Not for Lightweights by Gordon Atkinson ST. GEORGE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH August 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 St. Paul, MN Glad Tidings Last Sunday was the 4th of 13 in my sabbatical time. Each of them is precious to me. Each week I am choosing a place and a way to wor- ship. I’m not a church tourist, hop- ing to see new things. I’m seeking spiritual experiences. I want to wor- ship. Saturday night Jeanene and I still hadn’t decided where to go. I experienced something common to our culture but new to me. The “Where do you want to go to church - I don’t know where do YOU want to go to church” conversation. I found the Saint Anthony the Great website. It's an Orthodox church that has beautiful Byzantine art in the sanctuary. We decided to go there. Shelby and Lillian went with us. On the way we warned them that this was going to be different. “They might not have changed their wor- ship service much in a thousand years or so,” I told the girls. That was an understatement. Saint Anthony the Great isn't just old school. It's "styli and wax tab- lets" old school. We arrived ten minutes early for worship and the room was already filled with people lighting candles and praying. There was one greeter. I said, “We don’t know what to do.” She handed me a liturgy book and waved us inside. Pews? We don’t need no stinking pews! Providing seats for worship- ers is SO 14th century. Gorgeous Byzantine art, commissioned from a famous artist in Bulgaria. Fully robed priests with censors (those swinging incense thingies). Long, complex readings and chants that went on and on and on. And every one of them packed full of complex, theological ideas. It was like they were ripping raw chunks of theol- ogy out of ancient creeds and throwing them by the handfuls into the congregation. And just to make sure it wasn't too easy for us, eve- rything was read in a monotone voice and at the speed of an auc- tioneer. I heard words and phrases I had not heard since seminary. Theoto- kos, begotten not made, Cherubim and Seraphim borne on their pin- ions, supplications and oblations. It was an ADD kids nightmare. Robes, scary art, smoking incense, secret doors in the Iconostas pop- ping open and little robed boys coming out with golden candle- sticks, chants and singing from a small choir that rolled across the curved ceiling and emerged from the other side of the room where no one was singing. The acoustics were wild. No matter who was speaking, the sound came out of everywhere. There was so much going on I couldn't keep up with all the things I couldn't pay attention to. Lillian was the first to go down. After half an hour of standing, she was done. Jeanene took her over to a pew on the side wall. She slumped against Jeanene’s shoul- der and stared at me with this stunned, rather betrayed look on her face. “How could you have brought us to this insane place?” Shelby tried to tough it out. We were following along in the 40 page liturgy book that was only an abbre- viation of the service were experi- encing. I got lost no less than 10 times. After 50 minutes Shelby leaned over and asked how much longer the service would be. I was trying to keep from locking my knees because my thighs had got- ten numb. I showed her the book. We were on page 15. I flipped through the remaining 25 pages to show her how much more there was. Her mouth fell open. “Are you serious?” “Yeah. And I think there's sup- posed to be a sermon in here somewhere.” “They haven’t done the SERMON yet? What was that guy doing who said all that stuff about…all that stuff?” “I don’t know?” I said. “I have to go to the bathroom,” she said. I looked around and saw the door at the back of the sanctuary swinging shut. And then there was one. I made it through the entire 1 hour and 50 minutes of worship without sitting down, but my back was sore. Shelby came back to- ward the end. When it came time for communion I suggested that we not participate because I didn't know what kind of rules they have for that. We stayed politely at the back. A woman noticed and brought some of the bread to us, bowing respectfully as she offered it. Her gesture of kindness to new- comers who were clearly strug- gling to understand everything was touching to me. Okay, so I started crying a little. So what? You would have too, I bet. After it was over another woman came to speak with us. She said, “I noticed the girls were really struggling with having to stand.” “Yeah,” I said. “This wor- ship is not for lightweights.” She laughed and said, "yes," not the least bit ashamed or apolo- getic. So what did I think about my experience at Saint Anthony the Great Orthodox Church? I LOVED IT. Loved it loved it loved it loved it loved it. In a day when user-friendly is the byword of everything from churches to software, here was worship that asked something of me. No, DEMANDED something of me. Con’t. on pg. 4 Special News: Oratorical Festival Pix, pg. 5; Harpist Contest, pg. 6; New Sunday School Hrs., pg. 7

St. Paul, MN August 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 Glad TidingsAugust 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 St. Paul, MN Glad Tidings Last Sunday was the 4th of 13 in my sabbatical time. Each of them is

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Page 1: St. Paul, MN August 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 Glad TidingsAugust 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 St. Paul, MN Glad Tidings Last Sunday was the 4th of 13 in my sabbatical time. Each of them is

