St Chad’s Huapai, P O Box 376, Kumeu 0841 Telephone: 09 412 7911 Email: [email protected] Bank Account: BNZ 02 0139 0121704 00 Ministry Support Team Pastoral Care Co-ordinator Julie Bertelsen Mob: 021 508 487 Priests Worship Co- coordinator Rev Barbara Hadfield Tel: 09 416 7298 Maureen Wilson Tel: 021 1150598 Rev Carolyn Newel Tel: 027 712 1005 Vocaonal Deacon Synod Representave Rev Gavin Bertelsen Rev Carolyn Newel Mob: 0274 848 954 Marcia Gason Rev Paul Haines tel: 0210761367 Church Council Contacts Ministry Enabler Church Council Chairman Rev Chris Harris Colin Newel Mob: 021 02499925 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Methodist Steward Treasurer - Paul Haines Rev Mary Davies Tel: 09 412 2262 021 0761367 Pew Sheet Editor: Please send all informaon for Pew Sheet by Monday to: [email protected] Tel: 846 6043 or 021 1175566 St Chads Regular Worship with Holy Communion every Sunday at 10 am Except the 4th Sunday which is our All Age Worship Service Our next service: Sunday 24th September at 10.00 am All Age Worship SUE SAYS: Stress, fear and worry are more damaging than any delicious food or drink you may deny yourself. Happiness and peace are the best medicine. ST CHADS ANGLICAN-METHODIST CHURCH A WARM WELCOME WORSHIP WITH HOLY COMMUNION 17th SEPTEMBER 2017 We praise you, God almighty, for the power you have shown in creang the world. We thank you for your love in redeeming us from sin and in creang us anew in Christ. Grant us strength in this life to honor you, Lord God, both in worship and in witness, for Jesus Christs sake. Amen. The church confesses that God is the maker of heaven and earth and of all things within them. This conviction about origins has great implica- tions for the way we view the world around us. We care for this world, we see beauty in it, we recognize Gods glory expressed in it, we aim to protect it, and we grieve when it is abused and damaged. The church also confesses that God has created all human beings in his own im- age. Male and female, old and young, strong and weak—all carry the stamp of Gods image as moral, ethical, and spiritual beings called into a unique covenant relationship with their creator. This conviction leads us to view each human being as having God-given dignity and being worthy of respect, care, and honor. These convictions have implications for our corporate worship. The worshiping community needs to give praise and thanks for the creation; to express grief and pain at the abuse, pollution, and corruption of what God has created; and to offer prayers for Gods blessing on the sea- sons and on our faithful use of provisions God makes available through the creation. In our corporate worship we also need to affirm human efforts to carry out Gods command to exercise obedient supervision over all God has created; to seek wisdom in our tasks of creative efforts; and to seek discipline in our work of being caretakers. In certain seasons this worship takes on a special urgency. At times during the church year we have opportunity to affirm the value of life and to support and encourage those who are burdened with the weak- nesses of life in a fallen world. In spring we ask for Gods blessing on a growing season. In fall we give thanks for harvest times. And in times of national and world crisis and concern we call on God corporately for aid and direction. Taking Flight

St Chad’s Huapai, P O Box 376, Kumeu 0841 ST HAD S ......St Chad’s Huapai, P O Box 376, Kumeu 0841 Telephone: 09 412 7911 Email: [email protected] Bank Account: BNZ 02

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  • St Chad’s Huapai, P O Box 376, Kumeu 0841

    Telephone: 09 412 7911

    Email: [email protected]

    Bank Account: BNZ 02 0139 0121704 00

    Ministry Support Team

    Pastoral Care Co-ordinator Julie Bertelsen Mob: 021 508 487 Priests Worship Co- coordinator Rev Barbara Hadfield Tel: 09 416 7298 Maureen Wilson Tel: 021 1150598 Rev Carolyn Newel Tel: 027 712 1005 Vocational Deacon Synod Representative Rev Gavin Bertelsen Rev Carolyn Newel Mob: 0274 848 954 Marcia Gason Rev Paul Haines tel: 0210761367 Church Council Contacts Ministry Enabler Church Council Chairman Rev Chris Harris Colin Newel Mob: 021 02499925 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Methodist Steward Treasurer - Paul Haines Rev Mary Davies Tel: 09 412 2262 021 0761367

    Pew Sheet Editor: Please send all information for Pew Sheet by

    Monday to: [email protected] Tel: 846 6043 or 021 1175566

    St Chad’s Regular Worship with Holy Communion every Sunday at 10 am Except the 4th Sunday which is our All Age Worship Service

    Our next service: Sunday 24th September at 10.00 am

    All Age Worship

    SUE SAYS: Stress, fear and worry are more damaging than any delicious food or drink you may deny yourself. Happiness and peace are the best medicine.




