft rf''{Uiar tnF>Pting (){ th~·l h~o-· ano-ther orticer. by a memb(>r of tlw

~o:ac·h filt\lfl,·nl prf· f·rv 1• a r-nJ•Y t•)r rd•·r f'"ll•·~~· f'luh. and A"' n•·rally t 1 p~·r!onn A.dvi~ory Board, by any other two I t~nt·t·.) Itt':.!· rlu1:1~ ot a ~·N-rPtHry nC a. d(·libera mf·mbers of the College Club, or by a

t V&Jo :Ls.'-f·mbly. mf·ml-Jer of the Faculty.

W•·. thf· Htudr·niH fJf St. Vfntor Col- S1~c·t1on 4. The duties o! the Treas- ARTICLE YIII

,,.~1• do hr·rt·hy ( firm an afi~Of'iatfrm, to\ urf'r ~h:tll bf' to coii('Cl and kf<'P all S1ctinn 1. A quorum (or the purpo~e

ht· knnwn nR thr· Collf·~r· Cluh, for the r)ue~ anrl other monies, to rendl!r an of any tnf'('ting sh:tll con~i!-"t of at least

purpm•• of ffJ~~":tt·rlng tUdf'nt :tctlv!L('fl, tiC'f'Ur:ttP account of them to each regu· onp thirfl of the tntal membership o!

of lrnp1·nv!ng thr• lntc·l lfJ<'ltJal, nHJrnl. Jar· mf'f'ting of th(' College Club, to the ('ollege- Club.

~1 nrl Mof'l;ll lift· nf th1· Ktutlf•nl hody, r. ( pay nll propr·rly Incurred delJts upon ARTICLE I X

1-'N·urlng a. r·t·:t-"onHIJII· rn~'>a .... urr· of stu· orrl('l" of the President and Secr etary Section 1. A member of t h e Faculty

t~ 1 nl J.:"fJVf•rnrnr·nt, of n·nd<·nng nrgan· S1·ctlon 5, The O! tlces ot Sooretary shall be invited by the Ad\'i~ory Boo.nl Jz•·d aR-'4:)4tsi!H'I' to t llf' l•~arulty ln tht· ~1nd Trea~un·r may be held by the same to act ea<'h year as Faculty Ad\'iser

advllnc•·mr·nt fi!Hl fh·v~lopmf·nt o! our memUer, if the College Club shall so to the Coll ege Club.

Alma. ~bU•r, do h('rthy ordnln nnd d1 tl'rmlne by a majority vote o f all t h e ARTICLE X

:Hlopt lhf• tollowln~ C'nnRtltutlf1n a.nd nlf'lllilf'rf. present a.t the nominatin g He-ctlon 1. This Constitution may be

Hy. JnwH: r·wf:Ung. amf'n<lld as fo llows: T he propo~d am·

A RTI CLJ<; I.. AHTlCLB IV cn<lment shall be read before a regu lar

Ht·ctlnn 1 Thl~ A& ... odatinn ~hl;ill be B(•Cli•Jn l. The Members o! the Advl· meeting of the College CluU, and shall

Frida) . Octobt:r I . I ')

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Wholesale Confec tionery and Fountain Supplies


Print ing, Engraving, Office Supplies, Loose Leaf

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Telephone 406 Kankakee, II:. :-:ory Board shall be the President. then be r{•fel'l'ed to the M e m ber s o f the

k nown IIH t h t· Collc::~e Club. Vice·PrE'Hidcnt. Secreta r y and Tre~ur· Adviso1·y Beard. wl~ shal l , after ~~·riou" l----------------------------SI'1:'tlon 2. Tht· mc·mbersh!p o f the er or the College Club, and one mem·

Colll·~c: ('\uh "hall con~:st of a ll ~tu· hel· -eJected r rom each of the l•'resh· de liberation , vote to accept o r r e j ect