Not for Lightweights by Gordon Atkinson

S T . G E O R G E G R E E K O R T H O D O X C H U R C H

August 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7

St. Paul, MN

Glad Tidings

Last Sunday was the 4th of 13 in my sabbatical time. Each of them is precious to me. Each week I am choosing a place and a way to wor-ship. I’m not a church tourist, hop-ing to see new things. I’m seeking spiritual experiences. I want to wor-ship. Saturday night Jeanene and I still hadn’t decided where to go. I experienced something common to our culture but new to me. The “Where do you want to go to church - I don’t know where do YOU want to go to church” conversation. I found the Saint Anthony the Great website. It's an Orthodox church that has beautiful Byzantine art in the sanctuary. We decided to go there. Shelby and Lillian went with us. On the way we warned them that this was going to be different. “They might not have changed their wor-ship service much in a thousand years or so,” I told the girls. That was an understatement. Saint Anthony the Great isn't just old school. It's "styli and wax tab-lets" old school. We arrived ten minutes early for worship and the room was already filled with people lighting candles and praying. There was one greeter. I said, “We don’t know what to do.” She handed me a liturgy book and waved us inside. Pews? We don’t need no stinking pews! Providing seats for worship-ers is SO 14th century. Gorgeous Byzantine art, commissioned from a famous artist in Bulgaria. Fully robed priests with censors (those swinging incense thingies). Long, complex readings and chants that went on and on and on. And every one of them packed full of complex, theological ideas. It was like they were ripping raw chunks of theol-ogy out of ancient creeds and throwing them by the handfuls into the congregation. And just to make sure it wasn't too easy for us, eve-rything was read in a monotone

voice and at the speed of an auc-tioneer. I heard words and phrases I had not heard since seminary. Theoto-kos, begotten not made, Cherubim and Seraphim borne on their pin-ions, supplications and oblations. It was an ADD kids nightmare. Robes, scary art, smoking incense, secret doors in the Iconostas pop-ping open and little robed boys coming out with golden candle-sticks, chants and singing from a small choir that rolled across the curved ceiling and emerged from the other side of the room where no one was singing. The acoustics were wild. No matter who was speaking, the sound came out of everywhere. There was so much going on I couldn't keep up with all the things I couldn't pay attention to. Lillian was the first to go down. After half an hour of standing, she was done. Jeanene took her over to a pew on the side wall. She slumped against Jeanene’s shoul-der and stared at me with this stunned, rather betrayed look on her face. “How could you have brought us to this insane place?” Shelby tried to tough it out. We were following along in the 40 page liturgy book that was only an abbre-viation of the service were experi-encing. I got lost no less than 10 times. After 50 minutes Shelby leaned over and asked how much longer the service would be. I was trying to keep from locking my knees because my thighs had got-ten numb. I showed her the book. We were on page 15. I flipped through the remaining 25 pages to show her how much more there was. Her mouth fell open. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah. And I think there's sup-posed to be a sermon in here somewhere.” “They haven’t done the SERMON yet? What was that guy doing who said all that stuff about…all that stuff?” “I don’t know?” I said. “I have to go to the bathroom,” she said. I looked around and saw the door at the back of the sanctuary swinging shut. And then there was one. I made it through the entire 1 hour and 50 minutes of worship without sitting down, but my back was sore. Shelby came back to-ward the end. When it came time for communion I suggested that we not participate because I didn't know what kind of rules they have for that. We stayed politely at the back. A woman noticed and brought some of the bread to us, bowing respectfully as she offered it. Her gesture of kindness to new-comers who were clearly strug-gling to understand everything was touching to me. Okay, so I started crying a little. So what? You would have too, I bet. After it was over another woman came to speak with us. She said, “I noticed the girls were really struggling with having to stand.” “Yeah,” I said. “This wor-ship is not for lightweights.” She laughed and said, "yes," not the least bit ashamed or apolo-getic. So what did I think about my experience at Saint Anthony the Great Orthodox Church? I LOVED IT. Loved it loved it loved it loved it loved it. In a day when user-friendly is the byword of everything from churches to software, here was worship that asked something of me. No, DEMANDED something of me. Con’t. on pg. 4

Special News: Oratorical Festival Pix, pg. 5; Harpist Contest, pg. 6; New Sunday School Hrs., pg. 7

Page 2: St. Paul, MN August 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 Glad TidingsAugust 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 St. Paul, MN Glad Tidings Last Sunday was the 4th of 13 in my sabbatical time. Each of them is

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Glad Tidings

From the Desk of the President . . .

In a recent column, I wrote about the then-upcoming St. John Chrysostom Archdioce-san Oratorical Festival. As you know, the event was co-hosted by St. George and St. Mary’s during the weekend of June 12-14

th. The Festival was a rousing

success thanks to the tireless efforts of some very dedicated people in our parish. It was a wonderful event on many fronts. I would like to share the suc-cess of the festival with the broader community of our par-ish because I believe it is impor-tant to all of us whether or not we were in attendance.

