St. John Cantius Parish The Catholic Community of Bridesburg Today we celebrate Christ's ascension into heaven and his commissioning of the disciples to carry on his mission in the world. First we hear Luke's description of those events in the opening verses of the Acts of the Apostles. Next we hear words of encouragement and guidance from the Letter to the Ephesians. Finally we hear Mark's account of the Ascension, foretelling the mighty words and acts the Christian community would do in Jesus' name. Together these scriptures give us a vision of the mission of the church of Jesus Christ--a mission statement of sorts. Like mission statements in our parishes and corporations, this mission statement can help us set priorities and focus our activities. It can guide and support us as we strive to continue Christ's messianic mission on earth. "BE MY WITNESSES . . . TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH" The scriptural accounts do not agree on how long Jesus continued to appear to the disciples before his ascension. Only Acts refers to forty days. Until recently every diocese has followed this forty-day chronology in the liturgical calendar, but the time period is not essential to grasp the meaning of Christ's ascension into heaven. For Luke, it marks the end of Jesus' earthly ministry and the beginning of the disciples' Spirit-led mission. It is common for parishes and businesses to create mission statements to guide their work. Often such statements begin with a vision for the institution. They go on to state what the institution seeks to do- -how it puts its vision into practice. For example, a parish mission statement might say: "We are the Body of Christ. Utilizing the gifts of each member we collaborate to bring more and more people into God's reign of freedom, justice, holiness, and love." Today's scriptures give us a mission statement for the church. It goes something like this: Christ is now working with and for us "at the right hand of God" (Mark 16:19). Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are to be Christ's witnesses "to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). We seek to do so by "proclaiming the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15) and "building up the body of Christ, until we all attain the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God" (Ephesians 4:12-13). 4415 Almond Street ~ Philadelphia, PA 19137 Rectory Phone 215-535-6667 Rectory Fax: 215-535-7107 Parish Email [email protected] Parish Website www.stjohncantiusparish.org Rectory Hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Evenings by appointment only, Saturday & Sunday Closed REV. JOSEPH J. ZINGARO Pastor REV. KONSTANTY PRUSZYNSKI Parochial Vicar MRS. THERESA DOMBKOSKI Director of Parish Services EMAIL [email protected] MRS. LISA MARIE REMILLARD Parish Secretary Mass Schedule SATURDAY MASSES: 5:00 P.M. (English) SUNDAY MASSES: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. (English) 11:30 A.M. (Polish) HOLY DAY MASSES Vigil Mass 7:00 P.M. (English) 9:00 A.M. (English) 7:00 P.M. (Polish) DAILY MASSES: 8:00 A.M. Mon./Wed./Fri. (English) 8:00 A.M.Tues./Thur. & Sat (Polish) CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:30P.M. - 4:15 P.M. BLESSED TRINITY REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Ms. Linda Milewski Principal 215-338-9797 May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter

St. John Cantius Parishstjohncantiusparish.org/wp-content/uploads/2015.05.17_Seventh...Sat. September 12th: Octoberfest! ... Msza Święta o 10: 00 w nast ... kiedy uhonorowano Matk

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St . John Cant ius Par i sh T h e C a t h o l i c C o m m u n i t y o f B r i d e s b u r g

Today we celebrate Christ's ascension into heaven and his commissioning of the disciples to carry on his mission in the world. First we hear Luke's description of those events in the opening verses of the Acts of the Apostles. Next we hear words of encouragement and guidance from the Letter to the Ephesians. Finally we hear Mark's account of the Ascension, foretelling the mighty words and acts the Christian community would do in Jesus' name. Together these scriptures give us a vision of the mission of the church of Jesus Christ--a mission statement of sorts. Like mission statements in our parishes and corporations, this mission statement can help us set priorities and focus our activities. It can guide and support us as we strive to continue Christ's messianic mission on earth. "BE MY WITNESSES . . . TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH" The scriptural accounts do not agree on how long Jesus continued to appear to the disciples before his ascension. Only Acts refers to forty days. Until recently every diocese has followed this forty-day chronology in the liturgical calendar, but the time period is not essential to grasp the meaning of Christ's ascension into heaven. For Luke, it marks the end of Jesus' earthly ministry and the beginning of the disciples' Spirit-led mission. It is common for parishes and businesses to create mission statements to guide their work. Often such statements begin with a vision for the institution. They go on to state what the institution seeks to do--how it puts its vision into practice. For example, a parish mission statement might say: "We are the Body of Christ. Utilizing the gifts of each member we collaborate to bring more and more people into God's reign of freedom, justice, holiness, and love." Today's scriptures give us a mission statement for the church. It goes something like this: Christ is now working with and for us "at the right hand of God" (Mark 16:19). Through the power of the Holy Spirit we are to be Christ's witnesses "to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). We seek to do so by "proclaiming the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15) and "building up the body of Christ, until we all attain the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God" (Ephesians 4:12-13).

