St. Mary St. Mary - - St. Catherine St. Catherine Of Siena Of Siena Roman Catholic Parish Roman Catholic Parish Charlestown, Massachusetts Archdiocese of Boston Est. April 18, 2006 May 12, 2019 stmarystcatherine.org To visitors to our Parish, to those who have recently moved into the area and to those comfortable and nourished here—Welcome To All. And, regardless of your status in the Church, your marital state, your ethnicity, your prior religious experience, your personal history, background or sexual orientation, please know that you are accepted and respected at Saint Mary–Saint Catherine of Siena Parish. Please introduce yourself to the priest and register as a member of our Parish. Welcome! Saint Mary–Saint Catherine of Siena is an urban, Roman Catholic Parish formed in 2006 from two historic Charlestown parishes. We are an intentionally inclusive community welcoming all of the many people who make up our diverse neighborhood. Because our lives are nourished by the Eucharist, we strive to build a vibrant Parish that develops and strengthens our faith and worship. With a goal of being community-oriented in the Spirit of the Gospel, we are involved in the local and global issues of our times. We are therefore dedicated to service, action, and compassion Mission St. Mary’s–St. Catherine of Siena es una parroquia urbana, Católica Romana, formada en 2006 de la unión de dos parroquias históricas de Charlestown. Somos una comunidad intencionalmente inclusiva que acoge a toda clase de personas que constituyen nuestro diverso vecindario. Porque nuestras vidas están alimentadas por la Eucaristía, nuestra intención es establecer una parroquia vibrante que desarro- lle y fortifique nuestra fe y nuestro culto. Con la meta de estar orientados hacia la comunidad en el Espíritu del Evangelio, estamos comprometidos en los asuntos locales y globales de nuestros tiem- pos. Estamos, por lo tanto, dedicados al servicio, a la acción y a la compasión. Misión A DAY FOR MOTHERS [tÑÑç `Éà{xÜËá Wtç [tÑÑç `Éà{xÜËá Wtç [tÑÑç `Éà{xÜËá Wtç [tÑÑç `Éà{xÜËá Wtç In every village throughout Latin America, no matter the size and history, it is most common to find a small park with a statue of a mother and child. It is always called “The Mothers’ Park” and throughout the year there are different celebrations there. Often the park has a fountain and flower gardens. Each May, before Mothers’ Day, the parks are cleaned and the statues repainted and refreshed so that there can be a formal celebration in honor of the mothers, living and deceased. Throughout my years living and traveling in Latin America, I have enjoyed looking for these parks and especially notic- ing the art work, often exquisite, by some local artist rarely known beyond the community. It is a simple fact that the family and home are kept intact by the heroic efforts, extraordinary resourcefulness and brutally hard work of the Latin American wom- en. Anyone familiar with their difficult reality realizes that it is by the sheer will and force of these women that society goes forward each day. Here, in the United States, the unique and special gifts of women are evident in our own public square as well. Not only are women in leadership in every arena but also many women heroically balance careers with an active family life. In our own community, examples are legion. Every week, I see women who are caring for a family, serving in the parish, attending an aging parent, working full or part time, caring for one who is sick, contributing to life in the community, getting married, giving birth, going to school and on and on. The women of our parish, as in parishes everywhere, are the engines that make things happen! Whenever I have spoken with women about their lives in these days, it is com- mon for many of them to recall their life growing up and their own mother. Over and again I have heard them say something like: “I don’t know how my mother did it!” The reality is, they “are doing it” every day of their lives, as well. On this Mother’s Day let’s take the time to give thanks to God for our mothers and pray for them. Husbands, take the time to appreciate the mothers of your chil- dren and teach your children by your example how to appreciate their mothers for their selfless generosity and loving presence in your home. Though we do not have parks, fountains and flowers in honor of our mothers in Charlestown, we can build our own monuments to our mothers by our words, actions and love this day and throughout the year. Fr. Ronan

St. Mary -St. Catherine Of Siena Roman Catholic Parish...2019/05/12  · St. Mary -St. Catherine Of Siena Roman Catholic Parish Charlestown, Massachusetts Archdiocese of Boston Est

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Page 1: St. Mary -St. Catherine Of Siena Roman Catholic Parish...2019/05/12  · St. Mary -St. Catherine Of Siena Roman Catholic Parish Charlestown, Massachusetts Archdiocese of Boston Est

St. MarySt. Mary--St. CatherineSt. Catherine

Of SienaOf Siena

Roman Catholic ParishRoman Catholic Parish

Charlestown, Massachusetts ▪ Archdiocese of Boston

Est. April 18, 2006 May 12, 2019 s t m a r y s t c a t h e r i n e . o r g

To visitors to our Parish, to those who have recently

moved into the area and to those comfortable and nourished here—Welcome

To All. And, regardless of your status in the Church, your marital state, your ethnicity, your prior religious experience, your personal history, background or sexual orientation, please know that you are accepted and respected at Saint Mary–Saint Catherine of Siena Parish. Please introduce yourself to the priest and register as a member of our Parish.