First off, the audience was treated to a number of pretty good speeches delivered by the participants who ranged from 13 to 18 years of age. It was obvi-ous that the children had pre-pared extensively for the com-petition finals, as most of them delivered their speeches without using notes or, if they did, only sparingly. (The speeches were so good that Archbishop De-metrios remarked that the priests could learn a thing or two from the participants.) It is no surprise that the participants were well prepared given that each of them had already won their parish and metropolis festi-vals. The topics, of course, were the same ones that we heard at our own festival back in February such as (1) what we can learn from the life of St. Paul?, (2) how is being a Chris-tian comparable to being an athlete?, and (3) what is the proper attitude of a Christian toward wealth and money? Those in attendance were im-pressed and even learned something in listening to the 18 speeches that day.

Secondly, our community was blessed not only by the visit of two hierarchs (one of whom had not visited the Twin Cities since the 1970s) but also by nearly 100 out-of-town visitors. Of all the things about our hosting of the Festival, this one stuck out most to me. I fully expected that the participants would come with a mother or father. Much to my surprise, it seemed that virtually every participant made the journey to St. George with both parents and many were accompanied by their sisters, brothers, and even grandpar-ents! Now, while some came from as close as Wisconsin and Missouri, others traveled from as far away as Florida, Massa-chusetts, California, Texas and Pennsylvania. Making the trip here with multiple family mem-bers was no small sacrifice. It was inspiring to me to see other Orthodox Christians demon-strate that professing their faith as a family event was a priority.

Third, the logistics of the event went off without a hitch. From the accommoda-tions at the Water Park of Amer-ica, to the Saturday night Mis-sissippi Riverboat Cruise, to the meals and busing to and from events, I never heard a single complaint. I did, however, hear a number of compliments. Many of them I heard person-ally. But, I also spoke with many of the other folks who worked at the Festival who re-layed to me how family mem-bers or folks from the Archdio-cese or Metropolis approached them and were complimentary of the accommodations, organi-zation and overall effort to make them feel at home. In fact, com-pliments continued to come in to the church office even after the weekend was over.

While there are many other things about the Festival week-end about which I could write, space dictates otherwise. As a final point, however, I think it is important to recognize one thing. The whole point of the Festival is the public confession of faith by our youth to educate and encourage others to aspire to our Orthodox Christian way of life. The youth provide a superb example for us adults.

It was inspiring to me to see other Orthodox Christians dem-onstrate that professing their faith as a family event was a


Acting in this manner costs very little. We do not have to spend all kinds of time in pre-paring like we do for our ethnic festivals (whether they are Greek or some other variety). We do not have to get our checkbooks out and make a donation (although many people did so to underwrite the Festi-val). But as adults, we too need to continue to do it. We, like the 18 Festival participants, need to confess our faith to others. We need to educate ourselves about our faith and encourage one another. We need to make one another feel as welcome as our out-of-town visitors felt on that June weekend. While do-ing these things does not cost much, it benefits us very much. And when we choose to do these things, all of the other things will fall into place.

God bless,


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St. Paul, MN

Parish Announcements

Vacation Church School Vacation Church School is August 3-7th This program cannot run without parental, older teens and young adult volunteers. Currently, we do not have enough volunteers. Registration forms are available in the church office

Fr. Rick’s Wish List We need a digital video camera that will store onto a memory card and/or a DVD. A used, good condition, item is acceptable. Thanks in advance for your thoughtfulness and generosity.

Greek Festival The Greek Festival this year is scheduled for August 22-23.

Next Door Property and House To Be Sold The church was just notified that the property next-door to the west will come on the market soon. This is the house and property that our church subdivided and sold in 2002. The current list price is $1,450,000. St. George church has first right of refusal.

Come Receive The Light National Orthodox Radio Program

The only nationally syndicated Orthodox Christian radio broadcast, is a weekly program that features interviews with noted Orthodox Christian clergy, theologians, and lay leaders on theological, spiritual, pastoral, and modern social issues. Heard on the radio in more than 100 cities in the United States and the Bahamas, this unique weekly broadcast offers the ancient, Christ-centered message of Orthodox Christianity to the modern world. You can listen to past programs on demand and find many other online resources to deepen your faith at www.MYOCN.net.

Faith Youth Group Meeting Schedule

Please mark your calendars for these future meeting dates for the infant and toddlers youth group: , September 19th, October 24th, November 14th, and December 19th. All meetings will be from 9:30-11:30 and a snack is provided. Any questions contact Kelly Barbes at [email protected].

Sanctuary Renovation

Thank you to everyone who helped with this project. Our sanctuary is beautiful and that helps reflect the beauty of God and His creation. Let us glorify Him with a generous donation to help complete this project. We have about $20,000 remaining to raise in order to pay for this project in full to avoid taking any loan. Doxa to Theo!

Sunday School Volunteers

We are recruiting volunteers for the Sunday School 2009-2010 year. Please see or email Andrea Faches ([email protected]) to offer your services. Activities we need assistance with include: general planning, teaching & classroom support, Fall Kick Off, Christmas Program, Oratorical Festival, Saturday of Lazarus Youth Retreat and Graduation Sunday.