<k n t~ l'(•gu ln r \y mntr lcula.ted at St. .VI· men. Sophomore. J unior and Se n io r ::· ~!v~';:b~~ot:o o!lh~hep~~,:~:y a!::~ a.tor Colleg-t•. s ,wcial ~tudc:tsl tak ing c lasses. Each cla~ shall meet ~eparate· ment. it s ha ll be submitted to t h e F ac­

~~r ~ ~~~l~.:;v:.~vuerH~':u;;P alli::.ePllg~ll :e~~; ly to elect its rep r esentatives on the u lty A d vise r !o r his approval, and it

mmbcrHh lp. AdvlROl")' Board, a n d shall do so In this is secu red, the amen d m ent s h a ll aecoL·danoe with its own Constitu tio n be re por ted back fa vorably t o t h e- Col -

AH.'l'ICLE II. and By- L aw!:>, prov ided that no one ineli- :c~c Club. A vote s ha ll t hen be tak en ,

Section 1. T in• ocr 'cer·s o f t he Col· glble un der this con stitu tion shal l lw and if the a m e n d m en t secures a rna­

lege Clu b :,hall conl"!Ht of a. P residen t, c lcclld b y any ot t he c la$:ies as mem · j'O'rit~-vot~ of a ll the. m e mbers

Vlcc-P r·Ndde-nt, Sccrelflt'Y, T r·eaf!u r cr, ben; of the A<lvisory Board ot t h e College C lub, it s ha ll be con·

M{' m bc rs of the Aclvlso r y BoaL·d , a nd Sectio n 2. The duties o f tho Advl~ory s ide r e d adop te d , a nd of t h e sam e fo r ce

two delegates to t he Coll ege- Cou nciL Board s ha ll be to consider and r e po rt as t he ot h e r p rovis ions o! th is Con s ti -Sectlo n 2. A ll offi cer s s h a ll ho ld o r- to t he Collese Club a ll matte rs wi t h in tut ion.

t iel' only f<\r t ho term o r t h e c urrent the purpose o f t he College Club, a nd

scholnsllc year fo r w h ich they s ha ll general ly to f u l til l the fu nctions o! an A MENDMENT I

huvc· been e lect ed. execu tive co mmittee. The A dv isory (to A r t icle III. Section 1 ::;ectlon 3. A ll o ffi cers w it h t h e ex- Board s ha ll be the f inal interprete ,~s o f " The d u ties of the P resident s h a ll be

ccption o f t h e membe r s o f the a d v l- t he Con:::olitu tion a nd By-Laws in the to call r egula r a nd s pecial m eetin gs o f

t'~OI'Y boa rd ~; ha ll be elected as follows: event o f disp u tes. the College C lub , t o p r eside at s u c h

A t t he fi rst r eg ula r meeting o f the Col- A RTICLE V m eetings , to In iti a t e a nd foster st ude nt

lege Club in the m o n t h o r May n omln· Section 1. Th e D e legates to the Co l· acti v ities. to r epresent t he College Club

u.tlon s s ha ll be m..'lde ! rom t he floor lege Co u ncil s ha ll be the P r es ident e x- on al l p ub l:c occasio n s. a.ncl genera ll y

In 1·egular fo t·m tor al l t h e off ices !o r officio and one member e lected in ac· to fu lfill the functJons of t he presid:ng

the next sch olas ti c yea r·. E ach n omln· cor da n ce wi th t h e provisio ns o f o f fi ce r o f s imilar o rganizatio ns . Upon

alton m ust recei\'e a second . The Sec- Article II , Section 3, o·f t h is Consti t u · t h e fi rst m eeting ot h is Adv isory Board

r etn ry Hha ll k eep a reco rd o r a ll names lion. h e sha 11 a ppo int, wi t h the appr oval o!

r eceiving a nom ina tion and a seco nd Section 2. T wo aJte rna t es, one a n t he Advisory Board , c h ai rme n to s u p­

for each o ffi ce. \\"h e n nom inatio n s alternate to t h e P r eside n t, and a n al- e r·vise t he work of t he Social Ser vice

have bel'n received for a ll t he o f fi ces ternate to t he r egu lar de legate, s ha ll and I•nu r ance Committees.''