4415 Almond Street ~ Philadelphia, PA 19137

Rectory Phone 215-535-6667 Rectory Fax: 215-535-7107 Parish Email [email protected] Parish Website www.stjohncantiusparish.org Rectory Hours Monday - Friday, 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Evenings by appointment only, Saturday & Sunday Closed REV. JOSEPH J. ZINGARO Pastor REV. KONSTANTY PRUSZYNSKI Parochial Vicar MRS. THERESA DOMBKOSKI Director of Parish Services EMAIL [email protected] MRS. LISA MARIE REMILLARD Parish Secretary Mass Schedule SATURDAY MASSES: 5:00 P.M. (English) SUNDAY MASSES: 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M. (English) 11:30 A.M. (Polish) HOLY DAY MASSES Vigil Mass 7:00 P.M. (English) 9:00 A.M. (English) 7:00 P.M. (Polish) DAILY MASSES: 8:00 A.M. Mon./Wed./Fri. (English) 8:00 A.M.Tues./Thur. & Sat (Polish) CONFESSIONS Saturday 3:30P.M. - 4:15 P.M. BLESSED TRINITY REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Ms. Linda Milewski Principal 215-338-9797

May 17, 2015 Seventh Sunday of Easter




Saint John I, Pope and Martyr 8:00(E) For the people of St. John Cantius TUESDAY – MAY 19th

8:00(P) Rose Remillard req. John and Nicole WEDNESDAY – MAY 20th St. Bernadine of Siena, Priest 8:00(E) Mothers Day Mass Remembrance THURSDAY – MAY 21st St. Christopher Magalianes, Priest, and Companions, Martyrs 8:00(P) Mothers Day Mass Remembrance FRIDAY—MAY 22nd St. Rita of Cascia, Religious 8:00(E) Mothers Day Mass Remembrance SATURDAY – MAY 23rd 8AM(P) Regina Mieczkowska req. Rodzina 5PM(E) Natalie Zagorski req. Barbara SUNDAY – MAY. 24th

8:00(E) Timothy Murtha req. Denise & Kevin Osborn 10:00(E) Veterans Memorial Mass 11:30(P) Henryka, Wojtek, Natalia req. Karolina Family

The Sanctuary Lamp in the Chapel burns In loving memory of Walter & Antoinelle Zabczynski from Dorothy & Richard Wyszynski.

The Sanctuary Lamp in the Church burns in loving memory of Joseph Flynn (Happy 17th Anniversary in Heaven)

from loving wife Jane and family.

The Sanctuary Lamp in the Chapel burns for Blessings for the Sowinski Family from The Sowinski Family.

The Sanctuary Lamp in the Chapel burned the week of May 10th till May 16th In loving memory of Mary E. Rosinski from your children Eileen, Kathy, Ron, Maryann, John & Family. ****************************************** The Second Collection today will be for Parish Religious Education 5/17. Next week’s is for Air Conditioning 5/24.