The St. George Ladies Philoptochos

Philoptochos will be having a Fashion Show and lunch at the Lilydale Pool and Yacht club on Saturday September 26. More information about this event will follow in the September Glad Tidings and future weekly bulletins. If you have an interest in helping plan this event call Reva Adkins at 1-651-337-1118

Officers for the 2009-2011 are President Reva J Adkins, Vice President Mary B Makredes, Secretary Georgia A Ehrich, and Treasurer Sandra Thole.

May kudos to Evelyn Boosalis, the hostess for the gourmet evening buffet at her home in Dellwood on Thursday, June 18, 2009. Marina Antoniou and

Joanne Halatsis are celebrating decades birthdays.

Philoptochos bakers will be operating the Greek Festival Bakery.

Enjoy the gourmet foods and shopping at the annual Bake Sale and Boutique during Saturday and Sunday of November 21 and 22, 2009.

Join the Philoptochos and Daughters of Penelope at the Pool and Yacht Club in Lilydale for Christmas Luncheon and the famous singalong on Saturday, December, 05, 2009.


Congratulations to John and Nancy Lambros for establishing an endowed scholarship with the AHEPA and DOP District Educational Foundation. They were recognized and honored at the recent AHEPA convention in Sioux Falls SD. Congratulations to Spero Thomaidis for receiving the "AHEPAN OF THE YEAR" award for his profound services to the AHEPA family and to Nicholas Mortari for the "ATHLETE OF THE YEAR" award. These awards were given at the AHEPA District Convention in Sioux Falls, SD. Nicholas placed first in the 2008 State Gymnastic Championship for boy's level 8. He is now a level 10 gymnast and this means he is 2 levels away from Olympic competition. Thanks a million to all the people who were part of the AHEPA Gyros booth fund raiser at Grand Old Day on Sunday, June 07, 2009.

Daughters of Penelope AHEPANS and Daughters of Penelope enjoyed another night out at Gyropolis in Bloomington on Wednesday June 17, 2009. On Thursday, September 17, 2009 7:00 PM the AHEPANS and Daughters of Penelope will meet to conduct their business meetings and to enjoy the gourmet evening buffet.

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Glad Tidings

Church Staff and Office Church Staff and Office Church Staff and Office Church Staff and Office


Church Office Hours Mondays-Friday 9:00AM--3:00 PM

Rev. Fr. Richard Demetrius Andrews, Presbyter

(651) 222-6220 Email: [email protected]

Lori Kurtyka,

Administrative Assistant

(651) 222-6220 Email: office @stgeorgegoc.org

Eric Chadwick, Parish Council President

(507) 665-8053 Email: [email protected]

Reva Adkins, Philoptochos President

(651) 738-1630 Email: [email protected]

Andrea Faches, Sunday School Director

(507) 665-8053 Email: [email protected]

Stella Hofrenning,

Greek School Director


Diane Anastos,

Glad Tidings -Editor Email: GladTidings @stgeorgegoc.org

Sue Gnetz and Sandra Thole,

Loaves and Fishes Coordina-tors

Email: [email protected], [email protected]


Festal Icons Needed

Please donate a Festal Icon (11" x 14") in memory of a loved one. The cost is $50.00 per icon. The icons are displayed in the church nave and are put out for veneration on the Feast Day of the Saint or event they represent. To donate an icon, fill out a form (found on the bulletin board by the kitchen) and return it to the office.

Synaxis of Holy Apostles June 30

Three Pillars of Orthodoxy

Seven Youths of Ephesus

June 21, 2009

40 Day Churchings

Georgia Panopoulos & her baby daughter Anastasia

May 9, 2009


Melina, daughter of Jeff & Marianne Balousek with Godparent Melissa Christianson

Con’t from pg. 1

“You don’t know what Theotokos means? Get a book and read about it. You have a hard time standing for 2 hours? Do some sit ups and get yourself into worship shape. It is the Lord our God we worship here, mortal. What made you think you could worship the Eternal One without pain?" See, I get that. That makes sense to me. I had a hard time following the words of the chants and lit-urgy, but even my lack of understanding had something to teach me. “There is so much for you to learn. There is more here than a person could mas-ter in a lifetime. THIS IS BIGGER THAN YOU ARE. Your understanding is not central here. These are ancient rites of the church. Stand with us, brother, and you will learn in time. Or go and find your way to an easier place if you must. God bless you on that journey. We understand, but this is the way we do church.” I’m going back again on Sunday. I started to write, “I’m looking forward to it.” But that’s not right. I’m feeling right about it. And feeling right is what I'm looking for. Update: This was actually written on May 26 or 27. I went back to Saint Anthony the Great on Sunday. I found I was following along a little better. I'm REALLY getting a lot out of Orthodox worship. Shelby and Lillian declined to go with me this time.