    17th SEPTEMBER 2017

    We praise you, God almighty, for the power you have shown in creating the world. We thank you for your love in redeeming us from sin

    and in creating us anew in Christ. Grant us strength in this life to honor you, Lord God,

    both in worship and in witness, for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.

    The church confesses that God is the maker of heaven and earth and of all things within them. This conviction about origins has great implica-tions for the way we view the world around us. We care for this world, we see beauty in it, we recognize God’s glory expressed in it, we aim to protect it, and we grieve when it is abused and damaged. The church also confesses that God has created all human beings in his own im-age. Male and female, old and young, strong and weak—all carry the stamp of God’s image as moral, ethical, and spiritual beings called into a unique covenant relationship with their creator. This conviction leads us to view each human being as having God-given dignity and being worthy of respect, care, and honor.

    These convictions have implications for our corporate worship. The worshiping community needs to give praise and thanks for the creation; to express grief and pain at the abuse, pollution, and corruption of what God has created; and to offer prayers for God’s blessing on the sea-sons and on our faithful use of provisions God makes available through the creation. In our corporate worship we also need to affirm human efforts to carry out God’s command to exercise obedient supervision over all God has created; to seek wisdom in our tasks of creative efforts; and to seek discipline in our work of being caretakers. In certain seasons this worship takes on a special urgency. At times during the church year we have opportunity to affirm the value of life and to support and encourage those who are burdened with the weak-nesses of life in a fallen world. In spring we ask for God’s blessing on a growing season. In fall we give thanks for harvest times. And in times of national and world crisis and concern we call on God corporately for aid and direction. Taking Flight

  • It is now lovely to be back home after our trip to France and the UK – despite the never ending rain! We spent most of our time with Charles and his family in Oakham which is in England’s smallest county, Rutland. For those of you who don’t know Rutland, it is about 100 miles north of London and in a very picturesque part of the East Midlands. We also had a week in France and a week in Northumber-land on the North East Coast – almost in Scotland! We normally spend some time in Dorset as my older sister lives there in a beautiful thatched farmhouse. This year we were there for longer than usual as Alison and I were attending a singing summer school in Milton Abbas - 2 miles across the fields from her front door! The course was run by a wonderful a cappella group called Voces8 (check them out on Google!) and culminated in a choir of 140, plus 18 profes-sional singers, baroque orchestra and brass performing 2 of Handel’s Coronation Anthems and Bach’s Magnificat. I was in my element! All this was in the wonderful setting of Milton Abbey. The Abbey Church was rebuilt after a fire in 1309. Work started in 1332 and didn’t finish until 1500 – Christchurch beware!! Earlier in the week we had sung choral evensong - 1662 Prayer Book version of course! I volunteered to read one of the lessons – complete with the “Here endeth the second lesson”! It is, of course, a liturgy very far removed from that which we use at St Chad’s but when combined with the music of Byrd, Stanford and Haydn it was a wonderfully moving experience. Carolyn enjoyed it so much that she is joining me on the course next year! Colin

    Our thanks to all at St. Chad's for your good wishes on the occasion of our anniversary. It was lovely to get your card with its many messages. We stayed in a 17th century country house, which is now a hotel, in Hereford and had a lovely weekend. We'll be seeing you in the not too distant future. Only just over a week to go now before we leave. Thank you again to everyone for their kind thoughts. We did appreciate it. Regards Rita and David

    PRAYER MINISTRY We ask for your prayers – that God who knows each person or situation, may bless each one according to their needs. Bishop Ross Bay: Bishop Jim White: Rev. Marilyn Welch: Rev. Chris Harris: Marston: Sandra Dear Lord, we also bring to you others who we know in our hearts and we pray that you will look with mercy and grace upon our needs. We would appreciate it if you would tell Julie Bertelsen, Pastoral Care Co-ordinator (tel: 021 508487) of anyone needing prayer.

    Monday 18th September Kumeu Blend 7.30 am

    Tuesday 19th September SELWYN CENTRE FOR SENIORS 9.30 am -12 noon

    Op Shop 10.30 am - 3.30 pm

    Senior Net 12.30 pm

    Pippins 4 .00—5.00 pm

    Brownies 5.00-7.00pm

    Rangers 6.30 pm

    Wednesday 20th September Senior Net Drop In 12.30 pm

    Thursday 21st September Cleaner 12.00 noon

    Victim Support 1.00 pm

    Victim Support 6.00 pm

    Friday 22nd September Walking Group 9.30 am—11 am

    Op Shop 10.30—3.30 pm

    Saturday 23rd September

    Sunday 24th September All Age Worship Service


    Exodus 14: 19-31 Romans 14: 1-12 Matthew 18: 21-35




    Tim and Rosemary wish to thank us for our concern. Tim says the ambulance people were great, and that the North Shore hospital staff examined him inside an out, from top to toe, and he is fine.