Saint Mary–Saint Catherine of Siena is an urban, Roman

Catholic Parish formed in 2006 from two historic Charlestown parishes. We are an intentionally inclusive community welcoming all of the many people who make up our diverse neighborhood. Because our lives are nourished by the Eucharist, we strive to build a vibrant Parish that develops and strengthens our faith and worship. With a goal of being community-oriented in the Spirit of the Gospel, we are involved in the local and global issues of our times. We are therefore dedicated to service, action, and compassion


St. Mary’s–St. Catherine of Siena es una parroquia urbana, Católica

Romana, formada en 2006 de la unión de dos parroquias históricas de Charlestown. Somos una comunidad intencionalmente inclusiva que acoge a toda clase de personas que constituyen nuestro diverso vecindario. Porque nuestras vidas están alimentadas por la Eucaristía, nuestra intención es establecer una parroquia vibrante que desarro-lle y fortifique nuestra fe y nuestro culto. Con la meta de estar orientados hacia la comunidad en el Espíritu del Evangelio, estamos comprometidos en los asuntos locales y globales de nuestros tiem-pos. Estamos, por lo tanto, dedicados al servicio, a la acción y a la compasión.



[tÑÑç `Éà{xÜËá Wtç[tÑÑç `Éà{xÜËá Wtç[tÑÑç `Éà{xÜËá Wtç[tÑÑç `Éà{xÜËá Wtç

In every village throughout Latin America, no matter the size and history, it is most common to find a small park with a statue of a mother and child. It is always called “The Mothers’ Park” and throughout the year there are different celebrations there. Often the park has a fountain and flower gardens.

Each May, before Mothers’ Day, the parks are cleaned and the statues repainted and refreshed so that there can be a formal celebration in honor of the mothers, living and deceased. Throughout my years living and traveling in Latin America, I have enjoyed looking for these parks and especially notic-ing the art work, often exquisite, by some local artist rarely known beyond the community.

It is a simple fact that the family and home are kept intact by the heroic efforts, extraordinary resourcefulness and brutally hard work of the Latin American wom-en. Anyone familiar with their difficult reality realizes that it is by the sheer will and force of these women that society goes forward each day.

Here, in the United States, the unique and special gifts of women are evident in our own public square as well. Not only are women in leadership in every arena but also many women heroically balance careers with an active family life. In our own community, examples are legion. Every week, I see women who are caring for a family, serving in the parish, attending an aging parent, working full or part time, caring for one who is sick, contributing to life in the community, getting married, giving birth, going to school and on and on. The women of our parish, as in parishes everywhere, are the engines that make things happen!

Whenever I have spoken with women about their lives in these days, it is com-mon for many of them to recall their life growing up and their own mother. Over and again I have heard them say something like: “I don’t know how my mother did it!” The reality is, they “are doing it” every day of their lives, as well.

On this Mother’s Day let’s take the time to give thanks to God for our mothers and pray for them. Husbands, take the time to appreciate the mothers of your chil-dren and teach your children by your example how to appreciate their mothers for their selfless generosity and loving presence in your home. Though we do not have parks, fountains and flowers in honor of our mothers in Charlestown, we can build our own monuments to our mothers by our words, actions and love this day and throughout the year.

Fr. Ronan

Page 2: St. Mary -St. Catherine Of Siena Roman Catholic Parish...2019/05/12  · St. Mary -St. Catherine Of Siena Roman Catholic Parish Charlestown, Massachusetts Archdiocese of Boston Est

Mass Schedule Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday – St. Mary ChurchSt. Mary ChurchSt. Mary ChurchSt. Mary Church 4:00 p.m.

Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday – St. MarySt. MarySt. MarySt. Mary ChurchChurchChurchChurch 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Family Mass 6:00 p.m. (in Chapel during Summer months)

Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Daily Mass Mon.-Fri., 8:00 a.m. at St. Catherine St. Catherine St. Catherine St. Catherine of Siena Chapel of Siena Chapel of Siena Chapel of Siena Chapel (entrance on Soley St. side of Church)

Holidays Holidays Holidays Holidays 9:00 a.m. in Chapel

Reconciliation Reconciliation Reconciliation Reconciliation 3:45 p.m. Saturday in Church or by appointment

BaptismBaptismBaptismBaptism Visit stmarystcatherine.org/sacraments/ for our 2017 schedule or call Sr. Nancy at (617) 242-4664. Preparation classes are held for Par-ents and Godparents on the preceding Friday of the monthly baptism at 7PM in the Parish Cen-ter.

PastorPastorPastorPastor Fr. James J. Ronan

Pastoral AssociatePastoral AssociatePastoral AssociatePastoral Associate Sr. Nancy Citro, SNDdeN

Business ManagerBusiness ManagerBusiness ManagerBusiness Manager James Santosuosso

Social Ministry DirectorSocial Ministry DirectorSocial Ministry DirectorSocial Ministry Director Thomas J. MacDonald

Pastoral Assistant, Faith FormationPastoral Assistant, Faith FormationPastoral Assistant, Faith FormationPastoral Assistant, Faith Formation Katy Fleming Director of Music and OrganistDirector of Music and OrganistDirector of Music and OrganistDirector of Music and Organist Daniel Sauceda

Administrative AssistantAdministrative AssistantAdministrative AssistantAdministrative Assistant Dianne Ludy

Staff emails are first initial with last name (example, “[email protected]”)

Clergy In ResidenceClergy In ResidenceClergy In ResidenceClergy In Residence Fr. Jerome Gillespie Fr. Ken Chemizie O.C.D. Fr. Anthony Nweke C.S.S.p. Fr. Clemente Yeboah

Visiting ClergyVisiting ClergyVisiting ClergyVisiting Clergy Fr. Pat Universal

Hispanic MinistryHispanic MinistryHispanic MinistryHispanic Ministry Blanca Paz

Vice Chairs Pastoral CouncilVice Chairs Pastoral CouncilVice Chairs Pastoral CouncilVice Chairs Pastoral Council Shawn Burke

Vice Chair Finance CouncilVice Chair Finance CouncilVice Chair Finance CouncilVice Chair Finance Council Nancy Higgins Parish Center

& Eucharistic Chapel 46 Winthrop Street 617-242-4664

Saint Mary Church

55 Warren Street

Saint Catherine of Siena Chapel Warren and Soley Street

Social Ministry Office

49 Vine Street 617-580-8305

Good Shepherd School

20 Winthrop Street 617-242-8800

V i s i t u s a t

s t m a r y s t c a t h e r i n e . o r g a n d

f a c e b o o k . c o m /s t m a r y s t c a t h e r i n e

The Church is handicap-accessible on Soley Street.

The Chapel is handicap-accessible on Winthrop Street.

Our Stewardship Prayer by the Welcoming Commi�ee

Heavenly Father, instill in our hearts a spirit of love and com-

passion. May we foster a welcoming parish community with

acceptance and respect for all. Inspire us to make a difference by

being generous with our time and talents. Please send your Ho-

ly Spirit among us to remind us to follow Jesus and his teach-

ings in all aspects of our lives. As we end this Mass, may we go

forth and spread goodwill among our neighbors, friends, and

fellow parishioners. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen

Fr. Ken Away for 2 Months

Dear friends in Christ, on May 15, 2019, I will be travel-ing to Nigeria for my long-awaited and truly deserved sum-mer holidays. While on holidays, I will visit my family (my mom, siblings, two nephews, and relatives) and religious communities scattered all across the country. During this vacation, I will also join my confreres in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Vicariate of Nigeria for our annual retreat at Tabor Carmelite community, Nsukka (situated in the southeastern part of Nigeria). Mount Tabor (as the Carmelites in Nigeria fondly call this community) is literally built on a hilltop. It overlooks the serene, verdant green country town of Nsuk-ka, the home of the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsuk-ka (UNN)—founded to commemorate the country’s independence from the British—and the production of organic honey. The town perennially oozes with freshly squeezed honey, as honey vendors litter every nook and cranny. On July 11, 2019, I will be returning to St. Mary-St. Catherine late in the night. I look forward to assisting with pastoral activities as early as July 13.

In prayers,

Fr. Ken

May 12 ~ Fourth Sunday of Easter Again this week we hear of Paul and his companion Barnabas, speaking out boldly about the word of God. When they met opposition among their ancestors, they took their message to the Gentile communities. The key to evangelization is in the last line of the passage: “The disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit”. Perhaps an odd reaction to being “expelled from the territo-ry” but, not an odd reaction to sharing the story of God’s love for us and Jesus’ gift of salvation.