Reprinted with permission from the author; found on Orthodoxy Today.org

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St. Paul, MN

St. John Chrysostom National Oratorical Festival 2009

The 18 finalists pose with His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios and

Metropolitan Iakovos following their speeches at St. George

Enjoying the cruise down the

Mississippi River

Celebrating the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

at St . Mary’s

A photo of all of the finalists is pre-

sented to Presbytera Orfanakos at the

Archbishops farewell luncheon

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Glad Tidings

Each year, the Seattle Chapter

of the American Harp Society

sponsors a composer's competi-

tion aimed at generating new

intermediate level solos for the

harp. This year's winner was

Maryjean Zarick with her compo-

sition "Syrian Chant." Maryjean's

composition is loosely based on

traditional Eastern Orthodox

Christian liturgical chant. Since

chant is monophonic, having no

harmonic structure, the chal-

lenge was to create a bass coun-

terpoint, using elements of the

chant melody.

The selection process began in

October 2009 when committee

members accepted a total of 19

compositions. By January 2009,

eight of the compositions had

made it past the committee and

were then distributed to harp

students, who were given six

months to prepare one piece

each for a public concert.

On June 5, 2009, the public was

invited to listen as the judges

heard the eight pieces performed

at the Daniels Recital Hall on 5th

Avenue in Seattle, Washington.

The recital was video recorded

and aired on PBS television on

July 1 in the Seattle market. It

will air again later this month in

the New York cable TV market.

The video is a production of In-

ternational Artists Records and

Time-Warner Cable and will

eventually be available for view-

ing at www.intartists.com (Click

on Crescento podcasts.)

Committee members included

Mark Andersen, former staff mu-

sic arranger for NBC TV and cur-

rent producer of the PBS concert

series "Crescendo," Joyce Rice,

Editor-in-Chief of "Harp Spec-

trum," an online magazine, and

professional harpists Carol Levin

and Susie Hussong. Serving as

Competition Judges were Seattle

harp teacher Patricia Jaeger and

Patricia Wooster, Principal Harp-

ist with Tacoma Symphony.

Since some of the composers

were well known in the harp

world, all judging was done

blindly, meaning that neither

committee members nor judges

had access to the titles of the

pieces or the names of the com-


As first place winner, Maryjean

received a cash prize and her

piece will be published by the

print music division of Interna-

tional Artists Records and distrib-

uted through Lyon & Healy, Van-

derbilt Music and The Harp Con-

nection. The printed music will

be available in the fall of 2009. It

is interesting to note that Mary-

jean also garnered second place

with another one of her pieces,

entitled "Royal Procession and


Maryjean Zarick began her harp

studies at Ohio University where

she earned her Bachelor's De-

gree in Music Therapy. Later on,

she pursued graduate studies at

Lewis and Clark College in Port-

land, Oregon. Over the years

she has worked as a music

therapist, freelance harpist, uni-

versity teacher and music pub-

lisher. She currently lives near

Orlando Florida and is owner of

www.HarpMusicNow.com, a

subscription website where harp-

ists can download harp sheet

music written by Maryjean and

others. She has most recently

achieved her dream of owning

and restoring a 90 year old

Wurlitzer pedal harp which she

found in an antique store in

Pompano Beach, Florida!

Courtesy Orthodoxbiz.com

Maryjean Zarick wins Composer’s Competition with Chant

Page 7: St. Paul, MN August 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 Glad TidingsAugust 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 St. Paul, MN Glad Tidings Last Sunday was the 4th of 13 in my sabbatical time. Each of them is

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St. Paul, MN

Metropolis & Archdiocesan News

Around Town

Summer Workshop

A summer workshop in Stillwater is scheduled to take place on Tuesday August 4th from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm. Cost- sixty five dollars The day's agenda will be: 9:30 to noon- Icon painting sessions noon to 1:00- a potluck barbeque 1:00 to 2:30- local Stillwater artist, William Ersland, will deliver a seminar on color theory. WILLIAM ERSLAND- Showcased as One of Top One Hundred Illustrators in Step-By Step Maga-zine and Outstanding American Artists Today, Vol. I and II. He currently works on book illustrations and portraits and is represented by agents in Chi-cago and New York. Please call Ms. Korluka at 612-889-5868 or e-mail her at [email protected] to register or

to inquire about the day.

Faith Endowment Sponsors New Scholar-

ship Program

A series of academic scholarships and travel fel-

lowships for young people throughout the Greek

Orthodox Archdiocese of America for academic

excellence and leadership in 2009 is now avail-


In 2007, Faith launched one of its most prominent

funding initiatives by underwriting several merit-

based scholarship awards offered by the Archdio-

cese to the graduating valedictorians and salutato-

rians of its parochial schools. The scholarships

are merit-based and designated for educational

purposes and underscore the commitment to ex-

cellence in education throughout the Archdiocese.