LECTORS / LEKTORZY FOR MAY 17 5PM Phyllis Rooney 8AM Maria Sucharski 10AM Lisa Ann Schofield & Barbara Jurgelewicz MAY 24 5PM Barbara Jurgelewicz 8AM Jason Cook 10AM Michael C. Finn

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS MAY 17 5PM Fran and Tony Coppola, Tom Crouthers, & Phyllis Rooney 8AM Ronnie Gontarek 10AM Annemarie & Rick Gibbon, Kathy Lisiewski & Pat McDevitt MAY 24 5PM Bob & Maryann Moskal, Phyllis Rooney & Dave Higman 10AM Tony & Fran Coppola, Kathy Lisiewski & Terry Dombkoski



May 17 Joan Reed & Michelle Skalski May 24 Lucille Mocarski & Terry Casey


Sat. September 12th: Octoberfest! Watch for details!

Collection Count for May 10, 2015 Attn Env Cash Checks Total 5pm 139 99 $816 $944 $1,760 8am 70 57 $250 $615 $ 865 10am 177 85 $783 $782 $1,565 11:30 175 66 $690 $317 $1,007 Total 561 $2,539 $2,658 $5,197 Mailed In 27 $45 $807 $852 Children 1 $2 $2 Home Mission 21 $86 $35 $121 School Bldg 207 $896 $494 $1,390 Grand Total $3,568 $3,994 $7,562 Total Deposit $7,562

St. john cantius parish

painting party

Sunday May 17,2015 1:00PM to 3:00PM St. John Cantius Auditorium. Bring out your creative talents! Tickets cost $35.00 per person, limited availability. Bring your own refreshments and snacks. Easel, canvas, paint, brushes, & aprons are provided. Tickets will be sold at the rectory and at weekend Masses.

POPPY SALES The American Legion Post #821, Ladies Auxiliary will have poppies on Saturday, May 16th-5P.M. Mass and Sunday, May 17th 8:00 A.M., 10 A.M. and 11:30 P.M. Masses. Your donations will be greatly appreciated. GOD BLESS OUR VETERANS

Want your child to get an excellent Catholic education at Blessed Trinity? Tuition Transfer Grants are available for students that transfer to Blessed Trinity from any non-Catholic school for the 2015-2016 school year. This is for students entering 1st grade - 8th grade.

This is a two-year tuition grant in the amount of $1,500

$1,000 for school year 2015-2016

$500 for school year 2016-2017

Please contact Jim Zaccario, Advancement Director for more information 215-338-9797


"A CLOUD TOOK HIM FROM THEIR SIGHT" How many CEOs (or pastors!) would have the courage to leave their corporation and trust the employees to run things in their absence? How foolish! How risky! Yet, that seems to be just what Christ did: "He was lifted up and a cloud took him from their sight" (Acts 1:9). Christ knew that the Holy Spirit would always guide the Christian community in continuing his messianic mission on earth.

The Ascension of the Lord May 17, 2015 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved. Mark 16:16


This is the week that many priests celebrate the anniversary of their ordinations to the priesthood. I was ordained 37 years ago on May 20th. Father Konstanty was ordained on May 28th, 1983 and celebrates his 32nd anniversary. Together, he and I represent 69 years of priestly service. Father Konstanty and I thank you for all your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for us and for young men to hear God’s call to be a priest – especially from our parish. It was indeed a very beautiful weekend last week as we honored the Blessed Mother as Mary Kate Gasiewski crowned her as our Queen. The bright sun, blue sky and the puffy white clouds provided a beautiful umbrella over our Marian garden. We thank everyone who had a part in preparing the ceremonies and those who participated so beautifully in the services. Next weekend, we celebrate Memorial Day weekend and remember those who gave their lives for our country. Our veterans will be here for the 10:00 Mass next Sunday as we will celebrate Mass for the intention of all living and deceased War Veterans. Let us remember these men and women who sacrificed much so we could experience the freedoms that we possess. Thank you for the generosity you have shown for the young man of our parish who was hurt defending his niece in March. As a parish community, we have collected $3,366.00. A check in this amount will be given to him to help with the medical expenses that he’s incurred. We thank you also for your generous support to the Manna Collection. The bags were taken to St. Martin dePorres Parish this week. It will help stock their food bank. Baptismal Class will be held on Monday, May 18th, in the Chapel, at 7:00 PM. Parents and Godparents who wish to have their children baptized must attend this class to prepare them for the reception of this sacrament. Expectant parents may also attend this class. Please call the Rectory tomorrow (Monday) to enroll so we can make adequate arrangements.