Try sharing the good news with another and notice the joy it gives you.

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My Shepherd, Lord

1. My Shepherd, Lord, you give to me my every want and need.

In meadows green, your waters flow into my soul with peace.

Good Shepherd, Lord, in you I rest, Forever blest, indeed!


You guide me by true paths of virtue to exalt your name.

Though passing through the shadowed valley I will fear no harm.

For you are with me, Shepherd God; Your staff and rod, I claim!


You lay before me your great feast; you greet me with embrace.

You dress my head and bless my heart with precious oils of love.

You fill my cup, you fill my soul With overflowing grace!


With goodness you have favored me; you care eternally.

Your hand of kindness touches me and comforts me always.

My Shepherd, Lord, I shall adore You through eternity.

Text: 86 86 86; based on Psalm 23 by Gary W. Hardin. © 1985, OCP Publications.

All rights reserved. Music: J.L. MacBeth Bain, ca. 1840-1925

En Estados unidos hay personas que en los años en que se elabora el censo van casa por casa invitando a las familias a censarse, especialmente a las familias de los inmi-grantes. En una ocasión, uno de los facilita-dores del censo, preguntó a una madre por el número de hijos que tenía. Ella le dijo: pues está Pedro, Inés, Alvin, John…”No, no me diga sus nombres”, le interrumpió el facilitador, “dígame sólo los números”. La madre enojada le dijo: “No tienen números, todos tienen nombres”.

En el mundo en el que vivimos esto no nos sorprende, todos somos muchas veces un número, el del DNI o el IP del ordenador. Ese número y otros muchos números son nuestra verdadera identidad para los funcionarios que no ven per-sonas sino números. Para Jesús, el Buen Pastor, ninguno de nosotros somos un número, a todos nos conoce por nuestro nombre. Yo soy el Buen Pastor, título hermoso con el que Jesús se autodefine. Pastor es la vocación más veces nombra-da en la Biblia, de hecho el primer pastor fue Abel y pastores fueron Saúl y David antes de ser reyes de Israel. Sólo Jesús es el Buen Pastor, sólo a Él se le adjetiva como kalós, bueno, el mejor. El primer trabajo que tuvo que hacer Adán es dar nombre a todos los animales porque todos estaban a su servicio, era su señor. Jesús, nuestro Señor y Salvador, nos llama por nuestro nombre. Saber el nombre de alguien es ponerle cara, conocerle y tener relación de amistad con esa persona. Yo soy el Buen Pastor, dice Jesús y nosotros somos sus ovejas, somos el rebaño de su propiedad. La iden-tidad del cristiano viene dada no tanto por nuestras cualidades como por nuestra relación con el Buen Pastor. Nosotros somos conocidos, alimentados, congrega-dos y protegidos por nuestro Buen Pastor que, en su absoluta dedicación a los suyos, da incluso la vida por sus ovejas. Mis ovejas escuchan mi voz y yo las conozco Y ellas me siguen. Y yo les doy la vida eterna y nadie las arrebatará de mi mano. Nosotros, los aquí reunidos en este domingo de Pascua, somos las ovejas del Señor, somos su pueblo, somos sus hijos. Proclamar la Palabra de Dios es la invitación que la liturgia nos hace para que escuchemos la voz, “mi Voz”, dice Jesús y la podamos distinguir de las miles de voces que solicitan nuestra atención en esta cacofonía de los medios de comuni-cación. Ni siquiera la voz del cura es muchas veces la voz de Jesús. “Los que nos escuchan y nos observan tienen que poder ver en nuestras acciones lo que es-cuchan de nuestros labios y así den gloria a Dios, dijo el Papa Francisco el domin-go pasado. Nuestra incoherencia dinamita la credibilidad de la Iglesia, añadió. En una viñeta se veía una iglesia en la que los bancos, un domingo, estaban llenos de ovejas atentas y un perro enorme y vociferante ejercía de presidente y de predicador. En el último banco de la iglesia una oveja le decía a su compañera: “lo que queríamos de verdad era un pastor, pero nos han traído un gorila”. No nos engañemos, el Buen Pastor es sólo Jesús. La voz que tenemos que escuchar es la de Jesús. El que nos conoce y quiere de verdad es Jesús. Al pastor que tenemos que seguir es Jesús. Sólo Él nos lleva a los pastos de la vida y la alegría. Y habita-ré en la casa del Señor por años sin término. Nosotros, las ovejas del Señor, podemos beber en muchas fuentes junto a otros muchos hombres, ovejas de otros pastores, pero nosotros sabemos de quien so-mos y a quien seguimos hasta el final del camino. Tenemos que orar mucho para que nada ni nadie, por más invitaciones que recibamos, nos separe del guía y guardián de nuestras almas.