This year, Faith increased its funding for the

scholarship programs to include Greek Orthodox

valedictorians of any public or private high school

in the United States. For more information and to

download an application visit http://


Orthodox Military Bible Now Available

The New Testament and Psalms in a pocket size

volume - ideal to pack and carry. The Orthodox

Military New Testament also includes devotional

morning and evening prayers, a page to list the

living and the dead for prayer, 8 full-color icon

plates, and a devotional piece on the ten com-

mandments and integrity in military service. For

more information and ordering visit



Sunday School to begin at 9:30 am

starting in September

Divine Liturgy, beginning with the Dox-

ology will begin at 10:00 am, following

Sunday School. The time change will

allow for families to worship together

and fewer disruptions to Sunday School

classes. Please contact Fr. Rick if you

Page 8: St. Paul, MN August 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 Glad TidingsAugust 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 St. Paul, MN Glad Tidings Last Sunday was the 4th of 13 in my sabbatical time. Each of them is

1111 Summit Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105

Phone: 651-222-6220 Fax: 651-225-9276 Web Site: www.stgeorgegoc.org

S T . G E O R G E G R E E K


August 3, Monday— 7:00pm Paraklesis August 4, Tuesday— 12:00pm Paraklesis

Transfiguration Vespers—6:00pm, Wednesday, August 5

Divine Liturgy—8:00am, Thursday, August 6

August 10, Monday— 7:00pm Paraklesis August 11 Tuesday— 9:00am Paraklesis

August 12, Wednesday— 6:00pm Paraklesis August 13 Thursday— 12:00pm Paraklesis

August 14, Friday— 7:00pm Vespers at St. Mary GOC

Weekday Worship Schedule

Holy Confession: By Appoint-


Vespers: Saturday 5 pm


Orthros: Sunday 8:30 am

Divine Liturgy: Sunday 9:45 am

Sunday School: (September

through May) starts after ad-

ministration of Holy Commun-




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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday



*11:30am *11:30am *11:30am *11:30am

Metropolis Metropolis Metropolis Metropolis

August 2009Coming in September...


13 - Sunday School Classes Begin

*11:30am *11:30am *11:30am *11:30am

Metropolis Metropolis Metropolis Metropolis

Leadership Leadership Leadership Leadership

Seminar in Seminar in Seminar in Seminar in

Mason City, IAMason City, IAMason City, IAMason City, IA

*5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio

Program KKMS Program KKMS Program KKMS Program KKMS




Coming in September...


13 - Sunday School Classes Begin14 - ELEVATION OF THE CROSS20 - Church Picnic


+9:00am LITURGY+9:00am LITURGY+9:00am LITURGY+9:00am LITURGY

+8:30am ORTHROS+8:30am ORTHROS+8:30am ORTHROS+8:30am ORTHROS

+9:45am LITURGY+9:45am LITURGY+9:45am LITURGY+9:45am LITURGY +12:00pm +12:00pm +12:00pm +12:00pm +6:00pm +6:00pm +6:00pm +6:00pm


Program KKMS Program KKMS Program KKMS Program KKMS

+7:00pm +7:00pm +7:00pm +7:00pm *7:00pm Greek 980am980am980am980am



+ Vacation Church School 9am - 12pm +

Coming in September...


13 - Sunday School Classes Begin14 - ELEVATION OF THE CROSS20 - Church Picnic



+ST. HERMAN+ST. HERMAN+ST. HERMAN+ST. HERMAN *5:00pm Loaves +9:00am +9:00am +9:00am +9:00am




+9:45am LITURGY+9:45am LITURGY+9:45am LITURGY+9:45am LITURGY & Family Ministry Study *7:00pm Parish *7:00pm *7:00pm *7:00pm *7:00pm

Mtg. *7:00pm Greek Council VESPERS atVESPERS atVESPERS atVESPERS at *5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio


+ Vacation Church School 9am - 12pm +

Coming in September...


13 - Sunday School Classes Begin14 - ELEVATION OF THE CROSS20 - Church Picnic

Mtg. *7:00pm Greek Council VESPERS atVESPERS atVESPERS atVESPERS at *5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio

*12:00pm Acolyte*12:00pm Acolyte*12:00pm Acolyte*12:00pm Acolyte +7:00pm +7:00pm +7:00pm +7:00pm Festival Mtg. St. Mary GOCSt. Mary GOCSt. Mary GOCSt. Mary GOC Program KKMS Program KKMS Program KKMS Program KKMS

TrainingTrainingTrainingTraining PARAKLESISPARAKLESISPARAKLESISPARAKLESIS 980am980am980am980am



+ST. STAMATIOS+ST. STAMATIOS+ST. STAMATIOS+ST. STAMATIOS *11am-8pm *11am-8pm *11am-8pm *11am-8pm



+ Vacation Church School 9am - 12pm +

Coming in September...