W tym tygodniu wielu księży celebruje rocznice swoich święceń kapłańskich. Ja zostałem wyświęcony 37 lat temu, 20 maja. Ksiądz Konstanty został wyświęcony 28 maja 1983 roku i obchodzi swoja 32 rocznicę. Razem mamy 69 lat posługi kapłańskiej. Ksiądz Konstanty i Ja dziękujemy za wszystkie modlitwy i wasze wsparcie. Proszę się nadal modlić za nas i za młodych ludzi, aby usłyszeli Boże wezwanie do kapłaństwa - zwłaszcza z naszej parafii.

Dziękujemy wszystkim, za dotacje dla człowieka, który został ranny pomagając siostrzenicy zgwałconej przez dwie osoby w pobliżu Betsy Ross Bridge w marcu. Dzięki waszej hojności zebraliśmy $ 3,366.00. Czek w tej kwocie będzie wysłany na pomoc spłacenia szpitalnych rachunków.

W następny weekend, obchodzimy Memoriał Day i pamiętajmy o tych, którzy oddali życie za nasz kraj. Msza Święta o 10: 00 w następna niedzielę odbędzie się w intencji wszystkich naszych żywych i zmarłych weteranów wojennych. Pamiętajmy mężczyzn i kobiety, którzy poświęcili wiele abyśmy mogli Cieszyc się nasza wolnością.

Naprawdę mięliśmy przepiękny weekend w zeszłym tygodniu, kiedy uhonorowano Matkę Najświętszą. Mary Kate Gąsiewski wieńczyła ją jako naszą Królową. Jasne słońce, błękitne niebo i puszyste białe chmury służyły, jako parasol w pięknym ogrodzie Maryjnym. Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy uczestniczyli w przygotowaniu uroczystości i tym, którzy uczestniczyli w pięknym nabożeństwie.

Dziękujemy za hojną ofiarę na Manna Collection. Dary zostały przewiezione do parafii św Martin DePorres tym tygodniu. Pomoga odżywić wielu w Food Bank.

Następne wydarzenie parafialne odbędzie się 20 i 21 Czerwca, Polish Food Festiwal. Zapraszamy osób, sklepów i biznesów którzy sprzedają Polskie produkty, reczno-dzielo, malarstwo lub inne wyroby artystyczne do wynajmu stolików w czasie festiwalu. Wszystkie osoby chętne do pomocy prosimy o zgłoszenie sie do Basi z ZHP, Usherow, albo do Rady Parafialnej (Danielli 215.429.7510). Serdecznie zapraszamy.

Zajecia Chrzcielne odbędą się w poniedziałek, 18 maja w kaplicy, o 19:00. Rodzice i chrzestni, którzy chcą, aby ich dzieci zostały ochrzczone musza się zgłosić na te zajęcia które przygotowywują do uczestniczenia w tym sakramencie. Oczekujące rodzice są również zaproszeni. Zadzwoń na plebanię jutro (poniedziałek), aby się zapisać, dzięki czemu możemy dokonać odpowiednich ustaleń.


TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Surprisingly, the church moved very slowly in claiming marriage as a focus of attention and care. Nearly everywhere in the Roman world, citizens agreed on how to celebrate marriage. Consent of the man and woman is what made a marriage valid in the eyes of the law, and although there was a traditional ceremony, it was home‑based and optional. The ceremony was for showing the social status of the families involved (the procession ideally detoured through crowds), and for reminding the woman of her legal transfer from her father’s control to her husband’s. The “big moment” of the ceremony had nothing to do with vows, but with the bride’s donning the yellow veil with red highlights that was the daily wear of married women. A wedding feast included soothsayers and animal sacrifice to the new household’s gods. Christians found that distasteful, of course, but since marriage was a family matter, they could edit things out. The church was comfortable with this, and sometimes recommended that the couple seek the advice of the bishop. His permission was only required for the marriage of a cleric, or for a marriage Rome didn’t recognize, such as between a free woman and a slave. There was no blessing, no liturgy, no priest. Christians followed the customs of the day, but they knew that custom and relationships were transformed from within themselves by the fact of their baptism. Outwardly, Christians married exactly as their pagan neighbors, but they certainly invested the usual gestures with a dynamic sense of Christ’s presence.