the m e<"ting sha ll adjou rn ! o r a period a l'SO be elected in accor dance wi t h th e

o f not less t ha n t h ree days a nd n ot p l'Ov i ~ions of Article II. Sect ion 3, of AME NDMEN T II

mor~:o' t hn.n ~ix clays , s hal l then r econ· t h is con st it u tion , who s ha ll act onl y (to A rti c le IV, Sectio n 1.)

vene and proceed b y secre t bal lot to in the event that t he regula r delegates "The m e m bers ot t he Ad vis ory Boar d

t he elect ion of o ffi ce r~ !ro m those a r e preven ted f r om perfo rming t h e ir s ha ll be the President , Vice-Pres ident, who~e na m es ha.ve previo u s ly been duties. Secretary a n d T reasu rer o! t he College

placed In nomina t ion . Three te lle r s Section 3, 'l' he d uties o r t h e D e1egates Club, a nd o ne m e m ber e lected !rom

$h u ll be appointed b y t he P res ident to to t h e College Council s ha ll be t o at- each o f t h e Freshme n , Sophom ore,

co u nt the votes. T he Cc:'l.n d ldate r eceiv· tend a ll m eetings o f t he College Cou nci l Ju nior a n d Senior Classes, a n d t h ei r

in g- t he highest numbe-r o r votes Cor call("(} to consider matters dil·ect ly at- p1·eSidents ex-off icio. Each c lass shall

0:1ch o f fioe shall be declared e lected to fec t ing t he welfare of t h e stude n t b ody , meet .J;epar a t ely to e lect Its own rep· that off ice. with the exception of the determination reseptatives on the Advisory Boar d and

Section -1 , No student shall be ellg- of scho l ~·tic stand.arcls a n d req u ire- shal l do s o in accordan ce with its own

lble ! or o H ice who has no t fulfilled the ments. They shall vote as members or Constitution and By~La.ws, 'prm'jded

~holastlc requirements or his yea r In the College Council on proposed tha.t no one ineligib le unde r t his con ­

College. Special studt:n ts are not elig· changes in the ,·ul-es of discipline, on stitut ion shall be elected by any of the lble to hold office.

ARTICLE III. the punishment of students brough t classes as befo1·e the Council for S€'Tious offenses. 11oard."

members of t h e Advisory

S~ction 1. Thl) duties of the P r est- and s hall generally represent the stu·

dent shall be to call regular and spe- dent body before the supreme govern­

d~\1 nh'C'tin~·s o! the College Club, to ing authority of St. Yiator College. N. L. MARCOTTE Barber Shop

pr~~id~ at ~uch meetings, to Initiate ARTICLE YI

and {~_lster student activities, to repre· Section 1. 'l'he amount or the annual

st.~nt tht~ C~..llleg"' Club on all public OC· dues shall be determined each year by

casi1..lllS, .and gener"J.lly to Cult111 the .a majority \'Ote of the mt:·mbet·::hip of Agent for Down-Town Clean­

ing Establishment. !um·tlons or the- presiding officer or

similar organizations.

8el~tilln ~. The duties or the Yice­

Prt.~sident shall Ue to act in the place or

the l"rt.•sident \\hen tht> latter Is ab·

Fashion Believes in I G. G. G. W eaves I


Jl-IFf_~N~§_QNS . ~ OUTFITTE.RS -...._'>..

I Hotel Bldg. Kankakee, ill. I

the Colleg-e Clul' at a regular meeting. ing, P ressing and Rep air­

ing a nd Pressing . SL~tion 2. :No member shall have the I rtg"ht to \'Ote on any question brought

hc·tore the coueg~ Cluh. who has not BOURBONNAIS, ILL. paid his dues, to date. :..

1 ---------------

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