13 - Sunday School Classes Begin14 - ELEVATION OF THE CROSS20 - Church Picnic

+ST. STAMATIOS+ST. STAMATIOS+ST. STAMATIOS+ST. STAMATIOS *11am-8pm *11am-8pm *11am-8pm *11am-8pm


+9:45am LITURGY+9:45am LITURGY+9:45am LITURGY+9:45am LITURGY *7:00pm Greek*7:00pm Greek*7:00pm Greek*7:00pm Greek

Festival Mtg.Festival Mtg.Festival Mtg.Festival Mtg.

*12:00pm Choir*12:00pm Choir*12:00pm Choir*12:00pm Choir *5:00pm Spiritual *5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio

PracticePracticePracticePractice Life Cmte Program KKMS Program KKMS Program KKMS Program KKMS






+9:00am LITURGY+9:00am LITURGY+9:00am LITURGY+9:00am LITURGY

in Eau Claire, WIin Eau Claire, WIin Eau Claire, WIin Eau Claire, WI

*11am-6pm*11am-6pm*11am-6pm*11am-6pm *5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio*5:00pm Radio



30 31+12TH SUN. +12TH SUN. +12TH SUN. +12TH SUN.



+ Vacation Church School 9am - 12pm +

Coming in September...


13 - Sunday School Classes Begin14 - ELEVATION OF THE CROSS20 - Church Picnic

St. George Greek Orthodox Church,+12TH SUN. +12TH SUN. +12TH SUN. +12TH SUN.



+8:30am ORTHROS+8:30am ORTHROS+8:30am ORTHROS+8:30am ORTHROS

+9:45am LITURGY+9:45am LITURGY+9:45am LITURGY+9:45am LITURGY

St. George Greek Orthodox Church, 1111 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105

+ Rev. Father Richard Demetrius Andrews -- Phone: (651) 222-6220 -- www.stgeorgegoc.org +



+ Vacation Church School 9am - 12pm +

Coming in September...


13 - Sunday School Classes Begin14 - ELEVATION OF THE CROSS20 - Church Picnic

St. George Greek Orthodox Church,

1111 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105Rev. Father Richard Demetrius Andrews

Phone: (651) 222-6220www.stgeorgegoc.org

+ Rev. Father Richard Demetrius Andrews -- Phone: (651) 222-6220 -- www.stgeorgegoc.org +

Page 10: St. Paul, MN August 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 Glad TidingsAugust 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 St. Paul, MN Glad Tidings Last Sunday was the 4th of 13 in my sabbatical time. Each of them is

St George Greek Orthodox Church 2009-2010

Starting Date: Sept. 13, 2009 Student Registration Form

For Online Registration: http://www.stgeorgegoc.org/SundaySchoolForm.html

Parent Information Name(s): _________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________

Student Information Name/DOB/Grade in Fall: _________________________________________ Name/DOB/Grade in Fall: _________________________________________ Name/DOB/Grade in Fall: _________________________________________ Name/DOB/Grade in Fall: _________________________________________ Name/DOB/Grade in Fall: _________________________________________

See Back for IMPORTANT information

Page 11: St. Paul, MN August 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 Glad TidingsAugust 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 St. Paul, MN Glad Tidings Last Sunday was the 4th of 13 in my sabbatical time. Each of them is

Advance TICKET sales Please purchase Advance-Sale tickets at $10 each, a $2 savings off the face value of $12. Advance-Sale tickets can be redeemed for $12 of any food and beverage items. These tickets are only available until Friday, Au-gust 21st. You can purchase these tickets on Sundays after Liturgy, at the church during office hours, or on-line at the www.stgeorgegoc.org website. These tickets make great gifts to friends, neighbors, co-workers or anyone else you have in mind. Thank you for your support in making the festival a success!

VOLUNTEER SIGNUP DON’T FORGET to sign up for a shift or two at the festival. It is fun, especially with many hands and smiling faces. What a great way to meet others from the com-munity! Contact Jean Pliakas at [email protected].

YARD SIGNS ARE HERE! Festival Yard Signs are available at the church to pick up. Please place them in your yard to help ad-vertise the festival. They have been a big help in bringing your neighbors. Thank you!

VOLUNTEER check-in Please wear comfortable, closed toe shoes and a hat. An apron will be provided when you arrive for your shift. Please return the apron so it can be washed for the next day. You should go di-rectly to the area you volunteered for and check-in with the team leader. OPA!

Page 12: St. Paul, MN August 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 Glad TidingsAugust 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 St. Paul, MN Glad Tidings Last Sunday was the 4th of 13 in my sabbatical time. Each of them is

• Greek Music & Dancing

• Lamb & Chicken Dinners

• Gyros • Greek Pastries • Church Tours • Kid’s Games

St. George Greek Orthodox Church

1111 Summit Avenue, St. Paul Corner of Lexington & Summit Ave.

www.stgeorgegoc.org 651-222-6220 Rain or shine!

Page 13: St. Paul, MN August 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 Glad TidingsAugust 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 St. Paul, MN Glad Tidings Last Sunday was the 4th of 13 in my sabbatical time. Each of them is

St. George Greek Orthodox Church, St. Paul, MN Parish Council Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2009

Attendees: Fr. Richard Demetrius Andrews, Eric Chadwick, Paul Pliakas, Frank Mortari, Jim Theros, Joe Weiser, Diane Anastos and Christ Kontenakos.