THE SHIP OF THE CHURCH The Church is like a great ship being pounded by the waves of life’s different stresses. Our duty is not to abandon ship, but to keep her on her course. —St. Boniface

PROCLAIM THE GOSPEL Today we celebrate one of the tenets of our creed: that the Lord ascended into heaven. From Mark’s Gospel we hear the final words Jesus spoke to his disciples shortly before he ascended into heaven. Those were words of commissioning, no less real for us today than they were to the disciples then. We are called to “proclaim the gospel to every creature.” For the vast majority of us, this means that we proclaim the gospel by the witness of our everyday lives. Treating others with dignity and respect, providing for those less fortunate than ourselves, being good stewards of the many gifts showered on us, coming together as God’s family in worship and praise—these are all signs that the gospel has taken root in our lives. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: The Ascension of the Lord; World Communications Day Monday: St. John I Wednesday: St. Bernardine of Siena Thursday: St. Christopher Magellanes and Companions; Julian Calendar Ascension Friday: St. Rita of Cascia Saturday: Vigil of Pentecost; Shavuot (Jewish observance) begins at sundown

PREP Registration Registration is currently being held for PREP. PREP is a year long program which provides religious education to our parish children who attend non-Catholic schools. Classes will be held on Thursdays from 6:00PM to 7:30PM in the school building. Registration forms are available at the rectory. Registration fees are: $70.00 for one (1) child; $120.00 for two (2) children; and $30.00 for each child after. The fee must be paid at the time of registration. A copy of the baptismal certificate is required for first time registrants if the child was not baptized at St. John Cantius Church or All Saints Church. Please remember that before a child receives the sacraments (First Penance, First Communion or Confirmation) the child must receive two (2) years of religious instruction. If there are any questions, please call, Mrs. Dombkoski, Parish Services Director at the rectory.


If you know of a shut-in in need and is interested in the Aid for Friends meals program, please con-tact the Rectory at 215-535-6667 ( and they will direct your call) or Dori Michalak 215-533-4787. An arrangement will be made for someone to visit the prospective client one time only to take down necessary information and to see if the person qualifies for the program. The program con-sists of one home-cooked meal a day, 7 days/wk and (when available one or two breakfasts a week). Once again, thank you to all those generous people who make meals for us here at St. John’s and

also those charitable persons who give of themselves weekly or bi-weekly to deliver the meals. God Bless you all! LOTTERY TICKETS

Lottery tickets will be sold in the back of the Chapel or Church Calendars are now available for distribution for June. The cost is $5.00 each for the month, based on the evening of the Pennsylvania Lottery drawing. Daily prizes of $50.00 a day and Sundays are $100.00. Plus each month a bonus day! Sellers are needed. Tickets will be sold before and after each Mass. This will be an on going fundraiser. We ask for you help and support to make this an ongoing success. Thank you for your support of our Parish.

DATE NUMBER PRIZE WINNER SELLER MAY 6 468 $50. Unsold MAY 7 971 $50. J. Kempcznski Jesse M. MAY 8 494 $50 Unsold MAY 9 053 $50 Unsold MAY 10 971 $100 J. Kempcznski Jess M. MAY 11 437 $50 Unsold MAY 12 510 $50 Wysz Guy *****************************************************************************************

The Liturgy of the Word for Children will be celebrated on Sunday, June 7th at the 10:00AM Mass. We invite all children Pre-School to Grade 4 to participate. This is a celebration of the Word at a level which can be under-stood by children.


St. John Cantius Parish offers year round opportunities for people seeking more information about the Catholic Faith, the Sacraments and living the Christian Life. These opportunities are for adults who would like to inquire about following Jesus and becoming a member of the Catholic Church, or, if you are already a baptized Christian, would like to become Catholic, or, if you are already a baptized Catholic, would like to receive Confirmation and Holy Communion. There are many people like yourself inquiring and we are ready to answer your questions. Please contact the rectory office for more information.

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