"Music Reprinted with permission under OneLicense License number A-722684.”

The cost of

insurance is

one of the

largest ex-

penses of the

Parish. The cost of property, liability

and health insurance exceeds

$130,000 dollars.

We are grateful to those who contribut-

ed to the Insurance Collection last week-

end which totaled $1,294.04. If you

have not contributed yet or are able to

contribute a bit more, please consider

doing so by earmarking your donation

for this purpose. Thank you for consid-

ering this request and for your ongoing

support of the Parish.

Page 4: St. Mary -St. Catherine Of Siena Roman Catholic Parish...2019/05/12  · St. Mary -St. Catherine Of Siena Roman Catholic Parish Charlestown, Massachusetts Archdiocese of Boston Est

Harvest on Vine Humanitarians of the Year Award


Recipients Judy Burton (left)

and Donna and Peter LeCam

(right) receiving this award for

their dedication and generous

service to those who frequent

our Emergency Food Pantry.

Thank you, Judy, Donna, and

Peter, for sharing God’s light and

love in that corner of

Charlestown and beyond.

Daniel Bryan, John Cassedy, Christina Conforti (not featured) Lauren Con-

nors, Sofia Di Lena, Caitlin Rose Ellis, Michelle Galvin, Drew Lavin, Christi-

na Mule (not featured) Brittany Sgro, Cole Strachan, and Owen Sullivan

Spirit of God, grant them: The gift of wisdom: to see the world through your eyes. The gift of

counsel: to make difficult decisions. The gifts of knowledge and understanding: to use their

minds to know you and to love you. The gift of fortitude: to have the courage to live in the faith

despite the difficulties and disappointments. The gift of piety: to be able to express their special

love and commitment to You and Your people. And the right kind of awesome fear: that makes

them pause to wonder and revere Your Love. Amen.

Page 5: St. Mary -St. Catherine Of Siena Roman Catholic Parish...2019/05/12  · St. Mary -St. Catherine Of Siena Roman Catholic Parish Charlestown, Massachusetts Archdiocese of Boston Est

Banns of Marriage II

Christina Fichera & Jamie Franco

Sabrina Murphy & Samuel Vercimak

Religious Ed Students - 2018/2019

Men’s Group



gan and



boys at


back of



at the




Loving God, you have gathered us together as a parish to be your visible light in the world. Deepen our faith and

strengthen our resolve to build a truly amazing parish in which all feel welcomed and all are truly committed to living

the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and in deed. We ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

Page 6: St. Mary -St. Catherine Of Siena Roman Catholic Parish...2019/05/12  · St. Mary -St. Catherine Of Siena Roman Catholic Parish Charlestown, Massachusetts Archdiocese of Boston Est

Please pray for those serving in our Armed Forces and their families:

Gerald Byrnes Jr. (Marines)

Ralph Rizzo, Jr. (Marines)

Joseph Upton, Jr. (Marines)

Kenneth (Army)

Jackie Walsh (Army)

If you have a loved one serving in the military, please contact the Parish at 617-242-4664.






































To learn more and/or become involved contact us at

617-242-4664 and check out the web site!


Weekend of 05/05/2019

Parishioners contributed

$4,313.07 to the Weekly



$1,290.04 to the Insurance


Thank you for your continued



SDJ 05/04 4:00 PM - 75

SNI 05/05 8:00 AM - 76

SNI 05/05 10:30 AM - 150

SNI 05/05 6:00 PM - 67

TOTAL: 368






8:00 AM

10:30 AM

6:00 PM



MLITDU 05/13 8:00 AM







8:00 AM

FEFTDU 05/17

8:00 AM








SNITDU 05/19




6:00 PM

Sanctuary Lamp in St Mary Church

Is lit for

Joseph J. Jansen


May 19 Monthly

May 26 Catholic Communications

St. Mary-St. Catherine of

Siena Parish

Call to Stewardship

Gratefully acknowledging that

God gives us all, we each will-

ingly offer our unique gifts to

one another and all creation in

the Spirit of Jesus Christ.


in Pace

Frances Rowsey