I. The meeting was called to order at 19:05 II. The Parish Council meeting opened with a prayer and 2 bible readings III. The amended minutes from the March 12, 2009 April 9, 2009 Parish Council

meetings and from the April 26, 2009 Parish Assembly meeting were accepted in their edited form.

IV. Treasurer�s Report Frank M. submitted the financial report for May 2009 and for the Year-to-Date (YTD) results Total YTD income was reported as $99,960 which is 0.3% less than budget while expenses were reported as $102, 116 which is 1.9% above budget Questions arose as to the actual balances in the reserve accounts and

Father offered his assistance to attempt determine the most current balance in each of the reserve funds

Eric C. asked the Treasurer to draft a document outlining the policies and procedures associated with the Treasurer�s position

V. Father�s Report As part of the National Oratorical Festival finals, St. George will host all

attendees on Saturday June 13, 2009 and dignitaries including Archbishop Demetrios, the Deacon, the Metropolitan, the Metropolitan youth director and the national chairs for the national oratorical event

Volunteers are required to ensure that the event is a success as well as financial assistance

The total budget for the weekend activities for the Oratorical Festival is $11,000 and Council members are asked to set an example by supporting the event

Pascha events went well including the various dinners The St. George Feast day event went well including the following dinner. A very nice new wooden top for the filing cabinets in the conference room was kindly donated by Clark Smith and we thank the Smith family for the generosity Father suggested making use of both the Sunday Bulletin and the Glad

Tidings to explain the proposed electrical upgrade to all parishioners Father Rick will be away during the Memorial day weekend and Fr. Sean

Govostes will celebrate liturgy on Sunday May 24, 2009 Sunday school and Greek school graduations will take place on Sunday

May 31, 2009. Names of college or high school graduates can also be submitted for this event

The Greek school will have a short program on May 31, 2009

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Page 14: St. Paul, MN August 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 Glad TidingsAugust 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 St. Paul, MN Glad Tidings Last Sunday was the 4th of 13 in my sabbatical time. Each of them is

There will be a memorial service at Roselawn Cemetery after liturgy on Sunday May 24, 2009

Father Rick has been invited to participate at the Memorial Day military service (May 25, 2009) at Fort Snelling along with various other state dignitaries

Our secretary is behind in her work and Father is seeking volunteers to assist with some of her clerical duties

VI. Committee Reports Capital Projects

Paul P. reported that the sanctuary renovations are nearly complete and furniture will be moved back on Saturday May 16 and Sunday liturgy for May 17 will be celebrate din the church. Given that many bills will become due soon, it was suggested to increase the fund raising efforts for the sanctuary renovations through telephone solicitations ByLaws

Eric C. suggested to Paul P. to outline a timeline for the ByLaws approval process in order to move the project forward Festival of Nations

Paul provided Council with a financial report for the Festival of Nations. It is estimated that profits will be around $13,000 which is close to 2007 results. Given current economic conditions this is quite good. Buildings and Grounds

Christ asked Council to consider replacing the carpet in the basement hallway

Council indicated that they would prefer to address the basement carpeting issue at the same time that other renovations to the basement take place

VII. New Business Georgia Boosalis Estate Bequest

Eric suggested moving the funds from the Boosalis bequest to the New Altar table fund. Motion: Joe W. moved to make use of the Georgia Boosalis estate bequest for the new altar table. Paul seconded the motion. The motion carried.

Council recognized the need to have regular updates on all ongoing projects including the financial status of the projects Board of Elections Nominations

Eric C. clarified for Council Article 32, sect. 1 of the UPR which states that family members of Council members cannot hold these positions and as a result Angela Mortari will need to resign and a new member of the Board of Elections will be appointed by Council

VIII. Unfinished Business Ushering

Council members were asked to sign up for ushering duties. Father offered to have an orientation session for all ushers Youth Bucks

There was a discussion about the Youth Bucks program. Father offered to give a presentation about the Youth Buck Program to allow all to better

Page 15: St. Paul, MN August 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 Glad TidingsAugust 2009 Volume 15, Issue 7 St. Paul, MN Glad Tidings Last Sunday was the 4th of 13 in my sabbatical time. Each of them is

understand the program. Motion: Frank M. moved to limit the Youth Buck rewards to $250 per participant. Jim Theros seconded the motion. The motion carried.

IX. Adjournment

Motion: Joe W. moved to adjourn the meting. Diane A. seconded the motion. The motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 21:25 with a closing prayer. __________________________ __________________, 2009 Eric Chadwick, President ____________________________ __________________, 2009 Stacy Katsiyiannis, Secretary _____________________________ __________________, 2009 Rev. Fr. Richard Demetrius Andrews, Presbyter